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Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

THE TAMIL NADU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES (HILL STATIONS) BUILDING RULES, 1993 (G.O. Ms. No. 120, Mun ! "#$ A%& n s'(#' on #n% )#'*( Su""$+, %#'*% 3(% ,un* 1993.) SRO A-.3 (/) 0 93. !n e"ercise o# po$ers con#erred %& Section '1()* read $it+ su%) section (1) o# Section 3,3 o# t+e Tamil Nadu District Municipalities -ct, 19', (Tamil Nadu -ct . o# 19',) t+e /o0ernor o# Tamil Nadu +ere%& ma1es t+e #ollo$ing rules 2 RULES 1. S1o(' ' '$*, *2'*n' #n% !o&&*n!*&*n'.3 (1) T+ese rules ma& %e called t+e Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993.
(') T+e& s+all appl& to all Hill Stations speci#ied in Sc+edule !! to t+e Tamil Nadu

District Municipalities -ct, 19', (Tamil Nadu -ct . o# 19',) and to all ot+er local %odies in +ill areas to $+ic+ *+apters !3, 3 and 3)- o# t+e said -ct are e"tended.
(3) T+e& s+all come into #orce at once..

'. D*4 n ' ons.3 !n t+ese rules, unless t+ere is an&t+ing repugnant to t+e su%4ect or conte"t,

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(i) 5-ct5 means t+e Tamil Nadu District Municipalities -ct, 19', (Tamil Nadu -ct . o# 19',) 6 ( ) 5A""*n% 25 means -ppendi" to t+ese rules6 ( ) 5A(!1 '*!'5 means an& person +a0ing a degree in -rc+itecture a$arded %& an& 7ni0ersit& or a recognised !nstitution or person registered to practise as an -rc+itect $it+ t+e *ouncil o# -rc+itects, !ndia6 ( ) 5A(!1 '*!'u(#$ #n% A*s'1*' !s As"*!'s Co&& ''**5 means a committee constituted %& t+e /o0ernment under clause (a) o# su%)section (3) o# Section '1()* o# t+e -ct6 ( ) 5D*6*$o"&*n' Con'(o$ Ru$*s5 means t+e rules #ramed as part o# Master 8lan prepared under t+e Tamil Nadu To$n and *ountr& 8lanning -ct, 19(1 (Tamil Nadu -ct 39 o# 19(') 6 ( ) 5D7*$$ n8 Hous*5 means a +ouse designed or intended to %e used $+oll& or principall& #or +uman +a%itation toget+er $it+ suc+ out%uilding, 1itc+ens, latrines and ot+er erections as are ordinaril& used or intended to %e used t+ere$it+6 ( ) 5Go6*(n&*n'5 means t+e State /o0ernment6 ( ) 5P$o'5 means a continuous portion o# land +eld in single or 4oint o$ners+ip ot+er t+an land used, allo$ed or.set apart #or an& street, land, passage, pat+$a& or ot+er common pu%lic purposes6 ( ) 5S '* 4o( /u $% n85 includes all t+e land $it+in t+e curtilage o# t+e %uilding and #orming its appurtenances suc+ as out%uilding &ard, court open space and garden, attac+ed t+ereto or intended to %e occupied t+ere$it+6 ( ) 5A$'*(#' on5 means a c+ange or addition in construction, use or arrangement o# a d$elling or a %uilding or c+ange or use o# land #rom agricultural to non)agricultural purpose 6 ( 6) 59(#&*% /u $% n8s5 means a %uilding in $+ic+ t+e loads eit+er dead or li0e are carried %& tim%er, steel or rein#orced concrete #raming6

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

("ii) 5H#/ '#/$* (oo&5 means a room intended #or li0ing, eating, coo1ing or sleeping #or a person or persons %ut not including storerooms, toilet, %at+s and corridor or passage 6 ("ii) 5Hu'5 means a temporar& structure or %uilding $+ic+ is constructed principall& o# $ood, mud, tin and includes an& temporar& structure o# $+ate0er material 6 ("iii) 5D*#%-$o#%5 means t+e $eig+t o# all permanent stationar& construction %ecoming part o# a structure 6 5L 6*-$o#%5 means all loads e"cept dead)loads t+at ma& %e imposed on structure. :ind)loads $ill also %e considered as li0eloads 6

("i0) 5E2'*(n#$ :all5 means a $all or 0ertical enclosure o# an& %uilding 6 ("ii) 5P#(' ' on )#$$5 means a $all $+ic+ supports no load ot+er t+an its o$n $eig+t 6
(xii) 5Pu/$ ! Bu $% n85 means an& %uilding to $+ic+ t+e pu%lic or an& class or section o# t+e pu%lic is granted access or an& %uilding $+ic+ is open to t+e pu%lic or an& class or section o# t+e pu%lic and includes an& %uilding used as a

(a) Sc+ool or *ollege or a 7ni0ersit& or ot+er educational institution 6 (%) Hostel 6 (c) ;i%rar& 6 (d) Hospital, Nursing Home, Dispensar&, *linic, Maternit& *entre or an& ot+er li1e

institution 6
(a) *lu%s 6 (, ;odging)+ouses, Time)s+are apartments, Tourist cottages 6 (g) *+oultr&, *ommunit& Halls, <al&anamandapam and places o# entertainment 6 (+) *o##ee)+ouses, Boarding)+ouses or Hotel or eating)+ouses 6 (i) 8u%lic places o# congregation %& an& class or section o# t+e pu%lic #or religious

$ors+ip or used %& an&-ssociation or used %& =##icers

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


o# t+e *entral /o0ernment or State /o0ernment or an& ;ocal -ut+orit& or ?an& %od&) *orporate o$ned or controlled %& t+e *entral or an& State /o0ernment6

5Lo#% B*#( n8 :all5 means $all t+at carries dead)load ot+er t+an its o$n

$eig+t6 5M#s'*( P$#n5 means a Master 8lan prepared, pu%lis+ed or appro0ed under t+e Tamil Nadu To$n and *ountr& 8lanning -ct, 19(1(Tamil Nadu -ct 39 o# 19(') 6 ))

5S'(u!'u(*5 means somet+ing constructed or %uilt +a0ing a #i"ed %ase on or ot+er connection to t+e ground or ot+er structure6

("i") 5S'o(*+5 means t+at part o# a %uilding %et$een t+e upper sur#ace o# t+e #loor

ne"t a%o0e to t+e under side o# roo#6.


5:u#$ 4 *% En8 n**( o( A(!1 '*!'5 means an& person +a0ing a degree or diploma a$arded %& an& 7ni0ersit& or recognised !nstitution in *i0il @ngineering or -rc+itecture6 59$oo( -rea Ratio5 (A.-.R) means t+e Buotient o%tained %& di0iding t+e multiple o# t+e total co0ered area o# all #loors %& t+e area o# t+e plot6
(xx) (xix) 5P$o' co0erage5 means t+e e"tent to $+ic+ t+e plot is co0ered $it+ a %uilding or structure and t+is is e"pressed5as percentage o# t+e ratio o# t+e %uilt up area to t+e plot area6 (xxi) 5H $$ Station5 means an& Hill Station listed in Sc+edule !! to t+e -ct and includes an& ot+er place $+ic+ ma& %e noti#ied as a Hill Station %& /o0ernment6

(""0ii) 5R*s*(6* 9o(*s'5 means #orest noti#ied under t+e Tamil Nadu Aorest -ct, 1CC' (Tamil Nadu -ct !. o# 1CC') 6 ;ands5 means an& area $+ere a num%er o# trees are e"isting %ut not declared as reser0e #orest6
(""0iii) :ords and e"pressions used %ut not de#ined in t+ese rules s+all +a0e t+e meanings respecti0el& assigned to t+em under t+e -ct 6
(xxviii) 5)oo%*%

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

D(""") 5So$#( #ss s'*% 7#'*( 1*#' n8 s&stem5 means a de0ice to +eat $ater using solar energ& as +eat source6 ("""i) 5Au2 $ #(+ /#!; u"5 means electricall&)operated or #uel) #ired %oilers or s&stems to +eat $ater coming out #rom solar $ater +eating s&stem to meet continuous reBuirement o# +ot $ater 6 ("""ii) 5N*7 /u $% n85 means %uildings coming under t+e categories mentioned in clauses (a) to (g) o# item)! in -ppendi")! #or $+ic+ construction plans are to %e su%mitted to t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& under Rule 3E. 3. A""$ !#' on 4o( #""(o6#$ o4 /u $% n8 #n% s '*s.3 (1) @0er& person, $+o intends to construct F reconstruct a %uilding or $+o intends to put to use an& agricultural land to an& non)agricultural purpose or to carr& out engineering, mining or allied operations, s+all su%mit an application to t+e @"ecuti0e-ut+orit& #or t+e appro0al o#t+e proposal and #or permission to e"ecute t+e $or1 in t+e #orm speci#ied in -ppendi")-. (') !t s+all %e accompanied %& (i)- site plan in Buintuplicate o# t+e land on $+ic+ t+e %uilding is to %e constructed, reconstructed, dra$n or reproduced in a clear and intelligi%le manner on suita%le and dura%le material and compl&ing $it+ t+e reBuirements speci#ied in -ppendi" B, as #ar as ma& %e necessar& 6
(ii) - plan or plans (in Buintuplicate) o# t+e %uilding to %e constructed, reconstructed
1 1

or altered or added to, dra$n or reproduced in a clear and intelligi%le manner on suita%le and dura%le material and s+o$ing a ground plan, plans o# ele0ations o# eac+ #loor and sections o# t+e %uildings and compl&ing $it+ t+e reBuirements speci#ied in -ppendi" * 6
(ii) - speci#ication (in Buintuplicate) compl&ing $it+ t+e reBuirements speci#ied in

-ppendi")D, as #ar as ma& %e necessar&

(iii) - sc+eme o# e"ternal #inis+ and colour sc+eme proposed to %e adapted 6

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. !nserted %& /=. Ms. No. 11', Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department (M-)1) dated 1Ht+ -ugust ',,', pu%lis+ed in Tamil Nadu /o0ernment /aIette, 8art !!!, Section ! (a), dated 11t+ Septem%er ',,'.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

(0) Details a%out planting o# trees, la$ns, garden or an& landscaping $it+ details

a%out t&pes o# trees, plants, etc. 6

(0i) Details a%out compound $all $it+ plan, section, ele0ation and t&pe o# construction and colour sc+emes or details and t&pes o# #encing to +edges and gates, etc.6

Details o# steps, dri0e$a&s, terracing, cutting and em%an1ment i# an& $it+ details o# retaining $all and details o# le0els and contours6
(0) (0i) Details o# lamps, lampposts and ot+er illuminations e"isting and proposed in

t+e site 6
(0ii) Details o# num%er, t&pe and age o# trees t+at are e"isting and details a%out t&pe, age and num%er o# trees $+ic+ are li1el& to %e cut #or t+e construction o# %uilding and details a%out alternate planting o# trees 6 (0) Details a%out $ater)suppl&, drainage and se$erage disposal met+ods 6 and

("i)-%rie# statement e"plaining +o$ t+e proposed construction $ill not a##ect scenic %eaut& o# t+e +ill station and +o$ t+e proposal $ill arc+itecturall& and aest+eticall& +armoniIe $it+ t+e ecolog& o# t+e +ill stations 2 8ro0ided t+at t+is statement is not reBuired in respect o# proposal $+ose cost is less t+an Rupees t$ent& la1+s. (3) T+e application as $ell as t+e plans and speci#ications s+all %e signed %& t+e o$ner o# t+e site and %uilding or %e accompanied %& a letter o# aut+orit& or consent #rom t+e o$ner o# t+e site and %uilding i# t+e applicant +imsel# is not t+e o$ner. T+e& s+all also %e signed %& an arc+itect2 8ro0ided t+at t+e licensed %uilding sur0e&or or an engineer can prepare t+e plans #or %uildings not e"ceeding #i#t& sBuare metre o# t+e #loor area. (>5 T+e plans and details s+all %e accompanied %& a c+allan #or +a0ing remitted t+e licence #ee in t+e Treasur& or State Ban1 o# !ndia

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

under t+e +ead o# account speci#ied. T+e licence #ee s+all %e at t+e rates speci#ied %elo$

T+"* o# /u $% n8 (1) D$elling Houses (a) Single d$elling (%) Multi)d$elling and d$elling com%ined $it+ ot+er uses (') Non)d$elling units including Hotels, ;odges, Restaurants, Time)S+are -partments, *ottages, Resort Houses, Hospitals, Sc+ools, =##ices, *ommercial *omple"es, etc.2

R#'* "*( s<u#(* &*'(* Rs.

