Strongl y Agree Agree Neutra L Disagre e Strongl y Disagre e Blank Totals Avera Ge

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* This is the average on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 = isagree

isagree, an! 1 = Strongly

Comments Below: Strongl y Agree Agree Neutra l Strongl Disagre y e Disagre e Blank Totals Avera ge*

Presenter Information: The s$ea'er.s/ was motivational0ins$irational The s$ea'er communicate! i!eas clearly The s$ea'er lin'e! conce$ts to stu!ents or real4life situations 31 31 31 13 2 1) 2 5 5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 41 41 41 4%1 4%3 4%1

Session Information: The to$ic was relevant to me 5y un!erstan!ing of the su(-ect matter has im$rove!0increase! as a result of this event " $lan to im$lement what " have learne! in this session As a result of atten!ing this event, " feel more li'ely to atten! other 6N7 events 8verall, " en-oye! this event 12 23 15 22 31 2) 12 13 11 14 2 3 11 3 1 ) 1 1 ) ) ) 1 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 41 41 41 41 41 4%2 4%3 3%3 4%5 4%2

The topic was relevant to me: "t#s im$ortant to un!erstan! international relationshi$s an! challenges% "#m &ewish an! have family that tal's a(out this% " went to "srael an! &or!an in 2)11% *"t was interesting to hear+, The -o( of an am(assa!or%

9ery relevant% " am ta'ing geogra$hy an! " now feel " can un!erstan! foreign $olicy (etter% "t was relevant to the to$ic given in class% "t has a lot to !o with my su(-ect: cultural geogra$hy% " love the $olicies of "srael% *"t was relevant to my interest in, human rights% " am an international stu!ies ma-or an! a career as an am(assa!or is an interest of mine% " was intereste! (ecause " want to visit "srael% " am intereste! in "nternational ;elations an! &ewish culture, though " am not &ewish% " am &ewish an! have family in "srael% " am an international relations ma-or an! some!ay " ho$e to $ursue !i$lomacy% " am a $olitical science ma-or intereste! in foreign affairs%

My understanding of the su !ect matter has improved"increased as a result of this event: 5y 'nowle!ge of the to$ic is a!mitte!ly limite!, (ut this event has (roa!ene! my un!erstan!ing% " coul! lin' what was s$o'en to my tri$ to "srael% " learne! more a(out the "sraeli conflict with its mi!!le eastern neigh(ors% <e !i!n#t say a thing% All =%S% " 'now more a(out "srael% "t hel$e! me un!erstan! what is (eing tal'e! a(out in class% " 'now more a(out "srael an! how the em(assy wor's% "t reinforce! the i!ea of a strong government% "t was e>tremely informative% ?@SAAA 5y 'nowle!ge an! un!erstan!ing is much more clear% " never 'new a(out the $olitics ha$$ening in "srael% " learne! more a(out history% # plan to implement what # have learned in this session on campus and"or in the surrounding community: "f nee!e! " will im$lement in the surroun!ing community% " $lan to -oin the mo!el 6N to re$resent "srael% &ust for $ersonal use an! for class% " $lan to s$rea! it with other $eo$le intereste! in the to$ic% " am motivate! to !o more% " am motivate! to tell what " learne!% =y networ'ing an! Bserving my $eo$leC as Am(assa!or Di!eon 5eir state!% As a result of attending this event$ # feel more likely to attend other %N& events:

Ehen " can get to cam$us% ?es, " will learn more a(out the &ewish cultural center0clu( on cam$us% ?es, very intereste!% 9ery intereste!% efinitely very intereste!% ?es, (ecause most of the 67 events are very goo! at given current an! relevant information% "#ve (een to other events an! " fin! those (eneficial%

'verall$ this event met my e(pectations: Dreat guyA @>ce$tionalA Awesome FGA H very goo! mo!eration an! (alance of the conversations% 9ery informative% The way the Am(assa!or e>$laine! things sur$rise! me% "t was really goo!% ?esA Awesome, " ho$e he comes (ac'A i!n#t 'now what to e>$ect% 9ery informational an! interesting% " !i!n#t 'now what to e>$ect, " -ust came e>$ecting an! en-oye!A 9ery $ersonal% Twist of humor at the en!% )ow did you hear a out this event* Irofessor: None specified: + ,oleman: -. Shwam/Baird: 0 Baynard: 1 &rank: Binder: 0 Blackwood: 2ar i: Jlass: None Specified: ,ultural 3eography: 4

5olitical Science: 2eadership: 0 3raduate: @mail: 3 Iromotional Signs: 1 Iromotional 7lyers: 3 8ther: Not Specified: %N& ,alendar: 6(tra ,redit: -

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