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Dorothy Eunson
Box AN 5722

F. A., Mi-s. Tom Barkes

339 Wiltshire Drive

Accra North, Ghana

(loroHivemison fr>iiii()OA()in

Gray, TN 37615
Ivharkes f/ valioo.coiii


Dear Friends in Christ,


May the Barkes's and I wish you the happiest of holidays to celebrate our Lord's change of address: He left the glory of heaven and submitted to the humiliation of becoming man.(Phil. 2:7) May we in
turn humble ourselves before Him as we reflect again this Christmas on His incarnation for our sakes.

While planning our annual Missions Emphasis Week at the college, I thought of asking the students to collect used clothing for the North. An amazing idea came to light. Three students who had visited one of our graduates in the Northern Region of Ghana last summer were so touched by the plight of the peoplethere that they wanted to institute an ongoing Northern ReliefFund and collect used clothes and funds to help needy churches in the north of Ghanaand Togo. Surely God's hand guided us. We all worked together and it happened. One of our graduates, William Darko, camedown from
Walewale and talked to the school of various ways we can help from the South. The clothing drive had been announced earlier and eleven large rice bags of clothing were collected. God even provided

an inexpensive wayto send the clothes North. We learned Bob Sheffler planned to go to Saboba, its first destination, and he graciously agreed to take the clothing. Some money was sent to help a
minister even farther North to travel to Saboba and take some of the clothing back for his people The

money wehave left will help two or three students to travel to the North to do their practicals at the
end of the academic year.

In November mytruck tookfive members of the Convention Planning Committee (not me) to Half
Assini, the site of next year's Easter convention, to verify arrangements so far. To their chagrin, the secondary school we had counted on had beensent instructions that they were not to send their students home over the short Easter holiday. In half a day, the committee secured permission to use five otherschools including one with a very large compound which can be the convention center. The others will be used for sleeping areas. The committee made the sevenhour trip one day and retumed to Accra the following day after making all these arrangements. Theywill go againin January to make deposits on canopies and chairs and to take the platform frame and new banners with them. Another challenge is that we have no money to work with as I write this. Pray that the churches will respond soon, A challenge was sent out to ask every memberto contribute the equivalent of a little over $2.00
to fund the convention.

Praise God for: Bringing us successfully to the end of first semester; newstudents accepted for the January semester; the clothing collected and its inexpensive transportation to the North; completion of
a tentative chapel schedule for second semester; the promise from a U. S. donorto help fund Manuel Adjei's doctoral program; good health and safety on the roads; the gift of His Son. Petition God for: Rapid progress in adding old library records to the computer data base: some urgently needed rest for faculty; wisdomfor the college Board of Directors as they decideon the next college President at their Jan. 26 meeting; safe travel for all duringthe holidays when accidents

Thank you for allowing our gracious God to use you in supporting the college ministry. Your sister in Christ, Dorothy Eunson


Dorothy Eunson
Box AN 5722

F. A.,Mrs. Tom Barkes

339 Wiltshire Drive

Accra North, Ghana

Gray, TN 37615


Dear Friends in Christ,


Bro. Christian Adjei has served asJPrincipal and then President ofGhana Christian College for many years. After his
strokein April 2005, he did not recover to the point wherehe could resume the rigors of teaching and administration.
He retired at the end of December 2005. Because of his disability, (he has always been in a wheelchair), the Board granted him permission to continue to live in the house on the old Abeka campus for a nominal rent. Although he enjoys visitors and attends church every Sunday, it is emotionally difficult for him to accept the fact that he can no longer teach and preachat least not yet. Please pray for Christian's adjustment to retirement. A new President has not yet been announced by the Board of Directors.

Through fnends of Brian Jennings, the administration learned that the University ofWales, as part oftheir mission, mentors and then validates overseas colleges. Most of the evangelical Bible colleges in the U. K. are so accredited. A decisionwas madeto pursue this avenueto acquire the affiliationdemanded by Ghana's National Accreditation Board. A gentleman fi-om that university paid us a preliminary visit. He was gracious, encouraging, and very clear in his suggestions. Upon his return to his home ground, he managed to get us on a fast track toward validation. The

Academic Affairs Committee in particular have a tremendous amount of work to do to get allthe documentation ready
in time. A validation inspection

team will come on March SO''^ and spend another full day and a halfon campus. Please pray that thevisit will bea
positive experience and that God's will be done in this matter.

Miss Kimberly Daniels, currently working withTeam Expansion, is raising support to come join us August 1* of this
year to teach in the School of CommunityDevelopment. She has an MBA.

