The Tamil Nadu Municipal (Non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1976

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TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !



1# Short tit ! "#$ %o&&!#%!&!#t#$ (a) The Regulations ma% be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal (Non-Centrali&ed-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"#

(b) These regulations shall be deemed to ha'e come into (orce on the )*th +ugust 1 !"#
1# D!'i#itio#()* ,n these regulations, unless there is an%thing repugnant in the sub-ect or

(1) A++oi#t!$ to th! !(t", i(h&!#t)* + person is said to be /appointed to the

establishment0 in accordance 1ith these regulations or in accordance 1ith the regulations applicable at the time, as the case ma% be, i( he discharges (or the (irst time the duties o( a post borne on the establishment or commences the probation2
(3) A++ro-!$ C"#$i$"t!#$ /+ppro'ed Candidate0 means a candidate 1hose name

appears in the authoritati'e list o( candidates selected (or appointment to an% categor% 2
()) A++ro-!$ Pro,"tio#!r#$ /+ppro'ed Probationer0 in a categor% means a member

o( that categor% 1ho has satis(actoril%

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

completed his probation and a1aits appointment as a (ull member o( such categor%2
(4) B"%./"r$ C "((!()* /5ac61ard Classes0 means the communities mentioned in 7chedule , o( Part , o( the 8eneral Rules (or the Tamil Nadu 7tate and 7ubordinate 7er'ices 2 (9) Di(%h"r0! o' " &!&,!r o' !(t", i(h&!#t#$ /:ischarge o( a member o( establishment0 means member o( establishment dispensing 1ith his ser'ices (or 1ant o( 'acanc%2 (") D1t2#$ + person is said to be on dut% as a member o( the establishment ;-

(a) 1hen he is per(orming the duties o( a post borne on the establishment or is undergoing the probation, (b0) 1hen he is on -oining time, or (c) 1hen he is absent (rom dut% during authori&ed holida%s or on casual lea'e ta6en in accordance 1ith the instructions regulating such lea'e issued b% the 7tate 8o'ernment, ha'ing been on dut% immediatel% be(ore and immediatel% a(ter such absence#
(!) E3!%1ti-! A1thorit2#$ /E.ecuti'e +uthorit%0 means the Municipal Commissioner and shall include a 7pecial <((icer o( the Municipalit% 1hen there is no Municipal Council, and the E.ecuti'e +uthorit% o( the To1nship Committee constituted under the Tamil Nadu :istrict Municipalities +ct, 1 3* (Tamil Nadu +ct = o( 1 3*)#

M!&,!r)* /?ull Member0 means a member 1ho has been appointed substanti'el% to a permanent post borne on the establishment2 (5) M!&,!r o' th! establishment#$ /Member o( the establishment0 means a person 1ho has been appointed and 1ho has not retired or resigned, been remo'ed or dismissed, or been discharged other1ise than (or 1ant o('acanc%# He ma% be a probationer, an appro'ed probationer, or a (ull member o( the ser'ice 2 (6) Mi it"r2 D1t2)* /Militar% dut%0 means(i) dut% o( an% 6ind (including a course o( training) in'ol'ing sub-ection to Na'al, Militar% or +ir ?orce @a1, or

(>) 41

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

(ii) dut% (including a course o( training) 1ith a liabilit% to ser'e o'erseas or in an% operational area in Na'al, Militar% or +ir ?orce Anit or (ormation or under Militar% Munitions or stores authorities or in (actories 2 or (iii) Bholetime dut% in (a) the Ci'il Pioneer ?orce, the Madras Ci'il @abour Anits or the Madras @abour

Anits (or Ce%lon 2 or

(a) the +ir Raid Precaution or an% other Ci'il :e(ence <rgani&ation speci(ied b% the Central 8o'ernment 2 or (b) an% post created (or the e((icient prosecution o( the 1ar o( 1 ) -1 4" or

associated 1ith the training o( 1ar technicians, i( dut% o( such post is declared b% the Central 8o'ernment to be militar% dut%# Explanation.No dut% shall be treated as militar% dut% unless either o( the (ollo1ing conditions is satis(ied, namel% ;$
(i) it must ha'e been rendered 1ith the period commencing on the )rd 7eptember 1 ) and ending 1ith the 31st No'ember 1 4> ;

Pro'ided that, i( it commenced on or a(ter the 3nd +pril 1 4", it shall not be rec6oned as militar% dut% 2 or
(i) it must ha'e commenced on an% date on or a(ter the 3"th <ctober 1 "3 2

