Crazy For You - Script

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crazy For You Music: George Gershwin Lyrics: Ira Gershwin Book: Ken Ludwig Premiere: Wednesday Fe!

ruary "# "##$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------C%&' (F C)%*%C'+*& B(BBY C)IL, -ew York young man in .o/e wi0h musica. 0hea0er B+L% 1%-GL+* -ew York an es0a!.ished 2roducer L%-K )%WKI-& -e/ada sa.oon 2ro2rie0or +3+*+'' B%K+* Po..y4s 5a0her P(LLY B%K+* ,eadrock -e/ada 2os0mis0ress 6%.. %merican Gir.6 I*+-+ *(') -ew York &ocie0y de!u0an0 +7G+-+ F(,(* %n +ng.ish 0ouris0 P%'*ICI% F(,(* +ugene4s sis0er M(')+* 8Mrs9 Lo00ie Chi.d: Bo!!y4s !usiness-orien0ed and 2aren0 P+*KI-& Mo0her4s !usiness assis0an0 C)%7FF+7* :5or Mo0her4s .imousine C%&' (F C)%*%C'+*& 8con0inued: "; F(LLI+& GI*L& - C)(*7&

'+&& ,ance direc0or 1ang.er4s 5a/ori0e P%'&Y &howgir. wi0h high s2eaking /oice MI'1I % 2rinci2a. dancer +L%I-+ L(7I&+ &7&I+ B+'&Y M%*GI+ &)+IL% 3+*% "; C(WB(Y& - C)(*7& )%**Y 8Bar0ender: P+'+ C7&'7& <IMMY Cow!oy 'rio: M((&+ MI-G( &%M Card P.ayers: BILLY WY%'' <7-I(* -+W Y(*K ')+%'*+ &'%G+ M%-%G+* &'%G+ )%-,& = &)(W GI*L& $ L%CK+Y& F(* 1%-GL+* > M(')+*4& ,I*+C'(*& -+W Y(*K P%&&I-G &'*++' C*(W,& -+3%,% P%&&I-G &'*++' C*(W,&

M7&IC%L -7MB+*& %C' (-+ %9 (3+*'7*+ - (rches0ra B9 I-CI,+-'%L: Be5ore (2ening - (rches0ra "9 K-*%-1Y 5or You - Bo!!y $9 I Can40 Be Bo0hered -ow - Bo!!y ? Gir.s $9 8con04d: PL%Y(FF: Bo0hered - (rches0ra $a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+: %50er Bo0hered - (rches0ra >9 Bidin4 My 'ime - Cow!oy 'rio 8Mingo Moose &am: ? Men >a9 I-CI,+-'%L: Bo!!y &0aggers In - (rches0ra =9 'hings %re Looking 72 - Bo!!y =a9 I-CI,+-'%L: %50er 'hings - Piano &o.o @9 Cou.d You 7se MeA - Bo!!y ? Po..y @ 8con04d: &ha.. We ,anceA - Bo!!y ? Po..y @a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+: &ha.. We ,anceA - Music BoB C9 Gir.s +n0er -e/ada DBronco Bus0ersE - Chorus F9 &omeone 0o Wa0ch (/er Me - Po..y G9 I-CI,+-'%L: *ehearsa. - &.a2 'ha0 Bass - Piano wi0h ad .i!9 ,rums #9 &.a2 'ha0 Bass - Bo!!y 8as ? Com2any ";9 +m!racea!.e You - Po..y ? Bo!!y 8as ""9 'onigh04s 0he -igh0 - Chorus "$9 I Go0 *hy0hm - Po..y ? Com2any "$-I ,ance Par0 (ne: I Go0 *hy0hm - Po..y ? Com2any "$-II ,ance Par0 0wo: I Go0 *hy0hm - Com2any %C' 'W( ">9 +n0r4ac0e: 'he *ea. %merican Fo.k &ong Is a *ag - Cow!oy 'rio ? Chorus "> 8con04d: I-CI,+-'%L: %merican *ag - Piano so.o "=9 Wha0 Causes 'ha0 - Bo!!y ? "=a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+ - Bo!!y Wakes 72 - (rches0ra "@9 -augh0y Ba!y - Irene Lank ? ma.e Huar0e0 8)arry <unior Wya00 ? Mingo: "@a9 I-CI,+-'%L: Crazy 5or You - Music !oB D'here is no musica. num!er "CE "F9 &0i55 722er Li2 - +ugene Pa0ricia Bo!!y Po..y ? Com2any "G9 'hey Can40 'ake 'ha0 %way From Me - Bo!!y "#9 Bu0 -o0 For Me - Po..y "# 8con04d: *e2rise: Bu0 -o0 5or Me - Po..y "#a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+: -ew Promenade - (rches0ra $;9 -ice Work I5 You Can Ge0 I0 - Bo!!y ? Gir.s $"9 Bidin4 My 'ime 8French *e2rise: - Cow!oy 'rio $$9 *e2rise: 'hings are Looking 72 - +/ere00 $>9 Fina.e - Com2any $=9 Cur0ain Ca..s - Fu.. Com2any


+II' M7&IC - (rches0ra

%9 (/er0ure %C' (-+ B9 I-CI,+-'%L: Be5ore (2ening 8(20iona.: &cene (ne Wings and &0age o5 1ang.er4s Broadway 'hea0er 0he wings in 0he 5oreground and 0he s0age in 0he !ackground9 (ns0age a show is in 2rogress9 In 0he wings &'%G+)%-,& are working 0he .igh0s &'%G+ M%-%G+* cues e0c9 %s 0he cur0ain rises '+&& 0he ,ance ,irec0or is 5our &)(W GI*L& in a shor0 rou0ine9 "9 (2ening: K-*%-1Y For You '+&& 8o/er 0he music: &hou.ders !ackJ )eads highJ (ne .as0 0ime" 8%s soon as 0he &)(W GI*L& .ea/e 0he wings and 2arade on0o 0he s0age '+&& .ooks around 0o see i5 Bo!!y has arri/ed9 &he .ooks a0 her wa0ch wi0h concern 0hen ca..s 0o P%'&Y a /ery dum! &)(W GI*L wi0h a high sKueaky /oice9: '+&& Pa0syJ Where4s Bo!!yAJ )e shou.d ha/e !een here 0wo hours agoJ P%'&Y I knowJ I saw him yes0erday and he was a.. eBci0ed a!ou0 0he audi0ion 5or Mr9 1ang.er9 '+&& 8.ooking o55: Wai0J 'here he isJ 8B(BBY C)IL, dressed as a !anker hurries on in0o 0he wings o55 his o/ercoa09: P%'&Y Bo!!yJ B(BBY (h my godJ ,id I make i0AJ Is s0i.. hereAJ P%'&Y Yeah ya s0i.. go0 5i/e minu0es9 B(BBY Grea0

'+&& Bo!!y wha0 ha22enedAJ B(BBY 'hey ke20 me .a0e a0 0he !ank9 Bu0 I4/e go0 my 0a2 shoes onJ 'his 0ime 1ang.er4s going 0o !e dazz.ed9 )e4s going 0o hire me on 0he s2o0J 8%0 0his 2oin0 0he num!er 6ons0age6 is o/er and B+L% 1%-GL+* en0ers 0he wings9 'his grea0 im2resario is an im2osing da22er man wi0h a mous0ache !eard and )ungarian accen09 B(BBY sees him -: B(BBY Mr9 1ang.erJ 8:!u0 '+&& and P%'&Y s0o2 B(BBY 5rom !o0hering 1%-GL+* Lus0 ye09 % 0rum2e0 5an5are 0he &'%G+ M%-%G+* 0akes 1%-GL+*4& cigar and 1%-GL+* swee2s ons0age 0o make his cur0ain s2eech9 1%-GL+* raises his arms and 0he 6a22.ause6 dies down9: 1%-GL+* Ladies and gen0.emen9 3e.. /e.. /e..9 My name is Be.a 1ang.er9 8%22.ause9: 'hank you 5or coming 0o Fo..ies - our 5ina. 2er5ormance o5 0he season and I ho2e you /i.. a.. !e here in Lus0 eigh0 /eeks 5or /onder5u. new showJ 8Wi.d a22.ause as 1%-GL+* .ea/es 0he s0age and 0he com2any !ows !egin9 %s soon as 1%-GL+* ge0s 0o 0he wings B(BBY 0ries again9: 1%-GL+* 'essieJ B(BBY Mr9 cou.d I see you a min 1%-GL+* I mus0 0a.k now 0o dance direc0or a!ou0 /ery im2or0an0 2ro5essiona. ma00erJ B(BBY *igh09 8Bo!!y mo/es away and 1%-GL+* 2u..s '+&& aside9:

1%-GL+* 8Business-.ike: 'essie9 '+&& Yes Mr9 1ang.erA 81%-GL+* makes sure 0hey4re no0 o/erheardM 0hen says wi0h 2assion: 1%-GL+* 'essie I .o/e you9 '+&& Be.a -J 1%-GL+* 3ha0 do you say /e ha/e in0ima0e su22erA '+&& I4m no0 hungry9 1%-GL+* 'essie 2.easeJ You make me crazyJ '+&& %nd how is Mrs9 1ang.erA 1%-GL+* I am sorry 0o say she is in eBce..en0 hea.0h9 8'+&& wa.ks away9: 1%-GL+* 'essieJ 8By 0his 0ime 0he F(LLI+& GI*L& are .ea/ing 0he s0age in a .ine 2as0 1%-GL+*9: MI'1I 3aca0ionJ F(LLI+& GI*L& Goodnigh0 Mr9 1ang.er9 Goodnigh0 Mr9 1ang.er9 Goodnigh0 Mr9 1ang.er9 8%nd a0 0he end o5 0he .ine is B(BBY9:

B(BBY )i Mr9 1ang.er9 1%-GL+* -o0 you again9 B(BBY I4m here 0o audi0ion9 1%-GL+* -o0 nowJ 81%-GL+* s0ar0s 0o .ea/e9 By 0his 0ime B(BBY and 1%-GL+* are ons0age9: B(BBY Mr9 1ang.erJ You don40 unders0and9 When I go 0o your o55ice 0hey 0hrow me ou09 8Music 5ades ou09: 1%-GL+* Good9 I gi/e 0hem a raise9 B(BBY Wou.d you wai0 a secondJ 1%-GL+* Mr9 Chi.d9 3hy are you /es0ing my 0imeAJ B(BBY 8indica0ing 0he 0hea0er around him:: Because 0his is my .i5eJ I04s a.. I care a!ou0J 8B(BBY4& con/ic0ion makes e/en 1%-GL+* 2ause9: -ow .ook you4re going 0o .o/e 0his9 I 2romise9 <us0 - Lus0 - okay9 (kayA 1%-GL+* :(kay9 B(BBY Wou.d you ho.d 0hisA 'hanks9 8)e hands 1%-GL+* his coa0 and ha09:

)ere goes9 8B(BBY 0akes a !rea0h - 0hen .aunches in0o his audi0ion dancing as he sings:: "9 (2ening: K-*%-1Y For You B(BBY Le0 me gi/e you 0he .ow down: 8(rches0ra accom2animen0 2icks u2 again under /oca.9: I4m k-ra-zy 5or you9 When i0 comes 0o a show down I4m k-ra-zy 5or you9 %nd so 0hough .o/e may no0 ins2ire my .ingo &0i.. i04s making my hear0 go Le0 me gi/e you 0he .ow down I4m k-ra-zy 5or 8Music ou09: )o.d on 5or 0he !ig 5inishJ 1%-GL+* 8!ored and annoyed:: I4m ho.ding I4m ho.ding9 8B(BBY does an e.a!ora0e 0a2 rou0ine9 )a.5way 0hrough i0 1%-GL+* 2oin0ed.y .ooks a0 his wa0ch9 B(BBY 5inishes 0he rou0ine wi0h a .i0era..y nose-0o-nose wi0h 1%-GL+*9 (rches0ra shor0 chord a0 5inish o5 B(BBY4s rou0ine 0hen music ou09: B(BBY -ow wha0 do you say 0o 0ha0AJ 1%-GL+* Foo0 B(BBY )uhA 1%-GL+* Foo0:You are s0anding on my 5oo0J B(BBY (h sorry:

1%-GL+* You are a moronJ 8)e s0ar0s 0o eBi09: B(BBY Mr9 1ang.erJ : Look I-I-I rea.ize I4m an unknown here in -ew York9 Bu0 I ha/e 2o0en0ia.J 1%-GL+* Ya9 You cou.d !e unknown a.. o/er %mericaJ 81%-GL+* s0rides o55 and B(BBY runs a50er him9 %s 0hey eBi0 music 2icks u2 again 5or scene change as 0he se0 changes9 &cene change music 5ades ou0 as GI*L& en0er9: &cene 'wo &0ree0 in 5ron0 o5 0he 'hea0er 5i/e minu0es .a0er9 %s 0he .igh0s come u2 B(BBY and some o5 0he F(LLI+& GI*L& are .ea/ing 0he s0age door in 0heir s0ree0 c.o0hes9 on 0he s0ree0 is I*+-+ *(') dressed in 5ur wai0ing 5or B(BBY9 '+&& )ey Bo!!y9 <us0 5orge0 a!ou0 him9 P%'&Y Cheer u2J )e4s no0 wor0h i09 B(BBY Who knew he had !ig 5ee0J I*+-+ )e..o Bo!!y9 B(BBY 8Wi0hou0 0urning recognizing 0he s0ee.y /oice:: Irene9 )i: I*+-+ &ay good-nigh0 0o 0he .adies Bo!!y9 B(BBY -ow wai0 a second - J

P%'&Y We4.. see ya .a0er9 '+&& We4/e go00a go anyway9 4-igh0 Bo!!y9 ')+ GI*L& Good-nigh0 Bo!!y9 God nigh09 8e0c9: 8%nd 0he GI*L& are gone9: I*+-+ Bo!!y i0 is 0ime you ga/e u2 a.. 0his dancing nonsense and se00.ed downJ B(BBY -onsense -AJ I*+-+ We ha/e !een engaged 5or 5i/e years9 -ow when are we ge00ing marriedAJ B(BBY We4re no09 I*+-+ (5 course we are9 B(BBY (h no we4re no09 I*+-+ ,on40 !e ridicu.ous9 I ha/e 0he wedding a.. 2.anned9 'he gues0 .is0 is u2 0o nine hundred9 B(BBY Grea09 Big crowd9 You won40 e/en miss me9 8%0 0his momen0 1%-GL+* eBi0s 5rom 0he s0age door wi0h 0wo o5 his .ackeys9 &imu.0aneous.y a .imousine s0ar0s 0o en0er9: 1%-GL+* 3e s0ar0 neB0 /eek B(BBY Mr9 1ang.erJ I4m sorry a!ou0 your 5oo0 -J

81%-GL+* 0urns 0o B(BBY - and a.mos0 ge0s run down !y 0he .imousine9: 1%-GL+* MoronJ 8I*+-+ 2u..s (BBY away and 1%-GL+* eBi0s down 0he s0ree09 'he .imousine 2u..s u2 0he C)%7FF+7* o2ens 0he !ack door and B(BBY4& M(')+* ge0s ou0 5o..owed !y P+*KI-& her assis0an09 B(BBY and I*+-+ don40 see 0hem9: I*+-+ -ow I wan0 you 0o 2romise me: 5rom 0he day we4re married you wi.. work in 0he !ank9 B(BBY Bu0 I don40 wan0 0o work in 0he !ankJ 'ha04s my mo0her4s ideaJ I mean 0ha04s 0he 0rou!.e9 -o!ody in 0he 0hea0er 0akes me serious.yJ We.. i5 my mo0her was here righ0 now you know wha0 I4d say 0o herA )uhAJ I4d say: 6M(')+*JJ6 M(')+* Yes Bo!!yA B(BBY My God you .ook we..9 'ha0 coa0 is Lus0 M(')+* I knew I4d 5ind you here9 I*+-+ Lo00ie dear I am 0a.king 0o Bo!!y9 M(')+* We.. so am IJ I*+-+ 'hen ge0 in .ineJ M(')+* Bo!!y in 0he 0en years since you .e50 )ar/ard you ha/e accom2.ished no0hing9 I*+-+ )e go0 engaged 0o me9

M(')+* 80o B(BBY: You ha/e accom2.ished .ess 0han no0hing9 -ow 0he Board o5 ,irec0ors and I ha/e decided 0o gi/e you one .as0 chance9 I5 you 5ai. 0he !ank 0his 0ime I wi.. cu0 o55 your a..owance9 I*+-+ When he4s married 0o me he won40 need an a..owance9 M(')+* -o he4.. need a 2sychia0ris09 8'o Bo!!y:: -ow 0his is a deed o5 2ro2er0y9 P+*KI-& We4d .ike i0 signed9 B(BBY FineJ ,o you ha/e a 2enA M(')+* -o0 !y you you idio0J By some o0her idio0 who .i/es in: 8Consu.0ing 0he documen09: ,eadrock -e/ada9 I wan0 you 0o go 0here immedia0e.y and ge0 him 0o sign i09 B(BBY -e/adaAJ P+*KI-& I0 wi.. sa/e 0he !ank Kui0e a sum in 5orec.osure cos0s9 B(BBY Bu0 who caresAJ I wan0 0o dance9 I don40 care a!ou0 money9 8M(')+* gas2s and c.u0ches her hear09 P+*KI-& ca0ches her9: B(BBY I4m sorry Mo0her I4m sorry: I*+-+ )e wi.. go 0o -e/ada o/er my dead !odyJ M(')+* 'ha0 sounds .ike an eBce..en0 rou0e9 :Bo!!y ge0 in 0he carJ

M(')+* I*+-+ I wi.. cu0 o55 your , don40 e/en .is0en a..owance i5 you do no0 go 0o her9 I4/e go0 0he 0o -e/ada 5irs0 0hing wedding a.. 2.anned9 You4.. 0omorrow morningJ -ow I wear a morning coa0 and I4.. don40 wan0 0o hear any go s0ra2.ess9 I04s a.. 0he nonsense a!ou0 i0 -J rage 8,uring 0he argumen0 P+*KI-& and C)%7FF+7* cross u2s0age and uno!0rusi/e.y make 0heir eBi09 B(BBY 0unes 0he argumen0 ou0 music in0ro9 &0ar0s 0heir /oices 5ade away and B(BBY sings:: $9 I Can40 Be Bo0hered -ow B(BBY Bad news go 4wayJ Ca.. 4round some day In March or May I can40 !e !o0hered now9 My !onds and shares May 5a.. downs0airs Who cares who caresA I4m dancing and I can40 !e !o0hered nowJ 8M(')+* 2u..s B(BBY in0o 0he car and I*+-+ 5o..ows 0hem9: M(')+* I*+-+ I5 you do no0 .is0en 0o me I ha/e gone ou0 o5 my way young man you wi.. 5ind 'o gi/e your 5ee.ings e/ery yourse.5 wi0hou0 an Possi!.e considera0ion a..owance 8In his dream 5an0asy B(BBY rises ou0 o5 0he car and ends u2 dancing on 0he roo59: B(BBY I4m u2 among 0he s0arsM (n ear0h.y 0hings I 5rown I4m 0hrowing o55 0he !ars 'ha0 he.d me down9 I4.. 2ay 0he 2i2er When 0imes are ri2er9 <us0 now I shan40 Because you see I4m dancing and I can40 !e !o0hered nowJ

8,ance !reak9 B(BBY raises 0he hood o5 0he car and a F(LLI+& GI*L Lum2s ou09 )e dances wi0h her9 'hen 0he res0 o5 0he F(LLI+& GI*L& emerge 5rom 0he car as 0hey en0er dancing and singing 0hey ad .i!9 6)i Bo!!y 6 e0c9: B(BBY Music is 0he magic 0ha0 makes e/ery0hing sunshiny ,ancing makes my 0rou!.es a.. seem 0iny9 When I m dancing I don40 care i5 0his o.d wor.d s0o2s 0urning (r i5 my !ank is !urning (r e/en i5 *umania Wan0s 0o 5igh0 %.!aniaJ I4m no0 u2se0 I re5use 0o 5re09 ')+ GI*L& )e4s no0 u2se0 8'e.e2hone rings9: B(BBY (h noJ ')+ GI*L& %nd he4.. re5use 0o 5re09 )e..oJ B(BBY 'ha04s 5or meAJ 8GI*L& !a!!.e9: (-+ GI*L 80o B(BBY:: I04s 5or youJ B(BBY 'ake a messageJ ')+ GI*L& Bad news go 4wayJ Ca.. 4round some day In March or May )e can40 !e !o0hered now9 B(BBY 8shou0ed:: I can40 !e !o0hered nowJ

8,ance !reak9: ')+ GI*L& )e4s dancing wa0ch him shine You4.. ha/e 0o ho.d 0he Iine 8,ance !reak9: GI*L& % GI*L& B )e4.. 2ay 0he 2i2er )e4.. 2ay 0he 2i2er When 0imes are ri2er9 When 0imes are ri2er9 <us0 now he shan40 When 0imes are ri2er9 )e4.. 2ay 0he 2i2er <us0 now he shan40 <us0 now he shan40 B(BBY Because you see I4m dancing999 8'e.e2hone rings9: Because you see I4m dancing999 8'e.e2hone rings9: Because you see I4m dancing999 ')+ GI*L& 8Chan0ed:: Bad news go away Ca.. 4round someday In March or May Who cares a!ou0 his shares 'ha0 5a.. downs0airs Who cares who caresA Who cares who caresA )e can40 !e !o0hered Won40 !e !o0hered &han40 !e !o0hered Can40 !e !o0hered now -o0 nowJ -o0 nowJ )e can40 !e !o0hered999 8'a2 !reak9: -owJ Good!yeJJ 8Music segues on a22.ause9:

$9 8con04d:

