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1oday |s Wodnosday, lovombor 21, 2012

lopub||c ot tho lh|||pp|nos

El 3AlC
C.R. No. 02018 JuIy 25, 1000
5ALVADOR E. LAuREL, pot|t|onor,
RANON CARC|A, aa hoad ot tho Aaaot Privatization 1ruat, RAuL NANCLAPu5, aa 5ocrotary ot Foroign
Attaira, and CA1AL|NO NACARA|C, aa Exocutivo 5ocrotary, roaondonta.
C.R. No. 02047 JuIy 25, 1000
D|ON|5|O 5. OJEDA, otitionor,
ANBA55ADOR RANON DEL RO5AR|O, ot aI., aa mombora ot tho PR|NC|PAL AND B|DD|NC CONN|11EE5
Arturo M. 1olentIno |or petItIoner In 92013.

Cu1|ERREZ, JR., J.:
1hoao aro two otitiona tor rohibition aooking to on[oin roaondonta, thoir roroaontativoa and
agonta trom rocooding with tho bidding tor tho aaIo ot tho 8,170 aquaro motora ot Iand at 800
Roongi, 5-Chomo Ninato-ku 1okyo, Jaan achoduIod on Fobruary 21, 1000. Wo grantod tho rayor
tor a tomorary roatraining ordor ottoctivo Fobruary 20, 1000. Ono ot tho otitionora (in C.R. No. 02047)
Iikowiao rayoa tor a writ ot mandamua to comoI tho roaondonta to tuIIy diacIoao to tho ubIic tho
baaia ot thoir dociaion to uah through with tho aaIo ot tho Roongi roorty inairo ot atrong ubIic
ooaition and to oxIain tho rocoodinga which ottoctivoIy rovont tho articiation ot FiIiino
citizona and ontitioa in tho bidding rocoaa.
1ho oraI argumonta in C.R. No. 02018, Laurel v. GarcIa, et al. woro hoard by tho Court on Narch 18,
1000. Attor C.R. No. 02047, Ojeda v. 8ecretary MacaraIg, et al. waa tiIod, tho roaondonta woro roquirod
to tiIo a commont by tho Court'a roaoIution datod Fobruary 22, 1000. 1ho two otitiona woro
conaoIidatod on Narch 27, 1000 whon tho momoranda ot tho artioa in tho Laurel caao woro
doIiboratod uon.
1ho Court couId not act on thoao caaoa immodiatoIy bocauao tho roaondonta tiIod a motion tor an
oxtonaion ot thirty (80) daya to tiIo commont in C.R. No. 02047, toIIowod by a aocond motion tor an
oxtonaion ot anothor thirty (80) daya which wo grantod on Nay 8, 1000, a third motion tor oxtonaion ot
timo grantod on Nay 24, 1000 and a tourth motion tor oxtonaion ot timo which wo grantod on Juno 5,
1000 but caIIing tho attontion ot tho roaondonta to tho Iongth ot timo tho otitiona havo boon
onding. Attor tho commont waa tiIod, tho otitionor in C.R. No. 02047 aakod tor thirty (80) daya to tiIo a
roIy. Wo notod hia motion and roaoIvod to docido tho two (2) caaoa.
1ho aub[oct roorty in thia caao ia ono ot tho tour (4) roortioa in Jaan acquirod by tho PhiIiino
govornmont undor tho Roarationa Agroomont ontorod into with Jaan on Nay 0, 1050, tho othor Iota
(1) 1ho Namoidai Proorty at 11-24 Namoidai-machi, 5hibuya-ku, 1okyo which haa an aroa ot
aroximatoIy 2,480.00 aquaro motora, and ia at roaont tho aito ot tho PhiIiino Embaaay Chancory,
(2) 1ho Kobo CommorciaI Proorty at 08 Naniwa-cho, Kobo, with an aroa ot around 704.72 aquaro
motora and catogorizod aa a commorciaI Iot now boing uaod aa a warohouao and arking Iot tor tho
conauIato atatt, and
(8) 1ho Kobo RoaidontiaI Proorty at 1-080-2 Obanoyama-cho, 5hinohara, Nada-ku, Kobo, a roaidontiaI
Iot which ia now vacant.
1ho roortioa and tho caitaI gooda and aorvicoa rocurod trom tho Jaanoao govornmont tor
nationaI dovoIomont ro[octa aro art ot tho indomnitication to tho FiIiino ooIo tor thoir Ioaaoa in
Iito and roorty and thoir auttoring during WorId War ||.
1ho Roarationa Agroomont rovidoa that roarationa vaIuod at $550 miIIion wouId bo ayabIo in
twonty (20) yoara in accordanco with annuaI achoduIoa ot rocuromonta to bo tixod by tho PhiIiino
and Jaanoao govornmonta (ArticIo 2, Roarationa Agroomont). Ro. Act No. 1780, tho Roarationa
Law, roacriboa tho nationaI oIicy on rocuromont and utiIization ot roarationa and dovoIomont
Ioana. 1ho rocuromonta aro dividod into thoao tor uao by tho government sector and thoao tor prIvate
partIes in ro[octa aa tho thon NationaI Economic CounciI ahaII dotormino. 1hoao intondod tor tho
rivato aoctor ahaII bo mado avaiIabIo by aaIo to FiIiino citizona or to ono hundrod (100) orcont
FiIiino-ownod ontitioa in nationaI dovoIomont ro[octa.
convortoo by
1ho Roongi roorty waa acquirod trom tho Jaanoao govornmont undor tho 5ocond Yoar 5choduIo
and Iiatod undor tho hoading "Covornmont 5octor", through Roarationa Contract No. 800 datod Juno
27, 1058. 1ho Roongi roorty conaiata ot tho Iand and buiIding "tor tho Chancory ot tho PhiIiino
Embaaay" (Annox N-D to Nomorandum tor Potitionor, . 508). Aa intondod, it bocamo tho aito ot tho
PhiIiino Embaaay untiI tho Iattor waa tranatorrod to Namoidai on JuIy 22, 1070 whon tho Roongi
buiIding noodod ma[or roaira. Duo to tho taiIuro ot our govornmont to rovido nocoaaary tunda, tho
Roongi roorty haa romainod undovoIood ainco that timo.
ArooaaI waa roaontod to Proaidont Corazon C. Aquino by tormor PhiIiino Ambaaaador to Jaan,
CarIoa J. VaIdoz, to mako tho roorty tho aub[oct ot a Ioaao agroomont with a Jaanoao tirm - Ka[ima
Cororation ~ which ahaII conatruct two (2) buiIdinga in Roongi and ono (1) buiIding in Namoidai
and ronovato tho roaont PhiIiino Chancory in Namoidai. 1ho conaidoration ot tho conatruction
wouId bo tho Ioaao to tho toroign cororation ot ono (1) ot tho buiIdinga to bo conatructod in
Roongi and tho two (2) buiIdinga in Namoidai. 1ho othor buiIding in Roongi ahaII thon bo uaod aa
tho PhiIiino Embaaay Chancory. At tho ond ot tho Ioaao oriod, aII tho throo Ioaaod buiIdinga ahaII bo
occuiod and uaod by tho PhiIiino govornmont. No chango ot ownorahi or titIo ahaII occur. (5oo
Annox "B" to RoIy to Commont) 1ho PhiIiino govornmont rotaina tho titIo aII throughout tho Ioaao
oriod and thoroattor. Eowovor, tho govornmont haa not actod tavorabIy on thia rooaaI which ia
onding arovaI and ratitication botwoon tho artioa. |natoad, on Auguat 11, 1080, Proaidont Aquino
croatod a committoo to atudy tho diaoaition/utiIization ot PhiIiino govornmont roortioa in 1okyo
and Kobo, Jaan through Adminiatrativo Ordor No. 8, toIIowod by Adminiatrativo Ordora Numborod 8-A,
B, C and D.
On JuIy 25, 1087, tho Proaidont iaauod Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 ontitIing non-FiIiino citizona or
ontitioa to avaiI ot aoarationa' caitaI gooda and aorvicoa in tho ovont ot aaIo, Ioaao or diaoaition.
1ho tour roortioa in Jaan incIuding tho Roongi woro aociticaIIy montionod in tho tirat
"Whoroaa" cIauao.
Amidat ooaition by varioua aoctora, tho Exocutivo branch ot tho govornmont haa boon uahing, with
groat vigor, ita dociaion to aoII tho roarationa roortioa atarting with tho Roongi Iot. 1ho roorty
haa twico boon aot tor bidding at a minimum tIoor rico ot $225 miIIion. 1ho tirat bidding waa a taiIuro
ainco onIy ono biddor quaIitiod. 1ho aocond ono, attor oatonomonta, haa not yot matoriaIizod. 1ho
Iaat achoduIod bidding on Fobruary 21, 1000 waa roatrainod by hia Court. Lator, tho ruIoa on bidding
woro changod auch that tho $225 miIIion tIoor rico bocamo moroIy a auggoatod tIoor rico.
1ho Court tinda that oach ot tho horoin otitiona raiaoa diatinct iaauoa. 1ho otitionor in C.R. No. 02018
ob[octa to tho aIionation ot tho Roongi roorty to anyono whiIo tho otitionor in C.R. No. 02047
adda aa a rinciaI ob[oction tho aIIogod un[uatitiod biaa ot tho PhiIiino govornmont in tavor ot
aoIIing tho roorty to non-FiIiino citizona and ontitioa. 1hoao otitiona havo boon conaoIidatod and
aro roaoIvod at tho aamo timo tor tho ob[octivo ia tho aamo - to ato tho aaIo ot tho Roongi roorty.
1ho otitionor in C.R. No. 02018 raiaoa tho toIIowing iaauoa:
(1) Can tho Roongi roorty and othora ot ita kind bo aIionatod by tho PhiIiino Covornmont?, and
(2) Dooa tho Chiot Exocutivo, hor otticora and agonta, havo tho authority and [uriadiction, to aoII tho
Roongi roorty?
Potitionor Dioniaio O[oda in C.R. No. 02047, aart trom quoationing tho authority ot tho govornmont to
aIionato tho Roongi roorty aaaaiIa tho conatitutionaIity ot Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 in making tho
roorty avaiIabIo tor aaIo to non-FiIiino citizona and ontitioa. Eo aIao quoationa tho bidding
rocoduroa ot tho Committoo on tho utiIization or Diaoaition ot PhiIiino Covornmont Proortioa in
Jaan tor boing diacriminatory againat FiIiino citizona and FiIiino-ownod ontitioa by donying thom
tho right to bo intormod about tho bidding roquiromonta.
| n G.R. No. 92013, otitionor LauroI aaaorta that tho Roongi roorty and tho roIatod Iota woro
acquirod aa art ot tho roarationa trom tho Jaanoao govornmont tor diIomatic and conauIar uao by
tho PhiIiino govornmont. Vico-Proaidont LauroI atatoa that tho Roongi roorty ia cIaaaitiod aa
ono ot ubIic dominion, and not ot rivato ownorahi undor ArticIo 420 ot tho CiviI Codo (5oo intra).
1ho otitionor aubmita that tho Roongi roorty comoa undor "roorty intondod tor ubIic
aorvico" in aragrah 2 ot tho abovo roviaion. Eo atatoa that boing ono ot ubIic dominion, no
ownorahi by any ono can attach to it, not ovon by tho 5tato. 1ho Roongi and roIatod roortioa
woro acquirod tor "aitoa tor chancory, diIomatic, and conauIar quartora, buiIdinga and othor
imrovomonta" (5ocond Yoar Roarationa 5choduIo). 1ho otitionor atatoa that thoy continuo to bo
intondod tor a nocoaaary aorvico. 1hoy aro hoId by tho 5tato in anticiation ot an oortuno uao.
(Citing 8 Nanroaa 05-00). Eonco, it cannot bo aroriatod, ia outaido tho commorco ot man, or to ut
it in moro aimIo torma, it cannot bo aIionatod nor bo tho aub[oct mattor ot contracta (Citing
NuniciaIity ot Cavito v. Ro[aa, 80 PhiI. 20 [1015}). Noting tho non-uao ot tho Roongi roorty at tho
momont, tho otitionor avora that tho aamo romaina roorty ot ubIic dominion ao Iong aa tho
govornmont haa not uaod it tor othor uroaoa nor adotod any moaauro conatituting a romovaI ot ita
originaI uroao or uao.
1ho roaondonta, tor thoir art, rotuto tho otitionor'a contontion by aaying that tho aub[oct roorty
ia not govornod by our CiviI Codo but by tho Iawa ot Jaan whoro tho roorty ia Iocatod. 1hoy roIy
uon tho ruIo ot lex sItus which ia uaod in dotormining tho aIicabIo Iaw rogarding tho acquiaition,
tranator and dovoIution ot tho titIo to a roorty. 1hoy aIao invoko Oinion No. 21, 5orioa ot 1088,
datod January 27, 1088 ot tho 5ocrotary ot Juatico which uaod tho lex sItus in oxIaining tho
inaIicabiIity ot PhiIiino Iaw rogarding a roorty aituatod in Jaan.
1ho roaondonta add that ovon aaauming tor tho aako ot argumont that tho CiviI Codo ia aIicabIo,
tho Roongi roorty haa coaaod to bocomo roorty ot ubIic dominion. |t haa bocomo atrimoniaI
roorty bocauao it haa not boon uaod tor ubIic aorvico or tor diIomatic uroaoa tor ovor thirtoon
(18) yoara now (Citing ArticIo 422, CiviI Codo) and bocauao tho IntentIon by tho Exocutivo Doartmont
convortoo by
and tho Congroaa to convert It to prIvate use haa boon manitoatod by ovort acta, auch aa, among
othora: (1) tho tranator ot tho PhiIiino Embaaay to Namoidai (2) tho iaauanco ot adminiatrativo
ordora tor tho oaaibiIity ot aIionating tho tour govornmont roortioa in Jaan, (8) tho iaauanco ot
Exocutivo Ordor No. 200, (4) tho onactmont by tho Congroaa ot Ro. Act No. 0057 [tho Comrohonaivo
Agrarian Rotorm Law} on Juno 10, 1088 which containa a roviaion atating that tunda may bo takon
trom tho aaIo ot PhiIiino roortioa in toroign countrioa, (5) tho hoIding ot tho ubIic bidding ot tho
Roongi roorty but which taiIod, (0) tho dotormont by tho 5onato in RoaoIution No. 55 ot tho
bidding to a tuturo dato, thua an acknowIodgmont by tho 5onato ot tho govornmont'a intontion to
romovo tho Roongi roorty trom tho ubIic aorvico uroao, and (7) tho roaoIution ot thia Court
diamiaaing tho otition in Ojeda v. BIddIng CommIttee, et al., C.R. No. 87478 which aought to on[oin tho
aocond bidding ot tho Roongi roorty achoduIod on Narch 80, 1080.
| n G.R. No. 94047, otitionor O[oda onco moro aaka thia Court to ruIo on tho conatitutionaIity ot
Exocutivo Ordor No. 200. Eo had oarIior tiIod a otition in C.R. No. 87478 which tho Court diamiaaod on
Auguat 1, 1080. Eo now avora that tho oxocutivo ordor contravonoa tho conatitutionaI mandato to
conaorvo and dovoIo tho nationaI atrimony atatod in tho ProambIo ot tho 1087 Conatitution. |t aIao
aIIogodIy vioIatoa:
(1) 1ho roaorvation ot tho ownorahi and acquiaition ot aIionabIo Ianda ot tho ubIic domain to FiIiino
citizona. (5octiona 2 and 8, ArticIo X||, Conatitution, 5octiona 22 and 28 ot CommonwoaIth Act 141).I t c- asl
(2) 1ho rotoronco tor FiIiino citizona in tho grant ot righta, riviIogoa and concoaaiona covoring tho
nationaI oconomy and atrimony (5oction 10, ArticIo V|, Conatitution),
(8) 1ho rotoction givon to FiIiino ontorriaoa againat untair comotition and trado racticoa,
(4) 1ho guarantoo ot tho right ot tho ooIo to intormation on aII mattora ot ubIic concorn (5oction 7,
ArticIo |||, Conatitution),
(5) 1ho rohibition againat tho aaIo to non-FiIiino citizona or ontitioa not whoIIy ownod by FiIiino
citizona ot caitaI gooda rocoivod by tho PhiIiinoa undor tho Roarationa Act (5octiona 2 and 12 ot
Ro. Act No. 1780), and
(0) 1ho docIaration ot tho atato oIicy ot tuII ubIic diacIoauro ot aII tranaactiona invoIving ubIic
intoroat (5oction 28, ArticIo |||, Conatitution).