(11) M1#i%i+" it27* 0Municipalit%0 shall mean and include e'er% Municipalit% and the To1nship Committees constituted under the Tamil Nadu :istrict Municipalities +ct, 1 3* (Tamil Nadu +ct = o( 1 3*) or the committees to 1hich the pro'isions o( the Tamil Nadu :istrict Municipalities +ct, 1 3* (Tamil Nadu +ct = o( 1 3*), ha'e been e.tended 2 (18) Pro,"tio#!r#$ 0Probationer0 in the establishment means a member o( the establishment 1ho has not completed his probation 2 Pro&otio#)* 0Promotion0 means the appointment o( a member o( an% categor% o( the establishment to a higher categor% o( the establishment 2

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

(15) R!%r1it!$ $ir!%t)* + person is said to be recruited0 direct 1hen he is not alread%

a member o( the Municipal Establishment 2

(16) R!-!r(io#)* 0Re'ersion shall mean the re'ersion o( a member o( a categor% o( the

establishment to a lo1er categor% (or 1ant o( 'acanc% 2

(15) S%h!$1 !$ C"(t!()* /7cheduled Castes0 means the communities mentioned and

included, (rom time to time, in Part + o( 7chedule ,, o( Part , o( the 8eneral Rules o( the Tamil Nadu 7tate and 7ubordinate 7er'ices# Explanation. No person 1ho pro(esses a religion di((erent (rom Hinduism shall be deemed to be a member o( a 7cheduled Caste 2
(14) S%h!$1 !$ Tri,!(#$ 07cheduled Tribes0 means the communities mentioned and such other communities included, (rom time to time, in Part 5 o( 7chedule ,, o( Part , o( the 8eneral Rules o( the Tamil Nadu 7tate and# 7ubordinate 7er'ices#

(16) 9"r S!r-i%!)* 0Bar 7er'ice0 means (a) ser'ice o( an% 6ind in a unit or (ormation liable (or ser'ice o'erseas or in an% operational area or in the ,ndian National +rm% (,N+) 2 (b) ser'ice in ,ndia under Militar% Munitions or stores authorities, or in (actories 1ith a liabilit% to ser'e o'erseas or in an% operational area 2 (a) all other ser'ice in'ol'ing sub-ection to Na'al, Militar% or +ir ?orce @a1 2 (c) a period o( training 1ith a Militar% unit or (ormation in'ol'ing liabilit% to ser'e

o'erseas or in an% operational areas 2

(b) 'aluable ser'ice rendered to the (ighting (orces in other 1a%s, (or e.ample, b%

1a% o( recruiting 2
(d) ser'ice in +ir Raid Precaution, or an% other Ci'il :e(ence <rgani&ation speci(ied in this behal( b% the Central or 7tate 8o'ernment 2 and

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

(g) an% ser'ice connected 1ith the prosecution o( the 1ar 1hich a person 1as reCuired to underta6e b% a competent authorit% under the pro'ision o( an% la1 (or the time being in (orce# (h)

7er'ice in an% o( the (ollo1ing

(g) National Bar ?ront <rganisation2 (ii) Camou(lage <rganisation2 (iii)7pecial <rganisation (or the Production o( Bar 7upplies through small scale

industries 2 (i')+n% post associated 1ith the training o( 1ar technicians, i( dut% in such post is declared b% the Central 8o'ernment to be /militar% dut%02
(v) Post o( 7pecial Constable on Coastal Patrol :ut%# (v) 7ur'e% o( ,ndia, i( the ser'ice 1as temporar% and in'ol'ed liabilit% (or

ser'ice o'erseas# :) Co#(tit1tio##$ (1) The establishment shall consist o( the (ollo1ing categories; No# Categor% 1# Maternit% +ssistant (Maternit% and Child Health) 3# Motor Mechanic )# @aborator% +ssistant 4# ?ield +ssistant 9# :ri'er (@orr%, Motor, or Tractor) "# 5urial 8round Registrar !# ?itter ># Carpenter # Hammerman 1*# 5lac6smith 11# 7anitar% 7uper'isor 13# Public Health Peon 1)# Cleaner (@orr%,Motor or Tractor)

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


14# 19# 1"# 1!#

5ello1 5o% +%ah, Maternit% and Child Health ?la%er 7anitar% Bor6ers (71eepers, 7ca'engers, Totties, Cart :ri'ers, :rain Cleaners, Tan6 and burial and burning ground 1atchman, and all other 7anitar% Bor6ers including those emplo%ed (or +nti-Malaria, +nti-?ilaria, 8uinea Borm and Compost 7chemes)