PL%Y(FF: Bo0hered - (rches0ra

8%s 0he num!er ends P+*KI-& ? C)%7FF+7* re-en0er and wai0 !eside 0he car9 'he GI*L& dance !ack in0o 0he car and B(BBY sinks !ack in 0hrough 0he roo59 'hen B(BY M(')+* and I*+-+ immedia0e.y emerge 5rom 0he car9: M(')+* I*+-+ Bo!!y I wan0 you 0o go 0o &he4s com2.e0e.y insaneJ -e/ada a0 once and 5orge0 a.. I4/e go0 0he co.ors 'his marriage nonsenseJ 2icked ou0 5or 0he wedding and 0hey4re !.ue and whi0eJ I*+-+ &o which is i0 Bo!!yA Me or ,eadrockA 8B(BBY .ooks a0 M(')+* 0hen !ack a0 I*+-+9: B(BBY 8undecided:: (h !oy: 8Frus0ra0ed he sna0ches 0he deed o5 2ro2er0y 5rom M(')+* and runs down 0he s0ree09: B(BBY '%IIJJ 8Music s0ar0s9: Grand Cen0ra. &0a0ionJJ $a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+: %50er Bo0hered - (rches0ra

8M(')+* I*+-+ scow.s and eBi0s9 %s 0he .igh0s 5ade P+*KI-& ? C)%7FF+7* ge0 in0o 0he car and 0he .imo dri/es o55 - wi0hou0 M(')+* - and she chases i0 down 0he s0ree09: &cene 'hree Main &0ree0 ,eadrock morning9 % s.ee2y .i00.e Wes0ern 0own in 0he midd.e o5 nowhere9 0he s0ree0 0here are 0wo adLoining !ui.dings o5 in0eres09 'he sign on one says: 6&a.oon )o0e. and *es0auran096 'he o0her !ui.ding is a 5ormer 0hea0er once Kui0e grand now gone 0o seed9 %!o/e 0he en0rance is a sign 0ha0 says: 6Gaie0y 'hea0er6 - !u0 0here4s ano0her sign !e.ow i0 0ha0 says 679&9 Pos0 (55ice96

%cross 0he s0ree0 is 0he Genera. &0ore9 %0 0he end o5 0he s0ree0 we see 0he deser0 s0re0ching in0o 0he dis0ance9 >9 Bidin4 My 'ime %s 0he se0 5a..s in0o 2.ace around 0hem ')*++ C(WB(Y& - "#>;4s s0y.e - and P(LLY B%K+* en0er on 0he !ack o5 an o.d 2icku2 0ruck singing 0he .azies0 song imagina!.e9 ons0age are se/era. o0her C(WB(Y& si00ing around doing no0hing 8as usua.9: &i00ing on 0he 2orch o5 0he 0hea0er is +3+*+'' B%K+* a gen0.e !e5udd.ed man in his C;s reading a ye..owing co2y o5 63arie0y96 %s 0he 0ruck en0ers ,eadrock i0 runs o/er a ra00.esnake9 ,uring 0he 5o..owing 0he dead snake i0s 0ai. crosses himse.5 and mourns 0he .oss o5 his 5a/ori0e 2e09 MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M I4m !idin4 my 0ime 4Cause 0ha04s 0he kinda guy I4m9 Whi.e o0her 5o.ks grow dizzy I kee2 !usy Bidin4 my 0ime 8(')+* M+- Loin singing on me.ody wi0h 0he 0rio as 0hey en0er9: -eB0 year neB0 year I4.. Lus0 kee2 on na22in4 'his year 0his year I4.. Lus0 kee2 on na22in4 P(LLY Mai. ca..J MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M %nd !idin4 my 0ime 4Cause 0ha04s 0he kinda guy I4m9 'here4s no regre00in4 When I4m se00in4 Bidin4 my 0ime9 P(LLY 8in0erru20ing 0he .as0 no0e o5 men4s /oca.:: )eyJ Mai. ca..J Come and ge0 i0J &%M )eck Po..y I ne/er ge0 any mai.9 P(LLY (h &am you go0 a .e00er Lus0 .as0 mon0h9

P+'+ -o kiddin4J Wha04d i0 sayA &%M I don40 know9 I didn40 ha/e 0he energy 0o read i09 P(LLY )eyJ Look a0 0hisJ 'here4s a .e00er here 5or my dad 5rom -ew York Ci0yJ P+'+ )ey +/ere00J <IMMY Ya go0 a .e00erJ BILLY From -ew York Ci0yJ +3+*+'' (h9 We..9 -ow isn40 0ha0 eBci0ing9 M((&+ Can I ha/e 0he s0am2 Po..yA For my co..ec0ionA P(LLY 8&he 0ears o55 0he s0am2 and hands i0 0o Moose ha/ing a.ready 0aken 0he .e00er ou09: )ey Moose9 I didn40 know you had a s0am2 co..ec0ion9 M((&+8&howing +/ere00 2roud.y9: (h !oy9 -um!er 0woJ P(LLY 8*eading 0he .e00er9: I04s 5rom 0ha0 s0inkin4 !ank again9 +3+*+'' (h dear9 P(LLY 'his 0ime 0hey wan0 0o 0ake our 0hea0erJ +3+*+'' 80o 0he B(Y&:: I4m a5raid we4re a .i00.e !ehind on 0he mor0gage9

P(LLY I0 says here i5 we don40 2ay 4em a 0on o5 money !y 0he end o5 0his mon0h 0hey4re gonna own i0 .ock s0ock and !arre.J 8'he B(Y& groan9: +3+*+'' (h Po..y I wish you cou.d ha/e seen your mo0her on 0ha0 s0age9 P(LLY I !e0 she was rea..y some0hin4 ,ad9 +3+*+'' &he was ne/er more radian0 0han when she s0ood 0here !ehind 0hose 5oo0.igh0s singing her hear0 ou0 0o a house-5u.. o5 drunken go.d miners9 8)e 2o00ers sad.y away in0o 0he sa.oon9: WY%'' Poor o.d guy9 P(LLY 8&canning 0he .e00er:: <us0 .ook a0 0hisJ 'hey4re sendin4 some !anker ou0 here 0o 2u0 0he kni5e in9 -ame o5 : Bo!!y Chi.dJ I5 I e/er mee0 u2 wi0h 0ha0 skunk I4.. : (h I don40 know wha0 I4.. doJ Bu0 i04s gonna !e ug.yJJ 8&he eBi0s angri.y in0o 0he 0hea0er9: BILLY I ne/er seen her 0ha0 mad !e5ore9 <7-I(* 'a.k a!ou0 an eBci0in4 day9 >a9 I-CI,+-'%L: Bo!!y &0aggers In - (rches0ra

8Lazi.y 0hey s0ar0 0o .o2e away - when B(BBY s0aggers in0o /iew 5rom 0he deser0 carrying his sui0cases9 )e4s 2ouring wi0h swea0 dizzy 5rom 0he sun and can !are.y wa.k9: B(BBY Wa0er : wa0er : 8)e makes i0 2ar0 way down 0he s0ree0 and dro2s 0o 0he ground in a dead 5ain09 Music ou09 'he C(WB(Y& .ook a0 him9:

<IMMY I guess 0he 0rain arri/ed9 C7&'7& 80o B(BBY:: I04s on.y an hour4s wa.k 5rom 0he Lunc0ionJ 8'hey shake 0heir heads and .o2e away - as +3+*+'' emerges 5rom 0he sa.oon 5.eeing 5rom L%-K )%WKI-&9 L%-K is an in0ense usua..y manic 5e..ow !.essed wi0h a /ision 0ha0 no one Kui0e shares9: +3+*+'' -o no no no9 I can40 .e0 you ha/e 0he 0hea0er Lank9 L%-K I don40 wan0 you 0o 6.e0 me ha/e i096 I wan0 0o !uy i0J +3+*+'' (h I wish you cou.d ha/e seen Po..y4s mo0her on 0ha0 s0age s0anding 0here !ehind 0he 5oo0.igh0s : L%-K Wou.d you s0o2 !.a0hering you 2ig-headed 5oo.J 8P(LLY ins0an0.y a22ears on 0he !a.cony9: P(LLY Lank )awkinsJ ,on40 you dare 0a.k 0o my 5a0her 0ha0 wayJ L%-K 80o P(LLY:: (kayJ (kay: 8)e 0hrows her a kiss and she eBi0sM 0o +3+*+'':: Look9 I4.. make i0 sim2.e9 I : own : 0he sa.oon9 +3+*+'' I know 0ha09 L%-K Good9 -ow !eing a man o5 /ision I wou.d .ike 0o eB2and 0he sa.oon in 0he direc0ion o5 your 0hea0er which i5 you4.. reca.. was 0urned in0o a 2os0 o55ice 0wen0y years ago9 +3+*+'' )ow I4d .o/e 0o see a show I 0ha0 0hea0er again: L%-K

+/ere00 i04s no0 going 0o ha22enJ In 0wo 0housand years 0here has !een one resurrec0ion and i0 wasn40 a 0hea0erJJ 8L%-K himse.5:: 'hink o5 i0 +/ere009 'his cou.d !e a !ig 0own againJ &ho2s and ca5esJ &idewa.ksJ We cou.d ha/e ano0her:9C.e/e.and on our handsJ +3+*+'' Bu0 i04s such a nice 0own as i0 is: L%-K Wou.d you .ook around 5or God4s sakeJ Come hereJ LookJ 8'aking +3+*+'' on a 0our o5 0he s0ree0 : We ha/e a 0own 5u.. o5 singing cada/ersJ 8Kicking B(BBY wi0h his 0oe : We ha/e !odies .ying in 0he s0ree0J 8Poking +3+*+'' in 0he ches09: We are 0he arm2i0 o5 0he %merican Wes0JJ 8P(LLY s0orms ou0 o5 0he 5ron0 o5 0he 0hea0er9 'he momen0 she a22ears B(BBY4& head goes u29 )e4s 0rans5iBed9 )e can40 0ake his eyes o55 her9: P(LLY You .is0en 0o me Lank )awkinsJ I5 you e/er ye.. a0 my 5a0her again I4m gonna skin you a.i/e you hear me -JJ L%-K P(LLY I5 he doesn40 se.. i0 0o )e is my 5a0her and i0 is 0ime me 0he !ank is going 0o you showed him a .i00.e 0ake i0 anywayJ res2ec0J 8'hey 5reeze9 %gain B(BBY is in his own wor.d9 &0aring a0 P(LLY in a c.oud o5 adora0ion he sings:: =9 'hings %re Looking 72 B(BBY 'hings are .ooking u2J I4/e !een .ooking 0he .andsca2e o/er %nd i04s co/ered wi0h 5our .ea5 c.o/er (h 0hings are .ooking u2 &ince .o/e .ooked u2 a0 me9 L%-K P(LLY Po..y you know how I 5ee. %nd he ain40 gonna se.. a!ou0 youJ ya his 0hea0er i5 he

don40 wan0 0oJ 8Freeze9: B(BBY Bi00er was my cu2 Bu0 no more wi.. I !e 0he mourner For I4/e cer0ain.y 0urned 0he corner9 (h 0hings are .ooking u2 &ince .o/e .ooked u2 a0 me9 L%-K I ha/e asked you 0o marry me 5i50een 0imes9 P(LLY &o ask some!ody e.se9 L%-K 'here is no one e.se9 You4re 0he on.y woman wi0hin 5i50y mi.esJ 8P(LLY 0urns 0o him murderous.y9: +3+*+'' 8seeing wha04s coming:: Po..y: 8P(LLY kicks L%-K in 0he shin9 )e screams9: P(LLY Come on ,ad9 I4/e go0 0o wash u29 8P(LLY and +3+*+'' eBi0 in0o 0he 0hea0er9 L%-K .im2s away in0o 0he sa.oon9 B(BBY has !een wa0ching Po..y4s e/ery mo/emen09: B(BBY 6Po..y96 6Po..yJ6 8Like Cor0ez 5irs0 seeing 0he Paci5ic (cean:: My God 0ha04s a wonder5u. nameJJ B(BBY 8'he music swe..s9: &ee 0he sun!eamsJ +/ery one !eams <us0 !ecause o5 you9 Lo/e4s in session %nd my de2ression

Is unmis0aka!.y 0hrough9 8%s 0he song con0inues B(BBY ge0s dizzy again and 0he C(WB(Y& 2ick him u2 and carry him in0o 0he sa.oon9 Meanwhi.e 0he se0 is changing9: B(BBY 'hank you9 B(BBY 'hings are .ooking u2J I04s a grea0 .i00.e wor.d we .i/e inJ (h I4m ha22y as a 2u2 &ince .o/e .ooked u2 (h I4m ha22y as a 2u2 &ince .o/e .ooked u2 a0 meJJ 8-('+: Las0 word o5 song is an e.ision wi0h 5irs0 no0e o5 neB0 musica. num!er9: &cene Four Inside Lank4s &a.oon9 I0 inc.udes a rece20ion desk a !ar a 2.ayer-2iano 8a22aren0.y !eing 2.ayed !y <7-I(*: and a card 0a!.e9 % 5.igh0 o5 s0airs .eads u2 0o a !a.cony where 0here are doors 0o 0wo gues0 rooms and a door 0o 0he corridor9 'W( C%*, PL%Y+*& - WY%'' and BILLY - are a0 0he 0a!.e 2.aying 2oker9 %s 0he C(WB(Y& carry B(BBY in0o 0he sa.oon 0he 2iano is 2.aying and L%-K is coming down 0he s0airs9 =a9 I-CI,+-'%L: %50er 'hings 8Piano so.o:

L%-K Wou.d you 0urn 0ha0 0hing o55J 8<7-I(* kicks 0he 2iano and i0 s0o2s 2.aying9 % cuckoo c.ock a!o/e 0he rece20ion desk sounds o55 - com2.e0e wi0h a !ird 0ha0 comes ou0 o5 a .i00.e door in 0he 5ron0: 6C7-CK((J C7-CK((J6 %0 0his momen0 and argumen0 s0ar0s u2 !e0ween 0he 0wo C%*, PL%Y+*&9: WY%'' )o.d i0 righ0 0here mis0er9 I saw ya 0ake 0ha0 ace 5rom your BILLY I4m a5raid you need some g.asses ya dum! cuss9

8BILLY s0ands u2 kicking his chair awayM and 0hey sKuare o55 5or a gun5igh09 'hey draw .ike .igh0ning !u0 WY%'' is 5as0er9 )e shoo0s BILLY in 0he s0omach9 BL%MJ BILLY 5a..s dead on 0he 5.oor9 B(BBY wa0ches a.. 0his in shock his mou0h o2en9 % !ea0 0hen:: L%-K *u!!ish9 Com2.e0e ru!!ish9 BILLY 8From 0he 5.oor 0hen s0anding u29: %w come on Lank9 I 0hough0 i0 was 2re00y good 0ha0 0ime9 B(BBY 8con5used:: Wha04s going onA BILLY Famous Gun5igh0s o5 0he (.d Wes09 <7-I(* I04s Lank4s idea 0o !ring in 0he 0ouris0s9 P+'+ 'ha0 0here was Wya00 +ar2 mee0s Bi..y 0he Kid9 B(BBY Bu0 0hey cou.d ha/e hur0 each o0her9 WY%'' %re you kiddin4 mis0erA 'hese her is !.anks9 )ey LankJ 8L%-K 0urns - and WY%'' shoo0s s0raigh0 a0 his ches09 BL%MJ BL%MJ 'hen WY%'' 0urns 0he gun 0oward 0he wa.. and .e0s 5.y ano0her - BL%MJ - and a Lug on 0he wa.. eB2.odes hi00ing a 2air o5 an0.ers which hi0s 0he 2iano - which s0ar0s 2.aying9 <7-I(* kicks i0 and i0 s0o2s9 % !ea0 0hen L%-K wa.ks u2 0o WY%'' and 2u0s ou0 his hand9: WY%'' 8&urrendering his gun 0o Lank9: &orry .ank9 L%-K -o wonder 0his coun0ry is in a de2ression9 8L%-K wa.ks away9 %s he goes 0he Cuckoo C.ock sounds o55 again: 6C7-CK((J C7-CK((J6 &0ar0.ed L%-K shoo0s 0he c.ock which ins0an0.y eB2.odes .ea/ing 0he !ird on a wire 5rom 0he shards o5 i0s

house9 L%-K u00ers a cry o5 des2air 0hen con0inues o55 0hrough a door !ehind 0he rece20ion desk9 'he momen0 he .ea/es P(LLY en0ers9: P(LLY Where4s LankA <7-I(* )e4s ou0 !ack9 P(LLY 8&eeing B(BBY 5or 0he 5irs0 0ime9: :Who 0he he.. is heA <7-I(* )e sor0a craw.ed in0o 0own 0his a50ernoon9 B(BBY )ow do you doA 8B(BBY s0ands u2 0o in0roduce himse.5 - and 2rom20.y 5a..s 0o 0he ground9: <7-I(* )e4s s0i.. kinda shaky9 P(LLY We.. wa.k him around9 Ge0 under himJ 8<7-I(* 0ries9: (h here I4.. do i0J 8&he 2u0s B(BBY4& arm around her neck and s0ar0s 0o wa.k him around 0he sa.oon9 )is .egs are .ike Le..y9: P(LLY Come on &unshine9 'his way9 -ow you4re ge00ing4 i09 <us0 kee2 0hem 5ee0 mo/ing4 : 8e0c9 ad .i!9: 8&he wa.ks him some more - and as 0hey make a 0urn B(BBY 5inds his 5ace on.y inches 5rom P(LLY4s9 Wi0hou0 warning he kisses her on 0he .i2s9 For a momen0 she4s s0unned - 0hen she 2ushes him rough.y away9: P(LLY Wha0 0he he..4d ya do 0ha0 5orAJJ B(BBY I don40 know9

P(LLY :We.. don40 do i0 again9 B(BBY *igh09 8&he s0ares a0 him 5or a !ea0 0hen heads 5or 0he !ar9: P(LLY )ey )arry ge0 me a drink so I can c.ean my .i2sJ 8)%**Y 0he !ar0ender s.ides a !o00.e down 0he .eng0h o5 0he !ar Wes0ern-s0y.e and P(LLY ca0ches i0 easi.y9 &he 0akes a and moseys away9 B(BBY is im2ressed9 Imi0a0ing her he wa.ks 0o 0he !ar9: B(BBY 8'ough guyM 0o )%**Y:: Make 0ha0 0wo9 8)%**Y s.ides a !o00.e 0o B(BBY who 2u0s ou0 his hand and misses9 'he !o00.e s.ides o55 0he end o5 0he !ar and crashes9: B(BBY :I4.. ha/e ano0her9 8&ame rou0ine9 B(BBY misses again and 0he !o00.e crashes9: B(BBY :9(ne 5or 0he road9 8%s )%**Y s.ams a !o00.e on0o 0he !ar B(BBY Lum2s on 0he !ar and gra!s i09: P(LLY You ain40 5rom around here are yaA 8B(BBY s0i.. showing o55 s.ides o55 0he !ar and drinks 5rom 0he !o00.e9 For a second he doesn40 reac09 'hen he s0ares a0 0he !o00.e in shock9: B(BBY 8)ard.y a!.e 0o s2eak - a sKueak:: :'ha04s a .i00.e s0rong: P(LLY &0rongA We go0 0hir0y-year-o.d cows who 2ass wa0er s0ronger4n 0his s0u559 B(BBY

My God you4re !eau0i5u.9 You4re .ike 0he 3enus de Mi.oJ :+Bce20 5or your arms9 8P(LLY is sudden.y conscious o5 her arms and 2u0s 0hem !ehind her !ack9: I-I-I mean you ha/e arms: P(LLY : Mis0er i04s !een rea. nice 0a.king4 0o ya9 B(BBY ,on40 goJ P(LLY May!e I4.. see ya again some 0ime9 In a rocke0 shi2 or some0hin49 @9 Cou.d You 7se MeA B(BBY )a/e some 2i0y on an +as0ernerM &how a .i00.e sym2a0hy9 -o one 2ossi!.y cou.d !e s0erner 'han you ha/e !een wi0h me9 'here4s a Lo! 0ha0 I4m a22.ying 5or Le0 me 2u0 i0 0o you 0hus: I04s a 2ar0nershi2 I4m dying 5or Mr9 and Mrs9 7s9 Be5ore you 5i.e i0 on 0he she.5 Le0 me 0e.. you o5 myse.5: 8By 0his 0ime he4s go0 her 0o 0he 0a!.e9: (h I4m 0he cha22ie 'o make you ha22yM I4.. 0ie your shoes-ies %nd chase your !.ues-iesM (h .ady wou.d you (h 0e.. me cou.d you use meA P(LLY -o nigh0 Ii5e 5or youM 'he !irds wou.d !ore youM 'he cows won40 know youM % horse wou.d 0hrow youM You si..y man you

'o ask me 6Can you use meA6 B(BBY ,o you rea.ize wha0 a good man You4re ge00ing in meA I4m no +.k or Mason or Woodman Who ge0s home a0 0hree9 P(LLY Your 0ies are 5reakishM Your knees are weakishM Go !ack 0o 5.a22ers %nd high-!a.I .a22ers9 'hough you can use me I mos0 cer0ain.y can40 use youJ 8B(BBY 2ursues P(LLY around 0he sa.oon 0hen ou0 in0o 0he s0ree09 Las0 word o5 song is an e.ision wi0h 5irs0 no0e o5 neB0 musica. num!er9: &cene Fi/e Main &0ree0 ? ,eser0 ,eadrock -e/ada9 'he song is con0inuous9 ,uring 0he song - and dance - e/ening 5a..s9 @ 8con04d:9 &ha.. We ,anceA B(BBY ,ro2 0ha0 .ong 5aceJ Come on ha/e your 5.ingJ Why kee2 nursing 0he !.uesA I5 you wan0 0his o.d wor.d on a s0ring Pu0 on your dancing shoes &0o2 was0ing 0imeJ Pu0 on your dancing shoes Wa0ch your s2iri0s!9 &ha.. we dance or kee2 on mo2ingA &ha.. we dance and wa.k on airA &ha.. we gi/e in0o des2air (r sha.. we dance wi0h ne/er a careA Li5e is shor0M we4re growing o.der9 ,on40 you !e an You4d !e00er dance .i00.e .adyJ ,ance .i00.e manJ ,ance whene/er you canJ

