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TN TPs, 3rd Grade Mplties, Mplties and Mpl Corpns (Duty on Transfers of Property) Rules, 2011

TAMIL NADU TOWN PANCHAYATS, THIRD GRADE MUNICIPALITIES, MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (DUTY ON TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY) RULES, 2011* [G.0. Ms. No. 62, Municipal Administration and Water Supply (Election), 28th Fe ruary 2!"".# No. II(2)/MAWS/ 0(!"1)/2011. In e er!ise of t"e po#ers !onferred $y se!tion % of t"e Ta&il Nadu Duty on Transfers of Property (in Muni!ipal 'reas) '!t, 200( (Ta&il Nadu '!t 32 of 200(), t"e Go)ernor of Ta&il Nadu "ere$y &a*es t"e follo#in+ rules,R./012 1. S#o$% %&%'(, )**'&+)%&o, ),- +o..(,+(.(,%./(1) T"ese rules &ay $e !alled t"e Ta&il Nadu To#n Pan!"ayats, T"ird Grade Muni!ipalities, Muni!ipalities and Muni!ipal Corporations (Duty on Transfers of Property) Rules, 20112 (2) T"ey s"all apply to all t"e To#n Pan!"ayats, T"ird Grade Muni!ipalities, Muni!ipalities and Muni!ipal Corporations of t"e 1tate2 (3) T"ey s"all !o&e into for!e on t"e 2%t" day of 3e$ruary, 20112 2. D(0&,&%&o,1./ In t"ese rules, unless t"ere is anyt"in+ repu+nant in t"e su$4e!t or !onte t,(&) 2A+%3 &eans t"e Ta&il Nadu Duty on Transfers of Property (in Muni!ipal 'reas) '!t, 200( (Ta&il Nadu '!t 32 of 200()5 (&&) 2F4,-3 &eans t"e Ta&il Nadu .r$an Road Infrastru!ture 3und5 (&) 2Go5($,.(,%3 &eans t"e Go)ern&ent of Ta&il Nadu5 (&&) 2I,1%$4.(,%3 &eans an instru&ent of sale, e !"an+e, +ift, &ort+a+e #it" possession or lease in perpetuity of i&&o)a$le property, on #"i!" transfer duty is le)ia$le under se!tion 3 of t"e '!t5 666666666666666666666666666666666 7 Pu$lis"ed in Part II, 1e!tion 2 of t"e Ta&il Nadu Go)ern&ent Ga8ette (0 traordinary dated 2% 3e$ruary 20112 (No2 9(, pa+es 1 to 3)2

TN TPs, 3rd Grade Mplties, Mplties and Mpl Corpns (Duty on Transfers of Property) Rules, 2011

