NL Maritime News 22-Mar-13, PDF

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A NewsLink service for Dole Colombia International maritime news for seafarers

Friday, March 22, 2013 Headland SatNews


SE Asia oil spill response initiative launched

IMO & IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, jointly launch a new Global Initiative (GI). The GI programme, aimed at improving the oil spill preparedness and response capabilities in south east Asia, was launched at a recent regional workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. IMO and IPIECA have been working for a number of years with their international and regional partners to launch this new regional programme, which demonstrates a major commitment from both the government and industry to improve oil spill preparedness and response in the region. This new joint-initiative will increase collaboration and create a forum for joint action, focusing on practical activities such as training, workshops and joint exercises in the field of oil spill preparedness and response, a press release said. More importantly GI-SEA will also support the objectives of the ASEAN Oil Spill Response Action Plan (ASEAN-OSRAP) being developed by the ASEAN members with the support of the IMO Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme (ITCP). The GI South East Asia programme was initiated to address an increased level of oil spill risk due to higher levels of shipping traffic, and increased exploration and production activities across the region. A full-time Project Manager based in Singapore, employed by IPIECA, will oversee the GI-SEA programme activities.

Magnetic maps proved useful to fight piracy

Huge magnetic world maps are becoming useful for maritime security companies to keep track of weapons movements around the world's oceans. It helps the security companies locate and fight pirates at sea and ensure safe passage of goods and personnel. The huge world maps allows the security officers to place magnetic markers and removable ink to show the locations of clients' boats, ships and all weapons movements around the world's oceans. In this way, the security companies can point out a potential problem and easily eliminate any possible threats.

SAFETY Natural fibre rope ladders

Although natural fibre ropes have properties that are ideal for various marine applications, they are susceptible to damage and loss of strength if not stowed and handled carefully. Often abrasion or cuts occur during routine handling of these natural fibre ropes, therefore bulwarks, fish plates, deck edges, decks and any other surfaces that could come into contact with the ladder should be smooth and free from obstructions or defects. Natural fibres are susceptible to dry rot and mildew, therefore the rope is normally treated with chemical preservatives in a factory to provide resistance to such problems. However, rope ladders should not be stowed when wet, as the preservatives might become less effective over time.

3 US Navy ships to visit PHL

Three US Navy ships are scheduled to arrive at the Philippines on

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Friday for a routine port call that highlights the strong historic, community, and military relations between the US and the Asian country. The submarine USS Ohio, the destroyer USS Decatur, and the submarine tender USS Frank Cable will dock in Subic, Manila, and Cebu, respectively, for routine maintenance, replenishment of supplies, rest and recreation, and community assistance and outreach activities. The 505ft long USS Decatur (DDG-73) was named after Commodore Stephen Decatur, a US naval hero in the US-British War of 1812. It is the fifth ship to bear the name. The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was commissioned in 1998 and carries, PNA reported. A crew of more than 300 officers and enlisted sailors are aboard the USS Decatur. Among the Filipino-American crew on the Decatur when it docks in Manila are Roselle M. Taday, whose family hails from San Pedro, Laguna; Rocel S Castaneda, from Pasig City; Jesper S. Sison, from Quezon City; Micael D. Padua, from San Juan, La Union; and Jacob S. Lirio, from Tagudin, Ilocos Sur.

Although natural fibre ropes are resistant to alkalis and some chemicals, they should not be stored together with acids, detergents or paint as these products and their fumes can cause the fibres to deteriorate quickly. Rope ladders should not be dragged over dirty decks. Abrasive material such as cargo particles or blasting grit often penetrates the strands, and come in contact with hydraulic oil or fuel residues, which in turn causes damage. If a rope ladder is dirty, it should be washed with fresh water. Soap or detergent should not be used as these products might affect the natural oils and chemical preservatives in the rope. High-pressure water guns should also be avoided as these might force dirt or grit into the fibres. The ladder should be allowed to dry naturally prior to storage, avoiding the use of hot air blowers or harmful products. Source: WOE P&I

