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The Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Pension Rules, 1970

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPAL SERVICES PENSION RULES, 1970 (GO. Ms. No. 1425, He !"# $ % &'!( )e!* +e, D "e, 17-.-1977/ S#o+" "'"!e 0, 1o&&e01e&e0". (a) These rules ma !e called "he Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Pension Rules, 1970.

(!) The shall !e deemed "o have come in"o #orce on "he 1$"h %anuar 1970.
2. A22!'1 "'o0.3 (i) These rules shall appl "o o##icer and servan"s under all Municipal &ouncils and "he To'nship &ommi""ees cons"i"u"ed under "he Tamil Nadu (is"ric" Municipali"ies)c", 19*0 (Tamil Nadu )c" + o# 19*0) or "he commi""ee "o 'hich "he provisions o# "he Tamil Nadu (is"ric" Municipali"ies )c", 19*0 (Tamil Nadu )c" + o# 19*0), have !een e,"ended "he minimum o# 'hose scale o# pa is Rs. 90 per mensem and a!ove and included in "he services men"ioned !elo'-

(a) Tamil Nadu Municipal .eneral Service. (!) Tamil Nadu Municipal /n0ineerin0 and 1a"er'or2s Service. (c) Tamil Nadu Municipal To'n Plannin0 Service. (d) Tamil Nadu Municipal Pu!lic 3eal"h and Medical Service.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Pension Rules, 1970

(ii) These rules shall, a" "heir op"ion, appl "o "he mem!ers o# "he Tamil Nadu Municipal /duca"ional Service 'ho re"ired !e"'een 1$4141970 and 514641970. (ii) These rules shall no" a##ec" "he pension alread admissi!le under)r"icle 70* o# "he Tamil Nadu Pension &ode, i.e. Pension o# 8ocal 9und /mplo ees su!:ec" "o "he pension scheme and 'ho do no"4come 'i"hin "he scope o# "hese rules. (iii) The .overnmen" ma , #rom "ime "o "ime, e,"end "he applica"ion o# "hese rules #or o"her ca"e0ories o# emplo ees #rom such da"e as ma !e speci#ied in "his !ehal#.

4. De*'0'"'o0. ;n "hese rules unless "here is an "hin0 repu0nan" in "he su!:ec" or con"e,",
(a) <&ouncil< means "he= Municipal &ouncil or "he To'nship4&ommi""ee under 'hich an emplo ee !ein0 a mem!er o# an one o# "he services men"ioned in Rule * is servin0> (!) ?/mplo 0e< means an o##icer or servan" o# "he Municipal &ouncil or "he To'nship

&ommi""ee eli0i!le #or pension under "hese rules>

(c) 5E6 &'0e+5 means "he /,aminer o# 8ocal 9und )ccoun"s> (a) <9und< means "he Municipal /mplo ees Pension 9und cons"i"u"ed under "hese

rules >
(d) <.overnmen"< means "he .overnmen" o# Tamil Nadu

4. M70'1'2 ! E&2!o(ees Pe0s'o0 %70,. The Municipal /mplo ees Pension 9und shall !e cons"i"u"ed ou" o# "he con"ri!u"ion paid ! "he Municipal /mplo ees, To'nship &ommi""ees and local au"hori"ies a" 10= per cen" on "he ma,imum o#"he scale o# pa in 'hich "he emplo ee 'as dra'in0 pa on 15"h %anuar 1970 or on "he ma,imum o# "he "ime4scale o# pa 'hich "he emplo ees 'ill !e dra'in0 #rom="ime "o "ime "herea#"er. The con"ri!u"ion shall !e pa a!le #rom "he da"e o# admission o# "he emplo ee "o "he 8ocal Providen" 9und (Municipal) and 8ocal )u"hori"ies Providen" 9und con"ri!u"ion shall also !e recovered a" "he a!ove ra"e on all emolumen"s rec2oned #or> pension under)r"icle $7@4& o#"he &ivil Service Re0ula"ions.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Pension Rules, 1970

5. Pe+so0 ! De2os'" A11o70". The .overnmen" direc" "he Personal (eposi" )ccoun" in

"he name o# /,aminer #or 8ocal 9und )ccoun"s !e opened under <Municipal /mplo ees Pension 9und P.(. )ccoun" o# /,aminer or 8ocal 9und )ccoun"s, &hennai *< in "he Reserve Aan2 o# ;ndia, &hennai. The con"ri!u"ions paid ! "he respec"ive Municipal councils a" @1B$ per cen" up"o 15"h %anuar , 1970 "o'ards "he P.9. Scheme 'i"h in"eres" "hereon and "he di##erence !e"'een 741B5 per cen" @1B$ per cen" #rom "he da"e o# admission "o "he P.9. Scheme o# "he individual "ill 15"h %anuar , 1970 shall !e credi"ed "o "he a!ove head o# accoun". The con"ri!u"ion o# 741B5 per cen" o# "he ma,imum o# "he scale o# pa in 'hich "he incum!en" 'as dra'in0 "o !e recovered as con"ained in "hese rules #rom "he Municipal councils concerned #rom 1$"h %anuar , 1970 on'ards shall also !e credi"ed "o "he a!ove head o# accoun" re0ularl . The e,pendi"ure on "he pa men" o# pension and (ea"h4cum4re"iremen" 0ra"ui" as per "hese rules shall =!e de!i"ed "o "he a!ove su!4head. This 9und shall !e adminis"ered ! "he /,aminer . o# 8ocal 9und )ccoun"s, and "he pa men" o# pension 'ill !e ! means o# cheCues or dra#"s onl dra'n on "he #und ! "he /,aminer o# 8ocal 9und )ccoun"s as laid do'n in ins"ruc"ion ** under Treasur Rule 1@. The prepara"ion o# pension papers should !e in "he prescri!ed #orms applica!le "o .overnmen" servan"s as speci#ied in Rules 7 (a) and (!). (e"ailed procedure "o !e #ollo'ed #or "he presen"a"ion o# claims #or pension, manner o# pa men", main"enance o# records and cer"i#ica"es, e"c., 'ill !e issued ! "he /,aminer o# 8ocal 9und )ccoun"s in accordance 'i"h Rules 7 and 10.
.. Re18o0'09 o* se+:'1e *o+ 2e0s'o0. ;n compu"in0 "he len0"h o# service #or calcula"ion

