The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997

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The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING SERVICE RULES, 19971 (G.O. Ms. No. 309, MAWS (ME-III), !"# "$# %&"$ D#'#()#* 1997) In exercise of the po ers conferred !" su!#section (1$ of Section %&% read ith Section 77#' of the Tamil Nadu (istrict Municipalities 'ct) *19+&* (Tamil Nadu 'ct , of 19+&$) the -overnor of Tamil Nadu here!" the follo ing rules 0#
1. S$o*" "+",# 0# 1(a$ These rules ma" !e called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering

Service Rules) 1997* (!$ The" shall come into force ith effect from the +1th (ecem!er 1997*
%. Co-s"+"."+o-.2 The service shall consist of the follo ing categories) namel" 02

34ategor" I 0 4hief Engineer 4ategor" I#' 0 Superintending Engineer5 4ategor" II 0 Executive Engineer6 Regional Executive Engineer 4ategor"* III 0 'ssistant Executive Engineer 4ategor" I, 0 'ssistant Engineer*

777777777777777777777777777777 1* 8u!lished in 8art III) Section I (a$ of the Tamil Nadu -overnment -a9ette: Extraordinar") dated the +1th (ecem!er 1997* +* Su!stituted* !" -*;* Ms* No* 11<) M*'*=*S* (M*E* 111$ dated 7#7#+&&9) SR; ' #*17 (>$ 6 +&&9 ( *e*f* +#7#+&&<$*

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997

3. A//o+-"(#-".2'ppointment to the posts specified in column (1$ of the Ta!le !elo shall !e made !" the methods specified in the corresponding entries in column (+$ thereof 0

(1$ 3I* 4hief Engineer

I#'* Superintending Engineer

(+$ ?" promotion from 4ategor" I#') Superintending Engineer or !" deputation#from the holders of the post of Superintending Engineer in the Municipal 4orporations other than in the Municipal 4orporation of 4hennai : ?" promotion from 4ategor" II) namel") the Executive Engineer including Regional Executive Engineer or !" deputation from 8u!lic =or.s (epartment or @igh a"s and Rural =or.s (epartment of the -overnment* (eputation ill !e considered) onl" hen no suita!le person is availa!le in the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service*5

II* Executive Engineer including Regional Executive Engineer ?" 8romotion from 4ategor" III III* 'ssistant Executive Engineer ?" 8romotion from the 4ategor" of 'ssistant Engineer or recruitment !" transfer from Aunior * Engineer in the /3Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering and =ater =or.s Service and the ratio for appointment !et een promotion from the post of 'ssistant Engineer and recruitment !" transfer from the post of Aunior Engineer shall !e % 0 15 ?" direct recruitment or !" recruitment !" transfer from the post of Aunior Engineers in the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering and =ater =or.s Service:

I,* 'ssistant Engineer

&.A//o+-"+-0 !."$o*+"1*2'ppointing authorit" for the posts included in 4ategories I) I' and II shall !e -overnment and in respect of 4ategories III and I, shall !e the 4ommissioner of Municipal 'dministration*

777777777777777777777777777777 1* Su!stituted !" -*;* Ms* No* 11<) M*'*=*S* (M*E* III$ dated 7#7#+&&9 (SR;*' # 17 (>$) +&&9$ *e*f* +#7#+&&<* +* Su!stituted !" -*;* Ms* No* %<) M*'*=*S* (M*E* III$ dated +#+#+&1& (SR; '#9 6 +&1&*

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997

1* 2.!,+3+'!"+o-*2No person shall !e eligi!le for appointment to an" of the posts specified in column (1$ of the Ta!le !elo !" the method specified in the corresponding entries in column (+$ unless he possesses the Bualification specified in the corresponding entries in column (%$ thereof* (1$


(%$ or

31* 4hief Engineer

?" promotion (i$ (egree in 4ivil or Mechanical Electrical Engineering: and or deputation

(ii$ Must have or.ed as Superintending Engineer either in the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service or in an" other Municipal 4orporation other than in the Municipal 4orporation of 4hennai*5 I#'* Superintending Engineer ?" promotion Must have put in a service of not less than % "ears as Executive6 Regional Executive Engineer in the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service or in an" other service eBuivalent thereto* 8erson ho are alread" as Superintending Engineer in the 8u!lic =or.s (epartment 6 @igh a"s and Rural =or.s (epartment of -overnment ith a ?*E* (egree in 4ivil or Mechanical Engineering recogni9ed !" the Cniversit" -rants 4ommission for the purpose of its grant*

?" (eputation


Executive ?" promotion (i$ Must !e an approved pro!ationer in Engineer6 Regional the categor" of 'ssistant Executive Executive Engineer* Engineer (ii$ Must have put in a service of not less than D "ears as 'ssistant Executive Engineer in the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service or in an" other services eBuivalent thereto*

77777777777777777777777777777 I* Inserted !" -;* Ms* No* 11<) M*'*=*S* (M*E* III$ dated 7#7#+&&9 (SR; ' # 17 (>$ 6 +&&9$ *e*f* +#7#+&&<*

