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Dear All, I will be leaving our organization today.

It has been a fantastic journey and a great learning experience for me. Sincere than s to all my project managers !state all managers names under whom you have wor ed" and my colleagues for their support and guidance to excel in my career. I am also very than ful to the !mention your area#department" $eam members who were always there to guide me throughout the journey. And a very %ig &$han 'ou& to all my friends with whom I have spent the wonderful moments, which would last a lifetime. I ta e bac all the good memories which shall be cherished by me throughout my life. (ven though I will miss you all, I am loo ing forward to this new challenge and to start a new phase in my career )lease stay in touch. I can be reached through my personal email at xyz*+, and contact number . It was a pleasure nowing each and every one of you. I wish all of you happy times in your personal and professional life. $han s, .'our /ame0

Dear All, I will be leaving ____ today.

______, has really helped me to grow personally as well as professionally. I take back all the good memories which shall be cherished by me throughout my life. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my seniors and fellow colleagues who have been a strength to me throughout my tenure in _______ . As I am taking a forward step on professional frontier, I seek your blessings and good wishes. With a heavy heart I bid adieu to all of you. I shall always be accessible to you in my personal capacity on my email id _______________. Wishing you all happy times, good health and bright future in your personal and professional life.

Dear All, Last day mail.. Dear All,

ay !"th #$!$ will mark an end to my " year long professional association with %&rg nam%...Working with 'org name% has been a learning e(perience and has also given me an opportunity to associate myself with wonderful people like you.

I am thankful to all with whom I have shared a wonderful rapport and have gained valuable inputs. I shall treasure these memories in the years to come. )he time spent with each one of you remains very special. I wish all of you best wishes and good luck for the times to come.

*ou can say hello to me on 'cell numb% or mail me on'mail id%. Dear All

)he +ourney which started last year ,une #$$- came to an end for Ahmedabad .egion as now I am back to ,aipur.It was one of the most wonderful learning e(periences to work with all of you. Ahmedabad .egion has seen continuous growth in last / 0uarters achieving milestone one after the other and the credit goes to all stakeholder of the region who has put their e(tra efforts to bring the region at this platform. I would like to thank 1ainesh, 2hoopat, 3etan, .iya4, 5hail and 6ttam along with their team for support and guidance in facilitating 7. process. )hanks to all AA 8 6 who stood as bridge between .& 7. 8 2ranch for smooth functioning and rendering pivot role in providing employee satisfaction. y sincere thanks to Abhinav, 3austubha, .icha, 5uresh, 7imanshu, 9anka+ and 9ravir who has not only complemented but also helped me in initiating of laying foundation of 7. process in the region. I would like to e(press thanks to 5an+ana 8 .a+eev who e(tended their support and guidance in understanding the functioning of region when I came to Ahmedabad. )here is one person whose contribution was most valuable though he is office boy but due to his hard work 8 computer knowledge he not only supported 7. team but also worked day in day out in streamlining the 7. process .)hanks to 7ardik for always being so supportive. It gives me immense pleasure to congratulate 7itendra the way he has initiated regional 7. activities after the handover, thanks to him and all the best for future. I would like to thank ,oe 5ir 8 urali 5ir who has shown trust in me and chosen me for this challenging opportunity. 2oth of them has supported and guided me from time to time in mobili4ing the 7. process. Last but not least thanks to 2ri+esh, 2anty, :handrakant, Divya 8 5hreya for their unconditional support. )he 4eal, enthusiasm, passion shown has been incredible. It has been sheer their contribution which has brought Ahmedabad on better condition. )heir appetite to learn and never say die attitude has been and will be instrumental in making region 1o !.)hanks for being one of the best team I have worked with and wishing you all the best. 5pecial thanks to my 7. )eam ,aipur '5hweta, 1isha, Anand, An+ika 8 1eera+% who has e(cellently handled ,aipur region in my absence and supported me to focus on additional assigned task of managing Ahmedabad .egion Wishing you all endeavourer future ahead and hope to be in touch. I have been so closely attached with all of you within such short time that I am going to miss each one of you.

All the 2est ;

<Name> <Contact: Address, Company Designation> Hi All, <You may mention you organization unit/department> Finally the day has come... My last working day at our Organisation!! Having spent 3.1 years here, today my heart has mixed eelings and emotions as ! look down upon memory lane o my "ourney with the Organisation. #he day ! entered this company$s training center, is still as resh as the lush green %eauty o the campus. &ervous, excited, happy, all set to %egin this memora%le "ourney, ! have lived and en"oyed each and every %it o my time with with the organi'ation. ! am thank ul to the organisation or providing me with great learning opportunities and my trainers or supporting me during me training days. (ach and every moment was ull o li e!! ! would like to thank my riends in )une* +yan, ,ishal, &eha, ,enkat and -am. .e have had awesome un and have %een through all ups and downs o li e with each other. .ill miss you guys the most..

! would like to thank my manager /ave and all my team mates who have %een a great support and helped me grow pro essionally. ! had a nice time with you guys. -pecial thanks to .illiams. !t was really a pleasure working with him.

#he <Organisation> will always hold a very special place in my heart. !t has always %een my dream company and ! eel honored to have %een associated with it. ! will miss every %it o the time ! spent here rom the %ottom o my heart. ! wish all the %est to all o you or your uture endeavors #hank you all or %eing there and making my "ourney a memora%le one. ! have had the time o my li e here!! )lease keep in touch. ! can %e reached through email0 ace%ook at* <xyz !"#gmail$com> #hanks, <Your Name>
7ello All, <inally the moment has arrived to say goodbye, which is never easy, especially when you have been part of the =your company name> family for / years. It has been a fantastic +ourney and a great learning e(perience where I have en+oyed every moment and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with each of you with whom I have interacted.

5incere thanks to all my pro+ect managers =state all managers names under whom you have worked> and my colleagues for their support and guidance to e(cel in my career.I am also very thankful to the =mention your area?department> )eam members who were always there to guide me throughout the +ourney. And a very 2ig @)hank *ou@ to all my friends with whom I have spent the wonderful moments, that would last a lifetime. Aven though I will miss you all, I am looking forward to this new challenge and to start a new phase in my career. I wish you all the very best in life. I am reachable at my personal email 'your email id% and :ontact number 'your contact number%.

It was a pleasure knowing each and every one of you. In case I have unintentionally hurt any one, please forgive me. 1eedless to say, please stay in touch.

)hanks 8 2est .egards, '*our 1ame%

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