8%0 5irs0 P(LLY4s a re.uc0an0 2ar0nerM she Lus0 won40 dance wi0h him9 Bu0 soon she s0ar0s enLoying herse.5 and B(BBY and P(LLY !egin 0hrough 0he s0ree0 - 0hen 0he deser0 - .ike Fred and Ginger9 In 0he course o5 0he num!er P(LLY 5a..s dee2.y in .o/e wi0h him9 'owards 0he end o5 0he num!er B(BBY kisses a P(LLY9: B(BBY :W(WJJ 8'he dance ends and we go 0o !.ackou09: @a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+: &ha.. We ,anceA - Music BoB

8Music 5ades ou0 under o2ening dia.ogue o5 neB0 scene9: &cene &iB &0age o5 0he Gaie0y 'hea0er con0inuous9 'he scene !egins in 0o0a. darkness9 (u0 o5 0he /oid we hear B(BBY4s /oice9 B(BBY4& 3(IC+ Po..yA :Po..yAJ :9 (WJ 8)e4s !um2ed in0o some0hing9: Po..y where are youAJJ 8&udden.y 0he .igh0s come u29 P(LLY is a0 0he side o5 0he s0age ha/ing Lus0 0urned 0he .igh0s on and we see 0he 0hea0er 5or 0he 5irs0 0ime9 I04s a mas0er2iece o5 3ic0oriana co/ered wi0h dus0 and in a woe5u. s0a0e o5 disre2air9 (n 0he s0age are a 5ew o.d 2ro2s and 5.a0s and a 0runk o5 cos0umes9 B(BBY .ooks around dum!5ounded9: B(BBY (h my God Lus0 .ook a0 0his 2.aceJ P(LLY 82roud.y:: I04s some0hin4 huhA B(BBY I04s incredi!.eJ P(LLY When I was a .i00.e 0hing I4d wa0ch a.. 0he !ig shows9 'he .igh0s 0he music: B(BBY

I4/e ne/er seen any0hing .ike i09 Wha04s i0 doing in ,eadrockA P(LLY 'his here was a 2re00y !ig 0own a!ou0 5i50y years ago9 'hen 0he mines ran ou0 and mos0 2eo2.e Lus0 kinda go0 u2 and .e509 B(BBY 85inding 2ar0s o5 cos0umes in 0he 0runk: Look a0 0his s0u55J (h my GodJ You can40 .e0 0he !ank 0ake 0his 2.aceJ P(LLY )ow do you know a!ou0 i0A B(BBY We.. I-I-I cou.dn40 he.2 o/erhearing on 0he s0ree0 and : 8Pause9 B(BBY sudden.y has a re/e.a0ion )e .ooks around 0he 0hea0er 0hen says Kuie0.y:: B(BBY Wai0 a second9 I4/e go0 an ideaJ P(LLY %!ou0 wha0AJ B(BBY on a cos0ume Lacke0 and gra!!ing a 5edora9: I know wha0 0o doJ P(LLY Wha0 0he he.. are you 0a.kin4 a!ou0AJ B(BBY I04s sim2.eJ %.. we ha/e 0o do 0o sa/e 0his 2.ace is Lus0 : 2u0 on a show9 )ere in 0he 0hea0er9 'ha04.. raise a.. 0he money you need 0o 2ay o55 0he mor0gageJ P(LLY : <us0 2u0 on a showA B(BBY *igh09 P(LLY In hereA B(BBY

*igh0J P(LLY Is e/ery!ody 0his s0u2id !ack +as0 or are you Lus0 s2ecia.A B(BBY We.. why no0AJ ,on40 you e/er go 0o 0he mo/iesA Mickey *ooney does i0 a.. 0he 0imeJ : Look9 'he guys in 0he !ar can sing I heard 0hemJ %ndand-and I cou.d !ring dancers 5rom 1ang.er4s Fo..iesJ 'hey4re my 5riendsJ 'hey4d come in a secondJ 'hey4re on /aca0ionJ P(LLY 8sudden.y eBci0ed:: : Ya mean Be.a 1ang.erAJ B(BBY Yeah9 P(LLY ,ad4s 0a.ked a!ou0 himJ ,o you know himAJ B(BBY ,o I know him9 %re you kiddingA We4re .ike99 8Pu00ing 0he indeB 5ingers o5 his hands 0oge0her 0hen 0hem a2ar0: 0his9 P(LLY ,4ya 0hink he4d come ou0 here and 2u0 on a showAJ I mean i5 ya asked himAJ B(BBY 8-odding his head yes: :-o9 8P(LLY 0urns away disa22oin0ed9: Bu0 we don40 need himJ I can do i0 I 2romiseJ 8-o answer9: Po..y 2.ease9 Le0 me 0ry i09 I cou.d accom2.ish some0hing9 %nd 0his 0hea0er Lus0 imagine gi/ing i0 a who.e new .i5eJ P(LLY :I guess we can 0ry i09 8B(BBY shou0s wi0h Loy9:

B(BBY I4.. ca.. 0he gir.s 5irs0 0hing in 0he morningJ )eyJ Wa0ch 0hisJ 8)e does a 0a2 5.ourish - 0he same one he did 5or - and ends u2 wi0h a .i0era..y nose-0o-nose wi0h Po..y9: P(LLY 8in 2ain:: :You4re s0andin4 on my 5oo09 B(BBY I4m sorryJ ,arnJ P(LLY 'ha04s okay9 I0 sure is nice o5 you 0o he.2 .ike 0his9 I mean we hard.y know each o0her9 8+B0ending her hand9: I4m Po..y Baker9 B(BBY I4m !o!!y Chi.d9 8% !ea0 0hen P(LLY sudden.y goes 2a.e9: P(LLY Wha0A B(BBY Bo!!y Chi.d9 P(LLY From -ew York Ci0yA B(BBY *igh09 8&L%PJ P(LLY s.a2s B(BBY across 0he 5ace sending him !ackward9: B(BBY Wha0 did I doA P(LLY You4re 5rom 0ha0 !ankJ B(BBY

Yeah9 We.. I can eB2.ain 0ha0 P(LLY You4re here 0o 0ake our 0hea0er ain40 yaA 'his is a 0rickJ B(BBY -o i04s no0J P(LLY )ow cou.d ya do 0his 0o meAJ B(BBY Po..y you4re wrong P(LLY You and your singin4 and your dancin4 and your : Be.a 1ang.ersJ B(BBY I can sa/e 0his 0hea0erJ P(LLY 8dee2.y hur0 her eyes 5u.. o5 0ears:: <us0 G( %W%YJJ P(LLY 8&he hurries 0o 0he wingsM 0urns and says Kuie0.y:: %nd don40 you e/er .e0 me ca0ch you 0a.kin4 0o me again9 8&he hurries o559: B(BBY Po..y - J 8&he4s gone9 B(BBY wanders across 0he s0age his dreams sha00ered9 )e says 0o himse.5:: 6You and your singing and your dancing and your:6 8Music 5or neB0 num!er !egins wi0h an underscore a sad s0rain o5 6'hings %re Looking 7296 &udden.y B(BBY .ooks u29 )e has an idea9 Cou.d i0 rea..y workA: B(BBY 80o himse.5:: : Be.a 1ang.er9 8)e .ooks around 0he 0hea0er :: Be.a 1ang.erJJ 87sing 1ang.er4s accen0 and s0riking a 2os wi0h a cane9: 63e.. /e.. /e..9 Gir.sJ I0 is 0ime /e 2ay /isi0 0o ,eadrock -e/ada yaAJ

8B.ackou0 5o..owed !y 0he sound o5 a 0rain gaining s2eed 0hen 0he /am2ing !ea0 o5 0he GI*L&4 arri/a. in ,eadrock9: &cene &e/en Main s0ree0 ,eadrock 0hree days .a0er morning9 %s 0he dawn is !reaking ')+ F(LLI+& GI*L& en0er 5rom 0he deser0 8in si.houe00e: 0o 0he ho0 Lazzy rhy0hm o5 6I4.. Bui.d a &0airway 0o Paradise96 Windows and doors 5.y o2en as ')+ C(WB(Y& come ou0 0o see wha04s ha22ening - and Loin in 0he num!er9 By 0he end o5 0he num!er a.. 0he C(WB(Y& are on 0he s0ree09 P(LLY and L%-K ha/e en0ered9 C9 Gir.s +n0er -e/ada 8Bronco Bus0ers: ')+ F(LLI+& GI*L& I04s wonder5u. 0o !reeze around 'hey seem 0o ha/e rea. 0rees around %nd o5 0he o2en s2aces 0here4s no dou!0 -o dou!0J -o dou!0J 'his is 0he .i5e 0ha0 *i.ey 0o.d a!ou09 In 0own we used 0o 5re0 away 7n0i. we made our ge0away (u0 here where 0here4s no dou!0 0ha0 men are men Where men are menJ We don40 care i5 we don40 go eas0 again9 We ha/en40 missed o.d Broadway or 0he whi0e .igh0s When 0he moon a0 nigh0 .igh0s 'ha04s 0he !es0 o5 !righ0 .igh0s9 '+&& %.. righ0 gir.s9 Le04s show 4em how we do i09 8,ance !reak - 0o 6K-ra-zy For You96: ')+ B(Y& ')+ F(LLI+& GI*L& In 0own 0hey used 0o 5re0 away In-0own7n0i. 0hey made 0heir ge0away we-did(u0 here where 0here4s no 5re0,ou!0 0ha0 men are men away Where men are menJ In 0own we used 0o 5re0 away 'hey don40 care i5 0hey 7n0i. we made our ge0away ,on40 go eas0 again9 We don40 care i5 we don40 go eas0 again

8'he music segues !ack in0o 6I4.. Bui.d a &0airway 0o Paradise 6 as B(BBY - masKuerading as B+L% 1%-GL+* - makes his en0rance9 )e has 1ang.er4s c.o0hes !eard mous0ache and accen09 )e carries a cane ad smokes a cigar9 )e doesn40 ha/e 0he same con5idence 0houghM and during 0he num!er he con5ers hurried.y wi0h '+&& and P%'&Y 0o make sure 0ha0 he .ooks a.. righ09 By 0he end o5 0he num!er he4s ready 0o s0ar0 - and!s 0o 0he 0o2 o5 a s0airway made o5 0he GI*L&4 sui0cases9: %LL ((-((-((-((-((-((-((-(( %)J B(BBY Good morning good morning good morning9 ,is is ,eadrock -e/ada yaA ')+ C(WB(Y& Y%J B(BBY +Bce..en09 I am .ooking 2.ease 5or a Miss Po..y Baker9 P(LLY I4m Po..y BakerJ Wha04s goin4 onAJ B(BBY Permi0 me 0o in0roduce myse.59 My name is Be.a 1ang.er9 P(LLY 8I- &)(CK: : Ge0 ou00a hereJ %re you rea..y :Be.a 1ang.erA I mean wha0 are you doin4 hereA B(BBY I am sa/ing 0hea0erJ L%-K Wha0AJ B(BBY I am ge00ing a ca.. 0hree days ago 5rom /ery good 5riend o5 mine9 Bo!!y Chi.d9 8Con5iden0ia..y:: By 0he /ay he is a /onder5u. !oy9 You shou.d ge0 0o know him9 P(LLY

)e did say you were 5riends9 B(BBY FriendsA 3e are .ike 8Pu0s his indeB 5ingers 0oge0her 0hen 2u..s 0hem a2ar09: 0hisJ P(LLY 'ha04s Lus0 wha0 he saidJ B(BBY I4m no0 sur2rised9 &o9 3hen do /e s0ar0A 3e ha/e a show 0o 2u0 on yaA ')+ C(WB(Y& Y%J L%-K I don40 ! one word o5 0his9 B(BBY 3hich /ord is 0ha0A L%-K &ome0hing sme..s 5ishy 0o me9 <IMMY I 0hink i04s Moose9 8+/eryone .ooks a0 M((&+ who checks his underarms 0hen nods his head 6yes96 %0 0his momen0 +3+*+'' comes ou0 o5 0he 0hea0er sus2ec0ing no0hing9 )e sees B(BBY and s0o2s dead9: +3+*+'' (h my goodnessJ 8Going u2 0o him9: Mr9 : 1ang.erA B(BBY You know me :A +3+*+'' I4/e seen your 2ic0ure in 3arie0y a hundred 0imesJ Wha0 are you doing hereAJ

P(LLY )e came 0o he.2 so we can 2ay 0he !ank9 +3+*+'' 'his is miracu.ousJ L%-K 'his is ridicu.ousJ P(LLY LankJ B(BBY I am insu.0edJ 8% gas2 5rom 0he crowd9: ,o you /an0 me 0o 2u0 on show or no0A I am !usy manJ +3+*Y(-+ (5 course we doJ ,on40 .is0en 0o himJ You mus0 do i0J 8e0c9: B(BBY 8cu00ing 0hem o55 a!ru20.y:: Y(PJ : (kay9 I do i09 +3+*Y(-+ 'ha04s wonder5u.J 'his is 0hri..ingJ 8e0c9: B(BBY 8cu00ing 0hem o55 a!ru20.y:: Y(PJ : Gir.sJ 'o /orkJ 8)e 2oin0s 0o 0he 0hea0er and ')+ GI*L& head inside9: ')+ GI*L& Yes Mr9 1ang.er9 (5 course Mr9 1ang.er9 P%'&Y 8a.oud 0o B(BBY as she 2asses him:: Bo!!yJ 8)e 0ries 0o shush her9: You4re doin4 a wonder5u. Lo!J You4re so .i5e-.ikeJ 8B(BBY ro..s his eyes9 Meanwhi.e L%-K 2u..s ou0 his gun wa.ks u2 0o B(BBY and 2ushes i0 under his nose9: L%-K Mis0er9 ,o you see 0his gunA

B(BBY YaA L%-K I0 0ends 0o ha/e a mind o5 i0s own9 8B(BBY .ooks a0 0he gunM 0hen a0 L%-K9: B(BBY 3un ou0 o5 0wo ain40 !ad9 L%-K 'ha0 isn40 5unnyJ P(LLY LankJ L%-K Mis0er I wan0 you ou0 o5 0his 0own in 0wen0y-5our hoursJ 8)e eBi0s9: +3+*+'' 80o B(BBY:: )ow I wish you cou.d ha/e seen Po..y4s mo0her on 0ha0 s0age9 &0anding 0here !ehind 0he 5oo0.igh0s: P(LLY Mr9 1ang.erA I5 you rea..y can sa/e 0his 2.ace I:we.. I guess I4m gonna !e migh0y gra0e5u.9 8&he shakes his hand9: B(BBY :Le04s ho2e so yaA 8B(BBY kisses 0he !ack o5 her hand +uro2ean s0y.e 0hen 0urns 0o 0he !oys9: B(BBY &o9 Who /ou.d .ike 0o audi0ionA 8-o res2onse9: 'o !e in show9 8-o res2onse9: :0o /ork wi0h gir.s9 C(WB(Y& 8eru20ing immedia0e.y:: Yes sirJ (-kayJ -ow you4re 0a.kin4J

8')+ C(WB(Y& race in0o 0he 0hea0er whoo2ing and ho..ering9 B(BBY eBi0s wi0h 0hem9 +3+*+'' hangs !ack 5or a word wi0h P(LLY9: +3+*+'' -ow 0ha04s 0he kind o5 man you shou.d marry9 P(LLY ,ad wou.d ya cu0 i0 ou0J :When I4m ready 0o ge0 married I4.. .e0 ya know9 +3+*+'' By 0ha0 0ime you4.. ha/e 0o con0ac0 me 0hrough a medium9 8+3+*+'' eBi0s in0o 0he 0hea0er9 P(LLY is on 0he s0ree09 I04s Kuie0 now9 &he .ooks around and sudden.y 5ee.s .one.y9: F9 &omeone 0o Wa0ch (/er Me P(LLY 'here4s a saying o.d &ays 0ha0 .o/e is !.ind &0i.. we4re o50en 0o.d 6&eek and ye sha.. 5ind96 &o I4m going 0o seek % cer0ain .ad I4/e had in mind9 Looking e/erywhere )a/en40 5ound him ye0M )e4s 0he !ig a55air I canno0 5orge09 (n.y man I e/er 0hink o5 wi0h regre09 I4d .ike 0o add his ini0ia.s 0o my monogram9 'e.. me where is 0he she2herd 5or 0his .os0 .am!9 'here4s a some!ody I4m .onging 0o see I ho2e 0ha0 he 0urns ou0 0o !e &omeone who4.. wa0ch o/er me9 I4m a .i00.e .am! who4s .os0 in 0he wood9 I know I cou.d a.ways !e good 'o one who4.. wa0ch o/er me9 %.0hough he may no0 !e 0he man some Gir.s 0hink o5 as handsome 'o my hear0 he carries 0he key9

Won40 you 0e.. him 2.ease 0o 2u0 on some s2eed -A Fo..ow my .ead (hJ )ow I need &omeone 0o wa0ch o/er me9 &omeone 0o wa0ch o/er me9 8'he music seKues 0o 0he neB0 num!er9: &cene +igh0 Lo!!y o5 0he Gaie0y 'hea0er 0wo weeks .a0er mid-morning9 'here4s a door 0o 0he s0ree0 and dou!.e doors a0 0he !ack .eading in0o 0he audi0orium9 'o one side 0here4s a 0icke0 coun0er now used 5or 0he 2os0 o55ice9 Behind i0 is a 0e.e2hone swi0ch!oard9 %s 0he se0 mo/es in0o 2.ace and 0he .igh0s come u2 /arious GI*L& and C(WB(Y& carry a !ass 5idd.e in0o 0he 0hea0er9 &ome o5 0he GI*L& s0ay in 0he .o!!y and s0ar0 dus0ing and 2ain0ing9 'here is a genera. re5ur!ishmen0 going on9 G9 I-CI,+-'%L: *ehearsa. - &.a2 'ha0 Bass Meanwhi.e 0he C(WB(Y '*I( is rehearsing wi0h P%'&Y who4s 0eaching 0hem a dance s0e29 MI-G( is dancing wi0h &%M and M((&+ is dancing wi0h P%'&Y9 I0 isn40 going 0oo we..9 D-('+: 'his scene can !e 2.ayed a0 0he 0o2 o5 &cene -ine in which case 0he ac0ion mo/es con0inuous.y 5rom 0he end o5 0his scene in0o 0he !eginning o5 wha0 is designa0ed as &cene -ine9:E P%'&Y ? ')+ '*I( &0e2 zoom s0e2 s0e2 &0e2 zoom s0e2 s0e2 &0e2 zoom s0e2 s0e2 8P%'&Y eBas2era0ed 5ina..y ye..s 6-(----J6 Music and dancing s0o2 '+&& .ooks a0 0he 6rehearsa.96 I04s un!eara!.y aw5u.9: '+&& We.. 0ha0 .ooks 0err:9i5ic9 P%'&Y 'hanks9 '+&& May!e you4d !e00er work on 0he %c0 (ne 5ina.e9 P%'&Y

*igh09 '+&& I4.. go he.2 wi0h 0he rehearsa.9 8'+&& eBi0s in0o 0he 0hea0er s0i.. amazed a0 0he B(Y&4 c.umsiness9: P%'&Y (kay 5e..as9 &mi.eJ 8'hey 0urn on !ig smi.esM P%'&Y ca..s ou0 her ins0ruc0ions:: -ow: )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on head9 )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on hi2s9 )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on ches09 8'he C(WB(Y& 2u0 0heir hands on P%'&Y4s ches09: P%'&Y -o0 my ches09 Your ches0J ')+ B(Y& *igh09 *igh09 Le04s 0ry i0 againJ (ne more 0imeJ P%'&Y (ne more 0ime: 8&he 0akes a gian0 s0e2 !ackwards - and is a!ou0 0o s0ar0 again when P(LLY en0ers 5rom 0he s0ree09 &imu.0aneous.y 0he 2hone s0ar0s ringing9: ')+ B(Y& 4Morning4 Po..y9 P(LLY ,on40 5orge0 rehearsa. in 0en minu0esJ MI-G( %no0her rehearsa.A )eck I4/e !een ready 5or a who.e weekJ 8P%'&Y and ')+ B(Y& eBi0 0o 0he 0hea0er9: P(LLY 82.ugging in0o a 2hone .ine a0 0he swi0ch!oard9: Gaie0y 'hea0er and 79&9 Pos0 o55ice9 'he show o2ens 0omorrow nigh0 a0 eigh0 o4c.ock9 <us0 ge0 o55 a0 0he Lunc0ion 0hen i04s a!ou0 an hour4s wa.k9 :9)e..oA :9)e..oAJ

8L%-K en0ers as P(LLY disconnec0s and goes 0o work 2u00ing u2 a 2os0er9: L%-K We.. we.. we..9 'he !usy !ee is hard a0 work9 P(LLY Lank 0his here4s a 0hea0er and a 2os0 o55ice9 You can !uy a 0icke0 or a s0am29 (0herwise go !ack 0o your sa.oon9 L%-K Po..y you are was0ing your 0imeJ 'he show is doomed9 ,o you hones0.y 0hink 0ha0 anyone is going 0o 2ay good money 0o see a !unch o5 singing num!sku..sA 8)e o2ens 0he doors 0o 0he audi0orium and we hear 0he aw5u. rehearsa. con0inuing: 6)ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on head:6 %s he c.oses 0he door P+'+ en0ers 5rom 0he s0ree09: P+'+ 4Mornin4 Po..y9 P(LLY 4Mornin4 Pe0e9 L%-K -ow wha0 does 0his man know a!ou0 0he 0hea0erA )mmA P(LLY Lay o55 him Lank9 L%-K 82u00ing his arm around P+'+: Perha2s you wou.d 0e.. us sir your /iews o5 0he con0em2orary %merican s0age9 P+'+ :)eck I dunno9 L%-K 6)eck I don40 know96 I4d say 0ha04s 5air.y 0renchan09 P+'+ I s42ose you cou.d say 0ha0 : +ugene (4-ei.. is Lus0 !eginnin4 0o eB2.ore 0he sym!o.ism o Greek 0ragedy9 8% !ea0 0hen::

