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EIA Guidelines For Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

Department of Environment
Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit

MAY 2005

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

This paper is not a legal document. It serves only as a guideline, which provides recommended approaches and formats for the preparation of a comprehensive IA report on proposed stone crushing plants.

This guideline has !een prepared !y the Ministry of

nvironment and

"ational #evelopment $nit in consultation of various sta%eholders. It should !e used with fle&i!ility, as a solid !ase of practical information to stimulate developer innovation. It is also meant to !e used alongside various other 'overnment advice that set out policy and guidance relating to stone crushing plants.

(oft copies of this guideline can !e re)uested from the Assessment #es% of the #epartment of


nvironment or can !e

downloaded from the we!site of this Ministry

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

(TA* +,-# .( /,"($-T # #$.I"' 0. 0A.ATI," ,1 T+I( '$I# -I" 2 Ministries / Authorities 3. Ministry of nvironment 4 "#$ 2. Ministry of +ousing and -ands 5. Ministry of 0u!lic $tilities 6. Ministry of Agriculture, 1ood Technology and "atural .esources 5. Ministry of 1isheries 7. Ministry of +ealth and 8uality of -ife 9. Ministry of 0u!lic Infrastructure 4 -and Transport :.oad #evelopment Authority; <. Ministry of -ocal 'overnment and (olid =aste Management >. =astewater Management Authority 30. Ministry of Industry 4 Medium nterprises, 1.( 4 /.A 33. /entral =ater Authority 32. =ater .esources $nit 35. Mauritius 0orts Authority 36. -ocal Authorities 35. 'overnment 1ire (ervices 37. Irrigation Authority 39. ?oard of Investment 3<. Agricultural .esearch and &tension $nit NGOs 3>. The =ildlife /lu! of Mauritius 20. 1riends of the nvironment 23. Mauritius Marine /onservation (ociety 22. Institute for nvironmental and -egal (tudies 25. co@(ud EIA Consultants 26. #r +arry 0hoolchand 25. #elphinium -td 27. (igma /onsultant 29. (cene A .ies 2<. 'e&im -and /onsultants -td 2>. (ervansing Badav 4 0artners A /onsulting ngineers -td 3

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

TA?- ,1 /,"T "T(

/,"T "T( 3.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.2." 1.3 1." 1.2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2." 5.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3." 3.3.-.1 3.-.2 3.6 3.6.1 3.7 3.! 3.!.1 3.!.2 3.!.2.1 3.!.2.1.1 3.!.2.1.2 3.!.2.1.3 3.!.2.1." 3.!.2.1.3.!.2.1.6 3.!.2.1.7 I"T.,#$/TI," Purpose and Scope of Guideline Project Profile of Stone Crushing Plant Need for Stone Crushing Plant in Mauritius Processes involved in a Stone Crushing Plant Pre processing Crushing Screening Material #andling and Storage $perations Need for &'( *e+uired &,pertise Pertinent National &nviron.ental *egulations 1A/T,.( T, /,"(I# . =+ " 0. 0A.I"' T+ IA . 0,.T &arl/ Considerations of the Strategic Conte,t &arl/ (ssess.ent of options 'dentif/ing 'ssues Prioritising 'ssues /,"T "T( ,1 A" IA 1,. (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T 0itle Page 0a1le of Contents &,ecutive or Non 0echnical 'ntroduction Site and Project 2escription Site 2escription Project 2escription 3ull 2escription of the e,isting environ.ent &sta1lish.ent of 4aseline 2ata Cli.atic Conditions and (ssociated '.pacts Predicted &nviron.ental '.pacts and Potential Mitigating Measures Construction Phase $peration Phase '.pacts upon the ph/sical environ.ent (ir 5ualit/ Noise 0ransportation of ra6 .aterials and products and traffic i.plications Solid 6aste and 6aste6ater .anage.ent 7and 'ssues 7andscaping and 8isual '.pact (ssess.ent &nerg/ consu.ption of the plant 0age "um!er 7 6 7 7 7 7 ! ! % 1) 1) 1) 32 12 13 13 1" 35 11116 16 16 17 1! 1! 1! 1% 1% 2) 2) 2) 21 21 22 23 23 23 "

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

3.!.2.2 3.!.2.3 3.!.2.3.1 3.!.2.3.2 3.!.2.3.3 3.!.3 3.!." 3.!.3.!.6 3.% 3.%.1 3.1) 3.11 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.13 3.1" 3.16.0 Anne& 3 Anne& 2 Appendi& 3 Anne& 5 .eferences

&cological i.pacts '.pacts on hu.ans Social '.pacts Socio cultural and socio econo.ic issues '.pacts on #ealth and Safet/ 2eco..issioning Phase *is9 (ssess.ent *esidual '.pacts Cu.ulative and s/nergistic effects &nviron.ental Monitoring Plan 'dentification of an/ additional studies necessar/ to i.ple.ent the .itigating .easures or .onitoring and proposals reco..ended in the &'( report '.ple.entation Schedule &nhance.ent $pportunities Consultation Pu1lic Consultation Consultation 6ith Ministries and other (uthorities (lternatives Conclusions and of &nviron.ental $ (ppendices 0.,0," "T /+ /*-I(T 1,. (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T *e+uire.ents of an &'( report according to &P( 2))2 Guidelines for the su1.ission of &'( reports in soft cop/ versions Proposed for an &nviron.ental Monitoring Plan

2" 22226 26 27 27 27 27 27 2! 2! 2! 2! 2% 2% 2% 3) 53 3" 36 3! 3% "2

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants



3.3 0$.0,( A"# (/,0 ,1 '$I# -I"

&nviron.ental '.pact (ssess.ent :&'(; is a process having the ulti.ate o1jective of providing decision .a9ers 6ith an indication of the li9el/ environ.ental conse+uences of a proposed activit/. 0he o1jectives of an &'( are@

0o deter.ine environ.ental co.pati1ilit/ of the project 0o evaluate and select the 1est project alternative fro. the options availa1le 0o identif/ and evaluate the significant environ.ental i.pacts of the project 0o incorporate environ.ental .anage.ent plans and .onitoring .echanis.s 0o assess the environ.ental costs and 1enefits of the project to the co..unit/

'n presenting a clear and co.prehensive state.ent of those co.ponents 6hich need to 1e included in an &'( report for desalination plants< the guideline 6ill not onl/ assist developers and their consultants prepare 1etter +ualit/ &nviron.ental '.pact (ssess.ent reports 1ut 6ill also ensure that sufficient infor.ation is availa1le for a proper assess.ent and for good decision .a9ing. 0he o1jectives of this guideline are na.el/@ 0o aid in the preparation of reports that are co.prehensive in their content and to reduce cost of &'( 0o protect the environ.ent fro. costl/ and irreversi1le .ista9es 0o aid revie6 of the reports 0o avoid ti.e dela/s and cost overruns

0his guideline is 1/ no .eans e,haustive. Not all .atters outlined in this guideline 6ill 1e applica1le to ever/ proposed develop.ent. 0he &'( report should 1e tailored to suit the potential i.pacts of the proposal. Proponents and consultants are advised to also consult other relevant docu.ents such as the National 2evelop.ent Strateg/ :2))";< Planning Polic/ Guidance 1/ the Ministr/ of #ousing and 7ands and relevant regulations and acts :listed at section 1.-; as 6ell as to consult the general guidelines =( Proponent>s Guide to &nviron.ental '.pact (ssess.ent? prepared 1/ this Ministr/ and availa1le on this Ministr/>s 6e1site

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

0he proponent chec9list presented at Section ".) is designed as a .ethod for revie6ing the ade+uac/ of the &'( in ter.s of co.pliance to the re+uire.ents of the &P( 2))2 and generall/ accepted good practice in &'(. As our understanding and awareness of the environment improve, this guideline will be updated to reflect new ideas or issues.

