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A NewsLink service for Dole Colombia International maritime news for seafarers

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Headland SatNews


Shipowners get briefing on DMC facilities, services

Shipowners who attended a recent forum held at the Dubai International Financial Centre's The Capital Club were able to acquire new information on Dubai Maritime City's (DMC) facilities and services. Among the maritime bigwigs who attended the event were Drydocks World and Maritime World chairman Khamis Juma Buamin, Hellenic Shipping Association (Greece) president Nikolas Veniamis, DTA Ship Trading LLC head Tahir Lakhani and DTA Ship Trading managing director Ali Lakhani. On the sidelines of the forum, Veniamis visited the DMC and Drydocks World Dubai and discussed potential business and set up operations in the emirate. Buamin, for his part, assured that Dubai will carry out its commitments to international maritime business, noting that the emirate will also remain open to various other initiatives in the future. "We were able to discuss the diverse portfolio of services offered at Dubai Maritime City and the growing demand for these from within and outside the region," according to Buamin. "Additionally, we have launched the Dubai Maritime Green Initiative, which is an industry leading initiative that explores the possibility of using green technology in shipping and encompasses a plethora of programmes," he added. The DMC, a multi-purpose maritime zone, is gradually luring industry players due to its convenient location for propagating business, as well as trade. It is also one of the world's largest and most diversified shipyards.

World's first ship tunnel gets Norway's support

The construction of the world's first ship tunnel has received the support of Norway. The Norwegian government said it is willing to back the ambitious project, which measures 45m high and 36m wide. If the 1.7km-long ship tunnel pushes through, it will give vessels a safer route as it will bypass the Stad peninsula, which is dangerous to pass through when weather conditions are less than ideal. Norway is known for its tunnelling expertise and has the world's longest road tunnel - the 24.5km Lrdal Tunnel.

Although there is no definitive design of craft or seating which is guaranteed to mitigate all the effects of Whole Body Vibration (WBV), there are, however, some basic principles which if followed may assist in reducing the effects of WBV and inparticular the impact of the craft slamming. The design of the craft should allow the occupants to maintain their postural stability at all times during a voyage. Design features to support the individual's postural stability should be provided. This may include seating, foot straps and handholds. An upright posture, with the spine in neutral alignment (natural 'S' shape) should be maintained whilst facing in the direction of

China's logistics sector reports slower growth

China on Tuesday reported mild growth in its logistics sector in the first three months of 2013, with goods worth CNY43.3 trillion

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(USD6.94 trillion) moving around the country in the period. The sector's 9.4-percent growth in the quarter slowed by a further 0.3 percentage points from the January-February period, according to data released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP), Xinhua news agency reported. Costs in the logistics sector rose ten percent year on year to CNY2.1 trillion, down 2.2 percentage points from the same period of last year. CFLP data showed shipment prices of raw materials remained tepid in the first three months amid the weak global economic recovery. The China Coastal Dry Index, an indicator of the ups and downs of the logistics sector, fell 8.1 percent year on year between the start of January and the end of March, compared with a decline of 6.7 percent in the Baltic Dry Index, an assessment of the price of moving major raw materials by sea globally.

trave. Sitting or standing sideways generally results in the occupant adopting a twisted spine thus increasing the stress on the spine and increasing the risk of injury. The vertical motion experienced onboard a powered craft is generally greater in the bow area than at the stern. Many small craft are currently designed with the conning position towards the stern with seating in front for passengers. The result of this is that the person conning the vessel has less exposure to the vertical impacts experienced than others on board, and may drive the vessel in a manner comfortable for them rather than others onboard. By moving the conning position forward, the person at that position is exposed to the greatest forces and will adjust the speed and movement of the vessel accordingly to reach a comfort level for themselves. Others onboard should then experience a lower level of vertical impact than the person at the conning position. Source: MCA

Environmental disaster ruled out as fishing boat sinks

A Chinese factory fishing ship that burned last week off Antarctica has sunk without anyone on board, Chile's navy said Monday, The Associated Press reported. The vessel Kai Xin caught fire and its 97 crew members were rescued by a Norwegian ship. Then it began to drift in unmanned and in flames, zigzagging dangerously close to glaciers. The Chilean navy said an official representing the ship's owner confirmed that the vessel went down Sunday afternoon near Bransfield Strait at the Antarctic peninsula. A Chilean navy tugboat was searching for the ship's remains and stood ready to contain any spilled fuel. The first alert of the sinking came from the Chinese fishing ship Fu Rong Hai, which on its way through Antarctic sent an email to the shipowner saying the Kai Xin no longer appeared on radar. Crewmembers then saw fishing nets and small boats drifting in the chilly waters. Chile's navy told the Fu Rong Hai to remain there until the navy tugboat Lautaro reached the site and began to search for the sunken ship. Officials had feared a damaging oil spill. But Capt. Juan Villegas, maritime governor for Chile's portion of Antarctica, said that appeared unlikely now. "An environmental disaster is ruled out because of the fire on board," Villegas told The Associated Press. "Experts say that if there was any fuel on board it has burned out by now." The 104-meter (341-foot) Chinese vessel was built in 1990, according to the website of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

INCIDENTS 32 African migrants rescued

Spanish lifeguards on Monday saved 32 African immigrants trying to cross the sea from Morocco to Spain in flimsy vessels, authorities said.

