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_____________________ MESSENGER PRESS Palmer Lake, CO

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations marked !"# are taken from The New King fames Version of the Bible. Cop$ri%ht & '()* b$ +homas elson ,ncorporated. Scripture quotations marked ,# are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version. Cop$ri%ht &'(-*, '(-) b$ the ,nternational Bible Societ$. Published b$ .onder/an Bible Publishers. Scripture quotations marked 0S# are taken from The Revised Standard Version of the Bible, ew +estament Section. Cop$ri%ht & '(12 b$ +he 3i/ision of Christian 4ducation, ational Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of 5merica. Scripture quotation marked 6ms was taken from The New Testament ! Translation in the "ang#age o f the $eo%le b$ Charles B. 6illiams. Cop$ri%ht & '(*b$ Bruce 7umphries, ,nc. Cop$ri%ht & renewed '(81 b$ 4dith S. 6illiams. Published b$ 9ood$ Bible ,nstitute.

Vi&tory in the 'ilderness (rowing Strong in )ry Times b$ "ohn P. Be/ere Cop$ri%ht & '((2, 2::2 b$ "ohn P. Be/ere ,SB :;(8**'-8;:;' Printed in the United States of 5merica Librar$ of Con%ress Catalo% Card umber< (2;:(:*=' Published b$ 9essen%er Press, an e>tension of "ohn Be/ere 9inistries, ,nc. P.O. Bo> ))) Palmer Lake, CO ):'**;:))) 3irect inquiries and?or orders to the abo/e address. 5ll ri%hts reser/ed. 4>cept for use in a re/iew, no portion of this book ma$ be reproduced in an$ form without the e>press written permission of the publisher. Co/er desi%n and inside format b$ 3ou% Belew? Para%on Communications @roup, +ulsa, Oklahoma

Aoreword ,ntroduction i> >i

Section 1The Wilderness

Chapter ' +he 6ilderness Season............................................................'1 Chapter 2 3efinin% the 6ilderness..........................................................2'

Section 2Time of Testing

Chapter * +ime of +estin%...........................................................................2( Chapter = Our 4>ample................................................................................*-

Section 3Time of Purification

Chapter 1 +he 7i%hwa$ of @od..................................................................=Chapter 8 +he +rue Prophetic...................................................................1' Chapter - +he Lord Comes to 7is +emple............................................1Chapter ) +he 0efinin% Aire........................................................................81 Chapter ( 0efine or 3e/our........................................................................-* Chapter ': "ud%ment of the 6icked........................................................)' Chapter '' ,nstruments of 0efinin%........................................................('

Section 4Time of Preparation

Chapter '2 Prepare the 6a$ of the Lord............................................':Chapter '* Preparation for Chan%e......................................................''( Chapter '= 0esistance to Chan%e..........................................................'2(

Section 5Victory in the Wilderness

Chapter '1 Place of 0e/elation...............................................................'*( Chapter '8 3rawin% from the 6ells.....................................................'=Chapter '- #ictor$ in the 6ilderness..................................................'11

9$ deepest appreciation to . . . all those who labored with us in pra$er, in proBect, and b$ financial support to brin% this book to completionC to Ste/e and Sam for their constant encoura%ement and technical supportC to Scott for his wise counsel and 5m$ and 5nnette for their man$ talents. , want to thank m$ wife, Lisa, who continuall$ encoura%ed me and selflessl$ helped with editin%, but more important, for the %odl$ wife she has been to me. 5 special thanks to m$ three oldest sons who sacrificed time with 3add$ that this proBect could be completed. 9ost important, m$ %ratitude to m$ Lord "esus for 7is %race and companionship durin% this proBect and the 7ol$ SpiritDs faithful %uidance throu%hout this work.


"ohn Be/ere has a prophetic messa%e for toda$, a messa%e from @od, a messa%e that is backed up b$ the full counsel of @odDs 6ord. 5fter spendin% se/en $ears in the FwildernessF seekin% @od and stud$in% 7is 6ord, , wondered in this da$ of prosperit$ teachin% and F,D/e %ot to be happ$ at an$ costF philosoph$ if an$one would accept the word @od had been teachin% me. +hen , recei/ed "ohn Be/ereDs book, Vi&tory in the 'ilderness. 5s , be%an to read it in m$ prison cell, m$ heart leapt, for here was the same messa%e the 7ol$ Spirit had been breathin% to me. "ohn cries out that it is time we seek the Lord for who 7e is, not Bust for the promises, but for the FPromisorF 7imself. Shortl$ after , read Vi&tory in the 'ilderness , recei/ed "ohn Be/ereDs ne>t book, The Voi&e of *ne +rying. 5fter readin% this prophetic book, , felt , Bust had to meet this "ohn Be/ere. , had to see if he was for real. Could @od ha/e %i/en this ur%ent, eternal, last;da$ preparation messa%e to this $oun% preacherG !nowin% of "ohnDs theolo%ical back%round, , Bust had to know if he reall$ belie/ed what he had written. H, ha/e inter/iewed thousands of authors and man$ didnDt know and others didnDt belie/e what the$ had written about. . . the$ were Bust %ood at the craft of writin%.I , asked for him to come to see me in prison and he did. 6hen "ohn walked into m$ prison, , knew this was a man sent b$ @od, a modern;da$ F/oice of one cr$in%.F , wept as we shared to%etherC "ohn Be/ere was for real. Vi&tory in the 'ilderness and The Voi&e of *ne +rying are two of the most important books of this hourC the$ hold the ke$s to the ChurchDs sur/i/al. , ha/e had these books sent to hundreds of m$ friends and to ke$ leaders. +he$ are FmustF readin% for those who want to ser/e and obe$ Christ and be a part of the last;da$ har/est time of souls. Jou ma$ wonder wh$ man$ Christians and church leaders toda$ are in the pi%pens of life like the Prodi%al Son. +he Prodi%al Son said to his father, F@i/e me,F and ended up in a far countr$, in the wilderness, in a pi%pen. "ohn Be/ere teaches us how to %et back to the AatherDs 7ouse. E"im Bakker Ei>E

+his is a book about the wildernessEa place or time period throu%h which e/er$ Christian must pass as he draws nearer to @od. ,t is not a time for seekin% si%ns or wonders, but a time to seek the heart of @od, which will produce character and stren%th in the belie/er. ,t is a preparation timeEa time that ma$ appear discoura%in% without the /ision of the promise. ,t is m$ hope that this book will brin% encoura%ement as $ou continue to pursue 7im 6ho alone satisfies. , do not claim that this is an e>hausti/e or all;inclusi/e stud$C there is much more that can be written, but this account is from m$ heart. +he intent of this book is to introduce this subBect to $ou, then allow the 7ol$ Spirit room to appl$ it to $ou personall$. , purposel$ ha/e sta$ed awa$ from %i/in% detailed e>amples from m$ life, to a/oid influencin% $our application of this messa%e to $our own life. 4/er$oneDs wilderness will consist of different circumstances. Upon m$ arri/al in the wildernesses, , met confusion, frustration, fear, suspicion, loneliness, discoura%ement, and an%er. 6hat was , doin% hereG +his was not m$ destinationK Jet, , had cried out to @od to rend m$ heart, purif$ m$ moti/es, cleanse me of all secret hidden sin, refine m$ /essel, and remo/e an$ hindrance to 7is %lor$. But , did not e>pect the process b$ which 7e chose to accomplish this in m$ life. +his book is m$ Bourne$ to the wilderness, as well as that of man$ others. , ha/e not Farri/ed,F nor ha/e , attained all that @od would ha/e for me, but it is m$ pra$er that in these pa%es $ou will find the stren%th and coura%e to press on toward $our destin$ in @od. ,f there is an understandin% of $our position in life, it brin%s $our life into perspecti/e. +hen $ou can see @odDs hand, e/en when $ou ma$ not feel 7is touch. ,t is a time when $our lo/e for 7im matures be$ond F6hat will 7e do to benefit meGF and turns to F6hat does 7e desire of meGF


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+he 6ilderness


+he 6ilderness Season

,n frustration, $ou remember the times when $ou merel$ whispered 7is name and 7is presence immediatel$ manifested, but now in the stillness $ou want to shout, F@od where are $ouGF Look I go forward, but He is not there and backward, but I cannot perceive Him; when He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him; when He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. Job 23:8-9 (NKJV)

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s this $our heartDs cr$G Jou lon% to hear from @od but all $ou sense is silence. Jou pra$E$et $our pra$ers seem to fall flat. ,n frustration, $ou remember the time when $ou merel$ whispered the LordDs name and 7is presence was immediatel$ there, but now in the stillness $ou want to shout, F@od, where are $ouGF Like "ob, turnin% e/er$ wa$, $ou seek 7im, $et $ou cannot percei/e 7im or 7is workin%s on $our behalf. 6elcome to the wildernessK !now that $ou are not alone, but in %ood compan$. Jou walk where 9oses walked...9oses, raised in PharaohDs court as a princeC 9oses, with the /ision of deli/erin% his people out E'1E

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of bonda%e and sla/er$C 9oses, who watched sheep on the back side of the desert for fort$ $ears. Jou are alon%side "oseph..."oseph, the hi%hl$ fa/ored of his fatherC "oseph, who had dreams of leadership and achie/ementC "oseph, thrown in a pit b$ his own brothers, then sold as a sla/e and later locked in prison. Jou are sittin% beside "ob..."ob, the man whom the Bible describes as "the greatest of all the men of the east" H"ob '<*IC "ob, who lost e/er$thin%Epossessions, children, health, the support of his wife. 9ost importantl$, $ou are accompanied b$ the Son of @odE "esus, who after recei/in% the public witness of @od the Aather and the 7ol$ Spirit that 7e was, indeed, the Son of @od, walked into the wilderness to face the forces of darkness. +he procession of wilderness tra/elers is lon%, for the wilderness is a necessar$ time, a season in the life of e/er$ child of @od. 6e wish it could be b$passedC we look for a shortcut or detour, but there isnDt one. ,tDs the route to the promised land, and the promised land cannot be attained without passin% throu%h the wilderness. Our understandin% of this time or season is imperati/e if we are to make it to the promised land. UNDERSTANDING THE TIMES ... The sons of Issachar..had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;... I Chron !"#$ %2:32 (NKJV) Because the$ understood the timin% of @od, the sons of ,ssachar knew what ,srael ou%ht to do. +hose who understand the times and seasons of the Spirit will know what @od wants to accomplish and will respond wisel$. Con/ersel$, those without the understandin% of @odDs times and seasons will not know what 7e is tr$in% to accomplish in their li/es and will act unwisel$. 4>plainin% this, "esus said in Luke '2<1=;18< Whenever ou see a cloud rising out of the west, immediatel ou sa , ! shower is coming; and so it is. !nd when ou see the south wind blow, ou sa , There will be hot weather; and E'8E

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there is. H pocrites" #ou can discern the face of the sk and of the earth, but how is it ou do not discern this time$ %emp. added& &'(# %2: )*-)+ (NKJV) Can a farmer harvest durin% the season of plantin%G Ob/iousl$, the answer is Fno.F ,f he does not %lant in the season of sowin%, he will not rea% at the time of har/est. 5nd plantin% at the correct time is crucial to his crop. ,f a farmer plants too earl$ or too late, it will diminish his $ield at har/est time. +he seeds will not be in the proper position to recei/e what the$ need to flourish. +he rain and heat, snow and cold will come before the seeds are read$. ,n order for his &ro% to benefit full$ from @odDs pro/ision, a farmer must understand thorou%hl$ his season of sowin%. Presentl$ in the Church, we are in the process of preparin% for the comin% har/estC in order for #s to benefit full$ from @odDs prunin% and care, we must reco%niLe the season. 6e cr$ out for har/est, $et it is not the season of har/est, but of prunin% and %raftin%. "esus rebuked the multitudes because the$ looked for the wron% thin% at the wron% time. Aor< To ever thing there is a season, a time for ever purpose under heaven'... E!!"#$ ,$-#$ 3:% (NKJV) ,n this book we hope to share understandin% of a particular season with a crucial is the wilderness season, a time of prunin% and %raftin%. ,ts purposeEpreparation. +he wilderness is not a ne%ati/e time for those who obe$ @od. ,ts purpose is /er$ positi/e< to train and prepare us for a new mo/e of 7is Spirit. Unknowin%l$, when enterin% the wilderness, man$ beha/e without wisdom. 6ithout understandin%, the$ search for and do the wron% thin%s. ,f $ou search for an escape route before understandin% wh$ @od has $ou in a particular situation, i.e., wilderness, $ou unwittin%l$ will prolon% $our wilderness time. +his can cause $ou to e>perience hardship, frustration, and e/en defeat, because $ou donDt understand the season or the place to which @od has led $ou. +his was the case with the children of ,srael. Lack of understandin% of their wilderness time caused an entire %eneration to be unfit to inherit the promised land. @odDs purpose in leadin% them to the wilderness was to test, train, and prepare them to be E'-E

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sanctified warriors. But instead, the children of ,srael erroneousl$ percei/ed the wilderness as punishment, so the$ murmured, complained, and lusted constantl$. 6hen the time came for them to lea/e the wilderness and conquer and occup$ the promised land, the$ heeded the e/il report of murmurers and complainers. @i/en the choice between @odDs promises and 7is abilit$ and manDs perceptions and inabilit$, the$ chose to belie/e man rather than @od. +he$ belie/ed the$ were unable to recei/e their land flowin% with milk and hone$, so @od said, FOka$, it will be as $ou belie/ed.F These things happened to them as e(amples, and the were written for our instruction,... I Cor n-h ,n$ %.:%% (NKJV) +heir i%norance of @odDs nature and character caused them to act wickedl$, and what was to ha/e been a brief wilderness Bourne$ became a lifetime e>perience. +hose with understandin% of the wilderness will enter in with Bo$, knowin% that be$ond this place a Fpromised landF waits for them. +his Bo$, from the /ision set before them, will be the stren%th the$ need to finish the Bourne$, that the$ mi%ht ")e perfect MmatureN and complete, lacking nothing" H"ames '<=, parenthetical addedI. @od is creatin% able /essels for 7is use, read$ for the fresh mo/e of 7is Spirit. THE /I&DERNESS0 N1T A TIME 12 PUNISHMENT 1R DISAPPR1VA& +his book will discuss what the wilderness is, and what it is not ,its purpose, its benefits, and its Bud%ment. ,t is m$ pra$er that, b$ these e>amples, illustrations, and words of instruction which the 7ol$ Spirit has compelled me to share, $ou will see how to walk wisel$ in this land and season of wilderness. Let us be%in with "esus as an e>ample of one who successfull$ completed the wilderness trainin%. ,n Luke *<22, the 7ol$ Spirit descended upon "esus in manifest form Ha do/eI and the /oice of the Aather proclaimed, "#ou are m beloved son; in #ou I am well pleased" Memp. addedN. ot onl$ did E')E

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@od proclaim "esus as 7is Son, but 7e announced for all to hear that 7e appro/ed of 7im. Jet we find in Luke =<', "*esus being piled with the Hol +pirit...was led b the spirit into the wilderness." +his should make it clear to us that the reason for bein% led into the wilderness is not the disappro/al or punishment of @od. ,t is important that this is absolutel$ clear at the be%innin% of this book. ,t is imperati/e that this question is settled in our heartsK 5nother point that must be understood clearl$ is that @od didnDt brin% $ou to the wilderness to abandon $ou to SatanDs de/ices and for%et about $ou. @od e>horted the second %eneration children of the e>odus before enterin% into the promised land< "!nd ou shall remember that the Lord our ,od led $ou all the wa$ these fort$ $ears in the wilderness...F Memp. addedN H3euteronom$ )<2 !"#I. 3onDt be misinformedEthe Lord does not stop workin% in our li/es Bust because we are in the wilderness. 7e leads us thro#gh itC without 7im we could ne/er make it throu%h. Aurthermore, it is not a place in which we are Fput on a shelfF until 7e desires to use us. +hat is not the wa$ our Aather, who lo/es us, operates. On the contrar$, it is a place and time durin% which 7e works mi%htil$. Jou are familiar with the e>pression, FJou canDt see the forest for the treesFC well, the wilderness is much the sameEit is difficult to see @od mo/in% when $ou are in the midst of it. +he third point that must be clear is this< the wilderness is not a place of defeat, at least no- -o -ho$# 3ho ob#4 Go5. "esus, weak from hun%er, with no human in whom to confide or from whom to recei/e encoura%ement, and without ph$sical comfort or supernatural manifestation for fort$ da$s, was attacked b$ the de/il in the wilderness. "esus defeated him with the 6ord of the LordK +he wilderness is not a time when @odDs children are defeated. "-ow thanks be to ,od who alwa s leads us in triumph in .hrist..." Memp. addedN H,, Corinthians 2<'=I. 6hile the people of ,srael soBourned in the wilderness, the$ were harassed b$ the nations of that area. +he Lord told ,srael to fi%ht back. +he children of ,srael defeated the 5morites H umbers 2'<2';21I, the 9idianites H umbers *'<';''I, and the people of Bashan H umbers 2'<**;*1I. ,f @odDs purpose was for them to e>perience defeat, 7e would not ha/e told them to defend their position. 7owe/er, thou%h it wasnDt intended as a time of defeat, man$ died without enterin% the promised land. +his was not the E'(E

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wa$ @od desired it to be, but the sad result of their disobedience. , hope this settles in $our heart that the reason behind the wilderness is not the disappro/al or punishment of @od. or is it a place in which @od abandons and for%ets about $ou. ,t will be a place of /ictor$ when we belie/e and obe$ @odK


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3efinin% the 6ilderness

+he time comes when character must be de/eloped. 5nd the wilderness is where it is done...

n the pre/ious chapter we determined what the wilderness is not. ,n this chapter we will shed li%ht on what it is. 9an$ come under self;condemnation upon enterin% this time period. +he$ think the$ ha/e missed @od or somehow displeased 7im. But the$ ha/e misunderstood the meanin% or purpose of the wilderness. ,n the Bible and throu%hout histor$ men and women ha/e %one throu%h the wilderness as a time of preparation for their destin$ in @od. So the wilderness is not @odDs reBection but 7is preparation. 5t the onset of this book , would like to remind $ou that the e/ents in the Old +estament are e>amples and foreshadowin%s of the ew +estament and co/enant. , will use Old +estament e/ents and prophecies to illustrate the wilderness. Onl$ throu%h incorporatin% the law and the prophets into our studies can we full$ understand how @od works and deals with 7is Church. "esus said in 9atthew 1<'-;'), "Think not that I am come to destro the law, or the prophets' I am not come to destro , but to fulfil." Memp. addedN. +he 7ol$ Spirit illuminates the scriptures, re/ealin% the m$steries of the Old +estament hidden in Christ. ,n readin% the Old +estament $ou will see the truths of the ew +estament e>emplified. , Corinthians ':<'' H !"#I sa$s< E2'E

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-ow all these things happened to them as e(amples, and the were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. ,n other words, @od wants us to benefit from the lessons and li/es of the patriarchs and prophets. 4/en thou%h man$ Old +estament prophecies ha/e seen historic fulfillment, this does not ne%ate their application in current times. One does not in/alidate the other. PERCEPTI1N 12 THE /I&DERNESS LetDs look at an Old +estament e>ample of the wilderness described in the book of "ob. Look, I go forward, but He /is& not there, and backward, but I cannot perceive Him' when He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him; when He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. )ut He knows the wa that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. %emp. added& Job 23:8-%. (NKJV) 6hat a classic description of the wilderness. "ob searches for the presence and mo/in% of @od in his life. Jet the more he searches, the more elusi/e @od seems. @od, howe/er, is workin% on "obDs behalf and knows e>actl$ what is happenin% in "obDs life. So Bust because @odDs presence is not readil$ noticeable, this does not mean 7e is not there and workin% in our li/es. 6hen $ou first recei/ed the Lord "esus and were filled with the 7ol$ Spirit, @odDs presence was wonderfull$ real to $ou. Jou would call 7is name and instantl$ 7e responded. 6hen $ou pra$ed, 7e manifested 7is presence. 5s a newborn child in 7is famil$ $ou recei/ed the attention %i/en a bab$. 6hen children are newborn, the$ require constant care. +he$ must be fed, clothed, and bathed, and the$ rel$ on others to do e/er$thin% for them. 7owe/er, as children %row, the$ must be allowed to mature. 6hen our oldest son be%an to feed himself, he became frustrated because he couldnDt put his food in his mouth as E22E


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quickl$ or efficientl$ as his momm$. ow he stru%%led to recei/e what once had come so easil$. 9an$ times it would ha/e been easier for all of us if we had continued feedin% him, instead of allowin% him to do it for himself. 7owe/er, if we had taken the Feas$F wa$, his maturin% in this area would ha/e been hindered %reatl$. 5s babies %row, the le/el of assistance the$ recei/e chan%es to encoura%e %rowth and de/elopment. @od does this with us so we can de/elop and mature spirituall$. 6hen we are newl$ born a%ain and filled with 7is Spirit, for a season 7e manifests 7imself at our e/er$ cr$. ,n order to foster maturit$, 7e allows us to %o throu%h times in which 7e does not respond instantl$ to our e/er$ call. +he time comes when character must be de/eloped. 5nd the wilderness is where it is done...the wilderness where @od appears to be miles awa$ and 7is promises e/en farther. 7e is, howe/er, close at hand, for 7e has promised ne/er to lea/e nor forsake us H7ebrews '*<1I. ,t is a time when $ou appear to be %oin% in the opposite direction of $our dreams and the promises 7e made. Jou percei/e no %rowth and de/elopment. ,n fact, $ou ma$ feel $ou are re%ressin%. 7is presence seems to diminish, rather than %row. Jou ma$ feel unlo/ed and e/en i%nored. But $ou are not. DAI&6 7READ +his is a time when @od %i/es $ou Fdail$ bread,F not Fabundance of thin%sFEa time when $ou %et what $ou need ph$sicall$ or materiall$, rather than what $ou want. ,t is a time that $ou e>perience sociall$ what $ou need, not what $ou want. ,n the wilderness @od knows what $ou need spirituall$, and it ma$ not be what $ou think $ou needK ,n 5merica, we call this lack and sa$, FLack is of the de/il.F +he problem is that o#r definition of needs and wants differs from realit$. 6e call our wants Fneeds,F when this is not soK +he 5merican Church has $et to learn what Paul meant in Philippians =<'';'* H59PI< -ot that I am impl ing that I was in an personal want, for I have learned how to be


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content 0satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or dis1uieted2 in whatever state I am. I know how to be abased and live humbl in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to en3o plent and live in abundance. I have learned in an and all circumstances the secret of facing ever situation, whether well4fed or going hungr , having a sufficienc and to spare or going without and being in want. I have strength for all things in .hrist Who empowers me.... %emp. and parentheticals added& Paul learned throu%h the stren%th of Christ that he could be as content in dr$ times as he was in abundance. 6e ha/e learned neither in the Church of 5mericaK Sadl$, those with abundance are no more content than those who suffer lack. ,f we do not possess all we feel is ri%htl$ ours, we call it Flack.F 6e Bud%e menDs faith and measure their spiritualit$ b$ what the$ possess, when what we should see is their character. +he children of ,srael left 4%$pt with %reat possessions plundered from the 4%$ptiansEarticles of sil/er and %old and fine apparel. But the$ used the precious metals to build idols in the desert, then adorned themsel/es in fine apparel and danced before them. Clearl$ these possessions did not indicate %odlinessEin fact, the opposite was true. Onl$ two of the ori%inal members of the e>odus had the character to enter and possess the promised land. Onl$ "oshua and Caleb entered, because the$ had a different spiritEthe$ followed @od full$K H umbers '=<2=I. Our /alue s$stem is warped if we measure one another b$ the standard of what we ha/e and not who we are. On the other hand, man$ times when a Christian comes into abundance financiall$, or perhaps a position of leadership or influence, he /iews it as @odDs permission to do as he wishesK 7e bu$s whate/er he wants, spendin% the mone$ on his own lusts HdesiresI, or uses his position of influence to his benefit. ,n actualit$, financial blessin% and %reater authorit$ should brin% %reater dependence on @od for 7is purpose and leadin%. Some, when put in a position of authorit$, see it as a /ehicle to ser/e their a%enda, not @odDs. +he$ abuse @odDs people to fulfill



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their own desires. Paul, thou%h he had authorit$ to recei/e financial support from churches throu%h sowin% to them spirituall$, said, "If we have sown spiritual things for ou, is it a great thing if we reap our material things$ If others are partakers of this right over ou, are we not even more$ -evertheless we have not used this right, but endure all things lest we hinder the gospel of .hrist." Memp. addedN H, Corinthians (<'';'2, !"#I. +hat the %ospel not be hindered was more important to Paul than recei/in% what was ri%htfull$ his. Paul said in writin% to the Philippians re%ardin% their offerin%, "-ot that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to our account." HPhilippians =<'-, !"#I. 7is concern was the welfare of the people who %a/e, not his own personal benefit nor that of his ministr$. Some ha/e not learned to abound in the anointin%. +he$ use it to build crowds and ministr$. +heir moti/eEto make a name for themsel/es, or %enerate a lar%e offerin%. 6hate/er it is, if the focus is not the heart of @od, it will brin% destruction. @odDs heart is for the people, not a ministerDs selfish moti/es. +hat is wh$ we are admonished in Philippians 2<*;1 H !"#I< Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of ou look out not onl for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in ou which was also in .hrist *esus,...temp, added& +his was the attitude of "esus in 7is ministr$. 7e was not selfishl$ moti/ated. 7e took upon 7imself our sin, sickness, and the death penalt$ Hthus esteemin% our welfare more important than 7is ownI, e/en thou%h 7e was innocent. 7is purpose for life and ministr$ was not self;ser/in% but self;%i/in%K +hrou%h den$in% 7imself, 7e %a/e the %reatest %ift of allEeternal life. Such maturit$ of character is de/eloped in us b$ @od when we are in the wilderness. +he wilderness is where the fruit of the Spirit is culti/ated. 6atered b$ the intense desire to know 7im, we seek to walk as 7e walks. PaulDs %oal was not to build a hu%e ministr$, but to know the Lord "esus intimatel$ and, abo/e all else, to please E21E

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7imK +he wilderness is a dr$ place. ,t ma$ be dr$ spirituall$, financiall$, sociall$, or ph$sicall$. ,t is here that @od %i/es Fdail$ bread,F not Fabundance of thin%s.F 7e meets our needs in this time Enot necessaril$ our wants. +he purpose of the wildernessEto purif$ us. Our pursuit is to be 7is heart, not 7is %rovision. +hen when we come into abundant times, we wonDt for%et that it was the Lord, our @od, 6ho %a/e us abundance in order to establish 7is co/enant H3euteronom$ )<2;')I.


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Often, e/en toda$, we seek "esus for the wron% reasons. 6e unknowin%l$ use 7im. 7e is reduced to a resource in time of need. ...The Lord our ,od led the wilderness, to humble ou and to test ou, to know what was in our heart,... D#'-#rono84 8:2 (NKJV)

icture this< Jou are an ,sraelite, recentl$ freed after a lifetime of sla/er$. Jou Bust e>perienced the fri%htenin%, $et e>hilaratin% walk between two walls of swirlin%, an%r$ waters to come out safe and dr$ on the other side. Jou turned to watch as those same walls which %a/e protection to $ou closed in death on $our enemies. Jou Bo$ousl$ celebrated and danced at @odDs /ictorious deli/eranceK Jou feel in/incible, knowin% @od is on $our side. Jou ne/er will doubt a%ain One so mi%ht$ and faithfulK But now the scene is different< it is a few da$s laterE$ou are tired, thirst$, and hot. Jou are not at the threshold of the FpromisedF landC instead, $ou are wanderin% aimlessl$ in a desert filled with serpents and scorpions. ow $ou are not dancin% and sin%in% to the Lord about the horse and its rider thrown into the sea, but complainin% to $our leader sa$in%, F6h$ ha/e $ou brou%ht


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us out of 4%$ptG +o kill us and our children and our li/estock with thirstGF ow, letDs look at $ouK 3o $ou belie/e @od mi%htil$ deli/ered $ou from the power of the enem$ to lea/e $ou wanderin% aimlessl$ throu%h a desert of confusion and silenceG 6as this 7is purposeG "ust as the Lord led the children of ,srael out of 4%$pt into the wilderness, so 7e leads $ou. +he de/il did not lead $ou, @od did. 5nd there is a purpose for these dr$ times. Airst, 7e humbles us, then 7e tests us. 7e does this so we can know the tr#e nature of our hearts. 7ow does 7e humbleG "+o He humbled ou, allowed ou to hunger, and fed ou with manna..." Memp. addedN H3euteronom$ )<*, !"#I. 7e humbled the ,sraelites b$ allowin% them to hun%er. But 7is ne>t statement declares 7e fed them with manna. ,t sounds contradictor$. 7ow could 7e cause them to hun%er while feedin% them mannaG ow, manna is the best food $ou can eat. ,t is what an%els eat. 4liBah was stren%thened for a fort$;da$ Bourne$ on two cakes of it. 5nd the ,sraelites had an abundance of it. +he$ recei/ed a fresh shipment from hea/en e/er$ mornin%. They never missed a meal...from the da$ @od started the manna until the$ camped on the shores of the promised land. So wh$ did @od sa$, F, caused $ou to hun%erGF 6hat hun%er is 7e speakin% ofG +o understand, consider their situation. LetDs sa$ all $ou had for breakfast was a loaf of bread, and e/er$ e/enin% all $ou had for dinner was a loaf of bread. o butter, no peanut butter, no Bell$, no cold cuts, no tuna fish, -#st bread. ow, weDre not Bust talkin% a few da$s or weeks, but forty years of this diet. 6hen , was a $outh pastor, we took fift$;si> $oun% people to the nation of +rinidad for an ei%ht;da$ mission trip. +he church in +rinidad prepared our meals. +he$ were %racious, but e/er$ da$ we ate chicken. +he$ prepared it man$ different wa$s and ser/ed it with rice and /e%etables, but still it was alwa$s chicken. 5fter ei%ht da$s of chicken, we hun%ered for somethin% else. Upon returnin% home, one of the $oun% men in our %roup asked his mother what was for dinner, and she replied, FChicken.F 7e be%%ed E*:E

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her to take him for a hambur%er. ow, we were whinin% after onl$ ei%ht da$sC can $ou ima%ine fort$ $earsG ot four $ears but fort$K 6e now see how @od caused them to hun%er. 7e didnDt %i/e them the thin%s their flesh wanted. 7e onl$ %a/e them what their flesh needed. 6hat else caused them to hun%erG 6e %et e>cited about the fact that their clothes and shoes didnDt wear out. 6ell, how would $ou like to wear the same wardrobe for fort$ $earsG 7a/e $ou thou%ht how outdated their fort$;$ear;old outfits lookedG o new clothes, no shoppin% malls, and no department stores...the same shoes and accessoriesEnothin% new for fort$ $earsK +he$ had what the$ neededEprotection from heat and coldE but not what the$ wanted. 7ow else did the$ hun%erG +he$ saw the same scener$, da$ after da$, for fort$ $ears. 4/er$ da$ brou%ht cactus, bullrushes, and dr$, parched %roundC no streams, forests, or beautiful lakes...Bust desert. ,n li%ht of this, letDs ree>amine this /erse< +o He humbled ou, allowed ou to hunger, and fed ou with manna...that He might make ou know that man shall not live b bread alone; but man lives b ever word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. D#'-#rono84 8:3 (NKJV) 6hat did @od doG 7e created hun%er b$ remo/in% an$thin% that would ha/e satisfied the desires and wants of their flesh, while still meetin% their fundamental needs. 7e created this hun%er to test them. 6hat was this testG 7e wanted to see if the$ would desire 7im instead of what the$ had left behindC to see if the$ would seek 7im or what their flesh cra/edC to see if the$ would hun%er and thirst for ri%hteousness or for comfort and pleasureK +his was their response< -ow the mi(ed multitude who were among them ielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said' Who will give E*'E

