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The Tamil Nadu Hilly Areas Special Building Rules, 1981

THE TAMIL NADU HILLY AREAS SPECIAL BUILDING RULES, 1981 (G.O. Ms. No. 125, Rur ! D"#"!o$%"&' &( Lo) ! A(%*&*s'r '*o&, ( '"( +,'- . &u r/ 19820 (Published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, Part III, Section 1(a), Page 55, dated 3 th !anuar", 1#$%) No. SRO A-8 !8 ." #n e$ercise o% &he po'ers con%erred (y Sec&ion 191 and su(-sec&ion )1* o% Sec&ion +,+ o% &he Tamil Nadu -is&ric& .unicipali&ies Ac&, 19 , )Tamil Nadu Ac& / o% 19 ,*, &he 0o1ernor o% Tamil Nadu here(y ma2es &he %ollo'ing rules 31. S-or' '*'!", "1'"&' &( )o%%"&)"%"&'.2 )a* These rules may (e called &he Tamil Nadu Hilly Areas Special Building Rules, 1981.
)(* They shall apply &o &he .unicipali&ies, To'nships and To'n 4anchaya&s &o 'hich &he pro1isions o% 5hap&ers #6 and 6 o% &he Tamil Nadu -is&ric& .unicipali&ies Ac&, 19 , )Tamil Nadu Ac& / o% 19 ,* ha1e (een e$&ended and lying in &he hilly areas lis&ed in &he Schedule appended &o &hose rules. )c* They shall apply &o ne' cons&ruc&ions, recons&ruc&ion, addi&ion and al&era&ion &o an e$is&ing (uilding 3

4ro1ided &ha& in &he case o% addi&ions &o an e$is&ing (uilding, &hey shall apply &o &he addi&ions only.

The Tamil Nadu Hilly Areas Special Building Rules, 1981

)d* They shall apply in addi&ion &o &he Tamil Nadu -is&ric& .unicipali&ies Building Rules, 197 applica(le &o &he area. )d* No&'i&hs&anding any&hing con&ained in &he Tamil Nadu -is&ric& .unicipali&ies Building Rules, 197 &hese special rules shall apply and in case o% inconsis&ency (e&'een &hese special rules and &he Tamil Nadu -is&ric& .unicipali&ies Building Rules, 197 , &he special rules 'ill pre1ail. )d* They shall come in&o %orce %rom &he da&e o% pu(lica&ion o% &his no&i%ica&ion in &he Tamil Nadu 0o1ernmen& 0a8e&&e.

2. S*'" r"3u*r"%"&'s .4 )a* No si&e ha1ing a gradien& s&eeper &han one 1er&ical &o &'o hori8on&al shall (e used %or cons&ruc&ion o% any (uilding. #n cases 'here &he slope is s&eeper up&o 1 in 1.9 i% ri1e&ing (y s&one masonry is done &o &he sa&is%ac&ion o% &he :$ecu&i1e Au&hori&y, (uilding cons&ruc&ion can (e permi&&ed in &he %orm o% s&epped cons&ruc&ion each s&ep shall (e no& less &han ; me&res in leng&h. #n all &he cases ade<ua&e num(er o% drainage holes shall (e incorpora&ed &o &he sa&is%ac&ion o% &he :$ecu&i1e Au&hori&y so &ha& a& all &imes &he si&e is properly drained.
)(* No si&e consis&ing o% made up soil shall (e used %or cons&ruc&ion o% a (uilding unless i& is properly consolida&ed and pro&ec&ed on &he unsuppor&ed (oundaries 'i&h re1e&men&s or re&aining 'all &o pre1en& land slides. )c* No si&e %alling 'i&hin &he geologically 'ea2 8one no&i%ied (y &he -is&ric& 5ollec&or shall (e used %or &he cons&ruc&ion o% any (uilding.

+. M" &s o5 A))"ss .2 )a* Any plo& in&ended %or cons&ruc&ion o% residen&ial (uilding, 'hich is no& a(u&&ing direc&ly on a pu(lic orpri1a&e s&ree&, shall ha1e access %rom such pu(lic or pri1a&e s&ree& &hrough a pa&h'ay. The minimum 'id&h o% such pa&h'ay shall (e 1 me&re %or a leng&h up&o 1, me&res and 1.9 me&res %or leng&h up&o +, me&res.
)(* The pa&h'ay men&ioned in su(-rule )a* shall (e %ormed 'i&h a gradien& no& s&eeper &han 1 in 1, or pro1ided 'i&h s&eps %or easy means o% access &o &he plo&. )c* Access &o plo&s (eyond +, me&res %rom a pu(lic or pri1a&e s&ree&, &he 'id&h o% such

access 'ay shall (e no& less &han +.9 me&res s&ar&ing %rom &he pu(lic or pri1a&e s&ree&. The gradien& o% such access shall (e no& s&eeper &han 1 in 1.9.