3.2 0.,B /T 0.,1I- ,1 (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T

3.2.3 " # 1,. (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T I" MA$.ITI$(

2uring the past /ears< Mauritius has undergone rapid develop.ent. 0his has 1een paralleled 1/ a significant e,pansion of the construction industr/ including industrial 1uildings< hotels< residential houses as 6ell as roads and other infrastructural 6or9s. 0he c/clonic condition of the island has also encouraged people to have concrete houses. Presentl/ there are around 22 stone crushing plants in operation scattered all over the island. 0he average tonnage of ra6 .aterials crushed dail/ accounts for 21<--) tons. 'n addition< there are around %)) 6or9ers directl/ e.plo/ed 1/ the 22 stone crushing plants. $n average< each plant e.plo/s around 3) people. 3ollo6ing Govern.ent>s decision to phase out sand e,traction as fro. $cto1er 2))1< there is an increase in the de.and of 1asalt sand and this is leading to the opening of ne6 plants. Stone crushing plants are essential to the construction industr/< as the/ produce the follo6ing .aterials 6hich are re+uired at various stages of construction@ :a; aggregates of various siBes :1; concrete 1loc9s :c; read/ .i,ed concrete :d; asphalt .i, for road surfacing :e; roc9 sand : as a su1stitute for coral sand 6hich 6as 1anned in the /ear 2))1;

3.2.2 0.,/ (( ( I"C,-C # I" A (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T 0. @0.,/ ((I"'

*oc9 and crushed stone products generall/ are loosened 1/ drilling and 1lasting< and then are loaded 1/ a po6er shovel or front end loader into large haul truc9s that transport the .aterial to the processing operations. 5uarried stone nor.all/ is delivered to the processing plant 1/ truc9< and is du.ped into a hoppered feeder< usuall/ a vi1rating griBBl/ t/pe< or onto screens. 0he feeder or screens separate large 1oulders fro. finer roc9s that do not re+uire crushing< thus reducing the load to the crusher.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants (i)


Primary Crushing

Ca6< i.pactor< or g/rator/ crushers are usuall/ used for initial reduction. 0he crusher product< nor.all/ 7.- to 3) centi.etres :3 to 12 inches; in dia.eter< and the griBBl/ throughs :undersiBe .aterial; are discharged onto a 1elt conve/er and usuall/ are conve/ed to a surge pile for te.porar/ storage< or are sold as coarse aggregates. (ii) e!on"ary Crushing

Cone crushers are used for secondar/ crushing :although i.pact crushers are used;< 6hich t/picall/ reduces .aterial to a1out 2.- to 1) centi.etres :1 to " inches; in dia.eter. 0he .aterial :throughs; fro. the second level of the screen 1/passes the secondar/ crusher 1ecause it is sufficientl/ s.all for the last crushing step. 0he output fro. the secondar/ crusher and the throughs fro. the secondar/ screen are transported 1/ conve/or to the tertiar/ circuit< 6hich includes a siBing screen and a tertiar/ crusher. (iii) #ertiary Crushing

0ertiar/ crushing is usuall/ perfor.ed using cone crushers or other t/pes of i.pactor crushers. $versiBe .aterial fro. the top dec9 of the siBing screen is fed to the tertiar/ crusher. 0he tertiar/ crusher output< 6hich is t/picall/ ).-) to 2.- centi.etres :3A16 to 1 inch; in dia.eter< is returned to the siBing screen. So.e stone crushing plants produce .anufactured sand< 6ith a .a,i.u. dia.eter of ).-) centi.etres :3A16 inch;. (iv) $ines Crushing

$versiBed .aterial is processed in a cone crusher or a hill :fines crusher; adjusted to produce s.all dia.eter .aterial. 0he output is then returned to the fines screen for resiBing. (i)



!reening (Primary% e!on"ary% or #ertiary)

0he stone fro. the surge pile is conve/ed to a vi1rating inclined screen called the scalping screen. 0his unit separates oversiBed roc9 fro. the s.aller stone. 0he stone that is too large to pass through the top dec9 of the scalping screen is processed in a su1se+uent crusher.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants


$ines !reening

Crushed stone fro. the tertiar/ siBing screen is siBed in a vi1rating inclined screen :fines screen; 6ith relativel/ s.all .eshes. 0he follo6ing ta1le descri1es t/pical stone siBe classifications that occur as a result of crushing and screening processes@ Typical (iDe /lassifications crushing@ Secondar/ crushing@ 0ertiar/ crushing@ 3ines screening@ 7.- to 3) centi.etres 2.- to 1) centi.etres ).-) to 2.- centi.etres D).-) centi.etres MAT .IA- +A"#-I"' A"# (T,.A' ,0 .ATI,"(

'n certain cases< as 6ith concrete aggregate processing< stone 6ashing is re+uired to .eet particular end product specifications. Conve/or 1elts .ove roc9s 1et6een the crushing and screening stages. ( t/pical process flo6 chart for stone crushing plant is illustrated 1elo6.

3igure 1@ 0/pical process flo6 chart for stone crushing plant

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

3.5 "

# 1,. IA

(n/ develop.ent proposal listed in the 3irst Schedule under Part '8< Section 1-:2; of the &nviron.ent Protection (ct :&P(; 2))2 re+uires an &nviron.ental '.pact (ssess.ent :&'(; licence. 'n fact< Stone Crushing Plant is .entioned in su1section -2 of the first schedule of &P( 2))2. 0he re+uire.ents of an &'( report according to &P( 2))2 is at Anne& '. ( proponent appl/ing for an &'( licence shall in electronic for. and in 1- printed copies of his &'( report and an/ such additional copies as .a/ reasona1l/ 1e re+uired 1/ the 2irector. Guidelines for su1.ission of &'( reports in soft cop/ version is at Anne& (.

3.6 . 8$I. # E0 .TI(

2epending on the scale of the activit/ A project< a tea. of cross functional professionals 6ith sufficient e,perience .a/ conduct the &'( for stone crushing plants. 0he areas of e,pertise .a/ include@ &nviron.ental fields Aprocess designsA cleaner production Geolog/ A #/drogeolog/ Socio econo.ics Surve/ingA Planning Civil engineering

3.5 0 .TI" "T "ATI,"A- "CI.,"M "TA- . '$-ATI,"(

0he follo6ing environ.ental regulations as 6ell as policies and standards need to 1e consulted a.ongst others@ &nviron.ent Protection (ct 2))2 :GN no. 73 of 27 Cul/ 2))2; 3isheries and Marine *esources (ct< 1%%! :GN no.22 of 1%%!; *ivers and Canals (ct< 1!63 Pu1lic #ealth (ct :GN no. *7 "A323 2" (pril 1%!2; Planning and develop.ent (ct< 2))" &nviron.ent Protection :Collection< Storage< 0reat.ent< Ese< 2isposal of used oil; *egulations 2))- :GN no. " of 2))-; *efuse Collection *egulations .ade 1/ relevant 7ocal (uthorit/ &nviron.ent Protection :2rin9ing Fater Standards; *egulations 1%%6 :GN no. 72 of 22 Cune 1%%6; 1)

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

&nviron.ent Protection :&nviron.ental Standards for Noise; *egulations 1%%7 :GN no. 17 of 1%%7; &nviron.ent Protection :Standards for (ir; *egulations 1%%! :GN no. %2 of 2% (ugust 1%%!; &nviron.ent Protection :Standards for #aBardous 6aste; *egulations 2))1 :GN no. 1-7 of 2))1; &nviron.ent Protection :Standards of &ffluent for use in 'rrigation; *egulations 2))3 :GN no. "6 of 2))3; &nviron.ent Protection :Standards of &ffluent 2ischarge ; *egulations 2))3 :GN no."3 of 2))3;