Latvian ports record highest increase

Latvian maritime ports recorded the highest increase in cargo and passenger turnover in 2011, according to the EU's statistical office "Eurostat". A total of 786,000 passengers visited Latvian ports in 2011, which is 16.4% more than in 2010. The second and third highest increases were posted by Lithuanian and Estonian maritime ports. Lithuanian maritime ports had 281,000 passengers in 2011, a 12.1% increase on 2010, whereas Estonian ports served 11.84 million passengers in 2011 - 5.9% up from 2010. Seven EU member states recorded increases in the number of passengers served at maritime ports, passenger turnover in other EU countries' maritime ports decreased in 2011. Cyprus and Netherlands posted the largest decreases of 14.2% and 11.2% respectively. The EU's average maritime passenger transport decreased 3.5% in 2011. On the other hand, only four countries posted reductions in the amount of cargo handled at maritime pots the Netherlands, Malta, Cyprus and Poland. The amount of cargo handled at Irish ports did not change, whereas all other EU member states registered increases, LETA reported. Latvia recorded the largest increase in the amount of cargo handled at its maritime ports - 14.2% to 67 million tonnes. Lithuania was second with 12.7% increase (to 42.7 million tonnes) and Slovenia third with 11% increase (to 16.2 million tonnes). Maritime port cargo turnover dropped the most in the Netherlands, 8.7%. The EU's average maritime port cargo turnover increased 1.7% in 2011.

Mayors press for federal focus on Mississippi River

Mayors from communities along the Mississippi River said on Thursday that they would work with federal
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lawmakers to sharpen the national focus on the waterway after two years in which shipping has been threatened by flooding and then drought. Looking to wield more clout on river matters, about a dozen mayors from Minnesota to Louisiana gathered in Washington to announce the formation of their Mississippi River Platform, which will focus on water quality, community development anddrought and flood preparation. The Mississippi River's importance is undeniable, as it supplies millions of people with drinking water and serves as a vital shipping corridor for everything from corn and grain to coal, petroleum and manufactured goods. "The Mississippi River supports the highest level of commercial traffic in the world, but it's in trouble and needs our help," St Louis Mayor Francis Slay said. (AP)

COMMERCE Rates for Panamax ships climb to 8-month high

An increased demand for grains and oilseeds from South America has pushed the rates for Panamax ships to an eight-month high. The London-based Baltic Exchange reported that rates for Panamax vessels gained 0.8% to USD 9,370 a day, the highest since July 19. According to data, rates for Supramaxes, which are about 25% smaller than Panamaxes, advanced 1.3% to USD 9,799. Rates for Capesize vessels, however, declined 0.5% to USD 4,896. Rates for Handysize vessels, the smallest ships in the index, added 1.4%, rising to USD 7,638 a day.

LEGAL Italian marines return to India for murder trial

Two Italian marines flew back to India on Friday to face murder charges, defusing a bitter diplomatic standoff sparked by an earlier announcement from Rome that the pair would not be returning. The Indian government hailed Italy's last minute climbdown as a victory for diplomacy, after it had issued orders to immigration authorities to prevent Rome's ambassador to New Delhi from leaving the country. Italy, meanwhile, said it had received assurances the marines would not face the death penalty if convicted, as President Giorgio Napolitano paid tribute to the pair's "sense of responsibility" in agreeing to return. Italy caused outrage in India by announcing on March 11 that Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone would not return to India after they were given bail to vote in an election, reneging on pledges made at the Supreme Court. But in a late night U-turn which came only hours before a deadline for the pair's return, the Italian government said it had received "ample assurances" from India that the marines' rights would be respected. "The government decided, also in the interests of the marines, to maintain the commitment taken when they were granted leave to take part in the elections to return to India by March 22," said a government statement. (AFP)

