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The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPAL SERVICES (DISCIPLINE AND APPEAL) RULES, 1970 PART - I GENERAL 1. Short tit ! "#$ A%% i&"tio#. (1) These rules ma! "e called #he Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970.
($) The! shall c%me in#% &%rce &r%m #he da#e %& issue %& %rder, pr%vided #ha# ever! pers%n #% 'h%m #hese rules shall appl! shall "e (%verned "! #he rules in &%rce pri%r #% #he la##er da#e. ()) The! shall appl! #% (i) *ver! mem"er %& a Municipal service %#her #han #he mem"ers %& services h%ldin( p%s#s in an! %& #he ca#e(%ries in +ranch I %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal ,u"lic -eal#h and Medical Service, as #he! are (%verned "! #he Re(ula#i%ns &ramed under #he Tamil Nadu ,u"lic -eal#h Ac#, 1.9)9 (Tamil Nadu Ac# III %& 19)9) /

(ii) *ver!, pers%n app%in#ed #% a class %r ca#e(%r! %& a Municipal service %#her #han #he ca#e(%ries in +ranch I %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal ,u"lic -eal#h and Medical Service under Rule 0 %& #he 1eneral Rules in ,ar# II %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Rules, 1970. +u# #he! shall n%# appl! #% an! pers%n app%in#ed #% a Municipal Service %n c%n#rac# under Rule 9 %& #he 1eneral Rules. E'% "#"tio#.( I& an! d%u"# arises as #% #he applica#i%n %& #hese rules #% an! pers%n, #he ma##er shall "e re&erred #% #he S#a#e 1%vernmen# 'h%se decisi%n shall "e &inal.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

). D!*i#itio#+. (i) In #hese rules, unless #here is an!#hin( repu(nan# in #he c%n#e2#, #he '%rds %r e2pressi%ns shall have #he same meanin( assi(ned #% #hem in ,ar# I %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal Service Rules, 1970.
($) 3Appella#e Au#h%ri#!3 means #he au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% en#er#ain and pass %rders

se##in( aside %r c%n&irmin( %r m%di&!in( an %ri(inal %rder %& a disciplinar! au#h%ri#! imp%sin( an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in Rule ) %& #hese rules %n an! mem"er %& a service.
()) 3Disciplinar! Au#h%ri#!3 means #he au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% imp%se an! %& #he

penal#ies men#i%ned in Rule ) %n an! mem"er %& a service. Explanation. 4here an appella#e au#h%ri#! passes an %ri(inal %rder imp%sin( an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in Rule ), he shall, in respec# %& #ha# %rder, "e deemed #% "e a disciplinar! au#h%ri#!. PART-II DISCIPLINE(PENALTIES ,. P!#" ti!+. The &%ll%'in( penal#ies ma!, &%r (%%d and su&&icien# reas%n, "e imp%sed %n an! mem"er %& a service, namel!
(1) 5ensure / (1) 4i#hh%ldin( %& incremen#s, %r pr%m%#i%n, includin( s#%ppa(e a# an e&&icienc! "ar / ($) Reduc#i%n #% a l%'er ran6 in #he seni%ri#! lis# %r #% a l%'er p%s# %r #ime.scale %r #% a l%'er s#a(e in a #ime.scale / ($) Rec%ver! &r%m pa! %& #he 'h%le %r par# %& an! pecuniar! l%ss caused #% a Municipal 5%uncil %r #% an! %#her l%cal "%d! %r #he S#a#e 1%vernmen# %r #he 5en#ral 1%vernmen# "! ne(li(ence %r "reach %& %rders / ()) Rec%ver! &r%m pa! #% e2#en# necessar! %& #he m%ne#ar! value e7uivalen# #% #he

am%un# %& incremen#s %rdered #% "e 'i#hheld, 'here such an %rder cann%# "e (iven e&&ec# #% /
(8) Rec%ver! &r%m pa! #% #he e2#en# necessar! %& #he m%ne#ar! value e7uivalen# #% #he

am%un# %& reduc#i%n #% a l%'er s#a(e in a %rdered, 'here such an %rder cann%# "e (iven e&&ec# #% /

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

Explanation. In case %& s#%ppa(e %& incremen# 'i#h cumula#ive e&&ec#, #he m%ne#ar! value %& #hree #imes #he am%un# %& incremen#s %rdered #% "e 'i#hheld ma!"e rec%vered. (7) 5%mpuls%r! re#iremen# &r%m #he Municipal Service/
(0) Rem%val &r%m #he Municipal Service/ (9) Dismissal &r%m #he Municipal Service/ (7) Suspensi%n, 'here a pers%n has alread! "een suspended under Rule 0 #% #he e2#en# c%nsidered necessar! "! #he au#h%ri#! imp%sin( #he penal#!.

