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Equipment Suffixes

Reference Materials Aircraft Types Flight Plan/Route Transponder Codes Equipment Suffix METAR Speeds Cruising e!els These suffixes denote $hat na!igation and transponder equipment is a!aila"le for the aircraft% as filed in the flight plan "y the pilot& 'e alert as to the equipment a!aila"le on the aircraft and issue !ectors accordingly& Cod Equipment e (o )ME Equipment *n"oard /X (o Transponder Transponder $ith no Mode C Transponder $ith Mode C (o Transponder Transponder $ith no Mode C Transponder $ith Mode C (o Transponder Transponder $ith no Mode C Transponder $ith Mode C *RA(% .*R/)ME% or /(S $ith no Transponder *RA(% .*R/)ME% or /(S% Transponder $ith no Mode C *RA(% .*R/)ME% or /(S% Transponder $ith Mode C

Phonetic Alpha"et /T /U #lossary /D /B /A /M /N / /! /C /"

)ME Equipment A!aila"le

TACA( *( + ,usually Military Aircraft-

AREA (A./#AT/*( ,R(A.-

A).A(CE) R(A. 0/T1 TRA(SP*()ER A() M*)E C ,/f an aircraft is una"le to operate $ith a transponder and/or Mode C% it $ill re!ert to the appropriate code listed a"o!e under Area (a!igation-& /E Flight Management System ,FMS- $ith en route% terminal% and approach capa"ility& Equipment requirements are2 3& )ual FMS& 4& A flight director and autopilot control system capa"le of follo$ing the lateral and !ertical FMS flight path& 5& At least dual inertial reference units ,/R67s-& 8& A data"ase containing the $aypoints and speed/altitude constraints for the route and/or procedure to "e flo$n that is automatically loaded into the FMS flight plan&

9& An electronic map& /# A single FMS $ith en route% terminal% and approach capa"ility that meets the requirements of /E% 3:8 a"o!e& #lo"al Positioning System ,#PS-/#lo"al na!igation Satellite System ,#(SS- equipped aircraft $ith en route% terminal% and #PS approach capa"ility& Required (a!igational Performance& ,)enotes capa"ility to operate in R(P designated airspace and routes-&



RE)6CE) .ERT/CA SEPERAT/*( M/(/M6M ,R.SM-& Prior to conducting R.SM operations the operator must o"tain authorisation from the responsi"le authority% as appropriate& /% /& /' /( /) /E $ith R.SM /F $ith R.SM /# $ith R.SM /R $ith R.SM R.SM

Automatic Altitude Reportin* +M,DE C

Some transponders are equipped $ith a M*)E C automatic altitude reporting capa"ility& This system con!erts aircraft altitude in 3;; foot increments to coded digital information $hich is transmitted together $ith M*)E C framing pulses to the interrogating radar facility& The manner in $hich transponder panels are designed differs% therefore% a pilot should "e thoroughly familiar $ith the operation of the transponder so that ATC may reali<e its full capa"ilities&

Pilots of aircraft $ith operating M*)E C altitude reporting transponders should report exact altitude or flight le!el to the nearest hundred foot increment $hen esta"lishing initial contact $ith an ATC facility& Exact altitude or flight le!el reports on initial contact pro!ide ATC $ith information that is required prior to using M*)E C altitude information for separation purposes& This $ill significantly reduce altitude !erification requests&

=4;;3:4;;> TR.ACC&*R#% /E9? Required

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