Potitionor O[oda warna that tho uao ot ubIic tunda in tho oxocution ot an unconatitutionaI oxocutivo
ordor ia a miaaIication ot ubIic tunda Eo atatoa that ainco tho dotaiIa ot tho bidding tor tho
Roongi roorty woro never publIcly dIsclosed untiI Fobruary 15, 1000 (or a tow daya botoro tho
achoduIod bidding), tho bidding guidoIinoa aro avaiIabIo onIy in 1okyo, and tho accomIiahmont ot
roquiromonta and tho aoIoction ot quaIitiod biddora ahouId bo dono in 1okyo, intoroatod FiIiino
citizona or ontitioa ownod by thom did not havo tho chanco to comIy with Purchaao Ottor
Roquiromonta on tho Roongi. Worao, tho Roongi ahaII bo aoId tor a minimum rico ot $225 miIIion
trom which rico caitaI gaina tax undor Jaanoao Iaw ot about 50 to 70ot tho tIoor rico wouId atiII
bo doductod.
1ho otitionora and roaondonta in both caaoa do not diauto tho tact that tho Roongi aito and tho
throo roIatod roortioa woro through roarationa agroomonta, that thoao woro aaaignod to tho
govornmont aoctor and that tho Roongi roorty itaoIt waa aociticaIIy doaignatod undor tho
Roarationa Agroomont to houao tho PhiIiino Embaaay.
1ho naturo ot tho Roongi Iot aa roorty tor ubIic aorvico ia oxroaaIy aoIIod out. |t ia dictatod by
tho torma ot tho Roarationa Agroomont and tho corroaonding contract ot rocuromont which bind
both tho PhiIiino govornmont and tho Jaanoao govornmont.
1horo can bo no doubt that it ia ot ubIic dominion unIoaa it ia convincingIy ahown that tho roorty
haa bocomo atrimoniaI. 1hia, tho roaondonta havo taiIod to do.
Aa roorty ot ubIic dominion, tho Roongi Iot ia outaido tho commorco ot man. |t cannot bo
aIionatod. |ta ownorahi ia a aociaI coIIoctivo ownorahi tor gonoraI uao and on[oymont, an
aIication to tho aatiataction ot coIIoctivo nooda, and roaidoa in tho aociaI grou. 1ho uroao ia not
to aorvo tho 5tato aa a [uridicaI oraon, but tho citizona, it ia intondod tor tho common and ubIic
woItaro and cannot bo tho ob[oct ot aroration. (1akon trom 8 Nanroaa, 00-00, citod in 1oIontino,
Commontarioa on tho CiviI Codo ot tho PhiIiinoa, 1008 Edition, VoI. ||, . 20).
1ho aIicabIo roviaiona ot tho CiviI Codo aro:
AR1. 410. Proorty ia oithor ot ubIic dominion or ot rivato ownorahi.
AR1. 420. 1ho toIIowing thinga aro roorty ot ubIic dominion
(1) 1hoao intondod tor ubIic uao, auch aa roada, canaIa, rivora, torronta, orta and bridgoa
conatructod by tho 5tato, banka ahoroa roadatoada, and othora ot aimiIar charactor,
(2) 1hoao which boIong to tho 5tato, without boing tor ubIic uao, and aro intondod tor
aomo ubIic aorvico or tor tho dovoIomont ot tho nationaI woaIth.
AR1. 421. AII othor roorty ot tho 5tato, which ia not ot tho charactor atatod in tho
rocoding articIo, ia atrimoniaI roorty.
1ho Roongi roorty ia corroctIy cIaaaitiod undor aragrah 2 ot ArticIo 420 ot tho CiviI Codo aa
roorty boIonging to tho 5tato and intondod tor aomo ubIic aorvico.
Eaa tho intontion ot tho govornmont rogarding tho uao ot tho roorty boon changod bocauao tho Iot
convortoo by
Eaa tho intontion ot tho govornmont rogarding tho uao ot tho roorty boon changod bocauao tho Iot
haa boon |dIo tor aomo yoara? Eaa it bocomo atrimoniaI?
1ho tact that tho Roongi aito haa not boon uaod tor a Iong timo tor actuaI Embaaay aorvico dooa not
automaticaIIy convort it to atrimoniaI roorty. Any auch convoraion haona onIy it tho roorty ia
withdrawn trom ubIic uao (Cobu Oxygon and AcotyIono Co. v. BorciIIoa, 00 5CRA 481 [1075}). A
roorty continuoa to bo art ot tho ubIic domain, not avaiIabIo tor rivato aroriation or
ownorahi untiI thoro ia a tormaI docIaration on tho art ot tho govornmont to withdraw it trom boing
auch (|gnacio v. Diroctor ot Landa, 108 PhiI. 885 [1000}).
1ho roaondonta onumorato varioua ronouncomonta by concornod ubIic otticiaIa inainuating a
chango ot intontion. Wo omhaaizo, howovor, that an abandonmont ot tho intontion to uao tho
Roongi roorty tor ubIic aorvico and to mako it atrimoniaI roorty undor ArticIo 422 ot tho CiviI
Codo must be de|InIte Abandonmont cannot bo intorrod trom tho non-uao aIono aociaIIy it tho non-uao
waa attributabIo not to tho govornmont'a own doIiborato and indubitabIo wiII but to a Iack ot tinanciaI
auort to roair and imrovo tho roorty (5oo Eoira ot FoIino 5antiago v. Lazaro, 100 5CRA 808
[1088}). Abandonmont muat bo a cortain and oaitivo act baaod on corroct IogaI romiaoa.
Amoro tranator ot tho PhiIiino Embaaay to Namoidai in 1070 ia not roIinquiahmont ot tho Roongi
roorty'a originaI uroao. Evon tho taiIuro by tho govornmont to roair tho buiIding in Roongi ia
not abandonmont ainco aa oarIior atatod, thoro aimIy waa a ahortago ot govornmont tunda. 1ho
rocont Adminiatrativo Ordora authorizing a atudy ot tho atatua and conditiona ot govornmont
roortioa in Jaan woro moroIy diroctivoa tor invoatigation but did not in any way aignity a cIoar
intontion to diaoao ot tho roortioa.
Exocutivo Ordor No. 200, though ita titIo docIaroa an "authority to aoII", dooa not havo a roviaion in
ita toxt oxroaaIy authorizing tho aaIo ot tho tour roortioa rocurod trom Jaan tor tho govornmont
aoctor. 1ho oxocutivo ordor dooa not docIaro that tho roortioa Ioat thoir ubIic charactor. |t moroIy
intonda to mako tho roortioa avaIlable to toroignora and not to FiIiinoa aIono In case o| a sale, Ioaao
or othor diaoaition. |t moroIy oIiminatoa tho roatriction undor Ro. Act No. 1780 that roarationa
gooda may bo aoId onIy to FiIiino citizona and ono hundrod (100) orcont FiIiino-ownod ontitioa.
1ho toxt ot Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 rovidoa:
5oction 1. 1ho roviaiona ot RoubIic Act No. 1780, aa amondod, and ot othor Iawa to tho
contrary notwithatanding, tho abovo-montionod roortioa can bo mado avaiIabIo tor aaIo,
Ioaao or any othor mannor ot diaoaition to non-FiIiino citizona or to ontitioa ownod by
non-FiIiino citizona.
Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 ia baaod on tho wrong romiao or aaaumtion that tho Roongi and tho
throo othor roortioa woro oarIior convortod into aIionabIo roaI roortioa. Aa oarIior atatod, Ro. Act
No. 1780 dittorontiatoa tho rocuromonta tor tho govornmont aoctor and tho rivato aoctor (5octiona 2
and 12, Ro. Act No. 1780). OnIy tho rivato aoctor roortioa can bo aoId to ond-uaora who muat bo
FiIiinoa or ontitioa ownod by FiIiinoa. |t ia thia nationaIity roviaion which waa amondod by Exocutivo
Ordor No. 200.
5oction 08 (c) ot Ro. Act No. 0057 (tho CARP Law) which rovidoa aa ono ot tho aourcoa ot tunda tor
ita imIomontation, tho rocooda ot tho diaoaition ot tho roortioa ot tho Covornmont in toroign
countrioa, did not withdraw tho Roongi roorty trom boing cIaaaitiod aa ono ot ubIic dominion
whon it montiona PhiIiino roortioa abroad. 5oction 08 (c) rotora to roortioa which aro aIionabIo
and not to thoao roaorvod tor ubIic uao or aorvico. Ro Act No. 0057, thorotoro, dooa not authorizo
tho Exocutivo Doartmont to aoII tho Roongi roorty. |t moroIy onumoratoa oaaibIo aourcoa ot
tuturo tunding to augmont (aa and whon noodod) tho Agrarian Rotorm Fund croatod undor Exocutivo
Ordor No. 200. ObviouaIy any roorty outaido ot tho commorco ot man cannot bo taod aa a aourco
ot tunda.
1ho roaondonta try to got around tho ubIic dominion charactor ot tho Roongi roorty by inaiating
that Jaanoao Iaw and not our CiviI Codo ahouId aIy.
|t ia oxcoodingIy atrango why our to govornmont otticiaIa, ot aII ooIo, ahouId bo tho onoa to inaiat
that in tho aaIo ot oxtromoIy vaIuabIo govornmont roorty, Jaanoao Iaw and not PhiIiino Iaw
ahouId rovaiI. 1ho Jaanoao Iaw - ita covorago and ottocta, whon onactod, and oxcotiona to ita
roviaion ~ ia not roaontod to tho Court |t ia aimIy aaaortod that tho lex locI reI sItae or Jaanoao
Iaw ahouId aIy without atating what that Iaw rovidoa. |t ia a od on taith that Jaanoao Iaw wouId
aIIow tho aaIo.
Wo aoo no roaaon why a contIict ot Iaw ruIo ahouId aIy whon no contIict ot Iaw aituation oxiata. A
contIict ot Iaw aituation ariaoa onIy whon: (1) 1horo ia a diauto ovor tho tItle or ownershIp ot an
immovabIo, auch that tho caacity to tako and tranator immovabIoa, tho tormaIitioa ot convoyanco, tho
oaaontiaI vaIidity and ottoct ot tho tranator, or tho intorrotation and ottoct ot a convoyanco, aro to bo
dotorminod (5oo 5aIonga, PrIvate lnternatIonal Law, 1081 od., . 877-888), and (2) Atoroign Iaw on Iand
ownorahi and ita convoyanco ia aaaortod to contIict with a domoatic Iaw on tho aamo mattora. Eonco,
tho nood to dotormino which Iaw ahouId aIy.
|n tho inatant caao, nono ot tho abovo oIomonta oxiata.
1ho iaauoa aro not concornod with vaIidity ot ownorahi or titIo. 1horo ia no quoation that tho roorty
boIonga to tho PhiIiinoa. 1ho iaauo ia tho authority ot tho roaondont otticiaIa to vaIidIy diaoao ot
roorty boIonging to tho 5tato. And tho vaIidity ot tho rocoduroa adotod to ottoct ita aaIo. 1hia ia
govornod by PhiIiino Law. 1ho ruIo ot lex sItus dooa not aIy.
1ho aaaortion that tho oinion ot tho 5ocrotary ot Juatico ahoda Iight on tho roIovanco ot tho lex sItus
ruIo ia miaIacod. 1ho oinion dooa not tackIo tho alIenabIlIty ot tho roaI roortioa rocurod through
roarationa nor tho oxiatonco in what body ot tho authority to aoII thom. |n diacuaaing who aro caabIo
o| acquIrIng tho Iota, tho 5ocrotary moroIy oxIaina that it ia tho toroign Iaw which ahouId dotormino
who can acquIre the propertIes ao that tho conatitutionaI Iimitation on acquiaition ot Ianda ot tho ubIic
domain to FiIiino citizona and ontitioa whoIIy ownod by FiIiinoa ia inaIicabIo. Wo aoo no oint in
boIaboring whothor or not thia oinion ia corroct. Why ahouId wo diacuaa who can acquiro tho
convortoo by
Roongi Iot whon thoro ia no ahowing that it can bo aoId?
1ho aubaoquont arovaI on Octobor 4, 1088 by Proaidont Aquino ot tho rocommondation by tho
invoatigating committoo to aoII tho Roongi roorty waa romaturo or, at tho vory Ioaat, conditionod
on a vaIid chango in tho ubIic charactor ot tho Roongi roorty. Noroovor, tho arovaI dooa not
havo tho torco and ottoct ot Iaw ainco tho Proaidont aIroady Ioat hor IogiaIativo owora. 1ho Congroaa
had aIroady convonod tor moro than a yoar.
Aaauming tor tho aako ot argumont, howovor, that tho Roongi roorty ia no Iongor ot ubIic
dominion, thoro ia anothor obatacIo to ita aaIo by tho roaondonta.
1here Is no law authorIzIng Its conveyance.
5oction 70 (t) ot tho Roviaod Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1017 rovidoa
5oction 70 (t ) Conveyances and contracts to whIch the Government Is a party. ~ |n caaoa in
which tho Covornmont ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa ia a arty to any dood or othor
inatrumont convoying tho titIo to roaI oatato or to any othor roorty tho vaIuo ot which ia
in oxcoaa ot ono hundrod thouaand oaoa, tho roaoctivo Doartmont 5ocrotary ahaII
roaro tho nocoaaary aora which, togothor with tho roor rocommondationa, shall be
submItted to the Congress o| the PhIlIppInes |or approval by the same. 5uch dood, inatrumont,
or contract ahaII bo oxocutod and aignod by tho Proaidont ot tho PhiIiinoa on bohaIt ot
tho Covornmont ot tho PhiIiinoa unIoaa tho Covornmont ot tho PhiIiinoa unIoaa tho
authority thorotor bo oxroaaIy voatod by Iaw in anothor otticor. (Emhaaia auIiod)
1ho roquiromont haa boon rotainod in 5oction 48, Book | ot tho Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1087 (Exocutivo
Ordor No. 202).
