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The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

THE MULTI-STOREYED AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS RULES, 1973* (G.O. Ms. No. 1769, Ru !" D#$#"o%&#'( !') Lo*!" A)&+'+s( !(+o', )!(#) (,# -.(, Au/us(, 19730 S.R.O.A-91. o1 1973. n e!ercise o" the #o$ers con"erred by %ection 191 and subsection (1& o" %ection 3'3 o" the Ta(il )adu *istrict Munici#alities +ct, 19,' (Ta(il )adu +ct - o" 19,'&, the .o/ernor o" Ta(il )adu hereby (a0es the "ollo$ing s#ecial Rules 1 RULES 1. S,o ( (+("# . (1& These Rules i iay be called the Multi-storeyed and Public Buildings Rules, 1973. +. MULTI-STOREYED BUILDING
,. D#1+'+(+o' . n these Rules unless there is anything re#ugnant in the sub2ect or conte!t 3Multi-storeyed Building3 (eans and include all buildings4 5$ith (ore than "our "loors (including ground "loors&6 or $hose height is 17 (etres or (ore.

8888888888888888888888 9 Published in Part -, #age. 13:7 o" the Ta(il )adu .o/ern(ent .a;ette dated the 7th )o/e(ber, 1973. 1 %ubstituted by %R<-+ 177=>:, Munici#al +d(inistration ? @ater %u##ly *e#art(ent, dated ,7-A-19>:.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

3. A%%"+*!(+o' o1 Ru"#s .2 B/ery #erson intending to construct, reconstruct, add to or alter any (ulti-storeyed building in addition to the general reCuire(ents laid do$n in the Rules, shall also co(#ly $ith the "ollo$ing s#ecial Rules. .. A #! 1o (,# *o's( u*(+o' . (a& +ny construction, reconstruction, alteration or addition o" or "or a (ulti-storeyed building, shall be #er(itted only $ithin the area a##ro/ed "or the construction o" (ulti-storeyed buildings in a To$n Planning %che(e (ade under the Ta(il )adu To$n Planning +ct, 19,', or a de/elo#(ent #lan under the Ta(il )adu To$n and Dountry Planning +ct, 1971, or declared by a %#ecial Resolution by the council $ith the a##ro/al o" the *irector o" To$n Planning "or such #ur#ose and shall not e!ceed the (a!i(u( nu(ber o" storeys or (a!i(u( height #rescribed "or the indi/idual area.
(b& The (ini(u( e!tent o" site "or construction o" a (ulti-storeyed building shall be not less than : grounds in e!tent and should ha/e the shortest side not less than ,:-7' (etres (>' "eet& and shall abut on a street not less than 1,-,7 (etres (:' "eet& in $idth. (b& n so "ar as the deter(ination o" su""iciency o" all as#ects o" structural design, building, ser/ices, #lu(bing, "ire #rotection, construction #ractices and sa"ety, the s#eci"ications, standards and codes o" #ractice reco((ended in the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197' shall be "ully con"ir(ed to, besides those #rescribed in these rules and any breach thereo" shall be dee(ed to be a breach o" the reCuire(ents under these rules.

7. Bngineer4s a##ro/al The Bngineers shall, $hile according his a##ro/al or #er(ission, "ollo$ the code o" #ractice and standard reCuire(ents reco((ended in the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197'. 6. S+(# %"!', s( ##(s !') s%!*#s . The site #lan to be sub(itted in tri#licate under the rules, shall also sho$ the "ollo$ing 1 (a& The e!isting and #ro#osed building in relation to the boundaries o" the site and in relation also to all ad2acent streets, buildings ($ith nu(ber o" storeys and height& and #re(ises $ithin a distance o" 17 (etres (7' "eet& o" the site E

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

(b& The (eans o" access "ro( the street or streets to all buildings e!isting and #ro#osed in the site, to the #ar0ing s#aces and "acilities #ro/ided in the site $ithin or outside the buildings and "or sca/enging and "ire #rotection E (c& The s#aces to be le"t about the building "or circulation, air, light access, #ar0ing and a(enity E and (b& The general layout o" the colu(ns and load-bearing $alls sho$ing the esti(ated loads including (o(ents and torCues co(ing on the "oundation units.

7. Bu+")+'/ %"!'s .2 The building #lans to be sub(itted in tri#licate under the rules shall also sho$,
(a& Floor #lans o" all "loors and co/ered area, indicating clearly the si;e and s#acing o" all "ra(ing (e(bers and si;e and arrange(ents or roo(s and the #osition o" staircases, ra(#s and li"t $alls E (b& Gongitudinal and cross-sections o" the buildings to sho$ si;e o" "ootings, base(ent and su#erstructure, "ra(ing (e(bers and details o" building and roo( heights and o" staircases, etc. E (c& n the case o" constructions using steel structures, co(#lete design dra$ings, sho$ing si;es, sections and relati/e location o" the /arious steel (e(bers, "loor le/els, colu(n, centres and o""sets E (d& n the case o" #re-"abricated building dra$ings, describing the ele(ents o" the structure or asse(bly including all reCuired data or #hysical #ro#erties o" co(#onent (aterials $ith details o" 2oints to an enlarged scale, site or sho# location o" ser/ices such as installation o" #i#ing, $iring or other accessories and location o" handling arrange(ents "or li"ting and handling the #re-"abricated ele(ents E and (a& Plans and sectional details o" $ater-su##ly and se$erage syste( "or the building.

37-A. 4!(# Co's# $!(+o', For e""ecti/e conser/ation o" rain$ater, a##lication "or #er(ission to construct or reconstruct or alter or

8888888888888888888888 1. nserted by ..<. Ms. )o. 13>, Munici#al +d(inistration and @ater %u##ly *e#art(ent (M+- &, 11th <ctober ,'',.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

add to a Multi-storeyed building, shall contain $ater conser/ation #ro#osals as detailed belo$ 1 Tiled and sloped terrace building.- (1& n the tiled or slo#ed building, se(i-circular gutters o" $idth 17 to ,7 centi(etres o" #lastic or any other (aterial shall be #ro/ided on the do$n side roo" slo#es o" the building "or har/esting rain-$ater. The gutter shall be connected at the do$nstrea( end $ith a 4do$n#i#e o" 77 to 1'' (illi(etres dia(eter, de#ending u#on roo" area and si;e o" tan0 to con/ey the har/ested rain$ater "ro( gutters to a #lastic or any other (aterial storage tan0 or su(# (through a "ilter unit&. +n inlet screen ($ire (esh& to #re/ent entry o" dry lea/es and other debris into the do$n#i#e shall be "itted. The collected rain-$ater "ro( the roo" shall be allo$ed to #ass through a "ilter unit. The "ilter unit is to be "illed $ith suitable "ilter (aterial such as $ell burnt bro0en bric0s (or #ebbles& u#to 17 centi(etres "ro( to#.. The to# 17 centi(etres shall be "illed u# $ith coarse sand. The "ilter unit shall be #laced either o/er a storage tan0 or at botto( o" the do$n#i#e.