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants


1A/T,.( T, /,"(I# . =+ " 0. 0A.I"' T+ . 0,.T


0he outco.e of an &'( is a docu.ent< 6hich presents all the relevant infor.ation a1out the &'( process. 3our 1odies of infor.ation arise fro. an &'( process@ .ethodolog/< data< results and conclusions derived fro. the.. 0he use of graphical infor.ation such as .aps< ta1les and graphs< is an effective 6a/ of i.proving co..unication. 0he &'( shall also 1e acco.panied 1/ supported appendices< the 1aseline stud/ report and the environ.ental assess.ent that 6ill provide technical detail on specific issues< assu.ptions and .odeling projections. #o6ever< the docu.ent .ust also provide a level of detail ade+uate to allo6 the average reader to .a9e an infor.ed decision on the project. 't is the proponent>s responsi1ilit/ to identif/ and address< as full/ as possi1le< the .atters relevant to the specific proposal and to 6ith the statutor/ re+uire.ents for the preparation of an &'( report. 0he follo6ing factors are i.portant 6hen preparing an &'( report@ &arl/ Considerations of the Strategic Conte,t &arl/ (ssess.ent of $ptions 'dentif/ing 'ssues Prioritising 'ssues


A.-Y /,"(I# .ATI,"( ,1 T+ (T.AT 'I/ /,"T ET

Prior to e.1ar9ing on a stone crushing plant< a proponent and Aor his consultant:s; shall ensure that the proposed develop.ent is co.pati1le 6ith the Boning of the site and that relevant clearances including planning clearance< reBoning certificate < lease agree.ent and clearance fro. 3ire Services< CF(< C&4 have 1een o1tained.

If the underta%ing is not in the appropriate Done and in the a!sence of proof of land ownershipF authoriDation to use the site for the proposed development, the application will not !e considered "o permit for development shall !e granted in respect of an underta%ing, unless there is in relation to it an approved preliminary environment report or an IA licence. (elected sites shall ensure the following !uffers2 :i; At least 3 %m from limits of permitted developmentFsettlement !oundaries or from the nearest residential !uilding, whichever is closer 12

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

(ii) At least )* m +rom any ,ater -o"y as per .ivers an" Canals A!t ('/0)) No in!ompati-le "evelopment shall -e allo,e" ,ithin the '.* 1m ra"ius. Pre+eren!e shall -e given to proposals +or -a" neigh-our "evelopments ,hi!h !an -e !lustere" to share a -u++er 2one% as "e+ine" in outline s!heme. Pro3e!t shall not !onstitute a visual intrusion in the lan"s!ape #he stone !rushing plant shall -e pre+era-ly lo!ate" in a "epression an" high ,alls shall -e ere!te" to mitigate noise pollution. Any 4uarrying site use" +or provi"ing ro!1 +or the stone !rushing plant shall -e properly reinstate". #he stone !rushing plant shall not -e lo!ate" ,ithin a ,etlan"% !oastal 2one or any other sensitive area% in!lu"ing areas o+ high lan"s!ape value% lan"s!ape !orri"ors% an" mountain slopes. Post5!losure measures o+ the stone !rushing plant shall -e !onsi"ere" an" the site properly reha-ilitate". In the siting o+ stone !rushing plants% !onsi"eration shall -e given to transport an" asso!iate" tra++i! pro-lems relate" to these operations.


A.-Y A(( ((M "T ,1 ,0TI,"(

0he o1jectives for the underta9ing should 1e developed to fulfil an/ identified need and should enco.pass the principles of Sustainable Development SD!. SD principles should 1e considered 6hen identif/ing options for all aspects of the proposal. (ll feasi1le alternatives that could satisf/ the o1jectives of the proposal should 1e considered. Fhen 6eighing up options< the 1ioph/sical< econo.ic and social costs and 1enefits throughout the 6hole life c/cle of the proposal should 1e considered. 0he =do nothing? options should also 1e included in these considerations.

2.5 I# "TI1YI"' I(($ (

0he general fra.e6or9 for an &'( is usuall/ a precursor to identif/ potential environ.ental issuesG the proponent .ust 1e a1le to outline@ the i.portant characteristics of the project 6hich 6ill deter.ine the scope of the potential i.pacts the proposed site and a preli.inar/ assess.ent of sensitivit/ of the site.

'f the e,isting characteristic on the site is changed< then the potential co.forts .a/ also change. 'f at an/ ti.e changes occur< the scoping process for the &'( should 1e revie6ed.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

2.6 0.I,.ITI(I"' I(($ (

0he &'( process should focus attention on the 9e/ issues of concern. Not all issues identified 6ill have the sa.e degree of relevance for all proposals. 0he relative i.portance placed on different issues 6ill var/ fro. case to case< and is a function of the scale of the develop.ent and the sensitivit/ of the receiving environ.ent. 'ssues should therefore 1e prioritiBed according to their i.portance in the decision .a9ing process. Fhen prioritising issues< consideration should 1e given to the potential severit/< te.poral and spatial e,tent of an/ 1eneficial and adverse effectsG their direct i.pacts as 6ell as an/ indirect< secondar/< tertiar/ or cu.ulative i.pactsG and 6hether the effects are continuous or inter.ittent< te.porar/ and reversi1le or per.anent and irreversi1le. 0he outco.e of the identification and prioritisation process should result in@ 1. a list of all issues 6ith a preli.inar/ esti.ate of the relative significance of their i.pacts 2. identification of the 9e/ issues 3. an e,planation as to 6h/ other issues are not considered 9e/. 0he &'( should address the 9e/ issues as full/ as practica1le. #o6ever the level of anal/sis should reflect the level of significance of the i.pacts and their i.portance on the proposal.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants


/,"T "T( ,1 A" IA 1,. (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T

0he &'( on a proposed stone crushing plant shall ensure that all the environ.ental para.eters have 1een addressed and their conse+uences recognised and ta9en into account in the project design. 0he &'( report shall not co.prise state.ents of a general nature 1ut instead shall provide su1stantive and indicative infor.ation on the proposed activit/< the .easures proposed to .itigate all adverse i.pacts as 6ell as the opportunities for environ.ental enhance.ent so as to ena1le a proper assess.ent. 0he &'( shall 1e dul/ signed and dated 1/ either the proponent or his appointed legal representative and countersigned 1/ the consultant. Ender section !-:1; of &P( 2))2< an/ person 6ho su1.its a false report or su1.its a report .isleading in an/ .aterial particular or provides false or .isleading infor.ation shall an offence. 0he 1elo6 provides a guide on the content of an &'( report for proposed stone crushing plant.

5.3 TIT- 0A'

0his should contain details of the full title under 6hich the &'( has 1een prepared location of project the tea. responsi1le for the &'( or na.e:s; of the consultant:s;Aconsultanc/ fir.. the proponent and signatures the date of application

5.2 TA?- ,1 /,"T "T( indicating the different chapters 6ith the respective
page nu.1ers


E /$TIC ,. "," T /+"I/A- ($MMA.Y

0he should 1e concise and give a short overvie6 of the proposal to facilitate understanding of the proposal 1/ the general pu1lic. 0he language used should 1e si.ple and non technical. 't should pri.aril/ focus upon 9e/ environ.ental i.pacts and the proposed .itigating .easures and should include a clear .ap or aerial photograph of the location.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.6 I"T.,#$/TI,"
't should provide 1ac9ground infor.ation on the project< the pro.oters< an/ e,perience in si.ilar projects< project cost 1enefit anal/sis< ti.e scale for the develop.ent and e.plo/.ent opportunities as 6ell as the technical< econo.ical and environ.ental features essential to the project.

5.5 (IT A"# 0.,B /T # (/.I0TI,"

0his section should descri1e the site and project and indicate the justification and rationale underl/ing the project.