(&&&) 2M4,&+&*)' )$()3 &eans t"e territorial area of a &uni!ipality, as defined in !lause (2) of se!tion 2 of t"e '!t5 (&&&) 2M4,&+&*)'&%63 &eans(a) t"e Muni!ipal Corporations of C"ennai, Madurai, Coi&$atore, Tiru!"irappalli, Tirunel)eli, 1ale&, Tiruppur, 0rode, :ellore, T"oot"u**udi or any ot"er Muni!ipal Corporation t"at &ay $e !onstituted under any la# for t"e ti&e $ein+ in for!e5 or (b) ;a &uni!ipal !oun!il; !onstituted under t"e Ta&il Nadu Distri!t Muni!ipalities '!t2 1(202 (5&&)3S%).* A+%3 &eans t"e Indian 1ta&p '!t2 1%(( (Central '!t II of 1%(() as in for!e in t"e 1tate of Ta&il Nadu5 (5&&) $trans%er duty$ &eans t"e duty on transfer of property le)ia$le under se!tion 3 of t"e '!t5 ()ii) 'll #ords and e pressions not defined in t"ese rules s"all "a)e t"e &eanin+s respe!ti)ely assi+ned to t"e& $y t"e 1ta&p '!t and t"e rules &ade t"ereunder2 7. P$o5&1&o,1 o0 %#( S%).* A+% %o )**'6 %o %$),10($ -4%6./()) 'll t"e pro)isions of t"e 1ta&p '!t and t"e rules &ade t"ereunder s"all, so far as &ay $e2 apply in relation to t"e transfer duty as &ay $e applied in relation to t"e duty !"ar+ea$le under t"at '!t5 (b) <"ere t"e transfer duty or any portion t"ereof is less t"an one rupee2 su!" duty or portion t"ereof s"all not $e !olle!ted2 8. D4%&(1 o0 $(9&1%$)%&o, o00&+($1 &, $(9)$- %o %#( *)$%&+4')$1 %o :( 1(% 0o$%# &, &,1%$4.(,%1./()) <"ene)er an instru&ent is presented for re+istration to any re+isterin+ offi!er2 "e s"all see #"et"er t"e parti!ulars referred to in se!tion 29 of t"e 1ta&p '!t, are set fort" in t"e instru&ent separately as re=uired $y t"e said se!tion 29 read #it" se!tion 3 of t"e '!t and s"all also ensure t"at t"e &uni!ipality #it"in #"ose 4urisdi!tion t"e property !on!erned is situated2 is set fort" !learly in t"e instru&ent5 ($) If t"e said parti!ulars are not separately set fort" in t"e instru&ent, t"e re+isterin+ offi!er s"all *eep t"e instru&ent pendin+ for #ant of t"ese parti!ulars instead of i&poundin+ it2 1u!" parti!ulars &ay $e o$tained su$se=uently and t"e instru&ent $e i&pounded if defi!iently sta&ped2 and for#arded to t"e Distri!t Colle!tor !allin+ "is attention to se!tion >? of t"e 1ta&p '!t read #it" !lause (b) of se!tion ? of t"e '!t2 (!) T"e duty le)ia$le on an instru&ent of e !"an+e s"all $e re+ulated as follo#s2 na&ely,(i) if t"e )alues of t"e properties e !"an+ed are une=ual, t"e duty s"all $e le)ied on t"e )alue of t"e property of t"e +reater )alue5 and (ii) if t"e )alues of t"e properties e !"an+ed are e=ual, t"e "i+"er a&ount of duty le)ia$le s"all $e le)ied2 ;. M)&,%(,),+( ),- +o,1o'&-)%&o, o0 )++o4,%1 &, $(1*(+% o0 %$),10($ -4%6.""()) (i) 0)ery re+isterin+ offi!er s"all &aintain an a!!ount of t"e duty paid in respe!t of ea!" instru&ent re+istered $y "i& s"o#in+ separately t"e duty i&posed $y t"e 1ta&p '!t and t"e transfer duty2 T"e re+isterin+ offi!er s"all also &aintain a separate a!!ount for ea!" &uni!ipality #it"in #"ose 4urisdi!tion t"e property !on!erned is situated2

TN TPs, 3rd Grade Mplties, Mplties and Mpl Corpns (Duty on Transfers of Property) Rules, 2011

