The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970

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The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPAL TOWN PLANNING SERVICE RULES, 1970 1. These rules shall be called he Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970. [2 Constit tion.! The service shall consis o" he "ollowing ca egories o" o""icers, namel# $! %a egor# 1 Senior Town Planning &""icer. %a egor# ' Town Planning &""icer, (rade ). %a egor# * Town Planning &""icer, (rade )). %a egor# + Town Planning )nspec or. %a egor# , Town Planning -ssis an .raug sman./ !" R#$% itin& 'n( '))ointin& ' t*o%it+.! 0a1 The recrui ing au hori # in respec o" he ca egories in column 0)1 below shall be hose speci"ied in he corresponding en r# in column 0'1 hereo" $! %a egor# 011 1. %a egories 1 o * '. %a egories + and , Recrui ing -u hori # 0'1 The Selec ion %ommi ee The -ppoin men %ommi ee

22222222222222222222222222222 1. Subs i u ed b# (&. Ms. No. 11'. M- 3 4S 0M56*1, da ed he *0 h 7une 1998.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970


0b1 The appoin ing au hori # in respec o" he ca egories in column 011 below shall be hose speci"ied in he corresponding en r# in column 0'1 hereo" $! %a egor# 011 1. %a egories 1 o * '. %a egories + and ,

-ppoin ing -u hori # 0'1 The .irec or o" Municipal -dminis ra ion The Municipal %ommissioner concerned

[," M#t*o( o- '))oint.#nt"/ 0a1 -ppoin men o he ca egories speci"ied in column 011 o" he Table shall be made b# he me hods speci"ied in he corresponding en ries in column 0'1 hereo" T-9:5 %a egories 011 1. Senior Town Planning &""icer '. Town Planning &""icer, (rade6) *. Town Planning &""icer, (rade6)) +. Town Planning )nspec or ,. Town Planning -ssis an .raugh sman Me hods o" appoin men 0'1 Promo ion "rom %a egor# ' Promo ion "rom %a egor# * 0i1 .irec recrui men ; or 0ii1 Promo ion "rom %a egor# + 0i1 .irec recrui men ; or 0ii1 Promo ion "rom %a egor# ,. .irec recrui men

0b1 -ppoin men o each ca egor# b# direc recrui men and b# promo ion shall be made in he ra io o" 1$*. 0c1 &ne6"our h o" all subs an ive vacancies arising in ca egor# * and one6"our h o" all

long s anding emporar# vacancies arising in he ca egor# shall be reserved o be "illed b# direc recrui men . Explanation.Any vacanc# an icipa ed o be o" wo #ears dura ion shall be deemed o be a long s anding vacanc# wi hin he meaning o" his rule./

2222222222222222222222222222222222 1. Subs i u ed b# (&. Ms. No. 11'. M- 3 4S 0M56*1, da ed he *0 h 7une<1998.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970


0" P%o$#( %# -o% %#$% it.#nt.! 011 The "ollowing procedure shall be "ollowed in he ma er o" recrui men o" candida es b# he Selec ion %ommi ee; 1+ (i%#$t %#$% it.#nt"!The .irec or o" Municipal -dminis ra ion shall es ima e he number o" subs an ive vacancies li=el# o arise in each ca egor# "or which recrui men has o be made b# he Selec ion %ommi ee. The es ima e shall cover he calendar #ear "or which he recrui men is made. )n 7ul# o" ever# #ear he .irec or o" Municipal -dminis ra ion shall adver ise he number o" such vacancies available and invi e applica ion "rom all eligible candida es and compile hem. The applica ions so compiled oge her wi h he es ima e o" vacancies shall be "urnished o he Selec ion %ommi ee which shall hen selec candida es on he basis o" an in erview onl#. The recrui men shall be made separa el# "or each ca egor#. The names o" he candida es selec ed "or appoin men shall be arranged in he order o" pre"erence in each lis . The lis hus prepared shall be he lis o" >approved candida es> and "urnished o he appoin ing au hori #. 1+ )%o.otion.! The .irec or o" Municipal -dminis ra ion shall ob ain "rom ever# %ommissioner6
0i1 he names o" all eligible candida es in he emplo# o" he Municipali # concerned ;

0ii1 he %ommissioner?s views on he sui abili # or o herwise o" he candida es "or

promo ion. @e shall hen arrange heir names in he order o" heir seniori # in he ca egor# "rom which promo ion is o be made and also record his own views on he "i ness or o herwise o" he candida es. @e shall, herea" er, pale he lis be"ore he Selec ion %ommi ee which shall scru inise hem and approve he promo ion panel "or each ca egor#. ) shall be open o he Selec ion %ommi ee o in erview an# candida es, i" i has an# doub abou his "i ness "or promo ion or he ran= ha should be assigned o him in he promo ion panel. The Selec ion %ommi ee shall, a" er i has drawn he promo ion panel in he manner a"oresaid, send i o he appoin ing au hori #.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970