5.5.3 (IT # (/.I0TI," ( description should 1e given in general ter.s to indicate the nature and 1road character of the local environ.ent $6nership of land and proof thereof< or lease agree.ent clearl/ indicating the o6ner>s consent to the project G 7and e,tent Present Boning of site as per approved $utline Sche.e :o1taina1le fro. the 0o6n H Countr/ Planning 4oard or the local authorities; Certified and co.prehensive site and location plans dra6n to scale :1@2-)); 6ith 9no6n land.ar9s as reference points and sho6ing 6ater 1odies< 6etlands and an/ other critical ha1itat< 1oreholes< residential areas< far.s and hotels in the surroundings< etc together 6ith aerial photographs Site characteristics in ter.s of site location< landfor. :topograph/ plan;G present and past land use :if 9no6n;< indication of other si.ilar projects in the surroundings< accessi1ilit/ to site and 6idth of access roads< e,isting infrastructures and availa1ilit/ of pu1lic utilities< flora and fauna Surrounding environ.ent indicating adjacent residential areas A 1uilt up environ.ent < environ.entall/ sensitive areas < 6atercourses < 1oreholes< designated sites of interest< other attri1utes of the area e.g. a.enities< recreational and agricultural values< location of ris9 groups Co.pati1ilit/ of land uses and proposed activit/ 6ithin the area


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.5.2 0.,B /T # (/.I0TI," 0his should descri1e the project and indicate the justification and rationale underl/ing the project< including@ 0he project proponent $1jective and justification of project Co.ponents of the project including ra6 .aterials< processes< products< t/pes of pollutants< etc. 4enefits and dis1enefits of the project 2esign< siBe and scale of the project #ours of operation during site preparation< operation and .aintenance &,pected life span of operationG 6hether per.anent or .o1ile 0/pes of .achiner/ to 1e used on site 2etailed specification of technolog/ :including details of processing; to 1e used on siteG its .aintenance and via1ilit/ Modelling for dust and noise pollution Methods of loadings and transportation of .aterials 6ithin the site< access roads< an/ conve/ors and +uantities of .aterials to 1e processed 7ocation and siBe of stoc9piles 5uantities and .ethods of storage of fuels and contingenc/ plan in case of spills 0he s/ste. of sedi.ent drains and settling ponds Plans and policies 6ith 6hich the project confor.s e.g. refuse collection regulations< standards pro.ulgated under the &P(< Faste6ater Manage.ent (uthorit/ guidelines< *ivers and Canals (ct< etc. 2etailed site A la/out plan dra6n to scale :1@2-)); indicating site 1oundaries :as per title deeds; and sho6ing all structures proposed to 1e put up on site :including the entire 6aste6ater collection< treat.ent H disposal s/ste.;< set1ac9s and landscaping 6or9s etc 2etailed plans of 1uildings including elevations< plot coverage and gross floor area &,tent of land area covered vAs open space. Provision of par9ing facilities G entrances and e,itsG (ccess to pu1lic transport 2etail design< specification and la/out of surface drains for stor. 6ater disposal indicating its final e,it. Source< t/pe< generation< collection and disposal of solid 6aste and sludge :alternative such as reuse and rec/cling should 1e considered; ( specification of re+uire.ents 6ith respect to e,tre.e events :c/clones< floods< droughts< etc.; 17

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

(vaila1ilit/ of 6ater< other utilities and resources &.plo/.ent opportunities during construction< operation and deco..issioning phases Capacit/ 1uilding and training of personnel Capital invest.ent< operating costs and 6aste disposal costs *eha1ilitation plan after closure of plant

5.7 1$-- # (/.I0TI," ,1 T+

EI(TI"' "CI.,"M "T

0he description should provide details of the environ.ent in the vicinit/ of the develop.ent site and an/ aspects of the 6ider environ.ent li9el/ to 1e affected 1/ the project. 'n this regards< topological< ph/sical< visual< .eteorological< social< cultural< heritage< econo.ic and aesthetic aspects should 1e considered. 0he relevant descriptions should 1e ela1orated and to serve as a 1aseline for assessing environ.ental effects.


(TA?-I(+M "T ,1 ?A( -I" #ATA

2ata source< data collection .ethodolog/ e.g. surve/< .atri, or chec9listG and results of site investigation (n/ constraints in collection of data or o.issions in data collected and proposed re.edial .easures *esult of site investigation in for. of a geotechnical report including su1surface strata< .a,i.u. level of 6ater ta1le and results of a soil percolation test <trial pits etc 'nfor.ation on the uncertainties and assu.ptions involved in interpreting or using results for predictive .ethods and anal/tical techni+ues and a description of gaps in 1aseline and other data used in the preparation of the &'( report 4aseline data on prevailing a.1ient air +ualit/< 6ater +ualit/< 1ac9ground noise< ecological resources and conditions :including e,isting flora< fauna and ha1itats< natural features< site sensitivit/ and ecologicall/ sensitive areas< .icrocli.ate< h/drolog/ A h/drogeolog/< .anage.ent practices< etc;

5.9 /-IMATI/ /,"#ITI,"( A"# A((,/IAT # IM0A/T(

2escription of the e,pected environ.ental conditions at the ti.e of pro1a1le project i.ple.entation< for e,a.ple te.perature< rainfall< 6ind direction< 6ind speed and associated constraints e.g. season< rain/ season< c/clonic period etc.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.< 0. #I/T # "CI.,"M "TA- IM0A/T( A"# 0,T "TIAMITI'ATI"' M A($. (.

0he conversion of naturall/ occurring roc9 into crushed and 1ro9en stone products involves a series of distinct /et interdependent ph/sical operations. 0hese include plant process operations :such as crushing< screening< conve/ing< other .aterial handling< and transfer operations;. (ll are potentiall/ significant sources of particulate e.issions. &.ission sources .a/ 1e categoriBed as either process sources sources; or fugitive dust sources :secondar/ sources;.0hese stone crushers< though socio econo.icall/ an i.portant sector< create su1stantial a.ount of environ.ental pollution 1/ 6a/ of the fugitive e.issions fro. various sources< 6hich adversel/ affect the a.1ient air +ualit/ and there1/ affect the health. 0his part should include i.pacts during construction< operation phase and deco..issioning phase on the follo6ing issues@ air )ualityG noiseG water )uality of e&isting water !odiesG solid and li)uid waste managementG terrestrial ecology, visual and landscape and energy consumption of the plant. 0he &'( should e.phasiBe the 9e/ issues identified during the scoping e,ercise and indicate 6h/ these are felt to 1e crucial. 7esser i.pacts should 1e .entioned 1ut the a.ount of space devoted to the. should 1e proportional to their perceived i.portance. 5.<.3 /,"(T.$/TI," 0+A( '.pacts of construction and de.olition activities :if an/; on the ph/sical environ.ent such as site preparation< re.oval of vegetation< ris9 of soil erosion< loss of a.enit/< levelling and other earth6or9s to 1e underta9en 3re+uenc/< duration and location of intrusive operations 0ransport of ra6 .aterials Pu1lic nuisances in ter.s of noise< dirt< dust< odours<< visi1ilit/ < e.issions< traffic i.plications


Proper of construction activities Mitigation .easures re+uired for construction activities should 1e incorporated :e.g.< construction schedules that .ini.iBe i.pacts on pu1lic access and recreation< visual screening< noise 1uffers< siting a6a/ fro. high resource areas< li.ited construction Bones and corridors< etc.; Sedi.ent control .easures during construction of plant should 1e specified (rchitectural design and natural 1uffers to reduce visual i.pacts Precautionar/ .easures against ris9 of soil erosion 1%

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.<.2 ,0 .ATI," 0+A( 5.<.2.3 IM0A/T( $0," T+ 0+Y(I/A- "CI.,"M "T

5.<.2.3.3 AI. 8$A-ITY Potential sources of air pollution include processing plant< handling< stoc9piles< traffic on internal haul roads and transportation operation and .itigating .easures to a1ate dustAair pollution

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E 7ocate fi,ed A .o1ile processing plant at least 1 9. fro. residential areas 7ocate haul I roads< tips and stoc9piles a6a/ fro. sensitive receptors and ta9e into account prevailing 6ind directions 7a/out and construct stoc9piles< tips and .ounds to .ini.ise dust creation &nclose fi,ed conve/ors and processing plant Fhere applica1le< provision of dust re.oval s/ste. for the plant Ese 6ater spra/s and .ists as dust suppression .easures Carr/ out regular .aintenance on all plant co.ponents