(ii) T"e said a!!ount s"all $e !onsolidated =uarterly for ea!" &uni!ipality $y t"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration at t"e "ead =uarters t"rou+" t"e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e Re)enue Distri!t and t"e ad&inistrati)e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e City of C"ennai2 (iii) T"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration &ay issue e e!uti)e instru!tions re+ardin+ t"e &aintenan!e of a!!ounts $y Re+isterin+ @ffi!ers in t"is $e"alf and t"e for& in #"i!" t"e !onsolidated a!!ounts for ea!" =uarter are to $e for#arded to t"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration and t"e '!!ountant-General, Ta&il Nadu2 ($) In t"e !ase of instru&ents #"i!" do not !o&e into t"e "ands of re+isterin+ offi!ers o#in+ to t"e fa!t t"at t"ey are not !o&pulsorily re+ister a$le under se!tion 19 of t"e Indian Re+istration '!t, 1(0% (Central '!t A:I of 1(0%), t"e Distri!t Colle!tor $efore #"o& any su!" instru&ent is produ!ed under se!tion 31 or ?1 of t"e 1ta&p '!t or #"o i&pounds any su!" instru&ent under se!tion 33 of t"e said '!t, or re!ei)es a !ertifi!ate of t"e duty and penalty paid in respe!t of any su!" instru&ent or t"e ori+inal of any su!" instru&ent under se!tion 3% of t"e said '!t, s"all *eep an a!!ount of t"e duty paid in respe!t of ea!" su!" instru&ent s"o#in+ separately t"e duty i&posed $y t"e 1ta&p '!t and t"e transfer duty and for#ard to t"e Distri!t Re+istrar of 'ssuran!es !on!erned, #it"in a period of one &ont" after t"e !lose of ea!" =uarter, a =uarterly !onsolidated a!!ount #it" parti!ulars in t"e !ase of ea!" su!" instru&ent re+ardin+ t"e na&es of t"e e e!utant and !lai&ant, t"e date of e e!ution, t"e nature of t"e transa!tion, t"e a&ount of !onsideration, t"e )alue of t"e property or t"e a&ount se!ured $y t"e &ort+a+e as t"e !ase &ay $e, and t"e des!ription of t"e property situated #it"in t"e li&its of a &uni!ipality2 (!) If in any !ase it is i&possi$le to re!o)er t"e full duty paya$le on any instru&ent, t"en only su!" portion of t"e duty realised on su!" instru&ent as in e !ess of t"e duty i&posed $y t"e 1ta&p '!t s"all $e treated in t"e a!!ounts referred to in t"is rule as transfer duty2 (d) 0)ery Distri!t Colle!tor #"o san!tions a refund of t"e transfer duty paid on any instru&ent, s"all for#ard to t"e Distri!t Re+istrar of 'ssuran!es !on!erned #it"in a period of one &ont" after t"e !lose of ea!" =uarter a state&ent of instru&ent in respe!t of #"i!" 14+# refunds #ere san!tioned durin+ t"e =uarter notin+ t"erein t"e a&ount of t"e transfer duty refunded and t"e parti!ulars referred to in su$-rule ($) in respe!t of ea!" su!" instru&ent2 <. D&1%$&+% R(9&1%$)$ %o 1(,- &,%&.)%&o, %o %#( I,1*(+%o$ -G(,($)' o0 R(9&1%$)%&o,, &, $(1*(+% o0 %#( ).o4,% *)6):'( %o .4,&+&*)'&%&(1 ),- %o %#( F4,- =4)$%($'6." (a) Inti&ation re+ardin+ t"e a&ount paya$le =uarterly to t"e &uni!ipality !on!erned and to t"e 3und in respe!t of t"e instru&ents referred to in su$-rules (a) and ($) of rule B s"all $e sent $y t"e Distri!t Re+istrar at t"e "ead=uarters of t"e Re)enue Distri!t and in respe!t of C"ennai City, t"e ad&inistrati)e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e City of C"ennai to t"e Inspe!torGeneral of Re+istration, C"ennai, #it"in one &ont" after t"e e piry of ea!" =uarter2 (a) Inti&ation re+ardin+ t"e a&ount of dedu!tion on a!!ount of t"e !olle!tion of t"e transfer duty to $e !redited to t"e Go)ern&ent, s"all, at t"e sa&e ti&e, $e sent $y t"e Distri!t Re+istrar at t"e "ead=uarters of t"e Re)enue Distri!t and ad&inistrati)e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e City of C"ennai to t"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration, C"ennai2 T"e inti&ation sent $y t"e Distri!t Re+istrars and ad&inistrati)e Distri!t Re+istrar s"all !ontain t"e parti!ulars of t"e a&ount paya$le to ea!" &uni!ipality, to t"e 3und and t"at to $e ad4usted to t"e Re+istration Depart&ent distin!tly and separately2

TN TPs, 3rd Grade Mplties, Mplties and Mpl Corpns (Duty on Transfers of Property) Rules, 2011

