Analisis Detergen

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A. TITLE: ANALYSIS OF DETERGENT B. OBJECTIVE: To determine the concentration o deter!ent in the "a#te "ater C. BASIC T$EORY D.



G. ANALYSIS AND DISC&SSION In the experiment detergent is titled analysis aims to determine the concentration of detergent in the waste water. This experiment used a sample derived from laundry wastewater Rungkut, Surabaya. Detergent analysis on the samples was conducted using ethylene !"S !lue colorimetric with reagents commonly known as the method of

# etylene blue "ctive Substance$. In this method used methylen blue color indicator that would bind to the active substance in the detergent #%"S or "!S$. In order to determine the concentration of the sample detergent , the procedure of adding is by as much as &' m% sample into a separation funnel and add ( drops of the indicator and the color becomes turbid )) , )) is the indicator function as indictor changes color to the alkaline nature . *ext add & drop of &* *a+, solution into a sample that has been spilled indicator until the solution gives pink color due to the reaction given by the )) indicator for the presence of *a+, , *a+, solution is used to neutrali-e the p, , helps reduce the dye from the dirt , helping to divide oil molecules and dirt into smaller particles so it is easy to form an emulsion with water and dirt easily separated . R . /0+0 1 ,(+ R . /0+, 1 +,0 Then, add (02 drops of &* ,(S+3 solution into the sample solution until the solution became colorless again. ,(S+3 solution serves to bind the complex ions in surfactant "lkyl !en-ene Sulfonate #"!S$ for later obtained surfactant %inear "lkyl Sulfate #%"S$. /4,5/&(,(5 1 S+2 /4,3/&(,(5S+2*a Subse6uently adding a solution of (.5 m% of methylene blue, this led to a clear blue solution. The addition of methylene blue is used to detect the content of anionic surfactant and waste water, in addition, ions such as cyanate, thiocyanate, nitrate and chloride compounds can form ion pairs with methylene blue and participate extracted, so that the measurement results obtained to be higher of the actual value.

Subse6uently, & m% of chloroform was added to the solution, acting as a solvent /hloroform organic substances contained in detergents in this case is the active ingredient of detergents. Shaking the funnel is then performed with the aim of dividing the solution into two phases, namely a separate a6ueous phase #top layer$ is light blue #1$ and organic phase #bottom layer$ dark blue #1 1 1$. 7hen shaking, occasional funnel separator valve is opened so that the gas is in a separating funnel to exit. 8nder phase which is accommodated in the extracted beakers 9 test tubes. 7hile the upper phase which still contained organic matter in waste water, & m% of chloroform was added again and do the shuffle as the previous step. This treatment is done 2 times until the resulting extraction results have been enough to do further testing. Reaction# that occ*r d*rin! the e+traction o meth,-ene .-*e "ith anionic #*r actant# in deter!ent# are a# o--o"#:

In the above reaction *1 ion of methylene blue interacting attack and bind with +0 ion of surfactant by electrostatic forces #agitation at the time of extraction$ to form neutral species that can be extracted into the organic solvent. 7hile the /l0ion of methylene blue will bind to the *a1 ions of the surfactant will remain in the water phase. To determine levels of detergent in the sample the next step is to measure the absorbance of the sample with a spectrophotometer 8: 0 :is.

The end result of the process of extracting previously taken by ( m% and then diluted to &' m% ( times, using chloroform. This is due to the absorbance of the sample is too concentrated detergent. Then the solution absorbance was measured at a wavelength of ;(( nm. "bsorbance value obtained was ',;2; with the curve e6uation y < '.2;44= x 1 '.'3='(. Ba#ed on the a.#or.ance /a-*e# and the c*r/e e0*ation1 the concentration o the #am2-e can .e ca-c*-ated a# o--o"#: y ',;2; x < ',2;44=x 1 ','3='( < ',2;44=x 1 ','3='( < (,''3( mg9% < (,''3( ppm !ecause earlier samples were tested diluted as much as &'x the concentration calculated by the formula calculation results obtained dilution was 5.'&'5 obtained at 5&.'5 pollutant. !ased on the Regulation Minister of Health on the Republic of Indonesian No: 416 Menkes/per/ix/199 regarding water levels stated, that the maximum concentration of detergent used is of '.5 mg9% or '.5 ppm. 7hile the results of experiments carried out showed that the detergent wastewater containing concentrations well above the threshold set by the regulations, then the detergent is to be pollutants. This is supported by the fact that the sampling area is an area of household waste that consume of detergents are used in large 6uantities. $. Conc-*#ion >rom the experimental results it can be concluded that? &. Detergent concentration in the waste water obtained amounted to 5&.'5 mg9% or 5&.'5 ppm.
mg mg (

Deter!ent concentration in the #am2-e:

9% and


was 5&.'5


9%. So that the concentration

9%. %evels obtained indicate that detergent is a water

(. /oncentrations obtained indicate that the level of detergent in the area of household waste in Rungkut Surabaya, has exceeded the threshold of '.5

9% or '.5 ppm.

I. REFERENCES "maria dan Suyono. ('&2. Panduan Pratikum Lingkungan. Surabaya ? 8niversitas *egeri Surabaya. /ahyani, "rifah. (''5. Penentuan Alkil Benzena Sulfonat yang terambil pada proses Sublasi larutan produksi detergen. 8ndergraduate thesis, > I)" 8*DI). /hem-one. (''@. Analisis Kadar Surfaktan Anion (Detergen) pada Limbah se ara !BAS. http?99welovechemistry(''@.wordpress.com9. "ccess &5 *ovember ('&2. Anviromental. ('&2. (''@. Analisis Detergen. http?99environmental0 ua.blogspot.com9(''@9'39analisis0deterBen.html. "ccess &5 *ovember

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