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TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


[G.O.Ms. No. 73, M !"#"$%& A'("!"s)*%)"o! %!' W%)+* S $$&, (E&+#)"o!) D+$%*)(+!), '%)+' )-+ 2.)- A / s), 20060

SRO No. A12.(%) 2 2006.3 In e ercise o! t"e po#ers con!erred $% &ection 303 o! t"e Ta'il Nadu (istrict Municipalities )ct, 1*20 (Ta'il Nadu )ct + o! 1*20), &ection 3,- o! t"e C"ennai Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*1* (Ta'il Nadu )ct . o! 1*1*), &ection ,31 o! t"e Madurai Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*-1 (Ta'il Nadu )ct 1/ o! 1*-1), &ection ,30 o! t"e Coi'$atore Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*01 (Ta'il Nadu )ct 2/ o! 1*01), read #it" &ection 0 o! t"e Tiruc"irappalli Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1**, (Ta'il Nadu )ct 2- o! 1**,), &ection 0 o! t"e Tirunel1eli Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1**, (Ta'il Nadu )ct 20 o! 1**,) and &ection 0 o! t"e &ale' Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1**, (Ta'il Nadu )ct 2* o! 1**,) and in supersession o! t"e Ta'il Nadu T"ird Grade Municipalities and Municipal and Corporation Councils (Elections) Rules, 1**6, t"e Go1ernor o! Ta'il Nadu a!ter consultation #it" t"e Ta'il Nadu &tate Election Co''ission, "ere$% 'a2es t"e !ollo#in3 Rules, na'el%45

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


4. S-o*) )")&+, %$$&"#%)"o! %!' #o((+!#+(+!).3(4) T"ese rules 'a% $e called t"e Ta'il Nadu To#n Panc"a%ats, T"ird Grade Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 20066
(2) T"e% s"all appl% to all elections "eld under t"e )ct6 (3) T"e% s"all co'e into !orce #it" i''ediate e!!ect6

2. D+5"!")"o!s.3 (1) In t"ese rules, unless t"e conte t ot"er#ise re7uires,5

(i) 8A#)8 'eans 5

t"e Ta'il Nadu (istrict Municipalities )ct, 1*20 (Ta'il Nadu )ct + o! 1*20), in respect o! To#n Panc"a%ats, T"ird Grade Municipalities, Municipalities 9 t"e C"ennai Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*1* (Ta'il Nadu )ct I+ o! 1*1*), in respect o! C"ennai Cit% Municipal Corporation9 t"e Madurai Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*-1 (Ta'il Nadu )ct 1/ o! 1*-1), in respect o! Madurai Cit% Municipal Corporation9 t"e Coi'$atore Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*01 (Ta'il Nadu )ct 2/ o! 1*01), in respect o! Coi'$atore Cit% Municipal Corporation9 t"e T"iruc"irappalli Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1**, (Ta'il Nadu )ct 2o! 1**,), in respect o! T"iruc"irappalli Cit% Municipal Corporation 9 t"e Tirunel1eli Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1**, (Ta'il Nadu )ct 20 o! 1**,), in respect o! Tirunel1eli Cit% Municipal Corporation 9 and t"e &ale' Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1**, (Ta'il Nadu )ct 2* o! 1**,), in respect o! &ale' Cit% Municipal Corporation 9
(i) 86%&&o) 7o88 includes an% $o , $a3 or ot"er receptacles used !or t"e insertion o!

$allot paper $% electors 9

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

'eans t"e C"air'an o! a To#n Panc"a%at or o! a T"ird Grade Municipalit% or o! a Municipalit%, as t"e case 'a% $e 9 9Co(("ss"o!+*9 'eans t"e Co''issioner o! a Municipalit% or o! a Municipal Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e 9

(iii) 9C-%"*(%!9

(1)8Co(("))++9 'eans a Co''ittee constituted under t"e )ct 9

(1i) 8Co!)+s)"!/ #%!'"'%)+9 'eans a candidate #"ose no'ination "as $een dul%

accepted under su$:rule (*) o! Rule 2- and #"o "as not #it"dra#n "is candidature
(1ii) 9Co*$o*%)"o!9 'eans t"e Municipal Corporation o! C"ennai, Madurai,

Coi'$atore, Tiruc"irappalli, Tirunel1eli and &ale' 9 9Cos)8 'eans all costs and e penses o! a trial o! an election petition or incidental to it 9
(1i) (1i) 9Co !#"&9 'eans t"e Council o! a To#n Panc"a%at or o! a T"ird Grade

Municipalit% or o! a Municipalit% or o! a Municipal Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e 9 ( )9Co !#"&&o*8 'eans a 'e'$er elected !ro' a #ard o! a Panc"a%at To#n or o! a Transitional )rea or o! a Municipalit% or o! a Municipal Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e 9
( i) 9D"s)*"#) E&+#)"o! O55"#+*9 'eans t"e o!!icer speci!ied in Rule - 9

9D+$ ), M%,o*9 'eans t"e (eput% Ma%or o! a Corporation 9

( i) 8E&+#)"o! Co *)9 'eans t"e Court o! t"e Principal ;ud3e, Cit% Ci1il Court,

C"ennai in respect o! t"e Corporation o! C"ennai and t"e Court o! t"e (istrict ;ud3e, in respect o! ot"er Corporations, Municipalities, Transitional )rea and Panc"a%at To#n under #"ose <urisdiction suc" Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or t"e Corporation is situated 9
( ii) 9E&+#)o*9 in relation to a #ard o! a Panc"a%at To#n or a Transitional )rea or

a Municipalit% or a Corporation 'eans a person

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

#"ose na'e is entered in t"e electoral roll o! t"at #ard o! Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation !or t"e ti'e $ein3 in !orce9 ( 1) 8E&+#)o*%& R+/"s)*%)"o! O55"#+*9 'eans t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! a To#n Panc"a%at or o! a T"ird Grade Municipalit% or o! t"e Co''issioner o! a Municipalit% or o! a Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, or an% ot"er o!!icer aut"orised in t"is $e"al! $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission under Rule 0 to prepare and pu$lis" electoral rolls under t"e )ct9 ( 1i) 9E&+#)o*%& *"/-)9 'eans t"e ri3"t o! a person to stand or not to stand as, or to #it"dra# or not to #it"dra# !ro' $ein3, a candidate, or to 1ote or re!rain !ro' 1otin3 at an election9 ( 1ii) 9E&+#)o*%& *o&&8 'eans t"e electoral rolls o! t"e #ards in a Panc"a%at To#n or a Transitional )rea or a Municipalit% or a Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e 9 ( 1iii) 9E&+#)o*%& *o&& ! (7+* o! a person8 'eans and includes :
(a) t"e serial nu'$er o! t"e entr% in t"e electoral roll in respect o! t"at person ($) t"e serial nu'$er o! t"e part o! t"e electoral roll in #"ic" suc" entr% occurs 9

(c) t"e serial nu'$er o! t"e street in #"ic" suc" entr% occurs 9 and (d) t"e nu'$er and na'e o! t"e #ard o! t"e Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea

or Municipalit% or Corporation #"ic" t"e electoral roll relates9 : ( i ) 9:o*(9 'eans a !or' appended to t"ese rules and includes a translation t"ereo! in t"e lan3ua3e or lan3ua3es in #"ic" t"e electoral roll o! Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation is prepared 9 ( ) 9M%*;+' #o$, o5 )-+ +&+#)o*%& *o&&9 'eans a cop% o! t"e electoral roll set apart !or t"e purpose o! 'ar2in3 t"e entr% relatin3 to

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

t"e electors to #"o' $allot paper or $allot papers are issued at an election or elections 9
( ( ( ( i)

9M%,o*8 'eans Ma%or o! a Corporation 9

ii) 8M+(7+*9 'eans a Councillor o! a #ard o! a Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional iii) 9P+*so!9 does not include a $od% o! persons 9 i1) 9Po&&"!/ O55"#+*9 'eans t"e o!!icer appointed under Rule 13 o! t"ese rules to

)rea or Municipalit% or Corporation 9

assist t"e Presidin3 =!!icer in t"e per!or'ance o! "is duties 9 ( 1) 8Po&&"!/ S)%)"o!8 'eans a place !i ed under Rule 12 o! t"ese rules, !or ta2in3 poll at an election or elections 9 ( 1i) 9P*+s"'"!/ O55"#+*8 'eans an o!!icer appointed under Rule 13 !or ta2in3 poll at a pollin3 station 9 ( 1ii)9P 7&"# -o&"'%,8 'eans an% da% #"ic" is a pu$lic "olida% !or purposes o! &ection 2/ o! t"e Ne3otia$le Instru'ents )ct, 1001 (Central )ct 26 o! 1001) 9
( ( 1iii) 9< %&"5,"!/ '%)+9 in relation to t"e preparation o! e1er% electoral roll under 1iii) 9R+) *!+' #%!'"'%)+8 'eans a candidate #"o "as $een declared as elected

t"ese rules 'eans t"e !irst da% o! ;anuar% o! t"e %ear in #"ic" it is so prepared 9 and #"ose na'e "as $een dul% pu$lis"ed 9

9R+) *!"!/ O55"#+*9 'eans t"e o!!icer appointed under Rule * 9

i) 8S+#)"o!8 'eans a section o! t"e )ct 9 ( ii)8S)%)+ E&+#)"o! O55"#+*8 'eans t"e o!!icer appointed under Rule 6 9

( iii) 8W%*'8 'eans T"e #ard o! a Panc"a%at To#n or o! a Transitional )rea or o! a Municipalit% or o! a Corporation and includes t"e (i1ision o! a Corporation as di1ided and noti!ied under t"e )ct !or t"e purpose o! election o! Councillor 9

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

i1) 9W%*'s Co(("))++9 'eans t"e .ards Co''ittee re!erred to in t"e )ct6

(2) .ords and e pressions used, $ut not de!ined in t"ese rules s"all "a1e t"e 'eanin3s, respecti1el%, assi3ned to t"e' in t"e )ct6 In t"e a$sence o! suc" 'eanin3, t"e Ta'il Nadu General Clauses )ct, 10*1 (Ta'il Nadu )ct 1 o! 10*1) s"all appl% !or t"e interpretation o! t"ese rules, as it applies !or t"e interpretation o! a Ta'il Nadu )ct6
3. Co!' #) o5 (o*+ )-%! o!+ +&+#)"o! s"( &)%!+o s&,.3 ."en t"e o!!ices to $e !illed

up $% election under t"ese rules, are 1acant in a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, elections to !ill up suc" 1acancies 'a% $e "eld eit"er separatel% or si'ultaneousl% at t"e sa'e pollin3 station or pollin3 stations, as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6 T"e Presidin3 =!!icers, Pollin3 =!!icers and suc" ot"er o!!icers appointed !or t"e purposes o! conductin3 one election s"all $e dee'ed to "a1e $een6 appointed !or t"e purposes o! "oldin3 t"e elections so "eld si'ultaneousl% at t"at pollin3 station6 >nless ot"er#ise directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e pollin3 'aterials li2e $allot $o es, ru$$er sta'ps, distin3uis"in3 'ar2s, etc6, used !or one election 'a% also $e used !or ot"er election6
3. S"/!"!/ o5 %! "!s)* (+!).3 ?or t"e purposes o! t"ese rules, a person #"o is una$le

to #rite "is na'e s"all, unless ot"er#ise e pressl% pro1ided !or in t"ese rules, $e dee'ed to "a1e si3ned an instru'ent or ot"er paper, i!:
(i) "e "as placed a 'ar2 on suc" instru'ent or ot"er paper in t"e presence o! t"e

Returnin3 =!!icer, Presidin3 =!!icer or suc" ot"er o!!icer as 'a% $e speci!ied in t"is $e"al! $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission9 and
(ii) suc" o!!icer, on $ein3 satis!ied as to "is identit%, "as attested t"e 'ar2 as $ein3 t"e

'ar2 o! t"at person6


=. Po>+*s %!' 5 !#)"o!s o5 )-+ S)%)+ E&+#)"o! Co(("ss"o!.3(1) T"e preparation o! electoral roll and t"e conduct o! all elections under

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

t"ese rules s"all $e "eld under t"e superintendence and control o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission and !or t"is purpose, it s"all "a1e po#er to 3i1e suc" directions as it 'a% dee' necessar% to t"e &tate Election =!!icer or (istrict Election =!!icer or an% o!!icer or ser1ant o! t"e Go1ern'ent or t"e local $odies or Go1ern'ent underta2in3s en3a3ed !or t"e purpose, so as to ensure e!!icient conduct o! t"e elections6
(2) T"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a%, su$<ect to control and re1ision, dele3ate its

po#ers to suc" o!!icers as it 'a% dee' necessar%6

(2) T"e &tate Election =!!icer, t"e (istrict Election =!!icer, Electoral Re3istration

=!!icer, Returnin3 =!!icer, )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icer, Presidin3 =!!icer, Pollin3 =!!icer and an% ot"er o!!icer appointed under t"ese rules, !or t"e ti'e $ein3, !or t"e conduct o! an% elections, and an% police o!!icer posted !or election dut% s"all $e dee'ed to $e on deputation to t"e &tate Election Co''ission !or t"e period co''encin3 on and !ro' t"e date o! preparation o! electoral rolls till its co'pletion and !ro' t"e date o! noti!ication callin3 !or suc" elections and endin3 #it" t"e date o! co'pletion o! suc" elections and suc" o!!icer s"all, durin3 t"at period, $e su$<ect to t"e control, superintendence and discipline o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission6
(3) (a)T"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% o$tain !ro' t"e E ecuti1e =!!icers o! To#n

Panc"a%ats or T"ird Grade Municipalities or Co''issioners o! Municipalities and Corporations, as t"e case 'a% $e, particulars o! 1arious casual 1acancies to $e !illed up under t"ese rules6 ($)It s"all $e t"e dut% o! t"e E ecuti1e =!!icers or t"e Co''issioners, as t"e case 'a% $e, to report e1er% casual 1acanc% #it"in one #ee2 !ro' t"e date o! its occurrence to t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 6. S)%)+ E&+#)"o! O55"#+*.1 T"e Co''issioner or t"e (irector o! To#n Panc"a%at in t"e case o! To#n Panc"a%ats and t"e Co''issioner or t"e (irector o! Municipal )d'inistration in t"e case o! T"ird Grade Municipalities and Municipalities s"all $e t"e &tate Election =!!icer #"o s"all co:ordinate and super1ise t"e preparation and pu$lication o! electoral rolls and also t"e conduct o! all elections respecti1el% to t"e To#n

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

Panc"a%ats, T"ird Grade Municipalities and Municipalities in t"e &tate6 @e s"all also per!or' suc" ot"er !unctions as 'a% $e entrusted to "i' $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6
-6 D"s)*"#) E&+#)"o! O55"#+*65 T"e respecti1e (istrict Collector s"all $e t"e (istrict

Election =!!icer, in respect o! To#n Panc"a%ats, T"ird Grade Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations, e cept in t"e (istrict o! C"ennai6 T"e Co''issioner o! C"ennai Cit% Municipal Corporation s"all $e t"e (istrict Election =!!icer !or t"e C"ennai Municipal Corporation area6 T"e (istrict Election =!!icer s"all co:ordinate and super1ise all #or2s in connection #it" t"e preparation and pu$lication o! electoral rolls and t"e conduct o! elections6 @e s"all also per!or' suc" ot"er !unctions as 'a% $e entrusted to "i' $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6
06 E&+#)o*%& R+/"s)*%)"o! O55"#+*.5T"e &tate Election Co''ission s"all aut"orise t"e

respecti1e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalities, or t"e Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation or an% ot"er o!!icer, as t"e case 'a% $e, as t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer under t"e )ct, !or t"e purposes o! preparin3 and pu$lis"in3 t"e electoral rolls o! t"e To#n Panc"a%ats or T"ird Grade Municipalities or t"e Municipalities or t"e Corporations and in respect o! t"e .ards in t"eir <urisdictions6
*6 R+) *!"!/ O55"#+* %!' -"s /+!+*%& ' )"+s.3 (1) T"e &tate Election Co''ission or

t"e &tate Election =!!icer or t"e (istrict Election =!!icer e cept t"e (istrict Election =!!icer o! C"ennai Municipal Corporation, i! speci!icall% directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, s"all appoint t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalities or t"e Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation or an% ot"er o!!icer o! t"e Go1ern'ent as Returnin3 =!!icer !or t"e conduct o! election under t"ese rules6 (2) &u$<ect to t"e, superintendence, direction and control o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission, and under t"e super1ision and 3uidance o! t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all $e responsi$le !or t"e proper conduct o! t"e elections in t"e 'anner pro1ided in t"e )ct, t"ese rules and an% ot"er orders issued $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission !ro' ti'e to ti'e6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006

40. O7s+*?+*s.3 (1) T"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% no'inate an =$ser1er #"o s"all $e an o!!icer o! t"e Go1ern'ent to #atc" t"e conduct o! election or elections in a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation or a part or a 3roup t"ereo! #it"in a Re1enue (i1ision or a part o! Re1enue (i1ision or a 3roup o! Re1enue (i1isions or a (istrict and to per!or' suc" ot"er !unctions as 'a% $e entrusted to "i' $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6
(2) T"e =$ser1er no'inated under su$:rule (1) s"all "a1e t"e po#er to direct t"e

Returnin3 =!!icer appointed !or t"e conduct o! t"e election !or #"ic" "e "as $een no'inated, to stop t"e countin3 o! 1otes at an% ti'e $e!ore t"e declaration o! t"e result or not to declare t"e result, i! in t"e opinion o! t"e =$ser1er $oot" capturin3 "as ta2en place at a lar3e nu'$er o! pollin3 stations or at places !i ed !or t"e poll or countin3 o! 1otes or an% $allot papers or electronic 1otin3 'ac"ines used at a pollin3 station or at a place !i ed !or t"e poll are unla#!ull% ta2en out o! t"e custod% o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Retunin3 =!!icer or i! at an% ti'e $e!ore t"e countin3 o! t"e 1otes is co'pleted, $allot papers or electronic 1otin3 'ac"ines used at a pollin3 station are unla#!ull% ta2en out o! t"e custod% o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer or are accidentall% or intentionall% destro%ed or lost or da'a3ed or ta'pered #it" to suc" an e tent t"at t"e result o! t"e poll at t"at pollin3 station or place cannot $e ascertained6
(3) ."ere an =$ser1er "as directed t"e Returnin3 =!!icer under t"is rule to stop

countin3 o! 1otes or not to declare t"e result, t"e =$ser1er s"all !ort"#it" report t"e 'atter to t"e (istrict Election =!!icer, &tate Election =!!icer and t"e &tate Election Co''ission and t"ereupon t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer as t"e case 'a% $e, s"all a!ter ta2in3 all 'aterial circu'stances into account, issue appropriate direction under Rule // or under Rule 006 Explanation. ?or t"e purposes o! su$:rule (2) and su$:rule (3), A=$ser1er8 s"all include an% o!!icer o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission as "as $een assi3ned under t"is rule t"e dut% o! #atc"in3 t"e conduct o! election or elections in a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation or a part or a 3roup t"ereo! #it"in a Re1enue

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(i1ision or a part o! Re1enue (i1ision or a 3roup o! Re1enue (i1isions or a (istrict $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6
44. Ass"s)%!) R+) *!"!/ O55"#+*65 (1) T"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate

Election =!!icer or t"e (istrict Election =!!icer, i! so speci!icall% aut"orised $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, 'a% appoint one or 'ore o!!icers as )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icers to assist an% Returnin3 =!!icer in t"e per!or'ance o! all or an% o! "is duties and !unctions4 Pro1ided t"at e1er% suc" )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icer s"all $ean o!!icer o! t"e Go1ern'ent or o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation9 as t"e case 'a% $e, not $elo# t"e ran2 o! an )ssistant in respect o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% and &uperintendent in respect o! Municipalit% or Corporation6 (2) E1er% )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, su$<ect to t"e control o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, $e co'petent to per!or' all or an% o! t"e duties and !unctions o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer as 'a% $e directed, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer or t"e (istrict Election =!!icer as t"e case 'a% $e6
42. P*o?"s"o! o5 $o&&"!/ s)%)"o!s65 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, #it" t"e appro1al o! t"e (istrict Election =!!icer, pro1ide su!!icient nu'$er o! pollin3 stations !or e1er% #ard o! a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, in suc" 'anner as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct and s"all, pu$lis" at suc" place or places and in suc" 'anner as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct, a list, in t"e lan3ua3e or lan3ua3es in #"ic" t"e electoral roll o! t"e area is prepared, s"o#in3 t"e na'es o! pollin3 stations so pro1ided and t"e pollin3 area or areas or 3roup o! 1oters !or #"ic" t"e% "a1e, respecti1el%, $een pro1ided6 43. A$$o"!)(+!) o5 P*+s"'"!/ O55"#+*s %!' Po&&"!/ O55"#+*s@3T"e Returnin3 =!!icer

s"all appoint a Presidin3 =!!icer and Pollin3 =!!icers in accordance #it" t"e scale as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission !or eac" pollin3 station4 Pro1ided t"at onl% o!!icers or ser1ants o! t"e Go1ern'ent, or local aut"orities e cept t"e e'plo%ees o! t"e To#n Panc"a%ats or T"ird Grade

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Municipalities or Municipalities or Corporation concerned s"all $e appointed as Presidin3 =!!icers6 )ll e'plo%ees o! t"e &tate Go1ern'ent, local aut"orities, t"e underta2in3s o#ned $% t"e &tate Go1ern'ent or aided sc"ools 'a% also $e appointed as Pollin3 =!!icers6 G+!+*%& ' )"+s o5 )-+ P*+s"'"!/ O55"#+* %!' Po&&"!/ O55"#+*s.3 (1) &u$<ect to t"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules, it s"all $e t"e 3eneral dut% o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer at a pollin3 station to 2eep order t"ereat, and to ensure t"at t"e poll is !reel% and !airl% ta2en6 It s"all $e t"e dut% o! t"e Pollin3 =!!icers to assist t"e Presidin3 =!!icer in t"e per!or'ance o! "is !unctions6

(2) I! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, o#in3 to illness or ot"er una1oida$le causes, is o$li3ed to a$sent "i'sel! !ro' t"e pollin3 station, "is duties and !unctions s"all $e per!or'ed $% suc" Pollin3 =!!icer as "as $een speci!icall% aut"orised $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6


P*+$%*%)"o! o5 +&+#)o*%& *o&&.3 (1) T"e electoral roll o! a #ard o! a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e ("ereina!ter re!erred to as t"e roll) s"all $e prepared #it" re!erence to t"e 7uali!%in3 date $% t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer, $% inte3ratin3 t"e particulars in t"e 1arious entries a1aila$le in suc" part, or portion t"ereo!, o! t"e current electoral roll o! t"e Ta'il Nadu Be3islati1e )sse'$l% and t"e 1arious a'end'ents issued to it, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, as t"e% relate to t"e #ard o! a Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation or portion t"ereo!6

(2) T"e roll s"all $e di1ided into con1enient parts #"ic" s"all $e nu'$ered

(2) T"ere s"all $e a separate part or parts o! t"e rolls !or eac" #ard o! a Panc"a%at

To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6

(3) T"e nu'$er o! na'es included in an% part o! t"e roll s"all not, ordinaril%, e ceed

t#o t"ousand !our "undred and in case #"ere it e ceeds

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


t#o t"ousand !our "undred, it s"all $e prepared in 'ore t"an one part in a con1enient 'anner, in accordance #it" t"e directions issued $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6
(/) T"e rolls o! all #ards so prepared, pu$lis"ed and put to3et"er s"all !or' t"e

electoral roll o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation6 Explanation.- T"e electoral roll !or a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation need not $e prepared or a'ended separatel% once t"e electoral rolls o! all t"e constituent #ards "a1e $een prepared or a'ended under Rule 1*6
(6) T"e electoral roll s"all $e prepared $e!ore e1er% ordinar% or casual election6 46. :o*( %!' &%!/ %/+ o5 )-+ *o&&.3 T"e roll s"all $e prepared in t"e !or'at adopted in

t"e roll o! t"e Ta'il Nadu Be3islati1e )sse'$l% constituenc%6 T"e title and ot"er particulars s"all $e in accordance #it" t"e directions o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission issued, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6 T"e roll s"all $e prepared in suc" lan3ua3e or lan3ua3es in #"ic" t"e roll o! t"e Ta'il Nadu Be3islati1e )sse'$l% constituenc% #it"in #"ic" t"e #ard o! t"e Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation is situated, is prepared6
46. O*'+* o5 !%(+s.3 (1) T"e na'es o! electors in eac" part o! t"e roll s"all $e

arran3ed accordin3 to "ouse nu'$ers6 (2) T"e na'es o! electors in eac" part o! t"e roll s"all $e nu'$ered consecuti1el% #it" separate serial nu'$ers $e3innin3 #it" nu'$er one6 P 7&"#%)"o! o5 #o$"+s o5 *o&&s.3 (1) )s soon as t"e roll is prepared in accordance #it" t"ese rules, t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer s"all 3et printed or c%clost%led or #ritten in 'anuscript as 'an% copies o! t"e roll as 'a% $e directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6 @e s"all, t"en, pu$lis" at t"e o!!ice o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation and in one or 'ore conspicuous places o! t"e #ard, t"e roll alon3 #it" a notice in t"e ?or':1 $% 'a2in3 copies t"ereo! a1aila$le !or inspection $% pu$lic and political parties6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(2) T"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer 'a% also 3i1e !urt"er pu$licit% to t"e roll so pu$lis"ed as "e 'a% consider necessar%6
(3) @e s"all suppl%, !ree o! cost, i! so directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t#o

copies o! t"e roll to t"e reco3nised political parties as noti!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6
(3) >pon, suc" pu$lication under t"is rule, t"e roll s"all $e t"e electoral roll o! t"e

#ard o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, and s"all re'ain in !orce till a !res" roll is prepared and pu$lis"ed6
4A. P*o#+' *+ "! #%s+ o5 #&%"(s %!' o7B+#)"o!s65 )ll o'issions o! na'es in an% part o!

