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Bibliography Primary Sources Bluth, Andrew. Kevorkian Says His Role in Death Was Duty.

New York Times [New York, NY] 23 Mar. 1999, Late ed., sec. A: 18. Print. The article was published in one of the most popular newspapers in the country and we are using quotes from it and using it for more background information. A Deep Breath. The Economist 12 Dec. 1992: n. pag. Print. This article contained good background information on the rights of doctors and what usually happens when a patients asks a doctor to help kill them. It also described a little bit on Kevorkian and another death he assisted in. Dr Death Walks. The Economist 16 Mar. 1996: n. pag. Print. This article contains information on states trying to legalize assisted suicide. It also describes the decisions that the court made for legalizing assisted suicide. Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Time Magazine. N.p., 31 May 1993. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used in one of our banners about Dr. Jack Kevorkian. It helps show that he was a big deal in the 90s because he was in Time Magazine. Dr. Jack Kevorkian Speaks to Sold Out Audience at UCLA. Asbarez Armenian News, 21 Jan. 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used in a banner on our website and is good for showing what he did after he got out of jail. Dr. Life 1999 Kevorkians Closing Arguments Dr Jack Kevorkian. Youtube. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.

<>. This is a video of one of his court cases and he makes good and persuasive arguments regarding his case that could be used on our website. Fields-Meyer, Thomas, Sam Jemielity, and Eric Francis. Exit Strategy. People 7 Dec. 1998: n. pag. Print. This article contained great background information on just Thomas Youk and lead up to the point of him wanting to die. Also, talking about the 60 Minutes video. Foer, Franklin, and Sara Hammel. Death in Prime Time. U.S. News and World Report 7 Dec. 1998: n. pag. Print. This article had contained information on pretty much the whole 60 Minutes video and the impact. Grace, Julie. Curtains for Dr. Death. Time 5 Apr. 1999: n. pag. Print. This article contains information on Kevorkian in court and what the judge told him as well The Hippocratic Oath. British Medical Journal 309 (1994): 414+. JSTOR. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. <>. This article was published in a medical jounal and relates to part of our topic (Hippocratic Oath) really well. Hoffman, Kathy Barks. A Defiant Dr Death Free to Battle for Right to Die. Advertiser [Adelaide] 6 June 2007: n. pag. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. <,ip,cpid&custid= s7324964&db=n5h&AN=200706022068872172&site=src-live&scope=site>. Its good to have read this article because the a lot of the other articles didnt include this portion of his life. Also, the article references some credible experts like the director of the Powell Centre for Medical Ethics at the National Right to Life Committee. Jack Kevorkian. Economist 11 June 2011: 88+. Print. This is his obituary so its a primary source. We used it in our website on one of our Kevorkians Life sub-pages.

Jack Kevorkian: A Medical Hero? Better Palliative Care Is the Answer. British Medical Journal 313 (1996): 227-28. JSTOR. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. <>. The author disagrees with Dr. Kevorkians ideas strongly and gives different viewpoints and opinions that are useful. Its also published in a medical journal so it has valuable information. Janet Adkins, a woman diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, died of a self-administered lethal injection. It was Jack Kevorkians first public assisted suicide. Oregon Live. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. < sted_suicide_recalls_her_friend_janet_adkin.html>. This photo is used on a page in our website to give a visual of Janet Adkins, Dr. Kevorkians first patient with the Thanatron. Its also used in a banner on our website. Kevorkian, Jack. Kevorkian and the Ninth Amendment. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. 20 Sept. 2009. Pennsylvania Sociological Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <;>. Dr. Kevorkian presented this and he is the main person that is being researched in this project. - - -. Prescription Medicide: The Goodness of Planned Death. New York, NY: Prometheus, 1991. Print. Dr. Kevorkian wrote this book so it gives lots of his arguements and his side of the story. Kevorkian as a child. Geo Cities. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used on our website on our page for Kevorkians childhood.

