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Malayan Law Journal Reports/2002/Volume 5/YIP SHO S'" &H' % (2002) 5 MLJ 11* % 2* "o#em+er 2001

SH!" # SI" H$!P L$$%M!R &$"I

1, pages (2002] 5 MLJ 113


HIGH COURT (KUALA LUMPUR) MOHD NOOR AHMAD J CI IL SUIT NO S1-22-!"1 O# 1$$3 23 N%v&'(&) 2001 Tort -- Trespass to land -- Damages -- Quantum of -- Encroachment and loss of soil to soil support -- Deliberate and intentional trespass -- Real probability of prejudice to plaintiff's development of land -- Cost of repair and reinstatement awarded -- Conduct of defendant considered whether e!emplary damages justified Tort -- Trespass to land -- Right of plaintiff to bring action -- Doctrine of relation bac" -- #laintiff entitled to possession of land but yet to ta"e physical possession -- $hether plaintiff entitled to maintain action even though not in physical possession at time of trespass -- $hether issue of possession properly pleaded Tort -- Trespass to land -- #hysical damage -- Encroachment and loss of soil to soil support -Real probability of prejudice to plaintiff's development of land -.e pla/nt/00 owne1 Lot 1*,0 an1 t.e 1e0en1ant owne1 Lot 152 s/tuate1 /n t.e Mu3/m o0 4.eras5 '/str/6t o0 Hulu Langat5 Selangor7 Lot 1*,0 was separate1 on /ts sout.ern +oun1ary 0rom Lot 152 +y a str/p o0 state lan1 appro8/mately 90 0eet w/1e :;t.e a66ess reser#e;<7 -.e 1e0en1ant .a1 6arr/e1 on 1e#elopment wor3s on /ts lan1 0or t.e purpose o0 1e#elop/ng a gol0 6ourse an1 a .uge res/1ent/al an1 6ommer6/al 6omple87 -.e 1e#elopment .a1 resulte1 /n p.ys/6al 1amages to t.e pla/nt/00;s lan17 Somet/me /n =e+ruary 1>>,5 t.e 1e0en1ant5 w/t.out t.e pla/nt/00;s 6onsent5 6onstru6te1 a 6r/+%wall on t.e a66ess reser#e part o0 w./6. was on t.e pla/nt/00;s lan17 -.e pla/nt/00 +roug.t an a6t/on aga/nst t.e 1e0en1ant 0or general 1amages an1 e8emplary 1amages +ase1 on trespass an1 nu/san6e7 -.e 1e0en1ant 6onten1e1 t.ere were two /n6/1ents o0 trespass an1 at t.e t/me o0 0/rst /n6/1ent5 t.e pla/nt/00 was ne/ t.e reg/stere1 propr/etor nor was .e /n legal possess/on o0 Lot 1*,0 an1 .en6e t.e pla/nt/00 1/1 not .a#e t.e 6apa6/ty to ma/nta/n an a6t/on /n t./s respe6t? an1 as 0or t.e se6on1 /n6/1ent5 t.e trespass was /n6/1ental an1 m/n/mal +es/1es +e/ng un/ntent/onal an1 was m/t/gate1 +y t.e nee1 to 1o so /n or1er to lower t.e le#els on t.e a66ess reser#e7 H&*+@


!s at 2> June 1>>15 t.e #en1or was a +are trustee an1 t.e pla/nt/00 +e6ame ent/tle1 to possess/on o0 t.e lan1 /n law? an1 +y 6l , o0 t.e agreement5 t.e pla/nt/00 was 6ontra6tually ent/tle1 to #a6ant possess/on on 6omplet/on o0 t.e sale? an1 .en6e5 t.e pla/nt/00;s r/g.t o0 entry a66rue1 on 2> June 1>>17 &y t.e 1o6tr/ne o0 relat/on

Page * +a635 /0 an owner w.o .as a r/g.t to enter ma3es an entry on lan15 ./s r/g.t o0 possess/on /s relate1 +a63 to t.e t/me at w./6. ./s r/g.t %&&% ' ()* ++, at ++o0 entry a66rue15 an1 .e may sue 0or a trespass 6omm/tte1 +e0ore ./s entry5 t.e wrong1oer +e6om/ng a trespasser +y relat/on7 -.e pla/nt/00 an1 ./s agents entere1 an1 too3 p.ys/6al possess/on o0 t.e lan1 on 1A July 1>>15 /s to say5 +e0ore t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent w.en t.e 0/rst sur#ey was 6on1u6te17 -.ere0ore5 +y t.e 1o6tr/ne o0 relat/on +a635 t.e pla/nt/00 was 6learly ent/tle1 to ma/nta/n t./s a6t/on e#en t.oug. .e was not /n p.ys/6al possess/on at t.e t/me o0 t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent :see p 122$%B<7 -.e /ssue o0 possess/on was not plea1e1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant7 -respass was essent/ally an /nter0eren6e w/t. t.e possessory r/g.ts an1 not owners./p5 s/n6e reg/stere1 owners./p 1oes not usually 6onnote legal possess/on7 -.ere0ore5 on t.e plea1/ngs as /t stoo1 an1 t.e e#/1en6e a11u6e15 /n law an1 /n t.e /nterest o0 Cust/6e5 t.e 1e0en1ant s.oul1 not +e allowe1 to su+m/t on t.e /ssue o0 possess/on5 +e/ng repugnant to all t.ree s/tuat/ons as en#/sage1 /n O 1A r A:1< o0 t.e Rules o0 t.e H/g. 4ourt 1>A07 -.e proper 1e0en6e to trespass to lan1 /s to 1eny possessory t/tle o0 t.e pla/nt/00 w./6. must +e spe6/0/6ally plea1e1 :see pp 122H5 12*!%4<7 -.e p.ys/6al 1amage 6ause1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant;s trespass .a1 resulte1 /n t.e w/t.1rawal o0 so/l to so/l support an1 t.e loss o0 law0ul use o0 t.e lan1 +y t.e pla/nt/007 -.e 6r/+%wall +u/lt +y t.e 1e0en1ant was to +e regar1e1 only as a temporary measure +e6ause not only /t 1/1 not at all prote6t t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 +ut /t was also not su00/6/ent to pre#ent 0uture so/l 0a/lures5 /s to say5 t.e 6r/+%wall woul1 not guarantee t.e sta+/l/ty o0 t.e slope7 -.ere was a real pro+a+/l/ty5 not Cust a poss/+/l/ty5 o0 preCu1/6e to t.e pla/nt/00;s /nten1e1 1e#elopment o0 ./s lan1? $ong .ee )ee / 0rs v Ting .ii" )ay (1>>2) 2 4LJ 205 :0oll1< 0ollowe17 I0 t.e pla/nt/00 /nten1e1 to 1e#elop ./s lan15 e8tra prote6t/on o0 t.e slope woul1 +e nee1e1 or a #ery e8pens/#e 0oun1at/on wor3s woul1 +e reDu/re1 0or any +u/l1/ng to +e +u/lt near t.e slope :see p 1204%'5 =%B<7 -.e 1e0en1ant was l/a+le to t.e pla/nt/00 +ot. /n trespass an1 nu/san6e an1 t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 su00ere1 a6tual 1amage /n 6onseDuen6e o0 t.e torts 6omm/tte1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant :see p 12*=%B<7 E./6.e#er #alue o0 t.e lan1 was ta3en 0or t.e assessment o0 6ompensatory 1amages5 /s to say5 e/ t.e #alue at t.e t/me w.en t.e torts were 6omm/tte1 or t.e #alue at t.e 1ate o0 t.e #aluat/on5 /t woul1 +e unreal/st/6 an1 un0a/r to e/ party5 as t.e 6ase may +e7 -.ere0ore5 t.e 6ourt 1e6l/ne1 to assess 1amages +y ta3/ng t.e 6ap/tal #alue o0 t.e property /n an un1amage1 state5 /s to say5 1/m/nut/on /n #alue 6annot +e t.e true measure o0 1amages /n t./s 6ase7 !n1 also5 on t.e 0a6ts5 t.e 6ourt was una+le to assess as su6.7 Hen6e5 t.e only alternat/#e le0t was to ta3e t.e 6ost o0 repa/r or re/nstatement5 w./6. was t.e true measure or 1amage s/n6e t.e 6ourt was sat/s0/e1 0rom t.e e#/1en6e all %&&% ' ()* ++, at ++' along t.e pla/nt/00 /nten1e1 to 1e#elop t.e lan1 a66or1/ng to t.e su+1/#/s/on as appro#e1 :see pp 125=%B<7 -.e 0a6ts o0 t.e 6ase also Cust/0/e1 an awar1 0or e8emplary 1amages7 -.e 1e0en1ant;s trespass was 1el/+erate an1 /ntent/onal an1 6arr/e1 out w/t. a 6yn/6al 1/sregar1 0or t.e pla/nt/00;s r/g.ts7 -.e 1e0en1ant;s 6on1u6t was 6al6ulate1 to result /n a pro0/t an1 /t was reasona+le to 0rom para 12 o0 t.e 1e0en6e t.e 1e0en1ant o+#/ously 0elt t.e ga/n 0rom t.e 1el/+erate trespass woul1 outwe/g. t.e 6ompensat/on .e m/g.t .a#e to pay7 =/nally5 t.e 6on1u6t o0 t.e 1e0en1ant 0rom 1>>1 to t.e tr/al o0 t.e a6t/on .a1 +een repre.ens/+le :see p 122=%B5 12A!%&<7



