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ROAD TO SUCCESS MEANING AND DEFINATION OF SUCCESS Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose in life It can also be the

he favorable outcome of something in life;

But some regard and prefer certain meaning and definition of success Success is the result and achievement of money, wealth, popularity, fame e.t.c Success is the manifestation of greatness. To you what is success? The youngest mother is 9years old is that success? My wonderful readers success its not only achievement in life but it is the only currency in the century and time for Ideas Persistence Work

Improvement Focus Passion Serve Hard work Equal to SUCCESS. SUCCESS is the ideas that comes identifying and solving problems and never cease to Persist through failure and craps(criticism, rejection, assholes, and pressure) while continuing to work hard (it wont come easily but it will turn to be fun) in order to Improve yourself and what you do; use Focus master one thing aligned with your

passion so you will do it for the love and not only for the money alone which will help you Push yourself past-self doubt as you will be remembering to Serve others (not yourself) something of value namely your hard work makes a perfect definition and meaning of success CREATION OF SUCCESS Success always starts from the mind which is ideas with hard work, potentials, unpredicted change. Most people dont want to change instead they

would rather continue doing the same thing easily and with ease it keep on giving them the same result which make them vulnerable and limit their potentials. You can step beyond your comfort zone to a high range of success. Increase your creativity and peace of mind in your personal and social life. Improve your ability to build relationship with people around you. Inspire confidence in yourself In every successful

invention, house, family, ideas e.t.c there is always a creation which also implies to obtain success you have create it and have a clear creation of success which also means foundation If you can envision a future of growth, success and freedom as a real possibility Then youd better keep reading.

FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS The foundation of success also implies to the creation of success which start with being in the right place at the right time. 1. How do you see yourself Imagine yourself to be successful and not failure and it will result to be a positive

drive and pursuit. Imagination is the greatest creation in life which exists in us. Imagination is greater than e.g U.s.,Walls of china, Tallest mountains, Widest River e.t.c Bible says as you see yourself so you are. If you have doubt on success and surely you will fail due to your doubt of imagination; But when you put yourself in the shoes of determination of greatness then surely with hard work you will succeed. 2. Having a well throughout

strategies and focus every steps along the way build a superior value on your intentions. Intention (it means purpose, aim, plan , objective , intent ,goal ,target) is nothing without action because in every 3 seconds we have more than 3 intention but we hardly take an action. The determination and action you take either positive or negative will determine your success in life. Live as if you will die tomorrow and learn as if you were to die forever. By

mahatma Gandhi 3. Integrity the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles is very important and necessary for success in life. Your integrity will determines the level of trust people would have towards you. A success person is one whose integrity can not be measured but can be accurately assured in the test of time. By Ladipo Segun(Mr. show) 4. Meeting new people and friends In everyday, we

meet at least 1 new person as a friend and a chiness proverb says Show me your friend and I will know who you are. Your friend will either mare or make you, you have to be careful of the friend you make because they will either make a positive or negative impact in your life. It is necessary you make a new friend but please make real friends who will build your confidence and also care for your downfall and rising they would be there for you.

When you find yourself on the side of majority, It is time you pause and reflect. By Mark Twain 5. Vision Your vision implies your purpose in life and the assistance of Gods grace makes it perfect. It being focus on your agenda in life. Habakkuk say write the vision and make it plain on the tables upon the tables so he that runs that reads it. The holy Quran say the vision The companions of Paradise - they are the attainers [of success]. And

whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful. Many lack the vision because they dont ask for the vision of God in their life. Set your vision and mission life then change would occur in your life. Proverb 4vs 12 says when you go, your steps shall not be hinder and when you run, you shall not stumble. It may tarry but it shall come to existence. When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength

In the service of my vision, it becomes less and less important whether am afraid. In order to accomplish success in any areas of life always remember or take in consideration Meet new people Gain New positive information Use technology for your advantages be focus and have integrity. UNIQUENESS ABOUT SUCCESS The Impact of success differs

from one range to another depending on Individual perceptive 1. Value your value will determine your worth, quantity and quality in life. Illustration What is the difference between 1naira, $1 dollar, 1 euro. My dear the difference is value and it tarries with scarcity. The uniqueness in the life of people are scarce and uncommon just like materials, skills, knowledge, information and capacity are scarce and

different. Ordinary men are common. But, Extraordinary and great men are not common with the test of time example: china phone. nokia phone, l.g, sony erisson, blackberry e.t.c are common but more valuable and some scarce phone such as I-pads, Tablets, apple phone e.t.c are not common but yet popular and valuable. 2. Surround yourself with quality people Always keep good companies because you are always known by the companies you keep. If you

dont build your success now later someone will hire you to help them build Thiers. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. By Eleanor Roosevolt 3. Handling challenging circumstance The people of this century always have something to blame for their failure. It either they blame their parent, peer group, country, and even their surrounding as a factor that hinder them from success which is not true. Nobody was

born as Mr. Universe and if you ask me I would tell you that 10001 people in your capacity go through the same or even more than things and walls you go through now in which they still excel and still make at the top. I summon you today to have courage and you can either use the stone throw at you to crush yourself or either use it to build a castle for yourself. 4. Dont forget God Surely time, love, friendship, properties, sex, beauty will all

fade someday whether you like it or not. The only constant and unpredictable changer of things, the only one that measure time and can not be measured, the giver of air, love and generosity. The only one that can not fade is God, some people call him Allah, others call him Olodumare,Ubajingi, Imela, chineke, Aledumare e.t.c please dont forget or put your God aside for anything in this life. God created you for a purpose which is success and achievement in your life and

others life. You must impact in others life to be able to make change; people who see you and have never see you will know and remember you for either for the problem you make or the problem you solve. God said in 1peter 2vs 9; But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation , a people for his own, that you should show forth praises of him who called you out of darkness into marvelous light. The difference between a

successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of God. REASON FOR FAILURE INSTEAD OF SUCCESS Naturally, failure and success has the power to transform lives. The reason for failure instead of success differs to you knowing you are failing and falling and ready to overcome the failure. People experience failure instead of success because: They dont plan

Improvised living will give you unexpected results. You will always have a better chance to succeed in any venture if you have a plan. By forming a simple plan, former non-planners will increase their rate of success. When you make your plan, be sure its specific. Dont say, Im going to exercise tomorrow. Say, Im taking the red van to the mushin at 3 PM tomorrow to complete a 35 minute leg workout, starting with squats. Having a

complete vision of your intentions prepares you to execute them and youll be more likely to flatten obstacles in your way. Im not just saying that. Its been proven to be more effective. Specific intentions work better because vague intentions are open to interpretation. What does exercise mean? Is walking around the house one time good enough? What happens when its 11:30 PM and you havent done anything yet? Do you exercise then?

