City of Windsor 2014 Budget

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Item No.

THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WINDSOR Office of the City Treasurer - Finance
MISSION STATEMENT: Our City is built on relationships between citizens and their government, businesses and public institutions, city and region all interconnected, mutually supportive, and focused on the brightest future we can create together.

LiveLink REPORT #: 16857 Authors Name: Dave Soave/Onorio Colucci Authors Phone: 519-255-6100 ext. 1911/6234 Authors E-mail: To: Subject: Mayor and Members of City Council 2014 Operating Budget Approval

Report Date: November 13, 2013 Date to Council: December 2, 2013 Classification #: BUDGET



City Wide:


A. THAT the 2014 Net Operating Budget for the City of Windsor and related Boards in the amount of $319,054,936 as recommended by Administration (subject to any further changes approved by Council) BE ADOPTED. B. THAT the necessary by-laws BE PRESENTED for Councils approval in support of the adoption of the 2014 Operating Budget. C. THAT Council APPROVE the required transfers to and from the various funds in accordance with the 2014 Adopted Budget. D. THAT one-time funding estimated at $1,055,217 (as detailed in the detailed schedule attached to this report) BE APPROVED from the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund. E. THAT the updated Long Term Debt Forecast (Section G of the Introduction) of the report BE RECEIVED for information. F. THAT the CFO & City Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED to process the budget transfers during the fiscal year, which do not change the overall approved Total Net City Budget amount. G. THAT the 2014 Schedule of Fees detailed in Section 12 of the budget document, Appendix C: 2014 User Fee Schedule, BE APPROVED and, THAT the Fee & Charges Bylaw of record BE AMENDED to reflect the 2014 Schedule of Fees.

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H. THAT Section 5 of Fees and Charges By-Law 392-2002 as amended which reads, The fees and charges herein shall automatically increase on the lst day of January in each year, commencing on January 1, 2004, by the percentage increase in Ontarios Consumer Price Index (CPI) as defined in Table 7 of Statistics Canada monthly publication of the Consumer Price Index during the twelve month period ending on September 30, in the year immediately preceding the fees and charges increase date, BE REPEALED and that all user fees and charges be based on the Schedule of Fees presented during the annual budget process.

The recommended budget for 2014 achieves Councils directive of holding the line on taxes. This is the 6th straight year without a total property tax levy increase, and the 7th in the last 9 years. This has been achieved without significant impact on services while also increasing the operating budgets transfer to the capital budget by $3 million.



At its meeting of July 8, 2013 City Council adopted the following resolution as it relates to City of Windsor Departments and City funded Agencies, Boards & Committees: (CR130/2013) THAT the report of the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer dated June 19, 2013 regarding the 2014 Proposed Budget Process & Timeline BE RECEIVED for information and; THAT the process identified herein regarding the development of the 2014 operating and capital budgets BE APPROVED and; THAT the Chief Administrative Officer BE DIRECTED to provide all City Departments and City Funded Agencies, Boards, Committees & Commissions (Windsor Police Services, Transit Windsor (including Handi-Transit), Windsor Public Library, Essex Region Conservation Authority, Windsor Essex Health Unit, Arts Council, Artcite Inc., Centres for Seniors, Tourism Windsor-Essex, Windsor Essex County Development Corporation, Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority) with direction to prepare a 2014 budget within their 2013 funding levels and further, that they bring forward reduction options totalling up to 10% of their 2013 net budget to ensure sufficient options are identified to achieve Councils fiscal goals. The appropriate percentage is to be determined by the Chief Administrative Officer after completion of the refinement of the 2014 budget pressures and expected offsets. THAT the 5-year Capital Budget Plan BE UPDATED to include projects for the year 2018, balanced to projected available funding, and based on existing levels of contribution from the operating fund and updated revenue projections from the Sewer Surcharge and other funding sources and;

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THAT an updated 5-Year Debt Reduction / Reserve Enhancement Model BE PREPARED and included in the 2014 budget documents and; THAT an updated 5-year Sewer Surcharge model BE DEVELOPED and included in the 2014 budget documents; THAT the projected timelines included herein BE APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to any future required adjustments as the process unfolds. As a result of the above resolution, the following direction was provided to: City Departments On July 8, 2013, City Council approved the 2014 Budget Development Process and Timelines recommended by Administration to complete the 2014 Budget (CR130/2013). As such, all City Departments are being asked to develop a status quo budget to carry on existing service levels for the 2014 budget year. Given the Citys financial constraints, only unavoidable budget increases (pressures) required to maintain existing approved service levels, or service changes previously specifically directed by City Council, will be considered by Senior Administration in the 2014 budget to be recommended to City Council. As a result of the brainstorming exercise conducted by the SMT and further preliminary estimates related to anticipated pressures and savings for the upcoming year, City Departments are being asked to develop reduction options that will maintain 2013 budget levels and also provide further reduction scenarios totalling 6% of your departments 2013 net operating funding levels. These additional reduction options are required to ensure that sufficient options are available to achieve Councils mandate of maintaining the current tax levy at 0% increase. City Funded Agencies, Boards & Committees Administration is asking that your 2014 budget request from the City of Windsor for the next fiscal year be at the same level or less than your approved 2013 amount. Unlike the direction being given to City Departments, we are not asking for a percentage reduction or the impacts that would result on your organization as in past years. However, given Councils direction to maintain a 0% tax levy increase, and since any increase must be offset by a reduction elsewhere in the city funded departments, ABCs or corporate accounts, Administration is not prepared to recommend funding to agencies, boards, committees and commissions which is over and above your prior years approved level.



Based on guidance provided by Council through Council resolution CR130/2013, Administration has prepared the 2014 Operating Budget.

The 2014 Operating Budget will be made available to the public through the various Windsor public library branches & the internet and will include the following: Section 1: 2014 Operating Budget Report 3 of 14

Section 2: Introduction a) b) c) d) e) f) g) City of Windsor Overview (2013 Approved Budgeted FTE) 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Department 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Major Function 2014 Summary of Major Tax Levy Drivers 2014 Gross Budget Summary by Major Revenues / Expense Accounts 2014 - 2017 Budget Projections(Prior to Mitigations) Long Term Debt Summary

Sections 3 - 9: Departmental Detail a) b) c) d) e) Departmental Overview Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) Budget Summary by Division Budget Summary by Major Revenues / Expenditures Budget Issue Summary

Section 10: Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues Section 11: Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget Section 12: Appendix C: 2014 City of Windsor User Fee Schedule Additional documents outlining the details of the administratively accepted changes i.e. increases / reductions to the base budget, as well as options not accepted, have been detailed for City Council in two separate documents. Essentially, administration followed City Council direction for a net zero tax levy increase while minimizing impacts on services and presents a balanced budget, highlighting any risk areas that are always prevalent in a budget of this magnitude. Public Consultation Process and Linkage to the Community Strategic Plan & Strategic Priorities The 2014 Budget process provided the opportunity for public input sessions at the beginning of the process on July 8, 2013. The process will also allow for the public to provide input during budget deliberations at City Councils formal approval of the 2014 operating budget on December 2, 2013. The 2014 Operating Budget documents will be available for viewing in every branch of the Windsor Public Library and at City Hall (Office of the City Clerk & Office of the Chief Financial Officer), and on the Citys web site. Administrative Review Upon each Corporate Leadership Team Area achieving the direction previously approved by Council of a status quo tax levy in the Administrative Budget Development Phase, the Executive Directors & Senior Managers met with the members of the Corporate Leadership Team in early October to fully discuss the impacts of the options provided. After considerable deliberation, Administration arrived at a draft budget that could be accepted in accordance with the direction set by Council. 4 of 14

The Recommended 2014 property tax levy (net of $500,000 in assessment growth which does not impact existing taxpayers) is $318,554,936 or ($12,541) less than the 2013 approved levy. This is the result of a $985,864 decrease in the City Departments budget partially offset by a $973,323 budget increase for City-funded Boards, Agencies, and Committees. A summary of the Recommended 2014 Budget Levy is outlined in the following table.
2013 Budget (Approved) City of Windsor Departments $202,112,143 2014 Budget (Accepted) $201,126,279 $ Budget Change % Budget Change



City Funded Agencies, Boards & Committees Total Municipal Tax Levy Requirement
(Impacting Existing Tax Payers)

$116,455,334 $318,567,477

$117,428,657 $318,554,936

$973,323 ($12,541)

0.8% 0.0%

Taxes From New Assessment Growth




Total Municipal Tax Levy Requirement




It should be emphasized that the percentage changes in the table above are reflective of the average for all taxpayers and all assessment classes. The actual change for each taxpayer and each class will depend on the individual assessment valuation changes and the tax policies and tax ratios that are adopted by Council. Additionally, the taxes paid by taxpayers include the Education Taxes mandated by the province of Ontario. The 2014 education tax requirements have not yet been announced by the province. Subsequent to the approval of the 2014 Budget, Council will be deliberating on the 2014 Tax Policies (expected in April). Detailed information, analysis, and a variety of scenarios will be provided to Council when tax policies and the basis of apportioning the total net levy across the various assessment classes are discussed. Summary of Financial Impacts on the 2014 Operating Budget The Introduction Section (Tab #2) contains the Summary of Major Budget Drivers that will assist the reader in understanding the impacts that affected the 2014 Operating Budget. A more detailed listing for each departments increases & decreases from the prior years budget can also be found in each departments budget submission (Section E of Tab #2) or in total in Tab #10. Although, as noted above, Tab #10 details the full list of budget drivers, the primary drivers for this years budget are the following:

On the expense side, the major factors include: increased personnel costs related to collective bargaining agreements and higher costs for fringe benefits; an increase in the transfer from the operating budget to the capital budget to increase funding for capital projects; utility costs; insurance premiums; and an increase in the budget stabilization contingency to mitigate the potential for unknown budget pressures that have not yet surfaced due to the early adoption of the 2014 budget. These costs are partially offset by 5 of 14

reductions in the provision for tax appeals, reductions impacting salary and wages, street lighting LED conversion, projected Ontario Works caseload decrease, reduction of Canderel lease expense budget, reduction in contract costs for winter maintenance and annual fleet depreciation. On the revenue side, increased provincial grants by way of the continued upload of social services costs, a new fare structure for Transit Windsor, increased tax revenue due to new assessment, leasing pay-as-you-go rebate and other miscellaneous revenue increases. These increases are partially offset by the potential reduced revenues related to the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) contributions and a reduction in interest and penalties on tax. It should be noted that the OMPF rules for 2014 have not been announced and therefore significant fluctuations are possible. The province has previously announced a $25 million decrease in the overall funding for 2014. Preliminary 4-Year Projection of Budget Costs Drivers (2015-2017) It is extremely difficult to project future year budget requirements with a reasonable level of certainty. This is due to the fact that the significant cost drivers that will impact those future years are unknown or difficult to estimate more than one year into the future. Examples of these constraints include the impact of the future state of the local economy, legislated changes impacting municipal costs, changes to Council priorities, interest rates, provincial grant levels and other uncertainties. However, if considered together with the limitations noted above, multi-year projections can help Council approach current year budgeting with a more strategic, long-term view. Therefore administration has developed a preliminary estimate of the drivers that may impact the budgets over the next three years (2015-2017). Given the above noted limitations, care should be taken when drawing conclusions from these projections. Generally, the projections indicate that significant challenges will continue to be faced in future years budgets. The primary budget driver in future years (as in the past) is expected to be the impact of the negotiated salary, wage and benefit costs, especially in the emergency services / arbitrated areas. This budget marks the sixth straight year in which Council has been able to hold the line (or actually reduce) the total property tax levy. This has been achieved through proactive cost saving measures and continual review of operations aimed at finding efficiencies, while generally maintaining service levels. However, the projections for the next three years illustrate the continued challenges that will impact Councils ability to continue to hold the line on taxes. The most critical factors include: The unrealistic, much greater than inflation wage settlements being awarded by arbitrators to the public safety groups (Police, Fire & Ambulance). This is especially important as public safety services account for the largest share of the property tax levy. The cost of employee benefits which are increasing at twice the inflation rate. The large percentage of the annual budget which is wholly or partially mandated and over which City Council has little or no discretion. 6 of 14

The Provinces large operating deficit which is likely to result in decreased transfers to municipalities. Significant cost reductions achieved by Council over the last several years. Future reductions will become ever more difficult as the low hanging fruit has already been picked. Therefore, generally speaking, over the next several years, Council can expect even more difficult decisions in balancing fiscal restraint with desired service levels. Taxation Comparisons with Other Municipalities The table below, taken from the 2012 BMA Management Inc. study shows Windsors average taxes for 8 main property categories spanning the assessment tax classes. This table shows that the relative ranking of Windsors property taxes varies based on the assessment class: Residential property taxes are below average for typical residential properties, but above average for higher value (senior executive) homes. Multi residential property taxes rank slightly below to slightly above average depending on the type of property. Commercial properties generally rank in the below average range. Property taxes on industrial properties rank below average for standard industrial, while large industrial properties are above the provincial average. Significant progress has been made with regards to Windsors relative rankings in the last six years as Council has been able to hold the line on taxes throughout this period.

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Tax Class Comparisons - Typical properties Residential - Detached Bungalow Based on a detached 3 bedroom, single story home with 1.5 bathrooms and 1 car garage. Residential - Senior Executive Based on a detached 2 story, 4-5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage with approximately 3,000 sq. ft of living space. Multi-Residential - Walk-up Apartments Multi-residential apartments containing more than 6 self contained units, 2-4 stories high Multi-residential - Mid/High-Rise Apartment Based on a multi-residential property of more than 6 self contained units and over 4 stories high. Comparison of taxes is based on a per unit basis. Commercial - Neighbourhood Shopping Typically the smallest type of centre comprised of retail tenants that cater to everyday needs such as drug stores, variety stores and harware stores. Can vary in size from 4,000 to 10,000 sq.ft. Comparison of taxes based on a per square foot of floor area. Commercial - Office Building Per square foor of gross leasible area Standard Industrial Under 125,000 sq. ft. in size. Comparison of taxes based on a per square foot of floor area. Large Industrial Greater than 125,000 sq. ft. Comparison of taxes based on a per square foot of floor area.

Provincial Range Low High Average Windsor $2,490 $4,682 $3,378 $2,957





























Source: 2012 BMA Management Consulting Inc. (Ontario municipalities with populations > 100,000)

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Service Levels Throughout the budget development process administration sought to make recommendations that would least impact on services and risks. This objective resulted in a number of potential reductions not being accepted (see Not Accepted Book). The service levels inherent in the 2014 budget remain generally unchanged from those approved in the 2013 budget. Where service levels are recommended to change, details are provided in the individual issue descriptions found under each departmental tab. Of note, the transfer from the operating budget to the capital budget to fund capital projects has been increased by $3 million thus allowing an increased level of service in the capital budget. It should be noted however, that many years of reductions make for a leaner organization and therefore do tend to reduce administrations flexibility to respond quickly to neighbourhood issues without seeking additional council funding relative to each identified need. 2014 City of Windsor User Fee Schedule Traditionally, user fees have been monitored and adjusted for price changes through the annual budget process. The budget process prompts an assessment of existing fees that are subject to change or where new fees are introduced, and provides the public with the opportunity to provide feedback or appear as delegations during Councils deliberation of the operating budget. The User Fee Schedule, included in the annual budget document, has been reviewed by the Financial Planning area as part of the annual budget process to ensure all user fee changes have been included and explained in the departmental budget documents. It is being recommended that the Fee & Charges Bylaw of record be amended to reflect the 2014 Schedule of Fees detailed in Tab #12 of the 2014 Budget Binder. One Time Funding There are many departmental budget issues that are more appropriately funded from one time funds rather than included as an annual base budget. There are also various reductions that will not materialize until later in 2014. The estimated one time funding required from the Budget Stabilization Reserve from the various issues in the budget documents is expected to be $525,217. In addition to the one-time funding requirements from the various budget issues, there is an additional one-time funding requirement of $530,000 that relates to the increased funding required above the existing base budget level for the lump sum payments to be made based on the relevant collective agreements (CUPE 82 and 543, as well as non union employees). The amount is being funded from one time dollars as the increase for 2015 is 1% which is already in the 2013 approved budget base. The total of these two required one-time funding requirements is estimated to be $1,055,217 and is detailed in the schedule attached to this report.

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Recommendation D asks council to approve the required transfer from the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund (BSR). Finally, there is the potential (but not certainty) for a further one-time funding requirement of $1,384,900 for a variety of issues that can be found in the departmental budget issue details and which are summarized in the detailed schedule attached to this report. Any use of BSR funds for these matters, if needed, would be subject to a future council report. Debt Management Update This recommended budget is consistent with the debt reduction initiatives previously approved by Council. The following table and graph reflect the very significant progress that has been made on reducing long-term debt at the City. It should be noted that without the Pay-As-You-Go and Debt Reduction Policies, and assuming all the same projects had been undertaken, the current debt level would be approximately $500 million.

Gross Debt Projection Projected 2002 Peak Level 229.4 2012 114.8 2013 110.1 2014 105.2 2015 100.1 2016 94.7 2017 89.1

Outstanding Debt

Gross Debt Projection (in $ millions)

250 200
Debt Projection



2002 Pea k Level 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

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It is important to emphasize that the 2014 Total Levy is lower than the levy in 2006. Therefore while holding the line on taxes has been important to right size the corporation at a time of challenging economic circumstances, maintaining a zero or very low levy increase is generally unsustainable in the long term without significant impact on services. To help mitigate the impacts of inflation on the purchasing power of the capital budget, the recommended operating budget includes an increase of $3 million in its transfer to the capital budget. Though as noted in this report, service levels remain relatively unchanged in this budget, there are impacts nonetheless. In many cases, the services could be upgraded at a relatively small cost if there was even a small levy increase. In other cases, while services remain unchanged, the lack of a levy increase will result in falling behind rising public service delivery expectation. Over the last several years, the New Program Funding Model for Employment & Social Services has allowed the City the ability to recover corporate overhead charges applicable to these programs. Should anything change in those funding envelopes, we would need to absorb the significant revenue reductions elsewhere by cutting services or by raising fees or taxes. It is important to note that there are risk factors associated with any budget, many of which the City has little discretion over. Examples include expenditures and revenues associated with significant assessment appeals, Social Services caseloads, fuel, insurance claims, supplementary pension funding requirements, building permit revenues, interest earned on investments, POA revenues and corporate benefit costs including expenditures for long-term disability, WSIB and medical plan usage. A list of some of the specific high risk areas of the 2013 budget includes the following: 1. The recent Fire Interest Arbitration resulted in, among other things, the decrease in work hours from 48 to 42 per week. Without any mitigating measures, this would result in a need for an additional 31 firefighters at a cost of approximately $3.6 million to be implemented within a year. This money is not included in the recommended operating budget. Therefore, if mitigating measures to eliminate these incremental costs cannot be implemented, the operating budget will suffer a shortfall starting late in 2014 (although the full impact would be felt in 2015).

2. Tax Appeals is a difficult account to budget accurately as it is impossible to predict which taxpayers will appeal assessments and the eventual outcome of those appeals. Million dollar swings are not unusual in these matters. 3. Fuel related costs have been extremely volatile over the last several years. While fuel prices have fallen from their all time high, there remains the risk that prices could spike in 2014. Furthermore, there is always the risk that global crisis may increase fuel costs in the future. 4. Pension funding is another high risk area. Over the last several years, the global market collapse has negatively impacted the value of assets contained in the pension funds. Any delay in the market recovery may put additional pressure in the value of 11 of 14

these pension funds, causing an increased contribution requirement from the corporation or special funding contributions. 5. In recent years, the operating budget has been approved by Council in March of the budget year. This year the budget is being approved prior to the start of the budget year. Therefore, there are more unknowns as the budget is printed and therefore more potential for variances. To mitigate this risk, administration has increased the normal budget contingency by $1 million. 6. Transit Windsors budget has been balanced by the expectation that maintenance costs will not be as high as projected due to a number of initiatives. These include expedited purchases of additional buses, and one-time $400,000 funding of proactive maintenance for mid life buses. However, actual maintenance costs will only be known with certainty as operations unfold throughout the year.



Financial matters are discussed in detail throughout this report. The recommended municipal property tax levy for 2014 is $319,054,396.



The 2014 Recommended Operating Budget was developed in consultation with City Departments and City Funded Agencies, Boards & Committees.



The recommendations that underlie the budget being presented to council include issues that are recommended by administration as well as other issues that have been presented to council in order to comply with councils directive to hold the line on the tax levy. Therefore, based on the above noted parameters, administration is presenting a 2014 gross operating budget of $722 million (inclusive of $44.5 million in transfers to the capital budget and $69.4 million in estimated education taxes transferred to the School Boards), resulting in a property tax levy for municipal purposes of $319.1 million. This property tax levy (after taking into account estimated assessment growth revenues of $500,000 reflects a 0% change in the municipal tax levy impacting existing taxpayers.

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Appendix A 2014 Operating Budget Issues Requiring One-Time BSR Funding

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Recomm. One-Time Costs Potential One-Time Costs Total Potential One-Time Costs


Issue Description

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Corporate Finance *
n/a n/a Salary & Wage 2014 Lump Sum Payment Required per Applicable Collective Agreements 530,000 530,000 0 530,000 530,000 40,000 88,600 72,330 0 200,930 12,720 200,000 0 212,720

IC IC 22 25 27 2014-0116 2014-0126 2014-0132 I - Revenue Increase K- Service Reduction M - Service Enhancement In-Camera Item In-Camera Item One Time Temporary Salary Budget Increase - Financial Planning 40,000 88,600 72,330 200,930

Information Technology
30 IC 32 2014-0007 2014-0009 C - Contractual J - Alternative Service Delivery Contractual Increases for Software Maintenance In-Camera Item 12,720 200,000 212,720

Office of the City Clerk

Council Services
40 IC 43 2014-0282 2014-0056 G - Line Item Increase K- Service Reduction Municipal Election Reserve Repayment In-Camera Item 90,000 15,404 105,404 0 90,000 15,404 105,404

Office of the City Solicitor

IC 56 2014-0016 K- Service Reduction In-Camera Item 6,163 6,163 0 6,163 6,163

Office of the City Engineer

85 2014-0109 J - Alternative Service Delivery Streetlighting - Alternate Service Delivery Models 0 122,900 122,900 122,900 122,900

Community Development & Health Office

Recreation & Culture
IC 163 2014-0035 A - Annualization In-Camera Item 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

Agencies, Boards & Committees

Transit Windsor
** ** ** 2014-0200 2014-0286 2014-0203 B - Legislated G - Line Item Increase H - Line Item Reduction Transit Windsor Pension Solvency Deficit Transit Windsor Increase in Parts and Maintenance Costs Transit Windsor Payroll Processing 0 500,000 400,000 45,000 945,000 1,117,900 500,000 400,000 45,000 945,000 2,173,117

Total Issues Requiring Budget Stabilization Funding

This item is not included as a budget issue in the budget documents, however, is included in the recommendations to this report. ** Budget detail write-ups can be found in the Agencies, Boards & Committees document.


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Table of Contents

A. City of Windsor Overview (2013 Approved Budgeted FTE) 1 B. 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Department 2 C. 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Major Function4 D. 2014 Summary of Major Tax Levy Drivers 5 E. 2014 Gross Budget Summary by Major Revenues / Expense Accounts 6 F. 2014-2017 Budget Projections Prior to Mitigations (Assuming Status Quo Service Levels & Operations).....8 G. Long Term Debt Summary9

A. City of Windsor Overview (2013 Approved Budgeted FTE)
Agencies, Boards & Commissions

Mayor & City Council

1 Mayor 10 Councillors

Summary of Full Time Equivalent Senior. Management: 6.0 FTE Management: 176.4 FTE Non-Union: 203.4 FTE Local 543: 808.8 FTE Local 82: 219.4 FTE WFA: 285.0 FTE ONA: 22.0 FTE Total: 1,721.0 FTE

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Senior. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 5.0 FTE Total: 7.0 FTE

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Sr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 22.0 FTE Non-Union: 46.0 FTE Local 543: 79.6 FTE Total: 148.6 FTE

Office of the City Clerk

Sr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 19.0 FTE Non-Union: 56.5 FTE Local 543: 40.5 FTE Total: 117.0 FTE

Office of the City Solicitor

Sr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 17.0 FTE Non-Union: 35.0 FTE Local 543: 65.0 FTE WFA: 285.0 FTE Total: 403.0 FTE

Office of the City Engineer

Sr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 65.0 FTE Non-Union: 42.0 FTE Local 543: 144.4 FTE Local 82: 206.6 FTE Total: 459.0 FTE

Community Development & Health Office

Sr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 52.4 FTE Non-Union: 18.9 FTE Local 543: 479.3 FTE Local 82: 12.8 FTE ONA: 22.0 FTE Total: 586.4 FTE Departments Comm. Development & Health Office: 5.0 Employment & Social Services: 217.6 Housing & Children Services: 61.0 Huron Lodge: 232.0 Recreation & Culture: 70.8 Total: 586.4

Departments Corporate Finance Finance: 90.0 Information Technology: 58.6 Total: 148.6

Departments Corporate Human Resources Council Services: 87.0 Human Resources: 30.0 Total: 117.0

Departments Building: 55.0 Fire & Rescue: 290.0 Legal: 28.0 Planning: 30.0 Total: 403.0

Departments Engineering: 55.0 Parks & Facilities: 153.0 Public Works Environmental: 103.4 Public Works Operations: 147.6 Total: 459.0

Notes: ABC = Agencies, Boards & Commissions / FTE = Full Time Equivalent / ONA = Ontario Nurses Association / WFA = Windsor Firefighters Association FTE Count Excludes: Temporary Full Time, Temporary Part Time, Seasonal Employees, Contract Employees and ABCs. Local 82 (Hourly) FTE calculation is based on the hourly budget and not the number of employees.

B. 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Department
2010 Actuals (Final) Mayor's Office & City Council City Council Mayor's Office Office of the CAO Office of the CFO CAO's Office Corporate Finance Finance Information Technology Office of the City Clerk Corporate Human Resources Council Services Human Resources Office of the City Solicitor Building Fire & Rescue Legal Planning Office of the City Engineer Engineering Parks & Facilities Public Works - Environmental Public Works - Operations Community Development & Health Office Comm. Development & Health Office Employment & Social Services Housing & Children Services Huron Lodge Recreation & Culture Sub-Total: City of Windsor Departments 596,971 511,377 1,008,398 47,586,897 5,058,304 4,442,946 (2,230,978) 2,475,005 3,521,797 1,599,688 33,506,526 4,797,316 2,491,988 7,344,396 15,874,157 12,783,443 10,091,159 115,945 25,599,754 13,257,591 8,502,607 7,854,641 206,789,928 2011 Actuals (Final) 578,928 511,396 1,289,364 43,082,684 5,238,612 4,971,113 13,083 2,385,188 3,519,562 1,601,806 33,748,655 5,121,368 2,427,525 7,858,063 17,780,730 12,369,406 10,689,264 103,056 15,667,087 13,346,045 8,380,451 8,489,304 199,172,690 2 2012 Actuals (Final) 788,030 464,480 1,355,025 43,900,254 5,681,467 4,910,450 1,912,206 2,773,906 3,432,813 1,834,096 33,592,955 7,686,126 2,712,938 7,985,035 16,969,888 12,507,451 10,284,931 105,092 16,607,778 13,129,555 7,545,158 8,567,392 204,747,026 2013 Actuals (At Sept. 30) (265,996) (385,037) 617,467 23,190,321 4,914,547 4,606,630 (5,586,070) 2,730,050 2,482,453 1,688,734 26,597,300 4,891,078 1,954,094 5,097,119 13,308,040 8,919,590 9,323,629 185,515 4,717,540 13,066,140 5,348,529 5,276,785 132,678,458 2013 Budget (Approved) 741,281 438,179 1,354,061 40,761,813 6,529,604 5,322,836 (5,735,375) 3,443,477 3,722,478 2,146,385 35,133,818 6,832,655 2,736,269 8,649,979 19,497,415 12,621,610 11,573,484 92,840 15,961,498 13,445,262 7,797,907 9,044,667 202,112,143 2014 Budget (Accepted) 721,281 438,179 1,308,287 42,292,556 6,485,756 5,743,882 (5,510,326) 3,408,716 3,698,104 2,018,009 34,926,009 6,665,030 2,751,080 8,264,286 19,903,593 12,986,039 11,021,864 90,235 14,223,274 13,235,883 7,540,409 8,914,133 201,126,279 $ Budget Change (20,000) 0 (45,774) 1,530,743 (43,848) 421,046 225,049 (34,761) (24,374) (128,376) (207,809) (167,625) 14,811 (385,693) 406,178 364,429 (551,620) (2,605) (1,738,224) (209,379) (257,498) (130,534) (985,864) % Budget Change (2.7%) 0.0% (3.4%) 3.8% (0.7%) 7.9% 3.9% (1.0%) (0.7%) (6.0%) (0.6%) (2.5%) 0.5% (4.5%) 2.1% 2.9% (4.8%) (2.8%) (10.9%) (1.6%) (3.3%) (1.4%) (0.5%)

B. 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Department
2010 Actuals (Final) Agencies, Boards & Committees Auditor General's Office Agencies Police Services Transit Windsor Windsor Public Library Windsor Essex Community Housing Corp. Committees of Council Sub-Total: City Funded Agencies, Boards & Committees Total Municipal Tax Levy Requirement (Impacting Existing Taxpayers) Taxes From New Assessment Growth Total Municipal Tax Levy Requirement 318,567,477 446,368 14,799,496 64,058,244 11,393,777 7,729,359 7,282,398 56,777 105,766,419 2011 Actuals (Final) 600,198 14,909,804 66,643,328 11,764,002 7,939,359 7,625,768 (11,049) 109,471,410 2012 Actuals (Final) 187,893 16,186,600 67,858,411 12,900,753 7,939,359 7,618,669 56,394 112,748,079 2013 Actuals (At Sept. 30) 0 12,796,778 53,601,263 12,661,252 6,117,845 5,820,249 14,959 91,012,346 2013 Budget (Approved) 0 16,150,454 72,282,957 12,289,811 7,939,359 7,705,583 87,170 116,455,334 318,567,477 2014 Budget (Accepted) 0 16,150,454 73,782,957 12,289,811 7,293,932 7,855,583 55,920 117,428,657 318,554,936 500,000 319,054,936 $ Budget Change 0 0 1,500,000 0 (645,427) 150,000 (31,250) 973,323 (12,541) 500,000 487,459 % Budget Change 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% (8.1%) 1.9% (35.8%) 0.8% (0.0%) 0.2% 0.2%

Note: The 2014 Education Levy has not been announced by the Province. The 2013 Provincial Education Levy was $69,439,132. * The budget increase in the Information Technology Department (net of other reductions) and decrease in the Windsor Public Library are offsetting as a result of the consolidated service delivery model which involves a transfer of the IT function from the WPL to the City's IT Department (as approved by City Council per CR 22/2013).

C. 2014 Net Property Tax Levy by Major Function
2013 Net Budget 34,159,787 49,990,387 66,889,098 43,857,849 73,782,957 50,374,858 69,439,132 388,494,068 General Corporate Support Services Community 8.8% Development & Health Services 12.9%

Major Function

% of Total 8.8% 12.9% 17.2% 11.3% 19.0% 13.0% 17.9% 100.0%

General Corporate Support Services Community Development & Health Services Public Works & Related Services Fire Rescue & Ambulance Services Police Services Funding of Capital Projects * Payments to School Boards Total Net Budget Required From Taxation

* Payments to School Boards 17.9% Funding of Capital Projects 13.0%

Public Works & Related Services 17.2% Fire Rescue & Ambulance Services 11.3%

Police Services 19.0%


2013 Net Budget 319,054,936 69,439,132 388,494,068

% of Total 82.1% 17.9% 100.0%

Taxation - Municipal Purposes * Taxation - Education Purposes Total Taxation

* Taxation Education Purposes 17.9%

Taxation Municipal Purposes 82.1%

* Represents the 2013 Education Levy as the 2014 Education Levy has not yet been announced by the Province.

D. 2014 Summary of Major Tax Levy Drivers
$000 2013 Net Municipal Property Tax Levy Expenditure Increases Salary, Wage & Fringe Benefit Increases Increase in Transfer to Fund Capital Projects Increase in Budget Stabilization Contingency Utility Costs Insurance Premiums Family Aquatic Centre (Annualization of Operating Costs) Reduction in Sewer Surcharge Recoveries Impact of Provincial Changes on OW Financial Assistance Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation Transit Windsor Increase in Facility Maintenance Costs Various Miscellaneous Expenditure Increases Sub-Total: Expenditure Increases $000 $000 $000 318,567 Expenditure Decreases Reduction in Provision for Tax Appeals Reductions Impacting Salary & Wages 5,108 3,000 1,000 324 258 233 215 215 150 100 436 11,039 Revenue Increases OW Financial Assistance - Upload of Municipal Cost Transit Windsor New Fare Structure Projected Assessment Growth Leasing Pay-As-You-Go Rebate Increase in Interest Income Revenue Decreases * Ontario Municipal Partnership Funding (OMPF) Reduction in Interest & Penalties on Tax Various Miscellaneous Revenue Decreases Sub-Total: Revenue Decreases Other Budget Pressures (Issues Not Accepted) Total Budget Pressures Huron Lodge Resident Revenue and Subsidy Increase 2,075 300 406 2,781 2,367 16,187 Fines in Parking Enforcement Program Support Cost Recovery for Child Care Administration Various Miscellaneous Revenue Increases Sub-Total: Revenue Increases Other Reductions (Issues Not Approved) Total Issues Mitigated 2014 Net Municipal Levy Reduction to Existing Tax Payers 2014 Net Municipal Levy Excluding New Assessment Growth 2014 New Assessment Growth 2014 Net Municipal Property Tax Levy (1,591) (600) (500) (434) (300) (210) (125) (100) (1,109) (4,969) (2,367) (16,199) (12) 318,555 500 319,055 Street Lighting LED Conversion Projected Ontario Works (OW) Caseload Decrease Reduction of Canderal Lease Expense Budget Reduction in Contract Costs for Winter Maintenance Annual Fleet Depreciation Pathway to Potential Source Funding Transfer Various Miscellaneous Expenditure Reductions Sub-Total: Expenditure Decreases (4,500) (2,152) (246) (223) (172) (166) (162) (150) (1,092) (8,863) $000 $000 $000 $000

* Preliminary estimate as 2014 has not yet been announced. The Province has previously announced a $25 million Province-wide funding decrease for 2014. Additionally, the Province is working on significant changes to the funding parameters. As the Province has not yet announced the details for 2014, this budget line item is subject to significant fluctuations.

E. 2013 Gross Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
GL Category Revenues Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures ** Taxes - Education Taxes - Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) Transfers From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenses Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries, Benefits & Related Costs Transfers for Social Services ** Transfers to Education Entities Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. ** Represents the 2013 Education Levy as the 2014 Education Levy has not yet been announced by the Province. 40,608,273 10,785,837 15,788,635 2,924,083 51,746,081 259,606,934 202,609,705 85,701,166 22,673,838 56,086,549 19,401,558 767,932,659 0 36,373,278 11,093,801 15,993,546 2,719,497 57,983,958 255,564,926 177,869,560 80,354,837 22,997,911 68,819,213 21,868,670 751,639,197 0 51,578,583 11,142,608 15,127,116 2,971,449 55,803,865 264,552,540 174,111,072 74,535,870 24,362,333 77,285,458 30,073,454 781,544,348 0 11,801,945 7,095,046 9,372,030 3,777,519 34,981,546 188,700,532 114,522,701 48,459,603 19,143,818 55,908,656 15,518,465 509,281,861 (94,970,321) 15,126,636 8,780,187 14,579,896 3,564,281 54,812,300 265,105,416 178,762,199 69,439,132 24,133,813 57,132,234 23,269,776 714,705,870 0 10,780,486 8,876,428 15,682,558 3,051,962 55,425,918 271,388,546 178,379,806 69,439,132 23,488,387 60,982,234 24,452,617 721,948,074 0 (4,346,150) 96,241 1,102,662 (512,319) 613,618 6,283,130 (382,393) 0 (645,426) 3,850,000 1,182,841 7,242,204 0 (28.7%) 1.1% 7.6% (14.4%) 1.1% 2.4% (0.2%) 0.0% (2.7%) 6.7% 5.1% 1.0% (155,062,815) (9,742,804) (6,949,356) (94,902,742) (85,696,338) (320,811,736) (8,260,050) (22,739,275) (63,767,543) (767,932,659) (154,132,990) (11,291,449) (5,206,940) (94,019,673) (80,351,931) (318,369,080) (3,308,860) (19,666,827) (65,291,447) (751,639,197) (157,493,514) (11,863,054) (6,470,934) (97,677,502) (74,533,091) (324,402,970) (2,843,665) (43,860,777) (62,398,841) (781,544,348) (110,880,931) (7,864,312) (2,297,342) (45,040,972) (68,231,917) (322,662,104) (2,444,370) (4,274,984) (40,555,250) (604,252,182) (172,162,639) (10,100,000) (1,562,224) (71,895,715) (69,439,132) (321,917,478) 0 (7,312,798) (60,315,884) (714,705,870) (172,792,234) (10,165,000) (1,540,825) (71,106,713) (69,439,132) (322,404,936) 0 (8,943,641) (65,555,593) (721,948,074) (629,595) (65,000) 21,399 789,002 0 (487,458) 0 (1,630,843) (5,239,709) (7,242,204) (0.4%) (0.6%) 1.4% 1.1% 0.0% (0.2%) n/a (22.3%) (8.7%) (1.0%) 2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

E. 2013 Gross Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2014 Revenue Budget (172,792,234) (10,165,000) (1,540,825) (71,106,713) (69,439,132) (322,404,936) 0 (8,943,641) (65,555,593) (721,948,074) % of Total Revenue 23.9% 1.4% 0.2% 9.8% 9.6% 44.7% 0.0% 1.2% 9.1% 100.0% Taxes - Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) 44.7% User Fees, Permits & Charges 9.1% Grants & Subsidies 23.9% Investment Income & Dividends 1.4% Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0.2% Recovery of Expenditures 9.8% ** Taxes - Education 9.6%

Revenue Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures ** Taxes - Education Taxes - Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) Transfers From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue

Transfers From Other Funds 1.2% Transfers From Reserve Accounts 0.0%

Expenses Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries, Benefits & Related Costs Transfers for Social Services ** Transfers to Education Entities Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses

2014 Expense Budget 10,780,486 8,876,428 15,682,558 3,051,962 55,425,918 271,388,546 178,379,806 69,439,132 23,488,387 60,982,234 24,452,617 721,948,074

% of Total Expenses 1.5% 1.2% 2.2% 0.4% 7.7% 37.6% 24.7% 9.6% 3.3% 8.4% 3.4% 100.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Transfers to Reserves 3.4% & Capital Funds 8.4% Transfers to External Agencies 3.3% ** Transfers to Education Entities 9.6%

Financial Expenses 1.5%

Minor Capital 1.2%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 2.2% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.4% Purchased Services 7.7%

Transfers for Social Services 24.7%

Salaries, Benefits & Related Costs 37.6%

** Represents the 2013 Education Levy as the 2014 Education Levy has not yet been announced by the Province. 7

F. 2014 - 2017 Budget Projections Prior to Mitigations (Assuming Status Quo Service Levels & Operations)
GL Category 2013 Budget (Approved) 2014 Projected Increases / (Decreases) 2014 Budget (Approved) 2015 Projected Increases / (Decreases) 2015 Budget (Projected) 2016 Projected Increases / (Decreases) 2016 Budget (Projected) 2017 Projected Increases / (Decreases) 2017 Budget (Projected) Total Property Tax Levy Increase 2017 vs. 2014

Revenues (Non-Taxation) Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Taxes - Education Taxes - Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenues Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Education Entities Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Net Budget 15,126,636 8,780,187 14,579,896 3,564,281 54,812,300 265,105,416 178,762,199 69,439,132 24,133,813 57,132,234 23,269,776 714,705,870 0 (4,346,150) 96,241 1,102,662 (512,319) 613,618 6,283,130 (382,393) 0 (645,426) 3,850,000 1,182,841 7,242,204 0 10,780,486 8,876,428 15,682,558 3,051,962 55,425,918 271,388,546 178,379,806 69,439,132 23,488,387 60,982,234 24,452,617 721,948,074 0 215,610 177,529 313,651 2,000,000 1,608,518 6,228,181 1,700,156 1,388,783 469,768 0 1,222,631 15,324,826 0 2015 2.0% 10,996,096 9,053,957 15,996,209 5,051,962 57,034,436 277,616,727 180,079,962 70,827,915 23,958,155 60,982,234 25,675,248 737,272,900 0 219,922 181,079 319,924 2,000,000 1,640,689 6,634,151 1,734,330 1,416,558 479,163 0 1,283,762 15,909,579 0 2016 2.1% 11,216,018 9,235,036 16,316,133 7,051,962 58,675,125 284,250,878 181,814,292 72,244,473 24,437,318 60,982,234 26,959,010 753,182,479 0 224,320 184,701 326,323 2,000,000 1,673,503 6,863,912 1,769,190 1,444,889 488,746 0 1,347,951 16,323,535 0 2017 2.1% 11,440,338 9,419,736 16,642,456 9,051,962 60,348,628 291,114,790 183,583,482 73,689,362 24,926,064 60,982,234 28,306,961 769,506,013 0 (172,162,639) (10,100,000) (1,562,224) (71,895,715) (69,439,132) (321,917,478) (7,312,798) (60,315,884) (714,705,870) (629,595) (65,000) 21,399 789,002 0 (487,458) (1,630,843) (5,239,709) (7,242,204) (172,792,234) (10,165,000) (1,540,825) (71,106,713) (69,439,132) (322,404,936) (8,943,641) (65,555,593) (721,948,074) (3,819,169) 0 (30,817) (2,171,300) (1,388,783) (6,603,646) 0 (1,311,112) (15,324,826) (176,611,403) (10,165,000) (1,571,642) (73,278,013) (70,827,915) (329,008,582) (8,943,641) (66,866,705) (737,272,900) (3,944,687) 0 (31,433) (2,193,013) (1,416,558) (6,986,554) 0 (1,337,334) (15,909,579) (180,556,090) (10,165,000) (1,603,074) (75,471,026) (72,244,473) (335,995,136) (8,943,641) (68,204,039) (753,182,479) (4,247,092) 0 (32,061) (2,214,943) (1,444,889) (7,020,468) 0 (1,364,081) (16,323,535) (184,803,182) (10,165,000) (1,635,136) (77,685,969) (73,689,362) (343,015,603) (8,943,641) (69,568,120) (769,506,013) $20,610,667 6.4%

Total Municipal Tax Levy Requirement (2015-2017 Estimated)

G. Long Term Debt Summary (in $ millions)
2002 (Peak Level) Gross Dept Projections 229.4 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017






Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Gross Debt (in $ millions) 106.0 101.4 105.6 120.0 113.1 108.4 94.6 87.6 80.4 71.2 63.7 66.4 80.4 89.0 82.2 106.4 106.8


Year 1997 1998 1999 2000

Gross Debt (in $ millions) 105.2 103.5 130.2 141.2 163.9 229.4 205.3 185.3 171.4 160.2 158.2 190.4 182.4 180.5 160.6 114.8 110.1 Hydro Debt Issued


Start of Previous Debt Reduction Policy

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Joint Justice Facility Debt Issued Richmond Landing & NP Housing Debt Included No Debt Issued No Debt Issued No Debt Issued No Debt Issued No Debt Issued Phase 1 - Upgrade & Expansion of the LRWRP No Debt Issued FCM Debt Issued & Balance of LRWRP No Debt Issued No Debt Issued No Debt Issued (Subject to Final Audit)

Windsor Tunnel Commission Debt Issued

2012 2013

Of the gross debt outstanding at the end of 2013, $46.3 million is the portion issued directly for the City of Windsor purposes (Police Headquarters, Upgrade and Expansion of the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant (LRWRP)). The remaining balance of $63.8 million relates to debt which is recoverable from Transit Windsor, Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority and the Windsor Essex County Housing Corporation.

City Council & Mayor's Office

Table of Contents
City Council
A. Overview..... 1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division 3 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ........ 4 E. Budget Issue Summary 6

Mayor's Office
A. Overview..... 7 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 8 C. Budget Summary by Division 9 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ...... 10

City Council
A. Departmental Overview

Mayor Eddie Francis

Councillor Drew Dilkens Ward 1

Councillor Ron Jones Ward 2

Councillor Fulvio Valentinis Ward 3

Councillor Alan Halberstadt Ward 4

Councillor Ed Sleiman Ward 5

Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac Ward 6

Councillor Vacant Ward 7

Councillor Bill Marra Ward 8

Councillor Hilary Payne Ward 9

Councillor Al Maghnieh Ward 10

Ontario Municipalities are governed by municipal councils. The job of municipal councils is to pass resolutions and by-laws governing municipal services, finances and the various regulatory frameworks. These functions are performed based on the delegated authority contained within the Municipal Act and other legislation and regulations. In Windsor, City Council is composed of the Mayor (Head of Council) and 10 Councillors (1 for each of the 10 Wards).