5EC. 48. O||IcIal AuthorIzed to Convey Real Property. ~ Whonovor roaI roorty ot tho
Covornmont ia authorIzed by law to be conveyed, tho dood ot convoyanco ahaII bo oxocutod
in bohaIt ot tho govornmont by tho toIIowing:
(1) For roorty boIonging to and titIod in tho namo ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa, by
tho Proaidont, unIoaa tho authority thorotor ia oxroaaIy voatod by Iaw in anothor otticor.
(2) For roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa but titIod in tho namo ot any
oIiticaI aubdiviaion or ot any cororato agoncy or inatrumontaIity, by tho oxocutivo hoad
ot tho agoncy or inatrumontaIity. (Emhaaia auIiod)
|t ia not tor tho Proaidont to convoy vaIuabIo roaI roorty ot tho govornmont on hia or hor own aoIo
wiII. Any auch convoyanco muat bo authorizod and arovod by a Iaw onactod by tho Congroaa. |t
roquiroa oxocutivo and IogiaIativo concurronco.
RoaoIution No. 55 ot tho 5onato datod Juno 8, 1080, aaking tor tho dotormont ot tho aaIo ot tho
Roongi roorty dooa not withdraw tho roorty trom ubIic domain much Ioaa authorizo ita aaIo. |t
ia a moro roaoIution, it ia not a tormaI docIaration abandoning tho ubIic charactor ot tho Roongi
roorty. |n tact, tho 5onato Committoo on Foroign RoIationa ia conducting hoaringa on 5onato
RoaoIution No. 784 which raiaoa aorioua oIicy conaidorationa and caIIa tor a tact-tinding invoatigation
ot tho circumatancoa bohind tho dociaion to aoII tho PhiIiino govornmont roortioa in Jaan.
1ho roaoIution ot thia Court in Ojeda v. BIddIng CommIttee, et al., supra, did not aaa uon tho
conatitutionaIity ot Exocutivo Ordor No. 200. Contrary to roaondonta' aaaortion, wo did not uhoId tho
authority ot tho Proaidont to aoII tho Roongi roorty. 1ho Court atatod that tho conatitutionaIity ot
tho oxocutivo ordor waa not tho roaI iaauo and that roaoIving tho conatitutionaI quoation waa "noithor
nocoaaary nor tinaIIy dotorminativo ot tho caao." 1ho Court notod that "[W}hat otitionor uItimatoIy
quoationa ia tho uao ot tho rocooda ot tho diaoaition ot tho Roongi roorty." |n omhaaizing that
"tho dociaion ot tho Exocutivo to diaoao ot tho Roongi roorty to tinanco tho CARP ... cannot bo
quoationod" in viow ot 5oction 08 (c) ot Ro. Act No. 0057, tho Court did not acknowIodgo tho tact that
tho roorty bocamo aIionabIo nor did it indicato that tho Proaidont waa authorizod to diaoao ot tho
Roongi roorty. 1ho roaoIution ahouId bo road to moan that in caao tho Roongi roorty ia ro-
cIaaaitiod to bo atrimoniaI and aIionabIo by authority ot Iaw, tho rocooda ot a aaIo may bo uaod tor
nationaI oconomic dovoIomont ro[octa incIuding tho CARP.
Noroovor, tho aaIo in 1080 did not matoriaIizo. 1ho otitiona botoro ua quoation tho rooaod 1000
aaIo ot tho Roongi roorty. Wo aro roaoIving tho iaauoa raiaod in thoao otitiona, not tho iaauoa
raiaod in 1080.
Eaving docIarod a nood tor a Iaw or tormaI docIaration to withdraw tho Roongi roorty trom ubIic
domain to mako it aIionabIo and a nood tor IogiaIativo authority to aIIow tho aaIo ot tho roorty, wo
aoo no comoIIing roaaon to tackIo tho conatitutionaI iaauoa raiaod by otitionor O[oda.
1ho Court dooa not ordinariIy aaa uon conatitutionaI quoationa unIoaa thoao quoationa aro roorIy
raiaod in aroriato caaoa and thoir roaoIution ia nocoaaary tor tho dotormination ot tho caao (PooIo
v. Vora, 05 PhiI. 50 [1087}). 1ho Court wiII not aaa uon a conatitutionaI quoation aIthough roorIy
roaontod by tho rocord it tho caao can bo diaoaod ot on aomo othor ground auch aa tho aIication
ot a atatuto or gonoraI Iaw (5iIor v. LouiaviIIo and NaahviIIo R. Co., 218 u.5. 175, [1000}, RaiIroad
Commiaaion v. PuIIman Co., 812 u.5. 400 [1041}).
1ho otitionor in C.R. No. 02018 atatoa why tho Roongi roorty ahouId not bo aoId:
1ho Roongi roorty ia not [uat Iiko any ioco ot roorty. |t waa givon to tho FiIiino
ooIo in roaration tor tho Iivoa and bIood ot FiIiinoa who diod and auttorod during tho
Jaanoao miIitary occuation, tor tho auttoring ot widowa and orhana who Ioat thoir Iovod
onoa and kindrod, tor tho homoa and othor roortioa Ioat by countIoaa FiIiinoa during
tho war. 1ho 1okyo roortioa aro a monumont to tho bravory and aacritico ot tho FiIiino
ooIo in tho taco ot an invador, Iiko tho monumonta ot RizaI, Ouozon, and othor FiIiino
horooa, wo do not oxoct oconomic or tinanciaI bonotita trom thom. But who wouId think ot
convortoo by
aoIIing thoao monumonta? FiIiino honor and nationaI dignity dictato that wo koo our
roortioa in Jaan aa momoriaIa to tho countIoaa FiIiinoa who diod and auttorod. Evon it
wo ahouId bocomo auora wo ahouId not think ot aoIIing thom. For it wouId bo aa it wo
aoId tho Iivoa and bIood and toara ot our countrymon. (RoIIo- C.R. No. 02018, .147)
1ho otitionor in C.R. No. 02047 aIao atatoa:
Roongi ia no ordinary roorty. |t ia ono codod by tho Jaanoao govornmont in
atonomont tor ita aat boIIigoronco tor tho vaIiant aacritico ot Iito and Iimb and tor doatha,
hyaicaI diaIocation and oconomic dovaatation tho whoIo FiIiino ooIo ondurod in WorId
War ||.
|t ia tor what it atanda tor, and tor what it couId novor bring back to Iito, that ita aigniticanco
today romaina undimmod, inairo ot tho Iaao ot 45 yoara ainco tho war ondod, inairo ot
tho aaaago ot 82 yoara ainco tho roorty aaaod on to tho PhiIiino govornmont.
Roongi ia a romindor that cannot ~ ahouId not ~ bo diaaiatod ... (RoIIo-02047, . 0)
|t ia indood truo that tho Roongi roorty ia vaIuabIo not ao much bocauao ot tho intIatod ricoa
totchod by roaI roorty in 1okyo but moro ao bocauao ot ita aymboIic vaIuo to aII FiIiinoa ~ votorana
and civiIiana aIiko. Whothor or not tho Roongi and roIatod roortioa wiII ovontuaIIy bo aoId ia a
oIicy dotormination whoro both tho Proaidont and Congroaa muat concur. Conaidoring tho roortioa'
imortanco and vaIuo, tho Iawa on convoraion and diaoaition ot roorty ot ubIic dominion muat bo
taithtuIIy toIIowod.
WEEREFORE, |N V|EW OF 1EE FORECO|NC, tho otitiona aro CRAN1ED. Awrit ot rohibition ia iaauod
on[oining tho roaondonta trom rocooding with tho aaIo ot tho Roongi roorty in 1okyo, Jaan.
1ho Fobruary 20, 1000 1omorary Roatraining Ordor ia mado PERNANEN1.
MelencIo-Herrera, Paras, BIdIn, GrIo-AquIno and Regalado, JJ., concur.

5oarato Oiniona

CRuZ, J., concurring:
| concur comIotoIy with tho oxcoIIont ononcia ot Nr. Juatico Cutiorroz and wiII add tho toIIowing
obaorvationa onIy tor omhaaia.
|t ia cIoar that tho roaondonta havo taiIod to ahow tho Proaidont'a IogaI authority to aoII tho Roongi
roorty. Whon aakod to do ao at tho hoaring on thoao otitiona, tho 5oIicitor ConoraI waa at boat
ambiguoua, aIthough | muat add in tairnoaa that thia waa not hia tauIt. 1ho tact ia that thoro ia -no auch
authority. LogaI oxortiao aIono cannot con[uro that atatutory ormiaaion out ot thin air.
Exoc. Ordor No. 200, which roada Iiko ao much IogiaIativo, doubIo taIk, dooa not contain auch authority.
Noithor dooa Ro. Act No. 0057, which aimIy aIIowa tho rocooda ot tho aaIo ot our roortioa abroad
to bo uaod tor tho comrohonaivo agrarian rotorm rogram. 5onato Roa. No. 55 waa a moro roquoat
tor tho dotormont ot tho achoduIod aaIo ot tiIo Roongi roorty, oaaibIy to ato tho tranaaction
aItogothor, and iII any caao it ia not a Iaw. 1ho aaIo ot tho aaid roorty may bo authorizod onIy by
Congroaa through a duIy onactod atatuto, and thoro ia no auch Iaw.
Onco again, wo havo attirmod tho rinciIo that oura ia a govornmont ot Iawa and not ot mon, whoro
ovory ubIic otticiaI, trom tho Iowoat to tho highoat, can act onIy by virtuo ot a vaIid authorization. | am
hay to noto that in tho aovoraI caaoa whoro thia Court haa ruIod againat hor, tho Proaidont ot tho
PhiIiinoa haa aubmittod to thia rinciIo with bocoming graco.

PAD|LLA, J., concurring:
| concur in tho dociaion onnod by Nr. Juatico Cutiorroz, Jr., | onIy wiah to mako a tow obaorvationa
which couId hoI in turthor cIaritying tho iaauoa.
undor our triartito ayatom ot govornmont ordainod by tho Conatitution, it ia Congroaa that Iaya down
or dotorminoa oIicioa. 1ho Proaidont oxocutoa auch oIicioa. 1ho oIicioa dotorminod by Congroaa
aro ombodiod in IogiaIativo onactmonta that havo to bo arovod by tho Proaidont to bocomo Iaw. 1ho
Proaidont, ot courao, rocommonda to Congroaa tho arovaI ot oIicioa but, in tho tinaI anaIyaia, it ia
Congroaa that ia tho oIicy - dotormining branch ot govornmont.
1ho [udiciary intorrota tho Iawa and, in aroriato caaoa, dotorminoa whothor tho Iawa onactod by
Congroaa and arovod by tho Proaidont, and roaidontiaI acta imIomonting auch Iawa, aro in
accordanco with tho Conatitution.
1ho Roongi roorty waa acquirod by tho PhiIiino govornmont urauant to tho roarationa
agroomont botwoon tho PhiIiino and Jaanoao govornmonta. undor auch agroomont, thia roorty
waa acquirod by tho PhiIiino govornmont tor a aocitic uroao, namoIy, to aorvo aa tho aito ot tho
PhiIiino Embaaay in 1okyo, Jaan. ConaoquontIy, Roongi ia a roorty ot ubIic dominion and
intondod tor ubIic aorvico, aquaroIy taIIing within that cIaaa ot roorty undor Art. 420 ot tho CiviI
Codo, which rovidoa:
Art. 420. 1ho toIIowing thinga aro roorty ot ubIic dominion :
convortoo by
(1) ...
(2) 1hoao which boIong to tho 5tato, without boing tor ubIic uao, and aro intondod tor
aomo ubIic aorvico or tor tho dovoIomont ot tho nationaI woaIth. (880a)
PubIic dominion roorty intondod tor ubIic aorvico cannot bo aIionatod unIoaa tho roorty ia tirat
tranatormod into rivato roorty ot tho atato othorwiao known aa atrimoniaI roorty ot tho atato.
1ho tranatormation ot ubIic dominion roorty to atato atrimoniaI roorty invoIvoa, to my mind, a
polIcy decIsIon. |t ia a oIicy dociaion bocauao tho troatmont ot tho roorty varioa according to ita
cIaaaitication. ConaoquontIy, it ia Congroaa which can docido and docIaro tho convoraion ot Roongi
trom a ubIic dominion roorty to a atato atrimoniaI roorty. Congroaa haa mado no auch dociaion
or docIaration.
Noroovor, tho aaIo ot ubIic roorty (onco convortod trom ubIic dominion to atato atrimoniaI
roorty) muat bo arovod by Congroaa, tor thia again ia a mattor ot oIicy (i.o. to koo or diaoao ot
tho roorty). 5oc. 48, Book 1 ot tho Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1087 rovidoa:
5EC. 48. O||IcIal AuthorIzed to Convey Real Property. ~ Whonovor roaI roorty ot tho
Covornmont ia authorizod by Iaw to bo convoyod, tho dood ot convoyanco ahaII bo
oxocutod in bohaIt ot tho govornmont by tho toIIowing:
(1) For roorty boIonging to and titIod in tho namo ot tho RoubIic ot tho
PhiIiinoa, by tho Proaidont, unIoaa tho authority thorotor ia oxroaaIy voatod
by Iaw in anothor otticor.
(2) For roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa but titIod in tho
namo ot any oIiticaI aubdiviaion or ot any cororato agoncy or inatrumontaIity,
by tho oxocutivo hoad ot tho agoncy or inatrumontaIity. (Emhaaia auIiod)
But tho rocord ia baro ot any congroaaionaI dociaion or arovaI to aoII Roongi. 1ho rocord ia
Iikowiao baro ot any congroaaionaI authority oxtondod to tho Proaidont to aoII Roongi thru ubIic
bidding or othorwiao.
|t ia thorotoro, cIoar that tho Proaidont cannot aoII or ordor tho aaIo ot Roongi thru ubIic bidding or
othorwiao without a rior congroaaionaI arovaI, tirat, convorting Roongi trom a ubIic dominion
roorty to a atato atrimoniaI roorty, and, aocond, authorizing tho Proaidont to aoII tho aamo.
ACCORD|NCLY, my voto ia to CRAN1 tho otition and to mako PERNANEN1 tho tomorary roatraining
ordor oarIior iaauod by thia Court.

5ARN|EN1O, J., concurring:
1ho contraI quoation, aa | aoo it, ia whothor or not tho ao-caIIod "Roongi roorty' haa Ioat ita naturo
aa roorty ot ubIic dominion, and honco, haa bocomo atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato. | undoratand
that tho artioa aro agrood that it waa roorty intondod tor "ubIic aorvico" within tho contomIation
ot aragrah (2), ot ArticIo 480, ot tho CiviI Codo, and accordingIy, Iand ot 5tato dominion, and boyond
human commorco. 1ho Iono iaauo ia, in tho Iight ot auorvoning dovoIomonta, that ia non-uaor
thoroot by tho NationaI Covornmont (tor diIomatic uroaoa) tor tho Iaat thirtoon yoara, tho iaauanco
ot Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 making it avaiIabIo tor aaIo to any intoroatod buyor, tho romuIgation ot
RoubIic Act No. 0057, tho Comrohonaivo Agrarian Rotorm Law, making avaiIabIo tor tho rogram'a
tinancing, 5tato aaaota aoId, tho arovaI by tho Proaidont ot tho rocommondation ot tho invoatigating
committoo tormod to atudy tho roorty'a utiIization, and tho iaauanco ot RoaoIution No. 55 ot tho
PhiIiino 5onato roquoating tor tho dotormont ot ita diaoaition it, "Roongi", ia atiII roorty ot tho
ubIic dominion, and it it ia not, how it Ioat that charactor.