(4 course 0he rea.ism o5 %n0on Chekho/ is s0i.. a 2re00y im2or0an0 in5.uence9 8% !ea0 0hen:: %nd 0hen 0here4s &0anis.a/sky L%-K 82u00ing his hand o/er Pe0e4s mou0h: 'hank youJ 8P(LLY 2.eased wi0h herse.5 heads 5or 0he s0ree09: P(LLY 4Bye Lank9 L%-K Po..y ge0 !ack here - J :9P(LLYJJ 8&he4s gone9: P+'+ )eads0rong ain40 sheA 8% !ea0 0hen:: Kind reminds me o5 0ha0 ga. in King Lear: 8L%-K makes a .unge 5or P+'+ who esca2es in0o 0he 0hea0er9: L%-K ou0 his gun: I4.. s0o2 0his show i5 i04s 0he .as0 0hing I e/er doJ 8%0 which 2oin0 0he .o!!y o2ens ou0 in0o 0he s0age o5 0he 0hea0er and L%-K is engu.5ed !y wa.0zing C(WB(Y&9:

&cene -ine &0age o5 0he Gaie0y 'hea0er con0inuous9 'he F(LLI+& GI*L& are !usy re5ur!ishing 0he 0hea0er - re2ain0ing 0he 2roscenium!ing .adders hanging .igh0s e0c9 Meanwhi.e B(BBY 8as 1%-GL+*: is 0eaching 0he C(WB(Y& a dance rou0ine9 G9 I-CI,+-'%L: *ehearsa. - &.a2 'ha0 Bass &0e2 zoom s0e2 s0e2 u2 down u2 down &0e2 zoom s0e2 s0e2 u2 down u2 down

&0e2 zoom s0e2 s0e2 u2 down u2 down %nd one 0wo 0hree 5our 5i/e siB 8'he C(WB(Y& are dancing wi0h each o0her and none o5 0hem is eBac0.y Fred %s0aire9 M((&+ in is a 0ru.y 0erri!.e dancer9 %s 0he rehearsa. de0eriora0es and 0he noise o5 0he re2airs ge0s worse and worse B(BBY can40 0ake i0 any .onger9: B(BBY 3ou.d you s0o2 a.readyJ &'(PJJ 8&i.ence9: I ne/er seen such a messJ 8'o M((&+:: You -iLinski9 Come o/er here9 M((&+ 8Going 0o B(BBY: 'he name is Moose9 B(BBY (kay Moose9 I go0 good news and !ad news9 M((&+ (h yeahA Wha04s 0he !ad newsA B(BBY You /i.. no0 !e dancing in 0his num!er9 M((&+ (h9 Wha04s 0he good newsA B(BBY You /i.. no0 !e dancing in 0his num!er9 M((&+ 8,own-hear0ed:: (kay9 8+3+*Y(-+ moans 5or M((&+9: B(BBY 3ai0 /ai0 /ai0J 8)e .ooks around and s2o0s a !ass 5idd.e which MI'1I is 2o.ishing9: )o.d your horse I go0 idea9 Come here !ig 5e..a9 You 2.ay wi0h 0his9

8)e 0akes 0he !ass hands i0 0o M((&+ and wa.ks away9 M((&+ 2u0s 0he !ass on his knee and s0rums i0 .ike a gui0ar and s0ar0s singing 6Bidin4 My 'ime6 wi0h some o5 0he o0her cow!oys9: B(BBY -o no noJ 8)e 0akes 0he !ass9: )ere9 You /a0ch me9 Like 0his9 8)e 2.ucks ou0 a rhy0hm and hands i0 !ack 0o Moose9: -ow you 0ry i09 You4re gonna !e <ascha )ei5e0z o5 0he (.d 3es09 #9 &.a2 'ha0 Bass 8B(BBY wa.ks away:and M((&+ s0ar0s 0o 2.ay ge00ing !e00er and !e00er soon a!.y 2.ucking ou0 0he same Lazzy rhy0hm 0ha0 B(BBY Lus0 2.ayed9 B(BBY .ooks a0 him wi0h sur2rise9 )e has an idea9 )e 0hen .ooks a0 '+&& and P%'&Y who ha/e 0he same idea9 Based on 0he rhy0hm !eing 2.ucked !y M((&+ B(BBY 0eaches 0he B(Y& a num!er 6&.a2 'ha0 Bass96 ,uring 0he num!er 0he B(Y& 2rogress 5rom sheer k.u0ziness 0o a sur2rising .e/e. o5 accom2.ishmen0 and en0husiasm - a.. 0hanks 0o B(BBY9 'he GI*L& Loin in9 P(LLY wanders 0hrough 0he num!er carrying a cos0ume 0ha0 needs sewing 0hen wa0ches 0he res0 o5 i0 5rom a 2erch on a .adder9 ,uring 0he num!er we see her wa0ching B(BBYN1%-GL+* wi0h admira0ion9: B(BBY 8as 1%-GL+*: 1oom - zoom zoom - zoom 'he wor.d is in a mess9 Wi0h 2o.i0ics and 0aBes %nd 2eo2.e grinding aBes 'here4s no ha22iness 1oom - zoom zoom - zoom *hy0hm .ead your aceJ 'he 5u0ure doesn40 5re0 me I5 I can on.y ge0 me &omeone 0o s.a2 0ha0 !ass P+'+ )a22iness is no0 a ridd.e When I4m .is0ening 0o 0ha0 !ig !ass 5idd.e9 B(BBY &.a2 0ha0 !ass P%'&Y &.a2 i0 0i.. i04s dizzy9

B(BBY &.a2 0ha0 !ass '+&& Kee2 0he rhy0hm !usy9 '+&& ? P%'&Y 1oom zoom zoom Misery - You go0 0o go9 B(BBY &.a2 0ha0 !ass '+&& P%'&Y WY%'' ? <IMMY 7se i0 .ike a 0onic9 B(BBY &.a2 0ha0 !ass ')+ C(MP%-Y Kee2 your Phi.harmonic9 1oom zoom zoom %nd 0he mi.k and honey wi.. 5.owJ &%M ? MI-G( ,ic0a0ors wou.d !e !e00er o55 I5 0hey zoom-zoomed now and 0henM GI*L& 1oom 1oom 1oomJ P+'+ 'oday you can see 0ha0 0he ha22ies0 o5 men GI*L& (hJ ')+ C(MP%-Y %.. go0 rhy0hm9 '+&& ? P%'&Y B(Y& In which case B((M - B((M B((M I5 you wan0 0o !u!!.e - B((M - B((M B((M B(BBY B((M - B((M B((M

&.a2 0ha0 !assM B((M - B((M9 &.a2 away your 0rou!.e9 ')+ C(MP%-Y Learn 0o zoom zoom zoom &.a2 0ha0 !assJ 83oca. sca0 sec0ion - "$ !ars a ca22e..a9: B(Y& 8Bass: Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 8Bass - *e2ea0 %dd:: GI*L& 8%.0o: 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 8Bass ? %.0o - *e2ea0 %dd:: B(Y& 8'enor: 1ood.edy ,ood.edy Boom Boom Boom Boom9 8Bass 'enor ? %.0o - *e2ea0 %dd:: GI*L& 8&o2rano: Boomi0y Bangi0y 1ing 1ing 1oom 1oom 1oom 8'enor &o2rano ? %.0o - *e2ea0: B(Y& 8Bass: 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom F7LL C(MP%-Y 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oom 1oomJ 8,ance Break: B(Y& 8<IMMY WY%'' BILLY &%M )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her C7&'7& ? P+'+: hands on head9 hands on hi2s9 hands on ches09

C(MP%-Y ,ic0a0ors wou.d !e !e00er o55 I5 0hey zoom-zoomed now and 0hen

'oday you can see 0ha0 0he ha22ies0 men %.. go0 rhy0hm %.. go0 rhy0hm In which case I5 you wan0 0o !u!!.e &.a2 0ha0 !ass &.a2 away your 0rou!.e Learn 0o zoom zoom zoom &.a2 0ha0 !assJJ 8When 0he num!er4s o/er 0he B(Y& and GI*L& hoo0 wi0h 0rium2h9 'hey4/e rea..y accom2.ished some0hing9: B(BBY (kay /oce more 5rom 0he 0o29 8'he C(MP%-Y groans9: 'ha0 /as LokeJ Lunch .unch .unchJ 8'he C(MP%-Y dis2erses9: '+&& 8'o B(BBY:: -o0 0oo sha!!y kiddoJ 8'+&& eBi0s - a0 which 2oin0 I*+-+ en0ers carrying a sui0case9 &he4s o!/ious.y Lus0 arri/ed in 0own9 B(BBY .ooking 0he o0her way doesn40 see her en0er9: I*+-+ +Bcuse me9 I4m .ooking 5or someone named Bo!!y Chi.d9 8B(BBY 0urns and sees her - and 2anics9: B(BBY 8'rying 0o ge0 away co/ering his 5ace wi0h a 0owe.9: I ha/e no0 seen him .a0e.y9 May!e you shou.d 0ry 3yoming9 I*+-+ : B(BBYJJ B(BBY 8,ro22ing 0he 0owe.M in his own /oice::

Irene9 )i: I*+-+ Wha0 0he he.. are you doingAJ B(BBY We.. I-I-I-I-I I4m 2u00ing on a show9 I4m Be.a 1ang.er9 I*+-+ You .ook .ike Kar. MarB9 :Why in God4s name wou.d you dress u2 .ike some idio0 in 0he midd.e o5 -e/ada -AJ 8%0 which 2oin0 P(LLY runs in wi0h some 5.yers and hurries u2 0o B(BBY 5.ushed wi0h eBci0emen09: P(LLY Mr9 1ang.erA 8'o I*+-+: )i9 +Bcuse me9 8'o B(BBY wi0h adora0ion: I Lus0 go00a 0e.. ya I mean wha0 you4re doing4 here i04s .ike a mirac.eJ 8&he kisses him9: B(BBY 'hank you : P(LLY I4.. !e !ack in a minu0e9 I go00a ge0 0hese 5.yers o55 0o &ky !.u55J 8&he hurries o55 in0o 0he wings9: B(BBY 0o her:: 'ake your 0imeJ I*+-+ :I shou.d ha/e known9 B(BBY Irene I*+-+ You4re doing 0his 5or herJ B(BBY

We.. no0 eBac0.y I*+-+ Bo!!yJ I saw 0ha0 re/o.0ing .ook in your eyes9 Like a cow who needs mi.king9 B(BBY Irene - J I*+-+ %nd I4m sure she4d .o/e 0o hear a.. a!ou0 0he rea. you9 B(BBY )ey9 Come onJ You wou.dn40 do 0ha0J I*+-+ We are .ea/ing here 0omorrow morning9 B(BBY <us0 one sec I*+-+ 8Gra!!ing him !y 0he .a2e.s9: Bo!!y you are 0a.king 0o a 5rus0ra0ed womanJ B(BBY I can se 0ha0 8&he kisses him on 0he .i2s9 )e in /ain as P(LLY hurries in9: P(LLY Mr9 1ang. - :(h9 &orry9 B(BBY 8,isengaging himse.5 5rom I*+-+: Po..y:Po..y:Po..y: 3e ha/e a /isi0or9 8'o I*+-+:: Po..y is on.y /oman .i/ing in ,eadrock9 I*+-+ I guess 0ha04s why she .ooks so 0ired9 B(BBY Po..y 0his is a /ery o.d 5riend o5 min9 P(LLY

We.. she sure mo/es good 5or her age9 I*+-+ My ageA I su22ose you Lus0 had your coming-ou0 2ar0y9 P(LLY (h I ne/er had a comin4-ou0 2ar0y9 I ne/er e/en knew wha0 0he word mean0 0i.. I saw 0ha0 dress o5 yours9 I*+-+ Wou.d you .ike 0o !orrow i0A P(LLY We.. no0 0i.. I4m !uried9 B(BBY 8'o I*+-+:: &he /as making a Loke: I*+-+ I su22ose i0 mus0 .ook ra0her odd 0o you no0 ha/ing any .ea0her 5ringe on i09 P(LLY 'ha04s okay9 Your hair kinda makes u2 5or i09 B(BBY I Lus0 knew you 0wo /ou.d !e good 5riends9 8By which 0ime L%-K has en0ered9: L%-K +Bcuse me9 Mr9 1ang.erA May I s2eak wi0h you 5or a momen0A B(BBY :9YaA 8L%-K gra!s B(BBY rough.y !y 0he shir0-5ron09: L%-K Lis0en youJ I wan0 you ou0 o5 here on 0he neB0 0rainJ B(BBY You don40 .ike showA L%-K

-o I don40 .ike show9 %nd I don40 .ike you hanging around my woman a.. dayJ B(BBY You /ou.d 2re5er a.. nigh0A 8L%-K shakes him hard9: (wJ L%-K May!e you4d !e00er 0ake a .ook a0 some0hing9 8)e reaches in0o his !reas0 2ocke0 and 2u..s ou0 a 2iece o5 2a2er9: *ead 0ha09 B(BBY :I04s a /edding .icense9 L%-K )a/e I made my in0en0ions c.ear enough 5or youA B(BBY I guess so !u0: I Lus0 don40 /an0 0o marry you9 L%-K You are c.ose 0o an idio0J 8B(BBY .ooks a0 him : 0hen 0akes a gian0 s0e2 away9: L%-K 'ha0 isn40 5unny9 B(BBY Fine9 -ow .ea/e my 0hea0er9 L%-K I4m warning you - J B(BBY Ge0 ou0 o5 hereJ -owJ I am !usy manJJ L%-K You ha/en40 seen 0he end o5 meJ B(BBY I5 i04s .ike 0he 5ron0 I don40 /an0 0o see i0J I*+-+80o L%-K:

+Bcuse me9 You don40 !y chance ha/e a ho0e. in 0his 0ownA L%-K 8&ensing a rich cus0omer: We..9 %s a ma00er o5 5ac0 I own 0ha0 !eau0i5u. ho0e. righ0 neB0 door9 I*+-+ Good9 Can you gi/e a room and a !a0hA L%-K 8(55ended: Madam I can gi/e you a room !u0 you4.. ha/e 0o 0ake your own !a0h9 8L%-K eBi0s9 I*+-+ gi/es B(BBY a .ook and eBi0s wi0h her sui0case9: B(BBY Po..y /e ha/e im2or0an0 0a.k now yaA P(LLY &ure9 Wha04s u2A B(BBY I /an0 0o s2eak 0o you a!ou0 Bo!!y Chi.d9 P(LLY (h him9 B(BBY Po..y he is a /onder5u. !oy9 )andsome9 'a.en0ed9 Bra/e9 P(LLY I ain40 e/en seen him 5or days9 Which is .ucky 5or himJ B(BBY Po..y he has 0o.d me he is : crazy 5or you9 P(LLY We.. I can40 he.2 0ha09 I4m a.ready s2oken 5or9 B(BBY : You areAJ P(LLY Yeah9 In my hear0 anyway9 B(BBY I0 is 0ha0 : Lank 2erson yaA

8Music s0ar0s under 5or neB0 num!er9: I 0e.. you I don40 .ike himJ )e is 0o0a..y wrong 5or you - J P(LLY I0 isn40 LankJ B(BBY : MooseA P(LLY 8&ighs: You Lus0 don40 unders0and any0hing do yaA ";9 +m!racea!.e you P(LLY ,ozens o5 men wou.d s0orm u2 I had 0o .ock my door &omehow I cou.dn40 warm u2 'o one !e5ore B(BBY Pe0e : &amA P(LLY Wha0 was i0 0ha0 con0ro..ed meA Wha0 ke20 my .o/e-.i5e .eanA B(BBY 8Coun0ing o55 0he men on his 5ingers: Lank Moose Pe0e &am999 P(LLY My in0ui0ion 0o.d me You4d come on 0he scene B(BBY :MeAJ P(LLY 8Pu00ing his hand on her hear09: Mis0er .is0en 0o 0he rhy0hm o5 my hear0!ea0 B(BBY 7h oh9

P(LLY %nd you4.. know Lus0 wha0 I mean9 B(BBY Po..y you are making !ig mis0ake here - J P(LLY +m!race me My swee0 em!racea!.e you B(BBY I 0hink /e go00a 0a.k a!ou0 0his P(LLY +m!race me My irre2.acea!.e you B(BBY 'his is no0 /ha0 I /as 2.anning P(LLY <us0 one .ook a0 you -- my hear0 grew 0i2sy in me9 8&he s0rokes 0he side o5 his head and he screams 5or 5ear o5 his wig mo/ing9: B(BBY -o no no no no no no noJJ P(LLY You and you !ring ou0 0he gy2sy in me9 B(BBY 'ha04s !ecause I am )ungarian P(LLY 8Ge00ing /ery ho0 now:: I .o/e a.. 0he many charms a!ou0 youM B(BBY You are making !ig Loke now ya -A P(LLY %!o/e a.. I wan0 my arms a!ou0 youJ B(BBY

(kay9 I04s no0 a Loke: P(LLY ,on40 !e a naugh0y !a!y Come 0o Po..y -- come 0o Po..y -- doJ My swee0 em!racea!.e you9 8%s 0he re5rain 2.ays in 0he orches0ra she 0akes him in her arms and !egins 0o dance wi0h him around 0he s0age9 )e4s 5igh0ing his 0o gi/e in 0o her9: B(BBY -ow Lus0 imagine i5 I /as Bo!!y9 P(LLY You dance e/en !e00er 0han he does9 B(BBY -o I don40 0hink so: 8'hey con0inue 0o dance9: P(LLY In your arms I 5ind .o/e so de.ec0a!.e dear I4m a5raid i0 isn40 Kui0e res2ec0a!.e dear Bu0 hang i0 -Come on .e04s g.ori5y .o/eJ ,ing dang i0J You4.. shou0 6+ncoreJ6 i5 I .o/e9 ,on40 !e a naugh0y !a!y Come 0o Po..y -- come 0o Po..y -- doJ 8Fina..y he comes 0o her9: Po..y and Bo!!y My swee0 em!racea!.e999 8%s 0hey kiss 0he music swe..s9 'hey kiss 2assiona0e.y as 0he .igh0s change and 0he neB0 scene eru20s around 0hem9 Music segues on a22.ause9:

&cene 'en

Backs0age o5 0he Gaie0y 'hea0er &a0urday nigh0 a!ou0 F o4c.ock9 We see 0wo dressing rooms in cu0away - one 5or 0he GI*L& and one 5or 0he B(Y& - se2ara0ed !y a corridor down 0he midd.e9 In and around 0he dressing rooms 0he GI*L& and 0he B(Y& are ge00ing ready 5or 0he show - 2u00ing on makeu2 on cos0umes e0c9 'here an o2ening nigh0 a0mos2here o5 eBci0emen0 and an0ici2a0ion9 ""9 'onigh04s 0he -igh0 B(Y& )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on head9 )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on hi2s9 )ands ou0 hands 0oge0her hands on ches09 ')+ C(MP%-Y I4/e Lus0 go0 a 'onigh04s 0he nigh0J Le04s 0ear down 0he -'onigh04s 0he nigh0J 'ake 0he chain and !a.. o55 For now on I4m 5reeM 'his is where I 5a.. o55 'he 5ami.y 0ree9 'here4s no 5un in !eing an ange. chi.d -I hear 0he ca.. o5 0he wi.d I5 0he wors0 shou.d ha22en i0 ser/es me righ0 'onigh04s 0he nigh09 8'he music con0inues as an underscore9: C7&'7& (2ening nigh0J Ga.-darn 0his is 5unJ I ain40 seen so much eBci0emen0 around here since my horse 5oa.ed9 P%'&Y WowJ I0 mus0 !e hard 0o 5o.d a horseJ 8'he music comes u2 0hen goes down again as P(LLY hurries 0hrough 0he B(Y&4 dressing room handing ou0 2rograms9 B(BBY 8as B(BBY: is 2ursuing her9: B(BBY Po..y wou.d you .is0en 0o meAJ I04s a!ou0 1ang.erJ

P(LLY (5 a.. 0he 0imes 5or you 0o show u2 -J 8'hey ge0 0o 0he corridor9: B(BBY You kissed him didn40 youAJ 8'his s0o2s her9: P(LLY :)a/e you !een s2yin4 on usAJ B(BBY (5 course no0J )e : he-he-he 0o.d meJ P(LLY Ya know I4m no0 sur2rised 0ha0 you are Lea.ous o5 him9 B(BBY <ea.ous - AJ P(LLY 'he man is a do-er Bo!!y9 )e has accom2.ished 0hings9 )e is Lus0 so 5u.. o5 energy and /ision -J 8&he s0ar0s 0o go9: B(BBY Po..y you are in .o/e wi0h 0he wrong manJJ 8P(LLY eBi0s in0o 0he GI*L&4 ,ressing *oom .ea/ing B(BBY in 0he corridor9: B(BBY Why am I so much !e00er as 1ang.erAJ 8B(BBY eBi0s 0hrough 0he GI*L&4 ,ressing *oom - e/oking screams o5 2ro0es09 'he music comes u2 and 0hen goes down again9 %0 0his momen0 +3+*+'' heads 0hrough 0he B(Y&4 ,ressing *oom 2ursued !y L%-K9 L%-K is carrying a sui0case 5u.. o5 money9 'hey reach 0he corridor:: L%-K +/ere00 wou.d you .is0en 0o meJ

