EE2302 Unit-1

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. What is the speed range for which salient pole alternators are designed? Mention an application where such alternators are adopted?(May/June 2006) The speed range for salient pole alternator varies from 50 rpm to 500 rpm. Such types of alternators are used in hydro power stations and diesel power stations. 2. What are the functions of damping winding provided with alternator? (May/june 2006) (Nov/Dec 2011 AU -Try) Damper winding is a partial cage winding put up in the pole faces of synchronous machines to damp out the oscillations arised due to hunting. 3. Two alternators A and B, identical in all respect are designed with different length of airgap, the gap length being more for alternator B. which of the two machines would require more copper for its field winding? Why? (May/June 2006) The alternator, B requires more copper for its filed winding, because, air gap reluctance of alternator, B is high due to larger air gap length, hence air gap flux(i.e. useful flux) is decreased. In order to set up required flux the alternator, B requires more copper for its filed winding, 4. Under what conditions the terminal voltage of an alternator will be greater than induced emf?(Nov/Dec 2005) When a leading power factor load is connected across the alternator terminals, the terminal voltage of an alternator will be greater than induced emf 5. What is the need of parallel operation of alternators and What are the conditions for parallel operation alternators?(Nov/Dec 2005) (April/May 2004) (Apr/May 2005) (April/May 2009,May/June2013,2011, Nov/Dec 2010) (Nov/Dec 20072009, May/June 2009) Need of parallel operation 1. Continuity of service: It ensures uninterrupted supply to the consumers. 2. Efficiency: Units can be added or put off depending upon the load requirement. This permits the efficient operation of the power systems. 3. Maintenance and repair: For this purpose the desired unit/units can be shut down and the continuity of supply is maintained through the other units. 4. Load growth: The load growth can be met by adding more units without disturbing the original installation. Conditions for parallel operation (i) The terminal voltage of the incoming alternator must be the same as bus bars voltage. (ii) The phase sequence of the voltage of the incoming alternator should be the same as that of the bus bars. (iii) The frequency of the incoming alternator must be equal to the bus bar frequency. 6. What are the methods of reducing the space harmonics in machine? (Nov/Dec 2005) (i) Distribution of armature windings (ii) Short chording ( coil span is less than 180 (iii) Higher order harmonics can be eliminated by fractional slot winding (iv) skewed slots (v) sufficient air gap length between stator and rotor without affecting power factor 7. Explain what happens when the excitation of synchronus machine conected to an infinite bus is varied, the load torque remains constant.(Nov/Dec 2005) An over excited alternator operates at lagging power factor and supplies lagging reactive power to infinite bus bars. On the other hand, an under excited alternator operates at leading power factor and supplies leading reactive power to infinite bus bars.(in both condition , the active power remains unchanged) 8. What are squirrel cage windings of alternators? How and why are they used? (Nov/Dec 2006) Damper winding are known as squirrel cage windings of alternators. Damper winding is a partial cage winding and short circuited by end rings , put up in the pole faces of synchronous machines to damp

out the oscillations aroused due to hunting. 9. What are the methods by which zero p.f lagging curve can be obtained? (Nov/Dec 2006) This is the curve between terminal voltage and field current when the alternator is delivering its full rated current to zero power factor (lagging) load. The test is carried out by running the alternator at synchronous speed and connecting a purely inductive 3-phase load to its terminals. The load is varied in steps and at each step, the field current is adjusted so that the armature current is equal to its rated value. 10. What is hunting? (April/May 2004) Momentary oscillation of rotor of synchronous machine during variations in load is known as hunting (Explanation : Whenever a synchronous machine is subjected to a sudden change in load, the rotor axis is subjected to oscillations before it settles at the new position corresponding to the new load angle. This process of setting up of oscillations in search of new load angle is called the hunting of the new load angle in synchronous machines) 11. What is synchrnous reactance? (April/May 2004) (Nov/Dec 2011 AU- TNI) (April/May 2003) The leakage reactance, XL and fictitious armature reaction reactance ,XAR together is known as synchronous reactance. It is given by Xs = XL + XAR 12. A 5 MVA 10,000 V, 1500 rpm, 3 phase 50 Hz, 4 pole alternator is operating on infinite bus bar. Find Synchronizing power per mechanical degree of angular displacement under no load condition. Xs = 20 %.( April/May 2004) Load angle, = 0 under no load condition V = E = 1 per unit, Xs = 0.2 per unit Synchronizing power =
X 0.2

