Exercises, 3 Level, Simple Presnt

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A. Fill in with the third person singular SIMPLE PRESENT:

I teach. He ..............................................
We study. She ........................................
You cook. She ........................................
They fly. It .............................................
I clean. She ............................................
I buy. She ..............................................
You like. He ..........................................
I do. He ..................................................
We walk. He .........................................
B. Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence.
1. Juan and Carmen live/ lives in Madrid.
2. Harry watch/ watches television every evening.
3. I usually go/ goes to school by bus.
4. It never snow/ snows in this city.
5. Sam live/ lives in that house.
6. you never clean/ cleans your teeth!
7. Carol get/ gets up early everyday.
8. All the buses leave/ leaves from this bus stop.
C. Fill in with DO or DOES.
1. ______________ you like chocolates?
2. ______________ Sarah go home by bus?
3. ______________ you watch TV on weekends?
4. _____________ he play computer games at school?
D. Put the verbs in brackets in the PRESENT SIMPLE
My friend Cathy ....................... (have) a horse. It ............... (be) a beautiful animal with big eyes and a
long tail. Its name is Bella and it ...................... (love) people. It ............................... (not/ bite) or kick and
it is always friendly. It .......................... (eat) apples and hay but it ................................. (not/ eat) meat.
Horses .................................... (not/ like) meat. Cathy usually........................... (ride) her horse every day
after school. She ................................... (not/ go) into the town because there is too much traffic.
There ............................ (not/ be) many cars in the country so she ...................... (take) Bella there.

B) Make questions and negative sentences.

e.g. Jack get up at 7.00

Does Jack get up at 7.00?

1. Alice and Mike walk to work.


2. Jack leave home at 8.00.


3. We relax in the evening.


4. They watch TV.


5. I do the homework.


6. Jane cook dinner.


e.g. Alice and Mike not like Alice and Mike dont like basketball.
1. Jack not wear school uniform


2. They not use computers.


3. You not speak French.


4. Jack not do his homework.


5. We not drink coffee.


6. She not clean her bedroom.

Using the Present Continuous tense, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs shown in
1. I _______________ the questions. (answer)
2. You ________________ boots. (not/ wear)
3. We ______________ for work. ( look)
4. ______________________ her friend. (She/ not/ call)?
5. ______ _______________ a house. (not/ he/ build)?
6. ________ _______________ supper. (Mary/ not/ cook) ?
7. We ______________ a story. ( tell)
8. ______________ for the bus. (You/ wait)?
9. I _______________ a book. (not/ read)
10. They _______________ berries. (pick)

11. I _______________ the grass. (cut)

12. It _______________ downstream. (not/ float)
13. _________________ the game. (John/ win)?
14. _________________ the present. (We/ wrap)?
15. She _________________ lettuce. ( grow)
16. He _________________ for us. ( look)
17. I _________________ a sweater. (not/ knit)
18. _________________ wood. (they/ saw)?
19. She _________________ the windows. (not/clean)
20. We _________________ the floor. (not/ scrub)
Change the following affirmative statements into questions.
1. I hurry home. _____________________________________________________
2. He drives a truck. _________________________________________________
3. You follow the news. ________________________________________________
4. They want a pet.___________________________________________________
5. She likes flowers. _________________________________________________
6. We need tea. ____________________________________________________
7. She answers the questions. __________________________________________
8. He drinks coffee.__________________________________________________
Simple Present tense or the Present Continuous? Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb
given in brackets.
1. At the moment, I __________________ supper. (to cook)
2. He ________________ the paper every weekday. (to read)
3. We ________________ right now. (to study)
4. She ________________ every day. (to study)
5. Now it _______________. (to rain)
6. They ______________ to Mexico every year. (to travel)
7. Just now we ________________ the shopping. (to do)
8. She always ________________ correctly.( to answer)
9. You ________________ never late. (to be)
10. Now I ________________ to the radio. (to listen)
11. Each Sunday, we ________________ the flea market. (to visit)
12. At present, I ________________ for work. (to look)

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