Court of Appeals

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CHAPTER I COURT OF APPEALS Section 3. Organization. There is hereby created a Co rt o! A""ea#s $hich consists o! a Presiding % stice and !i!

!ty Associate % stice $ho sha## be a""ointed by the President o! the Phi#i""ines. The Presiding % stice sha## be so designated in his a""oint&ent' and the Associate % stice sha## ha(e "recedence according to the dates o! their res"ecti(e a""oint&ents' or $hen the a""oint&ents o! t$o or &ore o! the& sha## bear the sa&e date' according to the order in $hich their a""oint&ents $ere iss ed by the President. Any &e&ber $ho is rea""ointed to the Co rt a!ter rendering ser(ice in any other "osition in the go(ern&ent sha## retain the "recedence to $hich he $as entit#ed nder his origina# a""oint&ent' and his ser(ice in the Co rt sha##' !or a## intents and " r"oses' be considered as contin o s and ninterr "ted. )as a&ended by E*ec. Order +o. 33'' % #y ,-' ./-0.1 Section 2. E*ercise o! "o$ers and ! nctions. The Co rt A""ea#s sha## e*ercise its "o$ers' ! nctions' and d ties' thro gh se(enteen ).31 di(isions' each co&"osed o! three )31 &e&bers. The Co rt &ay sit en banc on#y !or the " r"ose o! e*ercising ad&inistrati(e' cere&onia#' or other non4 ad5 dicatory ! nctions. )as a&ended by E*ec. Order +o. 33'.1 Section 6. S ccession to O!!ice o! Presiding % stice. In case o! a (acancy in the absence o! inabi#ity to "er!or& the "o$ers' ! nctions' and d ties o! his o!!ice' the associate % stice $ho is !irst in "recedence sha## "er!or& his "o$ers' ! nctions' and d ties nti# s ch disabi#ity is re&o(ed' or another Presiding % stice is a""ointed and has 7 a#i!ied. Section 0. 8ho "resides o(er session o! a di(ision. I! the Presiding % stice is "resent in any session o! a di(ision o! the Co rt' he sha## "reside. In his absence' the Associate % stice attending s ch session $ho has "recedence sha## "reside. Section 3. 9 a#i!ications. The Presiding % stice and the Associate % stice sha## ha(e the sa&e 7 a#i!ications as those "ro(ided in Constit tion !or % stice o! the S "re&e Co rt. Section -. :ro "ing o! ;i(isions. )E*"ress#y re"ea#ed by Section 2' E*ec. Order +o. 33' % #y ,-' ./-0.1 Section /. % risdiction. The Co rt o! A""ea#s sha## E*ercise< .. Origina# 5 risdiction to iss e $rits o! &anda& s' "rohibition' certiorari' habeas cor" s' and 7 o $arranto' and a *i#iary $rits or "rocesses' $hether or not in aid o! its a""e##ate 5 risdiction= ,. E*c# si(e origina# 5 risdiction o(er actions !or ann #&ent o! 5 dge&ents o! Regiona# Tria# Co rts= and 3. E*c# si(e a""e##ate 5 risdiction o(er a## !ina# 5 dge&ents' reso# tions' orders or a$ards o! Regiona# Tria# Co rts and 7 asi45 dicia# agencies' instr &enta#ities' boards or co&&ission'

inc# ding the Sec rities and E*change Co&&ission' the Socia# Sec rity Co&&ission' the E&"#oyees Co&"ensation Co&&ission and the Ci(i# Ser(ice Co&&ission' E*ce"t those !a##ing $ithin the a""e##ate 5 risdiction o! the S "re&e Co rt in accordance $ith the Constit tion' the Labor Code o! the Phi#i""ines nder Presidentia# ;ecree +o. 22,' as a&ended' the "ro(isions o! this Act' and o! s b"aragra"h ).1 o! the third "aragra"h and s b"aragra"h 2 o! the !o rth "aragra"h od Section .3 o! the % diciary Act o! ./2-. The co rt o! A""ea#s sha## ha(e the "o$er to try cases and cond ct hearings' recei(e e(idence and "er!or& any and a## acts necessary to reso#(e !act a# iss es raised in cases !a##ing $ithin its origina# and a""e##ate 5 risdiction' inc# ding the "o$er to grant and cond ct ne$ tria#s or A""ea#s & st be contin o s and & st be co&"#eted $ithin three )31 &onths' n#ess e*tended by the Chie! % stice. )as a&ended by R.A. +o. 3/>,.1 Section .>. P#ace o! ho#ding sessions. The Co rt o! A""ea#s sha## ha(e its "er&anent station in the City o! ?ani#a. 8hene(er de&anded by " b#ic interest' the S "re&e Co rt' "on its o$n initiati(e or "on reco&&endation o! the Presiding % stice' &ay a thorize a di(ision o! the Co rt to ho#d sessions o tside ?ani#a' "eriodica##y' or !or s ch "eriods and at s ch "#aces as the S "re&e Co rt &ay deter&ine' !or the " r"ose o! hearing and deciding cases. Section ... 9 or & A &a5ority o! the act a# &e&bers o! the Co rt sha## constit te a 7 or & !or its session en banc. Three &e&bers sha## constit te a 7 or & !or the session o! a di(ision. The nani&o s (ote o! the three &e&bers o! a di(ision sha## be necessary !or the "rono nce&ent o! a decision o! !ina# reso# tion' $hich sha## be reached in cons #tation be!ore the $riting o! the o"inion by any &e&bers o! the di(ision. In the e(ent that the three &e&bers do not reach a nani&o s (ote' the Presiding % stice sha## re7 est the Ra!!#e Co&&ittee o! the Co rt !or the designation o! t$o additiona# % stice to sit te&"orari#y $ith the&' !or&ing a s"ecia# di(ision o! !i(e &e&bers and the conc rrence o! a &a5ority o! s ch di(ision sha## be necessary !or the "rono nce&ent o! a decision or !ina# reso# tion. The designation o! s ch additiona# % stice sha## be &ade strict#y by ra!!#e. A &onth !or reconsideration o! its decision or !ina# reso# tion sha## be reso#(ed by the Co rt $ithin ninety )/>1 days !ro& the ti&e it is s b&itted !or reso# tion' and no second &otion !or reconsideration !ro& the sa&e "arty sha## be entertain&ent. )as a&ended by E*ec. Order +o. 33' % #y ,-' ./-0.1 Section .,. Interna# R #es. The co rt en banc is a thorized to "ro& #gate r #es or orders go(erning the constit tion o! the di(isions and the assign&ent o! A""e##ate % stices thereto' the distrib tion o! cases' and other &atters "ertaining to the o"erations o! the Co rt o! its di(isions. Co"ies o! s ch r #es and orders sha## be ! rnished by the S "re&e Co rt' $hich r #es and orders sha## be e!!ecti(e !i!teen ).61 days a!ter recei"t thereo!' n#ess directed other$ise by the S "re&e Co rt.

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