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997

3. 'ssistant

Executive Engineer

1* 'ssistant Engineer

?" promotion (i$ Must possess the ?*E* (egree in 4ivil or Mechanical or Electrical Engineering ith an experience of not less than D "ears as 'ssistant Engineer (direct recruitment$ or (ii$ Must have a (iploma in 4ivil or Mechanical or Electrical/0 Engineering of the State ?oard of Technical Education and Training or an" other Bualifications* considered eBuivalent thereto and an experience of not less than 1& "ears as Aunior Engineer* and (iii$ Must have passed the 'ccount Test for 8u!lic =or.s (epartment ;fficers) 8arts I and II* Must have a ?*E* (egree in 4ivil or ) ?" direct recruitment or Mechanical or Electrical Engineering) of an" !" recruitment Cniversit" or Institution recognised !" the Cniversit" -rant 4ommission for the purpose !" transfer of its grant

No"# 4 (a$ The Aunior Engineers on acBuiring the Bualification of the (egree in Engineering (4ivil /or Mechanical or Electrical$ shall !e redesignated as 'ssistant Engineer from the date of acBuiring such Bualification* (!$ The Executive Engineer and 'ssistant Executive Engineer in Municipalities shall !e designated as Municipal Engineer -rade I and Municipal Engineer) -rade @) respectivel"* Eor appointment on transfer as Municipal Engineer) -rade III) seniorit" !eing considered hen merit and a!ilit" are approximatel" eBual* 8ersons ho have passed 'ccount Test for 8u!lic =or.s (epartment ;fficers) 8arts T and II are alone eligi!le for appointment as Municipal Engineer) -rade III on transfer*
(c$ The Electrical Superintendents -rade I ith a (egree in Electrical Engineering ill !e designated as 'ssistant Engineer (Electrical$*

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997

(d$ Ever" T entieth vacanc" in the categor" of 'ssistant Executive Engineer shall !e filled up from among the Bualified 'ssistant Engineers 6 Aunior Engineers ith (iploma or (egree in Electrical Engineering (=ater =or.s 0 (rainage : Electrical Superintendent$* (d$ The ratio) of appointment of 'ssistant Engineer !" direct recruitment and Aunior Engineer !" promotion shall !e %01* The categor" 'ssistant 6 Aunior Engineer in the Municipalities shall !e ta.en as a hole for fixing the strength and the total vacancies arising in a particular "ear shall !e filled upon !" direct recruitment of 'ssistant Engineer and !" promotion as Aunior Engineer from the post of ;verseer 6 (raughtsman in the ratio of % 1* (e$ ' pro!ationer in the post of 'ssistant Engineer shall pass the 'ccount Test for

8u!lic =or.s (epartment ;fficers) 8arts I and II ithin the period of the pro!ation and if he 6 she fails to pass the said test) he 6 she shall not !e deemed to have completed his 6 her pro!ation satisfactoril" and shall not !e entitled for appointment as full mem!er and to increments in the time scale of pa" applica!le to him 6 her unless and until he 6 she has passed the said let* If such pro!ationer does not pass the said 'ccount Test 8arts I and II ithin the period of five "ears from the date of his 6 her appointment) he 6 she shall !e disharged from the service*
5. A0#.6No person shall !e eligi!le for appointment to the posts in the service !" direct

recruitment) if he6 she has/ completed or ill complete %& "ears of age on the first da" of Aul" of the "ear in hich the selection for/ appointment is made provided that a candidate !elonging to Scheduled 4astes 6 Scheduled Tri!es shall !e appointed in the service !" direct recruitment if lie 6 she has not completed %D "ears*
7. P*o(o"+o-.68romotion to the posts shall !e made on grounds of merit and a!ilit") seniorit" !eing considered onl" here merit and a!ilit" are approximatel" eBual* The competent 'uthorit" shall prepare a panel of names of the eligi!le persons from the feeder categories ever" "ear and send a list of approved candidates to the 'ppointing 'uthorit"* 5. S!7+-0s.6Nothing contained in these rules shall adversel" affect an" person holding an" of the posts referred to in these rules on the date of coming into force of these rules*

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Sevice Rules 1997


9. U-+" o3 !//o+-"(#-"*2 The unit of appointment to the categories included in the Tamil Nadu Municipal Engineering Service is the State of Tamil Nadu ('ll the Municipalities and Regions ta.en together$* 9. P!1*2 There shall !e paid to the holders of the posts specified in these Rules) a

monthl" pa" in the time#scale allo ed to the posts !" -overnment) from time to time ith usual allo ances) provided that the officers appointed on deputation ill dra either the pa" dra n !" them in their parent department or the pa" applica!le to the post hichever is advantageous to them* ##
10. P*o'# .*# 3o* *#'*.+"(#-".6 Direct recruitment. (irect recruitment to the post of 'ssistant Engineer shall !e made !" State Fevel Selection 4ommittee* 11. P*o)!"+o-.6 Ever" person appointed !" direct recruitment shall) from the date on

hich he 6 she Goins dut") !e on pro!ation for a total period of t o "ears on dut" continuous period of % "ears*
1%. L+!)+,+"1 "o s#*7# +- "$# !*(#

ithin a

3o*'#s.6 Ever" person ho is appointed to an" categor" shall) ithin the first 1& "ears of his 6 her service) !e lia!le to serve a minimum period of 1 "ears (including the period spend on training$ in the 'rmed Eorces or on or. relating to the defence efforts an" here in India or a!road) if reBuired 0 8rovided that the lia!ilit" to serve in the 'rmed Eorces or on or. relating to the defences efforts shall not ordinaril" appl" to a person ho is a!ove 1& "ears of age at the time of his first appointment to the categor" or ho has alread" served during the period of his service in the (epartment* R#s#*7!"+o- o3 !//o+-"(#-"*2 The rule of reservation in -eneral Rule 11 shall appl" in the case of direct recruitment to 4ategor" I,


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