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Celibacy/Abstinence: Purification, wet dreams, evening meals and siddh...

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Purification, wet dreams, evening meals and siddhi-s

Celibacy/Abstinence/ Purification, wet dreams, evening meals

and siddhi-s
Expert: Dhananjay - 5/15/2012

Question Namaskaar Dhananjay, It is by reading your answers that I've been practicing brahamacharya for now about three months.You are a godsend for me.During this practice some questions have cropped up in my mind. 1.My diet is sattwic & constant & I'm regularly exercising & doing pranayama but as I'm marching forward in brahamacharya,pimples have developed on my face for no good reason.Mouth ulcers have also occurred.Also,I have caught cold & sore throat in this summer season.I'm suffering from all of this together.It has never happened like this before.You said that in the starting months of brahamacharya,the causal body cleanses itself.Is the same process

Questions concerning the practice of 'Brahmacharya' to know the self & the means required are dealt with on this site.

happening with me?Should I use medication or let it pass as the redemption of my karma. 2.I now have less frequent wet dreams but when I have one,it occurs without any visuals.It is when I wake up after one that I realize what happened though the amount of loss is very minimal.Is it normal? 3.When I eat fruits in the evening,I develop gas.What should I do?When is the best time to eat fruits & vegetable salad? 4.I read in one of your answers that after long period of brahamacharya practice,one develops siddhis.suppose someone with his siddhi predicts something to happen & it does happen.then,if he claims that-"see,i said that it will happen",thereby proclaiming it,does it amount to loss in his powers or is it ok? thank you very much for your guidance. Answer 1. The symptoms you describe are the result of the purification of the physical body. Toxins that are embedded get vacated through such symptoms. The Brahmachari also falls ill when dense toxins get leveraged through Brahmacharya and surface. There is however no need to worry. The initial years of Brahmacharya involve such purification on a dense footing. Simply ignore the same and carry on with honest and sincere practice. Medication should be avoided to the best possible extent as it interferes with the cleansing and shorts the process. Simple herbal, home medication may be used if the problem becomes severe. 2. Wet dreams occurring occasionally need not be of concern as long as the discharge is not copious. With advancement, wet dreams reduce in frequency. 3. Eat a little cooked food with fruits and raw vegetables in the evening. Then drink a glass of cold milk. This will solve the problem. 4. Who said See, I knew it would happen and it happened? or in other words claimed doership? It was the I in terms of the Ego (lower self). From where did this knowledge of the future come from? It came from the Atman (the true self or the Lord) and not the Ego. Hence it is incorrect to say I said so and hence I know the future. It is the Atman, a part of the Lord and the true self which has Trikla Gnyana (knowledge of the past, present and future). When the power of the Atman shines through the Yogi with greater intensity than before further to advancement and Siddhi-s, it appears as though the Yogi himself in terms of the individual or Jiva has the knowledge; while in reality, this is untrue. Just as a mirror cannot be the source of light but only reflects Sunlight (whereupon it erroneously appears as though the mirror itself is the source of light), the mind of the Yogi though not the source of the knowledge of future appears as though it has such knowledge upon advancement. The truth of the matter is that the Lord alone exists in reality, and we as individuals donot exist. It is because we think we are separate and we exist as individuals that we lack self-realization and have to bear these hardships. Hence the wise Yogi does not take any credit for such powers of the Lord which shine through him but resolves I as the Ego and body am nothing and am wholly unreal. It is the blessed Lord whose powers (through the Atman or true self within) have started shining through me. Hence I am not the source of such powers. Therefore, I take no credit. If he were to think on the contrary and assume doership, it would eventually lead to blossoming of the Ego followed by a sense of superiority, arrogance and false self worth leading to overconfidence. Such traits always make man indulge in foolish and unwise actions. The result of actions carried out bereft of wisdom is downfall in every sphere of life with the accumulation of much karma. There will be a break in Brahmacharya without doubt and all the years of practice will vanish into thin air. This is the truth. Hence one should never claim doership, but always remind himself of the fact

The term 'Yoga' is a derivative of the Samskruth verb 'Yuj' which refers to union. 'Yoga', also called 'Brahma vidy' is the eternal dissolution of the individual 'Aham' (Ego) into the Atman (self) that is the Lord for 'Mukti' (liberation) Mere indulgence in 'sana' or physical postures is not Yoga. sana is only one limb or 'Anga' of Yoga. The eight limbs viz. Yama, Niyama, sana, Prnyma, Pratyhra, Dhrana, Dhyna and Samdhi are the means to Yoga. Brahmacharya or spiritually based continence is one of the important components of 'Yama'. 'Brahmacharya':-"Brahmani charyathey ithi" - "One who has completely surrendered to Brahman, overcome the Ego, and has realized himself to be a tool of the Almighty." Education/Credentials Bachelors degree in Engineering.

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28/04/2013 17:23

Celibacy/Abstinence: Purification, wet dreams, evening meals and siddh...

that it is the Lord who is the doer while we are only the witnesses. (That Supreme being is the absolute truth)

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