Roy Willingham, from Dallas, TX, is working on his doctorate in educational psychology. He is very excited about coming to serve Christ inGhana through the college. He expects to teach onan interim basis beginning January 1, 2007. He willgo home during the summer and then move backpermanently with his wife in time for the new school
year in August 2007.

We old ones are going, but younger ones are coming. Praise the Lord! Pray ask God to bless Kimberly and Roy as
they prepare and raise support.

Because of a mixup in backup locations on the server, between 16% and 20% of our database was lost. Miss

Frempong-Koree, our Ghanaian librarian, and I are tackling a huge job of replacing those records and correcting some of the intact records. Weare also preparing a large book order, using grant funds. Who says I am
slowingdown? Pray that God will give us stamina and help us to be efficient.

Praise God for: Thenew missionaries planning to come; thestenographer chairs with wheels thatare making our library work easier; Manuel Adjei's successful trip to Seattle, Washington fora seminar introducing him to doctoral studies andto urban outreach strategies; third floor of the first wing of men's dorm nearing completion; plans to begin thefoundation of the second wing as soon as possible; some very fine ch^el sermons fi"om ourfinal yearstudents. Late-breaking news: Manuel Adjei named new GCC/S president! More next month. Prayer petitions are in bold
type in previous paragraphs. Pray for the new college president also.

In Christ,


ission _VIiss
Dorolhv Eiinsoii Box 5722 Accra N. Gliajia West Africa

Barbara Barkeb

Evangelism, Inc
(Itt (Zffiiiate of Qhana Cfkidtian GoUeg

339 Wiltshire Drive

Cirav.TN 37615

Volume 9, Issue 5

April 2006


Mr. Manuel Adjei, aged 51, was recently named by tlie Board of Directors as the new president of Ghana Christian College and Seminar\ . He is no relation to Christian Adjei, former president, who retired at the end of December for health reasons. Manuel graduated with a B. A. from the college in 1987. He was enlisted to begin his teaching career immediately. He also continued his work as college secretary' begun while he was a student. He was the only secretary the college had
for ten \ ears and \\ as Dean of students for many years.
Manuel demonstrated hard work, commitment,

Manuel is married to Charity and they have four children (two sets of twins). He is a fine Christian. The college is blessed to have a man of such intelligence, faith, and
energy at the helm. Thank God for the fine Ghanaian men leading the

college upward and ahead in the centur>% and pray that U. S. support will still be able to help pay their


intelligence and humility. The offices of the President and the Academic Dean depended on him heavily.

In last November's general newsletter, the National Accreditation Board's demand that the college be under the tutelage of an accredited university for several \ ears was revealed to you. Witliout this, the NAB has the legal right to forbid us from operating at a tcrtiar>' level. After much prayer, discussion, and research, the decision was made to pursue such an affiliation witli the
UniversitN of Wales whose mission includes the

mentoring and validation of overseas colleges. Most of the evangelical Bible colleges in England are validated
(accredited) b>' them.
A consultant of the Validation Unit visited us in Januar\'

and was gracious and encouraging. A panel of assessors

His area of specialization has been the Old Testament,

and he earned an M. A. in that field at Lincoln Christian

Seminar\- in 1998. He is now working on his Doctor of Ministrs- degree b\ distance learning from Bakke
Graduate Universit\", based in Seattle, WA.

spent the da>' of 3 T' March on campus talking to various segments of the college population, exploring our campus and otherwise doing their work. Tlieir on site report was ver\^ favorable, and the college has been given permission to advertise for new students using their name as long as the ad also sa\ s "Subject to final approval." We have three conditions to meet concerning staff development, library development and better assessment procedures, Pra>' that tlie final approval will be forthcoming and that this relationship will bring glor\
and honor to our God and Father.

Manuel has a vision for the future of the college that includes enlisting more support from the alumni of the college. For tliat purpose he will make a trip to the U. S. in April at the invitation of one of our graduates
ministering to a Ghanaian church in New Jersey.


In addition to tlie enduring task of correcting a multitude of errors in the data base, a mix-up in backup sites
resulted in the loss of a sizeable number of records

Joseph Nsiah, Academic Dean for man>' years, will still hold tlic position of Vice President in charge of
Academic Affairs. Patrick Clinc serves as Interim

during power problems. These have to be re-entered. Many, man\' hours were spent in preparing orders for books, Bible lands maps, and upgraded librar\' softw-are in order to use up a $2500.00 grant from Overseas Council within their designated three-month period.

Director of the new School of Communit>- Development

and Nelson Ahlijah has been promoted to the Deanship

of the School ofTlicology (Bible College).

We also raised some library' funds from

Milligan graduates, and OCI has matched 90% of that

amount. Now we have to get to work on orders totaling

$3780.00, Praise the Lord!