T, MI"IMI( =I"#@?-,=" #$(T2@ Co.pact< grade and .aintain internal haul I roads Plant fast gro6ing trees *educe speeds and .ove.ent of vehicles Spra/ e,posed surfaces e.g. unsurfaced haul roads

(T,/*0I- ( Cover or spra/ stoc9piles Ese covered :closed or sheeted; vehicles< or spra/ing< for the transport of dr/ fine .aterials Clean up an/ accidental spillages on pu1lic roads< as soon as such a spillage arises or is notified.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.<.2.3.2 ",I( Noise nor.all/ e.anates fro. a nu.1er of activities and in order to a1ate noise pollution or reduce the level of noise< issues that need to 1e considered@ &sti.ate average and .a,i.u. hourl/< dail/ and 6ee9l/ to and fro. truc9 .ove.ent :including truc9 t/pes< sites< nu.1er per da/;. (verage load of roc9 A stone per .ove.ent #ours of operation of plant 2uring 1loc9 .a9ing processes< noise e.anating fro. vi1ration of co.pacting .achine. Piping of 1oulders and roc9s into the crusher. 0he e,isting acoustic environ.ent including a statistical 1rea9do6n of the .eteorological conditions :predo.inant 6ind< te.perature< hu.idit/ and invention details; and an/ topographical features 6hich 6ill influence the noise and vi1ration i.pacts.

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E Mitigation and .anage.ent .easures to control the generation of noise and to ensure co.pliance 6ith relevant noise standards including details of noise control .easures such as@ Suppressors or silencers on e+uip.ent :siBe< t/pe and location; or noise shields proposals for instance corrugated iron sheet structures. (lternative locations of plant< 6eight 1ridges< par9ing< +ueuing or truc9 routes to reduce noise. (lternative grading of the load to reduce sharp transition of gradients and reduce the i.pacts of 1ra9es and gear change noise. Manage.ent strategies to reduce i.pacts including truc9 speed< air 1ra9es. 5.<.2.3.5 T.A"(0,.TATI," ,1 .A= MAT .IA-( A"# 0.,#$/T( A"# T.A11I/ IM0-I/ATI,"( *a6 .aterials need to 1e transported to the operation site 6hile construction .aterials need to 1e transported to the .ar9et place. 0he predo.inant .ode of transport used is road via the use of heav/ goods vehicles including truc9s. "he proponent should clearl# describe the dail# trip pattern to access schedule itinerar#! the crushing plant and the route should avoid human settlements and public amenities as far as possible.8 21

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E Consider< 6here appropriate< alternatives to internal road haulage fro. e,cavation to processing plant or depot e.g. conve/ors Careful design and la/out of the site entrance< providing ade+uate visi1ilit/ *egular .aintenance and servicing of vehicles (gree on .ain traffic routes< 6here appropriate< to avoid sensitive areas and the use of large vehicles in narro6 6inding roads *e+uire drivers and others to use agreed routes Ese vehicle A 6heel 6ashing facilities and sheet vehicles :6hen transporting dr/ fine .aterials;< 6here appropriate Provide on site truc9 par9ing to avoid +ueuing of truc9s on pu1lic road 5.<.2.3.6 (,-I# =A(T A"# =A(T =AT . MA"A' M "T Stone crushing activities result in a nu.1er of 6aste strea.s. 0hese .a/ include 6aste associated 6ith plant A vehicle .aintenance and on site 6aste6ater disposal s/ste.. 0he .anage.ent of 6aste 6ithin stone crushing site has to 1e addressed@ Source< t/pe and volu.e of 6aste6ater generated. Ph/sical< che.ical and 1iological characteristics< .ethod of collection< treat.ent and disposal :6ith appropriate design calculations and dra6ings; of 6aste6ater. Material 1alance of the activit/ (.ount of solid 6aste produced and .ode of disposal. 2etail design< specification and la/out of surface drains for stor. 6ater disposal indicating its final e,it. PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E &li.inate and .ini.ise the production of 6aste *e use and rec/cle unsuita1le .aterials :such as poor +ualit/ roc9 arising fro. stone crushing activit/< and cla/ A silt .aterials arising fro. settle.ent processes; *e use and rec/cle rejected products fro. 1loc9 .a9ing< concrete and asphalt A tar .acada. production operations Ese designated storage areas for particular 6aste t/pes and JauthoriBed> 6aste contractors for the collection< re use and disposal of 6aste oils< 1atteries< t/res< do.estic 6aste and scrap .etal 22

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

Particular 6aste .aterials such as oils< oil filters< 1atteries< oil dru.s< fluorescent< printer cartridges are classified as haBardous 6aste .aterials. 0hese .aterials should 1e stored on site in designated areas and collected and rec/cled or disposed of< 1/ an authoriBed 6aste contractor. 5.<.2.3.5 -A"# I(($ (

'.pacts on land< 1oreholes< caverns< roc9s '.pacts on 6ater ta1le and a+uifer and treat.ent proposed '.pacts on geolog/ of site and the li9el/ geological constraints such as geological feature 1eing threatened 6ith destruction < the potential for vegetation gro6th in soil 1eing

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E Proper siting Colonisation of vegetation to sta1ilise slopes Sedi.ent control .easures 5.<.2.3.7 -A"#(/A0I"' A"# CI($A- IM0A/T( 7oss of areas of distinctive landscape character < valued landscapes : e.g. local 1eaut/ spots ; < specific landscape ele.ents : coastline < 6oodlands;< vie6ers of the landscape : residents < tourists< visitors ; < conservation interest : archeological sites < historic landscapes < i.portant ha1itats;

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E Careful siting < planning and design of the develop.ent to ensure that it is s/.pathetic to its surroundings Preservation of scenic vie6s and valued features Co.pensation for the loss of landscape resources e.g. .ature vegetation 1/ replacing 6ith an e+uivalent resource e.g. planting ne6 trees 5.<.2.3.9 " .'Y /,"($M0TI," ,1 T+ 0-A"T

Stone crushing activities are large users of energ/ :fuel and electricit/;. 0here are significant environ.ental and financial 1enefits fro. ensuring that the use of energ/ is opti.ised. &nerg/ consu.ption is associated 6ith processing plant :crushing< screening and 6ashing activities;< on site and off site vehicles. PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E 23

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

Carr/ out energ/ efficienc/ audits 'dentif/ opportunities and i.ple.ent appropriate .easures for energ/ use reduction and efficienc/ e.g. Ese of 8aria1le Speed 2rives Provide regular .aintenance for processing plant<< and 1oilers< etc. Ese photo sensors to control and opti.iBe use of outside lighting $pti.ise la/out and design of internal haulage routes and processing plant Ese auto.atic controls to ensure idling or shutdo6n of plant 6hen not in use. 5.<.2.2 /,-,'I/A- IM0A/T(

&cological i.pact assess.ents are concerned 6ith i.pacts not onl/ on the structural features of the ecos/ste.s :e.g. ha1itats< species; 1ut also on their functional aspects :e.g. nutrient c/cling;. Predicting the ecological i.pacts of develop.ent is one of the .ost difficult stages in the assess.ent process due to the co.ple,it/ of natural s/ste.s and the still li.ited 9no6ledge of ho6 ecos/ste.s function and respond to e,ternal changes. 0hree .ain approaches or categories of techni+ues for ecological evaluation have 1een identified. S/ste.atic approaches are the .ost fre+uentl/ used techni+ue and involve an assess.ent of the characteristics of ha1itats or ecos/ste.s 'ndicator species approaches rel/ on the presence :or a1sence; of particular species< 6hich can 1e used as surrogate for .ore co.ple, or co.prehensive data 'nventor/ approaches are the least used techni+ue and pri.aril/ involve producing a classification of the ecological resources under consideration< follo6ing 6hich each categor/ can 1e evaluated.

