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LESSON PLAN ENGLISH LESSON Date Class Number of Pupils Time Topic Main Skilss Integrated Skills Curriculum

m Specifications : XX XX 2013 : Form 2 Dinosaur : 25/25 : 10.50 am- 12.10 am : People Self, Family, Friends : Writing : Listening, Reading : 1.2 Take part in social interaction Level 2 - Writing simple messages to friends and family members relating to the above functions

Learning Outcomes/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Response correctly to eight questions about personal details proposed by friends. 2. Able to write electronic messages well by using computer. 3. Write informal letter effectively with the correct format and useful expressions. : Handouts, computer, Internet server : Appreciating closer relationship with family and friends

Teaching Aids Moral Values

Stage/Time Set Induction (5 minutes) 1.

Activities Teacher Teacher asks students to give their opinion about the topic a) Who is your closest friend? b) What makes he/she special to you? Teacher explains todays lesson. Teacher will give the handouts to the students Teacher will explain how to answer to the question properly Teacher will then ask some of the students to read out their answers in front of the class.


Teaching Aids

Students 1. Students answer To engage students the questions asked attention by being able to by the teacher. connect the topic of the lesson with their own experience.

2. Activity 1 (20 minutes) 1.


1. Students will listen To train students how to to the instructions engage and answer given. properly in conversation. 2. Students will answers the questions properly

Appendix A


Activity 2 (25 minutes)

1. Teacher will use 3 minutes to explain the task a) Teacher will show an example of an email on the projected screen. b) Teacher will ask to write short messages, at least 7-9 sentences to describe one of your wonderful travelling experiences on their respective emails. (Show them ways of creating on if they do not have one) c) Teacher will ask the students

1. Students will learn To allow students to how to send emails acquire language learning 2. Students will learn through ICT how make full use of Google Image

Appendix B

Activity 3 (25 minutes)

to search for a picture that represent their experience through Google image. d) Teacher will demonstrate ways to send the emails by providing special email address for them to send their mails. 1. Teacher will use 5 minutes to explain the task a) Teacher will show the format of informal letter and some guidelines with the use of LCD. b) Teacher will

1. Students will learn the right format of writing informal letter. 2. Students will write a short essay to their parents.

To train the students to be able to express their ideas. To expose the students with the format of informal letter.

Appendix C

Closure (5 minutes)

ask the students to write a short essay, reporting their personal experiences in school to their parents. 2. Teacher will ask the students to take out a piece of paper. 3. Teacher will instruct the students to write the short essay in 20 minutes. 4. Teacher will collect all the essays. Teacher will ask the students opinion about todays lesson.

1. Students will give To assess if students their opinion about understand about todays todays lesson. lesson.

APPENDIX A Task 1 Complete the dialogue below between you and a new friend that you just met. Alice : Hello I am Alice. What is your name? You : _____________________________ Alice : How old are you? You : _____________________________ Alice : Hey I am 15 years old too. So where are you from? You : _____________________________ Alice : I see, I am from Kedah. Where do you study? You : _____________________________ Alice : Okay, so what are your hobbies? You : _____________________________ Alice : That's nice. I like to watch movies and collect stamps. So what is your ambition? You : _____________________________ Alice : Great! So how many siblings do you have? You : _____________________________ Alice : Do you have a facebook account? You : _____________________________ Alice : Wonderful! Mine is Alice Balotelli. Don't forget to approve me okay. See you soon. Bye!



Address of the Addresser Date Dear Addressee, (Paragraph 1) This is the introduction paragraph. A good way to start can be asking the addressee about their health, surroundings and overall well-being. (Paragraph 2 and onwards) Here, you can write about your personal experiences in school or hostel, explaining how you're doing, facing any problems, etc (Last paragraph) You can give a reason why you have to stop writing. Your sincerely, Addresser

Useful expressions on how to BEGIN an informal letter Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you. It was wonderful to hear from you after so long. Thank you for your letter. I was pleased to hear that you are in good health. It was really nice hearing from you. I am glad that you like your new school. I hope this letter finds you in the pink (of health). Thank you for the lovely birthday card.

Useful expressions on how to END an informal letter I promise to write to you soon. I hope you will reply soon. Give my best wishes to your parents. I am looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to hearing from you. Do write and tell me how you are progressing. Do write soon.

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