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us meat to eat$ We remember the fish which we ate freel in 5g pt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all e(cept this manna before our e es. %emp. added& N'8b#r$ %%:*-+ (NKJV) +he$ remembered what the$ had left behind in 4%$pt Han e>ample of the worldDs s$stemI. +heir condition in 4%$pt, e/en with its bonda%e, now appeared preferable to the dr$ place into which @od had led them. +he$ be%an to complain and murmur, cr$in% out for meat. @od heard their cr$< !nd He gave them their re1uest, so the ate 0meat61uail2 and were well filled, for He gave them their own desire. The were not deprived of their craving; )ut 0He2 sent leanness into their soul. %emp. added& P$,"8$ %.+:%)9 :8:29-3. (NKJV) +he$ %ot what the$ wanted, but at a hi%h price. 6ith this meat came "leanness of soul." +his leanness 8,5# -h#8 'n; - -o #n5'r#< 'n,b"# -o =,$$ Go5>$ -#$-< ,n5 '"- 8,-#"4< -h#4 n#?#r #n-#r#5 H $ PR1MISED &AND@ +he sin wasnDt in the request for meat, but what that request represented. ,t re/ealed the dissatisfaction of their hearts with @od and 7is method of leadin%, as well as their intense desire for the former thin%s, which the$ remembered as pleasant, in spite of their capti/it$. Currentl$, @od has brou%ht 7is Church into the wilderness. Spirituall$, 5merica is a dr$ and thirst$ land. Our time of testin% is at hand. @od once a%ain watches to see whether 7is people will seek 7is face or 7is hand. 7is face represents 7is character and natureC it denotes a relationship. 7is hand represents 7is provision and power. ,f $ou seek onl$ 7is hand, $ou ma$ not reco%niLe 7is face. But if $ou know the face, $ou will know 7is hand. +he Pharisees did not reco%niLe @odDs face in the person of "esusC the$ were watchin% onl$ for 7is hand to deli/er them from E*2E

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0oman bonda%e. Let us not be like them. ,f our heart is after @od, if we will lo/e, obe$, and seek 7im, e/en in these Fdr$ times,F 7e will raise up forerunners. Like "oshua, the$ will arise and take the FPromised Land,F partakin% in the har/est of the nations. @od is raisin% up a F"oshua @eneration,F but as in "oshuaDs time, the arm$Ds trainin% %round is the wilderness. +hese dr$ times sift the murmurers, the complainers, and the rebellious, Bust as the wheat is separated from the chaff. +hose seekin% onl$ the benefits of the promise and not the FPromiserF 7imself will faint in the dr$ desert places. ,t is one thin% to seek the Lord for what 7e can %i/e $ou or do for $ou. ,t is quite another to seek the Lord for 'ho He is. +he first is for $our benefitC the moti/e, selfish. 5t best, an immature relationship will de/elop from this moti/ation. But seekin% the Lord for 6ho and what 7e is will build a stron% and health$ relationship. M1TIVE 21R SEEKING 7n the following da , when the people...saw that *esus was not there, nor His disciples, the also got into boats and came to .apernaum, seeking *esus. !nd when the found Him on the other side of the sea, the said to Him, 8abbi, when did #ou come here$ *esus answered them and said, 9ost assuredl , I sa to ou, ou seek 9e, not because ou saw the signs, but because ou ate of the loaves and were filled. %emp. added& John +:22-2+ (NKJV) +he multitudes of people came seekin% "esus. 6hen the$ finall$ found 7im, 7e looked at them and said the reason wasnDt because of the si%ns the$ saw, but because the$ had eaten and were filled. ow, what do si%ns doG +he$ %i/e direction or information. 5 si%n ne/er points to itself. ,t directs $ou or %i/es information. "esus knew the$ werenDt seekin% 7im because of the si%ns and miracles, which pointed to 7im as the 9essiah, but onl$ so their stomachs would be filled. E**E

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Often, e/en toda$, we seek "esus for the wron% reasons. 6e pursue onl$ 7is benefits and blessin%s, rather than pursue 7im out of lo/e. 6e unknowin%l$ use 7im. 7e is reduced to a resource in time of need. 7a/e $ou e/er had a person who contacts $ou onl$ when he needs or wants somethin% from $ouG Or e/en worse, ha/e $ou e/er had a person seek friendship with $ou onl$ to find out later their moti/e was to %ain somethin% $ou ha/eG Perhaps it was $our influence, mone$, material %oods, or positionG +here was no %enuine concern or lo/e for $ou, but for a time $ou ser/ed their purpose. ,f $ouD/e e>perienced this, $ou know how it feels to be used. +his selfish attitude has permeated societ$, as well as the Church. +his mindset is wh$ di/orce is at an all;time hi%h. 4/en in the Church, couples marr$ for selfish reasons. +he$ fail to realiLe marria%e is a co/enant of lo/e, not a contract. +he$ marr$ because of what their partner can do for them. 5nd if this partner fails to meet their e>pectations, the$ seek another, i%norin% the fact that in @odDs e$es a co/enant is far stron%er and more bindin% than a contract. 9an$ in the Church are discontented, their lo/e cold. Some backslideC others depart from the faith. +he$ ser/e the Lord for what 7e can do for them, not out of lo/e for 6ho 7e is. So, as lon% as @od pro/ides their wants, the$ are happ$ and e>cited about 7im. But upon enterin% dr$ times, the moti/e of their hearts is re/ealed. 5n$time the focus is self, complainin% will be%in. +his is illustrated once a%ain b$ the children of ,srael. 6hen the Lord deli/ered them from the hand of the Pharaoh, the people reBoiced. Then 9iriam the prophetess, the sister of !aron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. !nd 9iriam answered them' +ing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriousl " The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea" EAo5'$ %):2.-2% (NKJV)


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+he$ were o/erwhelmed b$ 7is %reatness and miraculous power. +heir hearts were filled with e>citement because of 7is deli/erance. Jet onl$ three da$s later, in the wilderness of Shur, the$ encountered bitter waters and the complainin% be%an< 5nd the people complained a%ainst 9oses, sa$in%, "What shall we drink$" H4>odus '1<2=I. CouldnDt the same @od who parted the 0ed Sea make bitter waters become sweetG 6asnDt 9oses the same leader who had been a hero three da$s earlierG @od did, indeed, chan%e the bitter waters to sweet. +hen a few da$s later, the$ were complainin% because of the food. +he$ murmured sa$in%, F,t was better for us before @od deli/ered us.F Then the whole congregation of the children of Israel complained against 9oses and !aron in the wilderness. !nd the children of Israel said to them, 7h that we had died b the hand of the Lord in 5g pt, when we sat b the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full..." EAo5'$ %+:2-3 (NKJV) ow their complaints were directed at 9oses and 5aron. But in /erse ), 9oses tells the truth of the matter< "#our complaints are not against us but against the Lord" Memp. addedN H4>odus '8<), !"#I. ,n the dr$ times, when complainin% be%ins, it will usuall$ be directed at leadership, famil$, or friends. 9ost of us Hout of fearI would ne/er speak a%ainst @od directl$, b$ name. 6h$ did the$ complain a%ainst 9oses and 5aron, Hand thus the LordIG ,n their e$es, 7e had disappointed them. @od is wei%hin% the heart of the Church in 5merica. 9a$ we seek 7im now, so that our hearts will not be found wantin%. Th# 3 "5#rn#$$ r#?#,"$ -h# 8o- ?#$ o; o'r h#,r-Eit separates the selfish from the selfless. 5sk the 7ol$ Spirit to sort and wei%h the moti/es of $our heart, separatin% those that would hold $ou back from those that will propel $ou forward. +hen become a wise ser/antC seek those thin%s which are beneficial to the relationshi%, knowin% that the other thin%s will follow as a result of a proper relationship with @od. E*1E

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Our 4>ample

6e stru%%le under the hea/$ wei%ht of unfulfilled /ows and promises, until we are so burdened we can barel$ lift our /oice in pra$er. 9oreover, brethren, I do not want ou to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were bapti:ed into 9oses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. ;or the drank of that spiritual 8ock that followed them, and that 8ock was .hrist. %emp. added& I Cor n-h ,n$ %.:%-* (NKJV)

aul points out that all were &ovenant children, descendants of 5braham, not %entiles. +he$ all tra/eled under the cloud of @odDs protection, were baptiLed into 9oses, who was a foreshadowin% of Christ, our 3eli/erer. 5nd all partook of the spiritual food and drink of Christ. So it is clear we are /iewin% a nation of people which foreshadows that of the ew +estament Christian. Paul stressed the word FallF fi/e times, as if to sa$, F6e arenDt talkin% about an$ heathen here.F 7e %oes on to sa$< )ut with most of them ,od was not well E*-E

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pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. -ow these things became our e(amples,... %emp. added& I Cor n-h ,n$ %.:)-+ (NKJV) 7ow did the$ most displease @odG '. 2. *. =. 1. +he$ lusted after e/il thin%s. +he$ pursued idols. +he$ committed acts of se>ual immoralit$. +he$ tempted the Lord. +he$ complained a%ainst the Lord.

5fter listin% these, Paul %oes on to sa$< "-ow all these things happened to them as e(amples, and the were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" Memp. addedN H, Corinthians ':<'' !"#I. ,f this is written for our instruction, it is imperati/e we understandK +he fi/e areas of sin were Bust manifestations Hor the bad fruitI of a deeper root problem. +he author of 7ebrews describes the same thin% and %i/es an e>planation for these fi/e acts of disobedience. Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, <The do alwa err in their heart; and the have not known m wa s.< %emp. !dded& H#br#3$ 3:%. +he error was in their heart, which produced e/il actionsK ,f $our heart is ri%ht, $our actions ine/itabl$ will line up. 6ithout a correct heart, $ou will fall short of 7is callin%. Jour focus must be to hit the mark of the hi%h call of @od, to know 7im. 5 wron% focus will hit the wron% tar%et. Paul said in Philippians *<'*;'=< )rethren, I count not m self to have apprehended' but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the pri:e of the high calling E*)E

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of ,od in .hrist *esus. %emp. added& ,n order to achie/e the hi%h call of @od for our li/es, we first must acknowled%e the fact that we ha/enDt $et attained it, that we are not perfected and must continue to pursue, chan%e, and %row. 9an$ reach a comfort Lone or plateau where the$ be%in to FmaintainF rather than Fpress in.F +he$ set their personal standards b$ comparin% themsel/es with others, or b$ what the$ feel is adequate. 5t this point, the$ stop seekin% @od for who 7e is and be%in to pursue the benefits. +heir focus is Foff,F and the$ be%in to err in their hearts. +he$ ma$ seek to build their status or their positions in the church, or perhaps the$ wish to increase their comfort or popularit$. +heir emphasis will turn from @od to self. Go5 3,$ no- -h# ='r$' - o; -h# !h "5r#n o; I$r,#"B Th#r#;or#< -h#4 3#r# 'n,b"# -o (no3 H $ 3,4$B +he$ %ot e>cited about 7is mi%ht$ worksEwho wouldnDtG +he$ reBoiced at e/er$ mar/elous miracle, be&a#se it benefited them. +he focus was themsel/es. 6hene/er @odDs supernatural power was not manifested, the$ stra$ed. ,f 9oses was on the mountain, the$ pla$ed. +he$ were satisfied with merel$ the benefits of sal/ation. +here was no lon%in% for more of @od. +he$ did not press in to know @od in an intimate relationship. One da$ in the wilderness, @od told 9oses to %o down and tell the people to consecrate themsel/es, for 7e was comin% to 9ount Sinai to speak to them, Bust as 7e had spoken to 9oses. 7owe/er, when the da$ came and the Lord manifested 7is presence with rumblin%s and thunderin%s in the si%ht of ,srael, the people fled< !nd all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking' and when the people saw it, the removed, and stood afar off. !nd the said unto 9oses, "+peak thou with us. and we will hear' but let not ,od speak with us. lest we die." %emp. added& EAo5'$ 2.:%8 +he$ pleaded with 9oses< FJou talk to @od for us and tell us what 7e sa$s, and we will do it...,F HparaphrasedI a%ain manifestin% their desire for onl$ %ain, without a relationshi%. +he$ had %ood E*(E

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intentionsEthe$ intended to keep @odDs word, but without a relationshi% the$ couldnDt. 7ow can $ou remain faithful to someone $ou donDt know or spend time withG +he$ wanted a formula instead of a relationship, so @od %a/e them the +en Commandments. Jet, %eneration after %eneration the$ pro/ed that the$ were unable to keep these commandments. @od knew the$ would be unable to keep these laws hewn on stone unless somehow 7e could replace their hearts of stone with 7is law. 5nd now we turn to the Church toda$. 7ow man$ of us with the best of intentions tr$ to keep the laws of @odG 6e stru%%le under the hea/$ wei%ht of unfulfilled /ows and promises, until we are so burdened we can barel$ lift our /oices in pra$er. 6e look to the minister, our mates, or our friends, hopin% the$ will seek @od on our behalf and tell us what 7e is sa$in%. Like the children of ,srael, we tr$ to keep 7is commandments without maintainin% a life; %i/in% relationship with the Lord. 6e err in our heartsK "esus said in "ohn '=<2'< He that hath m commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me' and he that loveth me shall be loved of m ;ather, and I will love him, and will manifest m self to him. %emp. added& , used to read that scripture and think the Lord said, F"ohn, if $ou keep m$ commandments, $ou will pro/e that $ou lo/e me.F +hen one da$ the Lord told me to read that scripture a%ain. So , read it a%ain. 7e said, FJou did not %et what , was sa$in%Eread it a%ain.F +his went on till , read the scripture ten times. Ainall$, , said, FLord for%i/e m$ i%noranceC show me what JouDre sa$in%KF 7e said, F"ohn, , wasnDt sa$in% if $ou keep m$ commandments, $ou pro/e $ou lo/e me. , alread$ know whether $ou lo/e me or notK 6hat , was sa$in% was, if a man falls head o/er heels in lo/e with me, he will be the one enabled to keep m$ commandmentsKF ,t is a relationship, not law. +he wa$ , /iewed it was law. 6hat 7e re/ealed was the importance of a relationshi%. @od canDt be known throu%h rules and re%ulations. @od canDt be found in methods. +he 7ol$ 5lmi%ht$ One cannot be reduced to a formulaK Jet this is the perception man$ ha/e of the Lord. ,n place of their relationship with @od the$ ha/e substituted the se/en steps to healin%, four; point plan of sal/ation, fi/e scriptures on prosperit$, and the E=:E

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baptism of the 7ol$ Spirit. +he$ ima%ine @od is somehow contained in their bo> of promises, to be pulled and claimed as the$ feel necessar$. +he$ wonder wh$ the$ ha/e so much trouble with sinK 6h$ do the$ find 7is commandments so hard to keepG ,t is because the$ err in their heartsK LetDs illustrate to make it clearer. 7a/e $ou e/er fallen in lo/eG 6hen , was en%a%ed to m$ wife, Lisa, , was head o/er heels in lo/e with her. , thou%ht of her constantl$. ,Dd do whate/er was necessar$ to spend as much time with her as possible. ,f she needed somethin%, no matter what , was doin%, , would Bump in m$ car and %et it for her. , didnDt ha/e to force m$self to talk to people about her..., e>tolled her praises to an$one who would listen. Because of m$ intense lo/e for her, it was a Bo$ for me to do whate/er she wished. , didnDt do these thin%s to %rove , lo/ed herC , did them be&a#se , lo/ed her. "ust a few short $ears into our marria%e, , turned m$ attention to other thin%s, such as the work of the ministr$. ,t was now bothersome to do somethin% for her. +aken for %ranted, Lisa was not in m$ thou%hts as much. @ifts for her came onl$ out of obli%ation on Christmas, anni/ersaries, and birthda$s...and e/en that was a bother. Our marria%e was in trouble. Our first lo/e was d$in%K Because the intensit$ of our ori%inal lo/e was no lon%er there, now it was difficult to do thin%s for her. Since then, @od turned m$ heart and let me see how selfish , had become. @raciousl$, 7e rekindled the flames of our lo/e and healed our marria%e. ,n li%ht of this, $ou can understand wh$ "esus said< -evertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left th first love. 8emember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee 1uickl , and will remove th candlestick out of his place, e(cept thou repent. %emp. added& R#?#",- on 2:*-) 9oses, on the other hand, was different from the children of ,srael. 7e was not content to worship @od from afar. 6hen he beheld the manifestation of @odDs presence, he pressed in and drew near. 4>odus 2:<2' sa$s, "!nd the people stood afar off, and E='E

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9oses drew near unto the thick darkness where ,od was." Memp. addedN 4/en thou%h 9oses was a man with influence and power, with a con%re%ation of three million, who had been part of the most astoundin% si%ns and wonders in the Old +estament, he knew these alone would ne/er satisf$ him. 4>amine his pra$er after he had e>perienced all the incredible si%ns and wonders< -ow therefore, I pra thee, if I have found grace in th sight, shew me now th wa , that I ma know thee,...!nd he %9oses& said unto him %the Lord&, If th presence go not with me, carr us not up hence.... !nd he said, I beseech thee, shew me th glor . %emp. added& EAo5'$ 33:%3-%8 6e hear the heart cr$ of 9oses. FLord, , will not be satisfied until , see Jour %lor$, that , mi%ht know yo#./ HparaphrasedI. ,n order to know @od, we must know his ways. 7e re/eals 7is wa$s to those seekin% after 7is heart, not Bust 7is power. B#t those who know His heart will wal0 in His %ower "...but the people that do know their ,od shall be strong, and do e(ploits" Memp. addedN H3aniel ''<*2I. 6hen , first entered the ministr$, nearl$ e/er$ mornin% , spent one to two hours a da$ in pra$er. 9$ pra$ers went somethin% like this< F@od, use me to sa/e souls, use me to heal the sick, use me to cast out de/ils.F On and on , would pra$Ethe same thin%s in different words. , felt so selfless as , cried out to @od for a lar%e ministr$. +hen one da$ the Lord spoke to me and said, FSon, $our pra$ers are selfish.F , was taken aback b$ what 7e said. F6hat is $our moti/e for wantin% to do these thin%sGF 7e said, F5ll , hear from $ou is DUse 94 to...DC $ou are the focus of the pra$er.F 7e went on to sa$, F9$ purpose for creatin% $ou was not to ha/e $ou cast out de/ils or heal the sick. 9$ purpose for creatin% $ou was for fellowship.F +hen 7e showed me somethin% , will ne/er for%et..."udas cast out de/ils and healed the sickK Jes, when "esus sent out the twel/e, 7e sent all of themEincludin% "udas, the one who later betra$ed 7im. 9$ focus was wron%. +he %oal of the hi%h call of @od is to 0now Jes#s +hrist HPhilippians *<':I. 5 few $ears later, m$ wife was pra$in% alon% the same lines as E=2E

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she prepared for a meetin%. So the Lord said to her, FLisa, , donDt #se people, , anoint them, , heal them, , transform them, , conform them to m$ ima%e, but , donDt #se them.F 7e continued b$ askin%, FLisa, ha/e $ou e/er been used b$ a friendGF FJes,F she answered. +he Lord asked, F7ow did $ou feelGF She answered, F, felt betra$edKF +he Lord went on< F9an$ ministers ha/e cried for me to onl$ use them. DUse me to heal, use me to sa/e.D So , did, hopin% all alon% for their hearts, but the$ became too bus$ with the ministr$ for that. +he$ ne/er bothered to learn m$ wa$s, so the$ built their own kin%doms. 6hen troubles hit, the$ cried out for me but were offended when , did not answer their pra$ers because the$ ne/er knew me. +he$ felt used and became an%r$ with me. +he$ fell awa$ because the$ did not know me.F 6hat would $ou think of a woman whose onl$ ambition was to produce children b$ her husband, with no interest in knowin% him personall$G She would onl$ be intimate with him if it would produce children. ,t sounds absurd, $et it is not so different from us cr$in% out to @od for 7im to Fuse us to %et people sa/ed,F when we, oursel/es, donDt e/en ha/e a relationship with 7im. 6hen we are intimate with @od, children will come forthEBust as a man with his wife. +his is wh$ @od sa$s in 3aniel ''<*2, "...but the people that do know their ,od shall be strong, and do e(ploits." Memp. addedN So, then, these were the roots of the children of ,sraelDs sins< lustin% after e/il thin%s, pursuin% idols, committin% acts of se>ual immoralit$, and temptin% and complainin% a%ainst the Lord. +he$ were not seekin% and pursuin% the ri%ht thin%. +he$ sou%ht the created, rather than the Creator. "oshua is a %ood e>ample of someone whose heart was correct in the wilderness. 6hen 9oses went up to 9t. Sinai, "oshua sta$ed at the mountainDs foot. 7e wanted to %et as close as possible to the presence of the Lord. 6hen 9oses met with @od in the tabernacle, "oshua was there also, in order to be close to the presence of the Lord. 4/en when 9oses was finished, "oshua remained. "!nd the L78= spake unto 9oses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. !nd he turned again into the camp' but his servant *oshua, the son of -un, a oung man, departed not out of the tabernacle" Memp. addedN H4>odus **<''I.


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ow e>amine a%ain what Paul said< ")ut with man of them ,od was not well pleased' for the were overthrown in the wilderness" H, Corinthians ':<1I. 6h$ were the children of ,srael o/erthrownG Because their focus was on themsel/es, not on @od. Lookin% at the book of "oshua Hthe stor$ of the ne>t %eneration that was allowed to take the promised landI, $ou will see that the fi/e areas of sin that pla%ued their parents did not manifest themsel/es as readil$ with the second %eneration in the wilderness. ,t did happen once with a man named 5chanC howe/er, the leadership and people immediatel$ sou%ht @od to take care of it. +he reason for the chan%e in the second %eneration was that their focus was turned as a result of watchin% an entire %eneration die in the wilderness, Bust short of seein% @odDs promise fulfilled.


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+ime of Purification

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+he 7i%hwa$ of @od

...@od is not lookin% for an outward form of holinessC 7e wants an inward chan%e of heart,... ! voice of one calling' in the desert prepare the wa for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highwa for our ,od. %emp. added& I$, ,h *.:3 (NIV) he wilderness is the location of @odDs hi%hwa$. ,t is in the wilderness that the wa$ is prepared. ,t is the wa$ or road to the hi%h or e>alted lifeEthe wa$ @od li/es and thinks. ;or 9 thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are our wa s 9 wa s, sa s the Lord. ;or as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are 9 wa s higher than our wa s, and 9 thoughts than our thoughts. %emp. added& I$, ,h )):8-9 (NKJV)

Aew ha/e walked this road. Jet now, @od is preparin% man$ to Bourne$ upon it. 6e find this described in ,saiah *1<8, ) H !"#I< ...for waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert.... ! highwa shall be there %the desert& and a road, E=-E

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and it shall be called the highwa of holiness. %emp. added& ,t is in the wilderness that the hi%hwa$ of the Lord is prepared. +hat wa$ is called holiness. One of the definitions of holiness is Fthe state of bein% pure.F "esus said, ")lessed are the pure in heart, for the shall see ,od." Memp. addedN H9atthew 1<)I +he wa$ or method to the hi%h life is holiness or a pure heart. "esus is not returnin% for an unhol$ or impure ChurchC 7e is comin% for a Church without spot, wrinkle, or an$ such thin%. 9an$ of us ha/e tried to attain holiness b$ obe$in% rules and re%ulations and ha/e failed miserabl$. Like the "ews who tried to recei/e sal/ation b$ keepin% the law and could not, e/en so, we are unable to walk in holiness b$ keepin% rules and re%ulations. 9an$ ha/e restricted themsel/es with le%alistic rulin%s re%ardin% tan%ible thin%s Hi.e., no make;up, strict dress code, no tele/ision setsI. 5ll these outward limits are established in an attempt to obtain inward purit$. But @od is not lookin% for an outward form of holinessC 7e wants an inward chan%e of $our heart, for a pure heart will produce pure conduct. "esus said in 9atthew 2*<28 H !"#I, "...first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish Mthe heartN, that the outside of them ma be clean also." Mparenthetical addedN ,f $our heart is pure, $ou will not desire to dress in a wa$ that is seducti/e. 5 woman can ha/e a dress on down to her ankles and still ha/e a seducti/e attitude, while another woman can wear a pair of pants and ha/e a pure heart. 5 man can boast that he has ne/er been di/orced, $et lust in his heart for other women. ,s this holinessG ,f $our heart is pure, a tele/ision in $our home will not cause $ou to watch or desire an$ unedif$in% pro%rams. Some tr$ to sa$ that if Christians ha/e a tele/ision in their home, the$ are worldl$. 5 piece of furniture or electronics in $our home does not determine whether or not $ou are worldl$C it is what is in $our heart that makes that determination. Jou can ha/e no +# in $our home and lust after it in $our heart. ,f $our heart is pure, $ou will desire onl$ what @od desires. +he wilderness is one of the crucibles @od uses to purif$ $our E=)E

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moti/es and intentions. @od is in the process of preparin% our hearts prior to 7is return for 7is Church. +he rest of the chapters in this section will deal with how the Lord will purif$ 7is Church prior to 7is second comin%. +he book of 9alachi will be the primar$ te>t because 9alachi was the last prophet before the ew +estament times. 7e was commissioned to prophes$ of the preparation and e/ent of the first comin% of the Lord to 7is temple. Aour hundred $ears later the fulfillment of the first comin% be%an with "ohn the Baptist cr$in% in the wilderness, FPrepare the wa$ of the Lord.F 6e are li/in% in the time of the second comin% of the Lord to 7is temple. 6e will see the parallels of the preparation of 7is people for the first and the second comin% of the Lord. Both be%in with the purification of 7is people in the wilderness.


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+he +rue Prophetic

+he focus of the true prophetic anointin% deals with hearts,... )ehold, I will send ou 5li3ah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful da of the Lord. %emp. added& M,",!h *:) (NKJV)

he %reat da$ of the Lord was 7is first comin%, and "ohn the Baptist was the F4liBah ProphetF sent b$ @od to prepare 7is wa$. 7is ministr$ was, F5 /oice of one callin%< in the desert prepare the wa$ for the LordF H,saiah =:<*, ,#I. "ohnDs role was prophesied b$ the prophets of old. "esus described him as follows< ...what did ou go out to see$ ! prophet$ #es, I sa to ou, and more than a prophet. ;or this is he of whom it is written' )ehold, I send 9 messenger before #our face, who will prepare #our wa before #ou. !ssuredl , I sa to ou, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than *ohn the )aptist;...!nd if ou are willing to receive it, he is 5li3ah who is to come. %emp. added& M,--h#3 %%:9-%* (NKJV) E1'E

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"ohn was not the 4liBah of , P ,, !in%s reincarnated. +he te>t is not referrin% or limited to a mere man, but it describes the true meanin% of F4liBah.F +o e>plain, the word 4liBah comes from two 7ebrew words< 5l and 1ahh, 5l meanin% Fstren%thF and 1ahh meanin% F"eho/ahF or Lord. +o%ether the$ mean Fstren%th of "eho/ah.F So what is actuall$ bein% said of "ohn the Baptist is that he went before "esus in the Fstren%th of "eho/ah.F +he an%el @abriel described "ohnDs call as follows< !nd he will turn man of the children of Israel to the Lord their ,od. He will also go before Him %the Lord& in the spirit and power of 5li3ah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the 3ust, to make read a people prepared for the Lord. %emp. added& &'(# %:%+-%: (NKJV) +he thrust of "ohnDs ministr$ was to turn the heart of ,srael back to @odC his messa%e< "8epent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" H9atthew *<2I. 0epentance means a chan%e of heart. +he children of ,sraelDs actions were /er$ reli%ious, but their hearts were far from @od. +housands attended s$na%o%ue faithfull$, unaware of the true condition of their hearts. So @od raised up the prophet "ohn to e>pose the actual condition of their hearts. "ohn declared to the multitudes, "7ffspring of vipers" Who warned ou to flee from the wrath to come$ Therefore bear fruits worth of repentance %a change of heart/, and do not begin to sa to ourselves, <We have !braham as our father...<" Memp. and parenthetical addedN HLuke *<-;), 0S#I. 7e e>posed the deception in which their hearts were trustin%. +he$ belie/ed the$ were Bustified because the$ were children of 5braham and b$ their faithful attendance of s$na%o%ue and pa$ment of tithes. "ohn was not sent to the %entiles, but to awaken the Flost sheepF of the house of ,srael, to prepare them to recei/e "esus. 9alachi also prophesied this F4liBah anointin%F would come before the %reat Hthe LordDs first comin%I and dreadful da$ of the Lord. +his Fdreadful or awesomeF da$ of the Lord is 7is second comin%. , belie/e we are now li/in% in that da$. Confirmin% E12E

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9alachiDs prophec$, "esus said< <"Indeed, 5li3ah is coming first and will restore all things. )ut I sa to ou that 5li3ah has come alread .<...then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of *ohn the )aptist" Memp. addedN H9atthew '-<'';'*, 0S#I. "esus spoke this after "ohn was beheaded. otice 7e refers to two different time periods of the 4liBah anointin%< future His comin%I and past Hhas comeI. Prior to the second comin% of "esus Christ, once a%ain @od will raise a prophetic anointin%. 7owe/er, this time the mantle will not rest upon a sin%le man but corporatel$ on a compan$ of prophets. ,n the book of 5cts, Peter quoted the the prophet "oel< ...#our sons and our daughters shall prophes ...and on 9 menservants and on 9 maidservants I will pour out 9 spirit in those da s; and the shall prophes ...before the coming of the great and awesome da of the Lord. %emp. added& A!-$ 2:%:-2. (NKJV) +he definition of the @reek word for Fprophes$F in the abo/e /erse is to speak under di/ine inspiration, to e>ercise the prophetic office, to foretell e/ents. Like "ohn the Baptist, latter;da$ prophets will %o to the lost or decei/ed sheep in the church structure, as well as those who ha/e left b$ the Fdoor of offense.F 9ost folks who attend church feel the$ are read$ for "esus to return. ot unlike the reli%ious leaders and people of "ohnDs time, the$ belie/e that b$ their works, church attendance, tithes, or %ood standin%, once the$ pra$ the sinnerDs pra$er, the$ are Bustified. +he$ ma$ belie/e the$ are Bustified, but the truth is the$Dre not read$ for 7is return. +heir hearts still stra$. Once a%ain the prophetic messa%e will come to us, F0epent Mchan%e $our heartN, for the da$ of the Lord is at hand.F 4>posin% an$ deception, these prophets shall brin% forth truth. 9ore than an$ other nation, 5merica has poured billions of dollars into Christian tapes, literature, outreach, and tele/ision pro%rammin%. 6e ha/e more Bible schools, trainin% centers, and churches than other nations. On the whole, we are more educated in Scriptures and church doctrine than an$ other countr$. 6#-< ,$ , n,- on< o'r !h'r!h#$ r#8, n 5r4, /oid of @odDs true presence. E1*E