+3+*+'' I4m no0 in0eres0ed9 L%-K 8(2ening 0he case 0o gi/e +3+*+'' a .ook 0hen sna22ing i0 shu09: 'hree hundred do..ars i5 you ca.. o55 0he show +3+*+'' Kee2 your money Lank9 L%-K ou0 e/en more money9: %.. righ0 5our hundredJ +3+*+'' In/es0 in some0hing9 &0ar0 a --- casino9 L%-K ,on40 !e s0u2idJ Who wou.d come 0o -e/ada 0o gam!.eAJ 8+3+*+'' eBi0s 0hrough 0he GI*L&4 ,ressing *oom causing screams .ea/ing L%-K in 0he corridor9 'he music comes u2 0hen goes down again9 %0 0his momen0 I*+-+ s0orms 0hrough 0he B(Y&4 ,ressing *oom ca0ching some o5 0he B(Y& wi0h 0heir 2an0s down9: ')+ B(Y& 8Co/ering 0hemse./esM em!arrassed:: )ey .adyJ Wha0 are ya doinAJ Wou.d you ge0 ou00a hereJ 8I*+-+ en0ers 0he corridor and sees L%-K9: I*+-+ )a/e you seen 61ang.er6AJ )e4s !een a/oiding me a.. dayJ L%-K Madam 0ha0 is your 2ro!.em9 I*+-+ I04s !o0h our 2ro!.emsJ I5 0he show succeeds you cou.d .ose Po..y and I cou.d .ose Bo!!yJ L%-K Who4s Bo!!yA I*+-+ 1ang.erJ

L%-K 6Bo!!y 1ang.erA6 I*+-+ )is name is 6Chi.dJ6 L%-K 6Chi.d 1ang.erA6 I*+-+ -o you idio0J is Chi.dJ L%-K We.. he cer0ain.y ac0s grown u29 I*+-+ You are so s0u2idJJ L%-K I4m s0u2id - AJJ 8'hey eBi0 arguing9 'he music comes u29: %LL 'here4s no 5un in !eing an ange. chi.dM I hear 0he ca.. o5 0he wi.d9 8Music goes down again as <IMMY ho.ding !inocu.ars runs in0o 0he GI*L&4 ,ressing *oom and shou0s o/er 60rain6 /am2:: <IMMY )o.d i0 e/ery!odyJ I s2o00ed some 2eo2.e comin4 s0raigh0 5rom 0he s0a0ionJ 8'he B(Y& run ou0 0hrough 0he GI*L&4 ,ressing *oom as 0he GI*L& 5inish 0he song9: ')+ GI*L& I5 0he wors0 shou.d ha22en i0 ser/es me righ0 'onigh04s 0he nigh0J 8%s 0hey sing 0he dressing rooms s.ide o55 and 0he scene changes9: &cene +.e/en

Main &0ree0 ,eadrock immedia0e.y 5o..owing9 %s 0he song 5ades away I*+-+ and L%-K are coming ou0 o5 0he 0hea0er s0i.. arguing 5o..owed !y P(LLY and +3+*+'' 0hen 0he res0 o5 0he cas09 % .arge !anner o/er 0he 0hea0er reads: 61%-GL+* F(LLI+&69 I*+-+ For God4s sake do some0hingJ L%-K Wou.d you s0o2 naggingJ I am no0 your hus!andJ I*+-+ I5 you were my hus!and I4d ki.. myse.59 L%-K HuickJ Find a minis0erJ I*+-+ I did no0 come here 0o !e insu.0edJ L%-K (hA Where do you usua..y goAJ 8L%-K and I*+-+ eBi0 in0o 0he sa.oon9: P(LLY (h ,ad9 Where4s Be.aAJ )e shou.d !e here 5or 0hisJ in0o 0he sa.oon9: Be.aJ 8B(BBY hurries ou0 as 1%-GL+* s0i.. his coa0 on9: B(BBY I /as Lus0 u2s0airs 0a.king 0o Bo!!y P(LLY -o0 nowJ B(BBY )e is Lus0 so 5u.. o5 energy and /isionJ )e is a do-er Po..yJ )e has accom2.ished 0hings -J 8P(LLY gi/es B(BBY a kiss9: P(LLY

'ha04s 5or .uck9 8%0 0his momen0 <IMMY ca..s down 5rom 0he roo5 o5 0he 0hea0er9: <IMMY )ere 0hey comeJJ 'hey4re roundin4 0he !endJ 8% cheer 5rom 0he cas09 I*+-+ and L%-K come ou0 o5 0he sa.oon 0o wa0ch9 % !ea0 0hen 5or a momen0 no one a22ears9 'hen 5rom 0he deser0 +7G+-+ and P%'*ICI% - a chir2y +ng.ish cou2.e in 0heir mid>;4s - s0ride in0o /iew9 'hey seasoned 0ra/e.ers and 0he wa.k 5rom 0he s0a0ion hasn40 0ired 0hem a !i09 ')+Y see 0he assem!.ed C(MP%-Y and smi.e a55a!.y9: +7G+-+ )a..o9 P%'*ICI% Good e/ening9 +7G+-+ Is 0his ,eadrock -e/adaA WY%'' I0 sure is9 +7G+-+ <o..y good9 P(LLY Where4s e/ery!ody e.seA P%'*ICI% +/eryone e.seA P(LLY From 0he 0rainJ P%'*ICI% I didn40 see anyone on 0he 0rain did you dearA +7G+-+ (h now wai09 'here was 0ha0 ra0her o.der gen0.eman9 We .e50 0he 2oor cha2 somewhere in 0he deser09 P%'*ICI%

Frank.y I4m no0 sure he4.. make i09 8'hey .augh a0 0his9: '+&& You mean 0here4s Lus0 0he 0wo o5 youA +7G+-+ I4m a5raid so9 Is 0ha0 a 2ro!.em9 8&0unned si.ence9 +/eryone Lus0 .ooks a0 each o0her9: P(LLY 8Bra/e.y:: :-o9 -o 0ha04s okay9 I guess you wan0 0o !uy your 0icke0s now9 +7G+-+ 'icke0sA P(LLY 'o see 0he showJ 8&he 2oin0s a0 0he C(MP%-Y and 0hey s0rike a 2ose9: ')+ C(MP%-Y 'a daJ P%'*ICI% (h dear9 +7G+-+ I4m a5raid we4re no0 here 0o see a s0age show9 P(LLY You4re no0A +7G+-+ (h no no no9 You see we4re wri0ing a sor0 o5 guide !ook 0o 0he %merican Wes09 P%'*ICI% We ho2e 0o do a series o5 0hem9 +7G+-+ 8+B0ending his hand9: 'he name is Fodor9 I4m +ugene9 'his is Pa0ricia9 P%'*ICI%

8Consu.0ing her no0es9: -ow .e04s see9 We4re here 0o re/iew 0he 999 6Lank )awkins &a.oon !ar )o0e. and *es0auran096 8% !ea0 0hen L%-K comes 5orward9: L%-K We.. we.. we..J )ow do you do9 Lank )awkins9 Pro2rie0or o5 0he said es0a!.ishmen09 P%'*ICI% (h .ucky usJ +7G+-+ %re we s0i.. in 0ime 5or dinner Mr9 )awkinsA L%-K %!so.umen09 Bien soor9 8)e .eads 0hem 0o 0he sa.oon9: +n0rez9 8'he F(,(*& eBi09: L%-K 80o B(BBY:: 'he c.ouds 2ar0 and Lus0ice reigne0h su2reme9 8L%-K .aughs wi0h de.igh0 and eBi0s in0o 0he sa.oon9 I*+-+ 5o..ows him in9 For a momen0 0here4s dead si.ence9 'he en0ire C(MP%-Y has hi0 rock !o00om9 P(LLY is ready 0o cry9: C7&'7& : I can40 ! i09 %50er a.. 0he rehearsin49 P+'+ May!e some 2eo2.e are comin4 !y car9 +3+*+'' -o9 -o9 I wou.dn40 coun0 on i09 8Long 2ause9: B(BBY 8Huie0.y:: I ! I owe you a.. : a /ery !ig a2o.ogy yaA +3+*+'' 8)ear0!roken:: :9 -o9 -o9 I04s no0 your 5au.09

B(BBY Bu0 i0 is I4m a5raid9 I 2u0 on show raise your ho2es and do no0 se.. 5or you a sing.e 0icke09 8PauseM 0o P(LLY:: I am 0ru.y sorry9 8B(BBY s0ricken heads s.ow.y 5or 0he sa.oon9: P(LLY -ow wai0 a secondJ &o wha0 i5 we didn40 se.. any 0icke0sA 'ha0 doesn40 mean we4re a 5ai.ure9 B(BBY In 0he 0hea0er !usiness i04s a 2re00y good indica0ion9 P(LLY We.. no0 ou0 here i0 ain409 I mean .ook a0 a.. you4/e gi/en us9 <us0 .ook aroundJ Be5ore you came we were no0hin4 !u0 a !unch o5:.azy dri50ers9 We didn40 do any0hingJ 'hen you showed u2 and : some0hin4 magica. ha22ened9 We4/e !een workin4 0oge0her and carin4 a!ou0 0hings and 5ee.in4 a.i/eJ "$9 I Go0 *hy0hm P(LLY ,ays can !e sunny wi0h ne/er a sigh ,on40 need wha0 money can !uy9 Birds in 0he 0ree sing 0heir day5u. o5 song9 Why shou.dn40 we sing a.ongA I4m chi22er a.. 0he day )a22y wi0h my .o09 )ow did I ge0 0ha0 wayA Look a0 wha0 I4/e go09 I go0 I go0 I go0 Who rhy0hm music my man -cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA

I go0 daisies In green 2as0ures I go0 my man -Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA

I go0 daisies In green 2as0ures I go0 my man -Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA (.d man 0rou!.e I don40 mind him -You won40 5ind him 4*ound my door I go0 I go0 I go0 Who Who s0ar.igh0 swee0 dreams my man -cou.d ask 5or any0hing more -cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJ

<7-I(* I go0 rhy0hm C7&'7& I go0 music P(LLY I go0 my man -<7-I(* %-, C7&'7& Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA P+'+ I go0 daisies WY%'' In green 2as0ures P(LLY I go0 my man -<7-I(* C7&'7& P+'+ %-, WY%'' Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA P(LLY C(MP%-Y (.d man 0rou!.e (oohI don40 mind him -You won40 5ind him (oooh )angin4 4round my 5ron0 or !ack door9

+3+*+'' I go0 s0ar.igh0 WY%'' I go0 swee0 dreams P(LLY I go0 my man -Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA ')+ B(Y& Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJ 8,ance !reak9: "$-I ,ance Par0 (ne: I Go0 *hy0hm - Po..y ? Com2any

')+ C(MP%-Y (.d man 0rou!.e I don40 mind him You won40 5ind him Po..y 4*ound my door ')+ C(MP%-Y P(LLY I go0 rhy0hm (h999 I go0 music I go0 my man -Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA I go0 daisies (h999 In green 2as0ures I go0 my man -Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA 8,ance !reak: "$-II ,ance Par0 0wo: I Go0 *hy0hm - Com2any

8% 2ause !e5ore 0he 5ina. .ines - when ou0 o5 0he deser0 eBhaus0ed and .im2ing B+L% 1%-GL+* en0ers ,eadrock carrying a sui0case9: 1%-GL+* 3a0er:93a0er:9

8-o one sees him or hears him a!o/e 0he music and he co..a2ses 0o 0he ground in a dead 5ain0 as 0he C(MP%-Y sings 0he 5ina. .ines a0 0he 0o2 o5 0heir .ungs:: Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJ Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJ +nd o5 %c0 (ne

">9 +n0r4ac0e: 'he *ea. %merican Fo.k &ong Is a *ag %C' 'W( &cene (ne Inside L%-K4s sa.oon 5i50een minu0es .a0er9 'he C(MP%-Y is ha/ing a 2ar0y dancing and drinking9 +7G+-+ and P%'*ICI% are a0 a 0a!.e 5inishing dinner9 L%-K is !eaming9 M((&+ MI-G( &%M and P(LLY are en0er0aining wi0h a song: ">9 'he *ea. %merican Fo.k &ong Is a *ag MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song is a rag % men0a. Lag % rhy0hmic 0onic 5or 0he chronic !.ues 'he cri0ics ca..ed i0 a Loke song Bu0 now 0hey4/e changed 0heir 0une %nd 0hey .ike i0 somehow For i04s inocu.a0ed Wi0h a synco2a0ed sor0 o5 me0er &wee0er 0han a c.assic s0rain BoyJ You can40 remain &0i.. and Kuie0 For i04s a rio0J 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song Is .ike a 5oun0ain o5 you0hM You 0as0e and i0 e.a0es you9 %nd 0hen in/igora0es you9 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song Mas0er s0roke song Is a rag9 8'*I( sings a &ca0 Fa.se00o (!!.iga0o 0o (rch9 *e5rain "C Bars9:

')+ C(MP%-Y 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song Is .ike 0he 5oun0ain o5 you0hM You 0as0e and i0 e.a0es you %nd 0hen in/igora0es you9 ')+ C(MP%-Y ? ')+ '*I( 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song -MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M Yi22ie Yi-Yoh Ki-Yay Ki-YohJ ')+ C(MP%-Y ? ')+ '*I( 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song -MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M ) hoo-day-ee hood.e-ee-hoo-day-ee-ohJ ')+ C(MP%-Y 'he rea. %merican 5o.k song Is a rag9 Wha0 a ragJJ "> 8con04d: I-CI,+-'%L: %merican *ag - Piano so.o L%-K 8&0i.. a22.auding a50er 0he o0hers ha/e s0o22edM 0o 0he Fodors:: <us0 mar/e.ousJ Wasn40 0ha0 wonder5u.A My God 0his is a nice 2.aceJ +7G+-+ We ha/e a !i0 o5 .aundry 5or you9 Wi.. 0ha0 !e a.. righ0A L%-K LaundryA -o 2ro!.em9 +nchan0e9 P%'*ICI% %nd we4d .ike a wake-u2 ca.. 2.ease a0 5i/e a9m9 L%-K :Fi/e a9m9AA +7G+-+ We Lus0 .o/e seeing 0he dawn !reaking ou0 here in 0he Wes09

L%-K :*igh09 P%'*ICI% Good nigh0 a..J +7G+-+ -igh0-nigh0J L%-K Good nigh0J &.ee2 we..:and Kuick.yJ 8%s 0he F(,(*& eBi0 u2 0he s0airs and L%-K eBi0s 0o 0he !ack room music ou0 as B(BBY 8as B(BBY: hurries ou0 o5 his room and down 0he s0airs .ooking 5or P(LLY9 )e s2o0s her a0 0he !ar9 : B(BBY Po..yJ P(LLY I4m ha/in4 a drink9 B(BBY I4/e go0 0o 0a.k 0o you9 8)e .eads her away 5rom 0he !ar9: 'his is im2or0an09 P(LLY Wha04s u2A B(BBY Po..y: 8)e 0akes a !rea0h - and a.mos0 knee.s9: I4/e rea..y 0hough0 a!ou0 0his and :we.. i0 cou.d !e my .as0 chance and : Po..y I wan0 you 0o marry me9 P(LLY Bo!!y B(BBY Look I-I-I rea.ize 0he show didn40 work P(LLY I04s no0 0ha0 B(BBY

Bu0 I4.. ge0 a Lo! ou0 here and raise 0he money -J P(LLY You can40 do 0ha09 B(BBY (5 course I canJ %re you kiddingA I4..- I4..- I4..- !e a cow2oke9 I4.. .earn 0o 2oke cows9 P(LLY Bo!!y9 'he 5ac0 is I4m in .o/e wi0h Be.a9 B(BBY Po..y P(LLY (u0 0here on 0he s0ree0 Lus0 now i0 was .ike a ce.e!ra0ion o5 wha0 our show wou.d ha/e !een .ike 0hanks 0o him B(BBY Po..y P(LLY I Lus0 can40 he.2 i0J Whene/er I4m wi0h him I 5ee. some0hin4 s0range sor0a : down in my !asemen09 8Pause9: I4m sorry Bo!!y9 8&he gi/es him a Kuick kiss on 0he cheek 0hen heads 5or 0he door9: B(BBY :Po..yJ 8&he 0urns9 Pause9 : B(BBY : I4/e go0 0o 0e.. you some0hing9 P(LLY Wha0A B(BBY : You4re no0 going 0o ! 0his9 P(LLY Wha0AJ

B(BBY I4m Be.a 1ang.er9 P(LLY : )uhA B(BBY I4m 1ang.er9 Me9 I4m him9 8'he eB2.ana0ion 2ours ou0 o5 him9: You see when you go0 so mad a0 me 0ha0 5irs0 day I-I-I rea.ized 0here was on.y one way I cou.d he.2 so I ca..ed u2 'ess and-and-and she !rough0 0he c.o0hes and 0he !eard and : 0ha04s who you 5e.. in .o/e wi0h9 8Pause9: P(LLY Bo!!y 0his is 2a0he0ic9 B(BBY Bu0 i04s 0rueJ P(LLY )ow can ya s0and 0here and Lus0 .ie .ike 0his -A B(BBY Look I4.. do 0he accen0 okayA 63e.. /e.. /e.. i0 is so nice 0o see you 0oday -6 P(LLY 8o/er.a22ing: You are makin4 such a 5oo. o5 yourse.5 B(BBY 63e ha/e rehearsa. now yaA6 P(LLY 8o/er.a22ing: 'his is so sad B(BBY 6Firs0 /e 2rac0ice a .i00.e 0a2-dancing -6 P(LLY Bo!!y s0o2 i0J I Lus0 ha0e 0his -J B(BBY Po..y you4/e go0 0o ! meJ I4m 1ang.erJ

8%0 0his momen0 1%-GL+* s0aggers in 5rom 0he s0ree0 2arched and !are.y a!.e 0o s0and u29: 1%-GL+* 3a0er:/a0er: 8)e gra!s a !o00.e o5 whiskey 5rom 0he rece20ion desk and s0ar0s 0o drink9: B(BBY I4.. show you 0he c.o0hes and-and 0he !eard and makeu2J 'hey4re u2s0airsJ I4.. 2ro/e i0 0o youJ P(LLY )i Be.aJ B(BBY 8G.ancing o/er his shou.der9: )i Be.a9 8Back 0o P(LLY:: Po..y I wou.dn40 .ie 0o youJ I4d ne/er:: 8)e s0o2s co.d9 )e .ooks a0 1%-GL+* - 0hen dro2s 0o 0he ground9 % grou2 5rom 0he !ar ga0hers 4round him in concern9: P(LLY 4-igh0 Bo!!y9 -ice 0ry9 8&he heads 5or 1%-GL+*9: P%'&Y )ey Bo!!yJ %re you a.. righ0AJ P(LLY 8'o 1%-GL+*:: )i9 1%-GL+* )ow do you do9 8&he kisses him on 0he mou0h9 B(BBY sees i0 and groans9 &he kisses 1%-GL+* again wi0h increasing 2assion9 B(BBY groans .ouder and gra!s a !o00.e o5 .iKuor 5rom C7&'7&9 %s 0he kiss con0inues P(LLY ru!s her hand down 1%-GL+*4s .eg9: B(BBY

(h my God: 8B(BBY heads u2 0he s0airs drinking 5rom 0he !o00.e9 %0 .as0 P(LLY !reaks 0he kiss9: 1%-GL+* 'hank you9 P(LLY 8&eBy:: 4-igh0 Be.a9 8Ma00er-o5-5ac0.y u2 0he s0airs:: 4-igh0 Bo!!yJ 8P(LLY eBi0s9 B(BBY groans and eBi0s in0o his room9 1%-GL+* is s0aring a0 0he door where P(LLY eBi0ed9 '+&& hurries u2 0o 1%-GL+*9: '+&& Be.aJ Wha0 are you doing hereAJ 1%-GL+* I don40 know !u0 I4m coming !ack9 '+&& You cou.d ruin e/ery0hingJ 1%-GL+* 'essieJ I ha/e come 0hree 0housand Lus0 0o !e /i0h youJ 8)e s0ar0s kissing her arm and works his way 0o her neck9: '+&& &0o2 i0 s0o2 i09 Wou.d you - (ooooh9 8&he4s momen0ari.y 0urned onM 0hen ge0 a ho.d o5 herse.59: Be.a how many 0imes do I ha/e 0o 0e.. youAJ I don40 enLoy your com2any I4m !ored when I4m wi0h you and I don40 5ind you e/en remo0e.y a00rac0i/e9 1%-GL+* You seeA 3e cou.d !e married a.ready9 '+&& %nd how is Mrs9 1ang.erA 1%-GL+*

&he .e50 me9 '+&& You4re kidding9 1%-GL+* &he is running around /i0h some s0inking .ouseJ '+&& I guess she cou.dn40 !reak 0he ha!i09 1%-GL+* 'essieJ 3hy do you say such 0hingsAJ You know I /ou.d do any0hing 5or youJ '+&& 8% sudden 0hough09: : %ny0hingA 1%-GL+* 3i0hin reason9 '+&& : I 0hink I ha/e an idea9 8'+&& drags 1%-GL+* 0o a corner o5 0he room and 0hey con0inue 0o 0a.k9 Meanwhi.e I*+-+ and L%-K en0er a0 0he !a.cony a0 0he same 0ime each 5rom a di55eren0 room9: I*+-+ Mr9 )awkinsJ L%-K Wha0AJ I*+-+ 8'hrus0ing her room-ser/ice 0ray a0 L%-K9: In case you4re wondering 0he co55ee was co.d 0he 5ood was inedi!.e and 0he cu0.ery was 5i.0hy9 L%-K Madam i5 you don40 .ike i0 here I can show you 0he wide o2en s2acesJ I*+-+ I ha/e no desire 0o .ook inside your headJ