When King Kong envisioned himself together with a specific human female, which is weird, the helicopters trying to stop him had a very difficult time doing so. King Kong knew exactly what (i.e. who) he wanted. Youll be like King Kong if your plan is clear and desirable. Case study: Mike Tyson didnt plan for retirement. He made about $300 million in his career, but filed for bankruptcy in 2003. This is only possible without a solid financial plan.

They try to climb a mountain before they even leave the house For 2013, my goal is to do one push-up per day. One push-up a day is easy, but it doesnt get you very far. The value comes from starting. In other words, I rarely stop at one push-up and I often get a solid 30 minute workout from it. I am never intimidated by the challenge, even when Im sick or tired. This one tiny step helps me bridge the gap between couch and exercise.

When you aim high, intimidation is common, and that puts your goal at risk. If my goal was 50 push-ups a day, I would have failed at times and gotten discouraged. Sometimes I do 50 push-ups a day with my too easy challenge, and I dont ever feel discouraged. This is more relevant for daily tasks and goals than long term dreams. Dont dream to be a mediocre person. Dream big, but break that dream down into small, daily actions that inch

you closer to it every day. Lesson: One tiny step forward beats one giant leap sideways. A single battle distracts them from the war It is disappointing to lose any battle. Sometimes its devastating. If your business fails, if your book or script is rejected, if you dont make the basketball team, its tough to be positive. But the war is not over, is it? If your business fails, wont you know several key things NOT to do next time? Objectively,

its a highly useful learning experience. Make sure youre not one of the many people who attach their identity to a submarine. If you mentally attach your identity and your chance to succeed to your business, and your business fails ouch. Your really cool submarine is destroyed, and youre stuck 1000 feet under water. Instead, why not see your business as a ship that could possibly take you where youd like to go. That way, if it sinks, you can

jump overboard and still join a pirate crew. Dont view your business or current life pursuit as a submarine. If it fails, youll drown in disappointment. View it as a ship, preferably with lifeboats. Whats that? Yes, I know submarines are cooler. Oh, youd like your submarine painted to look like a shark? Fine. You may view your business as a submarine shark. Sigh. The optimal strategy in life is to focus on winning the battle

youre in. I think most of us get this step right, but miss the next crucial one. In real war, conditions and scenarios are altered after a battle. Both sides have gained intel about the other sides firepower and tactics, and both sides have lost men. This calls for a modified strategy, which means zooming out for a broader view of the war. Immediately after you receive that rejection letter, restrategize for your war. Are you going to edit your book

and submit it to a new publisher? Are you going to self-publish it as is? Are you going to use the same strategy until you strike gold? The most successful leaders in the history of warfare were the ones who could modify their strategy quickly, decidedly, and strategically. Do you do the same in your life? Even if you win a battle, you can lose ground in the war by not anticipating and preparing for the next battle. Life is full of battles, and the key is not

letting any single battle distract you from your main objective in your war living how you want to live. Lesson: If youre not currently in battle or have just finished (an event), zoom out your focus to determine the current best strategy, then zoom back in and prepare for your next battle. Theyre pessimists If you go in expecting to fail, youve got a great chance to do it. If I expected Deep Existence to wear me out, be

unpopular, and waste my time, why would I write this? Pessimism leads to failure because it decreases the amount of effort a person will put forth. Success requires effort, which is fueled by the perspective that your efforts are not in vain. Lesson: You instinctively hesitate to invest in a sinking ship, even if youre the one sinking it. Theyre scared Fear must be cold, because it freezes people. Deer are

famous for freezing right before a car hits them. Like that situation, freezing in place isnt a smart strategy in life. Progress paves the the way to success. If it takes 10,000 hours to master something (as Malcolm Gladwell suggests) and fear makes us do nothing, then fear needs to go. Face your fears head on and youll find success right behind them. Overcoming fear is success in itself, and it opens the door for more.

Lesson: Fear is failures notso-secret weapon. Bonus tip: Fear itself is afraid of the spotlight. Get into the habit of confronting it, and soon enough, it will be afraid of YOU. Excuses they blame anyone and everything but themselves If she didnt If I wasnt living here If the economy If that hadnt happened Blaming others, while a lousy thing to do, isnt even the

problem its the poisoned perspective it reveals! Do you know what it really means? Excuses and throwing blame are the same way of saying, Im not in control. Now thats scary. Everyone had a perfect excuse when the economy went into a recession in these past few years, but after telling everyone their perfect excuse, they were still in the same mess. Meanwhile, other people did well because they adapted. Excuses feel good temporarily,

but dont be fooled, they can only hurt you. Accept full responsibility for where you are, and youll have a chance to change it for the better. Lesson: You are the only variable you can control in this world. theyre in the wrong place Sometimes failure is simply a matter of location the wrong country, the wrong state, the wrong job, the wrong hobby. This is the tricky aspect of failure knowing when to move on to something else.

Not all people are capable of success in all things. Im very fast and athletic, but I weigh 140 pounds and have a difficult time gaining weight due to my cheetah-style metabolism. I would literally get crushed in the NFL. There was a point in my life when I had to accept the reality that I wasnt built for professional football, my favorite sport. Anyone need a tissue? Oh come on! Its so sad! Right now, there is someone doing a mediocre job at work,

who could be world class in another field. Is it you? This is a good reason to experiment and try different things you might latch on to something and love it enough to succeed with it. Lesson: If a fish and a human switch places, they will both die of suffocation. Location matters. They dont care Obviously, if you dont care about doing it well, you wont. Apathy can infect any area of our lives, and when it strikes,

it produces bucketfuls of failure. The scariest part of apathy is how contagious it is. Youll have it in one area of life, feel the resulting failure, and let it spread to another area. Or your apathetic friends will rub off on you. This is one more reason to experiment and try different things to ward off apathy. The more excited about your life and the possibilities to explore, the better! Apathy can often lead to the worst-case scenario of human life. That

worst-case scenario is next on the list as the number one reason for failure, and its the saddest thing youll ever see in a human being. Lesson: The more you care, the more youll succeed. They give up It crushes me to see it - a human being full of potentialgiving up. Suicide is the ultimate expression of giving up, and in my opinion it is lifes most tragic event. We all have a place in this world, and suicide is giving up before

you find it. Giving up isnt always so obvious. It can be the guy in the cubicle making 90k a year, who has been slowly drained of his vigor for life, accepting misery because its bundled with a nice paycheck. It might be the popular girl in class, who secretly hates herself for being fake and not having any real friends, feeling hopelessly trapped by the facade shes created. Anybody you see could be giving up in some area of their life.