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Sinners sit in our ser/ices uncon/ictedK Sin runs rampant in our con%re%ations, while leadership tolerates it. /h4C@ +rue repentance has not been brou%ht to the people. +he @reek word translated repentance in 9atthew *<) is metanoia. ,t is defined as a real chan%e of mind and attitude toward sin and its causes, not merel$ the consequences of it. 6e ha/e learned to sorrow o/er the consequences of sin without forsakin% its nature. Unfortunatel$, our reBection of sin does not occur because its /er$ nature %rie/es @od, but rather because we are embarrassed b$ its offsprin% or e>posure in our li/es. +he focus of the true prophetic anointin% is to deal with hearts, not merel$ to %i/e Fpersonal propheciesF to indi/iduals. 5 prophet sees the heart of man and foresees the plan of @od. 7e calls for chan%e and warns of pendin% Bud%ment. 7e can come into a church and not sa$ one Fthus saith the Lord...F, and $et, he will ha/e prophesied Hspoken b$ di/ine inspirationI the entire ser/ice. +he whole atmosphere of the church is chan%ed because the prophet of @od has dealt with the moti/e, $ieldin% true repentance. 7e proclaims a new, more accurate direction. +he summar$ of 7is messa%e, whether to a church or an indi/idual, is, F+urn to the LordC there is a new mo/e of @od comin%KF +he office of a prophet is not " 8 -#5 to a ser/ice in which Christians stand up and are %i/en Fpersonal prophecies,F althou%h this happens in /arious instances. 7e ma$ ha/e a word for an indi/idual, such as 5%abusD word for Paul in 5cts 2'<':;''. +his, howe/er, is not the thrust of his ministr$. ,n the book of 5cts, Silas, PaulDs tra/elin% companion, was a prophet H5cts '1<*2I. 6e donDt see him %oin% from church to church holdin% ser/ices and %i/in% Fpersonal prophecies.F 6hat we do see is him e>hortin% the brethren to ser/e the Lord. Some call themsel/es FprophetsF and %o about %i/in% Fpersonal wordsCF $et, the$ do not ha/e @odDs heart, and in some cases are $#";-,==o n-#5. +heir words flow from their own hearts or, in some instances, from familiar spirits. +hese FwordsF ma$ e/en seem ri%ht, but @od has not sent these alle%ed prophets, nor filled their mouths. I have not sent these prophets, et the ran %self4appointed&. I have not spoken to them, et E1=E

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the prophesied. )ut if the had stood in 9 counsel, and had caused 9 people to hear 9 words, then the would have turned them from their evil wa %the thrust of the prophetic anointing& and from the evil of their doings. %emp. added& J#r#8 ,h 23:2%-22 (NKJV) @od also sa$s about those who are Fself;appointedF< "...The speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord" Memp. addedN H"eremiah 2*<'8I. ,n the same chapter, @od sa$s that from these self;appointed prophets pollution is released into the land, and because of their prophecies @odDs people are made FworthlessF H/erses '1;'8I. 5lwa$s look for the moti/e behind the ministr$. ,s it drawin% the people closer to @odG Or is it makin% them more dependent on the FprophetF and his?her %iftin%G One of the b$;products of the counterfeit prophetic mo/e is People runnin% to and fro seekin% to %i/e or recei/e Fa word.F +heir focus< S4LA. 0ather than turnin% to the Lord and seekin% 7is face, forsakin% their wicked wa$s, the$ look outside for answers. "esus tells us how to reco%niLe the true and false prophet< "#ou will know them b their fruits" H9atthew -<'8, !"#I. +he proof of %ood fruit is when people be%in to outwardl$ manifest the inward chan%e in their li/es. 6e must de/elop discernment to distin%uish between true and false moti/ well as true and false prophetsK 0ememberin% the %#r%ose for the restoration of the prophetic office will prepare our hearts to recei/e this office and its ministr$ %iftin%. +hese prophets will be the /oice of one cr$in%, F,n the wilderness prepare the hi%hwa$ of holiness.F


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+he Lord Comes to 7is +emple

6e now stand at the threshold ... as the Son of @od e>poses the h$pocris$ of our own hearts and implants 7is compassion... )ehold, I send 9 messenger, and he will prepare the wa before 9e. !nd the Lord, who ou seek, will suddenl come to His temple. %emp. added& M,",!h 3:% (NKJV)

s we ha/e seen in the pre/ious chapter, this messen%er is the prophetic anointin% that will prepare the wa$ of the Lord. 9alachi said that the Lord, whom $ou seek, will suddenl$ come +O 7is temple. 7is temple is the Church. otice it does not sa$ AO0 7is temple, but +O it. Before the Lord comes AO0 7is Church in rapture, 7eDs comin% +O 7is Church...for Bud%ment, refinement, and re/i/al. +his is illustrated in the book of 7osea< .ome, and let us return to the Lord; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. E1-E

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Ho$#, +:% (NKJV) +his is the messa%e carried b$ the prophets who are sent to prepare 7is wa$. +heir messa%e is, FChurch, let us return to the Lord.F 6hat does it mean, F7e has torn, but 7e will heal usFG +hat is Bud%ment. ;or the time has come for 3udgment to begin at the house of ,od %the temple&; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obe the gospel of ,od$ -ow If the righteous one is scarcel saved, where will the ungodl and the sinner appear$ %emp. !dded& I P#-#r *:%:-%8 (NKJV) Before @od can Bud%e the nations, 7e first must Bud%e 7is Fhol$ nationF H, Peter 2<(I. Before the children of ,srael could enter the promised land and dri/e out the nations, @od first Bud%ed 7is people in the wilderness. +his is prophetic. Before we point our fin%er at the world and sa$, F0epent and be con/ertedFC before we see the %reat har/est of these last da$s, @od will pur%e first the sin so e/ident in the Church. +he Church is like "onah. 6e are asleep in the ship. Our disobedience has brou%ht calamit$. @od is usin% the world to sa$, F6ake up, Church, there is sin in $ou,F Bust as 7e used the heathen on the ship to wake up the prophet "onah. +he media networks, reporters, ,0S, and others ha/e seen the %reed, co/etousness, pride, and immoralit$ in the Church. ,f $ou want to know how Christians should act and li/e, Bust ask the sinnersC the$ frequentl$ ha/e a better %rasp on it than we do, ,Dm sorr$ to sa$. 5nd the$ cr$ out a%ainst our h$pocris$. ,t is time for us to "!wake to righteousness, and =7 -7T +I-; for some do not have the knowledge of ,od. I speak this to our shame" Memp. addedN H, Corinthians '1<*=, !"#I. @od dealt with the disobedience of the prophet b$ pur%in% him in the bell$ of the whale. "onah cried out to @od in repentance. 7e said, "I have been cast out of our sight; #et I will look again toward our hol temple" Memp. addedN H"onah 2<=, !"#I. Once his heart was ri%ht, he was empowered to fulfill his callin% and able to preach repentance to a sin;steeped ine/eh


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+he Church in 5merica has followed si%ns. @odDs 6ord tells us the si%ns are supposed to follow the belie/erEit seems we ha/e it somewhat backward. People pursue the %ifts and anointin% of the Spirit rather than the character and heart of @od. @od sa$s, ">ursue love, and desire spiritual gifts..." Memp. addedN H, Corinthians '=<', !"#I. 5s mentioned before, the Church has turned that around. 6e ha/e pursued spiritual %ifts Hor si%nsI and desired lo/eK People will dri/e a thousand miles for a miracle ser/ice, but still not allow @od to deal with the an%er, bitterness, unfor%i/eness, strife, etc. in their hearts. 0ecentl$, in a meetin%, , saw people run to the front to recei/e ministr$, and the Spirit of @od spoke somethin% to m$ heart that shook me to the core. 7e said, F5 wicked and adulterous %eneration seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it e(cept the sign of the prophet *onah" Memp. addedN H9atthew '8<=, !"#I. LetDs look at these two conditions of FwickedF and Fadulterous.F +he wicked %eneration seeks si%ns for their own selfish benefit, not to draw closer to the @od of si%ns. ,n 5cts ) a man named Simon sou%ht the power of @od, but with impure moti/es< Then laid the %their& hands on them, and the received the Hol ,host. !nd when +imon saw that through la ing on of the apostles< hands the Hol ,host was given, he offered them mone , +a ing, ,ive me also this power, that on whomsoever I la hands, he ma receive the Hol ,host. )ut >eter said unto him, Th mone perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of ,od ma be purchased with mone . Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter' for th heart is not right in the sight of ,od. 8epent therefore of this th wickedness, and pra ,od, if perhaps the thought of thine heart ma be forgiven thee. ;or I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and %in& the bond of ini1uit . %emp. added& A!-$ 8:%:-23


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SimonDs pursuit was the anointing of @od, not 7is &hara&ter. +here was bitterness in his heart, and he was bound b$ iniquit$. 7e had no intention of dealin% with the flaws of his heart. 7owe/er, he was /er$ e>cited about recei/in% the anointin% of @od upon his life. 7e was so e>cited, he was e/en willin% to offer somethin% of /alue for it. Jet e/en under the %uise of ministr$, his true moti/e was to promote himself. 6e are not to pursue the anointin%C it is a %ift which cannot be earned or learned. 5 %ift is %i/enC it is %ranted freel$ or it is not a %ift. or can we bribe @od b$ our %ifts or performanceE7e %i/es out of compassion in response to need. 6hen $ou are under @odDs anointin%, $ou quickl$ see the anointin% is for the sake of others, not $ourself. 5n adulterer is an indi/idual who has a co/enant relationship with one, and $et becomes in/ol/ed with another. +he Church has pursued relations with the world unfaithfull$, while boastin% that all 7er sins are washed awa$ b$ the blood of 7er co/enant with "esus. She has become adulterous. FJou ask and do not recei/e, because $ou ask amiss, that $ou ma$ spend it on $our ="#,$'r#$B A5'"-#r#r$ and ,5'"-#r#$$#$@ 3o $ou not know that friendship with the world is enmit$ with @odGF Memp. addedN H"ames =<*;=, !"#I. ,t is spiritual adulter$ to pursue the pleasures and %ain of the worldDs s$stem once $our alle%iance is to "esus. +he Lord is in the process of brin%in% 7is Church to a crisis of Bud%ment, as with "onah, to turn 7er heart back in true repentance. ;or He who eats and drinks %the bread and cup of the Lord& in an unworth manner eats and drinks 3udgment to himself, not discerning the Lord<s bod . ;or this reason man are weak and sick among ou, and man sleep %are dead&. ;or if we would 3udge ourselves, we would not be 3udged. )ut when we are 3udged, we are chastened b the Lord, that we ma not be condemned with the world. %emp. added& I Cor n-h ,n$ %%:29-32 (NKJV) +his %oes much further than Bust eatin% bread and drinkin% %rape Buice in church with unconfessed sin in our li/es. +here is no power in the bread and %rape BuiceEit is in what the$ represent. "esus said in "ohn 8<18;1- H !"#I< E8:E

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He who eats 9 flesh and drinks 9 blood abides in 9e. and I in him. !s the living ;ather sent 9e, and I live because of the ;ather, so he who feeds on 9e will live because of 9e. %emp. added& 5s $ou can see, eatin% the bread and drinkin% the Buice is an outward si%n of an inward commitment. Ab 5# in Christ, feed on 7imE7e is our life source. 3onDt li/e off of the pleasures of this world, but on e/er$ word that proceeds from the mouth of @od. 5s true Christians, our diet is not that on which the world dines. Aor, F...$ou cannot partake of the LordDs table and of the table of demonsF H, Corinthians ':<2', !"#I. Our true source of Bo$ and life must be "esus, and 7im onl$. +oo man$ of the worldDs methods ha/e crept into the Church. 9uch of this worldliness now is considered Fnormal Christianit$.F +his carnalit$ has dulled our discernment. Aor this reason, man$ in the Church are in crisis situations. +he$ are weak, sick, and some e/en die prematurel$. +he reason ma$ be a poor diet, caused b$ mi>in% the LordDs table with the worldDs. One cuisine weakens the benefit of the other until the$ cancel each other out. ow let me insert this /er$ important statement. "ust because a Christian is weak, sick, or dies $oun% doesnDt necessaril$ mean there is sin in his or her life. Paul said this is the reason for man$, not in e/er$ case. Besides, we in the Church must take responsibilit$ for an attitude of worldliness. 6e must not point fin%ers at indi/iduals, which breeds a critical and Bud%mental spirit, but we must e>amine oursel/es. otice what @od sa$s< ";or if we would fudge M@reek< dia0rino2 ourselves we would not be 3udged M@reek< krino&." +he first word FBud%eF means to separate thorou%hl$, as, when we e>amine oursel/es thorou%hl$ and remo/e the /ile from the precious. +he second means to punish or condemn. 7e %oes on to sa$< FBut when we are Bud%ed M@reek< 0rino ; to punish or condemnN, we are chastened b$ the Lord, that we ma$ not be condemned with the world.F +his is the merc$ of @od. 7e does not want us to be condemned with the world, so 7e will Bud%e us first, which, as with "onah, will $ield true repentance. otice 7e said the punishment is administered b$ the Lord. So once a%ain the Lord has put 7is Church into a position where She will be uncomfortable unless She returns to ri%hteousness. E8'E

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"onah was terribl$ uncomfortable in the bell$ of that whale, but @od is more concerned with our &ondition than our &omfort. Often if , am unable to wake m$ children, , will sit them upri%ht, makin% it uncomfortable for them to sleep. Could it be @od is tr$in% to rouse usG ow letDs look at 7osea 8<';2 H !"#I a%ain< FCome and let us return to the LordC for 7e has torn, but 7e will heal usC 7e has stricken, but 7e will bind us up. 5fter two da$s 7e will re/i/e usC on the third da$ 7e will raise us up, that we ma$ li/e in 7is si%ht.F Memp. addedN 6hat does 7osea mean, F5fter two da$sFG ,, Peter *<) sa$s, "...with the Lord one da is as a thousand ears,..." so, literall$, 7e is sa$in% after two thousand $ears Hthe a%e of the Church nowI 7e will re/i/e us. Airst 7e will Bud%e and refine, then 7e will heal and re/i/e. +he third da$ Hor thousand $earsI is the millennial rei%n of Christ. 7e will rei%n one thousand $ears here on earth in our si%ht. So we are li/in% currentl$ in the season of this prophec$Ds fulfillment. LetDs keep readin%. "Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord" Memp. addedN H7osea 8<*, !"#I. 6hat is our pursuit to beG Success, ministr$, a %ood marria%e, the blessin%s of @od, healin%, prosperit$G @od forbidK Our pursuit is to know 7imK Saul pursued a kin%domC 3a/id pursued @od. 6hen $ou pursue 7imEnot for what 7e has or can do, but for who 7e is E$ou will find the treasures hidden with 7im. ,t is in this secret place that %ifts are %i/en freel$, ne/er to be taken from $ou. Saul lost his kin%dom while tr$in% to hold on to it. Jet, because @od had established 3a/idDs kin%dom, e/en when 3a/id $ielded it to 5bsalom, @od %a/e it backK !eep in mind, before "esus comes for 7is Church in rapture, 7e first will come in Bud%ment, which will result in refinin% and, ultimatel$, re/i/al. ...Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like latter and former rain to the earth. %emp. added& E82E

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Ho$#, +:3 (NKJV) otice 7is comin% HF%oin% forthFI is established. ,n other words, Bust as surel$ as the sun rises each mornin% at a set or established time, so, 7is comin% in Bud%ment, refinin%, and re/i/al is set. 7e will come to the Church whether She is read$ or not. 7e will come suddenl$, as the rainEthe former and latter. +he former rain be%an with the da$s of "ohn the Baptist. ";or all the prophets and the law prophesied until *ohn" Memp. addedN H9atthew ''<'*, !"#I. "ohn the Baptist came warnin% of comin% Bud%ment, producin% refinin% and re/i/al. +hose who didnDt listen to "ohnDs warnin% and continued to mishandle @odDs people and offerin%s were Bud%ed. "esus came to the temple and threw them out. 7e turned o/er their tables Hs$mbolic of their s$stem or structureI and threw out the mone$. +his confrontation of the powerless religio#s organi3ation of that da$ pa/ed the wa$ for a new form of worship. "esus a%%ressi/el$ ministered to the needs of the masses, while opposin% the reli%ious Pharisees and their h$pocris$. 6e now stand at the threshold of Bust such a separation, as the Son of @od e>poses the h$pocris$ of our own hearts and implants 7is compassion for the people. Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. +ee how the farmer 0the ;ather2 waits for the precious fruit of the earth 0His people2, waiting patientl for it until it receives the earl and latter rain. %emp. added& J,8#$ ):: (NKJV) 6e are on the /er%e of this latter rain. Once a%ain, @od is raisin% up prophets to warn 7is people of pendin% Bud%ment. 5fter this refinement and pur%in% of the Church will come the re/i/al of the outpourin% of 7is Spirit. +his outpourin% will dwarf the outpourin% in the book of 5cts, for @od said< ")e glad then, e children of ?ion, and re3oice in the Lord our ,od; for He hath given ou the former rain moderatel , and He will cause to come down for ou the rain, the former rain and the latter rain in the first HmonthIF Memp. addedN H"oel 2<2*I. @od sa$s the former rain is moderate compared to the latterK 6owK ,n other words, what $ou see in the book of 5cts is moderate compared with what we are about to enter. @od alwa$s sa/es 7is best wine for last. E8*E

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4cclesiastes -<) sa$s, ")etter is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof..."@od, throu%h the prophet 7a%%ai, sa$s, "The glor of this latter house shall be greater than of the former MhouseN,...and in this place will I give peace,..." %emp. added& H7a%%ai 2<(I. 7e spoke of the temple that was rebuilt after ,sraelDs capti/it$. 7owe/er, it has prophetic application also. +he %lor$ of @od in 7is latter Church shall be %reater than that of the former Church. Some sa$, F6eDre in re/i/al now.F 6e are not in re/i/al. 6e are in a mess. 6e are like the /alle$ of dr$ bones 4Lekiel saw. But herein lies our hope< @od said to 4Lekiel, "...+on of man, can these bones live$ !nd I answered, 7 Lord ,7=, thou knowest" H4Lekiel *-<*I. +he answer was, FJ4SKF 5%ain 7e said to 4Lekiel, "...>rophes upon these bones, and sa unto them, 7 e dr bones, hear the word of the L78=. Thus saith the Lord ,7= unto these bones; )ehold, I will cause breath to enter into ou, and e shall live'...+o I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and the lived, and stood up upon their feet, an e(ceeding great arm " Memp. addedN H4Lekiel *-<=;1,':I. @od is %ettin% read$ to release 7is life and 7is breath into the lifeless bod$ of the Church. JesK +his Church shall arise once a%ainC its people will stand on their feet a %lorious, /ictorious arm$, dead to their own li/es but empowered b$ @odDs life. Our conditionElike a /alle$ of dr$ bonesEawaits 7is prophetic word to re/i/e us. 6hen we enter this re/i/al, we wonDt need to be told. o one will be needed to point it out. ,t will be so e/ident that people will sa$, ")ut this is that which was spoken b the prophet *oel;..." Memp. addedN H5cts 2<'8I. +he Lord will come to 7is temple, first to Bud%e and to refine, and then to re/i/e before 7e catches us awa$ in the twinklin% of an e$e. ow that we understand that @od brin%s 7is Church into the wilderness to Bud%e and refine it, let us see how 7e will do it.


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@od is raisin% a %eneration of people who will manifest 7is %lor$, not their own... )ehold, I send 9 messenger, !nd he will prepare the wa before 9e. !nd the Lord, whom ou seek, will suddenl come to His temple, 5ven the 9essenger of the covenant, In whom ou delight. )ehold, He is coming, sa s the L78= of hosts. )ut who can endure the da of His coming$ !nd who can stand when He appears$ ;or He %is& like a refiner<s fire, !nd like fullers< soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purif the sons of Levi, !nd purge them as gold and silver, That the ma offer to the L78= !n offering in righteousness. M,",!h 3:%-3 (NKJV)

od is raisin% a %eneration of people who will manifest His %lor$, not their ownEa people made in 7is ima%e, walkin% in 7is character. )ut in a great house there are not onl vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to E81E

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dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these %ini1uities&, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master<s use, %and& prepared unto ever good work. %emp. added& II T 8o-h4 2:2.-2% otice there are two t$pes of /essels, both honorable and dishonorable. +he @reek word for dishonor, atimia, is defined as dishonor, reproach, shame, /ile. +he @reek word for honor is time, which is defined as precious. @od sa$s, "...If ou take out the precious from the vile, ou shall be as 9 mouth" Memp. addedN H"eremiah '1<'(, !"#I. 7ow is the FpreciousF taken from the F/ileFG +hrou%h pur%in% Hsee ,, +imoth$ 2<2', abo/eI.+he definition of pur%e is to cleanse thorou%hl$, or to free from impurities. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purif the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that the ma offer to the L78= an offering in righteousness. %emp. !dded& M,",!h 3:3 (NKJV) +he Fsons of Le/iF are a foreshadowin% of Fthe ro$al priesthoodF H, Peter 2<(I, which is the Church. Since @od compares the refinement of this priesthood with the refinement process for %old and sil/er, it is important to understand the characteristics of %old and sil/er and how the$ are refined. 6e will discuss onl$ %old, since the refinin% process is similar for both sil/er and %old. @old has a beautiful $ellow color, emittin% a soft metallic %low. ,t is widel$ distributed in nature but ,"3,4$ in small quantities, and r,r#"4 $ Do"5 ;o'n5 n , ='r# $-,-#. ,n a pure state, %old is soft, pliable, and free from corrosion or other substances. 6hen %old is mi>ed with other metals Hcopper, iron, nickel, etc.I it becomes harder, less pliable, and more corrosi/e. +his mi>ture is called an ,""o4. +he hi%her the percenta%e of copper, iron, nickel, etc., the harder the %old becomes. Con/ersel$, the lower the percenta%e of allo$, the softer and more fle>ible it is. ,mmediatel$ we see -h# =,r,""#": , ='r# h#,r- before @od is like ='r# Do"5. 5 pure heart is soft, tender, and pliable.


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Therefore, as the Hol +pirit sa s' T7=!#, if ou will hear His voice, do not harden our hearts as in the rebellion,...but e(hort one another dail , while it is called "T7=!#," lest an of ou be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. %emp. added& H#br#3$ 3::-%3 (NKJV) Sin is the added substance that turns our %#re %old into an allo$, hardenin% our hearts. +his lack of tenderness creates a loss of sensiti/it$, which hinders our abilit$ to hear 7is /oice. Unfortunatel$, this is the state of 8,n4 n -h# Ch'r!h, ha/in% a form of %odliness, but without a tender heart. +heir hearts no lon%er burn for "esus. +hat white;hot lo/e for @od has been replaced with a fri%id self lo/e, which seeks onl$ its own pleasure, comfort, and benefit. Supposin% %odliness is a means to personal %ain H, +imoth$ 8<1I, the$ seek onl$ the benefits of the promise and e>clude the Promisor 7imself. 34C4,#43, the$ deli%ht themsel/es with the world, e>pectin% to recei/e hea/en, tooK >ure and undefiled religion before ,od and the ;ather is this' keep oneself unspotted from the world. %emp. added& J,8#$ %:2: (NKJV) "esus is comin% for a Church that is pure, without spot, or an$ such impurit$ H4phesians 1<2-I, a Church whose heart is unpolluted with the worldDs s$stems. 5nother characteristic of %old is its resistance to rust or corrosion. 4/en thou%h other metals tarnish as a result of atmospheric chan%es, chan%es in the atmosphere do not tarnish pure %old. Brass Ha $ellow allo$ of copper and LincI, thou%h it resembles %old, does not beha/e as %old. Brass tarnishes easil$. ,t has %oldDs appearance without possessin% its character. +he hi%her the percenta%e of forei%n substances in %old, the more susceptible it is to corrosion and corruption. Presentl$, the worldDs s$stem has leached into the Church. 6e ha/e become n; "-r,-#5 b$ its culture, and thus we are tarnishin%. ,n 5merica, the ChurchDs /alues are polluted with worldliness. 9an$ are insensiti/e and do not realiLe the need for purification.


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9alachi *<* shows how "esus will refine Hor pur%eI 7is Church from the influence of the world, Bust as a refiner purifies %old. ,n the refinin% process, %old is %round into powder and then mi>ed with a substance called flu>. +he two are then placed in a furnace and melted b$ an intense fire. +he allo$s or impurities are drawn to the flu> and rise to the surface. +he %old Hwhich is hea/ierI remains at the bottom. +he impurities, or dross Hsuch as copper, iron, and Linc, combined with flu>I, are then remo/ed. ow look closel$ how @od refines< I will turn 9 hand against ou, and thoroughl purge awa our dross, and take awa all our allo . I will restore our 3udges %leaders& as at the first, and our counselors %.hristians& as at the beginning. !fterward ou shall be called the cit of righteousness, the faithful cit . %emp. and parentheticals added& I$, ,h %:2)-2+ (NKJV) 6hat is the fire 7e uses to refine usG +he answer is found in the followin% passa%e< In this ou greatl re3oice, though now for a little while, if need be, ou have been grieved %distressed& b various trials, that the genuineness of our faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it % our faith& is tested b fire, ma be found to praise, honor, and glor at the revelation of *esus .hrist. %emp. and parentheticals added& I P#-#r %:+-: (NKJV) @odDs fire for refinin% is trials and trib#lations. +he heat of these separates our impurities from the character of @od in our li/es. 5nother characteristic of %old, in its purest state, is its -r,n$=,r#n!4 Hdefined as the abilit$ to see throu%h, as %lassI. "!nd the street of the cit %was& pure gold, like transparent glass" Memp. addedN H0e/elation 2'<2', !"#I. Once $ou are purified b$ the fier$ trials, $ou become transparentK 5 transparent /essel brin%s no %lor$ to itself, but it %lorifies what it contains. ,t is unobstructi/e and almost unnoticeable. Once we are refined, the E8)E

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world a%ain will see "esus. ,n ,saiah this is amplified to a %reater de%ree< )ehold, I have refined ou, but not as silver; I have tested ou in the furnace of affliction. ;or 9 own sake, for 9 own sake, I will do it; ;or how should 9 name be profaned$ %His name will no longer be dishonored because of sin and corruption among His own.& !nd I will not give 9 glor to another. %It will be His glor not the vessels<.& %emp. and parentheticals added& Isaiah *8:%.-%% (NKJV) +he fire or furnace is ,;;" !- on, not a literal ph$sical fire, as that with which sil/er is refined, which e>plains wh$ 7e sa$s, "but not as silver." Our trials are the intense heat which separates the precious from the /ile. ,n 3ecember '()1, the Lord showed me 7e was %oin% to be%in to purif$ m$ life. , %ot so e>cited, , told m$ wife, F@od is %oin% to remo/e m$ impurities.F , proceeded to tell her all the undesirable thin%s @od would be remo/in%. Aor the ne>t three months, nothin% happened. 5s a matter of fact, thin%s %ot worse. , went to the Lord and asked, F6h$ are 9$ bad habits %ettin% worse, not betterGF 7e responded, FSon, , said , was %oin% to purif$ $ou. Jou ha/e been tr$in% to do it in $our own stren%th. ow , will do it 9$ wa$.F Aor $ears, people ha/e tried to perfect holiness throu%h their own abilit$. 3enominations ha/e been birthed as a result of our futile attempts to be pure. 5ll we ha/e done is ensla/e oursel/es to the bonda%e of le%alism. 7oliness is a work of @odDs %race, not an outward restriction of the flesh. @od %i/es %race to the humble, not the proud. +he proud man thinks he can achie/e holiness without @odDs help, b$ followin% rules and re%ulations. +he humble man knows he canDt and relies on the %race and stren%th of the Lord. So he pursues a relationship with @od, knowin% that onl$ throu%h a relationship will he be empowered to keep the laws written on his heart. 5%ain citin% m$ own life as an e>ample, as soon as @od said 7e had be%un the purification process, we started %oin% throu%h some /er$ intense trialsEtrials such as , had ne/er e>perienced before.


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5nd in the midst of them, @od seemed so far awa$ H-h# 3 "5#rn#$$I. Pre/iousl$ hidden personalit$ flaws be%an to surface. , was rude and harsh with those closest to me. 9$ famil$ and friends a/oided me. , cried out to the Lord, F6here is all this an%er comin% fromG ,t wasnDt here beforeKF +he Lord responded, FSon, when the$ purif$ %old the$ put it in fire and the fire causes it to become liquid. +hen the impurities be%in to show up at the surface.F +hen 7e asked me this question that chan%ed m$ life. FCan $ou see the impurities in %old before it is put in the fireGF , said, F o.F 7e said, FBut that doesnDt mean the$Dre not there.F 7e said, F6hen , put m$ fire under $ou, those impurities surfacedC thou%h hidden to $ou, the$ were /isible to me. So now the choice is $oursC $our reaction to what has been e>posed will determine $our future. Jou can remain an%r$ and blame $our wife, friends, pastor, or the people $ou work with for $our condition, or $ou can see it for what it is and repent and ask for%i/eness, and ,Dll take m$ ladle and remo/e those impurities from $our life.F @od does not remo/e them a%ainst our will. +hat is wh$ Paul said in ,, +imoth$ 2<2', "...cleanses himself." ,f $ou want to Bustif$ Hi.e., make e>cuses forI and keep the flaws that hold $ou back, @od will not force $ou to release them. Purification is a constant, on%oin%, and often painful process, but, knowin% its $ield, , welcome it. "esus sa$s, ")lessed are the pure in heart, for the shall see ,od" H9atthew 1<)I. 3a/id, who had a heart after @od, cried out, "Who can understand his errors$ .leanse me from secret faults" HPsalm '(<'2I. 6e read in Pro/erb 21<*, "The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings MisN unsearchable." 3onDt Bust think Fkin%s of nationsF as $ou read this. 7e is talkin% about Christians. 0e/elation '<8 sa$s, "!nd hath made us kings and priests unto ,od and his ;ather;..." Memp. addedN "esus has made us kin%s unto @od and 7is Aather. 5lso, @od sa$s in Pro/erb 21<* that our hearts are unsearchable. But the pre/ious /erse sa$s it is the %lor$ of kin%s to search out a matter. 7ow do we search our hearts if the$ are unsearchableG +he answer< 64 S450C7 OU0 7450+S throu%h refinin%. Aor 7e %oes on to sa$ in the ne>t two /erses< "Take awa the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer. Take awa the wicked from E-:E

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before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness" Memp. addedN HPro/erb 21<=;1I. +he heart is unsearchableC howe/er, @od uses the fire of trials to cause what is hidden to be re/ealed, Bust as hidden dross in %old or sil/er is re/ealed b$ the furnace. "esus admonishes the Church, "I counsel ou to bu from 9e gold refined in the fire,...that ou ma be clothed, that the shame of our nakedness ma not be revealed..." Memp. addedN H0e/elation *<'), !"#I. Let this be our cr$. ,f we ask @od to purif$ our hearts, 7e will remo/e those impurities hidden from our e$es. @od knows our innermost thou%hts and intents, e/en thou%h we donDt. 0eco%niLe this spiritual time and season. 5s fier$ trials hit, donDt become an%r$, but look for their purpose. 4>amine $our heart and allow @od to remo/e the precious from the /ile. 0emember, refinement stren%thens that which is alread$ %ood and cleanses or remo/es that which weakens or defiles. 6elcome 7is refinin% that $ou mi%ht be a /essel of honor, able to manifest 7is @lor$.