Whon Iand ot tho ubIic dominion coaaoa to bo ono, or whon tho chango takoa Iaco, ia a quoation our
courta havo dobatod oarIy. |n a 1000 dociaion,
it waa hoId that roorty ot tho ubIic dominion, a
ubIic Iaza in thia inatanco, bocomoa atrimoniaI uon uao thoroot tor uroaoa othor than a Iaza. |n
a Iator caao,
thia ruIing waa roitoratod. Likowiao, it haa boon hoId that Iand, originaIIy rivato
roorty, haa bocomo ot ubIic dominion uon ita donation to tho town and ita convoraion and uao aa
a ubIic Iaza.
|t ia notabIo that undor thoao throo caaoa, tho charactor ot tho roorty, and any
chango occurring thoroin, doonda on tho actuaI uao to which it ia dodicatod.
Nuch Iator, howovor, tho Court hoId that "untiI a tormaI docIaration on tho art ot tho Covornmont,
through tho oxocutivo doartmont or tho LogiaIativo, to tho ottoct that tho Iand . . . ia no Iongor
noodod tor [ubIic} aorvico- tor ubIic uao or tor aociaI induatrioa, [it} continuo[a} to bo art ot tho
ubIic [dominion}, not avaiIabIo tor rivato oxroriation or ownorahi."
5o aIao, it waa ruIod that a
oIiticaI aubdiviaion (tho City ot Cobu in thia caao) aIono may docIaro (undor ita chartor) a city road
abandonod and thoroattor, to diaoao ot it.
|n hoIding that thoro ia "a nood tor a Iaw or tormaI docIaration to withdraw tho Roongi roorty trom
ubIic domain to mako it aIionabIo and a Iand tor IogiaIativo authority to aIIow tho aaIo ot tho roorty"
tho ma[ority Iaya atroaa to tho tact that: (1) An attirmativo act ~ oxocutivo or IogiaIativo ~ ia
nocoaaary to rocIaaaity roorty ot tho ubIic dominion, and (2) a IogiaIativo docroo ia roquirod to
mako it aIionabIo. |t aIao cIoara tho uncortaintioa brought about by oarIior intorrotationa that tho
naturo ot roorty-whothor ubIic or atrimoniaI ia rodicatod on tho mannor it ia actuaIIy uaod, or not
uaod, and in tho aamo broath, roudiatoa tho Covornmont'a oaition that tho continuoua non-uao ot
"Roongi", among othor argumonta, tor "diIomatic uroaoa", haa turnod it into 5tato atrimoniaI
| tooI that thia viow corroaonda to oxiating ronouncomonta ot thia Court, among othor thinga, that:
(1) Proorty ia roaumod to bo 5tato roorty in tho abaonco ot any ahowing to tho contrary,
(2) With
convortoo by
roaoct to toroat Ianda, tho aamo continuo to bo Ianda ot tho ubIic dominion unIoaa and untiI
rocIaaaitiod by tho Exocutivo Branch ot tho Covornmont,
and (8) AII naturaI roaourcoa, undor tho
Conatitution, and aub[oct to oxcotionaI caaoa, boIong to tho 5tato.
| am oIatod that tho Court haa baniahod rovioua uncortaintioa.

FEL|C|ANO, J., diaaonting
With rogrot, | tind myaoIt unabIo to aharo tho concIuaiona roachod by Nr. Juatico Eugo E. Cutiorroz, Jr.
For uroaoa ot thia aoarato oinion, | aaaumo that tho ioco ot Iand Iocatod in 800 Roongi, 5-
Chomo, Ninato-ku 1okyo, Jaan (horoinattor rotorrod to aa tho "Roongi roorty") may bo
charactorizod aa roorty ot ubIic dominion, within tho moaning ot ArticIo 420 (2) ot tho CiviI Codo:
[Proorty} which boIong[a} to tho 5tato, without boing tor ubIic uao, and aro intondod tor
aomo ubIic aorvico -.
|t might not bo amiaa howovor, to noto that tho aroriatonoaa ot trying to bring within tho continoa
ot tho aimIo throotoId cIaaaitication tound in ArticIo 420 ot tho CiviI Codo ("roorty tor ubIic uao
roorty "intondod tor aomo ubIic aorvico" and roorty intondod "tor tho dovoIomont ot tho
nationaI woaIth") all property ownod by tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa whothor tound within tho
torritoriaI boundarioa ot tho RoubIic or Iocatod within tho torritory ot anothor aovoroign 5tato, ia not
aoIt-ovidont. 1ho tirat itom ot tho cIaaaitication roorty intondod tor publIc use ~ can acarcoIy bo
roorIy aIiod to roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic but tound within tho torritory ot anothor 5tato.
1ho third itom ot tho cIaaaitication roorty intondod tor tho dovoIomont ot tho nationaI woaIth ia
iIIuatratod, in ArticIo 880 ot tho 5aniah CiviI Codo ot 1880, by minoa or minoraI roortioa. Again,
minoraI Ianda ownod by a aovoroign 5tato aro raroIy, it ovor, tound within tho torritoriaI baao ot
anothor aovoroign 5tato. 1ho taak ot oxamining in dotaiI tho aIicabiIity ot tho cIaaaitication aot out in
ArticIo 420 ot our CiviI Codo to roorty that tho PhiIiinoa haona to own outaido ita own
boundarioa muat, howovor, bo Iott to acadomiciana.
For roaont uroaoa, too, | agroo that thoro ia no quoation ot contIict ot Iawa that ia, at the present
tIme, botoro thia Court. 1ho iaauoa botoro ua roIato oaaontiaIIy to authority to aoII tho Roongi
roorty so |ar as PhIlIppIne law Is concerned.
1ho ma[ority oinion raiaoa two (2) iaauoa: (a) whothor or not tho Roongi roorty haa boon
convortod into atrimoniaI roorty or roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato, and (b) aaauming
an attirmativo anawor to (a), whothor or not thoro ia IogaI authority to diaoao ot tho Roongi
Addroaaing tho tirat iaauo ot convoraion ot roorty ot ubIic dominion intondod tor aomo ubIic
aorvico, into roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho RoubIic, it ahouId bo notod that tho CiviI Codo
dooa not addroaa tho quoation ot who haa authority to ottoct auch convoraion. Noithor dooa tho CiviI
Codo aot out or rotor to any procedure tor auch convoraion.
Our caao Iaw, howovor, containa aomo tairIy oxIicit ronouncomonta on thia oint, aa Juatico
5armionto haa ointod out in hia concurring oinion. |n lgnacIo v. Irector o| Lands (108 PhiIa. 885
[1000}), otitionor |gnacio arguod that it tho Iand in quoation tormod art ot tho ubIic domain, tho triaI
court ahouId havo docIarod tho aamo no Iongor nocoaaary tor ubIic uao or ubIic uroaoa and
which wouId, thorotoro, havo bocomo diaoaabIo and avaiIabIo tor rivato ownorahi. Nr. Juatico
Nontomayor, aoaking tor tho Court, aaid:
ArticIo 4 ot tho Law ot Watora ot 1800 rovidoa that whon a ortion ot tho ahoro ia no
Iongor waahod by tho watora ot tho aoa and ia not nocoaaary tor uroaoa ot ubIic utiIity,
or tor tho oatabIiahmont ot aociaI induatrioa, or tor coaat-guard aorvico, tho govornmont
ahaII docIaro it to bo tho roorty ot tho ownora ot tho oatatoa ad[acont thoroto and aa an
incromont thoroot. Wo boIiovo that only the executIve and possIbly the legIslatIve
departments have the authorIty and the power to make the declaratIon that any Iand ao
gainod by tho aoa, ia not nocoaaary tor uroaoa ot ubIic utiIity, or tor tho oatabIiahmont
ot aociaI induatrioa, or tor coaat-guard aorvico. l| no such declaratIon has been made by
saId departments, the lot In questIon |orms part o| the publIc domaIn. (Natividad v. Diroctor ot
Landa, supra.)
1ho roaaon tor thia ronouncomont, according to thia 1ribunaI in tho caao ot Viconto Jovon
y Nontovordo v. Diroctor ot Landa, 08 PhiI., 184 (citod in VoIayo'a Digoat, VoI. 1, . 52).
... ia undoubtodIy that tho courta aro noithor rimariIy caIIod uon, nor indood in a oaition
to dotormino whothor any ubIic Iand aro to bo uaod tor tho uroaoa aocitiod in ArticIo 4
ot tho Law ot Watora. ConaoquontIy, untiI a |ormal declaratIon on the part o| the Government,
through the executIve department or the LegIslature, to the e||ect that the land In questIon Is
no longer needed |or coast-guard servIce, |or publIc use or |or specIal IndustrIes, they
contInue to be part o| the publIc domaIn not avaIlable |or prIvate approprIatIon or ownershIp.
(108 PhiI. at 888-880, omhaaia auIiod)
1hua, undor |gnacio, oithor tho ExecutIve epartment or the LegIslatIve epartment may convort
roorty ot tho 5tato ot ubIic dominion into atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato. No articuIar tormuIa or
rocoduro ot convoraion ia aocitiod oithor in atatuto Iaw or in caao Iaw. ArticIo 422 ot tho CiviI Codo
aimIy atatoa that: "Proorty ot ubIic dominion, when no longer Intended |or ubIic uao or tor publIc
servIce, shall |orm part ot tho atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato". | roaocttuIIy aubmit, thorotoro, that
tho onIy roquiromont which ia IogitimatoIy imoaabIo ia that tho intont to convort muat bo roaaonabIy
cIoar trom a conaidoration ot tho acta or acta ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont or ot tho LogiaIativo
Doartmont which aro aaid to havo ottoctod auch convoraion.
convortoo by
1ho aamo IogaI aituation oxiata in roaoct ot convoraion ot roorty ot ubIic dominion boIonging to
municiaI cororationa, i.o., IocaI govornmontaI unita, into atrimoniaI roorty ot auch ontitioa. |n
Cebu Oxygen Acetylene v. BercIlles (00 5CRA 481 [1075}), tho City CounciI ot Cobu by roaoIution
docIarod a cortain ortion ot an oxiating atroot aa an abandonod road, "tho aamo not boing incIudod in
tho city dovoIomont Ian". 5ubaoquontIy, by anothor roaoIution, tho City CounciI ot Cobu authorizod
tho acting City Nayor to aoII tho Iand through ubIic bidding. Although there was no |ormal and explIcIt
declaratIon o| conversIon o| property |or publIc use Into patrImonIal property, tho 5uromo Court aaid:
xxx xxx xxx
(2) 8Ince that portIon o| the cIty street subject o| petItIoners applIcatIon |or regIstratIon o| tItle
was wIthdrawn |rom publIc use, It |ollows that such wIthdrawn portIon becomes patrImonIal
property whIch can be the object o| an ordInary contract.
ArticIo 422 ot tho CiviI Codo oxroaaIy rovidoa that "Proorty ot ubIic dominion, whon no
Iongor intondod tor ubIic uao ot tor ubIic aorvico, ahaII torm art ot tho atrimoniaI
roorty ot tho 5tato."
Boaidoa, tho Roviaod Chartor ot tho City ot Cobu horototoro quotod, in vory cIoar and
unoquivocaI torma, atatoa that "Proorty thua withdrawn trom ubIic aorvitudo may bo
uaod or convoyod tor any uroao tor which othor roaI roorty boIonging to tho City may
bo IawtuIIy uaod or convoyod."
AccordingIy, the wIthdrawal o| the property In questIon |rom publIc use and Its subsequent
sale to the petItIoner Is valId. Eonco, tho otitionor haa a rogiatrabIo titIo ovor tho Iot in
quoation. (00 5CRAat 484-, omhaaia auIiod)
1hua, again aa ointod out by 5armionto J., in hia aoarato oinion, in tho caao ot roorty ownod by
municiaI cororationa aimIo non-uao or tho actuaI dodication ot ubIic roorty to aomo uao othor
than "ubIic uao" or aomo "ubIic aorvico", waa autticiont IogaIIy to convort auch roorty into
atrimoniaI roorty (MunIcIpalIty o| Oas v. Roa, 7 PhIl. 20 [190j- MunIcIpalIty o| HInunganan v. Irector
o| Lands 24 PhIl. 124 [1913j; ProvInce o| Zamboanga del Norte v. CIty o| Zamboanga, 22 5CRA1884 (1008).
| wouId aIao add that auch waa tho caao not onIy in roaoct ot' roorty ot municiaI cororationa but
aIao in roaoct ot roorty ot tho 5tato itaoIt. Nanroaa in commonting on ArticIo 841 ot tho 1880
5aniah CiviI Codo which haa boon carriod ovor verbatIm into our CiviI Codo by ArticIo 422 thoroot,
La diticuItad mayor on todo oato oatriba, naturaImonto, on ti[ar oI momonto on quo Ioa
bionoa do dominio ubIico do[an do aorIo. 5i Ia Adminiatracion o Ia autoridad comotonto
IogiaIativo roaIizan qun acto on virtud doI cuaI coaa oI doatino o uao ubIico do Ioa bionoa
do quo ao trata naturaImonto Ia diticuItad quoda doado oI rimor momonto roauoIta. Eay un
unto do artida ciorto ara iniciar Iaa roIacionoa [uridicaa a quo udiora habor Iugar Pero
puede ocurrIr que no haya taldeclaracIon expresa, legIslatIva or admInIstratIva, y, sIn embargo,
cesar de hecho el destIno publIco de los bIenes, ahora bion, en este caso, y ara Ioa otoctoa
[uridicoa quo roauItan do ontrar Ia coaa on oI comorcio do Ioa hombroa,' se entedera que se
ha verI|Icado la conversIon de los bIenes patrImonIales7
EI citado tratadiata Ricci oina, roaocto doI antiguo Codigo itaIiano, or Ia atirmativa, y or
nuoatra arto croomoa quo taI dobo aor Ia aoIuciion. EI doatino do Iaa coaaa no doondo
tanto do una docIaracion oxroaa como doI uao ubIico do Iaa miamaa, y cuanda oI uao
ubIico coao con roaocto do dotorminadoa bionoa, coaa tambion au aituacion on oI
dominio ubIico. 5i una tortaIoza on ruina ao abandona y no ao roara, ai un trozo do Ia via
ubIica ao abandona tambion or conatituir otro nuovo an mo[oroa condicionoa....amboa
bionoa coaan do oatar Codigo, y Ioyoa oaociaIoa maa o momoa adminiatrativaa. (8
Nanroaa, Comontarioa aI Codigo CiviI EaanoI, . 128 [7a od., 1052) (Emhaaia auIiod)
1ho ma[ority oinion aaya that nono ot tho oxocutivo acta ointod to by tho Covornmont urortod,
oxroaaIy or dotinitoIy, to convort tho Roongi roorty into atrimoniaI roorty ~ ot tho RoubIic.