Note: Ward 7 is currently vacant. A by-election to fill the vacancy will take place December 9, 2013.

City Council
B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Not applicable as Councillors are elected officials. Consistent with the treatment for other City Departments, only full time permanent positions are included in this section.

City Council
C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues City Council Administration Total Revenue Expenditures City Council Administration Total Expenses Net City Council Administration Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(1,033) (1,033)

0 0

(460,825) (460,825)

(665,297) (665,297)

0 0

0 0

0 0

n/a n/a

598,004 598,004

578,928 578,928

1,248,855 1,248,855

399,301 399,301

741,281 741,281

721,281 721,281

(20,000) (20,000)

(2.7%) (2.7%)

596,971 596,971

578,928 578,928

788,030 788,030

(265,996) (265,996)

741,281 741,281

721,281 721,281

(20,000) (20,000)

(2.7%) (2.7%)

City Council
D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 18 4,992 10,297 5,923 67,586 509,188 0 0 598,004 596,971 0 134 5,355 3,218 78,232 491,989 0 0 578,928 578,978 0 295 1,814 12,683 61,357 479,527 692,020 1,159 1,248,855 788,030 0 0 2,720 3,987 43,208 347,955 0 1,431 399,301 (265,996) 0 200 5,100 0 250,245 484,305 0 1,431 741,281 741,281 0 200 5,100 0 230,245 484,305 0 1,431 721,281 721,281 0 0 0 0 (20,000) 0 0 0 (20,000) (20,000) n/a 0.0% 0.0% n/a (8.0%) 0.0% n/a 0.0% (2.7%) (2.7%) (18) (1,015) 0 (1,033) 0 0 50 50 (437) 0 (460,388) (460,825) (1,515) 0 (663,782) (665,297) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a

City Council
D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 200 5,100 230,245 484,305 1,431 721,281 0.0% 0.7% 31.9% 67.1% 0.2% 100.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 0.2%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 0.7% Purchased Services 31.9%

Salaries & Benefits 67.1%

City Council
E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. 1

Ref. #

Category Reduction in Ward Funds


Municipal Levy (20,000) (20,000)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

FTE Impact

2014-0120 H - Line Item Reduction

Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease) * Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

Mayor's Office
A. Departmental Overview
The Mayor is the Head of City Council the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Corporation of the City of Windsor. As Head of Council he presides over all meetings of Council. The Mayor ensures that the laws governing the Municipality are properly executed and enforced. The Mayor has primary responsibility for seeing that the policies of the Municipality are implemented, and he works closely with Council to ensure that this occurs. As CEO, the Mayor has responsibility for all actions taken on behalf of the municipal corporation. Based on the approval of Council, the Mayor has responsibility for directing municipal spending priorities in accordance with local needs and preferences, and oversees the Municipality's administration to ensure that all actions taken by administration are consistent with Council policies. The Mayor has a staff of contract employees hired directly by the Mayor to facilitate the operations of the Mayors Office.

Mayor's Office
B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Not applicable as all of the employees of the Mayor's Office are temporary contract positions. Consistent with the treatment for other City Departments, only full time permanent positions are included in this section.

Mayor's Office
C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Mayor's Office Total Revenue Expenditures Mayor's Office Total Expenses Net Mayor's Office Total Net

(5,076,879) (5,076,879)

(1,075,382) (1,075,382)

(998,805) (998,805)

(828,218) (828,218)

0 0

0 0

0 0


5,588,256 5,588,256

1,586,778 1,586,778

1,463,285 1,463,285

443,181 443,181

438,179 438,179

438,179 438,179

0 0

0.0% 0.0%

511,377 511,377

511,396 511,396

464,480 464,480

(385,037) (385,037)

438,179 438,179

438,179 438,179

0 0

0.0% 0.0%

* 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

Mayor's Office
D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds Total Revenue Expenditures Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 2,685 4,157 173,663 61,847 327,813 3,944,028 1,065,658 8,405 5,588,256 511,377 215,341 8,356 47,356 148,424 324,768 0 834,109 8,424 1,586,778 511,396 10,985 11,293 60,840 78,114 538,924 0 761,621 1,508 1,463,285 464,480 477 1,714 21,717 41,951 375,610 0 0 1,712 443,181 (385,037) 2,000 5,900 66,980 48,040 313,549 0 0 1,710 438,179 438,179 2,000 5,900 66,980 48,040 313,549 0 0 1,710 438,179 438,179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (4,500,000) 0 0 (576,879) (5,076,879) 0 0 (26,250) (1,049,132) (1,075,382) 0 0 (148,170) (850,635) (998,805) 0 (1,688) (64,908) (761,622) (828,218) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


Mayor's Office
D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 2,000 5,900 66,980 48,040 313,549 1,710 438,179 0.5% 1.3% 15.3% 11.0% 71.6% 0.4% 100.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 0.4%

Minor Capital 0.5%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other 1.3% Miscellaneous Expenditures 15.3% Purchased Services 11.0%

Salaries & Benefits 71.6%


Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Table of Contents
CAO's Office
A. Overview... 1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division 3 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ...... 4 E. Budget Issue Summary 6

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - CAO's Office

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To provide consistent corporate direction and leadership for the planning and delivery of municipal services and the achievement of corporate goals, while encouraging the establishment of processes and procedures that promote accountability to established standards and policies. Description The CAO works closely with the Mayor and City Council, as well as City Administration through its senior leaders, to ensure Councils goals and objectives are achieved. This is realized by providing strategic leadership to the Corporation, managing the daily operations of service delivery, and leading ongoing improvements with a goal of greater efficiency. The CAO also oversees major City projects and initiatives, contract negotiations and labour relations, and the development, recommendation and implementation of corporate policy. The CAO recommends annual operating and capital budgets as part of the municipalitys financial requirements in conjunction with the City Treasurer. As delegated by City Council, the Chief Administrative Officer approves a number of administrative reports, contracts and expenditures on behalf of Council through the Delegation of Authority By-law. The CAO oversees the appointment and employment of all City employees.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

CAOs Office (Administration)

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 5.0 FTE Total: 7.0 FTE

CAOs Office Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 5.0 FTE Total: 6.0 FTE

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - CAO's Office

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.00 1.00 Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 5.00 Management Non-Union Non-Union 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.0 9.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.0 9.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 7.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

CAO Administration

Chief Administrative Officer Sub- Total

Senior Management

CAO's Office

Manager Corporate Administration/Assistant CAO Executive Initiatives Coordinator CAO Consultant of Enterprise Risk & Project Management Executive Administrative Assistant Sub- Total

Office of Continuous Improvement

Manager Office of Continuous Improvement Consultant - Intern. Audit/Con Consultant of Enterprise Risk & Project Management Sub- Total


Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - CAO's Office

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues CAO's Office Office of Continuous Improvement Total Revenue Expenditures CAO's Office Office of Continuous Improvement Total Expenses Net CAO's Office Office of Continuous Improvement Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30. 2013.

(206,812) 0 (206,812)

(121,222) (37,076) (158,298)

(130,396) (68,512) (198,908)

(191,343) 0 (191,343)

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

n/a n/a n/a

1,105,208 110,002 1,215,210

1,051,767 395,895 1,447,662

1,178,510 375,423 1,553,933

808,810 0 808,810

1,354,061 0 1,354,061

1,308,287 0 1,308,287

(45,774) 0 (45,774)

(3.4%) n/a (3.4%)

898,396 110,002 1,008,398

930,545 358,819 1,289,364

1,048,114 306,911 1,355,025

617,467 0 617,467

1,354,061 0 1,354,061

1,308,287 0 1,308,287

(45,774) 0 (45,774)

(3.4%) n/a (3.4%)

o D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts

2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - CAO's Office

GL Category

2013 Actuals *

2013 Budget

2014 Budget

$ Budget Change

% Budget Change

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds Total Revenue Expenditures Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 11,668 11,998 80,646 113,428 843,589 2,000 142,076 9,805 1,215,210 1,008,398 4,117 13,963 79,695 228,524 942,266 0 169,269 9,828 1,447,662 1,289,364 2,008 15,365 81,035 188,933 1,073,890 0 190,892 1,810 1,553,933 1,355,025 151 4,971 68,275 82,971 650,156 0 0 2,286 808,810 617,467 2,900 14,513 88,907 340,015 905,441 0 0 2,285 1,354,061 1,354,061 2,900 14,513 88,907 290,015 909,667 0 0 2,285 1,308,287 1,308,287 0 0 0 (50,000) 4,226 0 0 0 (45,774) (45,774) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (14.7%) 0.5% n/a n/a 0.0% (3.4%) (3.4%) (500) (123,625) (82,687) 0 (206,812) (2,000) (14,222) (142,076) 0 (158,298) (2,000) 13,861 (169,269) (41,500) (198,908) (451) 0 (190,892) 0 (191,343) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

o D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - CAO's Office

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 2,900 14,513 88,907 290,015 909,667 2,285 1,308,287 0.2% 1.1% 6.8% 22.2% 69.5% 0.2% 100.0%

Utilities, Minor Capital Insurance & 0.2% Taxes 0.2%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 1.1%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 6.8%

Purchased Services 22.2%

Salaries & Benefits 69.5%

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - CAO's Office

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 2

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment


Municipal Levy 4,226 (50,000) (45,774)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0211 K- Service Reduction

Reduction of the Economic Development Initiative Budget Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Table of Contents
Corporate Finance
A. Overview. 1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division3 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ......5 E. Budget Issue Summary 7

A. Overview. 8 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 9 C. Budget Summary by Division12 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ......13 E. Budget Issue Summary 15

Information Technology
A. Overview..16 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 17 C. Budget Summary by Division18 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ....... 19 E. Budget Issue Summary 21

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

A. Departmental Overview
Description The Corporate Finance section encompasses a number of financial revenue and expense accounts which are not directly attributable to specific departments of the Corporation. The budgets contained in this section relate to expenditures incurred or revenues generated that impact on the Corporation as a whole as opposed to a specific department.

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Not Applicable

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Banking & Interest Charges Corporate Leases Corporate Revenue Accounts Debt Charges Accounts Educational Entitiies Fringe Benefits - Payroll Fund Transfers General Expense Accounts Local Improvements Municipal Taxation Payments in Lieu Total Revenue Expenditures Banking & Interest Charges Corporate Leases Corporate Revenue Accounts Debt Charges Accounts Educational Entitiies Fringe Benefits - Payroll Fund Transfers General Expense Accounts Local Improvements Municipal Taxation Payments in Lieu Total Expenses

(7,760,509) (935,738) (21,467,816) (6,694,312) (85,701,160) 0 (4,418,881) (6,865,119) (268,088) (4,680,582) (3,177,373) (141,969,578)

(9,144,059) (991,086) (24,795,335) (15,389,450) (80,354,837) 0 (4,418,881) (5,882,570) (75,364) (2,415,010) (3,325,624) (146,792,216)

(9,408,199) (998,742) (27,386,735) (43,043,888) (74,535,871) 0 (4,418,881) (1,788,155) (101,566) (2,944,863) (3,202,690) (167,829,590)

(6,720,206) (818,107) (19,274,891) (1,345,522) (68,233,745) 0 0 (49,617) (113,271) (954,051) (3,025,476) (100,534,886)

(9,377,302) (1,253,027) (26,758,075) (2,690,051) (69,439,132) 0 (4,672,492) 0 (100,000) 0 (3,250,000) (117,540,079)

(9,527,302) (1,253,027) (25,298,075) (2,690,051) (69,439,132) 0 (5,228,823) 0 (100,000) (500,000) (3,250,000) (117,286,410)

(150,000) 0 1,460,000 0 0 0 (556,331) 0 0 (500,000) 0 253,669

0.0% 0.0% (5.5%) 0.0% 0.0% n/a 11.9% n/a 0.0% n/a 0.0% (0.2%)

1,558,998 5,043,866 3,000,000 11,449,494 85,701,158 12,971,491 47,180,776 13,073,076 0 9,577,616 0 189,556,475

1,769,963 4,430,435 3,000,200 20,150,791 80,354,837 12,956,194 47,234,420 12,327,676 0 7,650,384 0 189,874,900

1,727,660 4,438,091 3,000,100 47,812,448 74,535,870 13,323,822 45,145,586 4,597,579 0 17,148,688 0 211,729,844

1,063,932 4,223,480 2,250,000 3,857,278 48,459,603 11,250,736 42,371,666 3,075,589 0 7,172,923 0 123,725,207

2,225,000 4,692,588 3,000,000 5,070,423 69,439,132 13,935,000 43,858,819 16,080,930 0 0 0 158,301,892

2,380,217 4,692,588 3,000,000 5,070,423 69,439,132 14,035,000 48,473,819 12,496,196 0 0 0 159,587,375

155,217 0 0 0 0 100,000 4,615,000 (3,584,734) 0 0 0 1,285,483

7.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 10.5% (22.3%) n/a n/a n/a 0.8%

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Net Banking & Interest Charges Corporate Leases Corporate Revenue Accounts Debt Charges Accounts Educational Entitiies Fringe Benefits - Payroll Fund Transfers General Expense Accounts Local Improvements Municipal Taxation Payments in Lieu Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. (6,201,511) 4,108,128 (18,467,816) 4,755,182 (2) 12,971,491 42,761,895 6,207,957 (268,088) 4,897,034 (3,177,373) 47,586,897 (7,374,096) 3,439,349 (21,795,135) 4,761,341 0 12,956,194 42,815,539 6,445,106 (75,364) 5,235,374 (3,325,624) 43,082,684 (7,680,539) 3,439,349 (24,386,635) 4,768,560 (1) 13,323,822 40,726,705 2,809,424 (101,566) 14,203,825 (3,202,690) 43,900,254 (5,656,274) 3,405,373 (17,024,891) 2,511,756 (19,774,142) 11,250,736 42,371,666 3,025,972 (113,271) 6,218,872 (3,025,476) 23,190,321 (7,152,302) 3,439,561 (23,758,075) 2,380,372 0 13,935,000 39,186,327 16,080,930 (100,000) 0 (3,250,000) 40,761,813 (7,147,085) 3,439,561 (22,298,075) 2,380,372 0 14,035,000 43,244,996 12,496,196 (100,000) (500,000) (3,250,000) 42,300,965 5,217 0 1,460,000 0 0 100,000 4,058,669 (3,584,734) 0 (500,000) 0 1,539,152 (0.1%) 0.0% (6.1%) 0.0% n/a 0.7% 10.4% (22.3%) 0.0% n/a 0.0% 3.8%

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures ** Taxes - Education Taxes - Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits ** Transfers to Education Entities Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. ** Represents the 2013 Education Levy as the 2014 Education Levy has not yet been announced by the Province. 21,223,427 7,527 10 168,899 4,468,748 19,555,388 85,701,161 0 58,425,884 5,432 189,556,476 47,586,897 35,692,209 38,387 33 7,181 4,475,855 15,808,454 80,354,837 0 53,492,699 5,245 189,874,900 43,082,684 50,891,797 242 712 432,509 4,585,027 21,385,279 74,535,870 0 51,256,987 8,641,420 211,729,843 43,900,254 11,265,060 183 535 2,121,054 1,497,646 11,959,986 48,459,603 0 47,691,793 729,348 123,725,208 23,190,321 13,900,423 20,000 0 330,000 4,827,256 19,634,657 69,439,139 35,000 50,110,960 4,457 158,301,892 40,761,813 9,550,423 20,000 0 330,000 4,882,473 20,036,134 69,439,139 35,000 54,725,960 568,246 159,587,375 42,300,965 (4,350,000) 0 0 0 55,217 401,477 0 0 4,615,000 563,789 1,285,483 1,539,152 (31.3%) 0.0% n/a 0.0% 1.1% 2.0% 0.0% n/a 9.2% 12649.5% 0.8% 3.8% (11,793,250) (9,741,722) 2,184,517 (13,602,722) (85,696,338) (8,255,389) 0 (8,465,638) (6,599,037) (141,969,579) (10,519,289) (11,290,974) (344,505) (24,484,129) (80,351,931) (5,818,904) 0 (7,608,912) (6,373,572) (146,792,216) (12,630,439) (11,862,591) (1,930,012) (30,314,860) (74,533,091) (6,215,278) (200,000) (24,053,289) (6,090,029) (167,829,589) (10,426,825) (7,864,312) (645,016) (5,098,134) (68,231,917) (4,094,626) (238) 0 (4,173,819) (100,534,887) (14,684,892) (10,100,000) 0 (11,837,360) (69,439,132) (3,350,000) 0 (1,466,393) (6,662,302) (117,540,079) (12,609,892) (10,165,000) (1,000,000) (11,960,084) (69,439,132) (3,850,000) 0 (1,900,000) (6,362,302) (117,286,410) 2,075,000 (65,000) (1,000,000) (122,724) 0 (500,000) 0 (433,607) 300,000 253,669 14.1% (0.6%) n/a (1.0%) 0.0% (14.9%) n/a (29.6%) 4.5% 0.2%

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures ** Taxes - Education Taxes - Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) Transfer From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (12,609,892) (10,165,000) (1,000,000) (11,960,084) (69,439,132) (3,850,000) (1,900,000) (6,362,302) (117,286,410) 10.8% 8.7% 0.9% 10.2% 59.2% 3.3% 1.6% 5.4% 100.0%

Taxes Municipal (Incl. Grants in Lieu) 3.3%

Transfer From Other Funds 1.6%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 5.4%

Grants & Subsidies 10.8%

Investment Income & Dividends 8.7% Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0.9% Recovery of Expenditures 10.2%

** Taxes Education 59.2%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits ** Transfers to Education Entities Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 9,550,423 20,000 330,000 4,882,473 20,036,134 69,439,139 35,000 54,725,960 568,246 159,587,375 6.0% 0.0% 0.2% 3.1% 12.6% 43.5% 0.0% 34.3% 0.4% 100.0%

Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds 34.3%

Other Financial Expenses Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased 6.0% 0.2% Services 3.1% Salaries & Benefits 12.6%

** Transfers to Education Entities 43.5%

** Represents the 2013 Education Levy as the 2014 Education Levy has not yet been announced by the Province.

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Corporate Finance

E. Budget Issue Summary
* Issue Detail Page No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 n/a

Ref. #


Description Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Service Charges Corporate Salary & Wage Provision Reduction in Raceway Slots Revenue Reduction in Interest & Penalties on Tax Ontario Municipal Partnership Funding (OMPF) 2014 Utilities Provision (Hydro, Water, Gas) Employment Insurance (EI) Employer Health Tax Increase in Transfer to Capital Increase in Budget Stabilization Contingency Canada Pension Plan Reduction in Provision for Tax Appeals Increase in Interest Income Sewer Surcharge Overhead Recovery Adjustment Leasing Pay-As-You-Go Experience Rebate Projected Assessment Growth ** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 50,000 218,000 0 300,000 2,075,000 305,884 260,000 140,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 (300,000) (4,500,000) (300,000) (122,724) (433,607) (500,000) 338,190 1,530,743

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

FTE Impact

2014-0224 B - Legislated 2014-0004 C - Contractual 2014-0223 C - Contractual 2014-0225 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0235 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0226 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0227 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0273 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0202 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0299 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0274 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0302 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0228 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0231 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0232 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0293 I - Revenue Increase n/a Interdepartmental






* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To provide timely, responsive, efficient and innovative financial services to all our customers in compliance with all legislative requirements, while fostering a spirit of trust through accountability. Description The Finance department provides financial services to its internal and external customers through the Asset Planning, Financial Accounting, Financial Planning and Taxation & Financial Projects divisions. The Asset Planning division provides asset planning, capital budget development and monitoring and corporate energy management services to the organization. The Financial Accounting division provides accounts payable, accounts receivable, accounting and payroll services to the organization. The Financial Planning division provides operating and monitoring services along with performance measurement and overall financial planning leadership for the Corporation and Council. The Taxation and Financial Projects division provides property billing and tax collection services, cash management and leadership on corporate financial projects.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Finance (Administration)
Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 17.0 FTE Non-Union: 34.0 FTE Local 543: 38.0 FTE Total: 90.0 FTE

Asset Planning Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 1.0 FTE Total: 8.0 FTE

Financial Accounting Management: 5.0 FTE Non-Union: 7.0 FTE Local 543: 18.0 FTE Total: 30.0 FTE

Financial Planning Management: 5.0 FTE Non-Union: 17.0 FTE Local 543: 3.0 FTE Total: 25.0 FTE

Taxation & Financial Projects Management: 4.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 16.0 FTE Total: 24.0 FTE

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 Management Management Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Finance Administration

Chief Finanacial Officer/City Treasurer Executive Initiative Coordinator Executive Administrative Assistant Sub-Total

Snr Management Non-Union Non-Union

Asset Planning

Senior Manager of Asset Planning Manager of Energy Initiatives Manager, Capital Budget & Reserves Asset Coordinator Financial Analyst Roof Technologist Energy Support Clerk Sub-Total

Financial Accounting

Deputy Treasurer - Financial Accounting Manager of Financial Accounting Manager of Accounting Services Manager of Payroll Services Payroll Supervisor Financial Adminstrator - Capital Assets Coordinator Corporate Cash Controls Financial Analyst Financial Analysis Accounting Clerk Payroll Coordinator Accounts Receivable Clerk Financial Reconciliation Clerk Financial Reconciliation Clerk - Social Services Accounting Clerk Payroll Clerk Accounts Payable Control Clerk General Accounts Payable Clerk

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 2.0 1.0 29.0 Management Management Management 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 24.0 Management Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 2.0 1.0 29.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 25.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 2.0 1.0 30.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 25.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Data Entry Operator Administrative Clerk Sub-Total Financial Planning Deputy Treasurer - Financial Planning Manager, Operating Budget Control & Financial Admin. Manager, Operating Budget Development & Financial Admin.

Local 543 Local 543

Manager, Performance Measurements & Financial Admin. Management Manager,Intergovernmental Subsidies & Financial Admin. Financial Planning Administrator Financial Analyst Operations/Asset Analyst Financial Planning Clerk Intermediate Clerk Sub-Total Taxation & Financial Projects Deputy Treasurer - Taxation & Revenue Manager Treasury & Cash Management Manager of Property Assessment Manager Property Taxation & Taxpayer Support Assessment Data Analyst Tax Analyst Financial Analyst Corporate & Collections Analyst Property Assessor Tax Accounting & Collection Control Clerk Tax Registration Clerk Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 21.0 85.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 24.0 88.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 24.0 90.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Tax Operation Control Clerk Tax Accounting Clerk Mortgage & Ownership Clerk Property Tax Clerk Tax & Accounts Receivable Collector Tax Certificate Clerk Customer Service Clerk Sub-Total Total

Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Asset Planning Financial Accounting Financial Planning Taxation & Financial Projects Total Revenue Expenditures Asset Planning Financial Accounting Financial Planning Taxation & Financial Projects Total Expenses Net Asset Planning Financial Accounting Financial Planning Taxation & Financial Projects Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(8,228) (296,637) (6,815,903) (1,310,860) (8,431,628)

(3,795,215) (340,603) (775,192) (1,607,990) (6,519,000)

(11,854,562) (549,788) (631,940) (1,536,384) (14,572,674)

(2,912,256) (223,613) (463,611) (847,180) (4,446,660)

(124,336) (341,749) (649,473) (1,404,325) (2,519,883)

(124,336) (401,749) (744,245) (1,394,217) (2,664,547)

0 (60,000) (94,772) 10,108 (144,664)

0.0% 0.0% 14.6% (0.7%) 5.7%

409,337 2,834,945 8,438,882 1,806,768 13,489,932

4,333,461 2,875,933 2,376,172 2,172,046 11,757,612

12,632,039 2,861,199 2,445,844 2,315,059 20,254,141

3,536,208 2,228,094 1,958,625 1,638,280 9,361,207

1,144,119 3,119,100 2,523,840 2,262,428 9,049,487

1,167,714 3,125,671 2,628,874 2,228,044 9,150,303

23,595 6,571 105,034 (34,384) 100,816

2.1% 0.2% 4.2% (1.5%) 1.1%

401,109 2,538,308 1,622,979 495,908 5,058,304

538,246 2,535,330 1,600,980 564,056 5,238,612

777,477 2,311,411 1,813,904 778,675 5,681,467

623,952 2,004,481 1,495,014 791,100 4,914,547

1,019,783 2,777,351 1,874,367 858,103 6,529,604

1,043,378 2,723,922 1,884,629 833,827 6,485,756

23,595 (53,429) 10,262 (24,276) (43,848)

2.3% (1.9%) 0.5% (2.8%) (0.7%)


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 63,121 37,541 29,529 93,418 757,666 6,520,385 5,963,503 24,769 13,489,932 5,058,304 61,323 27,908 34,474 124,599 849,959 6,974,057 3,628,517 56,775 11,757,612 5,238,612 62,227 14,476 29,298 153,317 918,345 6,983,863 11,749,721 342,895 20,254,142 5,681,467 55,576 11,026 26,036 108,242 453,187 5,722,465 2,640,120 344,555 9,361,207 4,914,547 61,000 11,953 43,377 121,299 784,532 7,682,771 0 344,555 9,049,487 6,529,604 61,000 11,953 43,377 121,299 803,652 7,764,467 0 344,555 9,150,303 6,485,756 0 0 0 0 19,120 81,696 0 0 100,816 (43,848) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% 1.1% n/a 0.0% 1.1% (0.7%) (30,382) (1,393,349) 0 (5,977,839) (1,030,058) (8,431,628) (24,949) (1,684,333) 0 (3,623,568) (1,186,150) (6,519,000) (52,501) (1,631,311) (43,000) (11,716,756) (1,129,107) (14,572,675) (165,309) (1,027,403) 0 (2,577,676) (676,272) (4,446,660) 0 (1,437,244) 0 (20,000) (1,062,639) (2,519,883) 0 (1,554,578) 0 (92,330) (1,017,639) (2,664,547) 0 (117,334) 0 (72,330) 45,000 (144,664) n/a (8.2%) n/a n/a 4.2% (5.7%)


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (1,554,578) (92,330) (1,017,639) (2,664,547) 58.3% 3.5% 38.2% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 38.2%

Recovery of Expenditures 58.3%

Transfers From Other Funds 3.5%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 61,000 11,953 43,377 121,299 803,652 7,764,467 344,555 9,150,303 0.7% 0.1% 0.5% 1.3% 8.8% 84.9% 3.8% 100.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 3.8%

Financial Expenses 0.7%

Minor Capital 0.1%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 0.5%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 1.3% Purchased Services 8.8%

Salaries & Benefits 84.9%


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 20 21 IC 22 23 24 IC 25 26 27 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase in Municipal Tax Equity Fees Projected Decrease in Dial Up Revenue In-Camera Item Increase in Revenue from Recovery of Staff


Municipal Levy 34,830 20,000 45,000 (53,980) (29,675) (10,911) (44,300) 0 0 (4,812) (43,848)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0219 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0118 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0116 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0124 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0125 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0126 K- Service Reduction 2014-0131 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0132 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental

Increase in Finance Recoveries from Social Services In-Camera Item Convert Temporary Financial Support Position to Permanent One Time Temporary Salary Increase - Financial Planning *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To lead the City of Windsor in Information Technology by providing infrastructure, project management and support services with an underlying focus on customer service. Description The Information Technology department provides the following services and sub-services: Information Technology Design and Planning Administration & Strategic Leadership;

I.T. Business Planning; I.T. Application Architecture Development; I.T. Portfolio Development; I.T. Policy Governance; I.T. Technology Architecture Development; I.T. Security Architecture
Business Solutions Development and Support - I.T. Administration& Strategic Leadership; I.T. Business Solution Advisory; I.T. Business Solution Analysis and Development; I.T. Business Solution Operation; I.T. Business Solution Functional Support; I.T. Business Solution Change and Issue Management

Information Technology Infrastructure Operations - I.T. Administration& Strategic Leadership; I.T. Infrastructure Procurement; I.T. Infrastructure Operation; I.T. Infrastructure Maintenance; I.T. Infrastructure Life Cycle
2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)
Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Information Technology

Management: 5.0 FTE Non-Union: 12.0 FTE Local 543: 41.6 FTE Total: 58.6 FTE

End User Management Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 11.0 FTE Total: 12.0 FTE

Enterprise System Support Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 8.0 FTE Total: 9.0 FTE

Information Technology Services Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 2.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Project Management & Applications Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 20.6 FTE Total: 21.6 FTE

Technology Infrastructure Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 12.0 FTE Total: 13.0 FTE


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 11.0 12.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 13.6 9.0 0.0 23.6 Management Non-Union 1.0 11.0 12.0 59.6 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 11.0 12.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 13.6 9.0 0.0 23.6 1.0 11.0 12.0 59.6 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 11.0 12.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 11.6 9.0 0.0 21.6 1.0 12.0 13.0 58.6 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

End User Management

Mgr, End User Support P.C. Support Analyst Sub-Total

Management Local 543

Enterprise System Support

Mgr, Enterprise Systems Support Peoplesoft Support Analyst Amanda Support Analyst Amanda Specialist Peoplesoft Support Analyst II Sub-Total

Information Technology Services

ExDir, Information Technology Technical Support Clerk Administrative Assistant/Sec. Sub-Total

Project Management & Applications

Mgr, Project Mgmt Applications Analyst Programmer Business Analyst Internet Coordinator Sub-Total

Technology Infrastructure

Manager, Tech Infrastructure Technical Support Analyst Sub-Total



Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues End User Management Enterprise System Support Information Technology Services Project Management & Applications Technology Infrastructure Total Revenue Expenditures End User Management Enterprise System Support Information Technology Services Project Management & Applications Technology Infrastructure Total Expenses Net End User Management Enterprise System Support Information Technology Services Project Management & Applications Technology Infrastructure Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(3,040,143) (177) 0 (223,062) (622,573) (3,885,955)

(3,055,816) 0 (203) (314,038) (513,242) (3,883,299)

(3,354,968) (5,923) (13,235) (260,228) (549,640) (4,183,994)

(556,093) (8,303) (14,235) (199,182) (520,789) (1,298,602)

(499,565) (31,200) 0 (232,058) (583,451) (1,346,274)

(506,390) (31,200) 0 (232,058) (583,451) (1,353,099)

(6,825) 0 0 0 0 (6,825)

1.4% n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%

3,592,142 842,086 301,922 1,832,129 1,760,622 8,328,901

3,538,737 1,242,526 301,550 1,956,100 1,815,499 8,854,412

3,726,259 1,332,244 317,585 1,843,587 1,874,769 9,094,444

1,813,512 1,094,215 234,109 1,419,608 1,343,788 5,905,232

1,060,481 1,347,100 326,268 1,932,537 2,002,724 6,669,110

1,205,025 1,142,598 643,992 2,012,815 2,092,551 7,096,981

144,544 (204,502) 317,724 80,278 89,827 427,871

13.6% (15.2%) 97.4% 4.2% 4.5% 6.4%

551,999 841,909 301,922 1,609,067 1,138,049 4,442,946

482,921 1,242,526 301,347 1,642,062 1,302,257 4,971,113

371,291 1,326,321 304,350 1,583,359 1,325,129 4,910,450

1,257,419 1,085,912 219,874 1,220,426 822,999 4,606,630

560,916 1,315,900 326,268 1,700,479 1,419,273 5,322,836

698,635 1,111,398 643,992 1,780,757 1,509,100 5,743,882

137,719 (204,502) 317,724 80,278 89,827 421,046

24.6% (15.5%) 97.4% 4.7% 6.3% 7.9%


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer from Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. (86) 994,458 9,764 113,714 1,138,234 4,747,910 1,317,086 7,821 8,328,901 4,442,946 0 1,047,106 10,142 197,514 1,157,370 5,040,595 1,393,846 7,839 8,854,412 4,971,113 0 1,368,407 7,755 206,855 1,144,985 4,970,352 1,389,440 6,650 9,094,444 4,910,450 0 1,090,861 4,954 58,614 880,773 3,861,828 0 8,202 5,905,232 4,606,630 0 612,198 5,591 171,946 432,223 5,438,949 0 8,203 6,669,110 5,322,836 0 415,822 5,591 171,946 729,947 5,765,472 0 8,203 7,096,981 5,743,882 0 (196,376) 0 0 297,724 326,523 0 0 427,871 421,046 n/a (32.1%) 0.0% 0.0% 68.9% 6.0% n/a 0.0% 6.4% 7.9% 0 (1,870,163) 0 (1,220,543) (795,249) (3,885,955) (203) (2,226,840) 0 (826,020) (830,236) (3,883,299) 0 (1,971,213) (36,586) (1,305,792) (870,403) (4,183,994) 0 (1,203,694) 0 0 (94,908) (1,298,602) 0 (1,222,660) 0 0 (123,614) (1,346,274) 0 (1,229,485) 0 0 (123,614) (1,353,099) 0 (6,825) 0 0 0 (6,825) n/a (0.6%) n/a n/a 0.0% (0.5%)


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Recovery of Expenditures User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (1,229,485) (123,614) (1,353,099) 90.9% 9.1% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 9.1%

Recovery of Expenditures 90.9%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 415,822 5,591 171,946 729,947 5,765,472 8,203 7,096,981 5.9% 0.1% 2.4% 10.3% 81.2% 0.1% 100.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 0.1%

Operating & Minor Capital Maintenance 5.9% Supplies 0.1%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 2.4% Purchased Services 10.3%

Salaries & Benefits 81.2%


Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 28 30 31 IC 32 34 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment


Municipal Levy (1,181) 0 3,624 (20,000) (200,000) (6,825) 645,428 421,046

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0281 A - Annualization 2014-0007 C - Contractual 2014-0008 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0146 I - Revenue Increase n/a Interdepartmental

Consolidated Service Delivery Model Between the City of Windsor and Library Contractual Increases for Software Maintenance Reduction in Corporate Phone Expenses Recovery for P.C. Support Analyst Work in Social Services *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

2014-0009 J - Alternative Service Delivery In-Camera Item

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the City Clerk

Table of Contents
Corporate Human Resources
A. Overview...1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division3 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ........ 4 E. Budget Issue Summary 5

Council Services
A. Overview. 6 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 7 C. Budget Summary by Division10 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense .... 11 E. Budget Issue Summary 13

Human Resources
A. Overview. 14 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 15 C. Budget Summary by Division16 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ........ 17 E. Budget Issue Summary 19

Office of the City Clerk - Corporate Human Resources

A. Departmental Overview
Description The Corporate Human Resources section encompasses a number of personnel related revenues and expenditures accounts which are not directly attributable to specific departments of the Corporation. The budgets contained in this section relate to expenditures incurred or revenues generated that impact on the Corporation as a whole as opposed to a specific department.

Office of the City Clerk - Corporate Human Resources

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Not Applicable

Office of the City Clerk - Corporate Human Resources

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Fringe Benefits - Human Resources Fringe Benefits - Recovery Total Revenue Expenditures Fringe Benefits - Human Resources Fringe Benefits - Recovery Total Expenses Net Fringe Benefits - Human Resources Fringe Benefits - Recovery Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

185,995 (35,779,671) (35,593,676)

(168,083) (35,235,721) (35,403,804)

(752,205) (35,685,858) (36,438,063)

0 (33,943,098) (33,943,098)

0 (45,698,476) (45,698,476)

0 (46,422,147) (46,422,147)

0 (723,671) (723,671)

n/a (1.6%) (1.6%)

33,362,698 0 33,362,698

35,416,887 0 35,416,887

38,350,269 0 38,350,269

28,357,028 0 28,357,028

39,963,101 0 39,963,101

40,911,821 0 40,911,821

948,720 0 948,720

2.4% n/a 2.4%

33,548,693 (35,779,671) (2,230,978)

35,248,804 (35,235,721) 13,083

37,598,064 (35,685,858) 1,912,206

28,357,028 (33,943,098) (5,586,070)

39,963,101 (45,698,476) (5,735,375)

40,911,821 (46,422,147) (5,510,326)

948,720 (723,671) 225,049

2.4% (1.6%) (3.9%)

Office of the City Clerk - Corporate Human Resources

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 33,019,702 342,996 33,362,698 (2,230,978) 35,124,289 292,598 35,416,887 13,083 37,125,964 1,224,305 38,350,269 1,912,206 28,144,109 212,919 28,357,028 (5,586,070) 39,669,101 294,000 39,963,101 (5,735,375) 40,617,821 294,000 40,911,821 (5,510,326) 948,720 0 948,720 225,049 2.4% n/a 2.4% (3.9%) 185,995 (35,779,671) (35,593,676) (168,083) (35,235,721) (35,403,804) (752,205) (35,685,858) (36,438,063) 0 (33,943,098) (33,943,098) 0 (45,698,476) (45,698,476) 0 (46,422,147) (46,422,147) 0 (723,671) (723,671) n/a (1.6%) (1.6%)

Office of the City Clerk - Corporate Human Resources

E. Budget Issue Summary
* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 35 36 37 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Green Shield Benefits OMERS Pension Corporate Fringe Benefits Reduction Resulting From Cumulative Change in FTE *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy (448,534) 318,400 355,183 275,137 (275,137) 225,049

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

FTE Impact

2014-0047 C - Contractual 2014-0107 C - Contractual 2014-0280 K- Service Reduction n/a Interdepartmental


* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To help connect staff and residents with the corporate information they need. Description Council Services administers the citys legislative process including Elections, Council and Committee meetings, and the maintenance of public records, as a service to City Council, Administration and the citizens of the City of Windsor. The Provincial Offences Division provides and manages court administration, court support, prosecution and fines enforcement functions respecting regulatory offences governed by the Provincial Offences Act for the Windsor/Essex Court Service Area on a regional basis. The Communications and Customer Service Departments are the primary points of contact for communication, internally and externally, for the City of Windsor. Policy, Gaming and Licensing is responsible for the administration of Corporate policies and legal documents, animal control and the regulation and licensing of various gaming activity, business and public vehicle classes in the municipality. Employee Relations is responsible to assist, guide, support and provide interpretation of the Collective Agreements and Legislation to the Departments of the City of Windsor and Agencies.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Clerk

Council Services (Administration) Snr Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 15.0 FTE Non-Union: 30.5 FTE Local 543: 40.5 FTE Total: 87.0 FTE

Communications & Customer Service Management: 4.0 FTE Non-Union: 5.5 FTE Local 543: 16.5 FTE Total: 26.0 FTE

Council Services Division Management: 4.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 15.0 FTE Total: 21.0 FTE

Employee Relations Division Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 3.0 FTE Total: 4.0 FTE

Policy, Gaming & Licensing Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 9.0 FTE Total: 12.0 FTE

Provincial Offences Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 18.0 FTE Total: 21.0 FTE

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 25.0 Management Management Management Management Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 26.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 26.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Council Services Administration

City Clerk/LicenceCommissioner Mgr, Administration Executive Administrative Assistant Sub-Total

Senior Management Management Non-Union

Communications & Customer Service

Senior Mgr.Communications&C/S Manager of 311/211 Call Centre Call Centre Supervisor Corp.Mktg & Communications Ofc 311 Administrator - RPT Customer Service Coordinator Comm Writer/Editor & Council Liason 211 Data Coordinator 211 Support Analyst 311/211 Operator 311 Mapping Support Analyst Marketing Assistant 311 Support Analyst Administrative Clerk Sub-Total

Council Services Division

Deputy CC/Sr.Mgr.Council Serv. Mgr, Rec/Elec & Fre of Info Co Supervisor Council Services Supv, Information & Records Council Assistant Committee Coordinator Order of Business Coordinator Council Agenda Coordinator Council Resolutions Coord. Records Analyst

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19.0 Management Non-Union Non-Union 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 Management Management Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 13.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 12.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 12.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Financial Records & Administration Clerk Senior Issuer, Vital Statistics Records Clerk Customer Service Reception Administrative Support Clerk Mail and Delivery Room Person Clerk Junior Vital Statistics Customer Service Rep Sub-Total Employee Relations Division Manager of Employee Relations Employee Relations Assistant Employee Relations Coordinator Sub-Total Policy, Gaming & Licensing Deputy License Com/Mgr Policy Gaming & Licensing Supervisor of Licensing Corporate Policy Coordinator Municipal Gaming Analyst Licensing Analyst Development Applications Clerk Senior Licence Issuer Legal Documents Clerk Licence Issuer Licensing Clerk Sub-Total

Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 21.0 85.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 21.0 87.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 21.0 87.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Provincial Offences

Dir, Provincial Offences Supv, Court Administration Supv, POA Fines Enforcement Prosecutor,Provincial Offences Coord, Prov Offences Operation POA FinesEnforcementSpecialist Coord, Trial Court Clerk Reporter Court Administrator Sub-Total

Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union


Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Communications & Customer Service Council Services Division Employee Relations Division Policy, Gaming & Licensing Provincial Offences Total Revenue Expenditures Communications & Customer Service Council Services Division Employee Relations Division Policy, Gaming & Licensing Provincial Offences Total Expenses Net Communications & Customer Service Council Services Division Employee Relations Division Policy, Gaming & Licensing Provincial Offences Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(678,867) (812,589) (76,045) (2,628,017) (6,795,151) (10,990,669)

(1,210,703) (511,628) (56,665) (2,261,181) (6,900,695) (10,940,872)

(1,182,515) (446,591) (25) (2,330,794) (6,970,769) (10,930,694)

(670,314) (262,480) (3,352) (1,592,514) (4,358,804) (6,887,464)

(282,295) (491,425) 0 (2,173,517) (7,241,296) (10,188,533)

(282,295) (581,425) 0 (2,233,517) (7,221,296) (10,318,533)

0 (90,000) 0 (60,000) 20,000 (130,000)

0.0% 0.0% n/a 2.8% (0.3%) 1.3%

2,799,866 2,363,418 302,201 2,241,904 5,758,285 13,465,674

3,175,169 2,193,370 334,281 1,842,396 5,780,844 13,326,060

3,326,487 2,141,127 331,506 1,977,465 5,928,015 13,704,600

2,402,443 1,872,120 250,211 1,748,897 3,343,843 9,617,514

2,687,631 2,582,266 373,627 2,038,197 5,950,289 13,632,010

2,693,655 2,704,066 385,522 2,045,552 5,898,454 13,727,249

6,024 121,800 11,895 7,355 (51,835) 95,239

0.2% 4.7% 3.2% 0.4% (0.9%) 0.7%

2,120,999 1,550,829 226,156 (386,113) (1,036,866) 2,475,005

1,964,466 1,681,742 277,616 (418,785) (1,119,851) 2,385,188

2,143,972 1,694,536 331,481 (353,329) (1,042,754) 2,773,906

1,732,129 1,609,640 246,859 156,383 (1,014,961) 2,730,050

2,405,336 2,090,841 373,627 (135,320) (1,291,007) 3,443,477

2,411,360 2,122,641 385,522 (187,965) (1,322,842) 3,408,716

6,024 31,800 11,895 (52,645) (31,835) (34,761)

0.3% 1.5% 3.2% 38.9% 2.5% (1.0%)


Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 231,481 102,011 149,896 1,170,212 4,472,400 7,122,252 22,519 156,040 38,863 13,465,674 2,475,005 224,420 49,378 123,446 1,233,548 4,713,804 6,827,528 0 111,483 42,453 13,326,060 2,385,188 224,189 52,737 122,961 1,056,112 4,807,663 7,293,799 0 125,000 22,138 13,704,599 2,773,906 159,228 12,067 79,874 604,147 2,958,020 5,609,553 0 170,000 24,625 9,617,514 2,730,050 232,600 56,850 148,501 1,347,337 4,314,502 7,333,570 0 170,000 28,650 13,632,010 3,443,477 232,600 52,850 148,501 1,371,761 4,343,684 7,289,203 0 260,000 28,650 13,727,249 3,408,716 0 (4,000) 0 24,424 29,182 (44,367) 0 90,000 0 95,239 (34,761) 0.0% (7.0%) 0.0% 1.8% 0.7% (0.6%) n/a n/a 0.0% 0.7% (1.0%) 0 (567,868) (289,312) (100,000) (564,726) (9,468,763) (10,990,669) 0 (699,395) (645,942) (100,000) (109,158) (9,386,377) (10,940,872) (41,266) (596,393) (737,841) (100,000) (92,204) (9,362,989) (10,930,693) (33,750) (398,107) (301,270) (25,000) (14,000) (6,115,337) (6,887,464) (50,000) (162,807) (70,388) 0 (95,266) (9,810,072) (10,188,533) (50,000) (162,807) (70,388) 0 (185,266) (9,850,072) (10,318,533) 0 0 0 0 (90,000) (40,000) (130,000) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% n/a n/a (0.4%) (1.3%)


Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (50,000) (162,807) (70,388) (185,266) (9,850,072) (10,318,533) 0.5% 1.6% 0.7% 1.8% 95.5% 100.0%

Grants & Subsidies 0.5%

Other Miscellaneous Revenue 1.6%

Recovery of Expenditures Transfers 0.7% From Other Funds 1.8%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 95.5%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 232,600 52,850 148,501 1,371,761 4,343,684 7,289,203 260,000 28,650 13,727,249 1.7% 0.4% 1.1% 10.0% 31.6% 53.1% 1.9% 0.2% 100.0%

Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds 1.9%

Salaries & Benefits 53.1%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 0.2%

Financial Minor Capital Operating & Expenses 0.4% Maintenance 1.7% Supplies 1.1% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 10.0%
Purchased Services 31.6%


Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 38 39 40 41 42 IC 43 44 45 46 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Court Security Elimination of Part II Fine Collection Municipal Election Reserve Contribution (Repayment for 2013 By-Election) Various Communication Department Budget Reductions E-Bingo Program In-Camera Item Court Running Service for Provincial Offences Division Automated Phone Soliciting Service at Provincial Offences Division Annual Maintenance for Court Administration Management System (CAMS )Software *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 70,371 10,880 10,740 0 (11,000) (60,000) (38,519) 4,457 644 1,340 (23,674) (34,761)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0098 C - Contractual 2014-0088 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0282 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0099 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0100 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0056 K- Service Reduction 2014-0089 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0090 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0204 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

A. Departmental Overview
Mission Human Resources is committed to providing a full range of employee services to all Corporate departments by means of a consistent, cost effective, innovative, valid and reliable service in an expedient fashion while observing the collective agreements and all legislative requirements. Description The Human Resources Department endeavors to promote fairness and equity in a quality work environment through the development and delivery of corporate wide management policies and procedures, various employee programs aligned with the Corporate Strategic Plan while maintaining harmonious relations with the Bargaining Units and associations.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Clerk Management: 4.0 FTE Non-Union: 26.0 FTE Total: 30.0 FTE Human Resources

Diversity & Accessibility Non-Union: 1.0 FTE

Employee Services & WSIB Non-Union: 12.0 FTE

Health & Safety & Staff Development Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 8.0 FTE Total: 9.0 FTE

Human Resources Administration Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 5.0 FTE Total: 8.0 FTE


Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union 3.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 12.0 Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 30.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 12.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 30.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 12.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 30.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Diversity & Accessibility

Diversity/Access Officer Sub-Total


Employee Services & WSIB

Disability Management Specialist HRIS & Corp.Security Admin. Employment Officer Coord, Disability Claims Sub-Total

Health & Safety & Staff Development

Supv, of Health & Safety Pay Equity Officer Health & Safety Advisor Coord, Staff Development Coord, Health & Safety Staff Development Assistant Sub-Total

Human Resources Administration

ExDir, Human Resources Mgr, Employment Serv & WSIB Mgr,OrgDevelopment &OSH Policy Coordinator Coord,Organizational Develpmnt Administrative Assistant Records Management Clerk Receptionist/Recruitment Asst. Sub-Total



Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Diversity & Accessibility Employee Services & WSIB Health & Safety & Staff Development Human Resources Administration Total Revenue Expenditures Diversity & Accessibility Employee Services & WSIB Health & Safety & Staff Development Human Resources Administration Total Expenses Net Diversity & Accessibility Employee Services & WSIB Health & Safety & Staff Development Human Resources Administration Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(17,546) (109,029) (285,084) (156,750) (568,409)

(1,845) (273,204) (96,504) (38,429) (409,982)

(1,740) (221,654) (97,321) (171,346) (492,061)

0 (67,995) (27,410) (137,410) (232,815)

0 (130,000) (89,100) (183,074) (402,174)

0 (130,000) (89,100) (183,074) (402,174)

0 0 0 0 0

n/a 0.0% 0.0% n/a 0.0%

166,989 863,418 1,512,183 1,547,616 4,090,206

168,547 1,584,567 1,198,445 977,985 3,929,544

176,587 1,666,654 1,124,480 957,153 3,924,874

138,016 1,085,445 755,648 736,159 2,715,268

198,828 1,574,566 1,254,429 1,096,829 4,124,652

193,828 1,551,405 1,246,209 1,108,836 4,100,278

(5,000) (23,161) (8,220) 12,007 (24,374)

(2.5%) (1.5%) (0.7%) 1.1% (0.6%)

149,443 754,389 1,227,099 1,390,866 3,521,797

166,702 1,311,363 1,101,941 939,556 3,519,562

174,847 1,445,000 1,027,159 785,807 3,432,813

138,016 1,017,450 728,238 598,749 2,482,453

198,828 1,444,566 1,165,329 913,755 3,722,478

193,828 1,421,405 1,157,109 925,762 3,698,104

(5,000) (23,161) (8,220) 12,007 (24,374)

(2.5%) (1.6%) (0.7%) 1.3% (0.7%)


Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 11,201 46,813 83,632 813,135 3,068,102 909 47,392 19,021 4,090,205 3,521,797 3,122 57,261 197,301 729,530 2,771,701 0 149,003 21,626 3,929,544 3,519,562 5,795 53,013 69,916 820,155 2,835,772 0 136,081 4,142 3,924,874 3,432,813 6,159 29,172 40,806 302,237 2,202,476 0 129,100 5,318 2,715,268 2,482,453 20,896 50,160 90,230 880,995 2,947,952 0 129,100 5,319 4,124,652 3,722,478 15,941 48,260 75,430 873,995 2,952,233 0 129,100 5,319 4,100,278 3,698,104 (4,955) (1,900) (14,800) (7,000) 4,281 0 0 0 (24,374) (24,374) (23.7%) (3.8%) (16.4%) (0.8%) 0.1% n/a 0.0% 0.0% (0.6%) (0.7%) (1,798) (435,100) 0 (126,153) (5,357) (568,408) (2,845) (353,843) 0 (47,392) (5,902) (409,982) (13,886) (242,377) (37,003) (191,032) (7,763) (492,061) (104) (210,960) (17,527) 0 (4,224) (232,815) 0 (218,374) 0 (175,000) (8,800) (402,174) 0 (218,374) 0 (175,000) (8,800) (402,174) 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 0.0% n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0%


Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget

User Fees, Permits & Charges 2.2%

54.3% 43.5% 2.2% 100.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 54.3%

Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue

(218,374) (175,000) (8,800) (402,174)

Transfers From Other Funds 43.5%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 15,941 48,260 75,430 873,995 2,952,233 129,100 5,319 4,100,278 0.4% 1.2% 1.8% 21.3% 72.0% 3.1% 0.1% 100.0%

Utilities, Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Insurance & 0.4% Supplies Transfers to Taxes 1.2% Reserves & 0.1% Capital Funds 3.1%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 1.8% Purchased Services 21.3%

Salaries & Benefits 72.0%


Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 47 48 49 50

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment MARCO/LUMCO Membership Savings Various Corporate Training Program Budget Reductions Adjustment in Closed Captioning Budget to Match the Number of Televised Meetings Conversion of the Retiree Gift Program Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 4,281 (2,500) (8,855) (5,000) (12,300) (24,374)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0024 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0033 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0036 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0026 L - Service Elimination

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.


