The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

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The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPAL MEDICAL SERVICE RULES, 1970 1. Constitution. The service shall consist of the following ategories! ategor" 1 ategor" 1 &a' ategor" ) ategor" + ategor" . ategor" 1 ategor" 1 &a' ategor" 8 &i' ategor" 8 &ii' ategor",8 &iii' ategor" 7 ategor" < &i' ategor" < &ii' it" #amil" $lanning %fficer Medical 0fficer&#amil" $lanning'( Medical %fficer(&*llopathi S"stem' Medical,%fficer &-ndigenous S"stem' /eterinar" *ssistant Surgeon00, 2ealth 34tension 3ducator&#amil" $lanning'&Man' and &5oman' $u6lic 2ealth Nurse7 2ealth /isitor7Staff Nurse &#amil" $lanning' hief $harmacist Store,9eeper,cum,*ccountant &#amil" $lanning'( Store:9eeper,cum,cler;,cum,*ccountant &#amil" $lanning'( Radiographer $u6lic 2ealth =a6orator",Technician, >rade,-( #emale Social 5or;er&/?'(

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

ategor" 9 &i' ategor" 9 &ii' ategor" 9 &iii' ategor" 9 &iv' ategor" 9 &v' ategor" 10 ) @ ategor" 11 &i' ategor" 11 &ii' ategor" 1)

$harmacist &*llopath"', >rade,1 $harmacist &*llopath"', >rade,-*u4iliar" Nurse Midwife &#amil" welfare'( #amil" $lanning 5elfare 5or;ers, >rade,-( #amil" $lanning 5elfare 5or;ers, >rade,11 Nurse Maternit" *ssistant, >rade,-( Maternit" *ssistant, >rade,-ll *ttendant( &#amil" $lanning'

2. Appointm nt( *ppointment to all the categories shall 6e made 6" direct recruitment onl" ! $rovided that for appointment of )@ ategories 9 &i', 9 &ii', 9 &iii', 9 &iv' and 9 &v', preference shall 6e given to Nursing %rderlies of Municipal ouncilsA( "2#A. Int $%&'n( ')i*it+ o, C't (o$i s( The categories 1 &a' and ) shall 6e interchangea6le with each other(A 2. R %$uitin( 'n- Appointin( Aut&o$it+( &a' The recruiting authorit" in respect of the categories in column &1' 6elow shall 6e those specified in the corresponding entr" in column &)' thereof ! ategor" &1' ategories 1 to 1 &a' ategories 8 to 1) Recruiting *uthorit" &)' Selection ommittee *ppointment orrunittee

&6' The appointing authorit" in respect of the categories in column &1' 6elow shall 6e those specified in the corresponding entr" in column &1' thereof! ategor" &1' ategories 1 to 1 &a' ategories 8 to 1) *ppointment *uthorit" &)' ?irector of Municipal *dministration The Municipal ommissioner concerned

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1( Su6stituted 6" >%( Ms( No( 1.9<, R? C =*, dated the ))nd *ugust, 19<1( )( Su6stituted 6" SR%,* )<+ 7 <1, R? C =*, dated the ))nd *ugust 19<1( +( Rule ),* was inserted 6" SR%,* 807<0, R? C =*, dated the )<th Danuar" 19<0(

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

.. P$o% -u$ ,o$ $ %$uitm nt./ &)' The following procedure shall 6e followed in the matter of recruitment of candidates 6" the *ppointment ommittee of the Municipal ouncil !

The ommissioner of the Municipalit" concerned shall call for a list of eligi6le candidates from the local 3mplo"ment 34change and place the list 6efore the *ppointment ommittee! The committee shall the select the reEuired num6er of candidates on the 6asis of an interview onl"( -f sufficient num6er of candidates from the 3mplo"ment 34change is not availa6le, the ommissioner shall advertise the vacancies in the local dailies of the district and invite application from eligi6le candidates and compile them( The applications so compiled shall 6e placed 6efore the *ppointment ommittee( The *ppointment ommittee shall then select the candidates on the 6asis of an interview onl"( -f a selection is to 6e made from such of those persons who are emplo"ees of the Municipal ouncil, the 3mplo"ment 34change need not 6e consulted( The selection shall 6e made separatel" for each categor"( The names of the candidates selected for appointment shall 6e arranged in the order of preference in each list( The lists thus prepared shall 6e the lists of 0approved candidates0( The *ppointment ommittee shall send the list to the ommissioner immediatel" after it is drawn up(
.. Unit o, Appointm nt./ #or purposes of appointment, transfer, discharge for want of

vacancies, reappointment and appointment as full mem6er of the service, the unit shall 6e as follows! ategor" &1'( ategories 1 to 1&a' ategories 8 to 1) Fnit &)' *ll the Municipalities in the State ta;en together The Municipalit" concerned