= 5 per unit = 5 X 5000 kW/ elect. radian


Since it is a 4pole machine, 1 elect. rad = Synchrnizing power =


mech. degree

= 873kW/mech. degree

13. What is the use of potier triangle? (May/june 2011) The value of leakage reactance determined by the Potier triangle method is sometimes called Potier reactance and is used in determination of voltage regulation of an alternator. 14. Calculate the distribution factor for a 36 slots, 4 poles, single layer three phase winding. (Nov/Dec 2007) Slot angle, = (180 X Poles)/Number of stator slots = (180 X 4)/ 36 = 20 electrical degree m = slots/pole/phase = 36/(4 X 3) = 3 Distribution factor Kd = sin (m/2)/msin(/2) = sin(3 x 20/2)/ 3 x sin (20/2) = 0.9597 15. Write down the causes for redcution in terminal voltage of alternator from its no load value Eo to V for a lagging power factor. (Nov/Dec 2007) (i) due to the resistance fo the armature winding, Ra (ii) due to the leakage reactance of armature winding, XL (iii) due to the armature reaction, XAR ( Cross magnetizing and demagnetizing effects) 16. State factors responsible for a change in synchronous generator terminal voltage while feeding isolated load.(April/May 2008) Variations in terminal voltage in alternators on load condition are due to the following three causes (i) Voltage variation due to the resistance fo the armature winding, Ra (ii) Voltage variation due to the leakage reactance of armature winding, XL (iii) Voltage variation due to the armature reaction, XAR 17. What is meant by compounding curve in synchronus generator?(April/May 2008) If synchronous generator is supplying power at constant frequency to a load whose power factor is

constant then curve showing variation of field current versus armature current when constant power factor load is varied is called compounding curve for alternator.

18. What is synchrnous impedance? (Nov/Dec 2003) (Nov/Dec 2010-AU-CBE) The armature winding resistance, Ra and synchronous reactance, Xs together is known as synchronous impedance, Zs. It is given by Zs = Ra + jXs The leakage reactance, XL and fictitious armature reaction reactance ,XAR together is known as synchronous reactance. It is given by Xs = XL + XAR 19. What are the factors affecting alternator size? (Nov/Dec 2003) (i) Output power and efficiency (ii) Temperature rise (iii) Speed 20. Show the variation of terminal voltage of alternator with load current for various power factors. (Nov/Dec 2003)

21. Why is the field system of an alternator made as a rotor? (April/May 2003)(May/June 2012) The output current can be led directly from fixed terminals on the stator to the electrical load without having to pass it through slip rings and brush contacts 22. Compare salient pole rotor and cylindrical pole rotor. (April/May 2003) (Nov/Dec 2007) Salient pole type of rotor Non- salient type or smooth cylindrical type rotor

1.Poles are projected out from the rotor surface 2. Non Uniform air-gap 3. Large diameter and small axial length 4. Mechanically weak 5. Preferred for low speed operation 6. Prime movers water turbine, IC engines 7. For same size rating is smaller than cylindrical type 8. Separate damper winding is provided

1.Unslotted portion forms the poles-poles are non projected. 2. Uniform air-gap 3. Small diameter and large axial length 4. Mechanically robust 5. Preferred for high speed operation 6. Prime movers steam turbine 7. For same size rating is higher than cylindrical type 8. Separate damper winding is not necessary.