8')+ B(Y& .augh as I*+-+ eBi0s !ack in0o her room and L%-K heads down 0he s0airs and eBi0s 0o 0he !ack room9: L%-K : G(,J 8)e4s gone9 %0 which 2oin0 we re5ocus on 1%-GL+* and '+&&9: 1%-GL+* I do no0 do shows in deser0J '+&& We ha/e 0he showJ We need an audience9 1%-GL+* 'his is midd.e o5 no 2.aceJ '+&& We.. ad/er0iseJ Ge0 0he word ou0J You cou.d do i0J 1%-GL+* I0 is im2ossi!.eJ '+&& 8% !ea0 0hen:: Fine9 ,on40 e/er kiss 0his neck again9 8&he wa.ks away !u0 1%-GL+* 5o..ows her9: 1%-GL+* 'essie 2.easeJ I0 /ou.dn40 /orkJ 'his is 0own o5 moronsJ '+&& 'ha0 is so 0y2ica.9 1%-GL+* 'essie '+&& 'hese are nice norma. hea.0hy 2eo2.e9 8%0 0his momen0 WY%'' comes u2 0o '+&& and 0akes her arm9: WY%'' )ey sugar how 4!ou0 a drinkA

'+&& You go0 i0 !us0er9 1%-GL+* 'essieJ BILLY )eyJ Wai0 a secondJ 'ha04s my womanJ WY%'' 8Laughing:: We.. no0 anymore9 BILLY I &%I, L+' )+* G(JJ WY%'' I &%I, -(JJ 8'he 0wo B(Y& s0ar0 5igh0ing: a righ0 0o 0he Law a .e50 0o 0he s0omach9 Ins0an0.y some o5 0he o0her B(Y& Loin 0he !a00.e9 <IMMY crashes in 0hrough 0he !ar doors and s0ar0s shoo0ing9 Gun5ire is eBchanged9 'he B(Y& are dying righ0 and .e509 'he !a00.e ends wi0h <IMMY shoo0ing BILLY who 5a..s 5rom 0he !a.cony on0o 0he !ar 0hen on0o 0he 5.oor o/er and o/er as he dies9 Meanwhi.e 0he GI*L& are screaming9 % !ea0 0hen BILLY ro..s o/er 5or a .as0 0ime9 &i.ence9 'hen 1%-GL+* 2ours himse.5 a drink his hand shaking9: 1%-GL+* -ice norma. hea.0hy 2eo2.e: 8'he dead men rise and dus0 0hemse./es o559: BILLY I04s ge00in4 !e00er9 C7&'7& Which one was 0ha0A WY%'' 'he ,a.0on Boys mee0 0he C.an0on GangJ P%'&Y You were so !ra/eJ WY%'' 'hank ya ma4am9

8'he B(Y& and GI*L& - inc.uding '+&& - dri50 ou0 0o 0he s0ree09 1%-GL+* s0ares a50er 0hem in amazemen0 re0racing BILLY4s 5a.. wi0h his 5inger9 By 0his 0ime e/eryone4s gone his !o00.e is em20y and he4s eB0reme.y drunk9 )e4s in 0he sa.oon9 )e wa.ks 0o 0he !ar 5or ano0her !o00.e9: 1%-GL+* ou0:: 'essieJ 8-o answer9: 'essie: 8% !ea0 0hen B(BBY - in his 1%-GL+* cos0ume - a22ears a0 0he 0o2 o5 0he s0airs drunk carrying an em20y whiskey !o00.e9: B(BBY 8Wi0h his 1%-GL+* accen0 - which he uses 0hroughou0 0he res0 o5 0he scene:: Po..yJ LookJ I04s me:J ,o you seeA I04s meJ : 8Bu0 she4s goneM 5or a momen0 we see 0he 0wo 1%-GL+*&9: Po..y Po..y Po..y: 1%-GL+* 'essie 'essie 'essie: 81%-GL+* wa.ks !ehind 0he !ar 5or ano0her !o00.e s0um!.es and 5a..s ou0 o5 sigh0 wi0h a crash9 B(BBY heads down 0he s0airs .oses his 5oo0ing and careens down 0he s0e2s a.mos0 himse.59: B(BBY 8Like a !ase!a.. um2ire:: &a5eJ 8B(BBY manages 0o wa.k down 0he 5ina. s0e2 0hen wea/es his way 0o 0he !ar9 (n 0he !ar are 0wo 2.a0es each wi0h a ho0 dog in a !un on a na2kin9 B(BBY 2u0s down his em20y !o00.e and hi0s 0he !ar 0hree 0imes 0o ca.. 0he !ar0ender !u0 on 0he 0hird hi0 he 5a..s 0o 0he 5.oor -a0 which 2oin0 1%-GL+* s0ands u2 2u0s his 5u.. !o00.e on 0he !ar sees B(BBY4s em20y 0akes i0 and ducks !ehind 0he !ar again - Lus0 as B(BBY s0ands u29 In o0her words 0hey s0i.. ha/en40 seen each o0her9 B(BBY now sees 0he 5u.. !o00.e and he 0akes i0 wi0h one o5 0he 2.a0es and wea/es 0oward 0he 0a!.e9 %s he goes 1%-GL+* s0ands u2 again wi0h ano0her 5u.. !o00.e9 )e 0akes 0he o0her 2.a0e and 5o..ows B(BBY 0o 0he 0a!.e9 'hey !o0h si0 a0 0he 0a!.e 8a0 0he same 0ime: s0i.. o!.i/ious 0o each o0her9 Facing each o0her 0hey !o0h 0ake a !i0e o5

0heir ho0 dogs and chew .ooking s0raigh0 a0 each o0her9 % mirror image9 'hey assume i04s a mirror and 0here5ore don40 reac09 'hey Lus0 chew9 'hen 0hey each 0ake ano0her !i0e and chew some more9 'hen 0hey !end 0owards each o0her - and 0hey !o0h wi2e 0heir mou0hs 0o remo/e some mus0ard9 'hey simu.0aneous.y uncork 0heir ! 2our a drink in0o 0heir sho0 g.asses cross 0heir .egs and drink - and 0hen garg.e9: B(') &he doesn40 /an0 meJ 8Pause9: Be.a Be.a Be.a: 8'hey .ook a0 each o0her - 0ake o55 0heir g.asses 5or a !e00er .ook - 2u.. 0heir eyes o2en and see how aw5u. 0hey !o0h .ook moan and 2our 0hemse./es ano0her drink9 1%-GL+* is a!ou0 0o drink !u0 B(BBY ho.ds ou0 his g.ass 5or a 0oas09 1%-GL+* no0ices 0his and c.inks g.asses9 'hey4re a!ou0 0o drink when 0hey !o0h rea.ize 0ha0 0his wou.dn40 ha22en in a mirror9 'hey 2auseM 0hen shrug and say 6+h 6 and drink 0heir drinks9 'hey 2u0 down 0heir drinks9 B(BBY !e.ches .oud.y9 1%-GL+* hi0s his ches0 and says:: 1%-GL+* +Bcuse me9 8% !ea0 0hen 0hey sudden.y !ecome !i00er9: B(BBY :3omen9 1%-GL+* 3omen9 B(BBY I4m so u2se09 1%-GL+* I am !eside myse.59 8% !ea0 0hen 0hey .ook a0 each o0her9: "=9 Wha0 Causes 'ha0 1%-GL+* &he4s so 5u.. o5 0rickery Li5e is !i00er as chicory

Bi00erness 5i..s my cu29 B(BBY I4m sorry you !rough0 0ha0 u29 (nce I 0hough0 I4d search around For 0he .i00.e church around 'he corner !u0 now I see9 B(') I0 ne/er was mean0 0o !e9 1%-GL+* (nce she used 0o 2raise me9 B(BBY Why is she so high ha0A 1%-GL+* Boy does she amaze me9 B(') 'e.. me wha0 causes 0ha0AJ B(BBY When I4m away 5rom her I s0ar0 des2airing9 B(') (y (y (y (y (y 1%-GL+* You ough0 0o know !y now wha0 causes 0ha0J B(BBY I go0 2re00y good idea9 1%-GL+* I4m growing !a.der 5rom 0he hair I4m 0earing9 B(') &heeeeeee:9 B(BBY You ough0 0o know !y now wha0 causes 0ha0J When she kee2s on !rushing you aside (h gosh you4re a.. a0 seaJ You go con0em2.a0ing suicide --

I04s much 0oo much 5or meJ You4re no0 so dum! 0ha0 you don40 know 0he answer9 Lo/ing her is wha0 causes 0ha0J 8'hey ge0 0heir hands 0ang.ed in 0he !acks o5 0heir chairs9: 1%-GL+*!ing a chair9: I5 I shou.d! 0he Brook.yn Bridge and Lum2 o559 B(BBY 3ai0 you cou.d hur0 yourse.59 1%-GL+* 'ha04s 0he idea9 B(BBY (h I su22ose you4d ask wha0 causes 0ha0A 1%-GL+* I4m de2ressed9 B(BBY You4re de2ressedA I4m no0 myse.5 0oday9 I5 I shou.d ge0 a gun and !um2 0his chum2 o559 1%-GL+* Poin0 0ha0 0hing 0he o0her /ayJ (h I su22ose you4d ask wha0 causes 0ha0A B(') *ea..y you don40 ha/e 0o mo2e around %nd !urn u2 as you do 'here4s a cannon and ro2e around 'here4s .o0s o5 2oison 0ooJ I4m /ery !.ue o5 .a0e and 0here4s a reason: 1%-GL+* Lo/ing her999 B(BBY Lo/ing her999

B(') Is wha0 causes 0ha0J 8'hey dance9: I4m /ery !.ue o5 .a0e and 0here4s a reason: Lo/ing her is wha0 causes 0ha0J 999Is wha0 causes 0ha0J 999Is wha0 causes 0ha0J 999Is wha0 causes 0ha0J 8'hey wea/e 0heir way !ack 0o 0he 0a!.e 0ry 0o gra! 0heir g.asses and miss9 'hey s0um!.e undernea0h 0he 0a!.e - reach u2 and ge0 0heir g.asses - and c.ink9 (n 0he .as0 no0e o5 0he song 0hey 5ain0 ou0 co.d 0heir heads neB0 0o each o0her9 B.ackou09 (n a22.ause music segues 0o:: "=a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+ - Bo!!y Wakes u2 8Music 5ades ou0 under o2ening dia.ogue o5 neB0 &cene9: &cene 'wo L%-K4s &a.oon 0he neB0 morning a!ou0 "; o4c.ock9 &un is s0reaming in 5rom 0he doorway9 B(BBY and 1%-GL+* are Lus0 where we .e50 0hem ou0 co.d .ooking iden0ica. under 0he 0a!.e9 P+'+ <7-I(* and )%**Y are c.eaning u2 5rom 0he nigh0 !e5ore9 C7&'7& is 0here9 'hey4re a.. de2ressedM and none o5 0hem has no0iced 0he 0wo men under 0he 0a!.e9 %50er a !ea0 P(LLY en0ers wi0h her mai. !ag and a 5ew .e00ers9 P(LLY Mai. ca..J 8'he B(Y& Lus0 .ook a0 her - and go !ack 0o wha0 0hey were doing9 P(LLY sighs9 I04s 0he same o.d 0hing9: P(LLY -ow don40 5orge0 we go0 a com2any mee0in4 in 0wen0y minu0es o/er a0 0he 0hea0er9 C7&'7& I don40 see wha0 0ha04.. 2ro/e9 <7-I(* I04s 0oo .a0e now9

P(LLY We.. we go00a decide wha0 0o do don40 weA We s0i.. go0 0wo weeks .e50 on 0ha0 mor0gage9 )%**Y 'wo weeks9 P+'+ Big dea.9 P(LLY We.. we go00a do some0hin49 I4d ra0her se.. 0he 2.ace 0o Lank 0han .e0 0ha0 !ank ha/e i09 C7&'7& 8(55ering P(LLY a mug o5 0ea9: 'eaA P(LLY 'hanks9 8&he 0akes a si2 o5 0eas as she 5.i2s 0hrough 0he mai.M she sees some0hing 5or B(BBY and ho..ers u2 0he s0airs9: P(LLY )+Y B(BYJJJ Y(7 7P ')+*+AJJ )+YJJJ 8-o answer9: B(BBYJJ Y% G(' % '+L+G*%MJJ 8B(BBY ge0s 0o his knees9 )e has a hango/er and a s2.i00ing headache9 )e has no idea 0ha0 he4s dressed as - so o5 course he uses his own /oice9: B(BBY 8&inging:: I go0 rhy0hm I go0 music9 I go0 such a headacheJ (hhhh99Morning Po..y9 (h my !ackJ (h my .egsJ My s0omachJ My 0hroa0: 8)e 0ouches his cheek and can40 5ind his nose9: My noseAJ 8)e 5inds his nose and sighs wi0h re.ie59: :Is 0ha0 my 0e.egramA 8P(LLY and 0he B(Y& hear B(BBY4& /oice 5rom 1%-GL+*4s !ody and s0are a0 him dum!5ounded9 'hroughou0 0he 5o..owing s2eech 0hey con0inue 0o s0are wi0hou0 mo/ing 0heir mou0hs aga2e9:

B(BBY 8)e 0akes 0he 0e.egram ou0 o5 her hand9: I4.. !e i04s 5rom Mo0her again9 'ha04s Lus0 wha0 I need righ09 8)e 0ears 0he 0e.egram o2en and reads i0:: 6,ear Fa0-head9 &0o296 Ye29 I04s Mom9 6&0o2 0his nonsense9 &0o29 'his is your 5ina. no0ice9 &0o296 &ounds .ike an e.ec0ric !i..9 6Ge0 !ack here on neB0 0rain9 &0o29 ,on40 s0o29 &0o29 Wi.. s0o2 a..owance i5 you s0o29 &0o29 Your .o/ing mo0her9 &0o29 8% !ea0 0hen:: P9&9 Your unc.e s0o22ed !y96 8% !ea0 0hen:: I wish she4d wri0e .e00ers9 8%s he 2u0s 0he 0e.egram away he s0ar0s 0o rea.ize 0ha0 some0hing4s no0 righ0M he .ooks aroundM no!ody mo/es9: Wha04s 0he ma00erA :Po..yA :)e..o:A P(LLY 8%.mos0 a whis2er: :Is 0ha0 youA 8%0 0his 2oin0 1%-GL+* wakes u2 moans and ge0s 0o his 5ee09: 1%-GL+* hungo/er9: (hhhh: 8B(BBY sees 1%-GL+*9: B(BBY )i Be.a9 8:and 0hen i0 hi0s himM he 0ouches his !eard9: 7h-oh9 P(LLY :Bo!!yA B(BBY )i9 : We.. I guess you ! me now huhA %re you ready 5or 0hisA 8)e 2ee.s o55 his !eard and mous0ache9: 'his is 0he !es0 2ar09 8)e 2u..s o55 his wig9: 'a-daJ 1%-GL+* ,o you do <ames CagneyA

B(BBY 8&inging a ca22e..a: 6+m!race me my swee0 em!racea!.e you96 *emem!er 0ha0A 6+m!race me you irre2.acea!.e 8W)%PJJJ &he s.a2s him across 0he 5ace sending him ree.ing9: B(BBY Po..y - J 8W)%PJJJ &he s.a2s him again9 % !ea0 0hen he 5a..s 0o his knees moans and ho.ds 0he sides o5 his head in 2ain9: B(BBY Wha0 was 0ha0 5orAJ You4re in .o/e wi0h me9 You admi00ed i0J P(LLY 'ha0 was 1ang.erJ 1%-GL+* MeA P(LLY -o0 youJ 1%-GL+* 'here is 0hird 1ang.erA P(LLY 'he one I cared a!ou0J 'he rea. 1ang.erJ B(BBY 'ha04s wha0 I4m youJ 'ha0 was meJ 1%-GL+* You mean you are rea. 1ang.erA B(BBY I4m no0 0he rea. 1ang.er9 I4m : 1ang.er9 1%-GL+* 'hen who am IA P(LLY 'ha04s wha0 I wan0 0o knowJ

1%-GL+* : I4m no0 so sure9 P(LLY I don40 e/en know who I kissed .as0 nigh0JJ B(BBY ? 1%-GL+* 8Bo0h raise 0heir hands9: Me9 P(LLY (h my God : 1%-GL+* &he kissed you 0ooA B(BBY (5 course she kissed meJ 1%-GL+* )ad you me0 her !e5oreA B(BBY I 5e.. in .o/e wi0h herJ 1%-GL+* 'ha0 mus0 ha/e !een some kiss9 P(LLY Wou.d ya s0o2 0hisJ 1%-GL+* &0o2A P(LLY &0o2J B(BBY ou0 0he 0e.egram9: You sound .ike my mo0her9 P(LLY 8'o B(BBY: You made a Lackass ou00a me9 B(BBY

-o I didn409 P(LLY (5 course ya did9 B(BBY I did no0J 1%-GL+* May!e I did9 B(BBY ? P(LLY Wou.d you s0ay ou0 o5 0hisJ 8P(LLY groans wi0h em!arrassmen0 and heads angri.y 5or 0he door9: B(BBY Po..y - J P(LLY 8&0o22ing a0 0he door9: I ha/e ne/er !een so humi.ia0ed in my who.e .i5e9 8&he eBi0s9 Pause9: C7&'7& 8'o B(BBY: I guess you won40 !e a0 0ha0 mee0in4 now wi.. yaA B(BBY : Wha0 mee0ingA <7-I(* ,own a0 0he 0hea0er9 We4re decidin4 wha0 0o do9 C7&'7& &he4s 0hinkin4 o5 se..in4 0he 2.ace 0o Lank9 B(BBY &he can40 do 0ha0J You4/e go0 0o s0o2 herJ ')+ B(Y& (h yeah9 Fa0 chance9 8e0c9: B(BBY Wha0 0ime4s 0he mee0ingA

MI-G( In a!ou0 0en minu0es9 B(BBY 8)eading u2 0he s0airs9: I4/e go0 0o change9 ,on40 s0ar0 0he mee0ing wi0hou0 meJ 8By 0his 0ime 1%-GL+* is on 0he !a.cony a!ou0 0o en0er his room9: 1%-GL+* +Bcuse me9 B(BBY YeahA 1%-GL+* %re you going as me or youA B(BBY Me9 1%-GL+* 'ha04s good9 'hen I can go as me9 81%-GL+* eBi0s as B(BBY hurries u2 0he res0 o5 0he s0airs - and runs s0raigh0 in0o I*+-+ who comes ou0 o5 her room9: I*+-+ 'here you are9 %re you ready 0o go nowA B(BBY I can40 nowJ I4m in a hurryJ I*+-+ I4/e !een wai0ing in 0his s0inking 0own 5or 0hree daysJ B(BBY Irene 2.easeJ I don40 ha/e 0imeJ I*+-+ We.. make some 0imeJ I am your 5iancee9 B(BBY -o you4re no0J

I*+-+ Bo!!y -J B(BBY Irene I4m sorry9 I04s rea..y o/er9 I4m in .o/e wi0h Po..y9 I*+-+ Bo!!y - J B(BBY Wish me .uck9 8)e kisses her cheek9: You4re a 2a.9 8)e eBi0s in0o his room9: I*+-+ Bo!!y come !ack hereJ (2en u2JJ 8)e4s gone9: ,amnJ ,amnJ ,amnJ 8%0 0his momen0 L%-K runs in 5rom 0he corridor c.u0ching dir0y .aundry 2as0 I*+-+ and down 0he s0airs .ooking mad.y around 5or a 2.ace 0o hide9: L%-K You ha/en40 seen meJ 8%0 which 2oin0 P%'*ICI% and +7G+-+ en0er 5rom 0he corridor9 WY%'' and MI-G( en0er 5rom 0he s0ree09: P%'*ICI% (h Mr9 )awkinsJ 8L%-K 5reezes9: +7G+-+ You won40 !e .ong wi0h 0ha0 .aundry wi.. youA L%-K 8'he Frenchman: -o no no no no9 'oo0 swee09 P%'*ICI% %nd we do ha0e 0o !o0her you again !u0 we4d .ike some croissan0s wi0h our co55ee9 'ha0 won40 !e 0oo much 0rou!.e wi.. i0 dearA

L%-K Croissan0sA -o no no no no9 P%'*ICI% Isn40 he si..y9 8'he F(,(*& eBi09: L%-K 8'o himse.5: I su22ose i5 0hey were 5ound dead 0omorrow morning 0here migh0 !e Kues0ions: I*+-+ I0 does say 6ho0e. 6 you know9 (n 0he sign9 L%-K : +Bcuse meA I*+-+ 'he sign9 I0 says 6ho0e.96 L%-K ,oes i0A (h my God i0 does9 We.. we4.. Lus0 0ake care o5 0ha0 sha.. weA 8)e wa.ks 0o 0he sign : 0hen sudden.y yanks i0 5rom 0he rece20ion desk and s0ar0s !anging i0 on 0he desk9 3en0ing his rage he !reaks i0 o/er his head 0hen mau.s i0 in0o .i00.e 2ieces and Lum2s on i0 grun0ing and swearing9 <us0 as sudden.y 0he rage ends9 ,uring L%-K4s !usiness C7&'7& ? P+'+ eBi0 0hrough door !ehind rece20ion desk9: L%-K We..9 %ny0hing you4d .ike 0o com2.ain a!ou0A I*+-+ You4re a /ery 5rus0ra0ed man aren40 youA L%-K (h I seeJ I04s ,r9 Freud now is i0AJ We.. ,oc0or wha0 I rea..y ha0e are s0u2id women 5rom -ew York who ha/e 0heir !rains in 0heir !acksides -J I*+-+