3.,, >.9, (.9,

8ro0ided t+at t+e licence #ee is #or a period o# one &ear and is le0ia%le at t+e same rate $+ile rene$ing t+e licence.
(9) T+e plans s+all also %e accompanied %& a Demand Dra#t dra$n in #a0our o# t+e

e"ecuti0e aut+orit& #or a sum o# Rs. ',,,, (Rupees t$o t+ousand onl&) as Securit& Deposit and an underta1ing t+at t+e applicant $ill clear t+e de%ris a#ter t+e construction, #ailing $+ic+ t+e de%ris $ill %e cleared %& t+e local aut+orities and t+e Securit& Deposit #or#eited.
(H) T+e e"ecuti0e aut+orit& ma& reBuire t+e applicant to #urnis+ +im $it+ an& ot+er

in#ormation as ma& %e reBuired.

(() !# an& in#ormation reBuired under su%)rule (H) is not #urnis+ed $it+in one mont+ #rom t+e date o# receipt o# t+e reBuisition, t+e e"ecuti0e aut+orit& ma& return t+e application to t+e applicant.

=. S '* (*<u (*&*n's . (1) No site s+all %e appro0ed #or construction or reconstruction o# a d$elling +ouse unless it +as an e"tent o# not less t+an 99 sBuare metres and minimum $idt+ o# si" metres 2 8ro0ided t+at t+is rule is not applica%le to sites in la&)outs appro0ed %& t+e Directorate o# To$n and *ountr& 8lanning -ut+orit& #or de0elopment, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Tamil Nadu Slum *learance

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

Board, :ea0erJs *o)operati0e Societies, -di)Dra0idar :el#are F Tri%al :el#are Department or an& similar Kuasi)/o0ernment institution2 8ro0ided #urt+er t+at t+is rule is not applica%le to an& su%)di0ision t+at ma& e"ist on t+e date o# commencement o# t+ese rules.
(') No site +a0ing a gradient steeper t+an one 0ertical to t+ree +oriIontal s+all %e

used#or construction o# a %uilding 2 8ro0ided t+at in case $+ere t+e site reBuires treatment, its sta%ilit&J s+all %e certi#ied %& a competent @ngineer.
(') No site consisting o#made up soil s+all %e used #or construction o# %uilding, unless

it is properl& consolidated and protected on t+e unsupported %oundaries $it+ re0etments or retaining $all and t+e sta%ilit& o# soil s+all %e certi#ied %& a Buali#ied @ngineer.
(3) No site noti#ied as geologicall& $ea1 Iones %& *ollector and an& land #alling $it+in 3, metres #rom t+e %oundar& t+ereo# s+all %e used #or t+e construction o# an& %uilding.

. (9) No site $+ic+ $ould admit storm)$ater draining into it, o$ing to its le0el or location, s+all %e used #or t+e construction o# a %uilding unless arrangements are made to pre0ent e##ecti0el& t+e #looding o# t+e site eit+er %& draining into a storm)$ater course, i# one is a0aila%le, or %& raising t+e le0el o# t+eJ site to an adeBuate +eig+t %& t+e deposit o# la&ers o# sound and non)peris+a%le material, to t+e satis#action o# t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit&.
(H) No site %e used #or t+e construction o# a %uilding intended #or pu%lic $ors+ip or

#or religious purposes, $it+out t+e prior appro0al o# t+e *ollector o# t+e district $+o ma& re#use suc+ appro0al, i# in +is opinion, t+e use, purpose o# t+e site and %uilding is li1el& to endanger pu%lic peace and order2 8ro0ided t+at an appeal s+all lie against t+e decision o# t+e *ollector to t+e /o0ernment $it+in 3, da&s #rom t+e date o# receipt o# t+e order o# t+e *ollector $+o ma& pass suc+ orders on t+e appeal as it deems #it.
(() No site, $+ic+ is situated $it+in a distance, o# 9, metres #rom a place used as

%urning or %urial place or ground s+all %e used #or t+e construction o# an& %uilding $it+out t+e pre0ious appro0al o# t+e

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993

/o0ernment and no %uilding intended #or +uman +a%itation s+all %e %uilt $it+in 9, metres o# suc+ %urning or %urial place or ground unless suc+ %urning or %urial place or ground $as closed #or %urning o# corpses and remained so closed #or a period o# not less t+an #i0e &ears 8ro0ided t+at, no e"isting %uilding, situated $it+in 9, metres #rom an& %uilding or %urial place or ground s+all %e reconstructed, or added to, $it+out t+e pre0ious appro0al o# t+e /o0ernment. >. Lo!#' on o4 Bu $% n8 #7#+ 4(o& A*( #$ L n*s, R# $7#+ L n*s #n% S"*! #$ A(*#.(1) Be#ore gi0ing permission #or t+e construction or reconstruction or t+e addition or alteration to a %uilding, t+e /o0ernment s+all ta1e into consideration t+e pro"imit& o# aerial lines, i# an&, to t+e %uilding and s+all re#use permission #or suc+ construction, reconstruction, addition or alteration, unless suita%le arrangements are made under t+e !ndian @lectricit& -ct, 191, (*entral -ct !3 o# 191,). (') 8ermission to t+e construction or reconstruction o#, or addition or alteration to a %uilding s+all %e re#used in case $+ere t+e clearance %et$een t+e %uilding and t+e aerial lines is less t+an
(a) 1.9 metres #or lo$ tension lines, 139 metres #or +ig+ tension lines #rom accessi%le portions o# %uildings measured +oriIontall& and 1.'9 metres #or %ot+ lo$ tension and +ig+ tension lines #rom inaccessi%le portion measured +oriIontall&. (a) '.9 metres #rom portions o# %uildings not accessi%le to persons, measured

0erticall& 6 and
(%) >.9 metres #rom accessi%le portion o# %uildings, measured 0erticall& 6

(3) T+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& or /o0ernment ma& reBuire t+e applicant

(a) to #urnis+ $it+ an& in#ormation $+ic+ +as not alread& %een #urnis+ed. (%) to satis#& t+at t+ere are no o%4ections $+ic+ ma& la$#ull& %e ta1en to grant o# permission to e"ecute t+e $or1.

(>)No site l&ing $it+in t+e distance o# 3, metres #rom t+e Rail$a& Boundar& s+all %e used #or t+e construction o# a %uilding $all or ot+er

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


ma4or construction $it+out t+e consent o# Rail$a& aut+orities $+o ma& re#use suc+ consent i# in t+eir opinion t+e site is reBuired #or Rail$a&s. (9) No site situated $it+in a distance o# ',, metres #rom t+e %oundaries o# la1es in <odai1anal, and 7t+agamandalani, 1,, metres #rom t+e %oundaries o# Botanical /ardens at 7t+agamandalam, 1,, metres #rom t+e %oundaries o# /&m1+ana /rounds at <odai1anal, 1,, metres #rom t+e %oundaries o# Race *ourse at 7t+agamandalam and 1,, metres #rom t+e %oundaries o# Sims 8ar1 at *oonoor s+all %e used #or construction o# an& %uilding or c+ange t+e present c+aracter and use in an& manner. .. M*#ns o4 A!!*ss .3.(1) -n& plot intended #or construction o# %uilding $+ic+ is not a%utting directl& on to a pu%lic or pri0ate street, s+all +a0e access #rom suc+ pu%lic or pri0ate street t+roug+ a pat+$a&. T+e minimum $idt+ o# suc+ pat+$a& s+all %e one metre #or a lengt+ up to ten metres and 1.9 metres #or a lengt+ up to 3, metres.
(') T+e pat+$a& mentioned in su%)rule (1) s+all %e #ormed $it+ a gradient not steeper t+an one in ten or pro0ided $it+ steps #or eas& means o# access to t+e plot. (') -ccess to plots %e&ond 3, metres #rom a pu%lic or pri0ate street, t+e $idt+ o# suc+ access s+all %e not less t+an 3.9 metres. T+e gradient o# suc+ access s+all %e not steeper t+an one in #i#teen2

8ro0ided t+at t+e %uildings #or commercial, industrial, institutional and pu%lic purpose and an& ot+er non)residential purpose s+all a%ut onl& on pu%lic or pri0ate street, $+ose $idt+ s+all %e less t+an H metres. ?. Lo!#' on o4 Bu $% n8 .3 (1) @0er& person $+o constructs or alters, reconstructs or adds to t+e %uilding, s+all $+ere0er t+e site is $it+in 19 metres o# an& tan1, reser0oir, $atercourse, ri0er, #res+$ater c+annel or $ell, carr& out suc+ measures as ma& %e necessar& or as t+e /o0ernment ma& direct #or t+e purpose o# pre0enting an& contamination o# or an& ris1 o# t+e drainage o# t+e %uilding into suc+ tan1, reser0oir, $atercourse, ri0er, #res+$ater c+annel, or $ell. (') No assignment o# land s+all %e made #or agricultural purpose or #or an& ot+er purpose including residential purpose $it+in 19, metres

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


#rom t+e %oundaries o# reser0e #orest and $ooded lands or areas o# special interest as ma& %e declared %& t+e /o0ernment #rom time to time. @. 9oun%#' ons . (1) T+e #oundation o# e0er& %uilding ne$l& constructed s+all %e
(i) so constructed as to satis#& t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& t+at t+e& $ill sustain t+e

com%ined load o# t+e %uilding and o# t+e superimposed load and transmit t+ese loads to t+e su%soil in suc+ manner as not to impair t+e sta%ilit& o# t+e %uilding or part t+ereo# %& t+e settlement caused %& t+e pressure o# suc+ loads 6 and
(i) ta1en do$n to suc+ a dept+ or so constructed as to render t+e %uilding immune #rom damage #rom mo0ements due to seasonal 0ariations in t+e conte"t o# moisture in t+e ground.

(') @0er& person, $+o constructs, reconstructs, adds to or alters a %uilding s+all ta1e suc+ steps or do suc+ t+ings as t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& or /o0ernment ma& direct or reBuire so as to secure proper sta%ilit& o# t+e %uilding and to render t+e %uilding immune #rom an& settlement or mo0ement t+at ma& %e caused in t+e soil resistance, lateral escape o# so#t soil, sliding o# t+e su%stratum on sloping ground distri%uted on concentrated lateral pressure or ot+er causes2 8ro0ided t+at $+en a %uilding is permitted in e"ceptional cases $it+ a lengt+ more t+an 1, metres, t+e #oundation s+all %e %uilt directl& on roc1 or on pile #oundation. 9. P$ n'1s . @0er& person, $+o constructs6 reconstructs, adds to or alters a %uilding s+all compl& $it+ t+e #ollo$ing reBuirements 2) T+e ground #loor o# t+e %uilding s+all %e at suc+ le0el as $ill allo$ t+e e##ectual drainage o# t+at #loor. 7nless t+e /o0ernment, +a0ing regard to t+e circumstances o# t+e case, directs ot+er$ise, it s+all %e not less t+an >9 centimetres a%o0e t+e ground or site le0el. 10. Su"*(s'(u!'u(*s, )#$$s, Doo(s #n% (oo4s.- (1) @0er& person $+o constructs a %uilding s+all cause e0er& $all to %e constructed o# 2 (a) good $+ole %ric1s or stones properl& %ounded and solidl& put toget+er $it+ good 4ointing material, compounded o# good mud, good lime, or good cement and cla& and or ot+er suita%le and dura%le material 6 or

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(%) ot+er good, +ard and suita%le incom%usti%le material, properl& and solidl& put toget+er. (') @0er& person, $+o constructs a %uilding s+all cause e0er& $all to %e %uilt o# su##icient t+ic1ness to ensure sa#et& and sta%ilit&, regard %eing +ad to t+e lengt+ o# t+e $all and t+e +eig+t o# t+e %uilding, t+e purpose #or $+ic+ t+e %uilding is intended to %e used, t+e dead)load comprising t+e actual $eig+t o# $alls, #loors, stairs, landings, roo#s and all ot+er permanent constructions comprised in suc+ %uilding, t+e superimposed load in respect o# suc+ %uilding comprising all loads ot+er t+an t+e dead)load and also t+e ma"imum permissi%le loads #or di##erent 1inds o# $or1 and materials o# construction. (3) @0er& person $+o constructs a %uilding s+all cause e0er& pillar, pier #rame$or1, %eam and ot+er construction carr&ing load in t+e %uilding to %e so designed and constructed as to $it+stand t+e com%ined dead)loads and t+e superimposed load. (>) (i) @0er& person, $+o constructs a %uilding s+all cause t+e #loor and roo# to %e so designed and constructed as to $it+stand t+e com%ined dead)load, due to t+eir o$n $eig+t and ot+er superimposed load to $+ic+ suc+ #loors and roo#s ma& %e su%4ected to.
(ii) T+e #looring o# e0er& suc+ %uilding s+all %e laid or pa0ed $it+ stones, cuddapa+ sla%s, cement tiles or suc+ ot+er +ard material, imper0ious to attac1s %& rat and to moisture as ma& %e reBuired %& t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& or /o0ernment. (ii) @0er& person $+o constructs a %uilding s+all pro0ide adeBuate damp proo#

course +oriIontall& and 0erticall&. (9) 7nless ot+er$ise speci#ied %& t+e /o0ernment dead)load o# t+e $eig+t o# $alls, #loors and roo#s and t+e superimposed load e"pressed in terms o# dead)load as set #ort+ in -ppendices @ and A s+all %e adopted. (H) !#t+e superimposed load on an& $all, #loor or roo#s is to e"ceed t+at speci#ied in -ppendices @ and A, suc+ greater load s+all %e pro0ided #or eBui0alent margin #or sa#et&. (() !n t+e case o# an& #loor or roo#s, intended to %e used #or a purpose #or $+ic+ a superimposed load is not speci#ied in -ppendices

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


@ and A, t+e superimposed load to %e carried on suc+ #loor or roo# s+all %e pro0ided #or $it+ an eBui0alent margin o# sa#et&.
(C) Aor stairs and landings, t+e superimposed load s+all %e ta1en as eBui0alent to a distri%uted load o# not less t+an 39, to 39> 1ilograms per sBuare metre %ut eac+ step, s+all %e capa%le o# sa#el& supporting a concentrated load at an& point o# not less t+an si"t& eig+t 1ilograms ordinaril&. (9) Aor a roo#, t+e plane o# $+ic+ inclines up$ards at a Buarter angle t+an ', degrees $it+ t+e +oriIontal, t+e superimposed load, $+ic+ s+all #or t+e purpose, %e deemed to include $ind pressure or casual load, s+all %e ta1en at >C.C>' 1ilograms per sBuare metre o# slopping sur#ace normal to suc+ slopping sur#ace, on eit+er side o# suc+ roo#.