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0efine or 3e/our

6hen a man builds apart from @od . . . whether it is his life, home, or e/en a ministr$Eit will not endure. )ut who can endure the da of His coming$ !nd who can stand when He appears$ ;or He is like a refiner<s fire,... %emp. added& M,",!h 3:2 (NKJV)

e is comin% as a fire. ";or our ,od is a consuming fire" H7ebrews '2<2(I. o willful sin can stand in the presence of @odDs %lor$, which is wh$ 7e is takin% such %reat pains to prepare 7is temple. +he same fire has two functions, dependin% on what it contacts. ,t either refines or de/ours, purifies or consumes. 9alachi asks the question, "Who can endure the da of His coming$ !nd Who can stand when He appears$" Paul addresses this in , Corinthians *<(;': H !"#I< ";or we are ,od<s fellow workers; ou are ,od<s field, ou are ,od<s building. !ccording to the grace of ,od which was given me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. )ut let each one take heed how he builds on it." 6e need to pa$ careful attention to how we build our li/esK ,n scriptures, the buildin% of a house s$mboliLes the buildin% of our E-*E

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li/es and ministr$. 6e belon% to @od, for we are 7is buildin%. ....hrist *esus, who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as 9oses also was faithful in all His house. ;or this 7ne has been counted worth of more glor than 9oses, inasmuch as He who built the house has more honor than the house. ;or ever house is built b someone, but He who built all things is ,od. %emp. added& H#br#3$ 3:%-* (NKJV) otice who builds the houseE+he Lord. ,t is neither us nor the stren%th of our flesh. 6hate/er @od builds remainsC what we build will not. "@nless the Lord builds the House, the labor in vain who build it;..." Memp. addedN HPsalm '2-<', !"#I. 6hen man builds apart from @odEwhether it is his life, home, or e/en a ministr$Eit will not endure. ,n @enesis ''<= H !"#I, we see an e>ample of this< ".ome, let us build ourselves a cit , and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves..." Memp. addedN 6hat was their moti/eGEto achie/e their dreamsC to raise their edifice for their own %lor$. +he$ wanted to be as @od, but totall$ independent of 7im. +he pursuit fulfilled their desires and their wills, not @odDs. +he$ built apart from @od e/en thou%h it was a hea/enl$ %oal. +his shows that no matter how noble our intent, without @od it is an e>ercise in futilit$. +his is wh$ we are warned< ...)ut let each one take heed how he builds on it.... -ow if an one builds on this foundation %which is .hrist *esus& with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, ha , straw, each one<s work will become clear; for the =a %"who can endure the da of His coming$"& will declare it, because it will be revealed b fire; and the fire will test each one<s work, of what sort it is. %emp. added& I Cor n-h ,n$ 3:%.-%3 (NKJV) @old, sil/er, and precious stones represent construction @odDs wa$. 6ood, ha$, and straw represent our own methods of construction, b$ the blueprint of the world. ,s this /erse talkin% onl$ about Bud%ment in hea/enG oK ,t describes when 7e comes to 7is E-=E


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temple Hsee /erses '8;'-I. 7e will come as fire. 6hat does fire doG 5s we saw before, it depends on what it contactsC the same fire that &ons#mes wood, ha$, and straw refines %old and sil/er. +hat is wh$ 7e %oes on to sa$, "If an man<s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, et so as through fire" H/erse '1I. ,f $ou build $our life, business, or ministr$ with bricks of $our own makin%, such as the stren%th of $our personalit$, or b$ worldl$ pro%rams or techniques... if $ou build b$ manipulatin% or controllin% people throu%h intimidation... if $ou flatter and ride the coattails of others to %ain position... if to build, $ou tear down others throu%h criticism or %ossip... then e/er$thin% %ained b$ these methods will be lost. 6hate/er $ou ha/e built shall be burned. 9an$ promote themsel/es, l$in% to %ain ad/anta%e. +his, too, will be burnedK "Let no one deceive himself. I f an one among ou seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he ma become wise. ;or the wisdom o f this world is foolishness with ,od..." Memp. addedN H/erses ');'(I. +he focus of this worldDs wisdom is self. ")ut i f ou have bitter env and self4seeking in our hearts... This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthl , sensual, demonic" Memp. addedN H"ames *<'=;'1, !"#I. ,n @odDs e$es, an$ area of $our life where $our moti/e is self;seekin% is counted as wood, ha$, or straw. 0e%ardless of how much it appears to help others or operates in the name of the Lord, or of the amount of time that is sacrificed... it all burns. 4n/$ be%ets competition and suspicion. Suspicion presentl$ runs rampant in the Church, and the fear it brin%s causes di/ision. 6e be%in to Fpower positionF oursel/es in order to keep our domain safe. +his posturin% ma$ cost us friends, inte%rit$, or most importantl$, our relationship with @od. Often, e/en ministers are dri/en b$ the concerns of position, title, or salar$, at the e>pense of @odDs heart. +he wei%ht of these chokes their lo/e for @odDs people, and their ministries becomes self;ser/in%. +his causes the whole emphasis of their ministries to become performance based...stri/in% to be the Fbest or bi%%est,F hopin% that this success will fill the /oid that, in fact, can be filled onl$ b$ @od. 3ecei/ed, the$ trul$ belie/e the$ are performin% for @odDs sake. Others, howe/er, are seekin% @odDs heart. +he more the$ seek 7im, the more the$ appear to decrease. +he$ cr$, F@od, the more , E-1E

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seek $ou, the more , %o down, not up.F But @od answers, F3i% deeper.F Whoever comes to 9e, and hears m sa ings and does them, I will show ou whom he is like' he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.... %emp. added& &'(# +:*:-*8 (NKJV) 6hen , li/ed in 3allas, , would watch builders erect sk$ scrapers. 5t first the pro%ress was slow, while the$ spent months breakin% rock and di%%in% for the foundation. +he bi%%er the buildin%, the deeper and more e>tensi/e its foundation. Arom the %round abo/e, it seemed the$ were mo/in% slowl$ and makin% little headwa$C then all of a sudden, up it would %o. ,ts pro%ress would seem to occur almost o/erni%ht when compared with the preparation process. +he #%ward %rogression was nothin% when compared with the downward %re%aration. +here are man$ in the bod$ of Christ in the process of downward preparationEand we praise @od for the be%innin% of an awakenin%. +he$ ma$ ha/e a call to ministr$ but are presentl$ in a ser/in% position. +hin%s donDt appear to be mo/in% /er$ quickl$.... +he$ are in the 3 "5#rn#$$ under @odDs preparation. +he foundation is bein% laidC the character of Christ bein% formed. +his character will under%ird all who build for the ministr$. Others around them appear to mo/e swiftl$ upward throu%h politics and self;promotion, while their own pro%ress seems to remain at a standstill. +he$ e/en ma$ be tempted to take this route themsel/es, but knowin% it $ields no character and compromises the e>istin% character the$ alread$ ha/e attained, the$ decide the risk is too %reat. B$ 3, - nD on @od, the$ allow the 9aster Builder to la$ a %ood solid foundation on the 0ock. Presentl$, there are ministers dili%entl$ seekin% @od, but a%ain it appears nothin% is happenin%. +he$ ha/e found themsel/es in a dr$ place or time. +he$ watch as others promote themsel/es and their ministries successfull$ throu%h the use of pro%rams and secular marketin%. Jet @od will not allow them to build throu%h these methods. 6h$G Because @od 7imself is preparin% their foundation. E-8E


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+hen there are those whom @od has not called to full;time ministr$ as $et, but 7e has %i/en them a dream. +he$ are wonderin% how this /ision will e/er come to pass. ,ts possible fulfillment ma$ appear to be slippin% awa$. ,n this dr$ or wilderness time, @od separates those who will wait on 7im from those who will build with the tools of Fh$peF or Fpro%rams.F Promotion will come to those who are watchin% and waitin% for 7im to come to 7is temple. @od sa$s, "When I choose the %proper& time, I will 3udge uprightl .... for e(altation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. )ut ,od is the *udge' He puts down one, and e(alts another" Memp. and parenthetical addedN HPsalm :):2-:< !"#I. +here are ,saac ministries and there are ,shmael ministries. 6hat is the differenceG ,shmael ministries are born of a need, but birthed b$ fleshC ,saac ministries are born of a call and birthed b$ Spirit. 7o-h !o8# ;ro8 -h# $,8# =ro8 $# or !,"" o; Go5B Let me e>plain< @od promised 5bram he would ha/e a son. +his son was to come from 5bramDs own bod$. @od did not sa$ an$thin% about his barren wife SaraiDs role in the matter. 5fter ele/en $ears of waitin%, Sarai came to 5bram with this idea< F,Dm barren and past child;bearin% a%e. Jour reproducti/e s$stem is still %ood. ,f we wait much lon%er, e/en $ou will be unable to reproduce. 3onDt $ou knowG Aaith without works is deadK So take m$ maid 7a%ar and %et her pre%nant, so , shall obtain m$ children from herF Hparaphrased, @enesis '8I. 7e listened to his wifeDs /oice and 7a%ar %a/e him a son named ,shmael. ow, @od saw this and said, "+o the think the can bring forth 9 promise in their own strength; now I will wait until !bram<s reproductive s stem is dead. Then I<ll bring forth 9 promise" HparaphrasedI. 6h$G Because no flesh will %lor$ in @odDs si%htK So thirteen $ears later, twent$;four $ears after the promise was made Hand we %et upset if our pra$ers arenDt answered in two weeksKI, @od said, "-ow that !braham<s reproductive s stem is dead H0omans =<'(I, since he is about a hundred ears old, I can now bring forth 9 promise." @od re/i/ed both of their reproducti/e s$stems, and Sarah concei/ed and %a/e birth to ,saac. ,shmael was around the house for thirteen $ears before ,saac was E--E

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born and a few more after, enBo$in% the benefits of the household of 5braham while ,saac was a child. But the da$ came when ,shmael be%an to persecute ,saac. Look what happened< ...he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the +pirit, even so it is now. -evertheless what does the +cripture sa $ .ast out the bondwoman %Hagar& and her son %Ishmael&, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. %emp. and parenthetical added& G,",- ,n$ *:29-3. (NKJV) +hat born of flesh and need will alwa$s persecute what is born of the Spirit. 4/en now there are Ishmael ministries, ministries formed of flesh and need as a result of a D#n' n# =ro8 $#. Onl$ the$ did not wait on @od to brin% it to passC the$ brou%ht it forth themsel/es. +his applies to all walks of life, not Bust ministries. 0emember... ;"#$h !,n n#?#r br nD ;or-h Go5>$ =ro8 $#$@ ,f it is birthed b$ the flesh, flesh will ha/e to pro/ide for it. +his usuall$ will create an en/ironment of manipulation and control. +hose in/ol/ed will power position themsel/es or pla$ on human emotions to %et results. 5ll of the sudden $ou ha/e become responsible for their success or failure, dependin% upon $our response. +here will be a lot of pressure and le%alism in/ol/ed. 4/en thou%h we are addressin% ministr$ practices, , want to emphasiLe that this is not Bust ministries ,Dm describin%C this applies to anything created in the power of the flesh. Con/ersel$, that born of the Spirit will know it had no role in its own formation, so it knows it cannot maintain or cause %rowth in its own abilit$. +he pressure will be on @od to pro/ide for what 7e created Hor builtI. 6hen ,saac came forth, ,shmaelDs position was alread$ well established. 7istoricall$, , ha/e found that the opportunit$ for an ,shmael ministr$ will alwa$s present itself before the promised ,saac ministr$ is birthed. +he temptation to brin% forth $ourself what @od alone can pro/ide must be resisted. 0ecall a%ain the scripture, FC,$- o'- the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the E-)E


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bondwoman shall no- b# h# r with the son of the free;woman.F +he da$ is comin% when the Lord shall come to 7is temple and sa$, FCast out the ministries of flesh, for the ministries of flesh shall ha/e no inheritance with the ministries of promise.F 4/en thou%h the$ are producin% fruit, @od will sa$, FCast them outKF 6h$G So that no flesh will %lor$ in 7is presenceK 6hen Bud%ment comes, with its separation, if one portion of $our life or ministr$ has been built b$ $our own abilit$ and the other b$ the Spirit, onl$ the portion built b$ the Spirit of the Lord will remain. ,f an indi/idual builds his ministr$ or life totall$ b$ self; promotion, then nothin% shall remain. But he shall be sa/ed, $et as throu%h fire. +he onl$ thin%s that will remain are those which are recei/ed b$ promise and concei/ed and birthed throu%h the 7ol$ Spirit.


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"ud%ment of the 6icked

F,mpostorF< one who decei/es others b$ an assumed character or false pretenses. )ut who can endure the da of His coming$ !nd who can stand when He appears$ ;or He is like a refiner<s fire and like launderer<s soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purif the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that the ma offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness. Then the offering of *udah and *erusalem will be pleasant to the Lord, as in the da s of old, as in former ears. !nd I will come near ou for 3udgment; I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against per3urers, against those who e(ploit wage earners and widows and orphans, and against those who turn awa an alien6because the do not fear 9e, sa s the Lord of hosts. %emp. added& M,",!h 3:2-) (NKJV)


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alachi did not ha/e access to ew +estament terminolo%$, so he used terms such as Fsons of Le/iF and F"udah and "erusalem.F ,n speakin% propheticall$ to our da$, he had to use his da$Ds /ocabular$. otice what @od said 7e will do once 7is own children are refined. "I will come near ou for 3udgment"; +he ke$ words are Fnear $ou.F +o clarif$ what 7e is sa$in% we must understand that the wicked men or women a%ainst whom 7e is %oin% to be a swift witness in Bud%ment are /near or among/ 7is peopleK ,n "eremiah 1<28,2),2( H !"#I, another scripture which almost parallels 9alachi, we find< ;or among m people are found wicked men; the lie in wait as one who sets snares; the set a trap; the catch men.... The have grown fat, the are sleek; es, the surpass the deeds of the wicked; the do not plead the cause, the cause of the fatherless; et the prosper, and the right of the need the do not defend. +hall I not punish them for these things$ sa s the Lord. +hall I not avenge 9 self on such a nation as this$ %emp. added& 5nd two ew +estament references< Therefore take heed to ourselves and to all the flock, among which the Hol +pirit has made ou overseers, to shepherd the church of ,od which He purchased with His own blood. ;or I know this, that after m departure savage wolves will come in among ou, not sparing the flock. !lso from among ourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw awa the disciples after themselves. %emp. added& A!-$ 2.:28-3. (NKJV) #es, and all those who desire to live godl in .hrist *esus will suffer persecution. )ut evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. %emp. added& II T 8o-h4 3:%2-%3 (NKJV) E)2E


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+he wicked near or amon% @odDs people are called impostors. +he dictionar$ defines the word FimpostorF as one who decei/es others b$ an assumed character or false pretenses. ,n order to understand, we must realiLe< ...The kingdom of heaven is like a man %*esus& who sowed good seed %sons of the kingdom& in his field; )ut while men slept %the .hurch not watching and pra ing&, his enem %the devil& came and sowed tares %wicked men who appear as .hristians& among the wheat %those who are trul His& and went his wa . %emp. and parentheticals added& M,--h#3 %3:2*-2) (NKJV) otice the tares were sown amon% the wheat. 5 tare looks like wheat...#ntil har/est time, that is. +hen the difference becomes e/ident, the wheat will ha/e fruit while the tares ha/e none. ot all who claim to know "esus, actuall$ know 7im. ow, it is not m$ intention to breed suspicion, but to reemphasiLe what is alread$ described clearl$ in scripture. "esus warned us, ")eware of false prophets, who come to ou in sheep<s clothing, but inwardl the are ravenous wolves. =isguised as sheep their appearance is similar but their fruit is not" Memp. addedN H9atthew -<'1;2:, !"#I. 6e must de/elop the discernment to reco%niLe F%oodF or FbadF fruit. +he book of "ude co/ers this in detail. ";or certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodl men, who turn the grace of our ,od into licentiousness and den the onl Lord ,od and our Lord *esus .hrist" Memp. addedN :ude =, !"#I. Jou ma$ be thinkin% to $ourself that there is no wa$ $our church has an$ in attendance who den$ the Lord. 6ell, it is important that $ou understand how the$ den$ 7im. otice the scripture sa$s Fcrept in unnoticed.F ,t is not b$ what the$ sa , but in what the$ do Hhow the$ li/e, etc.I that the$ den$ 7im. +o clarif$ this, look at what +itus said< "The profess %confess& to know ,od, but in works the den Him,..." Memp. and parenthetical addedN H+itus '<'8, !"#I. So the onl$ wa$ to discern them is b$ their fruits, not their wordsK "ude %oes on to sa$< ")ut I want to remind E)*E

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ou, though ou once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of 5g pt, afterward destro ed those who did not believe" H"ude 1I. 7e parallels the false sheep of toda$ with the false ones in the wilderness who fell under the Bud%ment of @od. 6ith some, the earth opened up and swallowed them ali/e H umbers '8<*';*2I. 9an$ died b$ the pla%ue before the Lord H umbers '=<*-C 21<(I. Others died of serpent bites H umbers 2'<8I. 5nd in ew +estament and present times< Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, re3ect authorit , and speak evil of dignitaries.... Woe to them" ;or the have gone in the wa of .ain, have run greedil in the error of )alaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Aorah. J'5# 8<%% (NKJV) Cain, Balaam, and !orah 3#r# ,- on# - 8# n ;#""o3$h = 3 -h or n -h# $#r? !# o; Go5. Cain was Bealous of his brother, whose offerin% Hthe best of his flockI was accepted b$ @od, while CainDs offerin% Hthe fruit of his handsI was reBected. 7e became offended, e/en after @od instructed 7im that if he would do ri%ht he would be accepted. ,t was easier for him to remain an%r$ and offended at his brother than to deal with the iniquit$ in his heart. +his offense turned to hatred, which e/entuall$ manifested itself as murder. "Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and ou know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him" H, "ohn *<'1, !"#I. Balaam was %reed$ for power, position, and mone$. 7e prostituted the anointin% on his life in the hope of %ainin% riches, e/en after @od specificall$ instructed him not to do so. FBut those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into man$ foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perditionF H, +imoth$ 8<(, !"#I. Because of this, Balaam died amon% the Canaanites when ,srael came to possess the land. !orah was a priest, a descendant of Le/i, $et he rose up a%ainst 9oses and 5aron in the wilderness, sa$in%, "#ou take too much upon ourselves,...wh then do ou e(alt ourselves above the assembl of the Lord$" H umbers '8<*, !"#I. 7e was not concerned that 9oses had too bi% a load, he Bust wanted some of the authorit$ 9oses had. 7is hidden a%enda was to promote himself. E)=E


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,nsubordinate to @odDs appointed leadership, he accused 9oses Hwhom @od had e>altedI of e>altin% himself. !orahDs rebellion was Bud%ed, and he was swallowed ali/e b$ the earth. +he ew +estament sa$s< FObe$ those who rule o/er $ou, and be submissi/e, for the$ watch out for $our souls, as those who must %i/e account. Let them do so with Bo$ and not with %rief, for that would be unprofitable for $ouF H7ebrews '*<'-, !"#I. ,n summation, Cain, Balaam, and !orah were unable to maintain their relationship with @od because their %oals were onl$ to ser/e themsel/es, not @od or 7is people. "ude %oes on to sa$< "These are spots in our love feasts, while the feast with ou without fear, serving onl themselves..." Memp. addedN H"ude '2, !"#I. Lo/e feasts are church ser/ices. "ude describes them as Fspots.F "esus is comin% back for a F%lorious church, not ha/in% spot or wrinkle or an$ such thin%F Memp. addedN H4phesians 1<2-, !"#I. +his means these men and women will be pur%ed from the Church, unless the$ repent prior to 7is return. "ude continues< "The are clouds without water, carried about b the winds;..." Clouds without water describes their condition of ha/in% the appearance of %odliness, but bein% /oid of life or substance and $ieldin% no rain. +hen "ude sa$s< "The are...late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up b the roots; raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever" Memp. addedN H"ude '2;'*, !"#I. otice he sa$s E-3 !# 5#,5BE +o be twice dead means $ou were once dead without Christ, then $ou were made ali/e b$ recei/in% 7im, then $ou died a%ain b$ departin% from 7im permanentl$. Peter confirms this in chapter two of his second book< ...The are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while the feast with ou, having e es full of adulter and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. The have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children. The have forsaken the right wa and gone astra ,...;or if, after the have escaped the pollutions of the world E)1E

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through the knowledge of the Lord and +avior *esus .hrist, the are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. ;or it would have been better for them not to have known the wa of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the hol commandment delivered to them. %emp. !dded& II P#-#r 2:%3-%)< 2.-2% (NKJV) , ha/e used a lot of scripture in this chapter. 6ith such a /olatile issue, , felt it was important to use predominantl$ scriptures, rather than m$ own opinion or con/ictions. Let me call $our attention to three specific facts< '. 2. *. +hese impostors are ,8onD @odDs people. +hese are men and women who once knew the wa$ of ri%hteousness but ha/e forsaken it permanentl$. +he$ ha/e a form of %odliness, but their moti/e is onl$ self; ser/in%.

+heir %od is their bell$ and the$ %lor$ in their shame. +heir hearts are trained in co/etous practices. 7ow can we reco%niLe themG B$ Bud%in% their fruitsK ow, Bust because a man sins, he is not necessaril$ an impostor. !in% 3a/id committed adulter$ with a woman and murdered her husband. But when confronted b$ the prophet athan, 3a/id fell on his face and repented. +he Bible sa$s that !in% 3a/id was a man after @odDs heart. Ob/iousl$, @od saw that 3a/id brou%ht forth fruit worth$ of repentance and Bud%ed his heart, not his actions. !in% Saul, on the other hand, only spared a few sheep, o>en, and the kin% of 5malek 6hen he was confronted b$ the prophet Samuel he said, "I have sinned; et honor me now, please, before the elders of m people and before Israel,..." H, Samuel '1<*:, !"#I. Saul seemed unaware that he had sinned a%ainst @odC he wanted to be sure this mishap wouldnDt chan%e his position in the e$es of his elders or the people. 7e was totall$ unconcerned about his relationship with @od. 7e was ser/in% onl$ his own interests. ,f we %raded onl$ the /isible manifestation of the sins of both men, we would classif$ 3a/id as a wicked man and Saul as a man E)8E


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who missed it. But Bud%in% onl$ b$ outward standards, we would be wron%K @od reBected Saul but established 3a/idDs kin%dom. @od does not /iew our actions onl$ Hthose thin%s /isible to manI, but our hearts. Aruit is a product or outflow of the heart. o man can know anotherDs heartEwe scarcel$ know our ownEbut we are able to reco%niLe fruit. 5 man ma$ tr$ to befriend $ou outwardl$, $et inwardl$ his moti/e is to take ad/anta%e of $ou. +he whole ke$ is the heart moti/e, which we find manifested in the wilderness. 5%ain, a word of caution. 3iscernment is not suspicion. Suspicion is fear;moti/ated Hi.e., what will happen or how will this affect meGI. Aear is not from @od, so this t$pe of FdiscernmentF is usuall$ incorrect. Proper discernment will be a result of concern for others and their welfare. ,t will not carr$ with it a hidden a%enda or critical spirit. "!nd this I pra , that our love ma abound still more and more in knowledge and all dis&ernment/ Memp. addedN HPhilippians '<(, !"#I. Perfected lo/e casts out fear and %i/es an atmosphere where discernment, not suspicion, can flow. "esus discerned and confronted the wickedness and h$pocris$ of the Pharisees, $et 7e lo/ed them enou%h to die for them. 4/en so, if $ou properl$ discern, $ou will pra$ rather than %ossip. @od e/en ma$ lead $ou to %o to that person. 5%ain, a %ood check for this leadin% is $our moti/e. ,s it to let them know how spiritual $ou areG Or to let them know $ou are upsetG Or is it to %o to them for restoration or correction so others wonDt be hurt...or pra$ for wisdom for those in authorit$ that the$ ma$ discern properl$G Paul said, ";inall , brethren, pra for us,...that we ma be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men;..." H,, +hessalonians *<';2, !"#I. ow letDs re/iew 9alachi. +he Lord first will send 7is messen%er, the prophetic anointin%, to warn and call @odDs people to repentance. +hen 7e will come to 7is temple to refine those who recei/ed the prophetic word, that the$ mi%ht worship 7im acceptabl$. +hen 7e will -#dge swiftl$ the wicked amon% 7is own that reBected 7is warnin% b$ the prophetic word or anointin%. Airst, @od issues a warnin%, then 7e works refinement, and last 7e e>ecutes Bud%ment. , belie/e the warnin% is now bein% sounded, workin% refinement in the hearts of those who recei/e it. ,t is E)-E

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important to note that prophets donDt brin% Bud%ment, the$ warn of itC the prophetic is not to be feared, but heeded. 6e see this pattern clearl$ in the %ospels. "ohn the Baptist came preachin% a baptism of repentance and warnin% the people of pendin% Bud%ment. )ut when he %*ohn the )aptist& saw man of the >harisees and +adducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, )rood of vipers" Who has warned ou to flee from the wrath %or 3udgment& to come$ Therefore bear fruits worth of repentance, and do not think to sa to ourselves, We have !braham as our father. ;or I sa to ou that ,od is able to raise up children to !braham from these stones. !nd even now the a( is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore ever tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I indeed bapti:e ou with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worth to carr . He will bapti:e ou with the Hol +pirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughl clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat %those who are trul His& into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with un1uenchable fire. %emp. and parentheticals added& M,--h#3 3::-%2 (NKJV) "ohn warned that Bud%ment would come if there were no true repentance. 7e said tr#e repentance would brin% forth good fruit, and no repentance would brin% forth no chan%e. ,f there were no true repentance, the a> would be put to the root, which is the life source of the fruitEthe heart. +his a> would cut down the tree from 7is /ine$ard. "esus warned< I tell ou, no; but unless ou repent ou will all likewise perish. He also spoke this parable' ! certain man had a fig tree planted in his vine ard, and he came seeking fruit on it and E))E


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found none %no repentance&. Then he said to the keeper of his vine ard, Look, for three ears I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. .ut it down; wh does it use up the ground$ )ut he answered and said to him, +ir, let it alone this ear also, until I dig around it and fertili:e it. !nd if it bears fruit, well. )ut if not, after that ou can cut it down. %emp. and parenthetical added& &'(# %3:)-9 (NKJV) "ohn the Baptist was one who du% around the trees and fertiliLed them. 7e broke up the fallow %round, softenin% it to recei/e the comin% refinement. 7e lo/ed the people enou%h to warn them and tell them the truth. "ohn was %reat in the si%ht of @od HLuke '<'1I. ,t is one thin% to be %reat in the si%ht of men, but quite another to be %reat in @odDs si%ht. Because "ohn feared the reBection of @od more than the reBection of man, he was able to tell the truth. 5 false witness flattersC a true witness speaks the truth, e/en at the risk of bein% reBected. +hen "ohn %a/e a second e>ample. 7e told how "esus had 7is winnowin% fan in 7is hand, and that 7e would thorou%hl$ clean out 7is -hr#$h nD ;"oorB +he point , want to make is Jes#s will -horo'Dh"4 clean 7is temple. +here is nothin% hidden from 7im. +his is wh$ "esus was able to look at those "ews and sa$, "...)ut unless ou repent ou will all likewise perish." Oh, peopleK +here must be a chan%e in the ChurchK +oo often our moti/es are wron%. 6e sa$ we are doin% somethin% for the Lord, when reall$ we are doin% it to benefit our own hidden a%enda. +he Church rarel$ and cr$in% o/er the abominations within. Our senses are dulled while the enem$ continues to eat and de/our. 6e think we are rich and ha/e need of nothin%, when in actualit$ we are blind to our true state and condition H0e/elation *<'1;'-I. 4/en now @od is brin%in% 7is warnin% and refinin% process. Chan%e must come to the ChurchC indeed, it will comeK ,t must be%in with leadership, not onl$ inside the walls of the church but in the homes. ,t must happen with the fathers. +here must be a re/olution in the wa$ we think and li/e.


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Our fathersD and leadersD hearts must be turned back to the children and people. @od e>poses the wicked and the impostors amon% 7is people. 7e will Bud%e themEnot the prophetsK "ohn the Baptist warned of Bud%mentC "esus refined the temple b$ cleansin% itC and much later, (od destro$ed the temple in Bud%ment.


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,nstruments of 0efinin%
,t is character that makes a man of @od, not anointin%. Wherein e greatl re3oice, though now for a season, if need be, e are in heaviness through manifold temptations' That the trial of our faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glor at the appearing of *esus .hrist' %emp. !dded& I P#-#r %:+-:

eter is describin% how trials and temptations $ield the refinement. +he word Fh#,? n#$$F is the @reek word l#%eo. One of its definitions is F-o 5 $-r#$$.F So we can sa$ that durin% t 8#$ o; $-r#$$ our hearts are refined. )ut know this, that in the last da s perilous times %times of stress& will come' for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of mone , boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unhol , unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self4control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, E('E

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haught , lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of ,od, having a form of godliness but den ing its power. !nd from such people turn awa "... -ow as *annes and *ambres resisted 9oses, so do these also resist the truth' men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but the will progress no further, for their foll will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. )ut ou have carefull followed m doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at !ntioch, at lconium, at L stra6what persecutions I endured. !nd out of them all the Lord delivered me. #es, and all who desire to live godl in .hrist *esus will suffer persecution. )ut evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. %emp. and parenthetical added& II T 8o-h4 3:%-)< 8-%3 (NKJV) 3oes this scripture sound like it is describin% the state of the world toda$G Of courseK ,n fact, it reads like the dail$ headlines. +he sad thin% is it also describes accuratel$ the condition of the Church. otice in the be%innin% of these /erses that it sa$s in the last da$s F=#r "o'$ - 8#$F shall come. +hese - 8#$ o; $-r#$$ will result in part from impostors who ha/e a ;or8 o; Do5" n#$$< b'- no ;r' -. ,t is important to note that the anointin% is not necessaril$ the si%n of @odDs appro/al on a personDs life. Paul admonished +imoth$ to follow his HPaulDsI manner of life. Paul knew it would be the fruit in +imoth$Ds life that would carr$ the office and anointin% @od had commissioned to his care. otice e/en thou%h @od wrou%ht miracles and healin%s at the hand of Paul, this was not what Paul felt was important for +imoth$ to obser/e and follow. 7e told +imoth$ to follow his e>ample of character, which was /alidated b$ the fruit of the spirit. ")ut the fruit of the +pirit is love, 3o , peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance' against such there is no law" H@alatians 1<22;2*I. 1n# o; -h# $o'r!#$ o; $-r#$$ will be the impostors who conduct themsel/es with life;st$les described b$ ,, +imoth$ *<2;=. +he other source of stress will come from outside the Church, from E(2E


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e/il men and the worldDs s$stem. +he$ Hthe impostorsI will ha/e a form of %odliness and, as we sa$ in reli%ious circles, Fonl$ talk the talkFC some will e/en ha/e supernatural si%ns followin% them. 7owe/er, their hearts are not for the Lord, nor for 7is people, but rather for themsel/es and their own interests. otice ri%ht in the middle of this Paul sa$s, "#ea, and all that will live godl in .hrist *esus shall suffer persecution." The persecution is part of the refinin% process. Arom whom will the persecution comeG +he impostorsKEthe ones who ha/e infiltrated @odDs people. +hat is wh$ Paul speaks of "annes and "ambres resistin% 9oses. +hese were people in the con%re%ation of the Lord, not outsiders. Paul describes some of the persecutions and perils he faced in his ministr$, and he tells us that some of the afflictions he encountered were from F;,"$# br#-hr#nF H,, Corinthians ''<28I. +his refinin%, thou%h not limited to this, can come from someone who once walked with @od and since has turned awa$ from 7im. 7e still ma$ ha/e the form of %odliness and e/en Ftalk the talk,F but his heart is for himself, not the Lord. Look at what 3a/id cried out< 9 heart is sore pained within me' and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. ;earfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.... ;or %it was& not an enem %that& reproached me' then I could have borne %it&' neither %was it& he that hated me %that& did magnif %himself& against me; then I would have hid m self from him' )ut fit was& thou, a man mine e1ual, m guide, and mine ac1uaintance. We took sweet counsel together, %and& walked unto the house of ,od in compan .... !s for me, I will call upon ,od; and the L78= shall save me. %emp. added& P$,"8 )):*-)<%2-%*<%+ @od chose 3a/id to be kin%. 7e was anointed before his famil$ and friends b$ the prophet Samuel. 4ncompassed b$ @odDs fa/or, 3a/id went from shepherd bo$ to !in% SaulDs aide. 3a/id met