0he &'( *eport should include@ Prediction of the ecological i.pacts of the proposed develop.ent 2irect losses of ha1itats< flora and fauna< natural features $eeding grounds, shelter, breeding sites and areas used during seasonal migration ma# be lost! < including ha1itat frag.entation Negative effects on the health of 1iota including plants < ani.als and fish 0hreat to rare and endangered species *eduction in species diversit/ or disruption of food 6e1s 2eter.ining the significance of the ecological i.pacts. 3actors include the


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

of the i.pact< duration and fre+uenc/ of the i.pact< ti.escale 6ithin 6hich the i.pact is 1eing investigated< spatial scale of an evaluation< the nature conservation value of a species or ha1itat

2istur1ance of a+uatic organis.s and a+uatic ha1itats #/drological distur1ances I changes in the +ualit/ and +uantit/ of surface and ground6ater flo6s Changes in the ph/sico che.ical environ.ent.

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E Proper siting of project a6a/ fro. sensitive or protected areas Proper of construction activities if possi1le< 6hen valued species are a1sent Ese of pollution control e+uip.ent and esta1lish.ent of appropriate 6or9ing practices such as the fencing of 6or9ing areas to reduce distur1ance to adjacent ha1itats Proposed restoration e.g. landscaping and reha1ilitation proposals and their role in .itigating i.pacts such as co.pensator/ reha1ilitation 6ith indigenous speciesG provision of ne6 appropriate ha1itatsG opportunities for colonisation ha1itat restoration< Co.pensation or enhance.ent< i.e. to co.pensate for the adverse effects of the proposals 1/ enhancing the conservation value of non i.pacted sites 0ranslocation A transplantation of plant and Aor species to sites not affected 1/ the develop.ent 5.<.2.5 IM0A/T( ," +$MA"(

5.<.2.5.3 (,/IA- IM0A/T( '.pacts on local populations< na.el/ de.ographic aspects <displace.ent of people< la1our de.ands< etc '.pacts on social infrastructure na.el/ educational< recreational and health care facilitiesG transportG 6aste collection< treat.ent and disposal facilitiesG housingG 6ater and po6er suppl/G pu1lic safet/ '.pacts on land use na.el/ conversion of land use fro. agricultural land< etc 5.<.2.5.2 (,/I, /$-T$.A- A"# (,/I, /,",MI/ I(($ ( 0here .a/ also 1e social and econo.ic conse+uences< 6hich could 1e either positive or negative< arising fro. develop.ent. Possi1le effects to 1e considered in the &'( .a/ include@ 2-

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

'.pact on surrounding land use< including agriculture< for e,a.ple 6here loa.s or garden soils are e,tracted Changes in land values (lteration to e,isting noise levels and visual appearance for local residents (lteration to availa1ilit/ and costs of 1uilding and construction .aterials

0he econo.ic and social i.pact of stone crushing industr/ develop.ent should 1e e,a.ined in order to esta1lish the total i.pact of such develop.ent on the environ.ent. 0his needs to 1e done not onl/ in ter.s of costs< 1ut also in ter.s of potential 1enefits of a develop.ent.

/,",MI/ I(($ ( T, ? /,"(I# . # I"/-$# 2 :a; Mar9et de.and of proposed .aterial in a local .ar9et i. anal/sis of suppl/ ii. future de.and for the t/pes of .aterials :1; :c; :d; (n/ additional e.plo/.ent as a result of the proposed develop.ent at the site and in the co..unit/. Potential econo.ic i.pacts as a result of this develop.ent on the availa1ilit/ and costs of 1uilding or construction .aterials. Change in propert/ values

Socio cultural i.pacts including adjacent centres of populationG current activities carried out 1/ different sta9eholdersG and recreational use on site.

5.<.2.5.5 IM0A/T( ," +$MA" + A-T+ A"# (A1 TY Negative effects on health< 6ell 1eing or +ualit/ of lifeKKKK.. Studies of #ealth effects and ris9s resulting fro. potential e,posures to health haBards 0he nature< .agnitude and li9elihood of e,posure should 1e assessed #ealth and Safet/ Plan shall 1e provided to avoid pro1le.s such as noise induced deafness and respirator/ co.plications such as silicosis< asth.a< 04 etc.

PO#EN#IA6 MI#IGA#ION MEA 7.E Safet/ .easures for personnel < protective e+uip.ent as per #ealth and Safet/ *egulation Medical chec9 up of 6or9ers Capacit/ 1uilding and training of personnel 26

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.<.5 # /,MMI((I,"I"' 0+A( 'nfor.ation pertaining to the deco..issioning of the project at the end of its life c/cle and associated i.pacts< proposed .easure to return the site as far as possi1le to its state< or reha1ilitation .easures< sedi.ent control .easures 5.<.6 .I(* A(( ((M "T 3re+uenc/ and severit/ of adverse events such as roc9 spillage< technological failure< natural disasters< etc Pro1a1ilit/ of occurrence< reversi1ilit/< catastrophic potential< i.pacts on hu.ans and the environ.ent 5.<.5 . (I#$A- IM0A/T( 0he &'( should indicate all unavoida1le i.pacts. 0hese should 1e justified in ter.s of 1enefits of the project and enhance.ents.

5.<.7 /$M$-ATIC A"# (Y" .'I(TI/ 11 /T( 0he a1ilit/ of the natural and social environ.ents to assi.ilate cu.ulative stresses placed on the.. 0he li9elihood of negative s/nergistic effects fro. 1ad neigh1ourhood activities in the surrounding.


"CI.,"M "TA- M,"IT,.I"' 0-A" : M0;

&nviron.ental Monitoring Plan :&MP; should include provisions .ade for on site .onitoring during site preparation< construction< operation and deco..issioning phasesG future .aintenance re+uire.entsG and provision for audit during the operation of the project. 0he proposed for &MP is at Anne& ).

5.>.3 I# "TI1I/ATI," ,1 A"Y A##ITI,"A- (T$#I ( " / ((A.Y T, IM0- M "T T+ MITI'ATI"' M A($. ( ,. M,"IT,.I"' A"# 0.,0,(A-( . /,MM "# # I" T+ IA . 0,.T


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

0he proponent should indicate if other studies 6ould 1e re+uired in due course to .onitor effectiveness of proposed .itigative .easures.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.30 IM0- M "TATI," (/+ #$0he proponent should provide an i.ple.entation schedule for the proposed project 6hich shall include@ &'( *eference &nviron.ental i.pacts identified *eco..ended .itigation .easures $1jectives of the reco..ended .easures and .ain concerns to address *esponsi1le officer :part/ to i.ple.ent the .easures; 7ocation of the i.pacts and .easures (ppropriate i.ple.entation ti.e and place of the .easures *e+uire.ents or standards for the .easure to achieve *esponsi1le officerApart/ to provide feed1ac9 to the relevant authorities

5.33 "+A"/ M "T ,00,.T$"ITI (

( 1rief outline should 1e given of an/ enhance.ent 6or9s 6hich is planned. 0his should 1e distinguished fro. .itigation .easures< 6hich are integral to the project and for. part of the proposal. 3or e,a.ple upgrading of an access road for the pu1licG participating in environ.ental upgrading ca.paignsG providing co..unit/ services and co.pensation to affected sta9eholders.