Aor all ot+er roo#s, unless ot+er$ise speci#ied %& t+e /o0ernment, t+e superimposed load s+all %e ta1en at 199)'99 1ilograms per sBuare metre measured on a +oriIontal plane.
(C) (9) Aor all roo#s o# a domestic %uilding, unless ot+er$ise speci#ied, t+e superimposed

load s+all %e ta1en at '(3)>1H 1ilograms per sBuare metre measured on a +oriIontal plane.
(1,) !n case $+ere a rolling load actuated %& mec+anical po$er, is to %e pro0ided, suc+

rolling load s+all %e ta1en as eBui0alent to statistical load 9, per cent in e"cess o# t+e actual rolling load.
(11) 8artition and ot+er structures, superimposed on #loor and roo#, ma& %e included in

t+e superimposed load, pro0ided t+e $eig+t o# t+e partition or ot+er structure per sBuare metre o# %ase does not e"ceed t+e permissi%le load per sBuare metre o# #loor or roo# area. 8artitions and ot+er structures o# greater $eig+t s+all %e speci#icall& pro0ided #or.
(1') @0er& person, $+o constructs a d$elling +ouse or ot+er domestic %uilding s+all cause e0er& e"ternal $all and e0er& main $all to %e %uilt, unless ot+er$ise speci#ied %& t+e /o0ernment o# at least t+e t+ic1ness speci#ied in -ppendi")/ T+e t+ic1ness speci#ied in -ppendi" / s+all appl& onl& to $alls %uilt in +oriIontal loads or courses o# good $+ole %ric1s or o# suita%le stones or ot+er %loc1s or +ad and incom%usti%le material.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(19) @0er& portion o# t+e %uilding s+all %e so designed as to %e $it+in t+e sa#e permissi%le loads #or di##erent materials o# construction. (19) T+e pro0isions o# t+is #ar as ma& %e,. appl& to reconstruction o# %uilding.

11. S"#!* #/ou' /u $% n8s #n% 1* 81' o4 /u $% n8s.- (1) T+e rule applies onl& to %uildings, ne$l& constructed or reconstructed or to t+e con0ersion into a d$elling +ouse o# a %uilding not originall& constructed as a d$elling +ouse and to additions made to e"isting %uilding, irrespecti0e o#$+et+er t+e ne$ construction, con0ersion or addition to is in t+e ground #loor, #irst #loor or an& ot+er upper #loor. !n t+e case o# an addition to an& e"isting %uilding t+e rule s+all appl& in respect o# t+e addition onl& and not to t+e $+ole %uilding. (') !n t+e case o# a pu%lic or pri0ate street not %eing a conser0anc& lane, no %uilding (e"cept plint+ steps and ot+er similar structure not %eing a%o0e t+e ground #loor le0el o# t+e %uilding and a #ence or compound $all not e"ceeding '.> metres in +eig+t) s+all %e %uilt
(a) $it+in 1.3 metres o# t+e %oundar& o# t+e street6 and (a) in t+e space %et$een t+e %uilding line and t+e street alignment as de#ined under

Section 1HH o# t+e -ct 2 8ro0ided t+at t+is rule s+all not %e applica%le to %uildings #or $+ic+ permission is reBuired to %e ta1en under t+e Multi)store&ed and 8u%lic Building Rules, 19(3 8ro0ided #urt+er t+at an& suns+ade, canop& ea0es, or ot+er similar pro4ectingportions o# t+e %uildingma&%e allo$ed to a $idt+not e"ceeding ,.H metre and a%o0e a +eig+t o# '.9 metres measured #rom ground le0el, i# no pillar, $all or ot+er structure is erected in t+e open space #or support. (3) T+e +eig+t o# a %uilding s+all not e"ceed se0en metres. JT+e +eig+t o# a %uilding re#erred to in t+is su%)rule s+all %e rec1oned #rom t+e general ground le0el o# t+e site and s+all %e measured at e0er& point o# t+e ground. T+e top #loor s+all %e $it+ slopped roo# $it+ speci#ication as pro0ided under Rule 1, 2

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


D8ro0ided t+at in a tea #actor&, t+e +eig+t o# t+e %uilding, s+all not e"ceed t+irteen metres and t+e total +eig+t o# t+e %uilding including t+e *+imne&, s+all not e"ceed #i#teen metres, #rom t+e general ground le0el.E
(>) :+ere a %uilding $+oll& or partl& intended #or +uman +a%itation, is not separated

#rom t+e ad4oining %uildings on t$o sides, an open space o# not less t+an one)#ourt+ o# t+e area o# t+e site s+all %e le#t as space open to t+e s1&. Explanation .An open court&ard ma& %e included in t+e calculation o# t+e area le#t as 0acant space open to t+e s1&.
(>) Su%)rule (>) s+a#t not appl& to %uilding used solel& as s+ops, o##ices or $are+ouses

and :+ic+ are not used as d$ellings 2 8ro0ided t+at i# an& suc+ %uilding or an& portion t+ereo#, is at an& time proposed to %e used as d$elling +ouse or d$elling, permission o# t+e /o0ernment s+all %e o%tained and t+e %uilding s+all %e reconstructed or altered so as to compl& in e0er& respect $it+ t+e reBuirements o# su%)rule (>).
(9) T+e open space reBuired to %e le#t in and around %uildings under su%)rule (>) s+all %e measured at t+e le0el o# t+e prop=sed construction, con0ersion or addition, t+e %oundar& in t+e case o# construction, con0ersion or addition proposed on an& #loor ot+er t+an t+e ground #loor %eing ta1en to %e line along t+at #loor 0erticall& a%o0e t+e %oundar& line on t+e ground.

12. P#(; n8-S"#!* .3 @0er& person intending to construct, reconstruct or alter or add to a %uilding, s+all
(a) pro0ide #or t+e use o# t+e occupants and o# persons 0isiting t+e premises #or t+e

purposes o# pro#ession, trade, %usiness, recreation or an& ot+er $or1 necessar& par1ing) space and par1ing #acilities $it+in t+e site as stipulated in -ppendi" 5H5 6
(a) ma1e necessar& pro0ision #or t+e mo0ement o# 0e+icles gaining access to and #rom

t+e premises into t+e street.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. !nserted %& /=. Ms. No. 19H, Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department, (M-!) dated Ct+ No0em%er ',,' .

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


13. D &*ns ons o4 Roo&s .3 (1) @0er& room (ot+er t+an a1itc+en, %at+room, storeroom, dressing room or poo4a room) $+et+er ne$l& constructed or reconstructed and intended to %e used #or purposes o# +uman +a%itation, s+all +a0e,
(a) +eig+t o# not less t+an '.> metres #or #lat roo#s and.not less t+an an a0erage o#

'.1 metres #or slopped roo#6

(a) a clear super#icial area o# not less t+an (.9 sBuare metres 6 and (%) a $idt+ o# not less t+an '.9 metres.

(') @0er& %at+room, $ater)closet and t+e %at+room)cum $ater)closet $+et+er ne$l& constructed or reconstructed s+all +a0e t+e #ollo$ing minimum dimensions, namel&) (i) Bat+room (ii) :ater)closet (iii) Bat+roomLcum (i0) <itc+en 2 1.C sBuare metres $it+ 1.9 metres %& 1.' metres, 2 1.,C sBuare metres $it+ ,.9 metre %& 1.' metres, 2 '.( sBuare metres $it+ 169 metres %& 1.C $ater) closet metres, 2 T+e +eig+t o# 1itc+en s+all %e not less t+an '.> metres #or #lat roo# and '.1, metres at e&e)le0el #or slopped)roo#.

1=. A*n' $#' on o4 Bu $% n8.3 (1) @0er& room $+ic+ is intended #or +uman +a%itation, s+all %e #urnis+ed $it+ su##icient num%er o#$indo$s and 0entilators totall& pro0iding a 0entilation area.o# not less t+an one)tent+ o# t+e #loor area o# t+e room, a##ording e##ectual means o# 0entilation %& direct communication $it+ t+e e"ternal air6 8ro0ided t+at e0er& latrine or %at+ s+all %e pro0ided $it+ 0entilation area o# not less t+an ,.3, sBuare metre. (') @0er& d$elling +ouse s+ould %e pro0ided $it+ a 1itc+en and t+e 1itc+en s+all %e pro0ided $it+ a total 0entilation area o# not less t+anM one)tent+ o# t+e #loor o# 1itc+en2

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


8ro0ided t+at su##icient arrangements s+all %e made #or t+e e"+aust o# smo1e and e##ectual means o# drainage to t+e satis#action o# t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit&. 1>. S'# (s.- (1) -ll store&ed %uildings s+all %e pro0ided $it+ su##icient num%er o# staircases, depending on t+e num%er o# occupants using t+e %uilding, in suita%le locations as ma& %e accessi%le to t+e occupants $it+in a distance o# not more t+an 1.C metres. (')-ll stairs s+all compl& $it+ t+e #ollo$ing reBuirements namel& (a) $idt+ o# stairs 2 T+e clear $idt+ o# t+e stair$a&s s+all not %e less t+an H, centimetres e"cluding t+e +andrails. (%) H*#%(oo& B -ll stair$a&s s+all +a0e at least '.1 metres o# clear +eadroom, measured perpendicularl& #rom t+e nosing. (c) T(*#%s #n% ( s*(s B Treads and risers s+all %e so proportioned t+at t+e sum o# t$o risers and a tread $idt+ is not less t+an H, centimetres and more t+an H'.9 centimetres. No riser s+all %e more t+an 1(.9 centimetres and no tread $idt+ less t+an '9 centimetres. T+ere s+all %e no 0ariation in t+e $idt+s o# treads or t+e +eig+ts o# risers in an& one #lig+t o# stairs. No stair$a& s+ould ordinaril& %e permitted cutting across an& $indo$. T+e sur#ace material o# stairs, treads and landings s+all %e suc+ as not to in0ol0e undue danger o# slipping. (d) L#n% n8s 2 No stair$a& s+all +a0e a +eig+t o# more t+an 3.(9 metres %et$een landings nor less t+an t$o risers %et$een consecuti0e landings6 t+e landings s+all +a0e a dimension, not less t+an t+e $idt+ o# stairs, measured in t+e direction o# t+e run. (e) R# $s 2.Stair s+all +a0e $alls or $ell secured %alustrades or guards on %ot+ sides. Handrails s+all %e placed not less t+an (9 centimetres and not more t+an 1 metre a%o0e t+e nosings o# t+e treads. (4) S"#!* un%*( s'# (s B T+e space %eneat+ an& stair$a& %uilt in $+ole or in part o# com%usti%le materials e"cept +andrails s+all %e le#t entirel& open. (8) A*n' $#' on 4o( s'# (!#s*s 2 @0er& staircase s+all %e lig+ted and 0entilated to t+e satis#action o# t+e /o0ernment #rom an open space.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(+) P#ss#8* 8 6 n8 #!!*ss 'o s'# (!#s* B @0er& passage in a %uilding in t+e ground #loor s+all, in no part, %e less t+an t+e $idt+ o# t+e staircase o# suc+ %uilding to $+ic+ it gi0es access 2 8ro0ided t+at minimum $idt+ s+all %e eBual to t+e $idt+ o# suc+ staircase plus one)+al# o# t+e total $idt+ o# t+e remaining staircases.
(3) Minimum width of door, corridor or passage No)door $a& or corridor or passage, ser0ing as e"it to a %uilding s+all %e less t+an one metre in $idt+. T+e doors o# 1itc+en, %at+ and #lus+)out latrine s+all not %e less t+an ,.H, metre clear in $idt+ and t+e passage leading to t+e same s+all not %e less t+an ,.(9 metre. (4) T+e $idt+, riser, tread o# +eadroom o# stairs and t+e $idt+ o# doors and corridors #or pu%lic %uildings s+all %e as pro0ided in t+e Multi)store&ed and 8u%lic Building Rules and t+e National Building *ode.

