In General, Information Available As of 1 January, 2004 Was Used in The Preparation of The World Factbook

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In general, information available as of 1 January, 2004 was used in the preparation of The World Fa tboo!


This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#



Field %isting

&an! 'rder


Top of (age

The Bulgars, a Central Asian Turkic tribe, merged with the local Slavic inhabitants in the late 7th century to form the first Bulgarian state. In succeeding centuries, Bulgaria struggled with the By antine !m"ire to assert its "lace in the Balkans, but by the end of the #$th century the country was overrun by the %ttoman Turks. &orthern Bulgaria attained autonomy in #'7' and all of Bulgaria became inde"endent in #()'. *aving fought on the losing side in both +orld +ars, Bulgaria fell within the Soviet s"here of influence and became a ,eo"le-s .e"ublic in #($/. Communist domination ended in #((), when Bulgaria held its first multi"arty election since +orld +ar II and began the contentious "rocess of moving toward "olitical democracy and a market economy while combating inflation, unem"loyment, corru"tion, and crime. Today, reforms and democrati ation kee" Bulgaria on a "ath toward eventual integration into the !0. The country 1oined &AT% in 2))$. Geography

Top of (age

Southeastern !uro"e, bordering the Black Sea, between .omania and Turkey
Geographic coordinates:

$3 )) &, 24 )) !
Map references:


total: ##),(#) s5 km land: ##),44) s5 km water: 3/) s5 km

Area - comparative:

slightly larger than Tennessee

Land boundaries:

total: #,')' km border countries: 6reece $($ km, 7acedonia #$' km, .omania /)' km, Serbia and 7ontenegro 3#' km, Turkey 2$) km

34$ km
Maritime claims:

territorial sea: #2 nm contiguous zone: 2$ nm exclusive economic zone: 2)) nm


tem"erate8 cold, dam" winters8 hot, dry summers


mostly mountains with lowlands in north and southeast

!levation e"tremes:

lowest point: Black Sea ) m highest point: 7usala 2,(24 m

#atural resources:

bau9ite, co""er, lead, inc, coal, timber, arable land

Land use:

arable land: $).)2:

permanent crops: #.(2: other: 4'.)/: ;2))#<

Irrigated land:

',))) s5 km ;#((' est.<

#atural ha$ards:

earth5uakes, landslides
!nvironment - current issues:

air "ollution from industrial emissions8 rivers "olluted from raw sewage, heavy metals, detergents8 deforestation8 forest damage from air "ollution and resulting acid rain8 soil contamination from heavy metals from metallurgical "lants and industrial wastes party to: Air ,ollution, Air ,ollution=&itrogen %9ides, Air ,ollution= ,ersistent %rganic ,ollutants, Air ,ollution=Sulfur '4, Air ,ollution= >olatile %rganic Com"ounds, Antarctic=!nvironmental ,rotocol, Antarctic=7arine ?iving .esources, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change=@yoto ,rotocol, Aesertification, !ndangered S"ecies, !nvironmental 7odification, *a ardous +astes, ?aw of the Sea, % one ?ayer ,rotection, Shi" ,ollution, +etlands signed, but not ratified: Air ,ollution=Sulfur ($ strategic location near Turkish Straits8 controls key land routes from !uro"e to 7iddle !ast and Asia

!nvironment - international agreements:

Geography - note:


Top of (age

7,4#7,(73 ;Buly 2))$ est.<

Age structure:

0-14 years: #$.$: ;male 443,')#8 female 42/,'4/< 15- 4 years: /'.4: ;male 2,433,7'$8 female 2,/#4,(/'< 5 years and over: #7.#: ;male 434,(4$8 female 74#,/#)< ;2))$ est.<
Median age:

total: $).4 years male: 3'.$ years female: $2.$ years ;2))$ est.<
%opulation gro&th rate:

=).(2: ;2))$ est.<

Birth rate:

(./4 birthsC#,))) "o"ulation ;2))$ est.<

'eath rate:

#$.24 deathsC#,))) "o"ulation ;2))$ est.<

#et migration rate:

=$.4' migrant;s<C#,))) "o"ulation ;2))$ est.<

(e" ratio:

at birth: #.)/ male;s<Cfemale under 15 years: #.)4 male;s<Cfemale 15- 4 years: ).(7 male;s<Cfemale 5 years and over: ).7# male;s<Cfemale total population: ).(3 male;s<Cfemale ;2))$ est.<
Infant mortality rate:

total: 2#.3# deathsC#,))) live births male: 24.#4 deathsC#,))) live births female: #7.23 deathsC#,))) live births ;2))$ est.<

Life e"pectancy at birth:

total population: 7#.74 years male: /'.#$ years female: 74.4( years ;2))$ est.<
otal fertility rate:

#.37 children bornCwoman ;2))$ est.<

)I*+AI'( - adult prevalence rate: )I*+AI'( - people living &ith )I*+AI'(: )I*+AI'( - deaths:

less than ).#: = noteD no country s"ecific models "rovided ;2))# est.< 3$/ ;2))# est.< #)) ;2))# est.<


noun: Bulgarian;s< ad!ective: Bulgarian

!thnic groups:

Bulgarian '3.(:, Turk (.$:, .oma $.7:, other 2: ;including 7acedonian, Armenian, Tatar, Circassian< ;2))#<

Bulgarian %rthodo9 '2./:, 7uslim #2.2:, .oman Catholic #.7:, Bewish ).#:, ,rotestant, 6regorian=Armenian, and other 3.$: ;#(('<

Bulgarian, secondary languages closely corres"ond to ethnic breakdown


definition: age #4 and over can read and write total population: ('./: male: ((.#: female: ('.2: ;2))3 est.< Government
Country name:

Top of (age

conventional long form: .e"ublic of Bulgaria conventional short form: Bulgaria

Government type:

"arliamentary democracy

Administrative divisions:

2' "rovinces ;oblasti, singular = oblast<8 Blagoevgrad, Burgas, Aobrich, 6abrovo, @haskovo, @urd hali, @yustendil, ?ovech, 7ontana, ,a ard hik, ,ernik, ,leven, ,lovdiv, .a grad, .use, Shumen, Silistra, Sliven, Smolyan, Sofiya, Sofiya=6rad, Stara Eagora, Turgovishte, >arna, >eliko Turnovo, >idin, >ratsa, Fambol

3 7arch #'7' ;as an autonomous "rinci"ality within the %ttoman !m"ire<8 22 Se"tember #()' ;com"lete inde"endence from the %ttoman !m"ire<
#ational holiday:

?iberation Aay, 3 7arch ;#'7'<


ado"ted #2 Buly #((#

Legal system:

civil law and criminal law based on .oman law8 acce"ts com"ulsory ICB


#' years of age8 universal

!"ecutive branch:

chief of state: ,resident 6eorgi ,0.>A&%> ;since 22 Banuary 2))2<8 >ice ,resident Angel 7A.I& ;since 22 Banuary 2))2< head of government: Chairman of the Council of 7inisters ;,rime 7inister< Simeon SAG!=C%B0.6=6%T*A ;since 2$ Buly 2))#<8 Ae"uty ,rime 7inisters &ikolay >ASI?!> ;since 2$ Buly 2))#<, ?idiya S*0?!>A ;since 2$ Buly 2))#<, and ,lamen ,A&AF%T%> ;since #7 Buly 2))3< cabinet: Council of 7inisters nominated by the "rime minister and elected by the &ational Assembly elections: "resident and vice "resident elected on the same ticket by "o"ular vote for five=year terms8 election last held ## &ovember and #' &ovember 2))# ;ne9t to be held &A 2))/<8 chairman of the Council of 7inisters ;"rime minister< nominated by the "resident and elected by the &ational Assembly8 de"uty "rime ministers nominated by the "rime minister and elected by the &ational Assembly election results: 6eorgi ,0.>A&%> elected "resident8 "ercent of vote = 6eorgi ,0.>A&%> 4$.#3:, ,etar ST%FA&%> $4.'7:
Legislative branch:

unicameral &ational Assembly or &arodno Sobranie ;2$) seats8 members elected by "o"ular vote to serve four=year terms< elections: last held #7 Bune 2))# ;ne9t to be held &A Bune 2))4< election results: "ercent of vote by "arty = &7S2 $2.7$:, 0AH #'.#':, CfB #7.#4:, 7.H 7.$4:8 seats by "arty = &7S2 #2), 0AH 4#, CfB $', 7.H 2#8 note = seating as of Banuary 2))4 = &7S2 (', CfB $(, 0tAH 2', 7.H 2), 0AH #$, &ew Time #3, BA&0 ##, inde"endents 7
-udicial branch:

Su"reme Administrative Court8 Su"reme Court of Cassation8 Constitutional Court ;#2 1ustices a""ointed or elected for nine=year terms<8 Su"reme Budicial Council ;consists of the chairmen of the two Su"reme Courts, the Chief ,rosecutor, and 22 other members8 res"onsible for a""ointing the 1ustices, "rosecutors, and investigating magistrates in the 1ustice system8 members of the Su"reme Budicial Council elected for five=year terms, ## elected by the &ational Assembly and ## by bodies of the 1udiciary<
%olitical parties and leaders:

Bulgarian Agrarian &ational 0nion=,eo"le-s 0nion or BA&0 IAnastasia 7%E!.J8 Bulgarian Socialist ,arty or BS, ISergei STA&IS*!>J8 Coalition for Bulgaria or CfB ;coalition of "arties dominated by BS,< ISergei STA&IS*!>J8 Aemocrats for a Strong Bulgaria or ASB IIvan @%ST%>J8 7ovement for .ights and Hreedoms or 7.H IAhmed A%6A&J8 &ational 7ovement for Simeon II or &7S2 ISimeon SAG!= C%B0.6=6%T*AJ8 &ew Time I!mil @%S*?0@%>J8 0nion of Aemocratic Horces or 0AH I&ade hda 7I@*AF?%>AJ8 0nion of Hree Aemocrats or 0HA IStefan S%HIFA&S@IJ8 0nited Aemocratic Horces or 0tAH ;a coalition of center=right "arties dominated by ASB< Confederation of Inde"endent Trade 0nions of Bulgaria or CIT0B8 ,odkre"a ?abor Confederation8 numerous regional, ethnic, and national interest grou"s with various agendas

%olitical pressure groups and leaders:

International organi$ation


ACCT, Australia 6rou", BIS, BS!C, C!, C!I, C!.&, !A,C, !B.A, !0 ;a""licant<, HA%, 6= (, IA!A, IB.A, ICA%, ICCt, ICHT0, IC.7, IHC, IH.CS, I*% ;"ending member<, I?%, I7H, I7%, Inter"ol, I%C, I%7, IS%, IT0, 7I6A, &A7 ;guest<, &AT%, &S6, %AS ;observer<, %,C+, %SC!, ,CA, ,H,, 0&, 0&CTAA, 0&!SC%, 0&IA%, 0&7!!, 0&7I@, 0&7I?, 0,0, +C?, +C%, +!0 ;associate affiliate<, +HT0, +*%, +I,%, +7%, +To%, +T%, EC chief of mission: Ambassador !lena B. ,%,T%A%.%>A chancery: #/2# 22nd Street &+, +ashington, AC 2)))' telephone: I#J ;2)2< 3'7=)#7$ "#$: I#J ;2)2< 23$=7(73 consulate%s&: &ew Fork chief of mission: Ambassador Bames +illiam ,A.A!+ embassy: #/ @o yak Street, Sofia #$)7 mailing address: American !mbassy Sofia, Ae"artment of State, 47$) Sofia ,lace, +ashington, AC 2)42#=47$) telephone: I34(J ;2< (37=4#)) "#$: I34(J ;2< (37=423) three e5ual hori ontal bands of white ;to"<, green, and red8 the national emblem formerly on the hoist side of the white stri"e has been removed = it contained a ram"ant lion within a wreath of wheat ears below a red five="ointed star and above a ribbon bearing the dates /'# ;first Bulgarian state established< and #($$ ;liberation from &a i control<

