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Question 18-20 Complete the notes below Write ONE WORD ONLY for the answer Vets 18.

18.______ for all pets can be expensive Many dog owners pay o t for training !ong haired breeds can be expensive to "eep 1#.______ and tidy. $ew owners need to b y pet accessories s ch as a beds% &'._______% collars and leads.

Section 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-24 Complete the notes below Write NO MORE TH N TWO WORDS! ND OR W$%&e'( )'ee* Wines +e',o'-$nce to .$te( )chieved highest s ccess in Victoria with *&1+_______ mar"et share *&&+_____________ age gro p more s ccessf l than older mar"ets. ,ome s ccess in the rest of ) stralia and *&-+__________________. /-$(e( ) cool and trendy image has been developed thro gh the companys *&.+________________. Questions 20-21 Choose the correct letter 2 # or ) &/. Why does 0ames believe the company was right not to foc s on an older mar"et1 ). 2here are more potential c stomers in the yo nger category 3. 2hey consider newer companies prod cts to be inferior C. 2he investment in mar"eting is too high &4. What% according to 0ames% is the opinion of 5 ropeans on wines from ) stralia1 ). 2hey are becoming more pop lar than traditional wines N"M#ER for each answer.

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3. 2hey are not as light as wines from 6rance or 7taly C. 2hey co ld be considered more innovative &8. Why does ,imone believe the company co ld s ccessf lly sell its wine in 5 rope1 ). 3eca se it has already been s ccessf l with other prod cts there 3. 3eca se it has already beg n to increase sales of its wine there C. 3eca se another company with a similar image has been s ccessf l Questions 28-30 Which opinion does each person express abo t Walberg Cree" Wines1 Choose yo r answers from the box and write letters -3 next to 9 estions &8:-' ). 3. C. ;. 5. 2he 9 ality of the wine sho ld be slightly improved C rrent strengths sho ld be maintained 2he company has expanded too 9 ic"ly 2oo many people are not aware of the brand ,taff are not considered important eno gh

6. 5xternal relationships sho ld be c ltivated &8. 0ames _______________ &#. ,imone _______________ -'. 2 tor _______________

Section 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31 $n. 32 Complete the sentences below Write NO MORE TH N TWO WORDS for each answer -1. More diverse species of ant are fo nd in<<<<<.. -&. )nt pop lations are not native to 7celand % =reenland % >awaii or <<<<<. --. )nt behavio r is n s al as it is<<<<< Questions 34-34 Which of the following relates to each type of ant1 ). 3. C. ;. ? eens Wor"ers ;rones 6oragers

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Write the correct letter 2 # o' ) next to 9 estions -.:-4 -.. 2ypically lives for between 1 to - years -/. !ives for the shortest period -4. 2he need for more of its "ind is signalled by a chemical Questions 31-40 )nswer the 9 estions below Write NO MORE TH N TWO WORDS ND!OR N"M#ER for each answer.

-8. What have more experienced ants been observed to train other ants to find1 -8. What have members of Central )merican colonies been seen to se to pl g holes in neven s rfaces1 -#. @p to how many ants may be involved in the proAect observed in Central )merica 1 .'. What have been cond cted and have revealed the efficiency of an ant colony and n s al ant behavio r1

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