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@oliath on the battlefield, winnin% both an o/erwhelmin% /ictor$ for ,srael and !in% SaulDs dau%hter to be his wife. 7e was %i/en a place of honor at the kin%Ds table and a room at the palace. "onathan, the kin%Ds son, became his closest friend. 3a/id accompanied Saul where/er he went in battle. ,t would seem his trainin% for the throne was almost complete. 4/er$thin% he touched prosperedC he could do no wron%, #ntil... the da$ the people be%an to compare him fa/orabl$ with the !in%. Because of the hand of @od on his life, the women san%, "+aul has slain his thousands, and =avid his ten thousands" H, Samuel ')<-I. +hen !in% SaulDs true nature came out, e>pressed as an%er and Bealous$. 7e lo/ed 3a/id as lon% as 3a/id was an asset to his kin%dom, but now he be%an to /iew him as a threat. +o protect his throne, he tried to kill 3a/id. 7e threw spears at him and raised an arm$ to find and kill him. Aor si>teen $ears he chased 3a/id from ca/e to ca/e in the wilderness. 3a/id must ha/e thou%ht, F6here did , %o wron%GF ,Dm sure he was hurt b$ SaulDs reBection. 7e must ha/e lo/ed and admired Saul, and now @od was usin% !in% SaulDs madness to refine 3a/id. Jou ma$ be sa$in%, FSaul was anointed b$ Samuel, too.F Jes, he was the LordDs anointed. 7owe/er, the anointing is not the a%%roval of @od. 5s a $oun% man he started out humble in his own si%ht. But as with man$ men who are unrefined or unbroken, when success or power are %i/en to them it will re/eal their true character. ,t is character that makes a man of @od, not the anointin%. 9en in scripture and throu%hout histor$ ha/e fallen as a result of attainin% success without first achie/in% the character to handle it. +his character is the fruit of the Spirit, and fruit is culti/ated and %ifts are %i/en. Culti/atin% or %rowin% fruit takes time, but before $ou %row an$thin%, a seed must first %o into the %round and die to itself. On the other hand, %ifts are not %rownC the$ are %i/en. @ifts can be imparted in an instant. So do not be decei/ed. "esus said we would reco%niLe a true man of @od b$ his fruits, not b$ his %ifts. +he appro/al of @od on a personDs life is the fr#it of the Spirit not the gifts of the Spirit. +he wilderness is where the man is refined and @odDs character is de/eloped within him. ,t is in this furnace of affliction and persecution that the trul$ %odl$ man is made. 0omans 1<*;= H !"#I sa$s, "...we also glor %re3oice& in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, Mproduces



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appro/edN character; and character, hope." +he appro/al of @od on 3a/idDs life was because he was a man after the heart of @od, not a man after a kin%domK !in% Saul ne/er went throu%h a perfectin% wildernessC therefore, he remained unbroken and insecure. 3a/id did, howe/er, and @od used !in% Saul to send him thereK 5nother tool @od wields to refine his ser/ants takes the form of carnal or immature fellow Christians or famil$ members. "osephDs relationship with his brothers pro/ides a classic e>ample of this< -ow Israel %*acob& loved *oseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age' and he made him a coat of man colours. !nd when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, the hated him, and could not speak peaceabl unto him. !nd *oseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren' and the hated him et the more. %emp. and parenthetical added& G#n#$ $ 3::3-) "osephDs brothers, who Hwith "osephI were the fathers of the twel/e tribes of ,srael, were Bealous of their brother. ,n "osephDs dream he saw his father, mother, and ele/en brothers bowin% down to him. 7e shared it with them, which onl$ fanned their hatred into a flame. 7is brothers went to the fields to tend the flocks. 5fter a while "acob sent "oseph to see how his brothers were doin%. "!nd when the saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, the conspired against him to sla him. !nd the said one to another, )ehold, this dreamer cometh. .ome now therefore, and let us sla him, and cast him into some pit, and we will sa , +ome evil beast hath devoured him' and we shall see what will become of his dreams" Memp. addedN H@enesis *-<');2:I. +he$ were en/ious of "oseph and tried to keep him from successfull$ fulfillin% the call of @od on his life, without realiLin% that the$ were becomin% the instruments of @od to see the prophec$ fulfilled. +he Lord spoke this to me one da$ and said, FSon, no man or de/il can e/er %et $ou out of m$ will as lon% as $ou obe$ 9e. Jou are the onl$ one who can %et $ourself out of 9$ will.F /h,- -h#$# ,nDr4 bro-h#r$ 8#,n- ;or h,r8< Go5 3,$ Do nD -o E(1E

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'$# -o ;'"; "" -h# 5r#,8@ So, as the$ were sittin% down to eat after throwin% him into the pit HP,+ stands for FProphet ,n +rainin%FI, the$ saw a compan$ of ,shmaelites comin% b$ on their wa$ to 4%$pt. !nd *udah said unto his brethren, What profit %is it& if we sla our brother, and conceal his blood$ .ome, and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he %is& our brother %and& our flesh. !nd his brethren were content. Then there passed b 9idianites merchantmen; and the drew and lifted up *oseph out of the pit, and sold *oseph to the Ishmaelites for twent %pieces& of silver' and the brought *oseph into 5g pt. ,enesis BC'DE4DF "oseph was taken to 4%$pt and sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. ow he was a sla/e in another manDs house. @od be%an to prosper "oseph, and he won the fa/or of his master. Once his position was established in PotipharDs house, PotipharDs wife be%an to cast lon%in% e$es toward "oseph. She wanted to sleep with him. But he refused, sa$in%, "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against ,od$" 7owe/er, one da$ while alone with her in the house, she %rabbed his %arment and demanded that he lie with her. 7e ran out of the house, lea/in% his %arment. Scorned, she told her husband he had tried to rape her. +hen Potiphar took "oseph and put him in PharaohDs prison. "oseph was protectin% PotipharDs household. 7e had worked faithfull$ as a steward of PotipharDs house, causin% it to prosper. ,t would appear that the more "oseph followed @od, the worse his situation became. ,ndirectl$, this was his brothersD faultC the$ had sent him to 4%$pt. 7ere was "osephDs wilderness. @odDs dream and "acobDs fa/or seemed so far awa$. +his was a perfect opportunit$ for "oseph to become bitter. 7e could ha/e spent his $ears in 4%$pt plottin% re/en%e on his brothers. +his spanned some fifteen to se/enteen $ears. 5ll natural hope was lostC how could this dream come to passG But "oseph was in the process of preparation, becomin% a /essel for the Lord. Others in situations not nearl$ as se/ere would sa$, F,t is because of m$ pastor or m$ famil$ or m$ friends or m$ mate that , am in this place of dr$ness. ,t is their fault , am not fulfillin% @odDs call on m$ life.F E(8E


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But how did @od describe "osephDs situationG He %,od& sent a man before them, %even& *oseph, %who& was sold for a servant' Whose feet the hurt with fetters' he was laid in iron' @ntil the time that his word came' the word of the L78= tried him. %emp. added& P$,"8 %.):%:-%9 +he Lord said that 7e 7imself was the one who sent "oseph before his brothers. @od used the an%er of "osephDs brothers to refine "oseph, to enable "oseph to fulfill the dream and be the t$pe of leader who would pull 4%$pt, as well as his own famil$, throu%h the famine both would face. ,t was while "oseph was in prison and in pain that the word of the Lord came to him. +his is a %ood place to point out an important fact< $ou 5on>h,?# -o "oo( ;or -h# 3 "5#rn#$$9 @od will lead $ou there. ,t is where $ou are tested HrefinedI. otice what the scripture said in Psalm ':1<'(< "@ntil the time that his word came to pass, the word of the L78= tried Mor refinedN him" Memp. addedN. @od ma$ ha/e shown $ou dreams and /isions of what 7e has called $ou to do. 7e ma$ ha/e spoken to $ou of the plans that 7e has for $ou. ,t often seems, howe/er, that the more $ou seek the Lord and obe$ 7is 6ord, the further $ou %et from the dream 7e has put in $our heart. Jou ma$ ha/e watched others be promoted in ministr$ Hor an$ other area of lifeI, while $ou seem to be %oin% in the opposite direction of the dream @od %a/e $ou. Jou ma$ be doin% e/er$thin% $ou know to do ri%ht. +here ma$ be others around $ou who are carnal and not seekin% the Lord, but the$ appear to be prosperin%, and the$ are bein% promoted. +he$ are the ones recei/in% the financial and social Fblessin%s.F +here ma$ be people who are bein% promoted b$ their own flatter$ or manipulation. +here ma$ be people who are doin% thin%s dishonestl$, doin% thin%s b$ l$in% and cheatin%, $et still it appears the$ are Fblessed,F while $ou are in chains in PharaohDs dun%eon. 6hat are $ou doin% about itG 5re $ou complainin%G Look what @od sa$s about it. #our words have been harsh against 9e, sa s the Lord, #et ou sa , What have we spoken against #ou$ #ou have said, It is useless to serve ,od; What profit is it that we have kept His E(-E

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ordinance, !nd that we have walked as mourners before the Lord of hosts$ +o now we call the proud blessed, ;or those who do wickedness are raised up; the even tempt ,od and go free. M,",!h 3:%3-%) (NKJV) 6hat are the complainers sa$in% hereG +he$Dre sa$in%, F6hat profit is it that weD/e obe$ed @od, because weDre %oin% nowhere. ,t is the wicked, not us, who prosper.F H+his is the FBe/ere Paraphrase.FI @od calls this harsh talk, and 7e /iews it as bein% directed a%ainst 7im. 9ore plainl$ put, it is murmurin% and complainin%. @od is findin% out who is %oin% to pursue 7im and who is %oin% to pursue the benefits. 6hat some &all blessin%s and what really are blessin%s are two different thin%s. Some blessin%s ma$ not last if $our attitude HheartI is not ri%ht. Look what the Lord said 7e would do to those who are proud Hand to their blessin%sI< !nd now, 7 e priests, this commandment is for ou. If e will not hear, and if e will not la it to heart, to give glor unto m name, saith the L78= of hosts, I will even send a curse upon ou, and I will curse our blessings' ea, I have cursed them alread , because e do not la it to heart. %emp. !dded& M,",!h 2:%-2 Our inheritance does not consist of thin%s or positions. Our inheritance is the LordK 4Lekiel ==<2) sa$s, "!nd it shall be unto them Mthe priests who faithfull$ ser/e @odN for an inheritance' I am their inheritance' and e shall give them no possession in Israel' I am their possession" Memp. and parenthetical addedN. 9an$ in the Church ha/e %otten their e$es off of the tr#e inheritance and instead on thin%s or positions. +hese thin%s or positions e/en ma$ ha/e been %i/en b$ @od. But it is like the son who is more interested in what his father %i/es him than in the fellowship of his father. , ha/e four sons, and , lo/e to %i/e to them. 7owe/er, it would break m$ heart if the onl$ reason the$ %a/e me attention was to %et from me what the$ wanted. Look at what 9alachi %oes on to sa$< E()E


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Then the that feared the L78= spake often one to another' and the L78= hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the L78=, and that thought upon his name. %emp. added& M,",!h 3:%+ +hese are the ones who are not seekin% position, reco%nition, or Fthin%s.F +he$ seek the heart of @odK +he desire to 0now 7im burns in them. Jou can talk to them about social thin%s or business thin%s, but their heart burns when $ou talk to them about the Lord or what 7e is sa$in%. +hese are the ones about whom Luke said, "!nd the said one to another, =id not our heart burn within us, while he M"esusN talked with us b the wa , and while he opened to us the scriptures$" HLuke 2=<*2I. +heir desires are set on the thin%s of the Spirit. +he$ are sa$in%, F, Bust want to know @odC , want to please 7imC , hun%er and thirst for the word of the LordC , want 7im to take Bo$ in me for 7e is the source of m$ Bo$.F +hatDs all that matters. +heir first lo/e is "esus, not the ministr$. +he$ donDt care whether the$ are in the middle of the desert or preachin% to millions. +he difference between !in% Saul and !in% 3a/id now can be seen easil$. Saul desired the throneC 3a/id desired the LordK Both of them were tested. ,n the testin%, the true moti/es of their hearts came out. 6hen 5bsalom, 3a/idDs son, conspired to take his fatherDs throne, 3a/idDs response was basicall$, F,f @od is throu%h with me, then let 5bsalom ha/e the throne, but if 7e is not throu%h with me then @od will put me back on itF H,, Samuel '1<21, paraphrasedI. ow compare SaulDs actions in similar circumstances. 6hen Saul e/en suspected there would be a chance of 3a/id %ettin% his throne, he wasted more than ten $ears tr$in% to protect it b$ chasin% the $oun% man with an arm$ of three thousand men. , use the term FwastedF because our efforts are futile if we use them to a/oid the ine/itable, namel$, @odDs plan. Saul was after position, not the heart of @od. 7e spent his life protectin% his Fblessin%s.F +he sad thin% is that @od, in fact, did put him on the throne, but Saul lo/ed what was %i/en to him more than the One who %a/e it to him. Look a%ain at what 9alachi said, "...a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the L78=, and that E((E

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thought upon his name." The Lord is searchin% for those whose hearts are lo$al to 7im, e/en in the dr$ times. 5s 7e finds them, 7e is recordin% them and their heartDs cr$ in a book of remembrance. Aor what the$ desire shall be %ranted unto them. 7owe/er, as stated earlier, the flesh or the counterfeit alwa$s comes first and will persecute the true. But while the true seem to be %ettin% nowhere toward the promise, @od sa$s 7e is writin% a book of remembrance of them because the$ ha/e a di/ine appointment with @od. ,t is called the 3a$ that 7e comes to 7is temple to %lorif$ it. ,saiah 8:<- sa$s, "...and I will glorif the house of m glor ." Look at what 9alachi %oes on to sa$< ;or, behold, the da cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, ea, and all that do wickedl , shall be stubble' and the da that cometh shall burn them up, saith the L78= of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch %*ohn cried out that the a( is laid to the root of the trees that do not bear fruit&. )ut unto ou that fear m name %these are the ones who often spoke to one another in the dr times& shall the +un of righteousness arise with healing in his wings %8emember. Hosea said, <.ome, and let us return to the Lord; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.<&; and e shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. !nd e shall tread down the wicked; for the shall be ashes under the soles of our feet in the da that I shall do %this&, saith the L78= of hosts. %emp. and parentheticals added& M,",!h *:%-3 Look closel$ a%ain at the last part of this scripture. @od sa$s the one who fears the Lord shall arise and %o forth and tread down the wicked, for the$ Hthe wickedI shall be ashes under the soles of the ri%hteousD feet. +here are two maBor points at issue here that will pull e/er$thin% to%ether. Airst, the S'n Hnot SonI of ri%hteousness will arise in those who ha/e been refined. +he FSun of ri%hteousnessF speaks of our @od the E'::E


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FConsumin% AireKF ,saiah 8:<' sa$s, "!rise, shine; for th light is come, and the glor of the L78= is risen upon thee." +he %lor$ of the Lord is a consumin% fire, and it will de/our an$ pride or wickedness that comes before 7im. otice, it sa$s the %lor$ shall arise upon thee. 6h$ arise$ ,, Corinthians =<8;- answers this< ";or ,od, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to M%i/eN the light of the knowledge of the glor of ,od in the face of *esus .hrist. )ut we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the e(cellenc of the power ma be of ,od, and not of us" %emp. added&. 6e ha/e the %lor$ of @od in earthen /esselsK 6h$ is the %lor$ not manifestedG +he answer is because the /essels are not $et refined. 5s we recall from our pre/ious chapter on refinin%, %old /essels that are refined b$ @od are transparent. 9alachi is sa$in% in these two chapters that the Lord will come to 7is temple as a A,04 and will refine those who fear him. But once the$ are made pure, then the A,04 that refined them now will arise in them, since the$ are now transparent /essels, and consume the pride and wickedness around them. Second, we must realiLe our warfare is not a%ainst flesh and blood, but a%ainst e/il spirits. +here are man$ who will see pride and wickedness in their own li/es and will forsake it. 7owe/er, there are those who will refuse to repent of their pride and wickedness. +he$ lo/e their sin, so when it is Bud%ed, the$ will be Bud%ed with itK Th#4 h,?# !ho$#n -h# r 3,4$< no- Go5>$B F+here is a wa$ which seemeth ri%ht unto a man, but the end thereof MareN the wa$s of deathF Memp. addedN HPro/erb '=<'2I. +hat is wh$ the Lord is sendin% the prophets before 7e comes to Bud%e to F...prepare the wa$...F 7e sa$s the wicked shall be ashes under the soles of the ri%hteousD feetK 5shes are the remains of somethin% that has been consumed b$ A,04K ow look at ,saiah =<*;8< !nd it shall come to pass, %that he that is& left in ?ion, and %he that& remaineth in *erusalem, shall be called hol , %even& ever one that is written among the living in *erusalem' When the Lord shall have washed awa the filth of the daughters of ?ion, and shall have purged the blood of *erusalem from the midst thereof b the spirit of 3udgment, and b the spirit of E':'E

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burning. !nd the L78= will create upon ever dwelling place of mount ?ion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke b da , and the shining of a flaming fire b night' for upon all the glor %shall be& a defence. !nd there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the da time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain. %emp. added& +hat sums it upK Before the %lor$ of the Lord is re/ealed in the Church, the Lord will pur%e 7er of the filth b$ the spirit of Bud%ment and the spirit of burnin%. +hen She shall be a place of refu%e from the storms of e/il in the world. 6e see this with "oseph. LetDs look one more time at Psalm ':1<'(< "@ntil the time that his word came' the word of the L78= tried MrefinedN him. F"oseph was purified so that he could be the able /essel to brin% forth what @od re/ealed in his dream in the be%innin%. +he Lord remo/ed all the impurities b$ the spirit of burnin%. "oseph was released from prison b$ Pharaoh in one da$, because he interpreted PharaohDs dream b$ the Spirit of @od. 7e warned Pharaoh of the se/en $ears of drou%ht that would come on the earth, after the se/en $ears of plent$. Pharaoh made him the Fnumber;twoF man in 4%$pt in one da$. 6hen the se/en $ears of drou%ht be%an, 4%$pt had sufficient food in stora%e because of the wisdom of @od e>pressed throu%h "oseph. 6hen "acob saw there was %rain in 4%$pt, he sent his sonsEthe ones who threw "oseph into the pit and sold him into sla/er$Ethere to obtain food. ,f "oseph had been an an%r$ man, bitter and unfor%i/in%, he would ha/e killed his brothers in re/en%e for what the$ had done to him. But instead, he was a place of refu%e for his famil$. Look at what he said to his brothers< !nd *oseph said unto his brethren, .ome near to me, I pra ou. !nd the came near. !nd he said, I %am& *oseph our brother, whom e sold into 5g pt. -ow therefore be not grieved, nor angr with ourselves, that e sold me hither' for ,od did send me before ou to preserve life. ;or these two ears %hath& the famine %been& in the land' and et %there are& five ears, in the which %there shall& neither %be& E':2E


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earing nor harvest. !nd ,od sent me before ou to preserve ou a posterit in the earth, and to save our lives b a great deliverance. +o now %it was& not ou %that& sent me hither, but ,od' and he hath made me a father to >haraoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of 5g pt. %emp. added& G#n#$ $ *):*-8 ,nstead of "oseph %ettin% re/en%e on the brothers who sold him to sla/er$, he blessed them b$ pro/idin% food and shelter. 7e o/ercame e/il with %oodK 7is brothersD li/es were chan%ed, and the en/$ and wickedness had been de/oured b$ the character of @od that had been worked in "osephDs life. ,n !in% 3a/idDs case, the endin% was different. Saul died in Bud%ment. 7e ne/er repented, but rather %rew worse in his deception. But look at the wa$ 3a/id responded to the death of Saul< Then =avid took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that %were& with him' !nd the mourned, and wept, and fasted until even, for +aul, and for *onathan his son, and for the people of the L78=, and for the house of Israel; because the were fallen b the sword. %emp. added& II S,8'#" %:%%-%2 3a/id then tau%ht the men of "udah F+he Son% of the Bow.F 7e was not reBoicin% o/er the death of the man who once ser/ed @odC in fact, he mourned o/er the man who once spent $ears chasin% him to kill him. 7ow could 3a/id do thisG Because he was a broken man who had been tried in the furnace of affliction and come forth purified. Jou ma$ be %oin% throu%h the fire now. ,t appears that those amon% $ou whom $ou would e>pect to lo/e $ou instead intend to do $ou harm. 7ow will $ou respondG 6ill $ou defend or a/en%e $ourselfG Or will $ou allow @od to a/en%e $ouG 6ill $ou keep $ourself in the lo/e of @odG 6ill $ou be like 3a/id, who said< ;alse witnesses did rise up; the laid to m E':*E

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charge %things& that I knew not. The rewarded me evil for good %to& the spoiling of m soul. )ut as for me, when the were sick, m clothing %was& sackcloth' I humbled m soul with fasting; and m pra er returned into mine own bosom. I behaved m self as though %he had been& m friend %or& brother' I bowed down heavil , as one that moumeth %for his& mother. %emp. added& P$,"8 3):%%-%* 0emember, ")less them which persecute ou' bless, and curse not.... 8ecompense to no man evil for evil.... avenge not ourselves, but %rather& give place unto wrath' for it is written, Gengeance %is& mine; I will repa , saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enem hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink' for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. )e not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" Memp. addedN H0omans '2<'=, '-, '(;2'I. #en%eance is @odDsEnot oursK 6e must, as "oseph, o/ercome e/il with %ood. 3O O+ 5#4 @4 JOU0S4L#4S 6,+7 B,++40 4SS, U AO0@,#4 4SS, @OSS,P, SL5 340, O0 S+0,A4. BU+ 05+740 PU+ O +74 LO#4 OA @O3, AO0 LO#4 CO#40S +74 9UL+,+U34 OA S, SK


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+ime of Preparation

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' 2

Prepare the 6a$ of the Lord

...where $ou are presentl$ is a /ital part of where $ou are %oin%. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, >repare e the wa of the L78=, make straight in the desert a highwa for our ,od. 5ver valle shall be e(alted, and ever mountain and hill shall be made low' and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain' !nd the glor of the L78= shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see %it& together' for the mouth of the L78= hath spoken %it&. The voice said, .r . !nd he said, What shall I cr $ !ll flesh %is& grass, and all the goodliness thereof %is& as the flower of the field' The grass withereth, the flower fadeth' because the spirit of the L78= bloweth upon it' surel the people %is& grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth' but the word of our ,od shall stand for ever. %emp. added& E':-E

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I$, ,h *.:3-8

he desert, or wilderness, is the place where the wa$ of the Lord is prepared, the place where e/er$ mountain is made low and e/er$ /alle$ e>alted. ,n scripture, mountains represent the stren%th of man. +he Bible sa$s, "That no flesh should glor in His presence" H, Corinthians '<2(I. 9an cannot brin% forth the promises of @od. o matter how %ood his intentions, without @odDs in/ol/ement man can do nothin% of eternal /alueE e/en in "esusD name. "esus said, "The +on can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the ;ather do" Memp. addedN H"ohn 1<'(I. 6hat a statementK "esus said He could do N*THIN( of 7imself. "esus lo/ed LaLarus and his two sisters, 9artha and 9ar$, who li/ed in Bethan$. LaLarus became /er$ ill. "ohn ''<*;8 sa$s, "Therefore his sisters sent unto him, sa ing, <Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.< When *esus heard MthatN, he said, <This sickness is not unto death, but for the glor of ,od, that the +on of ,od might be glorified thereb .< -ow *esus loved 9artha, and her sister, and La:arus. When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two da s still in the same place where he was" Memp. addedN. "esus lo/ed LaLarus and considered him a friend. 7owe/er, we see that "esus did nothin% for two da$s. 6h$ didnDt 7e %o immediatel$ to Bethan$G +he reason< @od did not lead 7im to %o immediatel$. "esus waited until the Spirit of @od mo/edC then 7e mo/ed. +he Lord showed me that if that had been one of m$ friends whom , lo/ed, , would ha/e dri/en immediatel$ to his house and laid hands on him, without e/en thinkin% of lookin% to the Spirit of @od for 7is direction. 6e ha/e had the mentalit$ in the Church that, F6here/er , %o, @od will %oEand do what , tell 7im to do.F +his is backward thinkin%. (od decides where to %oC if we follow, 7e will tell #s what to do. 6e ha/e thou%ht that e/en without the SpiritDs leadin%, if we laid hands on the sick, @od was obli%ated to heal e/er$one of them at that moment. ,f this is true, then we should %o to all the hospitals and empt$ them. ,n man$ references in the Bible it sa$s, /He healed them all." But this was not a uni/ersal occurrence. Aor instance, wh$ didnDt "esus heal all the sick, blind, lame, and paral$Led people at the pool of Bethesda when 7e healed the man with the infirmit$ for thirt$;ei%ht $ears H"ohn 1IG 6h$ did 7e onl$ heal one man at that timeG E':)E

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+here was a man, lame from his motherDs womb, who was laid dail$ at the %ate of the temple. Surel$ "esus passed him each time 7e entered the temple. 6h$ didnDt "esus heal himG Because 7is Aather hadnDt instructed 7im to do so. Later, on the wa$ to the temple, Peter and "ohn Hb$ the leadin% of the SpiritI healed this man, causin% re/i/al to break out H5cts *I. 6hen "esus ministered, there was no set formulaC some 7e spit on, some 7e laid hands on, others 7e simpl$ spoke to. 7e made mud balls for another and put them in his e$e socketsC still others 7e sent to the priests, and the list %oes on. 6h$ such /ariet$G Because 7e onl$ did what 7e saw 7is Aather doK @od knew the perfect timin% and manner in which each indi/idual could recei/e healin%. +his is what @od wants for 7is ser/ brin% them to the place where the$ will do onl$ what the$ see 7im do, not what the$ think or want to be done. "esus said in "ohn 2:<2', " m ;ather hath sent me, even so send I ou." 5s "esus did nothin% e>cept what 7e was seein% the Aather do, e/en so we must do onl$ what we see the Lord do. 6e must beha/e as "esus, led onl$ b$ the 7ol$ Spirit, walkin% as onl$ 7e can lead us. +his requires our flesh to be under subBection to the Spirit of @od. +he trainin% %round for this Spirit;led life is the wilderness. 5s earlier noted, the wilderness is where the wa$ of the Lord is prepared. ,n the bod$ of Christ in these last da$s, there are man$ with a %enuine call to full;time ministr$, but before @od releases them, 7e first will brin% them b$ wa$ of the wilderness for a season of preparation. ,n the wilderness, the flesh is crucified and the wa$ of the Lord is prepared. Look at the life of 9oses< -ow when he %9oses& was fort ears old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the children of Israel, and seeing one of %them& suffer wrong, he defended and avenged him who was oppressed, and struck down the 5g ptian. ;or he supposed that his brethren would have understood that ,od would deliver them b his hand, but the did not understand. %emp. added& A!-$ ::23-2) (NKJV) 5t fort$, 9oses knew he was called to deli/er ,srael from E':(E

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4%$ptian bonda%e. 7e had been raised as a prince, trained in the wisdom and knowled%e of 4%$pt. 5t that time, 4%$pt was the %reatest nation on earth. o other nation was as ad/anced. ,f an$one was qualified to lead not onl$ ,srael, but also 4%$pt, it was 9oses. 9oses, endea/orin% to show his leadership abilit$ and his faithfulness to ,srael, killed an 4%$ptian who was oppressin% one of the men of ,srael. 7is attempt to /alidate himself in this wa$ failed, and suddenl$ we see @odDs Fmi%ht$ deli/ererF fleein% to 9idian for his own life. +here he was kept bus$ tendin% another manDs sheep on the back side of the desert. ot for Bust a few $ears, but for fort$ $earsK 6h$ would a man called b$ @od FwasteF fort$ $ears in the desertG @od was causin% the mountain of flesh to be brou%ht low, the crooked places made strai%ht, and the rou%h places made smooth. The "ord4s way was bein% prepared. 5fter 9oses has endured fort$ humblin% $ears of refinin%, @od appears< .ome now therefore, and I will send thee unto >haraoh, that thou ma est bring forth m people the children of Israel out of 5g pt. !nd 9oses said unto ,od, <Who am I, that I should go unto >haraoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of 5g pt$< %emp. added& EAo5'$ 3:%.-%% ,s this the same 9oses, who fort$ $ears pre/iousl$, without @odDs direction, had tried to deli/er ,sraelG ow there he stood in the presence of @od, commissioned to %o, and he was afraid. 9oses had been humbled to the point that he knew if @od was not in/ol/ed, he a%ain would fail miserabl$. 7a/in% been reBected once as deli/erer, he now looked for @od to /alidate him. 7is first attempt had been in the stren%th of his own abilit$. ,t was 9osesD wa$, e/en thou%h it was in response to a %enuine call. +he %reatness of 4%$ptDs wisdom could not prepare 9oses. H4%$pt is s$mbolic of the world s$stem, and the worldDs wisdom can ne/er prepare us for the mission to which @od has called us.I ,t was the barren lonel$ backside of the desert which prepared 9oses for the task that la$ ahead. ow he was read$ to deli/er ,srael @odDs wa$. otice the word of the Lord, EI will send thee.F 9oses had E'':E

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FsentF himself fort$ $ears earlier, but now @od was sendin% 9osesK ,n '(-(, , was born a%ain while in m$ colle%e fraternit$. Aour months later, , was filled with the 7ol$ Spirit. @od be%an to deal with me concernin% the ministr$. , did not want an$thin% to do with the ministr$. 5ll the ministers , had met appeared to be men who were slow in life. , /iewed them as i%norant, with stran%e kids and old, dirt$ houses. H, had ne/er met an$ %ood onesI. 9$ idea of ministr$ was warped at best. , thou%ht to be a minister ,Dd ha/e to be like them or end up in 5frica li/in% in a shack with no shoes on. 9$ plans at the time were to complete m$ studies of 9echanical 4n%ineerin% at Purdue Uni/ersit$, followed with an 9B5 from 7ar/ard. , a/oided @odDs dealin%s concernin% the ministr$. But four months later as , was sittin% in church on Sunda$ mornin%, the Spirit of @od came on me and /er$ sternl$ said, F, ha/e called $ou to preachK 6hat are $ou %oin% to do about itGF , said, FLord, e/en if , end up in 5frica in a shack with no shoes , will preach. , will obe$ JouKF H@od has 7is wa$ of %ettin% our attention.I 5s soon as , said FJesF to the call, the Lord be%an to prepare me. +he fire be%an to burnC , told m$ fraternit$ brothers about "esus and man$ %ot sa/ed. 5bout a $ear and a half later, , started a Bible stud$ in the fraternit$. People came from all o/er the campus. 4/er$ week new people came and were sa/ed, filled with the Spirit, and healed. ow the desire to preach was stron%E, wanted to quit Purdue and %o to Bible school. 9$ reasonin%G 6h$ stud$ thermal d$namics when , am called to preach, and people out there are d$in% and %oin% to hellG "esus could return soon and , must %o to the har/est fields as soon as possible. One ni%ht as , was doin% the homework , despised, , looked from m$ en%ineerin% book to the Bible on the shelf, and, throwin% m$ en%ineerin% book a%ainst the wall, , determined , would quit school and %o to Bible colle%e. , called a Purdue researcher who was disciplin% me and said, F3on, ,Dm lea/in% and %oin% to Bible schoolKF 7e wisel$ said, F6h$ donDt we %o out and pra$ about it toni%ht.F 6e did and @od spoke to me and said, F,n m$ appointed time.F +he Lord later went on to sa$, F6ho has ordained this ministr$, $ou or meGF , said, FJou ha/e, Lord.F 7e said, F3onDt $ou think , am more concerned about this ministr$ comin% forth than e/en $ouGF So , finished en%ineerin% and mo/ed to 3allas, +e>as. +here , was a member of a church of se/en thousand people. , be%an to E'''E

