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Creating Solutions of Standard Molarity

Emmu Wakai CHEM 1251L October 7, 13

Introduction: Concentration, like density, is a property that describes the ratio of one measurement of an amount of a substance to another measurement of an amount of substance. One of the primary methods used to characterize concentration is solute and solvent. Solute is the minor component in a solution, dissolved in the solvent and a Solvent is the liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution. In chemistry, concentrations are reported in units of molarity (M) and molality (m). In this experiment we will focus on molarity, which is found by dividing the number of moles of solute by the number of liter of solution. After dividing these quantities, the resulting number tells us the number of moles of solute found in one liter of solution. In this lab we will also be using spectroscopic to determine the maximum absorbance wavelength of each substance. Spectroscopy pertains to the dispersion of an object's light into its component colors (i.e. energies). By performing this dissection and analysis of an object's light, Chemist can infer the physical properties of that object (such as temperature, mass, luminosity and composition). In this experiment we are going to learn the principles of spectroscopy. We are also going to create a solution of the correct molarity using a solid sample of Copper (II) Sulfate. Following this we are going to calculate the absorbance using three different wavelengths, to find the maximum absorbance wavelength. We will use the data obtain to graph a calibration curve; from our calibration curve we are going determine the concentration of the unknown copper solution. Procedure: As described in the lab manual the spectroscopic was warned up for 15 minutes, following that the wavelength was set to 580 nm. Ten small test tubes were cleaned, a piece of tape was placed around the top of the test tube and a straight vertical line was drawn on it. The line on the test tube was aligned with the similar mark on the spectroscopic. One tube was filled with -distilled water; this was used as a blank solution. The blank test tube was placed in the well and the spectroscopic was set to 100% transmittance with the right-hand knob. The blank tube was taken out and replaced with .200 M of Copper Sulfate solution. The value was record and, the step was repeated three times setting the Spec to 590 nm and 600 nm. The maximum absorbance wavelength was calculated by comparing the calculated wavelength on all three wavelengths. In part two the maximum wavelength was used to measured the percent transmittance for the .500 M, .200M .100M and .050M Copper (II) Sulfate solution. The Spec was set to the maximum wavelength and the transmittance was recorded. In Part three different solutions of Copper (II) sulfate were prepared using solid Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate. 2.5 grams of Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate was weigh using 100

mL beaker. Following that 15 mL of water was added and mixed. The solution was moved back and forth between the beaker and cylinder to ensure that all the Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate was dissolved. The solution was kept in the cylinder and the beaker was rinsed with 5mL of water, to get the total volume to 20mL. Following that 20mL of a .200 M was created. The process was repeated to create 20mL of a .100 M from the .200 M solution, then 20mL of .050 M solution from the .100 M solution of Copper (II) Sulfate and the value was recorded. In part four, Copper (II) Sulfate solution of unknown concentration was filled into a cuvette and the percent transmittance was measure and recorded. Data and Results: The maximum wavelength and absorbance in the lab was measured to be 600 (nm) and .19 (A). Table 1. Molarity standard Wavelength, (nm) % Transmittance Maximum (mol/L) Absorbance (A) .2 580 76 .12 .2 590 70 .15 .2 600 64 .19 The maximum wavelength absorbance was obtained by comparing all the wavelengths and picking out the one that absorb the best and in this experiment it was 600 nm with the absorbance of .19 (A). Table 2 Concentration of Standards (M) 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 %T = T = I/Io X 100 %T 86 81 64 38 Absorbance .066 .092 .19 .42

The transmittance of a sample is the ratio of the intensity of the light that has passed through the sample to the intensity of the light when it entered the sample (T = I/Io). The transmittance is displayed as a percentage on the top scale of the meter of the Spectronic 20. To get the percent just time the answer by 100. Absorbance is the measure of the quantity of light that a sample neither transmits nor reflects and is proportional to the concentration of a substance in a solution. On the meter of the Spectronic 20, the absorbance is displayed on the bottom scale, which is logarithmic. Absorbance = -log T = -log (I/Io) = 2 log (%T)

Calibration Curve
0.6 0.5 Absorbance 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Concentration, M (mol/L) y = 0.7984x + 0.0223 R = 0.9976 Absorbance Linear (Absorbance)