t"e roll or o$<ections to an% entr% in t"e roll, at an% point o! ti'e a!ter its pu$lication under Rule 10, s"all $e settled !irst $% 3ettin3 a'ended suita$l% t"e rele1ant portion o! t"e electoral roll o! t"e Ta'il Nadu Be3islati1e )sse'$l% Constituenc% $ased on #"ic" t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation roll #as prepared6 )n% person #is"in3 to raise a clai' !or inclusion o! an% na'e in t"e roll or an% o$<ection in respect o! an% entr% in t"e roll so pu$lis"ed, s"all su$'it a clai' or o$<ection under t"e pro1isions o! t"e Re3istration o! Electors Rules, 1*60, to t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer o! t"e concerned Be3islati1e )sse'$l% Constituenc%6 &u$<ect to t"e pro1isions in t"e rele1ant section o! t"e )ct and $ased on t"e orders o! t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer o! t"e )sse'$l% Constituenc% on suc" clai's and o$<ections, t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer s"all a'end t"e rele1ant portion o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation electoral roll, incorporatin3 t"e c"an3es $% issuin3 an a'end'ent6 In case o! an% clerical or printin3 error or o! $ot" and #"en t"e entries de1iate !ro' t"e particulars o! )sse'$l% roll, t"e concerned Electoral Re3istration =!!icer 'a% cause suc" errors, or o'issions or co''ission recti!ied so as to $rin3 it in con!or'it% #it" t"e particulars o! t"e )sse'$l% roll concerned6 T"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer s"all not resort suo mote re1ision o! t"e rolls $% #a% o! deletions or additions or 'odi!ications6
4A. S$+#"%& $*o?"s"o! 5o* $*+$%*%)"o! o5 *o&&s o! #-%!/+s "! B *"s'"#)"o! %!' o! #o!s+C +!)"%& *+1'+&"(")%)"o! o5 >%*'s.3 (1) I! t"ere is an% c"an3e in t"e <urisdiction o! a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation or i! t"e #ard o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation is deli'ited a ne#, in accordance #it" la# and i! it is necessar% to prepare t"e rolls ur3entl%, t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct t"at t"e rolls s"all $e prepared :
(a) $% puttin3 to3et"er t"e rolls o! t"e e istin3 #ards or di1isions co'prisin3 t"e

ne# #ards or di1isions so !or'ed 9 and

($) $% 'a2in3 appropriate alteration in t"e arran3e'ents, serial nu'$erin3 and

"eadin3s o! t"e rolls so co'piled6 (2) T"e roll so prepared s"all $e pu$lis"ed in t"e 'anner speci!ied in Rule 10 and, on suc" pu$lication, s"all $e t"e roll !or t"e ne#l% created To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation or deli'ited #ard or di1ision6
216 S%&+s o5 +&+#)o*%& *o&&s %!' # s)o', o5 *o&&s.3 (1) )!ter its pu$lication, copies o! t"e

rolls or portion or e tract t"ereo!, 'a% $e sold to t"e pu$lic at t"e prices deter'ined $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, and t"e proceeds t"ereo! s"all $e re'itted to t"e !unds o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation6 (2) =ne cop% o! t"e roll relatin3 to all #ards o! t"e Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation dul% aut"enticated $% t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer s"all $e 2ept in "is o!!ice !or a period o! si %ears !ro' t"e date o! its !inal pu$lication or till a ne# roll is pu$lis"ed #"ic"e1er is earlier6


216 No)"5"#%)"o! o5 $*o/*%((+ o5 +&+#)"o!.3 (1) ?or t"e purposes o! !illin3 up o!

ordinar% and casual 1acancies, t"e &tate Election Co''ission, s"all, in pursuance o! t"e Constitutional pro1isions and in consultation #it" t"e Go1ern'ent, pu$lis" one or 'ore noti!ications in t"e 'anner speci!ied $elo#, callin3 upon t"e electors to elect Councillors on suc" date or dates as 'a% $e speci!ied t"erein6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(2) T"e noti!ications re!erred to in su$:rule (1) s"all speci!% 5

(i) t"e date on #"ic" t"e pu$lic notice o! election s"all $e pu$lis"ed9 (ii) t"e last date !or 'a2in3 no'inations, #"ic" s"all $e t"e se1ent" da% a!ter t"e

pu$lication o! t"e pu$lic notice re!erred to in clause (i) or i! t"at da% is a pu$lic "olida%, t"e ne t succeedin3 da% #"ic" is not a pu$lic "olida%, t"e "ours $et#een #"ic" t"e no'ination can $e 'ade $ein3 11600 a6'6 and 3600 p6'6 on eac" da% 9 t"e ti'e and date !or ta2in3 up t"e scrutin% o! no'inations, #"ic" s"all $e 11600 a6'6 o! t"e date i''ediatel% !ollo#in3 t"e last date !or 'a2in3 no'inations or, i! t"at date is a pu$lic "olida%, t"e ne t succeedin3 da% #"ic" is not a pu$lic "olida% 9
(i) (i) t"e "our and date upto #"ic" t"e #it"dra#al o! candidatures can $e 'ade, #"ic"

s"all $e 3600 p6'6 on t"e second da% a!ter t"e date !or t"e scrutin% o! no'inations or, i! t"at da% is a pu$lic "olida%, t"e ne t succeedin3 da% #"ic" is not a pu$lic "olida% 9 t"e date or dates on #"ic" t"e 1otes o! electors #ill $e ta2en s"ould t"ere $e a poll #"ic" s"all $e a date not earlier t"an t"e se1ent" da% a!ter t"e last date !or t"e #it"dra#al o! candidature and t"e "ours durin3 #"ic" t"e poll #ill $e open $ein3 not less t"an ten "ours $et#een -600 a6'6 and /630 p6'69
(iii) (ii) t"e date $e!ore #"ic" t"e election s"all $e co'pleted 9 and (ii) t"e date on C#"ic" t"e !irst 'eetin3 o! t"e ne#l% elected councillors s"all $e

"eld in t"e case o! ordinar% elections6 (3) T"e noti!ications re!erred to in su$:rule (1) s"all $e pu$lis"ed in t"e Ta'il Nadu Go1ern'ent GaDette6 T"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% also arran3e to pu$lis" t"e noti!ications at suc" ot"er places as it dee's !it, to 3i1e !urt"er pu$licit% to t"e noti!ication6 23. No)"#+ o5 E&+#)"o!s.3 (i) In pursuance o! t"e noti!ications o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission under Rule 22, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all cause to $e pu$lis"ed on t"e appointed date, a notice o! election in Ta'il in :o*( E2 and also in an% ot"er lan3ua3e or lan3ua3es in #"ic" t"e electoral roll is pu$lis"ed !or t"e election o! Councillors in t"e To#n

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation =!!ice and in t#o conspicuous places in t"e concerned #ards6 &uc" notice o! election s"all contain t"e !ollo#in3 particulars, na'el% 4:
(i) t"e #ard or #ards !or #"ic" elections are to $e "eld9 (ii) #"et"er t"e #ard is reser1ed or not9 i! reser1ed, #"et"er it is reser1ed !or &c"eduled

Caste or &c"eduled Tri$e and F or !or #o'an 9

(i) t"e dates on #"ic", t"e place or places at #"ic" and t"e "ours $et#een #"ic"

no'ination papers s"all $e presented9

(ii) t"e person or persons $% #"o' t"e no'ination papers #ill $e recei1ed 9

t"e date on #"ic" and t"e "ours at #"ic" and t"e place at #"ic" t"e no'ination papers #ill $e ta2en up !or scrutin%9
(iii) (iii) t"e last date on #"ic" and t"e "ours upto #"ic" t"e no'ination papers can $e

#it"dra#n9 t"e date on #"ic" and t"e place or places at #"ic" and t"e "ours $et#een #"ic" t"e 1otes o! t"e electors #ill $e ta2en at t"e poll, s"ould t"ere $e a poll 9
(i) (i)

t"e date on #"ic" and t"e place or places and "our at #"ic"6 t"e Returnin3 =!!icer #ill co''ence t"e countin3 o! 1otes9
(ii) t"e date $e!ore #"ic" t"e election s"all $e co'pleted9 and (i1) t"e date on #"ic" t"e !irst 'eetin3 o! t"e ne#l% elected Councillors s"all $e "eld in

t"e case o! ordinar% elections6 2E. P*+s+!)%)"o! o5 No("!%)"o! P%$+*.3 (1) T"e no'ination o! e1er% candidate s"all $e 'ade $% 'eans o! a no'ination paper in ?or':36 Copies o! t"e !or' can $e "ad !ro' t"e o!!ices speci!ied in t"e notice o! election on an% #or2in3 da%6 (2) =n t"e date or dates speci!ied in t"e election notice !or t"e presentation o! no'ination papers, eac" candidate 7uali!ied to contest t"e election s"all, eit"er in person or $% "is proposer, deli1er to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer at t"e place and durin3 t"e "ours speci!ied in t"at

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


$e"al!, a no'ination paper co'pleted in ?or':3 and si3ned $% t"e candidate and $% a proposer #"o s"all $e an elector in t"e .ard o! t"e Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation in t"e election o! Councillors 4 Pro1ided t"at no no'ination paper !or election s"all $e deli1ered to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer on a da% #"ic" is a pu$lic "olida%6 Explanation. T"e candidate !or a #ard o! a Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation need not $e an elector o! t"at .ard6 @o#e1er, "e s"ould $e an elector in t"at Panc"a%at To#n or Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation6
(3) I! t"e seat is reser1ed !or &c"eduled Caste or &c"eduled Tri$e, a candidate s"all

!urnis" a declaration in t"e no'ination !or' 'ade $% "i' speci!%in3 t"e particular caste or tri$e o! #"ic" "e is a 'e'$er and t"e area in relation to #"ic" t"at caste or tri$e is noti!ied as a &c"eduled Caste or &c"eduled Tri$e o! t"e &tate6
(3) =n t"e presentation o! a no'ination paper, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all satis!%

"i'sel! t"at t"e na'es and roll nu'$ers o! t"e candidate and "is proposer as entered in t"e no'ination paper are t"e sa'e as t"ose entered in t"e roll 4 Pro1ided t"at t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all per'it an% 'isno'er o! inaccurate description or clerical or printin3 error in t"e no'ination paper in re3ard to t"e said na'es or nu'$ers to $e corrected or to $rin3 t"e' in con!or'it% #it" t"e correspondin3 entries in t"e electoral roll and, #"ere1er necessar%, direct t"at an% clerical or printin3 error in t"e said entries s"all $e o1erloo2ed6
(,) Not"in3 contained in t"is rule s"all pre1ent an% candidate !ro' $ein3 no'inated $%

'ore t"an one no'ination paper !or an% one election 4 Pro1ided t"at not 'ore t"an !our no'ination papers s"all $e presented $%, or on $e"al! o!, an% candidate !or an% one election6
(,) &u$<ect to t"e pro1isions contained in t"e )ct, an% person #is"in3 to stand as a

candidate !or election to 'ore t"an one #ard, s"all $e no'inated $% separate no'ination papers6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(-) )n elector !or #"o' no'ination papers as a candidate are presented !or an election s"all not si3n an% no'ination paper as a proposer !or t"at election6 2=. D+$os")s.3 (1) ) candidate s"all not $e dee'ed to $e dul% no'inated !or elections unless at t"e ti'e o! deli1er% o! no'ination paper, "e deposits or causes to $e deposited #it" t"e Returnin3 =!!icer in cas", or encloses #it" t"e no'ination paper a receipt s"o#in3 t"at t"e su' noted $elo# "as $een deposited $% "i' or on "is $e"al! in t"e respecti1e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6 To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird6 Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation:

?or election o! .ard Me'$er o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% Rs6 /00 Rs6 1000 Rs6 2000

($) (c)

?or election o! .ard Me'$er o! Municipalit%6 ?or election o! .ard Me'$er o! Corporation6

."ere t"e candidate is a 'e'$er o! a &c"eduled Caste or &c"eduled Tri$e6


?or election o! .ard Me'$er o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% Rs6 2/0 Rs6 /00 Rs6 1000

($) (c)

?or election o! .ard Me'$er o! Municipalit%6 ?or election o! .ard Me'$er o! Corporation6

) separate deposit s"all $e re7uired !or election as a Councillor in respect o! eac" #ard !or #"ic" t"e candidate !iles no'ination 4 Pro1ided t"at #"ere a candidate "as $een no'inated !or election as a Councillor $% 'ore t"an one no'ination paper, not 'ore t"an one deposit s"all $e re7uired o! "i' under t"is su$: rule6 (2) (a) T"e deposit 'ade under su$:rule (1) s"all, unless !or!eited under su$:rule (3) or (,), $e returned as soon as practica$le a!ter t"e result o! t"e election is declared,4

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Pro1ided t"at #"ere a candidate is not s"o#n in t"e list o! contestin3 candidates or dies $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e poll, t"e deposit s"all $e returned as soon as practica$le a!ter t"e pu$lication o! t"e list o! contestin3 candidates6 ($) T"e deposit s"all $e returned to t"e candidate, "is le3al "eirs, or a person aut"orised $% "i' in t"is $e"al!6
(3) I! a candidate is not elected and t"e nu'$er o! 1alid 1otes polled $% "i' does not

e ceed one:si t" o! t"e total nu'$er o! 1alid 1otes polled $% all t"e candidates in t"e #ard, t"e deposit 'ade $% "i' or on "is $e"al!, s"all $e !or!eited to t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6
(,) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all 'aintain in suc" !or' as 'a% $e laid do#n $% t"e &tate

Election Co''ission an account o! t"e deposits 'ade6 266 No)"#+ o5 !o("!%)"o!s %!' )-+ )"(+ %!' $&%#+ 5o* )-+"* s#* )"!,65 (1) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, on recei1in3 no'ination paper under t"ese rules, in!or' t"e person presentin3 t"e sa'e, o! t"e date, ti'e and place !i ed !or t"e scrutin% o! no'inations and s"all enter on t"e no'ination paper its serial nu'$er and s"all si3n t"ereon a certi!icate statin3 t"e date on #"ic" and t"e "our at #"ic" t"e no'ination paper "as $een presented to "i'6
(2) )s soon as 'a%$e, a!ter t"e close o! t"e ti'e !i ed !or recei1in3 no'ination papers

on eac" da%, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all cause to $e a!!i ed in so'e conspicuous place in "is o!!ice a notice in ?or' E, o! all t"e no'ination papers presented to "i' on t"at da%6
(3) =n t"e last da%, a!ter t"e e pir% o! t"e "our !i ed !or receipt o! no'ination papers,

t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all cause to $e a!!i ed in t"e notice $oard o! "is o!!ice a consolidated notice in ?or' E/ o! all t"e no'ination papers presented to "i' #it"in t"e ti'e, !urnis"in3 t"e date, ti'e and place !i ed !or t"e scrutin% o! no'inations6
(,) I! a candidate considers t"at "is na'e is incorrectl% spelt or is ot"er#ise incorrectl%

s"o#n in "is no'ination paper or is di!!erent !ro' t"e na'e $% #"ic" "e is popularl% 2no#n, "e 'a%, at an% ti'e $e!ore t"e list o! contestin3 candidate is prepared, !urnis" in #ritin3 to t"e Returnin3

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


=!!icer, t"e proper !or' and spellin3 o! "is na'e and t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, on $ein3 satis!ied as to t"e 3enuineness o! t"e re7uest, 'a2e necessar% correction or alteration in t"e list in ?or':/ and adopt t"at !or' and spellin3 in t"e list o! contestin3 candidates6 2-6 &crutin% o! no'ination65 (1) =n t"e date and "our noti!ied, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all ta2e up t"e scrutin% o! no'inations at suc" place !i ed !or scrutin%6 T"e candidate, one o! "is proposers and one ot"er person dul% aut"orised $% "i', $ut no ot"er person, 'a% attend t"e scrutin%6 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all 3i1e t"e' all reasona$le !acilities !or e a'inin3 t"e no'ination papers o! all t"e candidates #"ic" "a1e $een entered in t"e list in ?or':/6 (2) I! an% person o$<ects to an% no'ination, "e s"all do so in #ritin36 (3) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, e a'ine t"e no'ination papers and decide #ard $% #ard in all o$<ections #"ic" 'a% $e raised to an% no'ination and 'a%, eit"er on suc" o$<ection, or on "is o#n 'otion, a!ter suc" su''ar% in7uir% as "e t"in2s necessar%, re<ect an% no'ination on an% o! t"e !ollo#in3 3rounds 4:
(a) t"at on t"e date o! !ilin3 o! no'ination papers, t"e candidate eit"er #as not 7uali!ied or #as dis7uali!ied !or $ein3 elected to !ill t"e 1acanc% under an% o! t"e pro1isions o! t"e )ct9 or ($) t"at t"ere "as $een a !ailure to co'pl% #it" an% o! t"e pro1isions in Rule 2, or

2/ 9 or
(c) t"at t"e si3nature o! t"e candidate or t"e proposer on t"e no'ination paper is not

3enuine 9 or
(d) t"at, #"ere t"e election is solel% !or a seat or seats reser1ed !or &c"eduled Castes

or &c"eduled Tri$es andFor #o'en, t"e candidate does not $elon3 to suc" cate3or%6 (,) Not"in3 contained in clause ($) or (c) o! su$:rule (3) s"all $e dee'ed to aut"orise t"e re<ection o! t"e no'ination o! an% candidate on t"e 3round o! an% de!ect in respect o! a no'ination paper, i! t"e candidate "as $een dul% no'inated $% 'eans o! anot"er no'ination paper in respect o! #"ic" no de!ect "as $een noticed6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(/) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all not re<ect an% no'ination paper on t"e 3round o! an%

de!ect #"ic" is not o! a su$stantial c"aracter6 Explanation. ?or t"e purpose o! t"is su$:rule, !ailure to co'plete or an% de!ect in co'pletin3 t"e declaration as to s%'$ols in a no'ination paper s"all not $e a de!ect o! a su$stantial c"aracter6
(6) ."ere a person "as si3ned as proposer 'ore t"an one no'ination paper in respect

o! an election onl%, t"at no'ination paper #"ic" "as $een !irst recei1ed s"all $e accepted i! it is ot"er#ise 1alid6
(-) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all "old t"e scrutin% on t"e date and ti'e noti!ied in t"is

$e"al! in t"e election notice and s"all not allo# an% ad<ourn'ent o! t"e proceedin3s e cept #"en suc" proceedin3s are interrupted or o$structed $% riot or open 1iolence or $% causes $e%ond "is control 4 Pro1ided t"at i! an o$<ection is raised $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer or is 'ade $% an% ot"er person, t"e candidate concerned 'a% $e allo#ed ti'e to re$ut it not later t"an 11600 a6'6 on t"e ne t da% $ut one !ollo#in3 t"e date !i ed !or scrutin%6 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all record "is decision on t"at no'ination on t"e ad<ourned date6
(0) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all endorse on eac" no'ination paper "is decision

acceptin3 or re<ectin3 t"e sa'e6 I! t"e no'ination paper is re<ected, "e s"all record in #ritin3 a $rie! state'ent o! "is reason !or suc" re<ection6 ) cop% o! t"e sa'e 'a% $e !urnis"ed to t"e candidate concerned, i! an% application in t"is $e"al! "as $een 'ade to "i'6
(/) I''ediatel% a!ter all t"e no'ination papers "a1e $een scrutinised and decisions

acceptin3 or re<ectin3 t"e sa'e "a1e $een recorded, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all prepare a list o! 1alidl% no'inated candidates in ?or':6 and pu$lis" a cop% t"ereo! at t"e place noti!ied !or receipt o! no'inations6 T"e list o! candidates s"ould $e dra#n up in t"e order o! Ta'il alp"a$et6 206 W")-'*%>%& o5 #%!'"'%) *+.3 (1))n% candidate 'a% #it"dra# "is candidature $% a notice in ?or':- su$scri$ed $% "i' and deli1ered to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer $e!ore t"e ti'e !i ed !or t"e purpose6 T"e notice 'a% $e deli1ered eit"er $% suc" candidate in person or $% "is proposer, #"o "as $een aut"orised in t"is $e"al!, in #ritin3, $% suc" candidate6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(2) =n receipt o! suc" notice, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all note t"ereon t"e date and

ti'e at #"ic" it #as deli1ered to "i'6

(3) No person #"o "as 3i1en notice o! #it"dra#al o! "is candidature under su$:rule

(1) s"all $e allo#ed to cancel t"e notice6

(,) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, on $ein3 satis!ied as to t"e 3enuineness o! t"e notice

o! #it"dra#al and t"e identit% o! t"e person deli1erin3 it under su$:rule (1), cause a notice s"o#in3 t"e list o! candidates #"o "a1e #it"dra#n t"eir candidature in ?or':0 to $e a!!i ed in t"e notice $oard o! "is o!!ice6 2*6 P*+$%*%)"o! o5 &"s) o5 #o!)+s)"!/ #%!'"'%)+s.3 (1) I''ediatel% a!ter t"e e pir% o! t"e period #it"in #"ic" candidature 'a% $e #it"dra#n under su$:rule (1) o! Rule 20, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all prepare in :o*(1A, a list o! contestin3 candidates, t"at is to sa%, candidates #"o #ere included in t"e list o! 1alidl% no'inated candidates and #"o "a1e not #it"dra#n t"eir candidature #it"in t"e said period6 (2) T"e said list s"all contain 5
(i) t"e na'es, as 3ot corrected under t"e pro1iso to su$:rule (,) o! Rule 26, and

arran3ed in t"e order o! Ta'il alp"a$et9

(ii) t"e addresses o! t"e contestin3 candidates as 3i1en in t"e no'ination papers 9


ot"er particulars set out in t"e said ?or'6

306 P*o#+' *+ "! #o!)+s)+' %!' !#o!)+s)+' +&+#)"o!.3 (1) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, i''ediatel% a!ter t"e preparation o! t"e list o! contestin3 candidates re!erred to in Rule 2*, adopt t"e procedure speci!ied "ereunder and deter'ine t"e o!!ice in respect o! #"ic" a poll is necessar% 45
(i) i! t"ere is onl% one contestin3 candidate, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, a!ter

pu$lis"in3 t"e list in ?or':* at t"e places 'entioned in su$:rule (,) o! Rule 33, declare suc" candidate6 to $e dul% elected6
(ii) i! t"ere are t#o or 'ore contestin3 candidates, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all arran3e

!or a poll to $e ta2en9 and

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(iii) i! t"ere is no contestin3 candidate, a report s"all $e sent to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer !or startin3 t"e election proceedin3s a!res" in all respects as i! !or a ne# election6 (2) T"e declaration re!erred to in clause (i) o! su$:rule (1) a$o1e s"all $e 'ade in :o*(127. T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all also cause to $e a!!i ed in so'e conspicuous place in "is o!!ice, a cop% o! t"e declaration6 R+#o/!")"o! o5 $o&")"#%& $%*)"+s.3 E1er% political part% reco3nised $% t"e Election Co''ission o! India as a National Part% or as a &tate Part% in t"e &tate o! Ta'il Nadu under t"e Election &%'$ols (Reser1ation and )llot'ent) =rder, 1*60 s"all $e a reco3nised political part% !or t"e purpose o! election under t"ese rules6

7&"#%)"o! o5 % &"s) o5 *+#o/!"s+' $%*)"+s %!' s,(7o&s65 ?or t"e purpose o! t"ese rules, t"e &tate Election Co''ission s"all pu$lis", $% a noti!ication, a list o! reco3nised political parties and s%'$ols reser1ed to eac" suc" reco3nised political part% and a list o! !ree s%'$ols6
34. Ass"/!(+!) o5 s,(7o&s and pu$lication o! list o! contestin3 candidates65 (1))!ter t"e e pir% o! t"e period #it"in #"ic" candidature 'a% $e #it"dra#n, i! a poll is !ound to $e necessar%, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, su$<ect to suc" directions as 'a% $e issued $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission in t"at $e"al!, assi3n a distincti1e s%'$ol to eac" contestin3 candidate6 E1er% candidate or "is proposer 'a%, t"erea!ter, $e in!or'ed o! t"e s%'$ol allotted to t"e candidate in suc" 'anner as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct and also $e supplied #it" a speci'en t"ereo!6 (2) T"e allot'ent $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer o! an% s%'$ol to a candidate s"all $e !inal

31. P

e cept #"ere it is inconsistent #it" an% direction issued $% &tate Election Co''ission under su$:rule (1)6 In suc" cases, t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a%, a!ter e a'inin3 all t"e !acts, re1ise t"e allot'ent in suc" 'anner as it t"in2s !it6
(3) Not#it"standin3 an%t"in3 contained in su$:rule (1), t"e &tate Election Co''ission

may, $% order, rescind, re1o2e, a'end or 1ar% t"e direction issued under t"e said su$:rule !or t"e assi3n'ent o! s%'$ols to

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


t"e contestin3 candidates, at an% sta3e $e!ore t"e last date !i ed !or receipt o! no'inations6 (,) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, co'plete t"e list o! contestin3 candidate in ?or': * and pu$lis" at t"e o!!ice o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6 T"e list s"all also $e pu$lis"ed in t#o or 'ore conspicuous places in t"e respecti1e #ard6 3E. D+%)- o5 #%!'"'%)+ 7+5o*+ $o&&.3 (1) I! a candidate, set up $% a reco3nised political part%,
(a) dies at an% ti'e a!ter 11600 a6'6 on t"e last date !or 'a2in3 no'inations and "is

no'ination is !ound 1alid on scrutin% under Rule 2- 9 or

($) #"ose no'ination "as $een !ound 1alid on scrutin% under Rule 2- and #"o "as

not #it"dra#n "is candidature under Rule 20, dies, and in eit"er case, a report o! "is deat" is recei1ed at an% ti'e $e!ore t"e pu$lication o! t"e list o! contestin3 candidates under Rule 33 9 or
(c) dies as a contestin3 candidate and a report o! "is deat" is recei1ed $e!ore t"e

co''ence'ent o! t"e poll, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, upon $ein3 satis!ied a$out t"e !act o! t"e deat" o! t"e candidate, $% order, ad<ourn t"e poll and report t"e !act to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer and all proceedin3s #it" re!erence to t"e election s"all $e co''enced a!res" in all respects, $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, as i! !or a ne# election4 Pro1ided t"at no order !or ad<ournin3 t"e poll s"ould $e 'ade in a case re!erred to in clause (a) e cept a!ter t"e scrutin% o! all t"e no'inationsG includin3 t"e no'ination o! t"e deceased candidate 4 Pro1ided !urt"er t"at all candidates #"o "a1e !iled no'inations includin3 t"ose #"o "a1e #it"dra#n t"eir no'ination $e!ore t"e ad<ourn'ent o! t"e poll s"all $e eli3i$le to !ile a no'ination in t"e !res" election4 Pro1ided also t"at no !res" no'ination s"all $e necessar% in t"e case o! a person #"o #as a contestin3 candidate at t"e ti'e o! t"e ad<ourn'ent o! t"e poll6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006



3=. A$$o"!)(+!) o5 $o&&"!/ $+*so!!+&65 (1) I! a poll "as to $e ta2en, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all appoint !or eac" pollin3 station one Presidin3 =!!icer, as 'an% Pollin3 =!!icers as 'a% $e aut"orised $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, and suc" ot"er persons to assist t"e Presidin3 =!!icer6 (2) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all ensure t"at 1otes are recorded at t"e Pollin3 &tation #it" a$solute secrec% and "e s"all re3ulate t"e nu'$er o! electors to $e ad'itted at one ti'e and s"all e clude all ot"er persons e cept
(a) t"e contestin3 candidates, t"eir election a3ents and one pollin3 a3ent at a ti'e

!or eac" contestin3 candidate 9

($) a c"ild in ar's acco'pan%in3 an elector 9 (c) a person acco'pan%in3 a $lind or in!ir' elector #"o cannot 'o1e #it"out "elp 9 (d) suc" ot"er persons as t"e Returnin3 =!!icer or t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% ad'it

!or t"e p,ose o! "elpin3 in t"e identi!ication o! t"e electors or in searc"in3 #o'en electors or assistin3 "i' ot"er#ise in ta2in3 t"e poll 9
(e) pu$lic ser1ants on dut% in connection #it" elections 9 and (a) suc" ot"er persons as 'a% $e aut"orised $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission and

t"e &tate Election =!!icer as #ell as t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 366 A$$o"!)(+!) o5 +&+#)"o! %/+!)s.3 ) candidate at an election 'a% appoint an% one person to $e "is election a3ent6 &uc" an appoint'ent 'a% $e 'ade $% t"e candidate $% 3i1in3 notice in ?or':10 $% !or#ardin3 t"e sa'e in duplicate to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, #"o s"all return one cop% t"ereo! a!ter a!!i in3 t"ereon "is seal and si3nature in to2en o! "is appro1al o! t"e appoint'ent6 3-6 : !#)"o!s o5 +&+#)"o! %/+!)65 )n election a3ent 'a% per!or' suc" !unctions in connection #it" t"e election as are aut"orised $% or under t"ese rules to $e per!or'ed $% an election a3ent6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


306 A$$o"!)(+!) o5 $o&&"!/ %/+!)s65(1) Eac" contestin3 candidate or "is election a3ent 'a% appoint one pollin3 a3ent and one or t#o relie! pollin3 a3ents as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, to act as t"e pollin3 a3ent !or suc" candidate at eac" pollin3 station6
(2) E1er% suc" appoint'ent s"all $e 'ade in :o*(144 and s"all $e "anded o1er to t"e

pollin3 a3ent !or production at t"e pollin3 station6

(3) )t e1er% election #"ere a poll is ta2en, eac" contestin3 candidate at suc" election,

"is election:a3ent or "is pollin3 a3ent s"all "a1e a ri3"t to $e present at t"e pollin3 station6
(,) ."ere an% act or t"in3 is re7uired or aut"orised $% t"is rule to $e done in t"e

presence o! t"e pollin3 a3ent, t"e non:attendance o! an% suc" a3ent at t"e ti'e and place appointed !or t"e purpose s"all not in1alidate t"e act or t"in3 done, i! t"e act or t"in3 is ot"er#ise done !ull%6 3*6 )rran3e'ents at pollin3 station65 (1) )t eac" pollin3 station, t"ere s"all $e set up one or 'ore 1otin3 co'part'ents as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, in #"ic" electors can record t"eir 1otes screened !ro' o$ser1ation6
(2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all pro1ide at eac" pollin3 station su!!icient nu'$er o!