If youve ever seen someone you love give up on their dream or struggle, even temporarily, you know of the sinking feeling you get. Giving up is the number one reason people fail because it is the only permanent failure. As long as you are actively trying, you have not failed yet. But once you give up, success will not arrive unexpectedly. 1.When most people set goals, they envision a "thing," such as a particular amount of money, an object (like a new

car), or a specific achievement (like writing a book). Unfortunately, these "things I'm gonna get or do" goals don't appeal to the core of what motivates you, because they miss the point that what you're actually seeking in life and work is the POSITIVE EMOTIONS that you believe those things will produce. Fix: Rather than envisioning a "thing" as your goal, envision-with all the strength in your imagination--how you will feel when you achieve the goal.

That way, you'll be inspired to do whatever it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to achieve that goal. 2. Fear of Failure If you're afraid of failing, you won't take the necessary risks required to achieve your goal. For example, you won't make that important phone call, because you're afraid that you'll be rebuffed. Or you won't quit your dead-end job and start your own business because you're afraid that you

might end up without any money. Fix: Decide--right now!--that failure, for you, is a strictly temporary condition. If things don't go the way you'd like, it's only a setback that, at most, delays your eventual success. In other words, accept the fact that you'll sometimes fail, but treat that failure as an unavoidable (yet vital) component in your quest. 3. Fear of Success

In many ways, this fear is even more debilitating than the fear of failure. Suppose you achieved something spectacular, like enormous wealth. What if it didn't make you happy? What then? What if you ended up losing all of it? What then? Would your friends start acting weird? Would your family be envious? Such thoughts (and they're common) can cause even a highly motivated person to self-sabotage.

Fix: Decide that you're going to be happy and grateful today and happy and grateful in the future, no matter what happens. Rather than focus on possible problems, envision how wonderful it would be to be able to help your friends and family achieve THEIR goals. (Hint: Watch the last season of the TV series Entourage!) 4. An Unrealistic Timetable Most people vastly overestimate what they can do in a week and vastly

underestimate what they can do in a year. Because of this, most people try to cram too many action items into the short term rather than spacing out activities over the long term. The inability to get all the short-term steps accomplished creates discouragement and the impression that the final goal is slipping away. Fix: As you list the activities and steps required to achieve a goal, schedule only the 20% of the activities that will produce

80% of your results. (I explain more about this in the post The Secret of Time Management.) Beyond that, set ambitious long-term timetables, but always leave some "wiggle room" when you plan short term. 5. Worrying about "Dry Spots" It's easy to get discouraged when you reach a point at which nothing you do seems to advance you toward your goal. For example, suppose you're trying to master a certain skill. You make swift progress at

first but then, after a while, it seems as if you're not doing any better, or maybe a little worse. Some people use these "plateaus" or "dry spots" as an excuse to give up and therefore fail. Fix: Whenever you reach a plateau or dry spot, it's time to celebrate rather than give up. A plateau is almost always a sign that you're on the brink of a major breakthrough, if you just have the patience to stick with it and trust that you'll eventually achieve your goal.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FAILURE AND SUCCESS Life has it up and down and everyone experiences failure and success but, that doesnt hide the difference. It simply identifies the difference experience: What is success and what is failure? Success and failure are terms that necessary call for a universal definition of what success and failure means to them What is the difference between success and failure? The

difference are H for habit, success is to make a habit of what the things failures cant do. Success is to visualize and dream Clarify their goals Successful people are willing to take action before they have it all figure out Willing to take action towards big goals There will constant change and adaptation along the way to success Failure is when you do not

visualize Do not set and prcise goals Unwilling to take an action until every details is figured out Failure is when you do not allow yourself to adapt to the process of change And why do some people fail to succeed while others manage to do it? Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take

a calculated risk, and to act.Just as the t title says. The difference between success and failure is patience and persistence. The only difference between those who succeed and those who don't is that they remain patient with disregard to their slow progress and continue to be persistence even if they can't see any results. This quote or saying might not be convincing to you right now and that's why i am going to explain to you in this article

how success happens and why patience and persistence are the only personality traits you will need in order to succeed. WHY IS PATIENCE So why are patience and persistence the difference between success and failure? In order to understand this fact you must first know how and why success happens. Success is all about trial and error. Lets assume that you are a salesman, in order to successfully sell the product to one customer you certainly

need to talk to at least 10 customers so that one of them buys it. Now what if a sales person talked to only three people then gave up? Will he succeed? Of course he wills never success unless he remains patient and persistent until he meets the right customer who will make the purchase. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail understands this fact. Here is why patience and

persistence are crucial for success: Why is patience needed for success: Back to the sales person example? If that person didn't become patient even though he is facing rejection he will never come across the right person who was going to buy. There is no such a thing as a lucky person because being lucky is all about continuing to the end until you come across the right opportunity Why is persistence needed

for success: Now lets suppose that this sales man became patient and did nothing but kept waiting. In this case he might miss the chance to succeed because he wasn't persistent enough to keep developing his skills even though he is making no saleS If you became patient and persistent success will only be a matter of time. If you kept trying to find a job and failed you will eventually succeed if you remained persistent. If you were trying to create a

successful business and kept failing but remained patient and persistent you will eventually succeed as you will encounter the right opportunity. "The difference between success and failure is how about you move with it. Are you willing to go with your current position? Or fight against it . Once you decide it in your mind Patience and persistence" will make you to success and remember there will be constant change along

the way. FUFILMENT IN THE LIFE OF SUCCESS When we talk about living a complete life, What do we mean? Are we ROAD TO SUCCESS MEANING AND DEFINATION OF SUCCESS Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose in life It can also be the favorable outcome of something in life; But some regard and prefer certain meaning and definition