5.32 /,"($-TATI,"
5.32.3 0$?-I/ /,"($-TATI,"

0his section should indicate 6ho has 1een contacted a1out the project. 't should include@ Statutor/ 1odies< environ.ental and a.enit/ groups and local residents< planters in the region and vicinit/ 6ho are li9el/ to 1e affected 1/ the proposed develop.ent. Means for contacting the pu1lic for providing pu1licit/ a1out the project :leaflets< pu1lic displa/< +uestionnaires< letters< etc.;. ( 1rief of responses of pu1lic detailing the areas of concern highlighted and their contri1ution to the &'(.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants


/,"($-TATI," =IT+ MI"I(T.I (F A$T+,.ITI (

Proponents and consultants e.1ar9ing on a stone crushing plant are advised to consult the follo6ing MinistriesA (uthorities prior to finalising their &'( report@ Ministr/ of #ousing H 7ands Ministr/ of (griculture< 3ood 0echnolog/ H Natural *esources Ministr/ of Pu1lic Etilities : FM(< F*E< CF(; Ministr/ of Pu1lic 'nfrastructure H 7and 0ransport :*oad 2evelop.ent (uthorit/; Ministr/ of 7ocal Govern.ent and Solid Faste Manage.ent Ministr/ of 3isheries Ministr/ of #ealth H 5ualit/ of 7ife Ministr/ of 'ndustr/ H Mediu. &nterprises < 3.S H C.( Govern.ent of 3ire Services MunicipalitiesA 2istrict Council

5.35 A-T ."ATIC (

0his section should give an outline of@ 0he alternatives to the project 0he =2o Nothing? option I 6hat 6ill 1e the outco.e of not underta9ing the projectL the alternative considered to 1e the = .ost environ.entall/ friendl/ = even if this is not the project Can the project 1e underta9en else6hereL (n/ alternative .anner or process in 6hich the underta9ing .a/ 1e carried out so as to cause less har. to the environ.ent. (n evaluation of the i.pacts of each alternative< 6ith clear infor.ation on the criteria used to assign significance and for rejecting the alternatives 0he stage in the planning process 6hen the/ 6ere rejected

5.36 /,"/-$(I,"( A"# ($MMA.Y ,1 ,$T/,M (

'nclude an/ irreversi1le residual i.pacts< 6hich cannot 1e .itigated.

"CI.,"M "TA-


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5.35 A00 "#I/ (

0hese should include infor.ation< 6hich 6ould cluster the .ain 1od/ of the te,t< such as plans and .apsG species listsG press releasesG 6ritten responses to the project. (s appropriate< include an/ additional technical infor.ation and description of approaches or .ethods used to provide conclusions in the &'( reportG a full list of reference .aterialsG and +ualificationsAe,pertise of the &'( consultants and e,perience in preparing pertinent &'( *eports for the previous /ears.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants


0.,0," "T /+ /*-I(T 1,. (T," /.$(+I"' 0-A"T

1. &'( dul/ signed 1/ proponent or legal representativeMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 2. &'( dul/ signed 1/ consultant 6ho prepared the reportMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 3. Nu.1er and +ualit/ of printed &'( copies su1.itted :1!;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ". Na.e and (ddress of ProponentMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -. Na.e< address and +ualifications of consultantsMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 6. of soft cop/ version to proposed guidelinesMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 7. 0itle pageMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !. 0a1le of contentsMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %. &,ecutive or non technical 1). 'ntroductionMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM




EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants



1". Cli.atic conditions and (ssociated i.pactsMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 1-. Predicted &nviron.ental '.pacts and Potential Mitigating .easuresMMMMMMMMMMMMMM /onstruction 0hase nvironmental Issues 1. 2. 3. (ir +ualit/ noise 0raffic and road ". solid 6aste -. 6aste6ater 6. 7and issues 7. 7andscape and visual i.pact 7andscape and visual i.pact !. 7andscaping and visual &nerg/ %. &cological 33 Impacts Mitigatin g Measures ,peration 0hase Impacts Mitigatin g Measures #ecommissioning 0hase Impacts Mitigating Measures

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

/onstruction 0hase nvironmental Issues 1). Social i.pacts 11. Socio cultural and econo.ic i.pacts 12. *is9 assess.ent 13. *esidual i.pacts 1". Cu.ulative and s/nergistic effects Impacts Mitigatin g Measures

,peration 0hase Impacts Mitigatin g Measures

#ecommissioning 0hase Impacts Mitigating Measures






EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

A"" E 3
. 8$I. M "T( ,1 A" IA . 0,.T A//,.#I"' T, 0A 2002 0he &nviron.ent Protection (ct provides a general guide on the contents of an &'( docu.ent 6hich shall contain a true state.ent and description of@ :a; :1; :c; :d; :e; :f; :g; :h; the na.e and address of the proponentG the o6nership of the underta9ing and of the land on 6hich it is 1eing conductedG the na.e< address and +ualifications of the consultant 6ho prepared the &'(G the precise location and surroundings of the underta9ing< the Boning of the site and the nu.1er of si.ilar underta9ings in the areaG the principle< concept and purpose of the underta9ingG the direct or indirect effects that the underta9ing is li9el/ to have on the environ.entG an assess.ent of the social< econo.ic and cultural effects 6hich the underta9ing is li9el/ to have on the people and societ/G an/ actions or .easures 6hich the proponent proposes to ta9e to avoid< prevent< change< .itigate or re.ed/< as far as possi1le< the li9el/ effects of the underta9ing on the environ.entG an assess.ent of the inevita1le adverse environ.ental effects that the underta9ing is li9el/ to have on the environ.ent< people and societ/< 6here it is i.ple.ented in the .anner proposed 1/ the proponentG an accurate assess.ent of the irreversi1le and irretrieva1le of resources 6hich 6ill 1e involved in the underta9ing< 6here it is i.ple.ented in the .anner proposed 1/ the proponentG an/ alternative .anner or process in 6hich the underta9ing .a/ 1e carried out as to cause less har. to the environ.entG an environ.ental .onitoring planG



:9; :l;

:.; infor.ation pertaining to the deco..issioning of the project at the end of its life c/cle and associated i.pacts< proposed .easures to return the site as far as possi1le to its state< or reha1ilitation .easuresG :n; :o; in the case of a ne6 infrastructure proposal< an environ.ental .anage.ent plan to 1e i.ple.ented during the construction phaseG and such other infor.ation as .a/ 1e necessar/ for a proper assess.ent and revie6 of the potential i.pact of the underta9ing on the environ.ent< people and societ/.

3urther.ore Section 1% states that< the &'( shall contain particulars of the schedule of 6or9s underta9en 1/ the proponent and his consultants in the preparation of the &'(< including particulars of an/ consultation held 6ith the pu1lic in the area 6here the underta9ing is to 1e located. 3-

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

Section 1! also provides for the &'( to 1e acco.panied 1/@ :a; :ii; :iii; :iv; satisfactor/ proof of o6nership of the underta9ingG a site plan prepared and signed 1/ a land surve/orG a non technical of the reportG a certificate issued 1/ a notar/ e,pressing his opinion as to the o6nership of the land on 6hich the underta9ing is to 1e e,ecuted< or 6here the proponent is not the o6ner of the land< 1/ a 6ritten evidence of the per.ission of the o6ner< and a certificate issued 1/ a notar/ e,pressing his opinion as to the o6ner>s title.

$n appl/ing for an &'( licence< a proponent shall to the 2irector of &nviron.ent an &'( report@ :a; :1; in electronic for.< and in 1- printed copies< and such additional copies as .a/ reasona1l/ 1e re+uired 1/ the 2irectorG Signed 1/ the proponent or his dul/ appointed legal representative and countersigned 1/ the consultant 6ho prepared the report.

3urther.ore< the 2irector .a/ re+uest such additional infor.ation fro. the proponent as he thin9s necessar/. (n/ proponent 6ho gives false or .isleading infor.ation< or fails to disclose an/ .aterial fact or infor.ation in a &'(< shall an offence< and shall on a first conviction< 1e lia1le to a fine not e,ceeding -)<))) rupees and to i.prison.ent for a ter. not e,ceeding 2 /ears. (n/ proponent 6ho contravenes section 1-:2; shall on a first conviction< 1e lia1le to a fine 6hich shall 1e not less than -)<))) rupees and not .ore than 1))<))) rupees and to i.prison.ent for a ter. not e,ceeding " /ears. 0he 2irector of &nviron.ent .a/ serve< or cause to 1e served< on an/ person 6ho co..ences or carries on an/ develop.ent or activit/ 6ithout the relevant licence or issued under the &P( 2))2 a stop order prohi1iting the develop.ent or the activit/.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

A"" E 2
'$I# -I" ( 1,. ($?MI((I," ,1 IA . 0,.T( I" (,1T /,0Y C .(I,"( I"T,.#$/TI," Ender (ection 3< of the Ne6 &nviron.ent Protection (ct 2))2 and to allo6 .ore transparenc/< applicants su1.itting &'( reports should sa.e in 1oth hard cop/ and soft cop/ versions. 0he o1jective of adhering to the specifications< as set do6n 1elo6 is to ensure that users can do6nload the &'( reports through the Ministr/>s Fe1site in a .ore user friendl/ 'n this connection the Ministr/ strongl/ appeals to /ou for /our colla1oration and co operation in this .atter.