1.. D(# ns #n% S#n '#(+ Con6*n *n!*s.31C(1) @0er& %uilding s+all %e pro0ided $it+ means #or t+e e##ectual drainage o# storm)$ater, sullage and se$age #rom t+e premises and su##icient and suita%le sanitar& con0eniences #or t+e use o# t+e occupants o# t+e %uildingsE. D(') T+e drainage arrangements and t+e sanitar& conditions s+all %e in accordance $it+ t+e #ollo$ing conditions, namel&E 2) (i) T+ere s+all %e at least one $ater)tap and arrangements #or drainage in t+e 0icinit& o# eac+ $ater)closet or group o# $ater)closets in all %uildings.
(ii) @ac+ #amil& d$elling unit on premises a%utting on a se$er or $it+ a pri0ate

se$age disposal s&stem s+all +a0e at least, one $ater)closet and one 1itc+en t&pe sin1. !t is desira%le t+at a %at+ or s+o$er s+ould %e installed to meet t+e %asic reBuirements o# sanitation and +&giene.
(iii) -ll ot+er structures #or +uman occupanc& or use on premises a%utting on a se$er or $it+ a pri0ate se$age disposal s&stem s+all +a0e adeBuate sanitar& #acilities %ut in no case less t+an one $ater)closet and one ot+er #i"ture #or cleaning purposes.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. =ld Rule 1H renum%ered as Rule 1H, su%)rule (1) %& /=. Ms. No. 1>(, Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department (M-)1) dated 9t+ Nune 1999. '. Su%)rule (') inserted %& ibid.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(i0) D$elling $it+ indi0idual con0enience s+all +a0e at least t+e #ollo$ing #itments, namel& 2
(a) =ne %at+room pro0ided $it+ tap 6 (%) =ne $ater)closet 6 and (c) =ne sin1 eit+er in t+e #loor or raised #rom t+e #loor.

(0) :+ere onl& one $ater)closet is pro0ided in a d$elling, t+e %at+ and $ater)closet s+all %e separatel& accommodated. (0i) D$elling $it+out indi0idual con0enience s+all +a0e t+e #ollo$ing #itments, namel& 2
(a) =ne $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements in eac+ tenements. (%) =ne $ater)closet and one %at+ #or e0er& t$o tenements 6 and (a) :ater)taps in common %at+room and common $ater)

closet. Explanation. T+e drainage arrangements and t+e sanitar& con0eniences s+all %e in accordance $it+ suc+ rules or %&e)la$s, i# an& or to t+e satis#action o# t+e /o0ernment. D1H)-. T+e reBuirement or #itment #or drainage and sanitation in t+e use o# %uilding ot+er t+an residence s+all %e in accordance $it+ -ppendi")!E. C1.-B. 9 '&*n' o4 so$#( #ss s'*% 7#'*( 1*#' n8 s+s'*& 2 T+e reBuirements #or #itment o# solar assisted $ater +eating s&stem in %uildings s+all %e in accordance $it+ -ppendi")NE. 1?. P#(; n8-s"#!* #n% A!!*ss 7#+s . Be#ore granting permission #or t+e construction or reconstruction o# or addition or alteration to t+e %uilding applied #or, t+e /o0ernment s+all ta1e into
2 1

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. Rule 1H)- inserted %& / =. Ms. No.1>(, Municipal -dministrations (M-) dated 9t+ Nune 1999. '. !nserted %& /.=. Ms. No. 11', Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department (M-)1), dated 1Ht+ -ugust ',,', pu%lis+ed in Tamil Nadu /o0ernment /aIette, 8art !!!, Section 1(a), dated 11t+ Septem%er ',,'.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


consideration t+e pro0isions made in t+e plan #or par1ing)space and par1ing #acilit& under Rule 1' a%o0e and t+eir adeBuac& $it+ re#erence to t+e standard speci#ied in t+is regard and t+e tra##ic circulation reBuired to %e pro0ided under Rule 1' and s+all re#use permission #or suc+ construction or reconstruction or addition or alteration, unless suita%le arrangements are made %& t+e applicant to pro0ide tK t+e satis#action o# t+e /o0ernment t+e reBuired par1ing) space, par1ing #acilities and access $a&s.
1@. S"#!* #/ou' +uts . No portion o# a +ut s+all %e placed $it+in 1.(9 metres o# a masonr& or $ooden %uilding pro0ided t+at t+ere s+all %e a minimum open space o# 1.'9 metres %et$een t+e ca0es o# or J%et$een t+e ca0e o# t+e +ut and a masonr& $all, as t+e case ma& %e. 19. H* 81' o4 1u's .3 (1) No +ut s+all %e o# more t+an one store& or e"ceed 3.(9 metres in +eig+t measured #rom t+e top o# t+e plint+ to 4unction o# t+e ca0es and $all.

(') T+e $all o# t+e +ut at t+e 4unction o# t+e ca0es and $all s+all in no place %e less t+an 1.(9 metres in +eig+t, measured #rom t+e top le0el o# t+e plint+.
20. A$ 8n&*n' o# 1u's .3 =n t+e land e"clusi0el& set apart #or t+e construction o# +uts, t+e +uts s+all %e %uilt in continuous lines in accordance $it+ an alignment to %e determined %& t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit&. 1@. P#ss#8* /*'7**n (o7s o4 1u's .3 :+ere an alignment determined under Rule ', does not correspond $it+ t+e alignment o# a street, a passage o# at least si" metres measured #rom ca0e to ca0e s+all %e le#t %et$een t+e ro$s o# +uts a%utting on suc+ alignment. 19. R 81' 'o us* "#ss#8* /+ $o!#$ #u'1o( ' *s.3 -ll passages re#erred to in Rule '1 s+all

remain as pri0ate propert& su%4ect to a rig+t o# access to t+e local aut+orities to send carts among t+em or ot+er$ise ma1e use o# t+em #or an& o# t+e purposes o# t+e -ct.
21. O"*n !ou('+#(% 1u's .3 Not$it+standing an&t+ing contained in Rule 1(, +uts ma& $it+ t+e special sanction o#t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& %e %uilt so as to #orm an open court&ard comprising at least one)#ourt+ o# t+e $+ole area occupied %& t+e +uts and court&ard.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


Bet$een an& t$o +uts, t+ere s+all %e a space o# at least 1.'> metres measured #rom ca0e to ca0e.
2>. 9o(7#(% n8 '1* #""$ !#' on 'o '1* Go6*(n&*n'.- -s soon as ma& %e, %ut not later t+an t+irt& da&s #rom t+e date o# receipt o# t+e application, t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& s+all #or$ard t+e application #or %uildings along $it+ all t+e particulars and details to t+e *on0enor o# t+e -rc+itectural and -est+etics -spects *ommittee, toget+er $it+ +is remar1s on t+e application dul& 0eri#&ing t+e adeBuac& or particulars and details. 2=. T1* !o&"os ' on o4 A(!1 '*!'u(#$ #n% A*s'1*' !s As"*!'s Co&& ''**.- (1) T+e

2=. S"#!* /*'7**n 1u's .

*ommittee #or -rc+itectural and -est+etics -spects s+all comprise o# t+e #ollo$ing o##icial mem%ers, namel& 2
(i) - *+airman $+o s+all %e t+e *+ie# Secretar& to t+e /o0ernment , (i)

Aourteen =##icial Mem%ers 6 and

(a) =ne s+all %e t+e Director o# Sc+ool o# -rc+itecture and 8lanning, -nna

(ii) Si" non)o##icial mem%ers o# $+om

7ni0ersit& *+ennai,
(%) =ne s+all %e t+e *+airman, !nstitute o# -rc+itects Tamil Nadu *+apter, (c) =ne s+all %e t+e Head o# t+e Department o# Structural @ngineering Di0ision, -nna 7ni0ersit&, *+ennai, (d) T+ree mem%ers representing local aut+orities in t+e +ill stations to %e

nominated %& t+e /o0ernment.

(') T+e term o# t+e non)o##icial mem%ers s+all %e #or t$o &ears #rom t+e date o# t+eir nomination. (') T+e committee s+all +a0e 4urisdiction o0er all t+e areas to $+ic+ t+ese rules are

(3) T+e committee s+all meet at least once in t$o mont+s. (>) T+e committee s+all meet at *+ennai or in an& one o# t+e +ill stations s+o$n in

Sc+edule !! to t+e -ct.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(H) T+e non)o##icial mem%ers o# t+e committee. s+all %e entitled #or tour tra0elling and

dail& allo$ances as ma& %e applica%le to #irst class committees #rom time to time.
(() T+e tour tra0elling and dail& allo$ances o# o##icial mem%ers s+all %e %orne %& t+e respecti0e /o0ernment Department. (C) Ai#t& per cent o# t+e total mem%ers s+all constitute t+e Buorum and all matters placed %e#ore it s+all %e decided %& simple ma4orit& o# t+e mem%ers present and 0oting. (9) T+e committee s+all e"amine t+e applications #or construction o# %uildings in t+e +ill stations and su%mit its recommendations to t+e /o0ernment $it+in si"t& da&s #rom t+e date o# receipt o# t+e application #rom t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& eit+er appro0ing t+e %uilding or re#using it and suggest modi#ication to t+e proposals.

T+e recommendations o# t+e committee s+all co0er all or an& matter speci#ied under su%)section (9) o# Section '1()* as ma& %e applica%le to eac+ application.
(H) (() T+e committee ma& consider an& ot+er matter as reBuired #or t+e preser0ation o# +ill ecolog& and en0ironment.

'(. A""(o6#$ o( (*4us#$ /+ Go6*(n&*n' .3 (1) T+e /o0ernment on receipt o# t+e recommendations o# t+e -rc+itectural and -est+etics -spects *ommittee ma& eit+er appro0e t+e proposal $it+ or $it+out suc+ modi#ications as it deems #it or re4ect t+e proposal.
(') -n& appro0al accorded %& t+e /o0ernment $ill %e 0alid #or aM period o# one &ear #rom t+e date o# issue o# appro0al $+ic+ ma& %e e"tended #or a #urt+er period o# one &ear i# t+e constructions +a0e %een commenced and t+ere are no de0iations #rom t+e appro0ed plan. (') @0er& application #or rene$al s+all %e su%mitted to t+e /o0ernment t+roug+ t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& $it+in t+irt& da&s %e#ore t+e e"pir& o# t+e appro0al.

C2?-A. Co&"os ' on o4 D s'( !' Co&& ''** 4o( A(!1 '*!'u(#$ #n% A*s'1*' !s As"*!'s. 3 (1) T+e District *ommittee #or-rc+itectural

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. !nserted %& /=. Ms. No. 99, Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department, (M-!) dated Ht+ -ugust ',,3.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


and -est+etics -spects s+all comprise o# t+e #ollo$ing mem%ers, namel&,)

(a) - *+airman, $+o s+all %e -dditional *ollector (De0elopment) or $+ere t+ere

is no -dditional *ollector, t+e District Re0enue =##icer o# t+e district 6

(a) - *on0ener, $+o s+all %e t+e Regional Deput& Director o# To$n and *ountr&

8lanning 6
(%) =##icial mem%ers not e"ceeding t$el0e #rom /roup - and B =##icers in Aorest,

Tourism, 8u%lic :or1s, /eolog&, Mines, Municipal -dministration, Rural De0elopment Departments and @"ecuti0e -ut+orities o# ;ocal Bodies and o##icers o# eBual ran1 #rom /o0ernment 7nderta1ings to %e nominated %& t+e /o0ernment 6
(c) Non)o##icial mem%ers not e"ceeding si", o# $+om at least one mem%er representing local aut+orities in t+e +ill stations in t+e district and t+e remaining #rom persons $+o +a0e interest Jin t+e ecolog& o# t+e +ill stations and resident o# t+e district to %e nominated %& t+e /o0ernment. (') T+e term o# t+e non)o##icial mem%ers s+all %e t$o &ears #rom t+e date o# t+eir

(3) T+e committee s+all +a0e 4urisdiction o0er all t+e +ill stations in t+e district to

$+ic+ t+ese rules are applica%le.

