The Tamil Nadu Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

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TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

THE TAMIL NADU MUNICIPALITIES TELEVISION CABLES INSTALLATION REGULATION RULES, 2000* (G. O. Ms. No. 58, Mun ! "#$ A%& n s'(#' on #n% )#'*( Su""$+ D*"#('&*n', %#'*% ,'- M#+ 2000. SRO No. A/,0 (#. 0 2000 . In exercise of the po ers conferre! " b# $ection %&' of the Chennai Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1)1) *. Ta+il Na!u (ct I, of 1)1)-, $ection %0% of the Ta+il Na!u .istrict Municipalities (ct, 1)20 *Ta+il Na!u (ct ,. of 1)20-, $ection &%1 of the Ma!urai Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1)'1 *Ta+il Na!u (ct 1/ of 1)'1-, $ection &%0 of the Coi+batore Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct,0 1)11 *Ta+il Na!u (ct 2/ of 1)11-, rea! ith $ection 1 of the Tiruchirappalli Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1))& *Ta+il Na!u (ct 2' of 1))&-, the Tirunelveli Cit# Municipal Corporation(ct, 1))& *Ta+il Na!u (ct 21 of 1))&-, an! the $ale+ Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1))& *Ta+il Na!u (ct 2) of 1))&-, the 2overnor of Ta+il Na!u hereb# +a3es the follo ing rules,. na+el# 4

555555555555555555555555555555555 67ublishe! in 7art III 0 $ection I *a- of the Ta+il Na!u 2overn+ent 2a8ette, 9xtraor!inar# !ate! /th Ma# 2000. :Issue No. 2)/ *pages 10/-;.

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000


1. S-o(' ' '$* #n% !o&&*n!*&*n'./ *1- These rules +a# be calle! the Ta+il Na!u Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000.
*2- These rules shall appl# to all <:Thir! 2ra!e Municipalit#;, Municipalities an! Municipal Corporations in the $tate. *%- It shall co+e into force on the /th Ma#, 2000.

2. D*2 n ' ons . In these rules, unless the context other ise re=uires,
*a- >(ct> +eans the Chennai Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1)1) *Ta+il Na!u (ct

I, of 1)1)-, the Ta+il Na!u .istrict Municipalities (ct, 1)20 *Ta+il Na!u (ct , of 1)20-, the Ma!urai Cit# Municipal Corporation" (ct, 1)'1 *Ta+il Na!u (ct 1/ of 1)'1-, the Coi+batore Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1)11 *Ta+il Na!u (ct 2/ of 1)11-, the Tiruchirappalli Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1))& *Ta+il Na!u (ct 2' of 1))&-, the Tirunelveli Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1))& *Ta+il Na!u (ct 21 of 1))&-, the $ale+ Cit# Municipal Corporation (ct, 1))& *Ta+il Na!u (ct 2) of 1))&-, as the case +a# be ?
*a- >Council> +eans the Council of To n 7ancha#ats, Municipalities an!. Municipal Corporations, as the case +a# be ? *a- >Co++issioner> +eans the Co++issioners of Municipalities an! Municipal

Corporations an! the 9xecutive @fficers of the 1:To n 7ancha#ats; ? *b- 32o(&3 +eans the for+s appen!e! to these rules ?
*c- >2overn+entA< +eans the $tate 2overn+ent ? *!- >Municipalit#>? ith its gra++atical variation, +eans the Municipal Corporations, Municipalities an! Thir! 2ra!e Municipalities constitute! or !ee+e! to have been constitute! un!er the appropriate (ct ?

5555555555555555555555555555555555 1. $ubstitute! for >To n 7ancha#at> b# $R@ (02 *a- B 200C, !ate! 11010200C.

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

(4. 3'*$*5 s on !#6$*s> +eans the cables use! b# an# private in!ivi!ual or fir+ or co+pan# to give satellite television connection in the televisions, use! b# the public in a particular area? (-. or!s an! expressions use! but not !efine! in these rules shall have the +eanings, respectivel#, assigne! to the+ in the (ct. In the absence of such +eaning, the Ta+il Na!u 2eneral Clauses (ct,. 11)1 *Ta+il Na!u (ct I of 11)1- shall appl# for the interpretation of these rules.

7. Issu* o2 "(o5 s on#$ "*(& ss on 2o( ns'#$$#' on o2 '*$*5 s on !#6$*s o5*( "u6$ ! (o#%s #n% s'(**'s n # &un ! "#$ '+. *I- (n# person inten!ing to co++ence operation of giving cable television connections in an# area ithin the +unicipal. li+its, shall appl# to the Co++issioner in 7art I of Dor+ I for provisional per+ission to install cable<s on street light poles over public roa!s an! streets or to erect separate poles in an# roa! , or streets ithin the +unicipal li+it for installing such television cables. *2- 9ver# application un!er sub0rule *1- for a provisional per+ission shall be acco+panie! b#
*a- a s3etch in!icating the roa!s an! streets over

hich the cables are to be

*b- the nu+ber of street light poles

hich are to be use! for installing the cables ?