23. What are the experimental (or test data) data required for potier method? (Nov/Dec 2004, 2009) (i) Effective resistance per phase of the 3-phase armature winding (ii) Open circuit characteristic (OCC) at rated speed/frequency (iii) ZPF lagging load characteristics at rated speed/frequency 24. Name the three principle types of synchronoscopes. (Nov/Dec 2004) (i) Polarized vane (ii) Moving iron (iii) Crossed coil 25. What constructional feature makes the flux distribution over the armature of a synchronous machine uniform in a salient role type rotor? (Nov/Dec 2004) The pole faces are so shaped that the radial air-gap length increases from the pole centre to the pole tips This makes the flux distribution over the armature uniform to generate sinusoidal waveform of e.m.f 26. What are the causes of harmonics in the voltage and current waves of electric machinery? (Apr/May 2005) (i) Constructional difficulties such as slot design and coil size (ii) slot leakage fluxes (iii) An asymmetrical current due to negative sequence component of the three phase supply voltage can circulate in that winding. 27. Define coli span factor or pitch factor (Apr/May 2005, Nov/Dec 2009) It is defined as the ratio of emf induced in short-pitch coil to emf induced in full-pitch coil , =

, = cos (/2 ) = 28. List out two advantages of synchronizing lamps used for synchronising. (Apr/May 2005) (i) Synchronizing switch is inexpensive (ii) Checking for correctness of the phase sequence can be obtained in a simpler manner which is essential especially when the alternator is connected for the first time or for fresh operation after disconnection. 29. Why is the synchronous impedance method (or EMF method)used to determine voltage regulation of synchronous machine called pessimistic? (May/June 2005, May/June 2007 AU- CH) The value of voltage regulation obtained by the synchronous impedance method is always higher than the actual value and therefore this method is called pessimistic method. 30. Define the term voltage regulation in an alternator. (Nov/Dec 2007, 2009, 2010) (Apr/May 2011, 2009 AU- CBE, May/June AU-TNI) It is defined as the change in magnitude of the terminal voltage, when full load of specified power factor supplied at rated voltage is thrown off, with speed and field current remaining the same.

It is expressed as percentage of the rated terminal voltage is given by % Regulation =

E o V ph V ph

X 100

Eo = Induced emf at no load condition Vph = Terminal voltage at load condition 31. MMF method is called optimistic method, Why? (Nov/Dec 2007) The value of voltage regulation obtained by MMF method is always lower than the (i.e. near to) actual value and therefore this method is called optimistic method. 32. Mention the two types of alternator. (Nov/Dec 2006) Alternators can be classified into the following two types according to its rotor construction (i) Smooth cylindrical type alternator (ii) Salient pole type alternator 33. What is meant by armature reaction? (Nov/Dec 2012) (Nov/Dec 2009-AU -CBE) The effect of armature flux on the main field flux is known as armature reaction. or Interaction between armature flux and main filed flux is called armature reaction 35. What is synchronizing power of an alternator? (May/June 2012) The power associated with synchronizing torque is called synchronizing power. 36. What do you mean by single layer and double layer winding?(Nov/Dec 2011) Single layer winding A slot consists of only one coil side winding is said to be single layer winding. Double layer winding A slot consists of two coil side, one at the bottom and other at the top, the winding is said to be double layer. 37.Define the term distribution factor. (Nov/Dec 2011, May/ June 2009 AU- Try) (Nov/Dec 2006) The distribution factor Kd is defined as the ratio of emf with distributed winding to emf with concentrated winding.