$allot $o es, copies o! t"e rele1ant part o! t"e electoral roll, $allot papers, instru'ents !or sta'pin3 t"e distin3uis"in3 'ar2 on $allot papers and instru'ents necessar% !or electors to 'ar2 t"e $allot papers6
(3) E1er% $allot $o s"all $e so constructed t"at $allot papers can $e inserted t"erein

$ut cannot $e #it"dra#n t"ere!ro' #it"out t"e $o $ein3 unloc2ed or opened6

(,) )t t"e entrance to eac" pollin3 station, t"ere s"all $e displa%ed pro'inentl% (a) a notice s"o#in3 t"e nu'$ers and na'es o! t"e contestin3 candidates as

pu$lis"ed in :o*(1A and t"e distincti1e s%'$ol assi3ned to eac" candidate in respect o! eac" o! t"e elections !or #"ic" poll is ta2en in t"at pollin3 station 9 and
($) a notice s"o#in3 t"e pollin3 area and t"e 3roups o! electors #"o are entitled to

1ote at t"at pollin3 station6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


E0. P*+$%*%)"o! o5 7%&&o) 7o8+s 5o* $o&&.3 (1) ."ere a paper seal is used in an election !or securin3 a $allot $o , t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all a!!i "is o#n si3nature on t"e re1erse side o! t"e paper seal and o$tain t"ereon t"e si3naturesA ! suc" o! t"e pollin3 a3ents present as are desirous o! a!!i in3 t"e sa'e6 (2) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"erea!ter, !i t"e paper seal so si3ned in t"e space 'eant t"ere!or in t"e $allot $o and s"all secure t"e seal in suc" a 'anner t"at t"e slit !or t"e insertion o! t"e $allot papers t"ereinto re'ains open6 )n account o! t"e paper seals used s"all also $e 'aintained $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer as directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 T"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% also per'it t"e pollin3 a3ents to note do#n t"e serial nu'$ers o! t"e paper seals used6 (3) T"e paper seal used !or securin3 a $allot $o s"all $e a!!i ed in suc" 'anner t"at a!ter t"e $o "as $een closed, it is not possi$le to open it #it"out $rea2in3 t"e seal, (,) ."ere it is not necessar% to use paper seals !or securin3 t"e $allot $o es, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all secure and seal t"e $allot $o in suc" 'anner t"at t"e slit !or insertion o! $allot papers re'ains open and allo# t"e pollin3 a3ents present to a!!i t"eir seal, i! t"e% so desire6 (/) E1er% $allot $o used at a pollin3 station s"all $ear la$els and addressed ta3s $ot" inside and outside 'ar2ed #it" t"e na'e o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation and nu'$er o! t"e #ard 9
(a) (a) t"e serial nu'$er and na'e o! t"e pollin3 station 9 ($) t"e serial nu'$er o! t"e $allot $o (to $e !illed in at t"e end o! t"e poll on t"e

la$el and addressed ta3 outside t"e $allot $o onl%) 9 and

(c) t"e date o! poll6

(6) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, i''ediatel% $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e poll , s"o# $allot $o e'pt% to suc" contestin3 candidates, election a3ents, pollin3 a3ents and ot"er aut"orised persons as are present and s"all, t"en, loc2 it up and place "is seal upon it6 T"e $allot $o s"all, t"en, $e closed, sealed and secured and placed in !ull 1ie# o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer and t"e pollin3 a3ents6 T"e Presidin3 =!!icer

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


s"all also si3n t"e declaration in ?or':12 and also o$tain t"e si3natures o! suc" o! t"e pollin3 a3ents #"o are present and are #illin3 to a!!i t"eir si3natures6 @e s"all repeat t"is process as and #"en anot"er $allot $o is prepared !or use6 )t t"e end o! poll, a !urt"er declaration in Part II o! :o*(142 s"all $e recorded in t"e sa'e 'anner6 (-) He!ore t"e pollin3 station is opened !or t"e recordin3 o! 1otes, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all read t"e rele1ant pro1isions o! t"e )ct relatin3 to t"e 'aintenance o! secrec% o! elections to suc" persons as 'a% $e present and s"all also e plain t"e su$stance t"ereo! in Ta'il6
,16 M%*;+' #o$, o5 +&+#)o*%& *o&&.3 (I) T"ere s"all $e as 'an% 'ar2ed copies o!

electoral rolls as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission !or a pollin3 station6 (2) I''ediatel% $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e poll, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all de'onstrate to t"e pollin3 a3ents and ot"ers present t"at t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll or rolls to $e used durin3 t"e poll does not contain an% entr% ot"er t"an t"ose 'ade in pursuance o! t"ese rules and ot"er aut"orised corrections 'ade $% t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer6
,16 ?acilities !or #o'en electors65 (1) ."ere a pollin3 station is !or $ot" 'en and #o'en

electors, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% direct t"at t"e% s"all $e ad'itted into t"e pollin3 station alternatel% in separate $atc"es6 (2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer or t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% en3a3e t"e ser1ices o! a #o'an to ser1e as an attendant at an% pollin3 station to assist #o'en electors and also to assist t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, in ta2in3 t"e poll in respect o! #o'en electors 3enerall%, and in particular, to "elp in searc"in3 an% #o'an elector in case it $eco'es necessar%6
,26 C-%&&+!/"!/ o5 "'+!)"),.3 (1) )n% pollin3 a3ent 'a% c"allen3e t"e identit% o! a

person clai'in3 to $e a particular elector $% !irst depositin3 a su' o! ten rupees in cas" #it" t"e Presidin3 =!!icer !or eac" suc" c"allen3e6 (2) =n suc" deposit $ein3 'ade, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all E (a) #arn t"e person c"allen3ed o! t"e penalt% !or personation9

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) read t"e rele1ant entr% in t"e electoral roll in !ull and as2 "i' #"et"er "e is t"e

person re!erred to in t"at entr% 9

(c) enter "is na'e and address in t"e list o! c"allen3ed 1otes in :o*(143 @ and (d) re7uire "i' to si3n in t"e said list6

(3) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"erea!ter, "old a su''ar% in7uir% into t"e c"allen3e and 'a% !or t"at purpose (a) re7uire t"e c"allen3er to adduce e1idence in proo! o! t"e c"allen3e and t"e person c"allen3ed to adduce e1idence in proo! o! "is identit%9
($) put to t"e person c"allen3ed an% 7uestion necessar% !or t"e purpose o!

esta$lis"in3 "is identit% and re7uire "i' to ans#er t"e' on oat" 9 and
(c) ad'inister an oat" to t"e person c"allen3ed and to an% ot"er person o!!erin3 to

3i1e e1idence6
(,) I!, a!ter t"e in7uir%, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer considers t"at t"e c"allen3e "as not $een

esta$lis"ed, "e s"all allo# t"e person c"allen3ed to 1ote and i! "e considers t"at t"e c"allen3e "as $een esta$lis"ed, "e s"all de$ar t"e person c"allen3ed !ro' 1otin3, $esides ta2in3 appropriate action a3ainst "i'6
(/) I! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer is o! t"e opinion t"at t"e c"allen3e is !ri1olous or "as not $een 'ade in 3ood !ait", "e s"all direct t"at t"e deposit 'ade under su$:rule (1) $e !or!eited to To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, and in an% ot"er case, "e s"all return it to t"e c"allen3er at t"e conclusion o! t"e in7uir%6

EE. I'+!)"5"#%)"o! o5 +&+#)o*s.3 (1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% see2 t"e assistance o! suc" local persons as "e t"in2s !it to "elp in t"e identi!ication o! t"e electors or to assist "i' ot"er#ise in ta2in3 t"e poll6 (2) )s eac" elector enters t"e pollin3 station, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Pollin3 =!!icer aut"orised $% "i' in t"is $e"al!, s"all c"ec2 t"e electorAs na'e and ot"er particulars #it" t"e rele1ant entr% in t"e electoral

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


roll and, t"en, call out t"e serial nu'$er, na'e and ot"er particulars o! t"e elector6 (3) In decidin3 t"e ri3"t o! a person to o$tain a $allot paper or $allot papers, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Pollin3 =!!icer, as t"e case 'a% $e, s"all o1erloo2 'ere clerical or printin3 errors in an% entr% in t"e electoral roll, i! "e is satis!ied t"at suc" person is identical #it" t"e elector to #"o' t"at entr% relates6 ,/6 &a!e3uards a3ainst personation65 (1) E1er% elector, s"all, $e!ore recei1in3 t"e $allot paper or $allot papers allo# :
(a) t"e inspection o! "is le!t !ore!in3er $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or Pollin3 =!!icer 9

($) an indeli$le in2 'ar2 to $e put on t"e $ac2 o! le!t !ore!in3er i''ediatel% a$o1e

t"e root o! t"e nail on s2in or in suc" 'anner as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct in special circu'stances6 (2) I! an% suc" elector 5
(a) re!uses to allo# suc" inspection o! "is le!t !ore!in3er $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or

Pollin3 =!!icer, as t"e case 'a% $e 9 or

($) re!uses to allo# an indeli$le in2 'ar2 to $e put on le!t !ore!in3er9 or (c) persists in doin3 an% act #it" a 1ie# to re'o1in3 an% suc" 'ar2 a!ter it "as $een

put, "e s"all not $e entitled to $e supplied #it" an% $allot paper or to record "is 1otes at t"e election6 (3) No person #"o "as alread% suc" a 'ar2 on t"e le!t !ore!in3er s"all $e supplied #it" a $allot paper6 (,) )n% re!erence in t"ese rules to t"e le!t !ore!in3er o! an elector s"all, in t"e case #"ere t"e elector "as "is le!t !ore!in3er 'issin3, $e construed as a re!erence to an% ot"er !in3er or !in3ers on "is le!t:"and, and s"all, in case #"ere all t"e !in3ers o! "is le!t:"and are 'issin3, $e construed as a re!erence to t"e !ore!in3er or an% ot"er !in3er or !in3ers o! "is ri3"t "and, and s"all, in t"e case #"ere all "is !in3ers o! $ot" t"e "ands are 'issin3, $e construed as a re!erence to suc" e tre'it% o! "is le!t or ri3"t ar' as "e possesses6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(/) .it" a 1ie# to pre1ent i'personation o! electors and !acilitatin3 t"eir identi!ication at t"e ti'e o! poll, e1er% elector s"all produce:docu'entar% e1idence esta$lis"in3 "is identit% as 'a% $e speci!ied and in t"e 'anner directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission in t"is $e"al!, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6 E6. R"/-) )o ?o)+.3 (1) No person #"ose na'e is not entered in t"e electoral roll o! an% #ard s"all $e entitled to 1ote6
(2) No person s"all 1ote at an election, i! "e is su$<ect to an% o! t"e dis7uali!ications

re!erred to in &ection 16 o! t"e Representation o! t"e People )ct, 1*/0 (Central )ct ,3 o! 1*/0) or t"e rele1ant sections o! t"e )ct6
(3) No person s"all 1ote in 'ore t"an one #ard in a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade

Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, not#it"standin3 t"e !act t"at "is na'e 'a% "a1e $een re3istered in t"e electoral roll o! 'ore t"an one #ard o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation and i! a person 1otes in 'ore t"an one #ard, "is 1otes in all suc" #ards s"all $e void.
(,) No person s"all, at an% election, 1ote in t"e sa'e #ard 'ore t"an once,

not#it"standin3 t"e !act t"at "is na'e 'a% "a1e $een re3istered in t"e electoral roll !or t"at #ard 'ore t"an once and, i! "e does 1ote 'ore t"an once, all "is 1otes in t"e #ard s"all $e void
(/) No person s"all 1ote at an% election, i! "e is con!ined in a prison #"et"er under a

sentence o! i'prison'ent or ot"er#ise 4 Pro1ided t"at not"in3 in t"is su$:rule s"all appl% to a person su$<ect to pre1enti1e detention under an% la# !or t"e ti'e $ein3 in !orce6 E7. 6%&&o) $%$+*s.3 (1) E1er% $allot paper !or election o! Councillor s"all $e in ?or':1, #it" a counter!oil attac"ed to it6 T"e na'es o! t"e contestin3 candidates #it" t"eir respecti1e distincti1e s%'$ols s"all $e printed on t"e $allot papers in t"e sa'e order in #"ic" t"e na'es appear in :o*(1A. T"e siDe and colour o! t"e $allot paper and ot"er 'atters relatin3 t"ereto s"all $e decided $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6 (2) Hot" t"e $allot papers and t"e counter:!oils, s"all $e seriall% nu'$ered and s"all $e sta'ped on t"eir re1erse $% suc" distin3uis"in3

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


'ar2 and in suc" 'anner as 'a% $e directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6 E.. M%!!+* o5 ?o)"!/.3 )t e1er% election #"ere a poll is ta2en, 1otes s"all $e 3i1en $% $allot and all 1oters 1otin3 at an election s"all do so in person at t"e pollin3 station and no 1otes s"all $e recei1ed $% pro %6 EA. Iss + o5 7%&&o) $%$+*s %!' ?o)"!/ $*o#+' *+.3 (1) He!ore an% $allot paper is deli1ered to an elector, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all a!!i "is si3nature in !ull on t"e $ac2 o! eac" $allot paper and a!!i t"e distin3uis"in3 'ar2 o! t"e pollin3 station6 T"e electoral roll nu'$er and ot"er particulars o! t"e elector s"all $e noted in t"e counter!oil, and t"e elector s"all $e re7uired to si3n it6 T"e entr% relatin3 to t"e elector in t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll s"all $e underlined6 No person in t"e pollin3 station s"all note do#n t"e serial nu'$er o! t"e $allot paper issued to a particular elector6
(2) Eac" elector s"all $e 3i1en onl% one $allot paper6 T"e elector, on recei1in3 t"e

$allot paper, s"all !ort"#it" proceed to one o! t"e 1otin3 co'part'ents #"ic" is 1acant, and t"ere, #it" t"e aid o! t"e instru'ent supplied !or t"e purpose, 'a2e a 'ar2 on t"e $allot paper a3ainst t"e na'e or s%'$ol o! t"e candidate !or #"o' "e intends to 1ote6 T"e 'ar2 'a% $e 'ade an%#"ere in t"e co'part'ent #it"in #"ic" t"e na'e and s%'$ol o! suc" candidate is printed on t"e $allot paper6 @e s"all, t"en, !old t"e $allot paper so as to conceal "is 1ote and, a!ter s"o#in3 t"e Pollin3 =!!icer t"e distin3uis"in3 'ar2 sta'ped on its $ac2, insert t"e !olded $allot paper into t"e $allot $o 2ept !or t"e purpose6
(3) E1er% elector s"all 1ote #it"out undue dela% and s"all 7uit t"e pollin3 station as

soon as "e "as 1oted6 @e s"all not place an%t"in3 e cept a $allot paper in t"e $allot $o 6 )n%t"in3 ot"er t"an $allot papers !ound in t"e $o at t"e ti'e o! countin3 o! 1otes, s"all $e !or!eited6
(,) No elector s"all $e allo#ed to enter a 1otin3 co'part'ent #"en anot"er elector is

inside6 =0. Do)"!/ $*o#+' *+ 5o* +&+#)o*s o! +&+#)"o! ' ),.3 (1) ."en an elector entitled to 1ote at an election is dul% appointed !or election dut% at a pollin3 station at #"ic" "e is not ordinaril% entitled to record "is 1ote, or is deputed !or ot"er election dut% and is una$le to 1ote, "e 'a%

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


send a re7uest in :o*(14= to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer so as to reac" "i' at least se1en da%s, or suc" s"orter period as t"e Returnin3 =!!icer 'a% allo#, $e!ore t"e date o! t"e poll6 I! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer is satis!ied t"at t"e applicant is so entitled to 1ote, "e s"all !or#ard to t"e applicant, an election dut% certi!icate in ?or':16 alon3 #it" a $allot paper !ro' out o! t"ose 'eant !or t"e pollin3 station #"ere t"e applicant is ordinaril% entitled to record "is 1ote6 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all sta'p on t"e $ac2 o! t"e $allot paper and t"e counter!oil t"e letters 8E(C86 @e s"all, $e!ore !or#ardin3 suc" $allot paper, underline t"e entr% and #rite t"e letter 8E(C8 a3ainst t"at entr% relatin3 to t"at elector in t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll relatin3 to t"e pollin3 station at #"ic" t"e elector is entitled to record "is 1ote denotin3 t"at t"e elector "as $een issued #it" a $allot paper6 (2) =n recei1in3 t"e $allot paper, t"e elector on election dut% s"all record "is 1ote $% 'a2in3 a tic2 'ar2 on t"e $allot paper a3ainst t"e na'e or s%'$ol o! t"e candidate to #"o' "e intends to 1ote6 T"e 'ar2 'a% $e 'ade an%#"ere in t"e co'part'ent #it"in #"ic" t"e s%'$ol and na'e o! suc" candidate is printed on t"e $allot paper6 T"e elector s"all si3n a declaration in ?or':1-6 @e s"all, t"en, enclose t"e $allot paper in an en1elope pro1ided !or t"e purpose and stic2 t"e en1elope and secure it $% seal or ot"er#ise6 @e s"all, t"en, enclose t"e en1elope containin3 t"e 'ar2ed $allot paper in an outer co1er pro1ided !or t"is purpose, as #ell as t"e election dut% certi!icate and t"e declaration a!oresaid and send it to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer $% post or $% 'essen3er so as to reac" "i' or t"e person aut"orised $% "i' $e!ore /600 p6'6 on t"e da% $e!ore t"e poll6 =4. R+#o*'"!/ o5 ?o)+s o5 7&"!' %!' "!5"*( +&+#)o*s.3 (1) I! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer is satis!ied t"at o#in3 to old a3e or $lindness or ot"er p"%sical in!ir'it%, an elector is una$le to reco3nise t"e s%'$ol on t"e $allot paper or to read t"e na'e o! t"e candidate or to 'a2e a 'ar2 t"ereon #it"out assistance, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all per'it t"e elector to ta2e #it" "i' a co'panion o! not less t"an ei3"teen %ears o! a3e to t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent !or recordin3 "is 1ote on t"e $allot paper on "is $e"al! and in accordance #it" "is #is"es, and i! necessar%, !or !oldin3 t"e $allot paper so as to conceal t"e 1ote and insertin3 it into t"e $allot $o 4

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Pro1ided t"at no person s"all $e per'itted to act as t"e co'panion o! 'ore t"an one elector at an% pollin3 station on t"e sa'e da%4 Pro1ided !urt"er t"at $e!ore an% person is per'itted to act as t"e co'panion o! an elector on an% da% under t"ese rules, t"e co'panion s"all $e re7uired to declare t"at "e s"all 2eep t"e secrec% o! t"e 1ote recorded $% "i' on $e"al! o! t"e elector, and t"at "e "as not alread% acted as t"e co'panion o! an% elector at an% pollin3 station on t"at da%6 (2) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all 2eep a record in ?or':10 o! all suc" cases under t"is rule6 /26 S$o"&) %!' *+) *!+' 7%&&o) $%$+*s.3 (1) I! an elector a!ter o$tainin3 a $allot paper decides not to use it "e s"all return it to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer and t"e $allot paper so returned s"all $e 'ar2ed as "Returned-cancelled", $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer6
(2) I! an elector "as inad1ertentl% dealt #it" "is $allot paper in suc" 'anner t"at it

cannot $e con1enientl% used as $allot paper 'a% return it to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, #"o i! satis!ied o! t"e inad1ertence, 'a% issue anot"er $allot paper and t"e $allot paper so returned s"all $e 'ar2ed "spoilt-cancelled' $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer6
(3) I! an elector to #"o' a $allot paper "as $een issued, re!uses, a!ter #arnin3 3i1en $%

t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, to o$ser1e t"e procedure as laid do#n in Rule ,*, t"e $allot paper issued to "i' s"all, #"et"er "e "as recorded "is 1ote t"ereon or not $e ta2en $ac2 !ro' "i' $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or a Pollin3 =!!icer under t"e direction o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer6 )!ter t"e $allot paper "as $een ta2en $ac2, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all record on its $ac2 t"e #ords "Cancelled; voting procedure violated".
(,) )ll $allot papers re!erred to under su$:rules (1), (2) and (3) s"all $e si3ned $% t"e

Presidin3 =!!icer $elo# t"e #ords recorded under t"e said su$:rules and 2ept in separate co1ers and put into t"e pac2et re!erred to in su$:rule (3) o! Rule /66 =3. T+!'+*+' ?o)+s.3 (1) I! a person representin3 "i'sel! to $e a particular elector applies !or a $allot paper a!ter anot"er person "as alread% 1oted as suc" elector, "e s"all, on satis!actoril% ans#erin3 suc" 7uestions relatin3 to "is identit% as t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% as2, $e entitled, su$<ect6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


to t"e !ollo#in3 pro1isions o! t"is rule, to 'ar2 a $allot paper ("ereina!ter re!erred to in t"ese rules as a "tendered ballot paper") in t"e sa'e 'anner as an% ot"er elector6 (2) E1er% person re!erred to in su$:rule (1) s"all, $e!ore $ein3 supplied #it" a tendered $allot paper, a!!i "is si3nature a3ainst t"e entr% relatin3 to "i' in a list in ?or':1* and in t"e counter!oil o! t"e $allot paper6 (3) ) tendered $allot paper, s"all $e t"e sa'e as t"e ot"er $allot papers used at t"e pollin3 station e cept t"at
(a) suc" tendered $allot paper, s"all $e seriall% t"e last in t"e $undle o! $allot papers

issued !or use at t"e pollin3 station 9 and

(a) suc" tendered $allot paper and its counter!oil s"all $e endorsed on t"e $ac2 #it"

t"e #ords 8tendered $allot paper8 $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer in "is o#n "and and si3ned $% "i'6 (,) T"e elector, a!ter 'ar2in3 a tendered $allot paper in t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent and !oldin3 it, s"all, instead o! puttin3 it into t"e $allot $o , 3i1e it to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, #"o s"all place it in a separate co1er superscri$ed as " endered votes". Explanation.I! t"e identit% o! t"e person #"o applies !or t"e issue o! a tendered 1ote is c"allen3ed, t"e pro1isions o! Rule ,3 s"all appl%6 =E. A'Bo *!(+!) o5 $o&& "! +(+*/+!#"+s.3 (1) I! at a poll, t"e proceedin3s at an% pollin3 station are interrupted or o$structed $% an% riot or open 1iolence, or i! at an election, it is not possi$le to ta2e t"e poll at an% pollin3 station on account o! an% natural cala'it% or an% ot"er su!!icient cause, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer !or suc" pollin3 station s"all stop t"e poll, in!or' t"rou3" t"e Returnin3 =!!icer to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 T"e !act, t"at t"e poll "as $een so stopped s"all $e i''ediatel% announced $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer to t"e persons present at t"e pollin3 station6 (2) ."ere a Presidin3 =!!icer stops t"e poll under su$:rule (1), "e s"all o$ser1e t"e procedure laid do#n in Rule /6 and 'a2e a !ull report o! t"e circu'stances to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer #"o s"all report t"e 'atter to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 T"e $allot $o es and pac2ets , re!erred to in Rule /6 s"all also $e sent to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, as soon as practica$le6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(3) T"e (istrict Election =!!icer s"all, t"ereupon, order :

(a) t"at t"e poll $e ad<ourned and "eld at suc" pollin3 station !or t"e nu'$er o!

"ours !or #"ic" it #as not "eld on t"e pre1ious occasion 9 or

($) t"at t"e poll $e ad<ourned and "eld at suc" pollin3 station !or t"e !ull nu'$er o!