RESCUE 29 survivors so far in Nigeria boat sinking

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Twenty-nine people, including two who survived by clinging to a cooking gas cylinder, have been rescued after a boat carrying an estimated 128 people capsized off Nigeria last week, an emergency official said Thursday. The boat set off on Friday from Nigeria's neighbour Benin, overloaded with passengers who had hoped to find work in Gabon, said the head of the Cross River State Emergency Management Agency, Vincent Aquah, citing survivor accounts. The vessel had stopped at the Nigerian port of Oron to collect more passengers, but two hours after returning to sea the engine began taking on water. The captain told passengers to pray, telling them "we are in serious trouble", according to Aquah. As the boat began to sink, passengers jumped into the water, with the captain and three others grabbing hold of the floatingcylinder. The rescue operation began on Sunday and "the search for the remaining passengers is still on," Aquah said, adding that the wreckage of the ship had not yet been located. (AFP)

GALLEY Mutton liver fry

Ingredients: 1kg mutton liver; 1 onion (chopped); 1 tomato (chopped); ghee (2tbsp), water (1/2 cup). For Marinade: 2/3tbsp black pepper powder; 1/4tbsp turmeric powder; 1tbsp cumin powder, salt (to taste). Method: Mix all the ingredients of the marinade in a bowl. Add liver pieces to the above and marinate for about half an hour. Heat ghee in a pan. Fry onions into it till they turn golden brown. Add tomatoes and again fry till they become pulpy. Now add the liver chops, add about 1/2 cup water (avoid using excess water). Put the lid and cook the mixture well. Mutton liver fry is ready to serve.

Beef & Barley Stew with Mushrooms

Ingredients: 2 Tbsp unsalted butter; 2-3 pounds beef chuck, cut into chunks; Salt; 3 cups chopped onions; 1 pound button or cremini mushrooms, quartered if small or 1/4-inch sliced; 1 quart beef or chicken broth; 3 cups water; 2 teaspoons dried marjoram; 1 cup pearl barley; 1 cup roughly chopped carrot; 3 cups celery root, peeled and chopped into 3/4-inch to 1-inch chunks; Black pepper; About 1/2 cup sour cream (around 1tbsp sour cream per serving); Dill for garnish Method: Take a large, lidded pot, melt the butter over medium-high heat. Now, add pieces of beef to sear in the pot without crowding. Brown the meat and then add salt and cook it for five minutes. Now, set aside browned pieces in a bowl. When the beef is brown, add onions. After the onions release some of their water, use a wooden spoon to scrape any caramelised bits off the bottom of the pot. Sprinkle a little salt over the onions as they cook. Lower the heat to medium and cook the onions until they begin to brown, 5-6 minutes. When the onions become light brown, mix in the mushrooms and increase the heat. Cook the mushrooms until they release their water (about 2-3 minutes). Once again put the beef in the pot and sprinkle with marjoram. Add 1 cup of the stock and use the wooden spoon to scrape any browned bits off the bottom of the pot. Add the rest of the stock and water. Now, cover the pot,
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lower the heat and simmer very gently for one hour. Add the barley, celery root and carrots, stir well. Simmer gently until the barley and celery for 40-60 minutes. Ladle servings into bowls, then top with a dollop of sour cream and a few sprigs of dill. Grind a little black pepper over right before you serve. Before enjoying the delicious item, stir in the sour cream.

Market snapshot: 11:00 GMT Dry Capesize Panamax Supramax Index Index Index Index BDI 930 +7 -4

BCI 1290

BPI 1202 +12 BSI 968 539 +9 +7

Handysize Index BHSI

New York (Thu Cls) Fgn Currency in USD Britain (Pound) Canada (Dollar) China (Yuan) Euro India (Rupee) 1.5179 0.9767 0.1608 1.2922 0.0184 USD in Fgn Currency 0.6588 1.0239 6.2190 0.7739 54.3450 9735.00 94.9200 5.8357 40.8000 3.2400 30.9252 1.2489

Indonesia (Rupiah) 0.000103 Japan (Yen) Norway (Krone) Philippines (Peso) Poland (Zloty) Russia (Ruble) Singapore (Dollar) 0.010535 0.1714 0.0245 0.3083 0.0323 0.8007

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