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grammar placement test


NAME: ..


Target group Objectives Timing

third grade, second year (sixth form) Test your grammar skills 1 lesson for taking the test, correction with the answer key. Step 1 Step Step " Do the multiple choice test individually !orrect with your answer key #ill in the reflection grid


Choose the correct answers. In a e! cases t"ere is more t"an one correct ans!er#
1. I ___ she_____ you. tenses $ present %. &elieve, hates '. am &elieving, is hating !. &elieve, is hating D. am &elieving, hates

2. It _____ again. It _____all the time here in winter. tenses $ present %. (s raining, (s raining '. rains, rains !. rains, (s raining D. (s raining, rains

3. Dont make any noise. They ________ . tenses $ present %. are praying '. pray !. prayed D. have prayed

4. She is sleeping ________ . tenses $ present %. now '. usually !. always D. every day

. !h" my #o$% __________ on the light when I am asleep% tenses $ present %. She always switches on '. She)s always switching on

&. I un$erstoo$ that she _____ wanting more 'rom me. tenses $ past %. is '. was !. would

(. _____ that e)hi*ition on #ains*orough last week+ tenses $ past %. *ave you visited '. Did you visit !. +ere you visiting

,. -e o'ten went to .ones *each when we ______ in /ew 0ork . tenses $ past %. lived '. were living !. had lived

1. -hen he opene$ the $oor I knew I _____ him *e'ore. tenses , past %. have seen '. saw !. had seen

12. 3y *ack hurt *ecause we ________ 'or more than three $ays. tenses $ past %. were walking '. had walked !. had &een walking

11. -e __________ with our lawyer this morning an$ then ha$ lunch. tenses $ present perfect %. have talked '. talked

12. 4e5s in poor health. 6 4e _______ _____ years. tenses $ present perfect %. (s suffered since '. suffered, for !. (s suffered, for D. suffered, since

13. _____________ your translation yet+ tenses $ present perfect %. Did you finish '. *ave you finished !. have you &een finishing

14. 4ow long ________________ in 7ruges now+ tenses $ present perfect %. are you living '. have you lived !. have you &een living

1 . Di$ you hear the sirens+ I hear the town hall __________ 'ire. tenses $ present perfect %. is -ust caught '. has -ust caught !. -ust caught

1&. .ulie _______ to meet you tonight. tenses $ future %. is coming 1(. -ho ______________ tonight+ tenses $ future %. arrives '. will arrive !. is arriving '. comes

1,. 4is car is 'or sale. 4e __________ his car *y the en$ o' !cto*er. tenses $ future %. will sell '. will &e selling !. will have sold

11. 8t this time tomorrow we ________________ rug*y. tenses $ future %. will play '. will have played !. are playing D. will &e playing

22. 7y the en$ o' ne)t year he _________________ 'or our company 'or 1 years now. tenses $ future

%. will work

'. will &e working

!. will have &een working

D. will have worked

21. This no9el _____ *y a 'rien$ o' my *rother5s. voice $ passive %. is writing '. is written !. was writing D. was written

22. !n my 1,th anni9ersary _________ # voice $ passive %. . was given a large sum of money '. a large sum of money was given to me

23. -e can5t ha9e our $inner in that restaurant *ecause the *uil$ing ________ . voice $ passive %. is still constructed '. is still constructing !. is still &eing constructed

24. These criminals _______to prison a'ter their trial. voice $ passive %. are taken '. will &e taken !. have taken

2 . So 'ar :im _________ at tennis. voice $ passive %. wasn)t &eat '. hasn)t &een &eaten !. hasn)t &eaten D. won)t &e &eat

2&. 3y mother will *e an)ious" _________ . conditionals %. .f . don)t get &ack tomorrow. 2(. I _____ you" i' you _____ $oing that. conditionals %. kill, keep '. (ll kill, (ll keep !. kill, (ll keep D. (ll kill, keep '. if . won)t get &ack tomorrow.

2,. I' he ______" he ______ the ;o* last week. conditionals %. wasn)t such a fool, would have got '. hadn(t &een such a fool, would have got !. hadn(t &een such a fool, would get D. wasn)t such a fool, would get

21. Its time you________ the train" *ut I$ rather you ________ with us. conditionals %. take, stay '. took, stayed !. take, stayed D. took, stay

32. I wish I _____ more holi$ays. conditionals %. had '. have !. would have D. will have

31. I5ll meet you ______ Sun$ay night. prepositions %. at '. on !. in

32. <ets see them ____ at the train station. prepositions %. off '. of !. away

33. -e5re going ______ the cinema ne)t week. prepositions %. at '. (nothing) !. in D. to

34. Coul$ you complete the paper _____ =ri$ay+ prepositions %. till '. until !. &y D. for

3 . There5s a church ______ grannys house. prepositions %. in front of '. opposite !. facing

