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The Members of the Municipal Councils (Disclosure of Assets) Rules, 1973

THE MEMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCILS (DISCLOSURE OF ASSETS) RULES, 1973* (G.O. Ms. No. 8 8, R!"#$ D%&%$o'(%)* #)+ Lo,#$ A+(-)-s*"#*-o), +#*%+ . */ A'"-$, 1970) S.R.O. No. A1070 o2 1973.3 In e!ercise of the po"ers conferre# b$ sub%section (i) of &ection 3'3 of the Tamil (a#u District Municipalities Act, 19)' (Tamil (a#u Act * of 19)'), the +o,ernor of Tamil (a#u hereb$ ma-es the follo"in. rules RULES 1. S/o"* *-*$% #)+ ,o((%),%(%)* .3 These rules ma$ be calle# The Members of the Municipal Councils (Disclosure of Assets) Rules, 1973 (ii) The$ shall come into force at once/
.. P%"-o+-,#$ +-s,$os!"% o2 #ss%*s o2 M%(4%"s o2 */% M!)-,-'#$ Co!),-$s 0 1,er$

member of a municipal2 council inclu#in. the Chairman an# the *ice%Chairman shall (a) if he hol#s office as such on the #ate of commencement of these rules, as soon as ma$ be after such #ate / or

33333333333333333333333 4 5ublishe# in 5art * 5a.e 697, of the Tamil (a#u +o,ernment +a8ette, #ate#, 13th 9une 197:

The Members of the Municipal Councils (Disclosure of Assets) Rules, 1973

(b) if he is electe# or co%opte# after such #ate, as soon as ma$ be after such election or co%option / an# (b) thereafter at inter,als of e,er$ 1) months en#in. "ith the 31st #a$ of March furnish to the e!ecuti,e authorit$ of the municipal council in the form appen#e# to these rules a return of 0 (i) all properties o"ne#, ac;uire# or inherite# b$ such member or an$ member of his famil$ / an# (i) all properties hel# on lease or mort.a.e either in his o"n name or in the name of an$ member of his famil$,

to.ether "ith #etails of the means, b$ "hich, or the sources from "hich, such propert$ "as ac;uire# or inherite# 3. R%*!")s *o 4% '$#,%+ #* */% (%%*-)5 #)+ *o 4% '!4$-, +o,!(%)*s6 1 1,er$ return submitte# un#ei Rule ) shall 0
(1) as soon as possible after it is submitte#, be place# at the meetin. of the council /

()) be #eeme# to be a public #ocument an# the e!ecuti,e authorit$ ma$, sub<ect to such

con#itions (inclu#in. pa$ment of fees) as ma$ be prescribe# b$ such authorit$ .i,e to an$ person on #eman# a cop$ of such return APPENDI7 FORM =See Rule )> R%*!") o2 #ss%*s o2 */% M%(4%"s o2 */% M!)-,-'#$ Co!),-$ 8 C/#-"(#) 8 9-,%1C/#-"(#)..............................M!)-,-'#$ Co!),-$ #s o) */% 31s* M#",/........... (ame of the Member, the Chairman or the *ice%Chairman Date of the election or co%option Assets of the Members (1) Immo,able propert$ ()) ?usiness interest 0 (a) &hares (b) &toc-s

The Members of the Municipal Councils (Disclosure of Assets) Rules, 1973

(c) &crip (#) 5artnership (e) Debenture an# securities

(3) @ther intereste# ?an- Accounts (:) (a) 9e"eller$ (b) +ol# (c) 5recious stones Ahere the ,alue of all the three items e!cee#s Rs 1','''

(B) Mo,ables (inclu#in. motor ,ehicles) "here the ,alue e!cee#s Rs 1','''
(6) Details of Trusts "ith "hich the Member has an$

connection (7) Remar-s, if an$, of the member Assets of the Members of the Family (1) Immo,able propert$ ()) ?usiness interest 0 (a) &hares (b) &toc-s (c) &crip (#) 5artnership (e) Debenture an# securities (3) @ther intereste# ?an- Accounts (:) (a) 9e"eller$ Ahere the ,alue (b) +ol# of all the three items (c) 5recious stones e!cee#s Rs 1',''' (B) Mo,ables (inclu#in. motor ,ehicles) "here the ,alue e!cee#s Rs 1','''
(6) Details of Trusts "ith "hich the Member has an$ connection (B) Remar-s, if an$, of the member

The Members of the Municipal Councils (Disclosure of Assets) Rules, 1973

DECLARATION I .................................#eclare that to the best of m$ -no"le#.e an# belief, the information furnishe# in the abo,e return is true an# complete 5lace C Date C Signature No*% 0 (1) DMembers of the famil$D means an$ person relate#, "hether b$ bloo# or marria.e, to the member of the municipal council, or to his "ife or her husban# an# "holl$ #epen#ent on such member
()) DImmo,able propert$D inclu#es lan# an# buil#in.s (3) The members ma$ .i,e a short note e!plainin. the nature of ac;uisition of the

assets in the column relatin. to remar-s

(:) If the member so chooses, he ma$ also e!plain the liabilities incurre# b$ him an# b$ his famil$ members in the column relatin. to remar-s

Procedure for furnishing the return

(1) 1,er$ member shall fill up this form furnishin. information for the perio# en#in. "ith 31st #a$ of March (1) The member shall after fillin. it sen# it to the 1!ecuti,e Authorit$ of the Council

on or before the 3'th #a$ of &eptember e,er$ $ear

()) The 1!ecuti,e Authorit$ concerne# on receipt of the same shall cause it to be

place# at the meetin. of the Council :::::::::::::::

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