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usher in the church and help in an$ areas of need. , be%an to attend their ni%ht Bible school. +wo $ears later , was hired as an assistant. , told them , onl$ could commit to one $ear because , was called to preach. 9$ Bob was to wash and fill their cars with %as, shine the pastorDs shoes, run errands, pick up their children from school, %i/e swimmin% lessons to two preschoolers, and man$ other tasks. , was not there one $ear, but for four and a half. 4i%ht $ears now had %one b$ since , had said FJesF to the call of @od. ,n colle%e, watchin% all those students sa/ed, healed, and deli/ered, , thou%ht the full;time ministr$ was Bust da$s awa$. , had no idea about the process throu%h which @od would brin% me. But there , was in the wilderness for se/eral $ears. 3urin% the period of time , ser/ed, , tried unsuccessfull$ three times to %et into full;time preachin% ministr$. 5s , flew back to 3allas from 5sia Hafter the third tr$ to see if that was where @od wanted meI, , was readin% the %ospel of "ohn, when , came to the si>th /erse in chapter one and saw this, "There was a man sent from ,od, whose name was *ohn" Memp. addedN. +he words Fsent from @odF Bumped off the pa%e and @od said to me, F3o $ou want to be sent b$ "ohn Be/ere or do $ou want to be sent b$ @odGF , said, F, want to be sent b$ @od.F 5nd the Lord said, F@ood, because if $ou are sent b$ "ohn, $ouDll %o in "ohnDs authorit$, but if $ou are sent b$ @od, $ou will %o in m$ authorit$KF 5fter this, , be%an to settle down and enBo$ where @od had placed me. 6hile , was out pra$in% one mornin% , said, FLord, if Jou return and ,Dm still dri/in% this /an and runnin% errands for m$ pastor and his wife, , know , can look at Jou and sa$, D, ha/e obe$ed Jou.DF Si> months later , was a $outh pastor in a lar%e church in Alorida. 7ad @od put me on a shelf for those ei%ht $ears until some position opened upG OK 5 thousand times noK , had been brou%ht to that wilderness in order to de/elop %odl$ character...that His way mi%ht be prepared. 9$ character needed to be de/eloped in order to function in the call of that position of ministr$. +he process was complete for that le/el of ministr$. 7owe/er, with e/er$ spiritual promotion, first must come the preparation for that le/el. @od said to 9oses after fort$ $ears of wilderness trainin%< .ome now therefore, and I will send thee unto >haraoh, that thou ma est bring forth m E''2E

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people the children of Israel out of 5g pt. !nd 9oses said unto ,od, Who am I, that I should go unto >haraoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of 5g pt$ !nd he said, .ertainl I will be with thee;....%emp. added& EAo5'$ 3:%.-%2 Look at what @od said about preachers that sent themsel/es< "I have not sent these prophets, et the ran' I have not spoken to them, et the prophesied... et I sent them not, nor commanded them' therefore the shall not profit this people at all, saith the L78=" Memp. addedN H"eremiah 2*<2',*2I. 9oses was not able to help or %rofit the children of ,srael when he attempted to deli/er them at the a%e of fort$. @od had not $et sent him. 4/en with all of 4%$ptDs wisdom, without @odDs wisdom and timin% he could not fulfill @odDs call. ,t was not @odDs appointed timeK 7is /ain effort onl$ resulted in the death of one 4%$ptian oppressor. But at the appointed time, when 9oses was sent b$ @od, an entire arm$ la$ beneath the 0ed Sea. +hat is the difference between our stren%th and @odDs stren%th. "ohn the Baptist trained thirt$ $ears for a si>;month ministr$, $et "esus said he was the %reatest prophet born of woman. @od can do more in si> months throu%h a man or woman sent by Him than can someone else workin% hard in their own strength for ei%ht$ $ears. 5t fort$, 9oses knew he had a commission from @od. 4/en thou%h his intentions were noble, his initial attempt did more harm than %ood. 5fter fort$ $ears of backside desert trainin%, a new 9oses emer%es who will do nothin% e>cept what @od has told him. Sound familiarG ,t is what "esus said< F#eril$, /eril$, , sa$ unto $ou, +he +on can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the ;ather do'..." Memp. addedN H"ohn 1<'(I. Look a%ain at ,saiah =:<*;)< The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, >repare e the wa of the L78=, make straight in the desert a highwa for our ,od. 5ver valle shall be e(alted, and ever mountain and hill shall be made low' and the


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crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain' !nd the glor of the L78= shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together' for the mouth of the L78= hath spoken it. The voice said, .r . !nd he said, What shall I cr $ !ll flesh %is& grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field' The grass withereth, the flower fadeth' because the spirit of the L78= bloweth upon it' surel the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth' but the word of our ,od shall stand for ever. %emp. !dded& I$, ,h *.:3-8 @od is sa$in% that the wilderness is where the wa$ of the Lord is prepared. +he wa$ of the Lord is not the stren%th of man. 7e sa$s that the pride of flesh shall be made low, the humble Hthose who wait on the LordI e>alted, the crooked places made strai%ht, and rou%h places made smooth. 5s a colle%e student, , had tapped into flowin% in the anointin%, but there were mountains in m$ life to be made low and rou%h and crooked places to be made smooth and strai%ht. @od be%an 7is processin% in the wilderness. ,n our wilderness period, it is important to allow @od to ha/e 7is wa$ in our li/es. 6hile , was in the position of ser/in% m$ pastor in 3allas, the Lord spoke to me one da$ and said, F"ohn, donDt miss what , want to do in $ou toda$ b$ onl$ lookin% for the preachin% ministr$ of tomorrow.F , so badl$ wanted to preach, that , /iewed this phase of m$ life as a waste of time. 3onDt fall into this trap. 0ealiLe that @od is not wasting time. 7e is the one who redeems time. 0ealiLe that where $ou are presentl$ is a /ital part of where $ou are %oin%. ,t is $our trainin% arena. Let 7im worr$ about how it will all work out and come to%ether...$ou Bust flowK 7e is @od, the 5uthor and Ainisher. 5ll we are to do is trust 7im and obe$ what 7e is showin% us +O35JK 4/er$ time , thou%ht , had fi%ured out how 7e was %oin% to put me in the preachin% ministr$, 7e would sa$, F"ohn, $ou ha/e Bust fi%ured out another wa$ it will not happenKF +his was trueC the wa$ 7e brou%ht it forth was totall$ une>pected. ,Dm sure "oseph ne/er e>pected to find his dream bein% fulfilled the wa$ it actuall$ happened. @od brin%s us to the place in which we are content Hnot complacentI where we are. ,t will seem almost as if the dream has E''=E

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died. But it is when yo#r plans for fulfillment of the dream die in $our mind, will, and emotions that 7e prepares to resurrect them His wa$. , was puLLled and frustrated b$ what 7e had done with me. , asked, F6h$ did Jou %et me all e>cited about the ministr$, when ei%ht $ears later , ha/e to put the dream as an ,saac on the altarGF +he Lord answered, FSon, to re/eal whether $ou are ser/in% the dream or me.F +his is what @od did with 5braham. 7e %ot him all e>cited, told him he would be the father of nations...and twent$;fi/e $ears later the promise be%an to come to pass. +hen thirteen $ears later, after 5braham had lo/ed and enBo$ed ,saac, his promised son, @od tested him, tellin% him to put the dream on the altar. @od allowed that dream to die in 5brahamDs mind, will, and emotions. +hen 7e would see if 5braham lo/ed the dream more than the dream;@i/er. 6hen @od %i/es 7is authorit$ and power to a man, the mi%htier the authorit$ and power %i/en, the %reater the Bud%ment for not obe$in% the Spirit of the Lord. @od did not Bud%e 9oses at fort$ when he did thin%s his own wa$, because @odDs authorit$ and power were not $et on him. 7owe/er, later this was not the case. 6hile in the wilderness of .in, the people contended with 9oses and complained about the place to which he had brou%ht them. +he$ were thirst$ and wanted water. So @od told 9oses what to do< !nd the L78= spake unto 9oses, sa ing, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembl together, thou, and !aron th brother, and speak e unto the rock before their e es; and it shall give forth his water,...%emp. added& N'8b#r$ 2.::-8 @od told 9oses to SP45! to the rock and it would %i/e the water. But read what 9oses did< !nd 9oses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice' and the water came out abundantl , and the congregation drank, and their beasts %also&. !nd the L78= spake unto 9oses and !aron, )ecause e believed me not, to sanctif me in the e es of the children of Israel, therefore e shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given E''1E

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otice @od %a/e the water e/en thou%h 9oses disobe$ed @odDs instructions for callin% it forth. +he water was for the peopleC it was in response to their need. So @od did not hold back the water from the people in order to punish 9osesC what 7e did do was pre/ent 9oses from leadin% the people into the promised land, since he had not honored @od before them. H9oses hit the rock rather than speakin% to it, thus makin% himself the focus of the peopleI +his is a perfect e>ample of how the supernatural anointin% of @od is for the needs of the people, not to e>alt the minister or to raise mone$. 6ith all the misuse of the %ifts, anointin%, and scriptures recentl$, man$ ha/e decided that the %ifts, the promises, and the power are in/alid. +his is not true, but @od is lookin% for a new breed of leadership which will sanctif$ 7im before the people. ,t is possible for ministers to ha/e a /alid %iftin% or anointin% that will meet the needs of the people, $et be in disobedience on their presentation of that %iftin%. Possibl$, 9oses was frustrated with the people and a little frustrated with @od because the water didnDt come out immediatel$. 9oses struck the rock, as he had done pre/iousl$ in the wilderness of Sin H4>odus '-<';-I. Or perhaps 9oses had become comfortable with his abilit$ to leadC ma$be he now felt @od would honor whate/er he deemed best. Once a%ain he had done somethin% his own wa$, but this time the consequences were considerabl$ %reater. 9oses had walked in the power and mi%ht of @odC all his stren%th was from his dependenc$ on @od. ow for 9oses to act independentl$ of @od before the people brou%ht Bud%ment and punishment. @od said that because of his actions, he and 5aron would not brin% the children of ,srael into the promised land. +hat is wh$ "ames *<' sa$s, "9 brethren, let not man of ou become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter 3udgment." +he %reater the %lor$, the %reater the Bud%ment. !in% Saul spared the kin% of 5malek and a few sheep. 7e was more concerned with what the people wanted than what @od had commanded. 7is poor Bud%ment cost him the kin%dom. !in% 3a/id measured his own stren%th b$ numberin% the children of ,srael,


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brin%in% Bud%ment on the entire nation. +he wilderness prepares us to walk in the power and %lor$ of the Lord, without the sin and resultin% Bud%ment of disobedience. Pride is made low and humilit$ is e>alted. +he trul$ humble man walks as "esus walked, cr$in%, F, will not do an$thin% unless , see the Spirit of the Lord do it. , am nothin% in m$ own stren%th and abilit$.F +he reason @od has withheld the manifestation of his %lor$ and power from the Church is to protect us from %reater Bud%ment. 7e is strippin% the flesh from the spirit in the wilderness, to cause us to cr$ out for 7im. +hen when 7is %lor$ manifests itself, we will sanctif$ 7is name b$ doin% thin%s onl$ 7,S 65JK Preacher, donDt do somethin% Bust because someone else did and it was successful. 3onDt cop$ anotherDs ministr$. 3onDt do somethin% Bust because it is traditional. 3onDt do somethin% because it is commonl$ accepted toda$ in the ministr$. 7ear the /oice of the Spirit. Let 7im show $ou how 7e wants the ministr$ conducted. See and hear what the Lord is doin% and sa$in%. I will stand upon m watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will sa unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. !nd the L78= answered me, and said, <Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he ma run that readeth it. ;or the vision is et for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie' though it tarr , wait for it; because it will surel come, it will not tarr . )ehold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him' but the 3ust shall live b his faith. %emp. added& H,b,(('( 2:%-* +he prophet said, F, will watch to see what @od will sa$ unto me.F One of the wa$s the Spirit of @od speaks is throu%h /ision. "esus said 7e onl$ did what 7e S56 the Aather doin%. 7abakkuk said he would write what he saw and run with what he saw at the appointed time. 7e went on to sa$ that the soul which is proud Hlifted upI is not upri%ht Hthat is the man who does not wait on the word of the Lord, but runs without the /ision of what @od is E''-E

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sa$in%I. But the Bust shall li/e b$ his faith, not b$ anotherDs faithK Aaith comes b$ hearin% what @od is sa$in%. +hat is wh$ @od brou%ht the children of ,srael into the wilderness, "...that He might make ou know that man shall not live b bread alone; but man lives b ever word that proceeds from the mouth of the lord" Memp. addedN H3euteronom$ )<*I. otice 7e said proceeds and not proceeded. ,t is the word that 7e is sa$in%, not said. 6e are admonished in 7ebrews '2<21 H !"#I< "+ee that ou do not refuse Him who speaks %present tense&. ;or if the did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn awa from Him who speaks from heaven,..." Memp. addedN. But ne/er for%et, what 7e speaks will alwa$s line up with the written scriptures. 7owe/er, searchin% the scriptures to back up what yo# think should be done still is not @odDs wa$. "esus could ha/e said to himself, F, am anointed to heal the sick, so ,Dll %o at once to la$ hands on LaLarus as , ha/e done before.F ,nstead, 7e waited for the Spirit of @od to mo/eC then 7e mo/ed. Let us follow 7is e>ample, bein% led b$ the Spirit to do thin%s ,od<s wa$ and not o#r wa$. +he wilderness is where @od brin%s us to teach us that an$ attempt to do somethin% for 7im, apart from 7is leadin% and abilit$, is an e>ercise in futilit$. 6hen we trul$ learn that the flesh can do nothin% worth$ of eternal /alue, then we are read$ for the ministr$ to which 7e has called us. +he wilderness is preparation for future ministr$.


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Preparation for Chan%e know 7im as 7e knows us. Until we attain that %oal, we should not be satisfied,.... 8emember e not the former things, neither consider the things of old. )ehold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall e not know it$ I will even make a wa in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. %emp. !dded& I$, ,h *3:%8

he wilderness is where @od brin%s forth a fresh mo/e of 7is Spirit. Of course, it is not new to @od, but it is to us. 6e ha/e $et to arri/e where we know 7im as 7e knows us. +his t$pe of relationship is described in ,, Corinthians *<')< ")ut we all, with open face beholding as in a glass %mirror& the glor of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glor to glor , even as b the +pirit of the Lord" Memp. addedN. ,n order to know 7im, we must chan%e. Chan%es that brin%s us closer to 7im often are not eas$, but the$ are alwa$s %ood. Often we resist chan%e because it affects our comfort le/el. 7umans are creatures of habit. Once these patterns are established it becomes uncomfortable to mo/e outside this life;st$le. +his happens especiall$ in the area of reli%ion. 0eli%ious stron%holds and traditions are formed earl$ and run deep. E''(E

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ot all traditions are wron%, but when a person responds merel$ from tradition and not from his heart, then he is %oin% throu%h lifeless motions. 5 person who has a reli%ious spirit is one who has an outward form of %odliness, holdin% fast to what @od 3,3, while resistin% what @od is 3O, @ presentl$. 6e see this t$pe of beha/ior in the Pharisees and other reli%ious leaders of "esusD da$. +he$ boasted that the$ were 5brahamDs children and sons of the co/enant. +he$ claimed to be disciples of 9oses. 7oldin% fast to what @od 3,3, the$ resisted the Son of @od standin% in their midst. +he$ were Lealous for their traditions and manner of worshipC howe/er, when "esus came, 7e challen%ed e/er$ area of comfort and stabilit$, 7e made them realiLe @od wasnDt %oin% to fit into their bo>... the$ would ha/e to fit in 7is. +he$ resisted this chan%e and clun% to their traditions. 5 reli%ious spirit will breed an elitist attitude H@od will operate onl$ throu%h us and within our parametersI, which will result in preBudice and, e/entuall$, hatred and betra$al if it is not checked. +his is e>actl$ what happened in "esusD time and has happened throu%hout Church histor$. ,n order to chan%e and make the transition from one le/el of %lor$ to the ne>t, we must be willin% to lea/e our comfort Lone and pursue the wa$ that the Spirit of the Lord leads us. +his path will lead throu%h a wilderness where @od causes new life to sprin% forth. +his is apparent in the life of "ohn the Baptist. 7is father was a priestEa hi%h priest at one time. "ohnDs inheritance was to become a priest, as his father. 7e was to %o to school in "erusalem and stud$ under @amaliel to become a Pharisee. But one da$ the Spirit of the Lord be%an to call "ohn to the wilderness. +he more "ohn would pra$, the stron%er the inward ur%e to %o to the wilderness. 5 conflict be%an to arise within him as he thou%ht to himself, F5ll m$ friends that ,D/e %rown up with are %oin% to DBible School.D +he$ will %et diplomas and be reco%niLed as leaders. +he$ will be ordained and ha/e the abilit$ to preach in e/er$ s$na%o%ue in the countr$. 6hat will the$ think of meG 7ow will , e/er fulfill this call on m$ life if , donDt %o to DBible SchoolDG , know there is a call on m$ life. 9$ dad told me an an%el announced m$ birth and told him , would be a minister, but if , %o out to this wilderness, nobod$ will e/er know who , am. ,Dll ne/er %et in/ited to preach.F 7owe/er, the burnin% call E'2:E


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to the wilderness he felt within him o/errode the questions bombardin% his mind, and he decided to follow the Spirit to the wilderness. 6e read in Luke '<):, "!nd the child grew, and wa(ed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the da of his shewing unto Israel" Memp. addedN. Luke *<2;* sa$s, "...the word of ,od came unto *ohn the son of ?acharias in the wilderness. !nd he came into all the countr about *ordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;..." Memp. addedN. ,t was in the wilderness that @od prepared "ohn, not in the accepted FBible SchoolF of his da$K 5ll the land of "udea and those from "erusalem went out to him to hear the word of the Lord. 5 new mo/e of the Spirit was be%innin% to blow, but across the desert, not in the religio#s %la&es. +hose who were fed up with the reli%ious h$pocris$ and traditions went out to "ohn, with hearts willin% to chan%e in preparation for the appearin% of @odDs Son. Soon after this, "esus came to be baptiLed b$ "ohn in the "ordan ri/er. 4/en thou%h "ohn protested this, "esus insisted he do it. ,t was necessar$ for "esusD ministr$ to come forth from what the Spirit of @od was doin% presentl$ on the earth. "esus was then filled with the Spirit and was immediatel$ led into the wilderness. +he Bible is /er$ clear that when "esus was led into the wilderness, 7e was filled 3 -h -h# S= r -, but after the fort$ da$s of testin% and temptation, 7e returned from the wilderness n -h# power o; -h# S= r -. ow 7e was equipped for the ministr$ for which 7e came. 5fter onl$ a few months of "ohn the BaptistDs ministr$, another new thin% was sprun% forth from the wildernessEthe ministr$ of "esus Christ. ow at the be%innin% of "esusD ministr$, the disciples of "ohn the Baptist came to "esus and said to 7im, "Wh do the disciples of *ohn fast often, and make pra ers, and likewise the disciples of the >harisees; but thine eat and drink$" HLuke 1<**I. +hese men were a little anno$ed because the$ fasted from food often, and "esusD disciples did not fast at all. +he$ were doin% all the sacrificin%, $et "esusD disciples were %ettin% all the attention. So we can see that one of the wa$s the Spirit of @od was mo/in% in "ohnDs da$ was throu%h much fastin%. 7owe/er, these men had not made the transition or chan%e from the ministr$ of "ohn to what the Spirit of @od now was doin%. +he$ belie/ed their method of ministr$ and E'2'E

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worship was what had brou%ht the fruit. +he$ had paid a %reat price to follow "ohn the Baptist. +he$ had sacrificed much, and now their leader was in prison...and here comes this new 9an who has disciples with 7im who donDt pla$ b$ their rules. +hese men were offended and in dan%er of de/elopin% a reli%ious spirit. 0emember, reli%ious spirits alwa$s will hold on to what @od 3,3, while the$ resist what 7e is 3O, @. 6h$G ,t is possible that at one point the$ became more concerned about with whom the$ were affiliated and how their affiliates beha/ed than with what @od was sa$in% and doin% now. +heir focus was no lon%er the heart of @od. +he method, which at one time ma$ ha/e led to 7is heart, now became their focus. Pride and offense be%an to dominate. +he$ had in/ested time, and possibl$ mone$, into the ministr$, and now all that the$ had done, or stood for, or obtained was threatened. So the$ be%an to maintain the methods and resist the chan%e, e/en thou%h "ohn, the leader of these men, declared, "He must increase, but I must decrease" H"ohn *<*:I. Look at how "esus answers them< "!nd he said unto them, .an e make the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them$" HLuke 1<*=I. 7e e>poses their reli%ious wa$s b$ sa$in%, F6h$ would the$ need to %o on a fast when the Son of @od is standin% in their midstG 5ll the$ need to do if the$ need somethin% from @od is come to meKF HparaphrasedI. 0eli%ious thinkin% caused them to belie/e the$ had to earn @odDs fa/or throu%h fastin%, etc. +he$ be%an to see fastin% as a means of access to @od, which the$ felt raised them abo/e others who did not fast Hor use their methods, whate/er the$ ma$ ha/e beenIC thus, pride be%an to settle in. So the method became more important than its ori%inal fruit. +hou%h there is benefit to fastin%, fastin% from food is not a wa$ to manipulate @od, but to brin% yo# into a position to hear easil$ what @od is sa$in% or doin%. So wh$ should the disciples ha/e had to fast to hear @odDs /oice, when 7e was ri%ht there with themG Look a%ain at Luke 1<*=;*1< "!nd he said unto them, .an e make the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them$ )ut the da s will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken awa from them, and then shall the fast in those da s" Memp. addedN. 7e does not sa$ that the$ mi%ht fast in those da$s. 7e sa$s the$ will fast in those da$s. +hese men



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were talkin% about onl$ fastin% from food, but "esus talks to them about a different fast. otice this fast will be in the da$s that the 7r 5#Droo8 $ -,(#n ,3,4B 7e is talkin% about a fast of H $ =r#$#n!#, not onl$ a fast from food. +he reason we know this is because 7e e>plains it in the parable 7e is about to %i/e in the ne>t few /erses. 5 fast of 7is presence is the wilderness. ,n li%ht of this, remember, one of the definitions of the wilderness is the absence of the tan%ible presence of @od. ow look at the parable 7e %i/es to e>plain what 7e is sa$in%< ...-o man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was %taken& out of the new agreeth not with the old. !nd no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. )ut new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. &'(# ):3+-38 ,n the Bible, new wine is an e>ample of @odDs presence. Paul said in 4phesians 1<'), "!nd do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation; but be filled with the +pirit,..." 6e are to be filled with the new wineK 0emember when $ou first were filled with the Spirit how wonderful it wasG @odDs presence was sweet and stron%. 4/er$ time $ou would pra$, 7is presence immediatel$ would manifest itself. Jou would sense 7is presence all da$ lon%. 5t times in church $ou would Bust sit and cr$ because of 7is presence. +hen one da$ much later, $ou notice that $ou donDt sense it quite so easil$. Jou still are pra$in% like $ou used to, but $ou are thinkin%, F6here is @odGF Jou ha/e arri/ed at a wilderness. +here is a reason for that wilderness or fast of @odDs presence. @od is preparin% the new wine skin. Jou canDt put new wine, which is a fresh mo/e of @odDs spirit, into old wine skins. +o better understand this, we must look at the wine skins the$ used in "esusD da$. +hese wine bottles or /essels were made of sheepskin. 6hen the wine first was put in, the skins were fle>ible and pliable. +he$ stretched easil$ and would $ield without resistance. 7owe/er, as the $ears went b$ the atmosphere would E'2*E

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absorb all the moisture out of the wine skin, lea/in% it brittle and hard. ow if the wine was poured out and new wine poured in, the skin could handle neither the wei%ht of the new wine nor the fermentation process, because it was now ri%id and brittle and could break easil$. 6hat the$ did was soak the skin in water for se/eral da$s and then rub oli/e oil on it. +hat made it fle>ible and pliable a%ain. +his is s$mbolic of what happens to us, for we are the /essels of the spiritual new wine. 4phesians 1<28 sa$s, "That He M"esusN might sanctif and cleanse it with the washing of water b the word." 6e must be soaked in the 6ord of @od. "ob said in his time of testin% that he treasured the words of the Lord more than his necessar$ food H"ob 2*<'2I. +he rubbin% of oli/e oil comes from spendin% time seekin% @od in pra$er. But in order to reBu/enate the old wine skin, $ou first ha/e to pour out the old wineK +hat means no wine in the /esselEno tan%ible presence of @odK +hat means a fast of the presence of @od, or as we ha/e been sa$in% continuall$, that means a dr$ timeK 6h$ does @od remo/e 7is tan%ible presenceG +o %et $ou frustratedG oK H4/en thou%h that will occur.I ,s it because 7e wants to put $ou on the shelf until 7e has need of $ouG oK +he reason 7e withdraws 7is presence is to cause $ou to seek and search for 7im. Seekin% makes $ou fle>ible and pliable a%ain. People who become ri%id and infle>ible are people who stop seekin% @od. +he$ %et set in their methods of ministr$, in their methods of pra$er, in their doctrine, etc. +he$ are set in the formulas that the$ themsel/es ha/e de/ised from pre/ious e>periences. +hat was the condition of these men. +he$ followed "ohn because the$ could see the Lord was workin% mi%htil$ throu%h him. 7owe/er, instead of continuin% to press on to the hi%h call of knowin% @od, the$ became ri%id in their beliefs and methods. ,n e/er$ mo/e of @od there is fresh teachin% that comes forth. +eachin% and doctrine is a means of brin%in% us to the heart of @od. ,f we focus on the teachin% or doctrine itself, then e/entuall$ it will brin% us into reli%ious bonda%e or le%alism or error Hor all of the abo/eI. Jou cannot know @od throu%h a formula. 9an$ Christians ha/e desired formulas. +he$ %et their se/en steps to healin%, their four steps to leadin% someone to sal/ation, their ten scriptures on prosperit$, and so forth. +hen when the$ finall$ ha/e %otten the E'2=E


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knowled%e to be the Fmodel Christian,F the$ stop see0ing and settle down into the tradition the$ ha/e de/eloped. Jet, somehow the$ feel empt$, e/en if it is, +O +749, the Ffull %ospel.F "eremiah 2(<'2;'* sa$s, "Then shall e call upon me, and e shall go and pra unto me, and I will hearken unto ou. !nd e shall seek me, and find %me&, when e shall search for me with all our heart" Memp. addedN. Pra$in% b$ itself is not enou%h to find 7im. +here are man$ who are bound b$ reli%ious formulas who pra$ faithfull$. @od sa$s that in $our pra$er there must be a dili%ent seekin% of 7,9. 7e clearl$ states here that there will be searchin%. +here is no routine in searchin%. Searchin% takes effort. +hat is wh$ @od sa$s in 7ebrews ''<8, "...for he that cometh to ,od must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligentl seek him" Memp. addedN. ow letDs look a%ain at what "esus said in Luke 1<*-;*(< "!nd no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. )ut new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. -o man also having drunk old wine straightwa desireth new' for he saith. The old is better" Memp. addedN. o man who is used to the old wine will immediatel$ desire the new wine. +he ke$ word here is Fstrai%htwa$F Himmediatel$I, because we are human bein%s with habit patterns and addictions. @od must break those comfort Lones b$ empt$in% the old wine and allowin% us to %o throu%h a dr$ time of preparation with no wine, in order that we mi%ht become thirst$ for the new wine. "esus said in 9atthew 1<8, FBlessed are the$ which do hun%er and thirst after ri%hteousness< for the$ shall be filledF Memp. addedN. 6hen there is nothin% at all to drink and $ou ha/e become thirst$, $ou wonDt complain, F, donDt want this wine, , want the old.F 4/en so, if $ou are lon%in% for the presence and power of @od in $our life, $ou will be open to the fresh mo/e of @odDs Spirit in $our life and ministr$. Jou will be like 3a/id, who said in his wilderness time, "7 ,od, thou art m ,od; earl will I seek thee' m soul thirsteth for thee, m flesh longeth for thee in a dr and thirst land, where no water is; To see th power and th glor ,..." Memp. addedN HPsalm 8*<';2I. 3a/id was thirst$ for the power and presence of @od. 5s a result, when he came into the ministr$ to which he was called, he was fle>ible to what the Lord desiredEunlike kin% Saul who did thin%s his own wa$ and not


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@odDs. +he first preachin% ministr$ , held was that of a $outh pastor in Alorida. 6e had a stron% $outh %roup. 6e were on two tele/ision stations e/er$ weekend in two states, with a potential /iewin% audience of more than four million. 6e had e/an%elistic radio spots on the second;most;popular secular station in the central Alorida re%ion. 4/er$thin% was %oin% %reat. +hen one da$ in pra$er the Spirit of @od spoke that chan%e was comin%. 7e told me, FJou will be remo/ed from bein% $outh pastor and , will send $ou to churches and cities from the east coast to the west coast of 5mericaC from the Canadian border to the 9e>ican borderC to 5laska and 7awaii....F 7e continued to show me what , would do in that ne>t mo/e of 7is Spirit in m$ life. , told m$ wife and the two of us pondered it in our hearts, not sharin% it with an$one else. 7e said 7e would do it, and , knew that if it was trul$ 7im, , wouldnDt ha/e to Fhelp @od.F ,t did not happen for ei%hteen months. 3urin% that waitin% period, %ettin% into @odDs presence became harder and harder, until it seemed impossible. , was spendin% more time in pra$er than , had before, and still it seemed as if , were %ettin% nowhere. ot onl$ that, the /ision , had for the $outh %roup seemed to be fadin% Hthe old wine was bein% poured outI. +he more , pra$ed, the more the /ision dwindled. othin% had chan%ed outwardl$, but inwardl$ the desire was fadin%. , be%an to confess e/er$ sin , could recall that , ma$ ha/e committed, but there was no relief from the dr$ness , was e>periencin%. One da$ after tr$in% to fi%ure out e>actl$ what sin it was that , had committed, the Lord spoke to me and said, FJou are not in this desert because $ou ha/e sinnedC ,Dm preparin% $ou for the chan%e that is comin%.F , would spend hours in pra$er before our $outh ser/ices, and a couple of times , e/en be%%ed @od to %et someone else to preach. , would %o to the ser/ice, and @odDs presence would fall on me like a blanket while , ministered to the $outh, and when , finished with the ser/ice, halfwa$ home it would lift for another weekK ,n the midst of all this, we went throu%h internal and e>ternal trials as we had ne/er e>perienced before. 5fter , had spent almost a $ear of %oin% throu%h this desert, the Lord put it in m$ heart to %o on a food fast. 5fter se/eral da$s of this food fast, a pra$er came out that m$ ears heard after m$ mouth said it. ,t was a cr$ from m$ heart that b$passed m$ mind. , said, FLord, E'28E


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it doesnDt matter if , am in the middle of the desert where there is no one or if , am preachin% to millions, ,Dll do the same thin% in both places. , will pursue $our heartKF 5ll of a sudden bells went off and , saw what 7e was doin%K , said, F@od, that is e>actl$ what Jou ha/e been doin% in me. Jou ha/e brou%ht me to the place where , see Jou as m$ inheritance and m$ first lo/e, not the ministr$ or an$thin% else. So when the chan%e comes , wonDt make an idol out of it. , wonDt lea/e Jou as m$ first lo/e and lo/e the ministr$ instead of Jou. 9$ heart will sta$ ri%ht.F +hen , remembered what @od said about 3a/id< "!nd when he had removed him %+aul&, he raised up unto them =avid to be their king; to whom also he gave testimon , and said, I have found =avid the son of *esse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all m will" Memp. addedN H5cts '*<22I. Saul lo/ed his ministr$ to the point of killin% to keep it. 3a/id was not a man after a throneC he was a man after the heart of @od. 6hile in the wilderness, 3a/id had a chance to kill Saul twice to %et the throne, and he was encoura%ed to do so b$ the man with him. ,f 3a/idDs moti/es had been the same as SaulDs, he would ha/e killed for the throne that was promised to him b$ @od throu%h the prophet Samuel. +here are men and women toda$ who will slander, %ossip, or lie to %et what @od promised them. +he$ are after the order of Saul. +he$ are killin% to keep their ministr$ or killin% to %et their ministr$. @od is lookin% for the F3a/idsF who ha/e hearts after 7im, not a position. +he preparation of the old wine skin is the character of @od. ,t is the character of @od that can contain the pressure of the new wine of the Spirit H7is anointin% and presenceI. Character is de/eloped b$ seekin% the One we desire to emulate. Se/eral months after , recei/ed the word from the Lord about the chan%e that was comin%, m$ pastor walked into a meetin% and said that the Lord had shown him that one of his pastors Hthere were ten on staffI would be tra/elin% full time soon and would no lon%er ser/e on his staff. 7e said, F"ohn Be/ere, that man is $ou.F 5 few months later, in a period of onl$ three weeks, , recei/ed se/en in/itations to preachEone in California, one on the 9e>ican border in +e>as, one on the 4ast Coast, and another an hour from the Canadian border, as well as three others. , walked into m$ pastorDs office to ask him what to do about them, and he said, F"ohn, , told $ou the Lord had shown this to meC looks like $our time is here.F 5


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short time later he laid hands on m$ wife and me, and we ha/e been tra/elin% full time since thenK +he ei%hteen;month wilderness prepared us for the chan%e @od was brin%in% into our li/es and ministr$. ,n that time 7e de/eloped within me the character , needed to handle the call of that phase of ministr$. ow look at ,saiah =*<');'( a%ain< 8emember e not the former things %the old wine&, neither consider the things of old. )ehold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall e not know it$ I will even make a wa in the wilderness, %and& rivers in the desert %emp. added&. 7e birthed this ministr$ to 5merica in a wilderness where there seemed no wa$, and where it looked as if thin%s were %ettin% worse and worse. @od will cause that old wine to dr$ up so that when the new comes, and trials hit in the new, $ou wonDt desire to return to the old. 7e uses the wilderness to prepare us for chan%e.