(3) Pa% and allo1ances#$ The posts shall carr% the scales o( pa% special pa% and allo1ances as ma% be prescribed b% 8o'ernment, (rom time to time# 5) A++oi#t&!#t#$ +ppointment to the categories speci(ied in column (1) o( the Table belo1 shall be made b% the methods speci(ied in the corresponding entr% in column (3) thereo( T+5@E Categor% (1) Categor% 6 - :ri'er (@orr% Motor or Tractor) Method o( Recruitment (3) (i) Promotion (rom among Cleaners, or (ii) ,( no Cuali(ied and suitable person is a'ailable (or promotion, recruitment b% trans(er Categor% ,, - 7anitar% 7uper'isor Categor% 13 - Public Health Peon Categor% 1!,- 7anitar% Bor6ers +ll other categories (i) Promotion (rom among 7anitar% Bor6ers and Batchman, or (ii) ,( no Cuali(ied and suitable person is a'ailable (or promotion b% trans(er or b% direct recruitment :irect recruitment (i) :irect recruitment, or (in b% promotion b% trans(er (rom the same or and other Municipalit%#

Explanation. Promotion to posts o( :ri'er (@orr% or# Motor or Tractor) 7anitar% 7uper'isor and Public Health Peon shall be made in

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

accordance 1ith seniorit%, unless the promotion o( a member has been 1ithheld as a penalt%#
5. Reser'ation o( appointment#$ The rule o( reser'ation o( appointments in Rule 33 o(

the 8eneral Rules (or the Tamil Nadu 7tate and 7ubordinate 7er'ice shall appl% to appointment b% direct recruitment (or the posts classi(ied under Regulation 1* as superior ser'ice#
5. A++oi#t&!#t o' /o&"##$ Bomen alone shall be appointed to the posts in the institution speciall% pro'ided (or them# 6. Li(t o' "++ro-!$ %"#$i$"t!(#$ +ll (irst appointments to the establishment shall be

made b% the appointing authorit% (rom the list o( appro'ed candidates in accordance 1ith the pro'ision made in the regulations# Bhere the candidates in such list are arranged in their order o( pre(erence, appointments shall be made in such order#
9# A++oi#ti#0 A1thorit2#$ (1) 7ub-ect to the pro'isions o( clause (a) o( sub-section (1)

o( 7ection 1) o( the Tamil Nadu Public Health +ct, 1 ) (Tamil Nadu +ct ,,, o( 1 ) ) and the rules made thereunder, appointment to the posts shall be made(i) 5% the E.ecuti'e +uthorit% in a Municipalit% 1hich has no Health <((icer o( its

o1n 2
(i) 5% the Health <((icer sub-ect to the appro'al o( the E.ecuti'e +uthorit% as

reCuired b% sub-section (3) o( 7ection 14 o( the Tamil Nadu Public Health +ct, 1 ) (Tamil Nadu +ct ,,, o( 1 ) ) in other cases#
(3) The E.ecuti'e +uthorit% shall not decline to gi'e its appro'al e.cept 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment, ,( 1ithin one month (rom the date on 1hich it recei'ed the application (rom the Health <((icer (or its appro'al, the E.ecuti'e +uthorit% (ails either to gi'e its appro'al to appl% to the 8o'ernment (or such sanction, its appro'al shall be deemed to ha'e been accorded# ()) +n appeal shall lie to the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ices and ?amil% Planning, Chennai against all orders o( the Health <((icer or the E.ecuti'e +uthorit%, as the case ma% be, ma6ing appointment#

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


9) ;1" i'i%"tio#( "( to "0!)* (a) No person shall be appointed to the posts speci(ied in column (1) o( the Table belo1, i( he has completed or 1ill complete on the (irst da% o( Dul% o( the %ear in 1hich the selection (or appointment is made, the %ear o( age speci(ied in the corresponding entr% in column (3) thereo(; Pro'ided that the age-limit speci(ied in column (3) shall not appl% to the appointment b% trans(er or promotion o( a person in the establishment o( the @ocal +uthorit% or o( other local authorit%# TABLE Name o( Post (1) Maternit% +ssistant (Maternit% and Child Health) Motor-Mechanic @aborator% +ssistant ?ield +ssistant :ri'er (@orr%, Motor or Tractor) 5urial 8round Registrar ?itter Carpenter Hammerman 5lac6smith 7anitar% 7uper'isor Public Health Peon Cleaner (Motor, @orr% or Tractor) 5ello1 5o% ?la%er +ge @imit (should not be less than 31 %ears) (3) 4* 4* 3" 3" 39 3" )* )* )* )* 3" 3" 3" 3" )*

