The Application of The Naturalist Reactionary Paradigm To Be Successful in Dating

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Alone in the classroom. The motif for today is isolation;

alone there are neither ghosts, whom the romantic absolve; nor
are there the phantoms of coherency. Strikingly void is the cell;
the silence is voluminous. And this frequency penetrates the
ecology of artificial biology. (she leads in the flock with a
sheepish smile:)
None too well are the impulses acquainted with the
artificial biology: yet symbiotic is their nature. Nor does the
primate breathe the air. The choice is clear: NOW! Sedated and
self administered, haunting the halls and doorways: an
interesting physiological response. Vague history manifests and
continues aimlessly along an arbitrary path. “return, children…”
Now has come time for the true dynamic to be revealed;
this subtle passage is not, indeed, for the faint of heart. Gifts
have been supplanted at the door: mark the luminous trajectory
with fingertips azure and penciled; for verily there walks a man
alone in his time; weep not for the solitary, edified after
To drink the draught; there is health when measured :: to
submerge and react through weighted environment.
The pointed question: to whom should pity be applied? :
protection or folly to anoint the sacred creator in the garb of
surface impulse: when that very impulse is regulated by
fuaxman, in oxilia. Spirit sought in the object of unconscious
preoccupation: truly the genius of mankind, truly the madness of
mankind. A threshold no doubt.
The ever-present myths, Narcissa you father, multi-
coloured and hypnotic as water: processed by the same as our
own bodies, now such vacuums; binary heritage resonate node
contains the code of all that was or all that shall; language to
conform (for documentation).
…and react they did. Separation anxiety, a curse upon your
family!, this myriad impulse defies yesterday, hisses it into
submission: with kindness. Rather, it is the eternal stepping
forward, a slight of hand with time – and space: and it works, it
works really, really well – and all those opposed can just stand
there open mouthed, unable to find words (un-strategic
miscommunication is poor form): but be consoled failed
potentials: now your history!

Indeed I do believe that there are fountainheads in this

tumor, but organization this synchronized: the title belongs to
noman. The devil leads with the context of his language; but
everone knows that!


