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Io||ow us on Qw||msy13 ] QnA_U16

Webs|te - www.ya||eve|goa|tend| www.cssh|.ca

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1h|s week we emphas|zed the fo||ow|ng teach|ng po|nts throughout the week:
Cross-Cvers: knee 8end |dea| |s a 90 degree ang|e (when measured between th|gh and sh|n), Ldges (Angu|at|on): Skates, knees and
h|ps press |nto curve or c|rc|e, Upper 8ody: Shou|ders are he|d |eve| to the |ce or s||ght ang|e, nead |s up, Skates stay c|ose to the |ce
at a|| t|mes - for examp|e, at the f|n|sh of pushes and wh||e mov|ng to change feet, Cross-Under - grabb|ng |ce from the m|dd|e and
push|ng away]up from the body ] Ang||ng: match|ng speed, f|nd|ng the ang|e, m|rror|ng the st|ck (10 o 'c|ock, 12 o c|ock, 2 o'c|ock),
body pos|t|on|ng, attack|ng the puck ] 8ack Check|ng: gett|ng to the m|dd|e, match|ng speed, st|ck on st|ck, body pos|t|on|ng,
attack|ng the puck ] Shoot|ng through the Str|de: feet mov|ng, not st|ckhand||ng, head up, shoot|ng through the str|de
CN-ICL MAICk MIDGL1 CALLNDLk - www.ya|]yha]wh|teca|endar.aspx
CN-ICL 8AN1AM AAA CALLNDLk - www.ya|]yha]b|ueca|endar.aspx
CN-ICL GCLD GkCU CALLNDLk - www.ya|]yha]go|dca|endar.aspx
CN-ICL U16 CALLNDLk - www.ya|]yha]e||te1Sca|endar.aspx
nomework - Spend 10 m|nutes each n|ght stand|ng |n proper hockey pos|t|on: head up, knees bent, good back ang|e AND don't
forget to breathe.
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Most |mportant th|ng |n hockey |s to 8LND CUk kNLLS.
8a|ance - We shou|d be ab|e to draw a stra|ght ||ne connect|ng our shou|ders, knees and the ba||s of our feet |f we have a
ba|anced stance. 1h|s fundamenta| ru|e app||es to Goa||es w|th deep crouches or upr|ght stances. Shou|ders |n front of our
knees means we are too far forward, shou|ders beh|nd our knees and we are too far back.
Lat|ng dark green |eafy vegetab|es w||| f||| you up w|th ant|ox|dants. ne|ps c|eanse your body!
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November 28th - arent 1eacher Conference ] November 29th - ro D Day

keport cards go home on Nov 2Sth. 1h|s |s a fr|end|y rem|nder that students, who are not at the requ|red "8" average, w||| be
p|aced on academ|c probat|on. We encourage you to consu|t your son ] daughter's teacher to make sure they are up to date w|th
respect to academ|c ach|evement.

LLASL WASn Dry |and c|oth|ng after each sess|on as we have rece|ved severa| comp|a|nts regard|ng odour.

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1he U16 1eam t|ghtened |ts gr|p on second p|ace |n the L||te 1S's d|v|s|on of the CSSnL dur|ng a busy stretch of e|ght games |n 10
days. 1he L|ons went 2-2 at a showcase tournament |n 8anff, A|berta the weekend of Nov 8-10, h|gh||ghted by a 1-0 C1 v|ctory
over ke|owna's ursu|t of Lxce||ence. ky|e Dav|s scored the C1 w|nner and goa||e 8randon kruger was ste||ar |n net. Last weekend
|n Coeur D'A|ene, Idaho, the L|ons posted a 3-1 record. keep go|ng boys!
***Iood 8ank - br|ng non-per|shab|e |tem
We encourage you to fo||ow the team by c||ck|ng on the CSSnL webs|te

a|e A|umn| and former Abbotsford nockey |ayer Noah Iuu|sen has been named to 1eam
ac|f|c for the Wor|d U17 nockey Cha||enge |n Nova Scot|a next month. 1eam ac|f|c |s
comprom|sed of the top p|ayers from 8C and A|berta, and Iuu|sen, a defenceman, earned a
roster spot after a so||d start to the season w|th the Lverett S||vert|ps of the WnL. Iuu|sen has
three ass|sts and a +4 rat|ng |n 19 games. 1he tournament br|ngs together the top p|ayers |n
the wor|d born |n 1997 or |ater, and beg|ns Dec 31 |n Cape 8reton. I|ve of the teams 10 teams
|n the f|e|d are Canad|an reg|ona| squads, wh||e |nternat|ona| entr|es |nc|ude the USA, Sweden,
kuss|a, Germany and Czech kepub||c.
Wet Weather - It's that t|me of year aga|n!! Gett|ng co|d]ra|ny - k|ds need to have appropr|ate c|oth|ng for wa|k back to schoo| |.e.
hoody, [acket etc...
"Lvery day |s a great day for hockey". Mar|o Lem|eux

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