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French Christmas Club

Le Club Franais is pleased to offer an exciting, fun-filled French holiday club GAMES DRAMA COOKING STORIES


Near Sherston (SN16 0JY) Pre-school + Rec: Rec- Year 6: Rec Year 6: Sat 7th Dec 10am 12.30pm Sat 7th Dec 1.30 4pm Fri 3rd Jan 10 3pm

Topics: Pre Nol (Father Christmas) & Le Bonhomme de Neige (snowman)
What do we wear to keep warm? Parts of the Body Numbers and Colours Christmas Craft and Gifts.

20 for day or 35 for full day

Our experienced teachers will guide your children through a range of activities and immerse them in the French Language. Children are actively encouraged to communicate and to make new friends. Activities are specifically designed to promote understanding & confidence in the target language. Special focus is on the spoken language. Thursday 12th Friday 13th April 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Childs Name: ..... Age / School Year: . Parent or Guardian ..... Email: ........ Address: . Tel: Emergency Tel: . Any known allergies or health related problems? .... ......... Do you give consent for photographs to be taken of your child for our marketing purposes? No individual names will be printed. Yes / No (please delete as applicable) Payment Method: Please return booking form by 30th November with a cheque made payable to Clubs4Kids Ltd. Please either post to Farleaze Lodge, Malmesbury, Wilts, SN16 0LB or leave in an envelope marked French Holiday Club at the school office.


Saturday 7th December morning session..20 Saturday 7th December afternoon session ...20 Friday 3rd January full day..35

Total: ___
1. Cancellation, up to 1 week before entitles you to a 50% refund, thereafter no refund. 2. All children are insured by Public & Product Liability insurance. 3. Children must wear clothing suitable for games, arts, sports etc. 4. Children must be collected promptly, late collection will be charged for @ 5/30 mins. 5. The person bringing/collecting the child must sign the child in and out. 6. We reserve the right to exclude any child who exhibits inappropriate behaviour. 7. We reserve right to cancel club if numbers are not viable.

Signed: ......................................................
I agree to the club terms and conditions.

Clubs4Kids Ltd. Farleaze Lodge, Malmesbury, Wilts SN16 0LB Tel: 01666 837 295

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