of success Success is the result and achievement of money, wealth, popularity, fame e.t.c Success is the manifestation of greatness. To you what is success? The youngest mother is 9years old is that success? My wonderful readers success its not only achievement in life but it is the only currency in the century and time for Ideas Persistence Work Improvement Focus Passion Serve Hard

work Equal to SUCCESS. SUCCESS is the ideas that comes identifying and solving problems and never cease to Persist through failure and craps(criticism, rejection, assholes, and pressure) while continuing to work hard (it wont come easily but it will turn to be fun) in order to Improve yourself and what you do; use Focus master one thing aligned with your passion so you will do it for the love and not only for the

money alone which will help you Push yourself past-self doubt as you will be remembering to Serve others (not yourself) something of value namely your hard work makes a perfect definition and meaning of success CREATION OF SUCCESS Success always starts from the mind which is ideas with hard work, potentials, unpredicted change. Most people dont want to change instead they would rather continue doing the same thing easily and with

ease it keep on giving them the same result which make them vulnerable and limit their potentials. You can step beyond your comfort zone to a high range of success. Increase your creativity and peace of mind in your personal and social life. Improve your ability to build relationship with people around you. Inspire confidence in yourself In every successful invention, house, family, ideas e.t.c there is always a creation

which also implies to obtain success you have create it and have a clear creation of success which also means foundation If you can envision a future of growth, success and freedom as a real possibility Then youd better keep reading. FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS The foundation of success also implies to the creation of success which start with being in the right place at the right time.

1. How do you see yourself Imagine yourself to be successful and not failure and it will result to be a positive drive and pursuit. Imagination is the greatest creation in life which exists in us. Imagination is greater than e.g U.s.,Walls of china, Tallest mountains, Widest River e.t.c Bible says as you see yourself so you are. If you have doubt on success and surely you will fail due to your doubt of imagination; But when you put yourself in the shoes of

determination of greatness then surely with hard work you will succeed. 2. Having a well throughout strategies and focus every steps along the way build a superior value on your intentions. Intention (it means purpose, aim, plan , objective , intent ,goal ,target) is nothing without action because in every 3 seconds we have more than 3 intention but we hardly take an action. The determination and action you take either positive or negative

will determine your success in life. Live as if you will die tomorrow and learn as if you were to die forever. By mahatma Gandhi 3. Integrity the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles is very important and necessary for success in life. Your integrity will determines the level of trust people would have towards you. A success person is one whose integrity can not be measured but can be accurately assured

in the test of time. By Ladipo Segun(Mr. show) 4. Meeting new people and friends In everyday, we meet at least 1 new person as a friend and a chiness proverb says Show me your friend and I will know who you are. Your friend will either mare or make you, you have to be careful of the friend you make because they will either make a positive or negative impact in your life. It is necessary you make a new friend but please make real friends who will

build your confidence and also care for your downfall and rising they would be there for you. When you find yourself on the side of majority, It is time you pause and reflect. By Mark Twain 5. Vision Your vision implies your purpose in life and the assistance of Gods grace makes it perfect. It being focus on your agenda in life. Habakkuk say write the vision and make it plain on the tables upon the tables so he that runs

that reads it. The holy Quran say the vision The companions of Paradise - they are the attainers [of success]. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful. Many lack the vision because they dont ask for the vision of God in their life. Set your vision and mission life then change would occur in your life. Proverb 4vs 12 says when you go, your steps shall not be hinder and when

you run, you shall not stumble. It may tarry but it shall come to existence. When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength In the service of my vision, it becomes less and less important whether am afraid. In order to accomplish success in any areas of life always remember or take in consideration Meet new people Gain New positive information Use technology for your

advantages be focus and have integrity. UNIQUENESS ABOUT SUCCESS The Impact of success differs from one range to another depending on Individual perceptive 1. Value your value will determine your worth, quantity and quality in life. Illustration What is the difference between 1naira, $1 dollar, 1 euro. My dear the difference is value and it tarries with scarcity. The

uniqueness in the life of people are scarce and uncommon just like materials, skills, knowledge, information and capacity are scarce and different. Ordinary men are common. But, Extraordinary and great men are not common with the test of time example: china phone. nokia phone, l.g, sony erisson, blackberry e.t.c are common but more valuable and some scarce phone such as I-pads, Tablets, apple phone e.t.c are not common but yet popular and valuable.

2. Surround yourself with quality people Always keep good companies because you are always known by the companies you keep. If you dont build your success now later someone will hire you to help them build Thiers. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. By Eleanor Roosevolt 3. Handling challenging circumstance The people of this century always have something to blame for their failure. It either they blame

their parent, peer group, country, and even their surrounding as a factor that hinder them from success which is not true. Nobody was born as Mr. Universe and if you ask me I would tell you that 10001 people in your capacity go through the same or even more than things and walls you go through now in which they still excel and still make at the top. I summon you today to have courage and you can either use the stone throw at you to crush yourself or

either use it to build a castle for yourself. 4. Dont forget God Surely time, love, friendship, properties, sex, beauty will all fade someday whether you like it or not. The only constant and unpredictable changer of things, the only one that measure time and can not be measured, the giver of air, love and generosity. The only one that can not fade is God, some people call him Allah, others call him Olodumare,Ubajingi, Imela, chineke, Aledumare

e.t.c please dont forget or put your God aside for anything in this life. God created you for a purpose which is success and achievement in your life and others life. You must impact in others life to be able to make change; people who see you and have never see you will know and remember you for either for the problem you make or the problem you solve. God said in 1peter 2vs 9; But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation

, a people for his own, that you should show forth praises of him who called you out of darkness into marvelous light. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of God. REASON FOR FAILURE INSTEAD OF SUCCESS Naturally, failure and success has the power to transform lives. The reason for failure instead of success differs to you knowing you are failing

and falling and ready to overcome the failure. People experience failure instead of success because: They dont plan Improvised living will give you unexpected results. You will always have a better chance to succeed in any venture if you have a plan. By forming a simple plan, former non-planners will increase their rate of success. When you make your plan, be sure its specific. Dont say, Im going to exercise

tomorrow. Say, Im taking the red van to the mushin at 3 PM tomorrow to complete a 35 minute leg workout, starting with squats. Having a complete vision of your intentions prepares you to execute them and youll be more likely to flatten obstacles in your way. Im not just saying that. Its been proven to be more effective. Specific intentions work better because vague intentions are open to interpretation. What does exercise mean? Is

walking around the house one time good enough? What happens when its 11:30 PM and you havent done anything yet? Do you exercise then? When King Kong envisioned himself together with a specific human female, which is weird, the helicopters trying to stop him had a very difficult time doing so. King Kong knew exactly what (i.e. who) he wanted. Youll be like King Kong if your plan is clear and desirable. Case study: Mike Tyson didnt

plan for retirement. He made about $300 million in his career, but filed for bankruptcy in 2003. This is only possible without a solid financial plan. They try to climb a mountain before they even leave the house For 2013, my goal is to do one push-up per day. One push-up a day is easy, but it doesnt get you very far. The value comes from starting. In other words, I rarely stop at one push-up and I often get a solid 30 minute workout from

it. I am never intimidated by the challenge, even when Im sick or tired. This one tiny step helps me bridge the gap between couch and exercise. When you aim high, intimidation is common, and that puts your goal at risk. If my goal was 50 push-ups a day, I would have failed at times and gotten discouraged. Sometimes I do 50 push-ups a day with my too easy challenge, and I dont ever feel discouraged. This is more relevant for daily

tasks and goals than long term dreams. Dont dream to be a mediocre person. Dream big, but break that dream down into small, daily actions that inch you closer to it every day. Lesson: One tiny step forward beats one giant leap sideways. A single battle distracts them from the war It is disappointing to lose any battle. Sometimes its devastating. If your business fails, if your book or script is rejected, if you dont make the basketball team, its tough to

be positive. But the war is not over, is it? If your business fails, wont you know several key things NOT to do next time? Objectively, its a highly useful learning experience. Make sure youre not one of the many people who attach their identity to a submarine. If you mentally attach your identity and your chance to succeed to your business, and your business fails ouch. Your really cool submarine is destroyed, and youre stuck

1000 feet under water. Instead, why not see your business as a ship that could possibly take you where youd like to go. That way, if it sinks, you can jump overboard and still join a pirate crew. Dont view your business or current life pursuit as a submarine. If it fails, youll drown in disappointment. View it as a ship, preferably with lifeboats. Whats that? Yes, I know submarines are cooler. Oh, youd like your submarine painted to look like

a shark? Fine. You may view your business as a submarine shark. Sigh. The optimal strategy in life is to focus on winning the battle youre in. I think most of us get this step right, but miss the next crucial one. In real war, conditions and scenarios are altered after a battle. Both sides have gained intel about the other sides firepower and tactics, and both sides have lost men. This calls for a modified strategy, which means zooming out for a

broader view of the war. Immediately after you receive that rejection letter, restrategize for your war. Are you going to edit your book and submit it to a new publisher? Are you going to self-publish it as is? Are you going to use the same strategy until you strike gold? The most successful leaders in the history of warfare were the ones who could modify their strategy quickly, decidedly, and strategically. Do you do the same in your life?

Even if you win a battle, you can lose ground in the war by not anticipating and preparing for the next battle. Life is full of battles, and the key is not letting any single battle distract you from your main objective in your war living how you want to live. Lesson: If youre not currently in battle or have just finished (an event), zoom out your focus to determine the current best strategy, then zoom back in and prepare for your next battle.

Theyre pessimists If you go in expecting to fail, youve got a great chance to do it. If I expected Deep Existence to wear me out, be unpopular, and waste my time, why would I write this? Pessimism leads to failure because it decreases the amount of effort a person will put forth. Success requires effort, which is fueled by the perspective that your efforts are not in vain. Lesson: You instinctively hesitate to invest in a sinking

ship, even if youre the one sinking it. Theyre scared Fear must be cold, because it freezes people. Deer are famous for freezing right before a car hits them. Like that situation, freezing in place isnt a smart strategy in life. Progress paves the the way to success. If it takes 10,000 hours to master something (as Malcolm Gladwell suggests) and fear makes us do nothing, then fear needs to go. Face your fears

head on and youll find success right behind them. Overcoming fear is success in itself, and it opens the door for more. Lesson: Fear is failures notso-secret weapon. Bonus tip: Fear itself is afraid of the spotlight. Get into the habit of confronting it, and soon enough, it will be afraid of YOU. Excuses they blame anyone and everything but themselves If she didnt If I wasnt

living here If the economy If that hadnt happened Blaming others, while a lousy thing to do, isnt even the problem its the poisoned perspective it reveals! Do you know what it really means? Excuses and throwing blame are the same way of saying, Im not in control. Now thats scary. Everyone had a perfect excuse when the economy went into a recession in these past few years, but after telling

everyone their perfect excuse, they were still in the same mess. Meanwhile, other people did well because they adapted. Excuses feel good temporarily, but dont be fooled, they can only hurt you. Accept full responsibility for where you are, and youll have a chance to change it for the better. Lesson: You are the only variable you can control in this world. theyre in the wrong place Sometimes failure is simply a matter of location the wrong

country, the wrong state, the wrong job, the wrong hobby. This is the tricky aspect of failure knowing when to move on to something else. Not all people are capable of success in all things. Im very fast and athletic, but I weigh 140 pounds and have a difficult time gaining weight due to my cheetah-style metabolism. I would literally get crushed in the NFL. There was a point in my life when I had to accept the reality that I wasnt built for professional

football, my favorite sport. Anyone need a tissue? Oh come on! Its so sad! Right now, there is someone doing a mediocre job at work, who could be world class in another field. Is it you? This is a good reason to experiment and try different things you might latch on to something and love it enough to succeed with it. Lesson: If a fish and a human switch places, they will both die of suffocation. Location matters.

They dont care Obviously, if you dont care about doing it well, you wont. Apathy can infect any area of our lives, and when it strikes, it produces bucketfuls of failure. The scariest part of apathy is how contagious it is. Youll have it in one area of life, feel the resulting failure, and let it spread to another area. Or your apathetic friends will rub off on you. This is one more reason to experiment and try different things to ward off apathy.