(,& The "iltered rain-$ater shall be collected in a collection tan0 or storage tan0 #laced o/er the ground or underground. The sha#e o" the tan0 shall be, cylindrical, rectangular or sCuare o" suitable si;e $ith a ca#acity ranging "ro( 1,''' to 1',''' litres or e/en higher de#ending on the roo" area. The (aterials o" construction shall be bric0 $or0, stone $or0E ce(ent bric0s, "erro-ce(ent, High *ensity Polyethylene (H*PB&, #lain ce(ent concrete or rein"orced ce(ent concrete. The storage tan0s or collection tan0s .shall be #ro/ided $ith #i#e "i!tures at a##ro#riate #laces to dra$ the $ater, to clean the tan0 and to dis#ose o" the e!cess $ater de#ending u#on use or reuse either to o#en$ell or bore$ell to a #ercolation #it. Ordinary building (Ground + First Floor). (1& Percolation #its o" 3' to :7 centi(etres dia(eter and o" de#th adeCuate, not less than one (etre, to recharge the ground, shall be (ade. This #it shall be "illed $ith suitable "ilter (aterial such as $ell-burnt bro0en bric0s (or #ebbles& u#to 17 centi(etres "ro( to#. The to# 17 centi(etres shall be "illed u# $ith coarse sand. The to# o" this #it shall be co/ered $ith #er"orated rein"orced concrete ce(ent (RDD& slab or o" any other

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

(aterial, $here/er considered necessary. The nu(ber o" such #ercolation #its shall be #ro/ided on the basis o" one #it #er 3' sCuare (etres o" a/ailable o#en terrace area or #linth area. The cross distance bet$een the #its shall be (ini(u( 3 (etres.
(,& @here/er an o#en$ell or bore$ell is,a/ailable $ithin the building #re(ises the

rain-$ater collected "ro(she o#en terrace shall be collected through #i#es o" 17' (illi(etre dia(eter or other suitable si;es and led to "ilter #it o" si;e A' centi(etres ! A' centi(etres ! A' centi(etres ! A' centi(etres ($ith a##ro#riate "ilter (aterial& and then led into the o#en$ell or bore$ell through 17' (illi(etres dia(eter or other suitable #i#es, a"ter "illing u# a storage tan0 or su(#.
(3& @here/er e!isting $ater storage su(#s are a/ailable, the rain$ater so collected,

a"ter it #asses through the "ilter, shall be allo$ed to "lo$ to the su(# through closed #i#es. +n o/er"lo$ #i#e shall be #ro/ided to the storage su(# so that the sur#lus $ater is led into the nearby o#en$ell or bore$ell or #ercolation #it.
(:& n addition to the #ercolation #its o" 3' centi(etres dia(eter to be #ro/ided at 3 (etre inter/als, a #it o" 1 to 1.7 (etres $idth and a##ro#riate de#th, so as to recharge the ground, shall be #ro/ided all along the #linth boundary de#ending u#on the soil classi"ication belo$ ground. This #it shall be "illed $ith a##ro#riate "ilter (aterial na(ely, bro0en bric0s, #ebbles, bro0en stones, etc., at the botto( and the to# 17 to ,7 centi(etres shall be "illed $ith coarse sand. The ground and #a/e(ent sur"ace around the building shall be slo#ed to$ards the #ercolation #it so that the sur#lus rain-$ater "ro( terrace and sides, o#en s#aces, etc., "lo$ o/er this slo#ed sur"aces and s#read into the "ilter bed all around. Masonry d$ar" $alls 7 to 7.7 centi(etres or o" suitable height de#ending u#on the site conditions shall be constructed, i" necessary, at the entrance and e!it gates to allo$ the sur#lus rain-$ater collected $ithin the co(#ound to recharge the ground $ithin the #re(ises itsel", and "ro( draining out to the road. (7& " the sub-soil is not a #er(eable one (na(ely, clay or blac0 cotton& a##ro#riate

recharge4structures, na(ely, recharge sha"t or bore #it shall be #ro/ided belo$ the "iltration #its so as to recharge the ground.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

5C0 Group development, industries and institutional building :(1& For buildings "or .round I <ne Floor or .round I , "loors and abo/e located $ithin grou# de/elo#(ent, industrial or institutional #re(ises, the s#eci"ication detailed in ite(s +, B and D abo/e shall a##ly.
(,& The sur#lus sur"ace runo"" rain-$ater, in the o#en s#aces $ithin the .rou# de/elo#(ent or industrial or institutional #re(ises shall be allo$ed to run to$ards collection drains o" suitable si;e and these drains shall be construed as rain-$ater "riendly stor(-$ater drains. +ll the a##roach and access roads to the buildings $ithin the grou# de/elo#(ent or industrial or institutional #re(ises shall also be #ro/ided $ithin the rain-$ater-"riendly stor(-$ater drains. These rain-$ater-"riendly stor(-$ater drains shall not Ha/e #a/e botto(. " adeCuate s#aces are a/ailable in lo$ lying areas, #ercolation #onds o" suitable si;e shall be "or(ed and these rain-$ater-"riendly stor(-$ater drains shall be led into the #ercolation #onds "or recharging the ground. (,& For other localised areas, recharge #its o" si;e o" (ini(u( 1 (etre ! 1 (etre ! 1

(etre or 1 (etre dia(eter shall be #ro/ided $here/er needed, so as to #re/ent rain-$ater stagnation around the building. For other #laces catch $ater #it structures o" si;e 3' centi(etres dia(eter and 3' centi(etres de#th or higher de#th as necessary shall be #ro/ided $here/er necessary. For e!isting #a/ed stor(-$ater drains, catch-$ater #its o" 3' centi(etres dia(eter and 3' centi(etres de#th or higher de#th, as necessary, shall be #ro/ided at the botto( o" these drains at 1' to 17 (etre inter/als. These catch $ater #its shall be "illed $ith a##ro#riate "ilter (aterial as described in ite( 4B4 abo/e "or ordinary building (.round I First "loor&. E planation. For the #ur#oses o" these rules, in regard to rain$ater har/esting structures are concerned any other (odi"ications, additional structures or alternati/e designs, "urnished by the a##licant shall be considered "or a##ro/al, i" it con"or(s to rain-$ater har/esting conce#t to the satis"action o" the co(#etent authority "or building #lan a##ro/al. Pro/ision o" $ater har/esting structures "or re-use o" used $ater li0e $ater e(anating "ro( 0itchens and bathroo(s "or "lushing toilets, gardening, shall be considered "or a##ro/al on its (erits.6

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

6. S%#*+1+*!(+o's . The "ollo$ing detailed s#eci"ication shall be "urnished $ith the a##lication "or #er(ission under these rules 1 (a& .eneral and detailed s#eci"ications, gi/ing the ty#e and grade o" (aterials to be used E (b& *etailed co(#utations, stress diagra(s to sho$ the su""iciency and correctness o"

the design E and

(c& Ty#e and condition o" soil or roc0 to $hich the "oundation trans"ers the loads.

