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School safety

The tragedy which happened on April 16, 2007 made one think about the growing concern of school safety. As it is written by Virginia Tech Review Panel Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed thirty-two students and faculty and wounded seventeen others on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Virginia (Virginia Tech Review Panel, 2007) (Kaminskia) The fact that there was another incident when five were killed and eighteen wounded just ten month later on the campus of Northern Illinois University stresses the urgency of the problem of safety in educational establishments. My personal experience tells me that every child at least once experiences violence and lack of safety already when at school. When I studied at school there were some boys in my class who bullied, beat and rolled other children. Personally I consider that their behavior is connected with lack of control on the part of both parents and teachers. I believe that the biggest mission of both teachers and parents is to teach children to be well and to behave well. When there is no safety at school adequate teaching process is at risk. School safety is one of the biggest issues of all ever raised by educational establishments. The place for studying is to be safe in the first place. We should make everything possible in order to prevent the above-mentioned tragic incidents. Students shouldnt be hurt any more. Thus, promotion of school safety is the biggest issue which should be solved. This problem can be solved though implementation of different programs. One of them is described by New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. In accordance with information

presented by New Freedom Commission on Mental health there is a growing need to promote mental health of children and adolescents. The necessity to promote mental health is recognized more and more in the US. This is connected with the fact that the overwhelming majority of all murderers which are connected with mental problems. But unfortunately psychological education is not so wide spread. How much do we know about mental health service and psychological education? Not much. But if to consider the influence media violence has on youth and adolescence the role of psychology in directing aggressiveness of teenagers. The violence which is to easy to hear and see on mass media is very frequently followed by the children. Thus, it is necessary to establish program which would decrease possibility of utter violence at school and on campuses. Thus safety at school can be significantly improved through psychological counseling. There is no need to reassure of the importance of introduction of programs and courses which shape mind and way of thinking of teenagers. The thoughts and ideas of children which are so greatly affected by the violence which is seen and heard on mass media are to be shaped and directed by the psychologists. Psychological counseling at schools should be aimed at shaping personalities of students. To my mind it is a major principle of educational establishments. There is no denying the fact that safety and security of studying at school is of major priority. However, there has been a considerable increase in shooting incidents in colleges of the USA. It should be stressed that school plays major role in teaching children basic principles of proper behavior, makes for building up overall moral basis which underlie future conscious life of a law-abiding citizen. The biggest mission of school education is teaching basic rules of proper behavior, living and learning. At the same time functioning of school

system is at risk when there is no school safety. It goes without saying that the place where children study should be safe and secured. The recent acts of violence which are on increase in educational establishments make us think of the importance of finding a solution of this problem. What is another way of solving this hot-burning problem? Is it enough that only school takes part in the process of teaching children of proper behavior? Close consideration of the reasons for violence among teenagers and youth indicates the role of family to be of priority. It is possible to conclude that roots of behavior and all mental disorders of children and youth come from their families. Parents should be responsible for teaching moral to their children, setting proper example. School safety can be enhanced with the help of parents. Their role in life and bringing up of children can hardly be overestimated.
The concern of parents about safety of children at school and in colleges is exceptionally high. Thus, according to Debra Sells the recent acts of violence have significantly influence perception of parents concerning the importance of safety at schools and colleges, Campus safety and security are being scrutinized more than ever before. Already sensitized to issues of violence in the nations elementary and secondary schools, parents search for reassurance that their students will be safe during their college years (Sells).

The role of parent in maintaining safety is essential. However, this statement is not realized by many people to the full. Many parents pose a question, How can I increase security of campus? The majority of parents dont simply understand their big role in solving this problem.

It is great importance that parents find time to teach their children discipline. It mainly due to lack of parental supervision children become involved in gangs. Without support of parents maintaining of safety in campuses is at risk. Besides school discipline children should be taught by their parents at home. In our busy world parents rely more and more on school in teaching their children. School carry the burden of consequences of parental negligence. There exist a wide spread idea that it is major priority of school in teaching children. But why is it so? Parents should be more responsible for their children. Discipline of parents is even more important for shaping childrens personality besides school. It should be noted that only cooperation of school teachers and parents is a key to maintaining of discipline and safety at schools. The cooperation of parents and school can be facilitated thorough parent associations. With the help of this association strategies of children protection can be found.
In conclusion I have to say that school safety is a hot burning problem which is to be solved. Collaboration of school and parents is crucial elements necessary for increasing of security and safety of campuses.

Works cited Debra Sells Parents and campus safety New Directions for Student Services Special Issue: Addressing Contemporary Campus Safety Issues Volume 2002, Issue 99, pages 2536, Autumn (Fall) 2002 Periodicals, Inc. Robert J. Kaminskia, Barbara A. Koons-Witta, Norma Stewart Thompson and Douglas Weiss The impacts of the Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University shootings on fear of crime on campus Journal of Criminal Justice Volume 38, Issue 1, January-February 2010, Pages 8898

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