The penal#ies men#i%ned in i#ems 1, $, 8#% 9 and 10 'ill "e deemed #% "e min%r penal#ies, and #h%se in ), 7 #% 9 as ma:%r penal#ies. Explanation. (1) The dischar(e.
(i) %& a pers%n app%in#ed %n pr%"a#i%n "e&%re he e2pir! %r a# #he end %& #he

prescri"ed %& e2#ended peri%d %& pr%"a#i%n/ %r

(i) %& a pers%n en(a(ed #inder c%n#rac# in acc%rdance 'i#h #he #erms %& his c%n#rac# /

%r %& a pers%n app%in#ed %#her'ise #han under c%n#rac# #% h%ld a #emp%rar! app%in#men# %n #he e2pira#i%n %& he peri%d %& #he app%in#men# d%es n%# am%un# #% rem%val %r dismissal 'i#hin #he meanin( %& #his rule.
(i) (ii) The &%ll%'in( shall n%# am%un# #% "e a penal#! 'i#hin #he meanin( %& #his rule,

(a) 4i#hh%ldin( %& incremen#s %& pa! %& municipal servan# &%r his &ailure #% pass an! depar#men#al e2amina#i%n in acc%rdance 'i#h #he rules %r %rders (%vernin( #he service #% 'hich he "el%n(s %r p%s# 'hich he h%lds %r #he #erms %& his app%in#men#/ (a) S#%ppa(e %& incremen# %& a municipal servan# a# #he e&&icienc! "ar in #he #ime.

scale %& pa! %n #he (r%und %& his un&i#ness #% cr%ss #he "ar /
(") %& a municipal servan#, 'he#her in a su"s#an#ive %r %&&icia#in( capaci#! a&#er c%nsidera#i%n %& his case, #% a service, (rade %r p%s# &%r pr%m%#i%n #% 'hich he is eli(i"le /. .

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

(d) Reversi%n %& a municipal servan# %&&icia#in( in a hi(her Service, (rade %r p%s# #% a l%'er service, (rade %r p%s# %n #he (r%und #ha# he is c%nsidered #% "e unsui#a"le &%r such hi(her service, (rade %r p%s# %n an! adminis#ra#ive (r%und unc%nnec#ed 'i#h his c%nduc# / (e) Reversi%n %& a municipal servan# app%in#ed %n pr%"a#i%n #% an! %#her service, (rade %r p%s# #% his permanen# service, (rade %r p%s# durin( %r a# #he end %& #he peri%d %& pr%"a#i%n in acc%rdance 'i#h #he #erms %& his app%in#men# %r #% #he rules and %rders (%vernin( such pr%"a#i%n/

(&) Replacemen# %& services %& a municipal servan# 'h%se service had "een "%rr%'ed &r%m a S#a#e 1%vernmen# %r 5en#ral 1%vernmen# %r an au#h%ri#! under #he c%n#r%l %& a S#a#e 1%vernmen# %r 5en#ral 1%vernmen# a# #he disp%sal %& #he S#a#e 1%vernmen# %r 5en#ral 1%vernmen# %r #he au#h%ri#! &r%m 'hich #he services %& such municipal servan# lad "een "%rr%'ed / and (() 5%mpuls%r! re#iremen# %& a municipal servan# in acc%rdance 'i#h #he pr%visi%ns rela#in( #% his superannua#i%n %r re#iremen#. ($) The rem%val %& a pers%n &r%m #he Municipal service shall n%# dis7uali&! him &r%m &u#ure empl%!men#, "u# #he dismissal %& a pers%n &r%m #he Municipal service shall %rdinaril! dis7uali&! him &r%m &u#ure empl%!men#. -. Di+&i% i#"r. A/thorit.. (1) The au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% imp%se #he penal#ies speci&ied in clauses (1), ($), (8) and (<) %& Rule ) %n a mem"er %& a service %#her #han #h%se h%ldin( p%s#s in an! %& #he ca#e(%ries in #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *n(ineerin( and 4a#er 4%r6s Service shall "e #he 5%mmissi%ner %& #he Municipali#! c%ncerned. ($) The au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% imp%se an! %& #he penal#ies men#i%ned in su".rule (1) %n a mem"er %& a service h%ldin( a p%s# in an! %& #he ca#e(%ries in #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *n(ineerin( and 4a#er 4%r6s Service shall "e #he Municipal *n(ineer. Explanation. (i) In cases c%vered "! su".rule (1) i& #he delin7uen# is '%r6in( in a Municipali#! %#her #han #he Municipali#! 'here #he lapse 'as c%mmi##ed, #he c%mpe#en# au#h%ri#! shall "e #he 5%mmissi%ner %&