o# pension and 0ra"ui" , "he service o# "he emplo ees rendered #rom "he da"e o# admission "o 8ocal Providen" 9und (Municipal) shall !e rec2oned.
5.R7!es 22!'1 ;!e "o Go:e+0&e0" se+: 0"s "o 22!(.3 (a) &laim "o pension includin0 0ra"ui" and #amil pension o# an emplo ee under "hese rules 'ill !e re0ula"ed ! "he rules in #orce applica!le "o .overnmen" servan"s a" "he "ime 'hen "he emplo ee re"ires or is dischar0ed #rom "he service o# "he &ouncil. The provisions o# "he Tamil Nadu Pension &ode,

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Pension Rules, 1970

as amended #rom "ime "o "ime, shall appl inconsis"en" 'i"h "hese rues.

mutatis mutandis inso#ar as "he

are no"

(!) The rules rela"in0 "o "he prepara"ion o# pension papers and o"her connec"ed ma""ers

and #orms in vo0ue applica!le "o .overnmen" servan"s shall 0enerall !e adop"ed in "he case o# emplo ees.
(c) Dn "he comin0 in"o #orce o# "hese rules, "he rules rela"in0 "o "he 0ran" o# pensions "o

"he emplo ees o# "he council=s issued under "he Tamil Nadu (is"ric" Municipali"ies )c",19*0 (Tamil Nadu )c" + o# 19*0) shall cease "o appl "o emplo ees 0overned ! "hese rules.
<. A7"#o+'"( "o 1e+"'*( "#e 2e0s'o0.3 The /,aminer 'ill cer"i# "he amoun" o# pension due "o an emplo ee under "hese rules.

7"#o+'"(.3 The (irec"or o# Municipal )dminis"ra"ion shall !e "he au"hori" compe"en" "o sanc"ion "he pension so cer"i#ied.
9. P! 1e 0, &o,e o* 2 (&e0".The place and mode o# pa men" o# pension shall !e re0ula"ed in accordance 'i"h "he ins"ruc"ions "o !e issued ! "he /,aminer, #rom "ime "o "ime-

<. S 01"'o0'09

Provided "ha" "he pension "o 'hich an emplo ee !ecomes eli0i!le under "hese rules shall !e dis!ursed "o him "hrou0h "he /,ecu"ive )u"hori" o# "he &ouncil o# "he Pensioner=s choice.
10. I0"e+2+e" "'o0 o* +7!es.3 ;n case o# an dou!" or dispu"e in in"erpre"in0 "hese rules,

"he decision o# "he .overnmen" shall !e #inal.

================ Go:e+0&e0" C! +'*'1 "'o0s (1/ R7!e 2 (':/.3 /mplo ees paid #rom con"in0encies or emplo ed under 'or24char0ed es"a!lishmen" on nominal mus"er roll 'ho have comple"ed 10 ears o# service and more 'i"hou" !rea2 are eli0i!le #or pensionar !ene#i"s. Vide ..D. Ms. No. 1@$$, R( E 8), da"ed 1*41041979. (2/ R7!e ..3 The service rendered #rom "he da"e o# appoin"men" 'ill coun" #or pension, su!:ec" "o "he condi"ion "ha" "he Providen" 9und &on"ri!u"ion !e"'een "he da"e o# appoin"men" and "he da"e o# admission

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Pension Rules, 1970

"o Providen" 9und is paid ! "he emplo ee. Vide ..D. Ms. No. 7@5, R( E 8), da"ed 1@4@4 1975. The sani"ar 'or2ers can coun" "heir Cuali# in0 service #rom 141041975 onl #or pension. Vide .overnmen" Memo No. 116706BMB SpecialB754$, R( E 8), da"ed 1641*41975. (4/ R7!e 10.3 Pension dis!ursed #or "he /,aminer=s Pension 9und 'ill !e paid ! Mail Trans#er "o "he accoun"s o# "he pensioners main"ained in an o# "he #ollo'in0 !an2s -4 S"a"e Aan2 o# ;ndia, ;ndian Dverseas Aan2, &anara Aan2, vide, .D. Ms. No. @**, R( E 8), ;ndian Aan2, da"ed @4$41979. ===================

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