*a- the nu+bers of a!!itional poles re=uire! to be erecte! b# the applicant on the roa!s an! streets for installing such cables.

*%- The Co++issioner shall, on0receipt of application, scrutinise it an!, if satisfie! about the infor+ation furnishe! b# the applicant, grant a provisional per+ission in 7art II of Dor+ I, after receiving the annual rent for such installation of television cables in accor!ance ith Rule &, an! subEect to the follo ing con!itions na+el# 4 *a- The television cables shall be installe! over the public roa!s an! streets at a height of 1 +etres an! above across the roa!s, or streets an! at a height of /./ +etres an! above along the roa!s or streets. The cable shall be at least I +etre a a# fro+ the light fixture?

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000


*b- Not +ore than five lines shall be ta3en on each of the street light poles ? *c- (s far as practicable an! possible, the street light poles of the urban local bo!ies

+a# be use! ?
*!- If a!!itional poles are re=uire! to be erecte! on an# public roa! or street or lan!, the prior concurrence of the Co++issioner shall be obtaine!. *&- Fithin sixt# !a#s fro+ the !ate of receipt of such provisional per+ission, the

applicant shall install the cables in accor!ance ith the con!itions stipulate! in the provisional per+ission an! shall appl# in P#(' I o2 8o(& II for issue of a No @bEection Certificate b# the Co++issioner of the +unicipalit#.
*/- @n satisf#ing hi+self that the cables have been installe! in accor!ance ith the con!itions +entione! in the provisional per+ission un!er sub0rule *1-, an! subEect to the provisions containe! in the (ct, the Co++issioner +a# issue a No @bEection Certificate in 7art II o2 8o(& II. ,. R*n' 'o 6* !o$$*!'*% 2o( ns'#$$#' on o2 '*$*5 s on !#6$*./ *1- The annual rent to be collecte! b# the Municipalit# for using the street light poles an! for erecting a!!itional poles b# the applicants shall be

*a- Chennai Cit# Municipal Corporation. , *b- (ll Cit#. Municipal Corporations other than Chennai Cit# Municipal Corporation. *c- Municipalities an! 6:To n 7ancha#ats;.

Rs. ),&00 *Rupees nine thousan! four hun!re!- per annu+ 3ilo+etre. Rs. C,%00 *Rupees six thousan! three hun!re!- per annu+ 3ilo+etre.

an! per an! per

Rs. /,/00 *Rupees five thousan! an! five hun!re!- per annu+ per 3ilo+etre.

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

*2- Dor the purpose of collecting annual rent to a perio! relating to less than a #ear, the annual rent fixe! un!er sub0rule *1- shall be collecte! for a perio! of six +onths.
/. R*&o5#$ o2 '*$*5 s on !#6$*s 2(o& '-* s'(**' $ 4-' "o$*s 2o( 5 o$#' on o2 !on% ' ons &"os*% .9 *1- Fhere the Co++issioner, either suo motu or on ritten representation, has a reason to believe that the person to ho+ a No @bEection Certificate issue!, has violate! or faile! to co+pl# ith the con!itions i+pose! hile issuing the No @bEection Certificate un!er these rules, he shall call upon the person in riting stating the groun!s to sho cause ithin such perio! not less than fifteen !a#s fro+ the !ate of receipt of such notice as to h# the No @bEection Certificate issue! b# the Co++issioner shoul! not be cancelle! an! the television cables shoul! not be re+ove! fro+ the street light poles an! the a!!itional poles, if an#, erecte! an! also shall give the person an opportunit# of being hear!.

*2- @n exa+ining the repl# receive! fro+ the person concerne! 00 ithin the ti+e0li+it specifie! in sub0rule *1-, the Co++issioner +a# or!er cancellation of No @bEection Certificate an! for re+oval of the television cables installe! b# the person concerne! ithin the ti+e li+it fixe! an! failing hich the Co++issioner shall re+ove the+ b# utilising the services of the e+plo#ees of the Municipalit#.
C. Mo%* o2 "#+&*n' o2 (*n' .<The annual rent for installation of television cables shall

be pai! in the for+ of Gan3 !raft pa#able to the Co++issioner or shall be pai! in cash in the +unicipal treasur#.
5. P*( o% o2 "#+&*n' o2 #nnu#$ (*n' #n% $*5+ o2 2 n* 2o( 6*$#'*% "#+&*n' .9 *1- The annual rent for using the street light poles an! for erecting a!!itional poles for installation of television cables shall be pai! b# the persons concerne! ithin the perio! fro+ the 1st (pril to the %0th (pril of ever# #ear failing hich a su+ of rupee one per +onth for the annual rent of ever# one hun!re! rupees shall be collecte! 4

7rovi!e! that for !eter+ining the fine, fraction of +ore than fift# rupees shall be roun!e! off to the next hun!re! rupees an! an# fraction less than fift# rupees shall be ignore!.