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970


#he Municipali#! in 'hich delin7uen# 'as '%r6in( a# #he #ime 'hen #he lapse 'as c%mmi##ed. (ii) In cases c%vered "! su".rule ($), i& #he delin7uen# happens #% "e '%r6in( in a Municipali#! %#her #han #he Municipali#! 'here #he lapse 'as c%mmi##ed, #hen #he c%mpe#en# au#h%ri#! shall "e #he Municipal *n(ineer %& #he Municipali#! in 'hich #he lapse 'as c%mmi##ed. ()) The au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% imp%se #he penal#ies speci&ied in clauses ()), (9), (7), (0), (9) and (10) %& Rule ) %n a mem"er %& a service shall "e #he app%in#in( au#h%ri#!. The app%in#in( au#h%ri#! in respec# %& p%s#s included in #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *n(ineerin( and 4a#er 4%r6s Service and in +ranch IT %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal ,u"lic -eal#h and Medical Service sh%uld c%nsul# #he head %& #he 1%vernmen# Depar#men# c%ncerned "e&%re &inal %rders are passed su":ec# #% #he &%ll%'in( c%ndi#i%ns ;.
(i) #he c%nsul#a#i%n sh%uld "e %nl! in respec# %& #echnical p%in#s 'hich, in #he %pini%n %& #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#! re7uire clari&ica#i%n/ (i) i# sh%uld n%# rela#e #% #he ade7uac! %& #he e2plana#i%n %r #he 7uan#um %& penal#! #%

"e imp%sed/

#here sh%uld "e 6ep# in #he &ile a 'ri##en rec%rd %& #he c%nsul#a#i%n.

Explanation.If #he app%in#in( au#h%ri#! are #he 5%mmissi%ners %& #he Municipali#ies #hen #he c%mpe#en# au#h%ri#! #% imp%se #he penal#! shall "e #he 5%mmissi%ner %& #he Municipali#! in 'hich delin7uen# 'as '%r6in( a# #he #ime %& c%mmi##in( #he lapse. 0. A%%! "t! A/thorit..( (1) N%#'i#hs#andin( #he pr%visi%n in Rule 8, #he appella#e au#h%ri#! ma!, in respec# %& an! speci&ied penal#!, pass an %rder imp%sin( penal#! %n a mem"er %& service in an! speci&ied case. ($) 4here, in an! case, #he appella#e au#h%ri#! has imp%sed %r declined #% imp%se a penal#! under #his rule, #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#! shall have n% :urisdic#i%n #% pr%ceed under #his rule in respec# %& #he same case.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

()) The &ac# #ha# a disciplinar! au#h%ri#! has imp%sed %r declined %r declined #% imp%se

a penal#! in an! case shall n%# de"ar #he appella#e au#h%ri#! &r%m e2ercisin( his :urisdic#i%n under #his rule in respec# %& #he same case.
()) The %rder %& #he appella#e au#h%ri#! in imp%sin( %r declinin( #% imp%se in an!, case a penal#! under #his rule shall supersede an! %rder passed "! #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#! in respec# %& #he same case. (8) The &ac# #ha# a disciplinar! au#h%ri#! has dr%pped a char(e a(ains# a mem"er %& a service as n%# pr%ved shall n%# de"ar #he appella#e au#h%ri#! &r%m revivin( i# &%r reas%ns #% "e rec%rded in 'ri#in( and #a6in( sui#a"le ac#i%n %n #he char(e s% revived.

Di+&i% i#"r. "/thorit. i# r!+%!&t o* %!r+o#+ %ro1ot!$ or tr"#+*!rr!$ . 4here a pers%n has "een pr%m%#ed %r #rans&erred &r%m a class %r ca#e(%r! %& a service #% a hi(her class %r ca#e(%r! %& such3 service, n% penal#! shall "e imp%sed up%n him in respec# %& his '%r6 %r c%nduc# 'hile he 'as a mem"er %& #he class %r ca#e(%r! &r%m 'hich he 'as pr%m%#ed %r #rans&erred, e2cep# "! an au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% app%in# him #% #he class %r 5a#e(%r! #% 'hich he has "een pr%m%#ed %r #rans&erred.
6. 7. Di+&i% i#"r. "/thorit. i# r!+%!&t o* %!r+o#+ r!$/&!$ or r!2!rt!$.( 4here a pers%n has "een reduced %r rever#ed &r%m a class %r ca#e(%r! %& a service #% a l%'er class %r ca#e(%r! %& such service, n% penal#! shall "e imp%sed %n him in respec# %& his '%r6 %r c%nduc# 'hile he 'as a mem"er =& #he class %r ca#e(%r! &r%m 'hich he 'as rever#ed %r reduced e2cep# "! an au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% imp%se #he penal#! up%n a mem"er %& such class %r ca#e(%r!, as #he case ma! "e. 8. Pro&!$/r! *or i1%o+i#3 %!#" ti!+. (1) In ever! case 'here i# is pr%p%sed #% imp%se %n a mem"er %& a service an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in clauses (1), ($), (8), (<) and (10) %& Rule ), he shall "e (iven a reas%na"le %pp%r#uni#! %& ma6in( an! represen#a#i%n #ha# he ma! desire #% ma6e and such represen#a#i%n, i& an! shall "e #a6en in#% c%nsidera#i%n "e&%re #he %rder imp%sin( penal#! is passed ;