(>) T+e committee s+all meet at least once in t$o mont+s. (9) T+e committee s+all meet at t+e district +eadBuarters or in an& one o# t+e +ill

stations in t+e district.

(H) T+e non)o##icial mem%ers o# t+e committee s+all %e entitled #or tour tra0elling and dail& allo$ances, sitting #ees as ma& %e applica%le to second class committees #rom time to time. (() T+e tour tra0elling and dail& allo$ances o# o##icial mem%ers s+all %e %orne %& t+e

respecti0e /o0ernment department.

(C) Ai0e clear da&s o# notice speci#&ing t+e time and place o# t+e meeting and su%4ects to %e placed at t+e meeting s+all %e gi0en to t+e mem%ers.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(9) Ai#t& per cent o# t+e total mem%ers s+all constitute t+e Buorum and all matters placed %e#ore t+e committee s+all %e decided %& simple ma4orit& o# t+e mem%ers present and 0oting. (9) T+e minutes o# eac+ meeting o# t+e committee s+all %e dra$n up and entered in t+e minutes %oo1 maintained #or t+e purpose and s+all %e signed %& t+e *+airman.. (1,) T+e /o0ernor o# t+e committee s+all +a0e t+e custod& o# t+e proceedings and records o#t+e meeting o#t+e committee including minutes %oo1. (11) T+e committee s+all e"amine t+e applications #or construction o# %uildings in t+e

+ill stations in t+e district and su%mit its recommendations to t+e *ollector $it+in si"t& da&s #rom t+e date o# receipt o# t+e application #rom t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& eit+er appro0ing t+e %uilding or re#using it and suggest modi#ication to t+e proposals. )
(1') T+e recommendations o# t+e committee s+all co0er all or an& matter speci#ied

under su%)section (9) o# Section '1()* as ma& %e applica%le to eac+ application.

(13) T+e committee ma& consider an& ot+er matter as are reBuired #or t+e preser0ation o# +ill station ecolog& and en0ironment.

2?-B. A""(o6#$ o( (*4us#$ /+ '1* Co$$*!'o(.3 (1) T+e *ollector on receipt o# t+e recommendation o# t+e District *ommittee #or -rc+itectural and -est+etics -spects ma& eit+er appro0e t+e proposal $it+ or $it+out suc+ modi#ications as +e deems #ir or re4ect t+e proposal.
(') -n& appro0al accorded %& t+e *ollector $ill %e 0alid #or a period o# one &ear #rom

t+e date o# issue o# appro0al $+ic+ ma& %e e"tended #or a #urt+er period o# one &ear i# t+e construction +a0e %een commenced and t+ere are lio de0iations #rom t+e appro0ed plan.
(3) @0er& application #or rene$al s+all %e su%mitted to t+e *ollector t+roug+ t+e

@"ecuti0e -ut+orit& $it+in t+irt& da&s %e#ore t+e e"pir& o# t+e appro0al.E 2@. C*('# n (u$*s no' 'o #""$+ 'o 1 $$ s'#' ons . T+e Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules, 19(' and t+e Tamil Nadu Hill& -reas Special Building Rules, 19C1 s+all cease to appl& in so #ar as t+e +ill stations co0ered under t+ese rules are concerned.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


APPEND1D - [See Rule 3 (1)E Municipa it! " #own $ancha!at " $ancha!at %nion. APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 21?-C O9 THE TAMIL NADU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES ACT, 1920 (TAMIL NADU ACT . O9 19',) Arom (Name o# t+e o$ner or t+e applicant) -ddress2 Sir, ! intend to construct F reconstruct a %uilding or to put to use an& agricultural land #or non) agricultural purpose or to carr& out engineering, mining or an& allied operations in t+e site or point o# land F to$n or re0enue sur0e& num%er, street or road name in t+e $ard o# di0ision $it+in t+e +ill area and in accordance $it+ t+e pro0ision o# Section '1(* o# t+e -ct and t+e Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993. ! #or$ard +ere$it+ in Buintuplicate 2 (a)- site plan o# t+e land on $+ic+ t+e %uilding is to %e constructed F reconstructed F altered or added (compl&ing $it+ t+e reBuirements o# -ppendi" B to t+e rules).
(%) - plan or plans o# t+e %uilding s+o$ing a ground plan on eac+ #loor, ele0ations

and section (compl&ing $it+ t+e reBuirements o# -ppendi" ) * to t+e rules).

(c) - speci#ication o# t+e $or1 (compl&ing $it+ t+e reBuirements o# -ppendi" ) D to t+e rules). (d) - sc+eme o# e"ternal #inis+ and colour sc+eme proposed to %e adopted. (e) Details a%out planting o# trees, la$ns, gardens, etc. (#) Details o# compound $all F #ence F +edges.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(g) Details o# steps, ramps, cutting, #illing re0ertment F tree F retaining $all. (+) Details o# le0els and contours, (g) Details o# lamps, lamppost. (+) Details a%out num%er and t&pe o# trees li1el& to %e planted and sc+eme #or alternate

planting o# trees.
(i) Details a%out $ater)suppl&, drainage and se$age disposal.

(1) - %rie# $ritten statement e"plaining t+e proposal and +o$ t+e proposal $ill not a##ect t+e scenic %eaut& o# t+e area and +o$ t+e proposals $ill arc+itecturall& and aest+eticall& +armoniIe $it+ t+e en0ironment. ! reBuest t+at t+e proposal ma& %e appro0ed and t+at permission ma& %e accorded to e"ecute t+e said $or1. CONDITIONS
(i) ! agree not to proceed $it+ t+e e"ecution o# t+e $or1 until t+e licence is granted %& t+e /o0ernment under Section '1()D o# t+e -ct. (i) ! agree not to do an& $or1 ot+er$ise t+an in accordance $it+ t+e site and %uilding

plans and speci#ications $+ic+ +a0e %een appro0ed or in contra0ention o# an& o# t+e pro0isions o# t+e -ct or an& rule, %&e)la$, order or ot+er declaration made t+ereunder or o# an& direction or reBuisition la$#ull& gi0en or made under t+e -ct, rules or %&e)la$s.
(ii) ! agree to a%ide %& t+e terms and conditions su%4ect to $+ic+ t+e licence is granted %& t+e /o0ernment under Section '1()D o# t+e -ct. (iii) ! agree to 1eep one o# t+e appro0ed site plans and one set o# copies o# t+e sanctioned

plans o# t+e %uilding at t+e site o# t+e %uilding at all times $+en t+e $or1 is in progress and also agree to see t+at suc+ plans are a0aila%le and t+e %uilding is open at all time #or t+e inspection o# t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& or an& o##icer aut+orised %& t+e /o0ernment in t+at %e+al#.
(i0) ! agree to gi0e notice to t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& in accordance $it+ Section C9 o# t+e -ct and #urnis+ a set o# completion plans $it+in

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


#i#teen da&s #rom t+e date o# completion or occupation o# t+e %uilding, $+ic+e0er is earlier. (0i) ! also agree not to occup& t+e %uilding t+at $ill %e constructed or reconstructed %& me or cause or permit it to %e occupied until ! +a0e o%tained a certi#icate #rom an o##icer o# t+e 8u%lic Healt+ Department o# t+e municipalit& as reBuired %& Sections 'H and 33 o# t+e Tamil Nadu 8u%lic Healt+ -ct, 1939 (Tamil Nadu -ct !!! o# 1939). Signature of the owner of the and and bui ding or the app icant APPENDID - B [See Rule 3 (') (i)E THE SITE PLAN T+e site plan s+ould compl& $it+ t+e #ollo$ing reBuirements 2)
1. !t s+ould %e dra$n to scale o# not less t+an 1 centimetre to > metres, pro0ided t+at $+ere

circumstances are suc+ as to ma1e a smaller scale necessar& or su##icient, t+e plan ma& $it+ t+e consent o# t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& %e to a scale o# one centimetre to C metres.
'. !t s+ould s+o$ t+e %oundaries o# t+e site or plan #or %uilding. 3. !t s+ould gi0e t+e sur0e& num%er o# t+e site or plot. >. !t s+ould s+o$ t+e street or streets $it+ name or names, on $+ic+ t+e site or plot a%uts o# t+ose #rom $+ic+ access to t+e site or plot is proposed to %e o%tained. 9. !t s+ould gi0e accuratel& t+e dimensions o# t+e site or plot. H. !t s+ould gi0e t+e $idt+ o# t+e street or streets on $+ic+ t+e site or plot a%uts o# t+ose #rom $+ic+ access is proposed to %e o%tained. (. !t s+ould s+o$ $+et+er t+e street or streets on $+ic+ t+e site or plot a%uts o# t+ose #rom $+ic+ access is proposed to %e o%tained is F are pu%lic or pri0ate, and i# it is t+e latter, $+at t+e names o# t+e o$ners o# t+e land occupied %& t+em are and $+et+er t+e& +a0e %een #ormed and

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


metalled, t+e e"isting proposed or appro0ed %uilding lines on eac+ side o# t+e street or streets s+ould also %e s+o$n.
C. !t s+ould s+o$ t+e location o# t+e proposed %uilding on t+e site or plot and also t+e

location o# latrines, urinal sta%les, co$s+ed and ot+er appurtenances o# t+e %uildings as $ell as t+e positions and dimensions o# t+e open spaces including t+e court&ards ri#t in t+e site or plot #orming t+e caurtilage or appurtenance to t+e %uilding and t+e passage o# means o# access pro0ided #or sca0enging purposes.
9. !t s+ould s+o$ t+e position o# $ells, tan1s, $ater)course, i# an&, in t+e site or plot and

$it+in a distance o# t$ent& metres #rom it in an& direction.

C. !t s+ould s+o$ t+e position and appro"imate +eig+t o# all %uildings $it+in t$el0e metres o# t+e site or plot. 9. !t s+ould s+o$ t+e details o# con0ersion o# land #rom agricultural uses. 1,. !t s+ould incorporate t+e position and sections o# trial pits $it+in t+e site or plot

descri%ing so #ar as ma& %e necessar& and possi%le, t+e e"act nature o# soil and su%soils met $it+.
11. !t s+ould, so #ar as ma& %e necessar& and possi%le, record t+e $ater)le0el in t+e $ell, i# an&, on t+e site or plot or in t+e ad4oining $ells i# an&, $it+ t+e date on $+ic+ t+e o%ser0ations $ere ta1en. 1'. !t s+ould gi0e t+e relati0e le0els o# t+e site or plot $it+ re#erence to t+e cro$n o# t+e street or streets on $+ic+ t+e %uildings a%ut on t+ose #rom $+ic+ access to t+e %uilding is proposed to %e o%tained. 13. !t s+ould also s+o$ suc+ ot+er particulars reBuired under an& %&e)la$s made %& t+e Municipal *ouncil under Section 3,C o# t+e -ct. 1>. T+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& ma& reBuire t+e o$ner to #urnis+ +im $it+ an& #urt+er in#ormation $+ic+ +as not alread& %een gi0en. 19. !t s+all not %e necessar& to compl& $it+ reBuirements 1, to 1' in t+e case o# an application #or t+e construction or reconstruction o# a +ut. 1H. !n t+e case o# an application #or a +ut, onl& a ground plan and section o# t+e proposed +ut s+o$ing t+e position #rom and dimensions o#

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


t+e $alls, rooms and roo#s and t+e position and dimensions o# $indo$s or door$a&s need %e #urnis+ed unless ot+er$ise reBuired %& t+e -rc+itectural and -est+etics -spects *ommittee and or /o0ernment, as t+e case ma& %e. APPENDID - C [See Rule 3 (') (ii)E B7!;D!N/ 8;-NS 1. T+e ground plan, plan o# eac+ #loor, ele0ations and sections o# t+e proposed %uilding s+ould %e neatl& and accuratel& dra$n to a scale o# not less t+an one centimetre to one metre. '. T+e plans and sections s+ould s+o$
(i) T+e dept+ and $idt+ o# t+e #oundation and t+e nature o# t+e soil on $+ic+ t+e #oundation is to rest. (ii) T+e le0el o# t+e lo$est door o# t+e %uilding and t+e le0el o# all court&ards and open space $it+ re#erence to t+e le0el o# t+e sur#ace or t+e site or ground ad4oining t+e %uilding and $+ere possi%le to t+e le0el o# t+e cro$n o# t+e a%utting street or streets or t+ose #rom $+ic+ access to t+e %uilding is proposed to %e o%tained.