3&. I' you *urn your 'ingers" try _________ them un$er water 'or some time. gerund/inf. %. holding '. to hold !. hold

3(. I tra9elle$ to Car$i'' _____ the castle. gerund/inf. %. for seeing '. for to see !. for seeing D. to see

3,. I $ont think people can li9e more than a month without ______ # gerund/inf. %. to drink '. drink !. drinking D. you drink

31. I woul$nt like _____ in *e$ until noon " although I en;oy ____. gerund/inf. %. to lie, to sleep '. lying, sleeping !. lying, to sleep D. to lie, sleeping

42. -e are looking 'orwar$ to ______ 'rom you soon. gerund/inf. %. hearing !. hear

41. 3y sister a$mitte$ _________ sweets 'rom the shop. gerund/inf. %. to steal '. having stolen !. to have stolen

42. -oul$ you min$ __________ the win$ow+ gerund/inf. %. to close '. closing !. close

43. Di$ he mean ________ the man+ gerund/inf. %. to kill '. kill !. killing

44. >lease e)cuse ______ early. gerund/inf. %. my leaving ' me to leave !. . leaving

4 . I cant help _____________ . gerund/inf. %. to cry '. crying !. cry

4&. Susan? @I went looking 'or a new car.@ %. went

Susan sai$ AthatB she ___ looking 'or a new car.@ reported speech !. has gone

'. had gone

4(. .ohn? @I was sleeping.@ %. has &een sleeping

.ohn sai$ AthatB he ___. reported speech '. had &een sleeping !. had slept

4,. 8le)? @I went to Cu*a last year.@ %. in a year

8le) sai$ AthatB he ha$ *een to Cu*a ______.@ reported speech '. a year ago !. a year &efore

41. .ill? @I will wash the car tomorrow.@ .ill sai$ AthatB she woul$ wash the car ___ .@ reported speech %. on #riday '. tomorrow !. the following / next day

2. 3ary? @I ha$ tea with my sister yester$ay.@ 3ary sai$ AthatB she ha$ ha$ tea with her sister ___ .@ reported speech %. yesterday '. the day &efore !. on Saturday

1. /apoleon Ato lieB ____ in this *e$. irregular ver&s %. lied '. laid !. lay

52. My brother (to fall) _______ off the roof. .rregular ver&s A. falled B. fell C. felt

53. Granny had (to sit) _______ on the wrong chair! irregular ver&s A. sat B. sitten C. sit

54. The sun (to shine) _______ all orning. irregular ver&s A. shined 55. ! (to teach) _______ hi to be a good boy. irregular ver&s A. tought B. teached C. taught B. shone

&. 4e5s playing __________ piano. articles %. the '. (nothing) !. a D. one

(. I like _________ 'ast cars. articles %. the '. every !. all

,. 3y mother was taken to ____________ hospital. articles %. (nothing) '. an !. the D. a

1. 0ou may 'in$ out sooner or later that _________________ ignorance can *e help'ul. articles %. a '. an !. the D. (nothing)

&2. Sarah is _______________ artist. articles

%. a &1. -hat are ______ *uil$ings o9er there+ determiners %. that '. the

'. an

!. these

D. those

&2. -hose are ______ shoes here+ determiners %. that '. the !. these D. those

&3. ______ is your co$e num*er+ determiners %. +hich '. +hat !. *ow

&4. Can I ha9e _______ *reak+ determiners %. other '. an other !. another

& . There are _____ 'or e9eryone. determiners %. plates enough '. enough plates !. enough of plates

&&. 4ere are two photos. _____ like *est+ determiners %. +hich photo do you '. +hat photo do you !. +hich photo you D. +hat photo you

&(. There are only ___ pu*s in the 9illage an$ they are e)pensi9e. 0ou$ *etter *ring your own *eer. determiners %. a little '. a few !. little

&,. I walke$ into the $esert without _____ map. determiner %. some &1. Do you know ___ goo$ hotels in town+ determiner %. some '. any '. any

(2. @-oul$ you like to ha9e ___ milk in your co''ee+@ aske$ our host. determiner %. some (1. 4e5s got ____ courage. determiner %. much '. many !. a lot of '. any

(2. I $on5t ha9e __________ patience with her any more. determiner %. much ' a lot of !. many

(3. 4ow ___ times a week $o you take a shower+ determiner %. much '. many

(4. 4is 8ustralian 'rien$ an$ he talk to _______ e9ery week. pronoun %. them '. theirself !. themselves D. each other

( . Is >eter _____ + possessive pronoun %. a friend of yours '. a your friend !. your friend

(&. She met a 'rien$ o' ___ at the concert yester$ay. possessive pronoun %. ours '. us !. we

((. 3y $aughter use$ to play a lot *y ___ . possessive pronoun %. her (,. It *elongs to my partner an$ me" it5s ___ # pronoun %. us '. our !. ours '. herself

(1. C9eryone shoul$ *ring ___ own sheets. possessive pronoun %. his '. her !. their

,2. Is this car ___________+ possessive pronoun %. your '. yours !. the yours

,1. 54ello" who5s there+5 5_____5. personal pronoun %. .t(s me '. .t is . !. .