"ours6 )n order passed $% t"e (istrict Election =!!icer under t"is su$:rule s"all $e !inal9
(c) #"en an order under clause (a) or ($) o! su$:rule (3) is passed, t"e Returnin3

=!!icer s"all not count t"e 1otes cast at suc" election until suc" ad<ourned poll s"all "a1e $een co'pleted6 (,) (a) )n order passed under clause (a) or ($) o! su$:rule (3) s"all state :
(i) t"e date on #"ic" and t"e "ours $et#een #"ic" suc" ad<ourned poll, s"all

$e"eld9 and
(i) t"e date on #"ic" and t"e place and "our at #"ic" t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all

co''ence t"e countin3 o! t"e 1otes6 ($) =n receipt o! orders passed under su$:rules (3) and (,) (a)9 t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all in!or' t"e contestin3 candidates or t"eir election a3ents, o! t"e date, ti'e and place !i ed !or suc" ad<ourned poll and a!!i a notice on t"e notice $oard o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation and in one or t#o conspicuous places in t"e #ard noti!%in3 t"e date and "ours so !i ed6 (/)(a)."ere an order is passed under t"ese rules !or t"e ad<ourn'ent o! t"e poll !or t"e nu'$er o! "ours !or #"ic" it #as not "eld on, pre1ious occasion, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all proceed !urt"er as stipulated under su$:rule (I) o! Rule 3/ and return to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer appointed >nder t"at said su$:rule, all t"e pac2ets recei1ed $% "i' under su$:rule (2)6 ($) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all open t"e pac2ets <ust $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e suc" ad<ourned poll in t"e presence o! suc" persons #"o 'a% $e present at t"e pollin3 station and co''ence suc" ad<ourned poll precisel% at t"e "our !i ed t"ere!or6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(c) )t suc" ad<ourned poll, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all allo# onl% suc" electors to 1ote #"o "a1e not cast t"eir 1ote on t"e pre1ious occasion6
(6) ."ere an order is passed under clause ($) o! su$:rule (3) !or t"e ad<ourn'ent o!

poll !or t"e !ull nu'$er o! "ours, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all proceed a!res", under su$:rule (1) o! Rule 3/ and suc" ad<ourned poll s"all $e "eld at t"e pollin3 station concerned in accordance #it" t"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules in all respects, as i! it #ere $ein3 "eld at suc" pollin3 station !or t"e !irst ti'e 4 Pro1ided t"at t"ere s"all $e no !res" no'ination in t"e cases !allin3 under t"is su$:rule6
(6) Not#it"standin3 an%t"in3 contained in t"is rule, i! a contestin3 candidate sponsored

$% a reco3nised political part% in t"e election o! a Councillor dies at an% ti'e $e!ore orders are passed $% t"e (istrict Election =!!icer under su$:rule (3) or at an% ti'e a!ter t"e passin3 o! suc" orders, $ut $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! suc" ad<ourned poll, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, upon $ein3 satis!ied o! t"e !act o! t"e deat" o! t"e contestin3 candidate, stop all !urt"er proceedin3s in connection #it" t"e election and in!or' t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 T"e &tate Election Co''ission s"all, t"ereupon, start election proceedin3s a!res" in all respects as i! it #ere a ne# election 4 Pro1ided t"at !or t"e election proceedin3s so started, no !res" no'ination s"all $e necessar% in t"e case o! t"e re'ainin3 contestin3 candidates6 ==. :*+s- $o&& "! )-+ #%s+ o5 '+s)* #)"o!, +)#. o5 7%&&o) 7o8+s65(1) I! at an% election
(a) an% $allot $o used at a pollin3 station or at a place appointed !or countin3 o!

1otes is unla#!ull% ta2en out o! t"e custod% o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, or is accidentall% or intentionall% destro%ed, or lost, or is da'a3ed, or ta'pered #it" to suc" an e tent t"at t"e result o! t"e poll at t"at pollin3 station cannot $e ascertained 9 or
(a) an% suc" error or irre3ularit% in procedure as is li2el% to 1itiate t"e poll is

co''itted at a pollin3 station, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


s"all, !ort"#it", report t"e 'atter to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 (2) T"ereupon, t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer s"all, a!ter ta2in3 all 'aterial circu'stances into account, eit"er
(a) declare t"e poll at t"e pollin3 station to $e 1oid, appoint a da% and !i t"e "ours

!or ta2in3 a !res" poll at t"at pollin3 station and direct t"at t"e da% so appointed and t"e "ours so !i ed $e pu$lis"ed in t"e 'anner laid do#n in clause ($) o! su$:rule (,) o! Rule /,, $esides inti'atin3 t"e contestin3 candidates or t"eir election a3ents9 or
($) i! satis!ied t"at t"e result o! a !res" poll at t"e pollin3 station #ill not, in an%

#a%, a!!ect t"e result o! t"e election or, t"at t"e error or irre3ularit% in procedure is not 'aterial, issue suc" directions to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer as "e 'a% dee' proper !or t"e !urt"er conduct and : co'pletion o! t"e election6 (3) T"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules or orders 'ade t"ereunder s"all appl% to e1er% suc" !res" poll as t"e% appl% to t"e ori3inal poll6 =6. C&os"!/ o5 $o&&.3 (I) (a) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all close t"e pollin3 station at t"e "our !i ed in t"at $e"al! under t"ese rules:and s"all not, t"erea!ter, ad'it an% elector into t"e pollin3 station4 Pro1ided t"at, unless t"e poll is stopped under su$:rule (1) o! Rule /,, all electors present at t"e pollin3 station $e!ore it is closed s"all $e allo#ed to cast t"eir 1otes6 ($) I! an% 7uestion arises #"et"er an elector #as present at t"e pollin3 station $e!ore it #as closed, it s"all $e decided $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, #"ose decision s"all $e !inal6 (2)(a)T"e Presidin3 =!!icer o! eac" pollin3 station, as soon as practica$le a!ter t"e close o! t"e poll, s"all close t"e slit o! t"e $allot $o or $o es and #"ere t"e $o does not contain an% 'ec"anical de1ice !or closin3 t"e slit, "e s"all seal up t"e slit and also allo# an% candidate or pollin3 a3ent present to a!!i "is seal6 T"e $allot $o s"all, t"erea!ter, $e sealed and secured6 ($) ."ere it $eco'es necessar% to use a second $allot $o $% reason o! t"e !irst $allot $o 3ettin3 !ull, t"e !irst $allot $o s"all $e closed

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


and sealed as pro1ided in clause (a) $e!ore anot"er $allot $o is put into use6 (3) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all t"en 'a2e up t"e !ollo#in3 into separate pac2ets and seal t"e' #it" t"e seal supplied and allo# t"e candidates or a3ents to a!!i t"eir o#n seals, i! t"e% so desire4 (i) t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll 9 (ii) unused $allot papers and all cancelled $allot papers under Rule /2 9 (iii) t"e tendered $allot papers and t"e tendered 1oters list 9 (i1) t"e unused and da'a3ed paper seals 9 (1) (a) receipt !or c"allen3e !ee 9
($) state'ent o! deposit on c"allen3ed 1otes 9 and (c) list o! c"allen3ed 1otes 9

(1i) an% ot"er papers t"at 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 (,) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all also prepare separate co1ers as indicated $elo# 4: (a) Co1ers containin3
(i) $allot paper account in :o*(120 @ (i) paper seal account 9 and (ii) Presidin3 =!!icerAs (iar% 9

($) Co1ers containin3 record o! $lind or in!ir' 1oters and declaration $% co'panions o! $lind or in!ir' 1oters 9 (c) Miscellaneous co1er containin3 5
(i) re!erence cop% o! electoral roll 9 (ii) declaration $% Presidin3 =!!icer9 (i)

appoint'ent letters o! pollin3 a3ents 9

(ii) unused stationer%9 (iii) pus"er 9 (iii) ot"er pollin3 'aterials li2e dra#in3 pins, $ad3es #it" sa!et% pin, 3e':clips,


TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(/) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all also prepare an% ot"er co1er t"at 'a% $e speci!ied $%

t"e &tate Election Co''ission6

(6) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all !urnis" to e1er% pollin3 a3ent present at t"e close o! t"e

poll, a true cop% o! t"e entries 'ade in t"e $allot paper account a!ter o$tainin3 a receipt !ro' t"e said pollin3 a3ent t"ere!or and s"all also attest it as a true cop%6 =7. T*%!s("ss"o! o5 7%&&o) 7o8+s, +)#., )o )-+ R+) *!"!/ O55"#+*.3 T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, deli1er or cause to $e deli1ered to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer at suc" place as t"e Returnin3 =!!icer 'a% direct 5
(a) t"e $allot $o es includin3 unused $allot $o es 9 ($) t"e co1er containin3 t"e $allot paper account, paper seal :account and Presidin3

=!!icerAs (iar%9
(c) t"e sealed co1ers re!erred to in Rule /6 9 (d) all ot"er papers and 'ar2in3 or sta'pin3 articles used at t"e poll9 and (e) cas", i! an%, !or!eited under su$:rule (/) o! Rule ,36


=.. D+s"/! o5 +&+#)*o!"# ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s65 E1er% electronic 1otin3 'ac"ine ("ereina!ter re!erred to as t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine) s"all "a1e a control unit and a $allotin3 unit and s"all $e o! suc" desi3n as 'a% $e appro1ed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 =A. P*+$%*%)"o! o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+ 7, )-+ R+) *!"!/ O55"#+*.3(1) T"e $allotin3 unit o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine s"all contain suc" particulars and in suc" lan3ua3e or lan3ua3es as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% speci!%6 (2) T"e na'es o! t"e candidates s"all $e arran3ed on t"e $allotin3 unit in t"e sa'e order in #"ic" t"e% appear in t"e list o! t"e contestin3 candidates in :o*(1A.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(3) I! t#o or 'ore candidates $ear t"e sa'e na'e, t"e% s"all $e distin3uis"ed $% t"e

addition o! t"eir occupation or residence or in so'e ot"er 'anner6

(,) &u$<ect to t"e !ore3oin3 pro1isions o! t"is rule, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, (a) !i t"e la$els containin3 t"e na'es and t"e s%'$ols o! t"e contestin3 candidates

in t"e $allotin3 unit and secure t"at unit #it" "is seal and t"e seals o! suc" o! contestin3 candidates or t"eir election a3ents present as are desirous o! a!!i in3 t"e sa'e 9 and
($) set t"e nu'$er o! contestin3 candidates and close t"e candidates set section in

t"e control unit and secure it #it" "is seal and t"e seals o! suc" o! t"e contestin3 candidates or t"eir election a3ents, present as are desirous o! a!!i in3 t"e sa'e6 606 )rran3e'ents at pollin3 station (1))t eac" pollin3 station, t"ere s"all $e set up one or 'ore 1otin3 co'part'ents, as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, in #"ic" electors can record t"eir 1otes screened !ro' o$ser1ation6
(2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all pro1ide at eac" pollin3 station, one or 'ore 1otin3

'ac"ines, as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, and copies o! rele1ant part o! t"e electoral roll and suc" ot"er election 'aterial, as 'a% $e necessar% !or ta2in3 t"e poll6
(3) .it"out pre<udice to t"e pro1isions o! su$:rule (2), t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, 'a%,

#it" t"e pre1ious appro1al o! t"e &tate Election Co''ission, pro1ide one co''on 1otin3 'ac"ine !or t#o or 'ore pollin3 stations located in t"e sa'e pre'ises6
(,) )t t"e entrance to eac" pollin3 station, t"ere s"all $e displa%ed pro'inentl%, (a) a notice s"o#in3 t"e nu'$er and na'es o! t"e contestin3 candidates as

pu$lis"ed in ?or':* and t"e distincti1e s%'$ol assi3ned to eac" candidate in respect o! eac" o! t"e elections !or #"ic" poll is ta2en in t"at pollin3 station 9 and
(a) a notice s"o#in3 t"e pollin3 area and t"e 3roups o! electors #"o are entitled to

1ote at t"at pollin3 station6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


64. A'("ss"o! )o $o&&"!/ s)%)"o! 65 T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all ensure t"at 1otes are recorded at t"e pollin3 station #it" a$solute secrec% and "e s"all re3ulate t"e nu'$er o! electors to $e ad'itted at one ti'e and s"all e clude all ot"er persons e cept,5
(a) t"e contestin3 candidates, t"eir election a3ents and one pollin3 a3ent at a ti'e

!or eac" contestin3 candidate9

($) a c"ild in ar's acco'pan%in3 an elector 9 (c) a person acco'pan%in3 a $lind or in!ir' elector #"o cannot 'o1e #it"out "elp9 (a) suc" ot"er persons as t"e Returnin3 =!!icer or t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% ad'it

!or t"e purpose o! "elpin3 in t"e identi!ication o! t"e electors or in searc"in3 #o'en electors or assistin3 "i' ot"er#ise in ta2in3 t"e poll 9
($) pu$lic ser1ants on dut% in connection #it" elections 9 and (d) suc" ot"er persons as 'a% $e aut"orised $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission and

t"e &tate Election =!!icer as #ell as t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 62. P*+$%*%)"o! o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+ 5o* $o&& .3 (1) T"e control unit and $allotin3 unit o! e1er% 1otin3 'ac"ine used at a pollin3 station s"all $ear a la$el 'ar2ed #it" ,5
(a) t"e na'e o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit%

or Corporation and t"e nu'$er o! t"e #ard9

(a) t"e serial nu'$er and na'e o! t"e pollin3 station ($) t"e serial nu'$er o! t"e unit 9 and (c) t"e date o! t"e poll6

(2) I''ediatel% $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e poll, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all de'onstrate to suc" contestin3 candidates, election a3ents, pollin3 a3ents and ot"er aut"orised persons as are present t"at no elector "as alread% recorded in t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine and it $ears t"e la$el re!erred to in su$:rule (1)6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(3) ) paper seal s"all $e used !or securin3 t"e control unit o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine and t"e

Presidin3 =!!icer s"all a!!i "is o#n si3nature on t"e paper seal and o$tain t"ereon t"e si3nature o! suc" o! t"e pollin3 a3ents present as are desirous o! a!!i in3 t"e sa'e6
(3) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"erea!ter, !i t"e paper seal so si3ned in t"e space

'eant t"ere!or, in t"e control unit o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine and s"all secure and seal t"e sa'e6
(,) T"e seal used !or securin3 t"e control unit s"all $e !i ed in suc" 'anner t"at a!ter

t"e unit "as $een sealed, it is not possi$le to press t"e 8result $utton8 #it"out $rea2in3 t"e seal6
(/) T"e control unit s"all $e closed and secured and placed in !ull 1ie# o! t"e Presidin3

=!!icer and t"e pollin3 a3ents and t"e $allotin3 unit placed in t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent6
(,) He!ore t"e pollin3 station is opened !or recordin3 o! 1otes, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer

s"all read t"e rele1ant pro1ision o! t"e )ct relatin3 to t"e 'aintenance o! secrec% o! elections to suc" persons as 'a% $e present and s"all also e plain t"e su$stance t"ereo! in Ta'il6 Mar2ed cop% o! electoral roll65 I''ediatel% $e!ore t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e poll, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all de'onstrate to t"e pollin3 a3ents and ot"ers present t"at t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll or rolls to $e used durin3 t"e poll does not contain an% entr% ot"er t"an t"ose 'ade in pursuance o! t"ese rules and ot"er aut"orised corrections 'ade $% t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer6

?acilities !or #o'en electors65 (1) ."ere a pollin3 station is !or $ot" 'en and #o'en electors, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% direct t"at t"e% s"all $e ad'itted into t"e pollin3 station alternatel% in separate $atc"es6

(2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer or t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% en3a3e t"e ser1ices o! a #o'an to ser1e as an attendant at an% pollin3 station to assist #o'en electors and also to assist t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, in ta2in3 t"e poll in respect o! #o'en electors 3enerall% and in particular to "elp in searc"in3 an% #o'an elector in case it $eco'es necessar%6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


6=. I'+!)"5"#%)"o! o5 +&+#)o*s.3 (1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% see2 t"e assistance o! suc" local persons, as "e t"in2s !it to "elp in t"e identi!ication o! t"e electors or to assist "i' ot"er#ise in ta2in3 t"e poll
(2) )s eac" elector enters t"e pollin3 station, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Pollin3

=!!icer, aut"orised $% "i' in t"is $e"al!, s"all c"ec2 t"e electorAs na'e and ot"er particulars #it" t"e rele1ant entr% in t"e electoral roll and t"en call out t"e serial nu'$er, na'e and ot"er particulars o! t"e elector6
(2) )t t"e ti'e o! poll, e1er% elector s"all produce docu'entar% e1idence esta$lis"in3

"is identit% as 'a% $e speci!ied and in t"e 'anner directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission in t"is $e"al!, !ro' ti'e to ti'e6
(3) In decidin3 t"e ri3"t o! a person to cast "is 1ote, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Pollin3

=!!icer, as t"e case 'a% $e, s"all o1erloo2 'ere clerical or printin3 errors in an entr% in t"e electoral roll, i! "e is satis!ied t"at suc" person is identical #it" t"e elector to #"o' suc" entr% relates6 66. C-%&&+!/"!/ o5 "'+!)"),65 (1) )n% pollin3 a3ent 'a% c"allen3e t"e identit% o! a person clai'in3 to $e a particular elector $% !irst depositin3 a su' o! ten rupees in cas" #it" t"e Presidin3 =!!icer !or eac" suc" c"allen3e6 (2) =n suc" deposit $ein3 'ade, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all,
(a) #arn t"e person c"allen3ed o! t"e penalt% o! personation9 ($) read t"e rele1ant entr% in t"e electoral roll in !ull and as2 "i' #"et"er "e is t"e

person re!erred to in t"at entr%9

(c) enter "is na'e and address in t"e list o! c"allen3ed 1otes in :o*(1139and (a) re7uire "i' to si3n in t"e said list6

(3) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"erea!ter, "old a su''ar% in7uir% into t"e c"allen3e and 'a% !or t"at purpose ,: (a) re7uire t"e c"allen3er to adduce e1idence in proo! o! t"e c"allen3e and t"e person c"allen3ed to adduce e1idence in proo! o! "is identit%9

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) put to t"e person c"allen3ed an% 7uestion necessar% !or t"e purpose o!

esta$lis"in3 "is identit% and re7uire "i' to ans#er t"e' on oat" 9 and
(c) ad'inister an oat" to t"e person c"allen3ed and an% ot"er person o!!erin3 to 3i1e

(,) I!, a!ter t"e in7uir%, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer considers t"at t"e c"allen3e "as not $een

esta$lis"ed, "e s"all allo# t"e person c"allen3ed to 1ote and i! "e considers t"at t"e c"allen3e "as $een esta$lis"ed, "e s"all de$ar t"e person c"allen3ed !ro' 1otin3, $esides ta2in3 appropriate action a3ainst "i'6
(/) I! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer is o! t"e opinion t"at t"e c"allen3e is !ri1olous or "as not

$een 'ade in 3ood !ait", "e s"all direct t"at t"e deposit 'ade under su$:rule (1) $e !or!eited to To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, and in an% ot"er case, "e s"all return it to t"e c"allen3er at t"e conclusion o! t"e in7uir%6 67. S%5+/ %*'s %/%"!s) $+*so!%)"o! 65 (1) E1er% elector a$out #"ose identit% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Pollin3 =!!icer, as t"e case 'a% $e, is satis!ied, s"all allo#,
(a) t"e inspection o! "is le!t !ore!in3er $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or Pollin3 =!!icer 9

($) an indeli$le in2 'ar2 to $e put on t"e $ac2 o! le!t !ore!in3er i''ediatel% a$o1e

t"e root o! t"e nail on s2in or in suc" a 'anner as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% direct in special circu'stances6
(2) I! an% suc" elector persists in doin3 an% act #it" a 1ie# to re'o1in3 an% suc" 'ar2

a!ter it "as $een put, "e s"all not $e entitled to record "is 1ote at t"e election6
(3) No person #"o "as alread% suc" 'ar2 on t"e le!t !ore!in3er s"all $e allo#ed to

record "is 1ote6

(,) )n% re!erence in t"ese rules to t"e le!t !ore!in3er o! an elector s"all, in t"e case

#"ere t"e elector "as "is le!t !ore!in3er 'issin3, $e construed as a re!erence to an% ot"er !in3er or !in3ers on "is le!t:"and, and s"all in case #"ere all t"e !in3ers o! "is le!t:"and are 'issin3, $e

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


construed as a re!erence to t"e !ore!in3er or an% ot"er !in3er or !in3ers o! "is ri3"t:"and, and s"all in t"e case #"ere all "is !in3ers o! $ot" t"e "ands are 'issin3 $e construed as a re!erence to suc" e tre'it% o! "is le!t or ri3"t ar' as "e possesses6 6.. P*o#+' *+ 5o* ?o)"!/ 7, ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s.3 He!ore per'ittin3 an elector to 1ote, t"e Pollin3 =!!icer s"all,
(a) record t"e electoral roll nu'$er o! t"e elector as entered in t"e 'ar2ed cop% o!

t"e electoral roll M a re3ister o! electors in ?or':21 9

($) o$tain t"e si3nature or t"e t"u'$:i'pression o! t"e elector on t"e said re3ister o!

electors 9 and
(c) 'ar2 t"e na'e o! t"e elector in t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll to indicate

t"at "e "as $een allo#ed to 1ote 4 Pro1ided t"at no elector s"all $e allo#ed to 1ote unless "e "as "is si3nature or t"u'$: i'pression on t"e re3ister o! electors6 6A. M%"!)+!%!#+ o5 s+#*+#, o5 ?o)"!/ 7, +&+#)o*s >")-"! )-+ $o&&"!/ s)%)"o! %!' ?o)"!/ $*o#+' *+s.3 (1) E1er% elector #"o "as $een per'itted to 1ote under Rule 60 s"all 'aintain secrec% o! 1otin3 #it"in t"e pollin3 station and !or t"at purpose o$ser1e t"e 1otin3 procedure "ereina!ter laid do#n6 (2) I''ediatel% on $ein3 per'itted to 1ote, t"e elector s"all proceed to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Pollin3 =!!icer in c"ar3e o! t"e control unit o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine #"o s"all, $% pressin3 t"e appropriate $utton on t"e control unit, acti1ate t"e $allotin3 unit, !or recordin3 o! electorAs 1ote6 (3) T"e elector s"all, t"erea!ter, !ort"#it",:
(a) proceed to t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent 9 ($) record "is 1ote $% pressin3 t"e $utton on t"e $allotin3 unit a3ainst t"e na'e and

s%'$ol o! t"e candidate !or #"o' "e intends to 1ote 9 and

(c) co'e out o! t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent and lea1e t"e pollin3 station6

(,) E1er% elector s"all 1ote #it"out undue dela%6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(/) No elector s"all $e allo#ed to enter t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent #"en anot"er elector is

inside it6
(6) I! an elector #"o "as $een per'itted to 1ote under Rule 60 or -2 re!uses a!ter

#arnin3 3i1en $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer to o$ser1e t"e procedure laid do#n in su$:rules (3) and (,) o! t"is rule, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or a Pollin3 =!!icer under t"e direction o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all not allo# suc" elector to 1ote6
(-) ."ere an elector is not allo#ed to 1ote under su$:rule (6), a re'ar2 to t"e e!!ect

t"at 1otin3 procedure "as $een 1iolated s"all $e 'ade a3ainst t"e electorAs na'e in t"e re3ister o! electors in :o*(:21 $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer under "is si3nature6
70. R+#o*'"!/ o5 ?o)+s o5 7&"!' o* "!5"*( +&+#)o*s.3 (1) I! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer is

satis!ied t"at o#in3 to old a3e or $lindness or ot"er p"%sical in!ir'ities an elector is una$le to reco3nise t"e s%'$ol on t"e $allotin3 unit o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine or una$le to record "is 1ote $% pressin3 t"e appropriate $utton t"ereon #it"out assistance, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all per'it t"e elector to ta2e #it" "i' a co'panion o! not less t"an ei3"teen %ears o! a3e to t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent !or recordin3 t"e 1ote on "is $e"al! and in accordance #it" "is #is"es 4 Pro1ided t"at no person s"all $e per'itted to act as t"e co'panion o! 'ore t"an one elector at an% pollin3 station on t"e sa'e da%4 Pro1ided !urt"er t"at $e!ore an% person is per'itted to act as t"e co'panion o! an elector on an% da% under t"ese rules, t"e co'panion s"all $e re7uired to declare t"at "e s"all 2eep secrec% o! t"e 1ote recorded $% "i' on $e"al! o! t"e elector and t"at "e "as not alread% acted as:t"e co'panion o! an% ot"er elector at an% ot"er pollin3 station on t"at da%6 (2) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all 2eep a record in ?or'14. o! all suc" cases under t"is rule6
70. E&+#)o* '+#"'"!/ !o) )o ?o)+ .3 (1) I! an elector, a!ter "is electoral roll nu'$er "as

$een dul% entered in t"e re3ister o! elector in ?or':21 and "as put "is si3nature or t"u'$ i'pression t"ereon as re7uired under Rule 60 decided not to record "is 1ote, a re'ar2 to t"is e!!ect s"all $e 'ade a3ainst t"e said entr% in :o*(:21 $% t"e Presidin3

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


=!!icer and t"e si3nature or t"u'$:i'pression o! t"e elector s"all $e o$tained a3ainst suc" re'ar26 72. T+!'+*+' ?o)+s 65 (1) I! a person representin3 "i'sel! to $e a particular elector see2s to 1ote a!ter anot"er person "as alread% 1oted as suc" elector, "e s"all, on satis!actoril% ans#erin3 suc" 7uestions relatin3 to "is identit% as t"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a% as2, $e instead o! $ein3 allo#ed to 1ote t"rou3" t"e $allotin3 unit, supplied #it" a tendered $allot paper #"ic" s"all $e o! suc" a desi3n, and t"e particulars o! #"ic" s"all $e in suc" lan3ua3e or lan3ua3es as t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% speci!%6 (2) E1er% suc" elector s"all, $e!ore $ein3 supplied #it" tendered $allot paper, #rite "is na'e and put "is si3nature a3ainst t"e entr% relatin3 to "i' in ?or':22 and put "is si3nature on t"e counter!oil o! t"e $allot paper6 (3) =n recei1in3 t"e $allot paper, "e s"all !ort"#it" 5
(a) proceed to t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent #"ic" is 1acant 9 (a) #it" t"e aid o! t"e instru'ent supplied !or t"e purpose, 'a2e a 'ar2 on t"e

$allot paper a3ainst t"e na'e or s%'$ol o! t"e candidate !or #"o' "e intends to 1ote 9
($) !old t"e $allot paper so as to conceal "is 1ote 9 (c) s"o# to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer, i! re7uired, t"e distin3uis"in3 'ar2 on t"e $allot

paper 9
(d) 3i1e it to t"e Presidin3 =!!icer #"o s"all place it in a co1er speciall% 2ept !or t"e

purpose 9 and (!) lea1e t"e pollin3 station6 (,) I! o#in3 to old a3e or $lindness or p"%sical in!ir'ities, suc" elector is una$le to record "is 1ote #it"out assistance, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all per'it "i' to ta2e #it" "i' a co'panion, su$<ect to t"e sa'e conditions and a!ter !ollo#in3 t"e sa'e procedure as laid do#n in Rule -0 !or recordin3 t"e 1ote in accordance #it" "is #is"es6 73. P*+s"'"!/ O55"#+*Gs +!)*, "! )-+ ?o)"!/ #o($%*)(+!) ' *"!/ $o&& 65 (1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer 'a%, #"ene1er "e considers it necessar% to do so, enter t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent durin3 poll and ta2e

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


suc" steps as 'a% $e necessar% to ensure t"at t"e $allotin3 unit is not ta'pered or inter!ered #it" in an% #a%6
(2) I! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer "as reason to suspect t"at an elector #"o "as entered t"e

1otin3 co'part'ent is ta'perin3 or ot"er#ise inter!erin3 #it" t"e $allotin3 unit or "as re'ained inside t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent !or undul% lon3 period, "e s"all enter t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent and ta2e suc" steps as 'a% $e necessar% to ensure t"e s'oot" and orderl% pro3ress o! t"e poll6
(3) ."ene1er t"e Presidin3 =!!icer enters t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent under t"is rule, "e

s"all per'it t"e pollin3 a3ents present to acco'pan% "i', i! t"e% so desire6
-,6 Closin3 o! poll65(1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all close t"e poll at t"e "our !i ed in t"at