1) 1)


Page 9 B,-,., M,*,/.0, .1'',)/ Pla/nt/0 merupa3an pem/l/3 Lot 1*,0 1an 1e0en1an merupa3an pem/l/3 Lot 152 1/ Mu3/m 4.eras5 'aera. Hulu Langat5 Selangor7 Lot 1*,0 1/p/sa.3an 1/ sempa1an selatannya 1ar/ Lot 152 ole. se+/1ang tana. 3eraCaan 3/ra%3/ra 90 3a3/ le+ar :;Calan masu3 terse+ut;<7 'e0en1an tela. menCalan3an 3erCa%3erCa pem+angunan 3e atas tana. terse+ut untu3 mem+angun3an pa1ang gol0 1an 3omple3s 1an 3omers/al yang +esar7 Pem+angunan terse+ut menga3/+at3an 3erosa3an 3epa1a tana. pla/nt/07 'alam +ulan =e+ruar/ 1>>,5 1e0en1an tela.5 tanpa men1apat3an /F/n pla/nt/05 men1/r/3an ;6r/+ wall; 1/ atas Calan masu3 terse+ut 1/ atas tana. pla/nt/07 Pla/nt/0 tela. memula3an t/n1a3an ter.a1ap 1e0en1an untu3 gant/ rug/ am 1an gant/ rug/ tela1an +er1asar3an 3a6au%ganggu 1an pen6ero+o.an7 'e0en1an menyata3an +a.awa ter1apat 1ua 3eCa1/an pen6ero+o.an5 1an semasa pertama5 pla/nt/0 +u3an merupa3an pem/l/3 +er1a0tar ataupun +era1a 1/ 1alam m/l/3an yang sa. Lot 1*,0 1an ole. /tu5 pla/nt/0 t/1a3 +ole. menge3al3an t/n1a3an terse+ut7 &ag/ 3e1ua pula5 terse+ut +ersamp/ngan 1an m/n/mum 1an t/1a3 1/sengaCa3an5 1an /a 1/3urang3an melalu/ 3eperluan untu3 +er+uat 1em/3/an supaya mengurang3an 3et/ngg/an Calan masu3 terse+ut7 D02131.4,5@




Pa1a 2> Jun 1>>15 penCual merupa3an pemegang bare trust5 1an pla/nt/0 +er.a3 3epa1a m/l/3an tana. terse+ut 1/ s/s/ un1ang%un1ang? 1an melalu/ 3l , perCanC/an terse+ut5 pla/nt/0 +er.a3 1/+er/ m/l/3an 3osong setela. Cualan 1/sempurna3an5 1an ole. yang 1em/3/an5 .a3 pla/nt/0 untu3 masu3 tera3ru pa1a 2> Jun 1>>17 Melalu/ 1o3tr/n ;relat/on +a63;5 C/3alau seseorang pem/l/3 +er.a3 memasu3/ tana.5 .a3 m/l/3annya 1/3a/t3an +al/3 3epa1a masa apa+/la .a3 masu3nya tera3ru5 1an +el/au +ole. men1a3wa untu3 yang +erla3u se+elum 3emasu33annya5 menCa1/3an orang yang +ersala. /tu seorang pen6ero+o. melalu/ per3a/tan terse+ut7 Pla/nt/0 1an agen%agennya masu3 1an tela. %&&% ' ()* ++, at ++1 mengam+/l m/l/3an 0/F/3al tana. terse+ut pa1a 1A Jula/ 1>>15 /a/tu5 se+elum 3eCa1/an pertama semasa t/nCauan pertama se1ang 1/la3u3an7 Ole. /tu5 melalu/ 1o3tr/n ;relat/on +a63;5 pla/nt/0 Celas +er.a3 menge3al3an t/n1a3annya walaupun +el/au t/1a3 mempunya/ m/l/3an 0/F/3al 3et/3a 3eCa1/an pertama terse+ut :l/.at ms 122$%B<7 Isu m/l/3an t/1a3 1/pl/13an ole. 1e0en1an7 merupa3an 6ampur tangan 1alam .a3 m/l/3an 1an +u3an pemunyaan meman1ang3an +a.awa pemunyaan +er1a0tar +/asanya t/1a3 mem+awa 3onotas/ m/l/3an 1/ s/s/ un1ang% un1ang7 Ole. /tu5 +er1asar3an pl/1/ng%pl/1/ng 1an 3eterangan yang 1/3emu3a3an5 1/ s/s/ un1ang%un1ang 1an 1/ 1alam 3epent/ngan 3ea1/lan5 1e0en1an t/1a3 sepatutnya 1/+enar3an +er.uCa. mengena/ /su m/l/3an5 3erana /anya +ertentangan 1engan 3et/ga%t/ga s/tuas/ sepert/ 1/ 1alam ! 1A 3 A:1< Gae1a.%Gae1a. Ma.3ama. -/ngg/ 1>A07 Pem+elaan ter.a1ap yang +etul a1ala. untu3 mena0/3an .a3m/l/3 pem/l/3an pla/nt/05 yang mest/ 1/pl/13an se6ara 3.usus :l/.at ms 122H5 12*!%4<7 Gerosa3an 0/F/3al yang 1/se+a+3an ole. 1e0en1an tela. menga3/+at3an pengun1uran so3ongan tana. 3e tana. 1an 3e./langan 3egunaan tana. yang sa. ole. pla/nt/07 ;4r/+ wall; yang 1/1/r/3an ole. 1e0en1an .anya merupa3an alat sementara 3erana /a +u3an sa.aCa t/1a3 mel/n1ung/ tana. pla/nt/0 tetap/ Cuga t/1a3 men6u3up/ untu3 meng.alang tana. pa1a masa .a1apan5 /a/tu ;6r/+ wall; terse+ut t/1a3 1apat menCam/n 3esta+/lan 6erun terse+ut7 -er1apat 3e+arang3al/an +esar5 1an +u3an seta3at 3emung3/nan sa.aCa5 preCu1/s ter.a1ap pem+angunan tana. pla/nt/0 yang 1/n/at3an? $ong .ee )ee / 0rs v Ting .ii" )ay (1>>2) 2 4LJ 205 1//3ut7 J/3alau pla/nt/0 +ern/at mem+angun3an tana.nya5 perl/n1ungan 6erun yang le+/. 1/perlu3an ataupun 3erCa asas yang

Page 5 1/perlu3an +ag/ mem+ole.3an +angunan%+angunan 1/1/r/3an 1e3at 6erun terse+ut :l/.at ms 1204%'5 =%B<7 'e0en1an +ertanggungCawa+ ter.a1ap pla/nt/0 1alam terse+ut 1an 3a6au%ganggu 1an pla/nt/0 tela. mengalam/ 3erug/an 3etara 1/a3/+at3an ole. tort yang 1/la3u3an ole. 1e0en1an :l/.at ms 12*=%B<7 Ealau apapun n/la/ tana. yang 1/am+/l se+aga/ ta3s/ran gant/ rug/ pampasan5 /a/tu5 sama a1a n/la/ tana. pa1a masa tort terse+ut 1/la3u3an ataupun n/la/ tana. pa1a tar/3. ta3s/ran5 /a a3an menCa1/ t/1a3 real/st/3 1an t/1a3 a1/l 3epa1a part/%part/7 Ole. /tu5 ma.3ama. enggan meng/ra gant/ rug/ 1engan mengam+/l n/la/ mo1al .artana. terse+ut se+elum 1/rosa33an5 /a/tu5 pengurangan n/la/ +u3an merupa3an n/la/ 3erug/an 1alam 3es /n/7 Pa1a 0a3ta5 ma.3ama. t/1a3 1apat men/la/ sepert/ +er/3ut7 Ole. /tu5 alternat/0 yang t/nggal a1ala. untu3 mengam+/l 3os pem+a/3an atau pengem+al/an tana. 3epa1a 3ea1aan asalnya5 yang mana %&&% ' ()* ++, at ++2 ma.3ama. +erpen1apat a1ala. n/la/ 3erug/an yang se+enarnya5 meman1ang3an +a.awa ma.3ama. +erpuas .at/ +a.awa pla/nt/0 +ern/at mem+angun3an tana. terse+ut menurut su+1/#/s/ yang 1/sa.3an :l/.at ms 12*=%B<7 =a3ta 3es /n/ Cuga menCust/0/3as/3an awar1 untu3 gant/ rug/ tela1an7 ole. 1e0en1an a1ala. se6ara sengaCa 1an tela. 1/la3u3an tanpa meng./rau3an .a3% .a3 pla/nt/07 Gela3uan 1e0en1an 1/3/ra untu3 mem+awa 3euntungan5 1an a1ala. munasa+a. untu3 menyata3an5 1ar/ perenggan 12 pem+elaan5 +a.awa 1e0en1an tela. +erpen1apat +a.awa 3euntungan 1ar/pa1a a3an mele+/./ pampasan yang +el/au mung3/n terpa3sa mem+ayar7 Gela3uan 1e0en1an 1ar/ 1>>1 se./ngga per+/6araan t/n1a3an terse+ut patut 1/3eC/ :l/.at ms 122=%B5 12A!%&<7)