9. 7"oo ! #! !(+o !') &!8+&u& %"o( *o$# !/# .The (a!i(u( Floor +rea Ratio and (a!i(u( #er(issible #lot co/erage "or di""erent occu#ancies shall be as in the "ollo$ing Table THE TABLE Floor area ratios, and (a!i(u( #lot co/erage "or di""erent building ty#es. Building ty#e. %. )o. (1& (,& 1. Residential. ,. Commercial (a& .eorge To$n and other s#ecial areas council $ith the a##ro/al o" *irector o" Planning (b& <ther areas o" the city. 3. Public and Industrial (a& .eorge To$n and other s#ecial areas declared by council. (b& <ther areas o" the city. Floor area ratio (3& 17' ,7' 1A' 17' 1'' Plot co/erage (:& 37 7' :' 7' 7'

E planation (!). The "loor area ratio s#eci"ied in the Table (ay be increased by ,' #er cent "or the "ollo$ing ser/ices (a& + base(ent or cellar and s#ace under a building constructed on stilts and used as #ar0ing s#ace, store-roo( and air-conditioning #lant roo( used as necessary to the #rinci#al one E

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


(b& Blectric cabin or sub-station, $atch(an4s booth, #u(#-house and garage stilts E and (b& %taircase-roo( and li"t-roo(s abo/e the co((on storey, architectural "eatures,

chi(neys. E planation 5-0 . The (a!i(u( #lot co/erage s#eci"ied in the Table includes 7 #er cent "or co/ered #ar0ing and another 7 #er cent (ay be allo$ed "or co/ered garages "or car and cycle #ar0ing. This area "or #ar0ing in ground "loor $ill not be ta0en into consideration "or calculating "loor area ratio, but the s#ace abo/e it in "irst and u##er "loors $ill be counted. 19. S( u*(u !" su11+*+#'*: . (1& Foundations (a) B/ery $all, colu(n #ost and bea( o" building shall be su##orted adeCuately by "oundations o" concrete or rein"orced concrete, #iles, #iers, caisson o" other "oundations o" such thic0ness and #ro2ection as $ill be necessary to sa"ely sustain and consult all the dead and su#eri(#osed load $ithout e!ceeding the li(itations o" #er(issible stresses #ro/ided in these rules.
(b& +ll "oundations, a#art "ro( those resting on bedroc0, shall be carried do$n belo$

the le/el o" #ossible da(age by "rost or seasonal changes on soils #ossessing shrin0ing and s$elling, characteristics, such as clayey soils.
(c& The structural design o" the "oundations shall be deter(ined as #er the reco((endations in the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197' to ensure su""iciency and sa"ety o" the structures and to 0ee# the stresses o" the "oundation (aterials and su##orting soils $ithin #er(issible li(its #rescribed in these rules. (d& Piles either "riction #iles or end bearing #iles, (ay be used "or the "oundations o" a building $hen soil condition are suitable and their design, use and s#acing shall con"or( to the reco((endations in Part - %ection , o" the )ational Building Dode. (e& +ll #iles used to su##ort any structure or #art thereo" shall be dri/en, 2etted or

other$ise e(bedded to such de#th as is necessary to secure adeCuate soil or roc0 bearing ca#acity and in such a (anner as not to i(#air their strength and shall be o" su""icient strength to $ithstand also all stresses resulting "ro( the handling and dri/ing.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973

(") #alls and $olumns . (a) The thic0ness o" e/ery load-bearing non-rein"orced (asonry $all shall be su""icient at all #oints to ensure that the stresses due to the $orst conditions o" loading "or $hich the structure is designed are $ithin the li(its #rescribed. (b& Ma!i(u( slenderness ratio 1 4!""s . For a $all, the slenderness ratio shall be the e""ecti/e height di/ided by the e""ecti/e thic0ness or the e""ecti/e length di/ided by the e""ecti/e thic0ness $hiche/er is less. Co"u&'.2 For a colu(n, the slenderness ratio shall be the e""ecti/e height di/ided by the corres#onding lateral di(ension (thic0ness or $idth&.
(i& n the case o" load-bearing $alls set in ce(ent (ortar (1 1 A& or ce(ent li(e

(ortar (1 1 , 1 9&, the slenderness ratio shall not e!ceed 1> and "or those set in li(e (ortar it shall not e!ceed 1,. n the case o" non-load-bearing $alls, the slenderness ratio shall not e!ceed 3' "or #anel $alls and curtain $alls and shall not e!ceed ,: "or "orce standing $alls and #ara#et $alls.
(i& (i&

The slenderness ratio "or load-bearing colu(n shall not e!ceed 1,.

(c& @here a solid $all or (asonry is load-bearing, its thic0ness shall not be less than that deter(ined by the calculated (asonry (ethod through the (onogra(s o" the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197' unless other$ise deter(ined through the structural analysis o"the building on acce#ted #rinci#les o" (echanics to sustain the (ost ad/erse co(bination o" loads to $hich the building shall be sub2ect to during or. a"ter erection. (d& The design loads and other "orces to be ta0en "or the design o" (asonry structures shall con"or( to those laid do$n in Part - -%ection o" the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197' brie"ly e!tracted in +##endi!-G to these rules. (e& @here a $all is sub-di/ided into #anels by adeCuate hori;ontal or /ertical su##orts or both, the indi/idual #anels shall be designed "or structural su""iciency.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