$e"al! under t"ese rules and s"all not, t"erea!ter, ad'it an% elector into t"e pollin3 station4 Pro1ided t"at all electors present at t"e pollin3 station $e!ore it is closed s"all $e allo#ed to cast t"eir 1otes6 (2) I! an% 7uestion arises #"et"er an elector #as present at t"e pollin3 station $e!ore it #as closed, it s"all $e decided $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer and "is decision s"all $e !inal6
-/6 )ccount o! 1otes recorded 65 (1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, at t"e close o! t"e poll,

prepare an account o! 1otes recorded in ?or':23 and enclose it in a separate co1er #it" t"e #ords 8)ccount o! +otes Recorded8 superscri$ed t"ereon6 (2) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all !urnis" to e1er% pollin3 a3ent present at t"e close o! t"e poll, a true cop% o! t"e entries 'ade in ?or':23 a!ter o$tainin3 a receipt !ro' t"e said pollin3 a3ent t"ere!or and s"all attest it as a true cop%6
-,6 S+%&"!/ o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s %5)+* $o&&65 (1) )s soon as practica$le a!ter t"e closin3

o! t"e poll, t"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all close t"e control unit to ensure t"at no !urt"er 1otes can $e recorded and s"all detac" t"e $allotin3 unit !ro' control unit6 (2) T"e control unit and t"e $allotin3 unit s"all, t"erea!ter, $e sealed, and secured separatel% in suc" 'anner as t"e &tate Election Co''ission

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


'a% direct and t"e seal used !or securin3 t"e' s"all $e so a!!i ed t"at it #ill not $e possi$le to open t"e units #it"out $rea2in3 t"e seals6 (3) T"e pollin3 a3ents present at t"e pollin3 station, #"o desire to a!!i t"eir seals, s"all also $e per'itted to do so6 77. S+%&"!/ o5 o)-+* $%#;+)s .3 (1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, 'a2e up t"e !ollo#in3 into separate pac2ets 45 (a) t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll ($) t"e re3ister o! electors in :o*(124 @ (c) t"e co1er containin3 t"e tendered $allot papers and t"e list in ?or':22 9
(d) t"e list o! c"allen3ed 1otes 9 and (e) an% ot"er papers directed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission to $e 2ept in a

sealed pac2et6 (2) Eac" pac2et s"all $e sealed #it" t"e seal o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer and #it" t"e seal eit"er o! t"e candidate or o! "is election a3ent or o! "is pollin3 a3ent #"o 'a% $e present at t"e pollin3 station and 'a% desire to a!!i "is seal t"ereon6 7.. T*%!s("ss"o! o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s, +)#. )o )-+ R+) *!"!/ O55"#+*.3 (1) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, deli1er or cause to $e deli1ered to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer at suc" place as t"e Returnin3 =!!icer 'a% direct ,5 (a) t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine 9
($) t"e account o! 1otes recorded in :o*(:23 @ (c) t"e sealed pac2ets re!erred to in Rule -- 9 and (d) all ot"er papers used at t"e poll6

(2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all 'a2e ade7uate arran3e'ents !or t"e sa!e transport o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine, pac2ets and ot"er papers !or t"eir sa!e custod% until t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e countin3 o! 1otes6 7A. P*o#+' *+ o! %'Bo *!(+!) o5 $o&& 65 (1) I! t"e poll at an% pollin3 station is ad<ourned under su$:rule (1) o! Rule /,, t"e pro1isions

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


o! Rule -/ to -0 s"all, as !ar as practica$le, appl% as i! t"e poll #as closed at t"e "our !i ed in t"at $e"al!6 (2) (a) ."en an ad<ourn'ent o! t"e poll !or t"e nu'$er o! "ours !or #"ic" it #as not "eld on t"e pre1ious occasion is reco''ended under clause !a) o! su$:rule (3) o! Rule /,, t"e electors #"o "a1e alread% 1oted at t"e poll so ad<ourned s"all not $e allo#ed to 1ote a3ain 9
($) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all pro1ide t"e Presidin3 =!!icer o! t"e pollin3 station

at #"ic" suc" ad<ourned poll is "eld, #it" t"e sealed pac2et containin3 t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll, re3ister o! electors in ?or':21 and a ne# 1otin3 'ac"ine 9
(c) T"e Presidin3 =!!icer s"all open t"e sealed pac2et in t"e presence o! t"e pollin3

a3ents present and use t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll !or 'a2in3 t"e na'es o! t"e electors #"o are allo#ed to 1ote at suc" ad<ourned poll 9
(d) T"e pro1isions o! Rules /0 to -0 s"all appl% in relation to t"e conduct o! suc"

ad<ourned poll6 (3) ."en an ad<ourn'ent o! t"e poll !or t"e !ull nu'$er o! "ours is reco''ended under clause !b) o! su$:rule (3) o! Rule /,, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all proceed a!res" under su$:rule (1) o! Rule 3/ and suc" ad<ourned poll s"all $e "eld at t"e pollin3 station concerned in accordance #it" t"e pro1isions o! Rules /0 to -0 in all respects, as i! it #ere $ein3 "eld at suc" pollin3 station !or t"e !irst ti'e 4 Pro1ided t"at t"ere s"all $e no !res" no'ination in t"e cases !allin3 under t"is su$:rule6 .0. :*+s- $o&& "! )-+ #%s+ o5 '+s)* #)"o!, +)#., o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s.1 (1) I! at an% election, (a) an% 1otin3 'ac"ine is used at a pollin3 station or at a place appointed !or countin3 o! 1otes is unla#!ull% ta2en out o! t"e custod% o! t"e Presidin3 =!!icer or t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, or is accidentall% or intentionall% destro%ed or lost or is da'a3ed or ta'pered #it" to suc" an e tent t"at t"e result o! t"e poll at t"at pollin3 station cannot $e ascertained or an% 1otin3 'ac"ine de1elop a 'ec"anical !ailure durin3 t"e course 6o! t"e recordin3 o! 1otes 9 or

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) an% suc" error or irre3ularit% in procedure as is li2el% to 1itiate t"e poll is co''itted at a pollin3 station, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all !ort"#it" report t"e 'atter to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 (2) T"ereupon, t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer s"all, a!ter ta2in3 all 'aterial circu'stances into account, eit"er,
(a) declare t"e poll at t"e pollin3 station to $e void, appoint a da% and !i t"e "ours

!or ta2in3 a !res" poll at t"at pollin3 station and direct t"at t"e da% so appointed and t"e "ours so !i ed $e pu$lis"ed in t"e 'anner laid do#n in clause ($) o! su$:rule (,) o! Rule /,, $esides inti'atin3 t"e contestin3 candidates or t"eir election a3ents9 or
($) i! satis!ied t"at t"e result o! a !res" poll at t"e pollin3 station #ill not in an% #a%

a!!ect t"e result o! t"e election or t"at t"e 'ec"anical !ailure o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine or t"e error or irre3ularit% in procedure is not 'aterial, issue suc" directions to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer as "e 'a% dee' proper !or t"e !urt"er conduct and co'pletion o! t"e election6 (3) T"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules or orders 'ade t"ereunder s"all appl% to e1er% suc" !res" poll as t"e% appl% to t"e ori3inal poll6


.4. A'("ss"o! )o )-+ $&%#+ 5"8+' 5o* #o !)"!/ 65 T"e countin3 o! 1otes s"all ta2e place on t"e da% at t"e place and "our appointed in t"at $e"al!6 T"e 1otes s"all $e counted $% or under t"e super1ision and direction o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6 Eac" contestin3 candidate, "is election a3ent and suc" nu'$er o! "is countin3 a3ents as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, s"all "a1e a ri3"t to $e present at t"e ti'e o! countin36 T"e countin3 a3ents s"all $e appointed in #ritin3 $% t"e candidate or "is election a3ent in ?or':2,6 No ot"er person s"all $e allo#ed to $e present, e cept 5 (a) suc" persons "ereina!ter re!erred to as t"e 8Countin3 &uper1isors8 and t"e 8Countin3 )ssistants8 #"o' t"e Returnin3 =!!icer 'a% appoint to assist "i' in countin3 o! 1otes9 ($) pu$lic ser1ants on dut% in connection #it" t"e elections 9 and

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(c) suc" persons as 'a% $e aut"orised $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 No person #"o "as $een e'plo%ed $% or on $e"al! o! an% candidate !or an% purpose #"atsoe1er connected #it" t"e election s"all $e appointed to assist in countin3 t"e 1otes6 M%"!)+!%!#+ o5 s+#*+#, o5 ?o)"!/.3 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, $e!ore "e co''ences to count t"e 1otes, read t"e pro1isions o! t"e )ct relatin3 to t"e 'aintenance o! secrec% o! elections to suc" persons as 'a% $e present6

Co !)"!/ o5 $os)%& 7%&&o) $%$+*s %!' s#* )"!, %!' o$+!"!/ o5 7%&&o) 7o8+s.3 (1) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, !irst, deal #it" t"e postal $allot papers recei1ed $% "i' #it"in t"e ti'e prescri$ed t"ere!or, as speci!ied $elo# 4:

(a) No outer co1er re!erred to in Rule /0 recei1ed $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer a!ter t"e

e pir% o! t"e ti'e !i ed in t"at $e"al! s"all $e opened and no 1ote contained in an% suc" co1er s"all $e counted 9
($) T"e outer co1ers s"all $e opened one a!ter anot"er and t"e election dut%

certi!icates and declarations under Rule /0 contained t"erein s"all $e collected to3et"er, counted and sealed in a separate pac2et 9
(c) T"e en1elopes containin3 t"e 'ar2ed $allot papers s"all, t"en, $e opened one

a!ter anot"er and t"e 1otes counted6 I! t"e declaration is not !ound or "as not $een dul% si3ned or is ot"er#ise su$stantiall% de!ecti1e, t"at en1elope s"all not $e opened and a!ter 'a2in3 an appropriate endorse'ent t"ereon, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all re<ect t"e $allot paper contained t"erein6
(2) T"e $allot $o es relatin3 to eac" o! t"e pollin3 stations s"all, t"en, $e ta2en up !or

countin36 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer 'a%, in "is discretion, "a1e t"e $allot $o es used at 'ore t"an one pollin3 station opened and t"eir contents counted si'ultaneousl%6
(3) He!ore an% $allot $o is opened at a countin3 ta$le, t"e countin3 a3ents present at

t"at ta$le s"all $e allo#ed to inspect t"e paper seal and ot"er seals on t"e $allot $o , and satis!% t"e'sel1es t"at t"e% are intact6
(2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all satis!% "i'sel! t"at none o! t"e $allot $o es "as, in

!act, $een ta'pered #it"6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(/) I! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer is satis!ied t"at an% $allot $o "as, in !act, $een ta'pered

#it", "e s"all not count t"e $allot papers contained in t"at $o and s"all !ollo# t"e procedure laid do#n in Rule // in respect o! t"at pollin3 station6
(/) (a)I! a !res" poll is "eld under Rule //, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, a!ter co'pletion

o! t"at poll, re:co''ence t"e countin3 o! 1otes on t"e date, at t"e ti'e and place #"ic" "a1e $een !i ed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer in t"at $e"al! and o! #"ic" notice "as $een pre1iousl% 3i1en to t"e contestin3 candidates and t"eir election a3ents6 ($) T"e pro1ision o! t"is Part s"all appl%, so !ar as 'a% $e, to suc" !urt"er countin36
(6) @e s"all 1eri!% t"e $allot paper account su$'itted $% t"e Presidin3 =!!icer under

su$:rule (,) (a) o! Rule /66

(-) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all allo# t"e candidates and t"eir a3ents reasona$le

opportunities to inspect, #it"out "andlin3, all $allot papers #"ic", in "is opinion, are lia$le to $e re<ected under Rule 0/6 @e s"all endorse on e1er% $allot paper #"ic" "e re<ects, t"e letter IRA and t"e 3round o! re<ection in a$$re1iated !or' eit"er in "is o#n "and#ritin3 or $% 'eans o! a ru$$er sta'p and s"all initial suc" endorse'ent6 .E. D+s)* #)"o! o* &oss o5 7%&&o) $%$+*s %) )-+ )"(+ o5 #o !)"!/65(1) I! at an% ti'e $e!ore t"e countin3 o! 1otes is co'pleted, $allot papers used at a pollin3 station are unla#!ull% ta2en out o! t"e custod% o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer or accidentall% or intentionall% destro%ed or lost or da'a3ed or ta'pered #it" to suc" an e tent t"at t"e result o! t"e poll o! t"at pollin3 station cannot $e ascertained, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all !ort"#it" report t"e 'atter to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6 (2) T"ereupon, t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer s"all, a!ter ta2in3 all 'aterial circu'stances into account, eit"er : (a) direct t"at t"e countin3 o! 1otes s"all $e stopped, declare t"e poll at t"e pollin3 station to $e void, appoint t"e date and !i t"e "our !or ta2in3 a !res" poll at t"at pollin3 station and noti!% t"e date so appointed and "our so !i ed in suc" 'anner as "e 'a% dee' !it, or

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) i! satis!ied t"at t"e outco'e o! a !res" poll at t"at pollin3 station #ill not, in an% #a%, a!!ect t"e result o! t"e election, t"e &tate Election Co''ission or t"e &tate Election =!!icer s"all issue suc" direction to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer as "e 'a% dee' proper !or resu'ption and co'pletion o! t"e countin3 and !or t"e !urt"er conduct and co'pletion o! t"e election in relation to #"ic" t"e 1otes "a1e $een counted6 (3) T"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules s"all appl% to e1er% suc" !res" poll as t"e% appl% to t"e ori3inal poll6 .=. R+B+#)"o! o5 7%&&o) $%$+*s.3 (1) ) $allot paper s"all $e re<ected 5
(a) i! it $ears an% 'ar2 or #ritin3 $% #"ic" t"e elector can $e identi!ied, or ($) i! no 1ote is recorded t"ereon, or it $ears a 'ar2 'ade ot"er#ise t"an #it" t"e

instru'ent supplied !or t"e purpose, or

(c) i! 1otes are 3i1en on it in !a1our o! 'ore candidates t"an one, or (d) i! t"e 'ar2 indicatin3 t"e 1ote t"ereon is placed in suc" 'anner as to 'a2e it

dou$t!ul to #"ic" candidate t"e 1ote "as $een 3i1en, or

(e) i! it is a spurious $allot paper, or (!) i! it is so da'a3ed or 'utilated t"at its identit% as a 3enuine $allot paper cannot

$e esta$lis"ed, or
(3) i! it $ears a serial nu'$er, or is o! a desi3n, di!!erent !ro' t"e serial nu'$ers or,

desi3n, as t"e case 'a% $e, o! t"e $allot paper aut"orised !or use at t"e particular pollin3 station, or
(a) i! it does not $ear t"e distin3uis"in3 'ar2 and F or t"e si3nature o! t"e Presidin3

=!!icer #"ic" it s"ould "a1e $orne under t"e pro1isions o! su$:rule (1) o! Rule ,* or t"e letters 8E(C8under t"e su$:rule (1) o! Rule /0, or
(") i! it is not t"e rele1ant $allot paper 4

Pro1ided t"at #"ere t"e Returnin3 =!!icer is satis!ied t"at an% suc" de!ect as is 'entioned in clause (3) or clause (") "as $een caused $% an%

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


'ista2e or !ailure on t"e part o! a Presidin3 =!!icer, t"e $allot paper s"all not $e re<ected 'erel% on t"e 3round o! suc" de!ect4 Pro1ided !urt"er t"at a $allot paper s"all not $e re<ected 'erel% on t"e 3round t"at t"e 'ar2 indicatin3 t"e 1ote is not distinct or 'ade 'ore t"an once, i! t"e intention t"at t"e 1ote s"all $e !or a particular candidate clearl% appears !ro' t"e #a%, t"e paper is 'ar2ed6
(2) )ll $allot papers re<ected under t"is rule s"all $e 'ade into a separate $undle6 (3) T"e decision o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer under t"is rule s"all $e !inal, su$<ect onl% to

t"e decision o! t"e co'petent Court on an election petition6 .6. Co !)"!/ o5 ?%&"' ?o)+s65 (1) T"e 1ote recorded in e1er% $allot paper #"ic" is not re<ected under Rule 0/ s"all $e counted4 Pro1ided t"at no co1er containin3 t"e tendered $allot papers s"all $e opened and no 1ote recorded in suc" paper s"all $e counted6
(2) )!ter t"e countin3 o! t"e 1otes recorded in all $allot papers contained in all $allot

$o es "as $een co'pleted, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6 s"all "a1e t"e result o! suc" countin3 entered in Part II o! ?or':20 and it s"all $e si3ned $% t"e Countin3 &uper1isor and t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, 'a2e t"e entries relatin3 t"ereto in a result s"eet in ?or':2/6
(3) T"e 1alid $allot papers !ound in all t"e $allot $o es as #ell as t"e 1alid 1otes

re!erred to in clause (c) o! su$:rule (1) o! Rule 03 s"all, t"erea!ter, $e $undled to3et"er, and 2ept alon3 #it" t"e $undle o! re<ected $allot papers in a separate pac2et #"ic" s"all $e sealed and on #"ic" s"all $e recorded t"e !ollo#in3 particulars, na'el%4
(a) t"e na'e o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or

Corporation and Nu'$er o! t"e #ard9

(a) t"e particulars o! t"e Pollin3 &tation #"ere t"e $allot papers "a1e $een used 9

($) t"e date o! countin36

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


.7. Co !)"!/ )o 7+ #o!)"! o s.3 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, as !ar as practica$le, proceed continuousl% #it" t"e countin3 and s"all durin3 an% inter1al #"en t"e countin3 "as to $e suspended, 2eep t"e $allot papers, pac2ets and all ot"er papers relatin3 to elections sealed #it" "is o#n seal and t"e seals o! suc" candidates or election a3ents as 'a% desire to a!!i t"eir seals and ta2e su!!icient precaution !or t"eir sa!e custod% durin3 suc" inter1al6 ... R+#o !) o5 ?o)+s.3 (1) )!ter t"e co'pletion o! t"e countin3 and recordin3 in :o*(1 2=, t"e total nu'$er o! 1otes polled $% eac" candidate under su$:rule (2) o! Rule 06, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all announce t"e sa'e6 )!ter suc" announce'ent and $e!ore t"e declaration o! t"e result o! t"e election, a contestin3 candidate or, in "is a$sence, "is election a3ent, 'a% appl% in #ritin3 to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer !or a recount o! all or an% o! t"e 1otes alread% counted statin3 t"e 3rounds on #"ic" "e de'ands suc" recount6 (2) =n suc" application $ein3 'ade, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all decide t"e 'atter and 'a% allo# t"e application in #"ole, or in part, or 'a% re<ect it in toto i! it appears to "i' to $e !ri1olous or unreasona$le6 (3) E1er% decision o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer under su$:rule (2) s"all $e in #ritin3 and contain t"e reasons t"ere!or6 (,) I! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer decides under su$:rule (2) to allo# an application, eit"er in #"ole or in part, "e s"all
(a) count t"e 1otes a3ain in accordance #it" "is decision 9 ($) a'end t"e result s"eet in ?or':2/ to t"e e tent necessar% a!ter suc" recount 9

(c) announce t"e a'end'ents so 'ade $% "i'6

(/) )!ter t"e total nu'$er o! 1otes polled $% eac" candidate "as $een announced under su$:rule (1) or under su$:rule (,) o! t"is rule, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all co'plete and si3n t"e result s"eet in ?or':2/ and no application !or a recount s"all $e entertained t"erea!ter 4 Pro1ided t"at no step under t"is su$:rule s"all $e ta2en on t"e co'pletion o! t"e countin3 until t"e candidates and t"e election a3ents

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


present at t"e co'pletion t"ereo! "a1e $een 3i1en a reasona$le opportunit% to e ercise t"e ri3"t con!erred $% su$:rule (1) .A. D+#&%*%)"o! o5 *+s &) o5 +&+#)"o!.3 (%) )!ter t"e Returnin3 =!!icer "as co'pleted t"e scrutin% and countin3 o! 1otes, "e s"all declare t"e contestin3 candidate to #"o' t"e lar3est nu'$er o! 1alid 1otes "a1e $een 3i1en as elected and co'plete and certi!% t"e return in :o*(126 and send t"e si3ned cop% t"ereo! to t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e &tate Election =!!icer and t"e (istrict Election =!!icer6
($) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all also !ort"#it" cause to $e a!!i ed a cop% o! t"e

declaration re!erred to in clause (a) in t"e o!!ice o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6
(c) I! t"ere is an e7ualit% o! 1otes $et#een t#o or 'ore contestin3 candidates, and t"e

addition o! one 1ote #ill entitle an% o! t"ese candidates to $e declared elected, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all decide $et#een t"ese candidates $% lot and t"e candidate on #"o' t"e lot !alls s"all $e dee'ed to "a1e recei1ed an additional 1ote6 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, declare t"e result accordin3l%6
(d) )n% contestin3 candidate or "is election a3ent or "is countin3 a3ent, on application,

$e per'itted to ta2e a cop% or an e tract !ro' t"e state'ent in :o*(12=. A0. D"s$os%& o5 7%&&o) $%$+*s65 (1) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, a!ter declarin3 t"e results, retain in "is custod% or cause to $e deposited in t"e custod% o! t"e o!!icer as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, t"e pac2ets o! $allot papers, #"et"er counted, re<ected, cancelled or unused, t"e sealed pac2ets containin3 t"e declaration under su$:rule (2) o! Rule /0 and t"e 'ar2ed cop% o! t"e electoral roll6 T"ese pac2ets s"all not $e opened and t"eir contents s"all not $e inspected or produced e cept under t"e orders o! a co'petent Court6 (2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer or t"e o!!icer speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission under su$:rule (1) s"all retain t"e pac2ets and t"e 'ar2ed copies o! t"e electoral roll !or si 'ont"s and s"all, t"erea!ter, unless ot"er#ise directed $% a co'petent Court, cause t"e' to $e destro%ed6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


A4. P 7&"#%)"o! o5 )-+ !%(+s o5 s ##+ss5 & #%!'"'%)+s65 T"e na'es o! t"e candidate

dul% elected s"all $e !or#arded, i''ediatel% a!ter t"e declaration o! results in ?or':2- $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, to t"e Go1ern'ent, t"e &tate Election Co''ission and also to t"e &tate Election =!!icer in t"e case o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit%6 T"e &tate Election =!!icer in t"e case o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit%, and t"e ,&tate Election Co''ission in t"e case o! Corporation s"all arran3e to pu$lis" t"e sa'e in t"e Ta'il Nadu Go1ern'ent GaDette in a consolidated !or' and s"all also arran3e to pu$lis" on t"e notice $oard o! t"e o!!ice o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6
A2. Co !)"!/ o5 ?o)+s >-+*+ +&+#)*o!"# ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s -%?+ 7++! s+'.3 In relation

to countin3 o! 1otes at a pollin3 station, #"ere 1otin3 'ac"ine "as $een used,5 (i) t"e pro1isions o! Rules 01, 02 and in lieu o! su$:rules (2), (3), (,), (/), (-), (0) o! Rule 03 and Rules 0/ and 06, t"e !ollo#in3 rules s"all appl%, na'el% 4: A21A. S#* )"!, %!' "!s$+#)"o! o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s65 !a) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer 'a% "a1e t"e control units o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ines used at 'ore t"an one pollin3 station ta2en up !or scrutin% and inspection and 1otes recorded in suc" units counted si'ultaneousl%6
($) He!ore t"e 1otes recorded in an% control unit o! a 1otin3 'ac"ines are counted

under su$:rule (a), t"e candidate or "is election a3ent or "is countin3 a3ent present at t"e countin3 ta$le s"all $e allo#ed to inspect t"e paper seal and suc" ot"er 1ital seals as 'i3"t "a1e $een a!!i ed on t"e unit and to satis!% t"e'sel1es t"at t"e seals are intact6
($) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all satis!% "i'sel! t"at none o! t"e 1otin3 'ac"ine "as,

in !act, $een ta'pered #it"6

(c) I! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer is satis!ied t"at an% 1otin3 'ac"ine "as, in !act, $een

ta'pered #it", "e s"all not count t"e 1otes recorded in t"at 'ac"ine and s"all !ollo# t"e procedure laid do#n in Rule 00 or Rule 0,, as 'a% $e applica$le, in respect o! t"e pollin3 station #"ere t"at 'ac"ine #as used6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


A21AA. Co !)"!/ o5 ?o)+s.3 (1) )!ter t"e Returnin3 =!!icer is satis!ied t"at a 1otin3 'ac"ine "as, in !act, not $een ta'pered #it", "e s"all "a1e t"e 1otes recorded t"erein counted $% pressin3 t"e appropriate $utton 'ar2ed 8Result8 pro1ided in t"e control unit #"ere$% t"e total 1otes polled and 1otes polled $% eac" candidate s"all $e displa%ed in respect o! eac" suc" candidate on t"e displa% panel pro1ided !or t"e purpose in t"e unit6 (2)6)s t"e 1otes polled $% eac" candidate are displa%ed on t"e control unit, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all "a1e,
(a) t"e nu'$er o! suc" 1otes recorded separatel% in respect o! eac" candidate in

Part:II o! :o*(123@
($) Part:II o! :o*(:23 co'pleted in ot"er respects and si3ned $% t"e Countin3

&uper1isor and also $% t"e candidates or t"eir election a3ents or t"eir countin3 a3ents present9
(a) correspondin3 entries 'ade in t"e result s"eet in ?or':2/9 (c) t"e nu'$er o! 1alid 1otes re!erred t"in clause (c) o! su$:rule (1) o! Rule 03 in

respect o! eac" candidate entered in t"e result s"eet in ?or':2/ 9

(d) t"e co1er containin3 t"e tendered $allot papers not opened and counted $ut

nu'$er o! tendered 1otes entered in t"e result s"eet in ?or':2/9 and

($) t"e result in ?or':2/ co'pleted and t"e particulars so entered in t"e result s"eet

announced6 A2:AAA. S+%&"!/ o5 ?o)"!/ (%#-"!+s.3 (1) )!ter t"e result o! 1otin3 recorded in a control unit "as $een ascertained candidate:#ise and entered in Part:II o! :o*(:23 and ?or':2/ under Rule *2:)), t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all re:seal t"e unit #it" "is seal and t"e seals o! suc" o! t"e candidates or t"eir election a3ents present #"o 'a% desire to a!!i t"eir seals t"ereon so "o#e1er t"at t"e result o! 1otin3 recorded in t"e unit is not o$literated and t"e unit retains t"e 'e'or% o! suc" result6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(2) T"e control unit so sealed s"all $e 2ept in speciall% prepared $o es on #"ic" t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all record t"e !ollo#in3 particulars, na'el% 45 (i) (a) t"e na'e o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation and nu'$er o! t"e #ard 9
($) t"e particulars o! pollin3 station or pollin3 stations #"ere t"e control unit "as

$een used 9
(c) serial nu'$er o! t"e control unit 9 (d) date o! poll 9 and (e) date o! countin3 9 and

(ii) t"e pro1isions o! su$:rule (6) o! Rule 03, Rules 0-, 00, 0* and *1 s"all, so !ar as 'a%$e, appl% in relation to 1otin3 $% 1otin3 'ac"ines and an% re!erence in t"ose rules to,
(a) $allot paper s"all $e construed:as includin3 a re!erence to suc" 1otin3

'ac"ine 9 and
(a) an% rule s"all $e construed as a re!erence to t"e correspondin3 rule in Part +I

or, as t"e case 'a% $e, to Rule *2:) or *2:)) or *2:)))6 :"8"!/ o)-+* '%)+s o5 +&+#)"o! 5o* s$+#"%& *+%so!s.5Not#it"standin3 an%t"in3 contained in t"e !ore3oin3 rules, t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a%, !or special reasons, e'po#er t"e &tate Election =!!icer to !i dates and periods ot"er t"an t"ose noti!ied earlier under t"ese rules, !or all or an% o! t"e sta3es o! an% election under t"e )ct 4

Pro1ided t"at $e!ore !i in3 a re1ised date or dates !or poll, t"e &tate Election Co''ission s"all consult t"e Go1ern'ent6 PART1DIII ELECTION O: CHAIRMAN, DICE1CHAIRMAN, MAYOR, DEPUTY MAYOR, MEM6ERS O: THE STATUTORY COMMITTEES AND CHAIRMAN O: WARDS COMMITTEE E&+#)"o! o5 C-%"*(%!, D"#+1C-%"*(%!, M%,o* %!' D+$ ), M%,o*.3 T"e C"air'an and +ice:C"air'an o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipal Council or Ma%or, (eput% Ma%or o! t"e Corporation Council s"all $e elected $% and !ro' a'on3 t"e Councillors o! t"e #ards o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, in t"e 'anner prescri$ed in t"ese rules at a 'eetin3 speciall% con1ened $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer4 Pro1ided t"at #"ere t"e o!!ice o! t"e Ma%or or C"air'an o! a Council is reser1ed !or persons $elon3in3 to &c"eduled Castes or &c"eduled Tri$es, and F or !or #o'en under t"e pro1isions o! t"e )ct (s), onl% persons $elon3in3 to t"at cate3or% s"all $e eli3i$le to stand !or election !or suc" o!!ice4 Pro1ided !urt"er t"at no suc" reser1ation "as $een 'ade, not"in3 contained in t"e a$o1e pro1iso s"all $e dee'ed to pre1ent an% Me'$er $elon3in3 to &c"eduled Castes or &c"eduled Tri$es or #o'en o! a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, !ro' standin3 !or election as C"air'an or Ma%or6 E&+#)"o! o5 M+(7+*s o5 S)%) )o*, Co(("))++65 T"e Me'$ers o! t"e Ta ation )ppeals Co''ittee or t"e Contract Co''ittee or t"e )ppoint'ent Co''ittee or &tandin3 Co''ittees constituted under t"e rele1ant sections o! t"e )ct, s"all $e elected $% and !ro' a'on3 t"e elected Councillors o! t"e #ard in t"e 'anner prescri$ed in t"ese rules at an election 'eetin3 speciall% con1ened !or t"is purpose6
*/6 */6 E&+#)"o! o5 C-%"*(%! o5 W%*'s Co(("))++.1 T"e C"air'an o! t"e .ards

Co''ittee s"all $e elected $% and !ro' a'on3 t"e elected Councillors o! t"e #ards co'in3 under t"e <urisdiction o! t"e .ards Co''ittee in t"e 'anner prescri$ed in t"ese rules at an election 'eetin3 speciall% con1ened !or t"is purpose6
A=. D+)+*("!%)"o! o5 ! (7+* o5 M+(7+*s o5 )-+ S)%) )o*, Co(("))++ )o 7+ +&+#)+'.

