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“Caring is our way of life, but fun is how we do it at K-Park”

If you are reading this, let me be the first to thank you for your
interest in Key Club. Our club at Kingwood Park had many
accomplishments last year in our first year, and we’re looking to make
2009/2010 even better! And we need your help to accomplish this 
This will be a brief synopsis of what our club stands for, who should join
our club, and will enable you to join on the first meeting date. I hope
after you read this, you will be more inspired to be a part of Kingwood
Park’s most fun, friendly, and student based service program, Key Club

1. The Basics- Our Key Club started its first year last year as an
official “Kingwood Park Only” Key Club. In our charter year (first
year) we accomplished many projects, such as raising money for
UNICEF, collecting used glasses for African citizens who could not
afford them, participated in Kleenwood, Kingwood’s day for
cleaning up our town, attended a 2 day leadership camp,
Weekend of a Lifetime (WOAL), organized a number of funder
raisers, including a beach volleyball tournament, the Spring Sand
Smackdown, and rounded off our year by traveling to Dallas to
the TexOKey District Convention to voice our opinion in state key
club affairs. We received an award for being the 24th ranked club
out of all the Texas and Oklahoma Key Clubs, our first year! So
needless to say, returning members are excited to get a higher
ranking this year 
2. Our Goals- This year, our club’s goal is to have more service
projects and have even more fun that last year. We will
accomplish this by planning more service events and starting our
first project, Soles for Souls, early this semesterso we have more
time to plan our district project “Key Club Colors Our World”. A
great thing about Key Club is that all the things we accomplish is
by the work of our members, not the adult sponsors, although
our sponsors Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Perry guide us, we do the
work, creating, and planning, which is unique to our club.
3. Requirements for Joining- Our club is quite simple to join.
We do not require any service hours to initially get in. All you
have to do is bring your $25 dues to the first
meeting, September 1st at 5 oclock in the LGI
building and start attending meetings. Each month, we will
have a simple point sheet that you must complete in order to
remain as an active member. But don’t fear! It won’t be too
much, we understand you’re probably involved in other things,
and we don’t want to lose you by completely overloading you
with things to do 
4. Members we want-in our club, we feel it important that we
do not just have members that pay dues then never show up to
meetings and events. We want members who can contribute
ideas for cool service projects, fundraisers, and how to better our
club. We also love members who attend meeting regularly, and
can be depended on. In order to raise our club’s rank and
activeness higher, we need active members. We also need
people with enthusiasm that won’t be negative to bring the
positive vibe of our club down; we like to have fun doing service,
instead of dreading it.
5. Impress Us? – If you really would like to help our club get
rolling, and you want to become a member, fill out the form
below with your contact info, and bring your $25 dues (if you
haven’t already) to the first meeting. This will save you and us
time so you don’t have to fill it out when you get there.
6. Want even MORE info?

Key Club Information Sheet:

Full name:

Cell Phone __________________________________ Home Phone



If you’d like to join immediately, which is awesome, and what I
recommend in order to get involved right away, just bring your
$25 in an envelope with your first and last
name on it to the first meeting.
Also, soon after the first meeting we will be getting club T-shirts. It is
not mandatory to purchase one, but it is easier for our group to gain
recognition in the school/ when we do service projects if we look
uniform when we’re a club. The T-shirt will look good; I promise 
However, as of right now, I don’t have a price on the T-shirt. I will by
our first meeting though, and we will have order forms then. If you
want to get a jump on things, bring around $20 extra to
order your shirt.

Thanks again for considering/joining our club,

we can’t wait to see what this year holds 

See you September 1st!

-Angela Morisette (President)

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