The more excited about your life and the possibilities to explore, the better! Apathy can often lead to the worst-case scenario of human life. That worst-case scenario is next on the list as the number one reason for failure, and its the saddest thing youll ever see in a human being. Lesson: The more you care, the more youll succeed. They give up It crushes me to see it - a human being full of potentialgiving up. Suicide

is the ultimate expression of giving up, and in my opinion it is lifes most tragic event. We all have a place in this world, and suicide is giving up before you find it. Giving up isnt always so obvious. It can be the guy in the cubicle making 90k a year, who has been slowly drained of his vigor for life, accepting misery because its bundled with a nice paycheck. It might be the popular girl in class, who secretly hates herself for being fake and not having any

real friends, feeling hopelessly trapped by the facade shes created. Anybody you see could be giving up in some area of their life. If youve ever seen someone you love give up on their dream or struggle, even temporarily, you know of the sinking feeling you get. Giving up is the number one reason people fail because it is the only permanent failure. As long as you are actively trying, you have not failed yet. But once you give up, success will

not arrive unexpectedly. 1.When most people set goals, they envision a "thing," such as a particular amount of money, an object (like a new car), or a specific achievement (like writing a book). Unfortunately, these "things I'm gonna get or do" goals don't appeal to the core of what motivates you, because they miss the point that what you're actually seeking in life and work is the POSITIVE EMOTIONS that you believe those things will produce.

Fix: Rather than envisioning a "thing" as your goal, envision-with all the strength in your imagination--how you will feel when you achieve the goal. That way, you'll be inspired to do whatever it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to achieve that goal. 2. Fear of Failure If you're afraid of failing, you won't take the necessary risks required to achieve your goal. For example, you won't make that important phone call, because you're afraid that

you'll be rebuffed. Or you won't quit your dead-end job and start your own business because you're afraid that you might end up without any money. Fix: Decide--right now!--that failure, for you, is a strictly temporary condition. If things don't go the way you'd like, it's only a setback that, at most, delays your eventual success. In other words, accept the fact that you'll sometimes fail, but treat that failure as an

unavoidable (yet vital) component in your quest. 3. Fear of Success In many ways, this fear is even more debilitating than the fear of failure. Suppose you achieved something spectacular, like enormous wealth. What if it didn't make you happy? What then? What if you ended up losing all of it? What then? Would your friends start acting weird? Would your family be envious? Such thoughts (and they're common) can cause

even a highly motivated person to self-sabotage. Fix: Decide that you're going to be happy and grateful today and happy and grateful in the future, no matter what happens. Rather than focus on possible problems, envision how wonderful it would be to be able to help your friends and family achieve THEIR goals. (Hint: Watch the last season of the TV series Entourage!) 4. An Unrealistic Timetable

Most people vastly overestimate what they can do in a week and vastly underestimate what they can do in a year. Because of this, most people try to cram too many action items into the short term rather than spacing out activities over the long term. The inability to get all the short-term steps accomplished creates discouragement and the impression that the final goal is slipping away.

Fix: As you list the activities and steps required to achieve a goal, schedule only the 20% of the activities that will produce 80% of your results. (I explain more about this in the post The Secret of Time Management.) Beyond that, set ambitious long-term timetables, but always leave some "wiggle room" when you plan short term. 5. Worrying about "Dry Spots" It's easy to get discouraged when you reach a point at which nothing you do seems to

advance you toward your goal. For example, suppose you're trying to master a certain skill. You make swift progress at first but then, after a while, it seems as if you're not doing any better, or maybe a little worse. Some people use these "plateaus" or "dry spots" as an excuse to give up and therefore fail. Fix: Whenever you reach a plateau or dry spot, it's time to celebrate rather than give up. A plateau is almost always a sign that you're on the brink of

a major breakthrough, if you just have the patience to stick with it and trust that you'll eventually achieve your goal. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FAILURE AND SUCCESS Life has it up and down and everyone experiences failure and success but, that doesnt hide the difference. It simply identifies the difference experience: What is success and what is failure? Success and failure are terms that necessary call for a universal definition of what

success and failure means to them What is the difference between success and failure? The difference are H for habit, success is to make a habit of what the things failures cant do. Success is to visualize and dream Clarify their goals Successful people are willing to take action before they have it all figure out Willing to take action towards big goals

There will constant change and adaptation along the way to success Failure is when you do not visualize Do not set and prcise goals Unwilling to take an action until every details is figured out Failure is when you do not allow yourself to adapt to the process of change And why do some people fail to succeed while others manage to do it? Often the difference between a

successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.Just as the t title says. The difference between success and failure is patience and persistence. The only difference between those who succeed and those who don't is that they remain patient with disregard to their slow progress and continue to be persistence even if they can't see any results.

This quote or saying might not be convincing to you right now and that's why i am going to explain to you in this article how success happens and why patience and persistence are the only personality traits you will need in order to succeed. WHY IS PATIENCE So why are patience and persistence the difference between success and failure? In order to understand this fact you must first know how and why success happens. Success is all about trial and

error. Lets assume that you are a salesman, in order to successfully sell the product to one customer you certainly need to talk to at least 10 customers so that one of them buys it. Now what if a sales person talked to only three people then gave up? Will he succeed? Of course he wills never success unless he remains patient and persistent until he meets the right customer who will make the purchase.

The difference between those who succeed and those who fail understands this fact. Here is why patience and persistence are crucial for success: Why is patience needed for success: Back to the sales person example? If that person didn't become patient even though he is facing rejection he will never come across the right person who was going to buy. There is no such a thing as a lucky person because being lucky is all about

continuing to the end until you come across the right opportunity Why is persistence needed for success: Now lets suppose that this sales man became patient and did nothing but kept waiting. In this case he might miss the chance to succeed because he wasn't persistent enough to keep developing his skills even though he is making no saleS If you became patient and persistent success will only be a matter of time. If you kept

trying to find a job and failed you will eventually succeed if you remained persistent. Always remember that Success and failure are terms that do not necessarily call for a universal definition since every person has their own definition of what success and failure mean to them. Talking about success, one can generally say that success could also be described as an achievement, whether in a particular area of life or generally in all areas of life. A

failure is an incident in life where something goes wrong or does not go according to plan. One person may consider getting a bad grade a failure, as the term fail suggests, while others might see it as a chance to try again and succeed in the second go. Generally, success and failure can occur in several different areas of life. A person can be successful in his or her job, he or she can lead a successful private life or be in a successful relationship, or

achieve success in his or her hobbies. Possible examples of success in professional life could be getting your dream job, receiving a pay raise or being complimented by your boss. But in a time of a dramatically increasing number of burnout cases, being successful in your job could also mean not being stressed out and still achieving good results at work. Leading a successful private life could mean being in a happy relationship or having great

friends. Success in hobbies could apply to sports, home decorating or playing computer games. Whether we are successful or a failure is sometimes judged by others, yet sometimes we judge ourselves. The principal rule to success is mental strength. Optimism or positive thinking can help in becoming successful in any area of life. An optimistic attitude, as well as a pessimistic one, can strongly influence everything you do and therefore play a

major part in your way to success. Whether we succeed or not will mostly be a result of our own work towards our goals, and should not primarily be defined by others. This is why we should concentrate on ourselves and on our goals and it will be a lot easier to achieve them.If you were trying to create a successful business and kept failing but remained patient and persistent you will eventually succeed as you will encounter the right opportunity.