Miss Kimbcrly Daniels. currentK' working with Team

Expansion, is raising support to come join us August P'

of this year to teach in the School of Communit>'

Roy Willinghajii, a college teacher and church leader from Dallas, TX, is working on his doctorate in educational psychology. He is ver\' excited about
coming to serve Christ in Ghana with Ghana Christian College and has begun his support-raising. He and his wife Barbara expect to move to Ghana in time for the new school year in August 2007.

Praise God for: the two of last summer's CIY/FAME interns who have committed to work for Christ in

A September 5'^ plane reservation has been made on

British Air to carry me from Accra, Ghana to Philadelphia, PA in the first step toward retirement. It is m\' goal to remain active with the mission through June 2007. I will go off mission salan" at the end of 2006, but still wish to make a reporting visit to all tliose churches and individuals who have supported the college and me through African Mission Evangelism so wonderfulK" and to urge tiiem to continue tlirough the next critical years

Burkina Faso long tcmi: the new President of the college: the two library' grants; another tlirec months of service in construction and guest hospitality from Irvin and Lena Kreider: Twyla Bright's rccovcr\' from a
broken w rist and more rccentK a severe case of malaria:

the new teachers preparing to come from the U. S.: all of the graduates laboring in the field: God's loving kindness: the accreditation offered by the Univcrsit\' of

of expansion and improvement. I thank God for you all.

Time will be spent preparing for visual presentations and talks, researching and ordering more books for the GCC librar\\ attending the National Missionar\' Convention, organizing and activating m} retirement income, and making the church visits. I do not yet know where my permanent home will be. but 1 hope to spend October
through March in Florida.

Petition God for; emotional and physical healing and financial recover)' for William Darko, Ghanaian FAME missionar}' in the North who was attacked b\' robbers with cutlasses and relieved of his computer, passport, mobile phone and money; wisdom, courage, faith and good health for Manuel Adjei: that U. S. churches will
-continue to support-thc coilcgc after-Dorothy-lcavcs the

field: a well-attended and inspirational national Easter convention for the Fello\\ ship of Christian Churches: an abundance of new students for both the Bible College and the School of Communitv' Development.

April 12 marks the end of Dorothy's 38*' year of

service with Ghana Christian College.

East River Park Christian Church

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M/M Carl Bridges Johnson Bible College Knoxville .TN 37998


Dorothy Eunson
Box AN 5722

F. A., Mrs. Tom Barkes

339 Wiltshire Drive

Accra North, Ghana

{!orothveun.son <

Gray, TN 37615


Dear Friends in Christ,


The bi-annual national convention of the Fellowship of Christian Churches was held at Half Assini, a coastal community a seven or eight hour drive from Accra Because ofthe distance and mcrease in fuel prices in the last two years, transportation costs proved too much for many of the people. Thus,

attendance was only about halfof what it has been previous years. Neverthele^ it was a time of excitement, joy, learning, andserving for afl who wCTe priviBged to attoncT I rode'with Tim and
Twyla Bright since my truck had left two days early with a load of equipment and five members ofthe tedinical team that helps the local church set everything up. I arranged a fi*ee ride with Ron and Doris Rife for three of our college students whose help we needed but who could not afford the trip. I paid the bus fee for a fourth student who was co-chair of sports and games for the youth on Sunday. The mornings were occupied with singing of praises, offering, a sermon, and then a class. (No adult classes on Sunday). Our theme was 'Formed for God's Family,' and we had permission from Zondervan Publishing to base our lessons on material fi*om the book 'The Purpose-Driven Life' by Rick Warrea This year we divided the people into smaller groups than before, and each group was taught and had discussions in their own language. The Konkomba preachers were unable to come, so one of the Konkomba students served as teacher and interpreter for the four Konkomba men. At the same time, after the singing, all the childrai and their teachers moved over to a school block for their own classes. I had prepared the lessons, visual aids, and coloring pictures and recruited the teachers. We had classes in five languages, including English. The largest class met under a canopy and the others found places on the long narrow school verandahs. (The classrooms were where the people slept and were full oftheir mats and bags.) Each diild carried a plastic chair fi-om &e main gathering to his class area One sits on the chair during the lesson time, and then kneels on the ground and colors his picture on the seat ofthe chair. Other than the class teachers, I had three excellent helpers who counted the attendance class by class, delivered visual aids, pictures and crayons to each class, filled and distributed water buckets and two cups to each class and delivered small packets of biscuits. The teachers also were given bags of candy to use as rewards and treats. At different times, fliree tiny children had been left in classrooms asleep. When they awoke and came out on the verandah, they were quite upset to find no Mommy. One of the helpers would take the little one to the main group to find the Mommy. We held classes for the children all tfiree days, Friday throu^ Sunday. On Sunday, we teachers had our own communion service under the canopy allotted to us. It is a joy to report that two ofthe young people who were my helpers, both fi-om Abeka Christian Church, have agreed to organize the diildr^'s classes and teachers for future conventions. They may need help actually writing the lessons and drawing the pictures, but I am sure tiiey can do the rest veiy