(a)' dedu!tion of t"ree per !ent of t"e transfer duty paid s"all $e &ade, on a!!ount of t"e !"ar+es for t"e !olle!tion of transfer duty and t"e a&ount of refunds referred to in rule B (d)5 if any2 ($)'fter dedu!tion of t"ree per !ent of t"e !olle!tion !"ar+es and t"e a&ount of refunds referred to in rule B(d), if any, as spe!ified in su$-rule (!), fifty per !ent s"all $e paya$le to t"e !on!erned &uni!ipality and t"e $alan!e fifty per !ent s"all $e paya$le to t"e 3und2 ($) In !al!ulatin+ t"e net a&ount paya$le to ea!" &uni!ipality and to t"e 3und, t"e net a&ount s"all $e rounded off to t"e nearest rupee2 >. C$(-&%&,9 %#( +o''(+%&o, +#)$9(1 &,%o Go5($,.(,% )++o4,%./ (a) T"e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e distri!t !on!erned s"all prepare a !onsolidated $ill for t"e a&ount of !olle!tion !"ar+es for&in+ t"ree per !ent of t"e +ross !olle!tions as arri)ed at $y t"e& #it" referen!e to rule >, to $e !redited to t"e Go)ern&ent and send it to t"e Treasury @ffi!er, #"o s"all !redit t"e a&ount to t"e C"ead of a!!ountC of t"e Re+istration Depart&ent t"at &ay $e spe!ified fro& ti&e to ti&e2 (b) In respe!t of t"e C"ennai !ity, t"e 'd&inistrati)e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e City s"all li*e-#ise prepare a !onsolidated $ill for t"e a&ount of !olle!tion !"ar+es for&in+ t"ree per !ent of t"e +ross !olle!tions as arri)ed at $y t"e& #it" referen!e to rule > to $e !redited to t"e Go)ern&ent and send it to t"e Pay and '!!ounts @ffi!er #"o s"all !redit t"e a&ount to t"e "ead of a!!ount of t"e Re+istration Depart&ent t"at &ay $e spe!ified fro& ti&e to ti&e2 ?. C$(-&%&,9 %#( %$),10($ -4%6 &,%o Go5($,.(,% )++o4,%./ (a) T"e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e distri!t !on!erned s"all prepare !onsolidated $ills in Tripli!ate for t"e a&ount of transfer duty paya$le to To#n Pan!"ayats, Muni!ipalities and Muni!ipal Corporations as arri)ed at $y t"e& after dedu!tin+ t"e a&ount of !olle!tion !"ar+es #it" referen!e to rule >, and send it to t"e Treasury @ffi!er, #"o s"all !redit t"e a&ount to t"e C"eads of a!!ountC of t"e Muni!ipal 'd&inistration and <ater 1upply Depart&ent t"at &ay $e spe!ified fro& ti&e to ti&e2 (b) In respe!t of t"e C"ennai City, t"e 'd&inistrati)e Distri!t Re+istrars of t"e City s"all li*e-#ise prepare a !onsolidated $ill for t"e a&ount of transfer duty paya$le after dedu!tin+ t"e !olle!tion !"ar+es #it" referen!e to rule > and send it to t"e Pay and '!!ounts @ffi!er #"o s"all !redit t"e a&ount to t"e "ead of a!!ount of t"e Muni!ipal 'd&inistration and <ater 1upply Depart&ent t"at &ay $e spe!ified fro& ti&e to ti&e2 . P)6.(,% o0 %#( %$),10($ -4%6 %o %#( .4,&+&*)'&%6 +o,+($,(- ),- +$(-&%&,9 &,%o %#( F4,-."(a) Go)ern&ent s"all &a*e Dud+et Pro)isions to allo!ate funds paya$le to To#n Pan!"ayats, Muni!ipalities, Corporations and to t"e 3und, $ased on t"e a!tual a&ount of !olle!tion of transfer duty of t"e pre!edin+ finan!ial year2 ($) fifty per !ent of t"e allo!ation indi!ated in su$-rule (a) #ill $e !redited to t"e 3und $ased on t"e inti&ation re!ei)ed =uarterly fro& t"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration and t"e $alan!e fifty per !ent of t"e allo!ation s"all $e released to t"e &uni!ipalities in t"e &anner referred in su$-rule (!)2 (a)T"e Eeads of t"e Depart&ents !on!erned s"all !"e!* t"e arit"&eti!al a!!ura!y of t"e fi+ures sent $y t"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration #it" referen!e to rule > and prepare a !onsolidated $ill #it" full details as to t"e a&ount due to ea!" &uni!ipality as transfer duty as furnis"ed $y t"e Inspe!tor-General and send it to t"e &uni!ipality !on!erned on =uarterly $asis2

TN TPs, 3rd Grade Mplties, Mplties and Mpl Corpns (Duty on Transfers of Property) Rules, 2011

(!) /i*e#ise, t"e Eeads of t"e Depart&ents !on!erned s"all prepare a $ill #it" full details as to t"e a&ount to $e !redited into t"e 3und, as transfer duty for !reditin+ t"e a&ount into t"e 3und and send it to t"e Ta&il Nadu .r$an Infrastru!ture 3inan!ial 1er)i!es /i&ited, #"o is operatin+ t"e 3und2 10. I,%&.)%&o, o0 %#( +$(-&% o0 %#( ).o4,%1./ 'n inti&ation of t"e !redit of t"e a&ounts of transfer duty to t"e Muni!ipal 'd&inistration and <ater 1upply Depart&ent and !olle!tion !"ar+es to t"e Re+istration Depart&ent s"all $e sent $y t"e Treasury @ffi!er or Pay and '!!ounts offi!er in respe!t of City of C"ennai to t"e Inspe!tor-General of Re+istration, in respe!t of Muni!ipalities and ot"er Corporations to t"e Dire!tor of Muni!ipal 'd&inistration and in respe!t of To#n Pan!"ayats to t"e Dire!tor of To#n Pan!"ayats2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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