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A source in the lifeguard told AFP that Spanish rescuers hauled 32 migrants, of which all but one were men, from four vessels and took them to Tarifa on the southern tip of Spain. The source said there were no deaths or serious injuries among those rescued. Many migrants have died on the crossing over recent years. "Those rescued by Spain are apparently in good health and are on land receiving medical attention," the source said. The source said Moroccan lifeguards had rescued other migrants on Monday and taken them to the Moroccan side of the strait. Thousands of Africans try to cross the narrow strait from Morocco to Spain each year in inflatable toy dinghies or other makeshift boats. The number of such migrants who reached Spanish shores by boat last year totalled 3,804, according to the Spanish interior ministry, AFP reported.

Mississippi River traffic affected by barge accidents

The Mississippi River traffic came to a halt on Monday as crews recovered barges that were affected by floods. The US Coast Guard was considering imposing restrictions on shipping as the flood-swollen currents make it harder to navigate. Dozens of barges were being recovered in the area. The Mississippi River was almost closed three months ago after a near-record-low water, forcing authorities to issue new guidelines on the situation. Coast Guard spokesman Colin Fogarty said they need to make adjustments similar to what happened a few months ago. "While the conditions are much different than they were this winter, the effects are quite the same. We're placing operational guidelines on the vessel industry and shutting parts of the river," he said. "We're looking at all options to get navigation flowing again. However, until we can get the surveyors and the salvors out onto the scene it is difficult to say how soon we can get the river back open."

Protected pangolins seized from Philippine boat: official

Philippine authorities have seized 23 protected scaly anteaters found hidden in a cargo boat, in the second case of suspected trafficking of the species in a month, officials said in an AFP report. The coast guard, acting on a tip, found 22 of the animals - also known as pangolins - alive and one dead, on a boat set to leave a port on the western island of Palawan on Saturday, a coast guard statement said. The wild animals, believed to have been snatched from the island, were destined for Manila, said Palawan environment official Alex Marciada. "At least we got them (the 22 live pangolins) back and we are now trying to rehabilitate them at the rescue centre," he told AFP. Earlier this month, a Chinese fishing vessel that ran aground in a Philippine marine park near Palawan was found to be carrying hundreds of frozen pangolins in violation of international conservation rules. The crew were detained and charged with poaching and illegal entry, while they face further charges of trafficking in protected species, said Marciada, spokesman for the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development.

TRAINING Charity scheme seeks to replace UK training ship

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Britain's Worksop Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets are aiming to replace a sail training ship by holding a fund-raising campaign this weekend. Worksop, the country's largest maritime youth charity, will organise a row-a-thon at the Welbeck Lake along with the Corps and they will try to row as many of the lake's lengths on Saturday. The sail training ship, whose operations first commenced in 1971, carries around 1,500 cadets to sea each year. It also aims todevelop teamwork and confidence among cadets, as well as help them overcome all sorts of challenges in a tough environment.


The Norwegian Coast Guard (Norwegian: Kystvakten) is a military service under the Royal Norwegian Navy. It has a separate fleet of vessels, many of which are purpose-built. All coast guard vessels have the prefix KV. Norway's exclusive economic zone, the Coast Guard's area of responsibility, is about 2.2 million square kilometres, the largest in Western Europe. The Coast Guard was formed in 1977 when Norway established a 200-nautical mile economic exclusion zone. At the same time, the former fisheries surveillance was disbanded. The Coast Guard's missions include enforcing Norwegian sovereignty in Norwegian waters, fisheries protection, customs enforcement, environmental protection, search and rescue, assistance at sea, and controlling foreign shipping in Norwegian waters. In 2005, the Coast Guard had a budget of NOK800 million and 800 service personnel. The flag of the Coast Guard is the international inspection pennant as ratified by the North Sea Fisheries Convention of 1882. The Coast Guard was organized as a Coast Guard Inspectorate in the Navy, with a Coast Guard Inspector as its commander. The service was divided into two regional divisions. Coast Guard Squadrons South and North, with the divide being at 65 degrees north. Coast Guard Squadron South was established at Haakonsvern Naval Station, while Coast Guard Squadron North was established at Sortland after some political quarrel. As the Coast Guard was organised, the equippage was greatly improved. The Coast Guard were assigned ten vessels, of which seven were leased and three large helicopter-carrying vessels of the Nordkapp-class were purchased. The Coast Guard was also assigned two Lockheed P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft. In 1996, the Coast Guard was given the responsibility of carrying out various inspection, control and action functions in the inner coastal waters. This led to the establishment of the Indre Kystvakt (Inner Coast Guard), or IKV for short, where the coast was divided into seven zones, with one IKV-vessel in each zone. On 1 August 2012, the two administrative Coast Guard Squadrons (North and South) were disbanded and replaced by a single unified Coast Guard, headquartered at Sortland.

Market snapshot: 12:30 GMT Dry Index BDI 889 +1 .

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Capesize Panamax Supramax

Index Index Index


1230 1202

-4 +6

902 (unchanged) +1

Handysize Index

BHSI 540

New York (Mon Cls) Fgn Currency in USD Britain (Pound) Canada (Dollar) China (Yuan) Euro India (Rupee) 1.5281 0.9745 0.1617 1.3060 0.0184 USD in Fgn Currency 0.6544 1.0261 6.1846 0.7657 54.2200 9720.00 99.4200 5.8479 41.2800 3.1400 31.5601 1.2403

Indonesia (Rupiah) 0.000103 Japan (Yen) Norway (Krone) Philippines (Peso) Poland (Zloty) Russia (Ruble) Singapore (Dollar) 0.010058 0.1710 0.0242 0.3180 0.0317 0.8063

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