During break times, Connie Sheffler did blood pressure checks and urine sugar tests. Emest Nyador, a local preacher and attendant in a FAME clinic, also helped check blood pressure. Several were
discovered that needed ftirth^ medical attention so this was a useful exercise. Bob Sheffler and his

helpers sold teaching materials and demonstrated a Konkomba video of a drama put on by one ofthe Northem churches. Th^ wish to aicourage other languagegroups to do the same for purposesof



Page 2

I often sat at a table under the only tree in the school compound selling Bibles, baptismal certificates, communion cups, and church directories. On Friday aftemoon there were several activities to choose firom: the youtii Bible Quiz, a marriage workshop led by Nelson and Vincenzia Ahlijah, a workshop on obesity and high blood pressure led by Connie Sheffler and Dr. LydiaNyador, and a workshop for Sunday school teachers led by one of our students. For the first time in several years, Abeka Christian Church won first place in the youth quiz, and their daughter church, Awoshie Christian Church, won second place.

Both Friday and Saturday evenings there was evangelistic preaching at the evening service. I did not attend as it is all in the local languages, and I get too tired. Six people accepted Christ and were

baptized in the ocean on Sunday after the morning service. The lo(^ preacher, Bro. Seth Croffie,
expects to start a new church with them in the Nzema community. The present church is Ewe, and the
Nzemas do not trust them.

Sunday morning is always a long service. I was with the children the whole time but was called to the main convention area to hear a citation read concerning my church and convention participation for the last 38 years and to be given a gorgeous kente Ghanaian style dress. It is very heavy, so I begged offgoing to change to show them. I will do so at the July leadership retreat in cooler weather.
The weather was hotter than it is in Accra Our hotel rooms had ceiling fans but they blew hot air. Kwame Amevor was too busy to come in the truck to ferry me back and forth, and my schedule was different fi-om the others in the hotel. However, it was quite easy and inexpensive to get a taxi, so that
worked out fine.

It was so good to see many preachers and old fiiends fi-om many churches. We were only sad that so many of the Northern brethren could not come. Everyone except the technical team traveled home on Monday very, very tired, but happy. The work for the technical team was enormous, and Kwame got sick, so tiiey didn't come back to Accra until Wednesday. Even Aen, a preacher had to drive because
Kwame was too weak. He is well now.

Forgive me for all the details, but conventions are always a highlight for me, and I want a record to
read in the future!

Thank God fon a successfiil convention and six souls brou^t to Christ; safe travel for all convention goers; for completion ofthe currait school year by the college by May 12; for 15 new library books carried in for us by a group of visitors from Savannah Christian Church; for David Kalb's continuing recovery from bypass surgery in April; for $10,000 given to begin a house on campus for Roy and Barbara Willingham; for his goodness to me during 38 years of ministry ha-e in Ghana Petition God for: a good intake ofnew students for both the School of Theology and the new School

ofCommunity Development (first entrance exams take place 23"* May); a successfiil trip to the U. S.
in late May and early June by President Manuel Adjei for fiind-raising; swift progress as the foundation for the second wing oftiie men's dorm is begun; blessings on Kimberly Daniels and on the Willinghams as they continue to raise support; safe arrival of all library books coming by mail (they sometimes disappear in transit); strmgth and joy for all faculty and staJBf as we continue to work short-

handed; wisdom for those planning for the college's 40*^ anniversary celebration inAugust; spiritual
and numerical grov^lh of the baby Nzema congregation spawned by the convention. God bless you all: In Christ, Dorothy Eunson


Dorothy Eunson
Box AN 5722

F. A., Mrs. Tom Barkes

339 Wiltshire Drive

Accra North, Ghana


Gray, TN 37615


Do missionari^ always tell only good news? That is unrealistic. News that is less than good must move us to pray more.

On ourfirst entrance exams, we accepted four degree students and six higher certificate students forthe Bible College and
six students for the School of Community Development. We needfourtimes that many! Please pray intently for more

applicants to show up for late entrance exams onJuly 11 & 12. The President has had a documentary onthe school made.
Pray that enough money can be raised to put it on TV to raise awareness of the college.