("& @here rein"orced concrete $alls are intended to carry /ertical loads, they should be designed generally in accordance $ith the design criteria "or colu(ns. The cross-sectional area o" /ertical rein"orce(ent and the lateral rein"orce(ent #arallel to the $all "ace (ay be reduced to not less than '., #er cent. (g& The thic0ness o" a rein"orced concrete $all should not be less than 1' c(. 530 $oncrete and steel structures. - The design and structural use o" #lain, rein"orced and #re-stressed concrete "or buildings and the co(#onent #arts shall con"or( to the reco((endations o" the )ational Building Dode o" ndia in its Part - J %ection 7 and the use o" structural steel in general building construction shall con"or( to the sti#ulations in %ection A o" Part - o" the said )ational Building Dode. 5.0 P #-1!; +*!(#) building.- The (odular #lanning, co(#onent si;es, 2oints, (anu"acture, storage, trans#ort and erection o" #re"abricated ele(ents "or use in the building shall con"or( to the reco((endations in %ection 7, Part - o" the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197'. 5<0 E cavations. (a& +ll e!ca/ations shall be #rotected and #ro#erly guarded in such a (anner as to #re/ent danger to li"e or #ro#erty E $here necessary, e!ca/ations shall be sheet-#iled to #re/ent the earth, soil or sur"ace o" any street or ad2oining #ro#erty "ro( ca/ing in or being da(aged thereby.
(b& )o e!ca/ation "or any #ur#ose shall e!tend $ithin 3' c(. o" the angle o" re#ose

or natural slo#e o" the soil under any "ooting or "oundation unless such "ooting or "oundation is #ro#erly under-#inned or #rotected against settle(ent.
(c& @here an e!ca/ation is bac0"illed, (easures shall be ta0en to #lace the bae0"ills

as to
(i& (aintain the lateral su##ort o" the soil e!#osed by the e!ca/ation E

ha/e a bearing ca#acity adeCuate to su##ort the antici#ated surcharge E and (ii& #re/ent detri(ental settle(ent.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


11. O%#' S%!*#s .2 (1& Open spaces around and about t%e building& (a& There shall be a #er(anent o#en air s#ace, "or(ing an integral #art o" the site and o" a (ini(u( e!tent s#eci"ied in this rule, bet$een each o" the boundaries o" the site and e/ery building #ro#osed $ithin the site. (b& The e!tent o" the o#en s#aces (s#eci"ied in the abo/e sub-rule& $hich shall be co-e!tensi/e $ith the site boundaries shall be as "ollo$s 1 Bu+")+'/ T:%# (1& (i& Building u#to a height o" 1' (etres. M+'+&u& o%#' :! ) 1 o& (,# site boundaries (,& Three (etres.

Three (etres #lus 1 (etre (ii& Building o" height abo/e "or e/ery additional 3 (etres = 1' (etres u#to 3' (etres or "raction thereo" o/er 1' (etres. (iii& Building o" height o/er Ten (etres #lus 1 (etre "or e/ery 3' (etres. additional 5 (etres or "raction thereo", sub2ect to a (a!i(u( o" 1A (etres. (c& The s#ace s#eci"ied abo/e shall be 0e#t o#en to the s0y and "ree "ro( any erection o" any building other than a "ence or co(#ound $all, #ro/ided, ho$e/er, that #ar0ing garages not e!ceeding 3 (etres in height and sub2ect to co(#liance $ith the sti#ulations o" F.+.R. and access $ays (ay in the case o" sites abutting (ore than one screen on the $ider o" the streets and #ro/ided also that o#en yards (ay be used "or the #ro/ision o" o#en access $ays to the building and #ar0ing "acilities. (") Open spaces 'or amenity . @here the building #ro#osed is a residential building "or acco((odating (ulti-"a(ily d$elling, there shall be also #ro/ided in the site a co((on a(enity o#en s#ace. The e!tent o" this additional o#en s#ace shall be 1' #er cent o" the site area.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


1-. M#!'s o1 !**#ss !') *+ *u"!(+o'.- (1& (a& There shall be . #ro/ided "ro( the street to the entrance door or doors o" e/ery building in the site a clear $ay o" not less than 7 (etres in $idth as a (eans o" access to such building $hich shall be (aintained "ree "ro( any obstruction or any o/erhang or #ro2ection "ro( the building.
(b& The s#ace so set a#art as (eans o" access shall be se#arately distinguished "ro( any house, gully or o#en s#ace "or an-lenity reCuire(ent #rescribed under the rules. (b& B/ery such (eans o" access shall be (ade drained and lighted to the satis"action

o" the Bngineer and (anhole co/ers or other drainage, $ater or any other "ittings laid in such (eans o" access shall be "lush $ith the "inished sur"ace le/el so as not to obstruct sa"e tra/el o/er the sa(e.
(c& +ny #erson $ho underta0es construction $or0 on building shall not reduce the access to any building #re/iously e!isting belo$ the (ini(u( $idth #rescribed under these rules.

(,& E its and means of egress. - (a& B/ery building (eant "or hu(an occu#ation shall be #ro/ided $ith e!its su""icient to #er(it sa"e esca#e o" occu#ants in case o" "ire or other e(ergency. (b& +n e!it (ay be a door$ay, corridor, #assage$ay to an internal staircase or e!ternal staircase or to a /erandah or roo"s or terrace ha/ing access to the street. (c& B!its shall be so arranged as to #ro/ide continuous (eans to egress to the e!terior o" a building or an e!terior o#en s#ace leading to a street, $ithout #assing through any occu#ied unit. (d& B!its shall be so located that the tra/el distance on the "loor shall not e!ceed ,,.7 (etres in the case o" residential and #ublic buildings and 3' (etres in the case o" co((ercial, inchistrial and other buildings. There shall be atleast t$o e!its ser/ing e/ery "loor and atleast one o" the( shall be stair$ay. No(#.2 na/el distance (eans the distance "ro( any #oint in the "loor area to any e!it (easured along the #ath o" egress tra/el e!ce#t that $hen "loor areas are sub-di/ided into roo(s used singly or suites or

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


roo( and ser/ed by corridors or #assages, the tra/el distance (ay be (easured."ro( the corridor entrance o" such roo(s or suites to the nearest e!it. (e& @idth o" any e!it shall not be less than 1'' c(. and shall be deter(ined "or the total nu(ber o" occu#ants as s#eci"ied in the "ollo$ing Table. The unit o" e!it $idth "or (easuring the ca#acity o" e!its shall be 7' c(. + clear $idth o" ,7 c(. shall be at an additional hal" unit and clear $idth less than ,7 c(. shall not be co/ered "or e!it $idth. %i. )o. 1 1. ,. 3. :. 7. <ccu#ancy (,& Residential. Business. Bducational. <ther Public buildings. ndustrial. )u(ber o" occu#ants %tair$ays Doo s 3 : ,7 77 7' 77 ,7 17 A' 9' 7' 77

13. P! =+'/ !') %! =+'/ 1!*+"+(+#s . (1& (a& For the use o" the occu#ants and the #ersons /isiting the #re(ises "or the #ur#ose o" #ro"ession, trade, business, recreation or any other $or0, #ar0ing s#ace and #ar0ing "acilities shall be #ro/ided $ithin the site, to the Ksatis"action o" the Do((issioner and con"or(ing to the standards L s#eci"ied in +##endi!-B to these rules E and

