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Authorized By: Officer Benson Date: 11/21/13

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge:

Ryan E. Kelly Rensselaer alls A##ra$ated %nlicensed O&eration 3rd %nla'ful (ossession of )arihuana *+&ro&er Ri#ht ,urn at *ntersection -ri+inal (ossession of -ontrolled .u/stance 0th 'ith *ntent to .ell State !"

Age: Date:

20 11/21/13


1:22 a+

Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

.andstone Dri$e (otsda+ 1illa#e -ourt on Dece+/er 202 2013 at 3:30 a+. (atrol o/ser$ed sus&ect +a4e an i+&ro&er ri#ht turn at the intersection of )ar4et .t. and .andstone Dri$e. (atrol initiated traffic sto& and it 'as deter+ined the o&erator had a sus&ended dri$er5s license. urther in$esti#ation re$ealed the sus&ect to /e in &ossession of s+all 6uantity of +arihuana and 70 dosa#e units of 8.D $alued at a&&ro9i+ately :12200. .us&ect 'as ta4en into custody and arrai#ned. .u/;ect released to .u&er$ision of (ro/ation to return to court at the a/o$e date and ti+e. Ross A. (iciucco ayette$ille State !" Age: Date: Time: 20 11/21/13 3:13 &+

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

(erson 8ess ,han 21 O/tain Alcohol raudulently )ar4et .treet (otsda+ 1illa#e -ourt on Dece+/er 132 2013 at 3:30 a+.

,he a/o$e listed su/;ect 'as issued an A&&earance ,ic4et for the a/o$e listed char#e after &atrol res&onded to a re&ort of a su/;ect atte+&tin# to &urchase alcohol 'ith a fa4e *D.

0011 0122

(atrol co+&leted a traffic sto& on )ar4et .treet. A $er/al 'arnin# 'as issued. (atrol co+&leted traffic sto& on .andstone Dri$e. ,ic4ets issued.


030< (atrol co+&leted a traffic sto& on -olle#e (ar4 Dri$e. ,he o&erator2 )ichelle -. )esch a#e 2< of =est/ury !"2 'as issued a traffic su++ons for > ailure to sto& at a sto& si#n> fro+ -edar .treet onto )ain .treet? returna/le in (otsda+ 1illa#e -ourt on 12/13/2013 at 0730. (atrol o/ser$ed the o&erator of a $ehicle tra$ellin# south on (ierre&ont A$enue 'hile usin# a cell &hone. A traffic sto& 'as initiated on (ierre&ont A$enue and the o&erator2 Katrina @. Ae// a#e 30 of Aer+an2 !"2 'as issued a traffic su++ons for sa+e? returna/le in (otsda+ 1illa#e -ourt on 12/13/2013 at 0730. A record chec4 'as co+&leted for !".( on t'o !". (istol &er+it a&&licants (otsda+ ire and (atrols dis&atched to )ar4et .6uare )all for a fire alar+ acti$ation. %nfounded. (otsda+ Rescue dis&atched to a /usiness on )ain .treet for a +ale li#ht headed and dizzy


0300 1021 11<B

103< (ro&erty da+a#e accident *@A &ar4in# lot. (atrol dis&atched. 1C11 Recei$ed a re&ort of a theft fro+ a local /usiness 1C30 1C0< 1B0B 1710 131< Recei$ed a re&ort of a lost 'allet Dis&atched (otsda+ Rescue to a call Record chec4s 'ere co+&leted on three indi$iduals for !". (istol &er+it a&&licants An e6ui&+ent ins&ection co+&leted for no tail li#hts. (atrol co+&leted a traffic sto& on )ar4et .treet near .te'arts after o/ser$in# a $ehicle fail to sto& for a &edestrian in the cross'al4 on )ain .treet. ,he o&erator2 )ichael . ,hur/er ** a#e 3< of (otsda+2 'as issued a traffic su++ons for 1,8 1101A returna/le in (otsda+ 1illa#e -ourt on 12/13/2013 at 0730. Recei$ed co+&laint of &ossi/le fa4e *D at local li6uor store. (atrol res&onded. Arrest +ade. (atrol res&onded for co+&laint of da+a#e done to a residence on =a$erly .treet. *n$esti#ation is continuin#. (atrol res&onded for a co+&laint of a /ur#lary to a residence on =illo' .treet. *n$esti#ation is continuin#.

2100 2130 2137

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