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Comparative and Superlative 3

When things being compared have equal characteristics, the comparison of equality is used. Si usa il comparativo di uguaglianza quando due cose o persone hanno uguali caratteristiche. 1. The comparisons of equality using adjectives or adverbs is formed in the following way: Il comparativo di uguaglianza con aggettivi o avverbi va formato nel seguente modo: Affirmative forms: as aggettivo/avverbio eorge is as tall as his father. Tom doesn!t spea" #rench as well as me. Negative forms: not as aggettivo/avverbio not so aggettivo/avverbio as as as

Comparative of equality

The wine isn!t as expensive as champagne. Tom doesn t write so clearly as Sara. The bees are plentiful, but not so common as las summer. $e doesn t run as fast as me. !. The comparisons of equality using nouns is formed in the following way: Il comparativo di uguaglianza con sostantivi va formato nel seguente modo: Affirmative forms: as muc" singular noun as many plural nouns as as

There is as muc" traffic as yesterday. Tom drin"s as muc" mil# as her sister. I have as many boo#s as you. In the classroom, there are as many students as yesterday. Negative forms: not so muc" not so many singular noun plural nouns as as

There is not so muc" traffic as yesterday. Tom drin"s not so muc" mil# as her sister. I have not so many boo#s as you. In the classroom, there are not so many students as yesterday.

$. The comparisons of equality using verbs is formed in the following way: Il comparativo di uguaglianza con verbi va formato nel seguente modo: verbo as muc" as

%y aunt earns as muc" as my uncle. Steve drin"s as muc" as a camel.

%atc" out:
as as as as soon as far as long as well as

&earn the following e'pressions by heart: non appena fino a(per quanto finch)(purch) oltre che

Tony will come as soon as possible. This bus goes as far as the city hall. As far as I *now, she is not married. +ou can ta"e my boo" as long as you bring it bac" tomorrow. ,arol is intelligent as well as beautiful.


The comparative of inferiority is formed in the following way: Il comparativo di uguaglianza va formato nel seguente modo: less fewer Aggettivi/avverbi/verbi/ sostantivi singolari (ostantivi plurali t"an t"an

Comparative of 'nferiority

This dish is less tasty t"an I thought. I see them less frequently t"an I used to. +ou put less sugar in the coffee t"an me. I read less now than in the past. There are fewer cars on the roads today. Anyway, the comparative of inferiority isn t very common in -nglish. -ither the comparative of superiority or the negative equality comparative is preferred instead of it. Comunque, il comparativo di minoranza non ) molto usato in inglese. .l suo posto si preferisce il comparativo di maggioranza o quello di uguaglianza in negativo. %y mother is less old t"an you thin". %y mother is younger t"an you thin".( %y mother is not so old as you thin". .lice is less tall t"an carol. .lice is s"orter t"an ,arol. or .lice is not so tall as ,arol.


If someone or something is so good, bad or e'hibits any quality in the highest degree such that no comparison would really be worth it or valid, you need the /absolute superlative0. Il superlativo assoluto indica una qualit1 nel grado pi2 alto senza il bisogno di un paragone. 3ery(e'tremely .d4ective(adverb

(uperlative *t"e "ig"est degree in absolute+

,arol is very tall. .lice is very intelligent. Ted is extremely s"illful.

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