Office of the City Solicitor

Table of Contents
A. Overview.. 1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division 3 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ..... 4 E. Budget Issue Summary 6

Fire & Rescue

A. Overview.. 7 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 8 C. Budget Summary by Division 10 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ..... 11 E. Budget Issue Summary 13

A. Overview.. 14 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 15 C. Budget Summary by Division 16 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ..... 17 E. Budget Issue Summary 19

A. Overview.. 20 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 21 C. Budget Summary by Division 23 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ..... 24 E. Budget Issue Summary 26

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

A. Departmental Overview
Mission The core objectives of the City of Windsor Building Department are to ensure public health and safety and to improve neighbourhoods and the built environment. These objectives are achieved through building and safety standards, licensing enforcement, the enforcement of minimum property standards and municipal by-laws and Provincial Acts. The Building Department strives to maintain a multi-disciplinary team of professional, technical and accessible staff, with an emphasis on efficient and timely customer service. Description The Building Department is comprised of three distinctly defined but interconnected service units. The Permit Services Unit is engaged in the issuing of construction, demolition, conditional, change of use, sewage, sign and partial occupancy permits within provincially legislated timeframes. The Unit also reviews plans, specifications, documents and other information to ensure compliance with provincial statutes (e.g. Building Code Act), regulations (e.g. Building Code), and municipal by-laws (e.g. zoning) within the legislated time frames. The Inspection Services Unit conducts on-site building inspections to ensure compliance with Ontario Building Code Regulations and municipal by-laws (e.g. property standards) and liaises with the public, designers, builders, developers, lawyers and other enforcement agencies on matters relating to enforcement. The By-law Enforcement Unit ensures compliance with regulatory by-laws, licensing schedules and Provincial regulations such as the Dog Owners Liability Act (D.O.L.A.). By-law enforcement activities for non-compliance include the contracting out of work, issuing tickets and laying charges.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Solicitor


Management: 5.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 46.0 FTE Total: 55.0 FTE

Building Enforcement Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 6.8 FTE Total: 7.8 FTE

Bylaw Enforcement Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 13.0 FTE Total: 14.0 FTE

Legislated Building Permits Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 26.2 FTE Total: 33.2 FTE

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Building Enforcement Position Description Mgr, Inspections Inspector Sec. to Mgr. Inspections Communications Clerk Receptionist/Complaints Clerk Sub-Total Bylaw Enforcement Mgr of By-Law Enforcement Supv, Compliance & Enforcement By-Law Enforcement Officer By-Law Enforcement Clerk Sub-Total Legislated Building Permits Chief Building Official Mgr, Perm Serv & Dep Build Off Mgr, Inspections Senior Engineer/Plan Examiner Engineer Plan Examiner Inspector Plan Examiner Customer Serv. Representative Administrative Assistant Sec. to Mgr. Inspections Financial Records Clerk Communications Clerk Receptionist/Complaints Clerk Cashier Document Clerk Customer Service Clerk Data Entry/Microfilm Clerk Sub-Total Total Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Management Management Local 543 Local 543 Position Profile Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 5.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 8.1 1.0 1.0 12.0 1.0 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 13.6 2.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 36.9 60.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 5.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 8.1 1.0 0.0 12.0 1.0 14.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 12.6 2.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 34.9 57.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 5.1 1.0 0.2 0.5 7.8 1.0 0.0 12.0 1.0 14.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 11.9 2.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 33.2 55.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Building Enforcement Bylaw Enforcement Legislated Building Permits Total Revenue Expenditures Building Enforcement Bylaw Enforcement Legislated Building Permits Total Expenses Net Building Enforcement Bylaw Enforcement Legislated Building Permits Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 701,653 1,216,537 (318,502) 1,599,688 588,918 1,279,621 (266,733) 1,601,806 654,150 1,168,208 11,738 1,834,096 425,781 897,851 365,102 1,688,734 667,783 1,258,923 219,679 2,146,385 565,499 1,258,923 193,587 2,018,009 (102,284) 0 (26,092) (128,376) (15.3%) 0.0% (11.9%) (6.0%) 723,378 1,252,716 3,705,905 5,681,999 654,501 1,308,054 3,718,810 5,681,365 755,251 1,242,658 3,327,831 5,325,740 473,076 922,716 2,380,423 3,776,215 760,533 1,296,923 3,827,391 5,884,847 721,481 1,296,923 3,758,468 5,776,872 (39,052) 0 (68,923) (107,975) (5.1%) 0.0% (1.8%) (1.8%) (21,725) (36,179) (4,024,407) (4,082,311) (65,583) (28,433) (3,985,543) (4,079,559) (101,101) (74,450) (3,316,093) (3,491,644) (47,295) (24,865) (2,015,321) (2,087,481) (92,750) (38,000) (3,607,712) (3,738,462) (155,982) (38,000) (3,564,881) (3,758,863) (63,232) 0 42,831 (20,401) (100.0%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfer From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 452,401 5,968 20,204 38,118 507,294 4,627,149 12,440 10,174 8,251 5,681,999 1,599,688 23,738 (961) 55,866 50,690 486,724 4,528,362 (4) 526,500 10,450 5,681,365 1,601,806 33,264 38,920 15,709 31,716 519,437 4,506,907 0 172,680 7,107 5,325,740 1,834,096 46,891 9,923 10,776 14,205 289,364 3,303,778 0 92,174 9,104 3,776,215 1,688,734 566,053 9,008 20,944 43,638 466,519 4,645,487 0 124,093 9,105 5,884,847 2,146,385 566,053 9,008 20,944 42,438 460,239 4,544,992 0 124,093 9,105 5,776,872 2,018,009 0 0 0 (1,200) (6,280) (100,495) 0 0 0 (107,975) (128,376) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (2.7%) (1.3%) (2.2%) n/a n/a 0.0% (1.8%) (6.0%) (66,113) (466,289) 0 (1,753,995) (1,795,914) (4,082,311) (78,531) (6,665) 0 (1,412,107) (2,582,256) (4,079,559) (175,101) (21,263) (14,300) (671,510) (2,609,470) (3,491,644) (46,973) (22,645) 0 (575,684) (1,442,179) (2,087,481) (77,000) (542,313) 0 (720,299) (2,398,850) (3,738,462) (77,000) (605,545) 0 (677,468) (2,398,850) (3,758,863) 0 (63,232) 0 42,831 0 (20,401) 0.0% (11.7%) n/a 5.9% 0.0% (0.5%)

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (77,000) (605,545) (677,468) (2,398,850) (3,758,863) 2.0% 16.1% 18.0% 63.8% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 63.8%

Other Miscellaneous Revenue 2.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 16.1%

Transfer From Other Funds 18.0%

Expenditures 201 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 566,053 9,008 20,944 42,438 460,239 4,544,992 124,093 9,105 5,776,872 9.8% 0.2% 0.4% 0.7% 8.0% 78.7% 2.1% 0.2% 100.0%

Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds 2.1%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 0.2%

Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & 0.2% 9.8% Maintenance Supplies 0.4% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.7%
Purchased Services 8.0%

Salaries & Benefits 78.7%

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

E. Budget Issue Summary
Issue Detail Page No. * n/a 51 52 53 55 IC 56 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Proposed Installation of Fleet Tracking Technology (GPS) in Building Inspector Vehicles Increase Fee for Inspections for Zoning Order Closures to $225 Eliminate One Currently Vacant Building Inspector Position Adjustment to Building Department Costs Apportioned to the Tax Levy In-Camera Item *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy (18,227) 0 (1) (12,006) (18,039) (63,231) (16,872) (128,376)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

2014-0058 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0264 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0015 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0221 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0016 K- Service Reduction n/a Interdepartmental

6,500 (67,370) 18,039 (147,512)


* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).

Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To safely provide prevention and emergency response services for the protection of lives, property and the environment with a helping customer service philosophy. Our motto is Our Family Helping Yours. Description Windsor Fire and Rescue Service is a full time fire department employing 290 personnel consisting of a Fire Prevention Division, Training Division, Apparatus Division, Administration Division, Emergency Communications Division and a Fire Rescue Division comprised of 8 Fire stations. Annually the department responds to approximately 7000 calls for assistance. In addition to emergency services such as Fire suppression, Auto Extrication, Hazardous Materials response and Emergency Medical response, the department also provides inspection services, fire investigation services, public education and fire safety programs. The department is also responsible for the Community Emergency Management Program. To minimize loss of life, injuries, property loss and impact to the environment associated with fire, a three pronged approach consisting of Fire Safety Education, Fire Prevention Programs and Emergency response is utilized.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Solicitor

Fire & Rescue

Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE WFA: 285.0 FTE Total: 290.0 FTE

Fire Apparatus WFA: 6.0 FTE

Fire Communications WFA: 12.0 FTE

Fire Prevention WFA: 13.0

Fire Rescue Unit WFA: 248.0 FTE

Fire Support Services Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE WFA: 3.0 FTE Total: 8.0 FTE

Fire Training WFA: 3.0 FTE

Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 WFA WFA WFA WFA 1.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 12.0 WFA WFA WFA WFA WFA 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 WFA WFA WFA WFA- Firefighters WFA 1.0 7.0 42.0 196.0 2.0 248.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 12.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 1.0 7.0 42.0 196.0 2.0 248.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 12.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 1.0 7.0 42.0 196.0 2.0 248.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Fire Apparatus

Dir. Emergency App./Equipment Lead Emergency Equipment Tech Emergency Equipment Technician General Clerk Sub-Total


Fire Communications

Senior Electronics Technician Emergency Communications Coord Electronics Technician Emergency Communications Oper. Sub-Total

Fire Prevention

Chief Fire Prevention Officer Ast Chief Fire Preventn Officr Fire Prevention Officer Public Education Officer Fire Prevention Clerk Sub-Total

Fire Rescue Unit

Asst. Chief - Fire Rescue District Chief - Firefighting Captain - Fire Rescue Firefighter Fire & Rescue Clerk Sub-Total

Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 WFA WFA 1.0 2.0 3.0 289.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 289.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 290.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Fire Support Services

Fire Chief Deputy Fire Chief Emergency Planning - Assistant Deputy Chief Administrative Assistant Computer Support Analyst General/Financial Clerk Emergency Planning Clerk Sub-Total

Management Management Non-Union Non-Union WFA WFA WFA

Fire Training

Chief Training Officer Training Officer Sub-Total


Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2013 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Fire Apparatus Fire Communications Fire Prevention Fire Rescue Unit Fire Support Services Fire Training Total Revenue Expenditures Fire Apparatus Fire Communications Fire Prevention Fire Rescue Unit Fire Support Services Fire Training Total Expenses Net Fire Apparatus Fire Communications Fire Prevention Fire Rescue Unit Fire Support Services Fire Training Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(180,089) (177,058) (261,073) (745,271) (546) (84) (1,364,121)

(113,608) (201,847) (295,354) (496,855) (247) (8,787) (1,116,698)

(88,234) (211,374) (194,344) (436,338) (21,064) (6,296) (957,650)

(54,262) (83,314) (114,990) (183,768) (29,005) (1,430) (466,769)

(93,000) (194,000) (166,285) (153,000) (35,000) 0 (641,285)

(93,000) (194,000) (266,685) (203,196) (35,000) 0 (791,881)

0 0 (100,400) (50,196) 0 0 (150,596)

0.0% 0.0% 60.4% 32.8% n/a n/a 23.5%

992,402 1,379,143 1,504,287 29,881,051 578,512 535,252 34,870,647

1,044,751 1,292,333 1,482,441 29,562,386 846,863 636,579 34,865,353

1,001,358 1,378,812 1,437,605 29,405,320 867,008 460,502 34,550,605

608,821 999,761 1,190,048 23,268,717 675,500 321,222 27,064,069

1,011,601 1,351,063 1,640,715 30,230,242 1,079,587 461,895 35,775,103

1,004,836 1,345,084 1,604,000 30,214,456 1,074,252 475,262 35,717,890

(6,765) (5,979) (36,715) (15,786) (5,335) 13,367 (57,213)

(0.7%) (0.4%) (2.2%) (0.1%) (0.5%) 2.9% (0.2%)

812,313 1,202,085 1,243,214 29,135,780 577,966 535,168 33,506,526

931,143 1,090,486 1,187,087 29,065,531 846,616 627,792 33,748,655

913,124 1,167,438 1,243,261 28,968,982 845,944 454,206 33,592,955

554,559 916,447 1,075,058 23,084,949 646,495 319,792 26,597,300

918,601 1,157,063 1,474,430 30,077,242 1,044,587 461,895 35,133,818

911,836 1,151,084 1,337,315 30,011,260 1,039,252 475,262 34,926,009

(6,765) (5,979) (137,115) (65,982) (5,335) 13,367 (207,809)

(0.7%) (0.5%) (9.3%) (0.2%) (0.5%) 2.9% (0.6%)


Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 359,689 421,451 79,537 556,875 30,799,148 0 0 2,333,734 320,214 34,870,648 33,506,526 481,153 454,294 49,295 553,005 30,766,663 0 153 2,217,447 343,343 34,865,353 33,748,655 488,461 457,125 36,563 518,732 30,465,407 24,931 100 2,222,926 336,360 34,550,605 33,592,955 422,860 323,953 27,347 420,755 23,986,897 0 0 1,610,500 271,757 27,064,069 26,597,300 320,208 444,225 70,765 621,928 32,216,497 0 0 1,752,660 348,820 35,775,103 35,133,818 320,208 444,225 70,765 626,328 32,154,884 0 0 1,752,660 348,820 35,717,890 34,926,009 0 0 0 4,400 (61,613) 0 0 0 0 (57,213) (207,809) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% (0.2%) n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% (0.2%) (0.6%) (793,484) (2,968) (32,445) 0 (282,639) (252,586) (1,364,122) (400,359) (49,969) (58,922) 0 (312,602) (294,846) (1,116,698) (401,298) (12,251) (60,287) (220,457) (69,246) (194,111) (957,650) (188,944) (1,895) (49,028) (112,266) 0 (114,636) (466,769) (404,000) 0 (71,000) 0 0 (166,285) (641,285) (404,000) 0 (121,196) 0 0 (266,685) (791,881) 0 0 (50,196) 0 0 (100,400) (150,596) 0.0% n/a (70.7%) n/a n/a (60.4%) (23.5%)


Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (404,000) (121,196) 0 (266,685) (791,881) 51.0% 15.3% 0.0% 33.7% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 33.7% Grants & Subsidies 51.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 15.3%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 320,208 444,225 70,765 626,328 32,154,884 1,752,660 348,820 35,717,890 0.9% 1.2% 0.2% 1.8% 90.0% 4.9% 1.0% 100.0%

Minor Capital Utilities, 0.9% Insurance & Transfers to Taxes 1.0% Reserves & Capital Funds 4.9%

Operating & Other Maintenance Miscellaneous Supplies Expenditures 1.2% 0.2% Purchased Services 1.8%

Salaries & Benefits 90.0%


Office of the City Solicitor - Fire & Rescue

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase in Computer Maintenance & Pay-As-You-Go Fees Overtime Budget for Windsor Fire Training Division Increase in Hourly Fire Inspection Rate New User Fee: Firework Pyro Application & Review New User Fee: Special Events Application & Review New User Fee: Fire Safety Plan Review New User Fee: General Fire Protection Services - No Vehicle Required Increase in Fire SCBA Repair User Fee Increase in Central Dispatch Fees Increase in User Fee for Lawyer's Letters Addition of One Assistant Chief Position *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy (136,859) 4,400 12,000 (25,000) (5,000) (5,000) (62,500) (500) (1) (1) (2,400) 0 13,052 (207,809)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0073 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0079 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0160 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0182 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0183 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0184 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0185 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0186 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0189 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0191 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0295 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental


* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To provide cost-effective, responsive, innovative and high-quality legal, real property, purchasing and risk management services to the City of Windsor and its business partners. Description The Legal Department of the City of Windsor is composed of three divisions, namely Legal Services, Real Estate Services and Purchasing and Risk Management. The Legal Services Division is responsible for providing legal advice to City Council and Administration, for litigation on behalf of the City in all levels of court and administrative tribunals, for City real estate transactions, for negotiation and preparation of contracts and commercial documents and for providing training to City staff on legal topics such as the Municipal Act, 2001 and labour relations. The Real Estate Services Division handles the buying, selling and leasing of City property, including lease administration. The Purchasing and Risk Management Division handles the Citys procurements, through Purchase Orders, Tenders and Requests for Proposals, maintains the Purchasing By-law, does City claims adjusting and maintains the Citys insurance portfolio, responds in the first instance to all damage claims, manages insurance litigation, educates and provides risk management and insurance advice and support, and addresses subrogated claims.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Solicitor

Legal (Administration)
Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Total: 2.0 FTE

Snr Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 5.0 FTE Non-Union: 14.0 FTE Local 543: 8.0 FTE Total: 28.0 FTE

Legal Services Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 7.0 FTE Total: 8.0 FTE

Real Estate Services Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Purchasing & Risk Management Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 8.0 FTE Total: 15.0 FTE


Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 Management Non-Union Non-Union 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 27.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 28.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 28.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Legal Administration

City Solicitor Executive Administrative Assistant Sub-Total

Senior Management Non-Union

Legal Services

Deputy City Solicitor - Legal Services Senior Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Legal Assistant Legal Assist. RealEstate/Corp Sub-Total

Purchasing & Risk Management

Deputy City Solicitor/Mgr, Purchasing/Risk Mgmt Supv, Risk Management Supv, Purchasing Legal Counsel Claims Administrator Legal Assistant-Litigation Senior Buyer Insurance & Risk Analyst Buyer Clerk Expeditor Risk Management Clerk Sub-Total

Real Estate Services

Manager of Real Estate Services Coordinator of Real Estate Services Lease Administrator Sub-Total



Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Legal Services Property Purchasing & Risk Management Total Revenue Expenditures Legal Services Property Purchasing & Risk Management Total Expenses Net Legal Services Property Purchasing & Risk Management Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(1,137,464) (1,138,058) (2,316,514) (4,592,036)

(1,823,256) (1,031,000) (2,813,025) (5,667,281)

(461,266) (973,257) (2,230,449) (3,664,972)

(346,184) (2,464,406) (742,658) (3,553,248)

(328,317) (821,643) (2,488,163) (3,638,123)

(300,253) (821,643) (2,523,410) (3,645,306)

28,064 0 (35,247) (7,183)

0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.2%

3,084,892 1,723,858 4,580,602 9,389,352

3,604,582 1,850,463 5,333,604 10,788,649

2,683,668 1,668,811 6,998,619 11,351,098

1,532,153 5,695,192 1,216,981 8,444,326

2,127,342 1,476,886 6,866,550 10,470,778

2,152,881 1,302,785 6,854,670 10,310,336

25,539 (174,101) (11,880) (160,442)

1.2% (11.8%) (0.2%) (1.5%)

1,947,428 585,800 2,264,088 4,797,316

1,781,326 819,463 2,520,579 5,121,368

2,222,402 695,554 4,768,170 7,686,126

1,185,969 3,230,786 474,323 4,891,078

1,799,025 655,243 4,378,387 6,832,655

1,852,628 481,142 4,331,260 6,665,030

53,603 (174,101) (47,127) (167,625)

3.0% (26.6%) (1.1%) (2.5%)


Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 1,072 263,014 21,506 55,401 2,835,671 2,522,322 0 139,565 3,550,800 9,389,351 4,797,316 968 160,264 23,954 31,692 3,393,481 2,634,459 0 208,664 4,335,167 10,788,649 5,121,368 727 118,163 12,937 38,472 2,249,540 2,823,218 0 1,576,394 4,531,647 11,351,098 7,686,126 691 42,981 7,250 31,886 1,368,700 2,149,401 (1,846) 399,057 4,446,206 8,444,326 4,891,078 652 17,002 13,375 41,845 1,791,733 3,114,003 0 399,057 5,093,111 10,470,778 6,832,655 652 11,974 13,375 48,135 1,613,532 3,130,500 0 399,057 5,093,111 10,310,336 6,665,030 0 (5,028) 0 6,290 (178,201) 16,497 0 0 0 (160,442) (167,625) 0.0% (29.6%) 0.0% 15.0% (9.9%) 0.5% #DIV/0! n/a 0.0% (1.5%) (2.5%) (12,759) (454,411) (1,010,860) (3,114,005) (4,592,035) (76,171) (339,732) (2,312,738) (2,938,640) (5,667,281) (14,530) (343,660) (365,928) (2,940,854) (3,664,972) (17,462) (404,787) (5,475) (3,125,524) (3,553,248) 0 (214,454) 0 (3,423,669) (3,638,123) 0 (249,701) 0 (3,395,605) (3,645,306) 0 (35,247) 0 28,064 (7,183) n/a (16.4%) n/a 0.8% (0.2%)


Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Recovery of Expenditures User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (249,701) (3,395,605) (3,645,306) 6.8% 93.2% 100.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 6.8%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 93.2%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 652 11,974 13,375 48,135 1,613,532 3,130,500 399,057 5,093,111 10,310,336 0.01% 0.1% 0.1% 0.5% 15.6% 30.4% 3.9% 49.4% 100.0%

Minor Capital 0.1% Financial Expenses 0.01%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 0.1%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.5% Purchased Services 15.6%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 49.4%

Salaries & Benefits 30.4% Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds 3.9%


Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 IC 75 76 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Annual Insurance Premium Inflationary Change LawPro Insurance - Quarterly Levies Decrease in Legal Department User Fees Reduction of Canderal Lease Expense Budget Reduction in Computer Software Budget Reduction in Computer (PC) Budget Adjust Recovery for Claims Administrator In-Camera Item Addition of Articling Student *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy (40,503) 257,905 4,790 28,064 (171,701) (2,400) (7,628) (35,247) (5,260) 50,000 (245,645) (167,625)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0005 C - Contractual 2014-0063 C - Contractual 2014-0285 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0068 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0069 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0087 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0070 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0066 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0067 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental





* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To advance and guide the future growth of Windsor as a vibrant and sustainable city. The Planning Department is a strategic service to the Corporation, Council, and the community, which administers the two primary policy documents used for guiding Windsors future as a sustainable community: the Community Strategic Plan and the City of Windsor Official Plan. The Departments general legislative mandate is to advise City Council on all matters pertaining to municipal planning affecting property as set out in the Ontario Planning Act and the Ontario Heritage Act, taking into account other applicable legislation affecting municipal undertakings such as the oversight of Business Improvement Areas consistent with the Municipal Act. The Department is divided into three primary service units with one of them being Planning Policy which is responsible for long-range planning and policy development for the City, and is specifically charged with managing land use change and promoting efficient and effective development patterns, and delivery of local economic development initiatives. Description Another service unit is Urban Design with a portfolio that includes protecting and promoting the civic image of our community through site paln control, improvement planning, establishing and monitoring the performance of design guidelines and community improvementt initiatives and maintaining the City Centre (downtown) revitalization initiatives.. Lastly there is the Development Applications service unit which formulates recommendations on all development/planning applications including: land re-zonings, subdivisions, condominiums, Official Plan Amendments, part lot control, removal of holding prefix, site plan control, street and alley, street naming and numbering, minor variances, consents, validation of title, street/alley closings, zoning reviews, amendments to sign bylaw. The Department also leads the administration of the following Committees: Planning and Economic Standing Committee, Site Plan Control Committee, Committee of Adjustment, Street & Alley Technical Advisory Committee and Windsor Business Improvement Association Advisory Committee.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Solicitor


Management: 4.0 FTE Non-Union: 15.0 FTE Local 543: 11.0 FTE Total: 30.0 FTE

Development Application & Committee Team Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 Local 543: 8.0 FTE Total: 13.0 FTE

Planning Administration Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 11.0 FTE Local 543: 2.0 FTE Total: 16.0 FTE

Planning Advisory Committee Local 543: 1.0 FTE


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Development Application & Committee Team Position Description Mgr, Development Applications Planner III - Zoning PlannerIII - Subdivisions PlannerII- Development Review PlannerII-Research & Gen. Dev. Sec/Treasurer Comm of Adj. Zoning Coordinator Development Planning Tech Secretary to Mgr, Development Comm. of Adjustment Clerk Clerk Steno Senior Clerk-Steno (Planning) Sub-Total Planning Administration City Planner Mgr, Planning Policy Mgr, Urban Design PlannerIII -Heritage Planner III - Economic Develop PlannerIII-Site Plan Appr. Off Planner III - Special Projects PlannerII-Official PlanMonitor PlannerII-Resrch&PolicySupport Planner II- OPR, P&SS, LI Landscape Architect Planner II - Urban Design Planner II-Res & DesignSupport Local Economic Dev Coordinator Administrative Assistant Planning Technician Sub-Total Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Position Profile Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 17.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 17.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 16.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Planning Advisory Committee Total Position Description Street & Alley Legal Clerk Sub-Total Position Profile Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 32.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 31.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 30.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Development Apllication & Committee Team Planning Administration Planning Advisory Committee Total Revenue Expenditures Development Apllication & Committee Team Planning Administration Planning Advisory Committee Total Expenses Net Development Apllication & Committee Team Planning Administration Planning Advisory Committee Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(316,533) (2,406) (38,478) (357,417)

(477,298) (4,952) (44,462) (526,712)

(393,807) (4,797) (30,011) (428,615)

(249,191) (4,686) (63,533) (317,410)

(496,374) (500) (56,000) (552,874)

(496,374) (500) (56,000) (552,874)

0 0 0 0

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

1,289,516 1,394,369 165,520 2,849,405

1,317,616 1,536,634 99,987 2,954,237

1,162,669 1,897,930 80,954 3,141,553

876,429 1,378,027 17,048 2,271,504

1,196,721 1,963,223 129,199 3,289,143

1,198,103 1,976,652 129,199 3,303,954

1,382 13,429 0 14,811

0.1% 0.7% 0.0% 0.5%

972,983 1,391,963 127,042 2,491,988

840,318 1,531,682 55,525 2,427,525

768,862 1,893,133 50,943 2,712,938

627,238 1,373,341 (46,485) 1,954,094

700,347 1,962,723 73,199 2,736,269

701,729 1,976,152 73,199 2,751,080

1,382 13,429 0 14,811

0.2% 0.7% 0.0% 0.5%


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 4,014 38,112 11,765 24,936 111,838 2,590,109 55,200 13,431 2,849,405 2,491,988 9,230 21,209 14,547 29,060 129,229 2,684,237 55,200 11,525 2,954,237 2,427,525 11,088 11,575 17,719 24,688 163,905 2,846,532 55,200 10,846 3,141,553 2,712,938 7,060 4,756 16,979 10,279 54,687 2,107,657 55,200 14,886 2,271,504 1,954,094 9,000 19,204 22,632 50,275 178,616 2,939,330 55,200 14,886 3,289,143 2,736,269 9,000 19,204 22,632 50,275 178,616 2,954,141 55,200 14,886 3,303,954 2,751,080 0 0 0 0 0 14,811 0 0 14,811 14,811 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0 (23,136) (4,262) (330,019) (357,417) 0 (4,952) 0 (521,760) (526,712) (1,438) (3,809) 0 (423,368) (428,615) 0 (4,685) 0 (312,725) (317,410) 0 0 0 (552,874) (552,874) 0 0 0 (552,874) (552,874) 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0%


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts

Revenue 2014 Budget User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenues (552,874) (552,874) 100.0% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 100.0%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 9,000 19,204 22,632 50,275 178,616 2,954,141 55,200 14,886 3,303,954 0.3% 0.6% 0.7% 1.5% 5.4% 89.4% 1.7% 0.5% 100.0%

Financial Expenses Utilities, 0.3% Insurance & Taxes Transfers to 0.5% Reserves & Capital Funds 1.7%

Minor Capital Operating & 0.6% Maintenance Other Supplies 0.7% Miscellaneous Expenditures 1.5% Purchased Services 5.4%

Salaries & Benefits 89.4%


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

E. Budget Issue Summary
Issue Detail Page No. * n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 14,811 14,811

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.


Office of the City Engineer

Table of Contents
A. Overview... 1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division 4 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ........ 5 E. Budget Issue Summary 7

Parks & Facilities

A. Overview.... 8 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 9 C. Budget Summary by Division 12 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ....... 13 E. Budget Issue Summary 15

Public Works - Environmental

A. Overview... 16 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 17 C. Budget Summary by Division 20 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ........ 21 E. Budget Issue Summary 23

Public Works - Operations

A. Overview... 24 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 25 C. Budget Summary by Division 28 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ...... 30 E. Budget Issue Summary 32

Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To exceed the expectations of our customers and clients on a continual basis in providing service in the areas of engineering and corporate project administration, geographic information systems and related services, right of way permitting, and administration. Description The Engineering Department's responsibilities include overall project management for construction through estimating, budgeting, design, tendering and contract administration through both city staff and consulting engineering firms, infrastructure system analysis and studies, and the investigation of basement flooding, analysis and reporting of same. Is responsible for administration and management of new corporate building development projects and other non-building development projects of Corporate significance. Manages the Citys Geographic Information System and provides CAD and GIS support for the various City Departments and Divisions. Oversees engineering, design and construction of new developments, and administers by-laws and policies relevant to all works on the public right-of-way and issuance of permits for works in the public right-of-way. Is responsible for short and long-range transportation planning, involving such functions as collection and analysis of traffic data, traffic impact studies, and Environmental Assessment reports. Provides administrative and financial support internally as well as to the Operations Department.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Engineer

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 6.0 FTE Non-Union: 21.0 FTE Local 543: 27.0 FTE Total: 55.0 FTE

Development & Geomatics Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 10.0 FTE Local 543: 15.0 FTE Total: 28.0 FTE

Engineering Administration Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 8.0 FTE Total: 9.0 FTE

Infrastructure & Transportation Planning Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 9.0 Local 543: 4.0 FTE Total: 15.0 FTE

Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


City Engineer Executive Initiatives Coord. Executive AdministrativeAssist Sub-Total

Senior Management Non-Union Non-Union

Development & Geomatics

SM Development & Geomatics Mgr, Geomatics Supv, Drafting Project Administrator Engineer II Office Technologist GIS Administrator Technologist II Technologist I Development Technologist Property Analyst CAD Tech III/Special Projects GIS-CAD Technician Administrative Assistant CAD Technician II Right-of-Way Permit Clerk CAD Technician I Print Room Operator Data Research Clerk Development Clerk Sub-Total

Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 55.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 55.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 55.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Engineering Administration

Mgr, Administration Right-of-Way Permit Clerk Intermediate Accounting Clerk Clerk Senior Secretary Senior Senior Invoice Clerk Records Clerk Payroll Accounting Clerk Sub-Total

Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

Infrastructure & Transportation Planning

SM Infras&Trans Plan/Deputy CE Mgr, Transport Planning Engineer III Transportation Planning Eng Policy Analyst Engineer II Technologist I Engineer I Transportation Planner I Crossing Guard Coordinator Traffic Technician Transportation Technologist I Sub-Total


Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Development & Geomatics Engineering Administration Infrastructure & Transportation Planning Total Revenue Expenditures Development & Geomatics Engineering Administration Infrastructure & Transportation Planning Total Expenses Net Development & Geomatics Engineering Administration Infrastructure & Transportation Planning Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(1,819,539) (97,072) (1,053,847) (2,970,458)

(1,847,318) (109,723) (1,028,463) (2,985,504)

(1,869,394) (144,611) (1,030,937) (3,044,942)

(1,336,711) (5,646) (725,673) (2,068,030)

(1,756,278) (128,443) (710,279) (2,595,000)

(1,752,788) (130,892) (776,092) (2,659,772)

3,490 (2,449) (65,813) (64,772)

0.0% 1.9% 9.3% 2.5%

2,710,375 941,233 6,663,246 10,314,854

2,815,814 1,115,148 6,912,605 10,843,567

2,782,643 1,092,087 7,155,247 11,029,977

2,210,697 867,133 4,087,319 7,165,149

3,001,306 1,073,954 7,169,719 11,244,979

2,974,974 1,016,177 6,932,907 10,924,058

(26,332) (57,777) (236,812) (320,921)

(0.9%) (5.4%) (3.3%) (2.9%)

890,836 844,161 5,609,399 7,344,396

968,496 1,005,425 5,884,142 7,858,063

913,249 947,476 6,124,310 7,985,035

873,986 861,487 3,361,646 5,097,119

1,245,028 945,511 6,459,440 8,649,979

1,222,186 885,285 6,156,815 8,264,286

(22,842) (60,226) (302,625) (385,693)

(1.8%) (6.4%) (4.7%) (4.5%)

Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfer From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 6,826 292,718 27,559 28,928 423,763 5,165,893 0 0 32,009 4,337,159 10,314,855 7,344,396 6,146 306,512 32,115 27,636 407,959 5,336,578 419 0 28,265 4,697,937 10,843,567 7,858,063 5,837 243,835 20,244 28,339 199,561 5,313,872 8,852 651 200,000 5,008,787 11,029,978 7,985,035 8,778 220,254 19,104 26,019 89,241 4,192,112 295 0 0 2,609,346 7,165,149 5,097,119 6,150 387,207 29,326 33,521 218,803 5,492,046 0 0 0 5,077,926 11,244,979 8,649,979 6,150 281,641 29,326 33,521 222,803 5,518,491 0 0 0 4,832,126 10,924,058 8,264,286 0 (105,566) 0 0 4,000 26,445 0 0 0 (245,800) (320,921) (385,693) 0.0% (27.3%) 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.5% n/a n/a n/a (4.8%) (2.9%) (4.5%) (118,979) (2,303,301) 0 (95,206) (452,973) (2,970,459) (79,069) (2,359,827) 0 (118,743) (427,865) (2,985,504) (45,051) (2,405,401) (14,000) (89,176) (491,315) (3,044,943) (35,825) (1,429,803) (200,000) 0 (402,402) (2,068,030) (138,304) (2,034,512) 0 0 (422,184) (2,595,000) (155,804) (2,026,816) 0 0 (477,152) (2,659,772) (17,500) 7,696 0 0 (54,968) (64,772) (12.7%) 0.4% n/a n/a (13.0%) (2.5%)

Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (155,804) (2,026,816) (477,152) (2,659,772) 5.9% 76.2% 17.9% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 17.9%

Other Miscellaneous Revenue 5.9%

Recovery of Expenditures 76.2%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 6,150 281,641 29,326 33,521 222,803 5,518,491 4,832,126 10,924,058 0.1% 2.6% 0.3% 0.3% 2.0% 50.5% 44.2% 100.0%

FinancialMinor Capital Expenses 2.6% 0.1%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 0.3%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.3% Purchased Services 2.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 44.2%

Salaries & Benefits 50.5%

Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 IC 86 88 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase in Computer Costs & Software Licence Subscriptions Development - Revenue Increase due to Municipal Access Agreements Increase in Work Authorization Recoveries for Engineering Transfer of Review - Ministry of Environment Sewer Replacement & Repairs - Reduction in Construction Costs Development - Revenue Increase Due to Increase in PW Permits Issued Increase in Work Authorization Recoveries for Office of the City Engineer and PW Admin Support Geomatics - Increase to GIS User Fees Revenue Budget Streetlighting - LED Conversion In-Camera Item Development Technologist I *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 26,030 20,800 (17,500) (113,300) (3,800) 0 (26,168) (1,370) (25,000) (245,800) (46,086) 46,414 87 (385,693)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0111 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0114 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0138 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0139 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0157 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0115 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0267 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0272 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0109 J - Alternative Service Delivery 2014-0142 L - Service Elimination 2014-0167 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental

(122,366) 1,370



* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).

Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

A. Departmental Overview
Mission The Parks & Facility Operations Department is committed to the development and protection of our parks, natural areas and greenspaces for present and future generations of Windsor residents & visitors. We are committed to showcasing our citys appearance to the highest standards possible. To ensure our parks and facility systems are safe, clean and accessible to all. To provide effective, efficient and responsive caretaking, maintenance and minor project administration services to all our internal and external clients in compliance with all legislated codes and bylaws within all our corporate facilities. Description Parks is responsible for designing, creating and maintaining: 215 Parks which consist of 3,000 acres of parkland, 187 playground units, 100 km of trails, 100 baseball diamonds, 45 soccer fields, 44 tennis courts, 13 lighted stadiums, 4 municipal nurseries, 3 football/rugby fields, 2 cricket pitches, and 1 natural beach. Parks also maintains 60 parking lots, 300 acres of green space in 400 locations of vacant lots (private and City), and 320 acres of green space along E.C. Row Expressway. As well as manages the automatic irrigation system of our sport fields and gardens and provides support to the multitude of special events in the City and manages the extensive fleet of specialized equipment. Within Parks, Forestry and Horticulture is responsible for the care and maintenance of the urban forest with 60,000 trees on streets and an additional 35,000 trees in parks and public spaces. This area also cares for the gardens in all parks and public spaces and manages the natural areas including Ojibway Prairie Complex, Peche Island and Spring Garden ANSI.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Engineer

Parks & Facilities

Management: 22.0 FTE Non-Union: 8.0 FTE Local 543: 42.7 FTE * Local 82: 80.3 FTE Total: 153.0 FTE * FTE calculation is based on the hourly budget.