Kevorkian (left) and Captain LeTellier (right) in Korea. Geo Cities. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used on our virtual poster because after the Korean War is really when Dr. Kevorkian started his medical career. The Kindly Gas. The Economist 7 May 1994: n. pag. Print. In this article it contains information on another patient of Kevorkian, Mr. Hyde. The Last Consumer Item. National Review 31 Dec. 1990: n. pag. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. < xjcGlkLHVybCx1aWQmY3VzdGlkPXM2MjY0OTQ5JnNpdGU9c3JjLWxpdmU%3d#d b=ulh&AN=12917904>. Its printed in a magazine and even though its opinionated, its been edited and reviewed many times by a professional so it should be correct grammatically and structurally. We used this article when we were beginning to research so it gave us some background knowledge. Marzilli, Alan. Physician-Assisted Suicide. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2004. Print. This book has a lot of background information and even shows the laws of Michigan for murder and assisted suicide. It helps to know that this information is probably accurate. North, Michael, trans. Hippocratic Oath. Greek Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2002. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <>. Used on a page in our website titled, The Hippocratic Oath. We added this to our site in case the viewer wasnt familiar with it.

Rosenbaum, Ron. Angel of Death: The Trial of the Suicide Doctor. Vanity Fair May 1991: n. pag. Print. This article/magazine contains a lot of information on the death of Janet Adkins and the first trial for Kevorkian. It also talks about his suicide machine too. Twycross, Robert. A Medical Hero? Better Palliative Care Is the Answer. British Medical Journal 313 (1996): 227-28. Print. The source is a popular medical journal and we used it because it provides the opposing viewpoint.

Secondary Sources Angell, Marcia. Helping Desperately Ill People to Die. Regulating How We Die. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1998. 3-21. Print. It was published by one of the best schools in the country and we used it to get more background information about assisted suicide in general. Cartoon. Second Thoughts. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. This is an entertaining cartoon even though it opposes our opinion, but its good to have it in our website because it shows the other side of the argument. We used it in our page explaining assisted suicide. Do Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide Violate the Hippocratic Oath? ProCon. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. <>. This website contained information on the Hippocratic oath and how doctors have choice in taking it or not taking it. Also, it show the whole Hippocratic oath they take. Dr. Jack Kevorkian on the Assisted Suicide of Janet Adkins. Youtube. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This video contained

great information on Janet Adkins and her death, it seemed like an old video, but was posted recently. It also had a good interview of Janet Adkins husband. Dr. Jack Kevorkian sits handcuffed in a wheelchair during his arraignment on May 8, 1998, in Royal Oak, Mich. Kevorkian was charged with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer while attempting to drop off a body at William Beaumont Hospital. NPR. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used in the banner on our page talking about the trial in 1999. Dworkin, Ronald. The Constitution Protects the Right to Die. Death and Dying. San Diego, CA: Green Haven, 1998. 56-64. Print. Opposing Viewpoints Series. This is a good source and will be used as an argument on our Right to Die page. The right to die is controversial but the fact that it is in the constitution persuades the reader to agree with us. Easing Death; Assisted Suicide. The Economist 26 Oct. 2012: n. pag. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. < 570?accountid=14788>. In this article it contained information on assisted suicide now. It also describes more on the Hippocratic Oath and how doctors to rarely take it. Farrell, Courtney. Jack Kevorkian. Ipswich, MA: Great Neck, 2007. Book Collection Nonfiction: High School Edition Publications. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. <,ip,cpid&custid= s7324964&db=n9h&AN=25126400&site=src-live&scope=site>. Its part of a published book so the background information and basic things should probably be correct, along