(b& )ecessary #ro/ision shall be also (ade "or the circulation o" /ehicles gaining access to and "ro( (i& the #ar0ing s#aces,a:"acilities ,and.L(ii& the #re(ises into the street. (,& The #ar0ing s#aces and "acilities #ro/ided under this rule shall be (aintained as4such to the satis"action o" theBngineer and con"or(ing to any bye-la$ that (ay be (ade by the Dor#oration in this regard.
13. 7+ # s!1#(:. (1& +ll buildings in their design and construction shall be4such4as to contribute to and ensure indi/idually and collecti/ely the sa"ety o" li"e "ro( "ire, s(o0e, "u(es and #anic arising "ro( these or si(ilar other causes.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


(2) Fire detecting and e tinguis%ing system.- n buildings o" such si;e, arrange(ent or occu#ancy that a "ire (ay not itsel" #ro/ide adeCuate $arning to occu#ants, auto(atic "ire detecting and alar( "acilities shall be #ro/ided $here necessary to $arn occu#ants o" the e!istence o" "ire so that they (ay esca#e or to "acilitate the orderly conduct o" "ire e!it drills. (3) Fire #rotecting and e!tinguishing syste( shall con"or( to acce#ted standards and shall be installed in accordance $ith good #ractice as reco((ended by in the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197', and to the satis"action o" the *irectorate o" Fire %er/ices.9

1<. A *,+(#*(u !" Cou'*+" . (1& The design and #lans o" the buildings shall be (ade and countersigned by a Cuali"ied architect $ho is an +ssociate o" the ndian nstitute o" +rchitects.
(,& The design and #lan shall be scruitinised and a##ro/ed by a #anel co(#rising o" the

"ollo$ing (e(bers 1 (i& Bngineer (H& a To$n Planner o" .o/ern(ent E and (Hi& a #ro(inent #ri/ate +rchitect, #ro/ided that the +rchitect (e(ber o" the #anel shall not ha/e (ade the #lans and designs "or the buildings under consideration.
(,& +ny suggestions or alterations suggested by the #anel shall be incor#orated in the #lans shall be con"or(ed to.

B. PUBLIC BUILDINGS 16. Su11+*+#'( #8+(s.- (1& B/ery #erson intending to construct, reconstruct, add to or alter any #ublic building shall, in addition to the general reCuire(ents laid do$n in the rules, also co(#ly $ith Rules 9, 11(a&, (b&, (c&, 1, and 13 #rescribed "or (ulti-storeyed buildings and also $ith the "ollo$ing rules. (,& (a& B/ery #lace o" asse(bly, e/ery tier or balcony and e/ery indi/idual roo( used as a #lace o" asse(bly in a #ublic building shall

88888888888888888888888888 9 )o$, re-designated as *irector o" Fire and Rescue %er/ices.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


ha/e e!its su""icient to #ro/ide "or the total ca#acity thereo" leading directly outside the building or to stair$ays and ra(#s or both. (b& There shall be at least t$o se#arate e!its as re(ote "ro( each other as #racticable "or each roo(, hall or #lace o" asse(bly, $ith a ca#acity o" A'' #ersons, at least three se#arate e!its $hen the ca#acity is bet$een A'1 to 1,''', at least "our se#arate e!its $hen the ca#acity is o/er 1''' 1 Pro/ided that $hen the ca#acity is less than 1'' #ersons, and no #art o" the roo( or hall or #lace o" asse(bly is 17 (etres "ro( the door$ay in the line o" tra/el, a single door$ay o" 1'' c(. (ay be #er(itted. 316-A 4!(# Co's# $!(+o'. For e""ecti/e conser/ation o" rain$ater, a##lication "or #er(ission to construct or reconstruct or.alter or add to a #ublic building shall contain $ater conser/ation #ro#osals as detailed in Rule 7-+.6 316-B. P o$+s+o' o1 R!+'-4!(# H! $#s(+'/ S( u*(u # .- )ot$ithstanding anything contained in these rules,
(1& in e/ery building o$ned or occu#ied by the .o/ern(ent or a statutory body or a co(#any or an institution o$ned or controlled by the .o/ern(ent rain-$ater har/esting structure shall be #ro/ided in the (anner s#eci"ied in Rule 7-+ on or be"ore the 1'th <ctober ,''3. (1& (a& sub2ect to sub-rule (1& e/ery o$ner or occu#ier o" a building shall #ro/ide rain, 1

$ater har/esting structure in such building in the (anner s#eci"ied in Rule 7-+ on or be"ore the 31st +ugust ,''3. " the o$ner or occu#ier o" the building "ails to #ro/ide the said rain$ater har/esting structure by the said date, the B!ecuti/e +uthority or any #erson authorised by hi( in this behal" (ay a"ter gi/ing notice to the o$ner or occu#ier o" the building, cause rain-$ater har/esting structure to be #ro/ided in such building and reco/er the cost o" such #ro/ision along $ith the incidental e!#ense thereo" in the sa(e (anner as #ro#erty ta!.

888888888888888888888888888 1. nserted by .<. Ms. )o. 13>, Munici#al +d(inistration and @ater %u##ly *e#art(ent, (M+ &, dated 11th <ctober ,'',. ,. nserted by .<. Ms. )o. 7A, Munici#al +d(inistration and @ater %u##ly *e#art(ent, (M+ &, dated ,1st Muly ,''3..

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


This ho$e/er, does not absol/e the liability o" the o$ner or occu#ier o" the building "ro( #ro/iding the rain-$ater har/esting structure be"ore the 1'th <ctober ,''3. (b& i" the o$ner or occu#ier o" the building "ails to #ro/ide rain-$ater har/esting structure on or be"ore the 1'th <ctober ,''3, the $ater-su##ly connection #ro/ided to such building shall be disconnected till rain-$ater har/esting structure is #ro/ided6. 316-C. S#%! !(+o' o1 ;!(, !') >!s,-;!s+' >!(# !') #us#s.)ot$ithstanding anything contained in these rules, e/ery Multi-storeyed and Public building shall be #ro/ided $ith se#arate #i#elines, one "or collecting $aste $ater "ro( bath and $ash-basins and the other "or connecting the toilets. The $aste $ater "ro( the toilets alone shall be connected to the street se$er. Bach building shall ha/e a se#arate do$n$ard #i#eline to collect $aste $ater "ro( bath and $ash-basins and the collected $aste $ater shall be treated adeCuately by organic or (echanical recycling and ta0en to a su(# "or on$ard #u(#ing in the e!clusi/e o/erhead tan0 or to4 a se#arate co(#art(ent o" o/er-head tan0"or e!clusi/e use o" toilet "lushing through huge cisterns. The e!cess $aste $ater not1reused "or toilet "lushing, shall be suitably connected to the rain-$atersecharge, structures "or ground-$ater recharge. E planation.--- For t e #ur#oses o" these rules in regard to recycling syste(s are concerned, any other (odi"ications, additional structures, alternati/e designs, "urnished by the a##licant shall be considered "or a##ro/al, i" it con"or(s to recycling conce#t to the satis"action o" the co(#etent authority "or building #lan a##ro/al. 17. +isles and s#acing ro$s o" seats (a& Dlear aisles not less than 1., (etres in $idth shall be4 #ro/ided at right angles to the line o" seating4in such nu(ber and (anner that no seat shall 4be (ore than 3.> (etres a$ay "roth an aisle (easured in the line o" seating. (b& @here all the aisles do not directly (eet the e!it doors, cross aisles o" (ini(u( (etre $idth and at the rate o" one cross aisle "or