'iplomatic representation in the .(:

'iplomatic representation from the .(:

/lag description:

!conomy - overvie&:

Top of (age

Bulgaria, a former communist country striving to enter the !uro"ean 0nion, has e9"erienced macroeconomic stability and strong growth since a ma1or economic downturn in #((/ led to the fall of the then socialist government. As a result, the government became committed to economic reform and res"onsible fiscal "lanning. A K3)) million stand= by agreement negotiated with the I7H at the end of 2))# has su""orted government efforts to overcome high rates of "overty and unem"loyment.

"urchasing "ower "arity = K47.#3 billion ;2))3 est.<

G'% - real gro&th rate:

$.3: ;2))3 est.<

G'% - per capita:

"urchasing "ower "arity = K7,/)) ;2))3 est.<

G'% - composition by sector:

agriculture: ##.$: industry: 3): services: 4'./: ;2))3< #(./: of 6A, ;2))3<

Investment 0gross fi"ed1:

%opulation belo& poverty line: )ousehold income or consumption by percentage share:

#3.$: ;2))2 est.< lowest 10': $.4:

highest 10': 22.': ;#((7<

'istribution of family income - Gini inde": Inflation rate 0consumer prices1: Labor force:

2/.$ ;2))#< 2.3: ;2))3 est.< 3.333 million ;2))3 est.<

Labor force - by occupation: .nemployment rate:

agriculture 2/:, industry 3#:, services $3: ;#((' est.< #$.3: ;2))3<


revenues: K'.#2# billion expenditures: K'.#2# billion, including ca"ital e9"enditures of &A ;2))3 est.<
%ublic debt:

$': of 6A, ;2))3<

Agriculture - products:

vegetables, fruits, tobacco, livestock, wine, wheat, barley, sunflowers, sugar beets

electricity, gas and water8 food, beverages and tobacco8 machinery and e5ui"ment, base metals, chemical "roducts, coke, refined "etroleum, nuclear fuel
Industrial production gro&th rate: !lectricity - production:

/.3: ;2))3 est.< $#.3' billion k+h ;2))#<

!lectricity - consumption:

32.42 billion k+h ;2))#<

!lectricity - e"ports:

/.7( billion k+h ;2))#<

!lectricity - imports:

'3) million k+h ;2))#<

2il - production:

/)3 bblCday ;2))# est.<

2il - consumption:

($,))) bblCday ;2))# est.<

2il - e"ports:

&A ;2))#<
2il - imports:

&A ;2))#<
2il - proved reserves:

'.# million bbl ;# Banuary 2))2<

#atural gas - production:

$ million cu m ;2))# est.<

#atural gas - consumption:

4.')$ billion cu m ;2))# est.<

#atural gas - e"ports:

) cu m ;2))# est.<
#atural gas - imports:

4.' billion cu m ;2))# est.<

#atural gas - proved reserves: Current account balance:

3.72$ billion cu m ;# Banuary 2))2< K=#./// billion ;2))3<


K7.337 billion f.o.b. ;2))3 est.<

!"ports - commodities:

clothing, footwear, iron and steel, machinery and e5ui"ment, fuels

!"ports - partners:

Italy #$.#:, 6ermany #).(:, 6reece #).4:, Turkey (.2:, Hrance 4.#:, 0S $.4: ;2))3<

K(.723 billion f.o.b. ;2))3 est.<

Imports - commodities:

fuels, minerals, and raw materials8 machinery and e5ui"ment8 metals and ores8 chemicals and "lastics8 food, te9tiles
Imports - partners:

6ermany #$.$:, .ussia #2./:, Italy #).3:, 6reece /.7:, Turkey /.2:, Hrance 4.7: ;2))3<
,eserves of foreign e"change 3 gold: 'ebt - e"ternal:

K/.7)4 billion ;2))3< K#2.)4 billion ;2))3<

!conomic aid - recipient:

K3)) million ;2))) est.<


lev ;B6?<
Currency code:

!"change rates:

leva "er 0S dollar = #.7327 ;2))3<, 2.)77 ;2))2<, 2.#'$7 ;2))#<, 2.#233 ;2)))<, #.'3/$ ;#(((< note: on 4 Buly #(((, the lev was redenominated8 the "ost=4 Buly #((( lev is e5ual to #,))) of the "re=4 Buly #((( lev
/iscal year:

calendar year Communications Bulgaria

Top of (age

elephones - main lines in use: elephones - mobile cellular: elephone system:

2,'/',2)) ;2))2< 2,4(7,4)) ;2))2< general assessment: e9tensive but anti5uated domestic: more than two=thirds of the lines are residential8 tele"hone service is available in most villages8 a fairly modern digital cable trunk line now connects switching centers in most of the regions, the others are connected by digital microwave radio relay international: country code = 34(8 direct dialing to 4' countries8 satellite earth stations = # Inters"utnik ;Atlantic %cean region<8 2 Intelsat ;Atlantic and Indian %cean regions<

,adio broadcast stations:

A7 3#, H7 /3, shortwave 2 ;2))#<

elevision broadcast stations: Internet country code:

3( ;"lus #,2$2 re"eaters< ;2))#< .bg

Internet hosts:

43,$2# ;2))$<
Internet users:

/3),))) ;2))2< ransportation


Top of (age

total: $,2($ km standard gauge: $,)$( km #.$34=m gauge ;2,7#) km electrified< narrow gauge: 2$4 km ).7/)=m gauge ;2))3<

total: 37,2'/ km paved: 34,)$( km ;including 32$ km of e9"ressways< unpaved: 2,237 km ;2)))<

$7) km ;2))$<

gas 2,$24 km8 oil 33( km8 refined "roducts #4/ km ;2))$<
%orts and harbors:

Burgas, ?om, &esebur, .use, >arna, >idin

Merchant marine:

total: /) shi"s ;#,))) 6.T or over< 747,(72 6.TC#,##4,23' A+T by type: bulk 37, cargo 7, chemical tanker $, container 2, "etroleum tanker 3, rail car carrier 2, roll onCroll off 3, short=seaC"assenger #, s"eciali ed tanker # registered in other countries: $4 ;2))$ est.<

2#2 ;2))3 est.<

Airports - &ith paved run&ays:

total: #2' over (,04) m: # *,4(+ to (,04) m: #( 1,5*4 to *,4() m: #4 ,14 to 1,5*( m: # under ,14 m: (2 ;2))$ est.< total: '4 1,5*4 to *,4() m: 2 ,14 to 1,5*( m: ## under ,14 m: 72 ;2))$ est.< # ;2))3 est.<

Airports - &ith unpaved run&ays:


Military branches:

Top of (age

Army, &avy, Air and Air Aefense Horces

Military manpo&er military age and obligation:

#' years of age for com"ulsory and voluntary military service8 conscri"t service obligation = ( months ;2))$<

Military manpo&er availability: Military manpo&er - fit for military service: Military manpo&er reaching military age annually: Military e"penditures dollar figure: Military e"penditures percent of G'%:

males age 15-4,: #,'2(,2)3 ;2))$ est.< males age 15-4,: #,43),/47 ;2))$ est.< males: 42,'## ;2))$ est.< K34/ million ;HF)2< 2./: ;2))3< Bulgaria
Top of (age

ransnational Issues
'isputes - international: Illicit drugs:

none ma1or !uro"ean transshi"ment "oint for Southwest Asian heroin and, to a lesser degree, South American cocaine for the !uro"ean market8 limited "roducer of "recursor chemicals8 some money laundering of drug=related "roceeds through financial institutions
This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#

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