"The difference between success and failure is how about you move with it. Are you willing to go with your current position? Or fight against it . Once you decide it in your mind Patience and persistence" will make you to success and remember there will be constant change along the way. FUFILMENT IN THE LIFE OF SUCCESS When we talk about living a complete life, What do we mean? Are weWhen we talk

about living a complete life, what do we mean? Are we talking about simply achieving goals as a way to show accomplishments? Not exactly a complete life means that you live a life that is fulfilled and full of happiness. Goals are an important part of it, but so are personal and professional relations, passions and desires. For almost everyone, living a complete life is an ongoing process every day we take steps or perform tasks that help us

achieve the goals and desires we have set forth in our life. Its very easy to live life to go through the motions without living fulfilled. Far too many of us are getting up every day and we dont have a passion or purpose in what we do. Weve lost track of our life goals and are not sure how to get back on the path towards living a fulfilled life. So how do we get back on track in our lives? Or if we already are on track, what are some of the tips that can help

keep us on track? Ive compiled a list of 5 areas that you can focus on that can help you achieve living a fulfilled and complete life. 1. Turn Your Desires and Wants into Goals we all have desires and wants in our life. For some of us it can be a desire to be able to retire early, for others we may have a want to get the latest BMW. For many people they have a desire to make sure that they leave behind a legacy of

doing well in both their personal and professional lives. In order to achieve your wants and desires, set up goals for yourself. In fact, many people find that by having goals and milestones to achieving that goal that they have the motivating power to actually make it happen. Setting up goals gives you the purpose for getting up in the morning and helps fuel the drive to succeed. Make sure

your goals are achievable by breaking them down into smaller steps. Then celebrate each time you achieve one of the steps towards the larger goal! 2. Turn Your Goals into Habits Now that you have defined your goals, or better yet you have achieved them, dont step there! Turn those goals into habits. If your goal was to finish your college education then make it a habit make education a

part of your everyday life by always learning and doing. If your goal was to get rid of the clutter in your life then make sure you dont stop once you have achieved it or else the clutter will find its way back into your life! Habits help us continually achieve goals and even help take small goals and transform them into larger ones. For instance, if you have achieved your goal of reducing your energy and water usage help others see

the benefits of doing so as well expand your goal by making it your habit! People learn by seeing others do. 3. Track Your Progress and Celebrate Your Accomplishments If you remember, I said that in order to make your goals achievable to break them down into smaller steps and celebrate each step as you achieve it. Its important that we recognize the progress we make in our lives and that our friends

and family make in theirs. Its positive reinforcement and it is one of the most crucial ingredients in leading a happy, fulfilled life. Celebrate accomplishments and use the momentum from achieving that milestone as the catalyst to propel you towards the next milestone! You will find that soon you have developed a positive self-feeding cycle in your life and you will be able to

achieve anything you put your mind to! 4. Watch Out For the Negatives How many of us limit ourselves by listening to old, outdated and just plain wrong advice and conventions? When people tell you that you cant do something because you havent done X or Y first, just smile and tell them Thanks, but I think Ill give it a shot! Never limit yourself or your beliefs.

It seems that in life people are always more apt to listen to those who want to spread the negative emotions and thoughts around than they are those who want to spread around the message of Yes you can! Learn how to overcome those who want to be held back by old, outdated beliefs and propel yourself forward knowing that you can do something if you work hard at it. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, didnt believe in

the old belief at the time that IBM didnt do business with small companies and look at where he is now! 5. Keep Your Mind Open Change We should always make sure that we have an open mind and learn that change happens and sometimes we need to modify our desires or goals. This doesnt mean you should give up on something because you think it is too hard to achieve, but rather you

should be open for new ways of achieving that goal or modifying the goal to take advantage of advanced in technology, science and the world around us. Successful people know that change is part of life and that change does not, as many people believe, happen suddenly but rather is a gradual process that takes place every minute of the day. By being aware of the change that happens around them they can better

focus their goals and desires to take advantage of change instead of being surprised by it. Are you preparing to bring fulfillment to your life? Use this list as guide then watch as change starts to happen around you. People will notice when you change your attitude and outlook, and when they do it is almost viral they begin to change theirs as well! Before you know it, not only are you living a full, complete life but you also were the catalyst for

others to find fulfillment in their lives as well!

SURE ROAD TO SUCCESS I would like to break this winning formula down into "easy to chew" bite-sized chunks. In doing so, we will look at four smaller nuggets of truth. The first nugget is:

"THE ROAD TO SUCCESS," the second is: "HARD WORK," the third: "DETERMINATION, and the fourth nugget worthy of a closer look is: "PERSONAL SACRIFICE." For our conclusion, I will ask, "Who will answer this call?" Let us get started with the first nugget of truth, "THE ROAD TO SUCCESS." The road to success starts within a heart

that wants to be the best at something--a heart, mind, and soul that does not want to be ordinary, but extraordinary. These words of hope come from the roots of our country's heritage where ordinary people, who have a dream, work hard to achieve. Let these words of truth breathe life into the core of your bones. Winners never look for the easy way out. They simply look at the impossible, and say

to themselves to set their heart upon this lofty dream and chase after it with their whole heart. The road to success is narrow, and many will miss it because the road to failure is broad and easy. Plant your feet firmly upon the rock of your desire to become the best. It is easy to fail; do not work hard, and do not have a dream--that is all it takes. However, that is all right, because somewhere out there is an ordinary person hoping