with spelling and grammar of course. We used this for background information on Jack Kevorkian and used some of that information on two of our webpages. Ferguson, John E., Jr. The Right to Die. New York City: Infobase Publishing, 2007. Print. Point Counterpoint. This book contained great information on the whole right to die aspect for Jack Kevorkian. Flatline Tone. GR Sites. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This sound automatically plays once a viewer clicks on one of our pages. Hansen, Kraig. Euthanasia and Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Youtube. N.p., 31 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This video contained great footage on Thomas Youks death and what Kevorkian thought about it. Harp, Grady. Taking Chances. Rev. of You Dont Know Jack. Amazon. N.p., 25 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. This is one of two reviews for the movie You Dont Know Jack we chose to put on our website. The reviewer rated it five out of five stars. The Heart Flatlining May Not Mean Death. Science Line. NYU Journalism, 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used in a banner in our website. Its the only picture in that banner because its a very meaningful and dramatic image; it represents that dying moment for the patient. Henry Ford Hospital and EMS Vehicles. Detroit Michigan. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. This photo is also used in our page about Kevorkians medical career on the virtual poster.

Hippocratic oath, medicine, healthcare, ethics, protection, hippocrates, scroll. Foto Search. Publitek, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>. This photo is used in a banner on the Hippocratic Oath page on our website and is used to get the viewer familiarized with the idea of the oath. Its All Greek to The Ethicist. Ethics Alarms. Word, 12 May 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>. This photo is used in a banner on the Hippocratic Oath page in our website and we use it to convey the idea of the oath a little more. Jack Kevorkian. Forum on Law, Culture and Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used in a few banners and other parts of our website. Its a more casual picture of Dr. Kevorkian to help the viewer see that hes an actual person and not a supervillan. Kevorkian, Jack. Nearer My God to Thee. Mkrtchyan Art Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>. This illustration is used in a banner and slideshow in our website. Most of Kevorkians art is controversial and surprising so its a good visual to use. Mitchell, John B. Understanding Assisted Suicide. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2007. Print. This article contains information on why the patients do want to die. Needle Exchange Victory in DC. Examiner. Clarity Digital Group, 29 July 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. < 36a85d4ab323f784c6.jpg?itok=PDvOrI5c>. This picture is used in our overview video on our homepage to symbolize assisted suicide.

An oil painting by Dr. Jack Kevorkian is seen during a press preview for the Sale of the Estate of Jack Kevorkian at the New York Institute of Technology in New York October 27, 2011. The items from the estate will be held for auction on October 28. Townhall. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. There is a slide show about Kevorkians artwork and this picture is used in it. Its one of his more graphic paintings and its very controversial. Outdoor Art at the Detroit Medical Center. Bikes, Books, and a Little Music. WordPress, 27 Oct. 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used on our page describing Jack Kevorkians medical career. We put it in our glog (virtual poster) thats on that page. Pacino, Al, and Susan Sarandon. HBO Films: You Dont Know Jack - A Conversation w/ Al Pacino and Susan Sarandon (HBO). Youtube. N.p., 12 Apr. 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>. The interviewees are the main actor and actress in the movie You Dont Know Jack and we used it to understand what the movie is about. Right-to-Die. Global Balita. N.p., 15 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>. The image is used in a part of a heading on one of our pages about the right to die. Right to Die Billboards. Disabled World. N.p., 16 June 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This picture is used in a few banners on our website to show how popular this right to die argument is.

Slippery slope. Disoriented Theology. WordPress, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. < 64>. This picture is used on our page that describes assisted suicide because we also bring up the argument of the slippery slope. Smiling Kevorkian. Ariana Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This photo we used in the banner of our website. To Admire the Dust on the Shoes of the Condemned... Rev. of You Dont Know Jack. 2010. Amazon. N.p., 28 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. < DPAWP>. On our page about this movie, we put the trailer for the movie on it and a bunch of reviews; this is one of the reviews. Wayne County, U-M agreement will save medical examiner costs. University of Michigan Health. N.p., 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <,0.jpg>. This picture is used on the virtual poster about Kevorkians medical career.

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