Facility Operations Management: 7.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 40.7 FTE Local 82: 6.8 FTE Total: 56.5 FTE

Forestry Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 82: 7.0 FTE Total: 11.0 FTE

Horticulture Management: 2.0 FTE Local 82: 10.0 FTE Total: 12.0 FTE

Naturalized Environments Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 1.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Parks Development Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 3.0 FTE Local 543: 1.0 FTE Total: 5.0 FTE

Parks Operations Management: 9.0 FTE Local 82: 56.5 FTE Total: 65.5 FTE

Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Facility Operations Position Description Mgr, Facilities Supervisor, Maintenance Contract & Special Projects Site Manager, Facilitator Site Facilitator Coordinator Technical Support Compliance Analyst Facility Operations/Asset Analyst Roof Technologist Chief Oper Eng/Maint Leader Operating Engineer 4th Class Maintenance Engineer Painter Brush Maintenance Engineer (Carpentry) Operations Clerk-City Faciliti Facility Person Caretaker Facilities Technician Caretaker/Pool Maintenance Operator Caretaker Community Centres Sub-Total Forestry Mgr, Forestry & Horticulture Supervisor Forestry Supervisor Parks - Forestry Parks Operations Asset Analyst Forestry II Sub-Total Management Management Management Non-Union Local 82 Position Profile Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.2 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 10.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 0.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.2 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 10.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 2.2 24.5 0.8 3.0 3.0 55.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 11.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Horticulture Position Description Supervisor Parks Supervisor Parks - General (Horticulture) Horticulturist III Sub-Total Naturalized Environments Naturalist Education & Outreach Coordinator Recreation Assistant Sub-Total Parks Development Mgr, Parks Development Landscape Architect Parks Technologist Draftsperson IV Sub-Total Parks Operations ExDir, Parks & Fac Oper Mgr, Parks Operations Supervisor Parks - General (District) Supervisor Parks - General Supv, Parks Mechanical Administrative Assistant Certified Automotive Service Technician Certified Electrician Certified Plumber Certified Carpenter Stone Mason Certified Painter Certified Refrigeration Operator Heavy Equipment Operator Rink Attendant "A" Full-Time One Man Packer Management Management Management Management Management Local 543 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 10 Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Position Profile Management Management Local 82 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 10.0 12.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 10.0 12.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 4.5 1.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 10.0 12.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 4.5 1.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Parksperson/Service Attendant Tractor/Operator Landscaper Sub-Total Total Position Profile Local 82 Local 82 2011 FTE (Approved) 13.3 12.7 68.0 143.7 2012 FTE (Approved) 13.3 12.7 66.5 145.2 2013 FTE (Approved) 13.3 12.7 66.5 153.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Facility Operations Forestry Horticulture Naturalized Environments Parks Development Parks Operations Total Revenue Expenditures Facility Operations Forestry Horticulture Naturalized Environments Parks Development Parks Operations Total Expenses Net Facility Operations Forestry Horticulture Naturalized Environments Parks Development Parks Operations Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(8,600,881) (14,912) (42,259) (29,777) (243,296) (1,189,905) (10,121,030)

(8,321,195) (23,432) (57,442) (72,205) (220,000) (1,393,846) (10,088,120)

(8,358,521) (91,474) (46,446) (109,785) (2,209) (1,114,055) (9,722,490)

(4,935,042) (102,626) (34,996) (83,387) (1,862) (636,780) (5,794,693)

(8,316,841) (4,700) (8,400) (109,999) (223,107) (555,069) (9,218,116)

(9,144,170) (4,700) (8,400) (109,999) (150,000) (555,069) (9,972,338)

(827,329) 0 0 0 73,107 0 (754,222)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (32.8%) 0.0% 8.2%

11,466,351 1,843,264 1,549,600 286,105 624,746 10,225,121 25,995,187

11,533,724 2,026,790 1,781,492 416,843 589,721 11,520,280 27,868,850

11,721,146 2,056,084 1,623,710 439,559 516,210 10,335,669 26,692,378

7,669,033 1,459,550 1,310,739 315,332 446,698 7,901,381 19,102,733

13,168,591 1,924,671 1,964,861 466,907 571,144 10,619,357 28,715,531

14,253,484 1,932,994 1,964,725 471,597 571,144 10,681,987 29,875,931

1,084,893 8,323 (136) 4,690 0 62,630 1,160,400

8.2% 0.4% (0.0%) 1.0% 0.0% 0.6% 4.0%

2,865,470 1,828,352 1,507,341 256,328 381,450 9,035,216 15,874,157

3,212,529 2,003,358 1,724,050 344,638 369,721 10,126,434 17,780,730

3,362,625 1,964,610 1,577,264 329,774 514,001 9,221,614 16,969,888

2,733,991 1,356,924 1,275,743 231,945 444,836 7,264,601 13,308,040

4,851,750 1,919,971 1,956,461 356,908 348,037 10,064,288 19,497,415

5,109,314 1,928,294 1,956,325 361,598 421,144 10,126,918 19,903,593

257,564 8,323 (136) 4,690 73,107 62,630 406,178

5.3% 0.4% (0.0%) 1.3% 21.0% 0.6% 2.1%


Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 0 2,905,986 2,648,199 30,899 3,445,023 12,928,999 81 1,496,643 2,539,359 25,995,189 15,874,157 0 3,327,417 2,499,677 24,727 4,194,795 13,482,724 429 1,498,174 2,840,907 27,868,850 17,780,730 0 3,086,554 2,398,060 26,855 3,583,871 13,300,888 569 1,527,384 2,768,199 26,692,380 16,969,888 19 1,621,608 1,038,626 15,963 2,502,824 11,186,106 0 553,400 2,184,187 19,102,733 13,308,040 300 2,356,573 2,263,861 56,833 4,146,490 14,934,644 0 1,527,385 3,429,445 28,715,531 19,497,415 300 2,552,927 2,362,647 57,333 4,166,270 15,728,625 0 1,572,385 3,435,444 29,875,931 19,903,593 0 196,354 98,786 500 19,780 793,981 0 45,000 5,999 1,160,400 406,178 0.0% 8.3% 4.4% 0.9% 0.5% 5.3% n/a 2.9% 0.2% 4.0% 2.1% (65,603) (66,189) (475) (189,940) (1,800,960) 0 (124,369) (7,906,187) (10,088,120) (9,248) 0 (5,985) (1,550,540) 0 (189,542) (7,967,177) (9,722,492) 0 0 (81,026) (756,153) 0 0 (4,957,514) (5,794,693) (15,000) 0 (5,000) (1,861,943) 0 0 (7,336,173) (9,218,116) (15,000) 0 (5,000) (1,573,859) 0 0 (8,378,479) (9,972,338) 0 0 0 288,084 0 0 (1,042,306) (754,222) 0.0% n/a 0.0% 15.5% n/a n/a (14.2%) (8.2%)

(8,638) (2,479,329) 0 (141,677) (7,425,785) (10,121,032)


Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (15,000) (5,000) (1,573,859) (8,378,479) (9,972,338) 0.2% 0.1% 15.8% 84.0% 100.0%

Other Grants & Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Subsidies Expenditures 0.1% 0.2% 15.8%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 84.0%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 300 2,552,927 2,362,647 57,333 4,166,270 15,728,625 1,572,385 3,435,444 29,875,931 0.0% 8.5% 7.9% 0.2% 13.9% 52.6% 5.3% 11.5% 100.0%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Transfers to 11.5% Reserves & Capital Funds 5.3%

Minor Capital Operating & 8.5% Maintenance Supplies 7.9% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.2%
Purchased Services 13.9%

Salaries & Benefits 52.6%


Office of the City Engineer - Parks & Facilities

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Sandwich Parkette Taxes Reduction in Recovery from Capital Budget Eliminate Recovery from Sewer Surcharge for Security Services at Crawford Yard Capitol Theatre Equipment Repairs (CR 186/2013) Reduction in Parks Fleet Alignment of Operational Recoveries for Major F A Tilston, V C Armoury and Police Training Centre Benefits of Owning Equipment VS Renting - Water Heaters Part Time (2) Operating Engineer's 4th Class at WFCU Establishment of Supervisor, Maintenance Contracts & Special Projects *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 30,249 6,000 73,107 214,977 5,000 (13,200) (3,077) (5,000) 55,584 92,144 (49,606) 406,178

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0213 C - Contractual 2014-0164 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0260 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0266 G - Line Item Increase 2014-0166 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0296 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0171 J - Alternative Service Delivery 2014-0150 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0257 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental



* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

A. Departmental Overview
Mission The overall mission of Environmental Services is to provide a sustainable, healthy environment through the efficient and cost-effective management of municipal solid waste, sanitation, and wastewater streams and by anticipating and responding to the changing environmental needs of the community. Description Solid Waste: The objective of the department is to provide cost effective, efficient and timely (as scheduled) waste management and street sanitation services that meet service levels determined by council and/or required by Provincial regulation, ensuring all services are provided to meet the needs and health concerns of our customers, so that the residents and tourists visiting our city are left with the image of a clean community. Wastewater: The objective of pollution control is to enhance public health and welfare through the efficient and cost-effective treatment of wastewater, pumping stations and storm water management ponds, while working in conjunction with industry and neighbouring communities (LaSalle & Tecumseh) to protect the environment while sustaining competitiveness. We must ensure legislative parameters are strictly adhered to, while balancing capital and operating expenditures to determine the future direction on environmental issues. Pollution Control is responsible for the operation, maintenance and planning of Windsors wastewater and storm water management systems and laboratory. This includes two sewage treatment plants, which service Tecumseh and LaSalles sewage in addition to Windsor, the retention treatment basin which treats combined sewer overflows, 43 pump stations, several storm water management lakes and ponds, industrial waste control and monitoring to ensure compliance with the sewer use bylaw, responding to odour complaints and spills to sewers or waterways and other environmental enforcement programs. Furthermore, the overseeing of the contract for bio-solids management, inspection and monitoring of Windsors closed landfills and ongoing environmental initiates such as climate change adaptation and the ongoing maintenance and development of the Environmental Master Plan.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Engineer

PW Environmental

Management: 15.0 FTE Non-Union: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 10.7 FTE * Local 82: 73.7 FTE Total: 103.4 FTE * FTE calculation is based on the hourly budget.

E.S. Common Products Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 1.0 FTE Local 82: 9.6 FTE Total: 12.6 FTE

E.S. Environmental Services Management: 1.5 FTE Local 82: 9.9 FTE Total: 11.4 FTE

E.S. Waste Management Management: 3.5 FTE Local 82: 10.2 FTE Total: 13.7 FTE

Electrical Management: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 1.0 FTE Local 82: 5.0 FTE Total: 8.0 FTE

Lab-Environmental Quality Division Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 6.0 FTE Total: 9.0 FTE

Little River Pollution Control Management: 1.2 FTE Non-Union: 0.4 FTE Local 82: 13.0 FTE Total: 14.6 FTE

Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Management: 2.7 FTE Non-Union: 1.5 FTE Local 543: 2.7 FTE Local 82: 21.0 FTE Total: 27.9 FTE

Pump Stations Management: 1.1 FTE Non-Union: 0.1 FTE Local 82: 5.0 FTE Total: 6.2 FTE


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division E.S. Common Products Position Description Mgr, Environmental Services Supv, Environmental Services Administrator, Waste Coll Cont Facility Operator Utility Attendant Waster Collection Operator General Duties II - Labourer Refuse Collector - 1 Man Packer Clerk Intermediate Sub-Total E.S. Environmental Services Supv, Environmental Services Facility Operator Waster Collection Operator Vacuum Street Sweeper Operator (GP) General Duties II - Labourer Sub-Total E.S. Waste Management Supv, Environmental Services Facility Operator Waster Collection Operator Front Loading Refuse Packer (Dumpster) Refuse Collector - 1 Man Packer Sub-Total Electrical Mgr, Process Eng & Maintenance Supv, Electrical Maintenance Instrument Electrical/Electronic Technologist (GP) Process Control Programmer Sub-Total Management Management Local 82 Local 543 Management Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Management Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Position Profile Management Management Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.6 2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 13.6 1.5 0.4 0.0 4.2 10.0 16.1 3.5 6.2 0.0 2.0 2.0 13.7 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 8.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.6 2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 12.6 1.5 0.4 0.0 4.2 9.3 15.4 3.5 6.2 0.0 2.0 2.0 13.7 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 8.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.6 2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 12.6 1.5 0.4 0.0 2.2 7.3 11.4 3.5 6.2 0.0 2.0 2.0 13.7 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 8.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Lab-Environmental Quality Division Position Description Mgr, Environmental Quality Supv, Environmental Quality Environmental Coordinator Environment & Sustainability Coordinator Environmental Technologist Sub-Total Little River Pollution Control SM, Pollution Control Mgr, Little River Poll Control Mechanical Process Engineer Pollution Control Mechanic Chief Wastewater Treatment Operator Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 3 - II) Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 2 - I) Caretaker - Yard Attendant Sub-Total Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant SM, Pollution Control Mgr, Lou Romano Water Reclama Supv, Mechanical Maintenance Pollution Control Project Eng Mechanical Process Engineer Pollution Control Mechanic Chief Wastewater Treatment Operator Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 4 - III or IV) Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 3 - II) Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 2 - I) Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 1 - OIT) Pollution Control Mechanic Trainee Caretaker - Yard Attendant Admin Asst to ED of Envir Serv Maintenance Clerk Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 543 Local 543 18 Management Management Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Position Profile Management Management Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 8.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 2.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 14.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 8.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 2.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 14.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 9.0 0.2 1.0 0.4 2.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 14.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Clerk Intermediate Sub-Total Pump Stations SM, Pollution Control Supervisor, Pump Station Mechanical Process Engineer Pollution Control Mechanic Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 4 - III or IV) Wastewater Treatment Operator (Step 3 - II) Sub-Total Total Management Management Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Position Profile Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 0.7 27.9 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 4.0 0.0 6.2 108.1 2012 FTE (Approved) 0.7 27.9 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 4.0 0.0 6.2 106.4 2013 FTE (Approved) 0.7 27.9 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 4.0 0.0 6.2 103.4 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

C. Budget Summary by Division
Division Revenues E.S. Common Products E.S. Environmental Services E.S. Waste Management Electrical Lab-Environmental Quality Division Little River Pollution Control Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Pump Stations Total Revenue Expenditures E.S. Common Products E.S. Environmental Services E.S. Waste Management Electrical Lab-Environmental Quality Division Little River Pollution Control Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Pump Stations Total Expenses Net E.S. Common Products E.S. Environmental Services E.S. Waste Management Electrical Lab-Environmental Quality Division Little River Pollution Control Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Pump Stations Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 2,705,025 869,271 9,084,981 0 148,210 (7,211) (16,833) 0 12,783,443 1,460,139 786,853 10,398,907 0 114,915 (28,708) (290,450) (72,250) 12,369,406 1,239,978 695,218 10,447,817 0 164,671 0 (40,232) (1) 12,507,451 1,147,093 242,881 7,312,788 0 216,828 0 0 0 8,919,590 1,255,491 642,024 10,502,742 0 221,353 0 0 0 12,621,610 1,341,768 762,019 10,654,206 0 220,486 (16,188) 21,879 1,869 12,986,039 86,277 119,995 151,464 0 (867) (16,188) 21,879 1,869 364,429 6.9% 18.7% 1.4% n/a (0.4%) n/a n/a n/a 2.9% 2,995,714 1,946,642 11,820,872 788,578 1,060,922 3,609,048 10,575,034 1,544,700 34,341,510 1,626,832 2,166,393 12,831,691 774,870 1,134,206 3,722,452 10,954,309 1,649,484 34,860,237 1,450,945 1,863,615 13,054,247 811,030 1,374,056 3,818,303 9,755,950 1,697,119 33,825,265 1,216,465 1,081,067 8,857,573 557,170 915,286 2,259,835 6,355,041 994,264 22,236,701 1,415,380 1,707,441 13,022,115 894,475 1,333,676 3,950,047 10,909,589 1,944,314 35,177,037 1,501,657 1,813,725 13,015,579 894,475 1,317,809 3,933,859 10,931,468 1,921,183 35,329,755 86,277 106,284 (6,536) 0 (15,867) (16,188) 21,879 (23,131) 152,718 6.1% 6.2% (0.1%) 0.0% (1.2%) (0.4%) 0.2% (1.2%) 0.4% (290,689) (1,077,371) (2,735,891) (788,578) (912,712) (3,616,259) (10,591,867) (1,544,700) (21,558,067) (166,693) (1,379,540) (2,432,784) (774,870) (1,019,291) (3,751,160) (11,244,759) (1,721,734) (22,490,831) (210,967) (1,168,397) (2,606,430) (811,030) (1,209,385) (3,818,303) (9,796,182) (1,697,120) (21,317,814) (69,372) (838,186) (1,544,785) (557,170) (698,458) (2,259,835) (6,355,041) (994,264) (13,317,111) (159,889) (1,065,417) (2,519,373) (894,475) (1,112,323) (3,950,047) (10,909,589) (1,944,314) (22,555,427) (159,889) (1,051,706) (2,361,373) (894,475) (1,097,323) (3,950,047) (10,909,589) (1,919,314) (22,343,716) 0 13,711 158,000 0 15,000 0 0 25,000 211,711 0.0% (1.3%) (6.3%) 0.0% (1.3%) 0.0% 0.0% (1.3%) (0.9%) 2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Reserve Funds Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 1,159,119 2,643,988 45,697 13,833,738 12,476,630 0 0 4,182,339 34,341,511 12,783,443 704,797 2,592,296 43,120 16,598,742 8,936,641 102 1,005,520 4,979,019 34,860,237 12,369,406 1,161,760 1,975,095 20,903 16,916,881 8,879,450 0 771,095 4,100,081 33,825,265 12,507,451 550,046 1,132,086 22,322 10,793,291 6,716,850 0 578,353 2,443,753 22,236,701 8,919,590 979,595 2,465,817 31,717 16,815,762 9,527,184 300 738,675 4,617,987 35,177,037 12,621,610 979,595 2,440,817 31,717 16,926,155 9,594,509 300 738,675 4,617,987 35,329,755 12,986,039 0 (25,000) 0 110,393 67,325 0 0 0 152,718 364,429 0.0% (1.0%) 0.0% 0.7% 0.7% 0.0% n/a 0.0% 0.4% 2.9% (2,478,637) (16,079,491) 0 (300,000) (2,658,730) (21,558,068) (214,260) (18,319,699) 0 0 (3,956,872) (22,490,831) (115,889) (18,414,787) 0 (80,000) (2,707,138) (21,317,814) (76,151) (11,262,547) (32,420) (217,580) (1,728,413) (13,317,111) (20,000) (19,873,981) 0 0 (2,661,446) (22,555,427) (20,000) (19,712,211) 0 0 (2,611,505) (22,343,716) (41,210) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161,770 0 0 49,941 211,711 n/a n/a 0.0% 0.8% n/a n/a 1.9% 0.9%


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (20,000) (19,712,211) (2,611,505) (22,343,716) 0.1% 88.2% 11.7% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 11.7%

Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0.1%

Recovery of Expenditures 88.2%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 979,595 2,440,817 31,717 16,926,155 9,594,509 300 738,675 4,617,987 35,329,755 2.8% 6.9% 0.1% 47.9% 27.2% 0.0% 2.1% 13.1% 100.0%

Transfers to Minor Capital Reserves & Utilities, 2.8% Capital Funds Insurance & 2.1% Taxes 13.1%

Operating & Maintenance Other Supplies Miscellaneous 6.9% Expenditures 0.1%

Salaries & Benefits 27.2%

Purchased Services 47.9%


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Environmental

E. Budget Issue Summary
* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 100 101 102 103 IC 105 106 107 108 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Budget Requirement for Landfill Tipping Fees Landfill Perpetual Care Maintenance Contracts Garbage & Yard Waste Maintenance Contracts Position Reclassification In-Camera Item Reduction in Chemicals Budget for Pump Stations Reduction in Maintenance Contracts for Laboratory Increase to sewage treatment revenue budget at Lou Romano Plant & Little River Plant *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 6,403 83,571 1 41,820 48,290 158,000 0 0 0 26,344 364,429

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0162 C - Contractual 2014-0163 C - Contractual 2014-0169 C - Contractual 2014-0259 C - Contractual 2014-0173 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0254 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0255 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0256 I - Revenue Increase n/a Interdepartmental

(13,771) (25,000) (15,000) (108,059)


* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on the public right-of-way in Windsor in a manner complimentary to existing and planned land development. To continually improve our service delivery to meet the needs of the citizens of the city for the care and maintenance of all municipal infrastructure and the environment. Description The Operations Department has the responsibility to maintain the municipal infrastructure located on the public right-of-way and provide services to the public such as road and sewer maintenance, construction inspection and quality control on projects, traffic signal and sign maintenance, winter control, fleet maintenance, infrastructure asset management, operation of the on and off street parking program, and parking enforcement. The above services include: - Maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of streets, sidewalks, bridges, sewers, drains, ditches, and all of their components including also winter control services to protect the health and safety and property of all users and residents. - Construction inspection, CCTV inspection, quality control, surveying services, and specifications development for capital construction projects. - Installation and maintenance of traffic signals, ATMS/ITS systems and components including video detection, incident management cameras and changeable message boards, flashers and other traffic control devices in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manuals. - Manufacture, installation and maintenance of regulatory, warning and information signage. Installation and maintenance of pavement markings including long lines (lane line, centre lines, local intersection pavement markings, crosswalks, arrows, railroad crossings and other markings in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manuals. - Acquisition, maintenance, repair, disposal and management of the corporate fleet and provision of services to outside agencies; materials management; fleet asset management; operation and maintenance of five (5) fuelling sites; and fleet safety compliance. - Infrastructure asset management (asset inventories, work order management, preventative maintenance and inspection programs), performance measurement, operational analysis/support, and special projects to improve service delivery and to support departmental and corporate objectives. - Operation of the municipal On/Off Street Parking Program through maintenance, repair, rehabilitation of off street parking garages and lots, maintenance of meters and the collection and deposit of revenues. - Enforcement of the Parking By-Law 9023 including the collection of fines and disposition of infractions through the courts

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Office of the City Engineer Management: 22.0 FTE Non-Union: 9.0 FTE Local 543: 64.0 FTE * Local 82: 52.6 FTE Total: 147.6 FTE * FTE calculation is based on the hourly budget.

Public Works Operations

Field Services Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 18.0 FTE Total: 21.0 FTE

Fleet Management Management: 3.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 2.0 FTE Local 82: 21.0 FTE Total: 27.0 FTE

On-Off Street Parking Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 13.0 FTE Total: 14.0 FTE

Parking Enforcement Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 4.0 FTE Total: 5.0 FTE

ROW Maintenance Management: 8.0 FTE Non-Union: 7.0 FTE Local 543: 2.0 FTE Local 82: 14.7 FTE Total: 31.7 FTE

Sewer Maintenance Management: 4.0 FTE Local 543: 1.0 FTE Local 82: 16.9 FTE Total: 21.9 FTE

Signals Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 9.0 FTE Total: 10.0 FTE

Signs & Markings Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 12.0 FTE Total: 13.0 FTE

Traffic Administration Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 3.0 FTE Total: 4.0 FTE


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 2.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 21.0 Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 543 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 12.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 28.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 1.0 3.0 11.0 15.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 2.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 21.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 12.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 28.0 1.0 2.0 11.0 14.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 2.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 21.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 12.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 27.0 1.0 2.0 11.0 14.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Field Services

Supv, Field Services Research Analyst/Coordinator Construction Inspector Quality Assurance Technician Administrative Inspector Survey Technologist Technical Aide Secretary - Field Services Sub-Total

Management Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

Fleet Management

Mgr, Fleet Supv, Fleet Spec. Writer & Driver Trainer Fleet Co-ordinator Certified Automotive Service Technician Certified Body Bump & Paint Truck/Trailer Technician/Welder/Fabricator Vehicle Maintainer Stockkeeper - Expediter (GP) Equipment Cost Analyst Clerk Sub-Total

On-Off Street Parking

Supv, On/Off Street Parking Parking Technician Parking Maintenance Staff Sub-Total


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 Management Management Management Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 82 Local 82 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 3.9 10.9 33.8 Management Management Local 543 Local 82 1.0 3.0 1.0 16.9 21.9 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 3.9 10.9 31.8 1.0 3.0 1.0 16.9 21.9 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 3.9 10.9 31.8 1.0 3.0 1.0 16.9 21.9 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Parking Enforcement

Sup, Compliance & Enforcement - Mobile Parking Violations Review Clk Parking Violations Cashier Sub-Total

Management Local 543 Local 543

ROW Maintenance

Executive Director, Operations Mgr, Contracts & Field Serv. Mgr, Technical Support Contracts Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor - Drainage Coordinator Coordinator, Maintenance Contracts Coordinator Coord, Technical Support Coord, IMS Operations/Asset Analyst Sec. to ExDir. of Operations Data Entry -Junior Clerk Winter Control Operator Road Maintainer Sub-Total

Sewer Maintenance

Mgr, Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor Clerk Dispatcher Sewer Maintainer Sub-Total


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 10.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 1.0 11.0 1.0 13.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 151.6 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 11.0 1.0 13.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 148.6 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 11.0 1.0 13.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 147.6 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Supv, Traffic Signals Signal Maint - Electrician II Signal Maintenance Staff Signal Systems Technician Sub-Total

Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

Signs & Markings

Supv, Signs & Markings Maintenance Staff Signwriter Sub-Total

Traffic Administration

Mgr, Traffic Operations Senior Sec-Parkg Permit Coord Senior Clerk Operations Data Technician Sub-Total



Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Field Services Fleet Management On-Off Street Parking Parking Enforcement Public Works General Liability ROW Maintenance Sewer Maintenance Signals Signs & Markings Technical Support Traffic Administration Winter Control Total Revenue Expenditures Field Services Fleet Management On-Off Street Parking Parking Enforcement Public Works General Liability ROW Maintenance Sewer Maintenance Signals Signs & Markings Technical Support Traffic Administration Winter Control Total Expenses

(1,048,638) (7,860,482) 0 (1,928,106) (43,337) (1,830,509) (4,693,123) (181,167) (362,816) 0 (8,622) (44,394) (18,001,194)

(1,244,524) (6,660,294) 0 (1,998,124) (43,337) (2,630,814) (3,726,402) (405,786) (350,433) 0 (6,493) (109,435) (17,175,642)

(1,343,245) (6,035,153) 0 (2,229,836) (43,337) (2,239,712) (4,144,614) (442,180) (475,977) 0 (54,920) (75,174) (17,084,148)

(746,459) (4,330,792) 0 (1,213,611) (43,337) (1,397,908) (2,154,608) (117,714) (272,562) 0 (41,501) (111,757) (10,430,249)

(1,565,414) (5,873,093) 0 (2,328,160) (43,337) (1,430,686) (4,139,694) (105,565) (216,241) 0 (112,901) 0 (15,815,091)

(1,844,044) (5,835,877) 0 (2,453,160) (43,337) (1,380,686) (4,153,036) (105,565) (216,241) (2,726) (153,150) 0 (16,187,822)

(278,630) 37,216 0 (125,000) 0 50,000 (13,342) 0 0 (2,726) (40,249) 0 (372,731)

17.8% (0.6%) n/a 5.4% 0.0% (3.5%) 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% n/a 35.6% n/a 2.4%

1,967,791 6,627,744 31,557 1,432,487 235,239 5,785,018 4,690,015 1,399,772 1,635,719 0 605,675 3,681,336 28,092,353

1,624,831 5,952,540 0 1,345,432 114,796 6,654,244 3,720,044 1,461,614 1,855,910 0 360,940 4,774,555 27,864,906

1,939,279 5,406,201 0 1,270,348 244,449 6,442,597 4,140,614 1,804,241 1,976,687 0 396,325 3,748,338 27,369,079

1,392,124 4,708,179 10,127 808,749 282,124 4,175,459 2,177,782 1,287,949 1,594,455 0 322,158 2,994,772 19,753,878

2,203,155 6,127,636 0 1,297,324 346,041 5,646,858 4,139,696 1,558,957 1,843,305 0 431,749 3,793,854 27,388,575

2,284,720 5,966,126 0 1,305,231 345,623 5,640,457 4,153,038 1,576,406 1,847,054 0 431,749 3,659,282 27,209,686

81,565 (161,510) 0 7,907 (418) (6,401) 13,342 17,449 3,749 0 0 (134,572) (44,317)

3.7% (2.6%) n/a 0.6% (0.1%) (0.1%) 0.3% 1.1% 0.2% n/a 0.0% (3.5%) (0.7%)


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Net Field Services Fleet Management On-Off Street Parking Parking Enforcement Public Works General Liability ROW Maintenance Sewer Maintenance Signals Signs & Markings Technical Support Traffic Administration Winter Control Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 919,153 (1,232,738) 31,557 (495,619) 191,902 3,954,509 (3,108) 1,218,605 1,272,903 0 597,053 3,636,942 10,091,159 380,307 (707,754) 0 (652,692) 71,459 4,023,430 (6,358) 1,055,828 1,505,477 0 354,447 4,665,120 10,689,264 596,034 (628,952) 0 (959,488) 201,112 4,202,885 (4,000) 1,362,061 1,500,710 0 341,405 3,673,164 10,284,931 645,665 377,387 10,127 (404,862) 238,787 2,777,551 23,174 1,170,235 1,321,893 0 280,657 2,883,015 9,323,629 637,741 254,543 0 (1,030,836) 302,704 4,216,172 2 1,453,392 1,627,064 0 318,848 3,793,854 11,573,484 440,676 130,249 0 (1,147,929) 302,286 4,259,771 2 1,470,841 1,630,813 (2,726) 278,599 3,659,282 11,021,864 (197,065) (124,294) 0 (117,093) (418) 43,599 0 17,449 3,749 (2,726) (40,249) (134,572) (551,620) (30.9%) (48.8%) n/a 11.4% (0.1%) 1.0% n/a 1.2% 0.2% n/a (12.6%) (3.5%) (4.8%)


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 0 2,279,155 2,044,287 17,069 8,075,844 13,350,473 37,537 1,286,778 1,001,210 28,092,353 10,091,159 (20) 2,369,961 1,959,214 15,304 9,021,894 12,205,751 51,965 1,249,670 991,167 27,864,906 10,689,264 262 2,301,824 1,826,619 16,783 8,506,379 12,335,044 48,904 1,478,617 854,647 27,369,079 10,284,931 (13) 1,677,315 1,326,842 16,431 5,217,821 9,113,238 37,438 1,572,377 792,429 19,753,878 9,323,629 0 2,049,414 1,827,783 20,991 8,233,878 12,637,707 60,000 1,572,377 986,425 27,388,575 11,573,484 0 2,074,837 1,827,783 26,211 8,079,832 12,743,835 60,000 1,410,763 986,425 27,209,686 11,021,864 0 25,423 0 5,220 (154,046) 106,128 0 (161,614) 0 (178,889) (551,620) n/a 1.2% 0.0% 24.9% (1.9%) 0.8% 0.0% (10.3%) 0.0% (0.7%) (4.8%) (1,459,468) (6,794,292) (1,100,361) (8,647,073) (18,001,194) (852,370) (7,804,384) (611,446) (7,907,442) (17,175,642) (429,037) (8,185,484) (538,745) (7,930,882) (17,084,148) 114,803 (4,163,549) (680,762) (5,700,741) (10,430,249) (283,913) (7,588,473) (597,165) (7,345,540) (15,815,091) (240,513) (7,654,355) (822,414) (7,470,540) (16,187,822) 43,400 (65,882) (225,249) (125,000) (372,731) 15.3% (0.9%) (37.7%) (1.7%) (2.4%)


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (240,513) (7,654,355) (822,414) (7,470,540) (16,187,822) 1.5% 47.3% 5.1% 46.1% 100.0%

Other Miscellaneous Revenue 1.5% User Fees, Permits & Charges 46.1% Recovery of Expenditures 47.3%

Transfers From Other Funds 5.1%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 2,074,837 1,827,783 26,211 8,079,832 12,743,835 60,000 1,410,763 986,425 27,209,686 7.6% 6.7% 0.1% 29.7% 46.8% 0.2% 5.2% 3.6% 100.0%

Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Transfers for 5.2% Social Services 0.2%

Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 3.6%

Minor Capital Operating & 7.6% Maintenance Supplies 6.7% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.1% Purchased Services 29.7%

Salaries & Benefits 46.8%


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

E. Budget Issue Summary
* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 109 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 n/a Municipal Levy 54,622 (4,762) 7,907 31,981 37,216 50,000 (166,553) (161,614) (40,249) (2,726) 0 0 (125,000) (1,287) (185,000) (13,342) (37,240) (6,005) (9,798) 20,230 (551,620) 0 (172,320) 103,098 0 13,342 37,240 (72,000) (140,569) 40,249 (3,874) 56,390 Building Permit Off-Street Parking Sewer Surcharge

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Ontario One Call Legislation Traffic Operations, Parking Enforcement Contract Increase (Tender 97-10) Supply of Highway Salt (Tender 50-07) & Brine (Tender 08-07) Fleet, Revenue Reduction - Fire & Rescue Maintenance, Revenue Reduction Reduction in Contract Costs for Winter Maintenance of Municipal Roads (As Approved by Council) Fleet, Annual Depreciation Traffic, Reallocate Senior Secretary - Parking Permit Coordinator Salary to On/Off Street Parking Technical Support, Revenue Increase for Internal Software Maintenance & Support Fees (Hansen SMA) On/Off Street Parking, Increase Monthly Revenues for Garage 2 (Pellissier) On/Off Street Parking, Eliminate 1st Hour Free Parking in Goyeau & Pellissier Street Garages Traffic, Increase Revenue for Fines in Parking Enforcement Contracts & Field Services, Field Staff Restructuring, MOA Contracts & Field Services, Recovery Revenue Increase for Contracts Staff Sewer Maintenance, Increase Sewer Surcharge Recovery Related to Salary & Wage Adjustments Contracts & Field Services, Sewer Surcharge Recovery Increases Technical Support, Conversion of Operations/Asset Analyst from Temporary to Permanent Maintenance, Conversion of Maintenance Supervisor - Drainage Coordinator from Temporary to Permanent *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

2014-0121 B - Legislated 2014-0105 C - Contractual 2014-0110 C - Contractual 2014-0053 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0113 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0108 C - Contractual 2014-0054 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0165 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0097 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0144 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0145 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0152 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0215 J - Alternative Service Delivery 2014-0112 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0187 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0214 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0086 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0122 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental


Office of the City Engineer - Public Works Operations

E. Budget Issue Summary
* Issue Detail Page No. Municipal Levy Building Permit Off-Street Parking Sewer Surcharge

Ref. #



* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Community Development & Health Office

Table of Contents
Community Development & Health Office
A. Overview... 1 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 2 C. Budget Summary by Division 3 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ...... 4 E. Budget Issue Summary 6

Employment & Social Services

A. Overview..... 7 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 8 C. Budget Summary by Division 10 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ....... 11 E. Budget Issue Summary 13

Housing & Children Services

A. Overview..... 14 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 15 C. Budget Summary by Division 18 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ...... 21 E. Budget Issue Summary 23

Huron Lodge
A. Overview.... 24 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 25 C. Budget Summary by Division 27 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ... 28 E. Budget Issue Summary 30

Recreation & Culture

A. Overview... 31 B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalents 32 C. Budget Summary by Division 35 D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense ....... 36 E. Budget Issue Summary 38

Community Development & Health Office

A. Departmental Overview
Mission To enhance the quality of life for citizens living in Windsor & Essex County. Description The Community Development and Health Office works closely with the Mayor and City Council to ensure Councils goals and objectives are achieved. This is realized by providing strategic leadership to the Corporation, managing the daily operations of service delivery and leading ongoing improvements toward greater efficiency in the program areas assigned to the Community Development and Health Commissioner-Corporate LeadSocial Development, Health, Recreation & Culture: Employment & Social Services, Housing & Childrens Services, Huron Lodge, Recreation & Culture.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Community Development & Health Office Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Total: 5.0 FTE

Community Development & Health Office

Snr. Management: 1.0 FTE

Community Development & Health Office Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Total: 4.0 FTE

Community Development & Health Office

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Community Development & Health Office

Commissioner Development & Health Manager Social Policy & Planning Mgr, Administration - Social & Health Serv Executive Initiatives Coord. Executive AdministrativeAssist Sub-Total

Senior Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union


Community Development & Health Office

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Community Development & Health Office Total Revenue Expenditures Community Development & Health Office Total Expenses Net Community Development & Health Office Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(465,055) (465,055)

(413,946) (413,946)

(484,844) (484,844)

(324,410) (324,410)

(567,348) (567,348)

(582,793) (582,793)

(15,445) (15,445)

0.0% 2.7%

581,000 581,000

517,002 517,002

589,936 589,936

509,925 509,925

660,188 660,188

673,028 673,028

12,840 12,840

1.9% 1.9%

115,945 115,945

103,056 103,056

105,092 105,092

185,515 185,515

92,840 92,840

90,235 90,235

(2,605) (2,605)

(2.8%) (2.8%)

Community Development & Health Office

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Recovery of Expenditures Total Revenue Expenditures Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 0 0 0 442 580,557 0 580,999 115,945 215 390 0 9,806 506,591 0 517,002 103,056 0 242 1,292 25,387 563,015 0 589,936 105,092 3,608 2,235 6,251 9,852 479,979 8,000 509,925 185,515 0 190 9,187 14,353 628,458 8,000 660,188 92,840 0 190 9,187 14,353 649,298 0 673,028 90,235 0 0 0 0 20,840 (8,000) 12,840 (2,605) n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% (100.0%) 1.9% (2.8%) (465,054) (465,054) (413,946) (413,946) (484,844) (484,844) (324,410) (324,410) (567,348) (567,348) (582,793) (582,793) (15,445) (15,445) (2.7%) (2.7%)

Community Development & Health Office

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Recovery of Expenditures Total Revenue (582,793) (582,793) 100.0% 100.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 100.0%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Total Expenses 190 9,187 14,353 649,298 0 673,028 0.0% 1.4% 2.1% 96.5% 0.0% 100.0%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 1.4%

Purchased Services 2.1%

Salaries & Benefits 96.5%

Community Development & Health Office

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 130

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage

Description ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase Revenue & Recoveries Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

Municipal Levy 20,840 (23,445) (2,605)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0019 I - Revenue Increase

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

A. Departmental Overview
Mission Enhancing Quality of Life We are committed to enhancing the quality of life of individuals and families in WindsorEssex County. We deliver or partner with community agencies to provide employment, financial and housing supports, and childrens services. Description Employment and Social Services is the mandated delivery agent for Windsor-Essex County for the Ontario Works (OW) program. OW Financial Assistance and Program Delivery Funding are provincially subsidised funding envelopes to administer and provide employment assistance and financial assistance to eligible participants.100% Municipal Discretionary Assistance may be provided to low income residents in financial need. Other Employment Services include the Employment Ontario program funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) and consist of focussed employment programs such as the Employment Services (ES) Program and Second Career. The Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) is funded by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to promote the settlement and integration of Immigrants in the Windsor Essex County.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Community Development & Health Office Management: 16.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.6 FTE Local 543: 199.0 FTE Total: 217.6 FTE

Employment & Social Services

Other Employment Services Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 21.0 FTE Total: 22.0 FTE

OW Program Delivery Management: 15.0 FTE Non-Union: 2.6 FTE Local 543: 178.0 FTE Total: 195.6 FTE

Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 0.0 0.0 Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 1.0 1.0 2.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 16.0 Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 15.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 16.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 15.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 4.0 22.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 15.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Local Immigration Partnership Project Assistant Sub-Total

Local 543

Other Employment Services

Supv, Employment Social Worker (BSW) Job Developer Caseworker Employment Services Resource Centre Greeter Clerk Junior (Team) Sub-Total

OW Program Delivery

EXDir. Employment & Social Ser Mgr Employment & Training Init Mgr Customer Service Mgr Policy & Staff Develop Mgr, Social Planning & Policy Supv, FSW/ERO Supv, Ontario Works Supv, Community Programming Supervisor of Administration Dental Expert Coord, Staff Development Coordinator, Social Planning Administrative Assistant Caseworker - Float Caseworker Discretionary Ben. Caseworker Employment Services Clerk Junior Clerk Junior (File) Clerk Junior (Fin) Clerk Junior (Switchboard)

Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 11.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 4.0 1.0 79.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 188.6 204.6 2012 FTE (Approved) 11.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 4.0 1.0 86.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 195.6 211.6 2013 FTE (Approved) 11.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 4.0 1.0 86.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 195.6 217.6 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Clerk Junior (Team) Clerk Steno Intermediate Coord, Policy & Procedure Data Analyst Eligibility Review Officer Family Support Worker Intake Service Representative Intermediate Clerk Intermediate Clerk Receptionist Intermediate Clerk-S/S Finance Intake Receptionist Job Developer Local SDMT Business Expert Ontario Works Caseworker Records & Supply Clerk Retroactive Budget Clerk Senior Clerk Control Social Worker (BSW) Staff Trainer Team Clerk (FSW) Sub-Total Total

Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Immigration ODSP Other Employment Services OW 100 Municipal OW Financial Assistance OW Program Delivery Total Revenue Expenditures Immigration ODSP Other Employment Services OW 100 Municipal OW Financial Assistance OW Program Delivery Total Expenses Net Immigration ODSP Other Employment Services OW 100 Municipal OW Financial Assistance OW Program Delivery Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 1 7,309,905 66,937 143,216 10,807,756 7,271,939 25,599,754 120 0 0 163,312 10,547,592 4,956,063 15,667,087 284 0 2,882 207,125 9,468,929 6,928,558 16,607,778 48,583 0 (212,761) 90,480 4,594,019 197,219 4,717,540 0 0 0 262,032 7,871,043 7,828,423 15,961,498 0 0 (31,435) 262,032 6,328,998 7,663,679 14,223,274 0 0 (31,435) 0 (1,542,045) (164,744) (1,738,224) n/a n/a #DIV/0! 0.0% (19.6%) (2.1%) (10.9%) 77,155 11,334,151 3,560,204 258,293 84,245,841 23,030,501 122,506,145 188,887 0 4,026,243 213,375 85,539,317 20,488,695 110,456,517 196,440 0 2,597,643 452,438 84,373,858 26,354,900 113,975,279 169,339 0 2,123,682 389,886 53,193,024 18,569,031 74,444,962 234,623 0 2,713,307 502,032 85,060,797 28,798,703 117,309,462 293,493 0 2,211,614 502,032 84,783,324 28,524,032 116,314,495 58,870 0 (501,693) 0 (277,473) (274,671) (994,967) 25.1% n/a (18.5%) 0.0% (0.3%) (1.0%) (0.8%) (77,154) (4,024,246) (3,493,267) (115,077) (73,438,085) (15,758,562) (96,906,391) (188,767) 0 (4,026,243) (50,063) (74,991,725) (15,532,632) (94,789,430) (196,156) 0 (2,594,761) (245,313) (74,904,929) (19,426,342) (97,367,501) (120,756) 0 (2,336,443) (299,406) (48,599,005) (18,371,812) (69,727,422) (234,623) 0 (2,713,307) (240,000) (77,189,754) (20,970,280) (101,347,964) (293,493) 0 (2,243,049) (240,000) (78,454,326) (20,860,353) (102,091,221) (58,870) 0 470,258 0 (1,264,572) 109,927 (743,257) 25.1% n/a (17.3%) 0.0% 1.6% (0.5%) 0.7%


Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 286 313,847 215,287 131,713 3,760,612 14,676,787 103,020,972 386,640 0 122,506,144 25,599,754 (1) 215,511 225,062 40,475 4,240,050 15,023,007 90,394,387 318,026 0 110,456,517 15,667,087 0 75,151 105,473 57,342 4,232,618 15,399,468 93,915,501 177,218 12,508 113,975,279 16,607,778 0 39,607 67,622 21,778 3,077,759 11,410,981 59,809,621 0 17,594 74,444,962 4,717,540 0 81,236 124,155 97,735 4,652,352 16,887,321 95,449,069 0 17,594 117,309,462 15,961,498 0 81,236 124,155 97,735 4,392,748 16,699,130 94,901,897 0 17,594 116,314,495 14,223,274 0 0 0 0 (259,604) (188,191) (547,172) 0 0 (994,967) (1,738,224) n/a 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (5.6%) (1.1%) (0.6%) n/a 0.0% (0.8%) (10.9%) (81,389,646) (966,603) (14,067,433) 0 (426,008) (56,700) (96,906,390) (82,536,547) (341,231) (11,497,312) 0 (386,640) (27,700) (94,789,430) (86,540,217) (201,139) (10,450,454) 0 (175,691) 0 (97,367,501) (62,114,081) (19,583) (7,416,540) (177,218) 0 0 (69,727,422) (91,322,313) 0 (10,025,651) 0 0 0 (101,347,964) (92,911,519) 0 (9,179,702) 0 0 0 (102,091,221) (1,589,206) 0 845,949 0 0 0 (743,257) (1.7%) n/a 8.4% n/a n/a n/a (0.7%)


Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Recovery of Expenditures Total Revenue (92,911,519) (9,179,702) (102,091,221) 91.0% 9.0% 100.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 9.0%

Grants & Subsidies 91.0%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 81,236 124,155 97,735 4,392,748 16,699,130 94,901,897 17,594 116,314,495 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 3.8% 14.4% 81.6% 0.0% 100.0%

Minor Capital Operating & 0.1% Maintenance Supplies 0.1%

Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.1%

Purchased Services 3.8% Salaries & Benefits 14.4%

Transfers for Social Services 81.6%


Community Development & Health Office - Employment & Social Services

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 131 133 134 136 137 139 140 141 IC 142 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment


Municipal Levy 7,527 214,741 (1,533,871) 0 (92,352) (222,915) (57,325) 0 (1) 0 (54,028) (1,738,224)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0032 B - Legislated 2014-0027 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0023 L - Service Elimination 2014-0022 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0031 H - Line Item Reduction 2014-0014 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0057 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0123 M - Service Enhancement 2014-0275 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental

Ontario Works (OW) Financial Assistance - Impact of Provincial Budget Changes Ontario Works (OW) Financial Assistance - Upload of Municipal Cost Elimination of Targeted Initiative for Older Workers(TIOW) with consideration for Succession Planning OW Program Delivery Reduction of Support Staff Expenses Ontario Works (OW) Financial Assistance - Reduction Due to Projected Caseload Decrease Ontario Works (OW) - Upload of Municipal Share of Employment Assistance (EA) Costs Ontario Works Program Delivery - Conversion of Temporary OW Caseworker to Permanent Employment Services (ES) - Convert one Social Worker position to one Employment Caseworker In-Camera Item *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

A. Departmental Overview
Mission Enhancing quality of life We are committed to enhancing the quality of life of individuals and families in WindsorEssex County. We deliver or partner with community agencies to provide employment, financial and housing supports, and childrens services. Description Housing and Childrens Services has service management responsibility for a variety of housing and childrens programs provided to individuals, children and families who reside in Windsor and Essex County. Housing Services provides programs that offer subsidies and supports that include emergency, short term and permanent housing, reduce the risk of homelessness and provide opportunities to repair homes and multi-residential units. Childrens Services provides child care subsidies for employment and educations opportunities, support children with special needs by allowing them to have an opportunity to participate in a child care program, enhance the wages of early childhood educators and support parents in the development and learning of their young children.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Community Development & Health Office Management: 8.0 FTE Non-Union: 5.0 FTE Local 543: 48.0 FTE Total: 61.0 FTE