The Tamil Nadu Hilly Areas Special Building Rules, 1981

;. O$"& S$ )"s ( 0 6ro&' S$ )" 72 4lo&s made ou& o% e$ca1a&ed slope on compac&ed %ill slope, &he (uilding shall (e se& (ac2 %rom ou& o% %ill slopes (y a dis&ance o% no& less &han 1.9 me&res.

)(* Aggrega&e Open Space3" =here a (uilding 'he&her a&&ached or de&ached and 'holly or par&ly in&ended %or human ha(i&a&ion, an open space o% no& less &han 1!;&h o% &he area o% &he si&e shall (e le%& as 1acan& space open &o &he s2y.
4. H"*8-' o5 Bu*!(*&8 ." )a* The heigh& o% (uilding shall (e measured 'i&h re%erence &o &he a1erage le1el o% &he cen&ral line o% &he s&ree& in %ron&.

)(* 4lo&s no& a(u&&ing a s&ree& or plo& (elo' or a(o1e &he le1el o% &he s&ree&, &he heigh& shall (e measured 'i&h re%erence &o &he le1el o% &he (uilding si&e 3 4ro1ided &ha& &he heigh& o% &he (uilding shall no& e$ceed 1>! &imes &he 'id&h o% &he s&ree& %rom 'hich &he plo& gains access.
5. R"#"'%"&'s ." The re1e&men&s or re&aining 'all %orming par& o%&he si&e or (uilding de1elopmen& shall (e designed (y a <uali%ied engineer and e$ecu&ed &o &he sa&is%ac&ion o% &he :e$ecu&i1e Au&hori&y.

9. P r's o5 Bu*!(*&8.4 )a* &oundation ' Building more &han 19 me&res heigh& shall (e (uil& direc&ly on roc2 or on pile %ounda&ion. (b) Habitable Room ( The heigh& shall no& (e less &han .; me&res %or %la& roo% and no& less &han .1 me&res a& &he ea1es %or sloping roo%s. (c) Roofs : The roo% slope shall (e no& less &han 1 in ; %or pi&ched roo%s3 &he same

slope shall (e applica(le &o lean &o roo%s3 Roo%s shall also (e properly cons&ruc&ed &o drain &he rain 'a&er &hrough a do'n pipe sys&em.
(b) Kitchen : The heigh& o% a 2i&chen shall (e no& less &han .; me&res %or &he %la& roo%s

and no& less &han .1 me&res &o &he ea1es %or sloping roo%s. (d) Attic ( The a1erage heigh& o% a&&ic shall (e no& less &han 1.9 me&re.

The Tamil Nadu Hilly Areas Special Building Rules, 1981

&( 9"&'*! '*o& ." =indo's and 1en&ila&ors pro1ided in a room %or 1en&ila&ion shall ha1e an area o% no& less &han one-&en&h o% &he %loor area o% &he room.
8. Co&5or%*'/ 'o '-" N '*o& ! Bu*!(*&8 Co(", 19:, .2 All aspec&s o% S&ruc&ural -esign 5ons&ruc&ional 4rac&ices and Sa%e&y, Building Ser1ices and 4lum(ing Ser1ices shall con%orm &o 4ar& /#, 4ar& /##, 4ar& /### and 4ar& #6 o% &he Building 5ode o% #ndia, 197, respec&i1ely.

8. L*8-'*&8

;1,. A$$ro# ! </ Ar)-*'")'ur ! &( A"s'-"'*) As$")'s Co%%*''""." No permission shall (e-gran&ed %or cons&ruc&ion or recons&ruc&ion o% (uilding a(u&&ing impor&an& roads, as may(e speci%ied (y &he 0o1ernmen& in &he local (odies in &he hilly areas men&ioned in &he Schedule or 'i&hin a dis&ance o% &'o hundred me&res %rom &he (oundaries o% &he la2es a& ?dagamandalam, @odai2anal and Aercaud unless such (uilding or (uilding si&es are appro1ed (y &he Archi&ec&ural and Aes&he&ic Aspec&s 5ommi&&ee (y &he 0o1ernmen& %or such local (odies.B ;11. L"#"!!*&8 o5 ! &( 5or )o&s'ru)'*o&, )u!'*# '*o& or o'-"r=*s" ."The o'ners o% land in lo'er ele1a&ion a& &he &ime o% le1elling &heir land %or cons&ruc&ion, cul&i1a&ion or o&her'ise should no& 'ea2en &he e$is&ing re1e&men&s, re&aining 'all, cons&ruc&ion or (uilding o% &he higher ele1a&ion, (u& should s&reng&hen &he re&aining 'all or re1e&men&s &o &he sa&is%ac&ion o% &he :$ecu&i1e Au&hori&yB.

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1. Rule 1, added (y SRO - A- ;!8D-.A E =S, da&ed +rd Fanuary 198D. . Rule 11 added (y SRO - A-99 ! 9,-.A E =S, da&ed nd .arch 199,.


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