3 T"e nu'$er o! 'e'$ers to $e elected to eac" one o! t"e &tatutor% Co''ittees, s"all $e as laid do#n in t"e rele1ant sections o! t"e )ct6 Place o5 (++)"!/ 5o* )-+ election65 T"e election o! t"e C"air'an and +ice: C"air'an o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipal Council or Ma%or and (eput% Ma%or o! t"e

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Corporation or t"e election o! Me'$ers o! &tatutor% Co''ittee or t"e election o! C"air'an o! .ards Co''ittee s"all $e "eld in t"e o!!ice o! t"e concerned To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation #"ere t"e 'eetin3s o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation Council are, ordinaril%, "eld6 AA. Co!?+!"!/ %!' $*+s"'"!/ o?+* )-+ (++)"!/ 5o* +&+#)"o!.3(4) T"e 'eetin3 !or election o! C"air'an and +ice:C"air'an o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or o! t"e Ma%or and (eput% Ma%or o! t"e Corporation or Me'$ers o! t"e &tatutor% Co''ittee or C"air'an o! t"e .ards Co''ittee s"all $e con1ened, presided o1er and conducted $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6
(2) In t"e case o! an election to !ill an ordinar% 1acanc% o! C"air'an or +ice:C"air'an

o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Ma%or or (eput% Ma%or o! t"e Corporation, suc" 'eetin3 s"all $e con1ened on t"e date to $e !i ed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6
(3) In t"e case o! ordinar% 1acanc% o! Me'$ers o! &tatutor% Co''ittees, or C"air'an

o! t"e .ards Co''ittee, suc" 'eetin3 s"all $e con1ened #it"in t"irt% da%s !ro' t"e date o! reconstitution o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, on t"e date to $e !i ed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6
(,) In t"e case o! an election to !ill a casual 1acanc%, suc" 'eetin3 s"all $e con1ened

#it"in si t% da%s o! t"e date o! t"e occurrence o! suc" 1acanc% or on t"e date to $e !i ed $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6
(/) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all 3i1e notice o! t"e da%, "our and place o! t"e 'eetin3 at

least se1en clear da%s prior to t"e date o! 'eetin36

(6) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all not start t"e process o! election unless t"ere $e present

a 'a<orit% o! t"e elected 'e'$ers t"en on t"e Council or .ards Co''ittee, as t"e case 'a% $e6 Pro1ided t"at t"is su$:rule s"all not appl%, i! t"e process o! election could not $e started at t"ree consecuti1e 'eetin3s !or #ant o! suc" 'a<orit%

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Explanation. T"e e pression "members' re!erred to in t"is rule and in t"e Rules 100 to 11/ "ereina!ter occurrin3 in t"ese rules, s"all 'ean, t"e elected Councillors6 400. P*+s+!)%)"o! o5 !o("!%)"o!65 (1) E1er% no'ination !or election under t"is Part s"all $e in ?or':206 T"e no'ination paper 'ust $e si3ned $% t#o 'e'$ers present at t"e 'eetin3 as proposer and seconder and deli1ered to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6 T"e no'ination s"all also contain a declaration in #ritin3 e pressin3 t"e candidateAs #illin3ness to $e elected under t"ese rules and si3ned $% t"e candidate6 )ll t"e no'inations #"ic" are dul% proposed, seconded and acco'panied #it" t"e declaration a!oresaid, !iled, and !ound 1alid s"all $e accepted6 T"e no'inations #"ic" are not !ound 1alid s"all $e re<ected6 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all record in #ritin3 "is reason !or suc" re<ection6
(2) ."ere t"e =!!ice o! t"e C"air'an or Ma%or is reser1ed under t"e pro1isions o! t"e

)ct(s) to persons $elon3in3 to &c"eduled Caste or &c"eduled Tri$e, t"e candidate s"all 3i1e in #ritin3 a !urt"er declaration t"at "e or s"e $elon3s to t"e &c"eduled Caste or &c"eduled Tri$e, as t"e case 'a% $e6
(2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all 2eep a record o! t"e na'es o! all t"e 1alidl% no'inated

candidates so proposed and seconded6 T"e na'es o! all candidates #"o "a1e $een proposed and seconded s"all $e read $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer to t"e "earin3 o! all 'e'$ers present at t"e 'eetin36 1016 D+#&%*%)"o! o5 *+s &) o5 +&+#)"o! >-+! )-+*+ "s !o #o!)+st65(1) (a) In case o! an election under t"is Part, #"ere t"ere is onl% one candidate 1alidl% no'inated, t"ere s"all $e no $allot and t"e candidate s"all $e declared to "a1e $een dul% elected6 ($) In t"e case o! election o! 'e'$ers o! &tatutor% Co''ittee, i! t"e nu'$er o! candidates re!erred to in su$:rule (3) o! Rule 100 is e7ual to or less t"an t"e nu'$er o! co''ittee 'e'$ers to $e elected, t"ere s"all $e no $allot and all t"e candidates s"all $e declared to "a1e $een dul% elected6 (2) ."en no no'ination is presented #it"in a reasona$le ti'e a!ter t"e co''ence'ent o! t"e 'eetin3, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all ta2e necessar% !urt"er action !or t"e "oldin3 o! a !res" 'eetin3 !or t"e

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


election in accordance #it" t"ese rules6 @e s"all also report t"e !act to t"e &tate Election Co''ission and also to t"e &tate Election =!!icer in t"e case o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit%, as t"e case 'a% $e6
402. P*o#+' *+ o5 +&+#)"o! >-+! )-+*+ "s #o!)+s).3 (a) In t"e case o! an election under

t"is Part, #"ere t"e nu'$er o! candidates is 'ore t"an one, t"e 1otes o! t"e 'e'$ers present at t"e 'eetin3 s"all $e ta2en $% secret $allot in t"e 'anner laid do#n in t"e !ollo#in3 rules ($) In t"e case o! election o! 'e'$ers o! t"e &tatutor% Co''ittee, i! t"e nu'$er o! candidates re!erred to in su$:rule (3) o! Rule 100 is 'ore t"an t"e nu'$er o! 'e'$ers to $e elected, t"e 1otes o! t"e 'e'$ers present at t"e 'eetin3 s"all $e ta2en $% secret $allot in t"e 'anner laid do#n in t"e !ollo#in3 rules6
1026 A**%!/+(+!) o5 ?o)"!/ #o($%*)(+!)65 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all pro1ide, in

t"e place #"ere t"e 'eetin3 is "eld, a 1otin3 co'part'ent in #"ic" t"e 'e'$ers present at t"e 'eetin3 can record t"eir 1otes screened !ro' o$ser1ation o! all ot"ers6
402. 6%&&o) 7o865 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all also place a $allot $o !or t"e receipt o!

$allot papers in !ull 1ie# o! t"e 'e'$ers present at t"e 'eetin36 T"e $allot $o s"all $e so constructed t"at t"e $allot papers can $e inserted t"erein $ut cannot $e #it"dra#n t"ere!ro' #it"out t"e $o $ein3 unloc2ed or opened6
403. P*+$%*%)"o! o5 7%&&o) 7o8.3 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, i''ediatel% $e!ore t"e

1otes are ta2en, de'onstrate to suc" 'e'$ers as 'a% $e present t"at t"e $allot $o is e'pt%, loc2 it up, and place a seal upon it in suc" a 'anner as to pre1ent its $ein3 opened #it"out $rea2in3 t"e seal6
402. P*+$%*%)"o! %!' "ss + o5 7%&&o) $%$+*s.3 (1) E1er% 'e'$er present at t"e 'eetin3

#is"in3 to 1ote s"all $e supplied #it" a $allot paper in ?or':2*6 E1er% $allot paper s"all $e o! identical colour and siDe on #"ic" t"e na'es o! all t"e candidates and t"e nu'$er o! t"e #ard o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation !ro' #"ic" t"e% are elected s"all $e le3i$l% #ritten or t%pe#ritten in Ta'il in t"e order o! Ta'il alp"a$et6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(2) T"e $allot paper s"all $e assi3ned serial nu'$ers and si3ned $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer at t"e appropriate place and also on t"e re1erse side $e!ore $ein3 "anded o1er to t"e 'e'$ers, !or 1otin36 407. Do)"!/ $*o#+' *+.3 E1er% 'e'$er s"all, on recei1in3 t"e $allot paper, proceed to t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent !or t"e purpose o! recordin3 "is 1ote or 1otes, and put a 'ar2 on it #it" t"e "elp o! t"e instru'ent pro1ided !or t"is purpose $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer, on t"e $allot paper a3ainst t"e na'e or na'es o! t"e candidate or candidates !or #"o' "e #is"es to 1ote6 @e s"all, $e!ore 7uittin3 t"e 1otin3 co'part'ent !old up t"e $allot paper so as to conceal t"e 'ar2 and put t"e $allot paper so !olded, into t"e $allot ,$o in t"e presence o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer6
40.. A**%!/+(+!)s )o +!s *+ s+#*+#, o5 7%&&o).3 T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all cause

suc" arran3e'ents to $e 'ade as #ill ensure t"e secrec% o! t"e $allot and pre1ent t"e 'e'$ers #"o "a1e alread% 1oted, !ro' 1otin3 !or t"e second ti'e and also !ro' "a1in3 access to t"e 'e'$ers #"o are %et to 1ote6
40A. R+#o*'"!/ o5 ?o)+s o5 "&&")+*%)+, 7&"!' o* "!5"*( ?o)+*s.3(4) I!, o#in3 to illiterac%

or $lindness or ot"er p"%sical in!ir'it%, a 'e'$er is una$le to read t"e $allot paper and 'a2e a 'ar2 t"ereon and applies !or assistance in doin3 so, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all record t"e 1ote or 1otes in t"e $allot paper in accordance #it" t"e #is"es o! t"e 'e'$er and !old it so as to conceal t"e 1ote6 T"e 'e'$er s"all, t"en, "i'sel! or #it" t"e assistance o! t"e Returnin3 =!!icer insert t"e $allot paper into t"e $allot $o 6 (2) ."ile actin3 under t"is rule, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all o$ser1e as 'uc" secrec% as is !easi$le and s"all 2eep a $rie! record o! eac" instance $ut s"all not indicate t"erein !or #"o' an% 1ote "as $een 3i1en6
1006 Co !)"!/ o5 ?o)+s.3 )!ter t"e 1otin3 $% t"e 'e'$ers is o1er, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer

s"all open t"e $allot $o in t"e presence o! t"e 'e'$ers present, ta2e out t"e $allot papers t"ere!ro' and record t"e nu'$er o! 1otes o$tained $% eac" candidate in a state'ent6
40.. I!?%&"' $allot papers65 ) $allot paper s"all $e in1alid,

(a) i! no 1ote is recorded t"ereon 9 or

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) i! t"e 1ote is so recorded, as to render it dou$t!ul to #"ic" candidate it is

intended to appl% 9 or
(c) i! t"e 'ar2 indicatin3 t"e 1ote t"ereon is placed in suc" a 'anner as to 'a2e it dou$t!ul to #"ic" candidate t"e 1ote "as $een 3i1en 9 or (d) i! t"e 1otes are recorded in !a1our o! 'ore candidates t"an t"e nu'$er o!

'e'$ers to $e elected in t"e case o! election o! 'e'$ers o! &tatutor% Co''ittee 9 or

(e) i! so'e 'ar2 ot"er t"an t"e one aut"orised, is recorded to t"e na'e o! a

candidate9 or
(!) i! an% 'ar2 is 'ade $% #"ic" t"e 'e'$er 'a%, a!ter#ards, $e identi!ied 9 or (3) i! t"e 'ar2 "as $een 'ade $% an% instru'ent ot"er t"an t"e one pro1ided !or t"is

purpose under Rule 10-6 442. D+#&%*%)"o! o5 *+s &) o5 +&+#)"o!.3 (1) (a) In t"e case o! election under t"is Part, i! t"e nu'$er o! candidates is t#o, t"e candidate #"o o$tains t"e lar3est nu'$er o! 1otes s"all $e declared to "a1e $een6 dul% elected6 In t"e e1ent o! t"ere $ein3 an e7ualit% o! 1otes $et#een t"e t#o candidates and t"e addition o! one 1ote to an% one o! suc" candidates #ill entitle "i' to $e declared dul% elected, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all dra# a lot in t"e presence o! t"e 'e'$ers present and t"e candidate #"ose na'e is dra#n s"all $e dee'ed to "a1e t"e additional 1ote and s"all $e declared to "a1e $een dul% elected6 ($) I! t"e nu'$er o! candidates is t"ree and i! an% one o! t"e' secures 'ore t"an one:"al! o! t"e total nu'$er o! 1otes polled, "e s"all $e declared to "a1e $een dul% elected6 I! none o! t"e' secures 'ore t"an one:"al! o! t"e nu'$er o! 1otes polled, t"e candidate #"o o$tains t"e lesser nu'$er o! 1otes s"all $e eli'inated and second $allot ta2en6 In t"e e1ent o! t"ere $ein3 an e7ualit% o! 1otes a'on3 t"e t"ree candidates, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all dra# lots in t"e presence o! t"e 'e'$ers present and t"e candidates #"ose na'es are !irst and second dra#n s"all $e retained and a second $allot ta2en6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(c) I! t"ere is an e7ualit% o! 1otes $et#een t#o candidates and i! t"e t"ird candidate

secures a lesser nu'$er o! 1otes, "e s"all $e eli'inated and a second $allot ta2en6 I! t"ere is an e7ualit% o! 1otes $et#een t#o candidates and i! t"e t"ird candidate secures a lar3e nu'$er o! 1otes t"an t"e t#o, a lot s"all $e dra#n $et#een t"e t#o candidates #"o "ad secured e7ual nu'$er o! 1otes and t"e candidate #"ose na'e is !irst dra#n s"all $e retained and second $allot t62en $et#een "i' and t"e t"ird candidate6
(d) I! t"e nu'$er o! candidates is 'ore t"an t"ree and i! an% o! t"e candidates

secures 'ore t"an one:"al! o! t"e nu'$er o! 1otes polled, "e s"all $e declared to "a1e $een dul% elected6 I! none o! t"e candidates secures 'ore t"an one:"al! o! t"e nu'$er o! 1otes polled, t"e !irst candidate #"o secures t"e lar3est nu'$er o! 1otes and t"e second candidate #"o secures t"e ne t lar3er nu'$er o! 1otes s"all $e retained : and t"e ot"er candidates eli'inated and a second $allot ta2en6 (e)In ot"er cases, t"e principle enunciated in clause ($) a$o1e s"all $e adopted till t"ere re'ain t#o candidates in t"e !ield6 (2) In case o! election o! 'e'$ers o! &tatutor% Co''ittee, a!ter t"e countin3 o! 1otes "as $een co'pleted9 t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all dra# a list o! contestin3 candidates arran3ed in descendin3 order o! 1otes secured $% t"e'6 @e s"all, t"en, declares as 'an% candidates !ro' t"e top o! t"e list as t"ere are 1acancies to $e !illed up as dul% elected6 "t t"e e1ent o! t"ere $ein3 an e7ualit% o! 1otes $et#een an% t#o candidates, and t"e addition o! one 1ote to an%one o! suc" candidates #ill entitle "i'G to $e declared dul% elected, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all dra# a lot in t"e presence o! t"e 'e'$ers, and t"e candidate #"ose na'e is !irst dra#n s"all $e dee'ed to "a1e secured one additional 1ote and s"all $e declared elected6 443. D )"+s o5 )-+ R+) *!"!/ O55"#+* %5)+* #o($&+)"o! o5 ?o)"!/.1 (1) I''ediatel% a!ter t"e 'eetin3, t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all (a) prepare a record o! t"e proceedin3s o! t"e 'eetin3 and si3n it, attestin3 #it" "is initials on:e1er% correction 'ade t"erein and also per'it an% 'e'$er present at t"e 'eetin3 to a!!i "is si3nature to suc" record, i! "e e presses "is desire to do so 9

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) send a report o! t"e result o! t"e election to t"e &tate6 Election Co''ission and

also to t"e &tate Election =!!icer in t"e case o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% and to suc" ot"er o!!icers or aut"orities as 'a% $e speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission9
(c) pu$lis" a list si3ned $% "i' statin3 t"e na'e o! t"e person elected on t"e notice,

$oard o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e6 (2) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all !or#ard a cop% o! t"e list re!erred to in t"e clause (c) o! su$:rule (1), to t"e &tate Election Co''ission and : also to t"e &tate Election =!!icer in t"e case o! To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit%6 T"e &tate Election Co''ission and t"e &tate Election =!!icer s"all co'pile and send it to t"e (irector o! &tationer% and Printin3, C"ennai !or pu$lication in a consolidated !or' o! t"e na'es o! persons elected under t"is Part, as soon as practica$le, in t"e Ta'il Nadu Go1ern'ent GaDette6 44E. P%#;"!/ %!' s+%&"!/ o5 7%&&o) $%$+*s65 (1) T"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all, t"en, $undle t"e $allot papers and all ot"er records into a separate pac2et, seal t"e pac2et and note t"ereon a $rie! description o! its contents, t"e election to #"ic" it relates and t"e date t"ereo!6
(2) T"ese pac2ets s"all not $e opened and t"eir contents s"all not $e inspected or

produced e cept under t"e orders o! a co'petent Court6

(3) T"ese pac2ets :s"all $e retained in sa!e custod% in t"e =!!ice o! t"e To#n

Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, !or a %ear and s"all, t"en, unless ot"er#ise directed $% a co'petent Court, $e destro%ed6 44=. Po>+*s )o $os)$o!+ o* %'?%!#+ )-+ +&+#)"o!65Not#it"standin3 an%t"in3 contained in t"e !ore3oin3 rules, t"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a%, !or su!!icient reasons, direct, !ro' ti'e to ti'e, t"e postpone'ent o! t"e 'eetin3 !or t"e election under t"is Part, t"e ad1ance'ent t"ereo! or !urt"er postpone'ent o! t"e date so postponed and t"e Returnin3 =!!icer s"all 3i1e e!!ect to suc" direction6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006



446. E&+#)"o! +8$+!s+s.3 (1) E1er% candidate at an election s"all, eit"er $% "i'sel! or $% "is election a3ent, 2eep a separate and correct account o! all e penditure in connection #it" t"e election incurred or aut"orised $% "i' or "is election a3ent $et#een t"e date on #"ic" "e "as $een no'inated and t"e date o! declaration o! t"e result t"ereo!, $ot" da%s inclusi1e6 :: (2) T"e account o! election e penses to $e 2ept $% a candidate or "is election a3ent under su$:rule (1) s"all contain all t"e particulars re7uired and in t"e !or'at speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 (3) I! so directed6 $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, e1er% contestin3 candidate at an election s"all, #it"in t"irt% da%s !ro' t"e date o! declaration o! t"e result o! t"e election, lod3e #it" t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, or to an% ot"er o!!icer speci!ied $% t"e &tate Election Co''ission, an account o! election e penses #"ic" s"all $e a true cop% o! t"e account 2ept $% "i' or $% "is election a3ent under su$:rule (1)6 (,) T"e o!!icer speci!ied in su$:rule (3) s"all, #it"in t#o da%s !ro' t"e date on #"ic" t"e accounts o! election e penses "a1e $een lod3ed $% a candidate or "is election a3ent under su$:rule (3), cause a notice to $e a!!i ed in t"e notice $oard o! "is o!!ice, speci!%in3
(a) ($) (c)

t"e date on #"ic" t"e account "as $een lod3ed 9 t"e na'e o! t"e candidate 9 and t"e ti'e and place at #"ic" suc" account can $e inspected6

(/) )n% person s"all, on pa%'ent o! a !ee o! "undred rupees, $e entitled to o$tain attested copies o! suc" account or o! an% part t"ereo!6 (6) )s soon as possi$le, a!ter t"e e piration o! t"e ti'e speci!ied in su$:rule (3), !or lod3in3 o! an account o! election e penses at an% election, t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


Municipalit% or Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, s"all report to t"e &tate Election Co''ission,5
(a) t"e na'e o! eac" contestin3 candidate 9 ($) #"et"er suc" candidate "as lod3ed "is account o! election e penses, and i! so,

t"e date on #"ic" suc" account "as $een lod3ed 9 and

(c) #"et"er suc" account "as $een lod3ed #it"in t"e ti'e and in t"e 'anner

re7uired $% t"ese rules and orders issued t"ereunder6

(-) ."ere t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit%

or Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, is o! t"e opinion t"at t"e account o! election e penses o! an% candidate "as not $een lod3ed in t"e 'anner re7uired $% t"ese rules or orders issued t"ereunder, "e s"all, #it" e1er% suc" report, !or#ard to t"e &tate Election Co''ission t"e account o! election e penses o! t"at candidate and t"e 1ouc"ers lod3ed alon3 #it" it6
(0) I''ediatel% a!ter t"e su$'ission o! t"e report re!erred to in su$:rule (6), t"e

E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Co''issioner o! Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, s"all pu$lis" a cop% t"ereo! $% a!!i in3 t"e sa'e to t"e notice $oard6
(*) )s soon as possi$le, a!ter t"e receipt o! t"e report re!erred to in su$:rule (-), t"e

&tate Election Co''ission s"all consider t"e sa'e and decide #"et"er an% contestin3 candidate "as !ailed to lod3e "is account o! election e penses #it"in t"e ti'e and t"e 'anner re7uired $% t"ese rules or orders issued t"ereunder4 ."ere t"e &tate Election Co''ission decides t"at a contestin3 candidate "as !ailed to lod3e "is account o! election e penses #it"in t"e ti'e and in t"e 'anner re7uired $% t"ese rules or orders issued t"ereunder, it s"all, $% notice in #ritin3, call upon t"e candidate to s"o# cause as to #"% "e s"ould not $e dis7uali!ied under rele1ant sections o! t"e )cts !or t"e !ailure6
(-) (-) T"e contestin3 candidate #"o "as $een called upon to s"o# cause under su$:rule

(10), 'a%, #it"in t#ent%:one da%s o! t"e receipt o! suc" notice, su$'it in respect o! t"e 'atter a representation in #ritin3 to

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


t"e &tate Election Co''ission and s"all, at t"e sa'e ti'e send to t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a%$e, a cop% o! "is representation to3et"er #it" t"e co'plete account o! "is election e penses, i! "e "ad not alread% !urnis"ed suc" an account6
(12) T"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or

Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, s"all, #it"in !i1e da%s o! t"e receipt t"ereo!, !or#ard to t"e &tate Election Co''ission t"e cop% o! "is representation and account, i! an%, #it" suc" co''ents as "e #is"es to 'a2e t"ereon6
(12) I!, a!ter considerin3 t"e representation su$'itted $% t"e candidates and co''ents

'ade $% t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, as t"e case 'a% $e, and a!ter suc" en7uir% as it t"in2s !it, t"e &tate Election Co''ission is satis!ied t"at t"e candidate "as no 3ood reason or <usti!ication !or t"e !ailure to lod3e "is account #it"in t"e ti'e and in t"e 'anner re7uired $% t"ese rules or orders issued t"ereunder, it s"all, $% order, declare "i' to $e dis7uali!ied under rele1ant sections o! t"e )ct !or $ein3 c"osen as, and !or $ein3 a Councillor or C"airperson or Ma%or, as t"e case 'a% $e, !or a period o! t"ree %ears !ro' t"e date o! t"e order and cause t"e order to $e pu$lis"ed in t"e Ta'il Nadu Go1ern'ent GaDette6
(13) T"e total o! t"e e penditure o! #"ic" account is to $e 2ept under su$:rule (1) and

#"ic" is incurred or aut"orised in connection #it" an election s"all not e ceed t"e a'ount !i ed under Rule 11-6 447. M%8"( ( +&+#)"o! +8$+!s+s65 (1) T"e total e penditure #"ic" can $e incurred or aut"orised in connection #it" an election under t"ese rules s"all not e ceed t"e a'ount 'entioned $elo# 45 Rs6 (a) ?or election as Councillor o! a To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% ($) ?or election as Councillor o! a Municipalit% (&econd and ?irst Grades) 1/,000 -,/00