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0esistance to Chan%e
... to know 7im as 7e knows us. Until we attain that %oal, we should not be satisfied,... )rethren, I count not m self to have apprehended' but %this& one thing %I do&, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the pri:e of the high calling of ,od in .hrist *esus. %emp. added& Ph " == ,n$ 3:%3-%*

n order to pursue the mark or effect of the hi%h call of @od for our li/es, the first thin% we must settle in our hearts is that we ha/enDt apprehended or attained it as $et. 6e are not perfectedC we must continue to !h,nD# ,n5 Dro3B Paul wrote two;thirds of the ew +estament and pioneered man$ of the %entile churches. 7is ministr$ spread to the whole world. Jet toward the end of his life he said, "I count not m self to have apprehended." He wasnDt satisfied. 7e would not be satisfied until he reached the mark of the hi%h call of @od. 6e see the same thin% with 9oses. 7e had a tremendous ministr$, a con%re%ation of three million, and was part of E'2(E

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miraculous si%ns and wonders like no one else in the Old +estament. 7owe/er, @od said that 9oses was the meekest Hmost teachableI man on all the earth. 7e did not count himself to ha/e apprehended, but continued to press on to the hi%h call of @od. ,n order to %row and chan%e, we must be teachable. +he second thin% we must do to pursue the mark of the hi%h call of @od is for%et those thin%s H/ictories and defeatsI which are behindK 5%ain, we look at what @od sa$s in ,saiah =*<')< "8emember e not the former things, neither consider the things of old. )ehold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall e not know it$ I will even make a wa in the wilderness, MandN rivers in the desert" Memp. addedN. 9ost a%ree that past failures, reBections, or sins, if dwelled upon, will hinder us from mo/in% forward in Christ. 7owe/er, the tri#m%hs of our past will hold us back, as well. ,f we feel confident and sure of oursel/es and be%in to rel$ on past accomplishments to sustain and /alidate us, we will miss what @od has for us in the present. +his is e>actl$ what @od is sa$in% in ,saiah =*. +he former thin%s were of 7im. ,n order to reach forward to the %oal of the hi%h call, we must be read$ to lea/e the wa$s in which @od mo/ed throu%h us in the past. Paul said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child' but when I became a man, I put awa childish things. ;or now we see through a glass, darkl ; but then face to face' now I know in part' but then shall I know even as also I am known" Memp. addedN H, Corinthians '*<'';'2I. 5 child is not wron%C he is Bust immature. 6hen , was fi/e $ears old, m$ whole world seemed to be +onka trucks and Le%os. 5 maBor accomplishment was sa$in% the alphabet. , was seein% life throu%h a dark %lass. , couldnDt see thin%s clearl$ $et, because , was not mature enou%h to handle them. 6hen , was ei%hteen $ears old, +onka trucks were a thin% of the past. ow, after $ears of maturin%, , was seein% life throu%h a %lass that was not quite so dark, althou%h it wasnDt totall$ clearC m$ le/el and capacit$ for understandin% had %rown. 6hen an ei%hteen; $ear;old acts like a fi/e;$ear;old, it is abnormal. 5s we %row, we put awa$ or for%et former, childish wa$s and understandin%s. +he$ are no lon%er useful or functional for our needs or enBo$ment.



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Likewise, while %rowin% in the thin%s of @od, as when we pro%ress throu%h lifeDs sta%es, we should put awa$ former, immature thin%s. Paul was sa$in%, now we see @odDs wa$s and 7is %lor$ diml$, but as we pursue the mark of the hi%h call, we will see clearer until we see @od face to face. ,n other words, we will know 7im as 7e knows usK 6hat is the mark or %oal of the hi%h callG Paul answered it in the pre/ious /erse about the hi%h call. Philippians *<': sa$s, "That I ma know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;..." Memp. addedN. +he mark of the hi%h call of @od is to be conformed into the ima%e of 7is Son, "esus ChristEto know 7im as 7e knows usK Until we attain that %oal, we should not be satisfied, so we must ne/er cease to search for the heart of @od. ,n summation, we first must realiLe we ha/e $et to attain the mark of the hi%h call, and second, we must for%et the former thin%s. +he third thin% we must do to pursue the mark of the hi%h call of @od in our li/es is to FP04SS +O6503 +74 950!KF +o P04SS implies there will be resistance or pressure. +here is opposition to knowin% 7im. +he %reatest threat to the de/il is a person conformed to the ima%e of "esus Christ. +he forces of darkness will fi%ht that harder than an$thin%. 6hen a person is conformed to the ima%e of Christ, he is no lon%er ali/e to himself, but to the One who li/es in him. 7e then enters into the hi%h life of @odDs wa$s. +hat is wh$ Paul said that in order to know 7im, we must know the fellowship of 7is sufferin%s. +he sufferin% of the flesh will brin% forth death to self, which will brin% resurrection lifeK , Peter =<';2 sa$s, ";orasmuch then as .hrist hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm ourselves likewise with the same mind' for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts %desires& of men, but to the will of ,od." +hose who ha/e suffered in the flesh ha/e ceased from sin. +he$ are the ones who ha/e the character of Christ workin% in them. +his is the %oal for which we should be shootin%. 6hat are the sufferin%s of ChristG 9an$ ha/e misunderstood. 0eli%ion has per/erted the 6ord to the point that man$ a/oid it. Sufferin% is not E'*'E

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d$in% of disease or lackin% the mone$ to pa$ $our bills. ,t is not %oin% without food for weeks so that @od will be mo/ed b$ $our sacrifice. Sufferin% is not sacrificeEit is obedienceK Peter answers the question of sufferin% in /erse 2< "...SO that he no longer can spend the rest of his earthl life in harmon with human desires but in accordance with ,od<s will" Memp. addedN H, Peter =<2, 6msI. 6hat is meant b$ the Fsufferin%s of ChristF is %oin% @odDs wa$ when our mind, emotions, or ph$sical senses are beckonin% us to %o the wa$ of ease or pleasure. ,t is also the conflict we meet when @od tells #s to %o one wa$, but our friends, famil$, coworkers, etc., desire to %o another wa$. 6e usuall$ encounter this from people with whom we are closest. 5 classic e>ample of this is when Peter disa%reed with "esus about 7is death and burial< ;rom that time forth began *esus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto *erusalem, and suffer man things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third da . Then >eter took him, and began to rebuke him, sa ing, )e it far from thee, Lord' this shall not be unto thee. )ut he turned, and said unto >eter, ,et thee behind me, +atan' thou art an offence unto me, for ou are not mindful of the things of ,od, but the things of men. %emp. added& M,--h#3 %+:2%-23 "esus declared to 7is disciples that 7e must %o to "erusalem, suffer, be killed, and be raised on the third da$. Peter ob/iousl$ didnDt hear the Fresurrection partF of what "esus said, or he wouldnDt ha/e been so troubled b$ the statement "esus made about 7is comin% death. CanDt $ou hear PeterDs thou%htsG F6ait a minute, Jou are the 9essiah Hit had Bust been re/ealed to himI, and Jou are supposed to set up the kin%dom and restore ,srael. , ha/e left m$ business, m$ wife, and famil$ to follow Jou. , ha/e lost friends to follow Jou. ,D/e in/ested time in this. ,D/e de/eloped a reputation. +he leaders of the



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s$na%o%ues think Jou are craL$C the newspapers are constantl$ writin% articles about how contro/ersial Jou are. Jou are considered b$ man$ established theolo%ians to be a heretic. 5nd now Jou are talkin% about death. 6here will that lea/e meG 5ll this time in/ested in followin% Jou, and ,Dll be left with nothin% but a bad reputation.F +hen he blurts out, F o, Lord, $ou canDt do thisKF HparaphrasedI. "esus had to point out quickl$ that PeterDs thou%hts were in accordance with the wa$ worldl$ men would think. +he world is trained b$ Satan HFthe %od of this world,F ,, Corinthians =<=I to look out for its own interests. +he kin%dom of 7ea/en is Bust the opposite. So in order to fulfill the will of @od, we must %o a%ainst the flow of men, e/en if that means we ha/e to %o a%ainst a Fbrother in the LordF whose mind is not renewed to the will of @od. Peter was not a wicked man, but his thou%ht process in this matter was conformed to the world, not to Christ. 5nother e>ample of this is the children of ,srael sp$in% out the land of Canaan. +he$ had been in the wilderness for o/er a $ear when @od told 9oses to send men to sp$ out the Fpromised landF which 7e was %i/in% them. 9oses chose twel/e leaders, one from each tribe. +wo of them were "oshua and Caleb. 6hen the$ returned from sp$in% out the land, the$ %a/e conflictin% reports of what the$ saw and what the$ should do. +en of the men said, ...the people are strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and ver great' and moreover we saw the children of !nak there. The !malekites dwell in the land of the south' and the Hittites, and the *ebusites, and the !morites, dwell in the mountains' and the .anaanites dwell b the sea, and b the coast of *ordan.... We are not able to go up against the people; for the are stronger than we.< !nd the brought up an evil report of the land..." H umbers '*<2);*2I. Caleb and "oshua brou%ht back a different report< "!nd .aleb stilled the people before 9oses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.... If the L78= delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and hone . 7nl rebel not e against the L78=, neither fear e the people of the land; for the are bread for us' their defence is departed from them, and the L78= is with us' fear them not" H umbers '*<*:C '=<);(I. E'**E

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5ll twel/e went to%ether and saw the same thin%s. 5ll saw the same land, cities, and people. 6h$ did ten come back seein% it one wa$ and two return seein% it anotherG @od said about Caleb and "oshua that the$ had a 5 ;;#r#n$= r - in that the$ ;o""o3#5 H 8 ;'""4 H umbers '=<2=I. ,n other words, the$ did not follow menDs desires but @odDs will. +his is the ke$ to understandin% wh$ ten leaders saw the same thin%s differentl$ than "oshua and Caleb. +he ten were more concerned about their comfort, securit$, and families than what @od desired. +he$ were li/in% in accordance with the desires of men, not the will of @od. +heir li/es were led b$ what would affect them, not the kin%dom of @od. +his was true of the rest of the people as well, for the$ said, "...Would ,od that we had died in the land of 5g pt" or would ,od we had died in this wilderness" !nd wherefore hath the L78= brought us unto this land, to fall b the sword, that our wives and our children should be a pre $ were it not better for us to return into 5g pt$" Memp. addedN H umbers '=<2;*I. +he$ were more concerned about what would be better for themsel/es than what @od desiredK 5s a result, the$ ne/er saw the promised land. +he$ ne/er fulfilled the hi%h call of @od for their li/es. "oshua and Caleb, howe/er, had to P04SS on. +he resistance the$ had to face came from their own Fbrothers.F Look at what their own FbrothersF wanted to do. "!nd all the congregation said to stone them MCaleb and "oshuaN with stonesF H umbers '=<':I. +he sufferin% "oshua and Caleb faced was the resistance of their own brothers, who had unrenewed minds and were still conformed to think and see thin%s as the world does. Paul said that he had to for%et those thin%s that were behind and P04SS on toward the %oal of the hi%h call of @od. Look a%ain at ,saiah =*<');'(< "8emember e not the former things, neither consider the things of old. )ehold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall e not know it$ I will even make a wa in the wilderness, %and& rivers in the desert" Memp. addedN. +he children of ,srael were lookin% back to the da$s of 4%$pt, when their bellies were filled and there was some form of stabilit$. 4/en thou%h the$ had been sla/es in 4%$pt, what the$ were facin% now looked much more difficult than e/en their bonda%e.



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+hat is a sad fact but still true toda$. +here are man$ who would rather sta$ in their bonda%e than to P04SS on to the will of @od. +he$ fear the chan%e ahead more than the familiar oppressi/e surroundin%s in which the$ presentl$ find themsel/es. +here are others who are satisfied with what @od has done in the past and are unwillin% to press on to new challen%es. +he will of @od will brin% life and libert$. ,t is the onl$ wa$ that brin%s true fulfillment. 7owe/er, to press on to the hi%h call will look impossible to the natural e$e. @od said 7e would do a new thin%, but it would sprin% forth in the wilderness. ,n other words, as we follow the Spirit of @od to what 7e desires, it will lead us into what appears to be an impossible wilderness. But what seems impossible to men is possible to @od. Oh, Christian, do not stop $our pursuit of @od when resistance comes. 7e will not lead $ou into the eas$ places. 7e will lead $ou into the tou%h places, because the %reater the battle, the %reater the /ictor$. ,f $ou love $our life, $ou will quit in the tou%h places. Jou will end $our pursuit and settle down to a fruitless life;st$le. +he onl$ wa$ to endure what lies ahead in the da$s to come is to lose yo#r life. 0e/elation '2<'' sa$s, "!nd the overcame him %the devil& b the blood of the Lamb, and b the word of their testimon ; and the loved not their lives unto the death" Memp. addedN. +hose who are concerned more about themsel/es than the will of @od are those who lo/e their own li/es, and "esus said, ";or whosoever will save his life shall lose it' and whosoever will lose his life for m sake shall find it" H9atthew '8<21I.


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#ictor$ in the 6ilderness

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Place of 0e/elation
Hearken to me, e that follow after righteousness, e that seek the L78=' look unto the rock %whence& e are hewn, and to the hole of the pit %whence& e are digged. Look unto !braham our father, and unto +arah %that& bare ou' for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him. ;or the L78= shall comfort ?ion' he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like 5den, and her desert like the garden of the L78=' 3o and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melod . %emp. added& I$, ,h )%:%-3 chan%e or make the transition, we must be willin% to lea/e the comfortable, the secure, and the familiar...

braham is called the father of all those who belie/e H0omans =<'';'8I. otice @od said that 7e called him alone. 6e saw in the last chapter that in order to chan%e or make the transition, we must be willin% to lea/e the comfortable, the secure and the familiar to be led b$ @odDs Spirit to a desert place. 5 transitional man must be willin% to lea/e his natural, social, or E'*(E

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reli%ious inheritance to mo/e on with the Spirit of @od. 5braham had to lea/e his famil$, friends, and inheritance to fulfill @odDs callin%. ,n order to know @od, he had to come apart and follow @od to the land that 7e would show him. @od blessed 5bram Hhis name before @od chan%ed itI and increased him as a result of his obedience. 7owe/er, when he left his comfortable surroundin%s and arri/ed at the land to which the Lord led him, there was a se/ere famine in pro%ress. ow stop and think about it. @od promises to bless 5bram, make him a %reat nation, and make his name %reat. 5bram forsakes all to follow the Lord, and when he comes to the land, the famine is so se/ere he has to %o 4%$pt to dwell H@enesis '2<';':I. 5t this point, most of us would decide we had missed @od and %o back to the place we had Bust left. +he difference is 5bram did not let the circumstances around him affect his faith in @od. 7e knew @od was capable of multipl$in% in a famine, a lesson we all ma$ soon learn. @od shows us %reat thin%s that 7e intends to do throu%h us in the future, and then 7e leads us strai%ht into a wilderness to prepare us. Samuel prophesied that 3a/id would be declared the ne>t kin%... $et shortl$ afterward, 3a/id was dwellin% in ca/es and wanderin% in the wilderness in preparation for the throne. "oseph dreamed of a %reat future. @od was %oin% to make a %reat leader out of him. 7is father, mother, and brothers would e/en bow down to him...then he spent the ne>t se/enteen $ears %oin% from a pit to sla/er$ to a dun%eon. 5t fort$ $ears of a%e, 9oses was shown that he would deli/er his brethren from the 4%$ptians H5cts -<2*;21I. 7owe/er, he spent the ne>t fort$ $ears in the backside of the desert tendin% another manDs sheep. "ohn the Baptist was called to be a %reat prophet. 7is dad told him the /ision of his callin%. Aor se/eral $ears afterward he was in the deserts of "udea. "esus was announced b$ the Aather to be the Son of @od before the multitudes at the "ordan ri/er. +he Spirit of @od descended on him in bodil$ form. ,mmediatel$, 7e was led b$ the Spirit out to the desert. 5s we ha/e seen, the wilderness is the place where @od tests us, humbles us, refines us, and works 7is character in us. I- $ -h# E'=:E

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=r#=,r,- on Dro'n5 ;or ;'-'r# 8 n $-r4B +he most e>citin% thin% about the wilderness is that it is the place where @od re/eals himself in a fresh new wa$K otice a%ain what ,saiah 1'<* sa$s< ";or the L78= shall comfort ?ion' he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like 5den, and her desert like the garden of the L78=; 3o and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melod " Memp. addedN. +he %arden of 4den was the place where @od re/ealed himself to 5dam. ,t was the place where 5dam and @od had fellowship to%ether. 6here was 9oses when @od re/ealed 7imself to him in the burnin% bushG -ow 9oses kept the flock of *ethro his father in law, the priest of 9idian' and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of ,od, even to Horeb. !nd the angel of the L78= appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush' and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. !nd 9oses said. I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, wh the bush is not burnt. !nd when the L78= saw that he turned aside to see, ,od called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, "9oses, 9oses." !nd he said, "Here am I." %emp. added& EAo5'$ 3:%-* 9oses spent fort$ $ears in that wilderness. One da$, suddenl$, @od re/ealed 7imself to 9oses in the burnin% bush, sa$in%, F, 5m 6ho , 59.F 9oses makes the statement, F, will now turn aside, and see this %reat si%ht.F ,n the wilderness $ou become hun%r$ and thirst$ for the Lord. +herefore, when @od %ets read$ to re/eal 7imself, $ou can turn aside easil$ from the thin%s of life toward 7im. ,t was in the wilderness, not in Bible School, that the Lord re/ealed 7imself to "ohn the Baptist. Luke *<2;* sa$s, "...the word of ,od came unto *ohn the son of ?acharias in the wilderness. !nd he came into all the countr about *ordan, preaching the


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baptism of repentance for the remission of sins" Memp. addedN. ,t was in the wilderness of 5rabia that @od re/ealed the m$steries of the ew +estament to Paul the apostle. @alatians '<'8;'- sa$s, "To reveal his +on in me. that I might preach him among the heathen; immediatel I conferred not with flesh and blood' -either went I up to *erusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into !rabia, and returned again unto =amascus" Memp. addedN. 6here was "ohn the apostle when he recei/ed "The 8evelation of *esus .hrist"$ 0e/elation '<( sa$s, "I *ohn, who also am our brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of *esus .hrist, was in the isle that is called >atmos, for the word of ,od, and for the testimon of *esus .hrist" Memp. addedN. ,t was on the deserted island of Patmos that he recei/ed F+he 0e/elation of "esus Christ.F @od re/ealed 7imself to "oseph in PharaohDs dun%eon. "oseph be%an to interpret dreams of the baker, the butler, and e/entuall$ Pharaoh himself. @od re/ealed 7imself to 3a/id in the wilderness as his Shepherd, his Stren%th, his Shield, his Aortress, and in man$ other wa$s. ,t is in the wilderness that the Lord re/eals 7imself to us in a fresh wa$. ,saiah =1<'1 sa$s, "Geril thou MartN a ,od that hidest th self, 7 ,od of Israel, the +aviour" Memp. addedN. +he Lord hides 7imself to those who are not hun%r$ for 7im. But to those who seek and search for 7im with all their hearts, 7e will re/eal 7imself to them. 0emember, @od said that 7e brou%ht the children of ,srael into the wilderness to humble them and cause them to hun%er. 7owe/er, instead of hun%erin% for @od as "oshua did, the$ hun%ered for the thin%s that the Lord had remo/ed from them. So when 7e came to re/eal 7imself to them, as 7e had done with 9oses, the$ reBected 7im. ,n 3euteronom$, we find< !nd it came to pass, when e heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, 0for the mountain did burn with fire2, that e came near unto me, %even& all the heads of our tribes, and our elders; !nd e said, )ehold, the L78= our ,od hath shewed us his glor and his greatness, E'=2E

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and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire' we have seen this da that ,od doth talk with man, and he liveth. -ow therefore wh should we die$ for this great fire will consume us' i f we hear the voice o f the L78= our ,od an more, then we shall die. ;or who %is there o f & all flesh, that hath heard the voice o f the living ,od speaking out o f the midst o f the fire, as we %have&, and lived$ ,o thou near, and hear all that the L78= our ,od shall sa ' and speak thou unto us all that the L78= our ,od shall speak unto thee; and we will hear %it&, and do %it&. D#'-#rono84 ):23-2: @od desired to re/eal 7imself to them in the wilderness, as 7e had done with 9oses, but the$ backed off and said to 9oses, FJou %o and speak to the Lord and come to us and tell us all that 7e sa$s and we will do it.F +he$ ne/er did 0now 7im, the$ onl$ knew abo#t 7im. +herefore, the$ ne/er could do as 7e commanded them. Because of not knowin% 7im, the$ ne/er saw the land promised them. +he$ died in the wilderness. 6hen @od brin%s us into a wilderness, it will be to test us, to see if we will hun%er for 7im as "ohn, 9oses, 3a/id, "oseph, Paul, and others did, or if we will hun%er for comfort and pleasure. ,n "ames it sa$s< #e ask, and receive not, because e ask amiss, that e ma consume it upon our lusts %desires&. #e adulterers and adulteresses, know e not that the friendship of the world is enmit with ,od$ whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enem of ,od. =o e think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to env $ )ut he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, ,od resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. +ubmit ourselves therefore to ,od. 8esist the devil, and he will flee from ou. =raw nigh to ,od, and he will draw nigh to ou. .leanse % our& hands, % e& sinners; and purif % our& E'=*E

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hearts, % e& double minded. %emp. added& J,8#$ *:3-8 6hen we draw near to @od b$ seekin% 7im with all our hearts, then 7e will draw near to us. +he children of ,srael were more interested in their own desires HlustsI than in @odDs. +he$ were adulterers and adulteresses seekin% the comfort and securit$ the worldDs s$stem could brin% them. +he$ soon for%ot that all these lu>uries and pro/isions couldnDt sa/e the 4%$ptians or their arm$. @od sa$s in order to draw near to 7im, we must do two thin%s. Airst, we must cleanse our hands. ,, Corinthians -<' sa$s, "Having therefore these promises, dearl beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of ,od" Memp. addedN. Sin separates us from @od. ,saiah 1(<2 sa$s, ")ut our ini1uities have separated between ou and our ,od, and our sins have hid his face from ou, that he will not hear" Memp. addedN. Second, we must purif$ our hearts. +he ke$ to this is what "ames said, ">urif our hearts, ou double minded" Memp. addedN. +he double;minded man is the man who fluctuates back and forth from the Spirit to the flesh. 7e has not set his mind on the thin%s abo/e. Colossians *<';2 sa$s, "If e then be risen with .hrist, seek those things which are above, where .hrist sitteth on the right hand of ,od. +et our affection on things above, not on things on the earth" Memp. addedN. 6hat $ou are dili%entl$ $##( nD is that on which $ou will ha/e $our affections set. +he ke$ word is set. 6hen a woman has her hair permed, each hair is chemicall$ altered and set in curls. ow she no lon%er has strai%ht hairC she has curl$ hair. ,t has been set. Jou can pull that hair strai%ht, but when the tension is released it will bounce back to where it is set. 5 person can %o to church, sin% in the choir, and participate in Christian acti/ities, but when he is not doin% somethin% FChristian,F where is his mindG ,t will be where it is set. 6hen he lea/es the church or Christian atmosphere, his mind will bounce back to what it is set on, Bust as the permed hair does when the pressure is released from it. ,D/e talked with man$ in churches around the countr$ who sin% in the meetin%s, a%ree with the messa%es, and %i/e their time to work in the church. But in between the meetin%s, all the$ discuss is mone$, professional


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sports, clothes, the opposite se>, shoppin% e>periences, and other thin%s of the world. +he$ Fli%ht upF when discussin% those thin%s, but %oin% to church, readin% the Bible, or pra$in% is somethin% the$ do out of obli%ation. 4>citement is in their /oice when the$ talk about their hobbies, but a monotone /oice is heard when the$ talk about the thin%s of @od. 6here is their mind set? 6here is $our mind set? 6hen a man falls in lo/e with a woman and %ets en%a%ed to be married, $ou donDt ha/e to tell that man to think and talk about her all da$. SheDs on his mind constantl$. 7e talks about her to e/er$one who will listen. +here is a spark in his /oice as he speaks of her. +he reason is that his affection, or heart, is set on her. 7is mind is not double. 7e is not thinkin% about other women. 7e is in lo/eK 3a/id said in Psalm '8<), "I have set the L78= alwa s before me;...F Memp. addedN. 7is mind was not double. 7is heart was pure. 7e did not ha/e other thin%s in his heart that he lo/ed as he lo/ed the Lord. Th nD$ -h,- 3# "o?#< " (#< or -r'$- n 8or# -h,n Jesus ,r# !,""#5 5o"$B Psalm 2=<*;= sa$s< "Who ma ascend into the hill of the Lord$ 7r who ma stand in His hol place$ He who has clean hands and a pure heart. Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, -or sworn deceitfull " Memp. addedN. +he man who does not lo/e, like, or trust in an$thin% or person more than "esus is the man who has a pure heart. +here is one lo/e in his heart, and that is the Lord. "esus said in 9atthew ':<*-, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worth of me' and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worth of me." ,n the time of the wilderness, let us draw near to @od with clean hands and a pure heart as 3a/id, 9oses, Paul, and other %reat men and women of @od did. Let us not be as the children of ,srael, who lo/ed their li/es and idols and missed their opportunit$ to know @od. ,saiah *1<';2 sa$s, "...the desert shall re3oice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantl , and re3oice even with 3o and singing' the glor of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the e(cellenc of .armel and +haron, the shall see the glor of the L78=, %and& the e(cellenc of our ,od" Memp. addedN. ,t is in the E'=1E

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wilderness that the %lor$ of the Lord is re/ealedK


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3rawin% from the 6ells

9an$ %i/e up in these dr$ times, but @od is sa$in% keep pressin% onward, donDt stopK If an one thirsts, let him come to 9e and drink. He who believes in 9e, as the +cripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. )ut this He spoke concerning the +pirit,...%emp. added& John ::3:-39 (NKJV)

he wilderness is a dr$ and thirst$ land HPsalm 8*<'I. 0ain is scarce in the desert. 6ater is not accessed easil$ in this place. ,n the wilderness, water must be drawn from wells or sprin%s that come from the earth. "esus said that ri/ers or sprin%s of li/in% water will flow out of the heart of one who comes to 7im and drinks. ,t is not the outpourin% HrainI of the Spirit of @od that we e>perience in the desert, but water must be drawn from the wells of the heart. ,n this dr$ place it is important that we draw the water of refreshin% from the fountain or well of @od. "esus said to the woman at the well of Samaria, "Whosoever drinketh of this water Mnatural waterN shall thirst again' )ut whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" Memp. and parenthetical addedN H"ohn =<'*;'=I. E'=-E

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otice "ohn -<*( points out that 7e spoke of the well;source bein% the Spirit of the Lord, and that ri/ers HpluralI, not a ri/er Hsin%ularI, would flow from his heart. +he Spirit of the Lord manifests itself in se/eral wa$s. ,saiah ''<2 shows some of 7is manifestations, "!nd the spirit of the L78= shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the L78=;..." 7e is called the Spirit of 6isdom, the Spirit of Understandin%, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of 9i%ht, the Spirit of !nowled%e, and the Spirit of the Aear of the Lord. "esus said in re%ard to the Spirit of the Lord that 7e would manifest 7imself as ri/ers of li/in% water. So there would be a ri/er of 6isdom, a ri/er of Understandin%, a ri/er of Counsel, a ri/er of 9i%ht, a ri/er of !nowled%e, and a ri/er of the Aear of the Lord. Pro/erb ')<= sa$s, "The words of a man<s mouth are deep waters; the wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook" Memp. addedN. 6isdom is one of the ri/ers. Pro/erb '8<22 sa$s, "@nderstanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it" Memp. addedN. Understandin% is another ri/er. Pro/erb 2:<1 sa$s, ".ounsel in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out" Memp. addedN. Counsel is still another ri/er. +hese wells are resident in the heart of a Spirit;filled belie/er because this is where the Spirit abides. 7owe/er, it is onl$ the man who understands the wa$s of the Lord who will draw the waters out of the well. +he ke$ word in the abo/e scripture is 3056. +he waters of refreshin% in the wilderness do not come from the rain of the Spirit but must be drawn from the heart. Pro/erb ':<'' sa$s, "The mouth of the righteous is a well of life,...F Memp. addedN. ,saiah '2<* sa$s, "Therefore with 3o from the wells of salvation" Memp. addedN. ou will draw water

, recall se/eral instances when , would %o out to pra$ in dr$ seasons and find it difficult. One such time , took m$ tent to a state park down the street from our house to spend the e/enin% and ne>t



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mornin% seekin% the Lord. +hat ni%ht , pra$ed, then , read, then , be%an to sin% son%s of praise. , spent appro>imatel$ three hours that e/enin% doin% these thin%s, and it seemed , was %ettin% nowhere. othin% seemed fresh. , was as dr$ as could be. , finall$ went to bed and was /er$ disappointed. +hat ni%ht it seemed to me as if the de/ils were ha/in% a celebration about me. +he ne>t mornin% , awoke unrefreshed. , be%an to walk the paths of the state park pra$in% in the Spirit and still feelin% /er$ dr$. +his went on another hour and a half. , finall$ looked up and said, FLord, , %uess , am in the wilderness.F 9$ thou%hts were, F, mi%ht as well %o home and quit seekin% 7imC 7e has me in this dr$ place, and thin%s wonDt chan%e until 7e brin%s me out.F +his was erroneous thinkin%K @od does not brin% us into these times to frustrate us and %et us to %i/e up until 7e so/erei%nl$ takes us outK +he wilderness is not intended to be a place of failure, but of /ictor$K 5ll of a sudden , heard a still small /oice within sa$, FA,@7+.F 6ith that still small /oice came a spark of fire and life. ,mmediatel$ , be%an to sa$, FStir up the %ift of @od in me, Come forth ri/ers of li/in% water, Sprin% up O well into m$ soul, Sprin% up O well and come forth ri/ers of @od.F Look what happened with ,srael in the desert, "!nd from thence the went to )eer' that is the well whereof the L78= spake unto 9oses, ,ather the people together, and I will give them water. Then Israel sang this song, +pring up, 7 well; sing e unto it'..." Memp. addedN H umbers 2'<'8;'-I. 5s , kept repeatin% these words, the pra$er became more and more intense until , found m$self pacin% up and down that path, pra$in% and speakin% the 6ord of the Lord with %reat stren%th and fire. 4/er$thin% was fresh, and , was like a different person. 7is presence was manifested in a stron% wa$. "ust minutes earlier , had felt hea/$ and weak, but now , was read$ to face an$ enem$ with the 6ord of the Lord. +his lasted about twent$;fi/e minutes, but it seemed like onl$ fi/e. , was refreshed totall$ and read$ to %o forth. Pro/erb '1<2* sa$s, "! man has 3o b the answer of his mouth" Memp. addedN. ,f , had walked awa$ from that campsite sa$in%, F, mi%ht as well %o home and quit seekin% 7im, 7e has me in this dr$ place, and thin%s wonDt chan%e until 7e brin%s me out,F it would ha/e kept me in the state of hea/iness , was fi%htin%. But because , spoke what @od put into m$ heart, it %a/e me the Bo$ , E'=(E

