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The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPAL GENERAL SERVICE RULES 1970 These rules shall be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970. 1. Constitution. The service shall consist o the ollo!in" classes and cate"ories, namel# $ CLASS I CLASS I-A %ate"or# & %ate"or# ' ( CLASS II %ate"or# & %ate"or# ' %ate"or# + %ate"or# , 1 -.... 2 [CLASS III ! [CLASS IV %ate"or# & Mana"ers, Special Grade Mana"ers, Selection Grade. Revenue ) icers, Special Grade ( Mana"ers, .& Grade Municipalities *ccountants, Special and Selection Grade Municipalities *ssistant Revenue ) icers, Special Grade Municipalities Revenue ) icers, Selection Grade Municipalities 1 -/. 0ar1 Supervisors *ssistant Revenue ) icers, Selection Grade Municipalities

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970


%ate"or# ' %ate"or# + %ate"or# , %ate"or# 2 CLASS V %ate"or# 1 %ate"or# ' %ate"or# + %ate"or# , %ate"or# 2 %ate"or# 4 %ate"or# 7 , -%ate"or# 5 CLASS VI CLASS VI-A " [CLASS VIII %ate"or# 1 %ate"or# ' %ate"or# + %ate"or# , 4 -%ate"or# 2 CLASS VII-A CLASS VII-# %ate"or# & %ate"or# ' 7 -/ CLASS VII-C CLASS VIII CLASS I$ 5 - %ate"or# 1 %ate"or# ' CLASS $ %ate"or# 1 %ate"or# '

*ssistant *ccountants, Special and Selection Grade Municipalities Mana"ers, && and &&& Grade Municipalities Revenue ) icers, & Grade Municipalities *ccountants & Grade Municipalities 3ead %ler1s *ccountants, && and &&& Grade Municipalities *ssessors *ssistants Mar1et Superintendents %ashiers Store(1eepers, & Grade Revenue &nspectors. Radio )perator 0ar1 Superintendent & Grade 6unior *ssistants 0oor 3ouse 7arden Shro Store 8eepers, && Grade Revenue *ssistant, Grade &. T#pists includin" Steno(t#pists 3orticultural *ssistants 0ar1 Superintendents, && Grade 7 -/. Selection Grade 9ill %ollectors 9utler %inema )perator. :-Revenue *ssistant ( Grade &&. ;:-Record %ler1. Telephone )perator

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. %ate"or# 2 under %lass && was omitted b# SR)(* '0=50, R> & ?*, dated the ',th November 1979 1. Substituted b# G). Ms. No. 929, R> @ ?*, dated the '9th 6une 195'. '. Substituted ibid. '. *dded b# G). Ms. No. 929, M* @ 7S AMB('C, dated the '9th 6une 195'.( +. Substituted b# G.). Ms. No. 929, R> & ?*, dated '9th 6une 195'. ,. *dded b# G). Ms. No. ''', M* @ 7S AMB('C, dated +0th September 1999. 2. The eDpression :%lass E&&(% Selection Grade 9ill %ollectors: !as omitted b# ibid. 4. Substituted b# SR)(* No. 129=51, R> @ ?* dated the '2th *pril 1951. 7. Substituted or the eDpressions :9ill %ollector: b# G). Ms. No. ''', M* @ 7S AMB('C, dated the +0th September 1999. 5. Substituted b# SR)(*. No. 92=79, R> & ?*, dated the +0th March 1979.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

2. Int%&'()n*%)+i,it- o. ')t%*o&i%s. Bver# cate"or# in each o the ollo!in" %lassesF namel#, %lasses &(*, &&, &E, E, E&&, E&&(9 1-GGG. and H mentioned in Rule & shall be interchan"eable !ith the other cate"or# or cate"ories, as the case ma# be, in the same %lass. 2. M%t(o/s o. A00oint1%nt.AaC AiC *ppointment to the ollo!in" classes and cate"ories

shall be made b# direct recruitment $ CLASS VI ' -GGG. CLASS VII-# %ate"or# 1 %ate"or# ' CLASS VII + -GGG. CLASS I$ ( %ate"or# 1 CLASS $ I %ate"or# '

