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What you didn't say anything but I kept on listening to it.

just for nothing, without reason I kept on weaving dreams. don't know whose evil eye casted upon me, now there is no place left for me in this city. Despair is become part of my life. In the journey of life people meet and pass by and leave their remembrance behind. Please someone tells me where I am because I am walking on that road which is about to be end. just for nothing, without reason I kept on weaving dreams. now, the pain is more than the previous one. so, I made a promise to myself that the silent eyes should remain dumb. This is my life Its not what it was before. now, when I speak, my lips quiver. I am not able to say the secret of my heart. no effect has done to me. I am in a journey, but there is no partner with me. I kept on going away and coming close. just for nothing, without reason I kept on weaving dreams. That which was written in someone's destiny, that came to be used in you gathering. someone's lot was the 'thirst' and someone was allotted 'wine'. Mine is a story of 'helplessness', this is the state of my life. Neither the beauty appealed to me nor did love itself prove useful to me. jemma you are so beautiful, I feel I already know you. still attracts the curious that one day I will get you. just for nothing, without reason I kept on weaving dreams. Ive been waiting for you everyday but you never seem to come my way. My heart is filled with my pain, it pours when it rains. Life is a false show, nothing I could gain. You are different, youre the game. I bark worse than bite. Everything takeaway from me I claimed I couldnt hold, I couldnt fight. Ive fallen and I couldnt get up, I couldnt stand straight because of hump. I am like the man of dishonor. Jemma youre beautiful, you are smart and I need to know you are my angel. Just for nothing, without reason I kept on weaving dreams. Surely my heart is dead but my hope still alive that you will come into my life. When I remember you my heart starts singing, wind blows, clouds thunder, flowers bloom. I wish you were here with me but I need to understand that life is not a miracle. No stars, no moon everything is dark. My eyes are dying to see you. Who says! Love is for everyone, if it is true then why I aint got any maybe for love all aint equal. I want to prove that Im worthy of you but I got a long way for that. I am not a stone Im a human, my heart is beating and its beating for you Without you I consider my life mythical. Just for nothing without reason I kept on weaving dreams. First time in my life I am my own. My heart is breaking and I have no one to turn what do I live for. If Ive got everything but I didnt get you then everything is shit, Im earth and you are sky then how can we meet. Everything I had had stolen. Without you Im in squallen. Jemma I need you more than you do, I am losing here without you. But I am a pretty worn down coin, you are better off without me. I am nothing in comparison of you. You are better than me and Im a numbskull. I cant hold my emotions. Im suffering in a great commotion. Im sad, somethings gonna be bad. I can see my end in your love. I only pray you never forget me, never hate me always count me in your good books. What you didn't say anything but I kept on listening to it. just for nothing, without reason I kept on weaving dreams. I kept on waving dreams.........

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