2 2

m = slots/Pole/Phase , = slot angle 38. What is the purpose of conducting slip test? (Nov/Dec 2011AU-TNI) Direct axis reactance Xd and quadrature axis Xq can be determined by slip test and is used to determine the regulation of salient pole type alternator. 39. Why alternator rated in kVA not in kW? (Nov/Dec 2011 AU- CBE) Rating of an alternator or any electrical machine/apparatus reflects its load carrying capability without overheating. Temperature rise (major threat to insulation) arises due to internal loss within the machine. These internal losses include 1) Copper loss is directly proportional to square of the current 2) Core or Fe loss (hysteresis and eddy) is function of voltage applied/generated Both losses are independent of power factor. Both loss must be taken into account for rating purpose. Thats why alternator rated in kVA not in kW 40. Why short pitch windings are preferred over full pitched winding? (Nov/Dec 2011 AU-CBE) What is the necessity for chording in the armature winding of a synchronous machine? (May/June 2011) (Apr/May 2010 AU- CH) (i) Wave form of the emf can be approximately made to a sine wave and distorting harmonics can be reduced or totally eliminated (ii) Conductor material, copper, is saved in the back and front end connections due to less coil span. (iii) Fractional slot winding with fractional number of slots /phase can be used which in turn reduces tooth ripples. (iv) Mechanical strength of the coil is increased.

41.What are the causes of changes in voltage of alternators when loaded? (Nov/Dec 2004) (Nov/Dec 2011 AU- CBE) (Nov/Dec 2012) Variations in terminal voltage in alternators on load condition are due to the following three causes (i) Voltage variation due to the resistance fo the armature winding, Ra (ii) Voltage variation due to the leakage reactance of armature winding, XL (iii) Voltage variation due to the armature reaction, XAR 42. What are the effects of armature reaction? (May/June 2011 AU Chennai) (i) Distorting and cross magnetizing effect for Purely resistive load ( upf load) (ii) Demagnetizing effect for purely inductive load(zero pf lagging load) (iii) Magnetizing effect for purely capacitive load( zero pf leading load) 43. Name the different methods of determining the voltage regulation of synchrnous generator. (Apr/May 2011 AU- CBE) For smooth cylindrical type (i) Synchronous impedence method/EMF method/Pessimistic method (ii) Ampere turn/ MMF method/Optimistic method (iii) ZPF method/Potier triangle method (iii) ASA method Salient pole type (i) Slip test 44. Write down the equation for frequency of induced emf in an alternator. (Nov/Dec 2010-AU-CBE) Frequency of induced emf in an alternator, f , expressed in cycles per second or Hertz, is given by the following equation


Where P- Number of poles , N- speed in rpm

45. How a DC generator can be converted in to an alternator? (Nov/Dec 2010-AU-CBE) DC generator can be converted in to an alternator by removing a commutator and providing two slip rings on shaft and brushes for taking a electrical energy. 46. What is synchrnozing torque? (Nov/Dec 2010-AU-TNI) Once a synchronous machine is synchronized, it will tend to remain in step with the other alternators. Any tendency to depart from the above condition is opposed by a torque developed due to the circulating current flowing through the alternators is called synchronizing torque. 47. Mention the advatages of short pitch winding. (May/June 2010 AU- TNI) Advantages of short pitch winding Short pitching eliminates high frequency harmonics(unwanted signal) Wave form of the induced emf is improved. i.e., more sinusoidal Copper is saved due to less span Mechanical strength of the coil is increased. Due to elimination of high frequency harmonics, iron loss is minimized 48. List the two types of rotors of synchronous generator. State their futures. (May/June 2006 AUCH) (May/June2013) (i) Salient pole rotor- it is suitable for low speed operation (50 to 500 rpm) and it has a larger diameter and smallest axial length (ii) Smooth cylindrical rotor- It is suitable for high speed operation (1500 to 300rpm) and it has a smaller diameter and larger axial length

49. Represent the power and power angle curve of a synchronus machine. (May/June 2006 AU- CH)

50. Explain why an alternator with low value of short circuit ratio has lower limit of stability. (Apr/May 2010 AU- CH) short circuit ratio It is defined as the ratio of the field current required for the rated voltage at open circuit to the field current required for rated armature current at short circuit.