Radio )perators -GGG. 3orticultural *ssistant 0ar1 Superintendents, && Grade


-GGG. %inema )perator Telephone )perator

AiiC * person !ho has been appointed to %lass E&&(* and has completed his

probation satis actoril# in that %lass shall be eli"ible to be trans erred and appointed to an# cate"ories in %lass E&&.
AiiiC * person !ho has been appointed to an# o the cate"ories in %lass E&& and has

satis actoril# completed his probation in that cate"or# shall be eli"ible to be trans erred and appointed to %lass E&&(*. AbC *ppointment to the posts mentioned in column A1C o the Table belo! shall be made b# promotion rom the holder o the posts mentioned in the correspondin" entries in column A'C thereo $

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. The i"ure :&H: !as omitted b# SR) * No. 129=5.1, R> @ ?*, dated the '2th A0&i, 1923. '. %lass E&&(* and the entries relatin" thereto !as omitted b# SR)(* +41 = 51, R> @ ?*, dated the 19th November 1951. +. )mitted b# ibid.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

T*9?B 0ost A1C C,)ss I ( Mana"ers, Special Grade C,)ss I-A %ate"or# 1 ( Mana"ers, Selection Grade %ate"or# ' ( Revenue ) icers, Special Grade C,)ss II %ate"or# & ( Mana"ers, & Grade Municipalities '. *ccountants, Special and Selection Grade Municipalities +. *ssistants, Revenue ) icers, Special Grade Municipalities ,. Revenue ) icers, Selection Grade Municipalities 1 -GGG. C,)ss III 0ar1 Supervisors C,)ss IV %ate"or# '-1. *ssistant Revenue ) icers, Selection Grade Municipalities '. *ssistant *ccountants, Special and Selection Grade Municipalities. +. Mana"ers, && and &&& Grade Municipalities ,. Revenue ) icer, & Grade Municipalities 2. *ccountants, & Grade Municipalities. C,)ss V %ate"or# 1 ( 3ead %ler1s '. *ccountants, && and &&& Grade Municipalities +. ,. 2. 4. 7.

%ate"ories A'C Jrom the cate"ories in %lass &(* Jrom the cate"ories in %lass && %ate"ories in %lass && Jrom the cate"ories in %lass E

Jrom the cate"ories in %lass E 1 [444 Jrom %lass E&(*

Jrom the cate"ories in %lass E

Jrom the cate"ories in %lasses E&& and

*ssessors *ssistants Mar1et Superintendent %ashiers Store1eeper, & Grade Jrom the cate"ories in %lass E&&(9 + -GGG.

C,)ss VI-A 0ar1 Superintendent, & Grade -GGG.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. %ate"or# ( 2 under %lass(&& o sub(rule AbC in Rule + !as omitted b# G). Ms. No. 1540, R> @ ?*, dated the ',th November 1979. '. Substituted b# G). Ms. No. 929, R> @ ?* dated the '9th 6une 195'. +. )mitted b# G.). Ms. No. ''', M* @ 7S AMB('C, dated +0th September 1999.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

AcC AiC *ppointment to the posts mentioned in column A1C o the Table belo! shall be made b# the methods speci ied in column A'C thereo $ C,)ss VII 1 -%ate"or# 1( 6unior *ssistants %ate"or# ' ( 0oor 3ouse 7arden %ate"or# +( Shro %ate"or# ,( Store 8eeperF Grade &&

9# direct recruitment or b# promotion rom the %ate"or# o Record %ler1 and Revenue *ssistant, Grade &&.

-9# direct recruitment; or b# promotion rom the %ate"or# o Revenue *ssistant, Grade && and Record %ler1.

%ate"or# 2 ( Revenue *ssistant, Grade &.. 1 [C,)ss VII-A T#pist includin" Steno(t#pist C,)ss VII-C Selection Grade 9ill Jrom the cate"or# o 9ill %ollector %ollector 0rovided that !hen there is a paucit# o candidates Kuali ied or appointment b# promotion, the appointin" authorit# ma#, !ith the concurrence o the State Government and the >irector o Municipal *dministration in the case o Selection Grade 9ill %ollector, resort to direct recruitment.

[C,)ss I$ - %ate"or# '( Revenue *ssistant, Grade && C,)ss $ - %ate"or# 1 '-Record %ler1.