The motif is persistent. Though the symbolism is rejected

in favor of a more, say, airy view. And all those forms can wear
projections nicely, though it means diff. things to diff. people.
Ah, the initiation of commun-icable topics at the institution. And
who, but a gentleman, leads.
Once inside there is demonstration of the democratic
tendencies of our youth today, the conditioned predilection for
assuming the ability to override the will of the one in authority
for their own benefit – and watch them steer theyselves into the
pasture of mediocrity. (I sure hope they don’t vote that way,
Bob!) -but, as one among them prophecies, the grass aint
always greener on the other side.
And indeed, the youngins were treated to a mulch
unpleasant to their palate. Is this spoken word oration nation
here? For god sakes I want to go home!
The origin of the machine: originally, used and more
importantly conceived as a functional device. A tool to make
production more efficient and multiply outcome. Thus it had
done and served well for millennia. The underscore to this
phenomenon is the subtle hint that the machine has formed a
symbiotic relationship to the mind of man; aiding in the growth
of population, the establishment of civilization (which will be
returned to), and thus the evolution of mans consciousness. For,
the motive dance of the class system, to which this institution
quite literally and freely designates to its pupils, always
designates the task of actually producing, somehow, to a
corollary lack of education.
For the sake of time, …
-I’m not in the business, I am the business…now, during
the break, there can be resumed the task of relevant topics. Art
that strike form that is recognized, yet a piece that breaks form:
futurism: to which some media analysts attribute the task of
hypening the necessity of an expanding infinitum
technoevolution. It is referenced that in this piece, the capitalist
world has created a de-humanized civilization, life itself is not a
valued experience; humans have at their technological peak
created their replacement, an evolved man, life. Life as a
commodity. Slavery: the supreme best, the prodigal son is
condemned to production in this anticipated capitalist nightmare,
and the correlation? Irony: this product values life more, is willing
to die for freedom. Then the corporation creates a dynamic
through its mere existence that provides the means of preserving
the society of mediocrity. Yet, as stated above, there are
fountainheads in this system…
what transpired was a comedic representation of an interesting
experience which should have produced: headline: educational
institution war on journalism; though it was too funny – end of
the comedic representation falls on stubborn plutonic ears.
Icy, alone, and not even really significant under the telescope.
Though there are some planets aligning that are in your favor:
now you are thinking about romance. This is a good time to ask
that person out that you have been thinking about. (this
realization actually leads to the notion of applied relativity to the
ego – better defined in the future)
the futurism announces the warped empiricism of
demographic manipulation. It is interesting then, to note that it is
also at this moment that the institution’s representative makes
the age old argument in defense of the unseen paradigm
resulting from the species homo symbolicum’s above mentioned
symbiotic better half that allows for an increase in production
and thence the establishment of a social hierarchy wherein
education = power and the educators teach class (struggle to
assignment) - so egalitarian, and the producers become
swallowed in the cost of the exuberance they produce for the
man as cultural icon as marketing ploy as cultural icon so that
man can become – more conscious; aren’t we making progress?
And this is actually egalitarian because it is the underline
premise which created the form of the institution in question that
forces it to continue to produce the future classes nurtured on
the elixir produced from the factory and labeled with a logo
designed with emphasis on the form in a process not excluded by
the philosophy in question; in fact the archeological evidence in
support of this thesis is everywhere – it seems to happen to
civilizations right before they fall, oh, by the way, did we get that
loan from the red state – of china?
The city: designated by the chief characteristic that
resources must be imported. End quote. But, what about the
above un-mentioned philosophy’s non-description of the in-
ability of the fouler half to recognize another conclusion to this
ancient partnership: the potential to fully utilize one of the
undefined social resources provided by the city: no, those too,
are imported, mainly from India. So, then the in question
institution is a product of an un-defined (popularly) neurological
dynamic which in turn has produced an economic philosophy
which favors evolution of the better half and growth of the fouler
half which in turn renders a civilization driven by the shadow
which is actually in many ways explicitly stated but with
emphasis on the resulting increase in exuberance which the
economic cost of is another burden placed on the guy who wrote
the worst thesis and the undefined social resource (not
mentioned above) at the tap subsequently flows through and is
contaminated by this undefined culture is moving strongly
towards filling a particular dynamic which leads to the necessity
of importing Indians. Where is class A going?: to lubricate and
become radicals all at the same time.
Then: it is ok to analyze the myths under the Freudian
paradigm. It is ok to analyze the propaganda of the corporations
because, well isn’t this institution on the left, and monopolies on
the right?, its ok to admit it, besides, more to the unknown, our
function is really a product of their mechanisms and we need to
teach you how to operate in the future – so its ok to admit that
we are daily faced with an ever more complicated environment
painstakingly designed with heavy taxation on the social
resources to reduce us to reptilian physiological impulses, and
maybe its ok and possible to admit some of the techniques used
to convince you, and that our conception of choice and choices is
molded. Sure, as a society we are heavily conditioned to these,
But we will never! never! Even so much as hint at the nearest
possibility that the above mentioned scrutinized myths about our
secular deities can reveal a character trait that those with power
would use the same techniques as those looking for power, its
not even possible, even though they wear the same garb,
because, well, without the gods, man is nothing.
Or, it is possible to know the private, yet the public remains
shrouded in mystery.
The idea being that both concepts are contained within an
un-defined philosophic structure that is itself a product of an un-
defined relationship dating back to the first hand tool. The
institution must not uncover any of its weak foundation.
From cliché to archetype: but a true paradigmic analysis of
popular myths betrays a collective conscious aware of far more
interesting secrets. If hidden grounds make way for new
technologies, what are the morals being taught at the deepest
levels media can convey, nothing more than a whisper: it is time
to separate… choose lovers not abstracts, find your own power,
not the products of mass energy, for the community strives only
to replace you when formed by the principles of industry: the
obsession with the future is now doctrine. That is what sounds
from the imposing towers: the future is now!