All students are required to spend two weeks during the long vacation serving under an experienced minister. They can
do it in theirownchurch, but are encouraged to do it in a different church at least once during their college career to get a

variety ofexperience. One student who has completed two years has found himself overwhelmed with opportunities. His senior minister left for anappointment inthe U. S. for nine weeks and left a roster for all the preaching, teaching and other work inthe church during his absence. This student found his name onthe roster for frequent service. In addition, he had already confirmed a plan to do two weeks ofpracticals inAbeka Christian Church, my local church home. Inaddition, a graduating student asked this same young man to help him at his church. Prayfor all the students for God*s grace and
wisdom to serve Him well and to grow through their experiences.

Since my time remaining in Ghana isgrowing shorter, in May I resumed visits to sister congregations, this time, twice a month. I must choose carefully because I will be able to visit only eight or nine before i leave. The first one is called Good Shepherd Christian Church. It is located here in Accra and is led by one graduate and one graduating student. Being one ofthe newer churches, 1had not visited them before. There were about fifty people present and the service was

very lively. They meet in their own wooden building with a cement floor and aluminum roofing. Since their church was reached by an unpaved lane in very poor condition, they have contributed both labor and money to improve it so that cars
canenter. Kwame drove mc as usual, and his littledaughter Dorothy, soon to be four, went along. She delights in

reciting the names ofthe churches she visits. More good news is that one ofthe new students for August comes from that
congregation, although he had come to know Christ in oneof the village churches.

The second visit was to Kungmor Christian Church, one ofthe original thirteen churches when we separated from the Church ofJesus. After many years, they finally have a cement block building instead ofa palm leaf shed. 1know one ofthe elders best, but they were all happy to see us. The elder said, 'You and Mr. Taylor are the ones who took us to Adomokorpe tobe baptized many years ago.' Their sermon time was filled by a teaching tape in their language followed by discussion. They surprised me by giving me C100,000 (about $11.DO) for fuel. They have so little, but they shared. They wanted some pictures taken with me. Fortunately, 1had my digital camcra in my purse; unfortunately, I have no
color printer to print them. I will have to mail them later.


Thank God for; thefourteen new students accepted so far; young Christians who grow up to be elders; the frequent rains

refreshing the earth and helping the farmers; good progress in preparing the foundation for a new wing on the men's dorm; the completion ofsorting out a large number ofdonated books; the sale ofmany ofmy redundant possessions ata flea market; the agreement by a group coming to visit Ghana to bring seventy pounds ofLife ofChnst textbooks on the
plane with them; Hisgrace; the privilege of prayer.

Petition God for: the needs in bold type above; succcss in President Manuel Adjei's ftind-raising trip; complete recovery

for Joseph Nsiah who was hospitalized ten days with typhoid fever; safe travel for David and Barbara Kalb as they resume their visits to supporting churches and potential supporters; adequate support to be raised by Roy and Barbara Willingham
and Kimberly Daniels; a new general secretary-treasurer for African Mission Evangelism.

preaching during second service at Faithway Christian Church y^terday (June 4). He was token to the hospital. As of7 p.m. last evening he still had not regained consciousness. Nelson and I are going to close work early today and go tothe
hospital to see him and his wife Rose. What a blow tothe family and tothe college. Thjs will be another burden on
Manuel Adjei, too. We all need lots of prayer!

Urgent: It is unbelievable, but a third member ofour faculty has suffered a stroke. Christopher Adjei collapsed while

Gratefully yours, Dorothy Eunson

Dorothy Eiinson
2618 Corrine Drive

F. A., Mrs. Tom Barkcs

339 Wiltshire Drive

Oriando. FL 32803

Gniy,TN 37615
t\ iKir ki - II

The graduation events of August 26 climaxed a week

ofspecial activities to celebrate the 40^^ anniversary of

Ghana Christian University College (our new name to be explained in October). The entrance to the college had been newly refurbished, tree trunks whitewashed to a height of two feet, and the front verandah and
classroom verandah decorated with blue and white

grandchildren, some from New Hampshire, came to visit also. Sunday morning was spent with Delaware Valley Christian Church who honored me with a special gift and a luncheon. Delaware Valley has been faithfully supporting the college through me for many, many years. What great partners they are in the Kingdom ministries!

bows and swags. About a thousand people attended and were seated under canopies in the grassy courtyard. A total of 36 students were graduated from four different programs. Awards were given to many people whose lives have enabled and enriched the college. Special gifts were given to the Rifes and me because it would be our last graduation. Christian Adjei was presented with an honorary doctor's degree from Kentucky Christian College recognizing that during his tenure, the college has reached many forward-looking milestones. He and his wife Heartwill were also given a washer and dryer for their home. New President Manuel Adjei (no relation) was formally installed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. David Couch, a lecturer and first academic Dean during the 80's, was present and served as chairman of the event. It was a very special day that urged us on to greater achievements for the glory of the Lord in