88888888888888888888888 1. nserted by ..<. Ms. )o. 13>, Munici#al +d(inistration and @ater %u##ly *e#art(ent, (M+ &, dated 11th <ctober ,'',.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


e/ery 19 ro$s o" seats shall be #ro/ided #arallel to the line o" seating so as to #ro/ide direct access to the e!it.
(c& Ro$s o" seats bet$een aisles shall not ha/e (ore than 1: seats and in the case o"

such ro$s o#ening to an aisle at one end, shall not ha/e (ore than 7 seats.
(d& There shall be a (ini(u( s#ace o" >7 c(. bet$een the bac0s o" any t$o ro$s o"

seats and a (ini(u( o" 37 c(. bet$een the bac0 o" any seat and the "ront o" the seat i((ediately behind as (easured bet$een #lu(b lines. 1 517-+. %e#aration o1 ;!(, !') >!s,-;!s+' >!(# !') #us#.- )ot$ithstanding anything contained in these rules, e/ery building shall be #ro/ided $ith se#arate #i#elines, one "or collecting $ater "ro( bath and $ash-basins and the other "or connecting the toilets. The $aste $ater "ro( the toilets alone shall be connected to the street $ater. The $aste $ater "ro( the bath and $ash-basins shall be dis#osed o" as hereunder 1(i) Ordinary buildings (Ground +( Floor, residential buildings, not e ceeding 'our d)elling units or $ommercial * (ndustrial * (nstitutional building not e ceeding +,, s-uare metres). The $aste $ater "ro( the bath and $ash-basin shall be used "or ground-$ater recharge by organic "iltration (by #ro/iding suitable "ilter (edia& de#ending u#on the soil suitability or "or recycling "or toilet "lushing as indicated "or other buildings s#eci"ied in ite( (ii) belo$, (ii) .uilding ot%er t%an buildings speci'ied in item (!) above.- Bach-building shall ha/e a se#arate do$n$ard #i#eline to collect $aste $ater "ro( bath and $ash-basins and the collected $aste $ater shall be treated adeCuately by organic or (echanical recycling and ta0en to a su(# "or on$ard #u(#ing to the e!clusi/e o/erhead tan0 or to a se#arate co(#art(ent o" o/er-head tan0, "or e!clusi/e use o" toilet "lushing

888888888888888888888888 1. nserted by ..<. Ms. )o. 13>, Munici#al +d(inistration and @ater %u##ly *e#art(ent, (M+ &, dated 11th <ctober,,'',.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


cisterns. The e!cess $aste $ater not reused "or toilet "lushing, shall be suitably connected to the rain-$ater recharge structures "or ground$ater recharge. E planation. For #ur#oses o" these rules in regard to recycling syste(s are concerned, any other (odi"ications, additional structures alternati/e designs "urnished by the a##licant shall be considered "or a##ro/al, i" it con"or(s to recycling conce#t to the satis"action o" the co(#etent authority "or building #lan a##ro/al.6 16. 7+ # )#(#*(+'/ !') #8(+'/u+s,+'/ s:s(#&s . B/ery #ublic building ha/ing a ca#acity o" 1,''' #ersons or (ore, shall be #ro/ided $ith either a (anually o#erated "ire-alar( syste( coded to alert e(#loyees or attendants or $ith an auto(atic "ire detection syste( to con"or( to the standards and reco((endations laid do$n in the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197' and to the satis"action o" the *irectorate o" Fire %er/ices.9

888888888888888888888888888888888 1. )o$, re-designated as *irectorate o" Fire and Rescue %er/ices.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


APPENDI?-E TABLE - @ 7ACTORIES +rea o" #ar0ing s#aces unit in sC. (etres (3& 17.7 17.7 17.7

%l. )o.

Gand and buildings use

)u(ber o" units o" s#aces to be #ro/ided. (:& <ne "or e/ery site $ith an area o" 37' sCuare (etres and o/er. <ne "or e/ery t$o "a(ilies. <ne "or the "irst ,'' sCuare (etres o" "loor area and one additional unit "or e/ery 1'' sCuare (etres or #art thereo" o" e/ery ,'' sCuare (etres, <ne "or e/ery ,7' sCuare (etres o" site area or #art thereo". (i& For building $ith "loor area less than 1'' sCuare (etres )il. (ii& For building $ith "loor area o/er ,'' sCuare (etres, one "or e/ery ,'' sCuare (etres or #art thereo" u#to 1,''' sCuare (etres and one additional unit "or e/ery 1'' sCuare (etres o" "loor area o/er 1,''' sCuare (etres. (i& Restaurants $ith less than 7' seats )il. (h& @ith 7' seats and o/er one unit "or e/ery ,' seats or #arts o" ,' seats. <ne "or e/ery A beds.

(1& (,& 1.Residential1 (a& %ingle Fa(ily House. (b& +#art(ent Flats ,.Do((ercial1 (a& %ho#s.

(b& %ho##ing Dentres. (c& <""ice and Fir(s.

,' ,'

(d& Restaurants.


(e& Hotels and Godges.


The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973



(,& ("& Dine(as and Public Halls including Do((unity Hall. (g& Nalyana(anda#a(. etc.



17.7 :' ,'

<ne "or e/ery ,' sCuare (etres o" site area. <ne "or e/ery 7'' sCuare (etres o""loor area or #art thereo". (i& For building $ith "loor area less than 1'' sCuare (etres )iG (ii& Floor area o" 1'' sCuare (etres and abo/e one "or e/ery ,'' sCuare (etres or #art thereo". <ne "or e/ery 17 beds. (i& O#to 1'' sCuare (etres o" "loor area)il. (ii& @ith "loor area o/er 1'' sCuare (etres one "or e/ery ,'' sCuare (etres. ReCuire(ents to be assessedby Do((issioner in consultation $ith Do((issioner o" Police and *irector o" To$n Planning.9

3. @arehousing and @holesale stores. :. Public and %e(i-#ublic <""ices.