Housing & Children Services

CHPI Management: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 7.3 FTE Total: 9.3 FTE

Housing Support Administration Management: 0.6 FTE Non-Union: 3.0 FTE Local 543: 4.1 FTE Total: 7.7 FTE

MCYS Childcare Management: 1.6 FTE Local 543: 18.0 FTE Total: 19.6 FTE

MEDU Management: 3.7 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 17.0 FTE Total: 22.7 FTE

Other Housing CS Program Management: 0.1 FTE Local 543: 1.6 FTE Total: 1.7 FTE


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.4 1.0 0.8 10.3 Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 6.7 2012 FTE (Approved) 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.4 0.0 0.8 9.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 8.7 2013 FTE (Approved) 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.4 0.0 0.8 9.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.2 7.7 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


ExDir, Housing & Children Serv Mgr,ResidentialSupportServices Supv, Domicilliary Rest Homes Social Worker (BSW) Caseworker (Rest Home) Special Projects Coordinator Housing Loans Officer Clerk Steno Inter. (Spec Serv) Sub-Total

Management Management Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

Housing Support Administration

ExDir, Housing & Children Serv Mgr,ResidentialSupportServices Coord, Housing Admin & Develop Coord, Housing Admin & Policy Social Housing Analyst Program Development Officer Maint/Technical Support Person Administrative Assistant Intermediate Clerk Clerk Steno Inter. (Spec Serv) Sub-Total


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19.7 Management Management Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 22.7 2012 FTE (Approved) 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19.7 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 22.7 2013 FTE (Approved) 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19.7 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 22.7 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

MCYS Childcare

ExDir, Housing & Children Serv Children's Services System Mgr Supv, Program & Policy Supv/OEY Program Analyst OEY Early Childhood Educator Data Analysis Coordinator-OEY Early Literacy Specialist Bilingual Early Learning Initiatives Clerk Sub-Total

Management Management Management Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543


ExDir, Housing & Children Serv Children's Services System Mgr Supv, Childrens Serv Systems Supv, Family Strengthening CCS Supv, Program & Policy Contract Administrator Coord, Staff Development Caseworker (Children's Serv) Program Analyst System Analyst Children's Serv. Child Care Data Analysis Coord Intermediate Clerk Steno Program and Policy Clerk Clerk Junior (Child Serv) Sub-Total


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.0 0.0 1.7 61.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.0 0.0 1.7 62.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.0 0.0 1.7 61.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Other Housing CS Program

Mgr,ResidentialSupportServices Supv/OEY Special Projects Coordinator OEY Early Childhood Educator Clerk Steno Inter. (Spec Serv) Sub-Total

Management Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543



Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Child Care Administration CHPI Early Learning & Child Development ELCC Administration ELCC Fee Subsidy ELCC Special Needs Resource ELCC Wage Subsidy ELCD Other Fee Subsidy CC Housing Support Administration MCYS Childcare MEDU Municipal Child Care Centres OEY Program Ontario Works CC Other Housing CS Program Pathway to Potential Proxy Pay Equity Special Needs Res Wage Subsidy CC Total Revenue (715,548) (4,727,734) (7,438,002) (141,770) (1,009,911) (350,511) (625,099) (2,047,260) (8,067,572) (33,600,089) (1,990,849) 0 (4,105,968) (1,893,903) (1,302,822) (617,462) 0 (541,128) (2,452,232) (3,724,386) (75,352,246) (718,020) (4,370,080) (7,384,106) (142,086) (1,028,260) (351,814) (625,626) (2,318,210) (7,844,577) (20,788,886) (1,938,433) 0 (106,813) (1,893,903) (1,269,731) (619,312) 0 (535,240) (2,466,781) (3,738,875) (58,140,753) (719,867) (3,998,071) (7,842,097) (148,944) (808,497) (356,833) (625,937) (2,692,455) (7,810,915) (18,636,518) (3,902,346) 0 0 0 (967,376) (926,336) 0 (515,638) (2,439,464) (3,736,463) (56,127,757) 0 (849,489) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (10,815,694) (2,715,028) (18,552,227) 0 0 0 (725,753) 0 0 0 0 (33,658,191) 0 (9,128,075) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (15,475,856) (3,875,229) (29,388,312) 0 0 0 (1,849,230) 0 0 0 0 (59,716,702) 0 (9,385,512) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (15,317,246) (3,875,229) (29,488,312) 0 0 0 (1,849,230) 0 0 0 0 (59,915,529) 0 (257,437) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 158,610 0 (100,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (198,827) n/a 2.8% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (1.0%) 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.3%


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Expenditures Child Care Administration CHPI Early Learning & Child Development ELCC Administration ELCC Fee Subsidy ELCC Special Needs Resource ELCC Wage Subsidy ELCD Other Fee Subsidy CC Housing Support Administration MCYS Childcare MEDU Municipal Child Care Centres OEY Program Ontario Works CC Other Housing CS Program Pathway to Potential Proxy Pay Equity Special Needs Res Wage Subsidy CC Total Expenses 1,064,000 5,494,491 7,438,002 222,800 1,145,583 400,000 686,715 2,047,260 9,102,588 42,148,143 2,026,066 0 4,105,968 1,893,903 1,498,228 1,815,927 0 541,128 2,757,596 4,221,439 88,609,837 1,064,000 5,140,541 7,384,106 222,800 1,162,889 399,648 686,715 2,318,210 8,793,958 29,396,851 1,976,592 0 107,037 1,893,903 1,462,780 1,962,493 0 535,240 2,757,596 4,221,439 71,486,798 1,064,000 4,668,177 7,842,097 222,800 911,209 400,000 686,715 2,692,455 8,757,541 27,190,225 3,927,737 0 0 0 1,110,859 2,316,836 0 515,638 2,729,584 4,221,439 69,257,312 0 5,750,426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,952,181 2,743,981 21,517,243 0 0 0 1,760,500 0 0 0 0 46,724,331 0 9,883,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,966,761 3,975,055 32,098,715 0 0 0 3,237,993 0 0 0 0 73,161,964 0 10,140,873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,757,480 3,972,161 32,092,684 0 0 0 3,188,214 0 0 0 0 73,151,412 0 257,433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (209,281) (2,894) (6,031) 0 0 0 (49,779) 0 0 0 0 (10,552) n/a 2.6% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (0.9%) (0.1%) n/a n/a n/a n/a (1.5%) n/a n/a n/a n/a (0.0%)


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Net Child Care Administration CHPI Early Learning & Child Development ELCC Administration ELCC Fee Subsidy ELCC Special Needs Resource ELCC Wage Subsidy ELCD Other Fee Subsidy CC Housing Support Administration MCYS Childcare MEDU Municipal Child Care Centres OEY Program Ontario Works CC Other Housing CS Program Pathway to Potential Proxy Pay Equity Special Needs Res Wage Subsidy CC Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 348,452 766,757 0 81,030 135,672 49,489 61,616 0 1,035,016 8,548,054 35,217 0 0 0 195,406 1,198,465 0 0 305,364 497,053 13,257,591 345,980 770,461 0 80,714 134,629 47,834 61,089 0 949,381 8,607,965 38,159 0 224 0 193,049 1,343,181 0 0 290,815 482,564 13,346,045 344,133 670,106 0 73,856 102,712 43,167 60,778 0 946,626 8,553,707 25,391 0 0 0 143,483 1,390,500 0 0 290,120 484,976 13,129,555 0 4,900,937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,136,487 28,953 2,965,016 0 0 0 1,034,747 0 0 0 0 13,066,140 0 755,365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,490,905 99,826 2,710,403 0 0 0 1,388,763 0 0 0 0 13,445,262 0 755,361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,440,234 96,932 2,604,372 0 0 0 1,338,984 0 0 0 0 13,235,883 0 (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (50,671) (2,894) (106,031) 0 0 0 (49,779) 0 0 0 0 (209,379) n/a (0.0%) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (0.6%) (2.9%) n/a n/a n/a n/a (3.6%) n/a n/a n/a n/a (1.6%)


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 1,255 9,450 397,581 68,644 890,119 7,970,535 79,099,433 75,235 97,584 88,609,836 13,257,591 244 13,621 141,129 170,346 835,381 4,503,825 65,794,100 28,082 70 71,486,798 13,346,045 113 41,300 115,872 326,336 413,380 4,841,216 63,474,898 30,135 14,061 69,257,311 13,129,555 0 11,924 80,791 301,580 543,994 3,470,943 42,293,161 0 21,938 46,724,331 13,066,140 250 18,207 147,319 456,055 462,469 4,848,696 67,209,190 0 19,778 73,161,964 13,445,262 250 18,207 146,319 479,419 453,145 4,877,325 67,156,969 0 19,778 73,151,412 13,235,883 0 0 (1,000) 23,364 (9,324) 28,629 (52,221) 0 0 (10,552) (209,379) 0.0% 0.0% (0.7%) 5.1% (2.0%) 0.6% (0.1%) n/a n/a (0.0%) (1.6%) (39,939,035) (296,665) (31,757,293) 0 (1,533,398) (1,825,854) (75,352,245) (39,435,332) (127,974) (16,792,094) 0 (195,850) (1,589,503) (58,140,753) (39,784,268) (75,728) (14,530,564) 0 (113,583) (1,623,613) (56,127,756) (24,590,779) (661) (8,019,485) 0 0 (1,047,266) (33,658,191) (48,710,659) 0 (8,707,291) 0 (675,000) (1,623,752) (59,716,702) (49,063,741) (100,000) (8,453,036) 0 (675,000) (1,623,752) (59,915,529) (353,082) (100,000) 254,255 0 0 0 (198,827) (0.7%) n/a 2.9% n/a 0.0% 0.0% (0.3%)


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (49,063,741) (100,000) (8,453,036) (675,000) (1,623,752) (59,915,529) 81.9% 0.2% 14.1% 1.1% 2.7% 100.0%

Recovery of Expenditures 14.1% Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0.2%

Transfers From Other Funds 1.1%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 2.7%

Grants & Subsidies 81.9%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 250 18,207 146,319 479,419 453,145 4,877,325 67,156,969 19,778 73,151,412 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.7% 0.6% 6.7% 91.8% 0.0% 100.0%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies 0.2%

Other Miscellaneous Purchased Expenditures Services 0.7% 0.6% Salaries & Benefits 6.7%

Transfers for Social Services 91.8%


Community Development & Health Office - Housing & Children Services

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 143 144 145 147 IC 148 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment


Municipal Levy 19,438 (100,000) (17,662) (69,565) (150,000) 0 108,410 (209,379)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0050 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0092 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0091 J - Alternative Service Delivery 2014-0093 J - Alternative Service Delivery 2014-0046 M - Service Enhancement n/a Interdepartmental

Program Support Cost Recovery for Child Care Administration Housing & Children's Services - County Revenue Increase Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Administrative Savings Pathway to Potential Source Funding Transfer In-Camera Item *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

A. Departmental Overview
Mission Huron Lodge is a long-term care home committed to providing compassionate quality care in a home-like setting for those who require 24 hour nursing and personal care. Description The mandate of Huron Lodge is to provide for the physical, psychological, spiritual, social and cultural needs of our residents and to develop and maintain a home-like atmosphere that promotes a feeling of friendship, vitality and enjoyment in living.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Community Development & Health Office Management: 7.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE ONA: 22.0 FTE Local 543: 202.0 FTE Total: 232.0 FTE

Huron Lodge

Dietary Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 32.5 FTE Total: 33.5 FTE

Environmental Local 543: 29.5 FTE

Nursing Management: 3.0 FTE Local 543: 129.0 FTE ONA: 21.0 FTE Total: 153.0 FTE

Program Services Management: 2.0 FTE Non-Union: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 4.0 FTE Total: 7.0 FTE

Resident Services Management: 1.0 FTE ONA: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 7.0 FTE Total: 9.0 FTE


Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Dietary Position Description Supv, Dietary Co-ordinator of Nutritional Quality & Assurance Cook Cook Nutritional Administrative Asst Food Service Production Leader Kitchen Staff I Kitchen Staff II Kitchen Staff II Junior Clerk-Typist (Diet/ResSrvs) Sub-Total Environmental Supv, Environmental Services Maintenance Engineer General Staff Storekeeper Storekeeper Laundry Services Leader General Caretaker - HL General Caretaker - HL Junior Clerk-Typist (Environmental) Sub-Total Nursing Director of Care Manager of Nursing Services/Director of Care Asst. Director of Care Registered Nurse Registered Nurse Registered Practical Nurse Registered Practical Nurse Personal Support Worker Personal Support Worker Med Transcript/Admin Asst Nursing Records Assistant Sub-Total 25 Management Management Management ONA ONA (HL-RPT) Local 543 (HL-RPT) Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 (HL-RPT) Local 543 Local 543 Management Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 (HL-RPT) Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 (HL-RPT) Local 543 Position Profile Management Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 (HL-RPT) Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 (HL-RPT) Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 11.0 1.0 34.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 20.0 8.0 1.0 37.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 12.0 9.0 7.5 18.0 69.0 37.0 1.0 1.0 157.5 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 10.5 1.0 33.5 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 13.0 9.0 1.0 29.5 2.0 0.0 1.0 12.0 9.0 9.5 15.0 60.0 42.5 1.0 1.0 153.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 10.5 1.0 33.5 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 13.0 9.0 1.0 29.5 2.0 0.0 1.0 12.0 9.0 9.5 15.0 60.0 42.5 1.0 1.0 153.0 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Position Description Position Profile 2011 FTE (Approved) 2012 FTE (Approved) 2013 FTE (Approved) Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees

Program Services

ExDir, Long Term Care/Admin Mgr, Program Services Administrative Assistant Resident Financial Coordinator Clerk Steno Senior Administrative Clerk Junior Clerk - Typist Sub-Total

Management Management Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 7.0

1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 232.0

1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 232.0

Resident Services

Mgr, Resident Services Staff Development Coordinator Social Worker Entertain. & Activities Coord. Adjuvant Arts and Crafts Worker Resident Services Assistant Sub-Total

Management ONA Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 246.0



Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change


Revenues Dietary Environmental Nursing Program Services Resident Services Total Revenue Expenditures Dietary Environmental Nursing Program Services Resident Services Total Expenses Net Dietary Environmental Nursing Program Services Resident Services Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(50,540) 0 (365,367) (12,634,910) (30,341) (13,081,158)

(56,566) 0 (457,708) (13,300,230) (31,112) (13,845,616)

(55,802) (150,499) (731,618) (13,639,172) (32,746) (14,609,837)

(35,575) (40) (378,408) (10,404,579) (10,396) (10,828,998)

(15,000) 0 (244,856) (13,634,039) (21,500) (13,915,395)

(15,000) 0 (337,315) (13,854,039) (18,001) (14,224,355)

0 0 (92,459) (220,000) 3,499 (308,960)

0.0% n/a 37.8% 1.6% (16.3%) 2.2%

2,771,169 3,469,414 13,143,065 1,107,191 1,092,926 21,583,765

2,871,820 3,724,043 13,327,748 1,051,020 1,251,436 22,226,067

2,848,039 3,426,951 13,593,363 1,214,120 1,072,522 22,154,995

2,089,174 2,370,205 10,105,303 845,805 767,040 16,177,527

2,986,235 3,347,258 13,275,929 1,051,453 1,052,427 21,713,302

2,914,858 3,343,458 13,394,503 1,055,176 1,056,769 21,764,764

(71,377) (3,800) 118,574 3,723 4,342 51,462

(2.4%) (0.1%) 0.9% 0.4% 0.4% 0.2%

2,720,629 3,469,414 12,777,698 (11,527,719) 1,062,585 8,502,607

2,815,254 3,724,043 12,870,040 (12,249,210) 1,220,324 8,380,451

2,792,237 3,276,452 12,861,745 (12,425,052) 1,039,776 7,545,158

2,053,599 2,370,165 9,726,895 (9,558,774) 756,644 5,348,529

2,971,235 3,347,258 13,031,073 (12,582,586) 1,030,927 7,797,907

2,899,858 3,343,458 13,057,188 (12,798,863) 1,038,768 7,540,409

(71,377) (3,800) 26,115 (216,277) 7,841 (257,498)

(2.4%) (0.1%) 0.2% 1.7% 0.8% (3.3%)


Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Investment Income & Dividends Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. (21) 175,754 1,153,153 32,211 887,476 18,654,801 136,647 3,962 539,782 21,583,765 8,502,607 0 255,421 1,154,198 38,978 973,493 19,055,351 0 105,894 642,732 22,226,067 8,380,451 (398) 213,928 1,276,243 61,987 1,078,154 18,858,868 0 112,166 554,047 22,154,995 7,545,158 (174) 151,167 851,005 36,999 648,093 14,055,023 0 0 435,414 16,177,527 5,348,529 0 201,152 1,080,312 36,000 918,555 18,787,370 0 100,000 589,913 21,713,302 7,797,907 0 201,152 1,151,432 36,000 918,555 18,767,712 0 100,000 589,913 21,764,764 7,540,409 0 0 71,120 0 0 (19,658) 0 0 0 51,462 (257,498) n/a 0.0% 6.6% 0.0% 0.0% (0.1%) n/a n/a 0.0% 0.2% (3.3%) (8,342,228) (9,081,885) 0 (83,271) (33,457) 0 (4,647,003) (13,845,616) (9,372,690) (463) (83,383) (56,108) (397,881) (4,699,312) (14,609,837) (7,141,778) 0 (42,971) (30,329) 0 (3,613,920) (10,828,998) (9,140,241) 0 (17,000) 0 0 (4,758,154) (13,915,395) (9,342,700) 0 (17,001) 0 0 (4,864,654) (14,224,355) (202,459) 0 (1) 0 0 (106,500) (308,960) (2.2%) n/a (0.0%) n/a n/a (2.2%) (2.2%)

(70,081) (43,081) 0 (4,624,686) (13,081,158)


Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (9,342,700) (17,001) (4,864,654) (14,224,355) 65.7% 0.1% 34.2% 100.0%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 34.2%

Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0.1%

Grants & Subsidies 65.7%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 201,152 1,151,432 36,000 918,555 18,767,712 100,000 589,913 21,764,764 0.9% 5.3% 0.2% 4.2% 86.2% 0.5% 2.7% 100.0%

Minor Capital Operating & 0.9% Other Maintenance Utilities, Supplies Miscellaneous Insurance & Transfers to Expenditures 5.3% Taxes Reserves & 0.2% Purchased 2.7% Capital Funds Services 0.5% 4.2%

Salaries & Benefits 86.2%


Community Development & Health Office - Huron Lodge

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 IC 157 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment WSIB Requirement (Year 2 of 4 Year Plan) Subsidy Increase Reduction in Miscellaneous Revenue Increase in Resident Revenue


Municipal Levy (14,369) 50,000 (100,200) 3,500 (110,000) 0 0 (1) (4,104) (64,490) (17,834) (257,498)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0017 B - Legislated 2014-0018 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0038 F - Revenue Reduction 2014-0020 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0030 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0034 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0041 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0043 J - Alternative Service Delivery 2014-0051 J - Alternative Service Delivery n/a Interdepartmental

Establish High Intensity Needs (HIN) Funding Establish Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Project Funding User Fee Increase Replace General Staff with General Caretaker In-Camera Item *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

A. Departmental Overview
Mission The Recreation and Culture Department ensures that excellent recreation and cultural programs, services and facilities are available to everyone in our city, aimed at improving their quality of life at a reasonable cost and contributing to the health and social welfare of the community. We facilitate community development and promote expanding community partnerships. Description Recreation and Culture is a key facilitator for designing and providing community recreation and cultural programming in its network of community facilities including arenas, pools, community centres and heritage buildings. Recreation and Culture also administers specialized services such as the coordination of festivals and events, administering Windsors Community Museum, Lakeview Park Marina and providing leadership in recreation training and services to persons with disabilities. A fair and equitable fee policy ensures that high quality recreation and rental opportunities are available within the community.

2013 Approved Budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTE's)

Community Development & Health Office

Recreation & Culture

Management: 19.4 FTE Non-Union: 8.3 FTE Local 543: 30.3 FTE Local 82: 12.8 FTE Total: 70.8 FTE

Arenas Management: 2.0 FTE Local 82: 6.6 FTE Total: 8.6 FTE

Community Programming Management: 8.0 FTE Non-Union: 0.2 FTE Local 543: 10.3 FTE Total: 18.5 FTE

Community & Heritage Facilities Management: 1.0 FTE Local 543: 2.0 FTE Total: 3.0 FTE

Cultural Services Management: 1.0 FTE Non-Union: 3.1 FTE Local 543: 3.0 FTE Total: 7.1 FTE

Leisure Outreach Non-Union: 3.0 FTE Local 82: 1.3 FTE Total: 4.3 FTE

Leisure & Recreation Management: 5.4 FTE Non-Union: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 13.0 FTE Total: 20.4 FTE

WFCU Centre Management: 2.0 FTE Local 543: 2.0 FTE Local 82: 4.9 FTE Total: 8.9 FTE


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Arenas Position Description Supervisor Arena Services Caretaker Community Centres Certified Refrigeration Operator Rink Attendant "A" Full-Time Sub-Total Community Programming Manager, Family Aquatics Complex & Aquatics Services Supv, Community Programming Coordinator, Programming & Guest Services Recreation Coordinator Caretaker/Pool Maintenance Operator Caretaker Community Centres Recreation Assistant Recreation Centre Clerk Facility Person Facility Maintenance Mechanic Sub-Total Community & Heritage Facilities Supv, Community Programming Caretaker/Pool Maintenance Operator Facility Person Sub-Total Cultural Services Mgr, Cultural Affairs Cultural Development Coord Museum Assistant Curator Registrar Education/Volunteer Coordinator Sub-Total Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Management Local 82 Local 543 Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 82 Position Profile Management Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 2011 FTE (Approved) 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.5 11.5 0.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 22.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.1 2012 FTE (Approved) 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.5 11.5 0.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 22.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.1 2013 FTE (Approved) 2.0 0.9 3.7 2.0 8.6 0.6 7.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.3 6.0 0.0 18.5 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.1 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division Leisure Outreach Position Description Coord, Community Special Event Coord, Comm Sports Services Coord, Leis Serv For Spec Pop Certified Refrigeration Operator Rink Attendant "A" Full-Time Sub-Total Leisure & Recreation ExDir, Recreation & Culture Mgr, Community Programming Mgr, Leisure Outreach Manager, Family Aquatics Complex & Aquatics Services Manager, Arenas & WFCU Centre Mgr, Comm Facilities &Bus Dvlp Mgr, Administration Coord, Recreation Systems Coord Customer Care Centre Parks Operations Assistant Administrative Assistant Seasonal & Sports Facilitator Senior Accounting Clerk Parks Clerk Payroll & Accounts Payable Clerk P & R Data Clerk Account Receivable Clerk Receptionist Marketing & Accounting Clerk File Clerk Forestry Clerk Recreation Clerk Sub-Total Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Non-Union Non-Union Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Local 543 Position Profile Non-Union Non-Union Non-Union Local 82 Local 82 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.1 4.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21.0 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.1 4.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21.0 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.1 4.3 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20.4 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

B. Budgeted Full Time Equivalent (FTE's)
Division WFCU Centre Position Description Supv, Community Programming Supervisor Arena Services Certified Refrigeration Operator Rink Attendant "A" Full-Time Caretaker/Pool Maintenance Operator Facility Person Sub-Total Total Position Profile Management Management Local 82 Local 82 Local 82 Local 543 2011 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 9.5 81.4 2012 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.9 1.0 2.0 9.9 78.8 2013 FTE (Approved) 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.9 0.0 2.0 8.9 70.8 Excludes Temporary / Seasonal Employees


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

C. Budget Summary by Division
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

Division Revenues Arenas Community Programming Community & Heritage Facilities Cultural Services Leisure & Recreation Leisure Outreach WFCU Centre Total Revenue Expenditures Arenas Community Programming Community & Heritage Facilities Cultural Services Leisure & Recreation Leisure Outreach WFCU Centre Total Expenses Net Arenas Community Programming Community & Heritage Facilities Cultural Services Leisure Outreach Leisure & Recreation WFCU Centre Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013.

(1,794,518) (2,830,699) (451,691) (33,420) (175,171) (777,091) (3,542,377) (9,604,967)

(1,786,933) (3,077,229) (325,101) (33,585) (124,842) (935,005) (2,978,065) (9,260,760)

(1,742,876) (2,918,790) (374,400) (196,573) (153,769) (903,871) (2,833,669) (9,123,948)

(942,931) (2,683,118) (249,673) (257,237) (147,761) (923,975) (1,859,545) (7,064,240)

(1,681,470) (2,519,046) (437,506) (25,400) (120,867) (966,629) (2,838,154) (8,589,072)

(1,661,681) (5,805,993) (437,506) (29,900) (125,367) (969,629) (2,838,154) (11,868,230)

19,789 (3,286,947) 0 (4,500) (4,500) (3,000) 0 (3,279,158)

(1.2%) 130.5% 0.0% 17.7% 3.7% 0.3% 0.0% 38.2%

2,413,900 6,509,854 1,142,323 456,650 2,025,949 1,404,720 3,506,212 17,459,608

2,376,255 6,834,412 678,731 641,406 2,066,990 1,510,110 3,642,160 17,750,064

2,356,318 6,672,638 692,499 809,823 2,166,577 1,474,291 3,519,194 17,691,340

1,363,510 4,465,179 486,822 575,215 1,861,665 1,133,786 2,454,848 12,341,025

1,975,989 6,816,462 742,065 821,018 2,306,748 1,559,508 3,411,949 17,633,739

2,037,270 9,822,391 746,009 834,249 2,315,721 1,544,735 3,481,988 20,782,363

61,281 3,005,929 3,944 13,231 8,973 (14,773) 70,039 3,148,624

3.1% 44.1% 0.5% 1.6% 0.4% (0.9%) 2.1% 17.9%

619,382 3,679,155 690,632 423,230 1,850,778 627,629 (36,165) 7,854,641

589,322 3,757,183 353,630 607,821 1,942,148 575,105 664,095 8,489,304

613,442 3,753,848 318,099 613,250 2,012,808 570,420 685,525 8,567,392

420,579 1,782,061 237,149 317,978 1,713,904 209,811 595,303 5,276,785

294,519 4,297,416 304,559 795,618 2,185,881 592,879 573,795 9,044,667

375,589 4,016,398 308,503 804,349 2,190,354 575,106 643,834 8,914,133

81,070 (281,018) 3,944 8,731 4,473 (17,773) 70,039 (130,534)

27.5% (6.5%) 1.3% 1.1% 0.2% (3.0%) 12.2% (1.4%)


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
2010 Actuals 2011 Actuals 2012 Actuals 2013 Actuals * 2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Budget Change % Budget Change

GL Category

Revenues Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfer From Reserve Accounts Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue Expenditures Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers for Social Services Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses Total Net * 2013 Actuals are as of September 30, 2013. 50,029 783,079 773,586 32,191 948,717 11,374,810 459,860 9,000 140,507 2,887,829 17,459,608 7,854,641 53,801 779,320 878,486 41,095 1,012,833 11,018,520 485,588 9,000 475,859 2,995,562 17,750,064 8,489,304 55,748 855,352 796,686 47,027 1,060,159 11,282,385 426,563 9,000 254,899 2,903,520 17,691,339 8,567,392 48,061 547,457 743,810 38,293 836,446 7,727,715 355,466 9,000 16,080 2,018,697 12,341,025 5,276,785 52,208 882,246 960,812 64,314 1,176,358 11,281,484 0 9,000 39,144 3,168,173 17,633,739 9,044,667 56,058 996,849 1,727,644 67,364 1,230,132 12,928,862 0 9,000 89,144 3,677,310 20,782,363 8,914,133 3,850 114,603 766,832 3,050 53,774 1,647,378 0 0 50,000 509,137 3,148,624 (130,534) 7.4% 13.0% 79.8% 4.7% 4.6% 14.6% n/a 0.0% 127.7% 16.1% 17.9% (1.4%) (531,389) (82,745) (56,805) 0 (769,405) (8,164,623) (9,604,967) (657,100) (226,678) (91,245) 0 (42,963) (8,242,774) (9,260,760) (579,236) (215,844) (68,174) (180,000) (50,571) (8,030,122) (9,123,947) (644,419) (151,153) (59,085) (150,000) 0 (6,059,583) (7,064,240) (20,000) (32,500) (1,400) 0 0 (8,535,172) (8,589,072) (22,500) (184,500) (1,400) 0 (100,000) (11,559,830) (11,868,230) (2,500) (152,000) 0 0 (100,000) (3,024,658) (3,279,158) (12.5%) (467.7%) 0.0% n/a n/a (35.4%) (38.2%)


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

D. Budget Summary by Major Revenue / Expense Accounts
Revenues 2014 Budget Grants & Subsidies Other Miscellaneous Revenue Recovery of Expenditures Transfers From Other Funds User Fees, Permits & Charges Total Revenue (22,500) (184,500) (1,400) (100,000) (11,559,830) (11,868,230) 0.2% 1.6% 0.0% 0.8% 97.4% 100.0%

Other Miscellaneous Grants & Revenue Subsidies 1.6% 0.2%

Transfers From Other Funds 0.8%

User Fees, Permits & Charges 97.4%

Expenditures 2014 Budget Financial Expenses Minor Capital Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other Miscellaneous Expenditures Purchased Services Salaries & Benefits Transfers to External Agencies Transfers to Reserves & Capital Funds Utilities, Insurance & Taxes Total Expenses 56,058 996,849 1,727,644 67,364 1,230,132 12,928,862 9,000 89,144 3,677,310 20,782,363 0.3% 4.8% 8.3% 0.3% 5.9% 62.2% 0.0% 0.4% 17.7% 100.0%

Utilities, Transfers to Insurance & Reserves & Taxes Capital Funds 17.7% 0.4%

Financial Expenses 0.3%

Minor Capital 4.8%

Operating & Maintenance Supplies Other 8.3%Miscellaneous Expenditures 0.3%

Purchased Services 5.9%

Transfers to External Agencies 0.0%

Salaries & Benefits 62.2%


Community Development & Health Office - Recreation & Culture

E. Budget Issue Summary

* Issue Detail Page No. n/a 159 IC IC 163 166 169 170 171 IC 172 n/a

Ref. # n/a

Category Salary & Wage ** Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment


Municipal Levy 32,776 233,344 (79,377) (378,577) (20,000) (100,000) 0 1 181,299 (130,534)

Building Permit

Off-Street Parking

Sewer Surcharge

2014-0297 A - Annualization 2014-0035 A - Annualization 2014-0037 A - Annualization 2014-0039 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0205 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0206 I - Revenue Increase 2014-0045 J - Alternative Service Delivery n/a Interdepartmental

Full Operation of the Family Aquatic Complex (As Approved by Council) In-Camera Item In-Camera Item User Fee Increase Family Aquatic Complex Subsidy Funding for Low Income Individuals/Families in Windsor Family Aquatic Complex Subsidy Funding for Low Income Individuals/Families in Windsor (P2P) In-Camera Item *** Interdepartmental Reallocations Total 2014 Budget Increase/(Decrease)

* Comprehensive explanations and budget line item changes can be found in the "Budget Issue Detail" document as referenced in the Issue Detail Page No. column.

** The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts.

*** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).


Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues Accepted Issues

Office of the Mayor & City Council... 1 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer... 1 Office of the Chief Financial Officer..... 1 Office of the City Clerk... 2 Office of the City Solicitor.. 3 Office of the City Engineer.. 5 Community Development & Health Office... 7 Agencies, Boards & Committees.. 8

Not Accepted Issues

Office of the Mayor & City Council... 10 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer... 10 Office of the Chief Financial Officer..... 10 Office of the City Clerk... 11 Office of the City Solicitor.. 11 Office of the City Engineer.. 12 Community Development & Health Office... 13

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Office of the Mayor & City Council

City Council
1 2014-0120 H - Line Item Reduction Reduction in Ward Funds (20,000) (20,000) 0 0 0

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

CAO's Office
n/a 2 n/a 2014-0211 Salary & Wage K- Service Reduction * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Reduction of the Economic Development Initiative Budget 4,226 (50,000) (45,774) 0 0 0

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Corporate Finance
3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 n/a 2014-0224 2014-0004 2014-0223 2014-0225 2014-0235 2014-0226 2014-0227 2014-0273 2014-0292 2014-0299 2014-0274 2014-0302 2014-0228 2014-0231 2014-0232 2014-0293 n/a B - Legislated C - Contractual C - Contractual F - Revenue Reduction F - Revenue Reduction G - Line Item Increase G - Line Item Increase G - Line Item Increase G - Line Item Increase G - Line Item Increase H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase Interdepartmental Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Service Charges Corporate Salary & Wage Provision Reduction in Raceway Slots Revenue Reduction in Interest & Penalties on Tax Ontario Municipal Partnership Funding (OMPF) Utilities Provision (Hydro, Water, Gas) Employment Insurance (EI) Employer Health Tax Increase in Transfer to Capital Increase in Budget Stabilization Contingency Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Reduction in Provision for Tax Appeals Increase in Interest Income Sewer Surcharge Overhead Recovery Adjustment Leasing Pay-As-You-Go Experience Rebate Projected Assessment Growth ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 50,000 218,000 0 300,000 2,075,000 305,884 260,000 140,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 (300,000) (4,500,000) (300,000) (122,724) (433,607) (500,000) 338,190 1,530,743 0 96,553 268,840 96,553 268,840

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

n/a 20 21 IC 22 23 24 IC 25 26 27 n/a n/a 2014-0219 2014-0118 2014-0116 2014-0124 2014-0125 2014-0126 2014-0131 2014-0132 n/a Salary & Wage G - Line Item Increase F - Revenue Reduction I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase K- Service Reduction M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase in Municipal Tax Equity Fees Projected Decrease in Dial Up Revenue In-Camera Item Increase in Revenue from Recovery of Staff Increase in Finance Recoveries from Social Services In-Camera Item Convert Temporary Financial Support Position to Permanent One Time Temporary Salary Increase - Financial Planning ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 34,830 20,000 45,000 (53,980) (29,675) (10,911) (44,300) 0 0 (4,812) (43,848) 0 0 0

Information Technology
n/a 28 30 31 IC 32 34 n/a n/a 2014-0281 2014-0007 2014-0008 2014-0009 2014-0146 n/a Salary & Wage A - Annualization C - Contractual H - Line Item Reduction J - Alternative Service Delivery I - Revenue Increase Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Consolidated Service Delivery Model Between the City of Windsor and Library Contractual Increases for Software Maintenance Reduction in Corporate Phone Expenses In-Camera Item Recovery for P.C. Support Analyst Work in Social Services ** Interdepartmental Reallocations (1,181) 0 3,624 (20,000) (200,000) (6,825) 645,428 421,046 0 0 0

Office of the City Clerk

Corporate Human Resources
n/a 35 36 37 n/a n/a 2014-0047 2014-0107 2014-0280 n/a Salary & Wage C - Contractual C - Contractual K- Service Reduction Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Green Shield Benefits OMERS Pension Corporate Fringe Benefits Reduction Resulting From Cumulative Change in FTE ** Interdepartmental Reallocations (448,534) 318,400 355,183 275,137 (275,137) 225,049 0 0 0

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Council Services
n/a 38 39 40 41 42 IC 43 44 45 46 n/a n/a 2014-0098 2014-0088 2014-0282 2014-0099 2014-0100 2014-0056 2014-0089 2014-0090 2014-0204 n/a Salary & Wage C - Contractual F - Revenue Reduction G - Line Item Increase H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase K- Service Reduction M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Court Security Elimination of Part II Fine Collection Municipal Election Reserve Contribution (Repayment for 2013 By-Election) Various Communication Department Budget Reductions E-Bingo Program In-Camera Item Court Running Service for Provincial Offences Division Automated Phone Soliciting Service at Provincial Offences Division Annual Maintenance for Court Administration Management System (CAMS )Software ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 70,371 10,880 10,740 0 (11,000) (60,000) (38,519) 4,457 644 1,340 (23,674) (34,761) 0 0 0

Human Resources
n/a 47 48 49 50 n/a 2014-0024 2014-0033 2014-0036 2014-0026 Salary & Wage H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction L - Service Elimination * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment MARCO/LUMCO Membership Savings Various Corporate Training Program Budget Reductions Adjustment in Closed Captioning Budget to Match the Number of Televised Meetings Conversion of the Retiree Gift Program 4,281 (2,500) (8,855) (5,000) (12,300) (24,374) 0 0 0

Office of the City Solicitor

n/a 51 52 53 55 IC 56 n/a n/a 2014-0058 2014-0264 2014-0015 2014-0221 2014-0016 n/a Salary & Wage G - Line Item Increase I - Revenue Increase H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction K- Service Reduction Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Proposed Installation of Fleet Tracking Technology (GPS) in Building Inspector Vehicles Increase Fee for Inspections for Zoning Order Closures to $225 Eliminate One Currently Vacant Building Inspector Position Adjustment to Building Department Costs Apportioned to the Tax Levy In-Camera Item ** Interdepartmental Reallocations (18,227) 0 (1) (12,006) (18,039) (63,231) (16,872) (128,376) (190,343) 0 0 (67,370) 18,039 (147,512) 6,500

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Fire & Rescue

n/a 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 n/a n/a 2014-0073 2014-0079 2014-0160 2014-0182 2014-0183 2014-0184 2014-0185 2014-0186 2014-0189 2014-0191 2014-0295 n/a Salary & Wage G - Line Item Increase G - Line Item Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase in Computer Maintenance & Pay-As-You-Go Fees Overtime Budget for Windsor Fire Training Division Increase in Hourly Fire Inspection Rate New User Fee: Firework Pyro Application & Review New User Fee: Special Events Application & Review New User Fee: Fire Safety Plan Review New User Fee: General Fire Protection Services - No Vehicle Required Increase in Fire SCBA Repair User Fee Increase in Central Dispatch Fees Increase in User Fee for Lawyer's Letters Addition of One Assistant Chief Position ** Interdepartmental Reallocations (136,859) 4,400 12,000 (25,000) (5,000) (5,000) (62,500) (500) (1) (1) (2,400) 0 13,052 (207,809) 0 0 0

n/a 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 IC 75 76 n/a n/a 2014-0005 2014-0063 2014-0285 2014-0068 2014-0069 2014-0087 2014-0070 2014-0066 2014-0067 n/a Salary & Wage C - Contractual C - Contractual F - Revenue Reduction H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Annual Insurance Premium Inflationary Change LawPro Insurance - Quarterly Levies Decrease in Legal Department User Fees Reduction of Canderal Lease Expense Budget Reduction in Computer Software Budget Reduction in Computer (PC) Budget Adjust Recovery for Claims Administrator In-Camera Item Addition of Articling Student ** Interdepartmental Reallocations (40,503) 257,905 4,790 28,064 (171,701) (2,400) (7,628) (35,247) (5,260) 50,000 (245,645) (167,625) 0 1,012 8,736 1,012 8,736

n/a n/a Salary & Wage * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment 14,811 14,811 0 0 0

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Office of the City Engineer

n/a 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 IC 86 88 n/a n/a 2014-0111 2014-0114 2014-0138 2014-0139 2014-0157 2014-0115 2014-0267 2014-0272 2014-0109 2014-0142 2014-0167 n/a Salary & Wage G - Line Item Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase J - Alternative Service Delivery L - Service Elimination M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase in Computer Costs & Software Licence Subscriptions Development - Revenue Increase due to Municipal Access Agreements Increase in Work Authorization Recoveries for Engineering Transfer of Review - Ministry of Environment Sewer Replacement & Repairs - Reduction in Construction Costs Development - Revenue Increase Due to Increase in PW Permits Issued Increase in Work Authorization Recoveries for Office of the City Engineer and PW Admin Support Geomatics - Increase to GIS User Fees Revenue Budget Streetlighting - LED Conversion In-Camera Item Development Technologist I ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 26,030 20,800 (17,500) (113,300) (3,800) 0 (26,168) (1,370) (25,000) (245,800) (46,086) 46,414 87 (385,693) 0 0 (120,996) 1,370 (122,366)

Parks & Facilities

n/a 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 n/a n/a 2014-0213 2014-0164 2014-0260 2014-0266 2014-0166 2014-0296 2014-0171 2014-0150 2014-0257 n/a Salary & Wage C - Contractual F - Revenue Reduction G - Line Item Increase G - Line Item Increase H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase J - Alternative Service Delivery M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Sandwich Parkette Taxes Reduction in Recovery from Capital Budget Eliminate Recovery from Sewer Surcharge for Security Services at Crawford Yard Capitol Theatre Equipment Repairs (CR 186/2013) Reduction in Parks' Fleet Alignment of Operational Recoveries for Major F A Tilston, V C Armoury and Police Training Centre Benefits of Owning Equipment VS Renting - Water Heaters Part Time (2) Operating Engineer's 4th Class at WFCU Establishment of Supervisor, Maintenance Contracts & Special Projects ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 30,249 6,000 73,107 214,977 5,000 (13,200) (3,077) (5,000) 55,584 92,144 (49,606) 406,178 0 0 (214,977) (214,977)

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

PW Environmental
n/a 100 101 102 103 IC 105 106 107 108 n/a n/a 2014-0162 2014-0163 2014-0169 2014-0259 2014-0173 2014-0254 2014-0255 2014-0256 n/a Salary & Wage C - Contractual C - Contractual C - Contractual C - Contractual F - Revenue Reduction H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Budget Requirement for Landfill Tipping Fees Landfill Perpetual Care Maintenance Contracts Garbage & Yard Waste Maintenance Contracts Position Reclassification In-Camera Item Reduction in Chemicals Budget for Pump Stations Reduction in Maintenance Contracts for Laboratory Increase to sewage treatment revenue budget at Lou Romano Plant & Little River Plant ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 6,403 83,571 1 41,820 48,290 158,000 0 0 0 26,344 364,429 0 0 (161,830) (25,000) (15,000) (108,059) (13,771)

PW Operations
n/a 109 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 n/a n/a 2014-0121 2014-0105 2014-0110 2014-0053 2014-0113 2014-0108 2014-0054 2014-0165 2014-0097 2014-0144 2014-0145 2014-0152 2014-0215 2014-0112 2014-0187 2014-0214 2014-0086 2014-0122 n/a Salary & Wage B - Legislated C - Contractual C - Contractual F - Revenue Reduction F - Revenue Reduction C - Contractual H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase J - Alternative Service Delivery I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Ontario One Call Legislation Traffic Operations, Parking Enforcement Contract Increase (Tender 97-10) Supply of Highway Salt (Tender 50-07) & Brine (Tender 08-07) Fleet, Revenue Reduction - Fire & Rescue Maintenance, Revenue Reduction Reduction in Contract Costs for Winter Maintenance of Municipal Roads (As Approved by Council) Fleet, Annual Depreciation Traffic, Reallocate Senior Secretary - Parking Permit Coordinator Salary to On/Off Street Parking Technical Support, Revenue Increase for Internal Software Maintenance & Support Fees (Hansen SMA) On/Off Street Parking, Increase Monthly Revenues for Garage 2 (Pellissier) On/Off Street Parking, Eliminate 1st Hour Free Parking in Goyeau & Pellissier Street Garages Traffic, Increase Revenue for Fines in Parking Enforcement Contracts & Field Services, Field Staff Restructuring, MOA Contracts & Field Services, Recovery Revenue Increase for Contracts Staff Sewer Maintenance, Increase Sewer Surcharge Recovery Related to Salary & Wage Adjustments Contracts & Field Services, Sewer Surcharge Recovery Increases Technical Support, Conversion of Operations/Asset Analyst from Temporary to Permanent Maintenance, Conversion of Maintenance Supervisor-Drainage Coordinator from Temporary to Permanent ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 54,622 (4,762) 7,907 31,981 37,216 50,000 (166,553) (161,614) (40,249) (2,726) 0 0 (125,000) (1,287) (185,000) (13,342) (37,240) (6,005) (9,798) 20,230 (551,620) 0 (172,320) 103,098 0 13,342 37,240 (72,000) (140,569) 40,249 (3,874) 56,390

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Community Development & Health Office

Community Development & Health Office
n/a 130 n/a 2014-0019 Salary & Wage I - Revenue Increase * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Increase Revenue & Recoveries 20,840 (23,445) (2,605) 0 0 0

Employment & Social Services

n/a 131 133 134 136 137 139 140 141 IC 142 n/a n/a 2014-0032 2014-0027 2014-0023 2014-0022 2014-0031 2014-0014 2014-0057 2014-0123 2014-0275 n/a Salary & Wage B - Legislated I - Revenue Increase L - Service Elimination H - Line Item Reduction H - Line Item Reduction I - Revenue Increase M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Ontario Works (OW) Financial Assistance - Impact of Provincial Budget Changes Ontario Works (OW) Financial Assistance - Upload of Municipal Cost Elimination of Targeted Initiative for Older Workers(TIOW) with Consideration for Succession Planning OW Program Delivery Reduction of Support Staff Expenses Ontario Works (OW) Financial Assistance - Reduction Due to Projected Caseload Decrease Ontario Works (OW) - Upload of Municipal Share of Employment Assistance (EA) Costs Ontario Works Program Delivery - Conversion of Temporary OW Caseworker to Permanent Employment Services (ES) - Convert one Social Worker position to one Employment Caseworker In-Camera Item ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 7,527 214,741 (1,533,871) 0 (92,352) (222,915) (57,325) 0 (1) 0 (54,028) (1,738,224) 0 0 0

Housing & Children Services

n/a 143 144 145 147 IC 148 n/a n/a 2014-0050 2014-0092 2014-0091 2014-0093 2014-0046 n/a Salary & Wage I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase J - Alternative Service Delivery J - Alternative Service Delivery M - Service Enhancement Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Program Support Cost Recovery for Child Care Administration Housing & Children's Services - County Revenue Increase Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Administrative Savings Pathway to Potential Source Funding Transfer In-Camera Item ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 19,438 (100,000) (17,662) (69,565) (150,000) 0 108,410 (209,379) 0 0 0

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Huron Lodge
n/a 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 IC 157 n/a n/a 2014-0017 2014-0018 2014-0038 2014-0020 2014-0030 2014-0034 2014-0041 2014-0043 2014-0051 n/a Salary & Wage B - Legislated I - Revenue Increase F - Revenue Reduction I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase J - Alternative Service Delivery J - Alternative Service Delivery Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment WSIB Requirement (Year 2 of 4 Year Plan) Subsidy Increase Reduction in Miscellaneous Revenue Increase in Resident Revenue Establish High Intensity Needs (HIN) Funding Establish Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Project Funding User Fee Increase Replace General Staff with General Caretaker In-Camera Item ** Interdepartmental Reallocations (14,369) 50,000 (100,200) 3,500 (110,000) 0 0 (1) (4,104) (64,490) (17,834) (257,498) 0 0 0

Recreation & Culture

n/a 159 IC IC 163 166 169 170 171 IC 172 n/a n/a 2014-0297 2014-0035 2014-0037 2014-0039 2014-0205 2014-0206 2014-0045 n/a Salary & Wage A - Annualization A - Annualization A - Annualization I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase I - Revenue Increase J - Alternative Service Delivery Interdepartmental * Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment Full Operation of the Family Aquatic Complex (As Approved by Council) In-Camera Item In-Camera Item User Fee Increase Family Aquatic Complex Subsidy Funding for Low Income Individuals/Families in Windsor Family Aquatic Complex Subsidy Funding for Low Income Individuals/Families in Windsor (P2P) In-Camera Item ** Interdepartmental Reallocations 32,776 233,344 (79,377) (378,577) (20,000) (100,000) 0 1 181,299 (130,534) 0 0 0

Agencies, Boards & Committees

Detail Provided in the Agencies, Boards & Committees Supplementary Document Total Change Over Prior Year's Budget
973,323 (12,541) 0 (190,343) 0 (74,755) 0 (117,129)

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

* The Departmental Salary & Wage Adjustment lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts are generated from an in-depth salary development process that is undertaken at the beginning of the annual budget process. All departments develop their salary budgets based on the prior years approved full time equivalent (FTE) complement, using a zero-based budgeting approach . Any reductions / increases in this line are attributed to the net impact of the departments incumbent changes, annualized step increments and increases resulting from negotiated salary & wage contracts. ** The Interdepartmental Reallocation lines do not include a reference number or issue detail write-ups as these amounts represent the cumulative net budget increase / decrease to this department resulting from budget issues that have been submitted by other departments. In some cases, budget issues submitted by one department may have a budgetary impact on another or various other departments. This is done in order to facilitate the presentation of an issue by the coordinating department as opposed to repeating the issue for all departments (i.e. Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, Fringe Benefits).

Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [NOT ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Office of the Mayor & City Council

Mayor's Office
1 2014-0263 H - Line Item Reduction Mayor's Office Line by Line Reductions (26,100) (26,100) 0 0 0

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

CAO's Office
2 2014-0212 K- Service Reduction Reduction of Consulting Budget (25,470) (25,470) 0 0 0

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

IC IC IC IC 3 4 5 6 7 8 2014-0127 2014-0128 2014-0129 2014-0130 2014-0218 2014-0303 K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item Increase in Regular Part Time Hours for FPA Support Financial Analyst - Performance Measurement & Financial Administration (64,216) (64,216) (49,280) (47,602) 8,656 55,596 (161,062) 0 0 0

Information Technology
10 11 2014-0010 2014-0011 K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction Elimination of IBM Hardware Maintenance Elimination of Microsoft Support (35,000) (75,000) (110,000) 0 0 0


Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [NOT ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

Office of the City Clerk

Corporate Human Resources
12 2014-0222 K- Service Reduction Corporate Human Resource Benefit Reduction Required to Meet Target (1,678,146) (1,678,146) 0 0 0

Council Services
IC 13 14 15 2014-0006 2014-0012 2014-0101 K- Service Reduction L - Service Elimination L - Service Elimination In-Camera Item Elimination of Integrity Commissioner Elimination of Cat Voucher Program (64,416) (45,500) (50,000) (159,916) 0 0 0

Human Resources
16 17 18 19 20 21 2014-0175 2014-0025 2014-0028 2014-0029 2014-0048 2014-0049 H - Line Item Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction L - Service Elimination WSIB Occupational Illness & Disease Reserve Budget Reduction in Succession Planning Initiative Reduction of Physical Demands Analysis Budget Reduction in Benefit Consultant Budget Reduction in Educational Assistance Elimination of Employee Family Assistance Program (90,000) (50,000) (10,000) (10,000) (21,000) (100,000) (281,000) 0 0 0

Office of the City Solicitor

23 2014-0059 I - Revenue Increase Proposed Increase to Building Permit Fees (Legislated Permits Budget) 0 0 (1) (1) 0 0

Fire & Rescue

24 IC IC 25 27 29 2014-0161 2014-0074 2014-0075 2014-0077 I - Revenue Increase K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction M - Service Enhancement Increase in Fire Inspection Component of Business License Fees In-Camera Item In-Camera Item Addition of one Emergency Communications Operator within Windsor Fire Rescue Services (WFRS) (65,000) (1,198,481) (186,440) 57,538


Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [NOT ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # 30 Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations


M - Service Enhancement

Additional Fire Prevention Officer & Fire Training Officer

199,944 (1,192,439) 0 0 0

IC 33 2014-0065 K- Service Reduction In-Camera Item (59,183) (59,183) 0 0 0

IC IC IC 34 35 36 2014-0060 2014-0061 2014-0062 K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item (51,178) (45,846) (45,846) (142,870) 0 0 0

Office of the City Engineer

37 IC 38 41 42 IC 43 2014-0141 2014-0102 2014-0154 2014-0156 2014-0289 I - Revenue Increase K- Service Reduction M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement M - Service Enhancement Increase the GIS Surcharge from 5% to 7% In-Camera Item Geomatics - GIS Analyst Operations Analyst Transportation Engineer In-Camera Item (54,200) (115,325) 57,782 90,809 (17,174) Would net to zero if accepted (38,108) 0 0 0

Parks & Facilities

44 45 46 47 48 IC 49 2014-0168 2014-0170 2014-0174 2014-0176 2014-0178 2014-0158 K- Service Reduction L - Service Elimination K- Service Reduction L - Service Elimination L - Service Elimination M - Service Enhancement E.C. Row & 401 Corridors Naturalization Eliminate Forestry Maintenance Contracts Elimination of Summer Students Eliminate Fountains Eliminate Vandalism & Graffiti Budget In-Camera Item (133,333) (557,470) (1,127,781) (127,496) (127,000) 382,209 (1,690,871) 0 0 0


Appendix A: 2014 Operating Budget Summary of Issues [NOT ACCEPTED]

Detail Doc Page # Issue Ref. # Category Issue Description Municipal Operations Building Permit Operations Off Street Parking Operations Sewer Surcharge Operations

PW Environmental
IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC 51 52 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 2014-0177 2014-0180 2014-0190 2014-0192 2014-0193 2014-0195 2014-0196 2014-0197 2014-0194 K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction L - Service Elimination In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item Reduction in contribution from sewer surcharge to Pollution Control Reserves In-Camera Item 0 0 0 0 0 (65,969) (45,528) 0 (169,418) (280,915) 0 0 (1,364,723) (525,765) (27,486) (290,334) (225,382) (157,241) (72,546) (65,969)

PW Operations
IC IC IC IC IC 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 2014-0082 2014-0084 2014-0096 2014-0104 2014-0136 2014-0137 2014-0153 K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction K- Service Reduction In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item In-Camera Item Maintenance, Sewer Repair Service Reduction Maintenance, Reduce Residential Snow Clearing & Salting (64,832) (55,848) (20,184) 0 (157,900) 0 (200,000) (498,764) 0 (76,840) (464,952) (450,000) (76,840) (14,952)

Community Development & Health Office

Employment & Social Services
70 2014-0021 H - Line Item Reduction Reduction of Budgeted Ontario Works Program Delivery Funding- Employment Assistance (EA) (75,000) (75,000) 0 0 0

Huron Lodge
IC IC 71 72 2014-0220 2014-0052 J - Alternative Service Delivery K- Service Reduction In-Camera Item In-Camera Item (52,130) (180,732) (232,862) 0 0 0


Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program & Service Budget by Program.. 1 Program & Service Budget by Sub-Program.... 2

Program & Service Budget by Service.... 3

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program & Service Budget by Program
Expense A. Economic Development B. Social Development C. Environmental Protection D. Transportation E. Health, Recreation and Culture F. Public Safety Program G. Public Engagement & Human Services H. Internal Services I. General Corporate Accounts * * Not allocated to any service. 8,258,729 204,828,525 66,318,624 60,771,543 56,549,284 156,241,917 10,963,110 43,833,939 106,940,199 714,705,870 (Revenue) (4,161,307) (169,039,609) (31,002,561) (21,189,648) (22,873,533) (21,904,941) (1,198,783) (17,044,108) (426,291,380) (714,705,870) Net 4,097,422 35,788,916 35,316,063 39,581,895 33,675,751 134,336,976 9,764,327 26,789,831 (319,351,181) 0

Gross Expenditure Budget by Program

(Excluding General Corporate Accounts) H. Internal Services 7%

(Excluding General Corporate Accounts) H. Internal Services 8%

Net Budget by Program

G. Public Engagement & Human Services 2% F. Public Safety Program 26%

A. Economic Development 1% B. Social Development 34%

G. Public Engagement & Human Services 3%

A. Economic Development 1%

B. Social Development 11% C. Environmental Protection 11%

E. Health, Recreation and Culture 9%

D. Transportation 10%

C. Environmental Protection 11%

F. Public Safety Program 42%

D. Transportation 13% E. Health, Recreation and Culture 11%

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program & Service Budget by Sub-Program
Expense A. Economic Development A.1.0 Property Development A.2.0 Business Development A.3.0 Tourism Development B. Social Development C. Environmental Protection B.0.0. Social Development C.1.0. Garbage and Recycling C.2.0. Parks and Natural Areas C.3.0. Water and Sewage C.4.0. Energy D. Transportation D.1.0. Transportation D.2.0. Engineering E. Health, Recreation and Culture E.1.0 Recreation E.2.0. Health E.3.0. Arts and Cultural Development F. Public Safety Program F.1.0. Investigation and Intervention F.2.0. Inspections and Prevention G. Public Engagement & Human Services G.1.0. Public Engagement G.2.0. Human Resources H. Internal Services H.1.0. Corporate Management H.3.0. Financial Management H.4.0. Information Technology H.5.0. Corporate Asset Management I. General Corporate Accounts I.1.0 General Corporate Accounts 5,975,758 1,378,971 904,000 204,828,525 15,295,071 15,769,159 35,009,039 245,355 51,943,171 8,828,372 19,620,205 27,560,259 9,368,820 147,612,425 8,629,492 6,526,571 4,436,539 5,428,988 10,150,772 6,669,111 21,585,068 106,940,199 714,705,870 2 (Revenue) (4,161,307) 0 0 (169,039,609) (3,054,416) (627,173) (27,320,972) 0 (18,557,353) (2,632,295) (8,785,637) (14,026,345) (61,551) (17,234,214) (4,670,727) (801,607) (397,176) (695,524) (2,375,670) (1,346,275) (12,626,639) (426,291,380) (714,705,870) Net 1,814,451 1,378,971 904,000 35,788,916 12,240,655 15,141,986 7,688,067 245,355 33,385,818 6,196,077 10,834,568 13,533,914 9,307,269 130,378,211 3,958,765 5,724,964 4,039,363 4,733,464 7,775,102 5,322,836 8,958,429 (319,351,181) 0

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

A. Economic Development
A.1.0 Property Development
A.1.1. Development Approval City Planner / Executive Director A public service that provides professional research, guidance, advice and permissions for the development of privately held property. 1,994,827 (578,849) 1,415,978

A.1.2. Building Approval

Executive Director / Chief Building Official

A public service that provides building approvals in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. A public service that provides property owners and/or tenants with financial assistance for the improvement of property in accordance with applicable legislation.




A.1.3. Property Development Incentive

City Planner / Executive Director



A.2.0 Business Development

A.2.1. New Business Attraction City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety External Lead: Head of Windsor Economic Development Commission (WEDC) A public service that provides a Windsor-Essex promotional campaign directed at business decision makers with the aim of attracting investment to Windsor-Essex. 671,614 0 671,614

A.2.2. Business Retention and Expansion

City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety External Lead: Head of Windsor Economic Development Commission (WEDC)

A public service that provides decision makers of existing businesses in Windsor-Essex with the necessary information and assistance to remain and/or expand in Windsor-Essex.



Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service A.3.0 Tourism Development
A.3.1. Tourism Promotion City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety External Lead: CEO of Tourism Windsor-Essex Pelee Island (TWEPI) A public service to promote the image of Windsor-Essex as a destination with the cooperation of a united tourism and hospitality industry. 452,000 0 452,000

Service Owner

Service Description




A.3.2. Visitor Information

City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety External Lead: CEO of Tourism Windsor-Essex Pelee Island (TWEPI)

A public service that provides information and promotional materials about attractions, activities and events in Windsor-Essex through direct responses to inquiries made in person, by phone, email, fax, mail or website interaction.



Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

B. Social Development
B.0.0. Social Development
B.0.1. Employment and Social Services Executive Director Employment & Social Services A public service that provides financial, social and employment assistance for individuals who are in temporary financial need. A public service that provides the Service System management, funding and development of subsidized housing units in the City of Windsor and County of Essex that meet the needs of residents that require accommodation and support services. 117,520,436 (101,540,370) 15,980,066

B.0.2. Social and Affordable Housing Subsidy

Executive Director - Housing & Children's Services




B.0.3. Child Care and Early Learning Funding

Executive Director - Housing & Children's Services

A public service that delivers Service System management for Windsor and Essex County for child-care spaces delivered by childcare providers.




Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

C. Environmental Protection
C.1.0. Garbage and Recycling
C.1.1. Waste Collection Executive Director - Operations A public service provided to ensure all residential and municipal waste are collected in a manner consistent with current health standards, Council approved service levels, and environmental requirements. 5,877,373 (964,793) 4,912,580

C.1.2. Waste Diversion

Executive Director - Operations

A public service dedicated to the identification and diversion of certain household, commercial, industrial and institutional waste from landfill disposal.




C.1.3. Garbage Disposal

Executive Director Operations External Lead: General Manager of Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA)

A public service to ensure that all garbage that cannot be diverted is disposed of in the regional landfill in a manner consistent with regulations and established procedures and the agreement between City and EWSWA.




C.2.0. Parks and Natural Areas

C.2.1. Parks and Natural Areas Executive Director Parks & Facilities A public service to protect, preserve and promote active and passive parks and natural areas, boulevard rights of way, maintain and enhance the urban forest and beautify the City of Windsor. 15,769,159 (627,173) 15,141,986

C.3.0. Water and Sewage

C.3.2. Waste Water Removal Executive Director - Operations A public service that removes wastewater from all homes, business and other buildings for appropriate treatment in accordance with provincial legislation and regulations. 31,814,874 (24,259,624) 7,555,250

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service
C.3.3. Storm Water Removal

Service Owner
Executive Director - Operations

Service Description
A public service that removes storm water from city streets, parks, and city owned facilities for appropriate treatment and release in accordance with provincial legislation and regulations.




C.4.0. Energy
C.4.3. Energy Efficiency Promotion Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer External Lead: Head of ENWIN A public service that offers advice, education and assistance to electricity users concerning methods to reduce electricity usage and increase electricity efficiency. 245,355 0 245,355

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

D. Transportation
D.1.0. Transportation
D.0.1. Roads Executive Director - Operations A public service that provides residents, businesses and visitors with an accessible transportation network for motor vehicles and bicycles to facilitate the safe and efficient transport of people and goods within the City of Windsor. 15,129,996 (2,197,864) 12,932,132

D.0.2. Sidewalks and Trails

City Engineer

A public service that provides safe and accessible sidewalks and trails to residents and visitors. A public service that provides residents of and visitors to the City of Windsor with a variety of transit options that allow for mobility throughout the city.





City Engineer External Lead: General Manager of Transit Windsor




D.0.5. Airport Operations

City Engineer External Lead: Head of Your Quick Gateway Inc. (YQG)

A public service that provides appropriately maintained facilities to allow the travelling public to access air transportation to and from Windsor and nearby locations in Canada.




D.2.0. Engineering
D.2.1. Engineering Design & Construction City Engineer An internal service that provides support to the Corporation by providing engineering design and construction inspection support for large engineering projects. 8,828,372 (2,632,295) 6,196,077

Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

E. Health, Recreation and Culture

E.1.0 Recreation
E.1.1. Recreation and Cultural Programming Executive Director - Recreation & Culture A public service provided to individuals offering engagement in structured, accessible and affordable recreational and sports programming. 8,440,822 (2,706,098) 5,734,724

E.1.3. Recreation Facility Access

Executive Director - Recreation & Culture

A public service providing members of the general public and community groups the opportunity to make use of recreational and sports facilities for independent use.




E.2.0. Health
E.2.1. Public Health Promotion and Education Community Development & Health Commissioner External Lead: Medial Officer of Health, Windsor Essex County Health Unit A public service that provides the latest information on the state of public health in Windsor and Essex County and best practices for good health and illness and disease prevention. 1,252,152 (175) 1,251,977

E.2.2. Public Health Protection

Community Development & Health Commissioner External Lead: Medial Officer of Health, Windsor Essex County Health Unit

A public service that provides a professional response to infectious disease outbreaks and enforces violations of public health regulations.




E.2.3. Long Term Care Facility

Executive Director Long Term Care, Administrator Huron Lodge

A public service to provide 24 hour nursing and personal care for residents deemed eligible by the Community Care Access Centre.




Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service E.3.0. Arts and Cultural Development
E.3.1. Arts and Culture Development E.3.2. Public Library and Community Archives Executive Director - Recreation & Culture Community Development & Health Commissioner External Lead: Head of Windsor Public Library A public service providing professional advice and information on cultural matters to culture-based community groups. A public service offered to all residents of and visitors to the City of Windsor that provides access to information resources, reference services, preservation of local history and programming to enrich lives through learning and recreation in accordance with the Ontario Public Libraries Act. 1,086,149 7,945,961 (50,799) (5,673) 1,035,350 7,940,288

Service Owner

Service Description




E.3.3. Community Museum

Community Development & Health Commissioner

A public service to gather evidence to be used by courts of law to determine the guilt or innocence of persons accused of offences against the Crown using established police procedures and rules of evidence.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

F. Public Safety Program

F.1.0. Investigation and Intervention
F.1.1. Police Investigation City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety External Lead: Chief of Police, Windsor Police Services A public service to gather evidence to be used by courts of law to determine the guilt or innocence of persons accused of offences against the Crown using established police procedures and rules of evidence. 25,564,476 (2,242,226) 23,322,250

F.1.2. Police Patrol and Intervention

City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety External Lead: Chief of Police, Windsor Police Services

A public service that places police units throughout the City to respond to incidents and offences in progress.




F.1.3. Fire and Rescue

Fire Chief

A public service provided to victims and/or potential victims of emergency situations (i.e. fires and vehicular or other accidents) offering relief and assistance.




F.1.4. Animal Control

Executive Director / Chief Building Official

A public service to respond to reports and complaints regarding, unregistered pit bulls, dogs at large, or a dog attack as well as rodents and other feral animals.




F.1.5. Paramedics

Community Development & Health Commissioner External Lead: County of Essex

A public service to provide a response to medical emergencies of varying severity that may occur throughout the City of Windsor and provide transportation to a medical facility if necessary.



F.1.6. Provincial Offences

City Clerk / License Commissioner

A public service to determine the innocence or guilt of persons charged with a provincial offence using rules of evidence and procedure.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service
F.1.7. Legal

Service Owner
City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety

Service Description
An internal service that gives legal advice and secretarial/clerical support to the Corporate Management, Council, agencies, boards and commissions with regards to Municipal activities.




F.1.8. Audit

Chief Administrative Officer External Lead: Auditor General

An internal service that reviews the workings of Council and the Corporation to ensure that they are performing their responsibilities in accordance with required legislation and acceptable accounting and business practices.




F.1.9. Purchasing

Manager Purchasing and Risk Management

An internal service that provides administrative support and professional advice to ensure the Purchasing By-law is observed.




F.2.0. Inspections and Prevention

F.2.1. Property Inspection and Enforcement Executive Director / Chief Building Official A public service that provides inspections to ensure adherence to various by-laws concerning property standards and the Province of Ontarios building, fire and health codes. 3,565,226 (272,402) 3,292,824

F.2.4. Licensing

City Clerk / License Commissioner

A public service that establishes appropriate criteria for business, gaming or dog licenses to be issued. A public service that provides reliable illumination at night along City streets and sidewalks. A public service provided to ensure that selected intersections throughout the City are staffed by qualified crossing guards so that school children walking to and from school may cross streets safely.




F.2.5. Street Lighting

City Engineer




F.2.6. Crossing Guards

Manager of Transportation Planning




Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service
F.2.7. Parking Enforcement

Service Owner
Manager Traffic Operations

Service Description
A public service to enforce the parking by-law passed by City Council to ensure an adequate supply of lawful parking throughout the City and to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people throughout the City.




F.2.8. Emergency Management Implementation

Fire Chief

A public service that puts the City of Windsors Emergency Response Plan into operation in the event of a declared state of emergency.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

G. Public Engagement & Human Services

G.1.0. Public Engagement
G.1.1. Provincial Registration Manager, Records & Elections A public service to administer the registration of deaths and marriages as required by the Province of Ontario and to perform marriage ceremonies if requested. 186,838 (383,527) (196,689)

G.1.2. Access to Information and Records

Manager, Records & Elections

A public service to respond to requests from members of the general public for access to municipal records and to assess the privacy and other potential implications of granting such a request.




G.1.3. Municipal Election Management

Manager, Records & Elections

A public service that provides for the management of fair and equitable elections to fill elected municipal positions (Mayor & 10 Councilors) as well as trustees and other elected positions for the various area school boards.



G.1.4. Land Use Planning

City Planner / Executive Director

An internal service that provides professional planning direction and advice to the Corporation in the growth and development of the City in compliance with the Citys Official Plan and applicable federal and provincial legislation.




G.1.5. Council Support

Deputy City Clerk & Senior Manager of Council Services

A public service that facilitates interaction between the community and City Council through Council meetings, Committees of Council, informal meetings, public events and correspondence.



G.1.6. Customer Service

City Clerk / License Commissioner

A public service that provides timely and accurate information on and access to government (municipal, provincial, and federal) and community services.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service G.2.0. Human Resources
G.2.1. Staffing Support Executive Director Human Resources An internal service that provides for the recruitment, placement, development, allocation, support and separation of all staff of the Corporation. 712,610 (45,769) 666,841

Service Owner

Service Description




G.2.2. Compensation and Benefits Management

Executive Director Human Resources

An internal service that prepares and maintains a complete set of policies and procedures for the Corporation to follow to ensure that staff receives correct compensation and benefits.




G.2.3. Labour Relations

Manager of Employee Relations

An internal service that supports the development of and adherence to collective agreements with CUPE Locals 543 and 82, ONA, WPFFA, and CANUE/PETU.



G.2.4. Workplace Health and Safety

Executive Director Human Resources

An internal service that develops and implements policies and procedures that ensure that the Corporation is compliant with Health and Safety and WSIB legislation.




G.2.5. Employee Performance Management

Executive Director Human Resources

An internal service provided to the Corporation that promotes, develops, monitors and reports on the employee performance program.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

H. Internal Services
H.1.0. Corporate Management
H.1.1. Corporate Leadership Chief Administrative Officer An internal service that develops, implements, monitors and reports on the strategic and operational direction for the Corporation, as approved by City Council. 2,201,022 (113,470) 2,087,552

H.1.2. Corporate Partnerships Development

Chief Administrative Officer

A public service that facilitates strategic planning, coordination and cooperation between the City and the various community agencies that provide related services to the Community Strategic Plan Objectives.




H.1.3. Corporate Communication

City Clerk / License Commissioner

An internal service that prepares and releases information to a defined audience (internal or external) in consultation/collaboration with a service department in the Corporation.



H.3.0. Financial Management

H.3.1. Financial Planning and Monitoring Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer An internal service that directs the planning, documentation and implementation of the budget process, from development to review and results reporting. 2,800,664 (773,809) 2,026,855

H.3.2. Investment and Debt Management

Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer

An internal service that maximizes return on investments and minimizes interest on debt. An internal service that ensures proper financial accounting, completion of consolidated financial statements and necessary legislated filings.




H.3.3. Financial Accounting and Reporting

Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer




H.3.4. Billing and Collection

Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer

An internal service that provides accurate billing and collection of municipal taxes.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service H.4.0. Information Technology
H.4.1. Information Technology Design and Planning Executive Director - Information Technology An internal service that plans and designs Information Technology solutions that contributes to the delivery of corporate strategic objectives. 528,440 (157,560) 370,880

Service Owner

Service Description




H.4.2. Business Solutions Development and Support Executive Director - Information Technology

An internal service that designs develops, project manages, implements and maintains electronic business solutions to meet program and service providers and corporate business needs. (The Problem Solver Service)




H.4.3. Information Technology Infrastructure Operations Executive Director - Information Technology

An internal service that evaluates, selects, acquires, and maintains all technology assets ensuring the secure access to required corporate information.




H.5.0. Corporate Asset Management

H.5.1. Corporate Facilities Management Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer An internal service that acquires maintains and disposes of all facilities owned by the Corporation. An internal service that provides fleet and equipment management services in the maintenance, operation, repair and disposal of the fleet and equipment. 13,726,467 (5,875,903) 7,850,564

H.5.2. Corporate Fleet Management

Fleet Manager




H.5.3. Corporate Real Estate Management

City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety

An internal service that manages, through acquisition, sales and leasing the Corporations real estate assets.





Appendix B: 2013 Program & Service Budget

Program / Sub-Program / Service Service Owner Service Description Expense (Revenue) Net

I. General Corporate Accounts (Not Allocated to Services)

I.1.0 General Corporate Accounts I.1.1. Corporate Expenses & Revenues I.1.2. Municipal Taxation I.1.3. Education Taxation Total n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 37,501,067 0 69,439,132 714,705,870 (38,284,770) (318,567,478) (69,439,132) (714,705,870) (783,703) (318,567,478) 0 0


Appendix C: City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Finance... 1 Information Technology ... 2

Office of the City Clerk

Council Services. 3 Human Resources ......... 8

Office of the City Solicitor

Legal........ 9 Building ........ 10 Fire & Rescue ... 17 Planning....... ..... 19

Office of the City Engineer

Engineering...... 24 Parks & Facilities......... 29 Public Works Environmental ... 31 Public Works Operations.... 32

Community Development & Health Office

Huron Lodge.... 33 Recreation & Culture .......... 34

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Finance

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per nsf cheque per remittance where allowed by court on certain files per certificate per account per roll number per roll year per hour per roll per roll number per property 1st Letter 2nd Letter $10.00 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $40.000 $10.00 Unit of Measure per nsf cheque per remittance where allowed by court on certain files per certificate per account per roll number per roll year per hour per roll per roll number per property 1st Letter 2nd Letter $0.00 $0.00 Final Letter before $250.00 registration Final Letter before $250.00 registration $40.00 $225.00 $50.00 $35.00 $30.00 $15.00 2.00% $50.00 $0.00 per nsf cheque per letter per letter per property per certificate per certificate compounded per month per roll Residential Application $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% n/a n/a 0% 0% Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Category / Division Corporate Accounting Corporate Accounting

Sub-Category / Sub-Division Accounts Receivable Payroll


Ref #

Fee / Service

1 2

Finance Finance

Administrative Fee (NSF Cheques - A/R) Processing of Wage Assignments


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance

Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance

Local Taxation Local Taxation Local Taxation Local Taxation Local Taxation Local Taxation Local Taxation Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking

Tax Certificates Other Charges Levied Against The Tax Roll External Tax Inquiry (ETI) On Line Transaction Fee Current & Prior Year's Tax Information (Printed or Written) Research - Current & Prior Year's Tax Information (Printed or Written) Local Improvements, Sewer Replacements Tax Receipts Tax Registrations Registration Cost Recovery Letters of Default Letters of Default Letters of Default

$75.00 $45.00 $50.00 $5.00 $52.00 $100.00 $15.00 $1,450.00 various N/C $50.00

$75.00 $45.00 $50.00 $5.00 $52.00 $100.00 $15.00 $1,450.00 various N/C $50.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance

Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance

Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Collections, Invest Banking Property Assessment Property Assessment Property Assessment

Administrative Fee (NSF Cheques - Taxes) Registered Interested Party (up to 2 parties) Additional Notifications (as required) Title Search Electronic lien certificate fee Electronic lien cancellation fee Interest on trade receivables more than 30 days past due Ownership Changes Tax Adjustment Applications Tax Adjustment Applications

$40.00 $225.00 $50.00 $35.00 $30.00 $15.00 2.00% $50.00 $0.00

per nsf cheque per letter per letter per property per certificate per certificate compounded per month per roll Residential Application

$0.00 Small Commercial Application $0.00 Large Commercial $0.00 $0.00 Industrial Large Industrial

$0.00 Small Commercial Application $0.00 Large Commercial $0.00 $0.00 Industrial Large Industrial

25 26 27

Finance Finance Finance

Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance Taxation & Compliance

Property Assessment Property Assessment Property Assessment

Tax Adjustment Applications Tax Adjustment Applications Tax Adjustment Applications

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

n/a n/a n/a

Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Information Technology

Category / Division Project Management & Applications Project Management & Applications Project Management & Applications Project Management & Applications Project Management & Applications Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Unit of Measure On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction On-Line Transaction Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5

Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology

External Tax Inquiry (ETI) On-Line Transation Fee Business Licenses (Animal) On-Line Transaction Fee Construction Sewer Permit On-Line Transaction Fee Construction Heating Permit On-Line Transaction Fee Construction Plumbing Permit On-Line Transaction Fee

There is a $2.00 service fee for any of the above on-line transactions and a $3.00 service fee for any over-the-counter transactions including fax and mail-in options. There is a $3.00 (per Public Works Permit) service fee for any over-the-counter transactions including fax and mail-in options.

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

Category / Division Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Records and Elections Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Printing Printing Records Records Records Records Records Records Elections Elections Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Vital Statistics Vital Statistics Vital Statistics Vital Statistics Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Livery Vehicle Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $2.00 $0.30 $25.00 per first page per page per by-law or Council Resolution 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $2.00 $0.30 $25.00 Unit of Measure per first page per page per by-law or Council Resolution Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services 1 Council Services 1 Council Services 1 Council Services 1 Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services 2 Council Services 2 Council Services 2 Council Services 2 Council Services 2 Council Services 2 Council Services 2 Council Services Council Services Council Services

Photocopying (First Page) Photocopying (Additional Pages After the First Page) Certified Copy of Assessment Roll Pages Certified Copy of By-law or Council Resolution Ownership List from Assessment Roll Permanent Resident Card verification Records Search Declaration of Residency Letter Nomination Fee - Councillors/School Board Trustee Nomination Fee - Mayor Freedom of Information Request Application (mandatory and non-refundable) Photocopying Search a Record Information Disk Preparing a Record Marriage Licence Death Registrations Civil Ceremony (During the Day) Signing Affidavits for name change and other applications Zoning By-Law 8600 Text Zoning By-Law 3072 Text Zoning By-Law 85-15 Zoning By-Law Subscription Plan Plate Holder Licence - Motorized Plate Holder Licence - Muscular Driver License Transfer from Vehicle to Vehicle Photo ID card Replacement Photo ID card Vehicle Re-inspection Plate Holder Licence Driver Licence

$25.00 per assessment

$25.00 per assessment

$26.00 per hour + cost of photocopying $10.00 per card $26.00 per hour + cost of photocopying $25.00 $100.00 $200.00 $5.00 $0.20 $30.00 $10.00 $30.00 $135.00 $50.00 $250.00 $10.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $180.00 $70.00 $110.00 $70.00 $15.00 $25.00 $60.00 $400.00 $110.00 per letter per nomination per nomination per request per page per hour per disk per hour per licence per certificate per ceremony per affidavit per copy per copy per copy per year per year per year per year per occurrence per year per occurrence per occurrence per year per year

$26.00 per hour + cost of photocopying $10.00 per card $26.00 per hour + cost of photocopying $25.00 $100.00 $200.00 $5.00 $0.20 $30.00 $10.00 $30.00 $135.00 $50.00 $250.00 $10.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $180.00 $70.00 $110.00 $70.00 $15.00 $25.00 $60.00 $400.00 $110.00 per letter per nomination per nomination per request per page per hour per disk per hour per licence per certificate per ceremony per affidavit per copy per copy per copy per year per year per year per year per occurrence per year per occurrence per occurrence per year per year

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

Category / Division Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Sub-Category / Sub-Division Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per occurrence per occurrence per vehicle per year per occurrence per occurrence 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $400.00 $70.00 $60.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 Unit of Measure per occurrence per occurrence per vehicle per year per occurrence per occurrence Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($90.00) % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -100% n/a M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

33 34 35 36 37 38

Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services

Transfer from Plate Holder to Plate Holder Transfer from Vehicle to Vehicle Broker Photo ID card Replacement Photo ID card Taxicab Course and Examination

$400.00 $70.00 $60.00 $15.00 $25.00 $90.00

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing

Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Taxicab Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Towing Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Towing Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Towing Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Towing Public Vehicle Licensing Fees: Towing Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees

Filing of leases Driver's List Vehicle Re-inspection Owner Each Vehicle Each Driver Photo ID card Replacement Photo ID card Adult Entertainment Parlours - Owner Adult Entertainment Parlours - Owner Adult Entertainment Parlours - Operator Auto Service Stations - Motor Vehicles kept for hire or used for hire Auto Service Stations - Motor Vehicles kept for hire or used for hire Auto Service Stations - Motor Vehicles Storage/Sales Auto Service Stations - Motor Vehicles Storage/Sales Auto Service Stations - For each building or place where gasoline and oils are kept for sale Auto Service Stations - For each building or place where gasoline and oils are kept for sale Auto Service Stations - Repair, Paint or Upholestry Auto Service Stations - Repair, Paint or Upholestry Auto Service Stations - Car Wash Auto Service Stations - Car Wash Auctioneer Bill Distributor Body Modification 4

$30.00 $30.00 $60.00 $105.00 $52.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 $286.00 $246.00 $148.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00

per occurrence per year per occurrence per year per year per year per year per occurrence initial per year annual initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year per occurrence per year initial

$30.00 $30.00 $60.00 $105.00 $52.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 $286.00 $246.00 $148.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $228.00 $188.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00

per occurrence per year per occurrence per year per year per year per year per occurrence initial per year annual initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year per occurrence per year initial

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

Category / Division Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Sub-Category / Sub-Division Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Body Modification Body Rub Parlour Body Rub Parlour Carnival or Circus Escorts Personal Service Hawkers and Pedlers Heating Work - Master Heating Work - Contractor Heating Work - Contractor Holistic Practitioner Holistic Centres Holistic Centres Food Store Food Store Hospitality - Lunch Counter Hospitality - Lunch Counter Hospitality - Food Hospitality - Food Hospitality - Food / Liquor Hospitality - Food / Liquor Hospitality - Liquor / Food Hospitality - Liquor / Food Lodging House Lodging House Bed & Breakfast Bed & Breakfast Mobile Sign Lessor Mobile Sign Lessor Mobile Food Vendor Class 1 Mobile Food Vendor Class 2 Mobile Food Vendor Class 3 Entertainment Lounge Entertainment Lounge Old Gold Dealer Old Gold Dealer Pet Shops Pet Shops Plumbing work - Master Plumbing work - Contractor Plumbing work - Contractor Public Hall Public Hall Public Parking Lot Public Parking Lot Retail / Resale Retail / Resale

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per year initial per year per occurrence per year per year per year per year initial per year per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year per year per year per year initial per year initial per year initial per year per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $188.00 $228.00 $148.00 $293.00 $213.00 $293.00 $213.00 $358.00 $278.00 $358.00 $278.00 $398.00 $358.00 $398.00 $358.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $358.00 $278.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $398.00 $358.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 Unit of Measure per year initial per year per occurrence per year per year per year per year initial per year per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year per year per year per year initial per year initial per year initial per year per year initial per year initial per year initial per year initial per year Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services 3 Council Services

$148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $188.00 $228.00 $148.00 $293.00 $213.00 $293.00 $213.00 $358.00 $278.00 $358.00 $278.00 $398.00 $358.00 $398.00 $358.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $358.00 $278.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $398.00 $358.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 5

100 3 Council Services 101 3 Council Services 102 3 Council Services 103 3 Council Services 104 3 Council Services 105 3 Council Services 106 3 Council Services 107 3 Council Services 108 3 Council Services 109 3 Council Services

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

Category / Division Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Sub-Category / Sub-Division Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Business Licence Fees Dog Licence Salvage Yards Salvage Yards Special Sales Tobacconist Tobacconist Licence Administrative Charge Business Licence Replacement Business Licence Plate Replacement Standard Letter

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure initial per year per year initial per year per licence per licence per plate per letter per location per location per tag 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $228.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $25.00 $25.00 $60.00 $25.00 $1,000.00 $675.00 $15.00 Unit of Measure initial per year per year initial per year per licence per licence per plate per letter per location per location per tag Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% n/a M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) M121-2013, Report 16217 (Fee/Service Name Change) Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

110 3 Council Services 111 3 Council Services 112 3 Council Services 113 3 Council Services 114 3 Council Services 115 3 Council Services 116 3 Council Services 117 3 Council Services 118 3 Council Services 119 3 Council Services 120 3 Council Services 121 Council Services

$228.00 $188.00 $148.00 $188.00 $148.00 $25.00 $25.00 $60.00 $25.00 $1,000.00 $675.00 $15.00

Mobile Vendor Agreements (Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Area) Mobile Vendor Agreements (all other areas) 1st ,2nd and 3rd Dog - Spayed/Neutered (Purchase prior to Feb 1)


Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing

Dog Licence

1st, 2nd and 3rd Dog - Spayed/Neutered (Purchase Feb - June)


per tag


per tag





Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing

Dog Licence

1st, 2nd and 3rd Dog - Spayed/Neutered (Purchase July to Dec)


per tag


per tag





Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing

Dog Licence

1st, 2nd and 3rd Dog- Unaltered (Purchase prior to Feb 1)


per tag


per tag





Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing

Dog Licence

1st, 2nd and 3rd Dog - Unaltered (Purchase Feb - June)


per tag


per tag





Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing

Dog Licence

1st, 2nd and 3rd Dog - Unaltered (Purchase July to Dec)


per tag


per tag




127 128 129 130 131 132 133 135 136 137

Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services

Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Policy, Gaming, Licensing Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences

Dog Licence Dog Licence Dog Licence Dog Licence Dog Licence Dog Licence Lottery Licences Lottery Licences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences

1st Restricted Dog (Purchase prior to Feb 1) 1st Restricted Dog (Purchase Feb - June) 1st Restricted Dog (Purchase July to Dec) 2nd Restricted Dog (Purchase prior to Feb 1) 2nd Restricted Dog (Purchase Feb - June) 2nd Restricted Dog (Purchase July to Dec) Lottery Licensing- Break Open Tickets and Raffles Lottery Licensing- Traditional Bingo Hall Search Request Sign Default Certificate Record of Conviction 6

$100.00 $110.00 $137.00 $125.00 $137.50 $165.00 3% of prizeboard $165.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00

per tag per tag per tag per tag per tag per tag per licence per event per search per certificate per record

$100.00 $110.00 $137.00 $125.00 $137.50 $165.00 3% of prizeboard $165.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00

per tag per tag per tag per tag per tag per tag per licence per event per search per certificate per record

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

134 4 Council Services

Office of the City Clerk - Council Services

Category / Division Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Sub-Category / Sub-Division Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences Provincial Offences

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per file per transcript per page per page per page per page per page per certification per document per document 1st page 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $50.00 $50.00 $3.75 $3.20 $0.55 $5.00 $1.00 $10.00 $5.00 $75.00 $2.00 Unit of Measure per file per transcript per page per page per page per page per page per certification per document per document 1st page Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service


Council Services

Retrieval from storage of Court file Transcripts: minimum charge per transcript ordered single copy for purpose of reproduction in appeal to Court of Appeal other appeal transcripts - first copy, per page other appeal transcripts - additional copies, per page non-appeal transcripts - first copy, per page non-appeal transcripts -additional copies, per page Copies of documents - requiring certification Copies of documents - not requiring certification Broadcast Fax Photocopy Fee Photocopy Fee

$50.00 $50.00 $3.75 $3.20 $0.55 $5.00 $1.00 $10.00 $5.00 $75.00 $2.00

139 5 Council Services 140 5 Council Services 141 5 Council Services 142 5 Council Services 143 5 Council Services 144 5 Council Services 145 5 Council Services 146 147 148 149 150 Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services Council Services

Communications and Customer 211 Call Centre Service Support Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations

$0.30 per additional page

$0.30 per additional page

Notes: 1 Fees are established through regulation 832 of the Municipal Freedom of Information Protection and Privacy Act. Note other fees may apply as per MFIPPA. 2 By-Law 137-2007 Schedule 2 approved by Council in 2007 Safety Lane inspections are conducted semi-annually to ensure the industry is compliant of By Law 137-2007. 3 Business Licence Fee Schedule approved by Council in 2008 4 E-bingo will yield 6.75% of Net Gaming Win each quarter plus 2% of non gaming revenue per quarter as per the City of Windsor contract with Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation December 5, 2009. 5 All transcript orders are subject to prepayment in full based on Court Monitor's estimate There is a $2.00 service fee for any of the above on-line transactions and a $3.00 service fee for any over-the-counter transactions including fax and mail-in options.

Office of the City Clerk - Human Resources

Category / Division Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Sub-Category / Sub-Division Human Resources Administration Human Resources Administration Human Resources Administration Recruitment Recruitment Recruitment Recruitment Corporate ID Badges Photocopy Fee Photocopy Fee Firefighter Recruitment - Written Test

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per badge 1st page 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $10.00 $2.00 Unit of Measure per badge 1st page Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3

Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources

$10.00 $2.00

$0.30 per additional page $125.66 $40.00 $176.99 $0.00 per applicant per applicant per applicant per applicant

$0.30 per additional page $125.66 $40.00 $176.99 $0.00 per applicant per applicant per applicant per applicant

4 1 Human Resources 5 6 Human Resources Human Resources

Firefighter Recruitment - Administrative Fee Firefighter Recruitment - Physical Test Firefighter Recruitment - Miscellaneous Fees may be applicable (police clearance, educational documents and fitness certificate).

7 2 Human Resources

1 Per Council Resolution CR107/2011 Human Resources can alter the Firefighter recruitment process and change the Fee Structure. 2 The Miscellaneous fees are not collected by the Corporation of the City of Windsor.