T+e position, #orm and dimensions o# t+e $alls, rooms, #loors, roo#s, c+imne&s and t+e se0eral parts o# t+e %uilding and also t+e #orm and dimensions o# an& $ater)closet, eart+) closet, pri0&, as+pit or cesspool to %e constructed in connection $it+ t+e %uilding.
(i) (ii) T+e drainage lines o# t+e %uilding and t+e position and le0el o# t+e out#all o# t+e

drains and t+e position o# an& se$er $it+ $+ic+ t+e drainage is intended to %e connected. 3. !# t+e construction or reconstruction o# a %uilding or an& temporar& or permanent additions t+ereto, $ill render an& serial electricit& suppl& line accessi%le to suc+ %uilding or structure suc+ line s+all %e s+o$n %ot+ in t+e plan and sections o# t+e %uildings or structures. >. !# it is intended to use t+e %uilding or part t+ereo# #or an& o# t+e purposes speci#ied in Sc+edule . o# t+e -ct or sta%le, cattle)s+ed or co$)+ouse, a slaug+ter+ouse, mar1et or cartstand, t+e in#ormation s+all %e s+o$n in t+e plan.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


9. T+e plan also s+ould s+o$, t+e position and dimensions o# $indo$s, door$a&s and 0entilators. H. T+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& ma& reBuire t+e o$ner to #urnis+ +im an& #urt+er in#ormation, so #ar as ma& %e necessar& to s+o$ $+et+er t+e %uilding complies $it+ an& o# t+e pro0isions o# t+e-ct and t+e rules and %&e)la$s made t+ereunder.

APPENDID - D [See Rule 3 (') (iii)E SPECI9ICATION T+e #ollo$ing particulars s+ould %e incorporated in t+e speci#ication 2) 1.. T+e materials and t+e met+ods o# construction to %e used #or t+e 0arious parts o# t+e %uildings. '. T+e manner in $+ic+ t+e room and +ouse drainage and t+e sur#ace drainage o# t+e site are proposed to %e disposed o# 3. T+e means o# access t+at $ill %e a0aila%le #or conser0anc&.
>. T+e use or uses #or $+ic+ t+e %uilding is intended. 9. :+et+er t+ere is $it+in t+e %uilding or site or $it+in a reasona%le distance t+ere#rom a

suppl& o# $+olesome $ater su##icient #or t+e domestic purposes o# t+e inmates o# t+e %uilding i# it is intended to %e used as d$elling +ouse. H. !# t+e %uilding is intended to %e used as d$elling #or t$o or more #amilies or as a place #or carr&ing on an& trade, %usiness or industr& in $+ic+ not less t+an t$ent& people ma& %e emplo&ed or a place o# pu%lic resort, entertainment or ot+er similar purposes t+e means o# ingress and egress in case o# emergenc& proposed to %e pro0ided. (. T+e correct e"tent o# t+e site as a $+ole, t+e area occupied %& t+e e"isting %uilding or %uildings i# an& and t+e total area t+at $ill %e occupied %& all %uildings in t+e site, e"cluding t+e %uildings, i# an&, e"empted under t+ese rules. C. T+e a%o0e speci#ication s+all %e reBuired onl& in t+e case o# a %uilding ot+er t+an a +ut.
9. T+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& ma& reBuire t+e o$ner to #urnis+ +im $it+ an& #urt+er

in#ormation as #ar as ma& %e necessar& to 1no$ $+et+er t+e %uilding satis#ied all t+e reBuirements o# sa#et& and sta%ilit&.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


APPENDID - E [See Rules 1, (H), (() and (C)E D*#%-$o#% o4 Cons'(u!' on#$ M#'*( #$s Serial num%er and description o# materials (1) 1. '. 3. >. Bric1, in mud, lime or cement mortar *oarsed ni%%le in lime or cement mortar ;aterite in lime mortar *oncrete in lime or cement mortar :eig+t in 1ilograms per cu%ic metre (') 1,9', ','>, ',,,, (a) 1,9', (%ric1 4ell&) (%) ','>, (+ard %ro1en stone) ','>, ',>,, to ',H>, ','>, to ',>,, ',(', ',>,, ',H>, to ',C,, ',>,, (,,3, to (,13, (,(,, (,C9, H(9 H1, CH9 >3, to H>,

9. Random ru%%le in lime or cement mortar H. ;imestone (. Sandstone C. *uddapa+ sla%s 9. -s+lar 1,. /ranite stones 11. Rein#orced concrete 1'. *ast iron 13. :roug+t iron 1>. Steel 19. Tea1 1H. 8ine 1(. =a1 1C. Air

APPENDID 3 9 [See Rules 1, (9), (H) and (()E (#) Lo#%s #n% '*((#!*% (oo4s #n% (oo4s D*#% #n% su"*( &"os*% $o#%s o4 4$oo(s #n% (oo4s 1. D*#%-$o#%s. T+e dead)load o# roo# or #loor depends upon t+e t+ic1ness o# #loor %& actual design6 1no$ing t+e actual t+ic1ness o# #loor %& actual design t+e dead)load can %e determined adopting t+e dead)$eig+t o# t+e constructional materials.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


TABLE-1 LIAELOADS O9 9LOORS. ;oading *lass Minimum T&pe o# #loors -lternati0e Minimum

(1) ',,


(') in d$elling


(3) ',,

(>) 9,,

(9) 1,',,


=##ice #loors ot+er t+an entrance)'9,)>,,O




Aloor o# %an1ing +alls, o##ice entrance +alls and reading)rooms. S+op #loors used #or t+e displa& and sale o# merc+andise, #loors o#









Aloors o# $are+ouse, $or1s+ops and ot+er %uildings or parts o#




Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


(1) (9,

(') Aloorso# $are+ouse, $or1s+ops and ot+er %uildings or parts o# %uildings o# similar categor& #ormedium $eig+t loads, #loors o# garages #or 0e+icles not e"ceeding > metric tons gross $eig+ts.

(3) (9,

(>) Aor garage #loors onl& 1.9 times ma"imum $+eel load %ut not less t+an 9,, ;8. considered to %e distri%uted o0er (9 c.#. sB.


1,,, Aloors o# $are+ouse $or1s+ops, #actories and ot+er %uildings o# similar categor& #or +ea0& $eig+t loads, #loors o# %oo1stores and li%raries, roo#s and pa0ement lig+t o0er %asements pro4ecting under t+e 8u%lic #ootpat+, Staires, *orridors, landings and Balconies not lia%le to o0er)cro$ding. Aor *lass ',, loading Aor all ot+er classes Balconies lia%le to o0er)cro$ding.


3,, 9,, 9,,

O T+e lo$er 0alue o# '9, 1g s+ould %e ta1en $+ere separate sto age #acilities are pro0ided and +ig+er 0alue o# >,, 1gFsB.m s+ould %e ta1en $+ere suc+ pro0isions are lac1ing.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


TABLE - II. *ategor& and !mposed loads ot+er t+an slope o# roo# $ind and sno$ (1) (') Alat sloping or 9, 1gFsB.m measured on plane cur0ed roo# $it+ slope up to and including 1, per cent., (a) access pro0ided Minimum load (3) 3,, 1g. uni#orml& distri%uted o0er a span o# one metre $idt+ o# roo# sla% and (9, 1g.. uni#orml& distri%uted.

(%) access not pro0ided plane


19, 1g. uni#orml& distri%uted o0er an& span o# one metre $idt+ o# roo# sla% and 3(9 1g. uni#orml& distri%uted o0er t+e span in t+e case o# all %eams.

Sloping roo# $it+ slope greater t+an 1, per cent. Roo# $it+ s+eet co0ering

(9 1gFsB.m less one 1g. per e0er& degree increase in slope o0er 1, per cent. To pro0ide #or t+e loads incidental to maintenance all ioo# co0ering (ot+er t+an glass) and supporting structures s+all %e capa%le o# carr&ing a load o# 9, 1g. concentrated on an area o# 1'.9 cm. sB. or uni#orml& distri%uted load o# >, 1g.sB.m. $+ic+e0er is more. T+is load is not in addition to $ind load s+all %e treated as occasional load. ((9)1'91) 1g.m' $+ere >, 1g m' + T+e +eig+t point o# t+e +ig+est point o# t+e structure measured #rom its spinning. !)S+ort $idt+ o# t+e roo# i# singl& cur0ed and s+orter o# t+e t$o sides i# dou%le cur0ed.

*ur0ed roo#s

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


:eig+t o# roo# materials 1. *orrugated iron (*lass !) '. *orrugated iron (*lass !!) 3. State 1.'9 mm. t+ic1 1,.9H 1gisB.m. 1.,, mm. t+ic1 9.H, 1gFsB.m. ',C,9 1g.FsB.m.

T+e dead)$eig+t o# ot+er materials s+all %e calculated using t+e $eig+t o# constructional materials. (/) Lo#%s on s$o" n8 (oo4s #n% '1* " '!1 o4 (oo43 Description o# roo# pitc+ (1) !. Alat and pan tiles (rise 1F> to 1F3) '. 8lain pan tiles (rise 1F> to 1F3) 3. Mangalore tiles (open and air) >. Mangalore tiles %edded $it+ mortar o0er #lat tiles (rise 'F> to 1F3) 9. 8lain Mangalore tiles (rise 1F> to 1F3) H. 1 mm. t+ic1 corrugated %oarding $it+ Mangalore tiles (rise 1FH to 1F>) (. Bengal terrace (rise 1F> to 1FH) Dead)$eig+t o# roo# in 1g. per sBuare metre (') 1>( 1,C (C 19C 9> 9> 11'

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


TABLE - III II. ) n% $o#% :ind pressures are e"pressed in terms o# a %asic pressure (8) $+ic+ is an eBui0alent static pressure in t+e $ind$ard direction negati0e sign %eing used to indicate suction. 8. (<gFsB.m.) BASIC )IND PRESSURE HFM (1) Belo$ 9 9)1, 1,)', ',)3, 3,)9, 9,)(9 (9)1,, 1,,)19, 19,)',, -%o0e ',, Pone ! (') 1'9 19, 1(9 ',, '', '>, 'H, '(, 'C, '9, Pone !! (3) 9, 11, 1(, 19, 1(, 1C, 19, ',, '1, '', Pone !!! (>) 9, (, 9, 1,, 11, 1', 13, 139 1>, 1>9

No'*B T+e +eig+t in metres o# e"posed sur#ace a%o0e t+e mean retarding sur#ace and 8) Total +oriIontal e##ect o# $ind in 1gFms $+ic+ is made up o# pressure on t+e $ind$ard sur#ace and suction on t+e lee$ard sur#ace.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


9$#' #n% P '!1*% Roo4s Aor #lat and pitc+ed roo#s t+e $ind pressure and sanctions s+all %e #ound %& multipl&ing t+e %asic pressure (p) determined as said a%o0e $it+ t+e #actors gi0en in t+e #ollo$ing ta%le, negati0e #actor denoting suction. Slopes o# roo# on $ind$ard side , 1, ', 3, >, 9, H, (, C, 9, :ind pressure on roo# (:ind normal to ca0es) @"ternal $ind pressure O :ind$ard Slope ,.9 ()) ,.33 ()) ,.1H ... ,.1>O ,.'(O ,3(O ,.>>O ,.>CO ,9, OO;ee$ard Slope ()) ,.9, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

O :ind$ard and lee$ard +al0es in t+e case o# #lat roo#. OO T+e $ind pressure to %e assumed o0er intermediate roo# slopes ma& %e interpolated linearl&.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


CAPPENDID - /E (See Rule '()-) ...............MUNICIPALITE 0 TO)N PANCHAEAT -88@-; -/-!NSTTH@ =RD@RS =ATB@*=MM!SS!=N@RF@3@*7T!.@ =AA!*@R R@A7S!N/ 8@RM!SS!=N F ;!*@N*@ A=R *=NSTR7*T!=N F R@*=NSTR7*T!=N F -;T@R-T!=N F -SDD!T!=N =A R@S!D@NT!-; B7!;D!N/ !N ............... Re# 2 =rder o#t+e *ommissioner F @"ecuti0e =##icer No ................ dated ... To T+e Secretar& to /o0ernment Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department, Secretariat, *+ennai H,,,,9. SirFMadam, 1. Name o# t+e -ppellant and address2 '. Details o# *onstruction2 ! applied on ................ in t+e #orm speci#ied in -ppendi" - .................. #or grant o# permission to construct F reconstruct F alter F add t+e %uilding at door No6............. at ............. Street., ! enclose +ere$it+ a cop& o# t+e application gi0en to t+e *ommissioner F @"ecuti0e =##icer. '. ! enclose +ere$it+ t+e cop& o# t+e order issued %& t+e *ommissioner F @"ecuti0e =##icer re#using t+e permission reBuested %& me. 3. Being aggrie0ed %&t+e order o# t+e *ommissioner F @"ecuti0e =##icer ! +ere%& appeal against t+e said order, ! pra& t+e /o0ernment to permit t+e construction F reconstruction F alteration F addition o# t+e %uilding. >. ! certi#& t+at ! +a0e not commenced t+e $or1 #or t+e purpose mentioned in para 3 a%o0e on t+e site and ! assure t+at ! s+all not proceed $it+ t+e $or1 until t+e permission is granted %& t+e *ommissioner F @"ecuti0e =##icer %ased on t+e orders issued %& t+e /o0ernment on m& appeal. 9. 1 +a0e paid an amount o# Rs.GGGGGGGGGGG (Rupees) GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG as scrutin& #ee (3ero" cop& enclosed). H. /rounds o# appeal in %rie# 2 Date2 Signature of the Appe ant. )