7. Hos#itals and )ursing Ho(es. A. ndustries.

17.7 3'

7. For other uses, nstitutions and Trans#ort and Do((unication Dentres.

8888888888888888888888888888 9 )o$, re-designated as *irector o" To$n and Dountry Planning.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


APPENDI?-L (See %#ecial Rule 1' (,& (d& o" Multi-storeyed Buildings&. DESIGN LOADS AND OTHER 7ORCES 7OR DESIGN O7 MASONRY STRUCTURES 1. D#!)-"o!)s . The dead-load in a building shall co(#rise the $eight o"all $alls, #artitions, "loors and roo"s and shall include the $eights o" all other #er(anent constructions in the building. The dead-load is deter(ined ado#ting the dead-$eight o" the construction (aterial and as gi/en in the "ollo$ing Table 1 5!0 D#s* +%(+o' o1 *o's( u*(+o' &!(# +!"s 2 (1& Bric0, in (ud, li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (,& Doarsed rubble in li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (3& Gaterite in li(e (ortar. (:& Doncrete in li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (7& Rando( rubble in li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (A& Gi(e stone. (7& %and stone. (>& Dudda#ah slabs. (9& +shlar. (1'&.ranite stone. (11&Rein"orced concrete. (1,&Dast-iron. (13&@rought-iron. (1:&%teel. (17&Tea0 . (1A&Pine. (17&<a0. (1>&Fir. 5;0 D#s* +%(+o' o1 oo1 &!(# +!"s !') oo1s. (1& Dorrugated iron sheet (1.,7 ((&. (,& Dorrugated iron sheet (1.'' ((&. (3& Bric0, in (ud, li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (:& Doarsed rubble in li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (7& Gaterite in li(e (ortar. (A& Doncrete in li(e or ce(ent (ortar. (7& Rando( rubble in li(e or ce(ent (ortar. >& Gi(e stone. (9& %and stone. 4#+/,( +' =/AM1,9,' ,,,:' ,,''' (a& 19.,' (bric0 2elly& (b& ,,,:' (hard bro0en stone& ,,,:' ,,:'' to ,,A:' ,,,:' to ,,:'' ,,7,' ,,7,' ,,A:' to ,,>'' ,,:'' 7,'3' to 7,13' 7,7'' 7,>7' A,7 A1' >A7 :3' to :A' 4#+/,( +' =/ A M1'.7A >.A' 1,9,' ,,,:' ,,''' (a& 19.,' (bric0 2elly& (b& ,,,:' (hard bro0en stone& ,,,:' ,,:'' ,,,:' to ,,:''

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


-. L+$#-"o!)s .2 5!0 /ive-loads on 'loors : (i& Gi/e-loads on "loors shall co(#rise all loads other than dead-load. The (ini(u( li/e-loads on di""erent "loors "or di""erent uses are s#eci"ied in the "ollo$ing table in ter(s o" uni"or(ly distributed static loads. (ii& n designing the $alls, colu(ns, #iers, their su##orts and "oundations, the "ollo$ing reductions is assu(ed total li/e-loads on "loors (ay be (ade 1 )u(ber o" "loors carried by (e(ber under . consideration 1 , 3 : 7 or (ore Per cent reduction o" total li/eload on all "loor abo/e the (e(ber under consideration. ' 1' ,' 3' :'

(iii& )o reduction shall be (ade in the case o" $arehouses, garages and other buildings used "or storage #ur#oses and "or "actories and $or0sho#s designed "or 7'' 0g = M,. THE TABLE LIBELOADS ON 7LOORS Ty#e o" Floors Mini(u( Gi/eloads +lternati/e #er 0g = (, Mini(u( Gi/eload o" "loor area (,& (3& ,''

(1& Floors in d$elling houses, tene(ents, hos#ital $ards, edroo(s and #ri/ate sitting-roo(s in hostels and dor(itories. <""ice "loors other than entrance halls, "loors o" light $or0-roo(s. Floors o" ban0ing halls, o""ice entrance halls and reading-roo(s.

,7'-:'' 3''

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


(1& %ho# "loors used "or dis#lay and sale o" (erchandise E "loors o" $or0roo(s generally "loors o" classroo(s in schools, "loors or #laces o" asse(bly $ith "i!ed seating, restaurants, circulation s#ace in (achinery halls, #o$er stations, etc., $here not occu#ied. by #lant or eCui/alent. Floors o" $arehouses, $or0sho#s, "actories and other building or #arts o" buildings o" si(ilar category "or light-$eight loads E o""ice "loors "or storage and "iling #ur#oses E "loors o" #laces o" asse(bly $ithout "i!ed seating, #ublic roo(s in hotels, dancehalls, $aiting- halls, etc.

(,& :''

(3& %ub2ect to a (ini(u( total load o" ,.7 ti(es the /alues in colu(n : "or any gi/en slab #anel and A ti(es the /alues in colu(n : "or any gi/en bea(.


This total load shall be assu(ed uni"or(ly distributed on the entire area o" the slab #anel or the entire length o" the bea(.

The lo$er /alue o" ,7' 0g = (4 should be ta0en $here se#arate storage "acilities are #ro/ided and the higher /alue o" :'' 0g = (, should be ta0en $here such #ro/isions are lac0ing. Ty#e o" Floors. (1& Floors in d$elling houses, Floors o" $arehouses, $or0sho#s, "actories and other buildings or #arts o" buildings o" si(ilar category "or (ediu($eight loads. Floors o" $arehouses, $or0sho#s, "actories and other buildings or #arts o" buildings o" si(ilar category "or hea/y- $eight loads, "loors o" oo0stores and libraries, roo"s and #a/e(ent lights o/er base(ents #ro2ecting under the #ublic roo" #ath under the #ublic "oot#ath. Mini(u( Gi/eloads #er 0g = (, o" "loor area. (,& +lternati/e Mini(u( Gi/eload. (3&

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973



(1& Floors used "or garages "or ehicles not e!ceeding ,.7 tonnes gross $eight slabs. Bea(s Floors used "or garages "or ehicles not e!ceeding : tonnes gross $eight.