When the motif becomes realigned, perchance with an

agendae ocultae, the pertinent question becomes, then: “when is
the primary cause?” the actors in the global theater are being
laid to rest; now innate sense trivals the senses.
here are temples cast like ide. Equinox wears like silent
slumber, as the dynamics begin to know themselves under the
stars; …whom chose interaction with the ideals as to a fertile
smile. Do we know who or what force corrupted our history?
Whom has rendered this lineage of the spirit unto me? Cast thee
out! You hold my form in perilous greed.
It is thus as they find him, a much longer noontime than
the city reckons has passed into twilight. Soon the inherited
symbols manifest from the pure abstraction, though bought with
the denial of accentuation.
enter the audience. The jagged edge ripples the borders
and emphasizes concentration. Lead them:
the beast of sirion, make with the deity whom creeps
among your peers: your house was drowned but your propriety
survived –will the potential artificer forgive priority in time? For it
is thus that (s)he must suffer now: segregated from the source of
change, denied of laughter, denied of insight, crestfallen and tide
to mark your romantic journey: will she ever grace my body
again. Not until you embrace her honestly.
play. May I call upon the likeness of the ancient magii? Yes,
and whose form would you like me to promote: linearity: for it
seems that no line may connect the dots of association;
progression: yet we walk in the footsteps of our own prototype;
tetrakys: as yet we are in the realm of energy; of energy;
typographic: light betrays form; of light: the artifice cannot anti-,
syn-, hypo- or thesis; mimetic: without mimory of mind so old
there is no greater context for folly; tragaedio: you may serve an
orientation; perspective: lines erase your expression:: the will of
the collective void brings this figure into motion for you:
-on this ground is laid barren of fruit to digest as so it was
said before the first leaf even falled because the final defeated is
sinominous with ourselves and so it was undertaken under frailty
to metamigrate for preservation into that omnibus revelation
which would take night as a cloak to become a vessel of the
chosen people so that manifestation might be realized: so true is
it that they carry the form of idolatry, a form to fear as limitation
of the known and in said boundaries forever to roam. –mark the
meter of the phrases well, mark the timbre, murk the muster; for
there lies precedence even in the sayings of simple melodies
whose cuneiform digits sound the feeling of growth. And within
each measured to truth undeniable bares a new horizon of truth
measured within.
-some interesting points there…
the magii may return to the form of whatever it does by
itself. By thus representing out of form the monothesis
personifies communication in the Incognia Theater.
The procession is not arbitrary:
-might the medium be employed for proper demonstration
by way of clarity most sorely needed with respect to the
automallia? ,most gracious your servant of course. For your



(crowd grows restless)

-of course there is not precedence in the proceedings of - I
cannot say, I falter – to night.
The directed intention or rather intervention or rather interception of
the dynamic remains unraveled, the spearhead intention intervenes. Artificer
and counterpoint are the go-betweens representing a point of curious energy:
at stake is the sovereignty of original observation. To tell truth, at this point is
reached epic. Art. An. Cou. It will be noted that she has arisen with curious
scent marking her passage a
renyewseedsalowwinmorinervalbranchin. as it is through the builded
silhouette that she is seen, illumine the drownded fish.
For it remains the fathless representation that lies
transparent for the beholder, a sleek and willowy animal that
races with hind legs; serious man is hailing the arrival of the
bringer of burning days: it shall be the return to civilization as
prompted by the form beyond form, thus serious barks.
-batheing hisself, does the hicktecktic a vow no association
or honor no heed to such noise or confathom. The rest are
awaiting association…


Be appraised no sympathy, the harrowing skill of oblivion
has found its master. We wake with the tremble of prophecy. It is
not said ‘to be thy bed, confathom.” We are not the undulates of
sleep, we do not quarrel with our godsons. In greater knowledge,
let the objects of sentiment, release their energy…
In maximum potential, belies your irony. The seed of
bellow’s fall. There is no memory: in freedom do we stir.
I watched the associations form, I felt the cry of pain when
it was done, I touched the arm. It cannot be undone.

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