(0 /I1I/ATI,"( ,1 (,1T /,0Y C .(I," 2.1 0he soft cop/ version of the report< 6hich should 1e identical to the hard cop/ version< should 1e su1.itted in electronic file prefera1l/ on a C2 or in FinNip in flopp/ dis9s. :a; 0he docu.ent should 1e 1ro9en into its different chapters 6ith each chapter in a separate file. 0he e,ecutive also should 1e treated as a chapter and su1.itted in a separate file. 'f a chapter e,ceeds -)M4< then it should 1e further 1ro9en do6n into files of less than -) M4. 0he ta1le of contents also should 1e su1.itted in one separate file. (ll the chaptersAheadingsAappendices listed under the ta1le of contents should have proper 0his is i.portant to allo6 the user to 9no6 6hich file heAshe is accessing. 0he ta1le of contents should provide lin9s to the different chapters including the e,ecutive and appendices. (ll .ust@


:c; :d;

1e less than ! characters 1e in s.all letters start 6ith a letter

2.2 0he soft cop/ version should 1e page nu.1ered< in the sa.e order as the hard cop/ and should 1e su1.itted in an/ one of the follo6ing 2 different for.ats@

#t.l 37

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants


(ll ht.l files .ust 1e in the ht. e,tensions file (ll i.age files .ust 1e in the gifAjpg e,tension file

2.3 0he &'( section 6ill open the electronic file in the presence of the applicants in order to ensure that the hard and soft cop/ versions are a1solutel/ the sa.e. 'n case the soft cop/ version does not contain docu.ents< 6hich are present in the hard cop/ version< the applicants 6ould 1e called upon to fill in the for. as per (ppendi, 1. 2ecision to accept or reject the soft cop/ version 6ould 1e ta9en 1/ the &'( 2ivision and the applicants 6ould 1e infor.ed at a later stage.

0he Ministr/ encourages applicants to their soft cop/ version reports at the ti.e of su1.ission of the &'( reports :hard cop/ versions; in order to allo6 ti.el/ processing.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

Appendix I



EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants



EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

A"" E 5
Proposed for an &nviron.ental Monitoring Plan :&MP; Proposed for &MP@ 3. (ite 0reparation and implementation phase

Site characteristics :include plansAphotographsAdra6ingsA sho6ing the project area an/ environ.ental sensitive receivers and a.1ient airA6aterAsea 6ater +ualities; For9s involved and proposed .itigating .easures to prevent negative i.pacts on 6ater course Aroad usersAi..ediate neigh1ours. Clauses to 1e included in contract docu.ents to ensure i.ple.entation of proposed .itigating .easures. PersonAs responsi1le for the authorities on the date of co..encing 6or9s and .onitoring the proposed .itigating .easures. *eporting procedures to the authorities.

2. ,peration 0hase

Para.eters to 1e .onitored :e.g. effectiveness of the fire fighting provisions< traffic 1ehaviour to and fro. the desalination plant< effectiveness of .easures ta9en in respect of li+uid and solid 6aste .anage.ent< .easures adopted in respect of energ/ conservation and 6aste .ini.iBation techni+ues;. Monitoring .ethodolog/ &+uip.ent to 1e used and cali1ration details Monitoring locations and control stations Monitoring fre+uenc/ and duration 0he institutional s/ste. 1/ 6hich .onitoring data 6ill 1e collected< collapsed :standards;< anal/sed< interpreted and action ta9en if necessar/ to prevent or reduce un6anted i.pacts Contingenc/ plan :in case of e.ergencies such as uncontrolled discharge of pollutants< fire out1rea9< natural cala.ities; Maintenance co.ponent including 1uilding .aintenance< dail/ and periodical .aintenance of the site< setting up of appropriate .aintenance tea.s for treat.ent plant< stand1/ generator< etc. Manage.ent structure for .aintenance and .onitoring. *eporting procedures to the authorities.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

5. #ecommissioning phase

For9s involved and proposed .itigating .easures to prevent negative i.pacts on 6ater courseAroad usersAi..ediate neigh1ours. Clauses to 1e included in contract docu.ents to ensure i.ple.entation of proposed .itigating .easures. PersonAs responsi1le for the authorities on the date of co..encing 6or9s and .onitoring the proposed .itigating .easures. *eporting procedures to the authorities.

(n &MP should not 1e ta9en as a nice piece of paper included in the &'( report to influence positivel/ the decision .a9er. 'nstead an &MP should 1e i.ple.ented 1/ the proponent< docu.ented in regular reports. 't is proposed that the report resulting fro. the i.ple.entation of an &MP should contain the follo6ing@ (n e,ecutive 4asic infor.ation on the project including a s/nopsis of the project organiBation< .anage.ent structure :for .aintenance and .onitoring;< and 6or9s underta9en during the .onitoring 6or9s. ( 1rief on the re+uire.ents of the &MP including all para.eters .onitoredG .ethodolog/ usedG environ.ent +ualit/ perfor.anceAstandards li.itsG environ.ental .itigating .easures as reco..ended in the &'( report and consent condition i.posed in the &'( licenceG and environ.ental re+uire.ents in contract docu.ents. Status on the i.ple.entation of the .itigating .easures and pollution control .easures. 2ra6ingsAplans sho6ing the project area< an/ environ.ental sensitive receivers and the location of the .onitoring and control stations. Monitoring results including date< ti.e fre+uenc/ and duration. Presentation of .onitored para.eters :prefera1l/ graphical plots of trends; Constraints and an/ factors 6hich .ight have affected the .onitoring results ( of non co.pliance of the environ.ental +ualit/ perfor.ance li.its. ( revie6 of the reasons for and the i.plications of non co.pliance including revie6 of pollution sources and 6or9ing proceduresG ( description of the actions ta9en in the event of non co.pliance and deficienc/ reporting and an/ follo6 up procedures related to earlier non co.plianceG


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

( record of all co.plaints received :6ritten or ver1al; for each .edia< including locations and nature of co.plaints< liaison and consultation underta9en< actions and follo6 up procedures ta9en and of co.plaintsG ( record of notification of su..ons< successful prosecutions for 1reaches of environ.ental protectionApollution control legislation< and actions ta9en to rectif/ such 1reachesG ( forecast of the 6or9s progra..e< i.pact predictions and .onitoring schedule for the ne,t three .onthsG and Co..ents< reco..endations and conclusions for the .onitoring period.


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Stone Crushing Plants

1. Ministr/ of &nviron.ent :Septe.1er 2))2;@ &nviron.ent Protection (ct 2. Ministr/ of &nviron.ent :Septe.1er 2))";@ 2etailed G'S stud/ for the esti.ation of roc9 reserves in Mauritius 3. Ministr/ of #ousing H 7ands :Cul/ 2))";@ 2raft 2esign Guidance ". Ministr/ of #ousing H 7ands :(ugust 1%%3;@ Planning Guidelines -. 0he Forld 4an9 :(ugust 1%%!; @ &nviron.ental guidelines 6. (sian 2evelop.ent 4an9 :1%%3; @&nviron.ental (ssess.ent Guidelines 7. http@AA666.epa.govAttnAchiefAeiipAtechreportAvolu.e)2Aii13.pdf !. http@AA666.epa.ieAtechinfoA&nvGuide3inalConsult2raft0P.pdf %. http@AA666.epa.govAttnAchiefAap"2Ach11AfinalAc11s1%.pdf 1). http@AA666.epa.govAttnchie1Aap"2Ach13A1gdocsA113s)2 2.pdf

2epart.ent of &nviron.ent 1% Ma/ 2))-


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