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

*2- The pa#+ent of annual rent fro+ the 1st !a# of calen!ar +onth to the en! of that calen!ar +onth after expir# of the !ue !ates fixe! un!er sub0rule *1- shall be ta3en as one +onth for lev# of fine. 8. Ins'#$$#' on o2 6(#!:*'s n '-* s'(**' $ 4-' "o$*s 6+ '-* Mun ! "#$ '+./ *1- The Co++issioner shall +a3e arrange+ents to install brac3ets to have the television cables in the street light poles in such a a# that the brac3ets can hol! five television cable lines.
*2- In respect of the existing street light poles, the Co++issioner shall provi!e such

brac3ets on the street light pole force of these rules.

ithin a perio! of one #ear fro+ the !ate of co+ing into

*%- Fhile provi!ing brac3ets in the street light poles un!er sub0rule *2-, priorit# shall

be given to the street light poles in roa!s an! streets existence. installe! in future.

here there are alrea!# cables in street light poles to be

*&- The Co++issioner +a# provi!e such brac3ets in the ne

;. Issu* o2 No O6<*!' on C*(' 2 !#'* 2o( '-* *= s' n4 !#6$* '*$*5 s on o"*(#'o(s . The cable television operators ho are operating the cable television on the !ate of co+ing into force of these rules shall appl# in 7art I of Dor+ II fulfilling the con!itions given in sub0rule *%- of Rule % an! on pa#+ent of rent as prescribe! in Rule & an! shall obtain a No @bEection Certificate fro+ the Co++issioner ithin a perio! of six +onths fro+ the !ate of co+ing into force of these rules. 10. In'*("(*'#' on of these (u$*s 6+ '-* Go5*(n&*n' . *1- If an# =uestion arises as to interpretation of these rules, the =uestion shall be referre! to the 2overn+ent an! hose !ecision shall be final. *2- If an# !ifficult# arises as to giving effect to the provision of these rules, the 2overn+ent +a#, b# or!er, !o an# thing hich appears to be necessar#, for the purpose of re+oving the !ifficult#.

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000


8ORM / I PART / I (See Rule %5 THIRD GRADE MUNICIPALITIES 0 MUNICIPALIT> 0 CORPORATION. APPLICATION 8OR PROVISIONAL PERMISSION 8OR INSTALLATION O8 TELEVISION CABLES OVER PUBLIC ROADS AND STREETS IN A MUNICIPAL LIMIT. *1*2Na+e an! a!!ress of the applicant or fir+ or co+pan#. Na+e of the roa!s an! streets on hich television cables are to be installe! an! the nu+ber of street light poles to be use! for installing television cable in each roa! an! street. If a!!itional poles are to be erecte! b# the applicant on the roa! an! street an! the nu+ber of poles to be erecte! are to be in!icate!. $3etch in!icating the roa!s an! streets over hich the cables are to be installe! an! the a!!itional poles, if an#, are to be erecte!.



.ate 4

Signature of the Applicant.

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

8ORM / I PART 0II [See Rule % *%-; T- (% G(#%* Mun ! "#$ ' *s 0 Mun ! "#$ '+ 0 Co("o(#' on. 7er+ission No. .ate 4 P(o5 s on#$ "*(& ss on 2o( ns'#$$#' on o2 '*$*5 s on !#6$*s. Reference 4 (pplication No. 5555555555555555 , !ate!. 555555555555555 Rent Receipt of the Municipalit# 55555555555555555 .ate! 5555555555555555555555555 7rovisional per+ission is grante! to 5555555555555555555 for the installation of television cable in the follo ing areas 555555555555555555
2. The street light poles to be use! b# the applicant are5555555 %. The a!!itional poles re=uire! b# the applicant are per+itte! to be in the follo ing

places .ate 4 D@RM 0 II 7(RT I [See Rule % *&-;


(pplication for no obEection Certificate for co++encing the operation of cable television connections. *1*2*%*&Na+e an! a!!ress of the applicant. Nu+ber an! !ate of provisional per+ission grante!. Na+e of the roa!s an! streets on hich cables have been installe! an! a!!itional poles erecte!. .etails of television cables an! other +aterials use!.

.ate 4 Signature of the Applicant

TN Municipalities Television Cables Installation Regulation Rules, 2000

8ORM / II PART/II :See Rule.% */-; T- (% G(#%* Mun ! "#$ ' *s B Mun ! "#$ '+ B Co("o(#' on N. @. C. No ............................................. Reference 4 .ate 4............................

1. 7rovisional 7er+ission Nu+ber55555555555!ate!55555555 2. (pplication Nu+ber5555555 , !ate!555555555 NO OB?ECTION CERTI8ICATE.

The No @bEection Certificate is grante! to 55555555555555555555 for co++encing the operation of giving cable television connections in the follo ing areas 5555555555555
2. The street light poles per+itte! to be use! b# the applicant. %. The a!!itional poles per+itte! to be erecte! b# the applicant. &. The con!itions +entione! belo ill have to be follo e! b# the applicant hile operating the cable television connections.

*Con!itions to be stipulate! b# the Co++issioner.ate4 Commissioner.


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