1# 3# )# 4# 9# "# !# ># # 1*# 011# 13# 1)# 14# 19#

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

The age-limit shall not appl% to the appointment to the post o( 7anitar% 7uper'isor or Public Health Peon o( 7anitar% Bor6er or o( a Batchman paid (rom contingencies, i( he had entered ser'ice be(ore he had attained the age o( 3" %ears, or to the appointment as 7anitar% 7uper'isor or Public Health Peon o( an e.-arm% man or a peon or mastri 1ho 1as emplo%ed in connection 1ith +ir Raid Precaution or Ci'il :e(ence 7cheme, as the case ma% be ; Pro'ided that the 7anitar% Bor6er or a 1atchman appointed prior to 1*-11-!3 shall be eligible (or promotion as 7anitar% 7uper'isor or Public Health Peon i( he has entered ser'ice be(ore he attained the age o( 39 %ears ; Pro'ided (urther that a person to be appointed to the post o( +%ah (Maternit% and Child Health) and 7anitar% Bor6er should ha'e completed )* and 1> %ears o( age respecti'el% on the (irst da% o( Dul% o( the %ear in 1hich the selection (or appointment is made ; Pro'ided also that in the case o( 7cheduled Castes and 7cheduled Tribes, the ma.imum age-limit (or appointment in the Public Health Establishment o( local bod% in respect o( posts mentioned in items ), 4, " to 14 and 19 o( the Table is )1 %ears ; Pro'ided also that the persons 1ho are demolished (rom the +rm%, Na'% or +ir (orce and 1ho ha'e not completed 49 %ears o( age in case o( such demolished persons not belonging to 7cheduled Castes, 7cheduled Tribes or 5ac61ard Classes, and 9* %ears o( age in the case o( demolished persons o( 7cheduled Castes, 7cheduled Tribes and 5ac61ard Classes shall be eligible (or appointment# (,) Oth!r ;1" i'i%"tio#)* No person shall be appointed to the post speci(ied in column (,) o( the Table belo1 unless he possesses the Cuali(ications speci(ied in the corresponding entries in column (3) thereo(#

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


Name o( the Post (1) 1# Maternit% +ssistant

Euali(ications (3) Must possess a mid1i(er% or an au.iliar% Nurses Mid1i(er% :iploma, and must ha'e registered as mid1i(e or an +u.iliar% Nurse under the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Mid1i'es +ct, 1 3" (Tamil Nadu +ct ,,, o( 1 3"), Pre(erence, ho1e'er, shall be gi'en to the candidates trained as 8o'ernment stipend arises# (i) Must ha'e had e.perience (or a period o( not less than 9 %ears in a 1or6shop or 1or6 place underta6ing repairs to automobiles 2 and (ii) Must possess a licence (or dri'ing hea'% transport 'ehicles

3# Motor-Mechanic

)# @aborator% +ssistant

(i) Must possess completed 7#7#@#C# (ii) Must ha'e a good ph%siCue, good 'ision and capacit% (or outdoor 1or62 and (iii) Must ha'e undergone training o( not less than ) months in the Regional Malaria <ranisation at Than-a'ur or Coimbatore or in the Central Malaria @aborator% attached to the <((ice o( the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ice and ?amil% Planning, Chennai#

4# ?ield +ssistant

(i) Must ha'e passed the ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard2 (ii) Must ha'e good ph%siCue, clear 'ision and capacit% (iii) Must ha'e undergone the preliminar% training (or a period o( not less than one month in the Regional Malaria <rganisation at Than-a'ur or Coimbatore or in the Central Malaria @aborator% attached to the <((ice o( the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ice and ?amil% Planning, Chennai#

9# :ri'er

(i) 8ood ph%siCue# (ii) + pass in ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard o( a recogni&ed school Explanation.+ recognised school shall mean a school maintained b% or opened 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment o( Tamil Nadu, or to 1hich

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


recognition has been accorded b% the :irector o( 7chool Education under the Educational Rules o( the 7tate# (iii) Possession o( dri'ing licence (or hea'% transport 'ehicles "# 5urial 8round Registrar !# ?itter ># Carpenter # Hammer man Must ha'e completed 7#7#@#C# E.perience (or a period o( not less than 9 %ears in Motor Repair Bor6s# Must ha'e ser'ed as Carpenter (or a period o( not less than 9 %ears# + pass in ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard o( a recogni&ed school, i#e# a school maintained b% or opened 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment o( Tamil Nadu or to 1hich recognition has been accorded b% the :irector o( 7chool Education under the Educational Rules o( the 7tate# Must ha'e e.perience as a Hammer man in a 1or6ing place (or a period o( not less than one %ear# 1*# 5lac6smith 11# 7anitar% 7uper'isor E.perience (or a period o( not less than 9 %ears in smith 1or6# + pass in ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard o( a recogni&ed school, i#e# a school maintained b% or opened 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment o( Tamil Nadu or to 1hich recognition has been accorded b% the :irector o( 7chool Education under the Educational# Rules o( the 7tate# (i) 8ood ph%siCue (ii) + pass in ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard o( a recogni&ed school i#e# a 7chool maintained b% or opened 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment o( Tamil Nadu or to 1hich recognition has been accorded b% the :irector o( 7chool Education under the Educational Rules o( the 7tate# 14# 5ello1 5o% + pass in ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard o( a recogni&ed 7chool, i#e# a school maintained b% or opened 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment o( Tamil Nadu or to 1hich recognition has been accorded b% the :irector o( 7chool Education under the Educational Rules o( the 7tate#