Aaauming that to bo tho caao, it ia roaocttuIIy aubmittod that cumulatIve e||ect ot tho oxocutivo acta
horo invoIvod waa to convort roorty originaIIy intondod tor and dovotod to ubIic aorvico into
atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato, that ia, roorty auacotibIo ot diaoaition to and aroration by
rivato oraona. 1hoao oxocutivo acta, In theIr totalIty it not oach individuaI act, mako cryataI cIoar tho
intont ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont to ottoct auch convoraion. 1hoao oxocutivo acta incIudo:
(a) Adminiatrativo Ordor No. 8 datod 11 Auguat 1085, which croatod a Committoo to atudy tho
diaoaition/utiIization ot tho Covornmont'a roorty in Jaan, 1ho Committoo waa comoaod ot
otticiaIa ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont: tho Exocutivo 5ocrotary, tho PhiIiino Ambaaaador to Jaan,
and roroaontativoa ot tho Doartmont ot Foroign Attaira and tho Aaaot Privatization 1ruat. On 10
5otombor 1088, tho Committoo rocommondod to tho Proaidont tho aaIo ot ono ot tho Iota (tho Iot
aociticaIIy in Roongi) through ubIic bidding. On 4 Octobor 1088, tho Proaidont arovod tho
rocommondation ot tho Committoo.
On 14 Docombor 1088, tho PhiIiino Covornmont by diIomatic noto intormod tho Jaanoao Niniatry
ot Foroign Attaira ot tho RoubIic'a intontion to diaoao ot tho roorty in Roongi. 1ho Jaanoao
Covornmont through ita Niniatry ot Foroign Attaira roIiod that it intoroaod no ob[oction to auch
diaoaition by tho RoubIic. 5ubaoquontIy, tho Proaidont and tho Committoo intormod tho Ioadora ot
tho Eouao ot Roroaontativoa and ot tho 5onato ot tho PhiIiinoa ot tho rooaod diaoaition ot tho
Roongi roorty.
(b) Exocutivo Ordor No. 200, which waa iaauod by tho Proaidont on 25 JuIy 1087. Aaauming that tho
ma[ority oinion ia right in aaying that Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 ia inautticiont to authorIze the sale ot
tho Roongi roorty, it ia horo aubmittod with roaoct that Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 ia moro than
autticiont to indicato an IntentIon to convert the property roviouaIy dovotod to ubIic aorvico into
atrimoniaI roorty that ia caabIo ot boing aoId or othorwiao diaoaod ot
convortoo by
(c) Non-uao ot tho Roongi Iot tor tourtoon (14) yoara tor diIomatic or tor any othor ubIic uroaoa.
Aaauming (but onIy arguendo) that non-uao dooa not, by Itsel|, automaticaIIy convort tho roorty into
atrimoniaI roorty. | roaocttuIIy urgo that roIongod non-uao, conjoIned wIth the other |actors here
lIsted, waa IogaIIy ottoctivo to convort tho Iot in Roongi into atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato.
ActuaIIy, aa aIroady ointod out, caao Iaw invoIving roorty ot municiaI cororationa ia to tho ottoct
that aimIo non-uao or tho actuaI dodication ot ubIic roorty to aomo uao othor than ubIic uao or
ubIic aorvico, waa autticiont to convort auch roorty into atrimoniaI roorty ot tho IocaI
govornmontaI ontity concornod. AIao aa ointod out abovo, Nanroaa roachod tho aamo concIuaion in
roaoct ot convoraion ot roorty ot tho ubIic domain ot tho 5tato into roorty ot tho rivato domain
ot tho 5tato.
1ho ma[ority oinion atatoa that "abandonmont cannot bo intorrod trom tho non-uao aIono oaociaIIy it
tho non-uao waa attributabIo not to tho Covornmont'a own doIiborato and indubitabIo wiII but to Iack ot
tinanciaI auort to roair and imrovo tho roorty" (Na[ority Oinion, . 18). With roaoct, it may bo
atroaaod that thoro ia no abandonmont invoIvod horo, cortainIy no abandonmont ot roorty or ot
roorty righta. What ia invoIvod ia tho chargo ot tho cIaaaitication ot tho roorty trom roorty ot
tho ubIic domain into roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato. Noroovor, it tor tourtoon (14) yoara,
tho Covornmont did not aoo tit to aroriato whatovor tunda woro nocoaaary to maintain tho
roorty in Roongi in a condition auitabIo tor diIomatic roroaontation uroaoa, auch
circumatanco may, with oquaI Iogic, bo conatruod aa a manitoatation ot tho cryataIizing intont to
chango tho charactor ot tho roorty.
(d) On 80 Narch 1080, a ubIic bidding waa in tact hoId by tho Exocutivo Doartmont tor tho aaIo ot tho
Iot in Roongi. 1ho circumatanco that thia bidding waa not auccoaatuI cortainIy dooa not arguo
againat an intont to convort tho roorty invoIvod into roorty that ia diaoaabIo by bidding.
1ho abovo aot ot ovonta and circumatancoa makoa no aonao at aII it it dooa not, as a whole, ahow at
Ioaat tho intont on tho art ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont (with tho knowIodgo ot tho LogiaIativo
Doartmont) to convort tho roorty invoIvod into atrimoniaI roorty that ia auacotibIo ot boing
Eaving roachod an attirmativo anawor in roaoct ot tho tirat iaauo, it ia nocoaaary to addroaa tho
aocond iaauo ot whothor or not thoro oxiata IogaI authority tor tho aaIo or diaoaition ot tho Roongi
1ho ma[ority oinion rotora to 5oction 70(t) ot tho Roviaod Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1017 which roada aa
5EC. 70 (t). Conveyances and contracts to whIch the Government Is a party. ~ |n caaoa in
which tho Covornmont ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa ia a arty to any dood or othor
inatrumont conveyIng the tItle to real estate or to any othor roorty the value o| whIch Is In
excess o| one hundred thousand pesos, tho roaoctivo Doartmont 5ocrotary ahaII roaro
tho nocoaaary aora which, togothor with tho roor rocommondationa, ahaII bo
submItted to the Congress o| the PhIlIppInes |or approval by the same. 5uch dood, inatrumont,
or contract ahaII bo oxocutod and aignod by tho Proaidont ot tho PhiIiinoa on bohaIt ot
tho Covornmont ot tho PhiIiinoa unIoaa tho authority thorotor bo oxroaaIy voatod by
Iaw in anothor otticor. (Emhaaia auIiod)
1ho ma[ority oinion thon gooa on to atato that: "[1jhe requIrement has been retaIned in 5oction 4,
Book | ot tho Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1087 (Exocutivo Ordor No. 202)" which roada:
5EC. 48. O||IcIal AuthorIzed to Convey Real Property. ~ Whonovor roaI roorty ot tho
Covornmont ia authorIzed by law to be conveyed, tho dood ot convoyanco ahaII bo oxocutod
in bohaIt ot tho govornmont by tho toIIowing:
(1) For roorty boIonging to and titIod in tho namo ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa, by
tho Proaidont, unIoaa tho authority thorotor ia oxroaaIy voatod by Iaw in anothor otticor.
(2) For roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa but titIod in tho namo ot any
oIiticaI aubdiviaion or ot any cororato agoncy or inatrumontaIity, by tho oxocutivo hoad
ot tho agoncy or inatrumontaIity. (Emhaaia auIiod)
1wo ointa nood to bo mado in thia connoction. FiratIy, the requIrement o| obtaInIng specI|Ic approval ot
Congroaa when the prIce o| the real property boing diaoaod ot Is In excess o| One Hundred 1housand
Pesos (P100,000.00} undor tho Roviaod Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1017, haa boon deleted |rom 8ectIon 48
o| the 1987 AdmInIstratIve Code. What 5oction 48 ot tho roaont Adminiatrativo Codo rotora to ia
authorIzatIon by law tor tho convoyanco. 5oction 48 dooa not urort to bo itaoIt a aourco ot IogaI
authority tor convoyanco ot roaI roorty ot tho Covornmont. For 5oction 48 moroIy aocitioa tho
otticiaI authorizod to oxocuto and aign on bohaIt ot tho Covornmont tho dood ot convoyanco in caao
ot auch a convoyanco.
5ocondIy, oxamination ot our atatuto booka ahowa that authorization by Iaw tor diaoaition ot roaI
roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho Covornmont, haa boon grantod by Congroaa both in tho torm ot
(a) a gonoraI, atanding authorization tor diaoaition ot atrimoniaI roorty ot tho Covornmont, and (b)
aocitic IogiaIation authorizing tho diaoaition ot articuIar iocoa ot tho Covornmont'a atrimoniaI
5tanding IogiaIativo authority tor tho diaoaition ot Iand ot tho rivato domain ot tho PhiIiinoa ia
rovidod by Act No. 8088, ontitIod "An Act Authorizing tho 5ocrotary ot AgricuIturo and NaturaI
Roaourcoa to 5oII or Loaao Land o| the PrIvate omaIn o| the Government o| the PhIlIppIne lslands (now
RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa)", onactod on 0 Narch 1022. 1ho tuII toxt ot thia atatuto ia aa toIIowa:
Bo it onactod by tho 5onato and Eouao ot Roroaontativoa ot tho PhiIiinoa in LogiaIaturo
aaaombIod and by tho authority ot tho aamo:
convortoo by
5EC1|ON 1. 1ho 5ocrotary ot AgricuIturo and NaturaI Roaourcoa (now 5ocrotary ot tho
Environmont and NaturaI Roaourcoa) ia horoby authorizod to aoII or Ioaao Iand ot tho
rivato domain ot tho Covornmont ot tho PhiIiino |aIanda, or any art thoroot, to auch
oraona, cororationa or aaaociationa aa aro, undor tho roviaiona ot Act Numborod
1wonty-oight hundrod and aovonty-tour, (now CommonwoaIth Act No. 141, aa amondod)
known aa tho PubIic Land Act, ontitIod to aIy tor tho urchaao or Ioaao or agricuIturaI
ubIic Iand.
5EC1|ON 2. 1he sale o| the land re|erred to in tho rocoding aoction shall, it auch Iand ia
agricuIturaI, bo mado in tho mannor and aub[oct to tho Iimitationa roacribod in chatora
tivo and aix, roaoctivoIy, ot aaid PubIic Land Act, and I| It be classI|Ied dI||erently, In
con|ormIty wIth the provIsIons o| chapter nIne o| saId Act: Providod, howovor, 1hat tho Iand
nocoaaary tor tho ubIic aorvico ahaII bo oxomt trom tho roviaiona ot thia Act.
5EC1|ON 8. 1hia Act ahaII tako ottoct on ita arovaI.
Arovod, Narch 0, 1022. (Emhaaia auIiod)
Loat it bo aaaumod that Act No. 8088 rotora onIy to agricuIturaI Ianda ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato,
it muat bo notod that Chator 0 ot tho oId PubIic Land Act (Act No. 2874) ia now Chator 0 ot tho
roaont PubIic Land Act (CommonwoaIth Act No. 141, aa amondod) and that both atatutoa rotor to: "any
tract ot Iand ot tho ubIic domain which boing noithor timbor nor minoraI Iand, ia intondod to bo uaod
t or resIdentIal purposes or tor commercIal or IndustrIal purposes othor than agricuIturaI" (Emhaaia
auIiod).I t c- asl |n othor worda, tho atatuto covora tho aaIo or Ioaao or roaidontiaI, commorciaI or induatriaI
Iand ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato.
|mIomonting roguIationa havo boon iaauod tor tho carrying out ot tho roviaiona ot Act No. 8088. On
21 Docombor 1054, tho thon 5ocrotary ot AgricuIturo and NaturaI Roaourcoa romuIgatod Landa
Adminiatrativo Ordora Noa. 7-0 and 7-7 which woro ontitIod, roaoctivoIy: "5uIomontary RoguIationa
Covorning tho 5aIo ot tho Lands o| the PrIvate omaIn ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa", and
"5uIomontary RoguIationa Covorning tho Lease o| Lands o| PrIvate omaIn ot tho RoubIic ot tho
PhiIiinoa" (toxt in 51 O.C. 28-20 [1055}).
|t ia orhaa woII to add that Act No. 8088, aIthough now aixty-oight (08) yoara oId, ia atiII in ottoct and
haa not boon rooaIod.
5ocitic IogiaIativo authorization tor diaoaition ot articuIar atrimoniaI roortioa ot tho 5tato ia
iIIuatratod by cortain oarIior atatutoa. 1ho tirat ot thoao waa Act No. 1120, onactod on 20 AriI 1004,
which rovidod tor tho diaoaition ot tho triar Ianda, urchaaod by tho Covornmont trom tho Roman
CathoIic Church, to bona |Ide aottIora and occuanta thoroot or to othor oraona. |n JacInto v. Irector
o| Lands (40 PhiI. 858 [1020}), thoao triar Ianda woro hoId to bo rivato and atrimoniaI roortioa ot
tho 5tato. Act No. 2800, onactod on -28 Fobruary 1014, authorizod tho aaIo ot tho 8an Lazaro Estate
Iocatod in tho City ot NaniIa, which had aIao boon urchaaod by tho Covornmont trom tho Roman
CathoIic Church. |n January 1010, Act No. 2555 amondod Act No. 2800 by incIuding thoroin aII Ianda and
buiIdinga ownod by tho EoaitaI and tho Foundation ot 5an Lazaro thorototor Ioaaod by rivato
oraona, and which woro aIao acquirod by tho PhiIiino Covornmont.
Attor tho onactmont in 1022 ot Act No. 8088, thoro aoara, to my knowIodgo, to bo onIy ono atatuto
authorizing tho Proaidont to diaoao ot a aocitic ioco ot roorty. 1hia atatuto ia RoubIic Act No.
005, onactod on 20 Juno 1058, which authorizod tho
Proaidont to aoII an |dontitiod arcoI ot Iand ot tho rivato domain ot tho NationaI Covornmont to tho
NationaI Proaa CIub ot tho PhiIiinoa, and to othor rocognizod nationaI aaaociationa ot rotoaaionaIa
with acadomic atanding, tor tho nominaI rico ot P1.00. |t aoara roIovant to noto that RoubIic Act
No. 005 waa not an outright diaoaition in orotuity ot tho roorty invoIvod- it rovidod tor
rovoraion ot tho roorty to tho NationaI Covornmont in caao tho NationaI Proaa CIub atood uaing it
tor ita hoadquartora. What RoubIic Act No. 005 authorizod waa roaIIy a donatIon, and not a aaIo.
1ho baaic aubmiaaion horo mado ia that Act No. 8088 rovidoa atanding IogiaIativo authorization tor
diaoaition ot tho Roongi roorty which, in my viow, haa boon convortod into atrimoniaI roorty
ot tho RoubIic.