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. Ne$ -ppendi" added %& /=. Ms. No. C,. Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department (M-)1) dated ',t+ Nune, ',,'.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


APPENDID - / [See Rule 1, (1>)E Store& Heig+t o# $all Minimum t+ic1ness o# e"ternal and partition Masonr& a%o0e in metres $all (e"cluding plaster) residential and %usiness ground %uilding (T+ic1ness o# $all in centimetres) a%o0e le0el plain le0els @"cee) Not dings @"cee) ding (') (3) 3., 3., >.9 H., H., 9., 9., 1'., 1'., 19., 19., 1C., 1C., >.9 H., H., H., 9.C 9.C . 9., 9., 13.( 13.( 1'., 1'., 1C.3 1C3 19., 19., ''.9 ''9 1C., 1C.,. '(.> '(> ;engt+5 o# $all in m#rs. (>) -n& ;engt+ Do Do under ro under 1, under 1,. o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, under.1, o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, under 1, o0er 1, Base) /round ! !! !!! !. . ment #loor #loor #loor #loor, #loor #loor (9) 3, >, 9, 3, >, >, 9, >, 9, 9, H, 9, H, H, (, H, (, (, C, (, C, C, 9, (H) ', 3, >, ', 3, 3, >, 3, >, >, 9, >, 9, 9, H, 9, H, H, (, H, (, (, C, (() (C) (9) (1,) (11)

(1) 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' 3 3 3 3 > > > > 9 9 9 9 H H H

', ', 3, 3, ', 3, 3, >, 3, >, >, 9, >, 9, 9, H) H, H3 H, (,

', ', 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, >, 3, >, >, >, >, 9, 9, H,

', 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, >, 3, >, >, 9,

3, 3, 3, 3, 3, >, >,

3, 3, 3,

Explanation.& 1. No store& +eig+t is assumed to %e more t+an >.9 m. '. ;engt+ o# $all in t+e lengt+ measured %et$een %ettering or cross $alls properl& %ounded and,%uilt into t+e main $alls to gi0e lateral support. 3. T+ic1ness o# $all s+all not %e less t+an 1FHt+ o# store& +eig+t. >. T+ic1ness o# %asement $all s+all not %e less t+an 1F3rd o# t+e +eig+t o# surrounding ground measured #rom %asement #loor.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


9. :alls are assumed to carr& onl& distri%uted load)point concentrated loads $+ere t+e& are not more t+an one metre and are pro0ided $it+ a.tritmner %eam #or proper distri%ution o# t+ese load points. APPENDID - H (See Rule 1') PARFING STANDARD 1. Residential 2 Multi #amil& #amil& d$elling '. *ommercial2 =ne 7nit o# 1( sB. metres #or e0er& '9, sB2 metres o# #loor area.

(a) S+ops and s+opping centres =ne 7nit o# 1( sB. metres and one additional unit #or e0er& additional 1,,, sB. metres o# #loor area. (%) =##ices and #irms including =ne 7nit o#', sB. metres #or e0er& ',, sB. metres pu%lic o##ices. #or t+e #irst 1,,,, sB. metres and one additional unit #or e0er& 1,, sB. metres o# #loor area e"ceeding 1,, sB. metres. (c) Restaurants, Hostels and ;odges =ne 7nit o# 1( sB. metres #or e0er& '9 sB. metres o# #loor area actuall& used as restaurant and one unit o# 1( sB. metres #or e0er& '9 sB. metres o# room area. =ne 7nit o# 1( sB. metres #or e0er& 3, sB. metres o# #loor area. =ne 7nit o#', sB. metres #or e0er& ', sB. metres o# site area. =ne 7nit o# >, sB. metres #or e0er& 9,, sB. metres o# #loor area =ne 7nit o# 1(.9 sB. metres #or e0er& '9 seats. =ne 7nit o# 3, sB. metres #or e0er& ',, sB. metres o# #loor area. -s ma& %e decided %& t+e /o0ernment su%4ect to a minimum o# one 7nit o# ', sB. metres #or e0er& ',, sB. metres o# #loor area.

(d) Hospitals and Nursing Homes 3. <al&anamandapam >. :are+ousing and $+olesale stores and !ndustries 9. *inemas and 8u%lic Halls including *ommunit& Hall H. !ndustrial and Aactor& Buildings (. =t+er uses

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993




Sl. Aitments No. (1) (') 1. :ater)closets '. -%lution taps

Aor -ccommodation ot+er t+an #or 8rincipals Aor Male 8ersonnel Aor Aemale 8ersonnel (3) (>) 1 #or e0er& 19 persons or 1 #or e0er& '9 persons part t+ereo# or part t+ereo# 1 in eac+ $ater)closet 1 in eac+ $ater)closet

1 $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closet and urinals. 3. 7rinals Nil upto H persons 1 #or ()', persons ' #or '1)>9 persons 3 #or >H)(, persons > #or (1)1,, persons Arom 1,1 to ',, persons add at t+e rate o# 3 per cent. Aor o0er ',, persons add at t+e rate o# '.9 per cent. ! #or e0er& '9 persons or part t+ereo# ! #or e0er& 1,, persons $it+ a minimum o# one on eac+ #loor. ! per #loor Min. pre#era%l& in, or ad4acent to sanitar& rooms.

>. 9.

:as+)%asins Drin1ing :ater #ountains *leanerJs sin1s


GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. !nserted %& /.=.Ms. No. 1>H. Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department (M-)!). dated 9t+ Nune 1999. '. Su%stituted %& /=. Ms. No. 11', Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& (M-)!) dt. 1H)C)',,'. (SR= -)>>F',,').

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


TABLE - 2 9ACTORIES Sl. Aitments No. (1) 1 :ater)closets Aor Male 8ersonnel (3) 1 #or 1)19 persons ' #or 1H)3H persons 3 #or 3H)H9 persons > #or HH)1,, persons Arom 1,1 to ',, persons add at t+e rate o# 3 per cent Aor Aemale 8ersonnel (>) ! #or 1)1' persons ' #or 13)'9 persons 3 #or 'H)>, persons > #or >1)9( persons 9 #or 9C)(( persons H #or (C)1,, persons Arom 1,1 to ',, persons add at t+e rate o# 9 per cent.

'. -%lution taps

Arom o'er ',, persons, Arom o0er ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# '.9 add at t+e rate o# > per per cent. cent 1 in eac+ $ater)closet 1 in eac+ $ater)closet 1 $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals 1 upto H persons ! #or ()', persons ' #or '1)>9 persons 3 #pr>H)(, persons > #or (1)1,, persons Arom 1,1 to ',, persons,. add at t+e rate o# 3 per cent. Aor o0er ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# '.9 per cent. 1 #or e0er& '9 persons or part t+ereo# 1 #or e0er& 1,, persons $it+ a minimum o# one on eac+ #loor. -s reBuired #or particular trades or occupations.

3. 7rinals

>. :as+ing taps $it+ draining arrangements 9. Drin1ing $ater #ountains H. Bat+s pre#era%l&

NOTE2 Aor man& trades o# a dirt& or dangerous c+aracter, more e"tensi0e pro0isions are reBuired %& la$.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



S No. (1) 1.

Aitments (') :ater)closets.

Aor Male 8u%lic (3) ! per 1,, persons upto >,, persons. Aor o0er >,, persons add at t+e rate o# 1 per '9, persons or part t+ereo#.

Aor Aemale 8u%lic (>)

Aor Male Sta## (9)

Aor Aemale Sta## (H) 1 #or 1)1' persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons.

' per 1,, persons upto 1 #or 1)19 persons. ',, persons. ' #or 1H)39 persons. Aor o0er ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# ! per 1,, persons or part t+ereo#.


-%lution Taps.

1 in eac+ $ater)closet. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet 1 $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals.



! #or 9, persons or part t+ereo#.


Nil, upto H persons. 1 #or ()', persons. ' #or '1)>9 persons.




1 #or e0er& ',, persons or part t+ereo#.

1 #or e0er& ',, persons 1 #or 1)19 persons. or part t+ereo#. ' #or 1H)39 persons.

1 #or 1)1' persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons.


!t ma&%e assumed t+at t$o)t+ird o# t+e num%er are males and one)t+ird #emalesE.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



S No. (1) 1.

Aitments (') :ater)closets

Aor Male 8u%lic (3) 1 per ',, persons upto >,, persons. Aor o0er >,, persons add at t+e rate o# ! per '9, persons or part t+ereo#.

Aor Aemale 8u%lic (>) 1 per 1,, persons upto ',, persons. Aor o0er ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# ! per 19, persons or part t+ereo#.

Aor Male Sta## (9) 1 #or 1)19 persons. ' #or 1H)39 persons.

Aor Aemale Sta## (H) ! #or 1)1' persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons.


-%lution Taps. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. ! in eac+ $ater)closet.

! in eac+ $ater)closet 1 in eac+ $ater)closet

! $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals, 3. 7rinals. Nil, upto H persons. 1 #or ()', persons. ' #or '1)>9 persons. 1 #or e0er& ',, persons 1 #or e0er& ',, persons 1 #or 1)19 persons. or part t+ereo#, #or or part t+ereo#, #or o0er ' #or 1H)39 persons. o0erM >,, persons add at t+e ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# 1 per '9, rate o# 1 per 19, persons or part t+ereo# or part t+ereo#. ! #or 9, persons or part t+ereo#. ... 1 per #loor, Min. ... 1 #or 1)1' persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons.



(.. *leanerJs sin1s


!t ma& %e assumed t+at t$o)t+ird o# t+e num%er are males and one)t+ird #emalesE.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


TABLE-> 3 HOSPITALS (INDOOR PATIENT )ARDS) S!. Aitments No. (1) (') 1 :ater)closets '. -%lution taps Aor Males and Aemales (3) 1 #or e0er& C %eds or part t+ereo#. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet plus one $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater) closets and urinals #or e0er& 9, %eds or part t+ereo#. ' upto 3, %eds add 1 #or e0er& additional 3, %eds or part t+ereo#. 1 %at+ $it+ s+o$er #or e0er& C %eds or part t+ereo#. 1 #or eac+ $ard ! #or eac+ $ard ! #or eac+ $ard

3. >. 9. H. (.

:as+)%asins Bat+s Bedpan :as+ing Sin1s *leanerJs sin1s <itc+en sin1s and dis+ $as+ers (:+ere 1itc+en is pro0ided)

TABLE-. 3 HOSPITALS (OUTDOOR PATIENT )ARDS) S!. No. (1) 1 '. Aitme#its (') :ater) closets -%lution taps Aor Males (3) 1 #or e0er& 1,, persons or part t+ereo# Aor Aemales (>) ' #or e0er& 1,, persons or part t+ereo#

1 in eac+ $ater)closet )1 $ater)tap 1 in eac+ $ater)closet $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater) closets and urinals. 1 #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo#. 1 #or e0er& 1,, persons or part t+ereo#.

3. >.


:as+)%asins 1 #or e0er& 1,, persons or part t+ereo#.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



Buildings Sl. No. Aitments Aor Male 8ersonnel

Aor Aemale 8ersonnel (1) (') (3) (>) 1. :ater)closets. 1 #or e0er& '9 persons 1 #or e0er&)19 or part t+ereo#. persons or part t+ereo#. '. -%lution 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater ) 1 in eac+ 1 in eac+ $ater) Taps. closet. closet. $ater)closet. closet. 1 $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals. 3. 7rinals. Nil upto H persons, 1 #or ()', persons ' #or '1)>9.persons, 3 #or >H)(, persons, > #or (1)1,, persons, Arom 1,1 to ',, ..... ..... ..... ..... persons,add at t+e rate o# 3 per cent. Aor o0er ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# '.9 per cent. >. :as+)%asins. ! #or e0er& '9 persons 1 #or e0er& '9 1 #or e0er& C 1 #or e0er& C 1 #or e0er& C or part t+ereo#. persons or part persons or part persons or part persons or part t+ereo#. t+ereo#. t+ereo#. t+ereo#. 9. Bat+s 1 #or eac+ #loor. 1#or eac+. #loor. 1 #or > persons 1 #or > persons 1 #or >)H persons ($it+ s+o$er). or part t+ereo# or part t+ereo#2 or part t+ereo#.
H. *leanerJs sin1s. 1 per #loor, Min ................

Aor Medical Sta## Kuarters -rters (Hostel T&pe) Aor Nurses Homes Aor Male Sta## Aor Aemale (Hostel T&pe) Sta## (9) (H) (() 1 #or > persons. 1 #or > persons. 1 #or > persons or part, t+ereo#.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



Sl. Aitments No. (1) (') 1. :ater) closets.