My sister Faith brought me to Bloomsburg, where I

grew up, on the 11*^. I am once again sorting clothes

and 'stufT for six months in Florida. I will be with the

Bloomsburg church, also partners in the Ghana Christian University College ministry, on Sunday. My journey south will begin on September 22, and end,

Lord willing, in Oriando on the 28'^. My new mailing

address will be c/o Mrs. Frances Henderson on Conine

Drive, as shown above. My email address remains the same. Mrs. Henderson's phone number is (407) 8943654.


Thank God for: a successful 40'" anniversary/graduation celebration for the college; safe
travel to the U. S. for Dorothy: a new teacher and three adjunct teachers at the college, all our own graduates; my fine friends and helpers Kwame Amevor and Mensah Ganyo; my purchase of a 2004 Toyota Camry to provide my transportation for the next ten years, at

I enjoyed three last farewell visits outside my local congregation. Space will no allow me to say much. Let is suffice to say that it was a joy to observe three of our graduates at work, leading local churches. On the last Sunday in August, Abeka Christian Church, my home church in Ghana, bade me farewell with gifts of jewelry, various photographs of groups in the church, and a farewell luncheon. Some young women in the church had worked since very eariy in the
morning, cooking the food at a neighbor's house on

Petition God for: God's strength, wisdom and love for the faculty and staff of GCUC; adjustment to America and good academic ability for James Yamoah, our faculty member currently studying for his M. A. at
Cincinnati Christian University; wisdom forme in

arranging for retirement income and a penmanent

home In the U. S.; that churches will continue to

charcoal burners. It was also our annual fund-raising day to make the payment on the part of the old campus that we as a church are buying from the college. We praise God that more than the required equivalent of $2500 was raised in cash (nearly $4000), and more was pledged to be received by the end of November.

support the leadership training ministry of GCUC even though I am personally retiring; a great inspiring and motivating National Missionary Convention in Indianapolis in November.
Gratefully and humbly,
Dorothy Eunson

The worst holdup on September 6 was in the Accra airport because they were shorthanded in the Immigration department. Otherwise, things were very smooth, and I slept a lot on both legs of the journey to Philadelphia. I stayed with my sister-in-law. Gerri Eunson, through Sunday. Her children and


Dorothy Eunson
Box AN 5722

F. A., Mrs. Tom Barker

339 Wiltshire Drive

Accra North, Ghana

d(ir(illi\ L'lmson a \ ulmo.ctun

Gray, TN 37615
h h;irk(." a \ ;ilni(),ciiin



On the8*^ of Av^sl, boththe School of Theology (BibleCollege) andSchool of Community Development began classes. Ten
students constitute the first year class of the SCD and there are seventeen new students in the School of Theolc^y. Four of our graduates are serving as adjunct teachers. What a challenging and rewarding year before them!

To our shock, James Yamoah was denied a student visa at the U. S. Embassy at his first interview even though all his papers were

in order. Dr. Rife appealed to the U. S. Consul and James was granted a second interview ($100.00 a pop) by the consul herself. He was granted a visa, praise the Lord! The delay necessitated the changing of his departure date (another $220.00), but now he has traveled safely to the U. S. to begin graduate studies at Cincinnati Christian University. My sister and brother-in-law, Don and Betsy Fay, met him at the airport and will keep him until school begins.

The first one in July was to a fishing community which has developed somewhat into a beach resort for tourists. Their building is far from finished, but that doesn't deter their worship. We video-recorded their singing one of my favorite local songs to share with you when I visit. The second visit was to a new church I had not visited before. They meet under a rented canopy under some trees in a semicleared area belonging to the Dept. of Agriculture. The minister said the people are responding well to his teaching. The third visit was almost a bust. It turned out to be a very rainy day and church attendance everywhere was severely affected. We had chosen the early service of this particular congregation and less than a dozen people came. However, Jesus was in the midst of us, and perhaps our visit made it less disappointing to the few who came.

At the end of July, I stopped most of my activity at the college in order to concentrate on cleaning out the house. It is a little overwhelming at times. Great quantities of school notes and records of all kinds must be burnt. Some things sold, some given away, and very few put aside to bring to the U. S. Three different people have shown me great favor in carrying some of my things to the U. S. in their luggage. I have prided myself on living simply and contentedly. Now I have discovered that it is difficult for me to part with even those simple things that I have enjoyed so long. So my pride is misplaced. Well, the Lord isn't
finished with me yet.