1)# Cleaner

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


19# +%ah (Maternit% and Child- Health) 1"# ?la%er

Must be able to read and 1rite Tamil (i) + pass in ,,, ?orm or =,,, 7tandard o( a recogni&ed 7chool, i#e#, a 7chool maintained b% or opened 1ith the sanction o( the 8o'ernment o( Tamil Nadu or to 1hich recognition has been accorded b% the :irector o( 7chool Education under the Educational Rules o( the 7tate# (ii) 7hould ha'e undergone success(ull% the course in (la%ing conducted b% the +nimal Husbandr% :epartment o( the 7tate 8o'ernment The Cuali(ication o( completed 7#7#@#C# reCuired (or the post o( @aborator% +ssistant and 5urial 8round Registrar shall mean the Cuali(ication prescribed in 7chedule to 8<# No# 3*, R:# F @#+# dated 9-1-1 !3#

1<) C "((i'i%"tio# o' (!r-i%!)-(") 7er'ice in the post o( 5lac6smith and Carpenter shall be

treated as superior ser'ice 1ith e((ect (rom 11-9-1 9) (or the purpose o( contribution to the pro'ident (und and (or lea'e rules#
11) Pro,"tio##$ (1) E'er% person appointed to a post in superior ser'ice shall, (rom the date on 1hich he -oins dut%, be on probation (or a total period o( 3 %ears o( dut% 1ithin a continuous period o( ) %ears#

(3) E'er% person appointed to a post in in(erior ser'ice shall, (rom the date on 1hich he -oins dut%, be on probation (or a period o( one %ear o( dut% 1ithin a continuous period o( ) %ears# 18) D"t! o' %o&&!#%!&!#t o' +ro,"tio# o' +!r(o#( "++oi#t!$ or +ro&ot!$ t!&+or"ri 2)* ,( a person 1ho is appointed or promoted temporaril% under Regulation 39 o( these regulations is subseCuentl% appointed thereto in accordance 1ith these regulations, it shall be open to the appointing authorit% to allo1 such person to commence his probation (rom the date o( such appointment or promotion, or (rom an earlier date, such date not being earlier to the date o( his (irst temporar% appointment or promotion under Regulation 39, as the appointing authorit% ma%, in his discretion, decide# 1:) D1t2 i# hi0h!r +o(t to %o1#t 'or +ro,"tio# i# o/!r +o(t(#$+ probationer in an% categor% shall be eligible to count to1ards his

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


probation his dut% pre(ormed on regular appointment to a higher categor% o( the establishment, i( an%# Nothing contained in this regulation shall be construed as authori&ing the promotion o( a probationer in contra'ention o( these regulations# o# t!&+or"r2 +ro&otio# to %o1#t 'or +ro,"tio# i# o/!r +o(t#$ + probationer in an% categor% o( the establishment 1ho is promoted temporaril% under the pro'isions o( Regulation 39 o( these regulations to a higher categor% shall be entitled to count to1ards his probation, i( an%, in the lo1er categor% the period o( dut% per(ormed b% him in the higher categor% during 1hich he 1ould ha'e held the post in the lo1er categor% but (or his temporar% appointment# Mi it"r2 $1t2 %o1#t( 'or +ro,"tio#)* + probationer in an% post 1ho has been or ma% be deputed (or militar% dut% shall be entitled to count to1ards the period o( probation in such post the period spent on militar% dut%# Co&+ !tio# o' +ro,"tio# "#$ $r"/" o' "rr!"r( o' i#%r!&!#t() $ +s soon as a probationer in an% categor% o( the establishment has completed his period o( probation prescribed in the regulations, or the e.tended period o( probation re(erred to in Regulation 1", as the case ma% be, the appointing authorit% shall consider his suitabilit% (or (ull membership to the categor%# ,( the appointing authorit% is satis(ied that the probationer is suitable (or (ull membership, he shall pass an order declaring him to be an appro'ed probationer#
14. 14. D1t2

+n% dela% in passing orders o( completion o( probation shall not monetaril% a((ect the appro'ed probationer, and arrears o( increments shall be allo1ed (rom the date o( completion o( probation as a matter o( course sub-ect to the (ollo1ing conditions, namel% ;(1) that the probation 1ould ha'e been declared to ha'e been satis(actoril% completed