2) 2)


N%3&. =or 6ases on trespass to lan15 see 12 (allal's Digest:9t. $15 2000 Re/ssue< paras 12,1%1*057 C,.&. )&6&))&+ 3% 3orneo 4ousing (ortgage 5inance 3hd v Time Engineering 3hd (1>>,) 2 MLJ 12 :re01< Cheng 4ang 6uan / 0rs v #erumahan 5arlim 7#enang8 .dn 3hd (1>>*) * MLJ *52 :re01< Dodd #roperties 79ent8 )td / :nor v Canterbury City Council / 0rs (1>A0) 1 !ll $R >2A :re01< )iew Choy 4ung v .hah :lam #roperties .dn 3hd (1>>2) 2 MLJ *0> :re01< )ivingstone v Rawyards Coal Co :1AA0< 5 !pp 4as 25 :re01< Roo"es v 3arnard (1>,5) !4 112> :re01< Templeton v )ow ;at 4oldings .dn 3hd (1>>*) 1 MLJ 99* :re01< $ong .ee )ee / 0rs v Ting .ii" )ay (1>>2) 2 4LJ 205 L&70.*,30%5 )&6&))&+ 3% Rules o0 t.e H/g. 4ourt 1>A0 O 1A r A:1< Raja :<i< :ddruse :=. =ijar and )i<a Chan w/t. ./m< :#eter ;ip / ;ong< 0or t.e pla/nt/007 Robert )a<aar ::lan 9C .u w/t. ./m< :Chan / :ssociates< 0or t.e 1e0en1ant7 MOHD NOOR AHMAD 89

Page ,

-.e pla/nt/00 sue1 t.e 1e0en1ant 0or general 1amages an1 e8emplary 1amages +ase1 on trespass an1 nu/san6e7 He also as3e1 0or t.e 0ollow/ng 1e6larat/ons an1 /nCun6t/ons@


1b) 1c) 1d)

a 1e6larat/on t.e 1e0en1ant /s not ent/tle1 to 6ut or alter t.e pu+l/6 roa1 a66ess or ot.erw/se appropr/ate t.e roa1 reser#e so as to 1epr/#e t.e pla/nt/00 o0 a66ess to ./s lan1? 1 %&&% ' ()* ++, at ++> a 1e6larat/on t.e pla/nt/00 /s ent/tle1 to use an1 enCoy t.e roa1 reser#e as a66ess to t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 or t.e r/g.t o0 support to t.e sa/1 lan1? an /nCun6t/on to restra/n t.e 1e0en1ant +y ./msel05 ./s ser#ants or ./s agents .owsoe#er 0rom en6roa6./ng onto t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1? a man1atory /nCun6t/on 1/re6t/ng t.e 1e0en1ant to 0ort.w/t. at /ts own 6osts re/nstate an1 re.a+/l/tate t.e groun1 le#els o0 t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 an1 t.e roa1 reser#e a1Co/n/ng t.e sa/1 lan1@ 1. +y 6onstru6t/ng a re/n0or6e1 eart.wall at t.e +oun1ary +etween t.e 1e0en1ant;s lan1 an1 t.e roa1 reser#e to t.e .e/g.t up to t.e utmost or/g/nal groun1 le#el? an1 1. t.erea0ter +y +a630/ll/ng w/t. san1 an1 eart. up to t.e le#el o0 t.e re/n0or6e1 eart.wall? a man1atory /nCun6t/on 1/re6t/ng t.e 1e0en1ant to 0ort.w/t. at /ts own 6osts 6onstru6t an a66ess to t.e sout. east +oun1ary o0 t.e roa1 reser#e o0 t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 at a le#el o0 ,0m an1 0or t./s purpose5 1o 6onstru6t a re/n0or6e1 eart.wall at +ot. s/1es o0 t.e ,,0t roa1 reser#e on t.e 1e0en1ant;s lan1 to allow 0or t.e a66ess? a man1atory /nCun6t/on 1/re6t/ng /n t.e e8e6ut/on an1 6omplet/on o0 t.e a+o#esa/1 wor3s5 t.e 1e0en1ant 1o 6omply at /ts own 6osts w/t. t.e $art.wor3 Plan an1 Re/n0or6e1 $art.wall 1eta/ls as s.own /n t.e 'raw/ngs "o P&>200 SP%1 an1 "o P&>200 4S1 an1 Spe6/0/6at/ons prepare1 +y t.e 4onsult/ng $ng/neers5 Messrs Perun1/ng &a3t/ S1n &.1 an1 anne8e1 .ereto as !nne8ure 1? an1 an or1er t.e 6omplet/on o0 t.e a+o#esa/1 wor3s +e e#/1en6e1 +y a 6ert/0/6ate o0 6omplet/on to +e /ssue1 +y t.e a0oresa/1 6onsult/ng eng/neers7

1 1e)



-.e 0a6ts re#eal -.e pla/nt/00 /s t.e owner o0 Lot 1*,0 an1 t.e 1e0en1ant owns Lot 152 s/tuate1 /n t.e Mu3/m o0 4.eras5 '/str/6t o0 Hulu Langat5 Selangor7 Lot 1*,0 /s separate1 on /ts sout.ern +oun1ary 0rom Lot 152 +y a str/p o0 state lan1 appro8/mately 900t w/1e :;t.e a66ess reser#e;<7 On trespass5 t.e 1e0en1ant .a1 6arr/e1 on 1e#elopment wor3s on /ts lan1 0or t.e purpose o0 1e#elop/ng a gol0 6ourse an1 a .uge res/1ent/al an1 6ommer6/al 6omple8 3nown as ;&an1ar Sunge/ Long;7 -.e 1e#elopment .a1 resulte1 /n p.ys/6al 1amage to t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 as e#/1en6e1 +y a sur#ey 6on1u6te1 on 11 January 1>>*5 an1 plan :&%20< prepare1 +y SP2 w./6. s.ows a steep slope o0 a+out 1000t ./g. an1 ,500t long an1 a+out 9>0t 1eep /nto t.e pla/nt/00;s lan17 -.e slope /s s/te1 ent/rely on t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 0all/ng on to t.e a66ess reser#e7 -.e e#/1en6e 6onst/tutes trespass to t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant an1 t./s /s my 0/n1/ng7 It /s also e#/1ent somet/me /n =e+ruary 1>>,5 t.e 1e0en1ant5 w/t.out t.e pla/nt/00;s 6onsent5 6onstru6te1 a 6r/+ wall on t.e a66ess reser#e part o0 w./6. /s on t.e pla/nt/00;s lan15 as 6on0/rme1 +y S'5 an1 e8. P107 -./s 6onst/tutes a permanent trespass on t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant5 an1 t./s /s also %&&% ' ()* ++, at ++? my 0/n1/ng +ut not 0or t.e purpose o0 0/n1/ng on l/a+/l/ty 0or permanent trespass7

Page 2 In respe6t o0 nu/san6e5 t.e 6la/m ar/ses 0rom t.e w/t.1rawal o0 so/l to so/l support an1 t.e loss o0 law0ul use o0 t.e lan1 +y t.e pla/nt/00 result/ng 0rom t.e p.ys/6al 1amage 6ause1 +y t.e trespass7 -./s /s e#/1en6e1 +y t.e report o0 SP5 :6onsult/ng eng/neer< an1 ./s test/mony5 an1 su+stant/ate1 +y t.e nee1 to 6onstru6t a 6r/+ wall on part o0 t.e slope +y t.e 1e0en1ant an1 t.e p.otograp./6 e#/1en6e o0 slope 0a/lures7 SP5 state1 /n ./s report :&%25< a so/l test was 6arr/e1 out /n Mar6. 1>>* 0or analys/s o0 slope sta+/l/ty an1 0oun1 t.e slope .a1 a sa0ety 0a6tor o0 less 1 as oppose1 to a normally a66epta+le sa0ety 0a6tor o0 1797 He /nspe6te1 t.e s/te an1 note1 a 0a/lure at t.e +ottom o0 t.e slope as s.own /n t.e p.otograp. :&%A5<7 He op/ne1 t.e slope was unsta+le an1 0a/lures woul1 o66ur unless reme1/al measures were ta3en /0 t.e pla/nt/00 was to reta/n t.e /ntegr/ty o0 t.e use o0 t.e lan17 =urt.er5 t.e lo6at/ons o0 +u/l1/ngs 0or t.e 1e#elopment o0 t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 woul1 reDu/re a set +a63 #ery mu6. away 0rom t.e +oun1ary to ensure t.e/r sa0ety 0rom t.e /ne#/ta+le slope 0a/lure5 or 0a/l/ng w./6.5 a #ery e8pens/#e 0oun1at/on wor3 .a1 to +e 6arr/e1 out7 He 6on6lu1e1 /t woul1 +e /na1#/sa+le to 6onstru6t any permanent stru6ture w/t./n a 1/stan6e o0 *2m 0rom t.e top o0 t.e slope w/t.out #ery e8pens/#e 0oun1at/on wor3s7 -.e appropr/ate set+a63 o0 t.e +u/l1/ng l/ne /s s.a1e1 /n re1 /n &%A27 !66or1/ng to ./m5 t.e pla/nt/00;s loss o0 eart. /s 07,2>9 a6res5 an1 /n or1er to sta+/l/Fe t.e slope5 t.e loss 0or t.e set+a63 /s 172A9* a6res :see e8 PA<7 SP5 was not ser/ously 6.allenge1 on t./s /ssue7 SP5 was o0 t.e #/ew t.e 6r/+ wall :/n two t/ers< was 6onstru6te1 to pre#ent so/l 0a/lures7 -.e Duest/on /s 6r/+ wall as 6onstru6te1 /s su00/6/ent to pre#ent so/l 0a/luresH -o my m/n15 /t /s not5 0or t.e 0ollow/ng reasons@