0'1 The "ollowing procedure shall be "ollowed in he ma er o" recrui men o" candida es b# he -ppoin men %ommi ee o" he Municipal %ouncil "or appoin men b# direc recrui men The %ommissioner o" he Municipali # concerned shall call "or a lis o" eligible candida es "rom he local 5mplo#men 5Achange and shall, a" er having he lis scru inised6 b# he Regional .epu # .irec or o" Town Planning concerned place he lis be"ore he -ppoin men %ommi ee. The %ommi ee shall, hen, selec he reBuired number o" candida es on he basis o" an in erview onl#. )" su""icien number o" candida es "rom he 5mplo#men 5Achange is no available, he %ommissioner shall adver ise he vacancies in he local dailies o" he dis ric and invi e applica ion "rom eligible candida es and compile hem. The applica ions so compiled shall be placed be"ore he -ppoin men %ommi ee. The -ppoin men %ommi ee shall hen selec he candida es on he basis o" an in erview onl#. )" a selec ion is o be made "rom such o" hose persons who are emplo#ees o" he Municipal %ouncil, he 5mplo#men 5Achange need no be consul ed. The selec ion shall be made separa el# "or each ca egor#. The names o" he candida es selec ed "or appoin men shall be arranged in he order o" pre"erence in each lis . The lis s hus prepared shall be he lis s o" >approved candida es>. The -ppoin men %ommi ee shall send he lis o he %ommissioner immedia el# a" er i is drawn up. [2" R#s#%3'tion o- '))oint.#nt.! The rule o" reserva ion o" appoin men s 0(eneral Rule 1+1 shall appl# o appoin men o die$ $ rvice b# direc recrui men ./
7. Mini. . 4 '5i-i$'tion.! No person shall be appoin ed o an# o" he ca egories

eAcep ca egor# , unless he possesses he minimum general educa ional Buali"ica ion.
8. S)#$i'5 t#$*ni$'5 4 '5i-i$'tion .!No person shall be appoin ed o he pos s speci"ied

in column 011 o" he Table in he -nneAure b# he me hods speci"ied in he corresponding en ries in column 0'1 o" he said Table, unless he possesses he Buali"ica ions speci"ied in he corresponding en ries in column 0*1 hereo".

222222222222222222222222222222222222 1. Subs i u ed b# (&. Ms. No. 18,0, R. 3 :-, da ed he 'nd .ecember 198'.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970 11+7

9. A&#"/ No person shall be eligible "or appoin men b# direc recrui men , i" he has

comple ed or will comple e hir # #ears o" age on he "irs da# o" 7ul# o" he #ear in which he recrui men is made $ Provided ha a candida e belonging o he Scheduled %as es or he Scheduled Tribes shall be appoin ed o an# lass or ca egor# in he service b# direc recrui men i" he has no comple ed *1 #ears o" age on he said da e.
9. Unit o- '))oint.#nt.! Cor he purpose o" appoin men , rans"er, discharge "or wan o" vacancies, reappoin men and appoin men as "ull members o" he service, he uni shall be as "ollows$!

%a egor# 011 %a egories 1, ' and * %a egories + and ,


Dni 0'1 -ll he Municipali ies in he S a e a=en oge her Municipali # concerned.

E11" P%o6'tion"/ 5ver# person appoin ed o a ca egor# b# direc recrui men shall, "rom he da e on which he Foins du #, be on proba ion "or a o al period o" ' #ears on du # wi hin a con inuous period o" * #ears./ 12" Li'6i5it+ to s#%3# in t*# A%.#( 7o%$#s.! 5ver# person who is a gradua e in 5ngineering and who is appoin ed o ca egor# 1, ' or * shall, wi hin he "irs en #ears o" his service in he said ca egor#, be liable o serve "or a minimum period o" + #ears 0including he period spen on raining1 in he -rmed Corces or wor= rela ing o he de"ence e""or an#where in )ndia or abroad, i" so reBuired $ Provided ha he liabili # o serve in he -rmed Corces or on wor= rela ing o he de"ence e""or s shall no ordinaril# appl# o a person who is above +0 #ears o" age a he ime o" his appoin men o he ca egor# or who has alread# so served during he period o" his service in he .epar men .