You are wi0hou0 a dou!0 0he rudes0 mos0 uncou0h roughes0 man I e/er me0J 8Wi0hou0 warning she gra!s him and kisses him 5u.. on 0he .i2s9 &he !reaks i0 and ree.s !ackward hi00ing 0he wa..9: I*+-+ (h my God: 8&he kisses him again9 'hen she sho/es him in0o a chair and 2u..s 0he chair 0o 0he 0a!.e9: I*+-+ 8'o 0he B(Y& a0 0he 0a!.e: Mo/e9 8'he B(Y& sca00er in 5ear 0aking 0heir ! wi0h 0hem9: "@9 -augh0y Ba!y I*+-+ I5 you wan0 a gir. who4s sen0imen0a. (ne who4.. ne/er se0 you in a whir. (ne who wi.. !e a.ways swee0 and gen0.e I am no0 0ha0 kind o5 gir.9 Bu0 i5 you 2re5er a ra0her swi50 one I5 you 0hink you4d .ike 0o run around Wi0h a !righ0 one I am Lus0 0he righ0 one9 8,uring 0he song I*+-+ seduces L%-K9: -augh0y !a!y -augh0y !a!y Who wi.. 0ease you9 I can show 0he way %nd know 0he way 'o 2.ease you9 I5 you4re wan0ing a !eginner I shan40 do I can make a sain0 a sinner When I wan0 0o9 I5 you 5ind 'he sim2.e kind

%re ra0her s.ow dear 'hen you ough0 0o 0ry % naugh0y one You know dear Bu0 you4.. ne/er mee0 ano0her who wi.. !e % naugh0y !a!y naugh0y !a!y Lus0 .ike me9 8,ance !reak9 I*+-+ 0ies L%-K4s and wris0s wi0h her scar5 0hen dances wi0h 5our o5 0he B(Y& 0o make L%-K Lea.ous9: )%**Y WY%'' <7-I(* %-, MI-G( -augh0y !a!y we .o/e you9 I*+-+ %0 Bryn Mawr I was a0 0he 0o2 o5 my c.ass9 )%**Y WY%'' <7-I(* %-, MI-G( 'hough you may !e !ad i04s 0rue I*+-+ %.. 0he !oys were undernea0h9 )%**Y WY%'' <7-I(* %-, MI-G( P.ease don40 go9 For 0hough we4/e !een warned a!ou0 you You mus0 know 'ha0 we wan0 you soJ 8By 0his 0ime L%-K has 5reed himse.5 and he 0hrows 0he 5our B(Y& one !y one ou0 0he door o5 0he sa.oon9: I*+-+ I5 you 5ind 0he sim2.e kind are ra0her s.ow dear 'hen you ough0 0o 0ry a naugh0y one you know dear Bu0 you4.. ne/er mee0 ano0her who wi.. !e % naugh0 !a!y naugh0y !a!y999 L%-K -augh0y !a!y naugh0y !a!y999 )%**Y WY%'' <7-I(* %-, MI-G( 8Looking in 0hrough 0he door9: -augh0y !a!y999 I*+-+ <us0 .ike me9

8B.ackou09: &cene 'hree &0age o5 0he 0hea0re 0en minu0es .a0er Lus0 !ehind 0he cur0ain9 +3+*+'' is wi0h his /acuum c.eaner 8which makes a /ery .oud !uzz: /acuuming 0he s0age9 )is s2iri0s are .ow9 %50er a momen0 '+&& and P%'&Y en0er9 '+&& 8&hou0ing o/er 0he noise: +/ere00J : +/ere00 wou.d you 0urn 0ha0 0hing o55J +3+*+'' Wha0A P%'&Y Wou.d you 0urn 0ha0 0hing o55J 'he mee0ing is s0ar0ingJ +3+*+'' I can40 hear you wi0h 0he machine onJ '+&& I said wou.d you 0urn 0ha0 0hing - : 8&he rea.izes how dum! she4s !eingM sighs and 2u..s 0he 2.ug9: 'he mee0ing is s0ar0ing9 +3+*+'' (h dear9 8)e 0akes 0he /acuum c.eaner o55 s0age9: P%'&Y We ha/e 0o decide a!ou0 0he show9 I04s now or ne/erJ +3+*+'' You know I Lus0 .o/e seeing you kids 2er5orm9 'ha04s how I go0 s0ar0ed9 I 0a2 danced 5or 0en years9 P%'&Y WowJ I ge0 0ired a50er 0en minu0esJ +3+*+'' a ro2e and raising 0he cur0ain9:

+/er since you kids 5iBed 0his 2.ace u2 I cou.d Lus0 .ook a0 i0 a.. day9 "@a9 I-CI,+-'%L: Crazy 5or You 8Music BoB: 8We now see 0he %7,I'(*I7M9 *e2ain0ed and renewed cheru!s g.eaming 0he 2.ace .ooks g.orious9 I04s 5i..ed wi0h 0he en0ire C(MP%-Y 8eBce20 B(BBY 1%-GL+* L%-K and I*+-+: si00ing on chairs9 'here4s an ais.e down 0he midd.e o5 0he chairs and a0 0he end o5 0he ais.e 8downs0age: is a 0a!.e 5or conduc0ing 0he !usiness o5 0he mee0ing9 72s0age cen0er are dou!.e doors .eading 0o 0he .o!!y9: +3+*+'' I04s Lus0 0he way I remem!er i09 8Pause9: I wish you cou.d ha/e seen Po..y4s mo0her on 0ha0 s0age9 8Music ou09: &0anding 0here !ehind 0he 5oo0.igh0s ')+ C(MP%-Y 87na!.e 0o con0ain 0hemse./es: Forge0 0he o.d .adyJ &hu0 u2J +nough a.readyJ '+&& Wou.d you a.. Lus0 shu0 u2JJJ 8'hey Kuie0 down - as B(BBY rushes in9: B(BBY %m I .a0eA )a/e you s0ar0edA C7&'7& Ya Lus0 made i09 8B(BBY si0s9 'here4s an awkward 2ause9 'hen '+&& ge0s u2 0o 0ry 0o he.29: '+&& %.. righ09 -ow I 0hink 0ha0 Po..y shou.d !e in charge o5 0he mee0ing9 8Genera. agreemen09: P(LLY I4d ra0her no0 i5 ya don40 mind9 I4m Lus0 no0 in 0he mood righ0 now9 B(BBY Bu0 i04s your 0hea0erJ

8Genera. agreemen09: P(LLY Kind.y 0e.. Mr9 Chi.d 0ha0 he ain40 in/o./ed in 0his wi0hou0 his !eard and 5unny mous0ache9 '+&& )ey9 : B(BBY Wi.. some!ody 0e.. Miss Baker 2.ease 0ha0 she ha22ened 0o 5a.. in .o/e wi0h 0ha0 mous0ache9 P(LLY Like he.. I didJ B(BBY You know you did9 P(LLY I did no0J '+&& : We.. 0his is o55 0o a good s0ar09 P(LLY I ain40 ha/in4 0his mee0in4 wi0h him hereJ B(BBY We.. you4.. ha/e 0o !ecause I4m no0 .ea/ing9 8'hey !o0h si09 % !ea0 0hen P%'&Y raises her hand9: '+&& Pa0sy9 P%'&Y 87rgen0.y: Can I go 0o 0he !a0hroomA '+&& Yes9

8P%'&Y eBi0s in a hurry 0hrough 0he dou!.e doors - and runs in0o 1%-GL+* who is Lus0 en0ering9 1%-GL+* 0akes a sea0 a0 0he !ack9 '+&& si0sM and B(BBY s0ands u29: B(BBY Look9 'he Kues0ion is sim2.e9 We ha/e 0wo weeks .e509 -ow do we 0ry 0he show again or don40 weA I say we do9 8% !ea0 0hen:: +/ere009 Wha0 do you 0hinkA +3+*+'' (h dear9 We..9 You a.. did so much work making 0his 2.ace so !eau0i5u. again : I4d rea..y ra0her 0ha0 we a.. made 0ha0 decision 0oge0her9 Po..yA P(LLY : We..9 I guess 0ha0 under 0he circums0ances we ha/e no0 choice !u0 0o gi/e i0 u29 8Genera. agreemen09: B(BBY 8'o P(LLY: )ow can you say 0ha0AJ P(LLY I wasn40 0a.kin4 0o youJ B(BBY For God4s sake -J P(LLY We.. how do ya 0hink I 5ee.AJ )uhA Bu0 we 0ried i0 once and i0 didn40 workJ B(BBY We can 0ry i0 againJ Po..y9 <us0 .ook aroundJ I04s a 0hea0erJ We can s0i.. !ring i0 !ack 0o .i5eJ 8'he doors a0 0he !ack o2en and P%'&Y re0urns9 &he sighs wi0h grea0 re.ie5 and 0akes her sea09: <7-I(* 'o 0e.. ya 0he 0ru0h I don40 0hink I go0 0he energy 5or i09 MI'1I I0 was kind o5 de2ressing wi0h on.y 0wo 2eo2.e showing u29

<IMMY %nd 0hey didn40 e/en come 5or 0he showJ C7&'7& I 0hink i04s kind o5 a .osin4 cause i5 ya ask me9 ')+ C(MP%-Y Me 0oo9 'ha04s wha0 I 0hink9 We 0ried i0 once9 8e0c9: 8B(BBY sighs9 )e can40 ! i09 %mids0 0he cha00er +7G+-+ and P%'*ICI% come 5orward9: P%'*ICI% +Bcuse me9 May!e we say some0hingA +7G+-+ Pa0ricia and I can see 0ha0 you4re a.. ra0her down in 0he dum2s a!ou0 0his show o5 yours9 Bu0 in our 2ar0 o5 0he wor.d we ha/e a 5ew sayings a!ou0 0his sor0 o5 0hing9 &0i55 u22er .i29 P%'*ICI% Carry on9 +7G+-+ ? P%'*ICI% Chin u2J B(BBY &0i55 u22er .i29 P(LLY Carry on9 +7G+-+ ? P%'*ICI% Chin u2J "F9 &0i55 722er Li2 B(BBY &0i55 u22er .i2J +7G+-+ &0ou0 5e..aJ B(BBY Carry on

+7G+-+ (.d s0u55J B(BBY Chin u2J +7G+-+ ? P%'*ICI% Kee2 0houghJ P(LLY &0i55 u22er .i2J P%'*ICI% &0ou0 5e..aJ P(LLY When 0he going4s roughJ P(LLY ? B(BBY Pi2-2i2 0o o.d man 0rou!.e %nd a 0ood.e-oo 0ooJ +7G+-+ ? P%'*ICI% Carry on 0hough 0hick and 0hin I5 you 5ee. you4re in 0he righ0 Le0 0he 5igh0ing s2iri0 winJ P(LLY ? B(BBY +7G+-+ ? P%'*ICI% Figh0 5igh0 5igh0 5igh0 5igh0J ')+ C(MP%-Y &0i55 u22er .i2J &0ou0 5e..aJ When you4re in a s0ewJ &o!er or !.o00o 'his is your mo00o: B(BBY P(LLY +7G+-+ %-, P%'*ICI% Kee2 0hroughJ 8,ance !reak9 ,uring 0he dance B(BBY and P(LLY s0ar0 com2e0ing wi0h each o0her9 'hey 0ry 0o ge0 0o 0he same chairM 0hen 0hey 0ry 0o ge0 on 0he 0a!.e9 +ach 0ime 0hey go 5or 0he 0a!.e di55eren0 mem!ers o5 0he C(MP%-Y !ea0 0hem 0o i0 and s0ar0 0o dance9: P(LLY %-, B(BBY

Figh0 5igh0 5igh0 5igh0 5igh0J ')+ C(MP%-Y &0i55 u22er .i2J &0ou0 5e..aJ When you4re in a s0ewJ 8,ance !reak9: MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M 8,uring dance !reak9: I4m !idin4 my 0ime Cause 0ha04s 0he kind o5 guy I4m 'here4s no regre00in4 When I4m se00in4 Bidin4 my 0ime9 P(LLY ')+ C(MP%-Y Carry on 0hrough Chin u2J 'hick and 0hin Kee2 0hroughJ I5 you 5ee. you4re Chin u2J In 0he righ0 Figh0 5igh0 5igh0 5igh0 5igh0J Le0 0he 5igh0ing &2iri0 winJ ')+ C(MP%-Y &0i55 u22er .i2J &0ou0 5e..aJ When you4re in a s0ewJ &o!er or !.o00o 'his is our mo00o: 8,ance !reak9: Kee2 righ0 on 0hroughJ Chin u2J 8%s 0he en0husiasm o5 0he C(MP%-Y !ui.d 0he num!er 0urns in0o an an0hem9 By 0he end 0he chairs and 0a!.e ha/e !een made in0o a !arricade9 B(BBY and P(LLY are a0 0he 0o2 and a huge red is !eing wa/ed a0 0he !ack9 'his o5 course is mean0 0o !e reminiscen0 o5 Les Misera!.es9: B(BBY (kayJ &o how do we /o0eAJ %.. in 5a/or o5 0rying 0he show again say ayeJ

8B(BBY P(LLY '+&& ? +3+*+'' raise 0heir hands9: B(BBY P(LLY '+&& ? +3+*+'' %yeJ 8% !ea0 0hen B(BBY and P(LLY .ook a0 each o0her9: C7&'7& %.. in 5a/or o5 5orge00in4 a!ou0 i0A +3+*Y(-+ +L&+ %Y+J B(BBY I can40 ! 0hisJ C7&'7& We.. heck Bo!!y9 You know i0 won40 work9 MI'1I We 0ried i0 once9 <7-I(* I Lus0 don40 ha/e 0he energy9 M((&+ Why !o0her i5 no!ody comes9 8+/ery!ody wanders o559: B(BBY )ey9 Wai0 a second9 Wha0 ha22ened 0o s0i55 u22er .i2A Pa0syA 8ad .i!9: 8+/eryone4s gone .ea/ing B(BBY and P(LLY a0 0he 0o2 o5 0he !arricade9 Pause9: B(BBY We..9 %0 .eas0 we 0ried9 P(LLY We sure did9 B(BBY &orry9 P(LLY

I0 ain40 your 5au.0 : +n0ire.y9 8'hey! down9: B(BBY We..9 &o-.ong9 P(LLY : Where are ya goin4A B(BBY Back 0o -ew York9 P(LLY 8&hocked: : You4re .ea/in4A B(BBY We.. 0here4s no0hing 0o kee2 me her now is 0hereA 8Pause9 Music s0ar0s under 5or neB0 num!er9: P(LLY : I guess no09 B(BBY I guess no09 8Pause9 B(BBY eB0ends his hand and 0hey shake9: B(BBY 'hanks9 P(LLY Wha0 5orA B(BBY % .o0 o5 5un9 % 5ew !roken 0ee0h9 "G9 'hey Can40 'ake 'ha0 %way From Me B(BBY 'he way you wear your ha0 'he way you si2 your 0ea 'he memory o5 a.. 0ha0 --o noJ 'hey can40 0ake 0ha0 away 5rom meJ

'he way your smi.e Lus0 !eams 'he way you sing o55 key 'he way you haun0 my dreams --o noJ 'hey can40 0ake 0ha0 away 5rom meJ We can ne/er ne/er mee0 again (n 0he !um2y road 0o .o/e &0i.. I4.. a.ways a.ways kee2 'he memory o5 -'he way you ho.d your kni5e 'he way we danced 40i. 0hree9 'he way you changed my .i5e --o noJ 'hey can40 0ake 0ha0 away 5rom meJ -oJ 'hey can40 0ake 0ha0 away 5rom meJ 8B(BBY eBi0s and 0he music con0inues9 P(LLY is s0unned9 &he knows 5or cer0ain now 0ha0 she .o/es him and she4s ready 0o cry9 Ins0ead she ma00er-o5-5ac0.y s0ar0s s0raigh0ening 0he chairs as i5 no0hing4s wrong9: "#9 Bu0 -o0 For Me P(LLY 'hey4re wri0ing songs o5 .o/e Bu0 no0 5or me: % .ucky s0ar4s a!o/e Bu0 no0 5or me9 Wi0h .o/e 0o .ead 0he way I4/e 5ound more skies o5 gray 'han any *ussian 2.ay Cou.d guaran0ee9 I was a 5oo. 0o 5ai.J %nd ge0 0ha0 way )eigh hoJ %.asJ %nd .ackadayJ %.0hough I can40 dismiss 'he memory o5 his kiss999 81%-GL+* sudden.y en0er 0rai.ed !y '+&& and some o5 0he B(Y&9 P(LLY remains ons0age a0 0he side 5or a.. o5 0he 5o..owing !u0 she doesn40 reac0 0o i09 &he4s 0oo !ere509 Music con0inues 0o 5ade9: 1%-GL+*

'his is incredi!.eJ 'essie /hy didn40 you 0e.. meAJ '+&& You wou.dn40 .is0enJ 1%-GL+* 'hese men are /onder5u.J 'hey danceJ 'hey singJ 'hey go0 rhy0hmJ '+&& I 0o.d you 0ha0J 1%-GL+* (kay /e s0ar0 on show 0his minu0eJ 8)e 2u..s ou0 a check 5o.d s0ar0s wri0ing checks and 0earing 0hem o559 Music 5ades ou09 %s he wri0es each check he hands i0 0o one o5 0he B(Y&9: 1%-GL+* -ew 2os0ers9 C7&'7& % 0housand do..arsAJ 1%-GL+* 7se 2ic0ure o5 2re00y gir.9 I0 a./ays /orks9 8%no0her check9: I wan0 !usses a0 Lunc0ion mee0ing e/ery 0rainJ BILLY 8Gra!!ing check9: You go0 i0J M((&+ 8Gra!!ing 0he check 5rom BILLY9: You go0 i0J 1%-GL+* 8%no0her check9: 3e ad/er0ise in 2a2ers a.. o/er s0a0e9 WY%'' In e/ery 2a2erA 1%-GL+*

In 0his s0a0e how many cou.d 0ha0 !eA : -ow I /an0 e/ery!ody on s0age 5or rehearsa. in 0en minu0esJ ')+ B(Y& (kayJ You go0 i0J 1%-GL+* %nd some!ody c.ean u2 0his mess9 I0 .ooks .ike French *e/o.u0ion9 8'he B(Y& gra! 0he chairs and 0a!.e and eBi09: '+&& &o I was righ0 a!ou0 0hese guys huhA 1%-GL+* 'he cow!oysA 'hey4re okay9 '+&& 6(kayAJ6 1%-GL+* 'essie9 I do 0his 5or you9 8Pause9: '+&& -o kidding9 8% !ea0 0hen: 'his isn40 .ike you9 1%-GL+* I know9 'ha04s /ha0 /orries me9 8'+&& 0hinks a!ou0 0his 5or a !ea0 0hen eBi0s9 1%-GL+* is a!ou0 0o 5o..ow when he sees P(LLY and wa.ks u2 0o her9: 1%-GL+* Young .ady9 8&he4s in her own wor.d9: Young .ady9 P(LLY )uhA 1%-GL+* You are /ery good dancer9

P(LLY 'hanks9 1%-GL+* 3here did you .earn 0hisA P(LLY : From a : 5riend9 1%-GL+* You are good kisser9 P(LLY 'hanks9 1%-GL+* By 0he /ay I go0 !ig news 5or your !oy5riend9 I make him s0ar o5 show9 8-o res2onse9: Frank.y I 0hough0 he /as moron9 8-o res2onse9: 3e.. : he is moron9 Bu0 he is 0a.en0ed moron9 P(LLY )e4s gone9 1%-GL+* : +Bcuse meA P(LLY )e4s gone9 )e .e50 0own9 1%-GL+* : You are sure o5 0hisAJ 8&he nods her head yes9: (kay9 3e 5ind some!ody e.se9 'ha04s show !usiness : You know you cou.d !e s0ar o5 show9 P(LLY I don40 0hink so : 8Music s0ar0s under 5or neB0 num!er9: 1%-GL+* %re you a.. righ0A

P(LLY I4m 5ine9 1%-GL+* Good9 8)e eBi0s9: "# 8con04d: *e2rise: Bu0 -o0 5or Me I0 s0ar0ed o5 so swe.. 'his 6.e04s 2re0end96 I0 a.. !egan so we.. Bu0 wha0 an endJ 'he c.imaB o5 a 2.o0 &hou.d !e 0he marriage kno0 Bu0 0here4s no kno0 5or me9 8'he .igh0s 5ade 0o !.ack9: "#a9 &C+-+ C)%-G+ - -ew Promenade 8Music con0inues 5or change o5 scene and 5ades ou0 under o2ening dia.ogue o5 neB0 scene9: &cene Four &0ree0 in 5ron0 5 0he 'hea0er siB weeks .a0er a!ou0 C o4c.ock in 0he e/ening9 -ew Yorkers are 2assing 0o and 5ro9 'hen M(')+* and B(BBY en0er wi0h ')*++ M+MB+*& o5 M(')+*4& B(%*, (F ,I*+C'(*&9 B(BBY is wearing a !anker4s sui0 and is carrying a s0ack o5 unru.y documen0s9 %s 0hey en0er he4s reading 5rom 0he 0o2 documen09 B(BBY 6+/en0 o5 ,e5au.0 is here!y de5ined as a !reach o5 any a55irma0i/e or nega0i/e co/enan0s con0ained in %r0ic.e @ hereo5 -6 M(')+* 8In0erru20ing him: We need %ddendum %9 B(BBY %ddendum %9 8)e hands i0 0o her9: M(')+* %ddendum B9

B(BBY %ddendum B9 8)e hands i0 0o her9: M(')+* %ddendum C9 B(BBY %ddendum C9 8)e hands i0 0o her9: M(')+* -ow where4s 0he %22endiBA B(BBY 8Poin0ing 0o his s0omach 0rying 0o .igh0en 0hings u29: I 0hink i04s a!ou0 here9 M(')+* Bo!!y you ha/e !een !ack here 5or siB weeks and you ha/en40 .earned any0hing9 B(BBY I know9 M(')+* Where4s your headAJ B(BBY ,eadrock9 M(')+* I didn40 ask wha04s in i09 Wha04s i0 0hinkingA B(BBY We..9 'here4s 0his gir. : M(')+* -o0 again9 B(BBY I04s 0he same one9