Office of the City Solicitor - Legal

Category / Division Legal Legal Legal Admin Admin Admin Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3

Legal Legal Legal

Subdivision/Condominium Agreements Committee of Adjustment - Agreements, Deeds, Easements Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Easements

$1,500.00 per plan plus $50.00 per unit $300.00 per document $200.00 per document plus $50.00 a unit $300.00 per mortgage $225.00 per discharge $300.00 per agreement $200.00 per agreement $750.00 per agreement $525.00 per agreement plus $50.00 per unit $750.00 per agreement $1,000.00 per plan plus $50.00 per unit $300.00 per agreement $400.00 per agreement $400.00 per agreement $400.00 per agreement $200.00 per agreement plus $50.00 per unit $2.00 per page $0.50 per page $25.00 per deposit $50.00 per deposit $75.00 per deposit $100.00 per deposit

$1,500.00 per plan plus $50.00 per unit $300.00 per document $200.00 per document plus $50.00 a unit $300.00 per mortgage $225.00 per discharge $300.00 per agreement $200.00 per agreement $750.00 per agreement $525.00 per agreement plus $50.00 per unit $750.00 per agreement $1,000.00 per plan plus $50.00 per unit $300.00 per agreement $400.00 per agreement $400.00 per agreement $400.00 per agreement $200.00 per agreement plus $50.00 per unit $2.00 per page $0.50 per page $25.00 per deposit $50.00 per deposit $75.00 per deposit $100.00 per deposit

4 5 6 7 8 9

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin

Mortgages (preparation) Discharge of Mortgage Encroachment Agreements Release of Encroachment Agreement Site Plan Control Agreement Servicing Agreements

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin

Amending Subdivision/Condominium By-law deleting Part Lot Control from lands with registered plans of subdivision Demolition Agreements Pave & Drain Alley Agreements Drain Enclosure Agreements Connect to Sewer Agreements Release of Agreements, Easements, Deeds

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

17 18 19 20 21 22

Legal Legal 1 Legal 1 Legal 1 Legal 1 Legal

Legal Legal

Admin Admin

Copies of Documents (first page of each document) Copies of Documents (each additional page after first page) Deposit Fee for Tender/Proposal valued b/t $50,000 and $100,000 Deposit Fee for Tender/Proposal valued b/t $100,000 and $1,000,000 Deposit Fee for Tender/Proposal valued b/t $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 Deposit Fee for Tender/Proposal over $5,000,000

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Purchasing & Risk Management Purchasing Purchasing & Risk Management Purchasing Purchasing & Risk Management Purchasing Purchasing & Risk Management Purchasing

Notes: 1 The deposit fee amounts are not policy, but rather guidelines used to charge vendors. As each tender has different requirements and depending on the amount of work that goes into the preparation of these specifications, the charges can differ accordingly.

Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Inspections Inspections Sub-Category / Sub-Division Building Enforcement Building Enforcement

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per Property Standards Order issued to property owner plus cost of an Inspector for every hour above 2 hours to complete write up of the order for commercial buildings. Multiple dwellings to be assessed additional $50 for stories over two and $25 per unit. 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $100.00 $225.00 per Property Standards Order issued to property owner plus cost of an Inspector for every hour above 2 hours to complete write up of the order for commercial buildings. Multiple dwellings to be assessed additional $50 for stories over two and $25 per unit. Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2

Building Building

Inspection for Zoning Order Closure Maintenance & Occupancy Standards By-law 147-2011 Cost Recovery - residential & commercial property standards order

$100.00 $225.00



Building Enforcement

Maintenance & Occupancy Standards By-law 147-2011 Cost Recovery - vacant buildings Inspection Associated with Private Subsidized Housing (if < 32 units) Inspection Associated with Private Subsidized Housing (if > 32 < 62 units) Inspection Associated with Private Subsidized Housing (if 62 + units)

$75.00 per complaint plus the cost of any order issued. $75.00 $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 per premise per premise per premise per initial or maintenance inspection or $75.00/hr if more than 3 hours

$75.00 per complaint plus the cost of any order issued. $75.00 $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 per premise per premise per premise per initial or maintenance inspection or $75.00/hr if more than 3 hours



4 5 6 7



Building Enforcement

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0%



Building Enforcement

Performance Bond Inspections

8 9

Building Building

Inspections Inspections

Building Enforcement Building Enforcement

Open and follow up a Dormant Permit File Pre-permit Inspection fee for permit applications on file


per permit


per permit

$0.00 $0.00

$60.00 per hour and as a minimum per visit $25.00 $65.00 $0.95 per letter per letter per sq. ft. Plus $400.00

$60.00 per hour and as a minimum per visit $25.00 $65.00 $0.95 per letter per letter per sq. ft. Plus $400.00

10 11 12

Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Permit Finalization Letter Property Infomration Letter Residential Permit Fee (Single Family Dwelling, floors above basement)

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% n/a 0%


Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Permit Services Sub-Category / Sub-Division Site Development Zoning

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $0.95 per sq. ft. Plus $200.00 per dwelling unit per sq. ft. 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $0.95 Unit of Measure per sq. ft. Plus $200.00 per dwelling unit per sq. ft. Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service



Residential Permit Fee (Duplexes, Triplexes, Double Duplexes, townhouses, floors above basement) Residential Permit Fee (Single Family Dwelling, Duplexes, Triplexes, Double Duplexes, townhouses, floors above basement) Residential Permit Fee (Single Family Dwelling, Duplexes, Triplexes, Double Duplexes, townhouses, basement floor areas) Residential Permit Fee (Multiple Dwelling) Residential Permit Fee (Multiple Dwelling) Residential Permit Fee (All other residential or Group "C" occupancies as set out in the Ontario Building Code Residential Garage/Carport Fee Attached Deck Fee



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning







Permit Services

Site Development Zoning


per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per sq. ft. add'l fee per dwelling unit per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00)


per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per sq. ft. add'l fee per dwelling unit per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00)



16 17 18

1 Building Building 1 Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

$1.05 $90.00 $1.20

$1.05 $90.00 $1.20

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0%

19 20

Building 1 Building

Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

$125.00 per garage/carport $12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $0.90 per sq. ft. for buildings up to 6 metres in building height. (minimum $125.00)

$125.00 per garage/carport $12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $0.90 per sq. ft. for buildings up to 6 metres in building height. (minimum $125.00)

$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%


1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Attached Garage Fee




1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Paved Parking Area Fee




1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Industrial Permit Fee




1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Industrial Permit Fee

$0.05 per sq. ft. for each meter over 6 metres in building height.

$0.05 per sq. ft. for each meter over 6 metres in building height.




Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Permit Services Sub-Category / Sub-Division Site Development Zoning

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $1.40 per sq. ft. Minimum $125.00 per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per search per 1/4 hr. of labour 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $1.40 Unit of Measure per sq. ft. Minimum $125.00 per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per search per 1/4 hr. of labour Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service


1 Building

Commercial Permit Fee (Group D occupancies as set out in the Ontario Building Code) Commercial Permit Fee (Group E occupancies as set out in the Ontario Building Code) Commercial Permit Fee (Group A, Division 1, 2, 3, 4 occupancies as set out as gaming establishments in the Ontario Building Code) Commercial Permit Fee (Group A, Division 1, 2, 3, 4 occupancies excluding gaming establishments as set out in the Ontario Building Code) Search fees Copying fees Copying fees Copying fees Partial Occupancy


1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning






1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning






1 Building

Permit Services

Site Development Zoning





29 30 31 32 33

Building Building Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

$30.00 $5.25

$30.00 $5.25

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

$2.50 per 1st page copy $0.35 per additional page copied $0.05 per sq. ft. for area to be occupied (minimum $125.00)

$2.50 per 1st page copy $0.35 per additional page copied $0.05 per sq. ft. for area to be occupied (minimum $125.00)



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Demolition Fee


per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per hr. (1 hr. minimum) per transfer


per sq. ft. (minimum $125.00) per hr. (1 hr. minimum) per transfer



35 36 37 38

Building Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Re-inspection fee Transfer of permit Change of Use - No construction Conditional Permit Fee

$60.00 $50.00

$60.00 $50.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0%

$125.00 per permit change regular fee plus the greater of $150.00 or 20% of the fee regular fee plus the greater of $150.00 or 20% of the fee $55.00 (maximum $350.00)

$125.00 per permit change regular fee plus the greater of $150.00 or 20% of the fee regular fee plus the greater of $150.00 or 20% of the fee $55.00 (maximum $350.00)



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Partial Permit Fee

(maximum $350.00)

(maximum $350.00)



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Fill Permit Fee

minimum fee

minimum fee




Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Permit Services Sub-Category / Sub-Division Site Development Zoning Fill Permit Fee

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $55.00 plus $0.05/sq. meter from 500 sq. metres to 1000 sq. metres plus $0.03/sq. meter greater than 1000 sq. metres per one or two family dwelling 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $55.00 Unit of Measure plus $0.05/sq. meter from 500 sq. metres to 1000 sq. metres plus $0.03/sq. meter greater than 1000 sq. metres per one or two family dwelling Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service





Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Fill Permit Fee





43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Sewer Permit Fee (sanitary drainange piping servicing a one or two family dwelling) Sewer Permit Fee (sanitary drainage piping servicing townhouses) Sewer Permit Fee (sanitary drainage piping servicing multiple dwellings) Sewer Permit Fee (sanitary drainage piping servicing all other building types) Sewer Permit Fee (storm drainage piping servicing a one or two family dwelling Sewer Permit Fee (storm drainage piping servicing townhouses) Sewer Permit Fee (storm drainage piping servicing multiple dwellings) Sewer Permit Fee (storm drainage piping servicing all other building types) Sewer Permit Fee (storm drainage servicing land, but not connected to a building)



$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

$90.00 per dwelling unit $180.00 $240.00 $130.00 $180.00 $180.00 $240.00 per building per building per one or two family dwelling per building per building per building

$90.00 per dwelling unit $180.00 $240.00 $130.00 $180.00 $180.00 $240.00 per building per building per one or two family dwelling per building per building per building

$180.00 per servicing plus $49.00 for each add'l catch basin $70.00 per building

$180.00 per servicing plus $49.00 for each add'l catch basin $70.00 per building

52 53

Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Sewer Permit Fee (underground water service piping) Fire Retrofitting Fee

$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%

$12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $75.00 per tent for engineered tents

$12.00 per $1,000 of the estimated cost of the work (Minimum $125.00) $75.00 per tent for engineered tents

54 55

Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Tent Fee Tent Fee

$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%

$75.00 per site excluding engineered tents $125.00 per dwelling

$75.00 per site excluding engineered tents $125.00 per dwelling

56 57 58

Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Heating Permit Fee (residential) Heating Permit Fee (small commercial bldg.) Heating Permit Fee (other)

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0%

$180.00 per tenant space $0.07 per sq. ft. of area affected

$180.00 per tenant space $0.07 per sq. ft. of area affected


Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Sub-Category / Sub-Division Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure per dwelling 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $125.00 Unit of Measure per dwelling Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

59 60 61 62

Building Building Building Building

Refurbish Heating Fee (residential) Refurbish Heating Fee (small commercial bldg.) Refurbish Heating Fee (other) Work without Application


$180.00 per tenant space $0.07 per sq. ft. of area affected

$180.00 per tenant space $0.07 per sq. ft. of area affected

1.5 times the (max. $5,000 add'l. 1.5 times the (max. $5,000 add'l. applicable max. fee, minimum $125 applicable max. fee, minimum $125 building permit fee add'l. fee) building permit fee add'l. fee) $4.00 per sq. metre of the total sign area (minimum $75.00) per illuminated sign $4.00 per sq. metre of the total sign area (minimum $75.00) per illuminated sign




Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Sign Permit Fee (awning, billboard, canopy, fascia wall, ground, projecting wall)



64 65 66 67 68

Building Building Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Sign Permit Fee (window sign - illuminated) Sign Permit Fee (light standard sign) Sign Permit Fee (renewal for additional 6 months) Sign Permit - (permits for signs encroaching on public property) Sign Permit - Maintenance Fee



$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 n/a $0.00

0% 0% 0% n/a 0%

$20.00 per light standard sign $50.00 Double the standard fee per renewal per sign

$20.00 per light standard sign $50.00 Double the standard fee per renewal per sign

$75.00 per reconstruction of an existing permanent sign Triple the standard fee $40.00 $20.00 $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 not required when displayed for less than 72 hours $4.00 per permit per sign per sign per sign per sign per sign per sign

$75.00 per reconstruction of an existing permanent sign Triple the standard fee $40.00 $20.00 $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 not required when displayed for less than 72 hours $4.00 per permit per sign per sign per sign per sign per sign per sign n/a n/a

69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Building Building Building Building Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Sign Permit - (permits for signs erected or displayed prior to obtaining a sign permit) Portable Sign Fee (A-Frame Sign) Portable Sign Fee (Banner Sign) Portable Sign Fee (Banner Flag Sign) Portable Sign Fee (Community Event Sign - A-Frame, Banner, Ground) Portable Sign Fee (Community Event Sign - Inflatable, Mobile) Portable Sign Fee (Congratulatory Sign)

n/a $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% n/a



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Portable Sign Fee (Construction Site Sign)

per sq. metre of the total sign area (minimum $75.00) per sq. metre of the total sign area (minimum $75.00)

per sq. metre of the total sign area (minimum $75.00) per sq. metre of the total sign area (minimum $75.00)





Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Portable Sign Fee (Development Project Sign)






Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Permit Services Sub-Category / Sub-Division Site Development Zoning

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $50.00 per sign for an additional 2 years per sign per sign 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $50.00 Unit of Measure per sign for an additional 2 years per sign per sign Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service



Portable Sign Fee (Development Project Sign - renewal)

79 80

Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Portable Sign Fee (Election Sign) Portable Sign Fee (Inflatable sign - Group 1 & 2 Residential Uses)

not required not required when displayed for less than 72 hours $50.00

not required not required when displayed for less than 72 hours $50.00

81 82

Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Portable Sign Fee (Inflatable sign - Group 3 & 4 Residential Uses) Portable Sign Fee (Mobile Sign)

per sign

per sign

$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%

$125.00 Flat ree for term of permit up to a maximum 45 days $0.00 Discontinued in lieu of above maximum flat fee for each sign with face area of 1 sq. metre or greater per sq. ft. per installation

$125.00 Flat ree for term of permit up to a maximum 45 days $0.00 Discontinued in lieu of above maximum flat fee for each sign with face area of 1 sq. metre or greater per sq. ft. per installation



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Portable Sign Fee (Mobile Sign)





Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Portable Sign Fee (Real Estate Sign)





85 86 87

Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Institutional Permit Fee Tank Fee (installation) Tank Fee (inspection)

$1.45 $75.00

$1.45 $75.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0%

$15.00 per inspection over 3 inspections $50.00 $150.00 per site per application

$15.00 per inspection over 3 inspections $50.00 $150.00 per site per application

88 89 90

Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Tank Fee (removal) Blanket Hot Water Tank Replacement Permit Signs - Removal of Unlawful Permanent Sign

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0%

$200.00 per sign or actual cost of removal (whichever is greater)

$200.00 per sign or actual cost of removal (whichever is greater)



Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Signs - Removal of Unlawful Temporary Sign

$50.00 per sign or actual cost of removal (whichever is greater)

$50.00 per sign or actual cost of removal (whichever is greater)





Permit Services

Site Development Zoning

Signs - Storage Charge for Unlawful Permanent Sign


per day or $2.00/sq. metre of face area per day, whichever is greater


per day or $2.00/sq. metre of face area per day, whichever is greater




Office of the City Solicitor - Building

Category / Division Permit Services Sub-Category / Sub-Division Site Development Zoning

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $5.00 per day or $0.50/sq. metre of face area per day, whichever is greater per disposal per disposal 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $5.00 Unit of Measure per day or $0.50/sq. metre of face area per day, whichever is greater per disposal per disposal n/a n/a $0.00 Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service



Signs - Storage Charge for Unlawful Temporary Sign

94 95 96

Building Building Building

Permit Services Permit Services Permit Services

Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning Site Development Zoning

Signs - Disposal Charge for Unlawful Permanent Sign Signs - Disposal Charge for Unlawful Temporary Sign Projects Not Specifically Listed Above including: garages, carports, shed, porches, decks, renovations, -fireplaces, recladding, windsor and/or door replacement, fire protection systesm, retaining wals, parking lots (including parking areas on building sites), mezzanines, in plante offices, machine bases, pits, cranes, residential swimming pools, building repairs authorized under a property standards order, greenhouses, plumbing work, and any other unusual structures or projects not classified elsewhere in this schedule

Actual disposal cost Actual disposal cost

Actual disposal cost Actual disposal cost

n/a n/a 0%

$12.00 per $1,000 (or part thereof) of the esttimated cost of the work. (Minimum $125)

$12.00 per $1,000 (or part thereof) of the esttimated cost of the work. (Minimum $125)

97 98

Building Building NOTES

Building Building

Bylaw Enforcement Bylaw Enforcement

Reinspection Related to Regulatory Bylaws and City Issued Licenses Dirty Yard Administrative Fee

$60.00 $90.00

per site visit per hour

$60.00 $90.00

per site visit per hour

$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%

1 10% of the fee is remitted to the Fire Department. There is a $2.00 service fee for any of the above on-line transactions and a $3.00 service fee for any over-the-counter transactions including fax and mail-in options.


Office of the City Solicitor - Fire and Rescue

Category / Division Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Fire Communications Fire Communications Fire Training Fire Rescue Sub-Category / Sub-Division Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Dispatch Dispatch Training Fire Rescue Retrofits Dispatch & Captain's Report Reports - Attendance Lawyers' Letters Lockbox Program General Inspections & Applications

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $19.00 $19.00 $19.00 $10.50 $0.00 $19.00 $19.00 $0.00 $19.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 18% 18% 18% 13% 0% 18% 18% 0% 18% n/a n/a n/a n/a 3% 0% 0% 0% 59 60 61 62 63 65 2014-0160 2014-0182 2014-0183 2014-0184 2014-0185 2014-0189 59 59 2014-0160 2014-0160 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 59 59 59 66 Issue # 2014-0160 2014-0160 2014-0160 2014-0191


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue 1 Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue

$106.00 per hour $106.00 per hour $106.00 per hour $79.50 per letter $50.00 each $106.00 per hour $106.00 per hour $65.00 per licence $106.00 per hour $0.00 n/a $0.00 n/a $0.00 n/a $0.00 n/a $1.80 per capita $35.00 per hour $200.00 per day $410.00 /hour per piece of apparatus + hourly rate of crew + 10% admin charge

$125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $90.00 per letter $50.00 each $125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $65.00 per licence $125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour $125.00 per hour per fire $1.85 per capita $35.00 per hour $200.00 per day $410.00 /hour per piece of apparatus + hourly rate of crew + 10% admin charge

Re-inspections with Fire Code deficiencies Business Licence (collected by Licensing) Business Licence Reinspections Firework Pyro Application & Review Special Events Application & Review - For Profit Organizations Fire Safety Plan Review General Fire Protection Services - No Truck Required Central Dispatch Central Dispatch Records Burn Tower Rental Emergency Assistance for Private Emergencies beyond normal fire protection at business/industrial premises


Fire & Rescue

Fire Rescue

Fire Rescue

MVA Responses to Non-Resident Vehicles

$410.00 /hour per piece of apparatus + hourly rate of crew + 10% admin charge

$410.00 /hour per piece of apparatus + hourly rate of crew + 10% admin charge




M61-2013 (Fee/Service Name Change)


Fire & Rescue

Fire Rescue

Fire Rescue

MTO Rate for Fire Services on Provincially owned portions of Huron Church Rd. E.C. Row Expressway and Ojibway Parkway.

$410.00 /hour per piece of apparatus + hourly rate of crew + 10% admin charge

$410.00 /hour per piece of apparatus + hourly rate of crew + 10% admin charge



Fire & Rescue 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue

Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus

Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus

MTO inspection as per WFR sheet: Light Truck 2-axle Pumper or Heavy Rescue 3-axle Pumper, Aerial or Heavy Rescue Ladder Testing: Attic Roof or Ground Extension (10 ft. extension -$10 Pull; $10 Load) Bangor Basic Pump Service as per WFR Sheet Simple - adjust pump packing Basic Pump Test with tank to pump flow $32.25 per test $62.00 per test $81.00 per test $98.85 per test $284.00 each $44.00 each $352.75 per test $32.25 per test $62.00 per test $81.00 per test $98.85 per test $284.00 each $44.00 each $352.75 per test $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% $249.75 per inspection $297.25 per inspection $352.75 per inspection $249.75 per inspection $297.25 per inspection $352.75 per inspection $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0%


Office of the City Solicitor - Fire and Rescue

Category / Division Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Sub-Category / Sub-Division Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus Fire Apparatus

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $48.25 each $81.00 per test $29.50 per test $81.00 per test $55.50 per test $88.75 per day $188.75 per use $310.75 per use $577.00 per use $68.50 per test $105.00 per hour $105.00 per hour Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 30% 0% 64 2014-0186 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Notes: 1 Includes 5% GIS surcharge

with 2 side hard suction add: Standard Foam System Calibration Flow meter adjust during pump test Complete set-up and adjust flowmeter at hydrant Fit Test: First person (each additional add $30/person) 1 day use 1 week use 2 weeks 1 month SCBA Testing SCBA Repair General repair and services

$48.25 each $81.00 per test $29.50 per test $81.00 per test $55.50 per test $88.75 per day $188.75 per use $310.75 per use $577.00 per use $68.50 per test $81.00 per hour $105.00 per hour


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

Category / Division Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Maps Maps Maps Zoning Maps Zoning Maps Zoning Maps Copies Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $11.00 per map $176.00 per set $5.25 per schedule $176.00 per map $5.00 per map $12.00 per map $2.25 1st page $0.30 each additional page 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $11.00 per map $176.00 per set $5.25 per schedule $176.00 per map $5.00 per map $12.00 per map $2.25 1st page $0.30 each additional page $2.25 1st page $0.30 each additional page $0.40 each additional page $0.50 each additional page $1.00 each additional page $47.17 per plan $36.15 per report $47.25 per plan $10.95 per plan $25.85 per plan $47.17 per plan $34.15 per plan $70.75 per plan $33.02 per CD-ROM $37.74 per study $14.25 per handbook $11.85 per report NO CHARGE per publication $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning

Residential Activity Map - single Residential Activity Map - full set (16) Official Plan Schedules By-Law 3072 Maps (Old) By-Law 85-15 Individual Mapts Xeroxing - per page black & white copies

Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Planning Admin Development Applications Development Applications

Copies Copies Copies Copies Copies Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Publications Search Development Review Services Development Review Services

Xeroxing - per page colour copies Light toner coverage medium toner coverage high toner coverage 11'' x 17" City Centre West CIP (colour) CNHS Report CRIP Glengarry - Marentette CIP (black & white) Glengarry - Marentette CIP (colour) Huron Church Road - Urban Design (Master Plan & Development Guidelines Malden Planning Area Development Plan Official Plan Spiral Bound Copy Official Plan CD-ROM Sandwich Community Planning Study Sidewalk Caf Handbook Spring Garden Complex Environmental Evaluation Report Windsor SEEN Consolidated Zoning By-law (available from Council Services) Zoning Maps - single (available from Building & Development) Official Plan Residual Market Demand & Impact Analysis Sign By-law Amendment Environmental Site Audit

$2.25 1st page $0.30 each additional page $0.40 each additional page $0.50 each additional page $1.00 each additional page $47.17 per plan $36.15 per report $47.25 per plan $10.95 per plan $25.85 per plan $47.17 per plan $34.15 per plan $70.75 per plan $33.02 per CD-ROM $37.74 per study $14.25 per handbook $11.85 per report NO CHARGE per publication

$50.00 per by-law $11.00 per map $10.00 per search $847.00 per amendment $69.00 per audit

$50.00 per by-law $11.00 per map $10.00 per search $847.00 per amendment $69.00 per audit


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

Category / Division Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Sub-Category / Sub-Division Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Street Name Change Mailing PAC Agendas and Minutes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning

$9,156.00 per name change $80.00 per mailing $110.00 per letter $594.00 per name & address $274.00 per address $5,795.00 Base Fee $61.00 per unit $300.00 Base Fee $75.00 per hour

$9,156.00 per name change $80.00 per mailing $110.00 per letter $594.00 per name & address $274.00 per address $5,795.00 Base Fee $61.00 per unit $300.00 Base Fee $75.00 per hour

Lawyer's Letter (per agreement non-refundable) Any New Street Name & Address (Subdivision) Any New Street Address to Existing Street Condominium Conversion Application Additional Fee (Condos Conversion) Building Department Inspection Fee Supplementary Building Department Inspection Fee: After 4 hours at time of request by applicant or when invoiced by Building Department Official Plan Amendments (Minor) Official Plan Amendments (Major) Part Lot Control Applications - Development Review Fee Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Additional Fee: For Subdivision Additional Fee: For Condominium

41 42 43 44

Planning Planning Planning Planning

Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications

Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services

$1,685.00 Base Fee $6,206.00 Base Fee $911.00 per application $173.00 Base Fee $515.00 per lot $136.00 per lot/per unit $2,790.00 each $2,492.00 each $2,546.00 each $3,308.00 Base Fee $4,464.00 Base Fee $916.00 each

$1,685.00 Base Fee $6,206.00 Base Fee $911.00 per application $173.00 Base Fee $515.00 per lot $136.00 per lot/per unit $2,790.00 each $2,492.00 each $2,546.00 each $3,308.00 Base Fee $4,464.00 Base Fee $916.00 each

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

45 46 47 48 49 50

Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning

Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications

Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services Development Review Services

Amendment to Draft Approval of Plan of Subdivision/Condominiium Amendment to Agreement of Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Extension Rezoning Applications (Minor) Rezoning Applications (Major) Renotification Fee of Public Notice of Application for an Amendment/Applicant Request for Deferral at time of request by applicant


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

Category / Division Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Sub-Category / Sub-Division Development Review Services Development Review Services

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $1,172.00 each $1,813.00 each $1,190.00 per application Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

51 52 53

Planning Planning Planning

Removal of Holding H Symbol Pre Holding/Service Removal

$1,172.00 each $1,813.00 each $1,190.00 per application

Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Street & Alley Closing Application Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Alley Search Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Records Search Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Property Standards Appeal Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Deed preparation (Deeds - Registry or Land Titles) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Owners share of 12R plan Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Registration of Deed Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Teranet Fees Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Statutory Declaration Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Third Original Deed Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Lawyer Letter ( e.g. local improvements) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Zoning Compliance Letter (standard) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Zoning Compliance Letter (with drawings) Encroachments & Misc. Fees



Development Applications

$47.00 per hour

$47.00 per hour





Development Applications

$47.00 per hour

$47.00 per hour





Development Applications

$288.00 per appeal

$288.00 per appeal





Development Applications

$184.00 per deed

$184.00 per deed





Development Applications

% share of actual cost $70.00 per deed

% share of actual cost $70.00 per deed $0.00 0%



Development Applications



Development Applications

$41.00 per deed

$41.00 per deed





Development Applications

$166.00 per declaration

$166.00 per declaration





Development Applications

$308.00 per deed

$308.00 per deed





Development Applications

$65.00 per letter

$65.00 per letter





Development Applications

$90.00 per letter

$90.00 per letter





Development Applications

$128.00 per letter

$128.00 per letter




Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

Category / Division Development Applications Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service



Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Zoning Compliance Letter (legal non-conforming) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, Zoning By-Laws - Text Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, By-Law Subscription (Annual) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, By-Law 8600 - Maps (per map) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, By-Law 8600 - Maps (per set) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, By-Law 3072 - Maps (per map) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, By-Law 3072 - Maps (per set) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Street & Alley Closings, Deeds, By-Law 85-18 (per map) Encroachments & Misc. Fees Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Site Plan Control Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Application Amendment/Modification Minor Change Minor Change Requiring Review of Three or More Departments Re-review of Site Plan Application (Minor) Re-review of Site Plan Application (Major) Inspections (Landscaping) Inspections (Lighting) Small Scale Low Profile Residential Development Minor Variance - Residential Minor Variance - Non-Residential Minor Variance - Signs Minor Variance - Fences Legal Non-Conforming Uses - All Application Changes Legal Non-Conforming Uses - Enlargement or Extension of a Building Consent application: Each New Building Lot Consent application: Validation of title or foreclosure or exercise of power of sale

$128.00 per letter plus $45.00/hr. $51.00 per by-law

$128.00 per letter plus $45.00/hr. $51.00 per by-law



Development Applications





Development Applications

$133.00 per subscription

$133.00 per subscription





Development Applications

$14.00 per map

$14.00 per map





Development Applications

$234.00 per set

$234.00 per set





Development Applications

$14.00 per map

$14.00 per map





Development Applications

$234.00 per set

$234.00 per set





Development Applications

$4.00 per map

$4.00 per map



74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning

Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications

$5,083.00 Base Fee $2,976.00 Base Fee $157.00 each $562.00 each $1,185.00 each $2,480.00 each $369.00 each $102.00 each $163.00 each $1,936.00 each $1,936.00 each $1,857.00 each $1,857.00 each $1,936.00 each $1,936.00 each $2,029.00 each $1,756.00 each

$5,083.00 Base Fee $2,976.00 Base Fee $157.00 each $562.00 each $1,185.00 each $2,480.00 each $369.00 each $102.00 each $163.00 each $1,936.00 each $1,936.00 each $1,857.00 each $1,857.00 each $1,936.00 each $1,936.00 each $2,029.00 each $1,756.00 each

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Office of the City Solicitor - Planning

Category / Division Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Development Applications Sub-Category / Sub-Division Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment Committee of Adjustment

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $2,029.00 each $294.00 each $577.00 each $208.00 each $2,973.00 each $2,973.00 each $385.00 per request $364.00 per request $45.00 each $75.00 each $135.00 each Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101

Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning

All Other consent Applications (Sections 53) Requests for change to conditions (Minor) Requests for change to conditions (Major) Issuance of additional Certificates of the Official Consent with minor variance: residential Consent with minor variance: non-residential Notification fee when deferred at request of the applicant at time of request by applicant Special hearings by request of applicant: Cost recovery at time of request by applicant ERCA Development Review Fees for Variances/Consents ERCA Development Review Fees for Consents (up to two lots) ERCA Consents and Minor Variance Processed together

$2,029.00 each $294.00 each $577.00 each $208.00 each $2,973.00 each $2,973.00 each $385.00 per request $364.00 per request $45.00 each $75.00 each $135.00 each


Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

Category / Division Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Sub-Category / Sub-Division Volumetric Flow Charts Average Daily Traffic Volume Report Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts Turning Movement Counts Traffic Control Signal Drawings Truck Route Maps Road Classification Maps Lawyer's Letters Motor Vehicle Collision Summary Report Signal Timing Plan

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $20.00 each $30.00 per book $30.00 each $50.00 per count $50.00 each $50.00 each $50.00 each $50.00 each $30.00 each $50.00 each $13.50 Per plot $22.50 Per plot $10.50 Per plot $8.00 Per plot $5.50 Per print $21.00 Per plot $5.50 Per book $100.00 minimum plus per hour rate $262.50 per CD $16.00 Per map Market Price Per tile 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $20.00 each $30.00 per book $30.00 each $50.00 per count $50.00 each $50.00 each $50.00 each $50.00 each $30.00 each $50.00 each $13.50 Per plot $22.50 Per plot $10.50 Per plot $8.00 Per plot $5.50 Per print $21.00 Per plot $5.50 Per book $100.00 minimum plus per hour rate $262.50 per CD $16.00 Per map Market Price Per tile $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

NOTE: All products include a 5% GIS Surcharge Fee

1:15,000 Street Map - Double Line Map - 36 x 56 Plot 1:15,000 Street Map - Double Line Map - 36 x 56 Plot FULL COLOR 1:20,000 Street Map - Double Line Map - 28 x 42 Plot 1:30,000 Street Map - Single Line Map - 20 x 28 Plot 11" x 17" Street Map - Single Line Map - Print 1:15,000 Street Map (Colour ) - Double Line Map - 36 x 56 Plot Street Index Book - Alphabetical Street Name Index Book - 8 1/2"x11" Custom Map - 24"x36" and larger - Photo as base with parcels, street names, addresses, pavement Autocad Street Map - Digital Autocad File on CD Misc. City Maps - 1:15,000 9 Wards, Elections, Garbage/Recycling and other maps. Updated regularly Topo Map Digital NAD83 - Autocad Format, 500m x 500m Tile Topo Large Scale Mapping - Autocad Format, 1000m x 1000m Tile Topo Large Scale - Entire City, Autocad Format, all Layers from Recent Photo Year Sewer Atlas Map Book - Colour, 24" x 36" plot Sewer Atlas Map Book - Black/White, 24" x 36" print Sewer Atlas Map Book, FAX - Desired area of Atlas captured for fax size Sewer Atlas - Autocad File, All Layers from Atlas File (Per km2) Aerial Contact Print - 9" x 9" laser print from scanned product includes research, validation and printing

$31.50 Per tile $2,100.00 Per file $5.50 Per plot $5.50 Per print $5.50 Per print $105.00 Per file $8.50 Per Photo

$31.50 Per tile $2,100.00 Per file $5.50 Per plot $5.50 Per print $5.50 Per print $105.00 Per file $8.50 Per Photo


Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

Category / Division Geomatics Sub-Category / Sub-Division Geomatics

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $26.50 Per Photo 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $26.50 Per Photo Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service



Aerial Contact Print - 9" x 9" laser photo scanned to PDF (6001200 DPI), copied to CD - includes research, validation and printing Aerial Contact Photo - 9" x 9" laser print - multiples of same photo Digital Ortho Low Level 10cm resolution - Geotif Format, 1000m x 1000m tile Digital Ortho Low Level 10cm - MrSid format on DVD (includes free Viewer) - Entire City Digital Aerial, geo-referenced, exported to low resolution, custom request - Cut from MrSid - lower resolution - size negotiable, as requested EIS Image Capture 8 1/2" x 11" - Photo, Parcel Outline. Addresses, Street Names - Screen Print on paper EIS Image Capture - 11" x 17" - - Photo, Parcel Outline. Addresses, Street Names - Screen Print on paper Digital Pavement Edge - 1000m x 1000m Tile - DWG or Shp Format, latest flying year Digital Pavement Edge, Entire City - DWG or Shp Format, latest flying year, copied to CD or emailed Digital Building Outlines, 1000m x 1000m Tile - DWG Format, Rooftops Digital Building Outlines, Entire City - DWG Format - copied to CD - Rooftops Digital Address Map Book on CD Digital Pavement Edge (Street Names) - Autocad Format, layer from recent photo year & updated street names EIS Image - CD or email, image in Word format, as many features and layers as requested Custom Service - Per hour rate GIS Surcharge Postal Codes - 6 Digit - Points - Entire City - DWG or Shapfile Format - georeferenced Contract Specifications Book 2 binder/hard copy Contract Specifications Book 2 Drawings only OCE - Special Printing 24" x 36" Benchmark Book - Bound Book Format & Map Street Name Index Book WORK ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY Moving/Oversized Load Permit (minimum)

30 31 32 33

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics

Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics

$3.50 Per copy $112.50 Per tile $5,250.00 Per file $50.00 minimum plus per hour rate $10.50 Per print

$3.50 Per copy $112.50 Per tile $5,250.00 Per file $50.00 minimum plus per hour rate $10.50 Per print

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0%











$13.50 Per print

$13.50 Per print



36 37 38 39 40 41

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering 1 Engineering Engineering

Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics

Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics

$63.00 Per file $1,050.00 Per file $52.50 Per file $1,050.00 Per file $26.50 Per CD $1,575.00 Per file

$63.00 Per file $1,050.00 Per file $52.50 Per file $1,050.00 Per file $26.50 Per CD $1,575.00 Per file

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Engineering Engineering 2 Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Development

Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Geomatics Development

$26.50 $50.00 Per hour $0.00 $2,100.00 Per file $126.00 Per file $42.00 Per file $3.15 Per file $15.75 Per file $5.25 Per file $240.00 Per Move/Load

$26.50 $50.00 Per hour $0.00 $2,100.00 Per file $126.00 Per file $42.00 Per file $3.15 Per file $15.75 Per file $5.25 Per file $240.00 Per Move/Load

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

Category / Division Development Development Sub-Category / Sub-Division Development Development

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

53 54

Engineering Engineering

Annual Moving/Oversized Load Project Permit Moving/Oversized Load Project Permit This requires Annual Moving/Oversized Load Project Permit first and then this fee applies to each loaver over 10 moves. Right-of-way Permit for: -Sewer work, driveways, utility work, water service, other (day closure, signs, structure or object on ROW, temporary construction access, etc.) -Sewer Work-Tap Inspection Fee Hard Surface Restoration - Concrete (up to 6 inches) Hard Surface Restoration - Asphalt (up to 4 inches) Hard Surface Restoration - Asphalt (over 4 inches) Hard Surface Restoration - Asphalt on Concrete Hard Surface Restoration - Administration Fee Sewer Work (with Sewer Information Sheet)* Sewer Work (without Sewer Information Sheet)* Sewer Work-Tap Inspection Fee

$2,400.00 Vehicle/Year $120.00 Per Move/Load

$2,400.00 Vehicle/Year $120.00 Per Move/Load





$205.00 Per Permit

$205.00 Per Permit



Per Inspection $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Per Permit $0.00 Per Permit $0.00 Per Inspection $0.00 Per Permit $1,300.00 Per 10x12 Ft pit $850.00 Per 10x12 Ft pit $950.00 Per 10x12 Ft pit $1,100.00 Per 10x12 Ft pit $150.00 Per Project $0.00 Per Permit $0.00 Per Permit $0.00 Per Inspection $0.00 Per Permit $1,300.00 $850.00 $950.00 $1,100.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CR 171/2012 CR 171/2012 CR 171/2012 CR 171/2012 CR 171/2012

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Development Development Development Development Development Development

Development Development Development Development Development Development




Temporary Signs on ROW (minimum)

65 66

Engineering Engineering

Development Development

Development Development

Sidewalk Caf Permit Hoarding on Right-of-way (minimum $65) - Untravelled area - Travelled area Lawyer's Letter-Any written request to a lawyer's request such as site plan, subdivision, consent to ammend, encroachments, release of rights, etc. Sewer Permit Letter/Public Right-of-Way Environmental Site Audit Letter Secondary Inspection Fee Sewer Information Sheet City Share of Private Drain Connection Replacement Cost Rebate (Max) Encroachment Application Fee (includes G.I.S. fee) Encroachment Surcharge (Refundable Indemnity deposit)

$1.00 Per Permit $0.65 Per Linear Ft. Per Square Ft. $119.00 Per Letter

$1.00 Per Permit $0.65 Per Linear Ft. Per Square Ft. $119.00 Per Letter

$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%







68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Development Development Development Development Development Development Development

Development Development Development Development Development Development Development

$97.00 Per Letter $67.00 Per Letter $50.00 Per Secondary Inspection $23.00 Per Sheet $2,000.00 Per replacement $225.00 per application $100.00 per application

$97.00 Per Letter $67.00 Per Letter $50.00 Per Secondary Inspection $23.00 Per Sheet $2,000.00 Per replacement $225.00 per application $100.00 per application

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

Category / Division Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Sub-Category / Sub-Division Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 % 0% 0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a By-Law 150-2013 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Minimun One-Time Fee Residential Type Encroachments Annual Encroachment Inspection Fee Sidewalk Caf Application Fee Outdoor Caf located on Public Right of Way Base Fee (CCBA) Outdoor Caf located on Public Right of Way Fee (CCBA) Outdoor Caf located on Public Right of Way Fee (Other Beautification Imp. Areas) Outdoor Caf located on Public Right of Way Fee (Other Beautification Imp. Areas) Outdoor Caf located on Public Right of Way Fee (Other Non-Beautified Imp. Areas) Outdoor Caf located on Public Right of Way Fee (Other Non-Beautified Imp. Areas) a) b) G.I.S. a) Base b) G.I.S. a) Base b) G.I.S.

$100.00 per encroachment $25.00 per inspection $0.00 per application $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per application & Re-application ** for 1-50 lots/Units $0.00 per application & Re-application ** for 51-100 lots/Units $0.00 per application & Re-application ** for 101-200 lots/Units $0.00 per application & Re-application ** for greater than 200 Lots/Units

$100.00 per encroachment $25.00 per inspection $0.00 per application $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $0.00 per sq. ft. $1,000.00 per application & Re-application ** for 1-50 lots/Units $1,600.00 per application & Re-application ** for 51-100 lots/Units $2,800.00 per application & Re-application ** for 101-200 lots/Units $3,600.00 per application & Re-application ** for greater than 200 Lots/Units

Environmental Compliance Approval Review Process Nonrefundable Administration Fees





Environmental Compliance Approval Review Process Nonrefundable Administration Fees




By-Law 150-2013





Environmental Compliance Approval Review Process Nonrefundable Administration Fees




By-Law 150-2013





Environmental Compliance Approval Review Process Nonrefundable Administration Fees




By-Law 150-2013





Schedule 6 MOE Schedule of Fees for Environmental Compliance Approval Review of storm and sanitary sewers and appurtenances, including expansion of existing sewers Schedule 6 MOE Schedule of Fees for Environmental Compliance Approval Review of storm and sanitary pump stations, force mains, and sanitary sewage detention chambers or oversized sewers, including the expansion of an exisiting facility that involves an increase in the related capacity of the facility.

$0.00 per sewer

$900.00 per sewer




By-Law 150-2013





$0.00 per review item

$1,800.00 per review item




By-Law 150-2013


Office of the City Engineer - Engineering

Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ % Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

* **

Working without a permit will be subject to a penalty of up to 2 times the normal permit fee. Applications submitted that are deemed incomplete will cause the Corporation to send a letter to the Consultant indicating the outstanding issues to be addressed, with a two week timeframe to provide all information. If the information is not submitted within two weeks the application will be null and void and a new application with appropriate re-application fee will be required.

NOTES 1 2 3 4 Can be viewed free on Internet - but can be copied to CD for an administration and materials fee A 5% GIS Surcharge fee (excluding taxes where applicable) is included in all of the above mentioned fees. Freedom of Information (FOI) Legislation places restrictions on this product - no more than 5 parcels can be provided if the list includes owner name and address. If a longer list is desired, owner names must be blacked out or deleted. The Engineering- Department does not budget by individual service in either the Geomatics or the Development Division and therefore the 2011 revenue estimates are the Division's best guess estimate based on prior year's information There is a $3.00 (per Public Works Permit) service fee for any over-the-counter transactions including fax and mail-in options.


Office of the City Engineer - Parks and Facilities

Category / Division Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sub-Category / Sub-Division Forestry Forestry Forestry Forestry Forestry Horticulture Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Facility Operations Facility Operations Facility Operations Facility Operations Facility Operations Facility Operations Facility Operations Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center Ojibway Nature Center

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $57.14 inspection letter $261.90 tree $315.00 plaque $261.90 unit or 50' frontage $333.33 lot with sidewalk $428.57 logo $761.90 bench $471.43 bench $220.00 per cut $440.00 per cut $220.00 per cut $440.00 per cut $128.00 per hour $128.00 per hour $62.50 per hour $55.00 per hour $60.00 day $55,690.30 acre $28.00 hour $40.00 hour $28.00 hour $40.00 hour $61.90 month $20.57 month 10% Project Expense $144.00 week $3.55 per hour $4.38 hour $5.97 hour $3.00 person $3.00 person $3.00 person $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $57.14 inspection letter $261.90 tree $315.00 plaque $261.90 unit or 50' frontage $333.33 lot with sidewalk $428.57 logo $761.90 bench $471.43 bench $220.00 per cut $440.00 per cut $220.00 per cut $440.00 per cut $128.00 per hour $128.00 per hour $62.50 per hour $55.00 per hour $60.00 day $55,690.30 acre $28.00 hour $40.00 hour $28.00 hour $40.00 hour $61.90 month $20.57 month 10% Project Expense $144.00 week $3.55 per hour $4.38 hour $5.97 hour $3.00 person $3.00 person $3.00 person $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student $2.00 per hour per student Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities 2 Parks & Facilities 2 Parks & Facilities 2 Parks & Facilities 2 Parks & Facilities 2 Parks & Facilities 2 Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities 1 Parks & Facilities 1 Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities

House Moving Route Clearance Commemorative Tree Program Commemorative Tree Program Street Trees Street Trees Horticultural Logo Commemorative Bench Program Benches Private Lot Weed Cutting (Less than 0.49 acre) Private Lot Weed Cutting (Over 0.5 acre) City of Windsor lots Weed Cutting (<0.49 acre) City of Windsor lots Weed Cutting (>0.50 acre) City of Windsor Lots Weed Cutting per hour Private Lots Weed Cutting per hour Vacant Lots Snow Removal Vacant Lots Cleaning Picnic Table Rental Parks Development Fees Caretaking Fees (internal clients) Maintenance Fees (internal clients) Caretaking Fees (external clients) Maintenance Fees (external clients) Parking Fees (400 City Hall Square) Parking Fees (400 City Hall Square) Project Management Admin. Fee for Minor Capital Projects Ojibway Day Camps & Programs - Specialty Day Camp Fees - Introductory Children - Introductory - Adults (Physical activity) - Advanced - Adults (Physical activity) Group Slide Presentation Group Introductory Program Group Activity Program JK/SK Customized Program Grade 1 to 3 Customized Program Grade 4 to 6 Advanced Program Grade 4 to 6 Customized Program Grade 7 to OAC Customized Program


Office of the City Engineer - Parks and Facilities

Category / Division Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sub-Category / Sub-Division Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Ojibway Nature Centre Woodland Room Prairie Room Audio Visual Equipment Natural History Consulting Fee Entire Centre

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $23.00 Hour $29.00 hour $30.00 Day $90.00 hour $78.00 hour $55.00 frontage ft of lot $55.00 frontage ft of lot $55.00 frontage ft of lot $55.00 frontage ft of lot $900.00 dwelling unit $900.00 dwelling unit 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $23.00 Hour $29.00 hour $30.00 Day $90.00 hour $78.00 hour $55.00 frontage ft of lot $55.00 frontage ft of lot $55.00 frontage ft of lot $55.00 frontage ft of lot $900.00 dwelling unit $900.00 dwelling unit Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Notes: 1 2

Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities

Residential Development or Re- Single Detached dwelling units Development Residential Development or Re- Semi-Detached dwelling units Development Residential Development or Re- Duplex dwelling units Development Residential Development or Re- Row dwellings fronting public streets Development Residential Development or Re- All other row dwellings Development Residential Development or Re- Multiple dwellings Development

These fees include HST. Updated based on annual wage increases.