1o aomo, tho aubmiaaion that Act No. 8088 aIioa not onIy to Ianda ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato
Iocatod in tho PhiIiinoa but also to patrImonIal property |ound outsIde the PhIlIppInes, may aoar
atrango or unuauaI. | roaocttuIIy aubmit that auch oaition ia not any moro unuauaI or atrango than
tho aaaumtion that ArticIo 420 ot tho CiviI Codo aIioa not onIy to roorty ot tho RoubIic Iocatod
within PhiIiino torritory but aIao to roorty tound outaido tho boundarioa ot tho RoubIic.
|t romaina to noto that undor tho woII-aottIod doctrino that hoada ot Exocutivo Doartmonta aro alter
egos ot tho Proaidont (vIllena v. 8ecretary o| the lnterIor, 07 PhiI. 451 [1080}), and in viow ot tho
conatitutionaI owor ot controI oxorciaod by tho Proaidont ovor doartmont hoada (ArticIo V||, 5oction
17,1087 Conatitution), tho Proaidont horaoIt may carry out tho tunction or duty that ia aociticaIIy
Iodgod in tho 5ocrotary ot tho Doartmont ot Environmont and NaturaI Roaourcoa (Araneta v.
GatmaItan 101 PhiI. 828 [1057}). At tho vory Ioaat, tho Proaidont rotaina tho owor to arovo or
diaarovo tho oxorciao ot that tunction or duty whon dono by tho 5ocrotary ot Environmont and
NaturaI Roaourcoa.
|t ia hardIy nocoaaary to add that tho torogoing anaIyaoa and aubmiaaiona roIato onIy to tho auatoro
quoation ot oxiatonco ot IogaI owor or authority. 1hoy havo nothing to do with much dobatod
quoationa ot wiadom or rorioty or roIativo doairabiIity oithor ot tho rooaod diaoaition itaoIt or ot
tho rooaod utiIization ot tho anticiatod rocooda ot tho roorty invoIvod. 1hoao Iattor tyoa ot
conaidorationa Eo within tho ahoro ot roaonaibiIity ot tho oIiticaI doartmonta ot govornmont tho
Exocutivo and tho LogiaIativo authoritioa.
For aII tho torogoing, | voto to diamiaa tho Potitiona tor Prohibition in both C.R. Noa. 02018 and 02047.
convortoo by
Fernan, C.J., Narvasa, Gancayco, Cortes and MedIaldea, JJ., concurrIng.

5oarato Oiniona
CRuZ, J., concurring:
| concur comIotoIy with tho oxcoIIont ononcia ot Nr. Juatico Cutiorroz and wiII add tho toIIowing
obaorvationa onIy tor omhaaia.
|t ia cIoar that tho roaondonta havo taiIod to ahow tho Proaidont'a IogaI authority to aoII tho Roongi
roorty. Whon aakod to do ao at tho hoaring on thoao otitiona, tho 5oIicitor ConoraI waa at boat
ambiguoua, aIthough | muat add in tairnoaa that thia waa not hia tauIt. 1ho tact ia that thoro ia -no auch
authority. LogaI oxortiao aIono cannot con[uro that atatutory ormiaaion out ot thin air.
Exoc. Ordor No. 200, which roada Iiko ao much IogiaIativo, doubIo taIk, dooa not contain auch authority.
Noithor dooa Ro. Act No. 0057, which aimIy aIIowa tho rocooda ot tho aaIo ot our roortioa abroad
to bo uaod tor tho comrohonaivo agrarian rotorm rogram. 5onato Roa. No. 55 waa a moro roquoat
tor tho dotormont ot tho achoduIod aaIo ot tiIo Roongi roorty, oaaibIy to ato tho tranaaction
aItogothor, and iII any caao it ia not a Iaw. 1ho aaIo ot tho aaid roorty may bo authorizod onIy by
Congroaa through a duIy onactod atatuto, and thoro ia no auch Iaw.
Onco again, wo havo attirmod tho rinciIo that oura ia a govornmont ot Iawa and not ot mon, whoro
ovory ubIic otticiaI, trom tho Iowoat to tho highoat, can act onIy by virtuo ot a vaIid authorization. | am
hay to noto that in tho aovoraI caaoa whoro thia Court haa ruIod againat hor, tho Proaidont ot tho
PhiIiinoa haa aubmittod to thia rinciIo with bocoming graco.

PAD|LLA, J., concurring:
| concur in tho dociaion onnod by Nr. Juatico Cutiorroz, Jr., | onIy wiah to mako a tow obaorvationa
which couId hoI in turthor cIaritying tho iaauoa.
undor our triartito ayatom ot govornmont ordainod by tho Conatitution, it ia Congroaa that Iaya down
or dotorminoa oIicioa. 1ho Proaidont oxocutoa auch oIicioa. 1ho oIicioa dotorminod by Congroaa
aro ombodiod in IogiaIativo onactmonta that havo to bo arovod by tho Proaidont to bocomo Iaw. 1ho
Proaidont, ot courao, rocommonda to Congroaa tho arovaI ot oIicioa but, in tho tinaI anaIyaia, it ia
Congroaa that ia tho oIicy - dotormining branch ot govornmont.
1ho [udiciary intorrota tho Iawa and, in aroriato caaoa, dotorminoa whothor tho Iawa onactod by
Congroaa and arovod by tho Proaidont, and roaidontiaI acta imIomonting auch Iawa, aro in
accordanco with tho Conatitution.
1ho Roongi roorty waa acquirod by tho PhiIiino govornmont urauant to tho roarationa
agroomont botwoon tho PhiIiino and Jaanoao govornmonta. undor auch agroomont, thia roorty
waa acquirod by tho PhiIiino govornmont tor a aocitic uroao, namoIy, to aorvo aa tho aito ot tho
PhiIiino Embaaay in 1okyo, Jaan. ConaoquontIy, Roongi ia a roorty ot ubIic dominion and
intondod tor ubIic aorvico, aquaroIy taIIing within that cIaaa ot roorty undor Art. 420 ot tho CiviI
Codo, which rovidoa:
Art. 420. 1ho toIIowing thinga aro roorty ot ubIic dominion :
(1) ...
(2) 1hoao which boIong to tho 5tato, without boing tor ubIic uao, and aro intondod tor
aomo ubIic aorvico or tor tho dovoIomont ot tho nationaI woaIth. (880a)
PubIic dominion roorty intondod tor ubIic aorvico cannot bo aIionatod unIoaa tho roorty ia tirat
tranatormod into rivato roorty ot tho atato othorwiao known aa atrimoniaI roorty ot tho atato.
1ho tranatormation ot ubIic dominion roorty to atato atrimoniaI roorty invoIvoa, to my mind, a
polIcy decIsIon. |t ia a oIicy dociaion bocauao tho troatmont ot tho roorty varioa according to ita
cIaaaitication. ConaoquontIy, it ia Congroaa which can docido and docIaro tho convoraion ot Roongi
trom a ubIic dominion roorty to a atato atrimoniaI roorty. Congroaa haa mado no auch dociaion
or docIaration.
Noroovor, tho aaIo ot ubIic roorty (onco convortod trom ubIic dominion to atato atrimoniaI
roorty) muat bo arovod by Congroaa, tor thia again ia a mattor ot oIicy (i.o. to koo or diaoao ot
tho roorty). 5oc. 48, Book 1 ot tho Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1087 rovidoa:
5EC. 48. O||IcIal AuthorIzed to Convey Real Property. ~ Whonovor roaI roorty ot tho
Covornmont ia authorizod by Iaw to bo convoyod, tho dood ot convoyanco ahaII bo
oxocutod in bohaIt ot tho govornmont by tho toIIowing:
(1) For roorty boIonging to and titIod in tho namo ot tho RoubIic ot tho
PhiIiinoa, by tho Proaidont, unIoaa tho authority thorotor ia oxroaaIy voatod
by Iaw in anothor otticor.
(2) For roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa but titIod in tho
namo ot any oIiticaI aubdiviaion or ot any cororato agoncy or inatrumontaIity,
by tho oxocutivo hoad ot tho agoncy or inatrumontaIity. (Emhaaia auIiod)
But tho rocord ia baro ot any congroaaionaI dociaion or arovaI to aoII Roongi. 1ho rocord ia
Iikowiao baro ot any congroaaionaI authority oxtondod to tho Proaidont to aoII Roongi thru ubIic
convortoo by
bidding or othorwiao.
|t ia thorotoro, cIoar that tho Proaidont cannot aoII or ordor tho aaIo ot Roongi thru ubIic bidding or
othorwiao without a rior congroaaionaI arovaI, tirat, convorting Roongi trom a ubIic dominion
roorty to a atato atrimoniaI roorty, and, aocond, authorizing tho Proaidont to aoII tho aamo.
ACCORD|NCLY, my voto ia to CRAN1 tho otition and to mako PERNANEN1 tho tomorary roatraining
ordor oarIior iaauod by thia Court.

5ARN|EN1O, J., concurring:
1ho contraI quoation, aa | aoo it, ia whothor or not tho ao-caIIod "Roongi roorty' haa Ioat ita naturo
aa roorty ot ubIic dominion, and honco, haa bocomo atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato. | undoratand
that tho artioa aro agrood that it waa roorty intondod tor "ubIic aorvico" within tho contomIation
ot aragrah (2), ot ArticIo 480, ot tho CiviI Codo, and accordingIy, Iand ot 5tato dominion, and boyond
human commorco. 1ho Iono iaauo ia, in tho Iight ot auorvoning dovoIomonta, that ia non-uaor
thoroot by tho NationaI Covornmont (tor diIomatic uroaoa) tor tho Iaat thirtoon yoara, tho iaauanco
ot Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 making it avaiIabIo tor aaIo to any intoroatod buyor, tho romuIgation ot
RoubIic Act No. 0057, tho Comrohonaivo Agrarian Rotorm Law, making avaiIabIo tor tho rogram'a
tinancing, 5tato aaaota aoId, tho arovaI by tho Proaidont ot tho rocommondation ot tho invoatigating
committoo tormod to atudy tho roorty'a utiIization, and tho iaauanco ot RoaoIution No. 55 ot tho
PhiIiino 5onato roquoating tor tho dotormont ot ita diaoaition it, "Roongi", ia atiII roorty ot tho
ubIic dominion, and it it ia not, how it Ioat that charactor.
Whon Iand ot tho ubIic dominion coaaoa to bo ono, or whon tho chango takoa Iaco, ia a quoation our
courta havo dobatod oarIy. |n a 1000 dociaion,
it waa hoId that roorty ot tho ubIic dominion, a
ubIic Iaza in thia inatanco, bocomoa atrimoniaI uon uao thoroot tor uroaoa othor than a Iaza. |n
a Iator caao,
thia ruIing waa roitoratod. Likowiao, it haa boon hoId that Iand, originaIIy rivato
roorty, haa bocomo ot ubIic dominion uon ita donation to tho town and ita convoraion and uao aa
a ubIic Iaza.
|t ia notabIo that undor thoao throo caaoa, tho charactor ot tho roorty, and any
chango occurring thoroin, doonda on tho actuaI uao to which it ia dodicatod.
Nuch Iator, howovor, tho Court hoId that "untiI a tormaI docIaration on tho art ot tho Covornmont,
through tho oxocutivo doartmont or tho LogiaIativo, to tho ottoct that tho Iand . . . ia no Iongor
noodod tor [ubIic} aorvico- tor ubIic uao or tor aociaI induatrioa, [it} continuo[a} to bo art ot tho
ubIic [dominion}, not avaiIabIo tor rivato oxroriation or ownorahi."
5o aIao, it waa ruIod that a
oIiticaI aubdiviaion (tho City ot Cobu in thia caao) aIono may docIaro (undor ita chartor) a city road
abandonod and thoroattor, to diaoao ot it.
|n hoIding that thoro ia "a nood tor a Iaw or tormaI docIaration to withdraw tho Roongi roorty trom
ubIic domain to mako it aIionabIo and a Iand tor IogiaIativo authority to aIIow tho aaIo ot tho roorty"
tho ma[ority Iaya atroaa to tho tact that: (1) An attirmativo act ~ oxocutivo or IogiaIativo ~ ia
nocoaaary to rocIaaaity roorty ot tho ubIic dominion, and (2) a IogiaIativo docroo ia roquirod to
mako it aIionabIo. |t aIao cIoara tho uncortaintioa brought about by oarIior intorrotationa that tho
naturo ot roorty-whothor ubIic or atrimoniaI ia rodicatod on tho mannor it ia actuaIIy uaod, or not
uaod, and in tho aamo broath, roudiatoa tho Covornmont'a oaition that tho continuoua non-uao ot
"Roongi", among othor argumonta, tor "diIomatic uroaoa", haa turnod it into 5tato atrimoniaI
| tooI that thia viow corroaonda to oxiating ronouncomonta ot thia Court, among othor thinga, that:
(1) Proorty ia roaumod to bo 5tato roorty in tho abaonco ot any ahowing to tho contrary,
(2) With
roaoct to toroat Ianda, tho aamo continuo to bo Ianda ot tho ubIic dominion unIoaa and untiI
rocIaaaitiod by tho Exocutivo Branch ot tho Covornmont,
and (8) AII naturaI roaourcoa, undor tho
Conatitution, and aub[oct to oxcotionaI caaoa, boIong to tho 5tato.
| am oIatod that tho Court haa baniahod rovioua uncortaintioa.

FEL|C|ANO, J., diaaonting
With rogrot, | tind myaoIt unabIo to aharo tho concIuaiona roachod by Nr. Juatico Eugo E. Cutiorroz, Jr.
For uroaoa ot thia aoarato oinion, | aaaumo that tho ioco ot Iand Iocatod in 800 Roongi, 5-
Chomo, Ninato-ku 1okyo, Jaan (horoinattor rotorrod to aa tho "Roongi roorty") may bo
charactorizod aa roorty ot ubIic dominion, within tho moaning ot ArticIo 420 (2) ot tho CiviI Codo:
[Proorty} which boIong[a} to tho 5tato, without boing tor ubIic uao, and aro intondod tor
aomo ubIic aorvico -.
|t might not bo amiaa howovor, to noto that tho aroriatonoaa ot trying to bring within tho continoa
ot tho aimIo throotoId cIaaaitication tound in ArticIo 420 ot tho CiviI Codo ("roorty tor ubIic uao
roorty "intondod tor aomo ubIic aorvico" and roorty intondod "tor tho dovoIomont ot tho
nationaI woaIth") all property ownod by tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa whothor tound within tho
torritoriaI boundarioa ot tho RoubIic or Iocatod within tho torritory ot anothor aovoroign 5tato, ia not
aoIt-ovidont. 1ho tirat itom ot tho cIaaaitication roorty intondod tor publIc use ~ can acarcoIy bo
roorIy aIiod to roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic but tound within tho torritory ot anothor 5tato.
1ho third itom ot tho cIaaaitication roorty intondod tor tho dovoIomont ot tho nationaI woaIth ia
iIIuatratod, in ArticIo 880 ot tho 5aniah CiviI Codo ot 1880, by minoa or minoraI roortioa. Again,
minoraI Ianda ownod by a aovoroign 5tato aro raroIy, it ovor, tound within tho torritoriaI baao ot
anothor aovoroign 5tato. 1ho taak ot oxamining in dotaiI tho aIicabiIity ot tho cIaaaitication aot out in
ArticIo 420 ot our CiviI Codo to roorty that tho PhiIiinoa haona to own outaido ita own
convortoo by
boundarioa muat, howovor, bo Iott to acadomiciana.