9# direct recruitment or b# recruitment b# trans er rom the ?ast Grade Service.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. Substituted b# G.). Ms. No. ''', M* @.7S AMB('C, dated +0th September. 1999. '. Substituted b# G). Ms. No. 929, R> @ ?*, dated the '9th 6une.195'.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

-ii. *ppointment b# direct recruitment and b# promotion to %lass E&& shall be made in the ratio o ' $ 1 and appointment b# direct recruitment and b# recruitment and b# recruitment b# trans er to %ate"or# ' o %lass &H and %ate"or# & o %lass H shall be made in the ratio o + $ &.; & su icient number o candidates are not available or promotion or b# recruitment b# trans er, the vacancies shall be illed b# direct recruitment. 5. Aut(o&iti%s 'o10%t%nt to &%'&uit ')n/i/)t%s )n/ to 1)6% )00oint1%nt 7
AaC The recruitin" authorit# in respect o the classes mentioned in column A1C belo!

shall be those speci ied in the correspondin" entr# in column A'C thereo $ %lasses A1C %lasses, &, &(*, &&, &&&, &E, E and E&(* %lasses E&, E&&, E&&(*, E&&(9, E&&(%, E&&&, &H and H Recruitin" *uthorit# A'C The Selection %ommittee The *ppointment %ommittee

AbC The appointin" authorit# in respect o the classes mentioned in column A1C belo!

shall be those speci ied in the correspondin" entr# in column A'C thereo $ %lasses A1C %lasses &, &(*, &&, &&&, &E, E and E&* *ppointin" *uthorit# A'C The >irector o Municipal *dministration

%lasses E&, E&&, E&&(*, E&&(9, E&&(%, The %ommissioner E&&&, &H and H ". 8u),i.i')tions AaC G%n%&), 7 No person shall be appointed to an# cate"or# in an# class ;unless he possesses the minimum "eneral educational Kuali ication$ -0rovided that a person !ho has completer; S.S.?.%. shall be appointed b# direct recruitment to cate"or# ' o %lass &H and %ate"or# 1 o the %lass H and a person !ho has passed E&&& Standard in reco"niLed

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. Substituted b# G). Ms. No. ''', M* 5,,7S AMB('C dated +0th September 1999. '. 0roviso !as substituted b# ibid.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

school shall be appointed b# recruitment b# trans er to %ate"or# ' o %lass &H, %ate"or# & o %lass H.. Explanation. * :reco"niLed school: means a school maintained b# or opened !ith the sanction o the Government o Tamil Nadu or to !hich reco"nition has been accorded b# the >irector o School Bducation under the Bducation Rules o the State. 9#: S0%'i),.;9i: No person shall be appointed to an# o the cate"ories in %lass E or to an# other hi"her class or cate"or# unless he has passed the*ccount Test or local bodies or the 0ancha#at >evelopment*ccount Test 0apers &&& and &E or the >epartmental Test or o icers o the 0ancha#at >evelopment >epartment or the *ccount Test or Subordinate ) icers, 0art(&. AiiCNo person shall be appointed as a T#pist in %lass E&&(*, unless he has passed the Government Technical BDamination in T#pe!ritin" in Bn"lish b# the 3i"her Grade and in Tamil b# the ?o!er Grade. * person !ho has not passed the GovernmentTechnical BDamination inT#pe!ritin" in Tamil b# the ?o!er Grade, i appointed, shall pass the said eDamination durin" the period o probation$ 0rovided that i a person !ho has passed the Government Technical BDamination in T#pe!ritin" in Bn"lish b# the 3i"her Grade is not available, a person !ho has passed the said eDamination, b# the ?o!er Grade, he shall pass the eDamination durin" the period o probation. AiiiC No person shall be appointed as a Steno(T#pist unless he has, in addition to the Kuali ication prescribed or T#pists passed the Government Technical BDamination in shorthand b# the ?o!er Grade ma# be appointed. AivC No person shall be appointed to the %lasses or %ate"ories o posts mentioned in column A1C o the Table belo! unless he possesses

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. Substituted b# SR)(* ''2=79, R> @ ?* dated '1st 6ul# 1979.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