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(c) ?or election as Councillor o! a Municipalit%


(&election and &pecial Grades)

(d) ?or election as Councillor o! a Corporation


(=t"er t"an Corporation o! C"ennai) (e) ?or election as Councillor o! a Corporation o! C"ennai 3-,/00

(2) )n% candidate, eit"er $% "i'sel! or $% "is election a3ent, #"o "as e ceeded t"e a'ount 'entioned a$o1e or #"o "as not 2ept a separate and correct account o! all e penditure in connection #it" t"e elections as speci!ied in su$:rule (1) o! Rule 116 or #"o !ails to lod3e an account o! election e penses #it" t"e aut"orit% concerned #it"in t"e period speci!ied in su$:rule (3) o! Rule 116, s"all $e dee'ed to "a1e indul3ed in a corrupt practice !or t"e purposes o! t"e )ct6 PART 1 H ADIUDICATION O: ELECTION DISPUTES
44.. E&+#)"o! $+)")"o!s.3 &a1e as ot"er#ise pro1ided, no election "eld under t"e )ct,

s"all $e called in 7uestion e cept $% an election petition presented in accordance #it" t"e rele1ant section o! t"e )ct and t"ese rules, to t"e Principal ;ud3e, Cit% Ci1il Court, C"ennai or t"e (istrict ;ud3e o! t"e (istrict concerned, as t"e case 'a% $e, ("ereina!ter re!erred to as t"e Election Court) under #"ose <urisdiction t"e Panc"a%at To#n or t"e Transitional )rea or Municipalit% or Corporation is situated, $% an% candidate or elector a3ainst t"e candidate, #"o "as $een declared to "a1e $een dul% elected6 Explanation. In t"is rule AelectorA 'eans a person #"o #as entitled to 1ote at t"e election to #"ic" t"e election petition relates, #"et"er "e "as 1oted at suc" election or not6
44A. T"(+ &"(") 5o* $*+s+!)"!/ +&+#)"o! $+)")"o!s65 (1) )n election petition s"all $e

presented #it"in !ort%:!i1e da%s !ro' t"e date o! pu$lication o! t"e result o! t"e election6 Explanation. I! t"e election Court is closed on t"e !ort%:!i!t" da%, t"e petition 'a% $e presented on t"e ne t !ollo#in3 da% on #"ic" t"e said Court is open6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(2) E1er% election petition s"all $e acco'panied $% as 'an% copies as t"ere are respondents 'entioned t"erein #it" t"ree 'ore additional copies and e1er% cop% includin3 t"e additional copies s"ould $e attested eit"er $% t"e petitioner under "is o#n si3nature or $% "is counsel to $e t"e true cop% o! t"e petition6 )n% sc"edule or anne ure to t"e petition s"all also $e si3ned eit"er $% t"e petitioner or "is counsel and enclosed #it" eac" cop% o! t"e petition6
420. G*o !'s 5o* $*+s+!)"!/ %! +&+#)"o! $+)")"o!.1 )n election petition s"all $e

presented on one or 'ore 3rounds speci!ied in t"e )ct6

1206 Co!)+!)s o5 %! +&+#)"o! $+)")"o!.5)n election petition s"all contain a state'ent in

a concise !or' o! t"e 'aterial !acts on #"ic" t"e petitioner relies6 It s"all set !ort" !ull particulars o! an% corrupt practice as speci!ied in t"e )ct #"ic" "e alle3es, and s"all, #"ere1er necessar%, $e di1ided into para3rap"s and nu'$ered consecuti1el%6 T"e petition as #ell as its anne ures or appendices, i! an%, s"all $e si3ned $% t"e petitioner or $% "is counsel and 1eri!ied in t"e 'anner as laid do#n in t"e Code o! Ci1il Procedure, 1*00 (Central )ct + o! 1*00), !or t"e 1eri!ication o! pleadin3s6
424. P%*)"+s )o )-+ $+)")"o!.5) petitioner s"all <oin as respondents to "is petition5

(a) (i) #"ere t"e petitioner, in addition to clai'in3 a declaration t"at t"e election o! all or an% o! t"e returned candidates is void, clai's a !urt"er declaration t"at "e "i'sel! or an% ot"er candidate "as $een dul% elected, all t"e contestin3 candidates ot"er t"an t"e petitioner, and (ii) #"ere no suc" !urt"er declaration is clai'ed, all t"e returned candidates, and ($)an% ot"er candidate a3ainst #"o' alle3ations o! an% corrupt practice are 'ade in t"e petition6
422. R+&"+5 )-%) (%, 7+ #&%"(+' 7, )-+ $+)")"o!+* 65 ) petitioner 'a%, in addition to

clai'in3 a declaration t"at t"e election o! all or an% o! t"e returned candidates is void, clai' a !urt"er declaration t"at "e "i'sel! -or an% ot"er candidate "as $een dul% elected6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


12,6 S+# *"), 5o* #os)s.3 (1) )t t"e ti'e o! presentation o! t"e petition, t"e petitioner s"all deposit #it" t"e Election Court rupees t#o t"ousand !i1e "undred in cas" as securit% !or t"e costs o! t"e sa'e6 (urin3 t"e course o! t"e trial o! an election petition, t"e Election Court 'a%, at an% ti'e, call upon t"e petitioner to 3i1e suc" !urt"er securit% !or costs as it 'a% direct6 It 'a% also call upon t"e petitioner to e ecute a $ond !or suc" a'ount and #it" suc" securities as it 'a% re7uire !or t"e pa%'ent o! an% !urt"er cost6
(2) I! t"e pro1isions o! Rules 11* to 122 or su$:rule (1) o! t"is rule are not co'plied

#it", t"e Election Court s"all dis'iss t"e petition6

(3) >pon co'pliance #it" t"e pro1isions o! t"e !ore3oin3 rules, t"e Election Court

s"all proceed to in7uire into t"e petition6 ."ere 'ore election petitions t"an one are presented in respect o! t"e sa'e election, t"e% 'a% $e tried indi1iduall% or in one or 'ore 3roups as t"e Election Court dee's !it6 12/6 S+*?"!/ o5 #o$"+s65 T"e election Court s"all, as soon as 'a% $e, cause a cop% o! t"e petition, $e ser1ed on suc" respondents and on t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or t"e Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation concerned and t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 )n% candidate not alread% a respondent s"all, upon application 'ade $% "i' to t"e Election Court #it"in !ourteen da%s !ro' t"e date o! co''ence'ent o! t"e trial and su$<ect to an% order as to securit% !or costs #"ic" 'a% $e 'ade $% t"e Election Court, $e entitled to $e <oined as a respondent6 1266 T*"%& o5 +&+#)"o! $+)")"o!.3 (1) E1er% election petition s"all $e in7uired into $% t"e Election Court in accordance #it" t"e procedure applica$le under t"e Code o! Ci1il Procedure, 1*00 (Central )ct + o! 1*00) to t"e trial o! suits 4 Pro1ided t"at it s"all onl% $e necessar% !or t"e Election Court to 'a2e a 'e'orandu' o! t"e us$stance o! t"e e1idence o! an% #itness e a'ined $% it 4 Pro1ided !urt"er t"at t"e Election Court s"all "a1e t"e discretion to re!use !or reasons to $e recorded in #ritin3 to e a'ine an% #itness or #itnesses, i! it is o! t"e opinion t"at t"e e1idence o! suc" #itnesses is not

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


'aterial !or t"e decision o! t"e petition or t"at t"e part% tenderin3 suc" #itness or #itnesses is doin3 so on !ri1olous 3rounds or #it" a 1ie# to dela%in3 t"e procedin3s6
(2) T"e pro1isions o! t"e Indian E1idence )ct, 10-2 (Central )ct I o! 10-2) s"all $e dee'ed to appl% in all respects to t"e trial o! an election petition6 (2) Not#it"standin3 an%t"in3 in an% enact'ent to t"e contrar%, no docu'ent s"all $e

inad'issi$le in e1idence:at t"e trial o! an election petition on t"e 3round t"at it is not dul% sta'ped or re3istered6
(3) No #itness o! ot"er person s"all $e re7uired to state !or #"o' "e "as 1oted at an

(3) T"e reasona$le e penses incurred $% an% person in attendin3 : to 3i1e e1idence

'a% $e allo#ed $% t"e Election Court to suc" person and s"all, unless t"e said Court ot"er#ise directs, $e dee'ed to $e part o! t"e costs6 427. W")-'*%>%& o5 +&+#)"o! $+)")"o!.3 (1) )n election petition 'a% $e #it"dra#n onl% $% lea1e o! t"e Election Court6
(2) I! t"ere are 'ore petitioners t"an one in an election petition, no application to

#it"dra# t"e petition s"all $e 'ade e cept #it" t"e consent o! all t"e petitioners6
(2) ."en an application !or #it"dra#al is, 'ade notice t"ereo! !i in3 a date !or t"e

"earin3 o! t"e application s"all $e 3i1en to all ot"er parties to t"e petition6
(3) No application !or #it"dra#al s"all $e 3ranted i! t"e Election Court is o! opinion

t"at suc" application "as $een induced $% an% $ar3ain or consideration #"ic" it considers ou3"t not to $e allo#ed6 :
(,) I! t"e application is 3ranted

(a) t"e petitioner s"all $e ordered to pa% t"e cost o! t"e respondents t"ere!or incurred or6 suc" portion t"ereo! as t"e Election Court 'a% t"in2 !it 96and

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


($) suc" #it"dra#al s"all $e co''unicated $% t"e Election Court to t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation concerned, &tate Election =!!icer and t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 1206 A7%)+(+!) o5 +&+#)"o! $+)")"o!s65 )n election petition s"all a$ate onl% on t"e deat" o! a sole petitioner or o! t"e sur1i1or o! se1eral petitioners, and suc" a$ate'ent s"all $e co''unicated $% t"e Election Court to t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or t"e Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation concerned, &tate Election =!!icer and t"e &tate Election Co''ission6 12*6 R+#*"("!%)"o! >-+! s+%) #&%"(+'.3 ."en in an in7uir% into an election petition an% candidate ot"er t"an a returned candidate, clai's t"e seat !or "i'sel!, t"e returned candidate or an% ot"er part% to t"e proceedin3s 'a% 3i1e e1idence to pro1e t"at t"e election o! suc" clai'ant #ould "a1e $een void i! "e "ad $een a returned candidate and a petition "ad $een presented callin3 in 7uestion "is election 4 Pro1ided t"at t"e returned candidate or suc" ot"er part%, as a!oresaid, s"all not $e entitled to 3i1e suc" e1idence unless "e "ad #it"in !ourteen da%s !ro' t"e date o! co''ence'ent o! t"e trial 3i1en notice to t"e Election Court o! "is intention to do so and "as also 3i1en t"e securit% re!erred to in Rule:12,6 430. D+#"s"o! o5 )-+ E&+#)"o! Co *).3 )t t"e conclusion o! t"e trial o! an election petition, t"e Election Court s"all 'a2e an order 5
(a) dis'issin3 t"e election petition 9 or ($) declarin3 t"e election o! all or an% o! t"e returned candidates to $e void ; or (c) declarin3 t"e election o! all or an% o! t"e returned candidates to $e void and t"e

petitioner or an% ot"er candidate to "a1e $een dul% elected6 1316 O)-+* o*'+*s )o 7+ (%'+ 7, )-+ E&+#)"o! Co *).3 )t t"e ti'e o! 'a2in3 an order under Rule 130, t"e Election Court s"all also 'a2e an order 5

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(1) ."ere an% c"ar3e is 'ade in t"e petition, o! an% corrupt practice "a1in3 $een co''itted at t"e election, recordin3 5
(a) a !indin3 #"et"er an% corrupt practice "as or "as not $een pro1ed to "a1e $een

co''itted at t"e election and t"e nature o! t"at corrupt practice 9 and
($) t"e na'es o! all persons, i! an%, #"o "a1e $een pro1ed at t"e trial to "a1e $een

3uilt% o! an% corrupt practice and t"e nature o! t"at practice 9 and (2) ?i in3 t"e total a'ount o! costs pa%a$le and speci!%in3 t"e persons $% and to #"o' t"e costs s"all $e paid4 Pro1ided t"at a person #"o is not a part% to t"e petition s"all not $e na'ed in t"e order under su$:clause ($) o! su$:rule (1) unless :
(a) "e "as $een 3i1en notice to appear $e!ore t"e Election Court and to s"o# cause

#"% "e s"ould not $e so na'ed 9 and

($) i! "e appears in pursuance o! t"e notice, "e "as $een 3i1en an opportunit%: (i) o! cross e a'inin3 an% #itness #"o "as alread% $een e a'ined $% t"e

Election Court and "as 3i1en e1idence a3ainst "i'9

(ii) o! callin3 e1idence in "is de!ence, and (iii) o! $ein3 "eard6

432. G*o !'s 5o* '+#&%*"!/ +&+#)"o! )o 7+ ?o"' .3 I! t"e Election Court is o! opinion
(1) t"at t"e e istence o! all or an% o! t"e 3rounds speci!ied in t"e )ct or rules "as $een

esta$lis"ed, or
(2) t"at on t"e date o! "is election a returned candidate #as not 7uali!ied, or #as

dis7uali!ied, to $e c"osen to !ill t"e seat under t"is )ct, t"en, t"e Election Court 'a% declare t"e election o! t"e returned candidate to $e void. 433. G*o !'s o! >-"#- % #%!'"'%)+ o)-+* )-%! )-+ *+) *!+' #%!'"'%)+ (%, 7+ '+#&%*+' )o -%?+ 7++! +&+#)+'.3 I! an% person #"o "as lod3ed a petition "as, in addition to callin3 in 7uestion t"e election

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


o! t"e returned:candidate, clai'ed a declaration t"at "e "i'sel! or, an% ot"er candidate "as $een dul% elected and Ft"e Election Court is o! opinion 5
(a) t"at in !act t"e petitioner or suc" ot"er candidate recei1ed a 'a<orit% o! t"e 1alid

1otes 9 or
($) t"at $ut !or t"e 1otes o$tained $% t"e returned candidate $% corrupt practices, t"e

petitioner or suc" ot"er candidate #ould "a1e o$tained a 'a<orit% o! t"e 1alid 1otes, t"e Election Court s"all, a!ter declarin3 t"e election o! t"e returned candidate to $e void, declare t"e petitioner or suc" ot"er candidate, as t"e case 'a%$e, to "a1e $een dul% elected6 13,6 P*o#+' *+ "! #%s+ o5 %! +C %&"), o5 ?o)+s.3 I! durin3 t"e trial o! an Election Petition, it appears t"at t"ere is an e7ualit% o! 1otes $et#een an% candidates at t"e election and t"at t"e addition o! a 1ote #ould entitle an% o! t"ose candidates to $e declared elected, t"en
(a) an% decision 'ade $% t"e Returnin3 =!!icer under t"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules,

s"all, in so !ar as it deter'ines t"e 7uestion $et#een t"ose candidates, $e e!!ecti1e also !or t"e purposes o! t"e petition 9 and
($) inso!ar as t"at 7uestion is not deter'ined $% suc" a decision, t"e Election Court

s"all decide $et#een t"e' $% lot and proceed as i! t"e one on #"o' t"e lot t"en !alls "ad recei1ed an additional 1ote6 13/6 Co(( !"#%)"o! o5 o*'+*s o5 )-+ E&+#)"o! Co *)65 T"e Election Court s"all, as soon as 'a% $e, a!ter t"e conclusion o! t"e trial o! an election petition, inti'ate t"e su$stance o! t"e decision to t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or t"e6 Co''issioner o! t"e Municipalit% or Corporation concerned and to t"e &tate Election Co''ission and as soon as 'a% $e t"erea!ter, s"all send to t"e &tate Election =!!icer, t"e &tate Election Co''ission and t"e Go1ern'ent an aut"enticated cop% o! t"e decision6 1366 T*%!s("ss"o! o5 o*'+* o5 )-+ E&+#)"o! Co *) %!' ")s $ 7&"#%)"o! . )s soon as may $e a#ter t"e receipt o! any order 'ade $% t"e Election Court under Rule 130 or 131, t"e &tate Election Co''ission s"all !or#ard copies o! t"e order to t"e E ecuti1e =!!icer o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Co''issioner o!

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


t"e Municipalit% or Corporation, #"o s"all cause t"e order to $e pu$lis"ed in t"e =!!ice o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Corporation concerned6 13-6 E55+#) o5 o*'+*s o5 )-+ E&+#)"o! Co *)65 (1) E1er% suc" order s"all ta2e e!!ect as soon as, it is pronounced $% t"e Election Court6 (2) ."ere $% an order under Rule 130 or 131, t"e election o! a returned candidate is "eld to $e void, acts and proceedin3s in #"ic" t"at returned candidate "as, $e!ore t"e date t"ereo!, participated s"all not $e in1alidated $% reason o! t"at order9 nor s"all suc" candidate $e su$<ected to an% lia$ilit% or penalt% on t"e 3round o! suc" participation6 PART 1 HI MISCELLANEOUS 43.. I!)+*$*+)%)"o! o5 )-+s+ * &+s $% Go?+*!(+!).3 (1) I! an% 7uestion arises as to t"e interpretation o! t"ese rules, ot"er#ise t"an in connection #it" an in7uir% "eld under t"e Rules !or t"e decision o! disputes as to t"e 1alidit% o! an election, t"e 7uestion s"all $e re!erred to t"e Go1ern'ent, #"o, a!ter consultin3 t"e &tate Election Co''ission9 s"all co''unicate t"eir decision, #"ic" s"all $e !inal6 13*6 R+(o?%& o5 '"55"# &)"+sJ1 (1) T"e &tate Election Co''ission 'a% issue suc" 3eneral or special directions as 'a%, in its opinion $e necessar%, !or t"e purpose o! 3i1in3 due e!!ect to t"ese rules9 or !or "oldin3 an% election under t"e )ct6 (2) I! an% di!!icult% arises in 3i1in3 e!!ect to t"e pro1isions o! t"ese rules, or in "oldin3 an% election9 t"e &tate Election Co''ission as occasion 'a% re7uire, 'a%, $% order do an%t"in3 #"ic" appears to it necessar% !or t"e purpose o! re'o1in3 t"e di!!icult%6 1,06 S%?"!/s.5 Not#it"standin3 an%t"in3 contained in t"ese rules all orders, directions, etc6, issued $% t"e Go1ern'ent6 &tate Election Co''ission o! &tate Election =!!icer, !or t"e preparation o! Electoral Rolls and !or t"e conduct o! elections under t"ese rules, s"all unless repu3nant to t"ese rules, $e dee'ed to "a1e $een issued or 'ade under t"ese rules6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 4 NOTICE O: PU6LICATION O: ELECTORAL ROLL $%ee Rule 10 (1)J Notice is "ere$% 3i1en t"at t"e To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation Electoral Roll "as $een prepared in accordance #it" t"e Ta'il Nadu To#n Panc"a%at, T"ird Grade Municipalit%, Municipalities and Corporation (Elections) Rules, 2006 $% adoptin3 t"e e istin3 entries in t"e rele1ant part o! t"e electoral roll o! t"e KKKKKKKK6 Ta'il Nadu Be3islati1e )sse'$l% Constituenc%6 ) cop% t"ereo! relatin3 to t"e KKKKKKKKKKKK #ard F di1ision o! t"e KKKKK6 To#n Panc"a%at FT"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit%6F Corporation "as $een pu$lis"ed !or inspection6 )n% person #"o #is"es to lod3e an% clai' !or includin3 "is F "er na'e in t"e roll or an% o$<ection to t"e inclusion o! a na'e or an% o$<ection to t"e particulars in an% entr% in t"e said roll s"all !irst 3et suc" clai' or o$<ection settled #it" re!erence to t"e correspondin3 entr% in t"e )sse'$l% Roll $% lod3in3 suita$le clai' or o$<ection under t"e pro1isions o! t"e Representation o! t"e People )ct, 1*/0 (Central )ct ,3 o! 1*/0) and t"e Re3istration o! Electors Rules, 1*60 $e!ore t"e Electoral Re3istration =!!icer o! t"e said )sse'$l% Constituenc% located at )ll orders o! inclusion, deletion or corrections issued op t"e $asis o! t"ese clai's and o$<ections $% t"e )sse'$l% Electoral Re3istration =!!icer till t"e last date !i ed !or 'a2in3 no'ination !or election o! Councillors or C"air'an o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at or T"ird Grade Municipalit% or Municipalit% or Ma%or o! t"e Corporation #ill $e dul% incorporated in t"e 6666666666666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation Electoral Rolls6 Place6 6666666666666666 (ate6 66666666666666666 Electoral Registration &##icer, ................................. o'n (anc)ayat * )ird +rade ,unicipality * ,unicipality * Corporation.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM12 NOTICE O: ELECTION $%ee Rule 23 (1)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o*s o5 W%*'s 2 D"?"s"o! o5 ............... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. Notice is "ere$% 3i1en t"at 5 (1) (a) elections are to $e "eld to elect a Councillor o! .ard F (i1isions o! 6666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit%FCorporation9 ($) t"e .ard F (i1isions #"ic" are reser1ed !or persons $elon3in3 to &c"eduled Castes F &c"eduled Tri$es and F or .o'en are 3i1en $elo#4


Reser1ed !or &6C6 !or &T6 !or #o'en6 &C6 &6T6 =pen


Councillor:.ard F (i1ision I .ardF(i1ision 2


(2) No'ination papers 6'a% $e deli1ered $% a candidate or "is proposer to t"e

Returnin3 =!!icer F )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icer at 66666666666666666666666666 $et#een 6666666666666 a6'6 and 6666666666666 p6'6 on an% da% (ot"er t"an a pu$lic "olida%) !ro' 6666666666666666666666666to 666666666666666666666
(3) ?or's o! no'ination papers #ill $e a1aila$le in t"e =!!ice o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at F

T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation !ro' t"is date on all #or2in3 da%s, and at t"e =!!ice o! t"e )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icer9
(2) T"e no'ination papers #ill $e ta2en up !or scrutin% at 6666666666666666 a6'6

on 666666666666666666666666666666666666 at 6666666666666666666666666664

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(/) Notice o! #it"dra#al o! candidature 'a% $e deli1ered $% a candidate or "is

proposer #"o "as $een speci!icall% aut"orised in t"is $e"al!, in #ritin3, $% t"e candidate to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer F )ssistant Returnin3 =!!icer upto 66666666666 p6'6 onKKKKK
(6) In t"e e1ent o! t"e election $ein3 contested, t"e poll #ill $e ta2en on KKKKK

$et#een a6'6 and 6666 p6'6 at t"e pollin3 stations noti!ied !or t"is purpose 9
(-) T"e countin3 o! 1otes s"all co''ence at6666a6'6 on 666666 (0) T"e election s"all $e co'pleted $e!ore 66666666666666666666666

at t"e =!!ice o! t"e 666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit%F Municipalit%F Corporation6 Place 4 (ate 4 Returning &##icer, KKK66 To#n Panc"a%at F )ird +rade ,unicipality* ,unicipality * Corporation.

(*) T"e !irst 'eetin3 o! t"e ne#l%:elected Councillors s"all $e "eld on

:ORM 1 3 NOMINATION PAPER $%ee Rule 2, (1) and (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! NoKKKK o5 )-+ KKKKK. To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. (To 7+ 5"&&+' "! 7, )-+ $*o$os+*) I "ere$% no'inate T"iru6 F T't6 F &el1i 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666as a candidate !or t"e election as a Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No666666666666666666666666666666666o! t"e 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit%F Municipalit% F Corporation6 @is na'e is entered at &erial No6 in Part No6 KKKKKKKK66 F &treet No6 KKKK o! t"e electoral roll !or .ard F (i1ision No6 KKKKKK66 o! KKKKKTo#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


M% na'e is entered at &erial No666666666666 in Part No6666666666F &treet No66666666666 o! t"e electoral roll !or .ard F (i1ision No 6666666666666o! 6666666666666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at6 F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6 Place46666666666666666666666666 (ate-......................... (To 7+ 5"&&+' "! 7, )-+ #%!'"'%)+) I 666666666666666666666666666t"e a$o1e 'entioned candidate assent to t"is no'ination and "ere$% declare 5 (a)A t"at I "a1e co'pleted 66666666666666666666666666666666666 %ears o! a3e9 ($)t"at t"e s%'$ols I "a1e c"osen are in t"e !ollo#in3 order o! pre!erence 4

%ignature o# t)e proposer.


(ii) 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 and (i)


(c)LLL t"at I a' a 'e'$er o! t"e 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Caste F Tri$e #"ic" is a &c"eduled Caste F Tri$e in t"e &tate o! Ta'il Nadu in relation to 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 (area)6 (d)t"at I a' not e'plo%ed as +illa3e )d'inistrati1e =!!icer or 1illa3e ser1ant or an o!!icer or ser1ant o! t"e &tate or Central Go1ern'ent or o! a +illa3e Panc"a%at, Panc"a%at >nion Council, (istrict Panc"a%at, To#n Panc"a%at, T"ird Grade Municipalit%, Municipal Council or Municipal Corporation or o! an% Industrial To#ns"ip or o! Canton'ent or o! an% $od% Corporate, o#ned or controlled $% t"e &tate or Central Go1ern'ent6 (ate 4666666666666666666666 N=TE4 LLL Ite' (c) needs to $e 'ade onl% $% a &C F &T candidate6 %ignature o# t)e Candidate.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(To 7+ 5"&&+' "! 7, )-+ R+) *!"!/ O55"#+*)

&erial No6 o! No'ination Paper 4 T"e no'ination #as presented to 'e at '% o!!ice at KKKKKKKK ("our) on 6666666666666666 (date) $% t"e candidate F proposer6 Place 4 666666666666666666666 (ate 4 666666666666666666K .ssistant Returning &##icer*Returning &##icer.