,r%vided #ha# #he re7uiremen#s %& #he su".rule shall n%# appl! 'here i# is pr%p%sed #% imp%se %n a mem"er %& a service an! %& #he penal#ies a&%resaid %n #he "asis %& &ac#s 'hich have led #% his c%nvic#i%n "! a c%ur#

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

mar#ial %r 'here #he %&&icer c%ncerned has a"sc%nded %r 'here i# is &%r %#her reas%ns imprac#ica"le #% c%mmunica#e 'i#h him. ($) In ever! case 'here i# is pr%p%sed #% imp%se %n a mem"er %& a service an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in clauses ()), (9), (7), (0) and (9) %& Rule ), #he (r%unds %n 'hich i# is pr%p%sed #% #a6e ac#i%n shall "e reduced #% #he &%rm %& de&ini#e char(e %r char(es 'hich shall "e c%mmunica#ed #% #he pers%n char(ed #%(e#her 4i#h a s#a#emen# %& #he > alle(a#i%ns %n 'hich each char(e is "ased and %& an! %#her circums#ances %n 'hich i# is pr%p%sed #% #a6e in#% c%nsidera#i%n in passin( %rders in #he case. The pers%n s% char(ed shall "e re7uired 'i#hin a reas%na"le #ime #% pu# in a 'ri##en s#a#emen# %& his de&ence and #% s#a#e 'he#her he desires an %ral en7uir! is desired "! #he pers%n char(ed %r is direc#ed "! #he au#h%ri#! c%ncerned. A# #he en7uir!, %ral evidence shall "e #a6en as #% such %& #he alle(a#i%ns as are n%# admi##ed, and #he pers%n char(ed shall "e en#i#led #% cr%ss.e2amine #he 'i#nesses, #% (ive evidence in pers%n and #% have such 'i#nesses called as he ma! 'ish, pr%vided #ha# #he %&&icer c%nduc#in( #he en7uir! ma!, &%r special and su&&icien# reas%n #% "e rec%rded in 'ri#in( re&use #% call a 'i#ness, a&#er #he en7uir! has "een c%mple#ed, #he pers%n char(ed shall "e en#i#led #% pu# in, i& he s% desires an! &ur#her 'ri##en s#a#emen# %& his de&ence. I& n% en7uir! is held, and i& he had desired #% "e heard in pers%n a pers%nal hearin( shall "e (iven. #% him #he pr%ceedin(s shall c%n#ain a su&&icien# rec%rd %& #he evidence and a s#a#emen# %& #he &indin(s and #he (r%unds #here%&. ?()) A&#er #he in7uir! %r pers%nal hearin( re&erred #% in su".rule ($) has "een c%mple#ed, #he au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% imp%se #he penal#! speci&ied in #ha# su".rule is %& #he %pini%n %n #he "asis %& #he evidence adduced durin( #he in7uir! #ha# an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in Rule ) sh%uld "e imp%sed %n #he pers%n char(ed i# shall "e&%re ma6in( an %rder imp%sin( such penal#!, &urnish #% him a c%p! %& ?,,,@ in7uir! %r pers%nal hearin( %r "%#h as #he case ma! "e, and call up%n him #% su"mi# his &ur#her represen#a#i%n i& an!, 'i#hin a reas%na"le #ime n%# e2ceedin( &i&#een da!s. An! represen#a#i%n received in #his "ehal& 'i#hin #he peri%d shall "e #a6en in#% c%nsidera#i%n "e&%re ma6in( an! %rder imp%sin( #he penal#! pr%vided #ha# such represen#a#i%n shall "e "ased %n #he evidence adduced durin( #he in7uir! %nl!. I# shall n%# "e necessar! #% (ive #he

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1. Su"s#i#u#ed "! 1=.. Ms. N%. $00. MA B 4S (M*.11), da#ed 11#h N%vem"er 1990.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

pers%n char(ed an! %pp%r#uni#! %& ma6in( represen#a#i%n %n #he penal#! pr%p%sed #% "e imp%sed.@ (8) [Omitted by G. 0. Ms. No. 208 M!ni"ipal #dminist$ation and %ate$ &!pply (ME II) dated t'e 11t' No(embe$ 1))8.* (<) The re7uiremen#s %& su".rule ($) shall n%# appl! 'here i# is pr%p%sed #% imp%se %n .a mem"er %& a service an! such penal#! as is re&erred #% #herein %n #he "asis %& #he &ac#s 'hich have led #% his c%nvic#i%n in a criminal 5%ur#, 'he#her %r n%# he has "een sen#enced "! such 5%ur# #% an! punishmen#/ "u# he shall "e (iven a reas%na"le %pp%r#uni#! %& ma6in( an! represen#a#i%n #ha# he ma! desire #% ma6e, and such represen#a#i%n i& an! shall "e #a6en in#% c%nsidera#i%n "e&%re #he %rder imp%sin( #he penal#! is passed.
(9) The re7uiremen#s %& su".rule ($) shall n%# appl! 'here i# is pr%p%sed #% imp%se %n a