1i) 1ii)

1iii) 1iv)

1v) 1vi)

S'55 a pro0ess/onal eng/neer w/t. t.e 1e0en1ant;s proCe6t manager 6on0/rme1 t.e purpose o0 t.e 6r/+ wall was to prote6t t.e lower port/on o0 t.e slope? SP5 o+ser#e1 0rom t.e 1es/gn 6al6ulat/ons o0 t.e 6r/+ wall :e8. '>< t.e 6al6ulat/ons were only 0or t.e total .e/g.t o0 *>0t5 +ut t.e total .e/g.t to +e prote6te1 was appro8/mately 200t :as /llustrate1 /n e8. P10< an1 t.ere0ore5 t.e top slope w./6. s.oul1 +e prote6te1 as well was not prote6te17 =urt.er5 t.e top 6r/+ wall 1/1 not 6o#er t.e w.ole lengt. o0 t.e slope5 an1 /0 t.e pla/nt/00 /nten1e1 to 1e#elop ./s lan1 e8tra prote6t/on o0 t.e slope was reDu/re17 In s.ort5 t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 was not prote6te1 at all? !s not/6e1 +y SP55 t.e p.otograp.s5 e8. P2 $5 = I H s.ow t.ere was e#/1en6e o0 slope 0a/lures at t.e top o0 t.e 6r/+ wall e#en w./le /t was +e/ng 6onstru6te1? S'5 agree1 t.e top slopes an1 t.e slopes on t.e le0t an1 r/g.t were not prote6te1 +y t.e 6r/+ wall7 &ut .e sa/1 t.e slopes were sta+le +ase1 merely on 6al6ulat/ons w/t.out any so/l test 1one7 %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%& =urt.er5 .e 1/1 not ta3e /nto a66ount o0 0uture 1e#elopment +y t.e pla/nt/00 /n arr/#/ng t.e slopes5 t.oug. not prote6te1 +y t.e 6r/+ wall5 were sta+le? t.e 1e0en1ant merely ten1ere1 t.e te6.n/6al report on t.e 6r/+ wall :e8. '><5 +ut o00ere1 no e#/1en6e on t.e e00e6t o0 t.e 6r/+ wall on t.e sta+/l/ty o0 t.e slope? +ase1 on e8. P105 SP5 6on6lu1e1 w/t. t.e e8/st/ng 6r/+ wall only5 /t woul1 +e ne6essary to pro#/1e t.e set+a63 as /n e8. PA7

SP5 was not ser/ously 6.allenge1 on matters /n paras ://<5 :///< an1 :#/<7 -.ere0ore5 /n t.e l/g.t o0 t.e a+o#e 0a6ts /t /s my 0/n1/ngs


t.e p.ys/6al 1amage 6ause1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant;s trespass .a1 resulte1 /n t.e w/t.1rawal o0 so/l to so/l support5 an1 t.e loss o0 law0ul use o0 t.e lan1 +y t.e pla/nt/00?

Page A


t.e 6r/+ wall +u/lt +y t.e 1e0en1ant /s to +e regar1e1 only as a temporary measure +e6ause not only 1oes /t not at all prote6t t.e pla/nt/00;s lan15 +ut also /t /s not su00/6/ent to pre#ent 0uture so/l 0a/lures5 /s to say5 t.e 6r/+ wall 1oes not guarantee t.e sta+/l/ty o0 t.e slope7 -.ere /s a real pro+a+/l/ty5 not Cust a poss/+/l/ty5 o0 preCu1/6e to t.e pla/nt/00;s /nten1e1 1e#elopment o0 ./s lan15 /n #/ew o0 was sa/1 +y Mo.1 !Fm/ =4J /n $ong .ee )ee / 0rs v Ting .ii" )ay (1>>2) 4LJ 205 at p 229@

In our #/ew5 t.e 6ourts are ent/tle1 to ta3e Cu1/6/al not/6e o0 t.e 0a6t Malays/a re6or1s one o0 t.e ./g.est ra/n0alls /n t.e worl1 w./6. /ne#/ta+ly ma3e so/l eros/on an1 lan1 sl/1es a matter o0 0oreseea+le 6onseDuen6e w.ere#er t.ere /s 1/stur+an6e o0 t.e so/l as a result o0 .uman a6t/#/ty7 !s a matter o0 6ommon sense5 reta/n/ng walls .as +e6ome one o0 t.e +ulwar3s /n t.e 0/g.t aga/nst so/l eros/on an1 /n t.e preser#at/on o0 so/l to so/l support enCoye1 +y ne/g.+our/ng lan1s5 part/6ularly w.ere e86a#at/on a6t/#/t/es .a#e +e6ome ne6essary on one;s property7

2iii) /0 t.e pla/nt/00 /nten1s to 1e#elop ./s lan1 e8tra prote6t/on o0 t.e slope /s nee1e15 2iv)
ot.erw/se t.e set+a63 as /llustrate1 /n e8. PA /s ne6essary or #ery e8pens/#e 0oun1at/on wor3s are reDu/re1 0or any +u/l1/ng to +e +u/lt near t.e slope? t.e pla/nt/00;s loss o0 eart. /s 07,2>9 a6res an1 t.e loss 0or t.e set+a63 /s 172A9* a6res7

-.e 1e0en1ant ra/se1 t.e 0ollow/ng 1e0en6e@

2a) 2b) at t.e t/me o0 t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent t.e pla/nt/00 was ne/ t.e reg/stere1 propr/etor nor was .e /n legal possess/on o0 Lot 1*,05 an1 .en6e t.e pla/nt/00 1oes not .a#e 6apa6/ty to ma/nta/n an a6t/on /n t./s respe6t? as 0or t.e se6on1 /n6/1ent5 t.e trespass was /n6/1ental an1 m/n/mal +es/1es +e/ng un/ntent/onal5 an1 /s m/t/gate1 +y t.e nee1 to 1o so /n or1er to lower t.e le#els on t.e a66ess reser#e? %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%+

-.ere0ore5 t.e 1e0en1ant prays t.e 1e6larat/ons an1 /nCun6t/ons s.oul1 +e re0use1 an1 only nom/nal 1amages s.oul1 +e awar1e1 0or t.e allege1 trespass7 -.e 1e0en1ant 6onten1e1 t.ere are two /n6/1ents o0 trespass7 -.e 0/rst /n6/1ent o66urre1 +e0ore t.e pla/nt/00 +e6ame t.e reg/stere1 propr/etor o0 Lot 1*,0 as s.own /n t.e sur#ey 6on1u6te1 /n July 1>>1 :per &%A 1ate1 25 July 1>>1<5 an1 t.e /n6/1ent .appene1 t.erea0ter5 as s.own /n t.e sur#ey 1one /n January 1>>* :per &%20<7 -.e 1e0en1ant 6ommen6e1 eart.wor3s on /ts lan1 /n January 1>>15 an1 /n June 1>>1 w.en t.e pla/nt/00 1/s6o#ere1 t.e 1e0en1ant was 6utt/ng /nto ./s lan15 t.e pla/nt/00 on 10 June 1>>1 wrote to t.e 1e0en1ant po/nt/ng out to t.e 1e0en1ant o0 t.e 0a6t t.e 1e0en1ant .a1 re6ently e86a#ate1 t.e ./ll an1 t.e a66ess reser#e a+utt/ng ./s lan1 w./6. /n#ol#e1 6utt/ng an e8tremely steep slope on t.e a66ess reser#e 1epr/#/ng ./m an a66ess t.roug. t.e a66ess reser#e7 !ll t.ese too3 pla6e +e0ore t.e pla/nt/00 +e6ame t.e reg/stere1 owner o0 lot 1*,07 !lt.oug. t.e pla/nt/00 entere1 /nto a sale an1 pur6.ase agreement 1ate1 *0 Mar6. 1>>1 to +uy Lot 1*,05 .e +e6ame t.e reg/stere1 propr/etor only 22 July 1>>17 n1er 6l , o0 t.e sale an1 pur6.ase agreement5 t.e pla/nt/00 was ent/tle1 to #a6ant possess/on o0 t.e lan1 as at t.e 6omplet/on 1ate or su6. 1ate to +e agree1 /n wr/t/ng7 !lt.oug. t.e 6omplet/on 1ate /s not 1e0/ne15 /t o+#/ously 6annot mean t.e 1ate t.e agreement was entere1 /nto7 It must relate to t.e t/me t.e sale /s 6omplete1 an1 .en6e5 /t must at least mean