Part II Calculation of the actual concentration of prepared Cu2+solution. Steps for determining the amount of Copper solid needed to create the 0.5 M solution using the solid Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate and 20.0 mL of water. (.020L)(.500M) = .01 Mole of CuSO45H2O X (250.08 g CuSO45H2O) / (1 mole CuSO45H2O) = 2.50 g CuSO45H2O Calculations for making the 20 mL of 0.2 M, 0.1 M, and 0.05 M (Cu2+) solutions. 0.2 M (Cu2+) solution M1 = .5 M2: = .2 V2 = 20 mL V1: =? 0.1 M (Cu2+) solution M1 = 0.2 M2 = 0.1 V2 = 02 L V1 =? 0.05 M (Cu2+) solution V1= (M2)(V2)/(M1) = 0.05 M X 20 mL/ .01 M = 10 mL V1= (M2)(V2)/(M1) = 0.1 M X .20 mL/ 0.2 M = 10 mL = V1 V1= (M2)(V2)/(M1) = 0.2 M X .20mL/ 0.5 M = 8 mL = V1

Table 1: measured values of %T for each of the made (Cu2+) solutions along with the corresponding absorbance for each. Concentration of the made solutions (M) %T Absorbance

0.05 91 .041 0.1 84 .075 0.2 70 .15 0.5 42 .37 This equation was used to obtain the absorbance. A = -log T = -log (I/Io) = 2 log (%T) and this was used to get the %T. %T = T = I/Io X 100 Show the calculations of the absorbance using the measured values of %T: For example for 0.1 M the percent T will be 2 log (84) = .075

Table 2: Calculation of the actual concentration of each solution. Concentration of the made Absorbance Actual Concentration (M) solutions (M) 0.05 .041 .0324 0.1 .075 .0544 0.2 .15 .1134 0.5 .37 .2752 The absorbance was calculated the same as always. Look at table 2 from part 1. The actual concentration was calculated by using the equation for the best-fit line. We graph the concentration and absorbance. Absorbance as out y-axis and concentration as out x-axis. We obtain the equation from the line y = .7335x + .0031. We then plug in absorbance as our x value to get the actual concentration. Example: 0.05 M was calculated as: .7335(.041) + .0031 = .03244 M

Part III

Report all numbers and equations used to obtain your data from the experiment. Introduce equations as what was used to calculate data for the lab (Ex. To find the pH of the solution, the

Henderson-Hasselbach equation was used. This equation is represented by Eq. 1). Show equations using the equation generator. (1)

This next sentence should define what each variable is in the equation. (Ex. From Eq. 1, pH is the calculated pH of the solution, pKa is the defined constant of the acid of interest, A - is the concentration of the conjugate base, and HA is the concentration of the acid.) It is best that calculated data is reported in tables. Tables are inserted and labeled as Table x. They are introduce into the lab report by informing the reader that data calculated can be found in the table you will be referencing (Ex. The data obtained from Eq. 1, can be located in Table 1.). Table 1: Description of what is present in the table. Run Number 1 2 3 4 5

Result 0.86 Molar 1.12 Molar 1.95 Molar 3.22 Molar 6.25 Molar

Some labs may also require using excel and showing data on a graph. Graphs are inserted and labeled as Figure x. Graphs are also introduced by a sentence informing the reader of what is reported in the graph (Ex. Using the data from Table 1, a plot was created as seen in Figure 1.).

8 6 Axis Title 4 2 0 0 -2 1 2 3 Axis Title 4 5 6 y = 1.3x - 1.45 R = 0.8756

Chart Title

Figure 1: Description of the data reported in the graph.

Discussion: Students must explain the significance of the data displayed in the figure after the figure is introduced. This is where any correlations and results are introduced to the reader explaining what was obtained by the figure.

Conclusion: This section is where all conclusions, supported by experimental calculations or observations, are made. Post-lab Discussion questions are also answered here and incorporated into your conclusions with smooth paragraphs. Numbering and answering questions that way will lead to deduction of points. This section comes back to your initial purpose statement and wraps it all together. Give accounts for any possible experimental error that caused results to be different than what was expected.

Sample Calculations In this section provide one example of all calculations performed during the experiment. All work must be shown to receive full credit of this section.

Example 1. Density = 2. %H2O = = = 0.54 g/mL =

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