Remember that I leave here Sept. 5,arriving inPhiladelphia on the 6"^. I will be there until the 11

Then I will be at my sister

Faith's house imtil the23*^. Her phone number is (570) 784-0346 if you have anurgent need tocommunicate with me. After that, I willbe on theroad to Florida, hopefully arriving in Orlando by evening of the 28^. Mymailing address will be c/oMrs. Frances
Henderson, 2618 Corrine Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, Tel. (407) 894-3654. I will be ready to visit churches in Florida on behalf of the college. Please begin your planning now.

Thank God for: Christc^her Adjei's ability to walk slowly in the house; Joseph Nsiah's ability to be back at work; Tim and Twyla Bright safe return to Ghana after welcoming two new grandchildren in the U. S.; Roy Willingham's visit to Ghana in preparation for the beginning of his teaching career with the college in January, 2007; James Yamoah's visa; a helpful one week seminar on curriculum development for three of our Ghanaian administrators in South Africa in July; the Lord's revealing cme of my weaknesses; my sturdy red pickup continuing strength to carry people, yard trimmings, boxes of books, church electronic equipment, etc.; Kalbs' safe travel as they visit churches in the U. S.; the hiring of a hard-working new library clerk!

Petition God for: Christopher Adjei's ability to use his left ann/hand; faculty and administrators of Ghana Christian University College (our new name) for physical health, wisdom from above, and a Christ like spirit during a very challenging year ahead; funds to pay for the adjunct teachers; ability of the students to pay the required fees; grace for me to finish the dispersal and disposal of my possessions; a good reliable used car to be made available for me to purchase; a dedicated and capable new Secretary-Treasurer for African Mission Evangelism; smooth and safe travel to the U. S. in spite of all the new regulations.
Grateful to God and to you,
Dorothy Eunson

ission .Vliss
DoroJhy Eunson
2618 Corrine Drive

Barbara Barkes

Orlando, FL 32863


Evangelism, Inc
CZft UfpUate of.
Qhana Cfi/Uatiati Qottege

339 Wiltshire Drive

Gray.TN 37615

Volume 9, Issue 6

October 2006


down and dance up and down the streets passing out literature while singing. I had stayed home but met
them at our former chapel where they had

After many years as Ghana Christian College and Seminary, the correct name of our school is now Ghana Christian University College. This reflects our relationship with the University of Wales. They will validate the degree programs in both the School of Theology and the School of Community Development. This change does not affect our Bible based cuiTiculum, but it does meet the requirement of Ghana's National Accreditation Board that we be under an accredited university for several years before we can apply for our own
Presidential charter.

refreshments and greeted the former President, Christian Adjei. It was a fiin day for everyone. At graduation, one thousand people sat under rented canopies in the courtyard. A guest choir and the college choir provided music. The guest speaker's message and a short speech by the President of the Board of Directors dovetailed perfectlya downto-earth call for a return to a Clirist like lifestyle. President Manuel Adjei was formally inducted by
the Board President, and an honorary doctorate

from Kentucky Christian University was bestowed


on former President Christian Adjei. Handsome wall plaques were awarded to many who have

August 26"^ climaxed a week of activities

celebrating the completion of 40 years of educating
leaders for the church in West Africa. A Saturday

played important roles in the life of the college. Gifts were presented to retirees Christian Adjei and Dorothy Eunson, and to Ron Rife because he will
retu*e before another graduation.

morning of sports and games for students, faculty and alumni began the festivities.

The 36 graduates all received their diplomas in due course and afterwards enjoyed the parties they had organized for their friends and families.

James Yamoah, one of GCUC's Old Testament







University studying for his M. A. in 0. T. He must take an extra heavy load because he can be spared for only one year. He will also have some continued tutoring in Hebrew after he returns to


On the following Monday a motorcade parade traveled from the new campus, through parts of the downtown area, and to the old campus. The first vehicle carried large banners announcing the anniversary and broadcast lively music. A hired
bus was filled with students as were ten other

President Manuel Adjei will be in the U. S. on a

fund-raising trip for part of October and November. He will fly from here to Manila in the Philippines
for his second doctoral seminar and then return to

the U. S. for the National Missionary Convention in Indianapolis. Ghana Cliristian University College's
exhibit will be in the Ghana section 702-708. Come

vehicles owned by the college, by faculty members, and by graduates' ministries. The pickups were the most popular because the students could easily hop

by and see us.

(Dorothy, the Barkes's, James

Yamoah, and the Roy Willinghams will also be there.) Come by and see us!