Page > t.e 1ate t.e memoran1um o0 trans0er was presente1 w./6. w/ll +e t.e same 1ate t.e pla/nt/00 +e6ame reg/stere1 as t.e propr/etor7 -.e learne1 6ounsel 0or t.e 1e0en1ant argue1 as trespass /s /n essen6e a reme1y 0or t.e /n0r/ngement o0 possess/on an1 a66or1/ngly5 to sue /n trespass5 a pla/nt/00 must .a#e +een /n a6tual possess/on at t.e t/me o0 t.e /n0r/ngement7 -.ere0ore5 as t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent o66urre1 +e0ore t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 a6tual possess/on o0 t.e lan15 t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 no stan1/ng to sue /n respe6t o0 t.e /n6/1ent7 -.e 6ounsel 6/te1 a passage /n para 1% 00* 0rom t.e art/6le ent/tle1 ; nlaw0ul Inter0eren6e E/t. Lan1; +y 'a#/1 $l#/n an1 Garas :1>>5< /n support t.ereo07 E/t. regar1 to t.e se6on1 /n6/1ent5 .e 6onten1e1 t.e e#/1en6e o0 t.e pla/nt/00;s sur#eyor :SP2< an1 t.e 1e0en1ant;s sur#eyor :S'9< /s +etween 1>>1 an1 1>>* t.e slope pre#/ously 6ut /n 1>>1 .a1 +een 6ut5 +ut t.ere was no en6roa6.ment .or/Fontally7 In wor1s5 w.ate#er 0orm o0 trespass too3 pla6e at t.e en1 o0 1>>* was only l/m/te1 to t.ose areas w./6. .a1 +een su+Ce6te1 to eart.wor3s /n 1>>17 -.e slope was tr/mme1 /n or1er to a66ommo1ate t.e appro#e1 le#el 0or t.e a66ess reser#e7 E/t. 1ue respe6t5 I 1o not agree w/t. su6. 6ontent/on@


=/rstly5 6l *71 o0 t.e sale an1 pur6.ase agreement st/pulates t.e +alan6e o0 t.e pur6.ase pr/6e s.all +e pa/1 w/t./n t.ree mont.s or w/t./n one mont. o0 t.e remo#al o0 t.e pr/#ate 6a#eat5 w./6. 1ate /s t.e later7 On t.e 0a6ts as agree15 t.e pla/nt/00 pa/1 t.e +alan6e o0 t.e pur6.ase pr/6e on 2> June 1>>17 -o my m/n15 +ase1 on soun1 log/6 a pur6.aser o0 t.e lan1 w/ll not pay t.e 0ull pur6.ase pr/6e unless t.e 6a#eat /s remo#e15 /t /s /rres/st/+le to /n0er t.at5 /n t.e present 6ase5 %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%% t.e 6a#eat must .a#e alrea1y +een remo#e1 +e0ore t.e pla/nt/00 pa/1 t.e +alan6e o0 t.e pur6.ase pr/6e7 Hen6e5 t.e later 1ate as en#/sage1 /n 6l *71 must +e ta3en to mean 2> June 1>>1 w.en t.e 0ull pur6.ase pr/6e was pa/1 to t.e #en1or7 =urt.er5 as t.e agreement was entere1 on *0 Mar6. 1>>1 an1 t.e +alan6e o0 t.e pur6.ase pr/6e was pa/1 on 2> June 1>>1 /t /s 6lear t.e 0ull pur6.ase pr/6e was t/meously pa/17 !n1 0urt.er5 +y reason o0 t.e 0a6t t.e pla/nt/00 pa/1 t.e +alan6e o0 t.e pur6.ase pr/6e an1 t.e 1e0en1ant 1/1 re6e/#e /t on 2> June 1>>15 /t /s sa0e to 6on6lu1e t.e reDu/rements o0 6ll 9715 972 an1 571 o0 t.e agreement .a1 +een 0ul0/lle1 earl/er5 /s to say5 t.e #en1or .a1 g/#en to t.e pla/nt/00;s sol/6/tors a 1uly e8e6ute15 #al/1 an1 reg/stra+le trans0er o0 Lot 1*,0 /n 1ue 0orm /n 0a#our o0 t.e pla/nt/007 -.e legal pos/t/on +etween #en1or an1 pur6.aser /s well settle1 /n 3orneo 4ousing (ortgage 5inance 3hd v Time Engineering 3hd (1>>,) 2 MLJ 125 w.ere t.e =e1eral 4ourt .el1 at p 2>@

In our #/ew5 t.e 6ontra6tual e#ents w./6. result /n t.e #en1or +e6om/ng a +are trustee o0 t.e lan15 t.e su+Ce6t matter o0 t.e agreement o0 sale an1 pur6.ase5 0or t.e pur6.aser5 /s on 6omplet/on5 /s to say5 upon re6e/pt +y t.e #en1or o0 t.e 0ull pur6.ase pr/6e5 t/meously pa/1 an1 w.en t.e #en1or .as g/#en t.e pur6.aser a 1uly e8e6ute15 #al/1 an1 reg/stra+le trans0er o0 t.e lan1 /n 1ue 0orm /n 0a#our o0 t.e pur6.aser5 0or /t /s t.en t.e #en1or 1/#est ./msel0 o0 ./s /nterest /n t.e lan17

-.ere0ore5 +ase1 on t./s aut.or/ty5 as at 2> June 1>>15 t.e #en1or was a +are trustee an1 t.e pla/nt/00 +e6ame ent/tle1 to possess/on o0 t.e lan1 /n law? an1 +y 6l , o0 t.e agreement5 t.e pla/nt/00 was 6ontra6tually ent/tle1 to #a6ant possess/on on 6omplet/on o0 t.e sale? an1 .en6e5 t.e pla/nt/00;s r/g.t o0 entry a66rue1 on 2> June 1>>17 &y t.e 1o6tr/ne o0 relat/on +a635 /0 an owner w.o .as a r/g.t to enter ma3es an entry on lan15 ./s r/g.t o0 possess/on relate1 +a63 to t.e t/me at w./6. ./s r/g.t o0

Page 10 entry a66rue15 an1 .e may sue 0or a trespass 6omm/tte1 +e0ore ./s entry5 t.e wrong1oer +e6om/ng a trespasser +y relat/on :see 4alsbury's )aws of England :9t. $1< para 1*>2 an1 Cler" / )indsell on Torts :12t. $1< p A50<7 -.e pla/nt/00 an1 ./s agents entere1 an1 too3 p.ys/6al possess/on o0 t.e lan1 on 1A July 1>>1 :see I3atan & p A<5 /s to say5 +e0ore t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent5 w.en t.e 0/rst sur#ey was 6on1u6te17 -.ere0ore5 +y t.e 1o6tr/ne o0 relat/on +a635 t.e pla/nt/00 /s 6learly ent/tle1 to ma/nta/n t./s a6t/on e#en t.oug. .e was not /n p.ys/6al possess/on at t.e t/me o0 t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent7 Se6on1ly5 t.e /ssue o0 possess/on was not plea1e1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant7 In para 5 o0 t.e statement o0 6la/m t.e pla/nt/00 allege1 /n or a+out July 1>>15 .e 1/s6o#ere1 t.e 1e0en1ant .a1 /n t.e pro6ess o0 e8e6ut/ng t.e 1e#elopment wor3s5 e86a#ate1 a steep slope on t.e a66ess reser#e a+utt/ng ./s lan1 an1 ot.erw/se en6roa6.e1 an1/or 6ut /nto ./s lan15 t.e part/6ulars o0 w./6. are state1 t.ere/n7 -.e 1e0en1ant5 /n response to t.e allegat/on5 +y paras 5%2 /n t.e 1e0en6e5 1/1 not ra/se or allu1e to t.e /ssue o0 possess/on7 In 6onseDuen6e5 t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 no opportun/ty to re+ut t.e /ssue /n t.e reply7 -.e %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%, 1e0en1ant /n para 2 o0 t.e 1e0en6e merely state1 t.e pla/nt/00 was reg/stere1 as t.e propr/etor o0 t.e lan1 only on or a+out 22 July 1>>1 an1 /n 6ross e8am/nat/on5 t.e pla/nt/00 :SP1< was only as3e1 as to w.en .e +e6ame t.e reg/stere1 propr/etor o0 t.e lan17 -o my m/n15 t./s /s not a 1e0en6e to an a6t/on 0or trespass +e6ause trespass /s essent/ally an /nter0eren6e w/t. t.e possessory r/g.ts an1 not owners./p5 s/n6e reg/stere1 owners./p 1oes not usually 6onnote legal possess/on7 -.ere0ore5 on t.e plea1/ng as /t stan1s an1 t.e e#/1en6e a11u6e1 /n law an1 /n t.e /nterest o0 Cust/6e5 t.e 1e0en1ant s.oul1 not +e allowe1 to su+m/t on t.e /ssue o0 possess/on5 +e/ng repugnant to all t.e t.ree s/tuat/ons as en#/sage1 /n O 1A r A:1< o0 t.e Rules o0 t.e H/g. 4ourt 1>A07 -.e proper 1e0en6e to trespass to lan1 /s to 1eny possessory t/tle o0 t.e pla/nt/00 w./6. must +e spe6/ally plea1e1 : see 3ullen and )ea"e and *acob's #recedents of #leadings 712t. $1< at p 1*29<7 -./r1ly5 t.ere /s only one slope5 /s to say5 t.e slope as e#/1en6e1 +y t.e sur#ey at &%205 w./6. /s t.e su+Ce6t matter o0 t.e pla/nt/00;s 6la/m an1 0or w./6. t.e pla/nt/00 /s see3/ng rel/e07 Lastly5 t.e pla/nt/00;s 6ause o0 a6t/on /s +ase1 on +ot. tort o0 trespass an1 nu/san6e7 It /s tr/te law t.e 1uty o0 6are owe1 +y t.e lan1owners to t.e/r ne/g.+ours not to 1/stur+ or w/t.1raw natural r/g.t to support5 /s to say5 so/l to so/l support w/ll g/#e r/se to a 6ause o0 a6t/on /n negl/gen6e an1/or nu/san6e :see $ong .ee )ee / 0rs v Ting .ii" Tay (1>>2) 2 4LJ 205 at p 229<7 Yet5 t.e 1e0en1ant su+m/tte1 only on trespass +ut not nu/san6e7 -respass /s /nter0eren6e w/t. possess/on o0 lan15 w.ereas nu/san6e /s /nter0eren6e w/t. t.e use o0 lan17 -./s 6ause o0 a6t/on /s +ase1 ent/rely on t.e state o0 lan1 an1 t.e 1amages 6ause1 t.ere+y at t.e 1ate o0 t.e a6t/on5 an1 .en6e5 t.e 0/rst /n6/1ent /s not rele#ant7


