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RFCMCRCV - Credit Management: Create A/R Summary

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases CL_ U!_FR"#T$#%_S$RV!C$S - Frontend Serv&ces Th&s docu'entat&on &s co()r&*ht +) SAP A ,

Th&s (ro*ra' creates A/R summary data -&th&n a control area (er cred&t account, Th&s data can then +e used e&ther -&th&n d&str&+uted cred&t 'ana*e'ent. or &n a non-d&str&+uted s)ste', /, 0&th&n the context of d&str&+uted cred&t 'ana*e'ent. a scenar&o &s su((orted that ena+les several decentral&1ed S% s)ste's to run act&ve cred&t 'ana*e'ent for a central F! s)ste', To 'a2e th&s (oss&+le. th&s (ro*ra' creates A/R summary data &n the F! s)ste', Th&s data conta&ns 3&n co'(ressed for'4 all the cred&t 'ana*e'ent data on a cred&t account re5u&red 3&n one control area4 for cred&t chec2s &n S%, Th&s (ro*ra' creates th&s F! status data and trans'&ts &t 3&f re5u&red4 to decentral&1ed S% s)ste's &n accordance -&th the AL$ custo'er d&str&+ut&on 'odel, Th&s (ro*ra' &s to +e started (er&od&call), The decentral&1ed S% s)ste's rece&ve the data and store &t &n the data+ase, The chec2s that are called u( on a decentral&1ed +as&s are not run on the data+ase 3-h&ch &s onl) a co() of local act&v&t&es4, !nstead. the) run on the A/R su''ar) data. 'ean&n* that all o(en &te's are chec2ed, For (erfor'ance reasons. &t 'a) see' -orth-h&le runn&n* the S% cred&t chec2 on th&s A/R su''ar) data &n a non-d&str&+uted s)ste', Th&s &s +ecause re(eated read&n* of the results of such a chec2 can +e su+st&tuted for re(eated read&n* of o(en &te's,


A/R Su''ar) data can +e created for a custo'er &f7

o o o

Th&s custo'er &s created &n at least one co'(an) code of the corres(ond&n* control area, The cred&t 'ana*e'ent custo'er 'aster ta+le conta&ns control area data for th&s custo'er, 8our (re(arator) sett&n*s for cred&t 'ana*e'ent are 'a&nta&ned &n Custo'&1&n*,

For a *&ven custo'er. A/R su''ar) data &s transferred v&a AL$ fro' central F! to decentral&1ed S%. &f

o o

the a+ove re5u&re'ents for &ts creat&on are 'et the d&str&+ut&no v&a AL$ )ou re5u&re &s 'a&nta&ned &n Custo'&1&n*,

!f F! status data -as created. th&s (ro*ra' tells )ou the nu'+er of custo'ers &n the relevant cred&t control area for -h&ch the A/R su''ar)

data -as created, !t also out(uts the t&'e sta'( 3creat&on t&'e4 and the lo*&cal s)ste' stored 3the s)ste' &n -h&ch the F! status data -as created4, !n the cred&t overv&e- 3RF%9L!:04. the cred&t 'aster sheet 3RF%9L!:/4 and &n the 'enu ;Custo'er Cred&t Mana*e'ent; )ou can d&s(la) the relevant A/R su''ar) data,

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