R+#+"$) 5o* !o("!%)"o! $%$+* %!' !o)"#+ o5 s#* )"!, (To $e "anded o1er to t"e person presentin3 t"e no'ination paper) &erial No6 o! No'ination Paper 4 T"e no'ination paper o! KKKKKKKK, a candidate !or election as Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No6 KKKKKK o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation, #as presented to 'e at '% o!!ice at KKKKKK ("our) on 666666666666666666666666666666666666 (date) $% t"e candidate F proposer6 )ll no'ination papers #ill $e ta2en up !or scrutin% at KKKKKKKK a6'6 (ti'e) on 6666666666666666666 (date) at 66666666666666666666 (place)6 Place 4 666666666666666666 (ate 4 6666666666666666666 .ssistant Returning &##icer * Returning &##icer

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM1E NOTICE O: NOMINATION $%ee Rule 26 (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No............................ o5 )-+......................................................... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. Notice is "ere$% 3i1en t"at t"e !ollo#in3 No'inations in respect o! t"e a$o1e election "a1e $een recei1ed upto666666p6'6 toda% 45 &erial Na'e No6 o! o! No'i: candi: nation date paper (1) (2) Na'e o! !at"erF "us$and (3) )3e )ddress &e o! candi: date (,) (/) CasteF Electoral Na'e Electoral Tri$e (in roll No6 o! t"e roll case o! o! t"e pro: No6 o! t"e &6C6F &6T6 candi: poser proposer candi: date dates) (6) (-) (0) (*) (10)

(lace-.................... /ate-..................... .ssistant Returning &##icer *Returning &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 = LIST O: NOMINATIONS RECEIDED $%ee Rules 26 (3), (,) and 2- (1)J 666666666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6 Bist o! no'inations recei1ed !or election o! t"e Councillor to .ard F di1ision No6 6 o! 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation &I6 No6 Na'e o! Candidate ?at"erAsF @us$andAs na'e Co''unit% (&c"eduled Caste F &c"eduled (,)

&e (/)

)ddress (6)




Note 45 T"e no'ination papers #ill $e ta2en up !or scrutin% at KKKKKK a6'6 on66666 at 6666666666666666666666666666666(place)6 Place 4 6666666666666666666 (ate .ssistant Returning &##icer *Returning &##icer. :ORM 1 6 LIST O: DALIDLY NOMINATED CANDIDATES $%ee Rule 2- (*)J To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6 Bist o! no'inations #"ic" are !ound 1alid a'on3 t"e no'inations recei1ed !or t"e election o! t"e Councillor to .ard F (i1ision No666 o!To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


&I6 No6 (1)

Na'e o! Candidate (2)

?at"erAsF @us$andAs na'e (3)

Co''unit% (&c"eduled Caste F &c"eduled Tri$e or Not)6 (,)





Place46666666666666666666 .ssistant Returning &##icer * Returning &##icer. :ORM17 N=TICE =? .IT@(R).)B $%ee Rule 20 (1)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No....................... o5........................................ To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! To T"e Returnin3 =!!icer, 16 I 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666I a candidate no'inated at t"e a$o1e election do "ere$% 3i1e notice t"at I #it"dra# '% candidature6 26 I a' !ull% a#are t"at I cannot cancel t"is notice o! #it"dra#al under su$:rule (3) o! Rule 20 o! t"e Ta'il Nadu To#n Panc"a%ats, T"ird Grade Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 20066 Place46666666666666 (ate-........................ %ignature o# Candidate

T"e notice #as deli1ered to 'e at '% o!!ice at 666666666666666666666666666666 ("our) on 6666666666666666666666 (date) $% 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 (na'e) t"e 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 L (ate 46666666666666666 .ssistant Returning &##icer* Returning &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


RECEIPT :OR NOTICE O: WITHDRAWAL (To $e "anded o1er to t"e person deli1erin3 t"e notice) T"e notice o! #it"dra#al o! candidature $% 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666, a candidate at t"e election o! Councillor to666666666666666No6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 o!6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit%F Corporation #as deli1ered to 'e $% t"eL6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 at '% o!!ice at6666666666666 ("our) on 66666666666 (date)6

.ssistant Returning &##icer * Returning &##icer. Note 4 L @ere insert one o! t"e !ollo#in3 alternati1es as 'a% $e appropriate 4:
(1) Candidate6 (2) CandidateAs proposer #"o "as $een aut"orised, in #ritin3, $% t"e candidate to deli1er


:ORM 1 . NOTICE O: WITHDRAWAL O: CANDIDATURE $%ee Rule 20 (/)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No o5.......................................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! Notice is "ere$% 3i1en t"at t"e !ollo#in3 candidate F candidates at t"e a$o1e election "as F "a1e #it"dra#n "is candidature F t"eir candidatures toda%6 Na'e o! candidate6 (1) (ate 66666666666 )ddress o! candidate (2) Re'ar2s (3)

.ssistant Returning &##icer*Returning &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM1A LIST O: CONTESTING CANDIDATES %ee Rules 2* (1), 30(1) (i), 33 (,), 3*(,) (a), ,- (1), /*(2) and 60 (,)(a) ............................ To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. L"s) o5 #o!)+s)"!/ #%!'"'%)+s 5o* +&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No ............................. o5.......................... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. ."et"er t"e candidate $elon3s to &c"eduled CasteF&c"eduled Tri$e or not (,)

&l6 No6 (1)

Na'e o! Candidate (2)


)ddress o! t"e candidate (/)

(istincti1e &%'$ol assi3ned to t"e candidate (6)


N=TE4 T"e poll #ill $e ta2en on 6666666666666666666666 $et#een 666666666666 a6'6 and 666666666666666666666p6'6 at t"e pollin3 stations noti!ied !or t"e purpose6

Place 46666666666666666666 (ate-....................

.ssistant Returning &##icer * Returning &##icer.

:ORM 1 40 APPOINTMENT O: ELECTION AGENT $%ee Rule 36J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No .......................o5 )-+ ..................................... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. To T"e Returnin3 =!!icer, I6666666666666666666666666666666666o! 666666666666666666666666666666666666, a candidate at t"e a$o1e election do "ere$% appoint T"iru F T't6 F &el1i

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


66666666666666666666666666666 o!666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666as '% election )3ent !ro' t"is da% 66666666666666666666666at t"e a$o1e election6 @is recent p"oto3rap", dul% attested $% 'e, is pasted $elo#6

Place 4 6666666666666666666666 (ate 4 66666666666666666666666 %ignature o# candidate.

I accept t"e a$o1e appoint'ent6 Place 4 6666666666666666666666 (ate 4 66666666666666666666666 %ignature o# Election .gent. :ORM 1 44 APPOINTMENT O: POLLING AGENT $%ee Rule 30 (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No................................................................... o5 )-+..................................................................................................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!. I, KKKKKKKKK a candidate F election a3ent o! KKKKK#"o is a candidate in t"e a$o1e election do "ere$% appoint T"iru KKKKKKKKKKKo! KKKKKK as pollin3 a3ent to attend t"e Pollin3 &tation No6 KKKKKKKKKK66 at KKKKK (ate 4 KKKKK6 I a3ree to act as suc" pollin3 a3ent6 Place 4 66666666666666666666666 (ate 4 KKKK66 %ignature o# (olling .gent &i3nature o! Candidate or Election )3ent6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


D+#&%*%)"o! o5 Po&&"!/ A/+!) )o 7+ s"/!+' 7+5o*+ )-+ P*+s"'"!/ O55"#+*. I "ere$% declare t"at at t"e a$o1e election I #ill not do an%t"in3 !or$idden $% t"e rele1ant section o! t"e )ct #"ic" I "a1e read F "as $een read o1er to 'e6 (ate4666666666666666666666666 &i3ned $e!ore 'e6 (ate 4666666666666666666666666 %ignature o# (olling .gent. %ignature o# (residing &##icer

(To $e "anded o1er to t"e Pollin3 )3ent !or production at t"e pollin3 station6) (R+&+?%!) P*o?"s"o!s o5 )-+ A#)s) 8E1er% =!!icer, cler2, a3ent or ot"er person per!or'in3 an% dut% in connection #it" t"e recordin3 or countin3 o! 1otes at an election #"o, e cept !or so'e purpose aut"orised $% la#, co''unicates to an% person an% in!or'ation s"o#in3 directl% or indirectl% !or #"ic" candidate an% 1oter "as 1oted, and e1er% person, #"o $% an% i'proper 'eans procures an% suc" in!or'ation, s"all $e punis"ed #it" i'prison'ent LMo! eit"er descriptionJ #"ic" 'a% e tend to si 'ont"s or #it" !ine, or #it" $ot"86

L=nl% in t"e case o! C"ennai Corporation vide &ection 66 o! t"e C"ennai Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*1*6 ?=RM : 12 PART:I (ECB)R)TI=N HN T@E PRE&I(ING =??ICER HE?=RE T@E C=MMENCEMENT =? P=BB6 $%ee Rule ,0 (6)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No. o5 )-+ ......................................................... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o!.

Na'e o! t"e To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit%F Corporation4 No6 and na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation4

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


(ate o! poll 4 I "ere$% declare

(1) t"at I "a1e de'onstrated to t"e pollin3 a3ents and ot"er persons present t"at t"e $allot

$o es to $e used !or t"e poll are e'pt%,

(2) t"at on t"e paper seal used !or securin3 t"e $allot $o , I "a1e a!!i ed '% o#n si3nature

and o$tained t"ereon t"e si3natures o! suc" o! t"e pollin3 a3ents #"o are present and desirous o! a!!i in3 t"e sa'e,
(3) t"at I "a1e de'onstrated to t"e pollin3 a3ents and ot"ers present t"at t"e 'ar2ed cop%

o! t"e electoral roll F rolls to $e used durin3 t"e poll does F do not contain an% 'ar2s ot"er t"an t"ose used !or issuin3 election dut% certi!icates, and
(,) t"at I "a1e allo#ed t"e pollin3 a3ents to note t"e !irst and t"e last o! t"e serial nu'$ers

o! t"e $allot papers and also t"e nu'$ers on t"e paper seals #"ic" #ill $e used at t"e pollin3 station6 !%ignature o# (residing &##icer) %ignature o# (olling .gent.
16 26 36 ,6 /6 66 -6 06 *6

(o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666)

T"e !ollo#in3 a3ents declined to a!!i t"eir si3natures to t"is declaration 45 (o! candidate 666666666666)
26 36

(o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666) (o! candidate 666666666666)

%ignature o# (residing &##icer

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


PART1II DECLARATION AT THE END O: POLL6 I "a1e !urnis"ed to t"e pollin3 a3ents, #"o #ere present at t"e pollin3 station at t"e close o! t"e poll and #"ose si3natures are a!!i ed $elo#, an attested cop% o! eac" o! t"e entries in t"e $allot paper account in ?or':206 (ate 46666666666666666666666 %ignature o# (residing &##icer.

Recei1ed an attested cop% o! t"e entries 'ade in t"e $allot paper account6 %ignature o# (olling .gents. l6 26 36 ,6 /6 66 -6 06 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666)

* 6 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666)

T"e !ollo#in3 pollin3 a3ents #"o #ere present at t"e close o! t"e poll declined to recei1e an attested cop% o! t"e $allot paper account and to 3i1e a receipt t"ere!or and so an attested cop% o! t"e $allot paper account #as not supplied to t"e'6 16 26 36 ,6 /6 66 -6 06 *6 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 (o! candidate 666666666666666666666666666666666) %ignature o! (residing &##icer.

(ate 6666666666666666666666

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 43 LIST O: CHALLENGED DOTES $%ee Rules ,3 (2) (c) and 66 (2) (c)J E&+#)"o! o5 t"e Councillor to .ard F (i1ision No6 6666666666666666666666o! t"e666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), F Municipalit% F Corporation6 No6 and Na'e o! Pollin3 &tation 4
&I6 No6

(ate o! Poll 4
&i3nature o! c"allen3er, on recei1in3 re!und o! deposit )'ount !or!eited and to $e "anded o1er to t"e Returnin3 =!!icer

Na'e o! &erial No6 o! &erial No6 &i3nature Na'e and Na'e and =rder o! elector Pall o! roll or o! t"e or t"u'$ address o! address o! Presidin3 street in #"ic" ElectorAs i'pression identi!ier, c"allen3er =!!icer t"e electorAs na'e in t"at o! t"e i! an% and na'e appears part or street person "is si3nature c"allen3ed or t"u'$ i'pression











(ate 4 6666666666666666666 %ignature o# (residing &##icer

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 4E 6ALLOT PAPER $%ee Rule ,- (1)J .........................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No................... Electoral Roll Part No 666666666666666666666666 F &treet No No6 o! t"e elector6666666666666666666666666666666666666666 %ignature or t)umb-impression o# t)e Elector .ardF (i1ision No 666666666666666666666666 o! 6666666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% FMunicipalit% F Corporation666666466666



TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 4= APPLICATION 6Y AN ELECTOR ON ELECTION DUTY TO DOTE $%ee Rule /0 (I)J To T"e Returnin3 =!!icer, 66666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6

&ir, I "a1e $een posted !or election dut% at t"e ensuin3 election o! t"e Councillor to .ard F (i1ision No6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK66 o! To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation at t"e Pollin3 &tation No6 KKKKKKKKK situated in t"e To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit%F Municipalit% F Corporation6 I "ere$% declare t"at I a' an elector o! .ard F (i1ision No6 KKo! t"e To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6 I "a1e $een enrolled under &erial No6 KKKKKK66 o! Part No F &treet No6 KKKKKK66 in t"e electoral roll o! t"e .ard F (i1ision No6 KKKKKKK6 o! To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit%F Corporation6 I re7uest t"at a certi!icate in :o*(146 #it" a $allot paper 'a% $e sent to 'e to t"e address 3i1en $elo# to ena$le 'e to cast '% 1ote at t"e a$o1e election6

M% address 4 KKKKKKKKKKKKK6 KKKKKKKKKKKKK6 KKKKKKKKKKKKK (ate 4 KKKKKK %ignature o# Elector on election duty

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006



Certi!ied t"at KKK is an elector in .ard F(i1ision No6 KKKKo! KKTo#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6 @is electoral roll particulars are 3i1en $elo# 4 &erial No6 4

Part No6 F &treet No6 4 .ard F (i1ision No6 4 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation 4 Certi!ied also t"at $% reason o! $ein3 on election dut%, "e is una$le to 1ote at t"e Pollin3 &tation #"ere "e is entitled to 1ote and t"at "e is, t"ere!ore, "ere$% aut"orised to 1ote t"rou3" postal $allot paper in t"e 'anner laid do#n in Rule /06


(ate 4 66666666666666666666 Returning &##icer. :ORM 1 47 DECLARATION 6Y ELECTOR ON ELECTION DUTY $%ee Rule /0 (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No. KKKKKKKo5 KKK To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! I "ere$% declare t"at I a' t"e elector to #"o' t"e postal $allot paper $earin3 &erial No6 "as $een issued at t"e a$o1e election6 I declare t"at I "a1e 'ar2ed '% 1ote '%sel! on t"e $allot paper6

(ate 4 KKKKKK6

%ignature o# Elector. )ddress KKKKKKKKKK66 KKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKK6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 4. LIST O: 6LIND AND IN:IRM ELECTORS $%ee Rules /1 (2) and -0 (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No................. o5 ................................. To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! No6 and Na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation4 .ard F (i1ision No6 and &erial No6 o! elector (1) ?ull na'e o! elector (2) ?ull na'e o! )ddress o! &i3nature o! co'panion co'panion co'panion (3) (,) (/)

(ate 4 KKKKKK66

%ignature o# (residing &##icer.

:ORM 1 4A LIST O: TENDERED DOTES $%ee Rule /3 (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No................. o5................................ To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! No6 and Na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation4 &l6 No6 &l6No6 Part No6F &treet No6 .ard F (i1ision No6 and na'e o! elector (2) )ddress &erial No6 o! o! elector tendered $allot paper (3) (,) &i3nature or t"u'$: i'pression o! person tenderin3 1ote6 (/)


(ate 466666666666666666666

%ignature o# (residing &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 20 PART 1 I H)BB=T P)PER )CC=>NT $%ee Rules /6 (, (a) and 06 (2)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No................. o5.......................................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! Na'e o! t"e To#n Panc"a%atF T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation 6666666666666666666666666666666666666.ard F (i1ision No6 KKKKKK No6 and Na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 &erial No6 ?ro' To (2) (3) Total No6 No6 (,)

(1) 16 Hallot Papers recei1ed6 26 Hallot Papers unused (i6e6 not issued to 1oters) (a) .it" t"e si3nature o! Presidin3 =!!icer ($) .it"out t"e si3nature o! Presidin3 =!!icer Total 4 (a O $) 36 LHallot Papers used at t"e Pollin3 &tation (1:2 P 3) ,6 Hallot Papers used at t"e Pollin3 &tation $ut N=T IN&ERTE( INT= T@E H)BB=T H=Q 4 (a) Hallot Papers cancelled !or 1iolation o! 1otin3 procedure under Rule /24 ($) Hallot Papers cancelled !or ot"er reasons6 (c) Hallot Papers used as tendered Hallot Papers6 Total 4 (aO$Oc) /6 LHallot Papers to $e !ound in t"e Hallot Ho (3:,P/) (L&erial Nos6 need not $e 3i1en)

(ate 666666666666666666 %ignature o# (residing &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


PART1II RESULT O: INITIAL COUNTING 16 Total No6 o! Hallot Papers t"at s"ould $e !ound in Hallot Ho (es) as s"o#n in ite' / o! Part I9 26 Total No6 o! Hallot Papers actuall% !ound in t"e Hallot Ho (es) as per initial countin39 36 (iscrepanc%, i! an% 66666666666666666 (ate 4 666666666666666666666666 %ignature o# Counting %upervisor. %ignature o# t)e Returning &##icer.

:ORM 1 24 REGISTER O: ELECTORS $%ee Rules 60, 6* (-) and -1J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2 D"?"s"o! No ................. o5 ...................... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! No6 and Na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation 4 &16 No6 (1) 1 2 3 , &erial No6 o! elector in t"e electoral roll (2) &i3natureFT"u'$: i'pression o! elector (3) Re'ar2s (,)

(ate 66666666666666666666

%ignature o# Counting-%upervisor.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 22 LIST O: TENDERED DOTES $%ee Rules -2 and --J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*'2D"?"s"o! No o5.............................................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! No6 and Na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation 4 &I6 No6 Na'e o! elector &I6 No6 o! elector in electoral roll6 &I6 No6 in Re3ister o! electors (?or' 21) o! t"e person #"o "as alread% 1oted in place o! elector6 (,) &I6 No6 o! &i3natureF tendered t"u'$: $allot i'pression paper o! elector

(1) 1 2 3 , / 6 0 * 10





(ate 4 6666666666666666666

%ignature o# Counting %upervisor.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 23 PART I )CC=>NT =? +=TE& REC=R(E( $%ee Rules -/ and 06J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' F (i1ision No66666666666666666 o! 6666666666666666666666666 To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), F M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! No6 and Na'e o! t"e Pollin3 &tation 66666666 Identi!ication nu'$er o! +otin3 Control >nit 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Mac"ine used at t"e Pollin3 &tation Hallotin3 >nit4 16 26 36 ,6 /6 66 Total nu'$er o! electors assi3ned to t"e Pollin3 &tation6 Total nu'$er o! electors as entered in t"e Re3ister !or electors (?or' 21)6 Nu'$er o! electors decidin3 not to record 1ote under Rule -16 Nu'$er o! electors not allo#ed to 1otes under Rule 6*6 Total nu'$er o! 1otes recorded as per 1otin3 'ac"ine6 ."et"er t"e total nu'$er o! 1otes as s"o#n a3ainst ite' / tallies #it" t"e total nu'$er o! electors as s"o#n a3ainst ite' 2 'inus nu'$er o! electors decidin3 not to record 1otes as a3ainst ite' 3 'inus nu'$er o! electors as a3ainst ite' , (2:3:,)or an% discrepanc% noticed6 Nu'$er o! electors to #"o' tendered Hallot Papers #ere issued under Rule -26


TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006



Nu'$er o! tendered Hallot Papers 4 &I6 No6 (a) Recei1ed !or use ($) Issued to electors (c) Not used and returned )ccount o! paper seals 4 &I6 No6 ?ro' to




%ignature o# (olling .gents. 1 6 &erial Nu'$er o! paper seals supplied6 1 6666666666666666666666666666 ?ro'66666666666666
26 36 ,6

To66666666666 2 6666666666666666666666666666 3 6666666666666666666666666666 , 6666666666666666666666666666

Total nu'$ers supplied6 Nu'$er o! paper seals used6 Nu'$er o! unused paper seals returned to Returnin3 =!!icer ((educt ite' 3 !ro' ite' 2)6


&erial nu'$er o! da'a3ed paper seal, i! an%6

/ 6666666666666666666666666666

(ate 4

%ignature o# (residing &##icer Pollin3 &tation No6 KKKK6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006



&l6 No6
16 26 36 ,6 /6

Na'e o! t"e Candidate

Nu'$er o! +otes recorded

T=T)B ."et"er t"e total nu'$er o! 1otes s"o#n a$o1e tallies #it" t"e total nu'$er o! 1otes s"o#n a3ainst ite' / o! Part:I or an% discrepanc% noticed $et#een t"e t#o total6

%ignature o# Counting %upervisor Na'e o! Candidate F Election )3ent F Countin3 )3ent ?ull &i3nature
16 26 36 ,6 /6 6. -6 ..

(ate 4

%ignature o# t)e Returning &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 2E )PP=INTMENT =? C=>NTING )GENT& $%ee Rule 01J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* )o W%*' 2D"?"s"o! No................... o5..........................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! To T"e Returnin3 =!!icer, I66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666, a candidate F t"e election a3ent o!6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 #"o is a candidate at t"e a$o1e election do "ere$% appoint t"e !ollo#in3 person as '% countin3 a3ent to attend t"e countin3 o! 1otes at 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Na'e o! t"e countin3 a3ent6 )ddress o! t"e countin3 a3ent

@is recent p"oto3rap", dul% attested $% 'e is pasted $elo# 45

(ate 4

%ignature o# Candidate or Election .gent. I a3ree to act as suc" countin3 a3ent6

Place 4 66666666666666666 (ate 4 %ignature o# Counting .gent.

D+#&%*%)"o! o5 Co !)"!/ A/+!) )o 7+ s"/!+' 7+5o*+ )-+ R+) *!"!/ O55"#+* I "ere$% declare t"at9 at t"e a$o1e election, I #ill not do an%t"in3 !or$idden $% t"e rele1ant section o! t"e )ct, #"ic" I "a1e read F "as $een read o1er to 'e6 (ate 6666666666666666666666 (ate 6666666666666666666666 %ignature o# Counting .gent &i3ned $e!ore 'e6 %ignature o# Returning &##icer (To $e "anded o1er to t"e Countin3 )3ent !or production at t"e Countin3 Centre)

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


R+&+?%!) P*o?"s"o! o5 )-+ A#) 8E1er% o!!icer, cler2, a3ent or ot"er person per!or'in3 an% dut% in connection #it" t"e recordin3 or countin3 o! 1otes at an election #"o, e cept !or so'e purpose aut"orised $% la#, co''unicates to an% person an% in!or'ation s"o#in3 directl% or indirectl% !or #"ic" candidate an% 1oter "as 1oted, and e1er% person, #"o $% an% i'proper 'eans procures an% suc" in!or'ation, s"all $e punis"ed #it" i'prison'ent LMo! eit"er descriptionJ #"ic" 'a% e tend to si 'ont"s or #it" !ine, or #it" $ot"866 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC L =nl% in t"e case o! C"ennai Corporation v*tie &ection 66 o! t"e C"ennai Cit% Municipal Corporation )ct, 1*1*6 :ORM 1 2= RE&>BT &@EET $%ee Rules 06(2), 00(1), 00(,)($), 00(/) and 0*(d)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Co !#"&&o* to .ard F (i1ision No 66666666666666666 o!66666666666666666666666666 To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! &16 No6

Na'e o! t"e candidate (2)

+otes secured t"rou3" postal $allot (3)

+otes secured at t"e pollin3 Total stations (,) (/)

(1) 1 2 3

Total No6 o! 1alid 1otes polled Re<ected 1otes Tendered 1otes T=T)B

Place466666666666666666666 (ate 4666666666666666666666 %ignature o# Returning &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 26 RETURN O: ELECTION $%ee Rule 0* (a)J 666666666666666666666666666666To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), F M !"#"$%&"), 2 Co*$o*%)"o! &l6 No6 (1) 1 2 3 Total No6 o! 1alid 1otes polled Total No6 o! re<ected 1otes Na'e o! t"e candidate No6 o! 1alid 1otes polled (2) (3)

I declare t"at T"iru F T"iru'at"i F &el1i6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 "as $een dul% elected as t"e Me'$er F Councillor o! t"e6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 .ard F (i1ision o!66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit%F Municipalit% F Corporation6

Place 666666666666666666666 (ate 4 666666666666666666666 Returning &##icer.

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 27 DECLARATION O: THE RESULT O: ELECTION $%ee Rules 30 (2) and *1J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ Councillor to .ard F (i1ision No66666666666666666 o! ...6...........................To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ Municipalit% FMunicipalit% F Corporation DECLARATION In pursuance o! t"e pro1isions contained in Rule *1 o! t"e Ta'il Nadu To#n Panc"a%ats T"ird Grade Municipalities F Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006, I declare t"at: T"iruF T't6 F &el1i 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666(Na'e) 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666()ddress) "as $een dul% elected as Me'$er F Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No666666666666666666 o!66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6

Place466666666666666666666 (ate-.....................

&i3nature666666666666666666666666666666666666 Returning &##icer.

:ORM12. NOMINATION :ORM $%ee Rule 100 (1)J E&+#)"o! o5 )-+ C-%"*(%! 2 D"#+1C-%"*(%! 2 M%,o* 2 D+$ ), M%,o* o5 .................................................... To>! P%!#-%,%) 2 T-"*' G*%'+ M !"#"$%&"), 2 M !"#"$%&"), 2Co*$o*%)"o!

666666666666666666666666666666666666666666Election o! C"air'an o!6666666666666666666666.ards Co''ittee o! 66666666666666666666666 Municipalit% F Corporation Election o! 66666666666666666 Co''ittee 'e'$ers o!66666666666666666666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%ats F T"ird Grade Municipalit%R Municipalit% F Corporation6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


I, T"iru F T"iru'at"i F &el1i KKKKKKKKKKKKKMe'$er F Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No KKKKKKKKK66 "ere$% no'inate T"iru F T"iru'at"i F &el1i Me'$er F Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No6 KKKKKKKKK66 as a candidate !or t"e election o! C"air'an F +ice:C"air'an F Ma%or F (eput% Ma%or F C"air'an o! .ards Co''ittee F Me'$er o! co''ittee o! t"e KKKKKKKKKK6 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit% F Municipalit% F Corporation6

Place 4 66666666666666 (ate 6666666666666666 %ignature o# t)e (roposer.

I, T"iru F T"iru'at"i F &el1i KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK6 Me'$er F Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No6 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"ere$% second t"e a$o1e no'ination6 Place 4 66666666666666 (ate 6666666666666666

%ignature o# t)e %econder.

DECLARATION O: THE CANDIDATE I, T"iru F T"iru'at"i F &el1i 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Me'$er F Councillor !ro' .ard F (i1ision No6 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666"ere$% assent to t"is no'ination6 L I a' a 'e'$er o! t"e666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666Caste F Tri$e #"ic" is a &c"eduled Caste F Tri$e in t"e &tate o! Ta'il Nadu in relation to 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666(area)6

Place 4 66666666666666 (ate 6666666666666666 %ignature o# t)e Candidate.

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 L Needs to $e 'ade onl% !or C"air'an F Ma%or election $% a &C F &T candidate6

TN TPs, 3 Grade Mplties, Mplties and Corpns (Elections) Rules, 2006


:ORM 1 2A H)BB=T P)PER $%ee Rule 106J Election o! C"air'an F +ice:C"air'an F Ma%or F (eput% Ma%or F C"air'an F Me'$er o! t"e 66666666666666666666666666.ards Co''ittee o! 6666666666666666666666666666666 &tatutor% Co''ittee o! 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 To#n Panc"a%at F T"ird Grade Municipalit%F Municipalit%F Corporation6

&l6 No6


.ard F (i1ision No6

Returning &##icer


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