mem"er %& a service an! %& #he penal#ies men#i%ned in Rule ) %n #he "asis %& &ac#s 'hich had led #% his c%nvic#i%n "! a 5%ur# mar#ial %r 'here #he pers%n c%ncerned has a"sc%nded %r 'here i# is &%r %#her reas%ns imprac#ica"le #% c%mmunica#e 'i#h him.
(7) The pr%visi%ns %& su".rule ($) shall n%# appl! 'here #he S#a#e 1%vernmen# are sa#is&ied #ha# in #he in#eres# %& #he securi#! %& #he S#a#e i# is n%# e2pedien# #% &%ll%' #he pr%cedure prescri"ed in #ha# su".rule. (0) All %r an! %& #he pr%visi%ns %& su".rules (1) and ($) ma!, in e2cep#i%nal cases, &%r special and su&&icien# reas%ns #% "e rec%rded in 'ri#in(, "e 'aived 'here #here is di&&icul#! in %"servin( e2ac#l! #he re7uiremen#s %& #he said su".rules, and #h%se re7uiremen#s can "e 'aived 'i#h%u# in:us#ice #% #he pers%n char(ed. I& an! 7ues#i%n arises 'he#her i# is reas%na"l! prac#ica"le #% &%ll%' #he pr%cedure prescri"ed in su".rule ($), #he decisi%n #here%n %& #he au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% dismiss %r rem%ve such pers%n %r reduce him in #an6, as #he case ma! "e, shall "e &inal. (<) A mem"er %& a service ma! "e placed under suspensi%n &r%m service "! #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#! %r such %#her au#h%ri#! #% 'h%m #he p%'er ma! "e dele(a#ed %r #he 5%mmissi%ner %& #he Municipali#!, 'here.

(i) an en7uir! in#% (rave char(es a(ains# him is c%n#empla#ed %r is pendin( / %r

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970

(ii) a c%mplain# a(ains# him %& an! criminal %&&ence is under inves#i(a#i%n %r #rial and i& such suspensi%n is necessar! in #he pu"lic in#eres#; ,r%vided #ha# as and 'hen a mem"er %& #he service is placed under suspensi%n "! #he au#h%ri#! %#her #han #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#! such au#h%ri#! shall a# %nce in#ima#e #he &ac# #% #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#!.
(10) A mem"er %& a service 'h% is de#ained in cus#%d! 'he#her %n a criminal char(e %r %#her'ise &%r a peri%d l%n(er #han 80 h%urs, shall "e deemed #% have "een suspended under #his rule. (10) 4here a penal#! %& dismissal, rem%val %r c%mpuls%r! re#iremen# &r%m service imp%sed up%n a mem"er %& a service under suspensi%n is se# aside in appeal %r %n revie'C under #hese rules, and #he case is remi##ed &%r &ur#her en7uir! %r ac#i%n %r 'i#h an! %#her direc#i%ns, #he %rders %& his suspensi%n shall "e deemed #% have c%n#inued in &%rce %n and &r%m #he da#e %& %ri(inal %rder %& dismissal, rem%val %r c%mpuls%r! re#iremen# and shall remain in &%rce un#il &ur#her %rders. (11) 4here a penal#! %& dismissal, rem%val %r c%mpuls%r! re#iremen# &r%m service imp%sed up%n a mem"er %& a service is se# aside %r declared %r rendered v%id inc%nse7uence %& %r "! a decisi%n %& a 5%ur# %& la', and #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#!, %n a c%nsidera#i%n %& #he circums#ances %& #he case, decides #% h%ld a &ur#her in7uir! a(ains# him %n #he alle(a#i%ns %n 'hich #he penal#! %& dismissal, rem%val %r c%mpuls%r! re#iremen# 'as %ri(inall! imp%sed, such mem"er %& a service "e deemed #% have "een placed under suspensi%n "! #he app%in#in( au#h%ri#! &r%m #he da#e %& %ri(inal %rder %& dismissal, rem%val %r c%mpuls%r! re#iremen# and shall c%n#inue #% remain under suspensi%n un#il &ur#her %rders. (1$) 4here a Municipal servan# is suspended %r is deemed #% have "een suspended ('he#her in c%nnec#i%n 'i#h an! disciplinar! pr%ceedin(s %r %#her'ise) and an! %#her disciplinar! pr%ceedin(s is c%mmenced a(ains# him durin( #he c%n#inuance %& #ha# suspensi%n, #he au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% place him under suspensi%n ma!, &%r reas%ns #% "e rec%rded "! him in 'ri#in(, direc# #ha# #he Municipal servan# shall c%n#inue #% "e under suspensi%n un#il #he #ermina#i%n %& all %r an! %& such pr%ceedin(s.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970