3) 3)

-.ere0ore5 I 6on6lu1e t.e 1e0en1ant /s l/a+le to t.e pla/nt/00 +ot. /n trespass :+ut not /n respe6t o0 t.e permanent trespass +e6ause /t /s not 0or me to 6ons/1er as /t was not plea1e1< an1 nu/san6e5 an1 t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 su00ere1 a6tual 1amage /n 6onseDuen6e o0 t.e torts 6omm/tte1 +y t.e 1e0en1ant7 On t.e reme1/es soug.t +y t.e pla/nt/005 I 1e6l/ne to grant t.e 1e6larat/ons an1 t.e /nCun6t/ons +e6ause@


/n respe6t o0 1e6larat/ons :a< an1 :+<5 t.e a66ess reser#e /s alrea1y o+solete /n #/ew o0 t.e surroun1/ng 1e#elopment w.ere t.ere /s an alternat/#e a66ess to t.e pla/nt/00;s lan17 =urt.er5 /n t.e 6ourse o0 su+m/ss/on5 t.e pla/nt/00 /n1/6ate1 .e was no

Page 11 longer /ntereste1 /n t.e a66ess t.roug. t.e a66ess reser#e un1er t.e e8/st/ng state o0 t.e lan1? 0or /nCun6t/on :6<5 s/n6e t.e /n6/1ent5 e86ept 0or t.e 6onstru6t/on o0 t.e 6r/+ wall5 t.ere .a1 +een no 6ompla/nt o0 any allege1 /ntrus/on7 =urt.er5 t.ere /s no reason now 0or t.e 1e0en1ant to enter /nto t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1? 2 %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%w/t. regar1 to man1atory /nCun6t/ons :1<5 :e< an1 :0< an1 or1er :g<5 t.e pla/nt/00 /n1/6ate1 1ur/ng t.e su+m/ss/on .e was no longer /ntereste1 /n t.e re/n0or6e1 eart.wall +e6ause /t m/g.t pose a ser/ous 1anger to t.e res/1ents o0 t.e 6on1om/n/um +elow on t.e 1e0en1ant;s lan1 1ur/ng t.e 6ourse o0 /ts 6onstru6t/on7 =urt.er5 a t.oroug. super#/s/on +y an e8pert appo/nte1 +y t.e part/es or t.e 6ourt w/ll +e reDu/re1 /n t.e 6ourse o0 /ts 6onstru6t/on7



:2< E/t. regar1 to 6ompensatory 1amages5 t.e 6ounsel 0or t.e 1e0en1ant urge1 t.at5 on pr/n6/ple5 t.e #alue o0 t.e lan1 must +e assesse1 as at t.e t/me o0 t.e allege1 1amage7 -./s general pr/n6/ple /s no longer goo1 law an1 .as +een s/te1 an1 1/sappro#e1 +y t.e $ngl/s. 4ourt o0 !ppeal /n Dodd #roperties 79ent8 )td / :nor v Canterbury City Council / 0rs (1>A0) 1 !ll $R >2A5 at least so 0ar as /t see3s to apply to t.e 6ost o0 re/nstatement o0 1amage1 propert/es7 Megaw LJ /n t.e Dodd #roperties 6ase states w/t. appro#al o0 t.e +roa1 0un1amental pr/n6/ple as to 1amages o0 Lor1 &la63+urn /n )ivingstone v Rawyards Coal Co :1AA0< 5 !pp 4as 25 w.ere .e sa/1 t.e measure o0 1amages /s@
777 sum o0 money w./6. w/ll put t.e party w.o .as +een /nCure1 or w.o .as su00ere1 /n t.e same pos/t/on as .e woul1 .a#e +een /n /0 .e .a1 not susta/ne1 t.e wrong 0or w./6. .e /s now gett/ng ./s 6ompensat/on or reparat/on7

-./s 0un1amental pr/n6/ple also re6e/#e1 re6ogn/t/on +y $1gar Josep. S4J /n Cheng 4ang 6uan / 0rs v #erumahan 5arlim 7#enang8 .dn 3hd (1>>*) * MLJ *52 w./6. e6.oe1 ./s earl/er pos/t/on /n Templeton v )ow ;at 4oldings .dn 3hd (1>>*) 1 MLJ 99* at p 9595 w.ere .e sa/1@
In a1opt/ng a 0res. approa6.5 I 6ons/1er I must 0all +a63 on t.e +roa1 0un1amental pr/n6/ples on t.e 1amages enun6/ate1 +y Lor1 &la63+urn 112 years ago /n )ivingstone v Rawyard Coal Co 7777

In apply/ng t./s 0un1amental pr/n6/ple5 'onal1son LJ /n t.e Dodd #roperties 6ase a1opte1 t.e pr/n6/ple as 0ollows@
-.e general o+Ce6t un1erly/ng t.e rules 0or t.e assessment o0 1amages /s5 so 0ar as /s poss/+le +y means o0 a monetary awar15 to pla6e t.e pla/nt/00 /n t.e pos/t/on w./6. .e woul1 .a#e o66up/e1 /0 .e .a1 not su00ere1 t.e wrong 6ompla/ne1 o0 +e wrong a tort or a +rea6. o0 6ontra6t7 In t.e 6ase o0 a tort 6aus/ng 1amage to real property5 t./s o+Ce6t /s a6./e#e1 +y t.e appl/6at/on o0 one or o0 two Du/te 1/00erent measures o0 1amage or o66as/onally a 6om+/nat/on o0 t.e two7 -.e 0/rst /s to ta3e t.e 6ap/tal #alue o0 t.e property /n an un1amage1 state an1 to 6ompare /t w/t. /ts #alue /n 1amage1 state7 -.e se6on1 /s to ta3e t.e 6ost o0 repa/r or re/nstatement7 E./6. /s appropr/ate w/ll 1epen1 on a num+er o0 0a6tors5 su6. as t.e pla/nt/00;s 0uture /ntent/ons as to t.e use o0 t.e property an1 t.e reasona+leness o0 t.ose /ntent/ons7 I0 .e reasona+ly /nten1s to sell t.e property /n /ts 1amage1 state5 6learly t.e 1/m/nut/on /n 6ap/tal #alue /s t.e true measure o0 1amage7 I0 .e reasona+ly /nten1s to 6ont/nue to o66upy /t an1 to repa/r t.e 1amage5 6learly t.e 6ost o0 repa/rs /s t.e true measure7 !n1 t.ere may +e /n +etween s/tuat/ons7

%&&% ' ()* ++, at +%' -.e Cu1gment o0 'onal1son LJ /s a66epte1 +y t.e Malays/an Supreme 4ourt /n )iew Choy 4ung v .hah :lam #roperties .dn 3hd (1>>2) 2 MLJ *0> w./6. /s a 6ase w.ere t.e 6ourt .a1 awar1e1 1amages +ot. 0or 6osts o0 repa/r an1 1/m/nut/on /n #alue as en#/sage1 +y 'onal1son LJ7

Page 12 -.e 0ollow/ng 0a6ts are pert/nent 0or t.e purpose o0 assessment@

4i) 4ii) 4iii) 3iv) 2v) 2vi) 1vii)

t.e pla/nt/00 +oug.t t.e lan1 at RM525000 per a6re? t.e lan1 was st/ll agr/6ultural at t.e t/me o0 t.e /n6/1ents? on 1 July 1>>25 t.e pla/nt/00 appl/e1 0or 6on#ers/on to res/1ent/al :re &%19 an1 &%15<? on , June 1>>,5 t.e 6on#ers/on was appro#e1 :re &%21A<? on 2 !ugust 1>>,5 SP9 #alue1 t.e property +ase1 on t.e layout plan at &%2*97 In ./s report5 .e #alue1 t.e lan1 at RM*5 ps0 :re &%2A0< an1 at t.e tr/al .e #alue1 at RM*A ps0? on 12 Mar6. 1>>25 t.e pla/nt/00 appl/e1 0or su+1/#/s/on o0 t.e lan1 as per layout plan J &%2*9? on 19 !ugust 1>>A5 t.e su+1/#/s/on was appro#e1 :re l3 '<7