(rom the date ordered e'en i( the Cuestion o( declaration o( probation had been ta6en up earlier 2
(3) that the declaration o( satis(actor% completion o( probation 1as dela%ed b% (actors 1hich 1ould not in an% case change the date o( such completion 2

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


()) that the person 1hose probation is declared to ha'e been satis(actoril% completed

1as Cuali(ied as on the date ordered2

(4) that the declaration o( satis(actor% completion o( probation 1as not the result o( an%

rela.ation o( the regulations# ,n all the case coming under items (1) to (4) abo'e, orders issued declaring the probation or the regulations shall include a speci(ic pro'isions in regard to dra1al o( arrears o( increments# 16) E3t!#(io# o' +ro,"tio##$ ,( the appointing authorit% is o( the opinion that the probationer should continue to be on probation in order to enable him to decide upon his suitabilit% (or (ull membership, the appointing authorit% ma% e.tend his period o( probation (or a period not e.ceeding one %ear# 17) T!r&i#"tio# o' +ro,"tio#)* ,( on the completion o( the period o( probation or the e.tended period o( probation, as the case ma% be, the appointing authorit% is satis(ied that the probationer is not suitable (or (ull membership, he shall pass an order terminating his probation a(ter gi'ing the 0probationer a reasonable opportunit% o( sho1ing cause against the proposed termination o( probation# 1=) A1to&"ti% %o&+ !tio# o' +ro,"tio##$ + probationer in an% categor% o( the establishment shall be deemed to ha'e completed his probation automaticall% unless, 1ithin a period o( " months calculated (rom the date on 1hich he completed the period o( probation, or the e.tended period o( probation, as the case ma% be,(i) a communication as6ing him to sho1 cause 1h% his probation should not be

terminated is ser'ed on him, or # (i) disciplinar% proceedings are initiated against him (or corruption or other serious misconduct and he is speci(icall% in(ormed in 1riting that the Cuestion o( considering the suitabilit% (or (ull membership 1ill be ta6en up onl% a(ter the completion o( the disciplinar% proceedings# 19) A++!" "0"i#(t t!r&i#"tio# o' +ro,"tio#)* + probationer 1hose probation has been terminated shall be entitled to appeal to the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ices and ?amil% Planning, Chennai# 7uch appeal shall be pre(erred 1ithin a period o( 3 months (rom the date on 1hich the orders o( termination o( probation is communicated to him ;

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


Pro'ided that the appellate authorit% ma%, in his discretion, e.tend the a(oresaid period be%ond 3 months# Ri0ht o' +ro,"tio#!r( "#$ "++ro-!$ +ro,"tio#!r( to r!"++oi#t&!#t)* + 'acanc% in an% categor% shall not be (illed b% the appointment o( a person 1ho has not %et commenced his probation in such categor%, 1hen an appro'ed probationer or probationer therein is a'ailable (or such appointment#
20. 20. Di(%h"r0! or r!-!r(io# "#$ r!"++oi#t&!#t o' +ro,"tio#!r( "#$ "++ro-!$ +ro,"tio#!r(#$ Probationers and appro'ed probationers shall be re'erted or discharged (or 1ant o( 'acanc% in the (ollo1ing order ;$

?irst$ The probationers in the order o( -uniorit% 2 Second The appro'ed probationers in the order o( -uniorit%# A++oi#t&!#t o' '1 &!&,!r(#$ The senior-most appro'ed probationer in a categor% o( the establishment shall, at the earliest opportunit%, be appointed as (ull member in a substanti'e 'acanc% e.isting in such categor%# ,( the substanti'e 'acanc% e.ists (rom a date prior to the date o( completion o( probation, he shall be appointed retrospecti'el% as a (ull member (rom such date, pro'ided that no person shall be appointed (rom a date 1hich is earlier to the date on 1hich he commenced probation ;

Pro'ided that 1here a person 1ho is on probation or 1ho has completed his period o( probation in a post is deputed (or militar% dut%, he shall be con(irmed at the earliest opportunit% as soon as a substanti'e 'acanc% arises in the post 1hile he is on militar% dut% or a(ter his return (rom such dut%, in pre(erence to all persons 1hose date o( (irst appointment in that post other than the appointment re(erred to in Regulation 39 is later than his, sub-ect in the case o( person or probationer to the condition that he shall, a(ter the completion o( his militar% dut%, undergo and satis(actoril% complete such portion, i( an%, o( the prescribed period o( probation as remains a(ter counting the period o( militar% dut%# M!&,!r( ",(!#t 'ro& $1t2#$ The absence o( a member o( the establishment (rom dut% 1hether on lea'e and 1hether his lien in a