SCR = If,oc/ Isc

and also it is expressed by SCR = 1/Xs , in an alternator maximum synchronizing power is inversely proportional to synchronous reactance Xs ,therefore low SCR means high Xs which leads to reduce the synchronizing power hence alternator has lower limit of stability 51. How is the armature windings in alternators different from those used in dc machines? (May/June 2007 AU- CH) (May/june 2005) DC armature windings must be of closed-circuit type in order to provide for the commutation of the coils. But alternators windings may be either closed giving delta connections or open giving star connections. 52. Name the type of synchrnous generator used in thermal power stations. Why? (Nov/Dec 2009AU -TNI) Smooth cylindrical type rotor is used in thermal power stations. (a) This type of construction has mechanical robustness and gives noiseless operation at high speeds.(b) The flux distribution around the periphery is nearly a sine wave and hence better emf. waveform is obtained than in the case of salient-pole type. 53. If the values of regulation of two synchronous generators are 0.5% and 3%, which one of the generator will use choose? Why? (Nov/Dec 2009-AU -TNI) A synchronous generator having a value of 0.5% regulation is preferred, because the voltage is the most important requirement for any electrical apparatus and also lower regulation machine needs less insulation for its armature winding . 54. Calculate the pitch factor for the under given winding: 36 stator slots, 4 poles, coil span 1 to 8 slots.(May/June 2009AU- CH) KP = COS(/2) Slot angle = (180 X Poles)/Number of stator slots = (180 X 4)/ 36 = 20 electrical degree For full pitch = Number of slots/pole = 36/4 = 9 but coil span is 1 to 8 slots ,thus short pitch by 1 slot , therefore , = 20 electrical degree KP = COS(/2) = COS (20/2) = 0.9848

55. What are the experimental (or test data) data required for MMF method? (May /June 2009 AUTRY) (i) Effective resistance per phase of the 3-phase armature winding (ii) Open circuit characteristic (OCC) at rated speed/frequency (iii) Short circuit characteristics(SCC) at rated speed/frequency 56. What are the basic constructional parts of an alternator? (Nov/Dec 2009-AU -CBE) (Apr/May 2011 AU- CBE) (i) Stator (ii) Rotor(iii) Exciter 57. Write the EMF equation of an alternator. ? (Nov/Dec 2009-AU -CBE) (Apr/May 2011,Nov/Dec 2009 AU- CBE) Erms /phase = 4.44fTph K p K d Volts Erms /phase = induced emf per phase f frequency of induced emf in Hz flux per pole in Webbers Tph Number of armature winding turns per phase Kp Pitch factor Kd - Distribution factor. 58. How a synchronous motor is different from an induction motor? ?(Nov/Dec 2009-AU -CBE) S.NO: 1 2 Particular Speed Power factor Synchronous motor Remains constant(i.e Ns) from noload to full load Can be made to operate from lagging to leading power factor Requires dc excitation at the rotor Economical for speeds below 300 rpm No self-starting torque Auxiliary means have to be provided for starting Complicated More 3 induction motor Decreases with load Operates at lagging power factor only No excitation at the rotor Economical for speeds above 600 rpm Self-starting

3 4 5.

Excitation Economy Self-starting

6 7

Construction Starting torque

Simple Less

59. Specify the condition beyond which the synchrnous machine is said to be out of step? (Nov/Dec 2008) When a load angle, is greater than 90 degree, the synchronous machine is said to be out of step. 60. What is the significance of having dc field rotating in synchrnous machine? (Nov/Dec 2008) (i) It is easier to insulate stationary winding for high voltages. (ii) Only two slip rings are required for dc supply to the field winding on the rotor. Since the exciting current is small, the slip rings and brush gear required are of light construction. (iii) The stationary 3-phase armature can be directly connected to load without going through large, unreliable slip rings and brushes. (iv) it is easier to provide cooling arrangement for higher capacity stationary armature winding.

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