On t.ose 0a6ts5 t.e 0ollow/ng are 1/s6ern/+le@

5i) 5ii)

at t.e t/me w.en t.e torts were 6omm/tte15 t.e lan1 was st/ll agr/6ultural an1 t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 no 1e0/n/te 1e#elopment plan5 t.oug. .e /nten1e1 to 1e#elop ./s lan1? t.e #aluat/on was +ase1 on t.e layout plan w./6. .a1 not +een appro#e17

On t.ose 0a6ts5 to my m/n15 w./6.e#er #alue o0 t.e lan1 /s ta3en 0or t.e assessment5 /s to say5 e/ t.e #alue at t.e t/me w.en t.e torts were 6omm/tte1 or t.e #alue at t.e 1ate o0 #aluat/on5 /t w/ll +e unreal/st/6 an1 un0a/r to e/ party5 as t.e 6ase may +e7 -.ere0ore5 I 1e6l/ne to assess 1amages +y ta3/ng t.e 6ap/tal #alue o0 t.e property /n an un1amage1 state an1 6ompar/ng /t w/t. /ts #alue /n 1amage1 state5 /s to say5 1/m/nut/on /n #alue 6annot +e t.e true measure o0 1amages /n t./s 6ase7 !n1 also5 on t.e 0a6ts5 I am una+le to assess as su6.7 Hen6e5 t.e only alternat/#e le0t /s to ta3e t.e 6ost o0 repa/r or re/nstatement5 w./6.5 to my m/n15 /s t.e true measure o0 1amage s/n6e I am sat/s0/e1 0rom t.e e#/1en6e all along t.e pla/nt/00 /nten1e1 to 1e#elop t.e lan1 a66or1/ng to t.e su+1/#/s/on as appro#e17 $#en /0 t.e pla/nt/00 now 6.anges ./s m/n1 an1 wants to sell t.e lan15 /t /s 1ou+t0ul t.e property /n /ts e8/st/ng state 6an +e sol1 at all or at a goo1 pr/6e 1ue to t.e su+stant/al 6osts w/ll .a#e to +e e8pan1e1 /n sta+/l/F/ng t.e slope7 In any e#ent5 /0 t.e pla/nt/00 /s to put t.e lan1 to any use at all5 t.e 6onstru6t/on o0 a reta/n/ng wall /s t.e only solut/on +e6ause t.e 1anger to l/0e an1 property5 +ot. to t.e o66upants a+o#e an1 +elow5 /s 6learly 0oreseea+le7 -.e 6omputat/on an1 Duant/0/6at/on o0 t.e 6ost o0 re/nstatement .a1 +een esta+l/s.e1 +y SP5 /n ./s test/mony an1 report /n 1>>* at RM*m :&%21< +ase1 on plans &% 21 an1 &%22 w./6. .a1 not +een ser/ously 6.allenge17 !lt.oug. t.e 0/gure /s only an est/mate an1 SP5 1/1 not .a#e any part/6ular type o0 wall /n m/n15 I a66ept 0/gure as %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%1 reasona+le 0or t.e 6ost o0 re/nstatement +y reason o0 SP5;s #ast e8per/en6e as a pro0ess/onal an1 Dual/0/e1 eng/neer7 !s t.e 0/gure was g/#en some e/g.t years ago5 to my m/n15 /t /s appropr/ate to /n6rease /t +y at least 20K5 /s to say5 to RM*7,m7 E/t. amount t.e pla/nt/00 w/ll +e /n a pos/t/on to ta3e pos/t/#e steps to sta+/l/Fe t.e slope /n or1er to meet ./s reDu/rements /n t.e 1e#elopment o0 ./s lan15 w./6. w/ll +e at ./s 1/s6ret/on an1 r/s37 In respe6t o0 e8emplary 1amages5 t.e awar1 /s restr/6te1 to t.ree 6ategor/es5 namely@

3a) 3b) 2c)

oppress/#e5 ar+/trary or un6onst/tut/onal 6on1u6t +y go#ernment ser#ants? 6on1u6t 6al6ulate1 to result /n pro0/t to t.e 1e0en1ant? an1 w.ere e8pressly aut.or/Fe1 +y statute7

:See Roo"es v 3arnard (1>,5) !4 112>7< In t.e present 6ase5 only 6ategory :+< /s rele#ant7 In Roo"es' 6ase5 Lor1 'e#l/n states as 0ollows@

Page 1*
E.ere a 1e0en1ant w/t. a 6yn/6al 1/sregar1 0or t.e pla/nt/00;s r/g.t .as 6al6ulate1 t.e money +e ma1e out o0 ./s wrong1o/ngs w/ll pro+a+ly e86ee1 t.e 1amages at r/s35 /t /s ne6essary 0or t.e law to s.ow /t 6annot +e +ro3en w/t. /mpun/ty7 -./s 6ategory /s not 6on0/ne1 to money ma3/ng /n t.e str/6t sense7 It e8ten1s to 6ases /n w./6. t.e 1e0en1ant /s see3/ng to ga/n at t.e e8penses o0 t.e pla/nt/00 some o+Ce6t %% per.aps some property w./6. .e 6o#ets %% w./6. .e e/ 6oul1 not o+ta/n at all or not o+ta/n e86ept at a pr/6e greater .e wants to put 1own7

!n1 /n Cheng 4ang 6uan v #erumahan 5arlim 7#enang8 .dn 3hd 5 $1gar Josep. Jr S4J re0erre1 to t.e e8press/on ;6al6ulate1 to ma3e a pro0/t;
InCassel / Co v 3roome (1>22) 1 !ll $R A01 Lor1 Morr/s e8pla/ne1 t.e am+/t o0 t.e e8press/on ;6al6ulate1 to ma3e a pro0/t; use1 +y Lor1 'e#l/n /n Roo"es v 3arnard7 -./s /s .ow .e put /t at p A9*@ -.ere may +e e8emplary 1amages /0 a 1e0en1ant .as 0orme1 an1 +e gu/1e1 +y t.e #/ew t.oug. .e may .a#e to pay some 1amages or 6ompensat/on +e6ause o0 .e /nten1s to 1o5 yet .e w/ll /n some at ga/n :0or t.e 6ategory /s not 6on0/ne1 to money ma3/ng /n t.e str/6t sense< or may ma3e money out o0 /t5 to an e8tent w./6. .e .opes an1 e8pe6ts w/ll +e wort. ./s w./le7 I 1o not t./n3 t.e wor3 ;6al6ulate1; was use1 to 1enote some pre6/se +alan6/ng pro6ess7 -.e s/tuat/on 6ontemplate1 /s w.ere someone 0a6es up to t.e poss/+/l/ty o0 .a#/ng to pay 1amages 0or 1o/ng somet./ng w./6. may +e .el1 to .a#e +een wrong +ut w.ere ne#ert.eless .e 1el/+erately 6arr/es out ./s plan +e6ause .e t./n3s /t w/ll wor3 out sat/s0a6tor/ly 0or ./m7

! tort0easor s.oul1 not +e allowe1 to o+ta/n a +ene0/t or pe6un/ary a1#antage 0rom ./s wrong1o/ngs :(c6regor 0n Damages :15t. $1< para 95,<7 -.e t.ree 6r/ter/a 0or t.e 6al6ulat/on o0 e8emplary 1amages are@

4a) 4b) 3c)

t.e pla/nt/00 must +e t.e #/6t/m o0 t.e pun/s.a+le +e.a#/our? t.ere must +e mo1erat/on /n t.e awar1 so as not to amount to a greater pun/s.ment woul1 +e l/3ely to +e /n6urre1 /0 t.e 6on1u6t was 6r/m/nal? an1 3 %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%2 t.e 0/nan6/al means o0 t.e part/es7

:See Lor1 'e#l/n /n Roo"es v 3arnard7< Howe#er5 t.e 6on1u6t o0 t.e part/es must rema/n a rele#ant 6ons/1erat/on /n t.e 6al6ulat/on5 an1 on t./s5 (c6regor 0n Damages para 9,5 states@
-.en t.e 6ourt may ta3e /nto a66ount5 a66or1/ng to t.e 1e6/s/on /n #raed v 6raham5 t.e 6on1u6t o0 t.e 1e0en1ant r/g.t 1own to t.e t/me o0 Cu1gment 777 !n apology +y t.e 1e0en1ant /n t.e w/tness +o8 woul1 ma3e a 1/00eren6e /n ./s 0a#our5 a66or1/ng to S/ngleton LJ /n )ondon v Ryder5 w./le pers/sten6e /n t.e 6.arge m/g.t /n6rease e8emplary 1amages7

!n1 /n 6ons/1er/ng t.e means o0 t.e part/es5 t.e s/Fe o0 t.e awar1 must +e su00/6/ent to pun/s. t.e wrong1oer as t.e g/st o0 e8emplary awar1 /s pun/t/#e : (c6regor 0n Damages para 9,5<7 -o my m/n15 t.e 0ollow/ng 0a6ts w/ll Cust/0y an awar1 o0 e8emplary 1amages@