the Kuali ications mentioned in the correspondin" entries in column A'C thereo $ TA#LE 0osts A1C %lass E& ( Radio )perators Muali ication A'C AiC Must be a holder o an &nstruments Mechanical trainin" certi icate issued b# the &ndustrial Trainin" &nstitute at 8a1inada or the certi icate issued b# the &ndustrial Trainin" &nstitute at Th#a"ara#a Na"ar or the certi icate issued b# an &ndustrial Trainin" &nstitute run b# the Government o &ndia, and AiiC Must have a suitable voice or ma1in" announcement throu"h the mi1e over the s#stem $ 0rovided that pre erence shall be "iven to candidates !ith &.S.?.%. Kuali ication and practical eDperience in servicin" o sets and 0.*. s#stem in an# approved irm or &nstitution. %lass E&&(93orticultural *ssistant, and 0ar1 Superintendent (1& AiC Must possess a completd S.S.?.%. F AiiC Must hold a certi icate Grade o 0ro icienc# in 3orticulture F and AiiiC must have acKuired trainin" or not less than one #ear in horticulture includin" ornamental "ardenin" under the *"ricultural >epartment o the Governemnt o Tamil Nadu F or Should be a Jieldman in the Tamil Nadu *"ricultural Subordinate Service !ith trainin" or not less than one #ear in the >epartmental %erti icate course conducted b# the *"ricultural >epartment o the Government o Tamil Nadu Must have passed &&& Jorm or E&&& Standard and must have eDperience in coo1in" meals or ' #ears.

%lass E&&& ( 9utler

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

T*9?B ( %ontd.

-%lass &H(%ate"or# 1%inema )perator

AiC Must have passed the S.S.?.%. or an eKuivalent eDamination, AiiC Must have passed the cinema operator Damination conducted b# the Government 9oard o BDaminers, and AiiiC Must have practical eDperience in radio mechanism or a period o not less than one #ear.. AiC Must possess a completed S.S.?.%. and AiiC Must have acKuired eDperience o 4 months in operatin" 09H Telephone

%lass $ - %ate"or# ' ( Telephone )perator

6. A*%.; No person shall be appointed to an# class or cate"or# in the service b# direct recruitment, i he has not completed or !ill complete Thirt# #ears. o a"e on the irst da# o 6ul# o the #ear in !hich the; recruitment is made

0rovided that the candidate belon"in" to Scheduled %astes and Scheduled Tribes shall be appointed to an# class or cate"or# in the service b# direct recruitment i he has not completed Thirt#( ive. #ears o a"e on the said date.
4. Unit o. )00oint1%nt. Jor the purposes o appointment, dischar"e or !ant o

vacancies, reappointment and appointment as ull membersF the unit shall be as ollo!s $

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. &nserted b# SR)(* 129 =51, R* @ ?* dated the '2th *pril 1951. '. Substituted or the !ord :'5: b# G). Ms. No. ''', M* @ 7S AMB('C, dated +0th September 1999. +. Substituted or the !ord :++: b# ibid.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970


%lass or %ate"or# A1C 1. *ll the cate"ories in %lasses &,


Nnit A'C *ll the Municipalities in the &(* and && State ta1en to"ether The ollo!in" "roups each constitute a separate unit $ Group &$ *ll the Municipalities in 1.since have become a Municipal %orporation ATirunelveliC, 8an#a1umari and Ramanathapuram >istricts ta1en to"ether. Group && $ *ll the Municipalities in &. Since have become a Municipal %orporation, Madurai and Tiruchirappalli >istricts ta1en to"ether. Group &&& $ *ll the Municipalities in ThanOavur and South *rcot >istricts ta1en to"ether. Group &E$ *ll the Municipalities in %hen"alpattu, North *rcot and >harmapuri >istricts ta1en to"ether. Group E $ *ll the Municipalities in 1. since have become a Municipal %orporation ASalem, %oimbatoreC and the Nil"iris >istricts ta1en to"ether..

-'. %lass &&& and all cate"o( ries in %lasses &E and E&(*

+. *ll the cate"ories in %lasses E&, E&&, E&&(*, E&&(9, E&&(%, E&&&, &H and H.

The Municipalities concerned.

2. P&o+)tion. AaC Bver# person appointed to a class or cate"or# b# direct recruitment shall, rom the date on !hich he Ooins dut#, be on <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. Substituted b# G.). Ms. No. ''', M* @ 7S AMB('C, dated +0th September 1999. '. Substituted b# G). Ms. No. 22,, R> @ ?*, dated 1+th *pril 195+.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970