Christopher Adjei (no relation to Christian or to Manuel) suffered a stroke while preaching on June

4'*'. At first he could not move his left side at all. When Dorothy left in early September, he was able to walk with some difficulty from his living room
out on to the front porch of their home.

The house that Roy and Barbara Willingham will live in when they move to the campus in July 2007 now appears as a slab with basic plumbing included. Building will resume when they have raised enough funds to bring it to lintel level or higher.
The second wing of the men's dorm has been brought to lintel level and is on hold until more
fiinds are available.

A new library clerk was hired on August 1, and one of our graduates, Benjamin Saforo, was hired to

teach languages flilltime. Greek professor Nelson Ahlijah is now the Dean of the School of Theology. Three other graduates have been hired on a parttime basis to fill in the gaps. David and Barbara
Kalb will return to Ghana on November 18 to


resume teaching.

Although First Christian Church, Orlando, gave her

a wonderftil retirement party on September 30"^, and

although she will go off mission salary on Dec. 31*,
Dorothy will continue to work for the mission

Praise God for: 40 years of successful ministry by Ghana Christian University College; Dorothy's safe air travel to the U. S. and safe highway travel to Orlando, FL; new faculty on duty and in the wings; successful graduation of 32 men and women from various programs and the 32 new students who entered the two schools in August. Petition God for: Continued and new funding for the collegeoperational, scholarship, and
construction; safe travel for Kalbs, President

through June 2007. She is ever ready to visit churches and groups and report on the expanding ministry of GCUC.

Manuel Adjei, Dorothy Eunson; guidance for Dorothy in deciding on long term residence and service to the Lord; ability of the students to pay
their fees and learn well.

East River Park Christian Church 1207 Broad Street

Elizabethton, TN 37643

Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Guaranteed Elizabethton, TN

Permit No. 183

M/M Carl Bridges

Johnson Bible College

Knoxville.TN 37998


Dorothy was born in St. Joe, AR, the fourth child of William and Edna Eunson. The family moved to Salem, MO. when she was five and then back to Bioomsburg, PA, at the age of eight. It was a happy family of five
siblings: Faith, Betsy, Bill (now deceased), Dorothy and David.

She grew up in the Bioomsburg Church of Christ where she was baptized and where her parents served faithfully in many capacities. Dorothy graduated from Bioomsburg Senior High School in 1955, valedictorian
of her class. She and her two sisters often sang together as an acapella trio for various church services and meetings. After attending Bioomsburg State College for a short time, she transferred to Milligan College,
majoring in Bible. Once again she studied diligently and was the class valedictorian in 1959.

Eastern Pennsylvania Christian Service Camp (Epachiseca) played an important part in Dorothy's life. She attended as a camper, later served on staff. Dorothy's family was very missions-minded, and many times missionaries stayed in their home and they supported missions generously. It was at camp that Dorothy made
a decision for full-time Christian service, already looking forward to the mission field as God would lead.

After college graduation, Dorothy served the First Church of Christ in Eustis, FL, as secretary and youth
director for five years. She was a true Floridian by then and moved just down the road to First Christian Church ofOrlando, as youth and music director. While at these churches she was often a part ofstaff at Lake
Aurora Christian Camp. But she always wanted to serve on a mission field. Francis Reid, minister at Orlando, encouraged her to pursue that dream.

Dorothy left for Ghana in 1968 with the backing of First Christian, Eustis, Bioomsburg, and others. Barbara Barkes, a friend from camp days at Epachiseca, agreed to be the Forwarding Agent, while Florida churches
took on the taskof sending the newsletters. Thatwas 38 years ago and Dorothy has continued steadfastly as a servant of God, teaching at Ghana Christian College, worshipping at the Abeka Church on campus, serving on innumerable college committees, and being a friend and counselor to all who came to her door with the rap of a hand and the words, "Knocking, knocking." Dorothy served as the college librarian, after earning a Master's Degree in Library Science from FSU in 1985. She enjoyed visiting many of the city and village churches to encourage them, as well as planning for and attending regional conventions of the Christian churches.

After her last furlough in 2004, Dorothy returned to Ghana to serve as assistant librarian. With the declining health of several of the faculty of GCC, she was able to step into many jobs as needed and once again wear "many hats." It was truly God's hand at work to have Dorothy there at this time ofgreat need.
Atthe 2006 Easter Convention of the Christian Churches in Ghana, Dorothy was honored for her many years of service and given a beautiful Kente cloth dress.

She leaves Ghana for retirement on September 5, 2006, but will continue to meet with the contributors and prayer partners untilJune 2007.
To quote Dorothy's brother, David, after his return from a visit to Ghana: "If the Christian Churches had a

Mother Teresa, her name would be Dorothy Eunson."

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