(18) An %rder %& suspensi%n made %r deemed #% have "een made under #his rule ma! a# an! #ime "e rev%6ed "! #he au#h%ri#! 'hich made #he %rder %r "! #he appella#e au#h%ri#! %r #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#. 9. M"i#t!#"#&! o* r!&or$+. The c%mpe#en# au#h%ri#! imp%sin( an! penal#! under #hese rules shall main#ain a rec%rd sh%'in( ;.
(1) The alle(a#i%ns up%n 'hich ac#i%n 'as #a6en a(ains# #he pers%n > punished / ($) #he char(es &ramed, i& an! / ()) #he pers%nCs represen#a#i%n, i& an!, and #he evidence #a6en, i& an! / and (1) #he &indin( and #he (r%unds #here%& / i& an!.

10. 4r$!r o* %/#i+h1!#t to +t"t! 3ro/#$+ "#$ to 5! &o11/#i&"t!$. (a) All %rders %& punishmen# shall s#a#e #he (r%unds %n 'hich #he! are "ased and shall "e c%mmunica#ed in 'ri#in( #% #he pers%n a(ains# 'h%m #he! are passed / (") *ver! %rder, n%#ice and %#her pr%cess made %r issued under #hese rules shall "e served in pers%n %n #he municipal servan# c%ncerned, %r sen# #% him "! re(is#ered p%s#, ac6n%'led(emen# due, %r i& such pers%n is n%# &%und, "! leavin( i# a# his las# 6n%'n place %& residence, %r "! (ivin( %r #enderin( i# #% an adul# mem"er %& his &amil!/ %r i& n%ne %& #he means a&%resaid is availa"le, "! a&&i2in( i# in s%me c%nspicu%us par# %& his las# 6n%'n place %& residence. 11. A%%!" +. *ver! mem"er %& a service shall have #he ri(h# %& appeal a(ains# an %rder passed "! an au#h%ri#! ;.
(1) imp%sin( %n him an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in Rule ) / ($) dischar(in( him in acc%rdance 'i#h #he #erms %& his c%n#rac#, i& he has "een

en(a(ed %n a c%n#rac# &%r a peri%d e2ceedin( ) !ears a# .#he #ime 'hen his services are #ermina#ed. 1). A%%!" + to A%%oi#ti#3 A/thorit. . A mem"er %& a service %n 'h%m an! %& #he penal#ies men#i%ned in clauses (I ), ($),(8) and (<) %& Rule ) has "een imp%sed ma! appeal a(ains# #he %rder imp%sin( #ha# penal#! #% #he au#h%ri#! c%mpe#en# #% app%in# him #% #he p%s# held "! him a# #he #ime 'hen #he cause &%r #he disciplinar! pr%ceedin(s ar%se.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970


?(a) 4here an! %& #he penal#ies men#i%ned in Rule 1$ has "een imp%sed %n a mem"er %& #he service h%ldin( a p%s# in an! %& #he ca#e(%ries in #he Tamil Nadu Municipal 1eneral Services, #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *duca#i%nal Service, +ranch II %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal ,u"lic -eal#h and Medical Service %r Tamil Nadu Municipal Das# 1rade Service, "! #he 5%mmissi%ner %& #he, Eirs#, Sec%nd and Third 1rade Municipali#! %r #he *2ecu#ive =&&icer %& #he T%'nship 5%mmi##ee &%r 'hich #he 5%llec#%r is n%# #he 5hairman, as #he app%in#in( au#h%ri#!, #he appeal shall lie #% #he Re(i%nal Direc#%r %& Municipal Adminis#ra#i%n.c%ncerned, and 'here i# has "een s% imp%sed "! #he 5%mmissi%ner %& #he Selec#i%n and #he Special and #he Special 1rade Municipali#! %& #he *2ecu#ive =&&icer %& #he T%'nship 5%mmi##ee &%r 'hich #he 5%llec#%r is #he 5hairman, #he appeal shall lie #% #he Direc#%r %& Municipal Adminis#ra#i%n. (") A mem"er %& service %n 'h%m an! %& #he penal#ies men#i%ned in clauses ()), (9),. (7), (0) and (9) %& Rule ) has "een imp%sed ma! appeal a(ains# #he %rder imp%sin( #ha# penal#! 'here such an %rder has "een passed "! #he Municipal 5%mmissi%ner, #% #he Direc#%r %& Municipal Adminis#ra#i%n in #he case %& mem"ers %& services h%ldin( p%s#s in an! %& #he ca#e(%ries in #he Tamil Nadu Municipal 1eneral Service, #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *n(ineerin( and 4a#er 4%r6s Service, #he Tamil Nadu Municipal T%'n ,lannin( Service, #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *duca#i%nal Service, +ranch II %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal *duca#i%nal Service and +ranch III %& #he Tamil Nadu Municipal ,u"lic -eal#h and Medical Services, and 'here #he %rder has "een passed "! #he Direc#%r %& Municipal Adminis#ra#i%n #% #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#.@
1,. A%%!" to Go2!r#1!#t.(N%#'i#hs#andin( an!#hin( c%n#ained in Rules 1$ and 1),

1,. A%%! "t! A/thorit..

