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Newsletter February 2012

Welcome to the first Newsletter for Friends of the Mistletoe Foundation we hope you enjoy it! In our first ever edition we have poetry, an article on the Heros Bough and Whats Occurring? in other words, what to look for as the Wheel of the year turns on the Mistletoe Bough. Also we have our list of Events and this looks to be an exciting year for the Foundation as we expand into Workshops and planting projects. So it just remains for me to say Blessings of the Green and White stuff and have a fabulous year! Suzanne Thomas

Issue 1

The branch that bears both flower and fruit

By Jake Thomas From the land of timeless wonder, the land of promise, where all lived together in peace in a world of abundant beauty; there comes a guide, holding over his shoulder a branch, a branch has upon it both flowers and fruit, a branch which sings healing and peace to all those who hear its song. It is with this branch that the chosen hero of the tale can walk into the Otherworld to meet divine beings or find insight and understanding to bring back to the physical world and fulfil a destiny. This branch, sometimes call the Heros Bough or the Silver Branch is considered magic and of another world, but we only need to look at the English Mistletoe (Viscum album) to find a plant that has both ripened fruit and pollinating blossom at the same time. Is it that the branch of legend is our mistletoe in the spring time of the year?

Whats occurring?
At this time of year, and into the Spring, the Mistletoe is at its most potent, its berries are ripe and on both male and female plants, the flowers are opening and getting down to the serious act of pollination. This is the Male flower with its pollen ready to be transferred via the Fruit fly and other insects specific to the plant, and the female waiting to be pollinated. This Springs flowers will be next Winters berries, the leaves fall off and the berry turns from green to white around November.

The female mistletoe plant, which carries her young in the viscous translucent berry, flowers in spring when the berry is ripe. Between each pair of leaves a three headed flower waits for the pollen to be carried from the male plant. The berry never grows between the leaves and forms from last years flower

The mistletoe ceremony Tenbury Wells 2011

This is the part where we would like to thank everyone for attending and being part of the Ceremony last year. It was the biggest one weve ever done, and for the first time included the Crowning of the Mistletoe Queen. It was a Multi Faith ceremony, where all traditions and beliefs were honoured, respected and welcome, symbolised by the crown of colour ribbons laid out at the centre and a candle lit to represent the light that inspires all. Another first was the procession being led by Bang On Drummers, they were fabulous and really woke Tenbury up with their fabulous drumming. We were so lucky with the weather too, and the sun shining through just as the mistletoe was blessed was a truly magical moment. A full review of the ceremony can be found on the website on the Te nbury pages , and an interpretation of the symbolism of the ceremony for those who are intrigued, will be online soon. Heres to this years ceremony, already in the planning stages! Thank you to Alan Horobin for this fabulous picture.


The Mistletoe Foundation will soon be launching a call for Art - Mistletoe Art to be precise. The art work will be exhibited in Tenbury for the Mistletoe Festival in Nov/Dec. All entries will be considered, and by art we don't just mean paint and canvas, any media is welcome, paintings, drawings, textile art, needlework, wool, glass work, ceramics, photography, graphic design., as long as its Mistletoe based. So if you are an artist or know one, please look at mistletoe now to get ideas and inspiration! It will be fabulous to see your work in the exhibition. Of course the mistletoe purists among us will be checking for no berries between the leaves. More details will be sent out as soon as we have them, but for now, get creating!!

Do you have a Mistletoe story, poem or photograph that you would like to share with us? What would you like to see in future editions of the Newsletter? Do you think the newsletter needs a name, and if so what would you call it? All feedback is greatly appreciated! Email

SUNDAY 26TH Feb 2012 Planting Day at Wildways in South Shropshire. Join us for our first planting workshop. Midday till 3pm please bring lunch, tea and coffee and aw arm place provided This day will include a talk on Mistletoe, a demonstration of planting and a Druidic Ceremony and of course planting the Sacred seeds There is no charge for this event, but donations to MF and the venue are appreciated. Places are limited, so please let us know if you would like to attend.

Mistletoe growing on Poplars at Malvern Link

The Blessed Plant.

For Ages past Beyond the mists of time Transcending gods and deities And poet inspired rhyme. One plant stands alone Worshipped in antiquity Semen coloured berries Symbols of fertility. Leaves of verdant green Hang heavy from the bough A break from winter grey Enjoy its colour now Our Celtic forebears; Druids, Revered its hallowed fronds Investing in its power For ceremonial wands. They liberated branches On the Moons sixth night A golden sickle harvest Ensuring all was right. And so today we celebrate A plant that we all know Central to the Old Beliefs The Blessed Mistletoe. Wolfram 2011

Saturday 1st Dec 2012 NATIONAL MISTLETOE DAY

Times and meeting place to be confirmed, but, we will be processing through Tenbury as part of the Mistletoe Festival and holding our Ceremony of Peace and Thanksgiving in the Burgage. Put this in your diary! And in the Evening,

Damh the bard

Live at the Royal Oak, Tenbury Wells, Tickets 10 each , available in advance, please send cheques to Mistletoe Foundation. (don't forget Friends of the MF get tickets half price!) More details to follow in the next edition! Contact us at The Mistletoe Foundation

The Little Class The Old School Coreley Ludlow Shropshire SY8 3AP

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