For roaont uroaoa, too, | agroo that thoro ia no quoation ot contIict ot Iawa that ia, at the present
tIme, botoro thia Court. 1ho iaauoa botoro ua roIato oaaontiaIIy to authority to aoII tho Roongi
roorty so |ar as PhIlIppIne law Is concerned.
1ho ma[ority oinion raiaoa two (2) iaauoa: (a) whothor or not tho Roongi roorty haa boon
convortod into atrimoniaI roorty or roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato, and (b) aaauming
an attirmativo anawor to (a), whothor or not thoro ia IogaI authority to diaoao ot tho Roongi
Addroaaing tho tirat iaauo ot convoraion ot roorty ot ubIic dominion intondod tor aomo ubIic
aorvico, into roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho RoubIic, it ahouId bo notod that tho CiviI Codo
dooa not addroaa tho quoation ot who haa authority to ottoct auch convoraion. Noithor dooa tho CiviI
Codo aot out or rotor to any procedure tor auch convoraion.
Our caao Iaw, howovor, containa aomo tairIy oxIicit ronouncomonta on thia oint, aa Juatico
5armionto haa ointod out in hia concurring oinion. |n lgnacIo v. Irector o| Lands (108 PhiIa. 885
[1000}), otitionor |gnacio arguod that it tho Iand in quoation tormod art ot tho ubIic domain, tho triaI
court ahouId havo docIarod tho aamo no Iongor nocoaaary tor ubIic uao or ubIic uroaoa and
which wouId, thorotoro, havo bocomo diaoaabIo and avaiIabIo tor rivato ownorahi. Nr. Juatico
Nontomayor, aoaking tor tho Court, aaid:
ArticIo 4 ot tho Law ot Watora ot 1800 rovidoa that whon a ortion ot tho ahoro ia no
Iongor waahod by tho watora ot tho aoa and ia not nocoaaary tor uroaoa ot ubIic utiIity,
or tor tho oatabIiahmont ot aociaI induatrioa, or tor coaat-guard aorvico, tho govornmont
ahaII docIaro it to bo tho roorty ot tho ownora ot tho oatatoa ad[acont thoroto and aa an
incromont thoroot. Wo boIiovo that only the executIve and possIbly the legIslatIve
departments have the authorIty and the power to make the declaratIon that any Iand ao
gainod by tho aoa, ia not nocoaaary tor uroaoa ot ubIic utiIity, or tor tho oatabIiahmont
ot aociaI induatrioa, or tor coaat-guard aorvico. l| no such declaratIon has been made by
saId departments, the lot In questIon |orms part o| the publIc domaIn. (Natividad v. Diroctor ot
Landa, supra.)
1ho roaaon tor thia ronouncomont, according to thia 1ribunaI in tho caao ot Viconto Jovon
y Nontovordo v. Diroctor ot Landa, 08 PhiI., 184 (citod in VoIayo'a Digoat, VoI. 1, . 52).
... ia undoubtodIy that tho courta aro noithor rimariIy caIIod uon, nor indood in a oaition
to dotormino whothor any ubIic Iand aro to bo uaod tor tho uroaoa aocitiod in ArticIo 4
ot tho Law ot Watora. ConaoquontIy, untiI a |ormal declaratIon on the part o| the Government,
through the executIve department or the LegIslature, to the e||ect that the land In questIon Is
no longer needed |or coast-guard servIce, |or publIc use or |or specIal IndustrIes, they
contInue to be part o| the publIc domaIn not avaIlable |or prIvate approprIatIon or ownershIp.
(108 PhiI. at 888-880, omhaaia auIiod)
1hua, undor |gnacio, oithor tho ExecutIve epartment or the LegIslatIve epartment may convort
roorty ot tho 5tato ot ubIic dominion into atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato. No articuIar tormuIa or
rocoduro ot convoraion ia aocitiod oithor in atatuto Iaw or in caao Iaw. ArticIo 422 ot tho CiviI Codo
aimIy atatoa that: "Proorty ot ubIic dominion, when no longer Intended |or ubIic uao or tor publIc
servIce, shall |orm part ot tho atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato". | roaocttuIIy aubmit, thorotoro, that
tho onIy roquiromont which ia IogitimatoIy imoaabIo ia that tho intont to convort muat bo roaaonabIy
cIoar trom a conaidoration ot tho acta or acta ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont or ot tho LogiaIativo
Doartmont which aro aaid to havo ottoctod auch convoraion.
1ho aamo IogaI aituation oxiata in roaoct ot convoraion ot roorty ot ubIic dominion boIonging to
municiaI cororationa, i.o., IocaI govornmontaI unita, into atrimoniaI roorty ot auch ontitioa. |n
Cebu Oxygen Acetylene v. BercIlles (00 5CRA481 [1075}), tho City CounciI ot Cobu by roaoIution
docIarod a cortain ortion ot an oxiating atroot aa an abandonod road, "tho aamo not boing incIudod in
tho city dovoIomont Ian". 5ubaoquontIy, by anothor roaoIution, tho City CounciI ot Cobu authorizod
tho acting City Nayor to aoII tho Iand through ubIic bidding. Although there was no |ormal and explIcIt
declaratIon o| conversIon o| property |or publIc use Into patrImonIal property, tho 5uromo Court aaid:
xxx xxx xxx
(2) 8Ince that portIon o| the cIty street subject o| petItIoners applIcatIon |or regIstratIon o| tItle
was wIthdrawn |rom publIc use, It |ollows that such wIthdrawn portIon becomes patrImonIal
property whIch can be the object o| an ordInary contract.
ArticIo 422 ot tho CiviI Codo oxroaaIy rovidoa that "Proorty ot ubIic dominion, whon no
Iongor intondod tor ubIic uao ot tor ubIic aorvico, ahaII torm art ot tho atrimoniaI
roorty ot tho 5tato."
Boaidoa, tho Roviaod Chartor ot tho City ot Cobu horototoro quotod, in vory cIoar and
unoquivocaI torma, atatoa that "Proorty thua withdrawn trom ubIic aorvitudo may bo
uaod or convoyod tor any uroao tor which othor roaI roorty boIonging to tho City may
bo IawtuIIy uaod or convoyod."
AccordingIy, the wIthdrawal o| the property In questIon |rom publIc use and Its subsequent
sale to the petItIoner Is valId. Eonco, tho otitionor haa a rogiatrabIo titIo ovor tho Iot in
quoation. (00 5CRAat 484-, omhaaia auIiod)
1hua, again aa ointod out by 5armionto J., in hia aoarato oinion, in tho caao ot roorty ownod by
municiaI cororationa aimIo non-uao or tho actuaI dodication ot ubIic roorty to aomo uao othor
than "ubIic uao" or aomo "ubIic aorvico", waa autticiont IogaIIy to convort auch roorty into
atrimoniaI roorty (MunIcIpalIty o| Oas v. Roa, 7 PhIl. 20 [190j- MunIcIpalIty o| HInunganan v. Irector
convortoo by
o| Lands 24 PhIl. 124 [1913j; ProvInce o| Zamboanga del Norte v. CIty o| Zamboanga, 22 5CRA1884 (1008).
| wouId aIao add that auch waa tho caao not onIy in roaoct ot' roorty ot municiaI cororationa but
aIao in roaoct ot roorty ot tho 5tato itaoIt. Nanroaa in commonting on ArticIo 841 ot tho 1880
5aniah CiviI Codo which haa boon carriod ovor verbatIm into our CiviI Codo by ArticIo 422 thoroot,
La diticuItad mayor on todo oato oatriba, naturaImonto, on ti[ar oI momonto on quo Ioa
bionoa do dominio ubIico do[an do aorIo. 5i Ia Adminiatracion o Ia autoridad comotonto
IogiaIativo roaIizan qun acto on virtud doI cuaI coaa oI doatino o uao ubIico do Ioa bionoa
do quo ao trata naturaImonto Ia diticuItad quoda doado oI rimor momonto roauoIta. Eay un
unto do artida ciorto ara iniciar Iaa roIacionoa [uridicaa a quo udiora habor Iugar Pero
puede ocurrIr que no haya taldeclaracIon expresa, legIslatIva or admInIstratIva, y, sIn embargo,
cesar de hecho el destIno publIco de los bIenes, ahora bion, en este caso, y ara Ioa otoctoa
[uridicoa quo roauItan do ontrar Ia coaa on oI comorcio do Ioa hombroa,' se entedera que se
ha verI|Icado la conversIon de los bIenes patrImonIales7
EI citado tratadiata Ricci oina, roaocto doI antiguo Codigo itaIiano, or Ia atirmativa, y or
nuoatra arto croomoa quo taI dobo aor Ia aoIuciion. EI doatino do Iaa coaaa no doondo
tanto do una docIaracion oxroaa como doI uao ubIico do Iaa miamaa, y cuanda oI uao
ubIico coao con roaocto do dotorminadoa bionoa, coaa tambion au aituacion on oI
dominio ubIico. 5i una tortaIoza on ruina ao abandona y no ao roara, ai un trozo do Ia via
ubIica ao abandona tambion or conatituir otro nuovo an mo[oroa condicionoa....amboa
bionoa coaan do oatar Codigo, y Ioyoa oaociaIoa maa o momoa adminiatrativaa. (8
Nanroaa, Comontarioa aI Codigo CiviI EaanoI, . 128 [7a od., 1052) (Emhaaia auIiod)
1ho ma[ority oinion aaya that nono ot tho oxocutivo acta ointod to by tho Covornmont urortod,
oxroaaIy or dotinitoIy, to convort tho Roongi roorty into atrimoniaI roorty ~ ot tho RoubIic.
Aaauming that to bo tho caao, it ia roaocttuIIy aubmittod that cumulatIve e||ect ot tho oxocutivo acta
horo invoIvod waa to convort roorty originaIIy intondod tor and dovotod to ubIic aorvico into
atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato, that ia, roorty auacotibIo ot diaoaition to and aroration by
rivato oraona. 1hoao oxocutivo acta, In theIr totalIty it not oach individuaI act, mako cryataI cIoar tho
intont ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont to ottoct auch convoraion. 1hoao oxocutivo acta incIudo:
(a) Adminiatrativo Ordor No. 8 datod 11 Auguat 1085, which croatod a Committoo to atudy tho
diaoaition/utiIization ot tho Covornmont'a roorty in Jaan, 1ho Committoo waa comoaod ot
otticiaIa ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont: tho Exocutivo 5ocrotary, tho PhiIiino Ambaaaador to Jaan,
and roroaontativoa ot tho Doartmont ot Foroign Attaira and tho Aaaot Privatization 1ruat. On 10
5otombor 1088, tho Committoo rocommondod to tho Proaidont tho aaIo ot ono ot tho Iota (tho Iot
aociticaIIy in Roongi) through ubIic bidding. On 4 Octobor 1088, tho Proaidont arovod tho
rocommondation ot tho Committoo.
On 14 Docombor 1088, tho PhiIiino Covornmont by diIomatic noto intormod tho Jaanoao Niniatry
ot Foroign Attaira ot tho RoubIic'a intontion to diaoao ot tho roorty in Roongi. 1ho Jaanoao
Covornmont through ita Niniatry ot Foroign Attaira roIiod that it intoroaod no ob[oction to auch
diaoaition by tho RoubIic. 5ubaoquontIy, tho Proaidont and tho Committoo intormod tho Ioadora ot
tho Eouao ot Roroaontativoa and ot tho 5onato ot tho PhiIiinoa ot tho rooaod diaoaition ot tho
Roongi roorty.
(b) Exocutivo Ordor No. 200, which waa iaauod by tho Proaidont on 25 JuIy 1087. Aaauming that tho
ma[ority oinion ia right in aaying that Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 ia inautticiont to authorIze the sale ot
tho Roongi roorty, it ia horo aubmittod with roaoct that Exocutivo Ordor No. 200 ia moro than
autticiont to indicato an IntentIon to convert the property roviouaIy dovotod to ubIic aorvico into
atrimoniaI roorty that ia caabIo ot boing aoId or othorwiao diaoaod ot
(c) Non-uao ot tho Roongi Iot tor tourtoon (14) yoara tor diIomatic or tor any othor ubIic uroaoa.
Aaauming (but onIy arguendo) that non-uao dooa not, by Itsel|, automaticaIIy convort tho roorty into
atrimoniaI roorty. | roaocttuIIy urgo that roIongod non-uao, conjoIned wIth the other |actors here
lIsted, waa IogaIIy ottoctivo to convort tho Iot in Roongi into atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato.
ActuaIIy, aa aIroady ointod out, caao Iaw invoIving roorty ot municiaI cororationa ia to tho ottoct
that aimIo non-uao or tho actuaI dodication ot ubIic roorty to aomo uao othor than ubIic uao or
ubIic aorvico, waa autticiont to convort auch roorty into atrimoniaI roorty ot tho IocaI
govornmontaI ontity concornod. AIao aa ointod out abovo, Nanroaa roachod tho aamo concIuaion in
roaoct ot convoraion ot roorty ot tho ubIic domain ot tho 5tato into roorty ot tho rivato domain
ot tho 5tato.
1ho ma[ority oinion atatoa that "abandonmont cannot bo intorrod trom tho non-uao aIono oaociaIIy it
tho non-uao waa attributabIo not to tho Covornmont'a own doIiborato and indubitabIo wiII but to Iack ot
tinanciaI auort to roair and imrovo tho roorty" (Na[ority Oinion, . 18). With roaoct, it may bo
atroaaod that thoro ia no abandonmont invoIvod horo, cortainIy no abandonmont ot roorty or ot
roorty righta. What ia invoIvod ia tho chargo ot tho cIaaaitication ot tho roorty trom roorty ot
tho ubIic domain into roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato. Noroovor, it tor tourtoon (14) yoara,
tho Covornmont did not aoo tit to aroriato whatovor tunda woro nocoaaary to maintain tho
roorty in Roongi in a condition auitabIo tor diIomatic roroaontation uroaoa, auch
circumatanco may, with oquaI Iogic, bo conatruod aa a manitoatation ot tho cryataIizing intont to
chango tho charactor ot tho roorty.
(d) On 80 Narch 1080, a ubIic bidding waa in tact hoId by tho Exocutivo Doartmont tor tho aaIo ot tho
Iot in Roongi. 1ho circumatanco that thia bidding waa not auccoaatuI cortainIy dooa not arguo
againat an intont to convort tho roorty invoIvod into roorty that ia diaoaabIo by bidding.