probation or a total period o t!o #ears on dut# !ithin a continuous period o three #ears. AbC Bver# person appointed to a class or cate"or# b# recruitment b# trans er shall, rom the date on !hich he Ooins dut#, be on probation or a total period o t!o #ears on dut# !ithin a continuous period o three; #ears, i the responsibilit# o the post to !hich he is appointed are distinctl# o a hi"her order. 9. P&o'%/u&% .o& &%'&uit1%nt. The ollo!in" procedure shall be ollo!ed b# the Selection and *ppointment %ommittees in the matter o recruitment. 91: <o& P&o1otion +- S%,%'tion Co11itt%% 7 AaC The >irector o Municipal *dministration shall obtain rom ever# %ommissioner AiC the names o all eli"ible candidates in the emplo#ment o the Municipalit# concerned and AiiC the %ommissioner;s vie!s on the suitabilit# or other!ise o the candidates or promotion. 3e shall, then, arran"e their names in the order o the seniorit# in the class rom !hich promotion has to be made and also record his o!n vie!s on the itness or other!ise o the candidates. 3e shall therea ter, place the lists be ore the Selection %ommittee !hich shall scrutinise them and dra! the promotion panel or each class. &t shall be open to the selection committee to intervie! an# candidate, i it considers it necessar# to adOud"e the itness or promotion or the ran1 that should be assi"ned to him in the promotion panel.
(b) (b) The selection committee shall, a ter it has dra!n the promotion panel in the

manner a oresaid, send it to the appointin" authorit#. 92: <o& /i&%'t &%'&uit1%nt +- t(% A00oint1%nt Co11itt%%.The %ommissioner o the Municipalit# concerned shall call or a list o eli"ible candidates rom the local Bmplo#ment BDchan"e and place the list be ore the *ppointment %ommittee. The committee shall select the reKuired number o candidates on the basis o an intervie! onl#. & su icient number o candidates rom the Bmplo#ment BDchan"e is not

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970


available, the %ommissioner shall advertise the vacancies in the local dailies o the district and invite applications rom eli"ible candidates and compile them. The applicaiton so compiled shall be placed be ore the *ppointment %ommittee. The *ppointment %ommittee shall, then, select the candidates on the basis o an intervie! onl#. & selection is to be made rom such o those persons !ho are emplo#ees o Municipal %ouncils, the Bmplo#ment BDchan"e need not be consulted. The selections shall be made separatel# or each class. The names o the candidates selected or appointment shall be arran"ed in the order o pre erence in each list. The lists thus prepared shall be the lists o approved candidates. The *ppointment %ommittee shall send such lists to the %ommissioner immediatel# a ter the# are dra!n up. 9!: <o& 0&o1otion o& +- t&)ns.%& +- t(% A00oint1%nt Co11itt%%. The %ommissioner o the Municipalit# concerned shall prepare the (names o all eli"ible candidates in the emplo# o the Municipalit# or promotion or trans er. 3e shall, then, arran"e the names o the candidates in the order o their seniorit# in the cate"or#. rom !hich promotion or trans er. has to be made and also record his o!n vie!s on the itness or other!ise o the. candidates. The *ppointment %ommittee shall scrutinise the lists and dra! the panel or each cate"or#. &t shall be open to *ppointment %ommittee to intervie! an# candidate, i it entertains an# doubt about the itness o the candidate or promotion or the ran1 that should be assi"ned to the candidate in the promotion panel. The *ppointment %ommittee shall, a ter it has dra!n the panel in the manner a oresaid, send it to the appointin" authorit#. 10. R%s%&=)tion o. A00oint1%nt7 The rules o reservation in General Rule 1, shall appl# to recruitment to classes E&, E&&, E&&(9, E&&&, &HF H.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970


Tamil Nadu Municipal General Service Rules, 1970

91: Ru,% + AeCAiiC. The ratio has been chan"ed as ' $ 1 or 6unior *ssistants onl#. Vide

G.). Ms. No. 1272, R>?*, dated 19(10(195+.

92: Ru,% !9':9i:.; Eilla"e ) icers !ho have lost their Oob and !ho have passed S.S.?.%.

should be appointed as 6unior *ssistants and 9ill %ollectors a ter callin" or a list rom the %ollector o the >istrict. The# !ill be eDempted rom the a"e Kuali ication, and Bmplo#ment BDchan"e need not be consulted in their cases. Vide G). Ms. No. 919, M* @ 7S, dated +1( 7(1954.
9!: Ru,% 2. * pass in 10th Standard has been prescribed as Kuali ication or direct recruitments o 9ill %ollectors. The posts o 9ill %ollectors and 6unior *ssistants are interchan"eable. Vide G.). Ms. No. 77+, Jinance A0a# %ellC, dated ''(5(1954.


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