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


post borne on the categor% o( the establishment is suspended or not shall, i( he is other1ise (it, render him ineligible in his turn
(a) (or reappointment to substanti'e or o((iciating 'acanc% in the post in 1hich he ma% be probationer or an appro'ed probationer2 (a) (or promotion (rom lo1er to a higher categor% in the establishment, as the case ma%

be, in the same manner as i( he had not been absent# He shall be entitled to all the pri'ileges in respect o( appointment, seniorit% probation and appointment as (ull member 1hich he 1ould ha'e en-o%ed but (or his absence sub-ect to his completing satis(actoril% the period o( probation on his return#
34# S!#iorit2#$The seniorit% o( a person appointed to an% categor% shall be determined 1ith re(erence to his ran6 in the last o( appro'ed candidates;

Pro'ided that the seniorit% o( a person 1ho has alread% been a member o( the establishment on the date o( issue o( these regulations shall be determined 1ith re(erence to the date o( his (irst appointment to the establishment#
34# T!&+or"r2 "++oi#t&!#t or +ro&otio##$ (1) ,( o1ing to an emergenc% or (or administrati'e reasons, it is necessar% to appoint or promote a person other1ise than in accordance 1ith these regulations, the appointing authorit% ma%, (or reasons to be clearl% recorded in 1riting, appoint or promote temporaril% a person 1hom he considers suitable, but the person so appointed or promoted shall not be regarded as probationer in the post to 1hich he is appointed or promoted, or be entitled to (uture appointment and shall be replaced as soon as possible b% a candidate Cuali(ied to hold a post under these regulations ;

Pro'ided that the appointment made under this clause shall not e.ceed a period o( one %ear at a time; Pro'ided (urther that the prior appro'al o( the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ices and ?amil% Planning, Chennai, shall be obtained 1hen the period o( appointment e.ceeds one %ear (or 1hich purpose the appointing authorit% concerned shall promptl% intimate the (act to the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ice and ?amil% Planning, Chennai as soon as an unCuali(ied candidate is appointed to a post#

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


(3) Bhere it is necessar% to appoint a member o( the establishment against 1hom an enCuir% into allegation o( corruption or misconduct is pending, the appointing authorit% ma% appoint him temporaril% pending# enCuir% into the charges against him# The person so appointed or promoted temporaril% shall not be regarded as probationer in that categor%, and he shall be paid his substanti'e pa% or the minimum in the time-scale o( pa% applicable to the post, 1hiche'er is higher#
26. Gr"#t o' !"-!)* The Health <((icer shall be the authorit% competent to grant lea'e, and be(ore granting an% lea'e other than casual lea'e, he shall consult the E.ecuti'e +uthorit% ;

Pro'ided that in case o( a Municipalit% ha'ing no Hea rlth <((icer, the E.ecuti'e +uthorit% shall be the authorit% competent to grant the lea'e# R!tir!&!#t)* No member o( the establishment other than a person belonging to the in(erior ser'ice shall be retained in ser'ice a(ter he has attained the age o( 9> %ears# + member belonging to the in(erior ser'ice shall not be retained in ser'ice a(ter he has attained the age o( "* %ears#
27. 28. R!-!&+ o2&!#t o' +!#(io#!r()* Not1ithstanding an%thing to the contrar% in these regulations, the 7tate 8o'ernment shall ha'e the po1er to re-emplo% an% person 1ho has retired (rom the ser'ice and the re-emplo%ment o( such person shall not be regarded as a (irst appointment to the establishment nor shall it con(er on him the status o( a member o( the establishment#

M"i#t!#"#%! o' S!r-i%! Boo.)* (a) + 7er'ice 5oo6 shall be maintained in such (orm and manner as ma% be laid do1n b% the 8o'ernment (or e'er% member o( the establishment 1ho is entitled to subscribe to the 8eneral Pro'ident ?und, and maintained b% the Municipalit%#

(b) The appointing authorit% shall be responsible (or the correct and up-to-date maintenance o( the 7er'ice 5oo6, and he shall record an annual certi(icate o( 'eri(ication in the 7er'ice 5oo6 as earl% as possible a(ter the close o( the %ear# A t!r"tio# o' th! $"t! o' ,irth)* (1) The date o( birth o( a member o( the establishment alread% entered in the 7er'ice 5oo6 shall

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


not be altered e.cept 1ith the pre'ious sanction or under the direction o( the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ices and ?amil% Planning, Chennai#
(3) +n application (or alteration o( date o( birth shall be entertained i( it is made 1ithin

9 %ears a(ter the member has entered the ser'ice# +n% application recei'ed a(ter 9 %ears entr% into ser'ice shall be summaril% re-ected# ()) +n application recei'ed (or the alteration o( date o( birth shall (or1arded to the