Aor Residential 8u%lic and Sta## (3)

Aor 8u%lic Rooms Aor Males Aor Aemales (>) (9)

Aor Non)residential Sta## Aor Male Sta## Aor Aemale Sta## (H) (()

'. -%lution taps.

1 per C persons 1 per 1,, persons ' per 1,, persons 1 #or 1)19 persons. 1 #or 1)1' persons. omitting occupants upto >,, persons. upto ',, persons. ' #or 1H)39 persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons. o# t+e room $it+ Aor o0er >,,, add Aor o0er ',,, add 3 #or 3H)H9 persons. 3 #or 'H)>, persons. attac+ed $ater) at t+e rate o# 1 per at t+e rate o# 1 per > #or HH)1,, persons. > #or >1)9( persons. closets, minimum '9, persons or 1,, persons or 9 #or 9C)(( persons. o# ' i# %ot+ se"es part t+ereo#. part t+ereo#. H #or (C)1,, persons. are lodged. Qin eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) closet. closet. *loset. closet. closet. ! $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals 1 per 9, persons or part t+ereo#. )

3. 7rinals.

Nil upto H persons. 1 #or ()', persons. .... ..... ' #or '1)>9 persons. ....... 3 #or >H)(, persons. > #or (1)1,, persons. >. :as+)%asins. 1 per 1, persons ! per $ater)closet 1 per $ater)closet 1#or 1)19 persons. 1 #or 1)1' persons. omitting t+e $as+) and urinal pro0ided. ' #or 1H)39 persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons. %asins installed in pro0ided. 3 #or 3H)H9 persons. 3 #or 'H)>, persons. t+e room suite. > #or HH)1,, persons. > #or >1)9( persons. 9 #or 9C)(( persons. H #or (C)1,, persons.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


TABLE @3 HOTELS (contd.)

(1) (') 9. Bat+s. (3) 1 per 1, persons omitting occupants o# t+e rooms $it+ %at+ in suite. H. Slop sin1s. 1 per 3, %edrooms, 1 pet #loor, Min. (. <itc+en anddis+ sin1s .......... $as+ers. (>) .......... (9) RR.. ......... . (H) .......... (() ..........


1 in eac+ 1itc+en




!t ma& %e assumed t+at t$o)t+ird o# t+e num%er are males and one)t+ird #emales.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



Sl. No. (1) 1.

Aitments (') :ater)closets.

Aor Male 8u%lic (3) 1 per 9, seats upto ',, seats. Aor o0er ',, seats, add at t+e rate o# ! per 1,, seats or part t+ereo#.

Aor Aemale 8u%lic (>) 1 per 9, seats upto ',, seats. Aor o0er ',, seats, add at t+e rate o# 1 per 1,, seats or part t+ereo#.

Aor Male Sta## (9) 1 #or 1)19 persons. ' #or 1H)39 persons. 3 #or 3H)H9 persons. > #or HH1,, persons.

Aor Aemale Sta## (H)


-%lution taps.



>. 9. H.

:as+)%asins. <itc+en sin1s and dis+ $as+er. Slops or ser0ice sin1s ! in t+e restaurant.

! #or 1)1' persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons. 3)#or 'H)>, persons. > #or >1)9( persons. 9 #or 9C)(( persons. H #or (C)1,, persons. 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. closet. 1 $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons closet or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals. ... ! #or 9, seats. ... Nil, upto H persons. 1 #or ()', persons. ' #or '1)>9 persons. 3 #or >H)(, persons. > #or (1)1,, ... 1 #or e0er& $ater)closet ... ) .. pro0ided. . ... ... ... 1 in eac+ 1itc+en. ... ... ... ...

DNo'* .

!t ma& %e assumed t+at t$o)t+ird o# t+e num%er are males and one)t+ird #emalesE.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



Sl. No.

Sc+ools ot+er t+an Nurser& Sc+ools Aitments Nurser& Sc+ools (3) Aor Bo&s (>) Aor /irls (9)

Boarding Sc+ools Aor Bo&s (H) Aor /irls (()

(1) (') 1. :ater) closets '. -%lution Taps.

3. J7rinals.

1 per 19 pupils or 1 per >, pupils or 1 per '9 pupils or 1 #or e0er& C pupils 1 #or e0er& H pupils part t+ereo#. part t+ereo#. part t+ereo#. or part t+ereo#. or part t+ereo#. ! in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) tin eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) 1 in eac+ $ater) closet, closet, closet. closet. closet. 1 $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinals. 1 per ', pupils or 1 #or e0er& '9 pupils ... ... ... part t+ereo#. or part t+ereo#. 1 per 19 pupils or 1 per >, pupils or 1 per >, pupils or 1 #or e0er& C pupils ! #or e0er& H pupils part t+ereo#. part t+ereo# part t+ereo# or part t+ereo#. or part t+ereo#. 1 %at+ sin1 per >, pupils or part t+ereo#. 1 #or e0er& 9, pupils or part t+ereo#. ... ... ... 1 #or e0er& C pupils 1 #or e0er& H pupils or part t+ereo#. or part t+ereo#. 1 #or e0er& 9, pupils or part t+ereo#, ... 1 #or e0er& 9, pupils or part t+ereo#. ...

>. :as+) %asins, 9. Bat+s.

H. Drin1ing $ater #ountains. (. *leanerJs sin1s.

1 #or e0er& 9, pupils or part t+ereo#. 1 per #loor, Min.

1 #or e0er& 9, pupils or part t+ereo#. ...

DAor teac+ing sta##, t+e sc+edule o# #itments to %e pro0ided s+all %e t+e same as in t+e case o# o##ice %uildings (See Ta%le 1)E

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



Sl. Aitments No. (1) (') 1. :ater) *losets.

Aor Residents and Residential Sta##

Aor Non)Residential Sta## Aor Aemales (H) 1 #or 1)1' persons. ' #or 13)'9 persons. 3 #or 'H)>, persons. > #or >1)9( persons. 9 #or 9C)(( persons. H #or (C)1,, persons. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet.

Rooms $+erein outsiders are recei0ed Aor Males (() 1 per 1,, persons upto >,, persons Aor e0er& >,, persons, add at t+e rate o# 1 #or '9, persons or part t+ereo#. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. Aor Aemales (C) ' per 1,, persons upto ',, persons Aor o0er ',, persons, add at t+e rate o# 1 #or 1,, persons or part t+ereo#. 1 in eac+ $ater)closet.

Aor Males Aor Aemales Aor Males (3) (>) (9) 1 #or e0er& C 1 #or e0er& H 1 #or 1)19 persons. persons or persons or ' #or 1H)39 persons. part t+ereo#. part t+ereo#. 3 #or 3H)H9 persons. > #or HH)1,, persons.

'. -%lution. 1 in eac+ 1 in eac+ $ater)closet. $ater)closet

1 in eac+ $ater)closet.

D=ne $ater)tap $it+ draining arrangements s+all %e pro0ided #or e0er& 9, persons or part t+ereo# in t+e 0icinit& o# $ater)closets and urinalsE. 3. 7rinals. Nil, upto H persons. 1 #or ()', persons. ' #or '1)>9 persons. ........ 3 #or >H)(, persons. > #or (1)1,, persons. >. :as+) 1 #or C 1 #or H persons 1 #or 1)19 persons. Basins. persons or or part t+ereo# ' #or 1H)39 persons. part t+ereo#. 3 #or 3H)H9 persons. > #or HH)1,, persons. 9. Bat+s. 1 #or C 1 #or H persons ........ or part or part t+ereo#. H. *leanerJs t+ereo# ....... 1 per #loor, ........ Sin1s. Min. ! #or '9 1 per 9, persons or part t+ereo#. ........ ........

1 #or 1)1' persons. 1 per eac+ $ater) 1 per eac+ $ater) ' #or 13)'9 persons. closet and urinal closet pro0ided. 3 #or 'H)>, persons. pro0ided. > #or >1)9( persons. 9 #or 9C)(( persons. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993



Sl. No. (1)

8lace (')

:ater)closets #or Male (3)

:ater)closets #or Aemale (>)

7rinals #or Males onl& (9)

1. Nunction stations, intermediate stations and %us terminals, '. Terminal stations and %us terminals. 3. Domestic airports, Min #or ',, persons #or >,, persons #or H,, persons #or C,, persons #or 1,,, persons >. !nternational airports #or ',, persons #or H,, persons #or 1,,, persons

3 #or #irst 1,,,, persons and > #or #irst 1,,,, persons and > #or e0er& 1,,,, persons ! #or e0er& su%seBuent 1,,,, 1 #or e0er& additional 1,,,, and ! #or e0er& additional persons or part t+ereo#. persons. 1,,,, persons. > #or #irst 1,,,, persons and 1 #or e0er& su%seBuent 1,,,, persons or part t+ereo#. 'O 9 9 1' 1H 1C H 1' 1C 9 #or #irst 1,,,, persons and H #or #irst 1,,,, persons and 1 #or e0er& additional ',,,, 1 #or e0er& additional ',,,, persons or part t+ereo#. persons or part t+ereo#. >O C 19 ', 'H '9 1, ', '9 'O H 1' 1H ', '' C 1H ''


Separate pro0ision s+all %e made #or sta## and $or1ers at t+ese tra##ic terminal stationsE.

O-t least one !ndian st&le $ater)closet s+all %e pro0ided in eac+ toilet. -ssume H, males to >, #emales in an& area.


Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993 (See Rule 1H)B) 1. !# t+e %uilding is intended to %e used as 2)
(a) +ospitals and nursing +omes 6 (b) +otels, lodges and guest)+ouses 6 (a)


+ostels o# Sc+ools, *olleges, Training *entres 6

(c) %arrac1s o# armed #orces, paramilitar& #orces and police 6 (d) indi0idual residential %uildings +a0ing more t+an 19, sBuare metre plint+ area. (b) #unctional %uildings o# rail$a& stations and airports li1e $aiting)rooms, retiring rooms, rest)rooms, inspection %ungalo$s and catering units 6 (e) communit& centres, %anBuet +alls, B+arat /+ars, <al&anamandapams and %uildings

#or similar use 6 in $+ic+ t+ere is a s&stem or installation #or suppl&ing +ot $ater, a pro0ision s+all %e made #or an au"iliar& solar assisted $ater +eating s&stem. '. T+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit& %e#ore gi0ing appro0al #or t+e construction o# ne$ %uilding s+all ensure i# it +ad a pro0ision in t+e %uilding design itsel# #or an insulated pipeline #rom t+e roo#)top in t+e %uilding to 0arious distri%ution points $+ere +ot $ater is reBuired. T+e ne$ %uilding s+all +a0e pro0ision #or continuous $ater)suppl& to t+e, solar $ater +eating s&stem. T+e ne$ %uilding s+all also +a0e open space on t+e roo#)top to recei0e direct sun lig+t. T+e load %earing capacit& o# t+e roo# s+all at least %e 9, 1ilogram per sBuare metre. -ll ne$ %uildings s+all +a0e solar assisted $ater +eating s&stem installed %e#ore t+e& are utiliIed #or %usiness or ot+er acti0it&.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1. -dded %& /=. Ms. No.11', Municipal -dministration and :ater Suppl& Department (M-)!) dated 1Ht+ -ugust ',,' pu%lis+ed in Tamil Nadu /o0ernment /aIette, 8art !!! Sec. 1(a) dated 11t+ Septem%er ',,'.

Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Hill Stations) Building Rules, 1993


3. !n t+e e"isting %uilding, solar assisted $ater +eating s&stem s+all %e installed at t+e time o# c+ange o# use to an& o# t+e categories o# %uildings mentioned in item ! a%o0e, pro0ided t+ere is a s&stem or installation #or suppl&ing +ot $ater t+erein. 3. T+e capacit& o# solar $ater assisted +eating s&stem to %e installed on t+e %uilding o#

di##erent categories mentioned in item ! a%o0e s+all %e decided in consultation $it+ t+e @"ecuti0e -ut+orit&. T+e recommended minimum capacit& s+all not %e less t+an t$ent&)#i0e litres per da& #or eac+ %at+room and 1itc+en su%4ect to t+e condition t+at ma"imum o# 9, per cent o# t+e total roo# area is pro0ided $it+ t+e s&stem.
>. !nstallation o# solar assisted $ater +eating s&stem s+all con#orm to Bureau o# !ndian Standards speci#ication !ndian Standard 1'933. T+e solar collectors used in t+e solar assisted $ater +eating s&stem s+all +a0e t+e Bureau o# !ndian Standards certi#ication mar1. >. :+ere0er +ot $ater reBuirement is continuous in an& %uilding, au"iliar& %ac1 up arrangement s+all %e pro0ided.E


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