0. A( ./No person shall 6e eligi6le for appointment to the categories specified in column &1' 6elow if he has on the first da" of Dul" of the "ear in which the selection for appointment is made completed or will complete the age specified in the corresponding entr" in column &)' thereof i,

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

ategor" &1' ategories 1, 1&a', ) and + +1 Gears( 1 @ ategories ., 10, 11&i', and 11 &ii' +) Gears(A ategor",1 +0 Gears ategor" 1 &a' ategories 8 &i' and 8 &ii' ) @ ategor" 8 &iii' ategories 7 to 9 &ii' ategor" 9 &iii' + @ ategor" 9 &iv' &+@ ,ategpr" 9 &v' ategor" 1)

*ge &)'

, ( Nurse' +< Gears( &.0Gears for $u6lic 2ealth +0 Gears )< GearsA( ( +0 GearsHH +<Gearg +0 GearsA( +0 GearsA( )< Gears

@&$rovided that the a6ove age,limit shall not appl" to an emplo"ee of a Municipalit"'A provided, further that a candidate 6elonging to the Scheduled astes or the Scheduled Tri6es shall 6e eligi6le for appointment to the post of #emale Social( 5or;er, if she has not completed or, will complete the age of .0 "ears ! $rovided also that a candidate 6elonging to the Scheduled hafes and Scheduled Tri6es shall 6e appointed to categories 1 to 9 in the service 6" direct recruitment if he has not completed @++A "ears of age an the said date( 7. 1u'*i,i%'tion./ No person shall 6e eligi6le for appointment to the categor" mentioned in column &1' of the! Ta6le 6elow unless he

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1( )( +( .( Su6stituted 6" >%( Ms( No( 1.9<, R? C =*, dated the ))nd*uguat(19<1( -nserted 6" ibid. , Su6stituted 6" >%( Ms( No( 17<1, R? C =*, dated the ).th %cto6er 19<1! Su6stituted 6" SR%,* No( +)1 7 <1, R? CH=*, dated the ).th,%cto6er, 19<1(

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

possesses the Eualifications specified in the corresponding entr" in column &)' thereof! TA2LE. ategor" &1' Iualifications &)' &a' Must possess the M(J(J(S( degree of an" Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of itsH grantK and &6' Must have undergone training in #amil" $lanning for three months in the *ll -ndian lnstitute of $u6lic 2ealth, or must have practical L ;nowledge in organising #amil" $lanning wor; for not less than + "ears in an" Municipalit" 7 orporation( &a' Must possess the MJ(J(S( degree of an" Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of its grantK or &6' ?iploma in Medicine and Surger"K or &c' =icentiate in Medicine and Surger"( &i' Must possess the M(J(J(S( degree of an" Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of its gramK and should have 6een registered under the Tamil Nadu Medical Registration *ct, 191. &Tamil Nadu *ct -/ 01 191.'( &ii' Must have served for not less than one "ear in any one of the following capacities, namel"! &a' 2ouse Surgeon, 2ouse $h"sician, linical *ssistant, or 2onorar" *ssistant Surgeon in one of the >overnment 2ospital in the State or in an" of the local fund, and Municipal 2ospitals or dispensaries, or ategor" ) &6' Medical %fficer in charge of su6sidised or non,su6sidised rural dispensar" in the State( Siddha. andidates must possess J(-(M( Eualifications, if candidates with J(-(M( Iualifications are not availa6le, J(-(0and ( lass practitioners ma" 6e appointed in the regular dispensaries on a temporar" 6asis( Ayurveda. andidates must possess 0*0 lass practitionersH certificate( -f candidates with the said Eualification are not availa6le within the age,limit, averaged