'here an %ri(inal %rder imp%sin( a speci&ic penal#! imp%sed %n a mem"er %& a service has "een passed "! #he appella#e au#h%ri#! in e2ercise %& #he p%'ers c%n&erred "! Rule <, an appeal a(ains# such %rders shall lie %nl! #% #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#; ,r%vided #ha# 'here #he appella#e au#h%ri#! 'h% has passed #he %ri(inal %rder imp%sin( #he penal#! happens #% "e #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#, #he pers%n a((rieved "! #he %rder ma! a(ain appeal #% #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1. Su"s#i#u#ed "! SR=.A 1<9 F 00, RD B DAD, da#ed #he 10#h April 1900.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970


#% rec%nsider #he %rder. The S#a#e 1%vernmen# shall, #hereup%n, revie' #he rec%rds %& #he case and pass such %rders #here%n as i# ma! appear #% #hem #% "e :us# %r e2pedien#. 10. Pro&!$/r! to 5! *o o6!$ 5. th! "%%! "t! "/thorit.. ( (1) In #he case %& an appeal a(ains# an %rder imp%sin( an! penal#! speci&ied in Rule ), #he appella#e au#h%ri#! shall c%nsider.
(i) 'he#her #he &ac#s %n 'hich #he %rder 'as "ased have "een es#a"lished/ (i) 'he#her &ac#s es#a"lished a&&%rd su&&icien# (r%und &%r #a6in( ac#i%n/ and (i) 'he#her #he penal#! is e2cessive, ade7ua#e/ %r inade7ua#e and a&#er such c%nsidera#i%n shall pass such %rders as i# #hin6s pr%per.

($) An! err%r %r de&ec# in #he pr%cedure &%ll%'ed in imp%sin( aA penal#! ma! "e disre(arded "! #he appella#e au#h%ri#!, i& such au#h%ri#! c%nsiders, &%r reas%ns #% "e rec%rded in 'ri#in(, #ha# #he err%r %r de&ec# 'as n%# ma#erial and has nei#her caused in:us#ice #% #he pers%n c%ncerned n%r a&&ec#ed #he decisi%n %& #he case. 17. A%%! "t! A/thorit. to $!&i$! "%%!" +. In #he case %& an appeal, #he appella#e au#h%ri#! shall pass such %rders as appears #% i# :us# and e7ui#a"le, havin( re(ard #% all #he circums#ances %& #he case. 17. Mo$! o* %r!*!rri#3 "# "%%!" .( (a) *ver! pers%n pre&errin( an appeal shall d% s% separa#el! and in his %'n name. (") *ver! appeal pre&erred under #hese rules shall c%n#ain all ma#erial s#a#emen#s and ar(umen#s relied %n "! #he appellan#, shall c%n#ain n% disrespec#&ul %r impr%per lan(ua(e, and shall "e c%mple#e in i#sel&. *ver! such appeal shall "e addressed #% #he au#h%ri#! #% 'h%m #he appeal is pre&erred and shall "e su"mi##ed #hr%u(h #he head %& #he %&&ice #% 'hich #he appellan# "el%n(s %r "el%n(ed and #hr%u(h #he au#h%ri#! &r%m 'h%se %rder #he appeal is pre&erred. 18. 9ithho $i#3 o* "%%!" .( An appeal ma! "e 'i#hheld, "! an au#h%ri#! n%# l%'er #han #he au#h%ri#! &r%m 'h%se %rder.i# is pre&erred, i& (1) I# is an appeal in a case in 'hich under #hese rules n% appeal lies/ %r

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970


($) I# d%es n%# c%mpl! 'i#h #he pr%visi%ns %& Rule 17 (") / %r ()) I# is n%# pre&erred 'i#hin $ m%n#hs a&#er #he da#e %n 'hich #he appellan# 'as

in&%rmed %& #he %rder appealed a(ains# and n% reas%na"le cause is sh%'n &%r #he dela! / %r .
(8) I# is a repe#i#i%n %& a previ%us appeal and is made #% #he same appella#e au#h%ri#! "!