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needed to draw from the wells. , had tapped into the wells of sal/ation and was drawin% out the water of refreshin%. ,t was like drinkin% cool water from a sprin% in the middle of the desertK 9an$ %i/e up in these dr$ times, but @od is sa$in%, F!eep pressin% onwardC donDt stopKF 6e must ha/e a persistent and tenacious dri/e within us that wonDt let us stop until 7is will is done. 9an$ stop pra$in% when the$ feel dr$C the$ stop because no water is comin% from the wells, and it seems too difficult to obtain. +he$ are weak, and @od wants their stren%th built up for battles the$ will face in the future. "ust because $ou donDt feel 7is presence in the pra$er closet does not mean 7e is den$in% $ou. 7e is drawin% $ouK UNST1PPING THE /E&&S ,n @enesis 28<';'), we find ,saac in a place of dr$ness. #erses ';* sa$, "!nd there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the da s of !braham.... !nd the L78= appeared unto him, and said, ,o not down into 5g pt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of' +o3ourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee;..." Memp. addedN. @od specificall$ tells ,saac not to run to 4%$pt where it is comfortable, but to sta$ in the land to which 7e had led him. 9an$ times when we find oursel/es in a dr$ place, the first thin% that comes to mind is, F,Dm %ettin% out of hereKF ,f it is dr$ in the pra$er closet, we will think of all the thin%s we need to do in our da$ and lea/e the pra$er closet. ,f it seems dr$ to us in the church we attend, the thou%ht comes, F,Dm %oin% to where there is a mo/e of @od.F Or if it seems dr$ in our social or business life, the thou%ht comes of lea/in% and findin% a cit$ with economic prosperit$. 6e think, F,f , sta$ here, ,Dll dr$ up and ne/er see the plan of @od fulfilled in m$ life.F +here are so man$ Christians who do Bust that in 5merica. +he$ run from acti/it$ to acti/it$, from church to church, from cit$ to cit$ tr$in% to find a church or cit$ that is not Fdr$.F ,nstead of di%%in% the wells and allowin% @od to use them to brin% refreshin% to that dr$ place, the$ %o seekin% the place of easeK 6hat the$ donDt understand is that in man$ of these instances @od intends to brin% forth the /ision 7e has %i/en them ri%ht there in that Fdr$ place.F , am not sa$in% this is alwa$s the case. +here are times when @od prepares us for a new place and allows the old to dr$ up. Be led b$ E'1:E


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the Spirit of @odK ,f 7e is not sa$in% an$thin%, then sta$ and fi%htK Look at what happens to ,saac as a result of obe$in% @od and sta$in% in that land of famine. Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same ear an hundredfold' and the L78= blessed him. !nd the man wa(ed great, and went forward, and grew until he became ver great' ;or he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants' and the >hilistines envied him. ;or all the wells which his father<s servants had digged in the da s of !braham his father, the >hilistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.... !nd Isaac digged again the wells of water, which the had digged in the da s of !braham his father; for the >hilistines had stopped them after the death of !braham; and he called their names after the names b which his father had called them. %emp. added& G#n#$ $ 2+:%2-%)<%8 +he water he needed for his crops to %row was obtained b$ redi%%in% the wells that his father had once du%. +hese wells were plu%%ed up b$ the Philistines. O/er a period of time, the enem$ had stopped up the wells. "ust as with ,saac, the water we so desperatel$ need for the %rowth of @odDs incorruptible seed to mature in our hearts must be drawn from stopped;up wells. +he worldliness presentl$ in the Church Hthe Bod$ of ChristI has stopped man$ wells. 5 Church that once was /er$ fruitful now has become dr$ because it has allowed the enem$ to seduce it. @od is in the process of restorin% us back to where we once were. +his applies to us both personall$ and to the Church as a whole in 5merica. ,saiah 1)<'';'* sa$s< !nd the L78= shall guide thee continuall , and satisf th soul in drought, and make fat th bones' and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. !nd the that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places' thou shalt raise E'1'E

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up the foundations of man generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. If thou...shalt honour him %the Lord b &, not doing thine own wa s, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words'... %emp. added& 5s ,saac did not seek his own wa$ or pleasure b$ %oin% to the land of ease, so we Hif we will not do thin%s our wa$, or seek our own pleasure, nor speak our own words, but honor @odI shall be like a watered %arden and a sprin% of li/in% water whose waters do not failK @od will brin% his li/in% water to dr$ and thirst$ places throu%h these people. @od is leadin% us to redi% those wells that the world has plu%%ed up. 5%ain, that takes persistence. ,t ma$ take lon%er than an hour to reopen a wellC it ma$ take lon%er than two hoursC it ma$ take lon%er than a da$C it ma$ take lon%er than a weekK Jou sa$, F7ow lon% will it takeGF +he answer is, F,t shouldnDt matter to $ouC Bust keep di%%in% until $ou tap it.F +here will be man$ times when it is not done in one session of pra$erE$ou will ha/e to pick up a%ain the ne>t time $ou come into $our pra$er closet. 5 /er$ dear friend of mine and , used to pra$ to%ether nearl$ e/er$ mornin% when , li/ed in 3allas, +e>as. 7e was one of se/eral pastors in the church, and , was an assistant to the head pastor and his wife. 6e would come into that room at -<:: a.m. 6e would pra$ in the Spirit and could sense the pro%ress, but there were man$ times when )<*: a.m. would arri/e Hwhich was when work startedI and we would ha/e to lea/e and %o to work. 6e would almost feel frustrated because there was absolutel$ no breakthrou%h... no waters of refreshin%. +he ne>t mornin% we would come in and pick up almost e>actl$ where we left off. +his would %o on sometimes for two da$s, other times three da$s, and one particular time , remember it takin% a weekK 7owe/er, when the breakthrou%h cameEwowK 6hat power and refreshin%. 5s , tra/el to churches across 5merica, , can spot the man$ Christians who ha/e allowed their wells to be plu%%ed up and ha/e settled comfortabl$ into that state. +he alarmin% fact is that it is the maBorit$Enot the minorit$Ethat is in this condition. 6hat would happen if these people stirred up the %ift in them and allowed it to be releasedG 7omes would be chan%edC churches would be chan%ed E'12E


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E5merica would be chan%edK +he %ift of @od is l$in% dormant in our homes, our churches, and our nation. +he wells are plu%%ed while Christians boast of bein% FSpirit;filled.F +he Church will not be re/i/ed until we as indi/iduals are re/i/edK +he Church is not an or%aniLationC it is the people of @od, and the condition of @odDs people is the condition of the ChurchK


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#ictor$ in the 6ilderness

...prophetic /ision is to see the wa$ @od sees... Where there is no revelation %prophetic vision&, the people cast off restraint;.... %emp. and parenthetical added& Pro?#rb$ 29:%8

he prophetic /ision is to see thin%s the wa$ @od sees them. ,t is to discern the purpose of hea/en in a time or season of our life, as well as to percei/e the destination @od has set before us when it still is not manifest to the natural e$e, and e/en seems as if it will ne/er happen. Our focus must be on the purpose of @od, not on the resistance we face that tries to keep us from pressin% on to the destination set before us. 6e must ha/e the ri%ht /ision before us if we are to finish at the ri%ht destinationK ,t would be a terrible thin% to run a race and cross the wron% finish lineK ,t would be a disaster to aim at the wron% tar%et and hit itK +he Pharisees were /er$ Lealous and dili%ent, but their purpose was self;seekin%C the$ did not ha/e the prophetic /isionC therefore, the$ were missin% the mark. E'11E

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6hat is the destination and purpose of @od for us as a Church and for $ou as a member of the Church, 7is bod$G ,n 4phesians '<'', 7e sa$s that we ha/e been "...predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will" Memp. addedN. Predestination is a word o/er which man$ ha/e stumbled. ,n order to understand it, we must break apart the word and look at it b$ the root and prefi>. +he prefi> FpreF simpl$ means FbeforeF or Fprior to the be%innin%.F +he root FdestinationF means Fwhere $ou will endF or Fthe finish line.F Puttin% the two to%ether, it means Fto set the finish line before the start.F 4phesians '<'', therefore, shows us that @od set a destination for mankindE prior to creatin% usEthat would fulfill 7is purpose. 0omans )<2);2( sa$s, "!nd we know that all things work together for good to those who love ,od, to those who are the called according to His purpose. ;or whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His +on, that He might be the firstborn among man brethren" Memp. addedN. Our 5#$- n,- on, which @od planned before time be%an, was for us who lo/e @od to be conformed to the ima%e of "esus Christ. 4/er$thin% done in life or ministr$ should be toward this %oal or endK @odDs purpose for creatin% $ou was not Bust so $ou could cast out de/ils, or heal the sick, or win the lost to "esus. +here ha/e been man$ who ha/e done those thin%s but ne/er crossed the finish line. +he reason is that their focus was on the ministr$ and not the %oal or heart behind the ministr$K ow the question must be answered, F6hat was the purpose of @od in predestinin% us to be conformed to the ima%e of "esus ChristGF +he answer is simpleEbecause 7e lo/ed us and desired fellowship with us so "that in the ages to come He might show the e(ceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in .hrist *esus" Memp. addedN H4phesians 2<-, !"#I. +hat was 7is purpose ri%ht from the be%innin%. 6hen 7e created man and placed him in the %arden, the Lord walked and had fellowship with 5dam because of 7is lo/e for him. One of 5damDs descendants cau%ht hold of the purpose of @od, and it is recorded of him that, "5noch walked with ,od' and he was not, for ,od took him" Memp. addedN H@enesis 1<2=I. +he writer of 7ebrews sa$s that "...he had this testimon , that he pleased ,od" Memp. addedN H7ebrews ''<1I. 6h$ did 4noch please @odG 6as it because he had E'18E

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a %reat prophetic ministr$G Or because he had a %reat e/an%elistic ministr$G o and o a%ainK ,t was because HE /A&KED /ITH G1D@ 7e had fellowship with @od. 4/er$thin% that @od has done in the past, is doin% now, and will be doin% in the future in re%ard to the Church will be for that purpose. So the purpose of the wilderness is to point us in the direction of bein% conformed to the ima%e of "esus Christ. ,f we lose si%ht of the purpose of @od in our li/es, we will cast off restraint and be%in to backslide. 5s a Church, if we lose si%ht of the purpose of @od, we will cast off restraint and be%in to dr$ up. +hen the thrust will be to %et results and %row in numbers, rather than makin% disciples in the ima%e of "esus Christ H9atthew 2)<'(I. LetDs look a%ain at Pro/erb 2(<')< "Where there is no revelation %prophetic vision&, the people cast off restraint;..." Memp. and parenthetical addedN. Of what restraint is @od speakin%G ,t is the restraint that keeps us from settlin% for the low call, which is an$thin% short of bein% conformed to 7is ima%e and likeness. ,t is the restraint that keeps us from bein% satisfied until we behold 7im face to face and see 7is %lor$ re/ealed. ,t is the restraint that keeps us from acceptin% an$thin% short of 7is perfect will. +his restraint will keep us from bein% at ease and doin% thin%s the wa$ the world does them. ,t will keep us from doin% thin%s the wa$ of the flesh. ,n speakin% of /ision, "esus said, "The lamp of the bod is the e e. If therefore our e e is good, our whole bod will be full of light. )ut if our e e is bad, our whole bod will be full of darkness" H9atthew 8<22;2*, !"#I. +o understand what 7e is sa$in%, we must realiLe that 7e is not speakin% of the ph$sical e$e. 7e is speakin% of the e$e of the heart, or the wa$ $ou percei/e thin%s. +he wa$ $ou percei/e thin%s in $our heart is the wa$ $ou will become. Pro/erb 2*<- sa$s, ";or as he thinks in his heart, so is he." +he wa$ $ou percei/e the circumstances in which $ou find $ourself or the situations that $ou are facin% will determine how $ou come throu%h them. +he twel/e leaders of the children of ,srael who went to sp$ out the promised land all saw the same si%hts. +he$ all saw the same fortified cities, the same %iants, and the same armies of the E'1-E

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Canaanite nations. 7owe/er, two of them saw it in a totall$ different wa$ than the other ten. +wo =#r!# ?#5 it the wa$ @od saw it, and the ten =#r!# ?#5 it throu%h the e$es of natural e>perience or throu%h the e$es of their own abilit$. Because their e$es were bad, the rest of their beha/ior Hor as "esus said, Ftheir whole bod$FI was the same. +he$ spoke with their mouths and responded with their actions in a manner contrar$ to the will of @od. @od said their report was Fe/ilF or Fbad.F umbers '=<2);*: shows the results of their wron% perception. @od said< "+a unto them, %!s trul as& I live, saith the L78=, as e have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to ou' #our carcasses shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were numbered of ou, according to our whole number, from twent ears old and upward, which have murmured against me, =oubtless e shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware to make ou dwell therein, e(cept .aleb the son of *ephunneh, and *oshua the son of -un." %emp. added& N'8b#r$ %*:28-3. 6hat caused them to speak in 7is ears that which would cause them ne/er to see what 7e had promised themG ,t was how the$ =#r!# ?#5 what was before them. +he$ did not ha/e the prophetic /isionC the$ had their own /ision. 6hat the$ saw was what the$ spoke. +he$ saw it not throu%h @odDs e$es, but throu%h their own limited natural abilit$. ,n order to come throu%h the wilderness /ictoriousl$, we must $## thin%s the wa$ @od $##$ them. +he children of ,srael alread$ had been complainin% for more than a $ear before @od sent the spies into the promised land. +heir /ision was alread$ bad, and all restraint was cast off, so that b$ the time @od allowed them to see the land that flowed with milk and hone$, the$ reBected it. Tho$# 3ho $## on"4 -h# 3 "5#rn#$$ (,n5 -h# h,r5$h =$ ,$$o! ,-#5 3 -h -) 3 "" 5 # n -h# r 3 "5#rn#$$B Tho$# 3ho (##= -h# r #4#$ $#- on -h# Pro8 $#r ,n5 -h# ? $ on H# h,$ $#- b#;or# -h#8 3 "" !o8# -hro'Dh -h# 3 "5#rn#$$ ,$ $,n!- ; #5 3,rr or$< E'1)E

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r#,54 -o -,(# -h# =ro8 $#5 ",n5 $#- b#;or# -h#8 -o -h# D"or4 o; Go5B Therefore we do not lose heart %faint or cast off restraint&;...;or our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more e(ceeding and eternal weight of glor , while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen %perceiving things the wa ,od does&. ;or the things which are seen are temporar %sub3ect to change&, but the things which are not seen are eternal. %emp. and parenthetical added& II Cor n-h ,n$ *:%+-%8 (NKJV) +he sufferin%s e>perienced in the wilderness, compared with its $ield, are considered li%ht. +he len%th of time spent in the wilderness, compared with its $ield, is considered a moment. ow, when $ou are in the middle of it, that seems hard to belie/e unless $ou ha/e the /ision of what is be$ond it. 6hen , was in the middle of the dr$ times in m$ past, the$ sure didnDt seem like a FmomentF at the time. Sometimes , thou%ht, F,s this %oin% to endG ,s what @od promised e/er %oin% to come to passGF +hat is when , quickl$ had to cast down those thou%hts and encoura%e m$self in the Lord. , would remember the prophecies pre/iousl$ made concernin% me, and b$ them wa%e a %ood warfare H, +imoth$ '<')I. +he prophecies were the /ision of @od for m$ life as 7e re/ealed it to me b$ 7is Spirit throu%h 7is 6ord. ,, Peter 2<'' sa$s, ")eloved, I beg ou as so3ourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshl lusts MdesiresN which war against the soul,..." Memp. addedN. +he soul is the battlefield in the wilderness. +he soul consists of $our intellect, emotions, and will. +he will is that part of $our soul which decides whether $ou will %o @odDs wa$ or the wa$ of fleshEif $ou will see thin%s as @od does or if $ou will %i/e attention to $our affliction in the wilderness. ,t all comes down to F/H1 IS THE CENTER 12 21CUSCF Jou or the LordG +he fleshl$ desires that war in $our intellect and emotions will focus on selfish interests. +hese will draw $ou awa$ from the Fprophetic /ision,F for @odDs wa$ is not the wa$ of self, but the wa$ of denying self. E'1(E

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+he %ospel that has been preached and accepted b$ man$ in these latter da$s has been a %ospel of ease. +he focus has been F6hat can @od do for meGF rather than F6hat does 7e desire of meGF +he %ospel of ease has not spoken of the sufferin%s in/ol/ed in pursuin% Christ. 0ather, it has been a %ospel that has appealed to the desires of the flesh. ,t has caused man$ to settle down into a complacent life;st$le. ,t has not equipped belie/ers to be the soldiers @od has called us to be. ,, +imoth$ 2<*;= sa$s, "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of *esus .hrist. -o man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he ma please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier" Memp. addedN. Because of this F%ospel of ease,F if resistance or hardship comes in the course of our li/es, we seek an escape route, rather than pressin% on throu%h it. +he /ision that is birthed b$ this kind of teachin% is not the Fhea/enl$ or prophetic /ision,F but rather a Fselfish /ision.F Paul said in 5cts 28<'(;2', "Whereupon, 7 king !grippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenl vision' )ut shewed first unto them of =amascus, and at *erusalem, and throughout all the coasts of *udaea, and then to the ,entiles, that the should repent and turn to ,od, and do works meet for repentance. Aor these causes the "ews cau%ht me in the temple, and went about to kill meF Memp. addedN. +here are man$ /isions in the world, but onl$ one Fhea/enl$ /ision.F 7ea/en has onl$ one /ision and that is the will of the AatherK otice Paul said, ";or these reasons the *ews sei:ed me in the temple and tried to kill me." 7e was pursuin% the hea/enl$ /ision and e>periencin% %reat resistance to it. ,f he belie/ed the %ospel of ease, as man$ ha/e preached and belie/ed toda$, he ne/er would ha/e seen the /ision fulfilled. 7e would not e/en ha/e made it to 5%rippa, because much earlier he would ha/e sou%ht the wa$ of escape from the resistance e>perienced as a result of Bourne$in% toward the /ision @od set before him. "eremiah was a man who was pursuin% the hea/enl$ /ision and e>periencin% a lot of /erbal and mental persecution as a result of his obedience. 7e became wear$ of it one da$ and be%an to complain a little. 7e said, "...Wh does the wa of the wicked prosper$ Wh are those happ who deal so treacherousl $" E'8:E

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H"eremiah '2<', !"#I. @od did not come back to him with a s$mpathetic answer. S$mpath$ is an enem$ that will cause $ou to focus on $ourself. @od said to him, "If ou have run with the footmen, and the have wearied ou, Then how can ou contend with horses$..." H"eremiah '2<1, !"#I. ,n other words, @od was sa$in%, F"eremiah, if $ou are %ettin% wear$ of the de/ilDs foot soldiers, what are $ou %oin% to do when $ou face the de/ilDs ca/alr$GF +o put it e/en more plainl$, @od was sa$in%, F,f $ou are wear$ and think it is bad now, $ou ha/enDt seen an$thin% $etK Prepare $ourself, because the resistance $ou ha/e been facin% is %oin% to %et worseKF HparaphrasedI. 6e must remember that there are no %reat /ictories where there are no %reat battles. ,t did %et tou%her for "eremiah. 7e went from bein% /erball$ abused to bein% thrown into prison, and still later he was thrown into a dun%eon and left to die. 7owe/er, @od deli/ered him from all of the afflictions and persecutions that he faced. +he battles that most in the bod$ of Christ are e>periencin% toda$ are mental attacks, not the ph$sical persecution that Paul e>perienced. 6hat will we do when the resistance %ets worseG +he afflictions we endure presentl$ will stren%then us to handle %reater battles in the future. +he wilderness is boot camp and trainin% %round for future battles. "ust as we send soldiers to boot camp to prepare them for war, e/en so @od sends 7is enlisted soldiers to the wilderness to prepare them for the ministr$ to which 7e has called them. +he %reatest obstacle soldiers ha/e to o/ercome in boot camp is themsel/es. Likewise, the %reatest battle one e>periences in the wilderness is in the realm of the soul. +he war e>perienced in the wilderness is the battle that ra%es in the soul. +he enem$Ds purpose is to %et $our focus on $ou. +hat is what he tried to do with "esus in the wilderness. "esus was hun%r$ from not eatin% for fort$ da$s and the de/il came and said, "If #ou are the +on of ,od, command that these stones become bread" H9atthew =<';''I. +he temptation was to use the power of @od apart from @odDs wa$ to pro/ide what 7is flesh needed. 6e must remember that when @od %i/es a %ift, it comes with an awesome responsibilit$ not to misuse it, but to administer it as 7e desires. @od was %oin% to minister to the needs of "esus, but it would be E'8'E

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done 7is wa$. Aor after the de/il left, the an%els came and ministered to "esus. 5%ain, letDs look at what "esus said concernin% 7is ministr$< "Geril , veril , I sa unto ou, The +on can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the ;ather do' for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the +on likewise" Memp. addedN H"ohn 1<'(I. otice the word seeth. 7e did nothin% apart from the prophetic /ision. 6hen in dr$ times, one of our temptations will be to do it our own wa$, rather than waitin% on @odDs wa$. +his could entail usin% @odDs power to %et somethin% before 7is time. Can $ou ima%ine a soldier in a battle not fi%htin% accordin% to his superior officerDs orders, but doin% it his own wa$G +his could result in serious dama%e to the soldier and those around him. ,n boot camp that soldier learns to obe$, so that he will not foolishl$ risk losin% his life and the li/es of those around him in intense battle. 7e will obe$ the command of his leader. ,t is important that we keep before us what hea/en has re/ealed to us. +here will be times when we think, F, ha/e %ot to ha/e an answer O6KF or F, ha/e %ot to make a mo/e nowC if , do nothin%, e/er$thin% will fall apartKF ,f @od is not sa$in% an$thin%, that means 7e is speakin%. 7e is sa$in%, FJou donDt need to do an$thin% now.F ,n those situations we must 65,+ on the Lord. 3onDt force itK "Wait on the L78=' be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart' wait, I sa , on the L78=" HPsalm 2-<'=I. ,f we focus on our needs and not on 7im, discoura%ement and hea/iness will set in. 6e cannot look at the Fli%ht affliction,F but we must keep our e$es on the Fe>ceedin% and eternal wei%ht of %lor$ that is bein% worked for us in the affliction.F +his is the Bo$ set before us on which we must keep our e$es. THE J16 SET 7E21RE US 9 brethren, count it all 3o when e fall into divers temptations; Anowing %this&, that the tr ing of our faith worketh patience %endurance&. )ut let patience %endurance& have %her& perfect work, that e ma be perfect E'82E

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%mature& and entire, wanting nothing. %emp. added& J,8#$ %:2-* otice @od sa$s, FCount it 5LL Bo$KF otice 7e does not sa$, FCount it part Bo$ and part sorrow.F +here is not to be an$ admi>ture of sorrow in our hearts. ow, it is eas$ to Fcount it all Bo$F when e/er$thin% is %oin% %reat. But that is not what 7e sa$s. +he time to Fcount it all Bo$F is in the time of trials. 6h$ does @od sa$ thisG Because 7e knows that "...the 3o of the L78= is our strength" Memp. addedN H ehemiah )<':I. "o$ is a spiritual force that %i/es us stren%th to endure afflictions and trials. 6hat is the Bo$ of the LordG Aor $ears , thou%ht that the Bo$ of the Lord was to ha/e the Bo$ that 7e has. , had a hard time relatin% to that. 7owe/er, that is not what 7e is sa$in%. 7a/e $ou e/er heard someone make a statement like, F+he Bo$ of cookin%FG Cookin% has no Bo$ in itself. 6hat the$ are sa$in% is that $ou will e>perience Bo$ in cookin%. +he FBo$ of the LordF is the Bo$ we e>perience from our relationship with 7im. 74 B0, @S US "OJK 9$ wife and four bo$s brin% me Bo$K +here are times when , am awa$ from home that lookin% at a picture of them brin%s Bo$ to m$ heart. ,t brin%s stren%th to me. +hat is what ehemiah was sa$in% to the men. +he$ were %oin% throu%h a tou%h time. +here was a lot of resistance comin% a%ainst them, so ehemiah cried out, F3onDt sorrow o/er this persecutionE%et $our e$es on the Lord. Because when $ou look at the Lord, Bo$ will fill $our heart and it will be stren%th to $ou.F Praise will cause $our focus to turn from $ou to the Lord. ,n the midst of trials, it is eas$ to lose si%ht of the abilit$ of @od because of the intense pressure of the resistance $ou face. 3a/id wrote most of the book of Psalms, and the maBorit$ of his Psalms was written in the middle of trials. B$ praisin% @od, he was able to sta$ stron% in the midst of ad/erse circumstances. ,n ,saiah 8'<*, @od sa$s that 7e %i/es us "the oil of 3o for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;..." Memp. addedN. One da$ durin% a dr$ time while , was at home alone, hea/iness set in. , picked up m$ Bible to read and could barel$ do it. So , be%an to pra$ and that was e/en worse. ,nside , could sense that the Spirit E'8*E

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of @od was sa$in% to me, F+urn on one of $our praise tapes.F So , went up to our loft where our stereo s$stem is located and turned on some praise music and be%an to sin% alon% with it. 6hen the medle$ of son%s was o/er, , felt impressed to pla$ them a%ain. +he second time throu%h, , be%an to hear what , was sin%in%. "o$ be%an to sprin% up into m$ soul, and , be%an to dance and sin% all o/er that loft. , noticed that m$ e$es had %otten off of m$self and on the %reatness of "esus. Aor the ne>t thirt$ minutes , was dancin% and sin%in%. +he hea/iness was %one totall$, and , had life and stren%th flowin% out of me where there had been none Bust thirt$ minutes earlier. ,saiah '2<* sa$s, "Therefore with 3o shall e draw water out of the wells of salvation" Memp. addedN. 5s , was praisin% 7im m$ focus was turned back toward 7im, and throu%h the Bo$ of the Lord , be%an to draw stren%th from the wells of sal/ation. Praise will help keep our e$es on the Bo$ set before us, rather than on the circumstances that surround us. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us la aside ever weight, and the sin which doth so easil beset %us&, and let us run with patience %endurance& the race that is set before us. Looking unto *esus the author and finisher of %our& faith; who for the 3o that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of ,od. ;or consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest e be wearied and faint in our minds. #e have not et resisted unto blood, striving against sin. %emp. added& H#br#3$ %2:%-* "esus endured the %reatest trial that an$one e/er has faced or e/er will face, b$ keepin% 7is e$es on the "OJ set before 7im. +he Bo$ set before 7im was the resurrection that followed the crucifi>ion. ,t was the %lor$ that would follow the obedience of sufferin%. +his would brin% man$ sons and dau%hters into 7is kin%dom. E'8=E

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+hat is the wa$ it is for us who follow in 7is steps. Be$ond den$in% self and crucif$in% the flesh awaits 04SU004C+,O L,A4. Be$ond the sufferin%s of the flesh is the %lor$ of @odK ";or I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth to be compared with the glor which shall be revealed in us" Memp. addedN H0omans )<')I. @odDs %lor$ will be re/ealed in the Church prior to 7is return. +he ma%nitude of it will be so %reat that it will draw cities and nations to 7is sal/ation. e/er before has the earth seen such a demonstration of 7is power as will be manifested in the ones who ha/e allowed @od to purif$ them. +his re/i/al, which will lead into the %reat har/est, will need no promotion b$ man. ,t will be promoted b$ 7is power and %lor$K )eloved, do not think it strange concerning the fier trial which is to tr ou, as though some strange thing happened to ou; but re3oice to the e(tent that ou partake of .hrist<s sufferings, that when His glor is revealed, ou ma also be glad with e(ceeding 3o . %emp. added& I P#-#r *:%2-%3 6hat is the Bo$ set before usG ,t is 7is %lor$ bein% re/ealed in us who ha/e suffered as a result of obedience to ChristK otice that the e>tent to which $ou suffer is the e>tent to which $ou should reBoice, knowin% that the %reater the resistance, the %reater the %lor$K !eep $our e$es on the Bo$ set before us, which is 7is %lor$ manifested in us. +his will %i/e $ou the stren%th to o/ercome the trials $ou face. A 2INA& /1RD , want to e>hort $ou to continue to press on "@ntil the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest" H,saiah *2<'1I. +he wilderness is not the place where we are to la$ down our weapons of war and %i/e upK ,t is the place where we are to be stron%, bold, and coura%eous to do the will of the Lord. ,t is the place we are to submit oursel/es to @od and resist the de/il steadfastl$. But remember, we must discern between what is the de/il and what is fleshK Jou cannot Fcast outF fleshE$ou must deal E'81E

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with it throu%h repentance. @od has brou%ht $ou into this place so that yo# ma$ know what is in $our heart. 6hat man$ times , initiall$ thou%ht was the de/il were reall$ areas of m$ life that needed to be submitted to Christ but had been hidden to me. 5s $ou continue $our pursuit of the hi%h call of @od in Christ, remember these words of e>hortation< ,, Corinthians 2<'= sa$s, "-ow thanks %be& unto ,od, which alwa s causeth us to triumph in .hrist.." Memp. addedN. 0omans )<*1,*- sa$s, "Who shall separate us from the love of .hrist$ shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword$ -a , in all these things we are more than con1uerors through Him that loved us" Memp. addedN. , Corinthians '1<1- sa$s, ")ut thanks %be& to ,od, which giveth us the victor through our Lord *esus .hrist" Memp. addedN. 3o not quit $our pursuit of 7im. 3o not %i/e up. !eep the /ision before $ou, no matter how the circumstances appear. ,t seemed hopeless for "oseph in the pit, but when he was thrown into the dun%eon it appeared to be o/er. ow it seemed impossible for the /ision e/er to come to pass. 0emember, "With men it is impossible, but not with ,od' for with ,od all things are possible" Memp. addedN H9ark ':<2-I. 4/en so with $ouEno matter how tou%h it %ets, remember that "...all things are possible to him that believeth" H9ark (<2*I. Continue to seek 7im with all $our heart, and belie/e what 7e speaks to $ou b$ 7is Spirit throu%h 7is 6ord, that $ou ma$ e>perience F#,C+O0J , +74 6,L340 4SSKF 9a$ @odDs hi%h call be $ours in Christ "esusK





To r#!# ?# The 9essenger, n#3$"#--#r ,n5 , !o"or !,-,"oD o; 8 n $-r4 r#$o'r!#$ ;r## o; !h,rD#< ="#,$# !on-,!- '$ ,-: John 7#?#r# M n $-r #$ P.O. Bo> ))) Palmer Lake CO ):'**;:))) +el< H)::I8=);'=-+el< H-'(I=)-;*::: Aa>< H-'(I =)-;**:: 4;mail< BbmQBohnbe/ere.or% 6ebsite< www.Bohnbe/ere.or% In 5#ro%e, %lease &onta&t the ministry at ' Birchbrook ,ndustrial Park L$nn Lane Shenstone Litchfield 6S'= :3" United !in%dom +el< ==;)-:;-=1;1-(: Aa>< == '1=;*=); **:: 4mail< BbmeuropeQBohnbe/ere.or% +he 9essen%er tele/ision pro%ram airs on +he Christian Channel 4urope. Please check $our local listin%s for da$ and time.

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