M(')+* We.. 5orge0 a!ou0 herJ :%nd remem!er Bo!!y whoe/er you marry reKuires my 2rior a22ro/a.9 8% !ea0 0hen: -ow come o/er here9 8&he ho.ds u2 a documen09: I ha/e a .i00.e sur2rise 5or you9 We 5orec.osed on ano0her 2ro2er0y9 8&he hands i0 0o him9: )a22y Bir0hday9 B(BBY Gee I don40 know wha0 0o : 8)e scans 0he documen0M no0 en0hused9: % 6,eed o5 'rus096 Wow: M(')+* I0 means you own 0he 2ro2er0y9 B(BBY Grea09 'hanks9 8)e s0ar0s 0o 2ocke0 0he .ease9 M(')+* sighs wi0h 5rus0ra0ion9: M(')+* %ren40 you going 0o ask me wha0 2ro2er0yA B(BBY (kay9 Wha0 2ro2er0yA M(')+* 8Indica0ing 0he 'hea0re9: 'his one9 8Long 2ause9 B(BBY .ooks a0 0he 0hea0erM 0hen a0 M(')+*M 0hen !ack a0 0he 0hea0er9: B(BBY You4re kidding9 M(')+* 8P.eased wi0h herse.5: 'he 'hea0er9 B(BBY : I own 0he 0hea0erA

M(')+* I04s a.. yours9 8Pause9 B(BBY is s0unned9 )is hear0 is racing9 )e 0ouches 0he side o5 0he !ui.ding9 I04s .ike a dream9: B(BBY (h my God : M(')+* You a.ways wan0ed 0o dance on s0age9 -ow you ha/e a s0age 0o dance on9 I04s your 0oy9 B(BBY Mo0her you4re wonder5u.J 8)e 0akes o55 his o/ercoa0 and ha0 0hen!s u2 0he rain s2ou0 0o 0he roo5 o5 0he !ui.ding9: M(')+* Be care5u. dear9 : )o2e5u..y 0his wi.. kee2 you here in -ew York9 B(BBY ou0 0o -ew York and e/ery!ody in i0: I04s mineJJ 8)e .aughs .ike a mad scien0is09: 'he who.e 0hea0erJ +/ery sing.e uncom5or0a!.e sea0J M(')+* I 0hough0 you4d .ike i09 B(BBY Like i0AJ 'his is 8'hen sudden.y he s0o2s co.dM a 0hough s0rikes him9: Wai0 a second9 Wha0 ha22ened 0o 1ang.erA M(')+* )e cou.dn40 mee0 0he 2aymen0s9 %22aren0.y he4s was0ing a.. his money on 0ha0 si..y 0hea0er in -e/ada9 I unders0and he4s doing i0 5or some woman9 B(BBY 8'o himse.5: )e4s doing i0 5or 'ess9 M(')+*

I don40 know her nameJ B(BBY 8&udden.y aw5u.: (h my god : M(')+* &ha.. we .ook aroundA 8-o res2onse9: Bo!!yA B(BBY : I4.. !e righ0 0here9 8M(')+* eBi0s in0o 0he 0hea0er 0hrough 0he s0age door wi0h her ,I*+C'(*&9: B(BBY 8Longing.y:: Po..y: $;9 -ice Work I5 You Can Ge0 I0 8%0 which 2oin0 5i/e o5 our F(LLI+& GI*L& a22ear 5rom nowhere and s0ar0 singing9 B(BBY is ha/ing ano0her o5 his 5an0asies9 'he GI*L& are his conscience9: ')+ GI*L& 'he man who on.y .i/e 5or making money Li/es a .i5e 0ha0 isn40 necessari.y sunnyM Likewise 0he man who works 5or 5ame -'here4s no guaran0ee 0ha0 0ime won40 erase his name 'he 5ac0 is 'he on.y work 0ha0 rea..y !rings enLoymen0 Is 0he kind 0ha0 is 5or gir. and !oy mean09 Fa.. in .o/e -- you won40 regre0 i09 'ha04s 0he !es0 work o5 a.. -- i5 you can ge0 i09 )o.ding hands a0 midnigh0 4-ea0h a s0arry sky999 B(BBY (h 0ha0 is nice work i5 you can ge0 i09 ')+ GI*L& %nd you can ge0 i0 -- i5 you 0ry9

& wi0h 0he one gir. &ighing sigh a50er sigh999 B(BBY (h nice work i5 you can ge0 i09 ')+ GI*L& %nd you can ge0 i0 -- i5 you 0ry9 <us0 imagine someone Wai0ing a0 0he co00age door9 +L%I-+ L(7I&+ %-, &7&I+ 8echo: Wai0ing a0 0he co00age door ')+ GI*L& Where 0wo hear0s !ecome one999 ')+ GI*L& %-, B(BBY Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA ')+ GI*L& Lo/ing one who .o/es you %nd 0hen 0aking 0ha0 /ow999 ')+ GI*L& %-, B(BBY -ice work i5 you can ge0 i0 ')+ GI*L& %nd i5 you ge0 i0 -B(BBY Won40 you 0e.. me howA ')+ GI*L& %nd you can %nd you can %nd you can %nd you can ge0 ge0 ge0 ge0 i0 i0 i0 i0 ----i5 i5 i5 i5 you you you you 0ry9 0ry9 0ry9 0ry9

8'he GI*L& disa22ear9 ,ance !reak9 ,uring 0he dance M(')+* and her ,I*+C'(*& come ou0 o5 0he 0hea0er9 %s B(BBY does a .ea2 0he ,I*+C'(*& ca0ch him in mid-air9: M(')+*

We.. you missed 0he 0our and 0here4s no more 0ime now9 %s i0 is we4.. Lus0 make 0he mee0ing9 8&he heads o55 down 0he s0ree0 - 0hen rea.izes 0ha0 B(BBY hasn40 mo/ed9: Bo!!y come onJ 8M(')+* and 0he ,I*+C'(*& eBi09: B(BBY )o.ding hands a0 midnigh0 4-ea0h a s0arry sky999 -ice work i5 you can ge0 i0 %nd you can ge0 i0 -- i5 you 0ry9 & wi0h 0he one gir. &ighing sigh a50er sigh999 -ice work i5 you can ge0 i0 %nd you can ge0 i0 -- i5 you 0ry Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA 8B(BBY dances9 ,uring 0he dance B(BBY rea.izes 0ha0 e/en 0his 0hea0er can40 re2.ace P(LLY9 )e 2u..s ou0 0he ,eed o5 'rus0 : makes his decision : and ri2s i0 in ha.5 0hen ha.5 again 0hen ha.5 again : and 0hrows 0he 2ieces away9 %s he eBi0s wi0h de0ermina0ion: B.ackou09 Music segues on a22.ause9 'he o2ening can-can music o5 neB0 num!er ser/es as 0he scene change music 0hen con0inues 5or /oca.9: &cene Fi/e Main &0ree0 ,eadrock 0hree days .a0er9 I04s 0he ,eadrock we know !u0 e/ery0hing a!ou0 i0 is !righ0er and more 2ros2erous9 'here are 5airy .igh0s around a.. 0he !ui.dingsM and 0he area in 5ron0 o5 0he sa.oon is now an ou0door ca5e wi0h 0a!.es and um!re..as9 3arious C(WB(Y& and F(LLI+& GI*L& are 2resen0 in 0he s0ree0 and as ca5e cus0omers9 % !righ0.y co.ored sign o/er 0he sa.oon says 6C)+1 L%-K96 +7G+-+ and P%'*ICI% are si00ing a0 one o5 0he 0a!.es ha/ing dinner9 L%-K .ooks Kui0e s2i55y now wi0h an a2ron on o/er his new.y-2ressed sui09 I*+-+ is wi0h him her hands o/er his eyes9 'hen she sur2rises him !y showing him 0he sign o/er 0he ca5e9 'hey em!race .o/ing.y9 (/er 0he s0ree0 is a !anner 0ha0 reads 6')+ 1%-GL+* F(LLI+&69 %s 0he .igh0s come u2 0he C(WB(Y '*I( dressed as French wai0ers en0er carrying 0rays o5 cham2agne and g.asses singing: $"9 Bidin4 My 'ime 8French *e2rise:

MI-G( M((&+ %-, &%M <e suis !idin4 mon 0em2s Parce Kue c4es0 mon genre +0 .es au0res s4ener/en0 mais Moi Le /ais con0inuer Bidin4 mon 0em2s9 L4annee 2rochaine .4annee 2rochaine I. se 2asse Kue.Kue chose Main0enan0 main0enan0 Moi Le me re2ose9 8%0 0his momen0 P(LLY hurries ou0 o5 0he 0hea0er 0oward 0he Genera. &0ore wi0h 1%-GL+* 2ursuing her9 P(LLY is wearing a 0ra/ dress and carries a sui0case - and she4s eB0reme.y u2se09 % 0rue crisis9 ,uring 0he 5o..owing +3+*+'' en0ers 5rom 0he 0hea0er9 %ccordion music con0inues under dia.ogue9: 1%-GL+* Miss BakerJ P(LLY I ain40 goin4 onJ 1%-GL+* Bu0 you are s0ar o5 sowJ Peo2.e are /ai0ing inside 0o see youJ P(LLY We.. I Lus0 can40 do i0J I W%-' '( G+' (7' (F )+*+J -(WJ +3+*+'' Be.a P(LLY Cus0usJ +3+*+'' Le0 me 0a.k 0o he9 I4m sure I can 0ake care o5 0his9 1%-GL+* 'his is your 5au.0J You raise 2rima donnaJ 81%-GL+* eBi0s in0o 0he 0hea0er9 Music ou09: +3+*+''

Po..y dear9 Wha0 ha22enedA 8)e 0akes her hand9: P(LLY 8&he 0akes a !rea0hM 0hen: I wan0 0o go 0o -ew York and 5ind Bo!!y9 +3+*+'' You miss him 0ha0 muchA P(LLY I do9 +3+*+'' Po..y P(LLY ,ad i04s 0aken me siB weeks 0o ge0 my courage u29 I04s now or ne/er9 Can ya unders0and 0ha0A +3+*+'' I 0hink so9 P(LLY 8Kissing him: 'hanks9 8C7&'7& is 2assing and P(LLY ca..s 0o him9: P(LLY )ey Cus0usJ I need a ride 0o 0he s0a0ionJ C7&'7& &ure9 Bu0 : ain40 you su22osed 0o !e ons0age :A P(LLY I don40 ha/e 0ime 0o argue a!ou0 i0J 'he 0rain4s a0 eigh0-o-5i/eJ We4.. Lus0 make i0J C7&'7& (kay9 P(LLY 8%s she runs ou0: ,ad I4.. ca.. ya when I ge0 0hereJ

8'hey4re gone9 % !ea0 0hen 1%-GL+* and '+&& en0er 5rom 0he 0hea0er9: 1%-GL+* 3e..A +3+*+'' (h dear9 '+&& Where is sheAJ +3+*+'' &he .e50 5or -ew York9 &he 0ook 0he 2ick-u29 1%-GL+* Bu0 /e go0 5u.. houseJJJ 8P%'&Y M%*GI+ and B+'&Y run on 5rom 0he 0hea0er9: P%'&Y Mr9 1ang.erA I 0hink 0hey4re ge00ing4 res0.essJ 'hey4re 0hrowin4 5rui0 a0 0he cur0ainJ 1%-GL+* Be0syJ Go insideJ ,o Po..y4s num!erJ B+'&Y Yes sirJ 8B+'&Y hurries in0o 0he 0hea0er9 L%-K who has o/erhead a.. 0his gra!s 1%-GL+* !y 0he .a2e.s9: L%-K Lis0en 1ang.erJ Wi0hou0 your show my ca5e goes down 0he sewerJ 1%-GL+* I am no0 magicianJ 8,uring 0he 5o..owing B(BBY rushes in0o 0own9 Wi0h a.. eyes on no!ody sees him 5or a momen09: 1%-GL+* 8Losing i0 com2.e0e.y: I 2u0 on show in 0hree /eeksJ I s2end a.. my own moneyJ I .ose my 0hea0er in -ew York - J

+3+*+'' )i Bo!!y9 +3+*Y(-+ )i Bo!!y9 8% !ea0 0hen: +3+*Y(-+ :B(BBYJJJ B(BBY Where4s Po..yAJ I4/e go0 0o 0a.k 0o herJ '+&& Bo!!yJ )ow did you ge0 hereAJ B(BBY I came in 0he car9 8'he .imousine s0ar0s 0o en0er9: 1%-GL+* 3e.. ge0 !ack in i0 and go 0o s0a0ionJ 8We now see 0ha0 0he car is !eing 2ushed down 0he s0ree0 !y M(')+* who is wearing mo0oring and 0he C)%7FF+7*9 'he car has o/erhea0ed and s0eam is coming ou0 o5 0he hood9: M(')+* I am ne/er !uying ano0her 5oreign car as .ong as I .i/eJ 8+3+*Y(-+ sees 0he s0a0e o5 0he car and groans9 Meanwhi.e B(BBY sees 0he !anner and 0he res0 o5 0he 0own9: B(BBY )o.y cowJ Wha0 ha22ened around hereA 1%-GL+* 'he Fo..iesJ B(BBY 8&0unnedM eBci0ed: : You mean you 2aid o55 0he mor0gageA

+3+*+'' 8-odding9: We4/e had 5u.. houses 5or 0wo weeks9 'he 2ro!.em is Po. B(BBY (h my God9 :9 I0 workedJ I accom2.ished some0hingJJJ M(')+* Bo!!y show me 0his woman so I can go homeJ B(BBY I4.. !e righ0 !ackJ 8)e heads 5or 0he 0hea0er9: '+&& Bo!!y she isn40 hereJJ 8)e s0o2s9: '+&& &he wen0 0o -ew York 0o 5ind youJ 1%-GL+* 8Bi00er.y: I5 s0u2id machine /as /orking you cou.d ha/e caugh0 her9 B(BBY 8% !ea0 0hen o55 his coa0 and s0riding 5or 0he car9: %.. righ0 s0and asideJ I4.. 5iB i0J 8)e .i50s 0he hood and s0ar0s 0inkering wi0h 0he engine9 %0 which 2oin0 I*+-+ en0ers and sees M(')+*9: I*+-+ Lo00ieJ M(')+* IreneJ Wha0 are you doing hereAJ I*+-+ I .i/e here9 Wi0h my hus!and9 M(')+* 'his is so 0y2ica.J You had e/ery chance in 0he wor.d 0o ge0 Bo!!y -J

I*+-+ Bu0 you were agains0 i0J M(')+* We.. i0 wou.d ha/e !een !e00er 0han some cow-gir.JJJ M(')+* I*+-+ You had e/ery o22or0uni0y -o wonder 2oor Bo!!y wan0ed 0o 0o !ag him and a.. you .ea/e -ew YorkJ I4m sur2rised did was whine a!ou0 0he he didn40 mo/e 0o %.aska -J cu0 o5 your dress - J 8+3+*+'' has !een s0aring a0 M(')+* in adora0ion9 %s she and I*+-+ 5reeze +3+*+'' sings:: $$9 'hings %re Looking 72 8*e2rise:

+3+*+'' 'hings are .ooking u2J I04s a grea0 .i00.e wor.d we .i/e inJ (h I4m ha22y as a 2u2 &ince .o/e .ooked u2 a0 meJJ Can I he.2 you madamA M(')+* We.. someone !e00er -J 8&he sees +3+*+'' and s0o2s a!ru20.yM she .ooks him o/er and .ies wha0 she sees9 %s music cadences and s0o2s: :(h9 )ow /ery kind o5 you: B(BBY Wish me .uckJ 1%-GL+* 3%I' % &+C(-,JJ 8&i.enceM 0o +3+*+'': 3i.. he make i0AJ +7G+-+ Wha0 0ime is i0AJ 8+3+*+'' 2u..s ou0 his wa0ch9:

+3+*+'' +igh0-o-5i/e9 Im2ossi!.e9 8% !ea0 0hen:: B(BBY %.. righ0 ne/er mindJ I4.. ca0ch 0he neB0 0rainJ 8'o 0he C)%7FF+7*:: Ge0 0he car on 0he roadJ I4.. go wash u29 C)%7FF+7* Yes sirJ 8B(BBY eBi0s in0o 0he sa.oon and 0he C)%7FF+7* dri/es 0he car o559: P%'&Y %re 0hose 0wo e/er gonna ge0 0oge0herA 8%0 0his momen0 C7&'7& en0ers 5rom 0he side o5 0he Genera. &0ore 5o..owed !y P(LLY9 +3+*Y(-+ Lus0 s0ares a0 0hem o2en-mou0hed9: P(LLY I canno0 ! 0hisJJ C7&'7& Wou.d ya s0o2 ye..in4J P(LLY )ow 0he he.. cou.d ya run ou00a gasAJJ C7&'7& We.. I4m sorryJ I didn40 i0 0ha0 wayJ P(LLY We.. now wha0 do I doAJ Wha0 do I do nowAJJ 8P(LLY eBi0s in0o 0he Genera. &0ore s.amming 0he door !ehind her9 % !ea0 0hen:: +3+*Y(-+ :P(LLYJJJ 8+3+*Y(-+ rushes 0o 0he Genera. &0ore 0o ge0 P(LLY a.. 0a.king a0 once9: '+&&

W%I' % &+C(-,J : I ha/e an ideaJ Come 0o me come 0o meJ 8+3+*Y(-+ goes in0o a hudd.e so '+&& can 0e.. 0hem her idea: !uzz !uzz !uzz9 'hen 0hey s2.i0 u2 and s0ar0 0o head o559: P%'&Y :9 I don40 ge0 i0J 8'hey a.. sigh9: '+&& Back in 0he circ.eJ Ge0 !ack in 0he circ.eJ 8+3+*Y(-+ goes !ack in0o 0he hudd.e eBce20 C7&'7& who runs in0o 0he 0hea0er9 Buzz !uzz !uzz !uzz9 'hen B(BBY4s head a22ears o/er 0he doors 0o 0he sa.oon9: B(BBY Mo0herJ I4.. !e righ0 0hereJ 8'he hudd.e 5reezes:: '+&& GoJ 8+3+*Y(-+ sca00ers in di55eren0 direc0ions a.. .ea/ing 0he s0age9 'he second 0hey4re gone we see C7&'7& hurry 5rom !ehind 0he 0hea0er wi0h a 5o..ies dress9 )e hands i0 o55 0o +3+*+''9: +3+*+'' 'ha04s 0he oneJ 8+3+*+'' hurries wi0h 0he dress in0o 0he Genera. &0ore9 'hen B(BBY en0ers 5rom 0he sa.oon9 )e sees 0ha0 0he s0ree0 is em20y and s0o2s a!ru20.y9: B(BBY : )e..oA :Where is e/ery!odyAJ 8%0 which 2oin0 '+&& a22ears on 0he !a.cony o5 0he 0hea0er9 &he sings 0he 5irs0 .ine !e.ow9 'hen in 0wos and 0hrees and 5ours more mem!ers o5 0he C(MP%-Y a22ear and 0ake addi0iona. .ines9: $>9 Fina.e '+&&

,ro2 0ha0 .ong 5ace9 Come on ha/e your 5.ing9 MI-G( WY%'' %-, BILLY Why kee2 nursing 0he !.uesA %,, P%'&Y 1%-GL+* %-, '+&& I5 you wan0 0his o.d wor.d on a s0ring9 %,, L%-K +3+*+'' ')+ F(,(*& I*+-+ %-, M(')+* Pu0 on your dancing shoes -&0o2 was0ing 0imeJ Pu0 on your dancing shoes -')+ C(MP%-Y Wa0ch your s2iri0s!J 8By 0his 0ime +3+*+'' has !rough0 P(LLY ou0 5rom !ehind 0he Genera. &0ore and is 2ushing her 0oward B(BBY who is 5acing 0he o0her way9 P(LLY is wearing her 5o..ies dress9 &he 0a2s B(BBY on 0he shou.der9 )e 0urns see her9: P(LLY You wanna dance Bo!!yA B(BBY Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA 8'hey em!race and kiss - 0hen s0ar0 0o dance9 %0 0his 2oin0 0he en0ire s0age 0urns in0o a .a/ish Fo..ies num!er wi0h P(LLY and B(BBY dancing in 0he cen0er rising u2 in0o a nigh0 sky 5i..ed wi0h s0ars9 &0airways a22ear and e.a!ora0e.y dressed Fo..ies Gir.s! in0o 2osi0ion 5or a 5ina. 0a!.eau9: ')+ B(Y& GI*L& I4m u2 among 0he s0arsM (ooo - WahJ (n ear0h.y 0hings I 5rown9 (ooo - WahJ I4m 0hrowing o55 0he !ars I4m 0hrowing o55 0he !ars 'ha0 he.d me down9 'ha0 he.d me down9 ')+ C(MP%-Y Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJ 8%22.ause and 0he music segues:: C7*'%I-


C7*'%I- C%LL&

'he Boys 8eBce20 MI-G( M((&+ ? &%M: Le0 me gi/e you 0he .ow down: I4m k-ra-zy 5or you9 When i0 comes 0o show down -I4m k-ra-zy 5or you9 %nd so 0hough .o/e may no0 ins2ire my .ingo9 &0i.. i04s making my hear0 go BangoJ BingoJ 8Bows a.. P*I-CIP%L& en0er B(BBY ? P(LLY .as09: ')+ C(MP%-Y +m!race me My swee0 em!racea!.e you +m!race me You irre2.acea!.e you ,on40 !e a naugh0y !a!yM P(LLY Come 0o Po..y -B(BBY Come 0o Bo!!y -P(LLY %-, B(BBY ,oJ ')+ C(MP%-Y My swee0 em!racea!.e you9 8,ance !reak9 - 0he F(LLI+& GI*L& en0er9: ')+ C(MP%-Y (.d man 0rou!.e I don40 mind him -You won40 5ind him 8'a2 !reak9: I go0 I go0 I go0 Who Who s0ar.igh0 swee0 dreams my manNga. -cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreA cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJ

Who cou.d ask 5or any0hing moreAJJ +nd o5 %c0 'wo $=9 +II' M7&IC

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