that is exactly what you are doing-nothing. Yes, the road to an average, mediocre life is easy, but for those who have a dream, the road to success is another story. Count the cost before you start down this road; for in a month, or in a year will you still be fighting to become the best? Oh, but the road to success is filled with life, happiness, and sweet, sweet victory! Are you ready to travel down this road to

success no matter what the price? Learn to enjoy the journey and be committed to the long haul to achieve your heart's desire. Let us now turn to the second nugget of truth, "HARD WORK." It will take hard work on the part of anyone who wants to be the best. How much work will it take? That depends on your final goal, or the greatness of

your dream. If you want to be the best, then you are going to have to do more than others do. Kobe Bryant, in the off season, shoots 2000 times a day. Are you willing to work that hard to be the best? Any ordinary person can stay ordinary, but those who will work hard, doing a daily routine, will become extraordinary people. Ordinary people do not just wake up one day with large, strong arms

or legs; they use hard work to build their muscles. There is no secret here and definitely no short cuts. No one is born looking like Mr. Universe. Do you want to be bigger, stronger, and faster? You must buy into this daily work ethic. You must learn to carry this method of success into every realm of your daily existence. If you will learn to reflect a spirit of excellence in everything you do, the hard work

will become second nature to you. Make a name for yourself by being the best at everything you set your mind to master. Become a daily learner, a daily reader, and educate yourself in the area that you want to be the best. "HARD WORK;" there is no easy way to accomplish what no other has done. "HARD WORK" built America. "HARD WORK" is one element which will help you achieve your greatest dreams.

The problem with our human nature is that we want everything right now. We have become a "microwave society." We want success the same way; we want it right now and we want it the easy way. Sorry, wrong answer. If you buy into this type of method for success, then you are the one who probably buys lottery tickets, hoping for your millions. The odds of that happening are

stacked against you; those people make a lot of money from those tickets. There is nothing that pays off better than good old fashioned HARD WORK! A farmer goes out and works hard to plant his crop. He waters it, weeds it, and even fertilizes his field. His, "HARD WORK" will pay off at harvest time. If the farmer did not water, weed, and fertilize

his crop, it would yield very little. If the athlete will not plant a crop of "HARD WORK" he, too, will yield nothing for his effort. All of this takes time; the farmers, as well as the athletes, earn great rewards from their continual effort. With "HARD WORK," you can expect to get bigger, stronger, and faster. Let us chew for a while on the next nugget of success, "DETERMINATION." Another word that fits this

section is tenacity. Never give up your dreams. Set your mind, soul, and heart upon doing everything necessary to become your best. Notice I said, "Your best;" learn how to become the best you are capable of. "DETERMINATION" means that you look at yourself and make no excuses. As you find your weak areas, attack them to better yourself. One of my weak areas of life was reading.

I gave up all my excuses and started reading everything in the area of my interest; now I love to read. One might have very weak arms; get over it and get busy correcting the problem area. Are you out of shape? Get over it and be determined to change that problem. Do you have problems in Math? Get over it, ask for help, and learn. Never let your emotions have the best of you. Control your emotions and do

whatever it takes to be the best. A young man won a gold metal in the Olympics on the pistol rage using his right hand. He went home after the competition a winner, but he had a dream to win a second gold metal in four years. While at work, his right hand was crushed by machinery to the point surgeons had to amputate his shooting hand.

Our young man was "DETERMINED," and left himself no excuses. Our athlete went to work, developed his left hand, went back to the following Olympics, and won his second gold metal. This, my reader is "DETERMINATION" to the extreme. He did not have a right hand. What is your excuse? Another high school student lost his leg, yet he plays on

the line for his team. What is your excuse? I had a friend who had polio in his legs, making them both useless; however, he was on our wrestling team at my school. He would crawl after his opponents, then he would pin them. He became a wrestler for a college team. Do you have DETERMINATION? "PERSONAL SACRIFICE" is next on our agenda on which to meditate. What will it take to become

the best? This section is really all about making daily choices to stay on the narrow road to success. Instead of another video game to exercise your thumbs, buy equipment, which will help you become the best. I am sure that Kobe Bryant bought a basketball instead of video games. I am sure the man who lost his hand wanted to give up and quit, but instead went out and bought a lefthanded gun. Instead of doing what you

want to, do what is necessary to become the best. I wanted to become a better athlete at one point in my life, so I set a daily routine and stuck with it, even when I did not feel like it. I asked my father to build me a goal post in our back yard. I would go to the neighbors and kick from their back yard, day in and day out. I won the kicking position that year on the varsity squad. This is "PERSONAL SACRIFICE." Make the right

choices about your diet, your sleeping habits, and your friends (yes, even your friends.) Place around you people who will help you achieve your dreams. Spending time with those who do drugs and want to get in trouble will carry you far away from your dreams. After working with youth for over 22 years, I see those who have no vision or plan for their lives

perish. However, those who will make the plans and make the personal sacrifices necessary to succeed, go on in life to be successful. I started to speak life into the world of an eighth grader on the road to destruction using drugs. Since then, she has become a highly successful artist, graduating from an art college with honors. There was a freshman, though once devastated by her parents'

separation, has now become an elementary school teacher. My daughter, Leia, set aside her love life until she reached her goal of becoming a registered nurse. Keep your focus on the prize. Set your dream, your goal in front of you, and then stay focused on it. My daughter will graduate from college this May, and at the age of 22 is willing to think about her love life and

place someone in her life with the same type of dreams. "Who will answer this call?" Those who dare to be the best and are positive will answer the call. Those who answer the call are not afraid of trying to become someone special, someone important, and someone successful. It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried. Those will answer who want their life to mean

something and want to be remembered for their achievements. "Who will answer this call?" There is a call going out to all. Will you step up and answer the call to be someone of excellence? Will you, can you, or are you going to step on to the road which leads to success? It does not matter where you step on to that road; it only matters that you step on to it, and are determined to never get off the road once you are

there. "Who will answer this call?" Few people answer this call. Will you be the one that will overcome all obstacles in your way as you travel long and hard down this narrow road? It does not matter if others will answer this call; what matters are your own deep convictions. Will you answer this call of life? One additional benefit is others may follow if you show them the way

through your example. I have answered this call in my life to be the best I was created to be. I have been on this road since 1981, and have led many down the same road. Enjoy life by enjoying the process of success. Enjoy those around you as you see them progress down the same road. Rejoice with them as they rejoice with you in the triumph of overcoming

all the odds to become the best you can be.


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