Re'enue :epartment (or necessar% enCuir% and report b% an o((icer o( the Re'enue :epartment not belo1 the ran6 o( :eput% Collector o( the :istrict# <n receipt o( the report, the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ice and ?amil% Planning, Chennai shall decide 1hether the alteration o( date o( birth ma% be permitted or the application ma% be re-ected# The orders o( the +dditional :irector o( Health 7er'ice and ?amil% Planning, Chennai shall be (inal#
(4) The procedure laid do1n in clause ()) shall be (ollo1ed in all cases 1here alteration o( date o( birth is proposed suo motu b% the appointing authorit% on the basis o( medical opinion in the absence o( an% other authoritati'e records# :1) A++oi#t&!#t i# + "%! o' &!&,!r( $i(&i((!$, r!&o-!$, %o&+1 (ori 2 r!tir!$ or r!$1%!$)$ Bhere a person has been dismissed, remo'ed, compulsoril% retired or substanti'el% reduced (rom an% categor%, no 'acanc% caused thereb% arising substanti'el% in such categor% shall be substantiall% (illed to the pre-udice o( such person until the e.pir% o( a period o( one %ear (rom the date o( such dismissal, remo'al, compulsor% retirement or reduction is decided, 1hiche'er is later# :8) Co#(!>1!#%!( o' r!(i0#"tio## $+ member o( the establishment shall, i( he resigns

his appointment, (or(eits all his pre'ious ser'ice# The reappointment o( such persons shall be treated in the same 1a% as (irst appointment to the establishment b% direct recruitment and the regulations go'erning such appointment shall appl%, and on such reappointment, he shall not be entitled to count an% portion, o( his pre'ious ser'ice (or an% bene(it or concession admissible under an% rule or order or regulation#
::) A++ i%"tio# o' r1 !() "++ i%", ! to Go-!r#&!#t (!r-"#t()*(") ,n matters in respect

o( 1hich up pro'ision has been made in these

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"

regulations, e'er% member o( the ser'ice shall be go'erned b% the pro'isions o( the rules applicable to 8o'ernment ser'ants o( similar status and standing# (b) ,( doubt or di((icult% arises in the application o( these regulations to the members o( the Public Health Establishment then, the matter ma% be re(erred to 8o'ernment and the decision o( the 8o'ernment shall be (inal# :5) Po/!r to r! "3 r!01 "tio#(#$ Not1ithstanding an%thing contained in these regulations, the 7tate 8o'ernment shall ha'e po1er to deal 1ith the case o( an% person 1ho has ser'ed in the Municipal Establishment or an% candidate or class o( candidates (or appointment to the Municipal Establishment in such manner as ma% appear to them to be -ust and eCuitable ; Pro'ided that 1here an% such regulation is applicable in the case o( an% person or class o( persons, the case shall not be dealt 1ith in an% manner less (a'ourable to him or them than that pro'ided b% that regulation# 8#<# Ms# No# 1**3, H# F ?#B# dated >-"-1 ! # 8#<# Ms# No# 93*, H F ?#B# dated 13-)-1 >3# 8#<# Ms# No# H# F ?#B# dated 13-)-1 >3# 8#<# Ms# No# 11">, H# F ?#B# dated 1"-"-1 >"# ??????????????????????

St"t! Go-!r#&!#t C "ri'i%"tio#(

(1) R!01 "tio#( : (1), 5, 9 (") "#$ 9 (,))* The designation o( Public Health Peon has

been changed as Public Health <((ice +ssistant, Vide 8#<# Ms# No# >99 P F +R (Per ?), dated 34->-1 >4#
(1) R!01 "tio# 9#$ The ma.imum age limit (or direct recruitment to all posts is enhanced

to 3> %ears, 1here such limit is no1 belo1 3> %ears# Bhere the age limit is higher than 3> %ears, the higher limit 1ill be continued# ,n respect o( 7cheduled Castes and 7cheduled Tribes, the

TN Mpl (non-Centralised-Regular) Public Health Establishment Regulations, 1 !"


e.isting concession o( additional higher age limit o( 9 %ears, 1here'er it e.ists, shall also be continued# Vide G. O. Ms# No# 19>4, R: F @+, dated 1"-1*-1 >*# ()) R!01 "tio# 1<)*7anitar% Bor6ers shall be eligible (or all bene(its gi'en to the @ast 8rade 7er'ants# Vide G.O. Ms. No# 9 !, R: F @+ dated 3"-4-1 >)# R!01 "tio# =#$Pre'ious appro'al o( the :irector o( Public Health and Pre'enti'e Medicine is necessar% (or 6eeping an emplo%ee under suspension# Vide @etter No# R# 1!3!3" G E4-G !3, dated 3*- -1 !3 o( the :irector o( Public Health, Chennai# ??????????????????????

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