,2. -hose *ook is this+ 000000 mine. 1ossessive ronoun %. *is '. *e)s !. .ts D. .t)s

,3. Dintintin is !scars $og. !scar is ______owner. possessive pronoun %. his '. her !. its D. their

,4. 4eres the woman ______ stole your 3>36player. relative pronouns %. which '. who !. (nothing)

, . She keeps coming *ack 'or more" ______ is getting on my ner9es. relative pronouns %. which '. what !. that which

,&. :yra -ol'"___________" has ;ust written a letter to me. relative pronouns %) that . met in 2ew 3ork ') . met in 2ew 3ork !) which . met in 2ew 3ork D) who . met in 2ew 3ork

,(. The 'ilm _____ I was watching yester$ay was a horror mo9ie. relative pronouns

%. (nothing / that)

'. who

!. whose

,,. The man __________ 'ather has ;ust $ie$ is on the phone. relative pronouns %. who '. whom !. whose

,1. The plural o' pair is pairs. -hich o' these is a correct plural+ noun %. ladies '. sheeps !. feets D. &a&y)s

12. ___AlouseB an$ ___ AgooseB are animals. noun

%. louses , geese

'. lice, gooses

!. lice, geese

11. -e shoul$ respect all ____ AwomanB . noun %. womans '. women !. wimen

12. Coul$ you *ring two ___ Aloa'B 'or tonight+ noun %. loafs 13. The me$ia ______ on the war in Iran . noun %. reports '. report '. loaves

14. -e5re ___ ine)perience$ to lea$ the e)pe$ition# ad-ective/adver& %. too much '. too !. very too

1 . 4es got little money *ut I9e got e9en ______# ad-ective/adver& %. fewest '. least !. less

1&. 8lthough he was 9ery _____ " he worke$ ______ # ad-ective/adver& (difference) %. slowly, efficiently '. slow, efficiently !. slowly4 in an efficient way

1(. She per'orme$ 9ery _______ Agoo$B. ad-ective/adver& (difference) %. good '. well

1,. Those chocolates look ___. Can I ha9e one+ ad-ective/adver& (difference) %. delicious 11. 3y *rother _____ to Cana$a . ad-ective/adver& (position) %. had often &een '. often had &een !. had &een often '. deliciously

122. 3y son ____ his *ooks. ad-ective/adver& (position)

%. always forgets

'. always is forgetting

!. forgets always

121. -hich o' these is correct+ ad-ective/adver& (degrees of comparison) %. worser '. worse !. more &ad

122. She 'elt ____ than yester$ay. ad-ective/adver& (degrees of comparison) %. more &ad '. worse !. iller D. more ill 5. &adder

123. 4e5s much richer ____ me. ad-ective/adver& (degrees of comparison) %. then '. as !. than

124. 3y mother li9es in the same *uil$ing _____ I# ad-ective/adver& (degrees of comparison) %. that '. like !. as D. than

12 . _____ she gets" _____ . ad-ective/adver& (degrees of comparison) %. The poorer, the fewer friends '. 1oorer, the less she has she has. friends 12&. _____ call a 'rien$+ modals %. !an you to '. Do you can !. !an you !. 1oorer, fewer friends she has D. The poorer, the fewer she has friends

12(. 0ou ______ get up so early. modals %. needn)t '. don(t must !. must not D. mustn(t

12,. I _____ eat too much meat. modals %. use to 121. That _____ *e as easy as e9eryone says. modals %. can(t '. mustn(t !. may not '. used to

112. =inally" they ______ get to li't up the lorry. modals %. could '. managed to !. succeeded to

111. It certainly was not wise to close the $oor. There ______ *een more guests. modals %. may have D. can have

112. !ne _______ *e *eauti'ul to win a *eauty contest. Some o' the *eauty Eueens are rather plain *ut ha9e a lot o' personality. modals %. can)t '. doesn)t have to !. shouldn)t

113. ________________ I help you with your homework+ Its Euite late alrea$y. modals

%. Shall

'. 6ust

!. +ill

114. <ast week we _____ pay an e)tra F3 'or gas an$ electricity. modals %. should '. had to !. must

11 . This stu'' is all gone o''% The 'reeGer is working *ut ________ $isconnecte$ 'or some time. modals %. must '. must &e !. must have &een