ategor" 1

ategor",1 &a'(

ategor" +

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

persons ma" 6e appointed on contract 6asis su6Mect to the approval of the >overnment, -f such candidates are not availa6le, J,1 lass and J,) practitioners ma" 6e appointed on temporar" 6asis in order of preference, su6Mect to the condition that the" are eligi6le for su6sid" onl" and are not eligi6le for scale of pa"( Unani. andidates must possess 0*0 lass practitioners or 0J0 lass practitioners or 0J0 or 0 0 lass practitionersH certificate( -f candidates with the a6ove Eualification are not availa6le, J) lass practitioners ma" 6e appointed on temporar" 6asis, su6Mect to the condition that the" are eligi6le for su6sid" onl" and are not eligi6le for scale of pa"( ategor" ,. Must $ossess, &i' the minimum general educational Eualification K and &ii' the diploma of the Madras /eterinar" ollege &>raduate' or the diploma or degree in /eterinar" Sciencer of an" Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of tis grant( Must possess a MasterHs ?egree in Social 5or;, Social Science or in 3ducation, and special training in #amil" $lanning for a period of one "ear( Staff Nurse. * successful training for a period of not less than + "ears in >eneral nursing of men and women and for a period of not less than 8 months in midwifer" training in 6oth cases to 6e undergone in an institution approved 6" the State >overnment under Rule +7 of the Rules made under su6, section &)' of Section -- of Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives *ct, 19)8 &Tamil Nadu *ct --- of 19)8' with Eualification prescri6ed for registration as Nurse and Maternit" *ssistant under the said *ct K or * foreign training which is considered 6" the ?irector of 2ealth Services and #amil" $lanning to 6e eEuivalent or superior to the a6ove training or possession of a 6asic degree in Nursing from a Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of its grant( Public Health Nurse.Possess the degree of J(Sc(, &Nursing' of an" Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of its grant( Health Visitor. tor. Should possess a ?iploma in 2ealth /isiting(

ategor" , 1 ategor", 1 &a'

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970

ategor" 8 &i'

Must possess a degree in J( $harmac" or a diploma in pharmac" of an" Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of tis grant( Must possess diploma in $harmac"( Must have passed S(S(=( ( with Secretarial ourse of *ccountanc" &=ower' provided that the a6ove Eualification shall not appl" to these who are alread" appointed to the post on or 6efore 11th Dul", 1971 in the Fr6an #amil" $lanning entre run 6" Municipalities( Must have undergone training in Radiograph" for not less than one "ear in the >overnment 2ospital where such training is imparted( Must possess the ertificate of ertified =a6orator" Technicians ourse conducted at the 9ing -nstitute, >uind"( Must have had training in /eneral diseases for not less than + months at the Madras Medical ollege, hennai( * successful course in such training as ma" from time to time 6e prescri6ed 6" the >overnment(

ategor" 8 &ii' ategor" 8 &iii'

ategor" 7

ategor" < &i' ategor" < &ii' ategor" 9 &i' ategor" 9 &ii' ategor" 9 &iii'

@&6'* successful course in such training as ma" 6e prescri6ed 6" the >overnment from time to time(

&i' Must have undergone training in an institution approved 6" the State >overnment as a training centre for the *u4iliar" Nurse 7 Midwives under Rule +7 of the rules made under su6,section &)' of Section -- of the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives *ct &Tamil Nadu *ct --- of 19)8' K and &ii' Must possess a certificate of registration as *u4iliar" Nurse 7 Midwives issued 6" Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives ouncil(A

ategor" 9&iv'

@&a' Must possess Eualification K and





&6' Must possess a certificate of training as a Social 5or;er in a recognised training centreA ategories 9 &v', &10 C 11&i''(

@Must possess a Midwifer" or an *u4iliar" Midwifer" ?iploma and should have registered as a Midwife or an *u4iliar" Nurse 7 Midwife, as the case ma" 6e, under the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives *ct, 19)8(

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Medical Service Rules, 1970


* successful training for a period of not less than + "ears in >eneral nursing of men and women, and for a period of not less than 8 months in Midwifer" training in 6oth cases to 6e than undergone in an institution approved 6" the >overnment under Rule +7 of the rules made under su6,section &)' of Section ) of the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives *ct, 19)8 &Tamil Nadu *ct --- of 19)8' with Eualifications prescri6ed for registration as Nurse and Matemit" *ssistant under the said *ct(K or * foreign training which is considered 6" the ?irector of 2ealth Services and #aintl" $lanning to 6e eEuivalent or superior to the a6ove training or possession of a 6asic degree in Nursing from a Fniversit" recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of its grantA( Must possess a Midwifer" or an *u4iliar" Midwifer" ?iploma, a and should have registered as midwife or an *u4iliar" Nurse Midwife, as the case ma" 6e, under the , Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives *ct, 19)8( Must have passed /--- Standard(

@ ategor" 11 &ii' ategor" 1)

Explanation. * 0recognised training centre0 shall mean a training centre recognised 6" the Fniversit" >rants ommission for the purpose of its grant( 3. P$o)'tion( 3ver" person appointed to a categor" shall, from the date on which he Moins dut", 6e on pro6ation for a total period of ) "ears on dut" within a continuous period of + "ears( 9. R s $4'tion o, Appointm nts./ The rule of reservation in >eneral Rule 1. shall appl" to appointment to ever" categor" of the Service(

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1( Su6stituted 6" >%( Ms( No( 1.9<, R? & =* dated the ))nd *ugust 19<1( )( -nserted 6" i6id( 5555555555555555555555

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