(,& :''

(3& The $orst co(bination o" actual $heel loads, $hiche/er is greater. The $orst co(bination o" actual $heel loads, $hiche/er is greater. %ub2ect to a (ini(u( o" one and a hal" ti(es (a!i(u( $heel load but not less than 9'' 0g, considered to be distributed o/er 7 c(. sCuare. %ub2ect to (ini(u( o" 13' 0g. concentrated load at the unsu##orted end o" each ste# "or stairs constructed out o" structurally inde#endent cantile/er ste#s

,7' 77'

%tairs, landings and corridors "or class ,'' loading but not liable to o/ercro$ding


%tairs, landings and corridors "or class ,'' loading but liable to o/ercro$ding, and "or all other classes. Balconies not liable to o/ercro$ding1 For class ,'' loading For all other classes Balconies liable to o/ercro$ding 1 G


3'' 7'' 7''

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


E planation 1.+ re"erence to a "floor" includes a re"erence to any #art o" that "loor, and a re"erence to "slabs" includes boarding and bea(s or ribs s#aced not "urther a#art than one (etre bet$een centres, and a re"erence to "beams" (eans all other bea(s and ribs. E planation -. Onder loading class )o. ,7', the re"erence to light $or0roo(s en/isages roo(s in $hich so(e light (achines ("or e!a(#le, se$ing (achine used by (illers or tailors& are o#erated $ithout a central #o$er-dri/en unit, that is, the (achines are inde#endently o#erated either by hand or by s(all (otors. Onder loading class )o. :'', the re"erence to $or0roo(s generally en/isages the installation o" (achines o#erated $ith a central #o$erdri/en unit, $ith the indi/idual (achines being belt dri/en. E planation +. "Fi ed seatin!" i(#lies that the re(o/al o" the seating and the use o" the s#ace "or other #ur#oses is i(#robable. The (a!i(u( li0ely load in this case is, there"ore, closely controlled. E planation .. The loading in $or0sho#s, $arehouses and "actories /aries considerably and so three loadings under the ter(s "li!"t"# "medium" and ""ea$%" are introduced in order to allo$ "or (ore econo(ical designs but the ter(s ha/e noL s#ecial (eaning in the(sel/es other than the li/eload "or $hich the rele/ant "loor is designedE t is, ho$e/er, i(#ortant #articularly in the case o" hea/y $eight loads, to assess the actual loads to ensure that they are not in e!cess o" 1,''' 0g. = ( ,E in cases $here they are in e!cess, the design shall be based on the actual loading. E planation <. The load classi"ication "or stairs, corridors, balconies and landings #ro/ide "or the "act that these o"ten ser/e se/eral occu#ancies and are used "or trans#orting the "urniture and goods. (b) /iveloads on roo's. +llo$ance "or li/eload on "lat roo"s, slo#ing roo"s and cur/ed roo"s shall be as gi/en in the "ollo$ing Table 1

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


THE TABLE LIBELOADS ON 7LOORS Ty#e o" Roo"s (1& Flat, slo#ing or cur/ed roo" $ith slo#es u#to and including 1' degrees. (a& +ccess #ro/ided (b& +ccess not ro/ided e!ce#t "or (aintenance. 77 0g = (, Gi/eloads (easured on #lan. (,& 17' 0g =(, Mini(u( li/eload (easured on #lan. (3& 377 0g. uni"or(ly distributed o/er any s#an o" one (etre $idth o" the roo" slab and 9'' 0g uni"or(ly distributed o/er the s#an in the case o" all bea(s. 19' 0g. uni"or(ly distributed o/er any s#an o" one (etre $idth o" the roo" slab and :7' 0g. uni"or(ly distributed o/er the s#an in the case o" bea(.

%lo#ing roo" $ith slo#e greater than 1' degrees

(a& For roo" (e(brane sheets o" %ub2ectto a (inirnu( o" :' #urline 77 0g = (1E less , 0g=(, 0g=(1 "or e/ery degree increase in slo#e o/er 1' degrees. (b& For (e(bers su##orting the roo" (e(brane and roo" #urlines, such as trusses, bea(s girders, etc.- ,=3 o" load in (a&. (c& Goads in (a& and (b& do not include loads due to sno$, rain, dust collection, etc., and the e""ects o" such loads shall be a##ro#riately considered.

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


(1& Dur/ed roo"s $ith slo#e at s#ringing greater than 1' degrees.

(,& (3& (77-3:7 r4 0g=(, @here r P h =1 %ub2ectto h P the height o" the highest a(ini(u( #oint o" the structure (easured o" :' 0g=(4 "ro( its s#ringing and o" P chord $idth o" the roo" in singly cur/ed and shorter o" the t$o sides, i" doubly cur/ed.

No(#@ For s#ecial ty#es o" roo"s $ith highly #er(eable and absorbent (aterial, the contingency o" roo" (aterial increasing in $eight due to absor#tion o" (oisture shall be #ro/ide "or. (c) (mpact and vibrations. For structure carrying li/eloads $hich reduce i(#act or o"/ibrations, the li/eload shall be increased as "ollo$s (i& For "la(e su##orting li"ts and hoists 1'' #er cent. (i& For "oundations, "ootings and #iers su##orting li"ts and hoisting a##aratus :' #er cent. (ii& For light (achinery, sha"t or (otor units-,' #er cent (ini(u(.
(ii& For reci#rocating (achinery or #o$er units 7' #er cent (ini(u(.

3. 4+') "o!) .The $ind load on a building shall be calculated on the basis o" the basic $ind #ressureE gi/en in the "ollo$ing Table, $hich is the eCui/alent static #ressure in the direction o" blo$ o" $ind 1 (!) .asic )ind pressures 'or t%e $ity. Height in Metres (1& u#to 3' 37 :' :7 7' A' 7' >' 1'' 1,' 17' Pressure in 0g=(, (,& ,'' ,'> ,1' ,17 ,,, ,3' ,3A ,:: ,7: ,A: ,7A

The Multi-soreyed and Public Buidings Rules, 1973


For inter(ediate height, inter#olated /alues (ay be ado#ted. 5-0 #ind pressures on roo's. For "lat and #erched roo"s, the $ind #ressures and suctions nor(al to the sur"ace due to $ind blo$ing at right angles to the ridge shall be deter(ined by (ulti#lying the basic $ind #ressure (&) $ith the "actors gi/en in the Table belo$ 1 TIME TABLE 4IND PRESSURES ON ROO7S ('ind normal and rid!es) %lo#e o" roo" on (1& @ind $ard side. 'Q 1'Q ,'Q 3'Q :'Q 7'Q A'Q 7'Q >'Q 9'Q B!ternal. (,& @ind $ard slo#e. 1.'' P '.7' P '.:' P '.1' P I '.1' P I '.3' P I '3' P I '.7' P I '.7' P I '.7' P @ind #ressure. (3& Gee$ard slo#e. '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P '.7' P

.. S#+s&+* "o!)s.2 The seis(ic coe""icients stress increase, design li/e-loads as sti#ulated in the )ational Building Dode o" ndia, 197', shall be ta0en into account $hile designing the structures. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

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