11&. Is this your _____ *ike+ noun $genitives %. &rother)s 11(. 4is hair ______ a 9ery light *rown. to &e %. has '. is !. are '. &rothers

11,. 4ow many cousins __________+ have got %. do you have7 111. __________ to *e here tomorrow+ have got %. *ave you got '. Do you have !. %re you having '. are you having7

122. >lease try ____ touch the animals. negative %. not to 121. I $ont want _____ $runk any more. to want %. you to get '. you get !. that you get D. you getting '. to not

122. -ho _______ the key+ past simple %. loses 123. -hy ______ + 8uestions %. is this cat purring7 124. -hat _____+ 8uestions %. did you ask7 12 . I $i$n5t _____ he was innocent. past simple %. to &elieve '. &elieve !. &elieving D. &elieved '. you ask7 '. is purring this cat7 !. purrs this cat7 '. lost !. did lose

12&. _____ a hole in my *ucket. spelling

%. There(s

'. Their)s

!. Their is

12(. This is my 0000000 car. genitives (spelling) %. parent(s 12,. I won$er what _______ # su&clause %. do they really mean7 '. do they really mean. !. they really mean. '. parents( !. parents

121. The manager _______ me not to *e late. say/tell/ask %. asked 132. Di$ mother ________ to make up your *e$+ past simple %. teach you '. learn you !. taught you D. learnt you '. said

131. 0ester$ay _____ lots o' *ir$s on our roo'. adver&s %. it was '. they were !. there was D. there were

132. -ho went to <on$on + >oirot _____ . short answers %. has '. did !. does D. was

133. 4e $oesnt speak 7ulgarian. short answers %. *e doesn)t either '. *e doesn)t neither !. 2either does he D. *e doesn)t too.

134. I call 'or help. short answers %. *e does too '. So he does !. So does he D. *im too.

13 . =re$$y $oesnt come 'rom <on$on . short answers %. 2either 9ames does '. 9ames also !. 9ames isn)t coming, too D. 2or does 9ames

'resent tenses 'ast tenses 'resent 'er ect Future tenses 'assives $on(itionals 'repositions In initives an( gerun( )eporte( Speec" Irregular verbs *In+(e inite articles ,eterminers 'ronouns Nouns A(jectives an( a(verbs -o(al au.iliaries -iscellaneous 1%

$orrect %oursel & D "% :% ;' (irritation)

<' =' >' ?! 1@'/! 11' 1 ! 1"' 1:! 1;' 1<% 1=! 1>! 1?'/D 1D <% % =D "! >' :' @! ;'

?' "@%

"1' " % ""D ":! ";' "<% "=D ">! "?D :@% :1' : ' :"% ::% :;' :<' :=' :>! :?! ;@' ;1! ; ' ;"% ;:' ;;! ;<% ;=! ;>% ;?D <@' <1D < ! <"' <:! <;' <<% <=' <>' <?' =@% =1! = % ="' =:D =;% =<% ==' =>! =?! >@' >1% > D >"%/! >:' >;% ><D >=% >>! >?% ?@! ?1' ? ' ?"' ?:' ?;! ?<' ?=' ?>% ??% 1@@% 1@1' 1@ ' 1@"! 1@:! 1@;% 1@<! 1@=% 1@>' 1@?% 11@' 111% 11 ' 11"% 11:' 11;! 11<% 11=' 11>% 11?' 1 @% 1 1% 1 ' 1 "% 1 :% 1 ;' 1 <% 1 =' 1 >! 1 ?% 1"@% 1"1D 1" ' 1""! 1":! 1";D

/rammar items
1. Tenses 1resent 1ast 1resent 1erfect #uture Simple or !ontinuous 1ast tenses (all)

sentence numbers


1; < 1@

/; /;

1resent 1erfect (continuous)

11 1;


Future tenses

1< @ 1 ; < "@ "1 "; "< :; :< ;@ ;1 ;; ;< <@ <1 =" =: >>

/; /; /; /; /1@ /; /; /; /1" /1;

. 1assives ". !onditionals :. 1repositions ;. Aerunds and infinitives <. Beported Speech =. .rregular ver&s >. %rticles ?. Determiners 1@. 1ronouns

11. 2ouns 1 . %d-ectives and adver&s (difference adv/ad-CpositionCdegrees of comp.) 1". 6odal auxiliaries 1:. 6iscellaneous

>? ?" ?: 1@; 1@< 11; 11< 1";

/; /1 /1@ / @



Compare your total score with the score you had on the Initial Placement Test. Are you satisfied with the results? Did your grammar skills improve?

Compare the results of the grammar topics you needed to work on after the Initial Placement Test. Are you satisfied with your new results here? Why (not ? !f not" discuss with your teacher what went wrong.

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