22222222222222222222222222222 1. Subs i u ed b# (&. Ms. No.,,+, R. 3 :-, da ed he 1* h -pril 198*.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970

ANNE8URE (See Rule 81


[TA1LE Huali"ica ion

Pos s 011 Senior Town Planning &""icer Town Planning &""icer, (rade6)

Me hods o" recrui men 0'1 9# promo ion 9# promo ion

0*1 Mus have served as Town Planning &""icer. (rade6) Mus have served as Town Planning &""icer. (rade6)). 0i1 Mus be an -ssocia e Member o" he )ns i u e o" Town Planners )ndia, or mus possess a .egree or .iploma recogniIed "or eligibili # o he -ssocia ed Membership o" he )ns i u e o" Town Planners; or 0ii1 Mus possess 9achelor o" -rchi ec ure; .egree o" an# Dniversi # recognised b# he Dniversi # (ran s %ommission "or he purpose o" i s gran er .iploma in -rchi ec ure recognised as eBuivalen o he Na ional .iploma in -rchi ec ure; or 0iii1 -ssocia e o" )ndian )ns i u e o" -rchi ec s; or 0iv1 - .egree in %ivil 5ngineering o" an# Dniversi # recognised b# he Dniversi # (ran s %ommission "or he purpose o" i s gran ; or 0v1 Mus have passed Sec ions - and 9 o" he -.M.).5. 0)ndia1 5Aamina ion in %ivil 5ngineering (roup ; or 0vi1 Mus possess he Pos :icen ia e .iploma in Town and %oun r# Planning awarded b# he 9oard o" Technical 5duca ion o" he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu; or

Town Planning 9# direc &""icer. (rade6)) recrui men

2222222222222222222222222222222222 1. Subs i u ed b# (&. Ms. No. 11', M- 3 4S 0M56*1, da ed he *0 h 7une, 1998.

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970

0vii1 Mus possess a Mas ers .egree in Town and %oun r# Planning awarded b# he -nna Dniversi #. 0i1Mus possess :icen ia ein %ivil 5ngineering or .iploma in %ivil 5ngineering o" he 9oard o" 9# promo ion Technical 5duca ion o" he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu or an# higher Buali"ica ion recogniIed as eBuivalen here o b# he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu ; and Mus be wor=ed in a regular capaci # as Town Planning )nspec or "or a period o" no less han en #ears in an# Municipali # or an# o her local au hori # ; or 0ii1 Mus be a (roup cer i"ica e holder and have wor=ed in permanen or regular capaci # as Town Planning )nspec or "or a period o" no less han "i" een #ears in an# Municipali #, or an# o her local au hori #. Town Planning 9# .irec :icen ia e in %ivil 5ngineering or .iploma in )nspec or recrui men or %ivil 5ngineering o" he 9oard o" Technical 9# promo ion 5duca ion o" he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu or he .iploma in -rchi ec ure and )n erior .esign awarded b# he S a e )ns i u e o" %o6opera ive Joca ional 5duca ion, Tiruchirappalli or an# o her eBuivalen Buali"ica ion recogniIed b# he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu. Town Planning 9# .irec 0i1:icen ia e in %ivil 5ngineering or .iploma in -ssis an recrui men %ivil 5ngineering o" he 9oard o" Technical .raugh sman 5duca ion o" he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu or he .iploma in -rchi ec ure and )n erior .esign awarded b# he S a e )ns i u e o" %o6opera ive Joca ional 5duca ion, Tiruchirappalli or an# o her eBuivalen .iploma recogniIed b# he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu ; or 0ii1 - comple e Secondar# School :eaving %er i"ica e issued under he au hori # o" he (overnmen o" Tamil Nadu wi h pass in 5ngineering as a special subFec in he bi"urca ed courses in Secondar# School ; or

The Tamil Nadu Municipal Town Planning Service Rules, 1970

0iii1 Pass in he .raugh smanship 0%ivil1 %ourse under he revised s#llabus in roduced "rom 7ul# 19,' conduc ed b# he (overnmen o" )ndia, Minis r# o" :abour wi h eAperience in Town Planning "or a period o" no less han ' #ears.

CLARI7ICATIONS R 5# 2"/ - pos o" Senior Town Planning &""icer has been crea ed in Special (rade Municipali ies. Vide G.O. Ms. No. ,*1, R. 3 :-, da ed *16+6198*. R 5# '.!.irec recrui men shall be up o and including he level o" Town Planning &""icer, (rade6)). The appoin men o he pos o" Senior Town Planning &""icer and Town Planning &""icer, (rade6) shall be made b# promo ion "rom he Town Planning &""icer, (rade ) and (rade )), respec ivel# and here need no be an# "ur her academic Buali"ica ion "or promo ion. Vide G.O. Ms. No. G0, M- 3 4S, da ed61'6*?6198,. R 5#s 9"/ )n respec o" Scheduled %as es and Scheduled Tribes, he age6limi shall be ** #ears. Vide G.O. Ms. No. 1,8+, R. 3 :-, da ed 1G61061980.


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