Office of the City Engineer - PW Environmental

Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 % 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1

PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental PW Environmental

E.S. Waste Management Lou Romano Water Recl Plant Little River Pollution Control Lou Romano Water Recl Plant Little River Pollution Control Lou Romano Water Recl Plant E.S. Environmental Services E.S. Environmental Services E.S. Environmental Services

Containerized Refuse Collection Waste Collection and Disposal Charges Sewage Treatment Sewage Treatment Sewage Treatment Over Strength Sewage Treatment Over Strength Sewage Treatment White Goods Collection Barricades Lights All Septic Tank and Holding Tank Waste Disposal - LRWRP - Sewage Treatment - Town of Tecumseh - Sewage Treatment - Town of LaSalle - Overstrength Surcharge - Carriere Foods & Little River Pollution Control Plant - Overstrength Surcharge Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant User Pay system for White Good Collection Rental Charge for Barricades Rental Charge for Lights

$28.00 per lift based on 2012 per gallon actuals 1 based on 2012 per m3 actuals 1 based on 2012 actuals 1 per m3

$28.00 per lift based on 2013 per gallon actuals 1 based on 2013 per m3 actuals 1 based on 2013 actuals 1 per m3

based on 2012 per kg. actuals 1 based on 2012 per kg. actuals 1 $0.00 $2.00 per barricade $10.00 per light

based on 2013 per kg. actuals 1 based on 2013 per kg. actuals 1 $0.00 $2.00 per barricade $10.00 per light $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0%

1 Payment for Over Strength Sewage *New rates are calculated based on previous year's actual cost to treat sewage.


Office of the City Engineer - PW Operations

Category / Division On-Off Street Parking Sub-Category / Sub-Division Card Key Replacement

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $15.00 first replacement $30.00 additional replacements 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $15.00 first replacement $30.00 additional replacements $5.00 per bag per day, non-refundable $2.00 first page $0.30 each additional page (plus GST&PST) $30.00 $15.00 $50.00 per permit per permit per roll Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3

PW Operations PW Operations PW Operations

On-Off Street Parking

Meter Bags

$5.00 per bag per day, non-refundable $2.00 first page $0.30 each additional page (plus GST&PST)

4 5

PW Operations PW Operations

PW Operations Admin. PW Operations Admin.


$0.00 $0.00

0% 0%

6 7 8

PW Operations PW Operations 1 PW Operations

Operations Operations Operations

Parking Enforcement Parking Enforcement Parking Enforcement

Sale of 1st Residential Permit Sale of 2nd Residential Permit Sale of tokens for meters (to businesses)

$30.00 $15.00 $50.00

per permit per permit per roll

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0%

General Note: Public Works Operations has very few fee charges and annual revenue from them is usually immaterial. 1 A 50% discount is available to various business associations in the Windsor area.


Community Development Health - Huron Lodge

Category / Division Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Sub-Category / Sub-Division Accounts Receivable Resident Services Resident Services

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 % 0% 20% 60% 155 155 2014-0041 2014-0041 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #


Ref #


Fee / Service

1 2 3

Huron Lodge 1 Huron Lodge 1 Huron Lodge

Administrative Fee (NSF Cheques) Auditorium Rental - 1-20 people (Huron Lodge Resident) Auditorium Rental - 1-20 people (Non-Huron Lodge Resident)

$40.00 per nsf cheque $25.00 per use $25.00 per use

$40.00 per nsf cheque $30.00 per use $40.00 per use

1 Huron Lodge

Huron Lodge

Resident Services

Auditorium Rental - 21-75 people (Huron Lodge Resident)

$50.00 per use

$55.00 per use





1 Huron Lodge

Huron Lodge

Resident Services

Auditorium Rental - 21-75 people (Non-Huron Lodge Resident)

$50.00 per use

$70.00 per use





6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Huron Lodge Huron Lodge 1 Huron Lodge 1 Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge 1 Huron Lodge 1 Huron Lodge

Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge Huron Lodge

Resident Services Resident Services Resident Services Resident Services Resident Services Resident Services Resident Services Resident Services

Unit Activity Areas - maximum 16 people (Huron Lodge Resident) Unit Activity Areas - maximum 16 people (Non-Huron Lodge Resident) Unit Activity Areas - maximum 16 people (Huron Lodge Resident) Unit Activity Areas - maximum 16 people (Non-Huron Lodge Resident) Chapel (Huron Lodge Residents) Chapel (Non-Huron Lodge Residents) The Family Celebration Room (Huron Lodge Resident maximum 8 people) The Family Celebration Room (Non-Huron Lodge Resident maximum 8 people)

$0.00 per use (with meal purchase) $0.00 per use (with meal purchase) $25.00 per use (without meal purchase) $25.00 per use (without meal purchase) $0.00 per use $25.00 per use $0.00 per use $25.00 per use

$0.00 per use (with meal purchase) $30.00 per use (with meal purchase) $25.00 per use (without meal purchase) $35.00 per use (without meal purchase) $0.00 per use $25.00 per use $0.00 per use $30.00 per use n/a

$0.00 $30.00 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

n/a n/a 0% 40% n/a 0% n/a 20%

155 155

2014-0041 2014-0041





Notes: 1 Other fees may be applied where meals are not purchased.


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ % Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #

Ref #


Fee / Service

* Note: All Recreation User Fees include HST except Programs for children 14 and under. Implementation date may be January 1st, April 1st or June 1st depending on program.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Recreation & Culture



Program Refunds Photocopying of Bylaws or Council Resolutions (.30 each additional page) Faxing Fees (local calls) Faxing Fees (long distance) $1.00 each additional page Faxing Fees (international) $1.00 each additional page Administration Fee (NSF cheques, closed accounts, etc)

$10.00 $2.15 $1.00 $2.15 $3.23 $40.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00

Each Page Page Page Page Each Day Day Day

$10.00 $2.15 $1.00 $2.15 $3.23 $40.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00

Each Page Page Page Page Each Day Day Day

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Recreation & Culture


Audio Visual Equipment (when available) Non-Resident Fees Discounts

Slide Projector Overhead Projector and Screen TV/VCR Aquatics, Community Centres, Mackenzie Hall, Ojibway, Arenas (Excluding School Programs) Family Registration Senior Citizens/Persons with Disabilities Financial Assistance for Persons on Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

Recreation & Culture Recreation & Culture

Recreation Recreation

$6.00 Person/Program 10% 10% 15% $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day

$6.00 Person/Program 10% 10% 15% $15.00 Day $10.00 Day $10.00 Day $7.00 Day $10.00 Day $7.00 Day $10.00 Day $5.00 Day $6.00 Day $20.00 Day $15.00 Day $15.00 Day

Community Programming

Aquatics: Admissions Windsor Residents Family Aquatic Complex

Water Park - Saturday and Sunday (Full Day) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Saturday and Sunday (Full Day) - Under Height Requirement Water Park - Fri, Sat & Sun Star Light Rate 4pm-Close) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Fri, Sat & Sun Star Light Rate 4pm-Close) - Under Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Thurs Star Light Rate (4-9pm) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Thurs Star Light Rate (4-9pm) - Under Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Fri Preschool (9:30am - 2:30pm) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Fri Preschool (9:30am - 2:30pm) - Under Height Requirement Dry Play Place

$15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $7.00 $10.00 $7.00 $10.00 $5.00 $6.00 $20.00 $15.00 $15.00

New New New New New New New New New New New New

159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 159

2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297

Community Programming

Aquatics: Admissions Non Residents Family Aquatic Complex

Water Park - Saturday and Sunday (Full Day) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Saturday and Sunday (Full Day) - Under Height Requirement Water Park - Fri, Sat & Sun Star Light Rate 4pm-Close) - Over Height Requirement


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture Community Programming Aquatics:

Admissions Non Residents Department Category / Division Sub-Category / Family Aquatic Complex Sub-Division Notes Ref # Fee / Service

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $0.00 Day $293.00 Year $166.00 6 Months $93.00 3 Months $32.50 1 Month $5.00 Visit $0.00 Year $0.00 Year $0.00 Year $0.00 Year $0.00 Year $248.00 Year $140.50 6 Months $78.50 3 Months $27.50 1 Month $5.00 Visit 10% Discount Free 2 yrs & Under $2.00 Child/Youth $4.00 Adult/Senior $11.25 Family $4.00 Per Adult Free 2 yrs & Under $2.00 Child/Youth $2.00 Adult/Senior 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $12.00 Day $15.00 Day $12.00 Day $15.00 Day $10.00 Day $6.00 Day $293.00 Year $166.00 6 Months $93.00 3 Months $32.50 1 Month $5.00 Visit $179.00 Year $129.00 Year $90.00 Year $59.00 Summer $39.00 Summer $248.00 Year $140.50 6 Months $78.50 3 Months $27.50 1 Month $5.00 Visit 10% Discount Free 2 yrs & Under $2.00 Child/Youth $4.00 Adult/Senior $11.25 Family $4.00 Per Adult Free 2 yrs & Under $2.00 Child/Youth $2.00 Adult/Senior $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $12.00 $15.00 $12.00 $15.00 $10.00 $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $179.00 $129.00 $90.00 $59.00 $39.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % New New New New New New 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% New New New New New 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 159 159 159 159 159 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 159 159 159 159 159 159 Issue # 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Aquatics: OUTDOOR DAILY Family & Public Swims Recreation & Culture Recreation & Culture Community Programming Community Programming Group Discount Aquatics: INDOOR DAILY Family & Public Swims Recreation & Culture Community Programming Fitness Memberships: Weight Room Recreation & Culture Community Programming Aquatics: Memberships

Water Park - Fri, Sat & Sun Star Light Rate 4pm-Close) - Under Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Thurs Star Light Rate (4-9pm) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Thurs Star Light Rate (4-9pm) - Under Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Fri Preschool (9:30am - 2:30pm) - Over Height Requirement Water Park - Mon - Fri Preschool (9:30am - 2:30pm) - Under Height Requirement Dry Play Place Adult Aquatic and Fitness Memberships - Gino A. Marcus, and Family Aquatic Complex. Includes access to the Fitness Centre, Adult Lengths, Aqua Fitness Drop-Ins, Masters and Water Walking. Family Aquatic Complex - Water Park - Over Height Requirement Family Aquatic Complex - Water Park - Under Height Requirement Family Aquatic Complex - Dry Play Place - Children Under 12 Family Aquatic Complex - Water Park - Over Height Requirement - SUMMER JULY AND AUGUST Family Aquatic Complex - Water Park - Under Height Requirement - SUMMER JULY AND AUGUST Adult Fitness Memberships - Gino A. Marcus and Windsor Water World. Includes access to the Fitness Centre during regularly scheduled hours. Applies to all Membership Types Family and Public Swims (Indoor Pools): 2 yrs old & Under (with paid Adult) Family and Public Swims (Indoor Pools): Child/Youth (3-18) Family and Public Swims (Indoor Pools): Adult (19+) Family and Public Swims (Indoor Pools): Family Family and Public Swims (Indoor Pools): Pre-school Swim 5 & Under Family and Public Swims (Outdoor Pools): 2 yrs old & Under (with paid Adult) Family and Public Swims (Outdoor Pools): Child/Youth (3-18) Family and Public Swims (Outdoor Pools): Adult (19+)


Recreation & Culture

Community Programming

Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Notes Aquatics: OUTDOOR DAILY Family &Sub-Category Public Swims / Sub-Division

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $6.75 Family $1.00 Slide $2.00 Per Adult $2.00 Per Child $42.00 Person $45.00 Adult $137.00 Family $137.00 Max 6 People $45.00 Adult $42.00 Child $1.00 Person $83.00 Pass $6.11 30 min. class $6.11 30 min. class $6.11 30 min. class $6.11 45 min. class $6.11 45 min. class $7.05 45 min. class $9.07 30 min. class $11.82 45 min. class $65.00 12 hours $58.00 12 hours $129.75 27 hours $107.99 22.5 hours $152.00 30 hours $203.50 44 hours $190.50 50 hours $44.50 4 hours $98.00 16 hours $22.85 1 person/30 min. $13.05 2 people/30min $10.45 3 people/30min $34.25 1 person 1/2 hour $5.35 Hour $6.00 Drop in $48.50 10 card pass $0.00 Hour 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $6.75 Family $1.00 Slide $2.00 Per Adult $2.00 Per Child $43.00 Person $46.00 Adult $140.00 Family $140.00 Max 6 People $46.00 Adult $43.00 Child $1.00 Person $83.00 Pass $6.23 30 min. class $6.23 30 min. class $6.23 30 min. class $6.23 45 min. class $6.23 45 min. class $7.19 45 min. class $9.25 30 min. class $12.05 45 min. class $65.00 12 hours $58.00 12 hours $129.75 27 hours $107.99 22.5 hours $152.00 30 hours $203.50 44 hours $190.50 50 hours $44.50 4 hours $98.00 16 hours $23.24 1 person/30 min. $13.28 2 people/30min $10.63 3 people/30min $35.00 1 person 1/2 hour $5.45 Hour $6.15 Drop in $49.00 10 card pass $85.00 Hour $1.00 $1.00 $3.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.14 $0.18 $0.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.39 $0.23 $0.18 $0.75 $0.10 $0.15 $0.50 $85.00 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% New 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 159 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0297 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 % 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #

Ref #


Fee / Service

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Recreation & Culture Community Programming Recreation & Culture Community Programming Rec Aquatic Sports Workshops and Pool Fitness Classes Aquatics: Rentals - WIATC Recreation & Culture Community Programming Aquatics: PRIVATE Learn to Swim Recreation & Culture Community Programming Aquatics: Leadership Training Recreation & Culture Community Programming Aquatics: Learn To Swim Recreation & Culture Community Programming Aquatics: Swim Passes Windsor International Aquatic Training Centre, Gino A. Marcus and Outdoor Pools

Family and Public Swims (Outdoor Pools): Family Family and Public Swims (Outdoor Pools): Slide - Remington Booster Pool (Plus rec swim fee) Family and Public Swims (Outdoor Pools): Pre-school Swim 5 & Under Swim Pass: Individual Summer Swim Pass - Child Swim Pass: Individual Summer Swim Pass - Adult Swim Pass: Family Summer Swim Pass Swim Pass: Organization Swim Pass - Children & Seniors

(Does NOT Apply to Waterpark) Swim Pass: Skate / Swim Pass Swim Pass: Skate / Swim Pass Slide - Remington Booster Pool (not included in swim pass) Preschool Swim Passes (3 Months - All Season) Learn to Swim: Parent & Tot 1,2,3 Learn to Swim: Preschool A, B, C, D Learn to Swim: Swimmer 1 & 2 Learn to Swim: Swimmer 3, 4, 5, 6 Learn to Swim: Rookie, Ranger, Star Learn to Swim: AquaAdult Learn to Swim: Learn to Swim Program (1:4 ratio) Learn to Swim: Learn to Swim Program (1:6 ratio) Aquatic Leadership Training: Junior Lifeguard Club Aquatic Leadership Training: Bronze Star Aquatic Leadership Training: Bronze Medallion/Emerg First Aid/CPR B Aquatic Leadership Training: Bronze Cross Aquatic Leadership Training: Assistant Water Safety Instructors Aquatic Leadership Training: National Lifeguard Service Aquatic Leadership Training: RC/LS Instructor School Aquatic Leadership Training: National Lifeguard Recertification Aquatic Leadership Training: Standard First Aid Private Learn to Swim Private Learn to Swim Private Learn to Swim Private - Rehab / Therapy Firbrostretch, Senior Splash, etc. Beach Yoga Beach Yoga 25 Metre Pool - Swim Teams 8 Lanes


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Community Programming Sub-Category / Sub-Division Aquatics: Rentals - WIATC Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $0.00 Hour $0.00 Hour $0.00 Hour $0.00 Hour $0.00 Hour $22.75 Hour $103.00 Hour $46.50 Hour $125.00 client assessment $3.61 Hour $5.06 Hour $4.62 Hour $6.43 Hour $4.45 Hour $6.06 Hour $3.58 Hour $48.50 10 Visits $6.00 Class $3.15 Hour 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $170.00 Hour $19.70 Hour $9.85 Hour $200.00 Hour $104.70 Hour $22.00 Hour $105.00 Hour $47.50 Hour $130.00 client assessment $3.66 Hour $5.13 Hour $4.68 Hour $6.52 Hour $4.51 Hour $6.15 Hour $3.63 Hour $49.00 10 Visits $6.15 Class $3.20 Hour Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $170.00 $19.70 $9.85 $200.00 $104.70 ($0.75) $2.00 $1.00 $5.00 $0.05 $0.07 $0.06 $0.09 $0.06 $0.09 $0.05 $0.50 $0.15 $0.05 % New New New New New -3% 2% 2% 4% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% 2% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 159 159 159 159 159 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 Issue # 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0297 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039

Ref #

Department Recreation & Culture

Fee / Service

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Recreation & Culture Recreation & Culture Community Programming Community Programming Recreation & Culture Community Programming

50 Metre Pool - Swim Teams 8 Lanes 50 Metre - Lane Only 25 Metre - Lane Only Swim Meets Diving Platforms

Aquatics: Pool Rentals - Gino and Liz Marcus & Outdoor Pools Aquatics: Other Fees Community Centre: Seasonal Activities & School Programs

Pool Rentals: Extra Lifeguard Fee Pool Rentals: Pool Rentals (Excluding Windsor International Aquatic Training Centre) Pool Rentals: Slide - Remington Booster Pool Therapy Administration Fee Introductory Children (Physical & Non Physical) Advanced - Children (incl. Workshops) (Physical & Non Physical) Introductory - Adults (Non physical) Advanced - Adults (Non physical - incl. Workshops) Introductory - Adults (Physical Activity) Advanced - Adults (Physical Activity) Fitness Programme Fitness Pass Drop-In Fitness (1 Hour) Weekly Gym Recreation Program AdultsUnsupervised/Unstructured (2 Hours/week) Prime Time Drop in Sports (Unsupervised, Unstructured, Come and Go as please (Max 2.5 Hours) Youth Drop in Sports (Unsupervised, Unstructured, Come and Go as please (Max 2.5 Hours) Teen Drop in Sports (Unsupervised, Unstructured, Come and Go as please (Max 2.5 Hours) Adult Neighbourhood Drop In (Crafts, Some Sports) (Unsupervised, Unstructured, Come and Go as please) Ages 6-13 Walking / Runners Fee (Unsupervised, Unstructured, Come and Go as please)

111 112 113 114

$1.00 Youth $3.00 Teen $5.00 Adult $2.00 1.5 Hour

$1.00 Youth $3.25 Teen $4.00 Adult Non-Prime $5.00 Adult Prime $2.25 1.5 Hour

$0.00 $0.25 $0.00 $0.25

0% 8% 0% 13% 169 2014-0039 169 2014-0039


$2.00 Hour

$2.25 Hour





116 117 118 119 120 121

Recreation & Culture

Community Programming

Community Centre: Day Camp Community Centre: Drop-In Activities

Weekly Day Camp Fees Daily Day Camp Fees Specialty Day Camp Fees Drop-In Activities - Games Room: When booked Per Half a Year No Staff Costs Drop-In Activities - Games Room: When booked Per Half a Year No Staff Costs Drop-In Activities - Games Room: When booked Per Half a Year No Staff Costs

$113.00 Week/50Hr Wk $28.00 Day $144.00 Week/50Hr Wk $9.00 Child $11.00 Youth $17.75 Adult

$113.00 Week/50Hr Wk $28.00 Day $144.00 Week/50Hr Wk $9.00 Child $11.00 Youth $17.75 Adult

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Recreation & Culture

Community Programming and Sports Services


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture Recreation & Culture Community Programming and
Sports Services Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division Community Centres, WFCU & Arena Auditoriums Rental Fees Applicable to Community Centres and Arena Auditoriums except for Willistead and Mackenzie Hall Notes Ref # Department Fee / Service

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.25 $0.50 $0.50 $0.75 $0.50 $0.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.25 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $0.75 $0.50 $0.00 $2.50 $1.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.50 $8.50 $7.00 % 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 0% 2% 2% 1% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 2% 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 169 169 169 169 169 169 Issue # 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Recreation & Culture Community Programming

Single Meeting Room - NON PRIME Single Meeting Room - PRIME Double Room (formerly AB) - NON PRIME Double Room (formerly AB) - PRIME Triple Room (Formally ABC Room) (Only WFCU / FGA) NON PRIME Triple Room (Formally ABC Room) (Only WFCU / FGA) - PRIME Reception Hall (Only WFCU & South Windsor) NON PRIME Reception Hall (Only WFCU & South Windsor) - PRIME Reception Hall / Leisure Gym (Only WFCU) Leisure Gym for Sporting Event (WFCU & C.C.) NON PRIME Leisure Gym for Sporting Event (WFCU & C.C.) - PRIME Leisure Gym for Non-Sporting Events (WFCU & C.C.) - NON PRIME Leisure Gym for Non-Sporting Events (WFCU & C.C.) - PRIME Large Sports Gym for Sporting Event (WFCU & AMC) - NON PRIME Large Sports Gym for Sporting Event (WFCU & AMC) - PRIME Large Sports Gym for Non-Sporting Events (WFCU & AMC) NON PRIME Large Sports Gym for Non-Sporting Events (WFCU & AMC) PRIME Mon-Friday Daytime Only Full Day Max. 8 Hrs (Not Reception Hall) Mon-Friday Daytime Only Half Day Max. 4 Hrs (Not Reception Hall) Weekend - Daily Alcohol & Non Alcohol - Full Day (Only C.C. & Forest Glade Arena) Weekend - Daily Alcohol & Non Alcohol - Half Day (Only C.C. & Forest Glade Arena) Reception Hall / Leisure Gym - Daily Alcohol & Non Alcohol (Only WFCU) Reception Hall - Daily Alcohol & Non Alcohol - Full Day (Only WFCU & South Windsor Arena) Reception Hall - Daily Alcohol & Non Alcohol - Half Day (Only WFCU & South Windsor Arena)

$20.75 Hour/Per Room $36.25 Hour/Per Room $30.00 Hour/Per Room $48.75 Hour/Per Room $36.25 Hour/Rm $53.75 Hour/Rm $62.25 Hour/Rm $84.75 Hour/Rm $119.00 Hour/Rm $25.00 Hour/Per Room $41.50 Hour/Per Room $36.25 Hour/Per Room $53.75 Hour/Per Room $30.00 Hour/Rm $47.75 Hour/Rm $39.25 Hour/Rm $59.25 Hour/Rm $169.00 Day $90.00 Half Day $429.00 Day $228.00 Half Day $850.00 Day $658.00 Day $350.00 Half Day $228.00 Half Day $428.00 Day $339.00 Half Day

$21.00 Hour/Per Room $36.75 Hour/Per Room $30.50 Hour/Per Room $49.50 Hour/Per Room $36.75 Hour/Rm $54.50 Hour/Rm $62.25 Hour/Rm $84.75 Hour/Rm $119.00 Hour/Rm $25.25 Hour/Per Room $42.00 Hour/Per Room $36.75 Hour/Per Room $53.75 Hour/Per Room $30.50 Hour/Rm $48.50 Hour/Rm $39.75 Hour/Rm $59.25 Hour/Rm $171.50 Day $91.25 Half Day $429.00 Day $228.00 Half Day $850.00 Day $658.00 Day $350.00 Half Day $232.50 Half Day $436.50 Day $346.00 Half Day

Malden: Rentals

Non Alcohol Rental - Hourly Non Alcohol Rental - Daily Alcohol Rental - Hourly


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Notes Recreation & Culture Department Category / Community Programming Division Malden: Sub-Category / Rentals Sub-Division Alcohol Rental - Daily Patio Rental - Malden Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Stadia Rental and Light Usage: Father Cullen Baseball Stadium: Lit Games Only Father Cullen Baseball Stadium: Unlit - no practices permitted Mic Mac Soccer Stadium: Lit Mic Mac Soccer Stadium: Unlit Ford Test Track: Lit Ford Test Track: Unlit Bernie Soulliere Baseball Stadium: Lit Bernie Soulliere Baseball Stadium: Unlit McHugh Soccer Complex: Lit McHugh Soccer Complex: Unlit Wigle Soccer Stadium: Lit Wigle Soccer Stadium: Unlit Windsor Baseball Stadium: Lit Windsor Baseball Stadium: Unlit Windsor Football Stadium: Football - Lit

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost $650.00 Day $84.00 Flat Rate $101.50 Game $65.50 Game $89.50 Game $45.00 Game $89.50 Game $45.00 Game $89.50 Game $50.25 Game $89.50 Game $45.00 Game $87.75 Game $44.00 Game $62.50 Game $42.00 Game $184.00 Game $110.00 Game $163.00 Game $65.50 Game $74.00 Day $91.00 Day $60.00 Each TBD TBD TBD $187.00 Each $45.00 TS/Day $67.50 $205 Max/Day $94.00 TS/Day $135.00 TS/Day $605.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $163.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $146.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $535.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $108.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $76.00 Game $45.00 Game Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost $663.00 Day $85.50 Flat Rate $103.50 Game $67.00 Game $91.50 Game $46.00 Game $91.50 Game $46.00 Game $91.50 Game $51.25 Game $91.50 Game $46.00 Game $89.50 Game $45.00 Game $63.75 Game $43.00 Game $187.75 Game $112.25 Game $166.25 Game $67.00 Game $74.00 Day $91.00 Day $60.00 Each TBD TBD TBD $190.00 Each $46.00 TS/Day $69.00 $205 Max/Day $96.00 TS/Day $137.75 TS/Day $605.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $163.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $146.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $535.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $108.00 Field/ Time Slot (10) $77.50 Game $46.00 Game $3.00 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.50 $1.00 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $13.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 $3.75 $2.25 $3.25 $1.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 Issue # 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039

Ref #

Fee / Service

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Sports Fields: Other Bookings Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Sports Fields: Seasonal Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Sports Fields: Other Fees

Windsor Football Stadium: Football - Unlit Windsor Football Stadium: Soccer - Lit Windsor Football Stadium: Soccer - Unlit Windsor Football Stadium: P.A. System (Basic P.A.) Windsor Football Stadium: P.A. System (Basic P.A. plus cordless microphone and transmitter) Tournament Administration Fee Cost Recovery (Clean-up/Maintenance) Staff Overtime (Groups playing past allocated times) Additional Staffing Costs As Required (ex: Park access control) Professional Fee (For Profit) Stadia Rental and Light Usage: League Play John Ivan Slowpitch Fee for Reconfiguring Diamonds Tournament Rental - Half Day (per Diamond) Tournament Rental - Full Day (per Diamond) Adult Seasonal - Lit Adult Seasonal - Unlit (Cricket) Adult Seasonal - Unlit (Non - Cricket) Youth Seasonal - Lit Youth Seasonal - Unlit Casual Field Bookings - Lit Casual Field Bookings - Unlit


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Leisure Outreach Sub-Category / Sub-Division Sports Fields: Other Bookings 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 Special Events: Riverfront Festival Plaza Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Special Events: Parks Cross Country Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost $75.00 Meet $60.00 Tournament $7.25 Court/Hr $452.00 Day $106.25 Day $52.00 Day $0.00 Day $400.25 Day max $791.25 $106.25 Day $1,263.00 Day max $5,965.50 $2,235.00 Day max $11,353.50 $0.00 Day/ Minimum 2 day rental Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.50 $5.25 $1.00 $150.00 $8.00 $2.25 $163.25 $182.75 $1,426.25 % 0% 0% 0% 5% 5% 2% New 2% 2% 13% 8% NEW 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #

Ref #

Department Recreation & Culture

Fee / Service

$75.00 4 Hr Time Slot $60.00 Tournament $7.25 Court/Hr $474.50 Day $111.50 Day $53.00 Day $150.00 Day $408.25 $108.50 Day $1,426.25 Day/ Weekly max $6,775.00 $2,417.75 Day/Weekly max $12,270.00 $1,426.25 Day/ Minimum 2 day rental. Weekly max $6,775.00 $2,280.00 Day/ Minimum 2 day rental. Weekly max $12,270.00 $210.00 Day TBD Use $151.00 24 Hrs $932.00 24 Hrs $315.25 Flat Rate $62.75 Day $77.00 Day $403.00 Day To Be Negotiated Table/Day $6.25 Barrel $136.75 Unit plus transportation costs $11.75 Day/Ramp $317.75 2-3 WK $165.00 1 Week $790.25 Day or part thereof

Tournament/Sport Camp (Administration & Maintenance Fee) Tennis Tournament Rental Park Rentals: Major Events (Entire Park) Park Rentals: Minor Events Community Permit Commercial Park Permit Charles Clark Square (Non Ice), Civic Terrace Weddings & Ceremonies Non-Profit and Canada South Festival Network Events (Non Prime - January - May and October - December) For Profit Events (Non Prime - January - May and October - December) Non-Profit and Canada South Festival Network Events (Prime June - September). Minimum 2 Day Rental


For Profit Events (Prime - June - September). Minimum 2 Day Rental

$0.00 Day/ Minimum 2 day rental





200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Special Events: Equipment Rentals Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Special Events: Vessel Docking (Dieppe Gardens) Special Events: Permits

Set Up Days Other Fees Non Private Charter Private Charter Water Service Picnic Permits Picnic Permits With Shelter Lanspeary Rink (off season): Alcohol Rental 9am - 8pm Picnic Tables Garbage Barrels Bleachers + Transportation Costs - Limited Use

$210.00 Day TBD Use $148.00 24 Hrs $913.75 24 Hrs $309.00 Flat Rate $61.50 Day $75.50 Day $395.00 Day To Be Negotiated Table/Day $6.00 Day $134.00 Unit plus transportation costs $11.75 Day/Ramp $311.50 2-3 WK $161.75 1 Week $774.75 Day or part thereof

$0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $18.25 $6.25 $1.25 $1.50 $8.00 $0.25 $2.75

0% 0% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039

211 212 213 214 Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Special Events: Showmobile

Bowling Ramps - Limited Use (Plus $20.00 Refundable Deposit) Community Event Banner Poles (Ouellette Ave.): $50 for removal, reinstallation Community Event Banner Poles (Ouellette Ave.): $50 for removal, reinstallation Showmobile: Use within City Limits: Includes Labour and Transportation

$0.00 $6.25 $3.25 $15.50

0% 2% 2% 2% 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Leisure Outreach Sub-Category / Sub-Division Special Events: Showmobile 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 Recreation & Culture Sports Services Rinks: Public Ice Skating Admission Recreation & Culture Sports Services Rinks: Miscellaneous Fees Recreation & Culture Sports Services Arena Rate Schedule: Ice Rates, Minor Hockey & Figure Skating Arena Rentals Recreation & Culture Leisure Outreach Mobile Stage Showmobile: Mobile Platform Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $20.75 % 2% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 169 Issue # 2014-0039

Ref #

Department Recreation & Culture

Fee / Service

Showmobile: Use outside of City Limits: Includes Labour and Transportation Showmobile: Use outside of City Limits: (Non Charitable Groups) Outside Essex County Use within City Limits (Plus transportation and labour, costs to be recovered) Use outside of City Limits (Charitable Groups): Plus Transportation and labour, costs to be recovered Use outside of City Limits (Non Charitable Groups): Plus Transportation and labour, costs to be recovered Fold & Go Bleachers Fold & Go Bleachers Noise By-Law Waiver Temporarily Road Closure (Special Events) (Minor) Temporarily Road Closure (Special Events) (Major) Special Event Cancellation Special Events: Major Event Security Deposits (Refundable) Riverfront Festival Plaza All other venues Ice Rates: Ice Rental - Youth, Senior and Minor Sports Associations Ice Rates: Adult Ice Rental Same Day Ice Booking Fee Weekday Day Rate (Seniors/Schools ONLY) Weekday Day Tournament (Mon-Fri till 5pm) Arena Rental: Rink Floor Rental - Youth/Seniors Arena Rental: Spitfire Games Vendor Lobby Room Public Skating Sponsorship Fee WFCU Staging Pieces WFCU Power Cart WFCU Power Cart WFCU 1/2 Parking Lot Fee WFCU Parking Lot Fee Public Skating Admission: Indoor Arenas & Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Pre-school & Seniors (60+) Public Skating Admission: Indoor Arenas & Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Children - 12 & under Public Skating Admission: Indoor Arenas & Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Youth - 13-18

$1,032.50 Day or part thereof TBD Day or part thereof TBD Day or part thereof $559.50 Day or part thereof $747.00 Day or part thereof TBD Day or part thereof $628.50 1st Day $252.50 After 1st day $74.00 Each $67.50 Each $92.00 Each $150.00 Each $150.00 Event $1,000.00 Event To Be Negotiated $162.00 Hour $189.00 Hour $113.50 Hour $81.00 Hour $113.50 Hour $81.00 Hour $1.00 Ticket $20.75 Hour/Rm $250.00 2 Hours $45.00 Price Per 4'x8' $50.00 day (less than 10 vendors) $100.00 day (more than 10 vendors $51.10 Day $104.70 Day $2.00 Person $2.00 Person $2.00 Person

$1,053.25 Day or part thereof TBD Day or part thereof TBD Day or part thereof $570.75 Day or part thereof $762.00 Day or part thereof TBD Day or part thereof $641.00 1st Day $257.50 After 1st day $75.50 Each $68.00 Each $95.00 Each $150.00 Each $150.00 Event $1,000.00 Event To Be Negotiated $162.00 Hour $189.00 Hour $113.50 Hour $81.00 Hour $113.50 Hour $81.00 Hour $1.00 Ticket $20.75 Hour/Rm $250.00 2 Hours $45.00 Price Per 4'x8' $50.00 day (less than 10 vendors) $100.00 day (more than 10 vendors $51.10 Day $104.70 Day $2.00 Person $2.00 Person $2.00 Person

$11.25 $15.00 $0.00 $12.50 $5.00 $1.50 $0.50 $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

2% 2% 0% 2% 2% 2% 1% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

169 169

2014-0039 2014-0039

169 169 169 169 169

2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture Recreation & Culture Sports Services Rinks:
Public Ice Skating Admission Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division Notes Ref # Department Fee / Service

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $3.00 Person $9.00 Family $7.00 Visit $95.00 Hour $110.00 Hour $5.00 Time slot $50.00 Time slot $519.00 Season $922.00 Season $1,268.00 Season $1,521.50 Season $1,775.00 Season $2,028.50 Season $34.60 Foot/Season $46.10 Foot/Season $50.72 Foot/Season $67.00 Foot/Season $80.00 $100.00 $60.00 $1.70 Foot $1.70/Foot x 5 Week Nights 25% of Seasonal Month Rate $0.00 Day $100.00 3 Nights $200.00 Season $0.00 Season $0.00 Day $0.00 Night $0.00 Weekend Hour Hour 6 weeks 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $3.00 Person $9.00 Family $7.00 Visit $95.00 Hour $110.00 Hour $5.00 Time slot $50.00 Time slot $678.00 Season $971.80 Season $1,299.50 Season $1,559.40 Season $1,819.30 Season $2,079.20 Season $45.20 Foot/Season $48.59 Foot/Season $51.98 Foot/Season $68.30 Foot/Season $80.00 $100.00 $60.00 $1.75 Foot $1.75/Foot x 5 Week Nights 25% of Seasonal Month Rate $0.00 Day $100.00 3 Nights $200.00 Season $50.00 Season $10.00 Day $10.00 Night $25.00 Weekend $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $10.00 $10.00 $25.00 0% 0% NEW NEW NEW NEW 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Hour Hour 6 weeks Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $159.00 $49.80 $31.50 $37.90 $44.30 $50.70 $10.60 $2.49 $1.26 $1.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.05 $0.05 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 31% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 31% 5% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 3% 3% 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #

247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Lakeview Park Marina: Other Fees Recreation & Culture Sports Services Lakeview Park Marina: Seasonal Mooring Wells (May 1 to Oct 31) Recreation & Culture Sports Services Outdoor Rinks: Artificial Skating Rink Rentals

Public Skating Admission: Indoor Arenas & Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Adults - 19 & Over Public Skating Admission: Indoor Arenas & Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Family Figure Skate Practice Rentals - Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Ice Rentals - Youth, Senior, Minor Associations & Family Skates Rentals - Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Ice Rentals - Adult or For Profit Rentals - Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Shinny Hockey Rentals - Artificial Skating Rink (Outdoor): Summer Floor Rental Seasonal Mooring May 1 to Oct 31: 15' Well - Hydro/Water Seasonal Mooring May 1 to Oct 31: 20' Well - Hydro/Water Seasonal Mooring May 1 to Oct 31: 25' Well - Hydro/Water Seasonal Mooring May 1 to Oct 31: 30' Well - Hydro/Water Seasonal Mooring May 1 to Oct 31: 35' Well - Hydro/Water Seasonal Mooring May 1 to Oct 31: 40' Well - Hydro/Water Boats Exceeding Well Size (<17) Boats Exceeding Well Size (<22) Boats Exceeding Well Size (>23) Boats Exceeding Well Size: Commercial Dragon Boat Rental (no steers person) Dragon Boat Rental (with steers person) Learn to Paddle Seasonal Mooring - Transient Mooring (Daily) Seasonal Mooring - Transient Mooring (Weekly) Seasonal Mooring - Transient Mooring (Monthly) Pavillion at Lakeview Park Marina (conditions apply) Mid-Week 3 Day Special (Sunday to Thursday): Excludes Holidays Jet Ski/ Dinghy Fee Park n' Float (seasonal for trailer) Additional Parking Pass (1st 2 are free) Overnight Trailer and Vehicle Parking Weekend Trailer and Vehicle Parking


Lakeview Park Marina: Other Fees

Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division Subsequent Slip Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ % Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #

Ref #


Fee / Service

277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 Mackenzie Hall Recreation & Culture Community and Heritage Facilities

50% of Seasonal Season Rate $125.00 Season $105.00 Each $11.00 Daily $155.00 Seasonal $105.00 Seasonal $425.00 Seasonal $12.00 Each $235.00 4 Hours $60.00 1 Hour $705.00 8 Hours $375.00 4 Hours $575.00 8 Hours $325.00 4 Hours $125.00 4 Hours $30.00 1 Hour $150.00 4 Hours $200.00 8 Hours $175.00 8 Hours $285.00 4 Hours $415.00 4 Hours $575.00 8 Hours $365.00 4 Hours $135.00 4 Hours $150.00 4 Hours $200.00 8 Hours $3.50 Adults $3.00 Seniors $2.00 Children $2.00 School/Student

50% of Seasonal Season Rate $125.00 Season $120.00 Each $12.00 Daily $160.00 Seasonal $110.00 Seasonal $433.00 Seasonal $13.00 Each $240.00 4 Hours $61.00 1 Hour $720.00 8 Hours $383.00 4 Hours $587.00 8 Hours $332.00 4 Hours $128.00 4 Hours $30.50 1 Hour $153.00 4 Hours $205.00 8 Hours $179.00 8 Hours $291.00 4 Hours $424.00 4 Hours $587.00 8 Hours $373.00 4 Hours $138.00 4 Hours $153.00 4 Hours $205.00 8 Hours $3.75 Adults $3.25 Seniors $2.25 Children $2.25 School/Student $0.00 $15.00 $1.00 $5.00 $5.00 $8.00 $1.00 $5.00 $1.00 $15.00 $8.00 $12.00 $7.00 $3.00 $0.50 $3.00 $5.00 $4.00 $6.00 $9.00 $12.00 $8.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 0% 14% 9% 3% 5% 2% 8% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7% 8% 13% 13% 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039

Seasonal Mooring - Commercial: Boats equipped with air to be assessed an additional charge Service Fees: Cancellation or subleasing Boat Launching Ramps: Daily Boat Launching Ramps: Seasonal Boat Launching Ramps: Seniors (60 yrs & up) - Seasonal Boat Launching Ramps: Commercial Boat Launching Ramps: Sanitary Pumpout Mackenzie Hall Rentals Type 1 - Court Auditoriums: Arts\Culture uses Basic (without admission) Court Auditoriums: Arts\Culture uses Court Auditoriums: All other uses Court Auditoriums: All other uses Court Auditoriums: All other uses (Non-Prime Time days and evenings) Court Auditoriums: All other uses (Non-Prime Time days and evenings) Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: Arts\Culture uses Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: Arts\Culture uses Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: All other uses Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: All other uses Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: All other uses (NonPrime Time days and evenings) Mackenzie Hall Rentals Type 2 - Court Auditoriums: Arts\Culture uses (With admission) Court Auditoriums: All other uses Court Auditoriums: All other uses (Non-Prime Time days and evenings) Court Auditoriums: All other uses (Non-Prime Time days and evenings) Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: Arts\Culture uses Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: All other uses Macdonald Room/Court Annex/Main Gallery: All other uses (NonPrime Time days and evenings) Group Tours: Adults (19+) Group Tours: Seniors (60+) Group Tours: Children (18 & below) Group Tours: School/Student/Community Group


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Mackenzie Hall Sub-Category / Sub-Division Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure Change Over Prior Year $ $50.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.50 $2.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % 33% 0% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 169 169 169 2014-0039 2014-0039 2014-0039 Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # 169 Issue # 2014-0039

Ref #


Fee / Service

307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Windsor Community Museum Art Cart Tour Duff Baby Recreation & Culture Community and Heritage Facilities Willistead

Mackenzie Hall Park: Gazebo for Weddings Service Fees: Cancellations Service Fees: Technician Fee Art Exhibitions Photo Session Morning/Billiard/Library Room - 80 Guests Morning/Billiard/Library Room - 80 Guests & Ceremony Inside Morning/Billiard/Library Room - 80 Guests & Ceremony Outside Dining Room (52 Guests) North/East Gallery (100-120 Guests) North/East Gallery (100-120 Guests) & Ceremony Inside North/East Gallery (100-120 Guests) & Ceremony Outside Great Hall Photo's Coach House Meeting Room Ceremony Inside Ceremony Paul Martin Gardens Willistead Manor Space Discount Corkage Fee Corkage Beer (per case) Corkage Liquor (per 750 ml) Corkage Wine (per 750 ml) Cancellation Fee Environment Control Metro Executive Class Catering Commissions Public Tours-Adults Public Tours-Children Public Tours-Seniors Scheduled Tours Baby Grand Piano Interpretation Centre - Commercial Rate Interpretation Centre - Non-for-profit rate Interpretation Centre - Non-for-profit rate up to 10 meetings Tour of Duff Baby Regularly scheduled art cart tours Booked Art Cart Tour (non-public hours) Walking Tour Book wrapping - 1 book Book wrapping - 3 books or more

$150.00 Event $100.00 Event $50.00 Hour $30.00 Day $100.00 Hour $795.50 Event $1,270.50 Event $1,595.79 Event $357.25 Event $1,135.75 Event $1,735.65 Event $1,911.75 Event $203.50 Event $133.25 Event $271.25 Event $680.40 Event $856.80 Event $3,688.25 Event Negotiable Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event $5.75 Event $2.25 Event $4.75 Event $4.75 Event $100.00 Each $70.00 Hour $48.00 Hour $400.00 up to 10 mtgs. $50.00 tour FREE $50.00 Flat Rate $3.00 Per person $7.50 Each $5.00 Each

$200.00 Event $100.00 Event $51.00 Hour $30.50 Day $102.00 Hour $795.50 Event $1,270.50 Event $1,595.79 Event $357.25 Event $1,135.75 Event $1,735.65 Event $1,911.75 Event $203.50 Event $133.25 Event $271.25 Event $680.40 Event $856.80 Event $3,688.25 Event Negotiable Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event Commission Event $5.75 Event $2.25 Event $4.75 Event $4.75 Event $100.00 Each $70.00 Hour $48.00 Hour $400.00 up to 10 mtgs. $50.00 tour FREE $50.00 Flat Rate $3.00 Per person $7.50 Each $5.00 Each

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Community Development Health - Recreation and Culture

Category / Division Sub-Category / Sub-Division Windsor Community Museum Encapsulation - 1 item Encapsulation - 2 or more items Encapsulation - items larger than 4'x4' Photocopying (per page legal and letter) Photocopying (per Ledger page 11 x 17) Research (first 15 minutes) Research (each additional 15 minutes) Map Service Fees (1-5 sheets) Map Service Fees (6-10 sheets) Map Service Fees (11-15 sheets) Map Service Fees (16-20 sheets) Scanning/Printing of Images Notes

City of Windsor User Fee Schedule

2013 Fee Excluding HST (Approved) Cost Unit of Measure $7.50 Each $20.00 Each $0.25 Each $0.50 Each FREE $15.00 Flat Rate $20.00 Flat Rate $25.00 Flat Rate $30.00 Flat Rate $35.00 Flat Rate $7.00 Image $2.00 $2.00 page $3.00 student 2014 Fee Excluding HST (Accepted) Cost Unit of Measure $7.50 Each $20.00 Each $0.25 Each $0.50 Each FREE $15.00 Flat Rate $20.00 Flat Rate $25.00 Flat Rate $30.00 Flat Rate $35.00 Flat Rate $7.00 Image $2.00 $2.00 page $3.00 student Change Over Prior Year $ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Budget Issue Detail Report Reference Page # Issue #

Ref #


Fee / Service

347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361

$10.00 Each

$10.00 Each

Microfiche/Film Reproduction (8 1/2 x 11 output) Microfiche/Film Reproduction emailed or mailing of CD School/Group Programs


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