'hich such appeal has "een decided and n% ne' &ac#s %r circums#ances are adduced 'hich a&&%rd (r%unds &%r rec%nsidera#i%n %& #he case / %r
($) I# is addressed #% an au#h%ri#! #% 'hich n% appeal lies under #hese rules ;

,r%vided #ha# in ever! case in 'hich an appeal is 'i#hheld, #he appellan# shall "e in&%rmed %& #he &ac# and #he reas%n &%r i# ; ,r%vided &ur#her #ha# an appeal 'i#hheld %n acc%un# %nl! %& &ailure #% c%mpl! 'i#h #he pr%visi%ns %& Rule 17 (") ma! "e"mi##ed a# an! #ime 'i#hin %ne m%n#h %& #he da#e %n 'hich #he appellan# has "een in&%rmed %& #he 'i#hh%ldin( %& #he appeal / and an appeal re. su"mi##ed in a &%rm 'hich c%mplies 'i#h #h%se pr%visi%ns shall n%# "e 'i#hheld.
19. No "%%!" to i! "3"i#+t 6ithho $i#3 o* "#. "%%!" .( No appeal shall lie a(ains# 'i#hh%ldin( %& an appeal "! a c%mpe#en# au#h%ri#! 19. Po6!r+ o* "%%! "t! "/thorit. or Go2!r#1!#t 6h!# #o "%%!" i+ %r!*!rr!$.( The au#h%ri#! "! 'h%m an %rder imp%sin( a penal#! speci&ied in Rule ) ma! "e reversed %r al#ered in cases in 'hich n% appeal is pre&erred shall "e #he appella#e au#h%ri#! prescri"ed in #he rules %r #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#. )0. :or6"r$i#3 %& appeal and lis# o* "%%!" + 6ithh! $ to th! "%%! "t! au#h%ri#!. (1) *ver! appeal 'hich is n%# 'i#hheld under #hese rules shall "e &%r'arded #% #he appella#e au#h%ri#! "! #he au#h%ri#! &r%m 'h%se %rder #he appeal is pre&erred 'i#h an e2pressi%n %& %pini%n.

($) A lis# %& appeals 'i#hheld under Rule 10, 'i#h #he reas%n &%r 'i#hh%ldin( #hem, shall "e &%r'arded hal&.!earl! "! #he 'i#hh%ldin( au#h%ri#! #% #he appella#e au#h%ri#!.
)1. Po6!r+ o* "%%! "t!+ "/thorit. to &" au#h%ri#! ma! call &%r an! appeal admissi"le

*or " 6ithh! $ "%%!" .( An appella#e

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1970


under #hese rules 'hich has "een 'i#hheld "! a su"%rdina#e au#h%ri#! and ma! pass such %rders #here%n as i# c%nsiders &i#.
),. S"2i#3+.( N%#hin( in #hese rules shall %pera#e #% deprive an! pers%n %& an! ri(h# %& appeal 'hich he '%uld have had, i& #hese rules had n%# "een made in respec# %& an! %rder passed "e&%re #he! came in#% &%rce. An appeal pendin( a# #he #ime, 'hen, %r pre&erred a&#er #hese rules came in#% &%rce, shall "e deemed3 #%C lie an appeal under #hese rules, and Rule 1< shall appl! as i& #he appeal 'ere a(ains# an %rder appeala"le under #hese rules. )-. R!2i+io# pe#i#i%n #% 1%vernmen#. 4here #he %ri(inal %rder imp%sin( an! %& #he penal#ies speci&ied in Rule ) has "een imp%sed %n a mem"er %& a service "! #he S#a#e 1%vernmen#, such mem"er ma!, 'i#hin #'% m%n#hs &r%m #he da#e %n 'hich #he %rder is c%mmunica#ed #% him, su"mi# a revisi%n pe#i#i%n #% #he 1%vernmen# a(ains# #he %rder. In disp%sin( #he pe#i#i%n #he S#a#e 1%vernmen# shall, as &ar as p%ssi"le &%ll%' #he pr%cedure prescri"ed &%r dealin( 'i#h appeals. ),. Po6!r+ o* Go2!r#1!#t to %"++ or$!r+ o# &o1% !t!$ $i+&i% i#"r. pr%ceedin(s. N%#'i#hs#andin( an!#hin( c%n#ained in #hese rules, #he S#a#e 1%vernmen# shall have #he p%'er #% call &%r #he rec%rds rela#in( #% a disciplinar! pr%ceedin(s 'hich has "een c%mple#ed ei#her "! #he disciplinar! au#h%ri#! %r "! #he appella#e au#h%ri#! and pass such %rders %n i# as #he! ma! c%nsider :us# %r e2pedien#;

,r%vided #ha# "e&%re a penal#! is imp%sed in a case 'here i# has n%# "een imp%sed %r a penal#! 'hich has "een imp%sed is enhanced, #he pers%ns c%ncerned sh%uld "e (iven %pp%r#uni#! #% sh%' cause 'h! #he penal#! sh%uld n%# "e imp%sed %r enhanced, as #he case ma! "e.


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