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Scholfields First Grade Classroom Newsletter November 22, 2013

/ates to 6emember %ednesda+7 )o-ember 28th" 29th )o (chool ,hanksgi-ing 9reak :rida+7 /ec !th ;<opcorn 6egular = >heese ,hursda+7 /ec 12th; <rogress 6eports go home :rida+7 /ec 20th ;?olida+ <art+"""9ook e$change %inter >elebration rotation

%hat %e&re 'earning (cholastic )ews* %e were learning about turke+s. %e learned that turke+&s snoods (the piece of skin on their beak) changes color to show what kind of mood the male turke+ is in. %e also learned that turke+&s like to take a dust bath. ,he+ use their claws to dig in the dirt to find food. %e continued to work on our nonfiction te$t features b+ re-iewing what we alread+ know about nonfiction. %e searched the weekl+ reader to answer .uestions about the te$t.

9ook @rders* Af +ou were interested in ordering books A will hold the order until ne$t week Monda+. ,his is the onl+ book order we will do for )o-ember and /ecember.
Created by Ashley Magee Graphics

/ail+ 0* ,his week ha-e been working on rebuilding our stamina for /ail+ 0. %e learned how to run the app 1low /raw and how this can be used for our spelling words. %e had a few 2e$perts3 show us how to create speech bubbles to put our words in. 1reat 4ob m+ friends5 (920)3 !"##0# $ 1222

%hat we are 'earning*

,hanksgi-ing ,rue or :alseB %e used our Apads this week to learn more about the first ,hanksgi-ing that the pilgrims celebrated. %e predicted an answer and then scanned a C6 code to find out if our answer was correct.

(cience* %e are continuing to work on li-ing and nonli-ing things. %e ha-e included our Apads into this endea-or. ,he children are learning how to surf the internet using a kid safe search engine to find li-ing and nonli-ing pictures. %e are then going to create our own book that shows the four li-ing and nonli-ing things we choose. ,he children ha-e been working -er+ hard to locate pictures this is a trick+ concept for some of them because we are not .uite proficient in our spelling. (o we ha-e mo-ed to using the microphone on our ke+boards.

%hat we are 'earning* Math* %e are finishing our unit 3 in our math series. ,he students are becoming .uite the e$perts at sol-ing unknown partner7 unknown total stor+ problems. ,he unknown start problems are the ones that are the trickiest for them. %e will re-iew for the unit test on Monda+ and the test will be gi-en on ,uesda+ before the ,hanksgi-ing 9reak. %riting* ,his week we became e$perts at looking at a mentor author. %e used 1eorge Mc>lement&s te$t to help us stud+ what he did as an author and tr+ this in our own work. :or some of us we reall+ like using the ellipses and want to tr+ them out more in our writing. ,he hardest trait we are tr+ing is writing our e$act actions. ,his can be trick+ because we are using more describing words with lots of detail. %e will continue tr+ing this but will be mo-ing into our second unit in writing which is nonfiction writing.

(pelling )e$t %eek* %e will not ha-e spelling ne$t week due to onl+ ha-ing two da+s. %e will pick up again the following week with the 2a+3 spelling pattern.

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