In June 1>>15 t.e pla/nt/00 .a15 +y letter5 alerte1 t.e 1e0en1ant o0 t.e steep slope at t.e +oun1ary o0 ./s lan1 6ause1 +y t.e e86a#at/on5 +ut t.e 1e0en1ant too3 no steps to /n#est/gate t.e 6ompla/nt an1 appeare1 to .a#e 6ont/nue1 w/t. t.e e86a#at/on7 &y a letter 1ate1 5 !ugust 1>>15 t.e pla/nt/00 .a1 0orwar1e1 to t.e 1e0en1ant a 6opy o0 t.e sur#ey :&%A< s.ow/ng 6on6lus/#ely t.e 0a6ts o0 trespass5 +ut t.e 1e0en1ant appeare1 to .a#e /gnore1 t.e /mpl/6at/on7 In reply5 1ate1 5 !ugust 1>>15 t.e 1e0en1ant .a1 state1 t.e 1e0en1ant woul1 /nstru6t t.e/r sur#eyor to 6arry out a sur#ey to 6on0/rm t.e pos/t/on5 an1 t.erea0ter to resol#e t.e matter am/6a+ly w/t. t.e pla/nt/007 Howe#er5 t.e 1e0en1ant 6ause1 t.e 0/rst sur#ey to +e 1one only /n !ugust 1>>2 :&%299<5 +y w./6. t/me t.e slope .a1 /n6rease1 +y 1>0t /n .e/g.t7 &y

Page 19 'e6em+er 1>>25 w.en t.e pla/nt/00 6on1u6te1 a se6on1 sur#ey :&%20< w./6. +y 6ompar/son w/t. ./s 0/rst sur#ey5 t.e slope .a1 /n6rease1 +y 9>0t an1 also /n lengt. an1 1ept.7 -.e trespass was t.ere0ore 1el/+erate an1 /ntent/onal an1 6arr/e1 out w/t. a 6yn/6al 1/sregar1 0or t.e pla/nt/00;s r/g.ts? -.e 1e0en1ant;s 6on1u6t was 6al6ulate1 to result /n a pro0/t7 SP5 test/0/e1 t.e 1e0en1ant woul1 not lose any lan1 /0 t.e slope was pla6e1 on t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 as 1one :&%295<7 -.e 1e0en1ant woul1 also sa#e /n not putt/ng up t.e reta/n/ng wall7 In ./s report :&%2A< an1 /llustrat/on :&%>1<5 SP5 .a1 set out 0our met.o1s /n w./6. t.e 1e0en1ant 6oul1 .a#e re1u6e1 t.e plat0orm le#el o0 t.e 6on1om/n/um area to t.e present le#el w/t.out en6roa6./ng onto t.e pla/nt/00;s lan17 &y met.o1 & w./6. woul1 /n#ol#e t.e e86a#at/on o0 t.e slope 0rom t.e a66ess reser#e onto t.e 6on1om/n/um area5 t.e 1e0en1ant woul1 not +e a+le to ut/l/Fe appro8/mately 925000 sD 0t o0 own lan1 an1 to e86a#ate a slope on t.e 1e0en1ant;s own lan1 +y met.o1 '5 t.e 1e0en1ant woul1 +e 1epr/#e1 o0 t.e use o0 appro8/mately 525000 sD 0t o0 lan17 &y met.o1s ! an1 45 t.e 6onstru6t/on o0 a reta/n/ng wall woul1 +e ne6essary w./6. woul1 +e e8pens/#e7 4 %&&% ' ()* ++, at +%> It /s reasona+le to 0rom para 12 o0 t.e 1e0en6e t.e 1e0en1ant o+#/ously 0elt t.e ga/n 0rom t.e 1el/+erate trespass woul1 outwe/g. t.e 6ompensat/on .e m/g.t .a#e to pay7 It states@



-.e 1e0en1ant a#ers Lot 1*,0 .as no 1e#elopment potent/al as 6la/me1 +y t.e pla/nt/00 an1 t.e purporte1 proposal o0 t.e pla/nt/00 to 1e#elop Lot 1*,0 /nto a res/1ent/al .ous/ng 6on1om/n/um /s an utter 0a+r/6at/on w./6. .as no relat/on to t.e real/t/es a00e6t/ng Lot 1*,0 as an agr/6ultural lan17


-.e 6on1u6t o0 t.e 1e0en1ant 0rom 1>>1 to t.e tr/al o0 t.e a6t/on .as +een repre.ens/+le5 as 1/s6lose1 0rom t.e 0ollow/ng 0a6ts@ 2. t.e e86a#at/on on t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 was 6arr/e1 out +e0ore t.e eart.wor3s plan was appro#e1 an1 6onseDuently /llegal an1 unaut.or/Fe1? 2. 1esp/te #er+al an1 wr/tten prom/ses5 t.e 1e0en1ant to 1ate .as not approa6.e1 t.e pla/nt/00 to 1/s6uss /n resol#/ng t.e pro+lem an1 t.e pla/nt/00;s 6onsult/ng eng/neers; numerous e00orts to suggest reme1/al wor3s .a#e not met w/t. any response? 1. 1esp/te /n1/sputa+le e#/1en6e represente1 +y t.e sur#ey plans5 t.e 1e0en1ant pers/ste1 /n 1eny/ng en6roa6.ment an1 pro00ere1 t.e unargua+le 1e0en6e t.e eart.wor3s were san6t/one1 +y t.e appropr/ate aut.or/t/es an1/or t.ere were no en6roa6.ment +etween t.e pla/nt/00;s 0/rst sur#ey :&%A< an1 t.e se6on1 sur#ey :&%20<7 !s a result5 t.e pla/nt/00;s lan1 was t/e1 up /n legal a6t/on 0or almost e/g.t years an1 e00e6t/#ely 0roFen? 1. t.e 1e0en1ant;s representat/#e5 S'15 an1 t.e proCe6t manager S'5 were5 s/n6e t.e +eg/nn/ng o0 t./s a6t/on an1 at t.e +eg/nn/ng o0 t./s a6t/on an1 at t.e tr/al5 less 6an1/15 en1ea#our/ng to Cust/0y an1 susta/n t.e o+#/ously unsusta/na+le? an1 1. /n 6ontemptuous 1/srespe6t o0 t.e law an1 to t.e pla/nt/00;s r/g.t an1 t.e reme1/es soug.t5 t.e 1e0en1ant .a1 /n t.e m/1st o0 t./s a6t/on5 pro6ee1e1 w/t. wor3s at t.e slope +y 6onstru6t/ng t.e 6r/+ wall w/t.out not/6e to t.e pla/nt/00 or ./s 6onsultant5 result/ng /n permanent en6roa6.ment an1 a00e6t/ng 0uture reme1/al wor3s7

Page 15

I am persua1e1 to 0ollow t.e 6ase o0 Templeton v )ow ;at 4oldings .dn 3hd5 w.ere t.e 6ourt awar1e1 e8emplary 1amages o0 a+out 25K o0 t.e 6ompensatory 1amages assesse17 -.ere0ore5 t.e e8emplary 1amages s.oul1 +e awar1e1 /n t./s 6ase /s 25K o0 RM*7,m5 w./6. /s RM>0050007 In my #/ew5 amount /s su00/6/ent to pun/s. t.e 1e0en1ant5 a 1e#eloper o0 a mult/% m/ll/on r/ngg/t 1e#elopment7 -.ere0ore5 Cu1gment /s .ere+y entere1 aga/nst t.e 1e0en1ant w/t. 6osts as 0ollows@


-o pay t.e pla/nt/00 @ 1. RM*7,m as 6ompensatory 1amages?

1. 1. 1. 3 4)
RM>005000 as e8emplary 1amages? RM1,529A as spe6/al 1amages7

%&&% ' ()* ++, at +%?

=or /tems :a< an1 :+<5 t.e /nterest /s at AK pa 0rom t.e 1ate o0 t.e ser#/6e o0 t.e wr/t unt/l t.e 1ate o0 Cu1gment5 an1 0or /tem :6< at 9Kpa 0rom t.e 1ate o0 t.e respe6t/#e engagement o0 t.e sur#eyor an1 t.e eng/neer to 1ate o0 Cu1gment? an1 on all t.e /tems at AKpa 0rom t.e 1ate o0 Cu1gment unt/l real/Fat/on7

It /s to +e note1 alt.oug. t.e .ear/ng was 6omplete1 Du/te some t/me ago5 I was not a+le to 0/nal/Fe t./s Cu1gment sooner5 ma/nly 1ue to /n1e6/s/on on t.e part o0 t.e pla/nt/00 to ser/ously pursue w/t. ./s appl/6at/on to a11u6e e#/1en6e an1 to amen1 t.e statement o0 6la/m w./6. was su+seDuently w/t.1rawn5 an1 t.e wa/t/ng 0or t.e 6on0/rmat/on 0rom t.e lan1 o00/6e on t.e status o0 t.e a66ess reser#e /n t.e l/g.t o0 t.e e8/st/ng 1e#elopments /n t.e #/6/n/ty /n1/6at/ng t.e a#a/la+/l/ty o0 an alternat/#e a66ess to t.e 6ont/guous lots w./6. .as a +ear/ng on my Cu1gment /n respe6t o0 t.e 1e6larat/ons an1 t.e /nCun6t/ons soug.t /n relat/on to t.e a66ess reser#e5 w./6. was re6ently re6e/#e17 0rder accordingly@

Reporte1 +y Peter L/ng

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