1ho abovo aot ot ovonta and circumatancoa makoa no aonao at aII it it dooa not, as a whole, ahow at
Ioaat tho intont on tho art ot tho Exocutivo Doartmont (with tho knowIodgo ot tho LogiaIativo
Doartmont) to convort tho roorty invoIvod into atrimoniaI roorty that ia auacotibIo ot boing
convortoo by
Eaving roachod an attirmativo anawor in roaoct ot tho tirat iaauo, it ia nocoaaary to addroaa tho
aocond iaauo ot whothor or not thoro oxiata IogaI authority tor tho aaIo or diaoaition ot tho Roongi
1ho ma[ority oinion rotora to 5oction 70(t) ot tho Roviaod Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1017 which roada aa
5EC. 70 (t). Conveyances and contracts to whIch the Government Is a party. ~ |n caaoa in
which tho Covornmont ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa ia a arty to any dood or othor
inatrumont conveyIng the tItle to real estate or to any othor roorty the value o| whIch Is In
excess o| one hundred thousand pesos, tho roaoctivo Doartmont 5ocrotary ahaII roaro
tho nocoaaary aora which, togothor with tho roor rocommondationa, ahaII bo
submItted to the Congress o| the PhIlIppInes |or approval by the same. 5uch dood, inatrumont,
or contract ahaII bo oxocutod and aignod by tho Proaidont ot tho PhiIiinoa on bohaIt ot
tho Covornmont ot tho PhiIiinoa unIoaa tho authority thorotor bo oxroaaIy voatod by
Iaw in anothor otticor. (Emhaaia auIiod)
1ho ma[ority oinion thon gooa on to atato that: "[1jhe requIrement has been retaIned in 5oction 4,
Book | ot tho Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1087 (Exocutivo Ordor No. 202)" which roada:
5EC. 48. O||IcIal AuthorIzed to Convey Real Property. ~ Whonovor roaI roorty ot tho
Covornmont ia authorIzed by law to be conveyed, tho dood ot convoyanco ahaII bo oxocutod
in bohaIt ot tho govornmont by tho toIIowing:
(1) For roorty boIonging to and titIod in tho namo ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa, by
tho Proaidont, unIoaa tho authority thorotor ia oxroaaIy voatod by Iaw in anothor otticor.
(2) For roorty boIonging to tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa but titIod in tho namo ot any
oIiticaI aubdiviaion or ot any cororato agoncy or inatrumontaIity, by tho oxocutivo hoad
ot tho agoncy or inatrumontaIity. (Emhaaia auIiod)
1wo ointa nood to bo mado in thia connoction. FiratIy, the requIrement o| obtaInIng specI|Ic approval ot
Congroaa when the prIce o| the real property boing diaoaod ot Is In excess o| One Hundred 1housand
Pesos (P100,000.00} undor tho Roviaod Adminiatrativo Codo ot 1017, haa boon deleted |rom 8ectIon 48
o| the 1987 AdmInIstratIve Code. What 5oction 48 ot tho roaont Adminiatrativo Codo rotora to ia
authorIzatIon by law tor tho convoyanco. 5oction 48 dooa not urort to bo itaoIt a aourco ot IogaI
authority tor convoyanco ot roaI roorty ot tho Covornmont. For 5oction 48 moroIy aocitioa tho
otticiaI authorizod to oxocuto and aign on bohaIt ot tho Covornmont tho dood ot convoyanco in caao
ot auch a convoyanco.
5ocondIy, oxamination ot our atatuto booka ahowa that authorization by Iaw tor diaoaition ot roaI
roorty ot tho rivato domain ot tho Covornmont, haa boon grantod by Congroaa both in tho torm ot
(a) a gonoraI, atanding authorization tor diaoaition ot atrimoniaI roorty ot tho Covornmont, and (b)
aocitic IogiaIation authorizing tho diaoaition ot articuIar iocoa ot tho Covornmont'a atrimoniaI
5tanding IogiaIativo authority tor tho diaoaition ot Iand ot tho rivato domain ot tho PhiIiinoa ia
rovidod by Act No. 8088, ontitIod "An Act Authorizing tho 5ocrotary ot AgricuIturo and NaturaI
Roaourcoa to 5oII or Loaao Land o| the PrIvate omaIn o| the Government o| the PhIlIppIne lslands (now
RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa)", onactod on 0 Narch 1022. 1ho tuII toxt ot thia atatuto ia aa toIIowa:
Bo it onactod by tho 5onato and Eouao ot Roroaontativoa ot tho PhiIiinoa in LogiaIaturo
aaaombIod and by tho authority ot tho aamo:
5EC1|ON 1. 1ho 5ocrotary ot AgricuIturo and NaturaI Roaourcoa (now 5ocrotary ot tho
Environmont and NaturaI Roaourcoa) ia horoby authorizod to aoII or Ioaao Iand ot tho
rivato domain ot tho Covornmont ot tho PhiIiino |aIanda, or any art thoroot, to auch
oraona, cororationa or aaaociationa aa aro, undor tho roviaiona ot Act Numborod
1wonty-oight hundrod and aovonty-tour, (now CommonwoaIth Act No. 141, aa amondod)
known aa tho PubIic Land Act, ontitIod to aIy tor tho urchaao or Ioaao or agricuIturaI
ubIic Iand.
5EC1|ON 2. 1he sale o| the land re|erred to in tho rocoding aoction shall, it auch Iand ia
agricuIturaI, bo mado in tho mannor and aub[oct to tho Iimitationa roacribod in chatora
tivo and aix, roaoctivoIy, ot aaid PubIic Land Act, and I| It be classI|Ied dI||erently, In
con|ormIty wIth the provIsIons o| chapter nIne o| saId Act: Providod, howovor, 1hat tho Iand
nocoaaary tor tho ubIic aorvico ahaII bo oxomt trom tho roviaiona ot thia Act.
5EC1|ON 8. 1hia Act ahaII tako ottoct on ita arovaI.
Arovod, Narch 0, 1022. (Emhaaia auIiod)
Loat it bo aaaumod that Act No. 8088 rotora onIy to agricuIturaI Ianda ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato,
it muat bo notod that Chator 0 ot tho oId PubIic Land Act (Act No. 2874) ia now Chator 0 ot tho
roaont PubIic Land Act (CommonwoaIth Act No. 141, aa amondod) and that both atatutoa rotor to: "any
tract ot Iand ot tho ubIic domain which boing noithor timbor nor minoraI Iand, ia intondod to bo uaod
tor resIdentIal purposes or tor commercIal or IndustrIal purposes othor than agricuIturaI" (Emhaaia
auIiod). |n othor worda, tho atatuto covora tho aaIo or Ioaao or roaidontiaI, commorciaI or induatriaI
Iand ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato.
|mIomonting roguIationa havo boon iaauod tor tho carrying out ot tho roviaiona ot Act No. 8088. On
21 Docombor 1054, tho thon 5ocrotary ot AgricuIturo and NaturaI Roaourcoa romuIgatod Landa
Adminiatrativo Ordora Noa. 7-0 and 7-7 which woro ontitIod, roaoctivoIy: "5uIomontary RoguIationa
Covorning tho 5aIo ot tho Lands o| the PrIvate omaIn ot tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa", and
"5uIomontary RoguIationa Covorning tho Lease o| Lands o| PrIvate omaIn ot tho RoubIic ot tho
convortoo by
PhiIiinoa" (toxt in 51 O.C. 28-20 [1055}).
|t ia orhaa woII to add that Act No. 8088, aIthough now aixty-oight (08) yoara oId, ia atiII in ottoct and
haa not boon rooaIod.
5ocitic IogiaIativo authorization tor diaoaition ot articuIar atrimoniaI roortioa ot tho 5tato ia
iIIuatratod by cortain oarIior atatutoa. 1ho tirat ot thoao waa Act No. 1120, onactod on 20 AriI 1004,
which rovidod tor tho diaoaition ot tho triar Ianda, urchaaod by tho Covornmont trom tho Roman
CathoIic Church, to bona |Ide aottIora and occuanta thoroot or to othor oraona. |n JacInto v. Irector
o| Lands (40 PhiI. 858 [1020}), thoao triar Ianda woro hoId to bo rivato and atrimoniaI roortioa ot
tho 5tato. Act No. 2800, onactod on -28 Fobruary 1014, authorizod tho aaIo ot tho 8an Lazaro Estate
Iocatod in tho City ot NaniIa, which had aIao boon urchaaod by tho Covornmont trom tho Roman
CathoIic Church. |n January 1010, Act No. 2555 amondod Act No. 2800 by incIuding thoroin aII Ianda and
buiIdinga ownod by tho EoaitaI and tho Foundation ot 5an Lazaro thorototor Ioaaod by rivato
oraona, and which woro aIao acquirod by tho PhiIiino Covornmont.
Attor tho onactmont in 1022 ot Act No. 8088, thoro aoara, to my knowIodgo, to bo onIy ono atatuto
authorizing tho Proaidont to diaoao ot a aocitic ioco ot roorty. 1hia atatuto ia RoubIic Act No.
005, onactod on 20 Juno 1058, which authorizod tho
Proaidont to aoII an |dontitiod arcoI ot Iand ot tho rivato domain ot tho NationaI Covornmont to tho
NationaI Proaa CIub ot tho PhiIiinoa, and to othor rocognizod nationaI aaaociationa ot rotoaaionaIa
with acadomic atanding, tor tho nominaI rico ot P1.00. |t aoara roIovant to noto that RoubIic Act
No. 005 waa not an outright diaoaition in orotuity ot tho roorty invoIvod- it rovidod tor
rovoraion ot tho roorty to tho NationaI Covornmont in caao tho NationaI Proaa CIub atood uaing it
tor ita hoadquartora. What RoubIic Act No. 005 authorizod waa roaIIy a donatIon, and not a aaIo.
1ho baaic aubmiaaion horo mado ia that Act No. 8088 rovidoa atanding IogiaIativo authorization tor
diaoaition ot tho Roongi roorty which, in my viow, haa boon convortod into atrimoniaI roorty
ot tho RoubIic.
1o aomo, tho aubmiaaion that Act No. 8088 aIioa not onIy to Ianda ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato
Iocatod in tho PhiIiinoa but also to patrImonIal property |ound outsIde the PhIlIppInes, may aoar
atrango or unuauaI. | roaocttuIIy aubmit that auch oaition ia not any moro unuauaI or atrango than
tho aaaumtion that ArticIo 420 ot tho CiviI Codo aIioa not onIy to roorty ot tho RoubIic Iocatod
within PhiIiino torritory but aIao to roorty tound outaido tho boundarioa ot tho RoubIic.
|t romaina to noto that undor tho woII-aottIod doctrino that hoada ot Exocutivo Doartmonta aro alter
egos ot tho Proaidont (vIllena v. 8ecretary o| the lnterIor, 07 PhiI. 451 [1080}), and in viow ot tho
conatitutionaI owor ot controI oxorciaod by tho Proaidont ovor doartmont hoada (ArticIo V||, 5oction
17,1087 Conatitution), tho Proaidont horaoIt may carry out tho tunction or duty that ia aociticaIIy
Iodgod in tho 5ocrotary ot tho Doartmont ot Environmont and NaturaI Roaourcoa (Araneta v.
GatmaItan 101 PhiI. 828 [1057}). At tho vory Ioaat, tho Proaidont rotaina tho owor to arovo or
diaarovo tho oxorciao ot that tunction or duty whon dono by tho 5ocrotary ot Environmont and
NaturaI Roaourcoa.
|t ia hardIy nocoaaary to add that tho torogoing anaIyaoa and aubmiaaiona roIato onIy to tho auatoro
quoation ot oxiatonco ot IogaI owor or authority. 1hoy havo nothing to do with much dobatod
quoationa ot wiadom or rorioty or roIativo doairabiIity oithor ot tho rooaod diaoaition itaoIt or ot
tho rooaod utiIization ot tho anticiatod rocooda ot tho roorty invoIvod. 1hoao Iattor tyoa ot
conaidorationa Eo within tho ahoro ot roaonaibiIity ot tho oIiticaI doartmonta ot govornmont tho
Exocutivo and tho LogiaIativo authoritioa.
For aII tho torogoing, | voto to diamiaa tho Potitiona tor Prohibition in both C.R. Noa. 02018 and 02047.
Fernan, C.J., Narvasa, Gancayco, Cortes and MedIaldea, JJ., concurrIng.
PadiIIa, J.
1 Art. 422 ot tho CiviI Codo rovidoa:
"Proorty ot ubIic dominion, whon no Iongor intondod tor ubIic uao or ubIic aorvico,
ahaII torm art ot tho atrimoniaI roorty ot tho 5tato. (841a)
5armionto, J.
1 NuniciaIity ot Oaa v. Roa, 7 PhiI. 20 (1000).
2 NuniciaIity ot Einunangan v. Diroctor ot Landa, 24 PhiI. 124 (11018). 1ho roorty
invoIvod horo waa a tortroaa.
8 Earty v. NuniciaIity ot Victoria, 18 PhiI. 152 (1000).
4 5oo aIao || 1OLEN1|NO, C|V|L CODE OF 1EE PE|L|PP|NE5 80 (1072 od.), citing 8 Nanroaa |||.
5oo aIao Provinco ot Zamboanga doI Norto v. City ot Zamboanga, No. L-24440, Narch 28,
1008, 22 5CRA1884.
5 |gnacio v. Diroctor ot Landa, 108 PhiI. 885, 880 (1000).
0 Cobu Oxygon & AcotyIono Co., |nc. va. BorciIIoa, No. L-40474, Auguat 20, 1075, 00 5CRA
7 C.R. Noa. 02018 & 02047, 21.
8 5aIaa v. Jaroncio, No. L-20788, Auguat 80, 1072, 40 5CRA784, Rabuco v. ViIIogaa, No.
convortoo by
L-24010, Fobruary 28, 1074, 55 5CRA058.
0 5oo Lianga Bay Logging Co., |nc. v. Looz Enago, No. L-80087, JuIy 10, 1087, 152 5CRA80.
10 CON51., art. X||, aoc. 2.
FoIiciano, J.
1 Wo aro oraIIy adviaod by tho Ottico ot tho Diroctor ot Landa that Act No. 8088 ia vory much
in ottoct and that tho Buroau ot Landa continuoa to dato to act undor it. 5oo aIao, in thia
connoction, 5octiona 2 and 4 ot RoubIic Act No. 477, onactod 0 Juno 1050 and aa Iaat
amondod by B.P. BIg 288. 1hia atatuto govornmont tho diaoaition ot Ianda ot tho ubIic
domain and ot tho rivato domain ot tho 5tato, incIuding Ianda roviouaIy voatod in tho
unitod 5tatoa AIion Proorty Cuatodian and tranatorrod to tho RoubIic ot tho PhiIiinoa.
2 5inco Act No. 8088 oatabIiahod cortain quaIiticationa tor aIicanta tor urchaao or Ioaao
ot Iand ot rivato domain ot tho govornmont, it ia roIovant to noto that Exocutivo Ordor No.
200, romuIgatod at a timo whon tho Proaidont waa atiII oxorciaing IogiaIativo authority,
rovidoa aa toIIowa:
"5oc. 1. 1ho roviaiona ot RoubIic Act No. 1780, aa amondod, and ot othor Iawa, to tho
contrary notwithatanding, tho abovo montionod roortioa can bo mado avaiIabIo tor aaIo,
Ioaao or any othor mannor ot diaoaition to non-FiIiino citizona." (Emhaaia auIiod)
1ho LawhiI Pro[ oct - AroIIano Law Foundation
convortoo by

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