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Rahul sharma

E-mail: #ell No: $%1-&"2'''2"""

Career Objective

D-10/1 Hari Nagar Part-2 Meethapur Ba arpur Ne! Delhi 1100""

Seeking challenging workplace in Internet marketing technology to enhance my knowledge base and skills in a professionally managed & renowned organization where I can contribute in growth and success of the organization by undertaking challenging task and deliver timely result using my knowledge and skill.
Personal Profile

I want to become a self-dependent, multi-talented person, who can fulfill the needs of organization & myself.

One years of experience in Internet Marketing. Managing onsite & offsite SEO work and determining SEO strategy & tactics necessary to

drive quality traffic to websites wit t e ultimate goal of delivering a positive result.

Manage SMO work on !acebook" #witter" $inkedIn" %interest etc. %ossess good interpersonal" communication and organi&ational skills.

Areas of Expertise
Searc #eam

Engine Optimi&ation 'SEO() On %age & Off %age

Social Media Optimi&ation 'SMO(

Management) Implementing strategies for building team effectiveness by promoting a spirit of cooperation between team members.

Career Contour Current Employment*

Company: !ebsite: Desi%nation: Duration:

Discovery India Private imited http:""###$discoveryindia$net" &EO Executive '(rom )ay *+,- to .ill date

ast Employment*

Company: !ebsite: Desi%nation: Duration:

Action India /ome Products &EO Executive (rom 0uly *+,* to )ay *+,-

On Pa%e Optimi1ation

Site +nalysis ,ompetitor +nalysis ME#+ #ags" ,ontent" Image" +nc or links Optimi&ation -eb +nalytics .oogle +nalytics" .oogle -ebmaster #ools and .oogle Sitemaps $ocal /usiness %romotion Sitemap generation

Off Pa%e Optimi1ation

Search Engine Submission rticle submission !ideo "osting Social #ookmarking "ress $elease %lassified ads "osting #log Submission

&orum 'irectory Submission

Completed Project

ttp*00www.spydel ttp* ttp*


)y 2lo% &ites

ttp*00latestspyproductindia.wordpress.com0 ttp*00spycameraindel i1.blogspot.in0 ttp*00spywirelesscamera.weebly.com0

%ursuing /. com '%( in from 23 3niversity. 41t

from ,/SE /oard.

I. &3ills:
#ools* -eb design* OS* Software %ackages

SEO and SMO #ools and #ec niques 5#M$ ' /asic( -indows 6%" -indows 7IS#+" -indows 8 Microsoft Office 1998)49" 2reamweaver" notepad::

Personal Details
!at er;s <ame* Mot er;s <ame* 2ate of /irt * Marital Status* <ationality* 5obbies*

S ri $ek ra= S arma Smt. %us pa S arma 4> <ov 4??@ 3nmarried Indian %laying

%ricket and (istening Song


I ereby declare t at all t e information given by me is true to best of my knowledge.


Aa ul S arma

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